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Significant Benefit with Liver Transplantation in ACLF: CHANCE Study

Article Type
Thu, 07/11/2024 - 12:19

Liver transplantation improves survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), according to interim clinical outcomes of the large, international CHANCE study.

To date, the results show that 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality rates in patients with ACLF grades 2 and 3 were only 9%, which is not significantly different than that of patients with decompensated cirrhosis, with a mortality of 7%.

professor of hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England
University College London Hospitals
Dr. Rajiv Jalan

“Treatment of ACLF is an unmet medical need,” said Rajiv Jalan, MD, professor of hepatology and honorary consultant in hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England.

These findings highlight “the inadequacy of current transplant allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3,” which is leading to excess mortality on the wait list, he added.

Dr. Jalan presented the interim results at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Congress 2024.

If confirmed in the full analysis, these results argue strongly for increasing access to liver transplantation and changing organ allocation for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, he said.

Organ Allocation Principally Based on MELD Scores

ACLF, which occurs in patients with cirrhosis and acutely decompensated liver disease admitted to hospital, carries a high, short-term risk for death. The risk for 28-day mortality for ACLF 2 and 3 is between 30% and 90% and characterized by multiorgan failure.

As seen in previous data, even patients on the transplant waiting list with a low Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score have a risk for death between 20% and 30% if they are ACLF 2 and 3, Dr. Jalan said.

MELD scores do not consider the risk for death because of failure of extrahepatic organs, he added. Existing worldwide organ allocation systems are principally based on patient MELD scores or its variations; therefore, many patients die on the waiting list.

With this in mind, the CHANCE study aimed to compare 1-year graft and patient survival rates after liver transplantation in patients with ACLF 2 or 3 at the time of transplantation with patients with decompensated cirrhosis without ACLF and transplantation-free survival of patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation.

The multicenter observational study comprised 66 liver transplant centers from 21 countries and over 500 investigators. Recruitment was closed after 1000 patients were enrolled.

Patients were aged 54-56 years, 31%-35% were women, 48%-70% had alcohol-related cirrhosis, and 19%-24% had metabolic dysfunction–associated steatohepatitis. MELD scores ranged from 25 to 36.

For the interim results, Dr. Jalan and colleagues assessed mortality on the waiting list and 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality.

Secondary endpoints included quality of life and cost of care.

Of the 823 patients in the study, they were grouped as follows: 376 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 listed for liver transplantation (group 1), 313 patients with ACLF 0 or 1 and MELD score > 20 listed for liver transplantation (group 2), and 134 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation (group 3).

Overall, patients in group 1 had very severe ACLF; 177 patients with ACLF 3 had three or more organ failures, Dr. Jalan noted.

“It is interesting to note that, in group 3, there is an overrepresentation of alcohol-related cirrhosis, and this might reflect a bias in transplantation,” he added.

Dr. Jalan highlighted geographical points of difference. Patients in the United States were younger, which could be important when interpreting results of post-transplantation outcomes. In Asia, the majority of the patients were men and primarily from India, where living donor transplantation is commonly performed. In Latin America, only 33% of study participants had alcohol-related cirrhosis in contrast to 67% of those in North America.

However, “comorbidities across the world were similar, and MELD scores were also similar,” Dr. Jalan said.



Death or Delisting

Between listing and transplantation, 28% of patients in group 1 either died or were delisted, compared with 16% of those in group 2. In group 3, 85% of patients who were not listed for transplantation in the first place died.

Similar to what has been seen in other studies, nearly 50% of patients with ACLF 3 but a MELD score < 25 on the wait list died or were delisted, Dr. Jalan pointed out, suggesting that these patients are disadvantaged under the current system of waiting list priority.

Geographically, deaths on the wait list were significantly higher in Latin America at 40% than in North America, Europe, and Asia at 20%, 18%, and 13%, respectively.

“This is likely due to low donation rates in Latin America,” Dr. Jalan said.

Turning to 3-month post-transplantation mortality, the rates in groups 1 and 2 were 9% and 7%, respectively.

“This demonstrates very nicely the clear benefit of transplant,” Dr. Jalan said. “The risk of death post transplant, even with ACLF 2 or 3, is not significantly different to those patients with decompensated cirrhosis.”

