Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine
Given name(s)
Angela L.
Family name

Febrile Infant Diagnosis Code Accuracy

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Tue, 05/16/2017 - 22:46
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Accuracy of diagnosis codes to identify febrile young infants using administrative data

Fever is one of the most common reasons for emergency department (ED) evaluation of infants under 90 days of age.[1] Up to 10% to 20% of febrile young infants will have a serious bacterial infection (SBI),[2, 3, 4] but infants with SBI are difficult to distinguish from those without SBI based upon symptoms and physical examination findings alone.[5] Previously developed clinical prediction algorithms can help to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but differ in age range as well as recommendations for testing and empiric treatment.[6, 7, 8] Consequently, there is widespread variation in management of febrile young infants at US children's hospitals,[9, 10, 11] and defining optimal management strategies remains an important issue in pediatric healthcare.[12] Administrative datasets are convenient and inexpensive, and can be used to evaluate practice variation, trends, and outcomes of a large, diverse group of patients within and across institutions.[9, 10] Accurately identifying febrile infants evaluated for suspected SBI in administrative databases would facilitate comparative effectiveness research, quality improvement initiatives, and institutional benchmarking.

Prior studies have validated the accuracy of administrative billing codes for identification of other common childhood illnesses, including urinary tract infection (UTI)[13] and pneumonia.[14] The accuracy of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) diagnosis codes in identifying febrile young infants evaluated for SBI is not known. Reliance on administrative ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for patient identification can lead to misclassification of patients due to variable database quality, the validity of the diagnosis codes being utilized, and hospital coding practices.[15] Additionally, fever is a symptom and not a specific diagnosis. If a particular bacterial or viral diagnosis is established (eg, enterovirus meningitis), a discharge diagnosis of fever may not be attributed to the patient encounter. Thus, evaluating the performance characteristics and capture of clinical outcomes of different combinations of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying febrile infants is necessary for both the conduct and interpretation of studies that utilize administrative databases. The primary objective of this investigation was to identify the most accurate ICD‐9 coding strategies for the identification of febrile infants aged <90 days using administrative data. We also sought to evaluate capture of clinically important outcomes across identification strategies.


Study Design and Setting

For this multicenter retrospective study, we used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) database to identify infants <90 days of age[16] who presented between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 to 1 of 8 EDs. We assessed performance characteristics of ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms by comparing ICD‐9 code combinations to a fever reference standard determined by medical record review. The institutional review board at each participating site approved the study protocol.

Data Source

Data were obtained from 2 sources: the PHIS database and medical record review. We used the PHIS database to identify eligible patients by ICD‐9 diagnosis codes; patient encounters were randomly selected using a random number generator. The PHIS database contains demographic, diagnosis, and billing data from 44 hospitals affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association (Overland Park, Kansas) and represents 85% of freestanding children's hospitals in the United States.[17] Data are deidentified; encrypted unique patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across visits within a site.[18] The Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals jointly assure the quality and integrity of the data.[19]

For each patient encounter identified in the PHIS database, detailed medical record review was performed by trained investigators at each of the 8 study sites (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). A standardized data collection instrument was pilot tested by all investigators prior to use. Data were collected and managed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool hosted at Boston Children's Hospital.[20]


Using PHIS data, prior to medical record review we excluded infants with a complex chronic condition as defined previously[21] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data.

ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Groups

In the PHIS database, all patients discharged from the hospital (including hospitalized patients as well as patients discharged from the ED) receive 1 or more ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes. These diagnosis codes are ascribed after discharge from the hospital, or for ED patients, after ED discharge. Additionally, patients may receive an admission diagnosis, which reflects the diagnosis ascribed at the time of ED discharge or transfer to the inpatient unit.

We reviewed medical records of infants selected from the following ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (Figure 1): (1) discharge diagnosis code of fever (780.6 [fever and other physiologic disturbances of temperature regulation], 778.4 [other disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn], 780.60 [fever, unspecified], or 780.61 [fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere])[9, 10] regardless of the presence of admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection, (2) admission diagnosis code of fever without associated discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10] (3) discharge diagnosis code of serious infection determined a priori (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) without discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever, and (4) infants without any diagnosis code of fever or serious infection.

Figure 1
Study population. 1Two of 584 medical records were unavailable for review. 2Five of 904 medical records were unavailable for review. Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; ED, emergency department.

Medical records reviewed in each of the 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups were randomly selected from the overall set of ED encounters in the population of infants <90 days of age evaluated during the study period. Twenty‐five percent population sampling was used for 3 of the ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups, whereas 5% sampling was used for the no fever/no serious infection code group. The number of medical records reviewed in each ICD‐9 diagnosis code group was proportional to the distribution of ICD‐9 codes across the entire population of infants <90 days of age. These records were distributed equally across sites (228 records per site), except for 1 site that does not assign admission diagnoses (201 records).

Investigators were blinded to ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups during medical record review. Infants with multiple visits during the study period were eligible to be included more than once if the visits occurred more than 3 days apart. For infants with more than 1 ED visit on a particular calendar day, investigators were instructed to review the initial visit.

For each encounter, we also abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, hospital region (using US Census categories[22]), and season from the PHIS database.

Reference Standard

The presence of fever was determined by medical record review. We defined fever as any documented temperature 100.4F (38.0C) at home or in the ED.[16]

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithms

Using the aforementioned ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups individually and in combination, the following 4 case‐identification algorithms, determined from prior study or group consensus, were compared to the reference standard: (1) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever,[9] (2) ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10, 11] (3) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever or serious infection, and (4) ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever or serious infection. Algorithms were compared overall, separately for discharged and hospitalized infants, and across 3 distinct age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days).

Patient‐Level Outcomes

To compare differences in outcomes by case‐identification algorithm, from the PHIS database we abstracted hospitalization rates, rates of UTI/pyelonephritis,[13] bacteremia/sepsis, and bacterial meningitis.[19] Severe outcomes were defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, receipt of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. We assessed hospital length of stay for admitted infants and 3‐day revisits,[23, 24] and revisits resulting in hospitalization for infants discharged from the ED at the index visit. Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[25, 26]

Data Analysis

Accuracy of the 4 case‐identification algorithms (compared with the reference standard) was calculated using sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV), along with 95% confidence interval (CI). Prior to analysis, a 5‐fold weighting factor was applied to the no fever/no serious infection group to account for the differential sampling used for this group (5% vs 25% for the other 3 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups). This weighting was done to approximate the true prevalence of each ICD‐9 code group within the larger population, so that an accurate rate of false negatives (infants with fever who had neither a diagnosis of fever nor serious infection) could be calculated.

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies with 95% CIs. We compared categorical variables using a 2 test. We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).


Study Patients

During the 1‐year study period, 23,753 ED encounters for infants <90 days of age were identified in the PHIS database at the 8 participating sites. Of these infant encounters, 2166 (9.2%) were excluded (1658 infants who had a complex chronic condition and 508 transferred into the ED), leaving 21,587 infants available for selection. After applying our sampling strategy, we identified 1797 encounters for medical record review. Seven encounters from 3 hospitals with missing medical records were excluded, resulting in a final cohort of 1790 encounters (Figure 1). Among included infants, 552 (30.8%) were 28 days, 743 (41.5%) were 29 to 56 days, and 495 (27.8%) were 57 to 89 days of age; 737 (41.2%) infants were hospitalized. Patients differed in age, race, payer, and season across ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (see Supporting Information, Table 1, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms According to Reference Standard (Overall, Hospitalized, and Discharged).*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOverall
Sensitivity, % (95% CI)Specificity, % (95% CI)Negative Predictive Value, % (95% CI)Positive Predictive Value, % (95% CI)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ED, emergency department; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4 F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever53.2 (50.056.4)98.2 (97.898.6)90.8 (90.091.6)86.1 (83.388.9)
Hospitalized47.3 (43.151.5)97.7 (96.998.5)80.6 (78.682.6)90.2 (86.893.6)
Discharged from ED61.4 (56.666.2)98.4 (98.098.8)95.4 (94.796.1)82.1 (77.786.5)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of Fever71.1 (68.274.0)97.7 (97.398.1)94.1 (93.494.8)86.9 (84.589.3)
Hospitalized72.5 (68.876.2)97.1 (96.298.0)88.8 (87.190.5)91.7 (89.194.3)
Discharged from ED69.2 (64.773.7)98.0 (97.598.5)96.3 (95.796.9)80.8 (76.685.0)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection63.7 (60.666.8)96.5 (96.097.0)92.6 (91.893.4)79.6 (76.782.5)
Hospitalized63.9 (59.967.9)92.5 (91.094.0)85.1 (83.287.0)79.1 (75.382.9)
Discharged from ED63.4 (58.768.1)98.1 (97.698.6)95.6 (94.996.3)80.2 (75.884.6)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection76.6 (73.979.3)96.2 (95.696.8)95.1 (94.595.7)81.0 (78.483.6)
Hospitalized80.8 (77.584.1)92.1 (90.693.6)91.5 (89.993.1)82.1 (78.985.3)
Discharged from ED71.0 (66.575.5)97.7 (97.298.2)96.5 (95.997.1)79.4 (75.283.6)

Among the 1790 patient encounters reviewed, a total of 766 infants (42.8%) met the reference standard definition for fever in the cohort. An additional 47 infants had abnormal temperature reported (documentation of tactile fever, history of fever without a specific temperature described, or hypothermia) but were classified as having no fever by the reference standard.

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithm Performance

Compared with the reference standard, the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity of 96.2% to 98.2% but lower sensitivity overall (Figure 2). Discharge diagnosis of fever alone demonstrated the lowest sensitivity. The algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever resulted in increased sensitivity and the highest PPV of all 4 algorithms (86.9%, 95% CI: 84.5‐89.3). Addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm resulted in a marginal increase in sensitivity and a similar decrease in PPV (Table 1). When limited to hospitalized infants, specificity was highest for the case‐identification algorithm of discharge diagnosis of fever and similarly high for discharge or admission diagnosis of fever; sensitivity was highest for the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection. For infants discharged from the ED, algorithm specificity was 97.7% to 98.4%, with lower sensitivity for all 4 algorithms (Table 1). Inclusion of the 47 infants with abnormal temperature as fever did not materially change algorithm performance (data not shown).

Figure 2
Algorithm sensitivity and false positive rate (1‐specificity) for identification of febrile infants aged ≤28 days, 29 to 56 days, 57 to 89 days, and overall. Horizontal and vertical bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature ≥100.4°F (38.0°C) on review of electronic medical record.

Across all 3 age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days), the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity >96%, whereas algorithm sensitivity was highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group and lowest among infants 57 to 89 days old across all 4 algorithms (Figure 2). Similar to the overall cohort, an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated specificity of nearly 98% in all age groups; addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm increased sensitivity, highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group (Figure 2; see also Supporting Information, Table 2, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms Across the Eight Sites According to Reference Standard.*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmSensitivity, Median % (Range)Specificity, Median % (Range)Negative Predictive Value, Median % (Range)Positive Predictive Value, Median % (Range)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever56.2 (34.681.0)98.3 (96.499.1)92.1 (83.297.4)87.7 (74.093.2)
Discharge or Admission diagnosis of Fever76.7 (51.385.0)97.8 (96.298.7)95.6 (86.997.4)87.4 (80.092.9)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection68.3 (44.287.3)96.5 (95.498.0)93.6 (85.298.2)78.3 (74.289.0)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection83.1 (58.390.7)95.8 (95.498.0)96.5 (88.598.2)79.1 (77.490.4)

Across the 8 study sites, median specificity was 95.8% to 98.3% for the 4 algorithms, with little interhospital variability; however, algorithm sensitivity varied widely by site. Median PPV was highest for discharge diagnosis of fever alone at 87.7% but ranged from 74.0% to 93.2% across sites. Median PPV for an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever was similar (87.4%) but with less variation by site (range 80.0%92.9%) (Table 2).

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Group and Case‐Identification Algorithm

When compared with discharge diagnosis of fever, adding admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher proportion of hospitalized infants with SBIs (UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, or bacterial meningitis). However, median hospital length of stay, severe outcomes, and 3‐day revisits and revisits with hospitalization did not materially differ when including infants with admission diagnosis of fever in addition to discharge diagnosis of fever. Addition of infants with a diagnosis code for serious infection substantially increased the number of infants with SBIs and severe outcomes but did not capture additional 3‐day revisits (Table 3). There were no additional cases of SBI in the no fever/no serious illness diagnosis code group.

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithm
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOutcome3‐Day Revisit, % (95% CI)3‐Day Revisit With Hospitalization, % (95% CI)
Hospitalized, % (95% CI)UTI/Pyelonephritis, Bacteremia/Sepsis, or Bacterial Meningitis, % (95% CI)Severe Outcome, % (95% CI)*Length of Stay in Days, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Severe outcome was defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. Length of stay for hospitalized infants. Percent of those discharged from the emergency department at the index visit.

Discharge diagnosis of fever44.3 (40.348.4)3.3 (1.84.7)1.4 (0.42.3)3 (23)11.7 (8.215.2)5.9 (3.38.4)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever52.4 (48.955.9)6.1 (4.47.8)1.9 (1.02.9)3 (23)10.9 (7.714.1)5.4 (3.17.8)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection54.0 (50.457.5)15.3 (12.717.8)3.8 (2.55.2)3 (24)11.0 (7.714.2)5.5 (3.17.9)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection56.5 (53.259.7)12.9 (10.715.1)3.6 (2.44.8)3 (24)10.3 (7.313.3)5.2 (3.07.4)

Among infants who met the reference standard for fever but did not have a discharge or admission diagnosis of fever (false negatives), 11.8% had a diagnosis of SBI. Overall, 43.2% of febrile infants (and 84.4% of hospitalized infants) with SBI did not have an ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis of fever. Addition of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes of serious infection to the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured all additional SBIs, and no false negativeinfants missed with this algorithm had an SBI.


We described the performance of 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for the identification of febrile young infants <90 days of age at US children's hospitals. Although the specificity was high across algorithms and institutions, the sensitivity was relatively low, particularly for discharge diagnosis of fever, and varied by institution. Given the high specificity, ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for fever reliably identify febrile infants using administrative data with low rates of inclusion of infants without fever. However, underidentification of patients, particularly those more prone to SBIs and severe outcomes depending on the algorithm utilized, can impact interpretation of comparative effectiveness studies or the quality of care delivered by an institution.

ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes are frequently used to identify pediatric patients across a variety of administrative databases, diseases, and symptoms.[19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] Although discharge diagnosis of fever is highly specific, sensitivity is substantially lower than other case‐identification algorithms we studied, particularly for hospitalized infants. This may be due to a fever code sometimes being omitted in favor of a more specific diagnosis (eg, bacteremia) prior to hospital discharge. Therefore, case identification relying only on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes for fever may under‐report clinically important SBI or severe outcomes as demonstrated in our study. This is in contrast to ICD‐9 diagnosis code identification strategies for childhood UTI and pneumonia, which largely have higher sensitivity but lower specificity than fever codes.[13, 14]

Admission diagnosis of fever is important for febrile infants as they may not have an explicit diagnosis at the time of disposition from the ED. Addition of admission diagnosis of fever to an algorithm relying on discharge diagnosis code alone increased sensitivity without a demonstrable reduction in specificity and PPV, likely due to capture of infants with a fever diagnosis at presentation before a specific infection was identified. Although using an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher percentage of hospitalized febrile infants with SBIs, sensitivity was only 71% overall with this algorithm, and 43% of febrile infants with SBI would still have been missed. Importantly, though, addition of various ICD‐9 codes for serious infection to this algorithm resulted in capture of all febrile infants with SBI and should be used as a sensitivity analysis.

The test characteristics of diagnosis codes were highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group. Given the differing low‐risk criteria[6, 7, 8] and lack of best practice guidelines[16] in this age group, the use of administrative data may allow for the comparison of testing and treatment strategies across a large cohort of febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days. However, individual hospital coding practices may affect algorithm performance, in particular sensitivity, which varied substantially by hospital. This variation in algorithm sensitivity may impact comparisons of outcomes across institutions. Therefore, when conducting studies of febrile infants using administrative data, sensitivity analyses or use of chart review should be considered to augment the use of ICD‐9 code‐based identification strategies, particularly for comparative benchmarking and outcomes studies. These additional analyses are particularly important for studies of febrile infants >56 days of age, in whom the sensitivity of diagnosis codes is particularly low. We speculate that the lower sensitivity in older febrile infants may relate to a lack of consensus on the clinical significance of fever in this age group and the varying management strategies employed.[10]

Strengths of this study include the assessment of ICD‐9 code algorithms across multiple institutions for identification of fever in young infants, and the patterns of our findings remained robust when comparing median performance characteristics of the algorithms across hospitals to our overall findings. We were also able to accurately estimate PPV and NPV using a case‐identification strategy weighted to the actual population sizes. Although sensitivity and specificity are the primary measures of test performance, predictive values are highly informative for investigators using administrative data. Additionally, our findings may inform public health efforts including disease surveillance, assessment of seasonal variation, and identification and monitoring of healthcare‐associated infections among febrile infants.

Our study has limitations. We did not review all identified records, which raises the possibility that our evaluated cohort may not be representative of the entire febrile infant population. We attempted to mitigate this possibility by using a random sampling strategy for our population selection that was weighted to the actual population sizes. Second, we identified serious infections using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes determined by group consensus, which may not capture all serious infection codes that identify febrile infants whose fever code was omitted. Third, 47 infants had abnormal temperature that did not meet our reference standard criteria for fever and were included in the no fever group. Although there may be disagreement regarding what constitutes a fever, we used a widely accepted reference standard to define fever.[16] Further, inclusion of these 47 infants as fever did not materially change algorithm performance. Last, our study was conducted at 8 large tertiary‐care children's hospitals, and our results may not be generalizable to other children's hospitals and community‐based hospitals.


Studies of febrile young infants that rely on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever for case ascertainment have high specificity but low sensitivity for the identification of febrile infants, particularly among hospitalized patients. A case‐identification strategy that includes discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated higher sensitivity, and should be considered for studies of febrile infants using administrative data. However, additional strategies such as incorporation of ICD‐9 codes for serious infection should be used when comparing outcomes across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional collaborators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Erica DiLeo, MA, Department of Medical Education and Research, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, Connecticut; Janet Flores, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Disclosures: This project funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award, (Ref No. 1827‐3835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in the design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

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Fever is one of the most common reasons for emergency department (ED) evaluation of infants under 90 days of age.[1] Up to 10% to 20% of febrile young infants will have a serious bacterial infection (SBI),[2, 3, 4] but infants with SBI are difficult to distinguish from those without SBI based upon symptoms and physical examination findings alone.[5] Previously developed clinical prediction algorithms can help to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but differ in age range as well as recommendations for testing and empiric treatment.[6, 7, 8] Consequently, there is widespread variation in management of febrile young infants at US children's hospitals,[9, 10, 11] and defining optimal management strategies remains an important issue in pediatric healthcare.[12] Administrative datasets are convenient and inexpensive, and can be used to evaluate practice variation, trends, and outcomes of a large, diverse group of patients within and across institutions.[9, 10] Accurately identifying febrile infants evaluated for suspected SBI in administrative databases would facilitate comparative effectiveness research, quality improvement initiatives, and institutional benchmarking.

Prior studies have validated the accuracy of administrative billing codes for identification of other common childhood illnesses, including urinary tract infection (UTI)[13] and pneumonia.[14] The accuracy of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) diagnosis codes in identifying febrile young infants evaluated for SBI is not known. Reliance on administrative ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for patient identification can lead to misclassification of patients due to variable database quality, the validity of the diagnosis codes being utilized, and hospital coding practices.[15] Additionally, fever is a symptom and not a specific diagnosis. If a particular bacterial or viral diagnosis is established (eg, enterovirus meningitis), a discharge diagnosis of fever may not be attributed to the patient encounter. Thus, evaluating the performance characteristics and capture of clinical outcomes of different combinations of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying febrile infants is necessary for both the conduct and interpretation of studies that utilize administrative databases. The primary objective of this investigation was to identify the most accurate ICD‐9 coding strategies for the identification of febrile infants aged <90 days using administrative data. We also sought to evaluate capture of clinically important outcomes across identification strategies.


Study Design and Setting

For this multicenter retrospective study, we used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) database to identify infants <90 days of age[16] who presented between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 to 1 of 8 EDs. We assessed performance characteristics of ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms by comparing ICD‐9 code combinations to a fever reference standard determined by medical record review. The institutional review board at each participating site approved the study protocol.

Data Source

Data were obtained from 2 sources: the PHIS database and medical record review. We used the PHIS database to identify eligible patients by ICD‐9 diagnosis codes; patient encounters were randomly selected using a random number generator. The PHIS database contains demographic, diagnosis, and billing data from 44 hospitals affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association (Overland Park, Kansas) and represents 85% of freestanding children's hospitals in the United States.[17] Data are deidentified; encrypted unique patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across visits within a site.[18] The Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals jointly assure the quality and integrity of the data.[19]

For each patient encounter identified in the PHIS database, detailed medical record review was performed by trained investigators at each of the 8 study sites (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). A standardized data collection instrument was pilot tested by all investigators prior to use. Data were collected and managed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool hosted at Boston Children's Hospital.[20]


Using PHIS data, prior to medical record review we excluded infants with a complex chronic condition as defined previously[21] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data.

ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Groups

In the PHIS database, all patients discharged from the hospital (including hospitalized patients as well as patients discharged from the ED) receive 1 or more ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes. These diagnosis codes are ascribed after discharge from the hospital, or for ED patients, after ED discharge. Additionally, patients may receive an admission diagnosis, which reflects the diagnosis ascribed at the time of ED discharge or transfer to the inpatient unit.

We reviewed medical records of infants selected from the following ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (Figure 1): (1) discharge diagnosis code of fever (780.6 [fever and other physiologic disturbances of temperature regulation], 778.4 [other disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn], 780.60 [fever, unspecified], or 780.61 [fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere])[9, 10] regardless of the presence of admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection, (2) admission diagnosis code of fever without associated discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10] (3) discharge diagnosis code of serious infection determined a priori (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) without discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever, and (4) infants without any diagnosis code of fever or serious infection.

Figure 1
Study population. 1Two of 584 medical records were unavailable for review. 2Five of 904 medical records were unavailable for review. Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; ED, emergency department.

Medical records reviewed in each of the 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups were randomly selected from the overall set of ED encounters in the population of infants <90 days of age evaluated during the study period. Twenty‐five percent population sampling was used for 3 of the ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups, whereas 5% sampling was used for the no fever/no serious infection code group. The number of medical records reviewed in each ICD‐9 diagnosis code group was proportional to the distribution of ICD‐9 codes across the entire population of infants <90 days of age. These records were distributed equally across sites (228 records per site), except for 1 site that does not assign admission diagnoses (201 records).

Investigators were blinded to ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups during medical record review. Infants with multiple visits during the study period were eligible to be included more than once if the visits occurred more than 3 days apart. For infants with more than 1 ED visit on a particular calendar day, investigators were instructed to review the initial visit.

For each encounter, we also abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, hospital region (using US Census categories[22]), and season from the PHIS database.

Reference Standard

The presence of fever was determined by medical record review. We defined fever as any documented temperature 100.4F (38.0C) at home or in the ED.[16]

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithms

Using the aforementioned ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups individually and in combination, the following 4 case‐identification algorithms, determined from prior study or group consensus, were compared to the reference standard: (1) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever,[9] (2) ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10, 11] (3) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever or serious infection, and (4) ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever or serious infection. Algorithms were compared overall, separately for discharged and hospitalized infants, and across 3 distinct age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days).

Patient‐Level Outcomes

To compare differences in outcomes by case‐identification algorithm, from the PHIS database we abstracted hospitalization rates, rates of UTI/pyelonephritis,[13] bacteremia/sepsis, and bacterial meningitis.[19] Severe outcomes were defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, receipt of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. We assessed hospital length of stay for admitted infants and 3‐day revisits,[23, 24] and revisits resulting in hospitalization for infants discharged from the ED at the index visit. Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[25, 26]

Data Analysis

Accuracy of the 4 case‐identification algorithms (compared with the reference standard) was calculated using sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV), along with 95% confidence interval (CI). Prior to analysis, a 5‐fold weighting factor was applied to the no fever/no serious infection group to account for the differential sampling used for this group (5% vs 25% for the other 3 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups). This weighting was done to approximate the true prevalence of each ICD‐9 code group within the larger population, so that an accurate rate of false negatives (infants with fever who had neither a diagnosis of fever nor serious infection) could be calculated.

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies with 95% CIs. We compared categorical variables using a 2 test. We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).


Study Patients

During the 1‐year study period, 23,753 ED encounters for infants <90 days of age were identified in the PHIS database at the 8 participating sites. Of these infant encounters, 2166 (9.2%) were excluded (1658 infants who had a complex chronic condition and 508 transferred into the ED), leaving 21,587 infants available for selection. After applying our sampling strategy, we identified 1797 encounters for medical record review. Seven encounters from 3 hospitals with missing medical records were excluded, resulting in a final cohort of 1790 encounters (Figure 1). Among included infants, 552 (30.8%) were 28 days, 743 (41.5%) were 29 to 56 days, and 495 (27.8%) were 57 to 89 days of age; 737 (41.2%) infants were hospitalized. Patients differed in age, race, payer, and season across ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (see Supporting Information, Table 1, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms According to Reference Standard (Overall, Hospitalized, and Discharged).*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOverall
Sensitivity, % (95% CI)Specificity, % (95% CI)Negative Predictive Value, % (95% CI)Positive Predictive Value, % (95% CI)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ED, emergency department; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4 F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever53.2 (50.056.4)98.2 (97.898.6)90.8 (90.091.6)86.1 (83.388.9)
Hospitalized47.3 (43.151.5)97.7 (96.998.5)80.6 (78.682.6)90.2 (86.893.6)
Discharged from ED61.4 (56.666.2)98.4 (98.098.8)95.4 (94.796.1)82.1 (77.786.5)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of Fever71.1 (68.274.0)97.7 (97.398.1)94.1 (93.494.8)86.9 (84.589.3)
Hospitalized72.5 (68.876.2)97.1 (96.298.0)88.8 (87.190.5)91.7 (89.194.3)
Discharged from ED69.2 (64.773.7)98.0 (97.598.5)96.3 (95.796.9)80.8 (76.685.0)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection63.7 (60.666.8)96.5 (96.097.0)92.6 (91.893.4)79.6 (76.782.5)
Hospitalized63.9 (59.967.9)92.5 (91.094.0)85.1 (83.287.0)79.1 (75.382.9)
Discharged from ED63.4 (58.768.1)98.1 (97.698.6)95.6 (94.996.3)80.2 (75.884.6)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection76.6 (73.979.3)96.2 (95.696.8)95.1 (94.595.7)81.0 (78.483.6)
Hospitalized80.8 (77.584.1)92.1 (90.693.6)91.5 (89.993.1)82.1 (78.985.3)
Discharged from ED71.0 (66.575.5)97.7 (97.298.2)96.5 (95.997.1)79.4 (75.283.6)

Among the 1790 patient encounters reviewed, a total of 766 infants (42.8%) met the reference standard definition for fever in the cohort. An additional 47 infants had abnormal temperature reported (documentation of tactile fever, history of fever without a specific temperature described, or hypothermia) but were classified as having no fever by the reference standard.

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithm Performance

Compared with the reference standard, the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity of 96.2% to 98.2% but lower sensitivity overall (Figure 2). Discharge diagnosis of fever alone demonstrated the lowest sensitivity. The algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever resulted in increased sensitivity and the highest PPV of all 4 algorithms (86.9%, 95% CI: 84.5‐89.3). Addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm resulted in a marginal increase in sensitivity and a similar decrease in PPV (Table 1). When limited to hospitalized infants, specificity was highest for the case‐identification algorithm of discharge diagnosis of fever and similarly high for discharge or admission diagnosis of fever; sensitivity was highest for the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection. For infants discharged from the ED, algorithm specificity was 97.7% to 98.4%, with lower sensitivity for all 4 algorithms (Table 1). Inclusion of the 47 infants with abnormal temperature as fever did not materially change algorithm performance (data not shown).

Figure 2
Algorithm sensitivity and false positive rate (1‐specificity) for identification of febrile infants aged ≤28 days, 29 to 56 days, 57 to 89 days, and overall. Horizontal and vertical bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature ≥100.4°F (38.0°C) on review of electronic medical record.

Across all 3 age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days), the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity >96%, whereas algorithm sensitivity was highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group and lowest among infants 57 to 89 days old across all 4 algorithms (Figure 2). Similar to the overall cohort, an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated specificity of nearly 98% in all age groups; addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm increased sensitivity, highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group (Figure 2; see also Supporting Information, Table 2, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms Across the Eight Sites According to Reference Standard.*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmSensitivity, Median % (Range)Specificity, Median % (Range)Negative Predictive Value, Median % (Range)Positive Predictive Value, Median % (Range)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever56.2 (34.681.0)98.3 (96.499.1)92.1 (83.297.4)87.7 (74.093.2)
Discharge or Admission diagnosis of Fever76.7 (51.385.0)97.8 (96.298.7)95.6 (86.997.4)87.4 (80.092.9)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection68.3 (44.287.3)96.5 (95.498.0)93.6 (85.298.2)78.3 (74.289.0)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection83.1 (58.390.7)95.8 (95.498.0)96.5 (88.598.2)79.1 (77.490.4)

Across the 8 study sites, median specificity was 95.8% to 98.3% for the 4 algorithms, with little interhospital variability; however, algorithm sensitivity varied widely by site. Median PPV was highest for discharge diagnosis of fever alone at 87.7% but ranged from 74.0% to 93.2% across sites. Median PPV for an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever was similar (87.4%) but with less variation by site (range 80.0%92.9%) (Table 2).

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Group and Case‐Identification Algorithm

When compared with discharge diagnosis of fever, adding admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher proportion of hospitalized infants with SBIs (UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, or bacterial meningitis). However, median hospital length of stay, severe outcomes, and 3‐day revisits and revisits with hospitalization did not materially differ when including infants with admission diagnosis of fever in addition to discharge diagnosis of fever. Addition of infants with a diagnosis code for serious infection substantially increased the number of infants with SBIs and severe outcomes but did not capture additional 3‐day revisits (Table 3). There were no additional cases of SBI in the no fever/no serious illness diagnosis code group.

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithm
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOutcome3‐Day Revisit, % (95% CI)3‐Day Revisit With Hospitalization, % (95% CI)
Hospitalized, % (95% CI)UTI/Pyelonephritis, Bacteremia/Sepsis, or Bacterial Meningitis, % (95% CI)Severe Outcome, % (95% CI)*Length of Stay in Days, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Severe outcome was defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. Length of stay for hospitalized infants. Percent of those discharged from the emergency department at the index visit.

Discharge diagnosis of fever44.3 (40.348.4)3.3 (1.84.7)1.4 (0.42.3)3 (23)11.7 (8.215.2)5.9 (3.38.4)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever52.4 (48.955.9)6.1 (4.47.8)1.9 (1.02.9)3 (23)10.9 (7.714.1)5.4 (3.17.8)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection54.0 (50.457.5)15.3 (12.717.8)3.8 (2.55.2)3 (24)11.0 (7.714.2)5.5 (3.17.9)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection56.5 (53.259.7)12.9 (10.715.1)3.6 (2.44.8)3 (24)10.3 (7.313.3)5.2 (3.07.4)

Among infants who met the reference standard for fever but did not have a discharge or admission diagnosis of fever (false negatives), 11.8% had a diagnosis of SBI. Overall, 43.2% of febrile infants (and 84.4% of hospitalized infants) with SBI did not have an ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis of fever. Addition of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes of serious infection to the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured all additional SBIs, and no false negativeinfants missed with this algorithm had an SBI.


We described the performance of 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for the identification of febrile young infants <90 days of age at US children's hospitals. Although the specificity was high across algorithms and institutions, the sensitivity was relatively low, particularly for discharge diagnosis of fever, and varied by institution. Given the high specificity, ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for fever reliably identify febrile infants using administrative data with low rates of inclusion of infants without fever. However, underidentification of patients, particularly those more prone to SBIs and severe outcomes depending on the algorithm utilized, can impact interpretation of comparative effectiveness studies or the quality of care delivered by an institution.

ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes are frequently used to identify pediatric patients across a variety of administrative databases, diseases, and symptoms.[19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] Although discharge diagnosis of fever is highly specific, sensitivity is substantially lower than other case‐identification algorithms we studied, particularly for hospitalized infants. This may be due to a fever code sometimes being omitted in favor of a more specific diagnosis (eg, bacteremia) prior to hospital discharge. Therefore, case identification relying only on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes for fever may under‐report clinically important SBI or severe outcomes as demonstrated in our study. This is in contrast to ICD‐9 diagnosis code identification strategies for childhood UTI and pneumonia, which largely have higher sensitivity but lower specificity than fever codes.[13, 14]

Admission diagnosis of fever is important for febrile infants as they may not have an explicit diagnosis at the time of disposition from the ED. Addition of admission diagnosis of fever to an algorithm relying on discharge diagnosis code alone increased sensitivity without a demonstrable reduction in specificity and PPV, likely due to capture of infants with a fever diagnosis at presentation before a specific infection was identified. Although using an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher percentage of hospitalized febrile infants with SBIs, sensitivity was only 71% overall with this algorithm, and 43% of febrile infants with SBI would still have been missed. Importantly, though, addition of various ICD‐9 codes for serious infection to this algorithm resulted in capture of all febrile infants with SBI and should be used as a sensitivity analysis.

The test characteristics of diagnosis codes were highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group. Given the differing low‐risk criteria[6, 7, 8] and lack of best practice guidelines[16] in this age group, the use of administrative data may allow for the comparison of testing and treatment strategies across a large cohort of febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days. However, individual hospital coding practices may affect algorithm performance, in particular sensitivity, which varied substantially by hospital. This variation in algorithm sensitivity may impact comparisons of outcomes across institutions. Therefore, when conducting studies of febrile infants using administrative data, sensitivity analyses or use of chart review should be considered to augment the use of ICD‐9 code‐based identification strategies, particularly for comparative benchmarking and outcomes studies. These additional analyses are particularly important for studies of febrile infants >56 days of age, in whom the sensitivity of diagnosis codes is particularly low. We speculate that the lower sensitivity in older febrile infants may relate to a lack of consensus on the clinical significance of fever in this age group and the varying management strategies employed.[10]

Strengths of this study include the assessment of ICD‐9 code algorithms across multiple institutions for identification of fever in young infants, and the patterns of our findings remained robust when comparing median performance characteristics of the algorithms across hospitals to our overall findings. We were also able to accurately estimate PPV and NPV using a case‐identification strategy weighted to the actual population sizes. Although sensitivity and specificity are the primary measures of test performance, predictive values are highly informative for investigators using administrative data. Additionally, our findings may inform public health efforts including disease surveillance, assessment of seasonal variation, and identification and monitoring of healthcare‐associated infections among febrile infants.

Our study has limitations. We did not review all identified records, which raises the possibility that our evaluated cohort may not be representative of the entire febrile infant population. We attempted to mitigate this possibility by using a random sampling strategy for our population selection that was weighted to the actual population sizes. Second, we identified serious infections using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes determined by group consensus, which may not capture all serious infection codes that identify febrile infants whose fever code was omitted. Third, 47 infants had abnormal temperature that did not meet our reference standard criteria for fever and were included in the no fever group. Although there may be disagreement regarding what constitutes a fever, we used a widely accepted reference standard to define fever.[16] Further, inclusion of these 47 infants as fever did not materially change algorithm performance. Last, our study was conducted at 8 large tertiary‐care children's hospitals, and our results may not be generalizable to other children's hospitals and community‐based hospitals.


Studies of febrile young infants that rely on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever for case ascertainment have high specificity but low sensitivity for the identification of febrile infants, particularly among hospitalized patients. A case‐identification strategy that includes discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated higher sensitivity, and should be considered for studies of febrile infants using administrative data. However, additional strategies such as incorporation of ICD‐9 codes for serious infection should be used when comparing outcomes across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional collaborators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Erica DiLeo, MA, Department of Medical Education and Research, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, Connecticut; Janet Flores, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Disclosures: This project funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award, (Ref No. 1827‐3835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in the design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

Fever is one of the most common reasons for emergency department (ED) evaluation of infants under 90 days of age.[1] Up to 10% to 20% of febrile young infants will have a serious bacterial infection (SBI),[2, 3, 4] but infants with SBI are difficult to distinguish from those without SBI based upon symptoms and physical examination findings alone.[5] Previously developed clinical prediction algorithms can help to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but differ in age range as well as recommendations for testing and empiric treatment.[6, 7, 8] Consequently, there is widespread variation in management of febrile young infants at US children's hospitals,[9, 10, 11] and defining optimal management strategies remains an important issue in pediatric healthcare.[12] Administrative datasets are convenient and inexpensive, and can be used to evaluate practice variation, trends, and outcomes of a large, diverse group of patients within and across institutions.[9, 10] Accurately identifying febrile infants evaluated for suspected SBI in administrative databases would facilitate comparative effectiveness research, quality improvement initiatives, and institutional benchmarking.

Prior studies have validated the accuracy of administrative billing codes for identification of other common childhood illnesses, including urinary tract infection (UTI)[13] and pneumonia.[14] The accuracy of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) diagnosis codes in identifying febrile young infants evaluated for SBI is not known. Reliance on administrative ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for patient identification can lead to misclassification of patients due to variable database quality, the validity of the diagnosis codes being utilized, and hospital coding practices.[15] Additionally, fever is a symptom and not a specific diagnosis. If a particular bacterial or viral diagnosis is established (eg, enterovirus meningitis), a discharge diagnosis of fever may not be attributed to the patient encounter. Thus, evaluating the performance characteristics and capture of clinical outcomes of different combinations of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying febrile infants is necessary for both the conduct and interpretation of studies that utilize administrative databases. The primary objective of this investigation was to identify the most accurate ICD‐9 coding strategies for the identification of febrile infants aged <90 days using administrative data. We also sought to evaluate capture of clinically important outcomes across identification strategies.


Study Design and Setting

For this multicenter retrospective study, we used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) database to identify infants <90 days of age[16] who presented between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 to 1 of 8 EDs. We assessed performance characteristics of ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms by comparing ICD‐9 code combinations to a fever reference standard determined by medical record review. The institutional review board at each participating site approved the study protocol.

Data Source

Data were obtained from 2 sources: the PHIS database and medical record review. We used the PHIS database to identify eligible patients by ICD‐9 diagnosis codes; patient encounters were randomly selected using a random number generator. The PHIS database contains demographic, diagnosis, and billing data from 44 hospitals affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association (Overland Park, Kansas) and represents 85% of freestanding children's hospitals in the United States.[17] Data are deidentified; encrypted unique patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across visits within a site.[18] The Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals jointly assure the quality and integrity of the data.[19]

For each patient encounter identified in the PHIS database, detailed medical record review was performed by trained investigators at each of the 8 study sites (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). A standardized data collection instrument was pilot tested by all investigators prior to use. Data were collected and managed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool hosted at Boston Children's Hospital.[20]


Using PHIS data, prior to medical record review we excluded infants with a complex chronic condition as defined previously[21] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data.

ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Groups

In the PHIS database, all patients discharged from the hospital (including hospitalized patients as well as patients discharged from the ED) receive 1 or more ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes. These diagnosis codes are ascribed after discharge from the hospital, or for ED patients, after ED discharge. Additionally, patients may receive an admission diagnosis, which reflects the diagnosis ascribed at the time of ED discharge or transfer to the inpatient unit.

We reviewed medical records of infants selected from the following ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (Figure 1): (1) discharge diagnosis code of fever (780.6 [fever and other physiologic disturbances of temperature regulation], 778.4 [other disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn], 780.60 [fever, unspecified], or 780.61 [fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere])[9, 10] regardless of the presence of admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection, (2) admission diagnosis code of fever without associated discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10] (3) discharge diagnosis code of serious infection determined a priori (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) without discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever, and (4) infants without any diagnosis code of fever or serious infection.

Figure 1
Study population. 1Two of 584 medical records were unavailable for review. 2Five of 904 medical records were unavailable for review. Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; ED, emergency department.

Medical records reviewed in each of the 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups were randomly selected from the overall set of ED encounters in the population of infants <90 days of age evaluated during the study period. Twenty‐five percent population sampling was used for 3 of the ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups, whereas 5% sampling was used for the no fever/no serious infection code group. The number of medical records reviewed in each ICD‐9 diagnosis code group was proportional to the distribution of ICD‐9 codes across the entire population of infants <90 days of age. These records were distributed equally across sites (228 records per site), except for 1 site that does not assign admission diagnoses (201 records).

Investigators were blinded to ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups during medical record review. Infants with multiple visits during the study period were eligible to be included more than once if the visits occurred more than 3 days apart. For infants with more than 1 ED visit on a particular calendar day, investigators were instructed to review the initial visit.

For each encounter, we also abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, hospital region (using US Census categories[22]), and season from the PHIS database.

Reference Standard

The presence of fever was determined by medical record review. We defined fever as any documented temperature 100.4F (38.0C) at home or in the ED.[16]

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithms

Using the aforementioned ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups individually and in combination, the following 4 case‐identification algorithms, determined from prior study or group consensus, were compared to the reference standard: (1) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever,[9] (2) ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis code of fever,[10, 11] (3) ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever or serious infection, and (4) ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis code of fever or serious infection. Algorithms were compared overall, separately for discharged and hospitalized infants, and across 3 distinct age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days).

Patient‐Level Outcomes

To compare differences in outcomes by case‐identification algorithm, from the PHIS database we abstracted hospitalization rates, rates of UTI/pyelonephritis,[13] bacteremia/sepsis, and bacterial meningitis.[19] Severe outcomes were defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, receipt of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. We assessed hospital length of stay for admitted infants and 3‐day revisits,[23, 24] and revisits resulting in hospitalization for infants discharged from the ED at the index visit. Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[25, 26]

Data Analysis

Accuracy of the 4 case‐identification algorithms (compared with the reference standard) was calculated using sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV), along with 95% confidence interval (CI). Prior to analysis, a 5‐fold weighting factor was applied to the no fever/no serious infection group to account for the differential sampling used for this group (5% vs 25% for the other 3 ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups). This weighting was done to approximate the true prevalence of each ICD‐9 code group within the larger population, so that an accurate rate of false negatives (infants with fever who had neither a diagnosis of fever nor serious infection) could be calculated.

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies with 95% CIs. We compared categorical variables using a 2 test. We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).


Study Patients

During the 1‐year study period, 23,753 ED encounters for infants <90 days of age were identified in the PHIS database at the 8 participating sites. Of these infant encounters, 2166 (9.2%) were excluded (1658 infants who had a complex chronic condition and 508 transferred into the ED), leaving 21,587 infants available for selection. After applying our sampling strategy, we identified 1797 encounters for medical record review. Seven encounters from 3 hospitals with missing medical records were excluded, resulting in a final cohort of 1790 encounters (Figure 1). Among included infants, 552 (30.8%) were 28 days, 743 (41.5%) were 29 to 56 days, and 495 (27.8%) were 57 to 89 days of age; 737 (41.2%) infants were hospitalized. Patients differed in age, race, payer, and season across ICD‐9 diagnosis code groups (see Supporting Information, Table 1, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms According to Reference Standard (Overall, Hospitalized, and Discharged).*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOverall
Sensitivity, % (95% CI)Specificity, % (95% CI)Negative Predictive Value, % (95% CI)Positive Predictive Value, % (95% CI)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ED, emergency department; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4 F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever53.2 (50.056.4)98.2 (97.898.6)90.8 (90.091.6)86.1 (83.388.9)
Hospitalized47.3 (43.151.5)97.7 (96.998.5)80.6 (78.682.6)90.2 (86.893.6)
Discharged from ED61.4 (56.666.2)98.4 (98.098.8)95.4 (94.796.1)82.1 (77.786.5)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of Fever71.1 (68.274.0)97.7 (97.398.1)94.1 (93.494.8)86.9 (84.589.3)
Hospitalized72.5 (68.876.2)97.1 (96.298.0)88.8 (87.190.5)91.7 (89.194.3)
Discharged from ED69.2 (64.773.7)98.0 (97.598.5)96.3 (95.796.9)80.8 (76.685.0)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection63.7 (60.666.8)96.5 (96.097.0)92.6 (91.893.4)79.6 (76.782.5)
Hospitalized63.9 (59.967.9)92.5 (91.094.0)85.1 (83.287.0)79.1 (75.382.9)
Discharged from ED63.4 (58.768.1)98.1 (97.698.6)95.6 (94.996.3)80.2 (75.884.6)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection76.6 (73.979.3)96.2 (95.696.8)95.1 (94.595.7)81.0 (78.483.6)
Hospitalized80.8 (77.584.1)92.1 (90.693.6)91.5 (89.993.1)82.1 (78.985.3)
Discharged from ED71.0 (66.575.5)97.7 (97.298.2)96.5 (95.997.1)79.4 (75.283.6)

Among the 1790 patient encounters reviewed, a total of 766 infants (42.8%) met the reference standard definition for fever in the cohort. An additional 47 infants had abnormal temperature reported (documentation of tactile fever, history of fever without a specific temperature described, or hypothermia) but were classified as having no fever by the reference standard.

ICD‐9 Code Case‐Identification Algorithm Performance

Compared with the reference standard, the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity of 96.2% to 98.2% but lower sensitivity overall (Figure 2). Discharge diagnosis of fever alone demonstrated the lowest sensitivity. The algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever resulted in increased sensitivity and the highest PPV of all 4 algorithms (86.9%, 95% CI: 84.5‐89.3). Addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm resulted in a marginal increase in sensitivity and a similar decrease in PPV (Table 1). When limited to hospitalized infants, specificity was highest for the case‐identification algorithm of discharge diagnosis of fever and similarly high for discharge or admission diagnosis of fever; sensitivity was highest for the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or diagnosis of serious infection. For infants discharged from the ED, algorithm specificity was 97.7% to 98.4%, with lower sensitivity for all 4 algorithms (Table 1). Inclusion of the 47 infants with abnormal temperature as fever did not materially change algorithm performance (data not shown).

Figure 2
Algorithm sensitivity and false positive rate (1‐specificity) for identification of febrile infants aged ≤28 days, 29 to 56 days, 57 to 89 days, and overall. Horizontal and vertical bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature ≥100.4°F (38.0°C) on review of electronic medical record.

Across all 3 age groups (28 days, 2956 days, and 5789 days), the 4 case‐identification algorithms demonstrated specificity >96%, whereas algorithm sensitivity was highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group and lowest among infants 57 to 89 days old across all 4 algorithms (Figure 2). Similar to the overall cohort, an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated specificity of nearly 98% in all age groups; addition of serious infection codes to this algorithm increased sensitivity, highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group (Figure 2; see also Supporting Information, Table 2, in the online version of this article).

Performance Characteristics of ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithms Across the Eight Sites According to Reference Standard.*
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmSensitivity, Median % (Range)Specificity, Median % (Range)Negative Predictive Value, Median % (Range)Positive Predictive Value, Median % (Range)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. *Reference standard of fever was defined by documented temperature 100.4F (38.0 C) on review of electronic medical record.

Discharge diagnosis of fever56.2 (34.681.0)98.3 (96.499.1)92.1 (83.297.4)87.7 (74.093.2)
Discharge or Admission diagnosis of Fever76.7 (51.385.0)97.8 (96.298.7)95.6 (86.997.4)87.4 (80.092.9)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection68.3 (44.287.3)96.5 (95.498.0)93.6 (85.298.2)78.3 (74.289.0)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection83.1 (58.390.7)95.8 (95.498.0)96.5 (88.598.2)79.1 (77.490.4)

Across the 8 study sites, median specificity was 95.8% to 98.3% for the 4 algorithms, with little interhospital variability; however, algorithm sensitivity varied widely by site. Median PPV was highest for discharge diagnosis of fever alone at 87.7% but ranged from 74.0% to 93.2% across sites. Median PPV for an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever was similar (87.4%) but with less variation by site (range 80.0%92.9%) (Table 2).

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Group and Case‐Identification Algorithm

When compared with discharge diagnosis of fever, adding admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher proportion of hospitalized infants with SBIs (UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, or bacterial meningitis). However, median hospital length of stay, severe outcomes, and 3‐day revisits and revisits with hospitalization did not materially differ when including infants with admission diagnosis of fever in addition to discharge diagnosis of fever. Addition of infants with a diagnosis code for serious infection substantially increased the number of infants with SBIs and severe outcomes but did not capture additional 3‐day revisits (Table 3). There were no additional cases of SBI in the no fever/no serious illness diagnosis code group.

Outcomes by ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code Case‐Identification Algorithm
ICD‐9 Diagnosis Code AlgorithmOutcome3‐Day Revisit, % (95% CI)3‐Day Revisit With Hospitalization, % (95% CI)
Hospitalized, % (95% CI)UTI/Pyelonephritis, Bacteremia/Sepsis, or Bacterial Meningitis, % (95% CI)Severe Outcome, % (95% CI)*Length of Stay in Days, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Severe outcome was defined as intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, central line placement, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or death. Length of stay for hospitalized infants. Percent of those discharged from the emergency department at the index visit.