There was a slightly higher risk for death in patients with ACLF 3 than in those with ACLF 2 at 14% vs 7%, but “the risk of death in these patients if they don’t have transportation is 70%-80%,” he said.

Looking at 3-month post-transplantation mortality by continent, Dr. Jalan highlighted that Latin America showed 16% risk, compared with Asia, Europe, and North America that showed 12%, 7%, and 3% risk, respectively.

“This is probably multifactorial and likely to be influenced by time on the waiting list, quality of organs available, and patient demographics, among other factors,” Dr. Jalan said. When very sick people undergo transplantation, “there is a higher risk of death.”

The patients in this study have waited a long time, “which worsens their situation,” said Dr. Jalan, reinforcing his argument for changing the international organ allocation system to allow earlier access for these patients.

‘The Landscape of Organ Allocation Is Extremely Complex’

Comoderator Ana Lleo, MD, PhD, full professor of internal medicine and hepatology, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy, commented that “the number of patients included in this international study is significant,” and that the issue of mortality on the wait list is of great clinical interest.

“The landscape of organ allocation is extremely complex,” she added.

The system for liver transplantation considers a large number of clinical conditions with very diverse benefit profiles, she explained.

“While we would like to offer liver transplantation for all patients with any range of benefit, the current donations are not sufficient to cover the request,” Dr. Lleo said. “Therefore, prioritization remains key.”

The findings do illustrate the inadequacy of current transplantation allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, said Debbie Shawcross, MBBS, PhD, professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King’s College Hospital, London, England, who is also serving as vice-secretary of the EASL Governing Board.

However, “this must be balanced by the recognition that the global donor pool of organs available is a finite resource,” she said, echoing Dr. Lleo’s comments.

This calls for wider ethical discussions to avoid disadvantaging more stable, often younger patients with cirrhosis who are listed for transplantation, she added.

Dr. Jalan declared he is the inventor of Ornithine Phenylacetate, licensed by UCL to Mallinckrodt Pharma; a speaker and grant reviewer for Grifols Research Collaboration: Yaqrit; and the founder of Yaqrit, Hepyx, CyberLiver, and Gigabiome. Dr. Lleo declared that she does not have any conflicts relevant to this work but received lecture fees from Gilead, Advanz Pharma, Alfasigma, GSK, Incyte, Gore, AstraZeneca, and Ipsen and consulted for Advanz Pharma, AstraZeneca, Ipsen, GSK, and Dr Falk. Dr. Shawcross declared advisory board/consultancy for EnteroBiotix, Norgine, Satellite Bio, and MRN Health.

A version of this article first appeared on


Liver transplantation improves survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), according to interim clinical outcomes of the large, international CHANCE study.

To date, the results show that 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality rates in patients with ACLF grades 2 and 3 were only 9%, which is not significantly different than that of patients with decompensated cirrhosis, with a mortality of 7%.

professor of hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England
University College London Hospitals
Dr. Rajiv Jalan

“Treatment of ACLF is an unmet medical need,” said Rajiv Jalan, MD, professor of hepatology and honorary consultant in hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England.

These findings highlight “the inadequacy of current transplant allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3,” which is leading to excess mortality on the wait list, he added.

Dr. Jalan presented the interim results at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Congress 2024.

If confirmed in the full analysis, these results argue strongly for increasing access to liver transplantation and changing organ allocation for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, he said.

Organ Allocation Principally Based on MELD Scores

ACLF, which occurs in patients with cirrhosis and acutely decompensated liver disease admitted to hospital, carries a high, short-term risk for death. The risk for 28-day mortality for ACLF 2 and 3 is between 30% and 90% and characterized by multiorgan failure.

As seen in previous data, even patients on the transplant waiting list with a low Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score have a risk for death between 20% and 30% if they are ACLF 2 and 3, Dr. Jalan said.

MELD scores do not consider the risk for death because of failure of extrahepatic organs, he added. Existing worldwide organ allocation systems are principally based on patient MELD scores or its variations; therefore, many patients die on the waiting list.

With this in mind, the CHANCE study aimed to compare 1-year graft and patient survival rates after liver transplantation in patients with ACLF 2 or 3 at the time of transplantation with patients with decompensated cirrhosis without ACLF and transplantation-free survival of patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation.

The multicenter observational study comprised 66 liver transplant centers from 21 countries and over 500 investigators. Recruitment was closed after 1000 patients were enrolled.