Discharge diagnosis of fever44.3 (40.348.4)3.3 (1.84.7)1.4 (0.42.3)3 (23)11.7 (8.215.2)5.9 (3.38.4)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever52.4 (48.955.9)6.1 (4.47.8)1.9 (1.02.9)3 (23)10.9 (7.714.1)5.4 (3.17.8)
Discharge diagnosis of fever or serious infection54.0 (50.457.5)15.3 (12.717.8)3.8 (2.55.2)3 (24)11.0 (7.714.2)5.5 (3.17.9)
Discharge or admission diagnosis of fever or serious infection56.5 (53.259.7)12.9 (10.715.1)3.6 (2.44.8)3 (24)10.3 (7.313.3)5.2 (3.07.4)

Among infants who met the reference standard for fever but did not have a discharge or admission diagnosis of fever (false negatives), 11.8% had a diagnosis of SBI. Overall, 43.2% of febrile infants (and 84.4% of hospitalized infants) with SBI did not have an ICD‐9 discharge or admission diagnosis of fever. Addition of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes of serious infection to the algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured all additional SBIs, and no false negativeinfants missed with this algorithm had an SBI.


We described the performance of 4 ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for the identification of febrile young infants <90 days of age at US children's hospitals. Although the specificity was high across algorithms and institutions, the sensitivity was relatively low, particularly for discharge diagnosis of fever, and varied by institution. Given the high specificity, ICD‐9 diagnosis code case‐identification algorithms for fever reliably identify febrile infants using administrative data with low rates of inclusion of infants without fever. However, underidentification of patients, particularly those more prone to SBIs and severe outcomes depending on the algorithm utilized, can impact interpretation of comparative effectiveness studies or the quality of care delivered by an institution.

ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes are frequently used to identify pediatric patients across a variety of administrative databases, diseases, and symptoms.[19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] Although discharge diagnosis of fever is highly specific, sensitivity is substantially lower than other case‐identification algorithms we studied, particularly for hospitalized infants. This may be due to a fever code sometimes being omitted in favor of a more specific diagnosis (eg, bacteremia) prior to hospital discharge. Therefore, case identification relying only on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis codes for fever may under‐report clinically important SBI or severe outcomes as demonstrated in our study. This is in contrast to ICD‐9 diagnosis code identification strategies for childhood UTI and pneumonia, which largely have higher sensitivity but lower specificity than fever codes.[13, 14]

Admission diagnosis of fever is important for febrile infants as they may not have an explicit diagnosis at the time of disposition from the ED. Addition of admission diagnosis of fever to an algorithm relying on discharge diagnosis code alone increased sensitivity without a demonstrable reduction in specificity and PPV, likely due to capture of infants with a fever diagnosis at presentation before a specific infection was identified. Although using an algorithm of discharge or admission diagnosis of fever captured a higher percentage of hospitalized febrile infants with SBIs, sensitivity was only 71% overall with this algorithm, and 43% of febrile infants with SBI would still have been missed. Importantly, though, addition of various ICD‐9 codes for serious infection to this algorithm resulted in capture of all febrile infants with SBI and should be used as a sensitivity analysis.

The test characteristics of diagnosis codes were highest in the 29‐ to 56‐days‐old age group. Given the differing low‐risk criteria[6, 7, 8] and lack of best practice guidelines[16] in this age group, the use of administrative data may allow for the comparison of testing and treatment strategies across a large cohort of febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days. However, individual hospital coding practices may affect algorithm performance, in particular sensitivity, which varied substantially by hospital. This variation in algorithm sensitivity may impact comparisons of outcomes across institutions. Therefore, when conducting studies of febrile infants using administrative data, sensitivity analyses or use of chart review should be considered to augment the use of ICD‐9 code‐based identification strategies, particularly for comparative benchmarking and outcomes studies. These additional analyses are particularly important for studies of febrile infants >56 days of age, in whom the sensitivity of diagnosis codes is particularly low. We speculate that the lower sensitivity in older febrile infants may relate to a lack of consensus on the clinical significance of fever in this age group and the varying management strategies employed.[10]

Strengths of this study include the assessment of ICD‐9 code algorithms across multiple institutions for identification of fever in young infants, and the patterns of our findings remained robust when comparing median performance characteristics of the algorithms across hospitals to our overall findings. We were also able to accurately estimate PPV and NPV using a case‐identification strategy weighted to the actual population sizes. Although sensitivity and specificity are the primary measures of test performance, predictive values are highly informative for investigators using administrative data. Additionally, our findings may inform public health efforts including disease surveillance, assessment of seasonal variation, and identification and monitoring of healthcare‐associated infections among febrile infants.

Our study has limitations. We did not review all identified records, which raises the possibility that our evaluated cohort may not be representative of the entire febrile infant population. We attempted to mitigate this possibility by using a random sampling strategy for our population selection that was weighted to the actual population sizes. Second, we identified serious infections using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes determined by group consensus, which may not capture all serious infection codes that identify febrile infants whose fever code was omitted. Third, 47 infants had abnormal temperature that did not meet our reference standard criteria for fever and were included in the no fever group. Although there may be disagreement regarding what constitutes a fever, we used a widely accepted reference standard to define fever.[16] Further, inclusion of these 47 infants as fever did not materially change algorithm performance. Last, our study was conducted at 8 large tertiary‐care children's hospitals, and our results may not be generalizable to other children's hospitals and community‐based hospitals.


Studies of febrile young infants that rely on ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code of fever for case ascertainment have high specificity but low sensitivity for the identification of febrile infants, particularly among hospitalized patients. A case‐identification strategy that includes discharge or admission diagnosis of fever demonstrated higher sensitivity, and should be considered for studies of febrile infants using administrative data. However, additional strategies such as incorporation of ICD‐9 codes for serious infection should be used when comparing outcomes across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional collaborators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Erica DiLeo, MA, Department of Medical Education and Research, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, Connecticut; Janet Flores, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Disclosures: This project funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award, (Ref No. 1827‐3835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in the design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

  1. Baskin MN. The prevalence of serious bacterial infections by age in febrile infants during the first 3 months of life. Pediatr Ann. 1993;22:462466.
  2. Huppler AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER. Performance of low‐risk criteria in the evaluation of young infants with fever: review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2010;125:228233.
  3. Schwartz S, Raveh D, Toker O, Segal G, Godovitch N, Schlesinger Y. A week‐by‐week analysis of the low‐risk criteria for serious bacterial infection in febrile neonates. Arch Dis Child. 2009;94:287292.
  4. Garcia S, Mintegi S, Gomez B, et al. Is 15 days an appropriate cut‐off age for considering serious bacterial infection in the management of febrile infants? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31:455458.
  5. Baker MD, Avner JR, Bell LM. Failure of infant observation scales in detecting serious illness in febrile, 4‐ to 8‐week‐old infants. Pediatrics. 1990;85:10401043.
  6. Baker MD, Bell LM, Avner JR. Outpatient management without antibiotics of fever in selected infants. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:14371441.
  7. Baskin MN, Fleisher GR, O'Rourke EJ. Identifying febrile infants at risk for a serious bacterial infection. J Pediatr. 1993;123:489490.
  8. Jaskiewicz JA, McCarthy CA, Richardson AC, et al. Febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infection—an appraisal of the Rochester criteria and implications for management. Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group. Pediatrics. 1994;94:390396.
  9. Jain S, Cheng J, Alpern ER, et al. Management of febrile neonates in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;133:187195.
  10. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Alpern ER, et al. Variation in care of the febrile young infant <90 days in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;134:667677.
  11. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Williams DJ, et al. Association of clinical practice guidelines with emergency department management of febrile infants ≤56 days of age. J Hosp Med. 2015;10:358365.
  12. Hui C, Neto G, Tsertsvadze A, et al. Diagnosis and management of febrile infants (0‐3 months). Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2012;(205):1297.
  13. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128:323330.
  14. Williams DJ, Shah SS, Myers A, et al. Identifying pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia hospitalizations: accuracy of administrative billing codes. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167:851858.
  15. Benchimol EI, Manuel DG, To T, Griffiths AM, Rabeneck L, Guttmann A. Development and use of reporting guidelines for assessing the quality of validation studies of health administrative data. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:821829.
  16. American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee; American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Subcommittee on Pediatric Fever. Clinical policy for children younger than three years presenting to the emergency department with fever. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42:530545.
  17. Wood JN, Feudtner C, Medina SP, Luan X, Localio R, Rubin DM. Variation in occult injury screening for children with suspected abuse in selected US children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2012;130:853860.
  18. Fletcher DM. Achieving data quality. How data from a pediatric health information system earns the trust of its users. J AHIMA. 2004;75:2226.
  19. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299:20482055.
  20. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42:377381.
  21. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107:E99.
  22. US Census Bureau. Geographic terms and concepts—census divisions and census regions. Available at: Accessed October 20, 2014.
  23. Gordon JA, An LC, Hayward RA, Williams BC. Initial emergency department diagnosis and return visits: risk versus perception. Ann Emerg Med. 1998;32:569573.
  24. Cho CS, Shapiro DJ, Cabana MD, Maselli JH, Hersh AL. A national depiction of children with return visits to the emergency department within 72 hours, 2001–2007. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012;28:606610.
  25. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Pediatric observation status: are we overlooking a growing population in children's hospitals? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:530536.
  26. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Differences in designations of observation care in US freestanding children's hospitals: are they virtual or real? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:287293.
  27. Nigrovic LE, Fine AM, Monuteaux MC, Shah SS, Neuman MI. Trends in the management of viral meningitis at United States children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2013;131:670676.
  28. Freedman SB, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Impact of increasing ondansetron use on clinical outcomes in children with gastroenteritis. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168:321329.
  29. Fleming‐Dutra KE, Shapiro DJ, Hicks LA, Gerber JS, Hersh AL. Race, otitis media, and antibiotic selection. Pediatrics. 2014;134:10591066.
  30. Parikh K, Hall M, Mittal V, et al. Establishing benchmarks for the hospitalized care of children with asthma, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2014;134:555562.
  31. Sheridan DC, Meckler GD, Spiro DM, Koch TK, Hansen ML. Diagnostic testing and treatment of pediatric headache in the emergency department. J Pediatr. 2013;163:16341637.
  1. Baskin MN. The prevalence of serious bacterial infections by age in febrile infants during the first 3 months of life. Pediatr Ann. 1993;22:462466.
  2. Huppler AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER. Performance of low‐risk criteria in the evaluation of young infants with fever: review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2010;125:228233.
  3. Schwartz S, Raveh D, Toker O, Segal G, Godovitch N, Schlesinger Y. A week‐by‐week analysis of the low‐risk criteria for serious bacterial infection in febrile neonates. Arch Dis Child. 2009;94:287292.
  4. Garcia S, Mintegi S, Gomez B, et al. Is 15 days an appropriate cut‐off age for considering serious bacterial infection in the management of febrile infants? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31:455458.
  5. Baker MD, Avner JR, Bell LM. Failure of infant observation scales in detecting serious illness in febrile, 4‐ to 8‐week‐old infants. Pediatrics. 1990;85:10401043.
  6. Baker MD, Bell LM, Avner JR. Outpatient management without antibiotics of fever in selected infants. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:14371441.
  7. Baskin MN, Fleisher GR, O'Rourke EJ. Identifying febrile infants at risk for a serious bacterial infection. J Pediatr. 1993;123:489490.
  8. Jaskiewicz JA, McCarthy CA, Richardson AC, et al. Febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infection—an appraisal of the Rochester criteria and implications for management. Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group. Pediatrics. 1994;94:390396.
  9. Jain S, Cheng J, Alpern ER, et al. Management of febrile neonates in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;133:187195.
  10. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Alpern ER, et al. Variation in care of the febrile young infant <90 days in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;134:667677.
  11. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Williams DJ, et al. Association of clinical practice guidelines with emergency department management of febrile infants ≤56 days of age. J Hosp Med. 2015;10:358365.
  12. Hui C, Neto G, Tsertsvadze A, et al. Diagnosis and management of febrile infants (0‐3 months). Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2012;(205):1297.
  13. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128:323330.
  14. Williams DJ, Shah SS, Myers A, et al. Identifying pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia hospitalizations: accuracy of administrative billing codes. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167:851858.
  15. Benchimol EI, Manuel DG, To T, Griffiths AM, Rabeneck L, Guttmann A. Development and use of reporting guidelines for assessing the quality of validation studies of health administrative data. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:821829.
  16. American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee; American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Subcommittee on Pediatric Fever. Clinical policy for children younger than three years presenting to the emergency department with fever. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42:530545.
  17. Wood JN, Feudtner C, Medina SP, Luan X, Localio R, Rubin DM. Variation in occult injury screening for children with suspected abuse in selected US children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2012;130:853860.
  18. Fletcher DM. Achieving data quality. How data from a pediatric health information system earns the trust of its users. J AHIMA. 2004;75:2226.
  19. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299:20482055.
  20. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42:377381.
  21. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107:E99.
  22. US Census Bureau. Geographic terms and concepts—census divisions and census regions. Available at: Accessed October 20, 2014.
  23. Gordon JA, An LC, Hayward RA, Williams BC. Initial emergency department diagnosis and return visits: risk versus perception. Ann Emerg Med. 1998;32:569573.
  24. Cho CS, Shapiro DJ, Cabana MD, Maselli JH, Hersh AL. A national depiction of children with return visits to the emergency department within 72 hours, 2001–2007. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012;28:606610.
  25. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Pediatric observation status: are we overlooking a growing population in children's hospitals? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:530536.
  26. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Differences in designations of observation care in US freestanding children's hospitals: are they virtual or real? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:287293.
  27. Nigrovic LE, Fine AM, Monuteaux MC, Shah SS, Neuman MI. Trends in the management of viral meningitis at United States children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2013;131:670676.
  28. Freedman SB, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Impact of increasing ondansetron use on clinical outcomes in children with gastroenteritis. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168:321329.
  29. Fleming‐Dutra KE, Shapiro DJ, Hicks LA, Gerber JS, Hersh AL. Race, otitis media, and antibiotic selection. Pediatrics. 2014;134:10591066.
  30. Parikh K, Hall M, Mittal V, et al. Establishing benchmarks for the hospitalized care of children with asthma, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2014;134:555562.
  31. Sheridan DC, Meckler GD, Spiro DM, Koch TK, Hansen ML. Diagnostic testing and treatment of pediatric headache in the emergency department. J Pediatr. 2013;163:16341637.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(12)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(12)
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Accuracy of diagnosis codes to identify febrile young infants using administrative data
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Accuracy of diagnosis codes to identify febrile young infants using administrative data
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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Paul L. Aronson, MD, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, 100 York Street, Suite 1F, New Haven, CT, 06511; Telephone: 203‐737‐7443; Fax: 203‐737‐7447; E‐mail:
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Febrile Infant CPGs

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Sun, 05/21/2017 - 13:08
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Association of clinical practice guidelines with emergency department management of febrile infants ≤56 days of age

Febrile young infants are at high risk for serious bacterial infection (SBI) with reported rates of 8.5% to 12%, even higher in neonates 28 days of age.[1, 2, 3] As a result, febrile infants often undergo extensive diagnostic evaluation consisting of a combination of urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing.[4, 5, 6] Several clinical prediction algorithms use this diagnostic testing to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but they differ with respect to age range, recommended testing, antibiotic administration, and threshold for hospitalization.[4, 5, 6] Additionally, the optimal management strategy for this population has not been defined.[7] Consequently, laboratory testing, antibiotic use, and hospitalization for febrile young infants vary widely among hospitals.[8, 9, 10]

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are designed to implement evidence‐based care and reduce practice variability, with the goal of improving quality of care and optimizing costs.[11] Implementation of a CPG for management of febrile young infants in the Intermountain Healthcare System was associated with greater adherence to evidence‐based care and lower costs.[12] However, when strong evidence is lacking, different interpretations of febrile infant risk classification incorporated into local CPGs may be a major driver of the across‐hospital practice variation observed in prior studies.[8, 9] Understanding sources of variability as well as determining the association of CPGs with clinicians' practice patterns can help identify quality improvement opportunities, either through national benchmarking or local efforts.

Our primary objectives were to compare (1) recommendations of pediatric emergency departmentbased institutional CPGs for febrile young infants and (2) rates of urine, blood, CSF testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at emergency department (ED) discharge based upon CPG presence and the specific CPG recommendations. Our secondary objectives were to describe the association of CPGs with healthcare costs and return visits for SBI.


Study Design

We used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) to identify febrile infants 56 days of age who presented to the ED between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. We also surveyed ED providers at participating PHIS hospitals. Informed consent was obtained from survey respondents. The institutional review board at Boston Children's Hospital approved the study protocol.

Clinical Practice Guideline Survey

We sent an electronic survey to medical directors or division directors at 37 pediatric EDs to determine whether their ED utilized a CPG for the management of the febrile young infant in 2013. If no response was received after the second attempt, we queried ED fellowship directors or other ED attending physicians at nonresponding hospitals. Survey items included the presence of a febrile young infant CPG, and if present, the year of implementation, ages targeted, and CPG content. As applicable, respondents were asked to share their CPG and/or provide the specific CPG recommendations.

We collected and managed survey data using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) electronic data capture tools hosted at Boston Children's Hospital. REDCap is a secure, Web‐based application designed to support data capture for research studies.[13]

Data Source

The PHIS database contains administrative data from 44 US children's hospitals. These hospitals, affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association, represent 85% of freestanding US children's hospitals.[14] Encrypted patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across encounters.[15] Data quality and integrity are assured jointly by the Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals.[16] For this study, 7 hospitals were excluded due to incomplete ED data or known data‐quality issues.[17]


We identified study infants using the following International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) admission or discharge diagnosis codes for fever as defined previously[8, 9]: 780.6, 778.4, 780.60, or 780.61. We excluded infants with a complex chronic condition[18] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data. For infants with >1 ED visit for fever during the study period, repeat visits within 3 days of an index visit were considered a revisit for the same episode of illness; visits >3 days following an index visit were considered as a new index visit.

Study Definitions

From the PHIS database, we abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, and region where the hospital was located (using US Census categories[19]). Billing codes were used to assess whether urine, blood, and CSF testing (as defined previously[9]) were performed during the ED evaluation. To account for ED visits that spanned the midnight hour, for hospitalized patients we considered any testing or treatment occurring on the initial or second hospital day to be performed in the ED; billing code data in PHIS are based upon calendar day and do not distinguish testing performed in the ED versus inpatient setting.[8, 9] Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[20, 21]

We identified the presence of an SBI using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for the following infections as described previously[9]: urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis,[22] bacteremia or sepsis, bacterial meningitis,[16] pneumonia,[23] or bacterial enteritis. To assess return visits for SBI that required inpatient management, we defined an ED revisit for an SBI as a return visit within 3 days of ED discharge[24, 25] that resulted in hospitalization with an associated ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for an SBI.

Hospitals charges in PHIS database were adjusted for hospital location by using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services price/wage index. Costs were estimated by applying hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios to charge data.[26]

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure was the presence of an ED‐based CPG for management of the febrile young infant aged 28 days and 29 to 56 days; 56 days was used as the upper age limit as all of the CPGs included infants up to this age or beyond. Six institutions utilized CPGs with different thresholds to define the age categories (eg, dichotomized at 27 or 30 days); these CPGs were classified into the aforementioned age groups to permit comparisons across standardized age groups. We classified institutions based on the presence of a CPG. To assess differences in the application of low‐risk criteria, the CPGs were further classified a priori based upon specific recommendations around laboratory testing and hospitalization, as well as ceftriaxone use for infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED. CPGs were categorized based upon whether testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use were: (1) recommended for all patients, (2) recommended only if patients were classified as high risk (absence of low‐risk criteria), (3) recommended against, or (4) recommended to consider at clinician discretion.

Outcome Measures

Measured outcomes were performance of urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization rate, as well as rate of ceftriaxone use for discharged infants aged 29 to 56 days, 3‐day revisits for SBI, and costs per visit, which included hospitalization costs for admitted patients.

Data Analysis

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies. We compared medians using Wilcoxon rank sum and categorical variables using a [2] test. We compared rates of testing, hospitalization, ceftriaxone use, and 3‐day revisits for SBI based on the presence of a CPG, and when present, the specific CPG recommendations. Costs per visit were compared between institutions with and without CPGs and assessed separately for admitted and discharged patients. To adjust for potential confounders and clustering of patients within hospitals, we used generalized estimating equations with logistic regression to generate adjusted odd ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Models were adjusted for geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Statistical analyses were performed by using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05.

Febrile infants with bronchiolitis or a history of prematurity may be managed differently from full‐term febrile young infants without bronchiolitis.[6, 27] Therefore, we performed a subgroup analysis after exclusion of infants with an ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for bronchiolitis (466.11 and 466.19)[28] or prematurity (765).

Because our study included ED encounters in 2013, we repeated our analyses after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented during the 2013 calendar year.


CPG by Institution

Thirty‐three (89.2%) of the 37 EDs surveyed completed the questionnaire. Overall, 21 (63.6%) of the 33 EDs had a CPG; 15 (45.5%) had a CPG for all infants 56 days of age, 5 (15.2%) had a CPG for infants 28 days only, and 1 (3.0%) had a CPG for infants 29 to 56 days but not 28 days of age (Figure 1). Seventeen EDs had an established CPG prior to 2013, and 4 hospitals implemented a CPG during the 2013 calendar year, 2 with CPGs for neonates 28 days and 2 with CPGs for both 28 days and 29 to 56 days of age. Hospitals with CPGs were more likely to be located in the Northeast and West regions of the United States and provide care to a higher proportion of non‐Hispanic white patients, as well as those with commercial insurance (Table 1).

Figure 1
Specific clinical practice guideline (CPG) recommendations for diagnostic testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at ED discharge by institution among the 21 institutions with a CPG. Urine testing is defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; blood testing as complete blood count or blood culture, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. Abbreviations: ED, emergency department.
Characteristics of Patients in Hospitals With and Without CPGs for the Febrile Young Infant 56 Days of Age
Characteristic28 Days2956 Days
No CPG, n=996, N (%)CPG, n=2,149, N (%)P ValueNo CPG, n=2,460, N (%)CPG, n=3,772, N (%)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Includes UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, and bacterial enteritis. Some infants had more than 1 site of infection.

Non‐Hispanic white325 (32.6)996 (46.3) 867 (35.2)1,728 (45.8) 
Non‐Hispanic black248 (24.9)381 (17.7) 593 (24.1)670 (17.8) 
Hispanic243 (24.4)531 (24.7) 655 (26.6)986 (26.1) 
Asian28 (2.8)78 (3.6) 40 (1.6)122 (3.2) 
Other Race152 (15.3)163 (7.6)<0.001305 (12.4)266 (7.1)<0.001
Female435 (43.7)926 (43.1)0.761,067 (43.4)1,714 (45.4)0.22
Commercial243 (24.4)738 (34.3) 554 (22.5)1,202 (31.9) 
Government664 (66.7)1,269 (59.1) 1,798 (73.1)2,342 (62.1) 
Other payer89 (8.9)142 (6.6)<0.001108 (4.4)228 (6.0)<0.001
Northeast39 (3.9)245 (11.4) 77 (3.1)572 (15.2) 
South648 (65.1)915 (42.6) 1,662 (67.6)1,462 (38.8) 
Midwest271 (27.2)462 (21.5) 506 (20.6)851 (22.6) 
West38 (3.8)527 (24.5)<0.001215 (8.7)887 (23.5)<0.001
Serious bacterial infection      
Overall*131 (13.2)242 (11.3)0.14191 (7.8)237 (6.3)0.03
UTI/pyelonephritis73 (7.3)153 (7.1) 103 (4.2)154 (4.1) 
Bacteremia/sepsis56 (5.6)91 (4.2) 78 (3.2)61 (1.6) 
Bacterial meningitis15 (1.5)15 (0.7) 4 (0.2)14 (0.4) 
Age, d, median (IQR)18 (11, 24)18 (11, 23)0.6746 (37, 53)45 (37, 53)0.11

All 20 CPGs for the febrile young infant 28 days of age recommended urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization for all infants (Figure 1). Of the 16 hospitals with CPGs for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days, all recommended urine and blood testing for all patients, except for 1 CPG, which recommended consideration of blood testing but not to obtain routinely. Hospitals varied in recommendations for CSF testing among infants aged 29 to 56 days: 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing in all patients and 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing only if the patient was high risk per defined criteria (based on history, physical examination, urine, and blood testing). In all 16 CPGs, hospitalization was recommended only for high‐risk infants. For low‐risk infants aged 2956 days being discharged from the ED, 3 hospitals recommended ceftriaxone for all, 9 recommended consideration of ceftriaxone, and 4 recommended against antibiotics (Figure 1).

Study Patients

During the study period, there were 10,415 infants 56 days old with a diagnosis of fever at the 33 participating hospitals. After exclusion of 635 (6.1%) infants with a complex chronic condition and 445 (4.3%) transferred from another institution (including 42 with a complex chronic condition), 9377 infants remained in our study cohort. Approximately one‐third of the cohort was 28 days of age and two‐thirds aged 29 to 56 days. The overall SBI rate was 8.5% but varied by age (11.9% in infants 28 days and 6.9% in infants 29 to 56 days of age) (Table 1).

CPGs and Use of Diagnostic Testing, Hospitalization Rates, Ceftriaxone Use, and Revisits for SBI

For infants 28 days of age, the presence of a CPG was not associated with urine, blood, CSF testing, or hospitalization after multivariable adjustment (Table 2). Among infants aged 29 to 56 days, urine testing did not differ based on the presence of a CPG, whereas blood testing was performed less often at the 1 hospital whose CPG recommended to consider, but not routinely obtain, testing (aOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.7, P=0.001). Compared to hospitals without a CPG, CSF testing was performed less often at hospitals with CPG recommendations to only obtain CSF if high risk (aOR: 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.8, P=0.002). However, the odds of hospitalization did not differ at institutions with and without a febrile infant CPG (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.5‐1.1, P=0.10). For infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED, ceftriaxone was administered more often at hospitals with CPGs that recommended ceftriaxone for all discharged patients (aOR: 4.6, 95% CI: 2.39.3, P<0.001) and less often at hospitals whose CPGs recommended against antibiotics (aOR: 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1‐0.9, P=0.03) (Table 3). Our findings were similar in the subgroup of infants without bronchiolitis or prematurity (see Supporting Tables 1 and 2 in the online version of this article). After exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented during the 2013 calendar year (4 hospitals excluded in the 28 days age group and 2 hospitals excluded in the 29 to 56 days age group), infants aged 29 to 56 days cared for at a hospital with a CPG experienced a lower odds of hospitalization (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.4‐0.98, P=0.04). Otherwise, our findings in both age groups did not materially differ from the main analyses.

Variation in Testing and Hospitalization Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 28 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test or were hospitalized. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. ‖CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture

Laboratory testing     
Urine testing     
No CPG1399675.6Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14980.71.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.22
Blood testing     
No CPG1399676.9Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.81.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.25
CSF testing     
No CPG1399671.0Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14977.51.3 (1.01.7)0.08
No CPG1399675.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.61.2 (0.9‐1.8)0.26
Variation in Testing, Hospitalization, and Ceftriaxone Use Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 29 to 56 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test, were hospitalized, or received ceftriaxone. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture. Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. For low‐risk infants discharged from the emergency department.

Laboratory resting     
Urine testing     
No CPG172,46081.1Ref 
CPG: recommend for all163,77282.10.9 (0.7‐1.4)0.76
Blood testing     
No CPG172,46079.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all153,62882.61.1 (0.7‐1.6)0.70
CPG: recommend consider114462.50.4 (0.3‐0.7)0.001
CSF testing     
No CPG172,46046.3Ref 
CPG: recommend for all81,51770.31.3 (0.9‐1.9)0.11
CPG: recommend if high‐risk82,25539.90.5 (0.3‐0.8)0.002
No CPG172,46047.0Ref 
CPG: recommend if high‐risk163,77242.00.7 (0.5‐1.1)0.10
Ceftriaxone if discharged     
No CPG171,30411.7Ref 
CPG: recommend against431310.90.3 (0.1‐0.9)0.03
CPG: recommend consider91,56714.41.5 (0.9‐2.4)0.09
CPG: recommend for all330664.14.6 (2.39.3)< 0.001

Three‐day revisits for SBI were similarly low at hospitals with and without CPGs among infants 28 days (1.5% vs 0.8%, P=0.44) and 29 to 56 days of age (1.4% vs 1.1%, P=0.44) and did not differ after exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented in 2013.

CPGs and Costs

Among infants 28 days of age, costs per visit did not differ for admitted and discharged patients based on CPG presence. The presence of an ED febrile infant CPG was associated with higher costs for both admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age (Table 4). The cost analysis did not significantly differ after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented in 2013.

Costs per Visit for Febrile Young Infants 56 Days of Age at Institutions With and Without CPGs
 28 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)29 to 56 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range.

Admitted$4,979 ($3,408$6,607) [n=751]$4,715 ($3,472$6,526) [n=1,753]0.79$3,756 ($2,725$5,041) [n=1,156]$3,923 ($3,077$5,243) [n=1,586]<0.001
Discharged$298 ($166$510) [n=245]$231 ($160$464) [n=396]0.10$681($398$982) [n=1,304)]$764 ($412$1,100) [n=2,186]<0.001


We described the content and association of CPGs with management of the febrile infant 56 days of age across a large sample of children's hospitals. Nearly two‐thirds of included pediatric EDs have a CPG for the management of young febrile infants. Management of febrile infants 28 days was uniform, with a majority hospitalized after urine, blood, and CSF testing regardless of the presence of a CPG. In contrast, CPGs for infants 29 to 56 days of age varied in their recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for infants discharged from the ED. Consequently, we observed considerable hospital variability in CSF testing and ceftriaxone use for discharged infants, which correlates with variation in the presence and content of CPGs. Institutional CPGs may be a source of the across‐hospital variation in care of febrile young infants observed in prior study.[9]

Febrile infants 28 days of age are at particularly high risk for SBI, with a prevalence of nearly 20% or higher.[2, 3, 29] The high prevalence of SBI, combined with the inherent difficulty in distinguishing neonates with and without SBI,[2, 30] has resulted in uniform CPG recommendations to perform the full‐sepsis workup in this young age group. Similar to prior studies,[8, 9] we observed that most febrile infants 28 days undergo the full sepsis evaluation, including CSF testing, and are hospitalized regardless of the presence of a CPG.

However, given the conflicting recommendations for febrile infants 29 to 56 days of age,[4, 5, 6] the optimal management strategy is less certain.[7] The Rochester, Philadelphia, and Boston criteria, 3 published models to identify infants at low risk for SBI, primarily differ in their recommendations for CSF testing and ceftriaxone use in this age group.[4, 5, 6] Half of the CPGs recommended CSF testing for all febrile infants, and half recommended CSF testing only if the infant was high risk. Institutional guidelines that recommended selective CSF testing for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days were associated with lower rates of CSF testing. Furthermore, ceftriaxone use varied based on CPG recommendations for low‐risk infants discharged from the ED. Therefore, the influence of febrile infant CPGs mainly relates to the limiting of CSF testing and targeted ceftriaxone use in low‐risk infants. As the rate of return visits for SBI is low across hospitals, future study should assess outcomes at hospitals with CPGs recommending selective CSF testing. Of note, infants 29 to 56 days of age were less likely to be hospitalized when cared for at a hospital with an established CPG prior to 2013 without increase in 3‐day revisits for SBI. This finding may indicate that longer duration of CPG implementation is associated with lower rates of hospitalization for low‐risk infants; this finding merits further study.

The presence of a CPG was not associated with lower costs for febrile infants in either age group. Although individual healthcare systems have achieved lower costs with CPG implementation,[12] the mere presence of a CPG is not associated with lower costs when assessed across institutions. Higher costs for admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age in the presence of a CPG likely reflects the higher rate of CSF testing at hospitals whose CPGs recommend testing for all febrile infants, as well as inpatient management strategies for hospitalized infants not captured in our study. Future investigation should include an assessment of the cost‐effectiveness of the various testing and treatment strategies employed for the febrile young infant.

Our study has several limitations. First, the validity of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying young infants with fever is not well established, and thus our study is subject to misclassification bias. To minimize missed patients, we included infants with either an ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis of fever; however, utilization of diagnosis codes for patient identification may have resulted in undercapture of infants with a measured temperature of 38.0C. It is also possible that some patients who did not undergo testing were misclassified as having a fever or had temperatures below standard thresholds to prompt diagnostic testing. This is a potential reason that testing was not performed in 100% of infants, even at hospitals with CPGs that recommended testing for all patients. Additionally, some febrile infants diagnosed with SBI may not have an associated ICD‐9 diagnosis code for fever. Although the overall SBI rate observed in our study was similar to prior studies,[4, 31] the rate in neonates 28 days of age was lower than reported in recent investigations,[2, 3] which may indicate inclusion of a higher proportion of low‐risk febrile infants. With the exception of bronchiolitis, we also did not assess diagnostic testing in the presence of other identified sources of infection such as herpes simplex virus.

Second, we were unable to assess the presence or absence of a CPG at the 4 excluded EDs that did not respond to the survey or the institutions excluded for data‐quality issues. However, included and excluded hospitals did not differ in region or annual ED volume (data not shown).

Third, although we classified hospitals based upon the presence and content of CPGs, we were unable to fully evaluate adherence to the CPG at each site.

Last, though PHIS hospitals represent 85% of freestanding children's hospitals, many febrile infants are hospitalized at non‐PHIS institutions; our results may not be generalizable to care provided at nonchildren's hospitals.


Management of febrile neonates 28 days of age does not vary based on CPG presence. However, CPGs for the febrile infant aged 29 to 56 days vary in recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for low‐risk patients, which significantly contributes to practice variation and healthcare costs across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional investigators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Kao‐Ping Chua, MD, Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Elana A. Feldman, BA, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington; and Katie L. Hayes, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


This project was funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award (Ref #18273835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. No payment was received for the production of this article. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(6)
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Febrile young infants are at high risk for serious bacterial infection (SBI) with reported rates of 8.5% to 12%, even higher in neonates 28 days of age.[1, 2, 3] As a result, febrile infants often undergo extensive diagnostic evaluation consisting of a combination of urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing.[4, 5, 6] Several clinical prediction algorithms use this diagnostic testing to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but they differ with respect to age range, recommended testing, antibiotic administration, and threshold for hospitalization.[4, 5, 6] Additionally, the optimal management strategy for this population has not been defined.[7] Consequently, laboratory testing, antibiotic use, and hospitalization for febrile young infants vary widely among hospitals.[8, 9, 10]

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are designed to implement evidence‐based care and reduce practice variability, with the goal of improving quality of care and optimizing costs.[11] Implementation of a CPG for management of febrile young infants in the Intermountain Healthcare System was associated with greater adherence to evidence‐based care and lower costs.[12] However, when strong evidence is lacking, different interpretations of febrile infant risk classification incorporated into local CPGs may be a major driver of the across‐hospital practice variation observed in prior studies.[8, 9] Understanding sources of variability as well as determining the association of CPGs with clinicians' practice patterns can help identify quality improvement opportunities, either through national benchmarking or local efforts.

Our primary objectives were to compare (1) recommendations of pediatric emergency departmentbased institutional CPGs for febrile young infants and (2) rates of urine, blood, CSF testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at emergency department (ED) discharge based upon CPG presence and the specific CPG recommendations. Our secondary objectives were to describe the association of CPGs with healthcare costs and return visits for SBI.


Study Design

We used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) to identify febrile infants 56 days of age who presented to the ED between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. We also surveyed ED providers at participating PHIS hospitals. Informed consent was obtained from survey respondents. The institutional review board at Boston Children's Hospital approved the study protocol.

Clinical Practice Guideline Survey

We sent an electronic survey to medical directors or division directors at 37 pediatric EDs to determine whether their ED utilized a CPG for the management of the febrile young infant in 2013. If no response was received after the second attempt, we queried ED fellowship directors or other ED attending physicians at nonresponding hospitals. Survey items included the presence of a febrile young infant CPG, and if present, the year of implementation, ages targeted, and CPG content. As applicable, respondents were asked to share their CPG and/or provide the specific CPG recommendations.

We collected and managed survey data using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) electronic data capture tools hosted at Boston Children's Hospital. REDCap is a secure, Web‐based application designed to support data capture for research studies.[13]

Data Source

The PHIS database contains administrative data from 44 US children's hospitals. These hospitals, affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association, represent 85% of freestanding US children's hospitals.[14] Encrypted patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across encounters.[15] Data quality and integrity are assured jointly by the Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals.[16] For this study, 7 hospitals were excluded due to incomplete ED data or known data‐quality issues.[17]


We identified study infants using the following International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) admission or discharge diagnosis codes for fever as defined previously[8, 9]: 780.6, 778.4, 780.60, or 780.61. We excluded infants with a complex chronic condition[18] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data. For infants with >1 ED visit for fever during the study period, repeat visits within 3 days of an index visit were considered a revisit for the same episode of illness; visits >3 days following an index visit were considered as a new index visit.

Study Definitions

From the PHIS database, we abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, and region where the hospital was located (using US Census categories[19]). Billing codes were used to assess whether urine, blood, and CSF testing (as defined previously[9]) were performed during the ED evaluation. To account for ED visits that spanned the midnight hour, for hospitalized patients we considered any testing or treatment occurring on the initial or second hospital day to be performed in the ED; billing code data in PHIS are based upon calendar day and do not distinguish testing performed in the ED versus inpatient setting.[8, 9] Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[20, 21]

We identified the presence of an SBI using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for the following infections as described previously[9]: urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis,[22] bacteremia or sepsis, bacterial meningitis,[16] pneumonia,[23] or bacterial enteritis. To assess return visits for SBI that required inpatient management, we defined an ED revisit for an SBI as a return visit within 3 days of ED discharge[24, 25] that resulted in hospitalization with an associated ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for an SBI.

Hospitals charges in PHIS database were adjusted for hospital location by using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services price/wage index. Costs were estimated by applying hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios to charge data.[26]

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure was the presence of an ED‐based CPG for management of the febrile young infant aged 28 days and 29 to 56 days; 56 days was used as the upper age limit as all of the CPGs included infants up to this age or beyond. Six institutions utilized CPGs with different thresholds to define the age categories (eg, dichotomized at 27 or 30 days); these CPGs were classified into the aforementioned age groups to permit comparisons across standardized age groups. We classified institutions based on the presence of a CPG. To assess differences in the application of low‐risk criteria, the CPGs were further classified a priori based upon specific recommendations around laboratory testing and hospitalization, as well as ceftriaxone use for infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED. CPGs were categorized based upon whether testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use were: (1) recommended for all patients, (2) recommended only if patients were classified as high risk (absence of low‐risk criteria), (3) recommended against, or (4) recommended to consider at clinician discretion.

Outcome Measures

Measured outcomes were performance of urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization rate, as well as rate of ceftriaxone use for discharged infants aged 29 to 56 days, 3‐day revisits for SBI, and costs per visit, which included hospitalization costs for admitted patients.

Data Analysis

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies. We compared medians using Wilcoxon rank sum and categorical variables using a [2] test. We compared rates of testing, hospitalization, ceftriaxone use, and 3‐day revisits for SBI based on the presence of a CPG, and when present, the specific CPG recommendations. Costs per visit were compared between institutions with and without CPGs and assessed separately for admitted and discharged patients. To adjust for potential confounders and clustering of patients within hospitals, we used generalized estimating equations with logistic regression to generate adjusted odd ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Models were adjusted for geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Statistical analyses were performed by using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05.

Febrile infants with bronchiolitis or a history of prematurity may be managed differently from full‐term febrile young infants without bronchiolitis.[6, 27] Therefore, we performed a subgroup analysis after exclusion of infants with an ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for bronchiolitis (466.11 and 466.19)[28] or prematurity (765).

Because our study included ED encounters in 2013, we repeated our analyses after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented during the 2013 calendar year.


CPG by Institution

Thirty‐three (89.2%) of the 37 EDs surveyed completed the questionnaire. Overall, 21 (63.6%) of the 33 EDs had a CPG; 15 (45.5%) had a CPG for all infants 56 days of age, 5 (15.2%) had a CPG for infants 28 days only, and 1 (3.0%) had a CPG for infants 29 to 56 days but not 28 days of age (Figure 1). Seventeen EDs had an established CPG prior to 2013, and 4 hospitals implemented a CPG during the 2013 calendar year, 2 with CPGs for neonates 28 days and 2 with CPGs for both 28 days and 29 to 56 days of age. Hospitals with CPGs were more likely to be located in the Northeast and West regions of the United States and provide care to a higher proportion of non‐Hispanic white patients, as well as those with commercial insurance (Table 1).

Figure 1
Specific clinical practice guideline (CPG) recommendations for diagnostic testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at ED discharge by institution among the 21 institutions with a CPG. Urine testing is defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; blood testing as complete blood count or blood culture, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. Abbreviations: ED, emergency department.
Characteristics of Patients in Hospitals With and Without CPGs for the Febrile Young Infant 56 Days of Age
Characteristic28 Days2956 Days
No CPG, n=996, N (%)CPG, n=2,149, N (%)P ValueNo CPG, n=2,460, N (%)CPG, n=3,772, N (%)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Includes UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, and bacterial enteritis. Some infants had more than 1 site of infection.

Non‐Hispanic white325 (32.6)996 (46.3) 867 (35.2)1,728 (45.8) 
Non‐Hispanic black248 (24.9)381 (17.7) 593 (24.1)670 (17.8) 
Hispanic243 (24.4)531 (24.7) 655 (26.6)986 (26.1) 
Asian28 (2.8)78 (3.6) 40 (1.6)122 (3.2) 
Other Race152 (15.3)163 (7.6)<0.001305 (12.4)266 (7.1)<0.001
Female435 (43.7)926 (43.1)0.761,067 (43.4)1,714 (45.4)0.22
Commercial243 (24.4)738 (34.3) 554 (22.5)1,202 (31.9) 
Government664 (66.7)1,269 (59.1) 1,798 (73.1)2,342 (62.1) 
Other payer89 (8.9)142 (6.6)<0.001108 (4.4)228 (6.0)<0.001
Northeast39 (3.9)245 (11.4) 77 (3.1)572 (15.2) 
South648 (65.1)915 (42.6) 1,662 (67.6)1,462 (38.8) 
Midwest271 (27.2)462 (21.5) 506 (20.6)851 (22.6) 
West38 (3.8)527 (24.5)<0.001215 (8.7)887 (23.5)<0.001
Serious bacterial infection      
Overall*131 (13.2)242 (11.3)0.14191 (7.8)237 (6.3)0.03
UTI/pyelonephritis73 (7.3)153 (7.1) 103 (4.2)154 (4.1) 
Bacteremia/sepsis56 (5.6)91 (4.2) 78 (3.2)61 (1.6) 
Bacterial meningitis15 (1.5)15 (0.7) 4 (0.2)14 (0.4) 
Age, d, median (IQR)18 (11, 24)18 (11, 23)0.6746 (37, 53)45 (37, 53)0.11

All 20 CPGs for the febrile young infant 28 days of age recommended urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization for all infants (Figure 1). Of the 16 hospitals with CPGs for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days, all recommended urine and blood testing for all patients, except for 1 CPG, which recommended consideration of blood testing but not to obtain routinely. Hospitals varied in recommendations for CSF testing among infants aged 29 to 56 days: 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing in all patients and 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing only if the patient was high risk per defined criteria (based on history, physical examination, urine, and blood testing). In all 16 CPGs, hospitalization was recommended only for high‐risk infants. For low‐risk infants aged 2956 days being discharged from the ED, 3 hospitals recommended ceftriaxone for all, 9 recommended consideration of ceftriaxone, and 4 recommended against antibiotics (Figure 1).

Study Patients

During the study period, there were 10,415 infants 56 days old with a diagnosis of fever at the 33 participating hospitals. After exclusion of 635 (6.1%) infants with a complex chronic condition and 445 (4.3%) transferred from another institution (including 42 with a complex chronic condition), 9377 infants remained in our study cohort. Approximately one‐third of the cohort was 28 days of age and two‐thirds aged 29 to 56 days. The overall SBI rate was 8.5% but varied by age (11.9% in infants 28 days and 6.9% in infants 29 to 56 days of age) (Table 1).

CPGs and Use of Diagnostic Testing, Hospitalization Rates, Ceftriaxone Use, and Revisits for SBI

For infants 28 days of age, the presence of a CPG was not associated with urine, blood, CSF testing, or hospitalization after multivariable adjustment (Table 2). Among infants aged 29 to 56 days, urine testing did not differ based on the presence of a CPG, whereas blood testing was performed less often at the 1 hospital whose CPG recommended to consider, but not routinely obtain, testing (aOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.7, P=0.001). Compared to hospitals without a CPG, CSF testing was performed less often at hospitals with CPG recommendations to only obtain CSF if high risk (aOR: 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.8, P=0.002). However, the odds of hospitalization did not differ at institutions with and without a febrile infant CPG (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.5‐1.1, P=0.10). For infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED, ceftriaxone was administered more often at hospitals with CPGs that recommended ceftriaxone for all discharged patients (aOR: 4.6, 95% CI: 2.39.3, P<0.001) and less often at hospitals whose CPGs recommended against antibiotics (aOR: 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1‐0.9, P=0.03) (Table 3). Our findings were similar in the subgroup of infants without bronchiolitis or prematurity (see Supporting Tables 1 and 2 in the online version of this article). After exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented during the 2013 calendar year (4 hospitals excluded in the 28 days age group and 2 hospitals excluded in the 29 to 56 days age group), infants aged 29 to 56 days cared for at a hospital with a CPG experienced a lower odds of hospitalization (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.4‐0.98, P=0.04). Otherwise, our findings in both age groups did not materially differ from the main analyses.

Variation in Testing and Hospitalization Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 28 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test or were hospitalized. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. ‖CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture

Laboratory testing     
Urine testing     
No CPG1399675.6Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14980.71.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.22
Blood testing     
No CPG1399676.9Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.81.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.25
CSF testing     
No CPG1399671.0Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14977.51.3 (1.01.7)0.08
No CPG1399675.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.61.2 (0.9‐1.8)0.26
Variation in Testing, Hospitalization, and Ceftriaxone Use Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 29 to 56 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test, were hospitalized, or received ceftriaxone. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture. Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. For low‐risk infants discharged from the emergency department.

Laboratory resting     
Urine testing     
No CPG172,46081.1Ref 
CPG: recommend for all163,77282.10.9 (0.7‐1.4)0.76
Blood testing     
No CPG172,46079.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all153,62882.61.1 (0.7‐1.6)0.70
CPG: recommend consider114462.50.4 (0.3‐0.7)0.001
CSF testing     
No CPG172,46046.3Ref 
CPG: recommend for all81,51770.31.3 (0.9‐1.9)0.11
CPG: recommend if high‐risk82,25539.90.5 (0.3‐0.8)0.002
No CPG172,46047.0Ref 
CPG: recommend if high‐risk163,77242.00.7 (0.5‐1.1)0.10
Ceftriaxone if discharged     
No CPG171,30411.7Ref 
CPG: recommend against431310.90.3 (0.1‐0.9)0.03
CPG: recommend consider91,56714.41.5 (0.9‐2.4)0.09
CPG: recommend for all330664.14.6 (2.39.3)< 0.001

Three‐day revisits for SBI were similarly low at hospitals with and without CPGs among infants 28 days (1.5% vs 0.8%, P=0.44) and 29 to 56 days of age (1.4% vs 1.1%, P=0.44) and did not differ after exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented in 2013.

CPGs and Costs

Among infants 28 days of age, costs per visit did not differ for admitted and discharged patients based on CPG presence. The presence of an ED febrile infant CPG was associated with higher costs for both admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age (Table 4). The cost analysis did not significantly differ after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented in 2013.

Costs per Visit for Febrile Young Infants 56 Days of Age at Institutions With and Without CPGs
 28 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)29 to 56 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range.

Admitted$4,979 ($3,408$6,607) [n=751]$4,715 ($3,472$6,526) [n=1,753]0.79$3,756 ($2,725$5,041) [n=1,156]$3,923 ($3,077$5,243) [n=1,586]<0.001
Discharged$298 ($166$510) [n=245]$231 ($160$464) [n=396]0.10$681($398$982) [n=1,304)]$764 ($412$1,100) [n=2,186]<0.001


We described the content and association of CPGs with management of the febrile infant 56 days of age across a large sample of children's hospitals. Nearly two‐thirds of included pediatric EDs have a CPG for the management of young febrile infants. Management of febrile infants 28 days was uniform, with a majority hospitalized after urine, blood, and CSF testing regardless of the presence of a CPG. In contrast, CPGs for infants 29 to 56 days of age varied in their recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for infants discharged from the ED. Consequently, we observed considerable hospital variability in CSF testing and ceftriaxone use for discharged infants, which correlates with variation in the presence and content of CPGs. Institutional CPGs may be a source of the across‐hospital variation in care of febrile young infants observed in prior study.[9]

Febrile infants 28 days of age are at particularly high risk for SBI, with a prevalence of nearly 20% or higher.[2, 3, 29] The high prevalence of SBI, combined with the inherent difficulty in distinguishing neonates with and without SBI,[2, 30] has resulted in uniform CPG recommendations to perform the full‐sepsis workup in this young age group. Similar to prior studies,[8, 9] we observed that most febrile infants 28 days undergo the full sepsis evaluation, including CSF testing, and are hospitalized regardless of the presence of a CPG.

However, given the conflicting recommendations for febrile infants 29 to 56 days of age,[4, 5, 6] the optimal management strategy is less certain.[7] The Rochester, Philadelphia, and Boston criteria, 3 published models to identify infants at low risk for SBI, primarily differ in their recommendations for CSF testing and ceftriaxone use in this age group.[4, 5, 6] Half of the CPGs recommended CSF testing for all febrile infants, and half recommended CSF testing only if the infant was high risk. Institutional guidelines that recommended selective CSF testing for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days were associated with lower rates of CSF testing. Furthermore, ceftriaxone use varied based on CPG recommendations for low‐risk infants discharged from the ED. Therefore, the influence of febrile infant CPGs mainly relates to the limiting of CSF testing and targeted ceftriaxone use in low‐risk infants. As the rate of return visits for SBI is low across hospitals, future study should assess outcomes at hospitals with CPGs recommending selective CSF testing. Of note, infants 29 to 56 days of age were less likely to be hospitalized when cared for at a hospital with an established CPG prior to 2013 without increase in 3‐day revisits for SBI. This finding may indicate that longer duration of CPG implementation is associated with lower rates of hospitalization for low‐risk infants; this finding merits further study.

The presence of a CPG was not associated with lower costs for febrile infants in either age group. Although individual healthcare systems have achieved lower costs with CPG implementation,[12] the mere presence of a CPG is not associated with lower costs when assessed across institutions. Higher costs for admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age in the presence of a CPG likely reflects the higher rate of CSF testing at hospitals whose CPGs recommend testing for all febrile infants, as well as inpatient management strategies for hospitalized infants not captured in our study. Future investigation should include an assessment of the cost‐effectiveness of the various testing and treatment strategies employed for the febrile young infant.

Our study has several limitations. First, the validity of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying young infants with fever is not well established, and thus our study is subject to misclassification bias. To minimize missed patients, we included infants with either an ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis of fever; however, utilization of diagnosis codes for patient identification may have resulted in undercapture of infants with a measured temperature of 38.0C. It is also possible that some patients who did not undergo testing were misclassified as having a fever or had temperatures below standard thresholds to prompt diagnostic testing. This is a potential reason that testing was not performed in 100% of infants, even at hospitals with CPGs that recommended testing for all patients. Additionally, some febrile infants diagnosed with SBI may not have an associated ICD‐9 diagnosis code for fever. Although the overall SBI rate observed in our study was similar to prior studies,[4, 31] the rate in neonates 28 days of age was lower than reported in recent investigations,[2, 3] which may indicate inclusion of a higher proportion of low‐risk febrile infants. With the exception of bronchiolitis, we also did not assess diagnostic testing in the presence of other identified sources of infection such as herpes simplex virus.

Second, we were unable to assess the presence or absence of a CPG at the 4 excluded EDs that did not respond to the survey or the institutions excluded for data‐quality issues. However, included and excluded hospitals did not differ in region or annual ED volume (data not shown).

Third, although we classified hospitals based upon the presence and content of CPGs, we were unable to fully evaluate adherence to the CPG at each site.

Last, though PHIS hospitals represent 85% of freestanding children's hospitals, many febrile infants are hospitalized at non‐PHIS institutions; our results may not be generalizable to care provided at nonchildren's hospitals.


Management of febrile neonates 28 days of age does not vary based on CPG presence. However, CPGs for the febrile infant aged 29 to 56 days vary in recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for low‐risk patients, which significantly contributes to practice variation and healthcare costs across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional investigators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Kao‐Ping Chua, MD, Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Elana A. Feldman, BA, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington; and Katie L. Hayes, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


This project was funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award (Ref #18273835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. No payment was received for the production of this article. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

Febrile young infants are at high risk for serious bacterial infection (SBI) with reported rates of 8.5% to 12%, even higher in neonates 28 days of age.[1, 2, 3] As a result, febrile infants often undergo extensive diagnostic evaluation consisting of a combination of urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing.[4, 5, 6] Several clinical prediction algorithms use this diagnostic testing to identify febrile infants at low risk for SBI, but they differ with respect to age range, recommended testing, antibiotic administration, and threshold for hospitalization.[4, 5, 6] Additionally, the optimal management strategy for this population has not been defined.[7] Consequently, laboratory testing, antibiotic use, and hospitalization for febrile young infants vary widely among hospitals.[8, 9, 10]

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are designed to implement evidence‐based care and reduce practice variability, with the goal of improving quality of care and optimizing costs.[11] Implementation of a CPG for management of febrile young infants in the Intermountain Healthcare System was associated with greater adherence to evidence‐based care and lower costs.[12] However, when strong evidence is lacking, different interpretations of febrile infant risk classification incorporated into local CPGs may be a major driver of the across‐hospital practice variation observed in prior studies.[8, 9] Understanding sources of variability as well as determining the association of CPGs with clinicians' practice patterns can help identify quality improvement opportunities, either through national benchmarking or local efforts.

Our primary objectives were to compare (1) recommendations of pediatric emergency departmentbased institutional CPGs for febrile young infants and (2) rates of urine, blood, CSF testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at emergency department (ED) discharge based upon CPG presence and the specific CPG recommendations. Our secondary objectives were to describe the association of CPGs with healthcare costs and return visits for SBI.


Study Design

We used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) to identify febrile infants 56 days of age who presented to the ED between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. We also surveyed ED providers at participating PHIS hospitals. Informed consent was obtained from survey respondents. The institutional review board at Boston Children's Hospital approved the study protocol.

Clinical Practice Guideline Survey

We sent an electronic survey to medical directors or division directors at 37 pediatric EDs to determine whether their ED utilized a CPG for the management of the febrile young infant in 2013. If no response was received after the second attempt, we queried ED fellowship directors or other ED attending physicians at nonresponding hospitals. Survey items included the presence of a febrile young infant CPG, and if present, the year of implementation, ages targeted, and CPG content. As applicable, respondents were asked to share their CPG and/or provide the specific CPG recommendations.

We collected and managed survey data using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) electronic data capture tools hosted at Boston Children's Hospital. REDCap is a secure, Web‐based application designed to support data capture for research studies.[13]

Data Source

The PHIS database contains administrative data from 44 US children's hospitals. These hospitals, affiliated with the Children's Hospital Association, represent 85% of freestanding US children's hospitals.[14] Encrypted patient identifiers permit tracking of patients across encounters.[15] Data quality and integrity are assured jointly by the Children's Hospital Association and participating hospitals.[16] For this study, 7 hospitals were excluded due to incomplete ED data or known data‐quality issues.[17]


We identified study infants using the following International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) admission or discharge diagnosis codes for fever as defined previously[8, 9]: 780.6, 778.4, 780.60, or 780.61. We excluded infants with a complex chronic condition[18] and those transferred from another institution, as these infants may warrant a nonstandard evaluation and/or may have incomplete data. For infants with >1 ED visit for fever during the study period, repeat visits within 3 days of an index visit were considered a revisit for the same episode of illness; visits >3 days following an index visit were considered as a new index visit.

Study Definitions

From the PHIS database, we abstracted demographic characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity), insurance status, and region where the hospital was located (using US Census categories[19]). Billing codes were used to assess whether urine, blood, and CSF testing (as defined previously[9]) were performed during the ED evaluation. To account for ED visits that spanned the midnight hour, for hospitalized patients we considered any testing or treatment occurring on the initial or second hospital day to be performed in the ED; billing code data in PHIS are based upon calendar day and do not distinguish testing performed in the ED versus inpatient setting.[8, 9] Patients billed for observation care were classified as being hospitalized.[20, 21]

We identified the presence of an SBI using ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for the following infections as described previously[9]: urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis,[22] bacteremia or sepsis, bacterial meningitis,[16] pneumonia,[23] or bacterial enteritis. To assess return visits for SBI that required inpatient management, we defined an ED revisit for an SBI as a return visit within 3 days of ED discharge[24, 25] that resulted in hospitalization with an associated ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for an SBI.

Hospitals charges in PHIS database were adjusted for hospital location by using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services price/wage index. Costs were estimated by applying hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios to charge data.[26]

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure was the presence of an ED‐based CPG for management of the febrile young infant aged 28 days and 29 to 56 days; 56 days was used as the upper age limit as all of the CPGs included infants up to this age or beyond. Six institutions utilized CPGs with different thresholds to define the age categories (eg, dichotomized at 27 or 30 days); these CPGs were classified into the aforementioned age groups to permit comparisons across standardized age groups. We classified institutions based on the presence of a CPG. To assess differences in the application of low‐risk criteria, the CPGs were further classified a priori based upon specific recommendations around laboratory testing and hospitalization, as well as ceftriaxone use for infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED. CPGs were categorized based upon whether testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use were: (1) recommended for all patients, (2) recommended only if patients were classified as high risk (absence of low‐risk criteria), (3) recommended against, or (4) recommended to consider at clinician discretion.

Outcome Measures

Measured outcomes were performance of urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization rate, as well as rate of ceftriaxone use for discharged infants aged 29 to 56 days, 3‐day revisits for SBI, and costs per visit, which included hospitalization costs for admitted patients.

Data Analysis

We described continuous variables using median and interquartile range or range values and categorical variables using frequencies. We compared medians using Wilcoxon rank sum and categorical variables using a [2] test. We compared rates of testing, hospitalization, ceftriaxone use, and 3‐day revisits for SBI based on the presence of a CPG, and when present, the specific CPG recommendations. Costs per visit were compared between institutions with and without CPGs and assessed separately for admitted and discharged patients. To adjust for potential confounders and clustering of patients within hospitals, we used generalized estimating equations with logistic regression to generate adjusted odd ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Models were adjusted for geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Statistical analyses were performed by using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We determined statistical significance as a 2‐tailed P value <0.05.

Febrile infants with bronchiolitis or a history of prematurity may be managed differently from full‐term febrile young infants without bronchiolitis.[6, 27] Therefore, we performed a subgroup analysis after exclusion of infants with an ICD‐9 discharge diagnosis code for bronchiolitis (466.11 and 466.19)[28] or prematurity (765).

Because our study included ED encounters in 2013, we repeated our analyses after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented during the 2013 calendar year.


CPG by Institution

Thirty‐three (89.2%) of the 37 EDs surveyed completed the questionnaire. Overall, 21 (63.6%) of the 33 EDs had a CPG; 15 (45.5%) had a CPG for all infants 56 days of age, 5 (15.2%) had a CPG for infants 28 days only, and 1 (3.0%) had a CPG for infants 29 to 56 days but not 28 days of age (Figure 1). Seventeen EDs had an established CPG prior to 2013, and 4 hospitals implemented a CPG during the 2013 calendar year, 2 with CPGs for neonates 28 days and 2 with CPGs for both 28 days and 29 to 56 days of age. Hospitals with CPGs were more likely to be located in the Northeast and West regions of the United States and provide care to a higher proportion of non‐Hispanic white patients, as well as those with commercial insurance (Table 1).

Figure 1
Specific clinical practice guideline (CPG) recommendations for diagnostic testing, hospitalization, and ceftriaxone use at ED discharge by institution among the 21 institutions with a CPG. Urine testing is defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; blood testing as complete blood count or blood culture, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. Abbreviations: ED, emergency department.
Characteristics of Patients in Hospitals With and Without CPGs for the Febrile Young Infant 56 Days of Age
Characteristic28 Days2956 Days
No CPG, n=996, N (%)CPG, n=2,149, N (%)P ValueNo CPG, n=2,460, N (%)CPG, n=3,772, N (%)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range; UTI, urinary tract infection. *Includes UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, and bacterial enteritis. Some infants had more than 1 site of infection.

Non‐Hispanic white325 (32.6)996 (46.3) 867 (35.2)1,728 (45.8) 
Non‐Hispanic black248 (24.9)381 (17.7) 593 (24.1)670 (17.8) 
Hispanic243 (24.4)531 (24.7) 655 (26.6)986 (26.1) 
Asian28 (2.8)78 (3.6) 40 (1.6)122 (3.2) 
Other Race152 (15.3)163 (7.6)<0.001305 (12.4)266 (7.1)<0.001
Female435 (43.7)926 (43.1)0.761,067 (43.4)1,714 (45.4)0.22
Commercial243 (24.4)738 (34.3) 554 (22.5)1,202 (31.9) 
Government664 (66.7)1,269 (59.1) 1,798 (73.1)2,342 (62.1) 
Other payer89 (8.9)142 (6.6)<0.001108 (4.4)228 (6.0)<0.001
Northeast39 (3.9)245 (11.4) 77 (3.1)572 (15.2) 
South648 (65.1)915 (42.6) 1,662 (67.6)1,462 (38.8) 
Midwest271 (27.2)462 (21.5) 506 (20.6)851 (22.6) 
West38 (3.8)527 (24.5)<0.001215 (8.7)887 (23.5)<0.001
Serious bacterial infection      
Overall*131 (13.2)242 (11.3)0.14191 (7.8)237 (6.3)0.03
UTI/pyelonephritis73 (7.3)153 (7.1) 103 (4.2)154 (4.1) 
Bacteremia/sepsis56 (5.6)91 (4.2) 78 (3.2)61 (1.6) 
Bacterial meningitis15 (1.5)15 (0.7) 4 (0.2)14 (0.4) 
Age, d, median (IQR)18 (11, 24)18 (11, 23)0.6746 (37, 53)45 (37, 53)0.11

All 20 CPGs for the febrile young infant 28 days of age recommended urine, blood, CSF testing, and hospitalization for all infants (Figure 1). Of the 16 hospitals with CPGs for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days, all recommended urine and blood testing for all patients, except for 1 CPG, which recommended consideration of blood testing but not to obtain routinely. Hospitals varied in recommendations for CSF testing among infants aged 29 to 56 days: 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing in all patients and 8 (50%) recommended CSF testing only if the patient was high risk per defined criteria (based on history, physical examination, urine, and blood testing). In all 16 CPGs, hospitalization was recommended only for high‐risk infants. For low‐risk infants aged 2956 days being discharged from the ED, 3 hospitals recommended ceftriaxone for all, 9 recommended consideration of ceftriaxone, and 4 recommended against antibiotics (Figure 1).

Study Patients

During the study period, there were 10,415 infants 56 days old with a diagnosis of fever at the 33 participating hospitals. After exclusion of 635 (6.1%) infants with a complex chronic condition and 445 (4.3%) transferred from another institution (including 42 with a complex chronic condition), 9377 infants remained in our study cohort. Approximately one‐third of the cohort was 28 days of age and two‐thirds aged 29 to 56 days. The overall SBI rate was 8.5% but varied by age (11.9% in infants 28 days and 6.9% in infants 29 to 56 days of age) (Table 1).

CPGs and Use of Diagnostic Testing, Hospitalization Rates, Ceftriaxone Use, and Revisits for SBI

For infants 28 days of age, the presence of a CPG was not associated with urine, blood, CSF testing, or hospitalization after multivariable adjustment (Table 2). Among infants aged 29 to 56 days, urine testing did not differ based on the presence of a CPG, whereas blood testing was performed less often at the 1 hospital whose CPG recommended to consider, but not routinely obtain, testing (aOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.7, P=0.001). Compared to hospitals without a CPG, CSF testing was performed less often at hospitals with CPG recommendations to only obtain CSF if high risk (aOR: 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3‐0.8, P=0.002). However, the odds of hospitalization did not differ at institutions with and without a febrile infant CPG (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.5‐1.1, P=0.10). For infants aged 29 to 56 days discharged from the ED, ceftriaxone was administered more often at hospitals with CPGs that recommended ceftriaxone for all discharged patients (aOR: 4.6, 95% CI: 2.39.3, P<0.001) and less often at hospitals whose CPGs recommended against antibiotics (aOR: 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1‐0.9, P=0.03) (Table 3). Our findings were similar in the subgroup of infants without bronchiolitis or prematurity (see Supporting Tables 1 and 2 in the online version of this article). After exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented during the 2013 calendar year (4 hospitals excluded in the 28 days age group and 2 hospitals excluded in the 29 to 56 days age group), infants aged 29 to 56 days cared for at a hospital with a CPG experienced a lower odds of hospitalization (aOR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.4‐0.98, P=0.04). Otherwise, our findings in both age groups did not materially differ from the main analyses.

Variation in Testing and Hospitalization Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 28 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test or were hospitalized. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture; Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. ‖CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture

Laboratory testing     
Urine testing     
No CPG1399675.6Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14980.71.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.22
Blood testing     
No CPG1399676.9Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.81.2 (0.9‐1.7)0.25
CSF testing     
No CPG1399671.0Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14977.51.3 (1.01.7)0.08
No CPG1399675.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all202,14981.61.2 (0.9‐1.8)0.26
Variation in Testing, Hospitalization, and Ceftriaxone Use Based on CPG‐Specific Recommendations Among Infants 29 to 56 Days of Age With Diagnosis of Fever
Testing/HospitalizationNo. of HospitalsNo. of Patients% Received*aOR (95% CI)P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. *Percent of infants who received test, were hospitalized, or received ceftriaxone. Adjusted for hospital clustering, geographic region, payer, race, and gender. Urine testing defined as urine dipstick, urinalysis, or urine culture. Blood testing defined as complete blood count or blood culture. CSF testing defined as cell count, culture, or procedure code for lumbar puncture. For low‐risk infants discharged from the emergency department.

Laboratory resting     
Urine testing     
No CPG172,46081.1Ref 
CPG: recommend for all163,77282.10.9 (0.7‐1.4)0.76
Blood testing     
No CPG172,46079.4Ref 
CPG: recommend for all153,62882.61.1 (0.7‐1.6)0.70
CPG: recommend consider114462.50.4 (0.3‐0.7)0.001
CSF testing     
No CPG172,46046.3Ref 
CPG: recommend for all81,51770.31.3 (0.9‐1.9)0.11
CPG: recommend if high‐risk82,25539.90.5 (0.3‐0.8)0.002
No CPG172,46047.0Ref 
CPG: recommend if high‐risk163,77242.00.7 (0.5‐1.1)0.10
Ceftriaxone if discharged     
No CPG171,30411.7Ref 
CPG: recommend against431310.90.3 (0.1‐0.9)0.03
CPG: recommend consider91,56714.41.5 (0.9‐2.4)0.09
CPG: recommend for all330664.14.6 (2.39.3)< 0.001

Three‐day revisits for SBI were similarly low at hospitals with and without CPGs among infants 28 days (1.5% vs 0.8%, P=0.44) and 29 to 56 days of age (1.4% vs 1.1%, P=0.44) and did not differ after exclusion of hospitals with a CPG implemented in 2013.

CPGs and Costs

Among infants 28 days of age, costs per visit did not differ for admitted and discharged patients based on CPG presence. The presence of an ED febrile infant CPG was associated with higher costs for both admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age (Table 4). The cost analysis did not significantly differ after exclusion of hospitals with CPGs implemented in 2013.

Costs per Visit for Febrile Young Infants 56 Days of Age at Institutions With and Without CPGs
 28 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)29 to 56 Days, Cost, Median (IQR)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: CPG, clinical practice guideline; IQR, interquartile range.

Admitted$4,979 ($3,408$6,607) [n=751]$4,715 ($3,472$6,526) [n=1,753]0.79$3,756 ($2,725$5,041) [n=1,156]$3,923 ($3,077$5,243) [n=1,586]<0.001
Discharged$298 ($166$510) [n=245]$231 ($160$464) [n=396]0.10$681($398$982) [n=1,304)]$764 ($412$1,100) [n=2,186]<0.001


We described the content and association of CPGs with management of the febrile infant 56 days of age across a large sample of children's hospitals. Nearly two‐thirds of included pediatric EDs have a CPG for the management of young febrile infants. Management of febrile infants 28 days was uniform, with a majority hospitalized after urine, blood, and CSF testing regardless of the presence of a CPG. In contrast, CPGs for infants 29 to 56 days of age varied in their recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for infants discharged from the ED. Consequently, we observed considerable hospital variability in CSF testing and ceftriaxone use for discharged infants, which correlates with variation in the presence and content of CPGs. Institutional CPGs may be a source of the across‐hospital variation in care of febrile young infants observed in prior study.[9]

Febrile infants 28 days of age are at particularly high risk for SBI, with a prevalence of nearly 20% or higher.[2, 3, 29] The high prevalence of SBI, combined with the inherent difficulty in distinguishing neonates with and without SBI,[2, 30] has resulted in uniform CPG recommendations to perform the full‐sepsis workup in this young age group. Similar to prior studies,[8, 9] we observed that most febrile infants 28 days undergo the full sepsis evaluation, including CSF testing, and are hospitalized regardless of the presence of a CPG.

However, given the conflicting recommendations for febrile infants 29 to 56 days of age,[4, 5, 6] the optimal management strategy is less certain.[7] The Rochester, Philadelphia, and Boston criteria, 3 published models to identify infants at low risk for SBI, primarily differ in their recommendations for CSF testing and ceftriaxone use in this age group.[4, 5, 6] Half of the CPGs recommended CSF testing for all febrile infants, and half recommended CSF testing only if the infant was high risk. Institutional guidelines that recommended selective CSF testing for febrile infants aged 29 to 56 days were associated with lower rates of CSF testing. Furthermore, ceftriaxone use varied based on CPG recommendations for low‐risk infants discharged from the ED. Therefore, the influence of febrile infant CPGs mainly relates to the limiting of CSF testing and targeted ceftriaxone use in low‐risk infants. As the rate of return visits for SBI is low across hospitals, future study should assess outcomes at hospitals with CPGs recommending selective CSF testing. Of note, infants 29 to 56 days of age were less likely to be hospitalized when cared for at a hospital with an established CPG prior to 2013 without increase in 3‐day revisits for SBI. This finding may indicate that longer duration of CPG implementation is associated with lower rates of hospitalization for low‐risk infants; this finding merits further study.

The presence of a CPG was not associated with lower costs for febrile infants in either age group. Although individual healthcare systems have achieved lower costs with CPG implementation,[12] the mere presence of a CPG is not associated with lower costs when assessed across institutions. Higher costs for admitted and discharged infants 29 to 56 days of age in the presence of a CPG likely reflects the higher rate of CSF testing at hospitals whose CPGs recommend testing for all febrile infants, as well as inpatient management strategies for hospitalized infants not captured in our study. Future investigation should include an assessment of the cost‐effectiveness of the various testing and treatment strategies employed for the febrile young infant.

Our study has several limitations. First, the validity of ICD‐9 diagnosis codes for identifying young infants with fever is not well established, and thus our study is subject to misclassification bias. To minimize missed patients, we included infants with either an ICD‐9 admission or discharge diagnosis of fever; however, utilization of diagnosis codes for patient identification may have resulted in undercapture of infants with a measured temperature of 38.0C. It is also possible that some patients who did not undergo testing were misclassified as having a fever or had temperatures below standard thresholds to prompt diagnostic testing. This is a potential reason that testing was not performed in 100% of infants, even at hospitals with CPGs that recommended testing for all patients. Additionally, some febrile infants diagnosed with SBI may not have an associated ICD‐9 diagnosis code for fever. Although the overall SBI rate observed in our study was similar to prior studies,[4, 31] the rate in neonates 28 days of age was lower than reported in recent investigations,[2, 3] which may indicate inclusion of a higher proportion of low‐risk febrile infants. With the exception of bronchiolitis, we also did not assess diagnostic testing in the presence of other identified sources of infection such as herpes simplex virus.

Second, we were unable to assess the presence or absence of a CPG at the 4 excluded EDs that did not respond to the survey or the institutions excluded for data‐quality issues. However, included and excluded hospitals did not differ in region or annual ED volume (data not shown).

Third, although we classified hospitals based upon the presence and content of CPGs, we were unable to fully evaluate adherence to the CPG at each site.

Last, though PHIS hospitals represent 85% of freestanding children's hospitals, many febrile infants are hospitalized at non‐PHIS institutions; our results may not be generalizable to care provided at nonchildren's hospitals.


Management of febrile neonates 28 days of age does not vary based on CPG presence. However, CPGs for the febrile infant aged 29 to 56 days vary in recommendations for CSF testing as well as ceftriaxone use for low‐risk patients, which significantly contributes to practice variation and healthcare costs across institutions.


The Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative includes the following additional investigators who are acknowledged for their work on this study: Kao‐Ping Chua, MD, Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Elana A. Feldman, BA, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington; and Katie L. Hayes, BS, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


This project was funded in part by The Gerber Foundation Novice Researcher Award (Ref #18273835). Dr. Fran Balamuth received career development support from the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI K12‐HL109009). Funders were not involved in design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. No payment was received for the production of this article. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose.

  1. Huppler AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER. Performance of low‐risk criteria in the evaluation of young infants with fever: review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2010;125:228233.
  2. Schwartz S, Raveh D, Toker O, Segal G, Godovitch N, Schlesinger Y. A week‐by‐week analysis of the low‐risk criteria for serious bacterial infection in febrile neonates. Arch Dis Child. 2009;94:287292.
  3. Garcia S, Mintegi S, Gomez B, et al. Is 15 days an appropriate cut‐off age for considering serious bacterial infection in the management of febrile infants? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31:455458.
  4. Baker MD, Bell LM, Avner JR. Outpatient management without antibiotics of fever in selected infants. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:14371441.
  5. Baskin MN, Fleisher GR, O'Rourke EJ. Identifying febrile infants at risk for a serious bacterial infection. J Pediatr. 1993;123:489490.
  6. Jaskiewicz JA, McCarthy CA, Richardson AC, et al. Febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infection—an appraisal of the Rochester criteria and implications for management. Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group. Pediatrics. 1994;94:390396.
  7. American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee; American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Subcommittee on Pediatric Fever. Clinical policy for children younger than three years presenting to the emergency department with fever. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42:530545.
  8. Jain S, Cheng J, Alpern ER, et al. Management of febrile neonates in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;133:187195.
  9. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Alpern ER, et al. Variation in care of the febrile young infant <90 days in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;134:667677.
  10. Yarden‐Bilavsky H, Ashkenazi S, Amir J, Schlesinger Y, Bilavsky E. Fever survey highlights significant variations in how infants aged ≤60 days are evaluated and underline the need for guidelines. Acta Paediatr. 2014;103:379385.
  11. Bergman DA. Evidence‐based guidelines and critical pathways for quality improvement. Pediatrics. 1999;103:225232.
  12. Byington CL, Reynolds CC, Korgenski K, et al. Costs and infant outcomes after implementation of a care process model for febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2012;130:e16e24.
  13. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42:377381.
  14. Wood JN, Feudtner C, Medina SP, Luan X, Localio R, Rubin DM. Variation in occult injury screening for children with suspected abuse in selected US children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2012;130:853860.
  15. Fletcher DM. Achieving data quality. How data from a pediatric health information system earns the trust of its users. J AHIMA. 2004;75:2226.
  16. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299:20482055.
  17. Kharbanda AB, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Variation in resource utilization across a national sample of pediatric emergency departments. J Pediatr. 2013;163:230236.
  18. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107:E99.
  19. US Census Bureau. Geographic terms and concepts—census divisions and census regions. Available at: Accessed September 10, 2014.
  20. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Pediatric observation status: are we overlooking a growing population in children's hospitals? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:530536.
  21. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Differences in designations of observation care in US freestanding children's hospitals: are they virtual or real? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:287293.
  22. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128:323330.
  23. Williams DJ, Shah SS, Myers A, et al. Identifying pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia hospitalizations: accuracy of administrative billing codes. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167:851858.
  24. Gordon JA, An LC, Hayward RA, Williams BC. Initial emergency department diagnosis and return visits: risk versus perception. Ann Emerg Med. 1998;32:569573.
  25. Cho CS, Shapiro DJ, Cabana MD, Maselli JH, Hersh AL. A national depiction of children with return visits to the emergency department within 72 hours, 2001–2007. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012;28:606610.
  26. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Cost‐to‐charge ratio files. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed September 11, 2014.
  27. Levine DA, Platt SL, Dayan PS, et al. Risk of serious bacterial infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infections. Pediatrics. 2004;113:17281734.
  28. Parikh K, Hall M, Mittal V, et al. Establishing benchmarks for the hospitalized care of children with asthma, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2014;134:555562.
  29. Mintegi S, Benito J, Astobiza E, Capape S, Gomez B, Eguireun A. Well appearing young infants with fever without known source in the emergency department: are lumbar punctures always necessary? Eur J Emerg Med. 2010;17:167169.
  30. Baker MD, Bell LM. Unpredictability of serious bacterial illness in febrile infants from birth to 1 month of age. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153:508511.
  31. Pantell RH, Newman TB, Bernzweig J, et al. Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy. JAMA. 2004;291:12031212.
  1. Huppler AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER. Performance of low‐risk criteria in the evaluation of young infants with fever: review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2010;125:228233.
  2. Schwartz S, Raveh D, Toker O, Segal G, Godovitch N, Schlesinger Y. A week‐by‐week analysis of the low‐risk criteria for serious bacterial infection in febrile neonates. Arch Dis Child. 2009;94:287292.
  3. Garcia S, Mintegi S, Gomez B, et al. Is 15 days an appropriate cut‐off age for considering serious bacterial infection in the management of febrile infants? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31:455458.
  4. Baker MD, Bell LM, Avner JR. Outpatient management without antibiotics of fever in selected infants. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:14371441.
  5. Baskin MN, Fleisher GR, O'Rourke EJ. Identifying febrile infants at risk for a serious bacterial infection. J Pediatr. 1993;123:489490.
  6. Jaskiewicz JA, McCarthy CA, Richardson AC, et al. Febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infection—an appraisal of the Rochester criteria and implications for management. Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group. Pediatrics. 1994;94:390396.
  7. American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee; American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Subcommittee on Pediatric Fever. Clinical policy for children younger than three years presenting to the emergency department with fever. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42:530545.
  8. Jain S, Cheng J, Alpern ER, et al. Management of febrile neonates in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;133:187195.
  9. Aronson PL, Thurm C, Alpern ER, et al. Variation in care of the febrile young infant <90 days in US pediatric emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2014;134:667677.
  10. Yarden‐Bilavsky H, Ashkenazi S, Amir J, Schlesinger Y, Bilavsky E. Fever survey highlights significant variations in how infants aged ≤60 days are evaluated and underline the need for guidelines. Acta Paediatr. 2014;103:379385.
  11. Bergman DA. Evidence‐based guidelines and critical pathways for quality improvement. Pediatrics. 1999;103:225232.
  12. Byington CL, Reynolds CC, Korgenski K, et al. Costs and infant outcomes after implementation of a care process model for febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2012;130:e16e24.
  13. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42:377381.
  14. Wood JN, Feudtner C, Medina SP, Luan X, Localio R, Rubin DM. Variation in occult injury screening for children with suspected abuse in selected US children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2012;130:853860.
  15. Fletcher DM. Achieving data quality. How data from a pediatric health information system earns the trust of its users. J AHIMA. 2004;75:2226.
  16. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299:20482055.
  17. Kharbanda AB, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Variation in resource utilization across a national sample of pediatric emergency departments. J Pediatr. 2013;163:230236.
  18. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107:E99.
  19. US Census Bureau. Geographic terms and concepts—census divisions and census regions. Available at: Accessed September 10, 2014.
  20. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Pediatric observation status: are we overlooking a growing population in children's hospitals? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:530536.
  21. Macy ML, Hall M, Shah SS, et al. Differences in designations of observation care in US freestanding children's hospitals: are they virtual or real? J Hosp Med. 2012;7:287293.
  22. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128:323330.
  23. Williams DJ, Shah SS, Myers A, et al. Identifying pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia hospitalizations: accuracy of administrative billing codes. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167:851858.
  24. Gordon JA, An LC, Hayward RA, Williams BC. Initial emergency department diagnosis and return visits: risk versus perception. Ann Emerg Med. 1998;32:569573.
  25. Cho CS, Shapiro DJ, Cabana MD, Maselli JH, Hersh AL. A national depiction of children with return visits to the emergency department within 72 hours, 2001–2007. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012;28:606610.
  26. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Cost‐to‐charge ratio files. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed September 11, 2014.
  27. Levine DA, Platt SL, Dayan PS, et al. Risk of serious bacterial infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infections. Pediatrics. 2004;113:17281734.
  28. Parikh K, Hall M, Mittal V, et al. Establishing benchmarks for the hospitalized care of children with asthma, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2014;134:555562.
  29. Mintegi S, Benito J, Astobiza E, Capape S, Gomez B, Eguireun A. Well appearing young infants with fever without known source in the emergency department: are lumbar punctures always necessary? Eur J Emerg Med. 2010;17:167169.
  30. Baker MD, Bell LM. Unpredictability of serious bacterial illness in febrile infants from birth to 1 month of age. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153:508511.
  31. Pantell RH, Newman TB, Bernzweig J, et al. Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy. JAMA. 2004;291:12031212.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(6)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(6)
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Association of clinical practice guidelines with emergency department management of febrile infants ≤56 days of age
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Association of clinical practice guidelines with emergency department management of febrile infants ≤56 days of age
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© 2015 Society of Hospital Medicine

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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Paul L. Aronson, MD, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, 100 York Street, Suite 1F, New Haven, CT 06511; Telephone: 203–737‐7443; Fax: 203–737‐7447; E‐mail:
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Radiographs Predict Pneumonia Severity

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Sun, 05/21/2017 - 14:01
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Admission chest radiographs predict illness severity for children hospitalized with pneumonia

The 2011 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America (PIDS/IDSA) guidelines for management of pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP) recommend that admission chest radiographs be obtained in all children hospitalized with CAP to document the presence and extent of infiltrates and to identify complications.[1] Findings from chest radiographs may also provide clues to etiology and assist with predicting disease outcomes. In adults with CAP, clinical prediction tools use radiographic findings to inform triage decisions, guide management strategies, and predict outcomes.[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Whether or not radiographic findings could have similar utility among children with CAP is unknown.

Several retrospective studies have examined the ability of chest radiographs to predict pediatric pneumonia disease severity.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] However, these studies used several different measures of severe pneumonia and/or were limited to young children <5 years of age, leading to inconsistent findings. These studies also rarely considered very severe disease (eg, need for invasive mechanical ventilation) or longitudinal outcome measures such as hospital length of stay. Finally, all of these prior studies were conducted outside of the United States, and most were single‐center investigations, potentially limiting generalizability. We sought to examine associations between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent hospital care processes and clinical outcomes, including length of stay and resource utilization measures, among children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States.


Design and Setting

This study was nested within a multicenter retrospective cohort designed to validate International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9‐CM) diagnostic codes for pediatric CAP hospitalizations.[13] The Pediatric Health Information System database (Children's Hospital Association, Overland Park, KS) was used to identify children from 4 freestanding pediatric hospitals (Monroe Carell, Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee; Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri; Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, Washington; and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio). The institutional review boards at each participating institution approved the study. The validation study included a 25% random sampling of children 60 days to 18 years of age (n=998) who were hospitalized between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010 with at least 1 ICD9‐CM discharge code indicating pneumonia. The diagnosis of CAP was confirmed by medical record review.

Study Population

This study was limited to children from the validation study who met criteria for clinical and radiographic CAP, defined as: (1) abnormal temperature or white blood cell count, (2) signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness (eg, cough, tachypnea), and (3) chest radiograph indicating pneumonia within 48 hours of admission. Children with atelectasis as the only abnormal radiographic finding and those with complex chronic conditions (eg, cystic fibrosis, malignancy) were excluded using a previously described algorithm.[14]


Several measures of disease severity were assessed. Dichotomous outcomes included supplemental oxygen use, need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Continuous outcomes included hospital length of stay, and for those requiring supplemental oxygen, duration of oxygen supplementation, measured in hours.


To categorize infiltrate patterns and the presence and size of pleural effusions, we reviewed the final report from admission chest radiographs to obtain the final clinical interpretation performed by the attending pediatric radiologist. Infiltrate patterns were classified as single lobar (reference), unilateral multilobar, bilateral multilobar, or interstitial. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates, and those with mention of atelectasis, were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Those with atelectasis only were excluded. Pleural effusions were classified as absent, small, or moderate/large.


Descriptive statistics were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and median and interquartile range (IQR) values for continuous variables. Our primary exposures were infiltrate pattern and presence and size of pleural effusion on admission chest radiograph. Associations between radiographic findings and disease outcomes were analyzed using logistic and linear regression for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Continuous outcomes were log‐transformed and normality assumptions verified prior to model development.

Due to the large number of covariates relative to outcome events, we used propensity score methods to adjust for potential confounding. The propensity score estimates the likelihood of a given exposure (ie, infiltrate pattern) conditional on a set of covariates. In this way, the propensity score summarizes potential confounding effects from a large number of covariates into a single variable. Including the propensity score as a covariate in multivariable regression improves model efficiency and helps protect against overfitting.[15] Covariates included in the estimation of the propensity score included age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days of hospitalization, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. All analyses included the estimated propensity score, infiltrate pattern, and pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large).


Study Population

The median age of the 406 children with clinical and radiographic CAP was 3 years (IQR, 16 years) (Table 1). Single lobar infiltrate was the most common radiographic pattern (61%). Children with interstitial infiltrates (10%) were younger than those with lobar infiltrates of any type (median age 1 vs 3 years, P=0.02). A concomitant diagnosis of bronchiolitis was assigned to 34% of children with interstitial infiltrates but only 17% of those with lobar infiltrate patterns (range, 11%20%, P=0.03). Pleural effusion was present in 21% of children and was more common among those with lobar infiltrates, particularly multilobar disease. Only 1 child with interstitial infiltrate had a pleural effusion. Overall, 63% of children required supplemental oxygen, 8% required ICU admission, and 3% required invasive mechanical ventilation. Median length of stay was 51.5 hours (IQR, 3991) and median oxygen duration was 31.5 hours [IQR, 1365]. There were no deaths.

Characteristics of Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
CharacteristicInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single LobarMultilobar, UnilateralMultilobar, BilateralInterstitial
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

No.247 (60.8)54 (13.3)64 (15.8)41 (10.1) 
Median age, y3 [16]3 [17]3 [15]1 [03]0.02
Male sex124 (50.2)32 (59.3)41 (64.1)30 (73.2)0.02
Non‐Hispanic white133 (53.8)36 (66.7)37 (57.8)17 (41.5)0.69
Non‐Hispanic black40 (16.2)6 (11.1)9 (14.1)8 (19.5) 
Hispanic25 (10.1)4 (7.4)5 (7.8)7 (17.1) 
Other49 (19.9)8 (14.8)13 (20.4)9 (22) 
Public130 (52.6)26 (48.1)33 (51.6)25 (61)0.90
Private116 (47)28 (51.9)31 (48.4)16 (39) 
Concurrent diagnosis     
Asthma80 (32.4)16 (29.6)17 (26.6)12 (29.3)0.82
Bronchiolitis43 (17.4)6 (11.1)13 (20.3)14 (34.1)0.03
None201 (81.4)31 (57.4)48 (75)40 (97.6)<.01
Small34 (13.8)20 (37)11 (17.2)0 
Moderate/large12 (4.9)3 (5.6)5 (7.8)1 (2.4) 

Outcomes According to Radiographic Infiltrate Pattern

Compared to children with single lobar infiltrates, the odds of ICU admission was significantly increased for those with either unilateral or bilateral multilobar infiltrates (unilateral, adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 8.0, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.922.2; bilateral, aOR: 6.6, 95% CI: 2.14.5) (Figure 1, Table 2). Patients with bilateral multilobar infiltrates also had higher odds for supplemental oxygen use (aOR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.25.8) and need for invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.27.9). There were no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay for children with single versus multilobar infiltrates.

Figure 1
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to admission radiographic findings. Single lobar infiltrate is the reference. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large) was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates that confidence interval (CIs) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for infiltrates that were multilobar and unilateral was 22.2 for intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 37.8 for mechanical ventilation. Abbreviations: O2, oxygen.
Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
OutcomeInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single Lobar, n=247Multilobar, Unilateral, n=54Multilobar, Bilateral, n=64Interstitial, n=41
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range, O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement143 (57.9)34 (63)46 (71.9)31 (75.6)0.05
ICU admission10 (4)9 (16.7)9 (14.1)4 (9.8)<0.01
Mechanical ventilation5 (2)4 (7.4)4 (6.3)1 (2.4)0.13
Hospital length of stay, h47 [3779]63 [45114]56.5 [39.5101]62 [3993]<0.01
O2 duration, h27 [1059]38 [1777]38 [2381]34.5 [1765]0.18

Compared to those with single lobar infiltrates, children with interstitial infiltrates had higher odds of need for supplemental oxygen (aOR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.37.6) and ICU admission (aOR: 4.4, 95% CI: 1.314.3) but not invasive mechanical ventilation. There were also no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay.

Outcomes According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion

Compared to those without pleural effusion, children with moderate to large effusion had a higher odds of ICU admission (aOR: 3.2, 95% CI: 1.18.9) and invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 14.8, 95% CI: 9.822.4), and also had a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.46.5) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.9‐3.6) (Table 3, Figure 2). The presence of a small pleural effusion was not associated with increased need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, or mechanical ventilation compared to those without effusion. However, small effusion was associated with a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 1.7, 95% CI: 12.7) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 1.6, 95% CI: 1.3‐1.9).

Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion
OutcomePleural EffusionP Valuea
None, n=320Small, n=65Moderate/Large, n=21
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement200 (62.5)40 (61.5)14 (66.7)0.91
ICU admission22 (6.9)6 (9.2)4 (19)0.12
Mechanical ventilation5 (1.6)5 (7.7)4 (19)<0.01
Hospital length of stay, h48 [37.576]72 [45142]160 [82191]<0.01
Oxygen duration, h31 [1157]38.5 [1887]111 [27154]<0.01
Figure 2
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to presence and size of effusion. No effusion is the reference. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Infiltrate pattern was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates confidence interval (CI) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for mechanical ventilation was 34.2 for small effusion and 22.4 for moderate/large effusion. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; O2, oxygen.


We evaluated the association between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent clinical outcomes and hospital care processes for children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States. We conclude that radiographic findings are associated with important inpatient outcomes. Similar to data from adults, findings of moderate to large pleural effusions and bilateral multilobar infiltrates had the strongest associations with severe disease. Such information, in combination with other prognostic factors, may help clinicians identify high‐risk patients and support management decisions, while also helping to inform families about the expected hospital course.

Previous pediatric studies examining the association between radiographic findings and outcomes have produced inconsistent results.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] All but 1 of these studies documented 1 radiographic characteristics associated with pneumonia disease severity.[11] Further, although most contrasted lobar/alveolar and interstitial infiltrates, only Patria et al. distinguished among lobar infiltrate patterns (eg, single lobar vs multilobar).[12] Similar to our findings, that study demonstrated increased disease severity among children with bilateral multifocal lobar infiltrates. Of the studies that considered the presence of pleural effusion, only 1 demonstrated this finding to be associated with more severe disease.[9] However, none of these prior studies examined size of the pleural effusion.

In our study, the strongest association with severe pneumonia outcomes was among children with moderate to large pleural effusion. Significant pleural effusions are much more commonly due to infection with bacterial pathogens, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes, and may also indicate infection with more virulent and/or difficult to treat strains.[16, 17, 18, 19] Surgical intervention is also often required. As such, children with significant pleural effusions are often more ill on presentation and may have a prolonged period of recovery.[20, 21, 22]

Similarly, multilobar infiltrates, particularly bilateral, were associated with increased disease severity in terms of need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Although this finding may be expected, it is interesting to note that the duration of supplemental oxygen and hospital length of stay were similar to those with single lobar disease. One potential explanation is that, although children with multilobar disease are more severe at presentation, rates of recovery are similar to those with less extensive radiographic findings, owing to rapidly effective antimicrobials for uncomplicated bacterial pneumonia. This hypothesis also agrees with the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines, which state that children receiving adequate therapy typically show signs of improvement within 48 to 72 hours regardless of initial severity.[1]

Interstitial infiltrate was also associated with increased severity at presentation but similar length of stay and duration of oxygen requirement compared with single lobar disease. We note that these children were substantially younger than those presenting with any pattern of lobar disease (median age, 1 vs 3 years), were more likely to have a concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis (34% vs 17%), and only 1 child with interstitial infiltrates had a documented pleural effusion (vs 23% of children with lobar infiltrates). Primary viral pneumonia is considered more likely to produce interstitial infiltrates on chest radiograph compared to bacterial disease, and although detailed etiologic data are unavailable for this study, our findings above strongly support this assertion.[23, 24]

The 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines recommend admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia to assess extent of disease and identify complications that may requiring additional evaluation or surgical intervention.[1] Our findings highlight additional potential benefits of admission radiographs in terms of disease prognosis and management decisions. In the initial evaluation of a sick child with pneumonia, clinicians are often presented with a number of potential prognostic factors that may influence disease outcomes. However, it is sometimes difficult for providers to consider all available information and/or the relative importance of a single factor, resulting in inaccurate risk perceptions and management decisions that may contribute to poor outcomes.[25] Similar to adults, the development of clinical prediction rules, which incorporate a variety of important predictors including admission radiographic findings, likely would improve risk assessments and potentially outcomes for children with pneumonia. Such prognostic information is also helpful for clinicians who may use these data to inform and prepare families regarding the expected course of hospitalization.

Our study has several limitations. This study was retrospective and only included a sample of pneumonia hospitalizations during the study period, which may raise confounding concerns and potential for selection bias. However, detailed medical record reviews using standardized case definitions for radiographic CAP were used, and a large sample of children was randomly selected from each institution. In addition, a large number of potential confounders were selected a priori and included in multivariable analyses; propensity score adjustment was used to reduce model complexity and avoid overfitting. Radiographic findings were based on clinical interpretation by pediatric radiologists independent of a study protocol. Prior studies have demonstrated good agreement for identification of alveolar/lobar infiltrates and pleural effusion by trained radiologists, although agreement for interstitial infiltrate is poor.[26, 27] This limitation could result in either over‐ or underestimation of the prevalence of interstitial infiltrates likely resulting in a nondifferential bias toward the null. Microbiologic information, which may inform radiographic findings and disease severity, was also not available. However, because pneumonia etiology is frequently unknown in the clinical setting, our study reflects typical practice. We also did not include children from community or nonteaching hospitals. Thus, although findings may have relevance to community or nonteaching hospitals, our results cannot be generalized.


Our study demonstrates that among children hospitalized with CAP, admission chest radiographic findings are associated with important clinical outcomes and hospital care processes, highlighting additional benefits of the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines' recommendation for admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia. These data, in conjunction with other important prognostic information, may help clinicians more rapidly identify children at increased risk for severe illness, and could also offer guidance regarding disease management strategies and facilitate shared decision making with families. Thus, routine admission chest radiography in this population represents a valuable tool that contributes to improved quality of care.


Dr. Williams is supported by funds from the National Institutes of HealthNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (K23AI104779). The authors report no conflicts of interest.

  1. Bradley JS, Byington CL, Shah SS, et al. The management of community‐acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months of age: clinical practice guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2011;53(7):e25e76.
  2. Fine MJ, Auble TE, Yealy DM, et al. A prediction rule to identify low‐risk patients with community‐acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(4):243250.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(9)
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The 2011 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America (PIDS/IDSA) guidelines for management of pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP) recommend that admission chest radiographs be obtained in all children hospitalized with CAP to document the presence and extent of infiltrates and to identify complications.[1] Findings from chest radiographs may also provide clues to etiology and assist with predicting disease outcomes. In adults with CAP, clinical prediction tools use radiographic findings to inform triage decisions, guide management strategies, and predict outcomes.[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Whether or not radiographic findings could have similar utility among children with CAP is unknown.

Several retrospective studies have examined the ability of chest radiographs to predict pediatric pneumonia disease severity.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] However, these studies used several different measures of severe pneumonia and/or were limited to young children <5 years of age, leading to inconsistent findings. These studies also rarely considered very severe disease (eg, need for invasive mechanical ventilation) or longitudinal outcome measures such as hospital length of stay. Finally, all of these prior studies were conducted outside of the United States, and most were single‐center investigations, potentially limiting generalizability. We sought to examine associations between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent hospital care processes and clinical outcomes, including length of stay and resource utilization measures, among children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States.


Design and Setting

This study was nested within a multicenter retrospective cohort designed to validate International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9‐CM) diagnostic codes for pediatric CAP hospitalizations.[13] The Pediatric Health Information System database (Children's Hospital Association, Overland Park, KS) was used to identify children from 4 freestanding pediatric hospitals (Monroe Carell, Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee; Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri; Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, Washington; and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio). The institutional review boards at each participating institution approved the study. The validation study included a 25% random sampling of children 60 days to 18 years of age (n=998) who were hospitalized between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010 with at least 1 ICD9‐CM discharge code indicating pneumonia. The diagnosis of CAP was confirmed by medical record review.

Study Population

This study was limited to children from the validation study who met criteria for clinical and radiographic CAP, defined as: (1) abnormal temperature or white blood cell count, (2) signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness (eg, cough, tachypnea), and (3) chest radiograph indicating pneumonia within 48 hours of admission. Children with atelectasis as the only abnormal radiographic finding and those with complex chronic conditions (eg, cystic fibrosis, malignancy) were excluded using a previously described algorithm.[14]


Several measures of disease severity were assessed. Dichotomous outcomes included supplemental oxygen use, need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Continuous outcomes included hospital length of stay, and for those requiring supplemental oxygen, duration of oxygen supplementation, measured in hours.


To categorize infiltrate patterns and the presence and size of pleural effusions, we reviewed the final report from admission chest radiographs to obtain the final clinical interpretation performed by the attending pediatric radiologist. Infiltrate patterns were classified as single lobar (reference), unilateral multilobar, bilateral multilobar, or interstitial. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates, and those with mention of atelectasis, were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Those with atelectasis only were excluded. Pleural effusions were classified as absent, small, or moderate/large.


Descriptive statistics were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and median and interquartile range (IQR) values for continuous variables. Our primary exposures were infiltrate pattern and presence and size of pleural effusion on admission chest radiograph. Associations between radiographic findings and disease outcomes were analyzed using logistic and linear regression for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Continuous outcomes were log‐transformed and normality assumptions verified prior to model development.

Due to the large number of covariates relative to outcome events, we used propensity score methods to adjust for potential confounding. The propensity score estimates the likelihood of a given exposure (ie, infiltrate pattern) conditional on a set of covariates. In this way, the propensity score summarizes potential confounding effects from a large number of covariates into a single variable. Including the propensity score as a covariate in multivariable regression improves model efficiency and helps protect against overfitting.[15] Covariates included in the estimation of the propensity score included age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days of hospitalization, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. All analyses included the estimated propensity score, infiltrate pattern, and pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large).