Patients were aged 54-56 years, 31%-35% were women, 48%-70% had alcohol-related cirrhosis, and 19%-24% had metabolic dysfunction–associated steatohepatitis. MELD scores ranged from 25 to 36.

For the interim results, Dr. Jalan and colleagues assessed mortality on the waiting list and 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality.

Secondary endpoints included quality of life and cost of care.

Of the 823 patients in the study, they were grouped as follows: 376 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 listed for liver transplantation (group 1), 313 patients with ACLF 0 or 1 and MELD score > 20 listed for liver transplantation (group 2), and 134 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation (group 3).

Overall, patients in group 1 had very severe ACLF; 177 patients with ACLF 3 had three or more organ failures, Dr. Jalan noted.

“It is interesting to note that, in group 3, there is an overrepresentation of alcohol-related cirrhosis, and this might reflect a bias in transplantation,” he added.

Dr. Jalan highlighted geographical points of difference. Patients in the United States were younger, which could be important when interpreting results of post-transplantation outcomes. In Asia, the majority of the patients were men and primarily from India, where living donor transplantation is commonly performed. In Latin America, only 33% of study participants had alcohol-related cirrhosis in contrast to 67% of those in North America.

However, “comorbidities across the world were similar, and MELD scores were also similar,” Dr. Jalan said.



Death or Delisting

Between listing and transplantation, 28% of patients in group 1 either died or were delisted, compared with 16% of those in group 2. In group 3, 85% of patients who were not listed for transplantation in the first place died.

Similar to what has been seen in other studies, nearly 50% of patients with ACLF 3 but a MELD score < 25 on the wait list died or were delisted, Dr. Jalan pointed out, suggesting that these patients are disadvantaged under the current system of waiting list priority.

Geographically, deaths on the wait list were significantly higher in Latin America at 40% than in North America, Europe, and Asia at 20%, 18%, and 13%, respectively.

“This is likely due to low donation rates in Latin America,” Dr. Jalan said.

Turning to 3-month post-transplantation mortality, the rates in groups 1 and 2 were 9% and 7%, respectively.

“This demonstrates very nicely the clear benefit of transplant,” Dr. Jalan said. “The risk of death post transplant, even with ACLF 2 or 3, is not significantly different to those patients with decompensated cirrhosis.”

There was a slightly higher risk for death in patients with ACLF 3 than in those with ACLF 2 at 14% vs 7%, but “the risk of death in these patients if they don’t have transportation is 70%-80%,” he said.

Looking at 3-month post-transplantation mortality by continent, Dr. Jalan highlighted that Latin America showed 16% risk, compared with Asia, Europe, and North America that showed 12%, 7%, and 3% risk, respectively.

“This is probably multifactorial and likely to be influenced by time on the waiting list, quality of organs available, and patient demographics, among other factors,” Dr. Jalan said. When very sick people undergo transplantation, “there is a higher risk of death.”

The patients in this study have waited a long time, “which worsens their situation,” said Dr. Jalan, reinforcing his argument for changing the international organ allocation system to allow earlier access for these patients.

‘The Landscape of Organ Allocation Is Extremely Complex’

Comoderator Ana Lleo, MD, PhD, full professor of internal medicine and hepatology, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy, commented that “the number of patients included in this international study is significant,” and that the issue of mortality on the wait list is of great clinical interest.

“The landscape of organ allocation is extremely complex,” she added.

The system for liver transplantation considers a large number of clinical conditions with very diverse benefit profiles, she explained.

“While we would like to offer liver transplantation for all patients with any range of benefit, the current donations are not sufficient to cover the request,” Dr. Lleo said. “Therefore, prioritization remains key.”

The findings do illustrate the inadequacy of current transplantation allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, said Debbie Shawcross, MBBS, PhD, professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King’s College Hospital, London, England, who is also serving as vice-secretary of the EASL Governing Board.

However, “this must be balanced by the recognition that the global donor pool of organs available is a finite resource,” she said, echoing Dr. Lleo’s comments.

This calls for wider ethical discussions to avoid disadvantaging more stable, often younger patients with cirrhosis who are listed for transplantation, she added.