Study Population

The median age of the 406 children with clinical and radiographic CAP was 3 years (IQR, 16 years) (Table 1). Single lobar infiltrate was the most common radiographic pattern (61%). Children with interstitial infiltrates (10%) were younger than those with lobar infiltrates of any type (median age 1 vs 3 years, P=0.02). A concomitant diagnosis of bronchiolitis was assigned to 34% of children with interstitial infiltrates but only 17% of those with lobar infiltrate patterns (range, 11%20%, P=0.03). Pleural effusion was present in 21% of children and was more common among those with lobar infiltrates, particularly multilobar disease. Only 1 child with interstitial infiltrate had a pleural effusion. Overall, 63% of children required supplemental oxygen, 8% required ICU admission, and 3% required invasive mechanical ventilation. Median length of stay was 51.5 hours (IQR, 3991) and median oxygen duration was 31.5 hours [IQR, 1365]. There were no deaths.

Characteristics of Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
CharacteristicInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single LobarMultilobar, UnilateralMultilobar, BilateralInterstitial
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

No.247 (60.8)54 (13.3)64 (15.8)41 (10.1) 
Median age, y3 [16]3 [17]3 [15]1 [03]0.02
Male sex124 (50.2)32 (59.3)41 (64.1)30 (73.2)0.02
Non‐Hispanic white133 (53.8)36 (66.7)37 (57.8)17 (41.5)0.69
Non‐Hispanic black40 (16.2)6 (11.1)9 (14.1)8 (19.5) 
Hispanic25 (10.1)4 (7.4)5 (7.8)7 (17.1) 
Other49 (19.9)8 (14.8)13 (20.4)9 (22) 
Public130 (52.6)26 (48.1)33 (51.6)25 (61)0.90
Private116 (47)28 (51.9)31 (48.4)16 (39) 
Concurrent diagnosis     
Asthma80 (32.4)16 (29.6)17 (26.6)12 (29.3)0.82
Bronchiolitis43 (17.4)6 (11.1)13 (20.3)14 (34.1)0.03
None201 (81.4)31 (57.4)48 (75)40 (97.6)<.01
Small34 (13.8)20 (37)11 (17.2)0 
Moderate/large12 (4.9)3 (5.6)5 (7.8)1 (2.4) 

Outcomes According to Radiographic Infiltrate Pattern

Compared to children with single lobar infiltrates, the odds of ICU admission was significantly increased for those with either unilateral or bilateral multilobar infiltrates (unilateral, adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 8.0, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.922.2; bilateral, aOR: 6.6, 95% CI: 2.14.5) (Figure 1, Table 2). Patients with bilateral multilobar infiltrates also had higher odds for supplemental oxygen use (aOR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.25.8) and need for invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.27.9). There were no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay for children with single versus multilobar infiltrates.

Figure 1
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to admission radiographic findings. Single lobar infiltrate is the reference. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large) was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates that confidence interval (CIs) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for infiltrates that were multilobar and unilateral was 22.2 for intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 37.8 for mechanical ventilation. Abbreviations: O2, oxygen.
Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
OutcomeInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single Lobar, n=247Multilobar, Unilateral, n=54Multilobar, Bilateral, n=64Interstitial, n=41
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range, O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement143 (57.9)34 (63)46 (71.9)31 (75.6)0.05
ICU admission10 (4)9 (16.7)9 (14.1)4 (9.8)<0.01
Mechanical ventilation5 (2)4 (7.4)4 (6.3)1 (2.4)0.13
Hospital length of stay, h47 [3779]63 [45114]56.5 [39.5101]62 [3993]<0.01
O2 duration, h27 [1059]38 [1777]38 [2381]34.5 [1765]0.18

Compared to those with single lobar infiltrates, children with interstitial infiltrates had higher odds of need for supplemental oxygen (aOR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.37.6) and ICU admission (aOR: 4.4, 95% CI: 1.314.3) but not invasive mechanical ventilation. There were also no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay.

Outcomes According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion

Compared to those without pleural effusion, children with moderate to large effusion had a higher odds of ICU admission (aOR: 3.2, 95% CI: 1.18.9) and invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 14.8, 95% CI: 9.822.4), and also had a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.46.5) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.9‐3.6) (Table 3, Figure 2). The presence of a small pleural effusion was not associated with increased need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, or mechanical ventilation compared to those without effusion. However, small effusion was associated with a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 1.7, 95% CI: 12.7) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 1.6, 95% CI: 1.3‐1.9).

Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion
OutcomePleural EffusionP Valuea
None, n=320Small, n=65Moderate/Large, n=21
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement200 (62.5)40 (61.5)14 (66.7)0.91
ICU admission22 (6.9)6 (9.2)4 (19)0.12
Mechanical ventilation5 (1.6)5 (7.7)4 (19)<0.01
Hospital length of stay, h48 [37.576]72 [45142]160 [82191]<0.01
Oxygen duration, h31 [1157]38.5 [1887]111 [27154]<0.01
Figure 2
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to presence and size of effusion. No effusion is the reference. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Infiltrate pattern was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates confidence interval (CI) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for mechanical ventilation was 34.2 for small effusion and 22.4 for moderate/large effusion. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; O2, oxygen.


We evaluated the association between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent clinical outcomes and hospital care processes for children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States. We conclude that radiographic findings are associated with important inpatient outcomes. Similar to data from adults, findings of moderate to large pleural effusions and bilateral multilobar infiltrates had the strongest associations with severe disease. Such information, in combination with other prognostic factors, may help clinicians identify high‐risk patients and support management decisions, while also helping to inform families about the expected hospital course.

Previous pediatric studies examining the association between radiographic findings and outcomes have produced inconsistent results.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] All but 1 of these studies documented 1 radiographic characteristics associated with pneumonia disease severity.[11] Further, although most contrasted lobar/alveolar and interstitial infiltrates, only Patria et al. distinguished among lobar infiltrate patterns (eg, single lobar vs multilobar).[12] Similar to our findings, that study demonstrated increased disease severity among children with bilateral multifocal lobar infiltrates. Of the studies that considered the presence of pleural effusion, only 1 demonstrated this finding to be associated with more severe disease.[9] However, none of these prior studies examined size of the pleural effusion.

In our study, the strongest association with severe pneumonia outcomes was among children with moderate to large pleural effusion. Significant pleural effusions are much more commonly due to infection with bacterial pathogens, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes, and may also indicate infection with more virulent and/or difficult to treat strains.[16, 17, 18, 19] Surgical intervention is also often required. As such, children with significant pleural effusions are often more ill on presentation and may have a prolonged period of recovery.[20, 21, 22]

Similarly, multilobar infiltrates, particularly bilateral, were associated with increased disease severity in terms of need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Although this finding may be expected, it is interesting to note that the duration of supplemental oxygen and hospital length of stay were similar to those with single lobar disease. One potential explanation is that, although children with multilobar disease are more severe at presentation, rates of recovery are similar to those with less extensive radiographic findings, owing to rapidly effective antimicrobials for uncomplicated bacterial pneumonia. This hypothesis also agrees with the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines, which state that children receiving adequate therapy typically show signs of improvement within 48 to 72 hours regardless of initial severity.[1]

Interstitial infiltrate was also associated with increased severity at presentation but similar length of stay and duration of oxygen requirement compared with single lobar disease. We note that these children were substantially younger than those presenting with any pattern of lobar disease (median age, 1 vs 3 years), were more likely to have a concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis (34% vs 17%), and only 1 child with interstitial infiltrates had a documented pleural effusion (vs 23% of children with lobar infiltrates). Primary viral pneumonia is considered more likely to produce interstitial infiltrates on chest radiograph compared to bacterial disease, and although detailed etiologic data are unavailable for this study, our findings above strongly support this assertion.[23, 24]

The 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines recommend admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia to assess extent of disease and identify complications that may requiring additional evaluation or surgical intervention.[1] Our findings highlight additional potential benefits of admission radiographs in terms of disease prognosis and management decisions. In the initial evaluation of a sick child with pneumonia, clinicians are often presented with a number of potential prognostic factors that may influence disease outcomes. However, it is sometimes difficult for providers to consider all available information and/or the relative importance of a single factor, resulting in inaccurate risk perceptions and management decisions that may contribute to poor outcomes.[25] Similar to adults, the development of clinical prediction rules, which incorporate a variety of important predictors including admission radiographic findings, likely would improve risk assessments and potentially outcomes for children with pneumonia. Such prognostic information is also helpful for clinicians who may use these data to inform and prepare families regarding the expected course of hospitalization.

Our study has several limitations. This study was retrospective and only included a sample of pneumonia hospitalizations during the study period, which may raise confounding concerns and potential for selection bias. However, detailed medical record reviews using standardized case definitions for radiographic CAP were used, and a large sample of children was randomly selected from each institution. In addition, a large number of potential confounders were selected a priori and included in multivariable analyses; propensity score adjustment was used to reduce model complexity and avoid overfitting. Radiographic findings were based on clinical interpretation by pediatric radiologists independent of a study protocol. Prior studies have demonstrated good agreement for identification of alveolar/lobar infiltrates and pleural effusion by trained radiologists, although agreement for interstitial infiltrate is poor.[26, 27] This limitation could result in either over‐ or underestimation of the prevalence of interstitial infiltrates likely resulting in a nondifferential bias toward the null. Microbiologic information, which may inform radiographic findings and disease severity, was also not available. However, because pneumonia etiology is frequently unknown in the clinical setting, our study reflects typical practice. We also did not include children from community or nonteaching hospitals. Thus, although findings may have relevance to community or nonteaching hospitals, our results cannot be generalized.


Our study demonstrates that among children hospitalized with CAP, admission chest radiographic findings are associated with important clinical outcomes and hospital care processes, highlighting additional benefits of the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines' recommendation for admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia. These data, in conjunction with other important prognostic information, may help clinicians more rapidly identify children at increased risk for severe illness, and could also offer guidance regarding disease management strategies and facilitate shared decision making with families. Thus, routine admission chest radiography in this population represents a valuable tool that contributes to improved quality of care.


Dr. Williams is supported by funds from the National Institutes of HealthNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (K23AI104779). The authors report no conflicts of interest.

The 2011 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America (PIDS/IDSA) guidelines for management of pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP) recommend that admission chest radiographs be obtained in all children hospitalized with CAP to document the presence and extent of infiltrates and to identify complications.[1] Findings from chest radiographs may also provide clues to etiology and assist with predicting disease outcomes. In adults with CAP, clinical prediction tools use radiographic findings to inform triage decisions, guide management strategies, and predict outcomes.[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Whether or not radiographic findings could have similar utility among children with CAP is unknown.

Several retrospective studies have examined the ability of chest radiographs to predict pediatric pneumonia disease severity.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] However, these studies used several different measures of severe pneumonia and/or were limited to young children <5 years of age, leading to inconsistent findings. These studies also rarely considered very severe disease (eg, need for invasive mechanical ventilation) or longitudinal outcome measures such as hospital length of stay. Finally, all of these prior studies were conducted outside of the United States, and most were single‐center investigations, potentially limiting generalizability. We sought to examine associations between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent hospital care processes and clinical outcomes, including length of stay and resource utilization measures, among children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States.


Design and Setting

This study was nested within a multicenter retrospective cohort designed to validate International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9‐CM) diagnostic codes for pediatric CAP hospitalizations.[13] The Pediatric Health Information System database (Children's Hospital Association, Overland Park, KS) was used to identify children from 4 freestanding pediatric hospitals (Monroe Carell, Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee; Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri; Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, Washington; and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio). The institutional review boards at each participating institution approved the study. The validation study included a 25% random sampling of children 60 days to 18 years of age (n=998) who were hospitalized between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010 with at least 1 ICD9‐CM discharge code indicating pneumonia. The diagnosis of CAP was confirmed by medical record review.

Study Population

This study was limited to children from the validation study who met criteria for clinical and radiographic CAP, defined as: (1) abnormal temperature or white blood cell count, (2) signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness (eg, cough, tachypnea), and (3) chest radiograph indicating pneumonia within 48 hours of admission. Children with atelectasis as the only abnormal radiographic finding and those with complex chronic conditions (eg, cystic fibrosis, malignancy) were excluded using a previously described algorithm.[14]


Several measures of disease severity were assessed. Dichotomous outcomes included supplemental oxygen use, need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Continuous outcomes included hospital length of stay, and for those requiring supplemental oxygen, duration of oxygen supplementation, measured in hours.


To categorize infiltrate patterns and the presence and size of pleural effusions, we reviewed the final report from admission chest radiographs to obtain the final clinical interpretation performed by the attending pediatric radiologist. Infiltrate patterns were classified as single lobar (reference), unilateral multilobar, bilateral multilobar, or interstitial. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates, and those with mention of atelectasis, were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Those with atelectasis only were excluded. Pleural effusions were classified as absent, small, or moderate/large.


Descriptive statistics were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and median and interquartile range (IQR) values for continuous variables. Our primary exposures were infiltrate pattern and presence and size of pleural effusion on admission chest radiograph. Associations between radiographic findings and disease outcomes were analyzed using logistic and linear regression for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Continuous outcomes were log‐transformed and normality assumptions verified prior to model development.

Due to the large number of covariates relative to outcome events, we used propensity score methods to adjust for potential confounding. The propensity score estimates the likelihood of a given exposure (ie, infiltrate pattern) conditional on a set of covariates. In this way, the propensity score summarizes potential confounding effects from a large number of covariates into a single variable. Including the propensity score as a covariate in multivariable regression improves model efficiency and helps protect against overfitting.[15] Covariates included in the estimation of the propensity score included age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days of hospitalization, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. All analyses included the estimated propensity score, infiltrate pattern, and pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large).


Study Population

The median age of the 406 children with clinical and radiographic CAP was 3 years (IQR, 16 years) (Table 1). Single lobar infiltrate was the most common radiographic pattern (61%). Children with interstitial infiltrates (10%) were younger than those with lobar infiltrates of any type (median age 1 vs 3 years, P=0.02). A concomitant diagnosis of bronchiolitis was assigned to 34% of children with interstitial infiltrates but only 17% of those with lobar infiltrate patterns (range, 11%20%, P=0.03). Pleural effusion was present in 21% of children and was more common among those with lobar infiltrates, particularly multilobar disease. Only 1 child with interstitial infiltrate had a pleural effusion. Overall, 63% of children required supplemental oxygen, 8% required ICU admission, and 3% required invasive mechanical ventilation. Median length of stay was 51.5 hours (IQR, 3991) and median oxygen duration was 31.5 hours [IQR, 1365]. There were no deaths.

Characteristics of Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
CharacteristicInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single LobarMultilobar, UnilateralMultilobar, BilateralInterstitial
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

No.247 (60.8)54 (13.3)64 (15.8)41 (10.1) 
Median age, y3 [16]3 [17]3 [15]1 [03]0.02
Male sex124 (50.2)32 (59.3)41 (64.1)30 (73.2)0.02
Non‐Hispanic white133 (53.8)36 (66.7)37 (57.8)17 (41.5)0.69
Non‐Hispanic black40 (16.2)6 (11.1)9 (14.1)8 (19.5) 
Hispanic25 (10.1)4 (7.4)5 (7.8)7 (17.1) 
Other49 (19.9)8 (14.8)13 (20.4)9 (22) 
Public130 (52.6)26 (48.1)33 (51.6)25 (61)0.90
Private116 (47)28 (51.9)31 (48.4)16 (39) 
Concurrent diagnosis     
Asthma80 (32.4)16 (29.6)17 (26.6)12 (29.3)0.82
Bronchiolitis43 (17.4)6 (11.1)13 (20.3)14 (34.1)0.03
None201 (81.4)31 (57.4)48 (75)40 (97.6)<.01
Small34 (13.8)20 (37)11 (17.2)0 
Moderate/large12 (4.9)3 (5.6)5 (7.8)1 (2.4) 

Outcomes According to Radiographic Infiltrate Pattern

Compared to children with single lobar infiltrates, the odds of ICU admission was significantly increased for those with either unilateral or bilateral multilobar infiltrates (unilateral, adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 8.0, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.922.2; bilateral, aOR: 6.6, 95% CI: 2.14.5) (Figure 1, Table 2). Patients with bilateral multilobar infiltrates also had higher odds for supplemental oxygen use (aOR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.25.8) and need for invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.27.9). There were no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay for children with single versus multilobar infiltrates.

Figure 1
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to admission radiographic findings. Single lobar infiltrate is the reference. Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Pleural effusion (absent, small, or moderate/large) was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates that confidence interval (CIs) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for infiltrates that were multilobar and unilateral was 22.2 for intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 37.8 for mechanical ventilation. Abbreviations: O2, oxygen.
Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Admission Radiographic Findings
OutcomeInfiltrate PatternaP Valueb
Single Lobar, n=247Multilobar, Unilateral, n=54Multilobar, Bilateral, n=64Interstitial, n=41
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range, O2, oxygen.

  • Children with both lobar and interstitial infiltrates were classified according to the type of lobar infiltrate.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement143 (57.9)34 (63)46 (71.9)31 (75.6)0.05
ICU admission10 (4)9 (16.7)9 (14.1)4 (9.8)<0.01
Mechanical ventilation5 (2)4 (7.4)4 (6.3)1 (2.4)0.13
Hospital length of stay, h47 [3779]63 [45114]56.5 [39.5101]62 [3993]<0.01
O2 duration, h27 [1059]38 [1777]38 [2381]34.5 [1765]0.18

Compared to those with single lobar infiltrates, children with interstitial infiltrates had higher odds of need for supplemental oxygen (aOR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.37.6) and ICU admission (aOR: 4.4, 95% CI: 1.314.3) but not invasive mechanical ventilation. There were also no differences in duration of oxygen supplementation or hospital length of stay.

Outcomes According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion

Compared to those without pleural effusion, children with moderate to large effusion had a higher odds of ICU admission (aOR: 3.2, 95% CI: 1.18.9) and invasive mechanical ventilation (aOR: 14.8, 95% CI: 9.822.4), and also had a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 3.0, 95% CI: 1.46.5) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.9‐3.6) (Table 3, Figure 2). The presence of a small pleural effusion was not associated with increased need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, or mechanical ventilation compared to those without effusion. However, small effusion was associated with a longer duration of oxygen supplementation (aOR: 1.7, 95% CI: 12.7) and hospital length of stay (aOR: 1.6, 95% CI: 1.3‐1.9).

Severe Outcomes for Children Hospitalized With Community‐Acquired Pneumonia According to Presence and Size of Pleural Effusion
OutcomePleural EffusionP Valuea
None, n=320Small, n=65Moderate/Large, n=21
  • NOTE: Data are presented as number (%) or median [IQR]. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; O2, oxygen.

  • P values are from 2 statistics for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Supplemental O2 requirement200 (62.5)40 (61.5)14 (66.7)0.91
ICU admission22 (6.9)6 (9.2)4 (19)0.12
Mechanical ventilation5 (1.6)5 (7.7)4 (19)<0.01
Hospital length of stay, h48 [37.576]72 [45142]160 [82191]<0.01
Oxygen duration, h31 [1157]38.5 [1887]111 [27154]<0.01
Figure 2
Propensity‐adjusted odds ratios for severe outcomes for children hospitalized with community‐acquired pneumonia according to presence and size of effusion. No effusion is the reference. Covariates included in the propensity score included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, hospital, asthma history, hospital transfer, recent hospitalization (within 30 days), recent emergency department or clinic visit (within 2 weeks), recent antibiotics for acute illness (within 5 days), illness duration prior to admission, tachypnea and/or increased work of breathing (retractions, nasal flaring, or grunting) at presentation, receipt of albuterol and/or corticosteroids during the first 2 calendar days, and concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Infiltrate pattern was included as a separate covariate. **Indicates confidence interval (CI) extends beyond the graph. The upper 95% CI for the odds ratio (OR) for mechanical ventilation was 34.2 for small effusion and 22.4 for moderate/large effusion. Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; O2, oxygen.


We evaluated the association between admission chest radiographic findings and subsequent clinical outcomes and hospital care processes for children hospitalized with CAP at 4 children's hospitals in the United States. We conclude that radiographic findings are associated with important inpatient outcomes. Similar to data from adults, findings of moderate to large pleural effusions and bilateral multilobar infiltrates had the strongest associations with severe disease. Such information, in combination with other prognostic factors, may help clinicians identify high‐risk patients and support management decisions, while also helping to inform families about the expected hospital course.

Previous pediatric studies examining the association between radiographic findings and outcomes have produced inconsistent results.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] All but 1 of these studies documented 1 radiographic characteristics associated with pneumonia disease severity.[11] Further, although most contrasted lobar/alveolar and interstitial infiltrates, only Patria et al. distinguished among lobar infiltrate patterns (eg, single lobar vs multilobar).[12] Similar to our findings, that study demonstrated increased disease severity among children with bilateral multifocal lobar infiltrates. Of the studies that considered the presence of pleural effusion, only 1 demonstrated this finding to be associated with more severe disease.[9] However, none of these prior studies examined size of the pleural effusion.

In our study, the strongest association with severe pneumonia outcomes was among children with moderate to large pleural effusion. Significant pleural effusions are much more commonly due to infection with bacterial pathogens, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes, and may also indicate infection with more virulent and/or difficult to treat strains.[16, 17, 18, 19] Surgical intervention is also often required. As such, children with significant pleural effusions are often more ill on presentation and may have a prolonged period of recovery.[20, 21, 22]

Similarly, multilobar infiltrates, particularly bilateral, were associated with increased disease severity in terms of need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, and need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Although this finding may be expected, it is interesting to note that the duration of supplemental oxygen and hospital length of stay were similar to those with single lobar disease. One potential explanation is that, although children with multilobar disease are more severe at presentation, rates of recovery are similar to those with less extensive radiographic findings, owing to rapidly effective antimicrobials for uncomplicated bacterial pneumonia. This hypothesis also agrees with the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines, which state that children receiving adequate therapy typically show signs of improvement within 48 to 72 hours regardless of initial severity.[1]

Interstitial infiltrate was also associated with increased severity at presentation but similar length of stay and duration of oxygen requirement compared with single lobar disease. We note that these children were substantially younger than those presenting with any pattern of lobar disease (median age, 1 vs 3 years), were more likely to have a concurrent diagnosis of bronchiolitis (34% vs 17%), and only 1 child with interstitial infiltrates had a documented pleural effusion (vs 23% of children with lobar infiltrates). Primary viral pneumonia is considered more likely to produce interstitial infiltrates on chest radiograph compared to bacterial disease, and although detailed etiologic data are unavailable for this study, our findings above strongly support this assertion.[23, 24]

The 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines recommend admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia to assess extent of disease and identify complications that may requiring additional evaluation or surgical intervention.[1] Our findings highlight additional potential benefits of admission radiographs in terms of disease prognosis and management decisions. In the initial evaluation of a sick child with pneumonia, clinicians are often presented with a number of potential prognostic factors that may influence disease outcomes. However, it is sometimes difficult for providers to consider all available information and/or the relative importance of a single factor, resulting in inaccurate risk perceptions and management decisions that may contribute to poor outcomes.[25] Similar to adults, the development of clinical prediction rules, which incorporate a variety of important predictors including admission radiographic findings, likely would improve risk assessments and potentially outcomes for children with pneumonia. Such prognostic information is also helpful for clinicians who may use these data to inform and prepare families regarding the expected course of hospitalization.

Our study has several limitations. This study was retrospective and only included a sample of pneumonia hospitalizations during the study period, which may raise confounding concerns and potential for selection bias. However, detailed medical record reviews using standardized case definitions for radiographic CAP were used, and a large sample of children was randomly selected from each institution. In addition, a large number of potential confounders were selected a priori and included in multivariable analyses; propensity score adjustment was used to reduce model complexity and avoid overfitting. Radiographic findings were based on clinical interpretation by pediatric radiologists independent of a study protocol. Prior studies have demonstrated good agreement for identification of alveolar/lobar infiltrates and pleural effusion by trained radiologists, although agreement for interstitial infiltrate is poor.[26, 27] This limitation could result in either over‐ or underestimation of the prevalence of interstitial infiltrates likely resulting in a nondifferential bias toward the null. Microbiologic information, which may inform radiographic findings and disease severity, was also not available. However, because pneumonia etiology is frequently unknown in the clinical setting, our study reflects typical practice. We also did not include children from community or nonteaching hospitals. Thus, although findings may have relevance to community or nonteaching hospitals, our results cannot be generalized.


Our study demonstrates that among children hospitalized with CAP, admission chest radiographic findings are associated with important clinical outcomes and hospital care processes, highlighting additional benefits of the 2011 PIDS/IDSA guidelines' recommendation for admission chest radiographs for all children hospitalized with pneumonia. These data, in conjunction with other important prognostic information, may help clinicians more rapidly identify children at increased risk for severe illness, and could also offer guidance regarding disease management strategies and facilitate shared decision making with families. Thus, routine admission chest radiography in this population represents a valuable tool that contributes to improved quality of care.


Dr. Williams is supported by funds from the National Institutes of HealthNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (K23AI104779). The authors report no conflicts of interest.

  1. Bradley JS, Byington CL, Shah SS, et al. The management of community‐acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months of age: clinical practice guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2011;53(7):e25e76.
  2. Fine MJ, Auble TE, Yealy DM, et al. A prediction rule to identify low‐risk patients with community‐acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(4):243250.
  3. Charles PG, Wolfe R, Whitby M, et al. SMART‐COP: a tool for predicting the need for intensive respiratory or vasopressor support in community‐acquired pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;47(3):375384.
  4. Espana PP, Capelastegui A, Gorordo I, et al. Development and validation of a clinical prediction rule for severe community‐acquired pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;174(11):12491256.
  5. Renaud B, Labarere J, Coma E, et al. Risk stratification of early admission to the intensive care unit of patients with no major criteria of severe community‐acquired pneumonia: development of an international prediction rule. Crit Care. 2009;13(2):R54.
  6. Hasley PB, Albaum MN, Li YH, et al. Do pulmonary radiographic findings at presentation predict mortality in patients with community‐acquired pneumonia? Arch Intern Med. 1996;156(19):22062212.
  7. Chalmers JD, Singanayagam A, Akram AR, Choudhury G, Mandal P, Hill AT. Safety and efficacy of CURB65‐guided antibiotic therapy in community‐acquired pneumonia. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2011;66(2):416423.
  8. Kin Key N, Araujo‐Neto CA, Nascimento‐Carvalho CM. Severity of childhood community‐acquired pneumonia and chest radiographic findings. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009;44(3):249252.
  9. Grafakou O, Moustaki M, Tsolia M, et al. Can chest x‐ray predict pneumonia severity? Pediatr Pulmonol. 2004;38(6):465469.
  10. Clark JE, Hammal D, Spencer D, Hampton F. Children with pneumonia: how do they present and how are they managed? Arch Dis Child. 2007;92(5):394398.
  11. Bharti B, Kaur L, Bharti S. Role of chest X‐ray in predicting outcome of acute severe pneumonia. Indian Pediatr. 2008;45(11):893898.
  12. Patria MF, Longhi B, Lelii M, Galeone C, Pavesi MA, Esposito S. Association between radiological findings and severity of community‐acquired pneumonia in children. Ital J Pediatr. 2013;39:56.
  13. Williams DJ, Shah SS, Myers AM, et al. Identifying pediatric community‐acquired pneumonia hospitalizations: accuracy of administrative billing codes. JAMA Pediatrics. 2013;167(9):851858.
  14. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107(6):E99.
  15. Joffe MM, Rosenbaum PR. Invited commentary: propensity scores. Am J Epidemiol. 1999;150(4):327333.
  16. Grijalva CG, Nuorti JP, Zhu Y, Griffin MR. Increasing incidence of empyema complicating childhood community‐acquired pneumonia in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2010;50(6):805813.
  17. Michelow IC, Olsen K, Lozano J, et al. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of community‐acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children. Pediatrics. 2004;113(4):701707.
  18. Blaschke AJ, Heyrend C, Byington CL, et al. Molecular analysis improves pathogen identification and epidemiologic study of pediatric parapneumonic empyema. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2011;30(4):289294.
  19. Chonmaitree T, Powell KR. Parapneumonic pleural effusion and empyema in children. Review of a 19‐year experience, 1962–1980. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1983;22(6):414419.
  20. Huang CY, Chang L, Liu CC, et al. Risk factors of progressive community‐acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children: a prospective study [published online ahead of print August 28, 2013]. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2013.06.009.
  21. Rowan‐Legg A, Barrowman N, Shenouda N, Koujok K, Saux N. Community‐acquired lobar pneumonia in children in the era of universal 7‐valent pneumococcal vaccination: a review of clinical presentations and antimicrobial treatment from a Canadian pediatric hospital. BMC Pediatr. 2012;12:133.
  22. Wexler ID, Knoll S, Picard E, et al. Clinical characteristics and outcome of complicated pneumococcal pneumonia in a pediatric population. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2006;41(8):726734.
  23. Virkki R, Juven T, Rikalainen H, Svedstrom E, Mertsola J, Ruuskanen O. Differentiation of bacterial and viral pneumonia in children. Thorax. 2002;57(5):438441.
  24. Harris M, Clark J, Coote N, et al. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in children: update 2011. Thorax. 2011;66(suppl 2):ii1ii23.
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  26. Neuman MI, Lee EY, Bixby S, et al. Variability in the interpretation of chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia in children. J Hosp Med. 2012;7(4):294298.
  27. Albaum MN, Hill LC, Murphy M, et al. Interobserver reliability of the chest radiograph in community‐acquired pneumonia. PORT Investigators. Chest. 1996;110(2):343350.
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  24. Harris M, Clark J, Coote N, et al. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in children: update 2011. Thorax. 2011;66(suppl 2):ii1ii23.
  25. Neill AM, Martin IR, Weir R, et al. Community acquired pneumonia: aetiology and usefulness of severity criteria on admission. Thorax. 1996;51(10):10101016.
  26. Neuman MI, Lee EY, Bixby S, et al. Variability in the interpretation of chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia in children. J Hosp Med. 2012;7(4):294298.
  27. Albaum MN, Hill LC, Murphy M, et al. Interobserver reliability of the chest radiograph in community‐acquired pneumonia. PORT Investigators. Chest. 1996;110(2):343350.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(9)
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Admission chest radiographs predict illness severity for children hospitalized with pneumonia
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Admission chest radiographs predict illness severity for children hospitalized with pneumonia
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Discordant Antibiotics in Pediatric UTI

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 18:33
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Discordant antibiotic therapy and length of stay in children hospitalized for urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common reasons for pediatric hospitalizations.1 Bacterial infections require prompt treatment with appropriate antimicrobial agents. Results from culture and susceptibility testing, however, are often unavailable until 48 hours after initial presentation. Therefore, the clinician must select antimicrobials empirically, basing decisions on likely pathogens and local resistance patterns.2 This decision is challenging because the effect of treatment delay on clinical outcomes is difficult to determine and resistance among uropathogens is increasing. Resistance rates have doubled over the past several years.3, 4 For common first‐line antibiotics, such as ampicillin and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole, resistance rates for Escherichia coli, the most common uropathogen, exceed 25%.4, 5 While resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins remains low, rates in the United States have increased from <1% in 1999 to 4% in 2010. International data shows much higher resistance rates for cephalosporins in general.6, 7 This high prevalence of resistance may prompt the use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics for patients with UTI. For example, the use of third‐generation cephalosporins for UTI has doubled in recent years.3 Untreated, UTIs can lead to serious illness, but the consequences of inadequate initial antibiotic coverage are unknown.8, 9

Discordant antibiotic therapy, initial antibiotic therapy to which the causative bacterium is not susceptible, occurs in up to 9% of children hospitalized for UTI.10 However, there is reason to believe that discordant therapy may matter less for UTIs than for infections at other sites. First, in adults hospitalized with UTIs, discordant initial therapy did not affect the time to resolution of symptoms.11, 12 Second, most antibiotics used to treat UTIs are renally excreted and, thus, antibiotic concentrations at the site of infection are higher than can be achieved in the serum or cerebrospinal fluid.13 The Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute has acknowledged that traditional susceptibility breakpoints may be too conservative for some non‐central nervous system infections; such as non‐central nervous system infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.14

As resistance rates increase, more patients are likely to be treated with discordant therapy. Therefore, we sought to identify the clinical consequences of discordant antimicrobial therapy for patients hospitalized with a UTI.


Design and Setting

We conducted a multicenter, retrospective cohort study. Data for this study were originally collected for a study that determined the accuracy of individual and combined International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis codes for children with laboratory tests for a UTI, in order to develop national quality measures for children hospitalized with UTIs.15 The institutional review board for each hospital (Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA; Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA) approved the study.

Data Sources

Data were obtained from the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) and medical records for patients at the 5 participating hospitals. PHIS contains clinical and billing data from hospitalized children at 43 freestanding children's hospitals. Data quality and coding reliability are assured through a joint effort between the Children's Hospital Association (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals.16 PHIS was used to identify participants based on presence of discharge diagnosis code and laboratory tests indicating possible UTI, patient demographics, antibiotic administration date, and utilization of hospital resources (length of stay [LOS], laboratory testing).

Medical records for each participant were reviewed to obtain laboratory and clinical information such as past medical history (including vesicoureteral reflux [VUR], abnormal genitourinary [GU] anatomy, use of prophylactic antibiotic), culture data, and fever data. Data were entered into a secured centrally housed web‐based data collection system. To assure consistency of chart review, all investigators responsible for data collection underwent training. In addition, 2 pilot medical record reviews were performed, followed by group discussion, to reach consensus on questions, preselected answers, interpretation of medical record data, and parameters for free text data entry.


The initial cohort included 460 hospitalized patients, aged 3 days to 18 years of age, discharged from participating hospitals between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 with a positive urine culture at any time during hospitalization.15 We excluded patients under 3 days of age because patients this young are more likely to have been transferred from the birthing hospital for a complication related to birth or a congenital anomaly. For this secondary analysis of patients from a prior study, our target population included patients admitted for management of UTI.15 We excluded patients with a negative initial urine culture (n = 59) or if their initial urine culture did not meet definition of laboratory‐confirmed UTI, defined as urine culture with >50,000 colony‐forming units (CFU) with an abnormal urinalysis (UA) (n = 77).1, 1719 An abnormal UA was defined by presence of white blood cells, leukocyte esterase, bacteria, and/or nitrites. For our cohort, all cultures with >50,000 CFU also had an abnormal urinalysis. We excluded 19 patients with cultures classified as 10,000100,000 CFU because we could not confirm that the CFU was >50,000. We excluded 30 patients with urine cultures classified as normal or mixed flora, positive for a mixture of organisms not further identified, or if results were unavailable. Additionally, coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus species (n = 8) were excluded, as these are typically considered contaminants in the setting of urine cultures.2 Patients likely to have received antibiotics prior to admission, or develop a UTI after admission, were identified and removed from the cohort if they had a urine culture performed more than 1 day before, or 2 days after, admission (n = 35). Cultures without resistance testing to the initial antibiotic selection were also excluded (n = 16).

Main Outcome Measures

The primary outcome measure was hospital LOS. Time to fever resolution was a secondary outcome measure. Fever was defined as temperature 38C. Fever duration was defined as number of hours until resolution of fever; only patients with fever at admission were included in this subanalysis.

Main Exposure

The main exposure was initial antibiotic therapy. Patients were classified into 3 groups according to initial antibiotic selection: those receiving 1) concordant; 2) discordant; or 3) delayed initial therapy. Concordance was defined as in vitro susceptibility to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a narrow‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, first‐generation cephalosporin), but was not tested against a more broad‐spectrum antibiotic of the same class (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance was based on the sensitivity to the narrow‐spectrum antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a broad‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance to a more narrow‐spectrum antibiotic was not assumed. Discordance was defined as laboratory confirmation of in vitro resistance, or intermediate sensitivity of the pathogen to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotics. Patients were considered to have a delay in antibiotic therapy if they did not receive antibiotics on the day of, or day after, collection of UA and culture. Patients with more than 1 uropathogen identified in a single culture were classified as discordant if any of the organisms was discordant to the initial antibiotic; they were classified as concordant if all organisms were concordant to the initial antibiotic. Antibiotic susceptibility was not tested in some cases (n = 16).

Initial antibiotic was defined as the antibiotic(s) billed on the same day or day after the UA was billed. If the patient had the UA completed on the day prior to admission, we used the antibiotic administered on the day of admission as the initial antibiotic.


Covariates were selected a priori to include patient characteristics likely to affect patient outcomes; all were included in the final analysis. These were age, race, sex, insurance, disposition, prophylactic antibiotic use for any reason (VUR, oncologic process, etc), presence of a chronic care condition, and presence of VUR or GU anatomic abnormality. Age, race, sex, and insurance were obtained from PHIS. Medical record review was used to determine prophylactic antibiotic use, and presence of VUR or GU abnormalities (eg, posterior urethral valves). Chronic care conditions were defined using a previously reported method.20

Data Analysis

Continuous variables were described using median and interquartile range (IQR). Categorical variables were described using frequencies. Multivariable analyses were used to determine the independent association of discordant antibiotic therapy and the outcomes of interest. Poisson regression was used to fit the skewed LOS distribution. The effect of antibiotic concordance or discordance on LOS was determined for all patients in our sample, as well as for those with a urine culture positive for a single identified organism. We used the KruskalWallis test statistic to determine the association between duration of fever and discordant antibiotic therapy, given that duration of fever is a continuous variable. Generalized estimating equations accounted for clustering by hospital and the variability that exists between hospitals.


Of the initial 460 cases with positive urine culture growth at any time during admission, 216 met inclusion criteria for a laboratory‐confirmed UTI from urine culture completed at admission. The median age was 2.46 years (IQR: 0.27,8.89). In the study population, 25.0% were male, 31.0% were receiving prophylactic antibiotics, 13.0% had any grade of VUR, and 16.7% had abnormal GU anatomy (Table 1). A total of 82.4% of patients were treated with concordant initial therapy, 10.2% with discordant initial therapy, and 7.4% received delayed initial antibiotic therapy. There were no significant differences between the groups for any of the covariates. Discordant antibiotic cases ranged from 4.9% to 21.7% across hospitals.

Study Population
 OverallConcordant*DiscordantDelayed AntibioticsP Value
  • NOTE: Values listed as number (percentage). Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; GU, genitourinary; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or day after, urine culture collection.

N216178 (82.4)22 (10.2)16 (7.4) 
Male54 (25.0)40 (22.5)8 (36.4)6 (37.5)0.18
Female162 (75.0)138 (77.5)14 (63.64)10 (62.5) 
Non‐Hispanic white136 (63.9)110 (62.5)15 (71.4)11 (68.8)0.83
Non‐Hispanic black28 (13.2)24 (13.6)2 (9.5)2 (12.5) 
Hispanic20 (9.4)16 (9.1)3 (14.3)1 (6.3) 
Asian10 (4.7)9 (5.1)1 (4.7)  
Other19 (8.9)17 (9.7) 2 (12.5) 
Government97 (44.9)80 (44.9)11 (50.0)6 (37.5)0.58
Private70 (32.4)56 (31.5)6 (27.3)8 (50.0) 
Other49 (22.7)42 (23.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
Home204 (94.4)168 (94.4)21 (95.5)15 (93.8)0.99
Died1 (0.5)1 (0.6)   
Other11 (5.1)9 (5.1)1 (4.6)1 (6.3) 
3 d60 d40 (18.5)35 (19.7)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.53
61 d2 y62 (28.7)54 (30.3)4 (18.2)4 (25.0) 
3 y12 y75 (34.7)61 (34.3)8 (36.4)6 (37.5) 
13 y18 y39 (18.1)28 (15.7)7 (31.8)4 (25.0) 
Length of stay     
1 d5 d171 (79.2)147 (82.6)12 (54.6)12 (75.0)0.03
6 d10 d24 (11.1)17 (9.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
11 d15 d10 (4.6)5 (2.8)3 (13.6)2 (12.5) 
16 d+11 (5.1)9 (5.1)2 (9.1)0 
Complex chronic conditions
Any CCC94 (43.5)77 (43.3)12 (54.6)5 (31.3)0.35
Cardiovascular20 (9.3)19 (10.7) 1 (6.3)0.24
Neuromuscular34 (15.7)26 (14.6)7 (31.8)1 (6.3)0.06
Respiratory6 (2.8)6 (3.4)  0.52
Renal26 (12.0)21 (11.8)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.52
Gastrointestinal3 (1.4)3 (1.7)  0.72
Hematologic/ immunologic1 (0.5) 1 (4.6) 0.01
Metabolic8 (3.7)6 (3.4)1 (4.6)1 (6.3)0.82
Congenital or genetic15 (6.9)11 (6.2)3 (13.6)1 (6.3)0.43
Malignancy5 (2.3)3 (1.7)2 (9.1) 0.08
VUR28 (13.0)23 (12.9)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.99
Abnormal GU36 (16.7)31 (17.4)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.51
Prophylactic antibiotics67 (31.0)53 (29.8)10 (45.5)4 (25.0)0.28

The most common causative organisms were E. coli (65.7%) and Klebsiella spp (9.7%) (Table 2). The most common initial antibiotics were a third‐generation cephalosporin (39.1%), combination of ampicillin and a third‐ or fourth‐generation cephalosporin (16.7%), and combination of ampicillin with gentamicin (11.1%). A third‐generation cephalosporin was the initial antibiotic for 46.1% of the E. coli and 56.9% of Klebsiella spp UTIs. Resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins but carbapenem susceptibility was noted for 4.5% of E. coli and 7.7% of Klebsiella spp isolates. Patients with UTIs caused by Klebsiella spp, mixed organisms, and Enterobacter spp were more likely to receive discordant antibiotic therapy. Patients with Enterobacter spp and mixed‐organism UTIs were more likely to have delayed antibiotic therapy. Nineteen patients (8.8%) had positive blood cultures. Fifteen (6.9%) required intensive care unit (ICU) admission during hospitalization.

UTIs by Primary Culture Causative Organism
OrganismCasesConcordant* No. (%)Discordant No. (%)Delayed Antibiotics No. (%)
  • Abbreviations: UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or after, urine culture collection.

E. coli142129 (90.8)3 (2.1)10 (7.0)
Klebsiella spp2114 (66.7)7 (33.3)0 (0)
Enterococcus spp129 (75.0)3 (25.0)0 (0)
Enterobacter spp105 (50.0)3 (30.0)2 (20.0)
Pseudomonas spp109 (90.0)1 (10.0)0 (0)
Other single organisms65 (83.3)0 (0)1 (16.7)
Other identified multiple organisms157 (46.7)5 (33.3)3 (20.0)

Unadjusted results are shown in Supporting Appendix 1, in the online version of this article. In the adjusted analysis, discordant antibiotic therapy was associated with a significantly longer LOS, compared with concordant therapy for all UTIs and for all UTIs caused by a single organism (Table 3). In adjusted analysis, discordant therapy was also associated with a 3.1 day (IQR: 2.0, 4.7) longer length of stay compared with concordant therapy for all E. coli UTIs.

Difference in LOS for Children With UTI Based on Empiric Antibiotic Therapy
BacteriaDifference in LOS (95% CI)*P Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • Models adjusted for age, sex, race, presence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), chronic care condition, abnormal genitourinary (GU) anatomy, prophylactic antibiotic use.

All organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.8 (2.1, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.4 (1.7, 1.1)0.01
Single organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.9 (2.4, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.2 (1.6, 1.2)0.37

Time to fever resolution was analyzed for patients with a documented fever at presentation for each treatment subgroup. One hundred thirty‐six patients were febrile at admission and 122 were febrile beyond the first recorded vital signs. Fever was present at admission in 60% of the concordant group and 55% of the discordant group (P = 0.6). The median duration of fever was 48 hours for the concordant group (n = 107; IQR: 24, 240) and 78 hours for the discordant group (n = 12; IQR: 48, 132). All patients were afebrile at discharge. Differences in fever duration between treatment groups were not statistically significant (P = 0.7).


Across 5 children's hospitals, 1 out of every 10 children hospitalized for UTI received discordant initial antibiotic therapy. Children receiving discordant antibiotic therapy had a 1.8 day longer LOS when compared with those on concordant therapy. However, there was no significant difference in time to fever resolution between the groups, suggesting that the increase in LOS was not explained by increased fever duration.

The overall rate of discordant therapy in this study is consistent with prior studies, as was the more common association of discordant therapy with non‐E. coli UTIs.10 According to the Kids' Inpatient Database 2009, there are 48,100 annual admissions for patients less than 20 years of age with a discharge diagnosis code of UTI in the United States.1 This suggests that nearly 4800 children with UTI could be affected by discordant therapy annually.

Children treated with discordant antibiotic therapy had a significantly longer LOS compared to those treated with concordant therapy. However, differences in time to fever resolution between the groups were not statistically significant. While resolution of fever may suggest clinical improvement and adequate empiric therapy, the lack of association with antibiotic concordance was not unexpected, since the relationship between fever resolution, clinical improvement, and LOS is complex and thus challenging to measure.21 These results support the notion that fever resolution alone may not be an adequate measure of clinical response.

It is possible that variability in discharge decision‐making may contribute to increased length of stay. Some clinicians may delay a patient's discharge until complete resolution of symptoms or knowledge of susceptibilities, while others may discharge patients that are still febrile and/or still receiving empiric antibiotics. Evidence‐based guidelines that address the appropriate time to discharge a patient with UTI are lacking. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides recommendations for use of parenteral antibiotics and hospital admission for patients with UTI, but does not address discharge decision‐making or patient management in the setting of discordant antibiotic therapy.2, 21

This study must be interpreted in the context of several limitations. First, our primary and secondary outcomes, LOS and fever duration, were surrogate measures for clinical response. We were not able to measure all clinical factors that may contribute to LOS, such as the patient's ability to tolerate oral fluids and antibiotics. Also, there may have been too few patients to detect a clinically important difference in fever duration between the concordant and discordant groups, especially for individual organisms. Although we did find a significant difference in LOS between patients treated with concordant compared with discordant therapy, there may be residual confounding from unobserved differences. This confounding, in conjunction with the small sample size, may cause us to underestimate the magnitude of the difference in LOS resulting from discordant therapy. Second, short‐term outcomes such as ICU admission were not investigated in this study; however, the proportion of patients admitted to the ICU in our population was quite small, precluding its use as a meaningful outcome measure. Third, the potential benefits to patients who were not exposed to unnecessary antibiotics, or harm to those that were exposed, could not be measured. Finally, our study was obtained using data from 5 free‐standing tertiary care pediatric facilities, thereby limiting its generalizability to other settings. Still, our rates of prophylactic antibiotic use, VUR, and GU abnormalities are similar to others reported in tertiary care children's hospitals, and we accounted for these covariates in our model.2225

As the frequency of infections caused by resistant bacteria increase, so will the number of patients receiving discordant antibiotics for UTI, compounding the challenge of empiric antimicrobial selection. Further research is needed to better understand how discordant initial antibiotic therapy contributes to LOS and whether it is associated with adverse short‐ and long‐term clinical outcomes. Such research could also aid in weighing the risk of broader‐spectrum prescribing on antimicrobial resistance patterns. While we identified an association between discordant initial antibiotic therapy and LOS, we were unable to determine the ideal empiric antibiotic therapy for patients hospitalized with UTI. Further investigation is needed to inform local and national practice guidelines for empiric antibiotic selection in patients with UTIs. This may also be an opportunity to decrease discordant empiric antibiotic selection, perhaps through use of antibiograms that stratify patients based on known factors, to lead to more specific initial therapy.


This study demonstrates that discordant antibiotic selection for UTI at admission is associated with longer hospital stay, but not fever duration. The full clinical consequences of discordant therapy, and the effects on length of stay, need to be better understood. Our findings, taken in combination with careful consideration of patient characteristics and prior history, may provide an opportunity to improve the hospital care for patients with UTIs.


Disclosure: Nothing to report.

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  19. Zorc JJ, Levine DA, Platt SL, et al. Clinical and demographic factors associated with urinary tract infection in young febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2005;116(3):644648.
  20. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107(6):E99.
  21. Committee on Quality Improvement. Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. Practice parameter: the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of the initial urinary tract infection in febrile infants and young children. Pediatrics. 1999;103:843852.
  22. Fanos V, Cataldi L. Antibiotics or surgery for vesicoureteric reflux in children. Lancet. 2004;364(9446):17201722.
  23. Chesney RW, Carpenter MA, Moxey‐Mims M, et al. Randomized intervention for children with vesicoureteral reflux (RIVUR): background commentary of RIVUR investigators. Pediatrics. 2008;122(suppl 5):S233S239.
  24. Brady PW, Conway PH, Goudie A. Length of intravenous antibiotic therapy and treatment failure in infants with urinary tract infections. Pediatrics. 2010;126(2):196203.
  25. Hannula A, Venhola M, Renko M, Pokka T, Huttunen NP, Uhari M. Vesicoureteral reflux in children with suspected and proven urinary tract infection. Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;25(8):14631469.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(8)
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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common reasons for pediatric hospitalizations.1 Bacterial infections require prompt treatment with appropriate antimicrobial agents. Results from culture and susceptibility testing, however, are often unavailable until 48 hours after initial presentation. Therefore, the clinician must select antimicrobials empirically, basing decisions on likely pathogens and local resistance patterns.2 This decision is challenging because the effect of treatment delay on clinical outcomes is difficult to determine and resistance among uropathogens is increasing. Resistance rates have doubled over the past several years.3, 4 For common first‐line antibiotics, such as ampicillin and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole, resistance rates for Escherichia coli, the most common uropathogen, exceed 25%.4, 5 While resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins remains low, rates in the United States have increased from <1% in 1999 to 4% in 2010. International data shows much higher resistance rates for cephalosporins in general.6, 7 This high prevalence of resistance may prompt the use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics for patients with UTI. For example, the use of third‐generation cephalosporins for UTI has doubled in recent years.3 Untreated, UTIs can lead to serious illness, but the consequences of inadequate initial antibiotic coverage are unknown.8, 9

Discordant antibiotic therapy, initial antibiotic therapy to which the causative bacterium is not susceptible, occurs in up to 9% of children hospitalized for UTI.10 However, there is reason to believe that discordant therapy may matter less for UTIs than for infections at other sites. First, in adults hospitalized with UTIs, discordant initial therapy did not affect the time to resolution of symptoms.11, 12 Second, most antibiotics used to treat UTIs are renally excreted and, thus, antibiotic concentrations at the site of infection are higher than can be achieved in the serum or cerebrospinal fluid.13 The Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute has acknowledged that traditional susceptibility breakpoints may be too conservative for some non‐central nervous system infections; such as non‐central nervous system infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.14

As resistance rates increase, more patients are likely to be treated with discordant therapy. Therefore, we sought to identify the clinical consequences of discordant antimicrobial therapy for patients hospitalized with a UTI.


Design and Setting

We conducted a multicenter, retrospective cohort study. Data for this study were originally collected for a study that determined the accuracy of individual and combined International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis codes for children with laboratory tests for a UTI, in order to develop national quality measures for children hospitalized with UTIs.15 The institutional review board for each hospital (Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA; Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA) approved the study.

Data Sources

Data were obtained from the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) and medical records for patients at the 5 participating hospitals. PHIS contains clinical and billing data from hospitalized children at 43 freestanding children's hospitals. Data quality and coding reliability are assured through a joint effort between the Children's Hospital Association (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals.16 PHIS was used to identify participants based on presence of discharge diagnosis code and laboratory tests indicating possible UTI, patient demographics, antibiotic administration date, and utilization of hospital resources (length of stay [LOS], laboratory testing).

Medical records for each participant were reviewed to obtain laboratory and clinical information such as past medical history (including vesicoureteral reflux [VUR], abnormal genitourinary [GU] anatomy, use of prophylactic antibiotic), culture data, and fever data. Data were entered into a secured centrally housed web‐based data collection system. To assure consistency of chart review, all investigators responsible for data collection underwent training. In addition, 2 pilot medical record reviews were performed, followed by group discussion, to reach consensus on questions, preselected answers, interpretation of medical record data, and parameters for free text data entry.


The initial cohort included 460 hospitalized patients, aged 3 days to 18 years of age, discharged from participating hospitals between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 with a positive urine culture at any time during hospitalization.15 We excluded patients under 3 days of age because patients this young are more likely to have been transferred from the birthing hospital for a complication related to birth or a congenital anomaly. For this secondary analysis of patients from a prior study, our target population included patients admitted for management of UTI.15 We excluded patients with a negative initial urine culture (n = 59) or if their initial urine culture did not meet definition of laboratory‐confirmed UTI, defined as urine culture with >50,000 colony‐forming units (CFU) with an abnormal urinalysis (UA) (n = 77).1, 1719 An abnormal UA was defined by presence of white blood cells, leukocyte esterase, bacteria, and/or nitrites. For our cohort, all cultures with >50,000 CFU also had an abnormal urinalysis. We excluded 19 patients with cultures classified as 10,000100,000 CFU because we could not confirm that the CFU was >50,000. We excluded 30 patients with urine cultures classified as normal or mixed flora, positive for a mixture of organisms not further identified, or if results were unavailable. Additionally, coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus species (n = 8) were excluded, as these are typically considered contaminants in the setting of urine cultures.2 Patients likely to have received antibiotics prior to admission, or develop a UTI after admission, were identified and removed from the cohort if they had a urine culture performed more than 1 day before, or 2 days after, admission (n = 35). Cultures without resistance testing to the initial antibiotic selection were also excluded (n = 16).

Main Outcome Measures

The primary outcome measure was hospital LOS. Time to fever resolution was a secondary outcome measure. Fever was defined as temperature 38C. Fever duration was defined as number of hours until resolution of fever; only patients with fever at admission were included in this subanalysis.

Main Exposure

The main exposure was initial antibiotic therapy. Patients were classified into 3 groups according to initial antibiotic selection: those receiving 1) concordant; 2) discordant; or 3) delayed initial therapy. Concordance was defined as in vitro susceptibility to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a narrow‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, first‐generation cephalosporin), but was not tested against a more broad‐spectrum antibiotic of the same class (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance was based on the sensitivity to the narrow‐spectrum antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a broad‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance to a more narrow‐spectrum antibiotic was not assumed. Discordance was defined as laboratory confirmation of in vitro resistance, or intermediate sensitivity of the pathogen to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotics. Patients were considered to have a delay in antibiotic therapy if they did not receive antibiotics on the day of, or day after, collection of UA and culture. Patients with more than 1 uropathogen identified in a single culture were classified as discordant if any of the organisms was discordant to the initial antibiotic; they were classified as concordant if all organisms were concordant to the initial antibiotic. Antibiotic susceptibility was not tested in some cases (n = 16).

Initial antibiotic was defined as the antibiotic(s) billed on the same day or day after the UA was billed. If the patient had the UA completed on the day prior to admission, we used the antibiotic administered on the day of admission as the initial antibiotic.


Covariates were selected a priori to include patient characteristics likely to affect patient outcomes; all were included in the final analysis. These were age, race, sex, insurance, disposition, prophylactic antibiotic use for any reason (VUR, oncologic process, etc), presence of a chronic care condition, and presence of VUR or GU anatomic abnormality. Age, race, sex, and insurance were obtained from PHIS. Medical record review was used to determine prophylactic antibiotic use, and presence of VUR or GU abnormalities (eg, posterior urethral valves). Chronic care conditions were defined using a previously reported method.20

Data Analysis

Continuous variables were described using median and interquartile range (IQR). Categorical variables were described using frequencies. Multivariable analyses were used to determine the independent association of discordant antibiotic therapy and the outcomes of interest. Poisson regression was used to fit the skewed LOS distribution. The effect of antibiotic concordance or discordance on LOS was determined for all patients in our sample, as well as for those with a urine culture positive for a single identified organism. We used the KruskalWallis test statistic to determine the association between duration of fever and discordant antibiotic therapy, given that duration of fever is a continuous variable. Generalized estimating equations accounted for clustering by hospital and the variability that exists between hospitals.


Of the initial 460 cases with positive urine culture growth at any time during admission, 216 met inclusion criteria for a laboratory‐confirmed UTI from urine culture completed at admission. The median age was 2.46 years (IQR: 0.27,8.89). In the study population, 25.0% were male, 31.0% were receiving prophylactic antibiotics, 13.0% had any grade of VUR, and 16.7% had abnormal GU anatomy (Table 1). A total of 82.4% of patients were treated with concordant initial therapy, 10.2% with discordant initial therapy, and 7.4% received delayed initial antibiotic therapy. There were no significant differences between the groups for any of the covariates. Discordant antibiotic cases ranged from 4.9% to 21.7% across hospitals.

Study Population
 OverallConcordant*DiscordantDelayed AntibioticsP Value
  • NOTE: Values listed as number (percentage). Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; GU, genitourinary; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or day after, urine culture collection.

N216178 (82.4)22 (10.2)16 (7.4) 
Male54 (25.0)40 (22.5)8 (36.4)6 (37.5)0.18
Female162 (75.0)138 (77.5)14 (63.64)10 (62.5) 
Non‐Hispanic white136 (63.9)110 (62.5)15 (71.4)11 (68.8)0.83
Non‐Hispanic black28 (13.2)24 (13.6)2 (9.5)2 (12.5) 
Hispanic20 (9.4)16 (9.1)3 (14.3)1 (6.3) 
Asian10 (4.7)9 (5.1)1 (4.7)  
Other19 (8.9)17 (9.7) 2 (12.5) 
Government97 (44.9)80 (44.9)11 (50.0)6 (37.5)0.58
Private70 (32.4)56 (31.5)6 (27.3)8 (50.0) 
Other49 (22.7)42 (23.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
Home204 (94.4)168 (94.4)21 (95.5)15 (93.8)0.99
Died1 (0.5)1 (0.6)   
Other11 (5.1)9 (5.1)1 (4.6)1 (6.3) 
3 d60 d40 (18.5)35 (19.7)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.53
61 d2 y62 (28.7)54 (30.3)4 (18.2)4 (25.0) 
3 y12 y75 (34.7)61 (34.3)8 (36.4)6 (37.5) 
13 y18 y39 (18.1)28 (15.7)7 (31.8)4 (25.0) 
Length of stay     
1 d5 d171 (79.2)147 (82.6)12 (54.6)12 (75.0)0.03
6 d10 d24 (11.1)17 (9.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
11 d15 d10 (4.6)5 (2.8)3 (13.6)2 (12.5) 
16 d+11 (5.1)9 (5.1)2 (9.1)0 
Complex chronic conditions
Any CCC94 (43.5)77 (43.3)12 (54.6)5 (31.3)0.35
Cardiovascular20 (9.3)19 (10.7) 1 (6.3)0.24
Neuromuscular34 (15.7)26 (14.6)7 (31.8)1 (6.3)0.06
Respiratory6 (2.8)6 (3.4)  0.52
Renal26 (12.0)21 (11.8)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.52
Gastrointestinal3 (1.4)3 (1.7)  0.72
Hematologic/ immunologic1 (0.5) 1 (4.6) 0.01
Metabolic8 (3.7)6 (3.4)1 (4.6)1 (6.3)0.82
Congenital or genetic15 (6.9)11 (6.2)3 (13.6)1 (6.3)0.43
Malignancy5 (2.3)3 (1.7)2 (9.1) 0.08
VUR28 (13.0)23 (12.9)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.99
Abnormal GU36 (16.7)31 (17.4)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.51
Prophylactic antibiotics67 (31.0)53 (29.8)10 (45.5)4 (25.0)0.28

The most common causative organisms were E. coli (65.7%) and Klebsiella spp (9.7%) (Table 2). The most common initial antibiotics were a third‐generation cephalosporin (39.1%), combination of ampicillin and a third‐ or fourth‐generation cephalosporin (16.7%), and combination of ampicillin with gentamicin (11.1%). A third‐generation cephalosporin was the initial antibiotic for 46.1% of the E. coli and 56.9% of Klebsiella spp UTIs. Resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins but carbapenem susceptibility was noted for 4.5% of E. coli and 7.7% of Klebsiella spp isolates. Patients with UTIs caused by Klebsiella spp, mixed organisms, and Enterobacter spp were more likely to receive discordant antibiotic therapy. Patients with Enterobacter spp and mixed‐organism UTIs were more likely to have delayed antibiotic therapy. Nineteen patients (8.8%) had positive blood cultures. Fifteen (6.9%) required intensive care unit (ICU) admission during hospitalization.

UTIs by Primary Culture Causative Organism
OrganismCasesConcordant* No. (%)Discordant No. (%)Delayed Antibiotics No. (%)
  • Abbreviations: UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or after, urine culture collection.

E. coli142129 (90.8)3 (2.1)10 (7.0)
Klebsiella spp2114 (66.7)7 (33.3)0 (0)
Enterococcus spp129 (75.0)3 (25.0)0 (0)
Enterobacter spp105 (50.0)3 (30.0)2 (20.0)
Pseudomonas spp109 (90.0)1 (10.0)0 (0)
Other single organisms65 (83.3)0 (0)1 (16.7)
Other identified multiple organisms157 (46.7)5 (33.3)3 (20.0)

Unadjusted results are shown in Supporting Appendix 1, in the online version of this article. In the adjusted analysis, discordant antibiotic therapy was associated with a significantly longer LOS, compared with concordant therapy for all UTIs and for all UTIs caused by a single organism (Table 3). In adjusted analysis, discordant therapy was also associated with a 3.1 day (IQR: 2.0, 4.7) longer length of stay compared with concordant therapy for all E. coli UTIs.

Difference in LOS for Children With UTI Based on Empiric Antibiotic Therapy
BacteriaDifference in LOS (95% CI)*P Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • Models adjusted for age, sex, race, presence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), chronic care condition, abnormal genitourinary (GU) anatomy, prophylactic antibiotic use.

All organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.8 (2.1, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.4 (1.7, 1.1)0.01
Single organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.9 (2.4, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.2 (1.6, 1.2)0.37

Time to fever resolution was analyzed for patients with a documented fever at presentation for each treatment subgroup. One hundred thirty‐six patients were febrile at admission and 122 were febrile beyond the first recorded vital signs. Fever was present at admission in 60% of the concordant group and 55% of the discordant group (P = 0.6). The median duration of fever was 48 hours for the concordant group (n = 107; IQR: 24, 240) and 78 hours for the discordant group (n = 12; IQR: 48, 132). All patients were afebrile at discharge. Differences in fever duration between treatment groups were not statistically significant (P = 0.7).


Across 5 children's hospitals, 1 out of every 10 children hospitalized for UTI received discordant initial antibiotic therapy. Children receiving discordant antibiotic therapy had a 1.8 day longer LOS when compared with those on concordant therapy. However, there was no significant difference in time to fever resolution between the groups, suggesting that the increase in LOS was not explained by increased fever duration.

The overall rate of discordant therapy in this study is consistent with prior studies, as was the more common association of discordant therapy with non‐E. coli UTIs.10 According to the Kids' Inpatient Database 2009, there are 48,100 annual admissions for patients less than 20 years of age with a discharge diagnosis code of UTI in the United States.1 This suggests that nearly 4800 children with UTI could be affected by discordant therapy annually.

Children treated with discordant antibiotic therapy had a significantly longer LOS compared to those treated with concordant therapy. However, differences in time to fever resolution between the groups were not statistically significant. While resolution of fever may suggest clinical improvement and adequate empiric therapy, the lack of association with antibiotic concordance was not unexpected, since the relationship between fever resolution, clinical improvement, and LOS is complex and thus challenging to measure.21 These results support the notion that fever resolution alone may not be an adequate measure of clinical response.

It is possible that variability in discharge decision‐making may contribute to increased length of stay. Some clinicians may delay a patient's discharge until complete resolution of symptoms or knowledge of susceptibilities, while others may discharge patients that are still febrile and/or still receiving empiric antibiotics. Evidence‐based guidelines that address the appropriate time to discharge a patient with UTI are lacking. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides recommendations for use of parenteral antibiotics and hospital admission for patients with UTI, but does not address discharge decision‐making or patient management in the setting of discordant antibiotic therapy.2, 21

This study must be interpreted in the context of several limitations. First, our primary and secondary outcomes, LOS and fever duration, were surrogate measures for clinical response. We were not able to measure all clinical factors that may contribute to LOS, such as the patient's ability to tolerate oral fluids and antibiotics. Also, there may have been too few patients to detect a clinically important difference in fever duration between the concordant and discordant groups, especially for individual organisms. Although we did find a significant difference in LOS between patients treated with concordant compared with discordant therapy, there may be residual confounding from unobserved differences. This confounding, in conjunction with the small sample size, may cause us to underestimate the magnitude of the difference in LOS resulting from discordant therapy. Second, short‐term outcomes such as ICU admission were not investigated in this study; however, the proportion of patients admitted to the ICU in our population was quite small, precluding its use as a meaningful outcome measure. Third, the potential benefits to patients who were not exposed to unnecessary antibiotics, or harm to those that were exposed, could not be measured. Finally, our study was obtained using data from 5 free‐standing tertiary care pediatric facilities, thereby limiting its generalizability to other settings. Still, our rates of prophylactic antibiotic use, VUR, and GU abnormalities are similar to others reported in tertiary care children's hospitals, and we accounted for these covariates in our model.2225

As the frequency of infections caused by resistant bacteria increase, so will the number of patients receiving discordant antibiotics for UTI, compounding the challenge of empiric antimicrobial selection. Further research is needed to better understand how discordant initial antibiotic therapy contributes to LOS and whether it is associated with adverse short‐ and long‐term clinical outcomes. Such research could also aid in weighing the risk of broader‐spectrum prescribing on antimicrobial resistance patterns. While we identified an association between discordant initial antibiotic therapy and LOS, we were unable to determine the ideal empiric antibiotic therapy for patients hospitalized with UTI. Further investigation is needed to inform local and national practice guidelines for empiric antibiotic selection in patients with UTIs. This may also be an opportunity to decrease discordant empiric antibiotic selection, perhaps through use of antibiograms that stratify patients based on known factors, to lead to more specific initial therapy.


This study demonstrates that discordant antibiotic selection for UTI at admission is associated with longer hospital stay, but not fever duration. The full clinical consequences of discordant therapy, and the effects on length of stay, need to be better understood. Our findings, taken in combination with careful consideration of patient characteristics and prior history, may provide an opportunity to improve the hospital care for patients with UTIs.


Disclosure: Nothing to report.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common reasons for pediatric hospitalizations.1 Bacterial infections require prompt treatment with appropriate antimicrobial agents. Results from culture and susceptibility testing, however, are often unavailable until 48 hours after initial presentation. Therefore, the clinician must select antimicrobials empirically, basing decisions on likely pathogens and local resistance patterns.2 This decision is challenging because the effect of treatment delay on clinical outcomes is difficult to determine and resistance among uropathogens is increasing. Resistance rates have doubled over the past several years.3, 4 For common first‐line antibiotics, such as ampicillin and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole, resistance rates for Escherichia coli, the most common uropathogen, exceed 25%.4, 5 While resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins remains low, rates in the United States have increased from <1% in 1999 to 4% in 2010. International data shows much higher resistance rates for cephalosporins in general.6, 7 This high prevalence of resistance may prompt the use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics for patients with UTI. For example, the use of third‐generation cephalosporins for UTI has doubled in recent years.3 Untreated, UTIs can lead to serious illness, but the consequences of inadequate initial antibiotic coverage are unknown.8, 9

Discordant antibiotic therapy, initial antibiotic therapy to which the causative bacterium is not susceptible, occurs in up to 9% of children hospitalized for UTI.10 However, there is reason to believe that discordant therapy may matter less for UTIs than for infections at other sites. First, in adults hospitalized with UTIs, discordant initial therapy did not affect the time to resolution of symptoms.11, 12 Second, most antibiotics used to treat UTIs are renally excreted and, thus, antibiotic concentrations at the site of infection are higher than can be achieved in the serum or cerebrospinal fluid.13 The Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute has acknowledged that traditional susceptibility breakpoints may be too conservative for some non‐central nervous system infections; such as non‐central nervous system infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.14

As resistance rates increase, more patients are likely to be treated with discordant therapy. Therefore, we sought to identify the clinical consequences of discordant antimicrobial therapy for patients hospitalized with a UTI.


Design and Setting

We conducted a multicenter, retrospective cohort study. Data for this study were originally collected for a study that determined the accuracy of individual and combined International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis codes for children with laboratory tests for a UTI, in order to develop national quality measures for children hospitalized with UTIs.15 The institutional review board for each hospital (Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA; Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA) approved the study.

Data Sources

Data were obtained from the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) and medical records for patients at the 5 participating hospitals. PHIS contains clinical and billing data from hospitalized children at 43 freestanding children's hospitals. Data quality and coding reliability are assured through a joint effort between the Children's Hospital Association (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals.16 PHIS was used to identify participants based on presence of discharge diagnosis code and laboratory tests indicating possible UTI, patient demographics, antibiotic administration date, and utilization of hospital resources (length of stay [LOS], laboratory testing).

Medical records for each participant were reviewed to obtain laboratory and clinical information such as past medical history (including vesicoureteral reflux [VUR], abnormal genitourinary [GU] anatomy, use of prophylactic antibiotic), culture data, and fever data. Data were entered into a secured centrally housed web‐based data collection system. To assure consistency of chart review, all investigators responsible for data collection underwent training. In addition, 2 pilot medical record reviews were performed, followed by group discussion, to reach consensus on questions, preselected answers, interpretation of medical record data, and parameters for free text data entry.


The initial cohort included 460 hospitalized patients, aged 3 days to 18 years of age, discharged from participating hospitals between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 with a positive urine culture at any time during hospitalization.15 We excluded patients under 3 days of age because patients this young are more likely to have been transferred from the birthing hospital for a complication related to birth or a congenital anomaly. For this secondary analysis of patients from a prior study, our target population included patients admitted for management of UTI.15 We excluded patients with a negative initial urine culture (n = 59) or if their initial urine culture did not meet definition of laboratory‐confirmed UTI, defined as urine culture with >50,000 colony‐forming units (CFU) with an abnormal urinalysis (UA) (n = 77).1, 1719 An abnormal UA was defined by presence of white blood cells, leukocyte esterase, bacteria, and/or nitrites. For our cohort, all cultures with >50,000 CFU also had an abnormal urinalysis. We excluded 19 patients with cultures classified as 10,000100,000 CFU because we could not confirm that the CFU was >50,000. We excluded 30 patients with urine cultures classified as normal or mixed flora, positive for a mixture of organisms not further identified, or if results were unavailable. Additionally, coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus species (n = 8) were excluded, as these are typically considered contaminants in the setting of urine cultures.2 Patients likely to have received antibiotics prior to admission, or develop a UTI after admission, were identified and removed from the cohort if they had a urine culture performed more than 1 day before, or 2 days after, admission (n = 35). Cultures without resistance testing to the initial antibiotic selection were also excluded (n = 16).

Main Outcome Measures

The primary outcome measure was hospital LOS. Time to fever resolution was a secondary outcome measure. Fever was defined as temperature 38C. Fever duration was defined as number of hours until resolution of fever; only patients with fever at admission were included in this subanalysis.

Main Exposure

The main exposure was initial antibiotic therapy. Patients were classified into 3 groups according to initial antibiotic selection: those receiving 1) concordant; 2) discordant; or 3) delayed initial therapy. Concordance was defined as in vitro susceptibility to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a narrow‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, first‐generation cephalosporin), but was not tested against a more broad‐spectrum antibiotic of the same class (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance was based on the sensitivity to the narrow‐spectrum antibiotic. If the uropathogen was sensitive to a broad‐spectrum antibiotic (eg, third‐generation cephalosporin), concordance to a more narrow‐spectrum antibiotic was not assumed. Discordance was defined as laboratory confirmation of in vitro resistance, or intermediate sensitivity of the pathogen to the initial antibiotic or class of antibiotics. Patients were considered to have a delay in antibiotic therapy if they did not receive antibiotics on the day of, or day after, collection of UA and culture. Patients with more than 1 uropathogen identified in a single culture were classified as discordant if any of the organisms was discordant to the initial antibiotic; they were classified as concordant if all organisms were concordant to the initial antibiotic. Antibiotic susceptibility was not tested in some cases (n = 16).

Initial antibiotic was defined as the antibiotic(s) billed on the same day or day after the UA was billed. If the patient had the UA completed on the day prior to admission, we used the antibiotic administered on the day of admission as the initial antibiotic.


Covariates were selected a priori to include patient characteristics likely to affect patient outcomes; all were included in the final analysis. These were age, race, sex, insurance, disposition, prophylactic antibiotic use for any reason (VUR, oncologic process, etc), presence of a chronic care condition, and presence of VUR or GU anatomic abnormality. Age, race, sex, and insurance were obtained from PHIS. Medical record review was used to determine prophylactic antibiotic use, and presence of VUR or GU abnormalities (eg, posterior urethral valves). Chronic care conditions were defined using a previously reported method.20

Data Analysis

Continuous variables were described using median and interquartile range (IQR). Categorical variables were described using frequencies. Multivariable analyses were used to determine the independent association of discordant antibiotic therapy and the outcomes of interest. Poisson regression was used to fit the skewed LOS distribution. The effect of antibiotic concordance or discordance on LOS was determined for all patients in our sample, as well as for those with a urine culture positive for a single identified organism. We used the KruskalWallis test statistic to determine the association between duration of fever and discordant antibiotic therapy, given that duration of fever is a continuous variable. Generalized estimating equations accounted for clustering by hospital and the variability that exists between hospitals.


Of the initial 460 cases with positive urine culture growth at any time during admission, 216 met inclusion criteria for a laboratory‐confirmed UTI from urine culture completed at admission. The median age was 2.46 years (IQR: 0.27,8.89). In the study population, 25.0% were male, 31.0% were receiving prophylactic antibiotics, 13.0% had any grade of VUR, and 16.7% had abnormal GU anatomy (Table 1). A total of 82.4% of patients were treated with concordant initial therapy, 10.2% with discordant initial therapy, and 7.4% received delayed initial antibiotic therapy. There were no significant differences between the groups for any of the covariates. Discordant antibiotic cases ranged from 4.9% to 21.7% across hospitals.

Study Population
 OverallConcordant*DiscordantDelayed AntibioticsP Value
  • NOTE: Values listed as number (percentage). Abbreviations: CCC, complex chronic condition; GU, genitourinary; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or day after, urine culture collection.

N216178 (82.4)22 (10.2)16 (7.4) 
Male54 (25.0)40 (22.5)8 (36.4)6 (37.5)0.18
Female162 (75.0)138 (77.5)14 (63.64)10 (62.5) 
Non‐Hispanic white136 (63.9)110 (62.5)15 (71.4)11 (68.8)0.83
Non‐Hispanic black28 (13.2)24 (13.6)2 (9.5)2 (12.5) 
Hispanic20 (9.4)16 (9.1)3 (14.3)1 (6.3) 
Asian10 (4.7)9 (5.1)1 (4.7)  
Other19 (8.9)17 (9.7) 2 (12.5) 
Government97 (44.9)80 (44.9)11 (50.0)6 (37.5)0.58
Private70 (32.4)56 (31.5)6 (27.3)8 (50.0) 
Other49 (22.7)42 (23.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
Home204 (94.4)168 (94.4)21 (95.5)15 (93.8)0.99
Died1 (0.5)1 (0.6)   
Other11 (5.1)9 (5.1)1 (4.6)1 (6.3) 
3 d60 d40 (18.5)35 (19.7)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.53
61 d2 y62 (28.7)54 (30.3)4 (18.2)4 (25.0) 
3 y12 y75 (34.7)61 (34.3)8 (36.4)6 (37.5) 
13 y18 y39 (18.1)28 (15.7)7 (31.8)4 (25.0) 
Length of stay     
1 d5 d171 (79.2)147 (82.6)12 (54.6)12 (75.0)0.03
6 d10 d24 (11.1)17 (9.6)5 (22.7)2 (12.5) 
11 d15 d10 (4.6)5 (2.8)3 (13.6)2 (12.5) 
16 d+11 (5.1)9 (5.1)2 (9.1)0 
Complex chronic conditions
Any CCC94 (43.5)77 (43.3)12 (54.6)5 (31.3)0.35
Cardiovascular20 (9.3)19 (10.7) 1 (6.3)0.24
Neuromuscular34 (15.7)26 (14.6)7 (31.8)1 (6.3)0.06
Respiratory6 (2.8)6 (3.4)  0.52
Renal26 (12.0)21 (11.8)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.52
Gastrointestinal3 (1.4)3 (1.7)  0.72
Hematologic/ immunologic1 (0.5) 1 (4.6) 0.01
Metabolic8 (3.7)6 (3.4)1 (4.6)1 (6.3)0.82
Congenital or genetic15 (6.9)11 (6.2)3 (13.6)1 (6.3)0.43
Malignancy5 (2.3)3 (1.7)2 (9.1) 0.08
VUR28 (13.0)23 (12.9)3 (13.6)2 (12.5)0.99
Abnormal GU36 (16.7)31 (17.4)4 (18.2)1 (6.3)0.51
Prophylactic antibiotics67 (31.0)53 (29.8)10 (45.5)4 (25.0)0.28

The most common causative organisms were E. coli (65.7%) and Klebsiella spp (9.7%) (Table 2). The most common initial antibiotics were a third‐generation cephalosporin (39.1%), combination of ampicillin and a third‐ or fourth‐generation cephalosporin (16.7%), and combination of ampicillin with gentamicin (11.1%). A third‐generation cephalosporin was the initial antibiotic for 46.1% of the E. coli and 56.9% of Klebsiella spp UTIs. Resistance to third‐generation cephalosporins but carbapenem susceptibility was noted for 4.5% of E. coli and 7.7% of Klebsiella spp isolates. Patients with UTIs caused by Klebsiella spp, mixed organisms, and Enterobacter spp were more likely to receive discordant antibiotic therapy. Patients with Enterobacter spp and mixed‐organism UTIs were more likely to have delayed antibiotic therapy. Nineteen patients (8.8%) had positive blood cultures. Fifteen (6.9%) required intensive care unit (ICU) admission during hospitalization.

UTIs by Primary Culture Causative Organism
OrganismCasesConcordant* No. (%)Discordant No. (%)Delayed Antibiotics No. (%)
  • Abbreviations: UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • In vitro susceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • In vitro nonsusceptibility of uropathogen to initial antibiotic.

  • No antibiotics given on day of, or after, urine culture collection.

E. coli142129 (90.8)3 (2.1)10 (7.0)
Klebsiella spp2114 (66.7)7 (33.3)0 (0)
Enterococcus spp129 (75.0)3 (25.0)0 (0)
Enterobacter spp105 (50.0)3 (30.0)2 (20.0)
Pseudomonas spp109 (90.0)1 (10.0)0 (0)
Other single organisms65 (83.3)0 (0)1 (16.7)
Other identified multiple organisms157 (46.7)5 (33.3)3 (20.0)

Unadjusted results are shown in Supporting Appendix 1, in the online version of this article. In the adjusted analysis, discordant antibiotic therapy was associated with a significantly longer LOS, compared with concordant therapy for all UTIs and for all UTIs caused by a single organism (Table 3). In adjusted analysis, discordant therapy was also associated with a 3.1 day (IQR: 2.0, 4.7) longer length of stay compared with concordant therapy for all E. coli UTIs.

Difference in LOS for Children With UTI Based on Empiric Antibiotic Therapy
BacteriaDifference in LOS (95% CI)*P Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • Models adjusted for age, sex, race, presence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), chronic care condition, abnormal genitourinary (GU) anatomy, prophylactic antibiotic use.

All organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.8 (2.1, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.4 (1.7, 1.1)0.01
Single organisms  
Concordant vs discordant1.9 (2.4, 1.5)<0.0001
Concordant vs delayed antibiotics1.2 (1.6, 1.2)0.37

Time to fever resolution was analyzed for patients with a documented fever at presentation for each treatment subgroup. One hundred thirty‐six patients were febrile at admission and 122 were febrile beyond the first recorded vital signs. Fever was present at admission in 60% of the concordant group and 55% of the discordant group (P = 0.6). The median duration of fever was 48 hours for the concordant group (n = 107; IQR: 24, 240) and 78 hours for the discordant group (n = 12; IQR: 48, 132). All patients were afebrile at discharge. Differences in fever duration between treatment groups were not statistically significant (P = 0.7).


Across 5 children's hospitals, 1 out of every 10 children hospitalized for UTI received discordant initial antibiotic therapy. Children receiving discordant antibiotic therapy had a 1.8 day longer LOS when compared with those on concordant therapy. However, there was no significant difference in time to fever resolution between the groups, suggesting that the increase in LOS was not explained by increased fever duration.

The overall rate of discordant therapy in this study is consistent with prior studies, as was the more common association of discordant therapy with non‐E. coli UTIs.10 According to the Kids' Inpatient Database 2009, there are 48,100 annual admissions for patients less than 20 years of age with a discharge diagnosis code of UTI in the United States.1 This suggests that nearly 4800 children with UTI could be affected by discordant therapy annually.

Children treated with discordant antibiotic therapy had a significantly longer LOS compared to those treated with concordant therapy. However, differences in time to fever resolution between the groups were not statistically significant. While resolution of fever may suggest clinical improvement and adequate empiric therapy, the lack of association with antibiotic concordance was not unexpected, since the relationship between fever resolution, clinical improvement, and LOS is complex and thus challenging to measure.21 These results support the notion that fever resolution alone may not be an adequate measure of clinical response.

It is possible that variability in discharge decision‐making may contribute to increased length of stay. Some clinicians may delay a patient's discharge until complete resolution of symptoms or knowledge of susceptibilities, while others may discharge patients that are still febrile and/or still receiving empiric antibiotics. Evidence‐based guidelines that address the appropriate time to discharge a patient with UTI are lacking. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides recommendations for use of parenteral antibiotics and hospital admission for patients with UTI, but does not address discharge decision‐making or patient management in the setting of discordant antibiotic therapy.2, 21

This study must be interpreted in the context of several limitations. First, our primary and secondary outcomes, LOS and fever duration, were surrogate measures for clinical response. We were not able to measure all clinical factors that may contribute to LOS, such as the patient's ability to tolerate oral fluids and antibiotics. Also, there may have been too few patients to detect a clinically important difference in fever duration between the concordant and discordant groups, especially for individual organisms. Although we did find a significant difference in LOS between patients treated with concordant compared with discordant therapy, there may be residual confounding from unobserved differences. This confounding, in conjunction with the small sample size, may cause us to underestimate the magnitude of the difference in LOS resulting from discordant therapy. Second, short‐term outcomes such as ICU admission were not investigated in this study; however, the proportion of patients admitted to the ICU in our population was quite small, precluding its use as a meaningful outcome measure. Third, the potential benefits to patients who were not exposed to unnecessary antibiotics, or harm to those that were exposed, could not be measured. Finally, our study was obtained using data from 5 free‐standing tertiary care pediatric facilities, thereby limiting its generalizability to other settings. Still, our rates of prophylactic antibiotic use, VUR, and GU abnormalities are similar to others reported in tertiary care children's hospitals, and we accounted for these covariates in our model.2225

As the frequency of infections caused by resistant bacteria increase, so will the number of patients receiving discordant antibiotics for UTI, compounding the challenge of empiric antimicrobial selection. Further research is needed to better understand how discordant initial antibiotic therapy contributes to LOS and whether it is associated with adverse short‐ and long‐term clinical outcomes. Such research could also aid in weighing the risk of broader‐spectrum prescribing on antimicrobial resistance patterns. While we identified an association between discordant initial antibiotic therapy and LOS, we were unable to determine the ideal empiric antibiotic therapy for patients hospitalized with UTI. Further investigation is needed to inform local and national practice guidelines for empiric antibiotic selection in patients with UTIs. This may also be an opportunity to decrease discordant empiric antibiotic selection, perhaps through use of antibiograms that stratify patients based on known factors, to lead to more specific initial therapy.


This study demonstrates that discordant antibiotic selection for UTI at admission is associated with longer hospital stay, but not fever duration. The full clinical consequences of discordant therapy, and the effects on length of stay, need to be better understood. Our findings, taken in combination with careful consideration of patient characteristics and prior history, may provide an opportunity to improve the hospital care for patients with UTIs.


Disclosure: Nothing to report.

  1. HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2006 and 2009. Available at: http://www.hcup‐
  2. Subcommitee on Urinary Tract Infection, Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management. Urinary tract infection: clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics. 2011;128(3)595–610. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011–1330. Available at:
  3. Copp HL, Shapiro DJ, Hersh AL. National ambulatory antibiotic prescribing patterns for pediatric urinary tract infection, 1998–2007. Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):10271033.
  4. Paschke AA, Zaoutis T, Conway PH, Xie D, Keren R. Previous antimicrobial exposure is associated with drug‐resistant urinary tract infections in children. Pediatrics. 2010;125(4):664672.
  5. CDC. National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for Enteric Bacteria (NARMS): Human Isolates Final Report. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2009.
  6. Mohammad‐Jafari H, Saffar MJ, Nemate I, Saffar H, Khalilian AR. Increasing antibiotic resistance among uropathogens isolated during years 2006–2009: impact on the empirical management. Int Braz J Urol. 2012;38(1):2532.
  7. Network ETS. 3rd Generation Cephalosporin‐Resistant Escherichia coli. 2010. Available at:‐drug/EC‐CS. Accessed May 14, 2012.
  8. Shaikh N, Ewing AL, Bhatnagar S, Hoberman A. Risk of renal scarring in children with a first urinary tract infection: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2010;126(6):10841091.
  9. Hoberman A, Wald ER. Treatment of urinary tract infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1999;18(11):10201021.
  10. Marcus N, Ashkenazi S, Yaari A, Samra Z, Livni G. Non‐Escherichia coli versus Escherichia coli community‐acquired urinary tract infections in children hospitalized in a tertiary center: relative frequency, risk factors, antimicrobial resistance and outcome. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005;24(7):581585.
  11. Ramos‐Martinez A, Alonso‐Moralejo R, Ortega‐Mercader P, Sanchez‐Romero I, Millan‐Santos I, Romero‐Pizarro Y. Prognosis of urinary tract infections with discordant antibiotic treatment [in Spanish]. Rev Clin Esp. 2010;210(11):545549.
  12. Velasco Arribas M, Rubio Cirilo L, Casas Martin A, et al. Appropriateness of empiric antibiotic therapy in urinary tract infection in emergency room [in Spanish]. Rev Clin Esp. 2010;210(1):1116.
  13. Long SS, Pickering LK, Prober CG. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2009.
  14. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twelfth Informational Supplement.Vol M100‐S12. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 2002.
  15. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128(2):323330.
  16. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Ten Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299(17):20482055.
  17. Hoberman A, Wald ER, Penchansky L, Reynolds EA, Young S. Enhanced urinalysis as a screening test for urinary tract infection. Pediatrics. 1993;91(6):11961199.
  18. Hoberman A, Wald ER, Reynolds EA, Penchansky L, Charron M. Pyuria and bacteriuria in urine specimens obtained by catheter from young children with fever. J Pediatr. 1994;124(4):513519.
  19. Zorc JJ, Levine DA, Platt SL, et al. Clinical and demographic factors associated with urinary tract infection in young febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2005;116(3):644648.
  20. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107(6):E99.
  21. Committee on Quality Improvement. Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. Practice parameter: the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of the initial urinary tract infection in febrile infants and young children. Pediatrics. 1999;103:843852.
  22. Fanos V, Cataldi L. Antibiotics or surgery for vesicoureteric reflux in children. Lancet. 2004;364(9446):17201722.
  23. Chesney RW, Carpenter MA, Moxey‐Mims M, et al. Randomized intervention for children with vesicoureteral reflux (RIVUR): background commentary of RIVUR investigators. Pediatrics. 2008;122(suppl 5):S233S239.
  24. Brady PW, Conway PH, Goudie A. Length of intravenous antibiotic therapy and treatment failure in infants with urinary tract infections. Pediatrics. 2010;126(2):196203.
  25. Hannula A, Venhola M, Renko M, Pokka T, Huttunen NP, Uhari M. Vesicoureteral reflux in children with suspected and proven urinary tract infection. Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;25(8):14631469.
  1. HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2006 and 2009. Available at: http://www.hcup‐
  2. Subcommitee on Urinary Tract Infection, Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management. Urinary tract infection: clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics. 2011;128(3)595–610. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011–1330. Available at:
  3. Copp HL, Shapiro DJ, Hersh AL. National ambulatory antibiotic prescribing patterns for pediatric urinary tract infection, 1998–2007. Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):10271033.
  4. Paschke AA, Zaoutis T, Conway PH, Xie D, Keren R. Previous antimicrobial exposure is associated with drug‐resistant urinary tract infections in children. Pediatrics. 2010;125(4):664672.
  5. CDC. National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for Enteric Bacteria (NARMS): Human Isolates Final Report. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2009.
  6. Mohammad‐Jafari H, Saffar MJ, Nemate I, Saffar H, Khalilian AR. Increasing antibiotic resistance among uropathogens isolated during years 2006–2009: impact on the empirical management. Int Braz J Urol. 2012;38(1):2532.
  7. Network ETS. 3rd Generation Cephalosporin‐Resistant Escherichia coli. 2010. Available at:‐drug/EC‐CS. Accessed May 14, 2012.
  8. Shaikh N, Ewing AL, Bhatnagar S, Hoberman A. Risk of renal scarring in children with a first urinary tract infection: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2010;126(6):10841091.
  9. Hoberman A, Wald ER. Treatment of urinary tract infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1999;18(11):10201021.
  10. Marcus N, Ashkenazi S, Yaari A, Samra Z, Livni G. Non‐Escherichia coli versus Escherichia coli community‐acquired urinary tract infections in children hospitalized in a tertiary center: relative frequency, risk factors, antimicrobial resistance and outcome. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005;24(7):581585.
  11. Ramos‐Martinez A, Alonso‐Moralejo R, Ortega‐Mercader P, Sanchez‐Romero I, Millan‐Santos I, Romero‐Pizarro Y. Prognosis of urinary tract infections with discordant antibiotic treatment [in Spanish]. Rev Clin Esp. 2010;210(11):545549.
  12. Velasco Arribas M, Rubio Cirilo L, Casas Martin A, et al. Appropriateness of empiric antibiotic therapy in urinary tract infection in emergency room [in Spanish]. Rev Clin Esp. 2010;210(1):1116.
  13. Long SS, Pickering LK, Prober CG. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2009.
  14. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twelfth Informational Supplement.Vol M100‐S12. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 2002.
  15. Tieder JS, Hall M, Auger KA, et al. Accuracy of administrative billing codes to detect urinary tract infection hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2011;128(2):323330.
  16. Mongelluzzo J, Mohamad Z, Ten Have TR, Shah SS. Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis. JAMA. 2008;299(17):20482055.
  17. Hoberman A, Wald ER, Penchansky L, Reynolds EA, Young S. Enhanced urinalysis as a screening test for urinary tract infection. Pediatrics. 1993;91(6):11961199.
  18. Hoberman A, Wald ER, Reynolds EA, Penchansky L, Charron M. Pyuria and bacteriuria in urine specimens obtained by catheter from young children with fever. J Pediatr. 1994;124(4):513519.
  19. Zorc JJ, Levine DA, Platt SL, et al. Clinical and demographic factors associated with urinary tract infection in young febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2005;116(3):644648.
  20. Feudtner C, Hays RM, Haynes G, Geyer JR, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: national trends and implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2001;107(6):E99.
  21. Committee on Quality Improvement. Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. Practice parameter: the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of the initial urinary tract infection in febrile infants and young children. Pediatrics. 1999;103:843852.
  22. Fanos V, Cataldi L. Antibiotics or surgery for vesicoureteric reflux in children. Lancet. 2004;364(9446):17201722.
  23. Chesney RW, Carpenter MA, Moxey‐Mims M, et al. Randomized intervention for children with vesicoureteral reflux (RIVUR): background commentary of RIVUR investigators. Pediatrics. 2008;122(suppl 5):S233S239.
  24. Brady PW, Conway PH, Goudie A. Length of intravenous antibiotic therapy and treatment failure in infants with urinary tract infections. Pediatrics. 2010;126(2):196203.
  25. Hannula A, Venhola M, Renko M, Pokka T, Huttunen NP, Uhari M. Vesicoureteral reflux in children with suspected and proven urinary tract infection. Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;25(8):14631469.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(8)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(8)
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Discordant antibiotic therapy and length of stay in children hospitalized for urinary tract infection
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Discordant antibiotic therapy and length of stay in children hospitalized for urinary tract infection
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Addressing Inpatient Crowding

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 21:25
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Addressing inpatient crowding by smoothing occupancy at children's hospitals

High levels of hospital occupancy are associated with compromises to quality of care and access (often referred to as crowding), 18 while low occupancy may be inefficient and also impact quality. 9, 10 Despite this, hospitals typically have uneven occupancy. Although some demand for services is driven by factors beyond the control of a hospital (eg, seasonal variation in viral illness), approximately 15%30% of admissions to children's hospitals are scheduled from days to months in advance, with usual arrivals on weekdays. 1114 For example, of the 3.4 million elective admissions in the 2006 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID), only 13% were admitted on weekends. 14 Combined with short length of stay (LOS) for such patients, this leads to higher midweek and lower weekend occupancy. 12

Hospitals respond to crowding in a number of ways, but often focus on reducing LOS to make room for new patients. 11, 15, 16 For hospitals that are relatively efficient in terms of LOS, efforts to reduce it may not increase functional capacity adequately. In children's hospitals, median lengths of stay are 2 to 3 days, and one‐third of hospitalizations are 1 day or less. 17 Thus, even 10%20% reductions in LOS trims hours, not days, from typical stays. Practical barriers (eg, reluctance to discharge in the middle of the night, or family preferences and work schedules) and undesired outcomes (eg, increased hospital re‐visits) are additional pitfalls encountered by relying on throughput enhancement alone.

Managing scheduled admissions through smoothing is an alternative strategy to reduce variability and high occupancy. 6, 12, 1820 The concept is to proactively control the entry of patients, when possible, to achieve more even levels of occupancy, instead of the peaks and troughs commonly encountered. Nonetheless, it is not a widely used approach. 18, 20, 21 We hypothesized that children's hospitals had substantial unused capacity that could be used to smooth occupancy, which would reduce weekday crowding. While it is obvious that smoothing will reduce peaks to average levels (and also raise troughs), we sought to quantify just how large this difference wasand thereby quantify the potential of smoothing to reduce inpatient crowding (or, conversely, expose more patients to high levels of occupancy). Is there enough variation to justify smoothing, and, if a hospital does smooth, what is the expected result? If the number of patients removed from exposure to high occupancy is not substantial, other means to address inpatient crowding might be of more value. Our aims were to quantify the difference in weekday versus weekend occupancy, report on mathematical feasibility of such an approach, and determine the difference in number of patients exposed to various levels of high occupancy.


Data Source

This retrospective study was conducted with resource‐utilization data from 39 freestanding, tertiary‐care children's hospitals in the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS). Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 23 states, plus the District of Columbia, and affiliated with the Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA, Shawnee Mission, KS). They account for 80% of freestanding, and 20% of all general, tertiary‐care children's hospitals. Data quality and reliability are assured through joint ongoing, systematic monitoring. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Committees for the Protection of Human Subjects approved the protocol with a waiver of informed consent.


Patients admitted January 1December 31, 2007 were eligible for inclusion. Due to variation in the presence of birthing, neonatal intensive care, and behavioral health units across hospitals, these beds and associated patients were excluded. Inpatients enter hospitals either as scheduled (often referred to as elective) or unscheduled (emergent or urgent) admissions. Because PHIS does not include these data, KID was used to standardize the PHIS data for proportion of scheduled admissions. 22 (KID is a healthcare database of 23 million pediatric inpatient discharges developed through federalstateindustry partnership, and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ].) Each encounter in KID includes a principal International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis code, and is designated by the hospital as elective (ranging from chemotherapy to tonsillectomy) or not elective. Because admissions, rather than diagnoses, are scheduled, a proportion of patients with each primary diagnosis in KID are scheduled (eg, 28% of patients with a primary diagnosis of esophageal reflux). Proportions in KID were matched to principal diagnoses in PHIS.


The census was the number of patients registered as inpatients (including those physically in the emergency department [ED] from time of ED arrival)whether observation or inpatient statusat midnight, the conclusion of the day. Hospital capacity was set using CHCA data (and confirmed by each hospital's administrative personnel) as the number of licensed in‐service beds available for patients in 2007; we assumed beds were staffed and capacity fixed for the year. Occupancy was calculated by dividing census by capacity. Maximum occupancy in a week referred to the highest occupancy level achieved in a seven‐day period (MondaySunday). We analyzed a set of thresholds for high‐occupancy (85%, 90%, 95%, and 100%), because there is no consistent definition for when hospitals are at high occupancy or when crowding occurs, though crowding has been described as starting at 85% occupancy. 2325


The hospital was the unit of analysis. We report hospital characteristics, including capacity, number of discharges, and census region, and annual standardized length of stay ratio (SLOSR) as observed‐to‐expected LOS.

Smoothing Technique

A retrospective smoothing algorithm set each hospital's daily occupancy during a week to that hospital's mean occupancy for the week; effectively spreading the week's volume of patients evenly across the days of the week. While inter‐week and inter‐month smoothing were considered, intra‐week smoothing was deemed more practical for the largest number of patients, as it would not mean delaying care by more than one week. In the case of a planned treatment course (eg, chemotherapy), only intra‐week smoothing would maintain the necessary scheduled intervals of treatment.

Mathematical Feasibility

To approximate the number of patient admissions that would require different scheduling during a particular week to achieve smoothed weekly occupancy, we determined the total number of patient‐days in the week that required different scheduling and divided by the average LOS for the week. We then divided the number of admissions‐to‐move by total weekly admissions to compute the percentage at each hospital across 52 weeks of the year.

Measuring the Impact of Smoothing

We focused on the frequency and severity of high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to it. This framework led to 4 measures that assess the opportunity and effect of smoothing:

  • Difference in hospital weekdayweekend occupancy: Equal to 12‐month median of difference between mean weekday occupancy and mean weekend occupancy for each hospital‐week.

  • Difference in hospital maximummean occupancy: Equal to median of difference between maximum one‐day occupancy and weekly mean (smoothed) occupancy for each hospital‐week. A regression line was derived from the data for the 39 hospitals to report expected reduction in peak occupancy based on the magnitude of the difference between weekday and weekend occupancy.

  • Difference in number of hospitals exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of hospitals facing high‐occupancy conditions on an average of at least one weekday midnight per week during the year at different occupancy thresholds.

  • Difference in number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of patients exposed to hospital midnight occupancy at the thresholds. We utilized patient‐days for the calculation to avoid double‐counting, and divided this by average LOS, in order to determine the number of patients who would no longer be exposed to over‐threshold occupancy after smoothing, while also adjusting for patients newly exposed to over‐threshold occupancy levels.


All analyses were performed separately for each hospital for the entire year and then for winter (DecemberMarch), the period during which most crowding occurred. Analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.2, SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC); P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.