Dr. Jalan declared he is the inventor of Ornithine Phenylacetate, licensed by UCL to Mallinckrodt Pharma; a speaker and grant reviewer for Grifols Research Collaboration: Yaqrit; and the founder of Yaqrit, Hepyx, CyberLiver, and Gigabiome. Dr. Lleo declared that she does not have any conflicts relevant to this work but received lecture fees from Gilead, Advanz Pharma, Alfasigma, GSK, Incyte, Gore, AstraZeneca, and Ipsen and consulted for Advanz Pharma, AstraZeneca, Ipsen, GSK, and Dr Falk. Dr. Shawcross declared advisory board/consultancy for EnteroBiotix, Norgine, Satellite Bio, and MRN Health.

A version of this article first appeared on

Liver transplantation improves survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), according to interim clinical outcomes of the large, international CHANCE study.

To date, the results show that 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality rates in patients with ACLF grades 2 and 3 were only 9%, which is not significantly different than that of patients with decompensated cirrhosis, with a mortality of 7%.

professor of hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England
University College London Hospitals
Dr. Rajiv Jalan

“Treatment of ACLF is an unmet medical need,” said Rajiv Jalan, MD, professor of hepatology and honorary consultant in hepatology, University College London Hospitals, London, England.

These findings highlight “the inadequacy of current transplant allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3,” which is leading to excess mortality on the wait list, he added.

Dr. Jalan presented the interim results at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Congress 2024.

If confirmed in the full analysis, these results argue strongly for increasing access to liver transplantation and changing organ allocation for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, he said.

Organ Allocation Principally Based on MELD Scores

ACLF, which occurs in patients with cirrhosis and acutely decompensated liver disease admitted to hospital, carries a high, short-term risk for death. The risk for 28-day mortality for ACLF 2 and 3 is between 30% and 90% and characterized by multiorgan failure.

As seen in previous data, even patients on the transplant waiting list with a low Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score have a risk for death between 20% and 30% if they are ACLF 2 and 3, Dr. Jalan said.

MELD scores do not consider the risk for death because of failure of extrahepatic organs, he added. Existing worldwide organ allocation systems are principally based on patient MELD scores or its variations; therefore, many patients die on the waiting list.

With this in mind, the CHANCE study aimed to compare 1-year graft and patient survival rates after liver transplantation in patients with ACLF 2 or 3 at the time of transplantation with patients with decompensated cirrhosis without ACLF and transplantation-free survival of patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation.

The multicenter observational study comprised 66 liver transplant centers from 21 countries and over 500 investigators. Recruitment was closed after 1000 patients were enrolled.

Patients were aged 54-56 years, 31%-35% were women, 48%-70% had alcohol-related cirrhosis, and 19%-24% had metabolic dysfunction–associated steatohepatitis. MELD scores ranged from 25 to 36.

For the interim results, Dr. Jalan and colleagues assessed mortality on the waiting list and 3-month post–liver transplantation mortality.

Secondary endpoints included quality of life and cost of care.

Of the 823 patients in the study, they were grouped as follows: 376 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 listed for liver transplantation (group 1), 313 patients with ACLF 0 or 1 and MELD score > 20 listed for liver transplantation (group 2), and 134 patients with ACLF 2 or 3 not listed for liver transplantation (group 3).

Overall, patients in group 1 had very severe ACLF; 177 patients with ACLF 3 had three or more organ failures, Dr. Jalan noted.

“It is interesting to note that, in group 3, there is an overrepresentation of alcohol-related cirrhosis, and this might reflect a bias in transplantation,” he added.

Dr. Jalan highlighted geographical points of difference. Patients in the United States were younger, which could be important when interpreting results of post-transplantation outcomes. In Asia, the majority of the patients were men and primarily from India, where living donor transplantation is commonly performed. In Latin America, only 33% of study participants had alcohol-related cirrhosis in contrast to 67% of those in North America.

However, “comorbidities across the world were similar, and MELD scores were also similar,” Dr. Jalan said.



Death or Delisting

Between listing and transplantation, 28% of patients in group 1 either died or were delisted, compared with 16% of those in group 2. In group 3, 85% of patients who were not listed for transplantation in the first place died.

Similar to what has been seen in other studies, nearly 50% of patients with ACLF 3 but a MELD score < 25 on the wait list died or were delisted, Dr. Jalan pointed out, suggesting that these patients are disadvantaged under the current system of waiting list priority.