The characteristics of the 39 hospitals are provided in Table 1. Based on standardization with KID, 23.6% of PHIS admissions were scheduled (range: 18.1%35.8%) or a median of 81.5 scheduled admissions per week per hospital; 26.6% of weekday admissions were scheduled versus 16.1% for weekends. Overall, 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. For all patients, median LOS was three days (interquartile range [IQR]: twofive days), but median LOS for scheduled admissions was two days (IQR: onefour days). The median LOS and IQR were the same by day of admission for all days of the week. Most hospitals had an overall SLOSR close to one (median: 0.9, IQR: 0.91.1). Overall, hospital mean midnight occupancy ranged from 70.9% to 108.1% on weekdays and 65.7% to 94.9% on weekends. Uniformly, weekday occupancy exceeded weekend occupancy, with a median difference of 8.2% points (IQR: 7.2%9.5% points). There was a wide range of median hospital weekdayweekend occupancy differences across hospitals (Figure 1). The overall difference was less in winter (median difference: 7.7% points; IQR: 6.3%8.8% points) than in summer (median difference: 8.6% points; IQR: 7.4%9.8% points (Wilcoxon Sign Rank test, P < 0.001). Thirty‐five hospitals (89.7%) exceeded the 85% occupancy threshold and 29 (74.4%) exceeded the 95% occupancy threshold on at least 20% of weekdays (Table 2). Across all the hospitals, the median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy was 6.6% points (IQR: 6.2%7.4% points) (Figure 2).

Characteristics of Hospitals and Admissions for 2007
CharacteristicsNo. (%)
  • Scheduled designation based on standardization with the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID).

Licensed in‐service bedsn = 39 hospitals
<200 beds6 (15.4)
200249 beds10 (25.6)
250300 beds14 (35.9)
>300 beds9 (23.1)
No. of discharges 
<10,0005 (12.8)
10,00013,99914 (35.9)
14,00017,99911 (28.2)
>18,0009 (23.1)
Census region 
West9 (23.1)
Midwest11 (28.2)
Northeast6 (15.4)
South13 (33.3)
Admissionsn = 590,352 admissions
Medical scheduled admissions*79,683
Surgical scheduled admissions*59,640
Total scheduled admissions* (% of all admissions)139,323 (23.6)
Weekend medical scheduled admissions* (% of all medical scheduled admissions)13,546 (17.0)
Weekend surgical scheduled admissions* (% of all surgical scheduled admissions)3,757 (6.3)
Weekend total scheduled admissions* (% of total scheduled admissions)17,276 (12.4)
Figure 1
Differences between weekday and weekend percent occupancy by hospital for each week in 2007. Each box represents data from one participating hospital. On each boxplot, the box spans the interquartile range for differences between weekday and weekend occupancy while the line through the box denotes the median value. The vertical lines or “whiskers” extend upward or downward up to 1.5 times the interquartile range.
Opportunity to Decrease High Occupancy at Different Thresholds Based on Smoothing Occupancy over Seven Days of the Week
Entire Year>85%Occupancy Threshold>95%>100%
  • NOTE: Negative numbers indicate that more patients would be exposed to this level of hospital occupancy after smoothing. For example, at the 100% threshold, the number of hospitals with mean weekday occupancy over that level was reduced from 6 to 1 by smoothing. At this level, the number of hospitals with 20% of their weekdays above this threshold reduced from 14 to 9 as a result of smoothing. Finally, 3,281 patient‐days and 804 individual patients were not exposed to this level of occupancy after smoothing.

  • Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range.

No. of hospitals (n = 39) with mean weekday occupancy above threshold    
Before smoothing (current state)3325146
After smoothing3222101
No. of hospitals (n = 39) above threshold 20% of weekdays    
Before smoothing (current state)35342914
After smoothing3532219
Median (IQR) no. of patient‐days per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing3,07128132363281
(5,552, 919)(5,288, 3,103)(0, 7,083)(962, 8,517)
Median (IQR) no. of patients per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing59650630804
(1,190, 226)(916, 752)(0, 1,492)(231, 2,195)
Figure 2
Percent change in weekly hospital maximum occupancy after smoothing. Within the hospitals, each week's maximum occupancy was reduced by smoothing. The box plot displays the distribution of the reductions (in percentage points) across the 52 weeks of 2007. The midline of the box represents the median percentage point reduction in maximum occupancy, and the box comprises the 25th to 75th percentiles (ie, the interquartile range [IQR]). The whiskers extend to 1.5 times the IQR.

Smoothing reduced the number of hospitals at each occupancy threshold, except 85% (Table 2). As a linear relationship, the reduction in weekday peak occupancy (y) based on a hospital's median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy (x) was y = 2.69 + 0.48x. Thus, a hospital with a 10% point difference between weekday and weekend occupancy could reduce weekday peak by 7.5% points.

Smoothing increased the number of patients exposed to the lower thresholds (85% and 90%), but decreased the number of patients exposed to >95% occupancy (Table 2). For example, smoothing at the 95% threshold resulted in 630 fewer patients per hospital exposed to that threshold. If all 39 hospitals had within‐week smoothing, a net of 39,607 patients would have been protected from exposure to >95% occupancy and a net of 50,079 patients from 100% occupancy.

To demonstrate the varied effects of smoothing, Table 3 and Figure 3 present representative categories of response to smoothing depending on pre‐smoothing patterns. While not all hospitals decreased occupancy to below thresholds after smoothing (Types B and D), the overall occupancy was reduced and fewer patients were exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (eg, >100%).

Differential Effects of Smoothing Depending on Pre‐Smoothing Patterns of Occupancy
CategoryBefore Smoothing Hospital DescriptionAfter Smoothing Hospital DescriptionNo. of Hospitals at 85% Threshold (n = 39)No. of Hospitals at 95% Threshold (n = 39)
  • NOTE: The number of hospitals in each category varies based on the threshold. For example, for Type A hospitals (3 at 85%, 1 at 95%), smoothing reduces the net number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy and brings all days below threshold. In contrast, Type B hospitals have similar profiles before smoothing, but after smoothing, weekend occupancy rises so that all days of the week have occupancies above the threshold (not just weekdays). For these, however, the overall occupancy height is reduced and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy on the busiest days of the week. For Type D hospitals (18 at 85%, 1 at 95%), there is above‐threshold weekday and weekend occupancy, and no decrease in weekend occupancy to below‐threshold levels after smoothing. Again, the overall occupancy height is reduced, and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (such as >100%) on the busiest days of the week.

Type AWeekdays above thresholdAll days below threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold31
Weekends below threshold
Type BWeekdays above thresholdAll days above threshold, resulting in net increase in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold1218
Weekends below threshold
Type CAll days of week below thresholdAll days of week below threshold619
Type DAll days of week above thresholdAll days of week above threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to extreme high occupancy181
Figure 3
(a–d) Categories of hospitals by occupancy and effect of smoothing at 95% threshold. The solid, gray, horizontal line indicates 95% occupancy; the solid black line indicates pre‐smoothing occupancy; and the dashed line represents post‐smoothing occupancy.

To achieve within‐week smoothing, a median of 7.4 patient‐admissions per week (range: 2.314.4) would have to be scheduled on a different day of the week. This equates to a median of 2.6% (IQR: 2.25%, 2.99%; range: 0.02%9.2%) of all admissionsor 9% of a typical hospital‐week's scheduled admissions.


This analysis of 39 children's hospitals found high levels of occupancy and weekend occupancy lower than weekday occupancy (median difference: 8.2% points). Only 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. Thus, weekend capacity is available to offset high weekday occupancy. Hospitals at the higher end of the occupancy thresholds (95%, 100%) would reduce the number of days operating at very high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to such levels by smoothing. This change is mathematically feasible, as a median of 7.4 patients would have to be proactively scheduled differently each week, just under one‐tenth of scheduled admissions. Since LOS by day of admission was the same (median: two days), the opportunity to affect occupancy by shifting patients should be relatively similar for all days of the week. In addition, these admissions were short, conferring greater flexibility. Implementing smoothing over the course of the week does not necessarily require admitting patients on weekends. For example, Monday admissions with an anticipated three‐day LOS could enter on Friday with anticipated discharge on Monday to alleviate midweek crowding and take advantage of unoccupied weekend beds. 26

At the highest levels of occupancy, smoothing reduces the frequency of reaching these maximum levels, but can have the effect of actually exposing more patient‐days to a higher occupancy. For example, for nine hospitals in our analysis with >20% of days over 100%, smoothing decreased days over 100%, but exposed weekend patients to higher levels of occupancy (Figure 3). Since most admissions are short and most scheduled admissions currently occur on weekdays, the number of individual patients (not patient‐days) newly exposed to such high occupancy may not increase much after smoothing at these facilities. Regardless, hospitals with such a pattern may not be able to rely solely on smoothing to avoid weekday crowding, and, if they are operating efficiently in terms of SLOSR, might be justified in building more capacity.

Consistent with our findings, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute for Healthcare Optimization, and the American Hospital Association Quality Center stress that addressing artificial variability of scheduled admissions is a critical first step to improving patient flow and quality of care while reducing costs. 18, 21, 27 Our study suggests that small numbers of patients need to be proactively scheduled differently to decrease midweek peak occupancy, so only a small proportion of families would need to find this desirable to make it attractive for hospitals and patients. This type of proactive smoothing decreases peak occupancy on weekdays, reducing the safety risks associated with high occupancy, improving acute access for emergent patients, shortening wait‐times and loss of scheduled patients to another facility, and increasing procedure volume (3%74% in one study). 28 Smoothing may also increase quality and safety on weekends, as emergent patients admitted on weekends experience more delays in necessary treatment and have worse outcomes. 2932 In addition, increasing scheduled admissions to span weekends may appeal to some families wishing to avoid absence from work to be with their hospitalized child, to parents concerned about school performanceand may also appeal to staff members seeking flexible schedules. Increasing weekend hospital capacity is safe, feasible, and economical, even when considering the increased wages for weekend work. 33, 34 Finally, smoothing over the whole week allows fixed costs (eg, surgical suites, imaging equipment) to be allocated over 7 days rather than 5, and allows for better matching of revenue to the fixed expenses.

Rather than a prescriptive approach, our work suggests hospitals need to identify only a small number of patients to proactively shift, providing them opportunities to adapt the approach to local circumstances. The particular patients to move around may also depend on the costs and benefits of services (eg, radiologic, laboratory, operative) and the hospital's existing patterns of staffing. A number of hospitals that have engaged in similar work have achieved sustainable results, such as Seattle Children's Hospital, Boston Medical Center, St. John's Regional Health Center, and New York University Langone Medical Center. 19, 26, 3537 In these cases, proactive smoothing took advantage of unused capacity and decreased crowding on days that had been traditionally very full. Hospitals that rarely or never have high‐occupancy days, and that do not expect growth in volume, may not need to employ smoothing, whereas others that have crowding issues primarily in the winter may wish to implement smoothing techniques seasonally.

Aside from attempting to reduce high‐occupancy through modification of admission patterns, other proactive approaches include optimizing staffing and processes around care, improving efficiency of care, and building additional beds. 16, 25, 38, 39 However, the expense of construction and the scarcity of capital often preclude this last option. Among children's hospitals, with SLOSR close to one, implementing strategies to reduce the LOS during periods of high occupancy may not result in meaningful reductions in LOS, as such approaches would only decrease the typical child's hospitalization by hours, not days. In addition to proactive strategies, hospitals also rely on reactive approaches, such as ED boarding, placing patients in hallways on units, diverting ambulances or transfers, or canceling scheduled admissions at the last moment, to decrease crowding. 16, 39, 40

This study has several limitations. First, use of administrative data precluded modeling all responses. For example, some hospitals may be better able to accommodate fluctuations in census or high occupancy without compromising quality or access. Second, we only considered intra‐week smoothing, but hospitals may benefit from smoothing over longer periods of time, especially since children's hospitals are busier in winter months, but incoming scheduled volume is often not reduced. 11 Hospitals with large occupancy variations across months may want to consider broadening the time horizon for smoothing, and weigh the costs and benefits over that period of time, including parental and clinician concerns and preferences for not delaying treatment. At the individual hospital level, discrete‐event simulation would likely be useful to consider the trade‐offs of smoothing to different levels and over different periods of time. Third, we assumed a fixed number of beds for the year, an approach that may not accurately reflect actual available beds on specific days. This limitation was minimized by counting all beds for each hospital as available for all the days of the year, so that hospitals with a high census when all available beds are included would have an even higher percent occupancy if some of those beds were not actually open. In a related way, then, we also do not consider how staffing may need to be altered or augmented to care for additional patients on certain days. Fourth, midnight census, the only universally available measure, was used to determine occupancy rather than peak census. Midnight census provides a standard snapshot, but is lower than mid‐day peak census. 41 In order to account for these limitations, we considered several different thresholds of high occupancy. Fifth, we smoothed at the hospital level, but differential effects may exist at the unit level. Sixth, to determine proportion of scheduled admissions, we used HCUP KID proportions on PHIS admissions. Overall, this approach likely overestimated scheduled medical admissions on weekends, thus biasing our result towards the null hypothesis. Finally, only freestanding children's hospitals were included in this study. While this may limit generalizability, the general concept of smoothing occupancy should apply in any setting with substantial and consistent variation.

In summary, our study revealed that children's hospitals often face high midweek occupancy, but also have substantial unused weekend capacity. Hospitals facing challenges with high weekday occupancy could proactively use a smoothing approach to decrease the frequency and severity of high occupancy. Further qualitative evaluation is also warranted around child, family, and staff preferences concerning scheduled admissions, school, and work.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(8)
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High levels of hospital occupancy are associated with compromises to quality of care and access (often referred to as crowding), 18 while low occupancy may be inefficient and also impact quality. 9, 10 Despite this, hospitals typically have uneven occupancy. Although some demand for services is driven by factors beyond the control of a hospital (eg, seasonal variation in viral illness), approximately 15%30% of admissions to children's hospitals are scheduled from days to months in advance, with usual arrivals on weekdays. 1114 For example, of the 3.4 million elective admissions in the 2006 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID), only 13% were admitted on weekends. 14 Combined with short length of stay (LOS) for such patients, this leads to higher midweek and lower weekend occupancy. 12

Hospitals respond to crowding in a number of ways, but often focus on reducing LOS to make room for new patients. 11, 15, 16 For hospitals that are relatively efficient in terms of LOS, efforts to reduce it may not increase functional capacity adequately. In children's hospitals, median lengths of stay are 2 to 3 days, and one‐third of hospitalizations are 1 day or less. 17 Thus, even 10%20% reductions in LOS trims hours, not days, from typical stays. Practical barriers (eg, reluctance to discharge in the middle of the night, or family preferences and work schedules) and undesired outcomes (eg, increased hospital re‐visits) are additional pitfalls encountered by relying on throughput enhancement alone.

Managing scheduled admissions through smoothing is an alternative strategy to reduce variability and high occupancy. 6, 12, 1820 The concept is to proactively control the entry of patients, when possible, to achieve more even levels of occupancy, instead of the peaks and troughs commonly encountered. Nonetheless, it is not a widely used approach. 18, 20, 21 We hypothesized that children's hospitals had substantial unused capacity that could be used to smooth occupancy, which would reduce weekday crowding. While it is obvious that smoothing will reduce peaks to average levels (and also raise troughs), we sought to quantify just how large this difference wasand thereby quantify the potential of smoothing to reduce inpatient crowding (or, conversely, expose more patients to high levels of occupancy). Is there enough variation to justify smoothing, and, if a hospital does smooth, what is the expected result? If the number of patients removed from exposure to high occupancy is not substantial, other means to address inpatient crowding might be of more value. Our aims were to quantify the difference in weekday versus weekend occupancy, report on mathematical feasibility of such an approach, and determine the difference in number of patients exposed to various levels of high occupancy.


Data Source

This retrospective study was conducted with resource‐utilization data from 39 freestanding, tertiary‐care children's hospitals in the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS). Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 23 states, plus the District of Columbia, and affiliated with the Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA, Shawnee Mission, KS). They account for 80% of freestanding, and 20% of all general, tertiary‐care children's hospitals. Data quality and reliability are assured through joint ongoing, systematic monitoring. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Committees for the Protection of Human Subjects approved the protocol with a waiver of informed consent.


Patients admitted January 1December 31, 2007 were eligible for inclusion. Due to variation in the presence of birthing, neonatal intensive care, and behavioral health units across hospitals, these beds and associated patients were excluded. Inpatients enter hospitals either as scheduled (often referred to as elective) or unscheduled (emergent or urgent) admissions. Because PHIS does not include these data, KID was used to standardize the PHIS data for proportion of scheduled admissions. 22 (KID is a healthcare database of 23 million pediatric inpatient discharges developed through federalstateindustry partnership, and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ].) Each encounter in KID includes a principal International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis code, and is designated by the hospital as elective (ranging from chemotherapy to tonsillectomy) or not elective. Because admissions, rather than diagnoses, are scheduled, a proportion of patients with each primary diagnosis in KID are scheduled (eg, 28% of patients with a primary diagnosis of esophageal reflux). Proportions in KID were matched to principal diagnoses in PHIS.


The census was the number of patients registered as inpatients (including those physically in the emergency department [ED] from time of ED arrival)whether observation or inpatient statusat midnight, the conclusion of the day. Hospital capacity was set using CHCA data (and confirmed by each hospital's administrative personnel) as the number of licensed in‐service beds available for patients in 2007; we assumed beds were staffed and capacity fixed for the year. Occupancy was calculated by dividing census by capacity. Maximum occupancy in a week referred to the highest occupancy level achieved in a seven‐day period (MondaySunday). We analyzed a set of thresholds for high‐occupancy (85%, 90%, 95%, and 100%), because there is no consistent definition for when hospitals are at high occupancy or when crowding occurs, though crowding has been described as starting at 85% occupancy. 2325


The hospital was the unit of analysis. We report hospital characteristics, including capacity, number of discharges, and census region, and annual standardized length of stay ratio (SLOSR) as observed‐to‐expected LOS.

Smoothing Technique

A retrospective smoothing algorithm set each hospital's daily occupancy during a week to that hospital's mean occupancy for the week; effectively spreading the week's volume of patients evenly across the days of the week. While inter‐week and inter‐month smoothing were considered, intra‐week smoothing was deemed more practical for the largest number of patients, as it would not mean delaying care by more than one week. In the case of a planned treatment course (eg, chemotherapy), only intra‐week smoothing would maintain the necessary scheduled intervals of treatment.

Mathematical Feasibility

To approximate the number of patient admissions that would require different scheduling during a particular week to achieve smoothed weekly occupancy, we determined the total number of patient‐days in the week that required different scheduling and divided by the average LOS for the week. We then divided the number of admissions‐to‐move by total weekly admissions to compute the percentage at each hospital across 52 weeks of the year.

Measuring the Impact of Smoothing

We focused on the frequency and severity of high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to it. This framework led to 4 measures that assess the opportunity and effect of smoothing:

  • Difference in hospital weekdayweekend occupancy: Equal to 12‐month median of difference between mean weekday occupancy and mean weekend occupancy for each hospital‐week.

  • Difference in hospital maximummean occupancy: Equal to median of difference between maximum one‐day occupancy and weekly mean (smoothed) occupancy for each hospital‐week. A regression line was derived from the data for the 39 hospitals to report expected reduction in peak occupancy based on the magnitude of the difference between weekday and weekend occupancy.

  • Difference in number of hospitals exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of hospitals facing high‐occupancy conditions on an average of at least one weekday midnight per week during the year at different occupancy thresholds.

  • Difference in number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of patients exposed to hospital midnight occupancy at the thresholds. We utilized patient‐days for the calculation to avoid double‐counting, and divided this by average LOS, in order to determine the number of patients who would no longer be exposed to over‐threshold occupancy after smoothing, while also adjusting for patients newly exposed to over‐threshold occupancy levels.


All analyses were performed separately for each hospital for the entire year and then for winter (DecemberMarch), the period during which most crowding occurred. Analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.2, SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC); P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.


The characteristics of the 39 hospitals are provided in Table 1. Based on standardization with KID, 23.6% of PHIS admissions were scheduled (range: 18.1%35.8%) or a median of 81.5 scheduled admissions per week per hospital; 26.6% of weekday admissions were scheduled versus 16.1% for weekends. Overall, 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. For all patients, median LOS was three days (interquartile range [IQR]: twofive days), but median LOS for scheduled admissions was two days (IQR: onefour days). The median LOS and IQR were the same by day of admission for all days of the week. Most hospitals had an overall SLOSR close to one (median: 0.9, IQR: 0.91.1). Overall, hospital mean midnight occupancy ranged from 70.9% to 108.1% on weekdays and 65.7% to 94.9% on weekends. Uniformly, weekday occupancy exceeded weekend occupancy, with a median difference of 8.2% points (IQR: 7.2%9.5% points). There was a wide range of median hospital weekdayweekend occupancy differences across hospitals (Figure 1). The overall difference was less in winter (median difference: 7.7% points; IQR: 6.3%8.8% points) than in summer (median difference: 8.6% points; IQR: 7.4%9.8% points (Wilcoxon Sign Rank test, P < 0.001). Thirty‐five hospitals (89.7%) exceeded the 85% occupancy threshold and 29 (74.4%) exceeded the 95% occupancy threshold on at least 20% of weekdays (Table 2). Across all the hospitals, the median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy was 6.6% points (IQR: 6.2%7.4% points) (Figure 2).

Characteristics of Hospitals and Admissions for 2007
CharacteristicsNo. (%)
  • Scheduled designation based on standardization with the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID).

Licensed in‐service bedsn = 39 hospitals
<200 beds6 (15.4)
200249 beds10 (25.6)
250300 beds14 (35.9)
>300 beds9 (23.1)
No. of discharges 
<10,0005 (12.8)
10,00013,99914 (35.9)
14,00017,99911 (28.2)
>18,0009 (23.1)
Census region 
West9 (23.1)
Midwest11 (28.2)
Northeast6 (15.4)
South13 (33.3)
Admissionsn = 590,352 admissions
Medical scheduled admissions*79,683
Surgical scheduled admissions*59,640
Total scheduled admissions* (% of all admissions)139,323 (23.6)
Weekend medical scheduled admissions* (% of all medical scheduled admissions)13,546 (17.0)
Weekend surgical scheduled admissions* (% of all surgical scheduled admissions)3,757 (6.3)
Weekend total scheduled admissions* (% of total scheduled admissions)17,276 (12.4)
Figure 1
Differences between weekday and weekend percent occupancy by hospital for each week in 2007. Each box represents data from one participating hospital. On each boxplot, the box spans the interquartile range for differences between weekday and weekend occupancy while the line through the box denotes the median value. The vertical lines or “whiskers” extend upward or downward up to 1.5 times the interquartile range.
Opportunity to Decrease High Occupancy at Different Thresholds Based on Smoothing Occupancy over Seven Days of the Week
Entire Year>85%Occupancy Threshold>95%>100%
  • NOTE: Negative numbers indicate that more patients would be exposed to this level of hospital occupancy after smoothing. For example, at the 100% threshold, the number of hospitals with mean weekday occupancy over that level was reduced from 6 to 1 by smoothing. At this level, the number of hospitals with 20% of their weekdays above this threshold reduced from 14 to 9 as a result of smoothing. Finally, 3,281 patient‐days and 804 individual patients were not exposed to this level of occupancy after smoothing.

  • Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range.

No. of hospitals (n = 39) with mean weekday occupancy above threshold    
Before smoothing (current state)3325146
After smoothing3222101
No. of hospitals (n = 39) above threshold 20% of weekdays    
Before smoothing (current state)35342914
After smoothing3532219
Median (IQR) no. of patient‐days per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing3,07128132363281
(5,552, 919)(5,288, 3,103)(0, 7,083)(962, 8,517)
Median (IQR) no. of patients per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing59650630804
(1,190, 226)(916, 752)(0, 1,492)(231, 2,195)
Figure 2
Percent change in weekly hospital maximum occupancy after smoothing. Within the hospitals, each week's maximum occupancy was reduced by smoothing. The box plot displays the distribution of the reductions (in percentage points) across the 52 weeks of 2007. The midline of the box represents the median percentage point reduction in maximum occupancy, and the box comprises the 25th to 75th percentiles (ie, the interquartile range [IQR]). The whiskers extend to 1.5 times the IQR.

Smoothing reduced the number of hospitals at each occupancy threshold, except 85% (Table 2). As a linear relationship, the reduction in weekday peak occupancy (y) based on a hospital's median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy (x) was y = 2.69 + 0.48x. Thus, a hospital with a 10% point difference between weekday and weekend occupancy could reduce weekday peak by 7.5% points.

Smoothing increased the number of patients exposed to the lower thresholds (85% and 90%), but decreased the number of patients exposed to >95% occupancy (Table 2). For example, smoothing at the 95% threshold resulted in 630 fewer patients per hospital exposed to that threshold. If all 39 hospitals had within‐week smoothing, a net of 39,607 patients would have been protected from exposure to >95% occupancy and a net of 50,079 patients from 100% occupancy.

To demonstrate the varied effects of smoothing, Table 3 and Figure 3 present representative categories of response to smoothing depending on pre‐smoothing patterns. While not all hospitals decreased occupancy to below thresholds after smoothing (Types B and D), the overall occupancy was reduced and fewer patients were exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (eg, >100%).

Differential Effects of Smoothing Depending on Pre‐Smoothing Patterns of Occupancy
CategoryBefore Smoothing Hospital DescriptionAfter Smoothing Hospital DescriptionNo. of Hospitals at 85% Threshold (n = 39)No. of Hospitals at 95% Threshold (n = 39)
  • NOTE: The number of hospitals in each category varies based on the threshold. For example, for Type A hospitals (3 at 85%, 1 at 95%), smoothing reduces the net number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy and brings all days below threshold. In contrast, Type B hospitals have similar profiles before smoothing, but after smoothing, weekend occupancy rises so that all days of the week have occupancies above the threshold (not just weekdays). For these, however, the overall occupancy height is reduced and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy on the busiest days of the week. For Type D hospitals (18 at 85%, 1 at 95%), there is above‐threshold weekday and weekend occupancy, and no decrease in weekend occupancy to below‐threshold levels after smoothing. Again, the overall occupancy height is reduced, and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (such as >100%) on the busiest days of the week.

Type AWeekdays above thresholdAll days below threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold31
Weekends below threshold
Type BWeekdays above thresholdAll days above threshold, resulting in net increase in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold1218
Weekends below threshold
Type CAll days of week below thresholdAll days of week below threshold619
Type DAll days of week above thresholdAll days of week above threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to extreme high occupancy181
Figure 3
(a–d) Categories of hospitals by occupancy and effect of smoothing at 95% threshold. The solid, gray, horizontal line indicates 95% occupancy; the solid black line indicates pre‐smoothing occupancy; and the dashed line represents post‐smoothing occupancy.

To achieve within‐week smoothing, a median of 7.4 patient‐admissions per week (range: 2.314.4) would have to be scheduled on a different day of the week. This equates to a median of 2.6% (IQR: 2.25%, 2.99%; range: 0.02%9.2%) of all admissionsor 9% of a typical hospital‐week's scheduled admissions.


This analysis of 39 children's hospitals found high levels of occupancy and weekend occupancy lower than weekday occupancy (median difference: 8.2% points). Only 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. Thus, weekend capacity is available to offset high weekday occupancy. Hospitals at the higher end of the occupancy thresholds (95%, 100%) would reduce the number of days operating at very high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to such levels by smoothing. This change is mathematically feasible, as a median of 7.4 patients would have to be proactively scheduled differently each week, just under one‐tenth of scheduled admissions. Since LOS by day of admission was the same (median: two days), the opportunity to affect occupancy by shifting patients should be relatively similar for all days of the week. In addition, these admissions were short, conferring greater flexibility. Implementing smoothing over the course of the week does not necessarily require admitting patients on weekends. For example, Monday admissions with an anticipated three‐day LOS could enter on Friday with anticipated discharge on Monday to alleviate midweek crowding and take advantage of unoccupied weekend beds. 26

At the highest levels of occupancy, smoothing reduces the frequency of reaching these maximum levels, but can have the effect of actually exposing more patient‐days to a higher occupancy. For example, for nine hospitals in our analysis with >20% of days over 100%, smoothing decreased days over 100%, but exposed weekend patients to higher levels of occupancy (Figure 3). Since most admissions are short and most scheduled admissions currently occur on weekdays, the number of individual patients (not patient‐days) newly exposed to such high occupancy may not increase much after smoothing at these facilities. Regardless, hospitals with such a pattern may not be able to rely solely on smoothing to avoid weekday crowding, and, if they are operating efficiently in terms of SLOSR, might be justified in building more capacity.

Consistent with our findings, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute for Healthcare Optimization, and the American Hospital Association Quality Center stress that addressing artificial variability of scheduled admissions is a critical first step to improving patient flow and quality of care while reducing costs. 18, 21, 27 Our study suggests that small numbers of patients need to be proactively scheduled differently to decrease midweek peak occupancy, so only a small proportion of families would need to find this desirable to make it attractive for hospitals and patients. This type of proactive smoothing decreases peak occupancy on weekdays, reducing the safety risks associated with high occupancy, improving acute access for emergent patients, shortening wait‐times and loss of scheduled patients to another facility, and increasing procedure volume (3%74% in one study). 28 Smoothing may also increase quality and safety on weekends, as emergent patients admitted on weekends experience more delays in necessary treatment and have worse outcomes. 2932 In addition, increasing scheduled admissions to span weekends may appeal to some families wishing to avoid absence from work to be with their hospitalized child, to parents concerned about school performanceand may also appeal to staff members seeking flexible schedules. Increasing weekend hospital capacity is safe, feasible, and economical, even when considering the increased wages for weekend work. 33, 34 Finally, smoothing over the whole week allows fixed costs (eg, surgical suites, imaging equipment) to be allocated over 7 days rather than 5, and allows for better matching of revenue to the fixed expenses.

Rather than a prescriptive approach, our work suggests hospitals need to identify only a small number of patients to proactively shift, providing them opportunities to adapt the approach to local circumstances. The particular patients to move around may also depend on the costs and benefits of services (eg, radiologic, laboratory, operative) and the hospital's existing patterns of staffing. A number of hospitals that have engaged in similar work have achieved sustainable results, such as Seattle Children's Hospital, Boston Medical Center, St. John's Regional Health Center, and New York University Langone Medical Center. 19, 26, 3537 In these cases, proactive smoothing took advantage of unused capacity and decreased crowding on days that had been traditionally very full. Hospitals that rarely or never have high‐occupancy days, and that do not expect growth in volume, may not need to employ smoothing, whereas others that have crowding issues primarily in the winter may wish to implement smoothing techniques seasonally.

Aside from attempting to reduce high‐occupancy through modification of admission patterns, other proactive approaches include optimizing staffing and processes around care, improving efficiency of care, and building additional beds. 16, 25, 38, 39 However, the expense of construction and the scarcity of capital often preclude this last option. Among children's hospitals, with SLOSR close to one, implementing strategies to reduce the LOS during periods of high occupancy may not result in meaningful reductions in LOS, as such approaches would only decrease the typical child's hospitalization by hours, not days. In addition to proactive strategies, hospitals also rely on reactive approaches, such as ED boarding, placing patients in hallways on units, diverting ambulances or transfers, or canceling scheduled admissions at the last moment, to decrease crowding. 16, 39, 40

This study has several limitations. First, use of administrative data precluded modeling all responses. For example, some hospitals may be better able to accommodate fluctuations in census or high occupancy without compromising quality or access. Second, we only considered intra‐week smoothing, but hospitals may benefit from smoothing over longer periods of time, especially since children's hospitals are busier in winter months, but incoming scheduled volume is often not reduced. 11 Hospitals with large occupancy variations across months may want to consider broadening the time horizon for smoothing, and weigh the costs and benefits over that period of time, including parental and clinician concerns and preferences for not delaying treatment. At the individual hospital level, discrete‐event simulation would likely be useful to consider the trade‐offs of smoothing to different levels and over different periods of time. Third, we assumed a fixed number of beds for the year, an approach that may not accurately reflect actual available beds on specific days. This limitation was minimized by counting all beds for each hospital as available for all the days of the year, so that hospitals with a high census when all available beds are included would have an even higher percent occupancy if some of those beds were not actually open. In a related way, then, we also do not consider how staffing may need to be altered or augmented to care for additional patients on certain days. Fourth, midnight census, the only universally available measure, was used to determine occupancy rather than peak census. Midnight census provides a standard snapshot, but is lower than mid‐day peak census. 41 In order to account for these limitations, we considered several different thresholds of high occupancy. Fifth, we smoothed at the hospital level, but differential effects may exist at the unit level. Sixth, to determine proportion of scheduled admissions, we used HCUP KID proportions on PHIS admissions. Overall, this approach likely overestimated scheduled medical admissions on weekends, thus biasing our result towards the null hypothesis. Finally, only freestanding children's hospitals were included in this study. While this may limit generalizability, the general concept of smoothing occupancy should apply in any setting with substantial and consistent variation.

In summary, our study revealed that children's hospitals often face high midweek occupancy, but also have substantial unused weekend capacity. Hospitals facing challenges with high weekday occupancy could proactively use a smoothing approach to decrease the frequency and severity of high occupancy. Further qualitative evaluation is also warranted around child, family, and staff preferences concerning scheduled admissions, school, and work.

High levels of hospital occupancy are associated with compromises to quality of care and access (often referred to as crowding), 18 while low occupancy may be inefficient and also impact quality. 9, 10 Despite this, hospitals typically have uneven occupancy. Although some demand for services is driven by factors beyond the control of a hospital (eg, seasonal variation in viral illness), approximately 15%30% of admissions to children's hospitals are scheduled from days to months in advance, with usual arrivals on weekdays. 1114 For example, of the 3.4 million elective admissions in the 2006 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID), only 13% were admitted on weekends. 14 Combined with short length of stay (LOS) for such patients, this leads to higher midweek and lower weekend occupancy. 12

Hospitals respond to crowding in a number of ways, but often focus on reducing LOS to make room for new patients. 11, 15, 16 For hospitals that are relatively efficient in terms of LOS, efforts to reduce it may not increase functional capacity adequately. In children's hospitals, median lengths of stay are 2 to 3 days, and one‐third of hospitalizations are 1 day or less. 17 Thus, even 10%20% reductions in LOS trims hours, not days, from typical stays. Practical barriers (eg, reluctance to discharge in the middle of the night, or family preferences and work schedules) and undesired outcomes (eg, increased hospital re‐visits) are additional pitfalls encountered by relying on throughput enhancement alone.

Managing scheduled admissions through smoothing is an alternative strategy to reduce variability and high occupancy. 6, 12, 1820 The concept is to proactively control the entry of patients, when possible, to achieve more even levels of occupancy, instead of the peaks and troughs commonly encountered. Nonetheless, it is not a widely used approach. 18, 20, 21 We hypothesized that children's hospitals had substantial unused capacity that could be used to smooth occupancy, which would reduce weekday crowding. While it is obvious that smoothing will reduce peaks to average levels (and also raise troughs), we sought to quantify just how large this difference wasand thereby quantify the potential of smoothing to reduce inpatient crowding (or, conversely, expose more patients to high levels of occupancy). Is there enough variation to justify smoothing, and, if a hospital does smooth, what is the expected result? If the number of patients removed from exposure to high occupancy is not substantial, other means to address inpatient crowding might be of more value. Our aims were to quantify the difference in weekday versus weekend occupancy, report on mathematical feasibility of such an approach, and determine the difference in number of patients exposed to various levels of high occupancy.


Data Source

This retrospective study was conducted with resource‐utilization data from 39 freestanding, tertiary‐care children's hospitals in the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS). Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 23 states, plus the District of Columbia, and affiliated with the Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA, Shawnee Mission, KS). They account for 80% of freestanding, and 20% of all general, tertiary‐care children's hospitals. Data quality and reliability are assured through joint ongoing, systematic monitoring. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Committees for the Protection of Human Subjects approved the protocol with a waiver of informed consent.


Patients admitted January 1December 31, 2007 were eligible for inclusion. Due to variation in the presence of birthing, neonatal intensive care, and behavioral health units across hospitals, these beds and associated patients were excluded. Inpatients enter hospitals either as scheduled (often referred to as elective) or unscheduled (emergent or urgent) admissions. Because PHIS does not include these data, KID was used to standardize the PHIS data for proportion of scheduled admissions. 22 (KID is a healthcare database of 23 million pediatric inpatient discharges developed through federalstateindustry partnership, and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ].) Each encounter in KID includes a principal International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision (ICD‐9) discharge diagnosis code, and is designated by the hospital as elective (ranging from chemotherapy to tonsillectomy) or not elective. Because admissions, rather than diagnoses, are scheduled, a proportion of patients with each primary diagnosis in KID are scheduled (eg, 28% of patients with a primary diagnosis of esophageal reflux). Proportions in KID were matched to principal diagnoses in PHIS.


The census was the number of patients registered as inpatients (including those physically in the emergency department [ED] from time of ED arrival)whether observation or inpatient statusat midnight, the conclusion of the day. Hospital capacity was set using CHCA data (and confirmed by each hospital's administrative personnel) as the number of licensed in‐service beds available for patients in 2007; we assumed beds were staffed and capacity fixed for the year. Occupancy was calculated by dividing census by capacity. Maximum occupancy in a week referred to the highest occupancy level achieved in a seven‐day period (MondaySunday). We analyzed a set of thresholds for high‐occupancy (85%, 90%, 95%, and 100%), because there is no consistent definition for when hospitals are at high occupancy or when crowding occurs, though crowding has been described as starting at 85% occupancy. 2325


The hospital was the unit of analysis. We report hospital characteristics, including capacity, number of discharges, and census region, and annual standardized length of stay ratio (SLOSR) as observed‐to‐expected LOS.

Smoothing Technique

A retrospective smoothing algorithm set each hospital's daily occupancy during a week to that hospital's mean occupancy for the week; effectively spreading the week's volume of patients evenly across the days of the week. While inter‐week and inter‐month smoothing were considered, intra‐week smoothing was deemed more practical for the largest number of patients, as it would not mean delaying care by more than one week. In the case of a planned treatment course (eg, chemotherapy), only intra‐week smoothing would maintain the necessary scheduled intervals of treatment.

Mathematical Feasibility

To approximate the number of patient admissions that would require different scheduling during a particular week to achieve smoothed weekly occupancy, we determined the total number of patient‐days in the week that required different scheduling and divided by the average LOS for the week. We then divided the number of admissions‐to‐move by total weekly admissions to compute the percentage at each hospital across 52 weeks of the year.

Measuring the Impact of Smoothing

We focused on the frequency and severity of high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to it. This framework led to 4 measures that assess the opportunity and effect of smoothing:

  • Difference in hospital weekdayweekend occupancy: Equal to 12‐month median of difference between mean weekday occupancy and mean weekend occupancy for each hospital‐week.

  • Difference in hospital maximummean occupancy: Equal to median of difference between maximum one‐day occupancy and weekly mean (smoothed) occupancy for each hospital‐week. A regression line was derived from the data for the 39 hospitals to report expected reduction in peak occupancy based on the magnitude of the difference between weekday and weekend occupancy.

  • Difference in number of hospitals exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of hospitals facing high‐occupancy conditions on an average of at least one weekday midnight per week during the year at different occupancy thresholds.

  • Difference in number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy: Equal to difference, pre‐ and post‐smoothing, in number of patients exposed to hospital midnight occupancy at the thresholds. We utilized patient‐days for the calculation to avoid double‐counting, and divided this by average LOS, in order to determine the number of patients who would no longer be exposed to over‐threshold occupancy after smoothing, while also adjusting for patients newly exposed to over‐threshold occupancy levels.


All analyses were performed separately for each hospital for the entire year and then for winter (DecemberMarch), the period during which most crowding occurred. Analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.2, SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC); P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.


The characteristics of the 39 hospitals are provided in Table 1. Based on standardization with KID, 23.6% of PHIS admissions were scheduled (range: 18.1%35.8%) or a median of 81.5 scheduled admissions per week per hospital; 26.6% of weekday admissions were scheduled versus 16.1% for weekends. Overall, 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. For all patients, median LOS was three days (interquartile range [IQR]: twofive days), but median LOS for scheduled admissions was two days (IQR: onefour days). The median LOS and IQR were the same by day of admission for all days of the week. Most hospitals had an overall SLOSR close to one (median: 0.9, IQR: 0.91.1). Overall, hospital mean midnight occupancy ranged from 70.9% to 108.1% on weekdays and 65.7% to 94.9% on weekends. Uniformly, weekday occupancy exceeded weekend occupancy, with a median difference of 8.2% points (IQR: 7.2%9.5% points). There was a wide range of median hospital weekdayweekend occupancy differences across hospitals (Figure 1). The overall difference was less in winter (median difference: 7.7% points; IQR: 6.3%8.8% points) than in summer (median difference: 8.6% points; IQR: 7.4%9.8% points (Wilcoxon Sign Rank test, P < 0.001). Thirty‐five hospitals (89.7%) exceeded the 85% occupancy threshold and 29 (74.4%) exceeded the 95% occupancy threshold on at least 20% of weekdays (Table 2). Across all the hospitals, the median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy was 6.6% points (IQR: 6.2%7.4% points) (Figure 2).

Characteristics of Hospitals and Admissions for 2007
CharacteristicsNo. (%)
  • Scheduled designation based on standardization with the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (HCUP KID).

Licensed in‐service bedsn = 39 hospitals
<200 beds6 (15.4)
200249 beds10 (25.6)
250300 beds14 (35.9)
>300 beds9 (23.1)
No. of discharges 
<10,0005 (12.8)
10,00013,99914 (35.9)
14,00017,99911 (28.2)
>18,0009 (23.1)
Census region 
West9 (23.1)
Midwest11 (28.2)
Northeast6 (15.4)
South13 (33.3)
Admissionsn = 590,352 admissions
Medical scheduled admissions*79,683
Surgical scheduled admissions*59,640
Total scheduled admissions* (% of all admissions)139,323 (23.6)
Weekend medical scheduled admissions* (% of all medical scheduled admissions)13,546 (17.0)
Weekend surgical scheduled admissions* (% of all surgical scheduled admissions)3,757 (6.3)
Weekend total scheduled admissions* (% of total scheduled admissions)17,276 (12.4)
Figure 1
Differences between weekday and weekend percent occupancy by hospital for each week in 2007. Each box represents data from one participating hospital. On each boxplot, the box spans the interquartile range for differences between weekday and weekend occupancy while the line through the box denotes the median value. The vertical lines or “whiskers” extend upward or downward up to 1.5 times the interquartile range.
Opportunity to Decrease High Occupancy at Different Thresholds Based on Smoothing Occupancy over Seven Days of the Week
Entire Year>85%Occupancy Threshold>95%>100%
  • NOTE: Negative numbers indicate that more patients would be exposed to this level of hospital occupancy after smoothing. For example, at the 100% threshold, the number of hospitals with mean weekday occupancy over that level was reduced from 6 to 1 by smoothing. At this level, the number of hospitals with 20% of their weekdays above this threshold reduced from 14 to 9 as a result of smoothing. Finally, 3,281 patient‐days and 804 individual patients were not exposed to this level of occupancy after smoothing.

  • Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range.

No. of hospitals (n = 39) with mean weekday occupancy above threshold    
Before smoothing (current state)3325146
After smoothing3222101
No. of hospitals (n = 39) above threshold 20% of weekdays    
Before smoothing (current state)35342914
After smoothing3532219
Median (IQR) no. of patient‐days per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing3,07128132363281
(5,552, 919)(5,288, 3,103)(0, 7,083)(962, 8,517)
Median (IQR) no. of patients per hospital not exposed to occupancy above threshold by smoothing59650630804
(1,190, 226)(916, 752)(0, 1,492)(231, 2,195)
Figure 2
Percent change in weekly hospital maximum occupancy after smoothing. Within the hospitals, each week's maximum occupancy was reduced by smoothing. The box plot displays the distribution of the reductions (in percentage points) across the 52 weeks of 2007. The midline of the box represents the median percentage point reduction in maximum occupancy, and the box comprises the 25th to 75th percentiles (ie, the interquartile range [IQR]). The whiskers extend to 1.5 times the IQR.

Smoothing reduced the number of hospitals at each occupancy threshold, except 85% (Table 2). As a linear relationship, the reduction in weekday peak occupancy (y) based on a hospital's median difference in weekly maximum and weekly mean occupancy (x) was y = 2.69 + 0.48x. Thus, a hospital with a 10% point difference between weekday and weekend occupancy could reduce weekday peak by 7.5% points.

Smoothing increased the number of patients exposed to the lower thresholds (85% and 90%), but decreased the number of patients exposed to >95% occupancy (Table 2). For example, smoothing at the 95% threshold resulted in 630 fewer patients per hospital exposed to that threshold. If all 39 hospitals had within‐week smoothing, a net of 39,607 patients would have been protected from exposure to >95% occupancy and a net of 50,079 patients from 100% occupancy.

To demonstrate the varied effects of smoothing, Table 3 and Figure 3 present representative categories of response to smoothing depending on pre‐smoothing patterns. While not all hospitals decreased occupancy to below thresholds after smoothing (Types B and D), the overall occupancy was reduced and fewer patients were exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (eg, >100%).

Differential Effects of Smoothing Depending on Pre‐Smoothing Patterns of Occupancy
CategoryBefore Smoothing Hospital DescriptionAfter Smoothing Hospital DescriptionNo. of Hospitals at 85% Threshold (n = 39)No. of Hospitals at 95% Threshold (n = 39)
  • NOTE: The number of hospitals in each category varies based on the threshold. For example, for Type A hospitals (3 at 85%, 1 at 95%), smoothing reduces the net number of patients exposed to above‐threshold occupancy and brings all days below threshold. In contrast, Type B hospitals have similar profiles before smoothing, but after smoothing, weekend occupancy rises so that all days of the week have occupancies above the threshold (not just weekdays). For these, however, the overall occupancy height is reduced and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy on the busiest days of the week. For Type D hospitals (18 at 85%, 1 at 95%), there is above‐threshold weekday and weekend occupancy, and no decrease in weekend occupancy to below‐threshold levels after smoothing. Again, the overall occupancy height is reduced, and fewer patients are exposed to extreme levels of high occupancy (such as >100%) on the busiest days of the week.

Type AWeekdays above thresholdAll days below threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold31
Weekends below threshold
Type BWeekdays above thresholdAll days above threshold, resulting in net increase in patients exposed to occupancies above threshold1218
Weekends below threshold
Type CAll days of week below thresholdAll days of week below threshold619
Type DAll days of week above thresholdAll days of week above threshold, resulting in net decrease in patients exposed to extreme high occupancy181
Figure 3
(a–d) Categories of hospitals by occupancy and effect of smoothing at 95% threshold. The solid, gray, horizontal line indicates 95% occupancy; the solid black line indicates pre‐smoothing occupancy; and the dashed line represents post‐smoothing occupancy.

To achieve within‐week smoothing, a median of 7.4 patient‐admissions per week (range: 2.314.4) would have to be scheduled on a different day of the week. This equates to a median of 2.6% (IQR: 2.25%, 2.99%; range: 0.02%9.2%) of all admissionsor 9% of a typical hospital‐week's scheduled admissions.


This analysis of 39 children's hospitals found high levels of occupancy and weekend occupancy lower than weekday occupancy (median difference: 8.2% points). Only 12.4% of scheduled admissions entered on weekends. Thus, weekend capacity is available to offset high weekday occupancy. Hospitals at the higher end of the occupancy thresholds (95%, 100%) would reduce the number of days operating at very high occupancy and the number of patients exposed to such levels by smoothing. This change is mathematically feasible, as a median of 7.4 patients would have to be proactively scheduled differently each week, just under one‐tenth of scheduled admissions. Since LOS by day of admission was the same (median: two days), the opportunity to affect occupancy by shifting patients should be relatively similar for all days of the week. In addition, these admissions were short, conferring greater flexibility. Implementing smoothing over the course of the week does not necessarily require admitting patients on weekends. For example, Monday admissions with an anticipated three‐day LOS could enter on Friday with anticipated discharge on Monday to alleviate midweek crowding and take advantage of unoccupied weekend beds. 26

At the highest levels of occupancy, smoothing reduces the frequency of reaching these maximum levels, but can have the effect of actually exposing more patient‐days to a higher occupancy. For example, for nine hospitals in our analysis with >20% of days over 100%, smoothing decreased days over 100%, but exposed weekend patients to higher levels of occupancy (Figure 3). Since most admissions are short and most scheduled admissions currently occur on weekdays, the number of individual patients (not patient‐days) newly exposed to such high occupancy may not increase much after smoothing at these facilities. Regardless, hospitals with such a pattern may not be able to rely solely on smoothing to avoid weekday crowding, and, if they are operating efficiently in terms of SLOSR, might be justified in building more capacity.

Consistent with our findings, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute for Healthcare Optimization, and the American Hospital Association Quality Center stress that addressing artificial variability of scheduled admissions is a critical first step to improving patient flow and quality of care while reducing costs. 18, 21, 27 Our study suggests that small numbers of patients need to be proactively scheduled differently to decrease midweek peak occupancy, so only a small proportion of families would need to find this desirable to make it attractive for hospitals and patients. This type of proactive smoothing decreases peak occupancy on weekdays, reducing the safety risks associated with high occupancy, improving acute access for emergent patients, shortening wait‐times and loss of scheduled patients to another facility, and increasing procedure volume (3%74% in one study). 28 Smoothing may also increase quality and safety on weekends, as emergent patients admitted on weekends experience more delays in necessary treatment and have worse outcomes. 2932 In addition, increasing scheduled admissions to span weekends may appeal to some families wishing to avoid absence from work to be with their hospitalized child, to parents concerned about school performanceand may also appeal to staff members seeking flexible schedules. Increasing weekend hospital capacity is safe, feasible, and economical, even when considering the increased wages for weekend work. 33, 34 Finally, smoothing over the whole week allows fixed costs (eg, surgical suites, imaging equipment) to be allocated over 7 days rather than 5, and allows for better matching of revenue to the fixed expenses.