Geographically, deaths on the wait list were significantly higher in Latin America at 40% than in North America, Europe, and Asia at 20%, 18%, and 13%, respectively.

“This is likely due to low donation rates in Latin America,” Dr. Jalan said.

Turning to 3-month post-transplantation mortality, the rates in groups 1 and 2 were 9% and 7%, respectively.

“This demonstrates very nicely the clear benefit of transplant,” Dr. Jalan said. “The risk of death post transplant, even with ACLF 2 or 3, is not significantly different to those patients with decompensated cirrhosis.”

There was a slightly higher risk for death in patients with ACLF 3 than in those with ACLF 2 at 14% vs 7%, but “the risk of death in these patients if they don’t have transportation is 70%-80%,” he said.

Looking at 3-month post-transplantation mortality by continent, Dr. Jalan highlighted that Latin America showed 16% risk, compared with Asia, Europe, and North America that showed 12%, 7%, and 3% risk, respectively.

“This is probably multifactorial and likely to be influenced by time on the waiting list, quality of organs available, and patient demographics, among other factors,” Dr. Jalan said. When very sick people undergo transplantation, “there is a higher risk of death.”

The patients in this study have waited a long time, “which worsens their situation,” said Dr. Jalan, reinforcing his argument for changing the international organ allocation system to allow earlier access for these patients.

‘The Landscape of Organ Allocation Is Extremely Complex’

Comoderator Ana Lleo, MD, PhD, full professor of internal medicine and hepatology, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy, commented that “the number of patients included in this international study is significant,” and that the issue of mortality on the wait list is of great clinical interest.

“The landscape of organ allocation is extremely complex,” she added.

The system for liver transplantation considers a large number of clinical conditions with very diverse benefit profiles, she explained.

“While we would like to offer liver transplantation for all patients with any range of benefit, the current donations are not sufficient to cover the request,” Dr. Lleo said. “Therefore, prioritization remains key.”

The findings do illustrate the inadequacy of current transplantation allocation criteria for patients with ACLF 2 and 3, said Debbie Shawcross, MBBS, PhD, professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King’s College Hospital, London, England, who is also serving as vice-secretary of the EASL Governing Board.

However, “this must be balanced by the recognition that the global donor pool of organs available is a finite resource,” she said, echoing Dr. Lleo’s comments.

This calls for wider ethical discussions to avoid disadvantaging more stable, often younger patients with cirrhosis who are listed for transplantation, she added.

Dr. Jalan declared he is the inventor of Ornithine Phenylacetate, licensed by UCL to Mallinckrodt Pharma; a speaker and grant reviewer for Grifols Research Collaboration: Yaqrit; and the founder of Yaqrit, Hepyx, CyberLiver, and Gigabiome. Dr. Lleo declared that she does not have any conflicts relevant to this work but received lecture fees from Gilead, Advanz Pharma, Alfasigma, GSK, Incyte, Gore, AstraZeneca, and Ipsen and consulted for Advanz Pharma, AstraZeneca, Ipsen, GSK, and Dr Falk. Dr. Shawcross declared advisory board/consultancy for EnteroBiotix, Norgine, Satellite Bio, and MRN Health.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Doctors Endorsing Products on X May Not Disclose Company Ties

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Wed, 06/19/2024 - 10:30

Nearly one in three physicians endorsing drugs and devices on the social media platform X did not disclose that they received payments from the manufacturers, according to a new study published in JAMA.

Lead author Aaron Mitchell, MD, MPH, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, told this news organization that he and his colleagues undertook the study in part to see whether physicians were adhering to professional and industry guidelines regarding marketing communications.

The team reviewed posts by physicians on X during 2022, looking for key words that might indicate that the posts were intended as endorsements of a product. The researchers then delved into the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments database to see how many of those identified as having endorsed a product were paid by the manufacturers.

What Dr. Mitchell found concerned him, he said.

Overall, the researchers identified 28 physician endorsers who received a total of $1.4 million from sponsors in 2022. Among these, 26 physicians (93%) received payments from the product’s manufacturer, totaling $713,976, and 24 physicians (86%) accepted payments related to the endorsed drug or device, totaling $492,098.

While most did disclose that the posts were sponsored — by adding the word “sponsored” or using #sponsored — nine physicians did not.