Rather than a prescriptive approach, our work suggests hospitals need to identify only a small number of patients to proactively shift, providing them opportunities to adapt the approach to local circumstances. The particular patients to move around may also depend on the costs and benefits of services (eg, radiologic, laboratory, operative) and the hospital's existing patterns of staffing. A number of hospitals that have engaged in similar work have achieved sustainable results, such as Seattle Children's Hospital, Boston Medical Center, St. John's Regional Health Center, and New York University Langone Medical Center. 19, 26, 3537 In these cases, proactive smoothing took advantage of unused capacity and decreased crowding on days that had been traditionally very full. Hospitals that rarely or never have high‐occupancy days, and that do not expect growth in volume, may not need to employ smoothing, whereas others that have crowding issues primarily in the winter may wish to implement smoothing techniques seasonally.

Aside from attempting to reduce high‐occupancy through modification of admission patterns, other proactive approaches include optimizing staffing and processes around care, improving efficiency of care, and building additional beds. 16, 25, 38, 39 However, the expense of construction and the scarcity of capital often preclude this last option. Among children's hospitals, with SLOSR close to one, implementing strategies to reduce the LOS during periods of high occupancy may not result in meaningful reductions in LOS, as such approaches would only decrease the typical child's hospitalization by hours, not days. In addition to proactive strategies, hospitals also rely on reactive approaches, such as ED boarding, placing patients in hallways on units, diverting ambulances or transfers, or canceling scheduled admissions at the last moment, to decrease crowding. 16, 39, 40

This study has several limitations. First, use of administrative data precluded modeling all responses. For example, some hospitals may be better able to accommodate fluctuations in census or high occupancy without compromising quality or access. Second, we only considered intra‐week smoothing, but hospitals may benefit from smoothing over longer periods of time, especially since children's hospitals are busier in winter months, but incoming scheduled volume is often not reduced. 11 Hospitals with large occupancy variations across months may want to consider broadening the time horizon for smoothing, and weigh the costs and benefits over that period of time, including parental and clinician concerns and preferences for not delaying treatment. At the individual hospital level, discrete‐event simulation would likely be useful to consider the trade‐offs of smoothing to different levels and over different periods of time. Third, we assumed a fixed number of beds for the year, an approach that may not accurately reflect actual available beds on specific days. This limitation was minimized by counting all beds for each hospital as available for all the days of the year, so that hospitals with a high census when all available beds are included would have an even higher percent occupancy if some of those beds were not actually open. In a related way, then, we also do not consider how staffing may need to be altered or augmented to care for additional patients on certain days. Fourth, midnight census, the only universally available measure, was used to determine occupancy rather than peak census. Midnight census provides a standard snapshot, but is lower than mid‐day peak census. 41 In order to account for these limitations, we considered several different thresholds of high occupancy. Fifth, we smoothed at the hospital level, but differential effects may exist at the unit level. Sixth, to determine proportion of scheduled admissions, we used HCUP KID proportions on PHIS admissions. Overall, this approach likely overestimated scheduled medical admissions on weekends, thus biasing our result towards the null hypothesis. Finally, only freestanding children's hospitals were included in this study. While this may limit generalizability, the general concept of smoothing occupancy should apply in any setting with substantial and consistent variation.

In summary, our study revealed that children's hospitals often face high midweek occupancy, but also have substantial unused weekend capacity. Hospitals facing challenges with high weekday occupancy could proactively use a smoothing approach to decrease the frequency and severity of high occupancy. Further qualitative evaluation is also warranted around child, family, and staff preferences concerning scheduled admissions, school, and work.

  1. Schilling PL, Campbell DAJ, Englesbe MJ, Davis MM. A comparison of in‐hospital mortality risk conferred by high hospital occupancy, differences in nurse staffing levels, weekend admission, and seasonal influenza. Medical Care. 2010;48(3):224232.
  2. Weissman JS, Rothschild JM, Bendavid E, et al. Hospital workload and adverse events. Med Care. 2007;45(5):448455.
  3. Lorch SA, Millman AM, Zhang X, Even‐Shoshan O, Silber JH. Impact of admission‐day crowding on the length of stay of pediatric hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2008;121(4):e718e730.
  4. Hillier DF, Parry GJ, Shannon MW, Stack AM. The effect of hospital bed occupancy on throughput in the pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;53(6):767776.
  5. Pedroja AT. The tipping point: the relationship between volume and patient harm. Am J Med Qual. 2008;23(5):336341.
  6. Litvak E, Buerhaus P, Davidoff F, Long M, McManus M, Berwick D. Managing unnecessary variability in patient demand to reduce nursing stress and improve patient safety. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2005;31(6):330338.
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  8. Forster AJ, Stiell I, Wells G, Lee AJ, van Walraven C. The effect of hospital occupancy on emergency department length of stay and patient disposition. Acad Emerg Med. 2003;10(2):127133.
  9. Hewitt M. Interpreting the Volume‐Outcome Relationship in the Context of Health Care Quality: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2000.
  10. Gasper WJ, Glidden DV, Jin C, Way LW, Patti MG. Has recognition of the relationship between mortality rates and hospital volume for major cancer surgery in California made a difference? A follow‐up analysis of another decade. Ann Surg. 2009;250(3):472483.
  11. Fieldston ES, Hall M, Sills M, et al. Children's hospitals do not acutely respond to high occupancy. Pediatrics. 2010;125:974981.
  12. Fieldston ES, Ragavan M, Jayaraman B, Allebach K, Pati S, Metlay JP. Scheduled admissions and high occupancy at a children's hospital. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(2):8187.
  13. Ryan K, Levit K, Davis PH. Characteristics of weekday and weekend hospital admissions. HCUP Statistical Brief. 2010;87.
  14. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. HCUP databases, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP); 2008. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed July 15, 2009.
  15. Yancer D, et al. Managing capacity to reduce emergency department overcrowding and ambulance diversions. J Qual Patient Saf. 2006;32(5):239245.
  16. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Flow initiatives; 2008. Available at: Accessed February 20, 2008.
  17. Macy ML, Stanley RM, Lozon MM, Sasson C, Gebremariam A, Davis MM. Trends in high‐turnover stays among children hospitalized in the United States, 1993–2003. Pediatrics. 2009;123(3):9961002.
  18. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Smoothing elective surgical admissions. Available at: Accessed October 24, 2008.
  19. Boston hospital sees big impact from smoothing elective schedule. OR Manager. 2004;20:12.
  20. Litvak E. Managing Variability in Patient Flow Is the Key to Improving Access to Care, Nursing Staffing, Quality of Care, and Reducing Its Cost. Paper presented at Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC; June 24, 2004.
  21. American Hospital Association Quality Center. Available at: Accessed October 14, 2008.
  22. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Kids' Inpatient Database (KID); July 2008. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed September 10, 2008.
  23. Gorunescu F, McClean SI, Millard PH. Using a queuing model to help plan bed allocation in a department of geriatric medicine. Health Care Manag Sci. 2002;5(4):307313.
  24. Green LV. How many hospital beds? Inquiry. 2002;39(4):400412.
  25. Jensen K. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Patient flow comments. Available at: Accessed September 10, 2008.
  26. Weed J. Factory efficiency comes to the hospital. New York Times. July 9, 2010.
  27. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Re‐engineering the operating room. Available at: Accessed November 8, 2008.
  28. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Enhanced weekend service: an affordable means to increased hospital procedure volume. CMAJ. 2005;172(4):503504.
  29. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Mortality among patients admitted to hospitals on weekends as compared with weekdays. N Engl J Med. 2001;345:663668.
  30. Kostis WJ, Demissie K, Marcellam SW, Shao YH, Wilson AC, Moreyra AE. Weekend versus weekday admission and mortality from myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:10991109.
  31. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Waiting for urgent procedures on the weekend among emergently hospitalized patients. Am J Med. 2004;117:175181.
  32. Becker DJ. Do hospitals provide lower quality care on weekends? Health Serv Res. 2007;42:15891612.
  33. Moore JDJ. Hospital saves by working weekends. Mod Healthc. 1996;26:8299.
  34. Krasuski RA, Hartley LH, Lee TH, Polanczyk CA, Fleischmann KE. Weekend and holiday exercise testing in patients with chest pain. J Gen Intern Med. 1999;14:1014.
  35. McGlinchey PC. Boston Medical Center Case Study: Institute of Healthcare Optimization; 2006. Available at:‐eeaa‐4898–9e62–660218f19ffb/download.htm. Accessed October 3, 2010.
  36. Henderson D, Dempsey C, Larson K, Appleby D. The impact of IMPACT on St John's Regional Health Center. Mo Med. 2003;100:590592.
  37. NYU Langone Medical Center Extends Access to Non‐Emergent Care as Part of Commitment to Patient‐Centered Care (June 23, 2010). Available at:‐langone‐medical‐center‐extends‐access‐non‐emergent‐care‐part‐commitment‐patient‐center. Accessed October 3, 2010.
  38. Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital. A pragmatic approach to improving patient efficiency throughput. Improvement Report 2005. Available at: Accessed October 3, 2010.
  39. AHA Solutions. Patient Flow Challenges Assessment 2009. Chicago, IL; 2009.
  40. Asplin BR, Magid DJ, Rhodes KV, Solberg LI, Lurie N, Camargo CA. A conceptual model of emergency department crowding. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42(2):173180.
  41. DeLia D. Annual bed statistics give a misleading picture of hospital surge capacity. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48(4):384388.
  1. Schilling PL, Campbell DAJ, Englesbe MJ, Davis MM. A comparison of in‐hospital mortality risk conferred by high hospital occupancy, differences in nurse staffing levels, weekend admission, and seasonal influenza. Medical Care. 2010;48(3):224232.
  2. Weissman JS, Rothschild JM, Bendavid E, et al. Hospital workload and adverse events. Med Care. 2007;45(5):448455.
  3. Lorch SA, Millman AM, Zhang X, Even‐Shoshan O, Silber JH. Impact of admission‐day crowding on the length of stay of pediatric hospitalizations. Pediatrics. 2008;121(4):e718e730.
  4. Hillier DF, Parry GJ, Shannon MW, Stack AM. The effect of hospital bed occupancy on throughput in the pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;53(6):767776.
  5. Pedroja AT. The tipping point: the relationship between volume and patient harm. Am J Med Qual. 2008;23(5):336341.
  6. Litvak E, Buerhaus P, Davidoff F, Long M, McManus M, Berwick D. Managing unnecessary variability in patient demand to reduce nursing stress and improve patient safety. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2005;31(6):330338.
  7. Hospital‐Based Emergency Care: At the Breaking Point. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine Committee on the Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System; 2006.
  8. Forster AJ, Stiell I, Wells G, Lee AJ, van Walraven C. The effect of hospital occupancy on emergency department length of stay and patient disposition. Acad Emerg Med. 2003;10(2):127133.
  9. Hewitt M. Interpreting the Volume‐Outcome Relationship in the Context of Health Care Quality: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2000.
  10. Gasper WJ, Glidden DV, Jin C, Way LW, Patti MG. Has recognition of the relationship between mortality rates and hospital volume for major cancer surgery in California made a difference? A follow‐up analysis of another decade. Ann Surg. 2009;250(3):472483.
  11. Fieldston ES, Hall M, Sills M, et al. Children's hospitals do not acutely respond to high occupancy. Pediatrics. 2010;125:974981.
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  13. Ryan K, Levit K, Davis PH. Characteristics of weekday and weekend hospital admissions. HCUP Statistical Brief. 2010;87.
  14. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. HCUP databases, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP); 2008. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed July 15, 2009.
  15. Yancer D, et al. Managing capacity to reduce emergency department overcrowding and ambulance diversions. J Qual Patient Saf. 2006;32(5):239245.
  16. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Flow initiatives; 2008. Available at: Accessed February 20, 2008.
  17. Macy ML, Stanley RM, Lozon MM, Sasson C, Gebremariam A, Davis MM. Trends in high‐turnover stays among children hospitalized in the United States, 1993–2003. Pediatrics. 2009;123(3):9961002.
  18. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Smoothing elective surgical admissions. Available at: Accessed October 24, 2008.
  19. Boston hospital sees big impact from smoothing elective schedule. OR Manager. 2004;20:12.
  20. Litvak E. Managing Variability in Patient Flow Is the Key to Improving Access to Care, Nursing Staffing, Quality of Care, and Reducing Its Cost. Paper presented at Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC; June 24, 2004.
  21. American Hospital Association Quality Center. Available at: Accessed October 14, 2008.
  22. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Kids' Inpatient Database (KID); July 2008. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed September 10, 2008.
  23. Gorunescu F, McClean SI, Millard PH. Using a queuing model to help plan bed allocation in a department of geriatric medicine. Health Care Manag Sci. 2002;5(4):307313.
  24. Green LV. How many hospital beds? Inquiry. 2002;39(4):400412.
  25. Jensen K. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Patient flow comments. Available at: Accessed September 10, 2008.
  26. Weed J. Factory efficiency comes to the hospital. New York Times. July 9, 2010.
  27. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Re‐engineering the operating room. Available at: Accessed November 8, 2008.
  28. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Enhanced weekend service: an affordable means to increased hospital procedure volume. CMAJ. 2005;172(4):503504.
  29. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Mortality among patients admitted to hospitals on weekends as compared with weekdays. N Engl J Med. 2001;345:663668.
  30. Kostis WJ, Demissie K, Marcellam SW, Shao YH, Wilson AC, Moreyra AE. Weekend versus weekday admission and mortality from myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:10991109.
  31. Bell CM, Redelmeier DA. Waiting for urgent procedures on the weekend among emergently hospitalized patients. Am J Med. 2004;117:175181.
  32. Becker DJ. Do hospitals provide lower quality care on weekends? Health Serv Res. 2007;42:15891612.
  33. Moore JDJ. Hospital saves by working weekends. Mod Healthc. 1996;26:8299.
  34. Krasuski RA, Hartley LH, Lee TH, Polanczyk CA, Fleischmann KE. Weekend and holiday exercise testing in patients with chest pain. J Gen Intern Med. 1999;14:1014.
  35. McGlinchey PC. Boston Medical Center Case Study: Institute of Healthcare Optimization; 2006. Available at:‐eeaa‐4898–9e62–660218f19ffb/download.htm. Accessed October 3, 2010.
  36. Henderson D, Dempsey C, Larson K, Appleby D. The impact of IMPACT on St John's Regional Health Center. Mo Med. 2003;100:590592.
  37. NYU Langone Medical Center Extends Access to Non‐Emergent Care as Part of Commitment to Patient‐Centered Care (June 23, 2010). Available at:‐langone‐medical‐center‐extends‐access‐non‐emergent‐care‐part‐commitment‐patient‐center. Accessed October 3, 2010.
  38. Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital. A pragmatic approach to improving patient efficiency throughput. Improvement Report 2005. Available at: Accessed October 3, 2010.
  39. AHA Solutions. Patient Flow Challenges Assessment 2009. Chicago, IL; 2009.
  40. Asplin BR, Magid DJ, Rhodes KV, Solberg LI, Lurie N, Camargo CA. A conceptual model of emergency department crowding. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42(2):173180.
  41. DeLia D. Annual bed statistics give a misleading picture of hospital surge capacity. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48(4):384388.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(8)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(8)
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Addressing inpatient crowding by smoothing occupancy at children's hospitals
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Addressing inpatient crowding by smoothing occupancy at children's hospitals
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Treatment of Complicated Pneumonia

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 21:41
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Comparative effectiveness of pleural drainage procedures for the treatment of complicated pneumonia in childhood

Community‐acquired pneumonia, the most common serious bacterial infection in childhood, may be complicated by parapneumonic effusion (ie, complicated pneumonia).1 Children with complicated pneumonia require prolonged hospitalization and frequently undergo multiple pleural fluid drainage procedures.2 Additionally, the incidence of complicated pneumonia has increased,37 making the need to define appropriate therapy even more pressing. Defining appropriate therapy is challenging for the individual physician as a result of inconsistent and insufficient evidence, and wide variation in treatment practices.2, 8

Historically, thoracotomy was performed only if initial chest tube placement did not lead to clinical improvement.9, 10 Several authors, noting the rapid resolution of symptoms in children undergoing earlier thoracotomy, advocated for the use of thoracotomy as initial therapy rather than as a procedure of last resort.114 The advent of less invasive techniques such as video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has served as an additional impetus to consider surgical drainage as the initial treatment strategy.1518 Few well‐designed studies have examined the relative efficacy of these interventions.2, 1922 Published randomized trials were single center, enrolled few patients, and arrived at different conclusions.19, 21, 22 In addition, these trials did not examine other important outcomes such as requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures and hospital readmission. Two large retrospective multicenter studies found modest reductions in length of stay (LOS) and substantial decreases in the requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures in children undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement.2, 20 However, Shah et al2 included relatively few patients undergoing VATS. Li et al20 combined patients undergoing initial thoracentesis, initial chest tube placement, late pleural fluid drainage (by any method), and no pleural fluid drainage into a single non‐operative management category, precluding conclusions about the relative benefits of chest tube placement compared with VATS. Neither study2, 20 examined the role of chemical fibrinolysis, a therapy which has been associated with outcomes comparable to VATS in two small randomized trials.21, 22

The objectives of this multicenter study were to describe the variation in the initial management strategy along with associated outcomes of complicated pneumonia in childhood and to determine the comparative effectiveness of different pleural fluid drainage procedures.


Data Source

The Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), which contains resource utilization data from 40 freestanding children's hospitals, provided data for this multicenter retrospective cohort study. Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 27 states plus the District of Columbia. The PHIS database includes patient demographics, diagnoses, and procedures as well as data for all drugs, radiologic studies, laboratory tests, and supplies charged to each patient. Data are de‐identified, however encrypted medical record numbers allow for tracking individual patients across admissions. The Child Health Corporation of America (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals jointly assure data quality and reliability as described previously.23, 24 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Institutional Review Board reviewed and approved this study.


Children 18 years of age receiving a pleural drainage procedure for complicated pneumonia were eligible if they were discharged from participating hospitals between January 1, 2004 and June 30, 2009. Study participants met the following criteria: 1) discharge diagnosis of pneumonia (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision [ICD‐9] discharge diagnosis codes 480.x‐483.x, 485.x‐487.x), 2) discharge diagnosis of pleural effusion (ICD‐9 codes 510.0, 510.9, 511.0, 511.1, or 511.9), and 3) billing charge for antibiotics on the first day of hospitalization. Additionally, the primary discharge diagnosis had to be either pneumonia or pleural effusion. Patients were excluded if they did not undergo pleural fluid drainage or if their initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was thoracentesis.

Study Definitions

Pleural drainage procedures were identified using ICD‐9 procedure codes for thoracentesis (34.91), chest tube placement (34.04), VATS (34.21), and thoracotomy (34.02 or 34.09). Fibrinolysis was defined as receipt of urokinase, streptokinase, or alteplase within two days of initial chest tube placement.

Acute conditions or complications included influenza (487, 487.0, 487.1, 487.8, 488, or V04.81) and hemolytic‐uremic syndrome (283.11). Chronic comorbid conditions (CCCs) (eg, malignancy) were identified using a previously reported classification scheme.25 Billing data were used to classify receipt of mechanical ventilation and medications on the first day of hospitalization.

Measured Outcomes

The primary outcomes were hospital LOS (both overall and post‐initial procedure), requirement for additional pleural drainage procedures, total cost for index hospitalization, all‐cause readmission within 14 days after index hospital discharge, and total cost of the episode (accounting for the cost of readmissions).

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure of interest was the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure, classified as chest tube placement without fibrinolysis, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis, VATS, or thoracotomy.

Statistical Analysis

Variables were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables, and median, interquartile range (IQR), and range for continuous variables. Outcomes by initial pleural drainage procedure were compared using chi‐squared tests for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Multivariable analysis was performed to account for potential confounding by observed baseline variables. For dichotomous outcome variables, modeling consisted of logistic regression using generalized estimating equations to account for hospital clustering. For continuous variables, a mixed model approach was used, treating hospital as a random effect. Log transformation was applied to the right‐skewed outcome variables (LOS and cost). Cost outcomes remained skewed following log transformation, thus gamma mixed models were applied.2629 Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were reported for comparison of dichotomous outcomes and the adjusted means and 95% CIs were reported for continuous outcomes after appropriate back transformation.

Additional analyses addressed the potential impact of confounding by indication inherent in any observational study. First, patients with an underlying CCC were excluded to ensure that our results would be generalizable to otherwise healthy children with community‐acquired pneumonia. Second, patients undergoing pleural drainage >2 days after hospitalization were excluded to minimize the effect of residual confounding related to differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure. Third, the analysis was repeated using a generalized propensity score as an additional method to account for confounding by indication for the initial drainage procedure.30 Propensity scores, constructed using a multivariable generalized logit model, included all variables listed in Table 1. The inverse of the propensity score was included as a weight in each multivariable model described previously. Only the primary multivariable analyses are presented as the results of the propensity score analysis were nearly identical to the primary analyses.

Characteristics of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Requiring Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Value
  • Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; US, ultrasound; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range).

  • Blood product transfusions included administration of packed red blood cells, cryoprecipitate, fresh frozen plasma, or platelets.

  • Vasoactive infusions included dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, and milrinone.

N35001672 (47.8)623 (17.8)797 (22.8)408 (11.7) 
<1 year335 (9.6)176 (10.5)56 (9.0)78 (9.8)25 (6.1) 
1 year475 (13.6)238 (14.2)98 (15.7)92 (11.5)47 (11.5)0.003
24 years1230 (35.1)548 (32.8)203 (32.6)310 (38.9)169 (41.4) 
59 years897 (25.6)412 (24.6)170 (27.3)199 (25.0)116 (28.4) 
1014 years324 (9.3)167 (10.0)61 (9.8)65 (8.2)31 (7.6) 
1518 years193 (5.5)106 (6.3)29 (4.6)40 (5.0)18 (4.4) 
>18 years46 (1.3)25 (1.5)6 (0.96)13 (1.6)2 (0.5) 
Comorbid Conditions      
Cardiac69 (2.0)43 (2.6)14 (2.3)12 (1.5)0 (0.0)0.006
Malignancy81 (2.3)31 (1.9)18 (2.9)21 (2.6)11 (2.7)0.375
Neurological138 (3.9)73 (4.4)20 (3.2)34 (4.3)11 (2.7)0.313
Any Other Condition202 (5.8)96 (5.7)40 (6.4)47 (5.9)19 (4.7)0.696
Government1240 (35.6)630 (37.8)224 (36.0)259 (32.7)127 (31.3)<0.001
Private1383 (39.7)607 (36.4)283 (45.4)310 (39.2)183 (45.07) 
Other864 (24.8)430 (25.8)116 (18.6)222 (28.1)96 (23.65) 
Non‐Hispanic White1746 (51.9)838 (51.6)358 (59.7)361 (47.8)189 (48.7)<0.001
Non‐Hispanic Black601 (17.9)318 (19.6)90 (15.0)128 (17.0)65 (16.8) 
Hispanic588 (17.5)280 (17.3)73 (12.2)155 (20.5)80 (20.6) 
Asian117 (3.5)47 (2.9)20 (3.3)37 (4.9)13 (3.4) 
Other314 (9.3)140 (8.6)59 (9.8)74 (9.8)41 (10.6) 
Male Sex1912 (54.6)923 (55.2)336 (53.9)439 (55.1)214 (52.5)0.755
CT, no US1200 (34.3)600 (35.9)184 (29.5)280 (35.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
CT and US221 (6.3)84 (5.0)53 (8.5)61 (7.7)23 (5.6) 
US, no CT799 (22.8)324 (19.4)178 (28.6)200 (25.1)97 (23.8) 
No US, no CT1280 (36.6)664 (39.7)208 (33.4)256 (32.1)152 (37.3) 
Empiric Antibiotic Regimen      
Cephalosporins alone448 (12.8)181 (10.83)126 (20.2)73 (9.2)68 (16.7)<0.001
Cephalosporin and clindamycin797 (22.8)359 (21.5)145 (23.3)184 (23.1)109 (26.7) 
Other antibiotic combination167 (4.8)82 (4.9)30 (4.8)38 (4.8)17 (4.2) 
Cephalosporin and vancomycin2088 (59.7)1050 (62.8)322 (51.7)502 (63.0)214 (52.5) 
Mechanical ventilation494 (14.1)251 (15.0)75 (12.0)114 (14.3)54 (13.2)0.307
Corticosteroids520 (14.9)291 (17.4)72 (11.6)114 (14.3)43 (10.5)<0.001
Blood product transfusionsb761 (21.7)387 (23.2)145 (23.3)161 (20.2)68 (16.7)0.018
Vasoactive infusionsc381 (10.9)223 (13.3)63 (10.1)72 (9.0)23 (5.6)<0.001
Admission to intensive care1397 (39.9)731 (43.7)234 (37.6)296 (37.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
Extracorporeal membranous oxygenation18 (0.5)13 (0.8)2 (0.3)3 (0.4)0 (0.0)0.163
Hemolytic‐uremic syndrome31 (0.9)15 (0.9)6 (1.0)7 (0.9)3 (0.7)0.985
Influenza108 (3.1)53 (3.2)27 (4.3)23 (2.9)5 (1.2)0.044
Arterial blood gas measurements0 (0,1)0 (0, 2)0 (0,1)0 (0, 1)0 (0, 1)<0.001
Days to first procedure1 (0, 3)1 (0, 2)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)<0.001

Medical records of a randomly selected subset of subjects from 6 hospitals were reviewed to determine the accuracy of our algorithm in identifying patients with complicated pneumonia; these subjects represented 1% of the study population. For the purposes of medical record review, complicated pneumonia was defined by the following: 1) radiologically‐confirmed lung infiltrate; 2) moderate or large pleural effusion; and 3) signs and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection. Complicated pneumonia was identified in 118 of 120 reviewed subjects for a positive predictive value of 98.3%.

All analyses were clustered by hospital. Analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A two‐tailed P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Patient Characteristics

During the study period, 9,680 subjects had complicated pneumonia. Subjects were excluded if they did not have a pleural drainage procedure (n = 5798), or if thoracentesis was the first pleural fluid drainage procedure performed (n = 382). The remaining 3500 patients were included. Demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1. The median patient age was 4.1 years (IQR: 2.17.2 years). An underlying CCC was present in 424 (12.1%) patients. There was no association between type of drainage procedure and mechanical ventilation. However, factors associated with more severe systemic illness, such as blood product transfusion, were more common among those undergoing initial chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis (Table 1).

Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedures

The primary procedures included chest tube without fibrinolysis (47.8%); chest tube with fibrinolysis (17.8%); thoracotomy (22.8%); and VATS (11.7%) (Table 1). The proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement with fibrinolysis increased over time from 14.2% in 2004 to 30.0% in 2009 (P < 0.001; chi‐squared test for trend). The initial procedure varied by hospital with the greatest proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis at 28 (70.0%) hospitals, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, thoracotomy at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, and VATS at 2 (5.0%) hospitals (Figure 1). The median proportion of patients undergoing primary VATS across all hospitals was 11.5% (IQR: 3.9%‐26.5%) (Figure 1). The median time to first procedure was 1 day (IQR: 03 days).

Figure 1
Distribution of initial procedure type by hospital. The y‐axis shows the percentage of patients undergoing specific pleural fluid drainage procedures. Each number on the x‐axis represents data from one hospital.

Outcome Measures

Variation in outcomes occurred across hospitals. Additional pleural drainage procedures were performed in a median of 20.9% of patients with a range of 6.8% to 44.8% (IQR: 14.5%‐25.3%) of patients across all hospitals. Median LOS was 10 days with a range of 714 days (IQR: 8.511 days) and the median LOS following the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was 8 days with a range of 6 to 13 days (IQR: 78 days). Variation in timing of the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure explained 9.6% of the variability in LOS (Spearman rho, 0.31; P < 0.001).

Overall, 118 (3.4%) patients were readmitted within 14 days of index discharge; the median readmission rate was 3.8% with a range of 0.8% to 33.3% (IQR: 2.1%‐5.8%) across hospitals. The median total cost of the index hospitalization was $19,574 (IQR: $13,791‐$31,063). The total cost for the index hospitalization exceeded $54,215 for 10% of patients and the total cost of the episode exceeded $55,208 for 10% of patients. Unadjusted outcomes, stratified by primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, are summarized in Table 2.

Unadjusted Outcomes of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Undergoing Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Valueb
  • Abbreviations: VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range); P < 0.05 considered statistically significant

  • Chi‐squared test for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis test for continuous variables

  • P = 0.008 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • P = 0.057 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • Hospital charges were adjusted for hospital location using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid price/wage index and converted to costs using hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios.

Additional Procedure716 (20.5)331 (19.8)144 (23.1)197 (24.7)44 (10.8)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days118 (3.4)54 (3.3)13 (2.1)32 (4.0)19 (4.7)0.096
Total LOS (days)10 (7, 14)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 13)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 12)<.001
Post‐initial Procedure LOS (days)8 (5, 12)8 (6, 12)7 (5, 10)8 (5, 12)7 (5, 10)<0.001
Total Cost, Index Hospitalization ($)e19319 (13358, 30955)19951 (13576, 32018)c19565 (13209, 32778)d20352 (14351, 31343)17918 (13531, 25166)0.016
Total Cost, Episode of Illness ($)e19831 (13927, 31749)20151 (13764, 32653)19593 (13210, 32861)20573 (14419, 31753)18344 (13835, 25462)0.029

In multivariable analysis, differences in total LOS and post‐procedure LOS were not significant (Table 3). The odds of additional drainage procedures were higher for all drainage procedures compared with initial VATS (Table 3). Patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis were less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS (Table 3). The total cost for the episode of illness (including the cost of readmission) was significantly less for those undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis compared with primary VATS. The results of subanalyses excluding patients with an underlying CCC (Supporting Appendix online, Table 4) and restricting the cohort to patients undergoing pleural drainage within two days of admission (Supporting Appendix online, Table 5) were similar to the results of our primary analysis with one exception; in the latter subanalysis, children undergoing initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis were also less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS.

Multivariable Analysis of The Association Between Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedure and Outcomes for Children With Complicated Pneumonia
 Adjusted OR (95% CI)aP Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • All models adjusted for age, sex, race, month of admission, primary payer, radiologic imaging performed, empiric antibiotic therapy, concurrent diagnosis of influenza or hemolytic uremic syndrome, presence of underlying chronic comorbid conditions, timing of primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, and receipt of corticosteroids and requirement for mechanical ventilation, blood product transfusions, vasoactive infusions, intensive care unit hospitalization, extracorporeal membranous oxygenation, and arterial blood gas measurements within the first two days of hospitalization and clustered on hospital.

Additional pleural drainage procedure  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis1.82 (1.103.00).019
Chest tube with fibrinolysis2.31 (1.443.72)<0.001
Thoracotomy2.59 (1.624.14)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis0.61 (0.361.05).077
Chest tube with fibrinolysis0.45 (0.230.86).015
Thoracotomy0.85 (0.521.39).521
 Adjusted Mean (95% CI)aP Value
Total LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis8.0 (7.88.2).339
Chest tube with fibrinolysis8.1 (7.98.3).812
Thoracotomy8.1 (7.98.3).632
VATS8.1 (7.98.3)Ref
Post‐initial procedure LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis7.3 (7.07.5).512
Chest tube with fibrinolysis7.5 (7.27.8).239
Thoracotomy7.3 (7.07.6).841
VATS7.3 (7.17.6)Reference
Total cost, index hospitalization ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis22928 (2200023895.012
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23621 (2263124655).657
Thoracotomy23386 (2241924395.262
VATS23820 (2280824878)Reference
Total cost, episode of illness ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis23218 (2227824199).004
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23749 (2275224790).253
Thoracotomy23673 (2269324696).131
VATS24280 (2324425362)Reference


This multicenter study is the largest to evaluate the management of children hospitalized with complicated pneumonia. We found considerable variation in initial management and outcomes across hospitals. Differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure explained only a small amount of the variability in outcomes. Children undergoing initial VATS less commonly required additional drainage procedures while children undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis less commonly required readmission. Differences in total and post‐procedure LOS were not statistically significant. Differences in cost, while statistically significant, were of marginal relevance.

Previous studies have also shown significant variation in treatment and outcomes of children with complicated pneumonia across hospitals.2, 8 Our study provides data from additional hospitals, includes a substantially larger number of patients undergoing initial VATS, distinguishes between fibrinolysis recipients and nonrecipients, and is the first to compare outcomes between four different initial drainage strategies. The creation of national consensus guidelines might reduce variability in initial management strategies, although the variability in outcomes across hospitals in the current study could not be explained simply by differences in the type or timing of the initial drainage procedure. Thus, future studies examining hospital‐level factors may play an important role in improving quality of care for children with complicated pneumonia.

Patients with initial thoracotomy or chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis more commonly received additional drainage procedures than patients with initial VATS. This difference remained when patients with CCCs were excluded from the analysis and when the analysis was limited to patients undergoing pleural fluid drainage within 2 days of hospitalization. Several small, randomized trials demonstrated conflicting results when comparing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. St. Peter et al22 reported that 3 (17%) of 18 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and none of the 18 patients undergoing initial VATS received additional pleural drainage procedures. Sonnappa et al21 found no differences between the two groups. Kurt et al19 did not state the proportion of patients receiving additional procedures. However, the mean number of drainage procedures was 2.25 among the 8 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement while none of the 10 patients with VATS received additional drainage.19

Thoracotomy is often perceived as a definitive procedure for treatment of complicated pneumonia. However, several possibilities exist to explain why additional procedures were performed less frequently in patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial thoracotomy. The limited visual field in thoracotomy may lead to greater residual disease post‐operatively in those receiving thoracotomy compared with VATS.31 Additionally, thoracotomy substantially disrupts the integrity of the chest wall and is consequently associated with complications such as bleeding and air leak into the pleural cavity more often than VATS.31, 32 It is thus possible that some of the additional procedures in patients receiving initial thoracotomy were necessary for management of thoracotomy‐associated complications rather than for failure of the initial drainage procedure.

Similar to the randomized trials by Sonnappa et al21 and St. Peter et al,22 differences in the overall and post‐procedure LOS were not significant among patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis. However, chest tube placement without fibrinolysis did not result in significant differences in LOS compared with initial VATS. In the only pediatric randomized trial, the 29 intrapleural urokinase recipients had a 2 day shorter LOS compared with the 29 intrapleural saline recipients.33 Several small, randomized controlled trials of adults with complicated pneumonia reported improved pleural fluid drainage among intrapleural fibrinolysis recipients compared with non‐recipients.3436 However, a large multicenter randomized trial in adults found no differences in mortality, requirement for surgical drainage, or LOS between intrapleural streptokinase and placebo recipients.37 Subsequent meta‐analyses of randomized trials in adults also demonstrated no benefit to fibrinolysis.38, 39 In the context of the increasing use of intrapleural fibrinolysis in children with complicated pneumonia, our results highlight the need for a large, multicenter randomized controlled trial to determine whether chest tube with fibrinolysis is superior to chest tube alone.

Two small randomized trials21, 22 and a decision analysis40 identified chest tube with fibrinolysis as the most economical approach to children with complicated pneumonia. However, the costs did not differ significantly between patients undergoing initial VATS or initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis in our study. The least costly approach was initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis. Unlike the randomized controlled trials, we considered costs associated with readmissions in determining the total costs. Shah et al41 found no difference in total charges for patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement; however, patients undergoing initial VATS were concentrated in a few centers, making it difficult to determine the relative importance of procedural and hospital factors.

This multicenter observational study has several limitations. First, discharge diagnosis coding may be unreliable for specific diseases. However, our rigorous definition of complicated pneumonia, supported by the high positive predictive value as verified by medical record review, minimizes the likelihood of misclassification.

Second, unmeasured confounding or residual confounding by indication for the method of pleural drainage may occur, potentially influencing our results in two disparate ways. If patients with more severe systemic illness were too unstable for operative interventions, then our results would be biased towards worse outcomes for children undergoing initial chest tube placement. We adjusted for several variables associated with a greater systemic severity of illness, including intensive care unit admission, making this possibility less likely. We also could not account for some factors associated with more severe local disease such as the size and character of the effusion. We suspect that patients with more extensive local disease (ie, loculated effusions) would have worse outcomes than other patients, regardless of initial procedure, and that these patients would also be more likely to undergo primary surgical drainage. Thus, this study may have underestimated the benefit of initial surgical drainage (eg, VATS) compared with nonsurgical drainage (ie, chest tube placement).

Third, misclassification of the method of initial pleural drainage may have occurred. Patients transferred from another institution following chest tube placement could either be classified as not receiving pleural drainage and thus excluded from the study or classified as having initial VATS or thoracotomy if the reason for transfer was chest tube treatment failure. Additionally, we could not distinguish routine use of fibrinolysis from fibrinolysis to maintain chest tube patency. Whether such misclassification would falsely minimize or maximize differences in outcomes between the various groups remains uncertain. Fourth, because this study only included tertiary care children's hospitals, these data are not generalizable to community settings. VATS requires specialized surgical training that may be unavailable in some areas. Finally, this study demonstrates the relative efficacy of various pleural fluid drainage procedures on short‐term clinical outcomes and resource utilization. However, long‐term functional outcomes should be measured in future prospective studies.


In conclusion, emphasis on evidence driven treatment to optimize care has led to an increasing examination of unwarranted practice variation.42 The lack of evidence for best practice makes it difficult to define unwarranted variation in the treatment of complicated pneumonia. Our study demonstrates the large variability in practice and raises additional questions regarding the optimal drainage strategies. Published randomized trials have focused on comparisons between chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. However, our data suggest that future randomized trials should include chest tube placement without fibrinolysis as a treatment strategy. In determining the current best treatment for patients with complicated pneumonia, a clinician must weigh the impact of needing an additional procedure in approximately one‐quarter of patients undergoing initial chest tube placement (with or without fibrinolysis) with the risks of general anesthesia and readmission in patients undergoing initial VATS.


Dr. Hall had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the analysis.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(5)
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Legacy Keywords
comparative effectiveness research, pleural empyema, pneumonia, epidemiology, thoracostomy
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Community‐acquired pneumonia, the most common serious bacterial infection in childhood, may be complicated by parapneumonic effusion (ie, complicated pneumonia).1 Children with complicated pneumonia require prolonged hospitalization and frequently undergo multiple pleural fluid drainage procedures.2 Additionally, the incidence of complicated pneumonia has increased,37 making the need to define appropriate therapy even more pressing. Defining appropriate therapy is challenging for the individual physician as a result of inconsistent and insufficient evidence, and wide variation in treatment practices.2, 8

Historically, thoracotomy was performed only if initial chest tube placement did not lead to clinical improvement.9, 10 Several authors, noting the rapid resolution of symptoms in children undergoing earlier thoracotomy, advocated for the use of thoracotomy as initial therapy rather than as a procedure of last resort.114 The advent of less invasive techniques such as video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has served as an additional impetus to consider surgical drainage as the initial treatment strategy.1518 Few well‐designed studies have examined the relative efficacy of these interventions.2, 1922 Published randomized trials were single center, enrolled few patients, and arrived at different conclusions.19, 21, 22 In addition, these trials did not examine other important outcomes such as requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures and hospital readmission. Two large retrospective multicenter studies found modest reductions in length of stay (LOS) and substantial decreases in the requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures in children undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement.2, 20 However, Shah et al2 included relatively few patients undergoing VATS. Li et al20 combined patients undergoing initial thoracentesis, initial chest tube placement, late pleural fluid drainage (by any method), and no pleural fluid drainage into a single non‐operative management category, precluding conclusions about the relative benefits of chest tube placement compared with VATS. Neither study2, 20 examined the role of chemical fibrinolysis, a therapy which has been associated with outcomes comparable to VATS in two small randomized trials.21, 22

The objectives of this multicenter study were to describe the variation in the initial management strategy along with associated outcomes of complicated pneumonia in childhood and to determine the comparative effectiveness of different pleural fluid drainage procedures.


Data Source

The Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), which contains resource utilization data from 40 freestanding children's hospitals, provided data for this multicenter retrospective cohort study. Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 27 states plus the District of Columbia. The PHIS database includes patient demographics, diagnoses, and procedures as well as data for all drugs, radiologic studies, laboratory tests, and supplies charged to each patient. Data are de‐identified, however encrypted medical record numbers allow for tracking individual patients across admissions. The Child Health Corporation of America (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals jointly assure data quality and reliability as described previously.23, 24 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Institutional Review Board reviewed and approved this study.


Children 18 years of age receiving a pleural drainage procedure for complicated pneumonia were eligible if they were discharged from participating hospitals between January 1, 2004 and June 30, 2009. Study participants met the following criteria: 1) discharge diagnosis of pneumonia (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision [ICD‐9] discharge diagnosis codes 480.x‐483.x, 485.x‐487.x), 2) discharge diagnosis of pleural effusion (ICD‐9 codes 510.0, 510.9, 511.0, 511.1, or 511.9), and 3) billing charge for antibiotics on the first day of hospitalization. Additionally, the primary discharge diagnosis had to be either pneumonia or pleural effusion. Patients were excluded if they did not undergo pleural fluid drainage or if their initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was thoracentesis.

Study Definitions

Pleural drainage procedures were identified using ICD‐9 procedure codes for thoracentesis (34.91), chest tube placement (34.04), VATS (34.21), and thoracotomy (34.02 or 34.09). Fibrinolysis was defined as receipt of urokinase, streptokinase, or alteplase within two days of initial chest tube placement.

Acute conditions or complications included influenza (487, 487.0, 487.1, 487.8, 488, or V04.81) and hemolytic‐uremic syndrome (283.11). Chronic comorbid conditions (CCCs) (eg, malignancy) were identified using a previously reported classification scheme.25 Billing data were used to classify receipt of mechanical ventilation and medications on the first day of hospitalization.

Measured Outcomes

The primary outcomes were hospital LOS (both overall and post‐initial procedure), requirement for additional pleural drainage procedures, total cost for index hospitalization, all‐cause readmission within 14 days after index hospital discharge, and total cost of the episode (accounting for the cost of readmissions).

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure of interest was the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure, classified as chest tube placement without fibrinolysis, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis, VATS, or thoracotomy.

Statistical Analysis

Variables were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables, and median, interquartile range (IQR), and range for continuous variables. Outcomes by initial pleural drainage procedure were compared using chi‐squared tests for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Multivariable analysis was performed to account for potential confounding by observed baseline variables. For dichotomous outcome variables, modeling consisted of logistic regression using generalized estimating equations to account for hospital clustering. For continuous variables, a mixed model approach was used, treating hospital as a random effect. Log transformation was applied to the right‐skewed outcome variables (LOS and cost). Cost outcomes remained skewed following log transformation, thus gamma mixed models were applied.2629 Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were reported for comparison of dichotomous outcomes and the adjusted means and 95% CIs were reported for continuous outcomes after appropriate back transformation.

Additional analyses addressed the potential impact of confounding by indication inherent in any observational study. First, patients with an underlying CCC were excluded to ensure that our results would be generalizable to otherwise healthy children with community‐acquired pneumonia. Second, patients undergoing pleural drainage >2 days after hospitalization were excluded to minimize the effect of residual confounding related to differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure. Third, the analysis was repeated using a generalized propensity score as an additional method to account for confounding by indication for the initial drainage procedure.30 Propensity scores, constructed using a multivariable generalized logit model, included all variables listed in Table 1. The inverse of the propensity score was included as a weight in each multivariable model described previously. Only the primary multivariable analyses are presented as the results of the propensity score analysis were nearly identical to the primary analyses.

Characteristics of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Requiring Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Value
  • Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; US, ultrasound; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range).

  • Blood product transfusions included administration of packed red blood cells, cryoprecipitate, fresh frozen plasma, or platelets.

  • Vasoactive infusions included dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, and milrinone.

N35001672 (47.8)623 (17.8)797 (22.8)408 (11.7) 
<1 year335 (9.6)176 (10.5)56 (9.0)78 (9.8)25 (6.1) 
1 year475 (13.6)238 (14.2)98 (15.7)92 (11.5)47 (11.5)0.003
24 years1230 (35.1)548 (32.8)203 (32.6)310 (38.9)169 (41.4) 
59 years897 (25.6)412 (24.6)170 (27.3)199 (25.0)116 (28.4) 
1014 years324 (9.3)167 (10.0)61 (9.8)65 (8.2)31 (7.6) 
1518 years193 (5.5)106 (6.3)29 (4.6)40 (5.0)18 (4.4) 
>18 years46 (1.3)25 (1.5)6 (0.96)13 (1.6)2 (0.5) 
Comorbid Conditions      
Cardiac69 (2.0)43 (2.6)14 (2.3)12 (1.5)0 (0.0)0.006
Malignancy81 (2.3)31 (1.9)18 (2.9)21 (2.6)11 (2.7)0.375
Neurological138 (3.9)73 (4.4)20 (3.2)34 (4.3)11 (2.7)0.313
Any Other Condition202 (5.8)96 (5.7)40 (6.4)47 (5.9)19 (4.7)0.696
Government1240 (35.6)630 (37.8)224 (36.0)259 (32.7)127 (31.3)<0.001
Private1383 (39.7)607 (36.4)283 (45.4)310 (39.2)183 (45.07) 
Other864 (24.8)430 (25.8)116 (18.6)222 (28.1)96 (23.65) 
Non‐Hispanic White1746 (51.9)838 (51.6)358 (59.7)361 (47.8)189 (48.7)<0.001
Non‐Hispanic Black601 (17.9)318 (19.6)90 (15.0)128 (17.0)65 (16.8) 
Hispanic588 (17.5)280 (17.3)73 (12.2)155 (20.5)80 (20.6) 
Asian117 (3.5)47 (2.9)20 (3.3)37 (4.9)13 (3.4) 
Other314 (9.3)140 (8.6)59 (9.8)74 (9.8)41 (10.6) 
Male Sex1912 (54.6)923 (55.2)336 (53.9)439 (55.1)214 (52.5)0.755
CT, no US1200 (34.3)600 (35.9)184 (29.5)280 (35.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
CT and US221 (6.3)84 (5.0)53 (8.5)61 (7.7)23 (5.6) 
US, no CT799 (22.8)324 (19.4)178 (28.6)200 (25.1)97 (23.8) 
No US, no CT1280 (36.6)664 (39.7)208 (33.4)256 (32.1)152 (37.3) 
Empiric Antibiotic Regimen      
Cephalosporins alone448 (12.8)181 (10.83)126 (20.2)73 (9.2)68 (16.7)<0.001
Cephalosporin and clindamycin797 (22.8)359 (21.5)145 (23.3)184 (23.1)109 (26.7) 
Other antibiotic combination167 (4.8)82 (4.9)30 (4.8)38 (4.8)17 (4.2) 
Cephalosporin and vancomycin2088 (59.7)1050 (62.8)322 (51.7)502 (63.0)214 (52.5) 
Mechanical ventilation494 (14.1)251 (15.0)75 (12.0)114 (14.3)54 (13.2)0.307
Corticosteroids520 (14.9)291 (17.4)72 (11.6)114 (14.3)43 (10.5)<0.001
Blood product transfusionsb761 (21.7)387 (23.2)145 (23.3)161 (20.2)68 (16.7)0.018
Vasoactive infusionsc381 (10.9)223 (13.3)63 (10.1)72 (9.0)23 (5.6)<0.001
Admission to intensive care1397 (39.9)731 (43.7)234 (37.6)296 (37.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
Extracorporeal membranous oxygenation18 (0.5)13 (0.8)2 (0.3)3 (0.4)0 (0.0)0.163
Hemolytic‐uremic syndrome31 (0.9)15 (0.9)6 (1.0)7 (0.9)3 (0.7)0.985
Influenza108 (3.1)53 (3.2)27 (4.3)23 (2.9)5 (1.2)0.044
Arterial blood gas measurements0 (0,1)0 (0, 2)0 (0,1)0 (0, 1)0 (0, 1)<0.001
Days to first procedure1 (0, 3)1 (0, 2)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)<0.001

Medical records of a randomly selected subset of subjects from 6 hospitals were reviewed to determine the accuracy of our algorithm in identifying patients with complicated pneumonia; these subjects represented 1% of the study population. For the purposes of medical record review, complicated pneumonia was defined by the following: 1) radiologically‐confirmed lung infiltrate; 2) moderate or large pleural effusion; and 3) signs and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection. Complicated pneumonia was identified in 118 of 120 reviewed subjects for a positive predictive value of 98.3%.

All analyses were clustered by hospital. Analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A two‐tailed P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Patient Characteristics

During the study period, 9,680 subjects had complicated pneumonia. Subjects were excluded if they did not have a pleural drainage procedure (n = 5798), or if thoracentesis was the first pleural fluid drainage procedure performed (n = 382). The remaining 3500 patients were included. Demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1. The median patient age was 4.1 years (IQR: 2.17.2 years). An underlying CCC was present in 424 (12.1%) patients. There was no association between type of drainage procedure and mechanical ventilation. However, factors associated with more severe systemic illness, such as blood product transfusion, were more common among those undergoing initial chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis (Table 1).

Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedures

The primary procedures included chest tube without fibrinolysis (47.8%); chest tube with fibrinolysis (17.8%); thoracotomy (22.8%); and VATS (11.7%) (Table 1). The proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement with fibrinolysis increased over time from 14.2% in 2004 to 30.0% in 2009 (P < 0.001; chi‐squared test for trend). The initial procedure varied by hospital with the greatest proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis at 28 (70.0%) hospitals, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, thoracotomy at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, and VATS at 2 (5.0%) hospitals (Figure 1). The median proportion of patients undergoing primary VATS across all hospitals was 11.5% (IQR: 3.9%‐26.5%) (Figure 1). The median time to first procedure was 1 day (IQR: 03 days).

Figure 1
Distribution of initial procedure type by hospital. The y‐axis shows the percentage of patients undergoing specific pleural fluid drainage procedures. Each number on the x‐axis represents data from one hospital.

Outcome Measures

Variation in outcomes occurred across hospitals. Additional pleural drainage procedures were performed in a median of 20.9% of patients with a range of 6.8% to 44.8% (IQR: 14.5%‐25.3%) of patients across all hospitals. Median LOS was 10 days with a range of 714 days (IQR: 8.511 days) and the median LOS following the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was 8 days with a range of 6 to 13 days (IQR: 78 days). Variation in timing of the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure explained 9.6% of the variability in LOS (Spearman rho, 0.31; P < 0.001).

Overall, 118 (3.4%) patients were readmitted within 14 days of index discharge; the median readmission rate was 3.8% with a range of 0.8% to 33.3% (IQR: 2.1%‐5.8%) across hospitals. The median total cost of the index hospitalization was $19,574 (IQR: $13,791‐$31,063). The total cost for the index hospitalization exceeded $54,215 for 10% of patients and the total cost of the episode exceeded $55,208 for 10% of patients. Unadjusted outcomes, stratified by primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, are summarized in Table 2.

Unadjusted Outcomes of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Undergoing Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Valueb
  • Abbreviations: VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range); P < 0.05 considered statistically significant

  • Chi‐squared test for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis test for continuous variables

  • P = 0.008 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • P = 0.057 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • Hospital charges were adjusted for hospital location using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid price/wage index and converted to costs using hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios.

Additional Procedure716 (20.5)331 (19.8)144 (23.1)197 (24.7)44 (10.8)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days118 (3.4)54 (3.3)13 (2.1)32 (4.0)19 (4.7)0.096
Total LOS (days)10 (7, 14)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 13)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 12)<.001
Post‐initial Procedure LOS (days)8 (5, 12)8 (6, 12)7 (5, 10)8 (5, 12)7 (5, 10)<0.001
Total Cost, Index Hospitalization ($)e19319 (13358, 30955)19951 (13576, 32018)c19565 (13209, 32778)d20352 (14351, 31343)17918 (13531, 25166)0.016
Total Cost, Episode of Illness ($)e19831 (13927, 31749)20151 (13764, 32653)19593 (13210, 32861)20573 (14419, 31753)18344 (13835, 25462)0.029

In multivariable analysis, differences in total LOS and post‐procedure LOS were not significant (Table 3). The odds of additional drainage procedures were higher for all drainage procedures compared with initial VATS (Table 3). Patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis were less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS (Table 3). The total cost for the episode of illness (including the cost of readmission) was significantly less for those undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis compared with primary VATS. The results of subanalyses excluding patients with an underlying CCC (Supporting Appendix online, Table 4) and restricting the cohort to patients undergoing pleural drainage within two days of admission (Supporting Appendix online, Table 5) were similar to the results of our primary analysis with one exception; in the latter subanalysis, children undergoing initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis were also less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS.

Multivariable Analysis of The Association Between Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedure and Outcomes for Children With Complicated Pneumonia
 Adjusted OR (95% CI)aP Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • All models adjusted for age, sex, race, month of admission, primary payer, radiologic imaging performed, empiric antibiotic therapy, concurrent diagnosis of influenza or hemolytic uremic syndrome, presence of underlying chronic comorbid conditions, timing of primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, and receipt of corticosteroids and requirement for mechanical ventilation, blood product transfusions, vasoactive infusions, intensive care unit hospitalization, extracorporeal membranous oxygenation, and arterial blood gas measurements within the first two days of hospitalization and clustered on hospital.

Additional pleural drainage procedure  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis1.82 (1.103.00).019
Chest tube with fibrinolysis2.31 (1.443.72)<0.001
Thoracotomy2.59 (1.624.14)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis0.61 (0.361.05).077
Chest tube with fibrinolysis0.45 (0.230.86).015
Thoracotomy0.85 (0.521.39).521
 Adjusted Mean (95% CI)aP Value
Total LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis8.0 (7.88.2).339
Chest tube with fibrinolysis8.1 (7.98.3).812
Thoracotomy8.1 (7.98.3).632
VATS8.1 (7.98.3)Ref
Post‐initial procedure LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis7.3 (7.07.5).512
Chest tube with fibrinolysis7.5 (7.27.8).239
Thoracotomy7.3 (7.07.6).841
VATS7.3 (7.17.6)Reference
Total cost, index hospitalization ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis22928 (2200023895.012
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23621 (2263124655).657
Thoracotomy23386 (2241924395.262
VATS23820 (2280824878)Reference
Total cost, episode of illness ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis23218 (2227824199).004
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23749 (2275224790).253
Thoracotomy23673 (2269324696).131
VATS24280 (2324425362)Reference


This multicenter study is the largest to evaluate the management of children hospitalized with complicated pneumonia. We found considerable variation in initial management and outcomes across hospitals. Differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure explained only a small amount of the variability in outcomes. Children undergoing initial VATS less commonly required additional drainage procedures while children undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis less commonly required readmission. Differences in total and post‐procedure LOS were not statistically significant. Differences in cost, while statistically significant, were of marginal relevance.

Previous studies have also shown significant variation in treatment and outcomes of children with complicated pneumonia across hospitals.2, 8 Our study provides data from additional hospitals, includes a substantially larger number of patients undergoing initial VATS, distinguishes between fibrinolysis recipients and nonrecipients, and is the first to compare outcomes between four different initial drainage strategies. The creation of national consensus guidelines might reduce variability in initial management strategies, although the variability in outcomes across hospitals in the current study could not be explained simply by differences in the type or timing of the initial drainage procedure. Thus, future studies examining hospital‐level factors may play an important role in improving quality of care for children with complicated pneumonia.

Patients with initial thoracotomy or chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis more commonly received additional drainage procedures than patients with initial VATS. This difference remained when patients with CCCs were excluded from the analysis and when the analysis was limited to patients undergoing pleural fluid drainage within 2 days of hospitalization. Several small, randomized trials demonstrated conflicting results when comparing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. St. Peter et al22 reported that 3 (17%) of 18 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and none of the 18 patients undergoing initial VATS received additional pleural drainage procedures. Sonnappa et al21 found no differences between the two groups. Kurt et al19 did not state the proportion of patients receiving additional procedures. However, the mean number of drainage procedures was 2.25 among the 8 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement while none of the 10 patients with VATS received additional drainage.19

Thoracotomy is often perceived as a definitive procedure for treatment of complicated pneumonia. However, several possibilities exist to explain why additional procedures were performed less frequently in patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial thoracotomy. The limited visual field in thoracotomy may lead to greater residual disease post‐operatively in those receiving thoracotomy compared with VATS.31 Additionally, thoracotomy substantially disrupts the integrity of the chest wall and is consequently associated with complications such as bleeding and air leak into the pleural cavity more often than VATS.31, 32 It is thus possible that some of the additional procedures in patients receiving initial thoracotomy were necessary for management of thoracotomy‐associated complications rather than for failure of the initial drainage procedure.

Similar to the randomized trials by Sonnappa et al21 and St. Peter et al,22 differences in the overall and post‐procedure LOS were not significant among patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis. However, chest tube placement without fibrinolysis did not result in significant differences in LOS compared with initial VATS. In the only pediatric randomized trial, the 29 intrapleural urokinase recipients had a 2 day shorter LOS compared with the 29 intrapleural saline recipients.33 Several small, randomized controlled trials of adults with complicated pneumonia reported improved pleural fluid drainage among intrapleural fibrinolysis recipients compared with non‐recipients.3436 However, a large multicenter randomized trial in adults found no differences in mortality, requirement for surgical drainage, or LOS between intrapleural streptokinase and placebo recipients.37 Subsequent meta‐analyses of randomized trials in adults also demonstrated no benefit to fibrinolysis.38, 39 In the context of the increasing use of intrapleural fibrinolysis in children with complicated pneumonia, our results highlight the need for a large, multicenter randomized controlled trial to determine whether chest tube with fibrinolysis is superior to chest tube alone.

Two small randomized trials21, 22 and a decision analysis40 identified chest tube with fibrinolysis as the most economical approach to children with complicated pneumonia. However, the costs did not differ significantly between patients undergoing initial VATS or initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis in our study. The least costly approach was initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis. Unlike the randomized controlled trials, we considered costs associated with readmissions in determining the total costs. Shah et al41 found no difference in total charges for patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement; however, patients undergoing initial VATS were concentrated in a few centers, making it difficult to determine the relative importance of procedural and hospital factors.

This multicenter observational study has several limitations. First, discharge diagnosis coding may be unreliable for specific diseases. However, our rigorous definition of complicated pneumonia, supported by the high positive predictive value as verified by medical record review, minimizes the likelihood of misclassification.

Second, unmeasured confounding or residual confounding by indication for the method of pleural drainage may occur, potentially influencing our results in two disparate ways. If patients with more severe systemic illness were too unstable for operative interventions, then our results would be biased towards worse outcomes for children undergoing initial chest tube placement. We adjusted for several variables associated with a greater systemic severity of illness, including intensive care unit admission, making this possibility less likely. We also could not account for some factors associated with more severe local disease such as the size and character of the effusion. We suspect that patients with more extensive local disease (ie, loculated effusions) would have worse outcomes than other patients, regardless of initial procedure, and that these patients would also be more likely to undergo primary surgical drainage. Thus, this study may have underestimated the benefit of initial surgical drainage (eg, VATS) compared with nonsurgical drainage (ie, chest tube placement).

Third, misclassification of the method of initial pleural drainage may have occurred. Patients transferred from another institution following chest tube placement could either be classified as not receiving pleural drainage and thus excluded from the study or classified as having initial VATS or thoracotomy if the reason for transfer was chest tube treatment failure. Additionally, we could not distinguish routine use of fibrinolysis from fibrinolysis to maintain chest tube patency. Whether such misclassification would falsely minimize or maximize differences in outcomes between the various groups remains uncertain. Fourth, because this study only included tertiary care children's hospitals, these data are not generalizable to community settings. VATS requires specialized surgical training that may be unavailable in some areas. Finally, this study demonstrates the relative efficacy of various pleural fluid drainage procedures on short‐term clinical outcomes and resource utilization. However, long‐term functional outcomes should be measured in future prospective studies.


In conclusion, emphasis on evidence driven treatment to optimize care has led to an increasing examination of unwarranted practice variation.42 The lack of evidence for best practice makes it difficult to define unwarranted variation in the treatment of complicated pneumonia. Our study demonstrates the large variability in practice and raises additional questions regarding the optimal drainage strategies. Published randomized trials have focused on comparisons between chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. However, our data suggest that future randomized trials should include chest tube placement without fibrinolysis as a treatment strategy. In determining the current best treatment for patients with complicated pneumonia, a clinician must weigh the impact of needing an additional procedure in approximately one‐quarter of patients undergoing initial chest tube placement (with or without fibrinolysis) with the risks of general anesthesia and readmission in patients undergoing initial VATS.


Dr. Hall had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the analysis.

Community‐acquired pneumonia, the most common serious bacterial infection in childhood, may be complicated by parapneumonic effusion (ie, complicated pneumonia).1 Children with complicated pneumonia require prolonged hospitalization and frequently undergo multiple pleural fluid drainage procedures.2 Additionally, the incidence of complicated pneumonia has increased,37 making the need to define appropriate therapy even more pressing. Defining appropriate therapy is challenging for the individual physician as a result of inconsistent and insufficient evidence, and wide variation in treatment practices.2, 8

Historically, thoracotomy was performed only if initial chest tube placement did not lead to clinical improvement.9, 10 Several authors, noting the rapid resolution of symptoms in children undergoing earlier thoracotomy, advocated for the use of thoracotomy as initial therapy rather than as a procedure of last resort.114 The advent of less invasive techniques such as video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has served as an additional impetus to consider surgical drainage as the initial treatment strategy.1518 Few well‐designed studies have examined the relative efficacy of these interventions.2, 1922 Published randomized trials were single center, enrolled few patients, and arrived at different conclusions.19, 21, 22 In addition, these trials did not examine other important outcomes such as requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures and hospital readmission. Two large retrospective multicenter studies found modest reductions in length of stay (LOS) and substantial decreases in the requirement for additional pleural fluid drainage procedures in children undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement.2, 20 However, Shah et al2 included relatively few patients undergoing VATS. Li et al20 combined patients undergoing initial thoracentesis, initial chest tube placement, late pleural fluid drainage (by any method), and no pleural fluid drainage into a single non‐operative management category, precluding conclusions about the relative benefits of chest tube placement compared with VATS. Neither study2, 20 examined the role of chemical fibrinolysis, a therapy which has been associated with outcomes comparable to VATS in two small randomized trials.21, 22

The objectives of this multicenter study were to describe the variation in the initial management strategy along with associated outcomes of complicated pneumonia in childhood and to determine the comparative effectiveness of different pleural fluid drainage procedures.


Data Source

The Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), which contains resource utilization data from 40 freestanding children's hospitals, provided data for this multicenter retrospective cohort study. Participating hospitals are located in noncompeting markets of 27 states plus the District of Columbia. The PHIS database includes patient demographics, diagnoses, and procedures as well as data for all drugs, radiologic studies, laboratory tests, and supplies charged to each patient. Data are de‐identified, however encrypted medical record numbers allow for tracking individual patients across admissions. The Child Health Corporation of America (Shawnee Mission, KS) and participating hospitals jointly assure data quality and reliability as described previously.23, 24 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Institutional Review Board reviewed and approved this study.


Children 18 years of age receiving a pleural drainage procedure for complicated pneumonia were eligible if they were discharged from participating hospitals between January 1, 2004 and June 30, 2009. Study participants met the following criteria: 1) discharge diagnosis of pneumonia (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision [ICD‐9] discharge diagnosis codes 480.x‐483.x, 485.x‐487.x), 2) discharge diagnosis of pleural effusion (ICD‐9 codes 510.0, 510.9, 511.0, 511.1, or 511.9), and 3) billing charge for antibiotics on the first day of hospitalization. Additionally, the primary discharge diagnosis had to be either pneumonia or pleural effusion. Patients were excluded if they did not undergo pleural fluid drainage or if their initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was thoracentesis.

Study Definitions

Pleural drainage procedures were identified using ICD‐9 procedure codes for thoracentesis (34.91), chest tube placement (34.04), VATS (34.21), and thoracotomy (34.02 or 34.09). Fibrinolysis was defined as receipt of urokinase, streptokinase, or alteplase within two days of initial chest tube placement.

Acute conditions or complications included influenza (487, 487.0, 487.1, 487.8, 488, or V04.81) and hemolytic‐uremic syndrome (283.11). Chronic comorbid conditions (CCCs) (eg, malignancy) were identified using a previously reported classification scheme.25 Billing data were used to classify receipt of mechanical ventilation and medications on the first day of hospitalization.

Measured Outcomes

The primary outcomes were hospital LOS (both overall and post‐initial procedure), requirement for additional pleural drainage procedures, total cost for index hospitalization, all‐cause readmission within 14 days after index hospital discharge, and total cost of the episode (accounting for the cost of readmissions).

Measured Exposures

The primary exposure of interest was the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure, classified as chest tube placement without fibrinolysis, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis, VATS, or thoracotomy.

Statistical Analysis

Variables were summarized using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables, and median, interquartile range (IQR), and range for continuous variables. Outcomes by initial pleural drainage procedure were compared using chi‐squared tests for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis tests for continuous variables.

Multivariable analysis was performed to account for potential confounding by observed baseline variables. For dichotomous outcome variables, modeling consisted of logistic regression using generalized estimating equations to account for hospital clustering. For continuous variables, a mixed model approach was used, treating hospital as a random effect. Log transformation was applied to the right‐skewed outcome variables (LOS and cost). Cost outcomes remained skewed following log transformation, thus gamma mixed models were applied.2629 Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were reported for comparison of dichotomous outcomes and the adjusted means and 95% CIs were reported for continuous outcomes after appropriate back transformation.

Additional analyses addressed the potential impact of confounding by indication inherent in any observational study. First, patients with an underlying CCC were excluded to ensure that our results would be generalizable to otherwise healthy children with community‐acquired pneumonia. Second, patients undergoing pleural drainage >2 days after hospitalization were excluded to minimize the effect of residual confounding related to differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure. Third, the analysis was repeated using a generalized propensity score as an additional method to account for confounding by indication for the initial drainage procedure.30 Propensity scores, constructed using a multivariable generalized logit model, included all variables listed in Table 1. The inverse of the propensity score was included as a weight in each multivariable model described previously. Only the primary multivariable analyses are presented as the results of the propensity score analysis were nearly identical to the primary analyses.

Characteristics of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Requiring Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Value
  • Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; US, ultrasound; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range).

  • Blood product transfusions included administration of packed red blood cells, cryoprecipitate, fresh frozen plasma, or platelets.

  • Vasoactive infusions included dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, and milrinone.

N35001672 (47.8)623 (17.8)797 (22.8)408 (11.7) 
<1 year335 (9.6)176 (10.5)56 (9.0)78 (9.8)25 (6.1) 
1 year475 (13.6)238 (14.2)98 (15.7)92 (11.5)47 (11.5)0.003
24 years1230 (35.1)548 (32.8)203 (32.6)310 (38.9)169 (41.4) 
59 years897 (25.6)412 (24.6)170 (27.3)199 (25.0)116 (28.4) 
1014 years324 (9.3)167 (10.0)61 (9.8)65 (8.2)31 (7.6) 
1518 years193 (5.5)106 (6.3)29 (4.6)40 (5.0)18 (4.4) 
>18 years46 (1.3)25 (1.5)6 (0.96)13 (1.6)2 (0.5) 
Comorbid Conditions      
Cardiac69 (2.0)43 (2.6)14 (2.3)12 (1.5)0 (0.0)0.006
Malignancy81 (2.3)31 (1.9)18 (2.9)21 (2.6)11 (2.7)0.375
Neurological138 (3.9)73 (4.4)20 (3.2)34 (4.3)11 (2.7)0.313
Any Other Condition202 (5.8)96 (5.7)40 (6.4)47 (5.9)19 (4.7)0.696
Government1240 (35.6)630 (37.8)224 (36.0)259 (32.7)127 (31.3)<0.001
Private1383 (39.7)607 (36.4)283 (45.4)310 (39.2)183 (45.07) 
Other864 (24.8)430 (25.8)116 (18.6)222 (28.1)96 (23.65) 
Non‐Hispanic White1746 (51.9)838 (51.6)358 (59.7)361 (47.8)189 (48.7)<0.001
Non‐Hispanic Black601 (17.9)318 (19.6)90 (15.0)128 (17.0)65 (16.8) 
Hispanic588 (17.5)280 (17.3)73 (12.2)155 (20.5)80 (20.6) 
Asian117 (3.5)47 (2.9)20 (3.3)37 (4.9)13 (3.4) 
Other314 (9.3)140 (8.6)59 (9.8)74 (9.8)41 (10.6) 
Male Sex1912 (54.6)923 (55.2)336 (53.9)439 (55.1)214 (52.5)0.755
CT, no US1200 (34.3)600 (35.9)184 (29.5)280 (35.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
CT and US221 (6.3)84 (5.0)53 (8.5)61 (7.7)23 (5.6) 
US, no CT799 (22.8)324 (19.4)178 (28.6)200 (25.1)97 (23.8) 
No US, no CT1280 (36.6)664 (39.7)208 (33.4)256 (32.1)152 (37.3) 
Empiric Antibiotic Regimen      
Cephalosporins alone448 (12.8)181 (10.83)126 (20.2)73 (9.2)68 (16.7)<0.001
Cephalosporin and clindamycin797 (22.8)359 (21.5)145 (23.3)184 (23.1)109 (26.7) 
Other antibiotic combination167 (4.8)82 (4.9)30 (4.8)38 (4.8)17 (4.2) 
Cephalosporin and vancomycin2088 (59.7)1050 (62.8)322 (51.7)502 (63.0)214 (52.5) 
Mechanical ventilation494 (14.1)251 (15.0)75 (12.0)114 (14.3)54 (13.2)0.307
Corticosteroids520 (14.9)291 (17.4)72 (11.6)114 (14.3)43 (10.5)<0.001
Blood product transfusionsb761 (21.7)387 (23.2)145 (23.3)161 (20.2)68 (16.7)0.018
Vasoactive infusionsc381 (10.9)223 (13.3)63 (10.1)72 (9.0)23 (5.6)<0.001
Admission to intensive care1397 (39.9)731 (43.7)234 (37.6)296 (37.1)136 (33.3)<0.001
Extracorporeal membranous oxygenation18 (0.5)13 (0.8)2 (0.3)3 (0.4)0 (0.0)0.163
Hemolytic‐uremic syndrome31 (0.9)15 (0.9)6 (1.0)7 (0.9)3 (0.7)0.985
Influenza108 (3.1)53 (3.2)27 (4.3)23 (2.9)5 (1.2)0.044
Arterial blood gas measurements0 (0,1)0 (0, 2)0 (0,1)0 (0, 1)0 (0, 1)<0.001
Days to first procedure1 (0, 3)1 (0, 2)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)1 (1, 3)<0.001

Medical records of a randomly selected subset of subjects from 6 hospitals were reviewed to determine the accuracy of our algorithm in identifying patients with complicated pneumonia; these subjects represented 1% of the study population. For the purposes of medical record review, complicated pneumonia was defined by the following: 1) radiologically‐confirmed lung infiltrate; 2) moderate or large pleural effusion; and 3) signs and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection. Complicated pneumonia was identified in 118 of 120 reviewed subjects for a positive predictive value of 98.3%.

All analyses were clustered by hospital. Analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A two‐tailed P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Patient Characteristics

During the study period, 9,680 subjects had complicated pneumonia. Subjects were excluded if they did not have a pleural drainage procedure (n = 5798), or if thoracentesis was the first pleural fluid drainage procedure performed (n = 382). The remaining 3500 patients were included. Demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1. The median patient age was 4.1 years (IQR: 2.17.2 years). An underlying CCC was present in 424 (12.1%) patients. There was no association between type of drainage procedure and mechanical ventilation. However, factors associated with more severe systemic illness, such as blood product transfusion, were more common among those undergoing initial chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis (Table 1).

Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedures

The primary procedures included chest tube without fibrinolysis (47.8%); chest tube with fibrinolysis (17.8%); thoracotomy (22.8%); and VATS (11.7%) (Table 1). The proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement with fibrinolysis increased over time from 14.2% in 2004 to 30.0% in 2009 (P < 0.001; chi‐squared test for trend). The initial procedure varied by hospital with the greatest proportion of patients undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis at 28 (70.0%) hospitals, chest tube placement with fibrinolysis at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, thoracotomy at 5 (12.5%) hospitals, and VATS at 2 (5.0%) hospitals (Figure 1). The median proportion of patients undergoing primary VATS across all hospitals was 11.5% (IQR: 3.9%‐26.5%) (Figure 1). The median time to first procedure was 1 day (IQR: 03 days).

Figure 1
Distribution of initial procedure type by hospital. The y‐axis shows the percentage of patients undergoing specific pleural fluid drainage procedures. Each number on the x‐axis represents data from one hospital.

Outcome Measures

Variation in outcomes occurred across hospitals. Additional pleural drainage procedures were performed in a median of 20.9% of patients with a range of 6.8% to 44.8% (IQR: 14.5%‐25.3%) of patients across all hospitals. Median LOS was 10 days with a range of 714 days (IQR: 8.511 days) and the median LOS following the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure was 8 days with a range of 6 to 13 days (IQR: 78 days). Variation in timing of the initial pleural fluid drainage procedure explained 9.6% of the variability in LOS (Spearman rho, 0.31; P < 0.001).

Overall, 118 (3.4%) patients were readmitted within 14 days of index discharge; the median readmission rate was 3.8% with a range of 0.8% to 33.3% (IQR: 2.1%‐5.8%) across hospitals. The median total cost of the index hospitalization was $19,574 (IQR: $13,791‐$31,063). The total cost for the index hospitalization exceeded $54,215 for 10% of patients and the total cost of the episode exceeded $55,208 for 10% of patients. Unadjusted outcomes, stratified by primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, are summarized in Table 2.

Unadjusted Outcomes of Patients With Complicated Pneumonia Undergoing Pleural Fluid Drainage, Stratified by Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedurea
 OverallChest Tube Without FibrinolysisChest Tube With FibrinolysisThoracotomyVATSP Valueb
  • Abbreviations: VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • Values listed as number (percent) or median (interquartile range); P < 0.05 considered statistically significant

  • Chi‐squared test for categorical variables and Kruskal‐Wallis test for continuous variables

  • P = 0.008 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • P = 0.057 compared with VATS (pairwise comparison)

  • Hospital charges were adjusted for hospital location using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid price/wage index and converted to costs using hospital‐level cost‐to‐charge ratios.

Additional Procedure716 (20.5)331 (19.8)144 (23.1)197 (24.7)44 (10.8)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days118 (3.4)54 (3.3)13 (2.1)32 (4.0)19 (4.7)0.096
Total LOS (days)10 (7, 14)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 13)10 (7, 14)9 (7, 12)<.001
Post‐initial Procedure LOS (days)8 (5, 12)8 (6, 12)7 (5, 10)8 (5, 12)7 (5, 10)<0.001
Total Cost, Index Hospitalization ($)e19319 (13358, 30955)19951 (13576, 32018)c19565 (13209, 32778)d20352 (14351, 31343)17918 (13531, 25166)0.016
Total Cost, Episode of Illness ($)e19831 (13927, 31749)20151 (13764, 32653)19593 (13210, 32861)20573 (14419, 31753)18344 (13835, 25462)0.029

In multivariable analysis, differences in total LOS and post‐procedure LOS were not significant (Table 3). The odds of additional drainage procedures were higher for all drainage procedures compared with initial VATS (Table 3). Patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis were less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS (Table 3). The total cost for the episode of illness (including the cost of readmission) was significantly less for those undergoing primary chest tube placement without fibrinolysis compared with primary VATS. The results of subanalyses excluding patients with an underlying CCC (Supporting Appendix online, Table 4) and restricting the cohort to patients undergoing pleural drainage within two days of admission (Supporting Appendix online, Table 5) were similar to the results of our primary analysis with one exception; in the latter subanalysis, children undergoing initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis were also less likely to require readmission compared with patients undergoing initial VATS.

Multivariable Analysis of The Association Between Initial Pleural Fluid Drainage Procedure and Outcomes for Children With Complicated Pneumonia
 Adjusted OR (95% CI)aP Value
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

  • All models adjusted for age, sex, race, month of admission, primary payer, radiologic imaging performed, empiric antibiotic therapy, concurrent diagnosis of influenza or hemolytic uremic syndrome, presence of underlying chronic comorbid conditions, timing of primary pleural fluid drainage procedure, and receipt of corticosteroids and requirement for mechanical ventilation, blood product transfusions, vasoactive infusions, intensive care unit hospitalization, extracorporeal membranous oxygenation, and arterial blood gas measurements within the first two days of hospitalization and clustered on hospital.

Additional pleural drainage procedure  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis1.82 (1.103.00).019
Chest tube with fibrinolysis2.31 (1.443.72)<0.001
Thoracotomy2.59 (1.624.14)<0.001
Readmission within 14 days  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis0.61 (0.361.05).077
Chest tube with fibrinolysis0.45 (0.230.86).015
Thoracotomy0.85 (0.521.39).521
 Adjusted Mean (95% CI)aP Value
Total LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis8.0 (7.88.2).339
Chest tube with fibrinolysis8.1 (7.98.3).812
Thoracotomy8.1 (7.98.3).632
VATS8.1 (7.98.3)Ref
Post‐initial procedure LOS (days)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis7.3 (7.07.5).512
Chest tube with fibrinolysis7.5 (7.27.8).239
Thoracotomy7.3 (7.07.6).841
VATS7.3 (7.17.6)Reference
Total cost, index hospitalization ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis22928 (2200023895.012
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23621 (2263124655).657
Thoracotomy23386 (2241924395.262
VATS23820 (2280824878)Reference
Total cost, episode of illness ($)  
Chest tube without fibrinolysis23218 (2227824199).004
Chest tube with fibrinolysis23749 (2275224790).253
Thoracotomy23673 (2269324696).131
VATS24280 (2324425362)Reference


This multicenter study is the largest to evaluate the management of children hospitalized with complicated pneumonia. We found considerable variation in initial management and outcomes across hospitals. Differences in timing of the initial drainage procedure explained only a small amount of the variability in outcomes. Children undergoing initial VATS less commonly required additional drainage procedures while children undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis less commonly required readmission. Differences in total and post‐procedure LOS were not statistically significant. Differences in cost, while statistically significant, were of marginal relevance.

Previous studies have also shown significant variation in treatment and outcomes of children with complicated pneumonia across hospitals.2, 8 Our study provides data from additional hospitals, includes a substantially larger number of patients undergoing initial VATS, distinguishes between fibrinolysis recipients and nonrecipients, and is the first to compare outcomes between four different initial drainage strategies. The creation of national consensus guidelines might reduce variability in initial management strategies, although the variability in outcomes across hospitals in the current study could not be explained simply by differences in the type or timing of the initial drainage procedure. Thus, future studies examining hospital‐level factors may play an important role in improving quality of care for children with complicated pneumonia.

Patients with initial thoracotomy or chest tube placement with or without fibrinolysis more commonly received additional drainage procedures than patients with initial VATS. This difference remained when patients with CCCs were excluded from the analysis and when the analysis was limited to patients undergoing pleural fluid drainage within 2 days of hospitalization. Several small, randomized trials demonstrated conflicting results when comparing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. St. Peter et al22 reported that 3 (17%) of 18 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and none of the 18 patients undergoing initial VATS received additional pleural drainage procedures. Sonnappa et al21 found no differences between the two groups. Kurt et al19 did not state the proportion of patients receiving additional procedures. However, the mean number of drainage procedures was 2.25 among the 8 patients undergoing initial chest tube placement while none of the 10 patients with VATS received additional drainage.19

Thoracotomy is often perceived as a definitive procedure for treatment of complicated pneumonia. However, several possibilities exist to explain why additional procedures were performed less frequently in patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial thoracotomy. The limited visual field in thoracotomy may lead to greater residual disease post‐operatively in those receiving thoracotomy compared with VATS.31 Additionally, thoracotomy substantially disrupts the integrity of the chest wall and is consequently associated with complications such as bleeding and air leak into the pleural cavity more often than VATS.31, 32 It is thus possible that some of the additional procedures in patients receiving initial thoracotomy were necessary for management of thoracotomy‐associated complications rather than for failure of the initial drainage procedure.

Similar to the randomized trials by Sonnappa et al21 and St. Peter et al,22 differences in the overall and post‐procedure LOS were not significant among patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis. However, chest tube placement without fibrinolysis did not result in significant differences in LOS compared with initial VATS. In the only pediatric randomized trial, the 29 intrapleural urokinase recipients had a 2 day shorter LOS compared with the 29 intrapleural saline recipients.33 Several small, randomized controlled trials of adults with complicated pneumonia reported improved pleural fluid drainage among intrapleural fibrinolysis recipients compared with non‐recipients.3436 However, a large multicenter randomized trial in adults found no differences in mortality, requirement for surgical drainage, or LOS between intrapleural streptokinase and placebo recipients.37 Subsequent meta‐analyses of randomized trials in adults also demonstrated no benefit to fibrinolysis.38, 39 In the context of the increasing use of intrapleural fibrinolysis in children with complicated pneumonia, our results highlight the need for a large, multicenter randomized controlled trial to determine whether chest tube with fibrinolysis is superior to chest tube alone.

Two small randomized trials21, 22 and a decision analysis40 identified chest tube with fibrinolysis as the most economical approach to children with complicated pneumonia. However, the costs did not differ significantly between patients undergoing initial VATS or initial chest tube placement with fibrinolysis in our study. The least costly approach was initial chest tube placement without fibrinolysis. Unlike the randomized controlled trials, we considered costs associated with readmissions in determining the total costs. Shah et al41 found no difference in total charges for patients undergoing initial VATS compared with initial chest tube placement; however, patients undergoing initial VATS were concentrated in a few centers, making it difficult to determine the relative importance of procedural and hospital factors.

This multicenter observational study has several limitations. First, discharge diagnosis coding may be unreliable for specific diseases. However, our rigorous definition of complicated pneumonia, supported by the high positive predictive value as verified by medical record review, minimizes the likelihood of misclassification.

Second, unmeasured confounding or residual confounding by indication for the method of pleural drainage may occur, potentially influencing our results in two disparate ways. If patients with more severe systemic illness were too unstable for operative interventions, then our results would be biased towards worse outcomes for children undergoing initial chest tube placement. We adjusted for several variables associated with a greater systemic severity of illness, including intensive care unit admission, making this possibility less likely. We also could not account for some factors associated with more severe local disease such as the size and character of the effusion. We suspect that patients with more extensive local disease (ie, loculated effusions) would have worse outcomes than other patients, regardless of initial procedure, and that these patients would also be more likely to undergo primary surgical drainage. Thus, this study may have underestimated the benefit of initial surgical drainage (eg, VATS) compared with nonsurgical drainage (ie, chest tube placement).

Third, misclassification of the method of initial pleural drainage may have occurred. Patients transferred from another institution following chest tube placement could either be classified as not receiving pleural drainage and thus excluded from the study or classified as having initial VATS or thoracotomy if the reason for transfer was chest tube treatment failure. Additionally, we could not distinguish routine use of fibrinolysis from fibrinolysis to maintain chest tube patency. Whether such misclassification would falsely minimize or maximize differences in outcomes between the various groups remains uncertain. Fourth, because this study only included tertiary care children's hospitals, these data are not generalizable to community settings. VATS requires specialized surgical training that may be unavailable in some areas. Finally, this study demonstrates the relative efficacy of various pleural fluid drainage procedures on short‐term clinical outcomes and resource utilization. However, long‐term functional outcomes should be measured in future prospective studies.


In conclusion, emphasis on evidence driven treatment to optimize care has led to an increasing examination of unwarranted practice variation.42 The lack of evidence for best practice makes it difficult to define unwarranted variation in the treatment of complicated pneumonia. Our study demonstrates the large variability in practice and raises additional questions regarding the optimal drainage strategies. Published randomized trials have focused on comparisons between chest tube placement with fibrinolysis and VATS. However, our data suggest that future randomized trials should include chest tube placement without fibrinolysis as a treatment strategy. In determining the current best treatment for patients with complicated pneumonia, a clinician must weigh the impact of needing an additional procedure in approximately one‐quarter of patients undergoing initial chest tube placement (with or without fibrinolysis) with the risks of general anesthesia and readmission in patients undergoing initial VATS.


Dr. Hall had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the analysis.

  1. Chonmaitree T,Powell KR.Parapneumonic pleural effusion and empyema in children. Review of a 19‐year experience, 1962–1980.Clin Pediatr (Phila).1983;22:414419.
  2. Shah SS,DiCristina CM,Bell LM,Ten Have T,Metlay JP.Primary early thoracoscopy and reduction in length of hospital stay and additional procedures among children with complicated pneumonia: Results of a multicenter retrospective cohort study.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2008;162:675681.
  3. Li ST,Tancredi DJ.Empyema hospitalizations increased in US children despite pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.Pediatrics.2010;125:2633.
  4. Byington CL,Korgenski K,Daly J, et al.Impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal parapneumonic empyema.Pediatr Infect Dis J.2006;25:250254.
  5. Hendrickson DJ,Blumberg DA,Joad JP,Jhawar S,McDonald RJ.Five‐fold increase in pediatric parapneumonic empyema since introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.Pediatric Infect Dis J.2008;27:10301032.
  6. Grijalva CG,Nuorti JP,Zhu Y,Griffin MR.Increasing incidence of empyema complicating childhood community‐acquired pneumonia in the United States.Clin Infect Dis.2010;50:805813.
  7. Lee GE,Lorch SA,Sheffler‐Collins S,Kronman MP,Shah SS.National hospitalization trends for pediatric pneumonia and associated complications.Pediatrics.2010;126:204213.
  8. Langley JM,Kellner JD,Solomon N, et al.Empyema associated with community‐acquired pneumonia: A Pediatric Investigator's Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada (PICNIC) study.BMC Infect Dis.2008;8:129.
  9. Stiles QR,Lindesmith GG,Tucker BL,Meyer BW,Jones JC.Pleural empyema in children.Ann Thorac Surg.1970;10:3744.
  10. Thomas DF,Glass JL,Baisch BF.Management of streptococcal empyema.Ann Thorac Surg.1966;2:658664.
  11. Kern JA,Rodgers BM.Thoracoscopy in the management of empyema in children.J Pediatr Surg.1993;28:11281132.
  12. Khakoo GA,Goldstraw P,Hansell DM,Bush A.Surgical treatment of parapneumonic empyema.Pediatr Pulmonol.1996;22:348356.
  13. Kosloske AM,Cartwright KC.The controversial role of decortication in the management of pediatric empyema.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.1988;96:166170.
  14. Rizalar R,Somuncu S,Bernay F,Ariturk E,Gunaydin M,Gurses N.Postpneumonic empyema in children treated by early decortication.Eur J Pediatr Surg.1997;7:135137.
  15. Gandhi RR,Stringel G.Video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the management of pediatric empyema.JSLS.1997;1:2513.
  16. Grewal H,Jackson RJ,Wagner CW,Smith SD.Early video‐assisted thoracic surgery in the management of empyema.Pediatrics.1999;103:e63.
  17. Merry CM,Bufo AJ,Shah RS,Schropp KP,Lobe TE.Early definitive intervention by thoracoscopy in pediatric empyema.J Pediatr Surg.1999;34:178180; discussion80–81.
  18. Stovroff M,Teague G,Heiss KF,Parker P,Ricketts RR.Thoracoscopy in the management of pediatric empyema.J Pediatr Surg.1995;30:12111215.
  19. Kurt BA,Winterhalter KM,Connors RH,Betz BW,Winters JW.Therapy of parapneumonic effusions in children: Video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery versus conventional thoracostomy drainage.Pediatrics.2006;118:e547e553.
  20. Li ST,Gates RL.Primary operative management for pediatric empyema: Decreases in hospital length of stay and charges in a national sample.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2008;162:4448.
  21. Sonnappa S,Cohen G,Owens CM, et al.Comparison of urokinase and video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery for treatment of childhood empyema.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2006;174:221227.
  22. St Peter SD,Tsao K,Spilde TL, et al.Thoracoscopic decortication vs tube thoracostomy with fibrinolysis for empyema in children: A prospective, randomized trial.J Pediatr Surg.2009;44:106111; discussion11.
  23. Mongelluzzo J,Mohamad Z,Ten Have TR,Shah SS.Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis.JAMA.2008;299:20482055.
  24. Shah SS,Hall M,Srivastava R,Subramony A,Levin JE.Intravenous immunoglobulin in children with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.Clin Infect Dis.2009;49:13691376.
  25. Feudtner C,Hays RM,Haynes G, et al.Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: National trends and implications for supportive care services.Pediatrics.2001;107:e99.
  26. Barber J,Thompson S.Multiple regression of cost data: Use of generalised linear models.J Health Serv Res Policy.2004;9:197204.
  27. Lee AH,Gracey M,Wang K,Yau KK.A robustified modeling approach to analyze pediatric length of stay.Ann Epidemiol.2005;15:673677.
  28. Mulla ZD,Gibbs SG,Aronoff DM.Correlates of length of stay, cost of care, and mortality among patients hospitalized for necrotizing fasciitis.Epidemiol Infect.2007;135:868876.
  29. Wu EQ,Birnbaum HG,Zhang HF,Ivanova JI,Yang E,Mallet D.Health care costs of adults treated for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder who received alternative drug therapies.J Manag Care Pharm.2007;13:561569.
  30. Imbens GW.The role of the propensity score in estimating dose‐response functions.Biometrika.2000;87:706710.
  31. Subramaniam R,Joseph VT,Tan GM,Goh A,Chay OM.Experience with video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the management of complicated pneumonia in children.J Pediatr Surg.2001;36:316319.
  32. Angelillo Mackinlay TA,Lyons GA,Chimondeguy DJ, et al.VATS debridement versus thoracotomy in the treatment of loculated postpneumonia empyema.Ann Thorac Surg.1996;61:16261630.
  33. Thomson AH,Hull J,Kumar MR,Wallis C,Balfour Lynn IM.Randomised trial of intrapleural urokinase in the treatment of childhood empyema.Thorax.2002;57:343347.
  34. Bouros D,Schiza S,Tzanakis N,Chalkiadakis G,Drositis J,Siafakas N.Intrapleural urokinase versus normal saline in the treatment of complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyema. A randomized, double‐blind study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1999;159:3742.
  35. Davies RJ,Traill ZC,Gleeson FV.Randomised controlled trial of intrapleural streptokinase in community acquired pleural infection.Thorax.1997;52:416421.
  36. Diacon AH,Theron J,Schuurmans MM,Van de Wal BW,Bolliger CT.Intrapleural streptokinase for empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusions.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2004;170:4953.
  37. Maskell NA,Davies CW,Nunn AJ, et al.U.K. Controlled trial of intrapleural streptokinase for pleural infection.N Engl J Med.2005;352:865874.
  38. Cameron R,Davies HR.Intra‐pleural fibrinolytic therapy versus conservative management in the treatment of adult parapneumonic effusions and empyema.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2008:CD002312.
  39. Tokuda Y,Matsushima D,Stein GH,Miyagi S.Intrapleural fibrinolytic agents for empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusions: A meta‐analysis.Chest.2006;129:783790.
  40. Cohen E,Weinstein M,Fisman DN.Cost‐effectiveness of competing strategies for the treatment of pediatric empyema.Pediatrics.2008;121:e1250e1257.
  41. Shah SS,Ten Have TR,Metlay JP.Costs of treating children with complicated pneumonia: A comparison of primary video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery and chest tube placement.Pediatr Pulmonol.2010;45:7177.
  42. Goodman DC.Unwarranted variation in pediatric medical care.Pediatr Clin North Am.2009;56:745755.
  1. Chonmaitree T,Powell KR.Parapneumonic pleural effusion and empyema in children. Review of a 19‐year experience, 1962–1980.Clin Pediatr (Phila).1983;22:414419.
  2. Shah SS,DiCristina CM,Bell LM,Ten Have T,Metlay JP.Primary early thoracoscopy and reduction in length of hospital stay and additional procedures among children with complicated pneumonia: Results of a multicenter retrospective cohort study.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2008;162:675681.
  3. Li ST,Tancredi DJ.Empyema hospitalizations increased in US children despite pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.Pediatrics.2010;125:2633.
  4. Byington CL,Korgenski K,Daly J, et al.Impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal parapneumonic empyema.Pediatr Infect Dis J.2006;25:250254.
  5. Hendrickson DJ,Blumberg DA,Joad JP,Jhawar S,McDonald RJ.Five‐fold increase in pediatric parapneumonic empyema since introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.Pediatric Infect Dis J.2008;27:10301032.
  6. Grijalva CG,Nuorti JP,Zhu Y,Griffin MR.Increasing incidence of empyema complicating childhood community‐acquired pneumonia in the United States.Clin Infect Dis.2010;50:805813.
  7. Lee GE,Lorch SA,Sheffler‐Collins S,Kronman MP,Shah SS.National hospitalization trends for pediatric pneumonia and associated complications.Pediatrics.2010;126:204213.
  8. Langley JM,Kellner JD,Solomon N, et al.Empyema associated with community‐acquired pneumonia: A Pediatric Investigator's Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada (PICNIC) study.BMC Infect Dis.2008;8:129.
  9. Stiles QR,Lindesmith GG,Tucker BL,Meyer BW,Jones JC.Pleural empyema in children.Ann Thorac Surg.1970;10:3744.
  10. Thomas DF,Glass JL,Baisch BF.Management of streptococcal empyema.Ann Thorac Surg.1966;2:658664.
  11. Kern JA,Rodgers BM.Thoracoscopy in the management of empyema in children.J Pediatr Surg.1993;28:11281132.
  12. Khakoo GA,Goldstraw P,Hansell DM,Bush A.Surgical treatment of parapneumonic empyema.Pediatr Pulmonol.1996;22:348356.
  13. Kosloske AM,Cartwright KC.The controversial role of decortication in the management of pediatric empyema.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.1988;96:166170.
  14. Rizalar R,Somuncu S,Bernay F,Ariturk E,Gunaydin M,Gurses N.Postpneumonic empyema in children treated by early decortication.Eur J Pediatr Surg.1997;7:135137.
  15. Gandhi RR,Stringel G.Video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the management of pediatric empyema.JSLS.1997;1:2513.
  16. Grewal H,Jackson RJ,Wagner CW,Smith SD.Early video‐assisted thoracic surgery in the management of empyema.Pediatrics.1999;103:e63.
  17. Merry CM,Bufo AJ,Shah RS,Schropp KP,Lobe TE.Early definitive intervention by thoracoscopy in pediatric empyema.J Pediatr Surg.1999;34:178180; discussion80–81.
  18. Stovroff M,Teague G,Heiss KF,Parker P,Ricketts RR.Thoracoscopy in the management of pediatric empyema.J Pediatr Surg.1995;30:12111215.
  19. Kurt BA,Winterhalter KM,Connors RH,Betz BW,Winters JW.Therapy of parapneumonic effusions in children: Video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery versus conventional thoracostomy drainage.Pediatrics.2006;118:e547e553.
  20. Li ST,Gates RL.Primary operative management for pediatric empyema: Decreases in hospital length of stay and charges in a national sample.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2008;162:4448.
  21. Sonnappa S,Cohen G,Owens CM, et al.Comparison of urokinase and video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery for treatment of childhood empyema.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2006;174:221227.
  22. St Peter SD,Tsao K,Spilde TL, et al.Thoracoscopic decortication vs tube thoracostomy with fibrinolysis for empyema in children: A prospective, randomized trial.J Pediatr Surg.2009;44:106111; discussion11.
  23. Mongelluzzo J,Mohamad Z,Ten Have TR,Shah SS.Corticosteroids and mortality in children with bacterial meningitis.JAMA.2008;299:20482055.
  24. Shah SS,Hall M,Srivastava R,Subramony A,Levin JE.Intravenous immunoglobulin in children with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.Clin Infect Dis.2009;49:13691376.
  25. Feudtner C,Hays RM,Haynes G, et al.Deaths attributed to pediatric complex chronic conditions: National trends and implications for supportive care services.Pediatrics.2001;107:e99.
  26. Barber J,Thompson S.Multiple regression of cost data: Use of generalised linear models.J Health Serv Res Policy.2004;9:197204.
  27. Lee AH,Gracey M,Wang K,Yau KK.A robustified modeling approach to analyze pediatric length of stay.Ann Epidemiol.2005;15:673677.
  28. Mulla ZD,Gibbs SG,Aronoff DM.Correlates of length of stay, cost of care, and mortality among patients hospitalized for necrotizing fasciitis.Epidemiol Infect.2007;135:868876.
  29. Wu EQ,Birnbaum HG,Zhang HF,Ivanova JI,Yang E,Mallet D.Health care costs of adults treated for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder who received alternative drug therapies.J Manag Care Pharm.2007;13:561569.
  30. Imbens GW.The role of the propensity score in estimating dose‐response functions.Biometrika.2000;87:706710.
  31. Subramaniam R,Joseph VT,Tan GM,Goh A,Chay OM.Experience with video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the management of complicated pneumonia in children.J Pediatr Surg.2001;36:316319.
  32. Angelillo Mackinlay TA,Lyons GA,Chimondeguy DJ, et al.VATS debridement versus thoracotomy in the treatment of loculated postpneumonia empyema.Ann Thorac Surg.1996;61:16261630.
  33. Thomson AH,Hull J,Kumar MR,Wallis C,Balfour Lynn IM.Randomised trial of intrapleural urokinase in the treatment of childhood empyema.Thorax.2002;57:343347.
  34. Bouros D,Schiza S,Tzanakis N,Chalkiadakis G,Drositis J,Siafakas N.Intrapleural urokinase versus normal saline in the treatment of complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyema. A randomized, double‐blind study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1999;159:3742.
  35. Davies RJ,Traill ZC,Gleeson FV.Randomised controlled trial of intrapleural streptokinase in community acquired pleural infection.Thorax.1997;52:416421.
  36. Diacon AH,Theron J,Schuurmans MM,Van de Wal BW,Bolliger CT.Intrapleural streptokinase for empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusions.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2004;170:4953.
  37. Maskell NA,Davies CW,Nunn AJ, et al.U.K. Controlled trial of intrapleural streptokinase for pleural infection.N Engl J Med.2005;352:865874.
  38. Cameron R,Davies HR.Intra‐pleural fibrinolytic therapy versus conservative management in the treatment of adult parapneumonic effusions and empyema.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2008:CD002312.
  39. Tokuda Y,Matsushima D,Stein GH,Miyagi S.Intrapleural fibrinolytic agents for empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusions: A meta‐analysis.Chest.2006;129:783790.
  40. Cohen E,Weinstein M,Fisman DN.Cost‐effectiveness of competing strategies for the treatment of pediatric empyema.Pediatrics.2008;121:e1250e1257.
  41. Shah SS,Ten Have TR,Metlay JP.Costs of treating children with complicated pneumonia: A comparison of primary video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery and chest tube placement.Pediatr Pulmonol.2010;45:7177.
  42. Goodman DC.Unwarranted variation in pediatric medical care.Pediatr Clin North Am.2009;56:745755.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(5)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(5)
Page Number
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Article Type
Display Headline
Comparative effectiveness of pleural drainage procedures for the treatment of complicated pneumonia in childhood
Display Headline
Comparative effectiveness of pleural drainage procedures for the treatment of complicated pneumonia in childhood
Legacy Keywords
comparative effectiveness research, pleural empyema, pneumonia, epidemiology, thoracostomy
Legacy Keywords
comparative effectiveness research, pleural empyema, pneumonia, epidemiology, thoracostomy
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Copyright © 2011 Society of Hospital Medicine

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