Although 28 physician endorsers represent a “small fraction” of the overall number of physicians who use X, each endorsement was ultimately posted dozens, if not hundreds of times, said Dr. Mitchell. In fact, he said he saw the same particular endorsement post every time he opened his X app for months.

Overall, Dr. Mitchell noted that it’s less about the fact that the endorsements are occurring on social media and more that there are these paid endorsements taking place at all.

Among the physician specialties promoting a product, urologists and oncologists dominated. Almost one third were urologists, and 57% were oncologists — six medical oncologists, six radiation oncologists, and four gynecologic oncologists. Of the remaining three physicians, two were internists and one was a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist.

The authors tracked posts from physicians and industry accounts. Many of the posts on industry accounts were physician testimonials, usually videos. Almost half — 8 of 17 — of those testimonials did not disclose that the doctor was being paid by the manufacturer. In another case, a physician did not disclose that they were paid to endorse a white paper.

Fifteen promotional posts were for a Boston Scientific product, followed by six for GlaxoSmithKline, two for Eisai, two for Exelixis, and one each for AstraZeneca, Novartis, and Pfizer.

In general, Dr. Mitchell said, industry guidelines suggest that manufacturer-paid speakers or consultants should have well-regarded expertise in the area they are being asked to weigh in on, but most physician endorsers in the study were not key opinion leaders or experts.

The authors examined the paid endorsers’ H-index — a measure of academic productivity provided by Scopus. Overall, 19 of the 28 physicians had an H-index below 20, which is considered less accomplished, and 14 had no published research related to the endorsed product.

Ten received payments from manufacturers for research purposes, and only one received research payments related to the endorsed product ($224,577).

“Physicians’ participation in industry marketing raises questions regarding professionalism and their responsibilities as patient advocates,” the JAMA authors wrote.

The study was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Mitchell reported no relevant financial relationships. Coauthors Samer Al Hadidi, MD, reported receiving personal fees from Pfizer, Sanofi, and Janssen during the conduct of the study, and Timothy S. Anderson, MD, reported receiving grants from the National Institute on Aging, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology, and receiving consulting fees from the American Medical Student Association. Dr. Anderson is also an associate editor of JAMA Internal Medicine.

A version of this article appeared on


Nearly one in three physicians endorsing drugs and devices on the social media platform X did not disclose that they received payments from the manufacturers, according to a new study published in JAMA.

Lead author Aaron Mitchell, MD, MPH, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, told this news organization that he and his colleagues undertook the study in part to see whether physicians were adhering to professional and industry guidelines regarding marketing communications.

The team reviewed posts by physicians on X during 2022, looking for key words that might indicate that the posts were intended as endorsements of a product. The researchers then delved into the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments database to see how many of those identified as having endorsed a product were paid by the manufacturers.

What Dr. Mitchell found concerned him, he said.

Overall, the researchers identified 28 physician endorsers who received a total of $1.4 million from sponsors in 2022. Among these, 26 physicians (93%) received payments from the product’s manufacturer, totaling $713,976, and 24 physicians (86%) accepted payments related to the endorsed drug or device, totaling $492,098.

While most did disclose that the posts were sponsored — by adding the word “sponsored” or using #sponsored — nine physicians did not.

Although 28 physician endorsers represent a “small fraction” of the overall number of physicians who use X, each endorsement was ultimately posted dozens, if not hundreds of times, said Dr. Mitchell. In fact, he said he saw the same particular endorsement post every time he opened his X app for months.

Overall, Dr. Mitchell noted that it’s less about the fact that the endorsements are occurring on social media and more that there are these paid endorsements taking place at all.

Among the physician specialties promoting a product, urologists and oncologists dominated. Almost one third were urologists, and 57% were oncologists — six medical oncologists, six radiation oncologists, and four gynecologic oncologists. Of the remaining three physicians, two were internists and one was a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist.

The authors tracked posts from physicians and industry accounts. Many of the posts on industry accounts were physician testimonials, usually videos. Almost half — 8 of 17 — of those testimonials did not disclose that the doctor was being paid by the manufacturer. In another case, a physician did not disclose that they were paid to endorse a white paper.

Fifteen promotional posts were for a Boston Scientific product, followed by six for GlaxoSmithKline, two for Eisai, two for Exelixis, and one each for AstraZeneca, Novartis, and Pfizer.

In general, Dr. Mitchell said, industry guidelines suggest that manufacturer-paid speakers or consultants should have well-regarded expertise in the area they are being asked to weigh in on, but most physician endorsers in the study were not key opinion leaders or experts.

The authors examined the paid endorsers’ H-index — a measure of academic productivity provided by Scopus. Overall, 19 of the 28 physicians had an H-index below 20, which is considered less accomplished, and 14 had no published research related to the endorsed product.

Ten received payments from manufacturers for research purposes, and only one received research payments related to the endorsed product ($224,577).

“Physicians’ participation in industry marketing raises questions regarding professionalism and their responsibilities as patient advocates,” the JAMA authors wrote.

The study was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Mitchell reported no relevant financial relationships. Coauthors Samer Al Hadidi, MD, reported receiving personal fees from Pfizer, Sanofi, and Janssen during the conduct of the study, and Timothy S. Anderson, MD, reported receiving grants from the National Institute on Aging, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology, and receiving consulting fees from the American Medical Student Association. Dr. Anderson is also an associate editor of JAMA Internal Medicine.

A version of this article appeared on

Nearly one in three physicians endorsing drugs and devices on the social media platform X did not disclose that they received payments from the manufacturers, according to a new study published in JAMA.

Lead author Aaron Mitchell, MD, MPH, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, told this news organization that he and his colleagues undertook the study in part to see whether physicians were adhering to professional and industry guidelines regarding marketing communications.

The team reviewed posts by physicians on X during 2022, looking for key words that might indicate that the posts were intended as endorsements of a product. The researchers then delved into the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments database to see how many of those identified as having endorsed a product were paid by the manufacturers.

What Dr. Mitchell found concerned him, he said.

Overall, the researchers identified 28 physician endorsers who received a total of $1.4 million from sponsors in 2022. Among these, 26 physicians (93%) received payments from the product’s manufacturer, totaling $713,976, and 24 physicians (86%) accepted payments related to the endorsed drug or device, totaling $492,098.

While most did disclose that the posts were sponsored — by adding the word “sponsored” or using #sponsored — nine physicians did not.

Although 28 physician endorsers represent a “small fraction” of the overall number of physicians who use X, each endorsement was ultimately posted dozens, if not hundreds of times, said Dr. Mitchell. In fact, he said he saw the same particular endorsement post every time he opened his X app for months.

Overall, Dr. Mitchell noted that it’s less about the fact that the endorsements are occurring on social media and more that there are these paid endorsements taking place at all.

Among the physician specialties promoting a product, urologists and oncologists dominated. Almost one third were urologists, and 57% were oncologists — six medical oncologists, six radiation oncologists, and four gynecologic oncologists. Of the remaining three physicians, two were internists and one was a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist.

The authors tracked posts from physicians and industry accounts. Many of the posts on industry accounts were physician testimonials, usually videos. Almost half — 8 of 17 — of those testimonials did not disclose that the doctor was being paid by the manufacturer. In another case, a physician did not disclose that they were paid to endorse a white paper.

Fifteen promotional posts were for a Boston Scientific product, followed by six for GlaxoSmithKline, two for Eisai, two for Exelixis, and one each for AstraZeneca, Novartis, and Pfizer.

In general, Dr. Mitchell said, industry guidelines suggest that manufacturer-paid speakers or consultants should have well-regarded expertise in the area they are being asked to weigh in on, but most physician endorsers in the study were not key opinion leaders or experts.

The authors examined the paid endorsers’ H-index — a measure of academic productivity provided by Scopus. Overall, 19 of the 28 physicians had an H-index below 20, which is considered less accomplished, and 14 had no published research related to the endorsed product.

Ten received payments from manufacturers for research purposes, and only one received research payments related to the endorsed product ($224,577).

“Physicians’ participation in industry marketing raises questions regarding professionalism and their responsibilities as patient advocates,” the JAMA authors wrote.

The study was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Mitchell reported no relevant financial relationships. Coauthors Samer Al Hadidi, MD, reported receiving personal fees from Pfizer, Sanofi, and Janssen during the conduct of the study, and Timothy S. Anderson, MD, reported receiving grants from the National Institute on Aging, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology, and receiving consulting fees from the American Medical Student Association. Dr. Anderson is also an associate editor of JAMA Internal Medicine.

A version of this article appeared on

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CAR T for B-ALL: Game Changer For Young Patients?

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Thu, 06/06/2024 - 16:35

In just 4 years, there’s been a significant evolution in the profile of pediatric and young adult patients who’ve taken the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy known as tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) for relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), a new industry-funded study finds.

It’s becoming more common for patients with less severe disease to undergo the treatment, often bypassing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and survival is on the rise.

From 2018 to 2022, the percentage of patients in an international cohort who had disease burden of ≥50% fell from 18% to 4%, researchers reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Median relapse-free survival in patients who didn’t undergo post-infusion HSCT grew from 18 months in 2018 to 27 months in 2020. It was not estimable in 2021.

“This introduction of the therapy is changing the treatment landscape of how we look at refractory B-ALL, where the standard of care previously would be to proceed to transplant. This therapy is actually reducing the use of transplant, which has lots of morbidity and mortality associated with it,” Texas Children’s Cancer Center hematologist-oncologist Rayne H. Rouce, MD, who led the study, said in an interview.

Tisagenlecleucel received Food and Drug Administration approval in 2017, said Nirali N. Shah, MD, MHSc, head of the Pediatric Oncology Branch’s Hematologic Malignancies Section at the National Cancer Institute, in an interview. Dr. Shah is familiar with the study findings but didn’t take part in the research.

Remission rates have been around 60%-70%, Dr. Shah said, although that rate is “likely higher” now because of gains in experience and improvement in disease burden prior to therapy. 

The new findings fill a knowledge gap about real-world outcomes since a lot of the prior data was based on investigational CAR T-cell products, she said.

The noninterventional, prospective, longitudinal study, funded by tisagenlecleucel manufacturer Novartis, tracked 974 patients up to age 25 who received tisagenlecleucel in the United States, Canada, Korea, and Taiwan.

The study found that between 2018 and 2022:

  • The percentage of patients who received treatment while in morphological complete remission grew from 34% to 51%.
  • The percentages who were in third or greater relapse fell from 14% to 2%.
  • The percentages undergoing ≥1 HSCT before tisagenlecleucel infusion fell from 37% to 15%.
  • Overall, 34.5% of 911 patients received post-infusion HSCT.

In the big picture, the findings suggest that the therapy can be considered more than “a last resort for patients in a second or greater relapse or who are refractory,” Dr. Rouce said. By offering CAR T-cell therapy to earlier-stage patients, she said, “when they’re less sick, when they have less comorbidities, and when their organs are functioning better, we could potentially save them from having to go on to a transplant.”

Dr. Shah said the findings indicate that “a substantial number of patients are surviving. It’s remarkable actually. Prior to tisagenlecleucel, patients had dismal outcomes from standard chemotherapy.”

She added that the study suggests “providers are getting much more comfortable with getting their patients in the best shape prior to getting CAR T-cell therapy. Outcomes are improving as providers expand the use of CAR T-cell therapy to patients who are less heavily pretreated and have lower disease burden.”

Moving forward, “at some point there will likely be a plateau in terms of how good the outcomes can be.” And there will be discussion of the role of HSCT.

“We’ll figure out some of the nuances about which patients need transplants and which can avoid them. But curative potential is growing. With or without transplant, this is ultimately going to lead to a much higher fraction of patients being cured who previously would not have been cured,” she said. “That’s the bottom line.”

As for adverse effects, Dr. Shah said “disease burden has a pretty direct relationship with side effects and toxicities. If you have more disease, you have more severe side effects.”

Reducing disease burden will reduce side effects, she said. Also, “we’re getting a lot better at managing these toxicities. Eliminating some of the more toxic chemotherapy through earlier use of CAR T-cells in chemotherapy-refractory patients may well help reduce therapy burden and improve long-term survival outcomes, she added.

As for cost, reports that the therapy runs to more than $612,000 per infusion. But Dr. Shah said insurers are covering the treatment. She added that there are efforts to expand the indication so CAR T-cell therapy can be used earlier in patients who are chemotherapy-refractory.

Novartis funded the study. Dr. Shah discloses ties with Lentigen, VOR, and CARGO, ImmunoACT, and Sobi. Dr. Rouce reports relationships with Pfizer and Novartis.


In just 4 years, there’s been a significant evolution in the profile of pediatric and young adult patients who’ve taken the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy known as tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) for relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), a new industry-funded study finds.

It’s becoming more common for patients with less severe disease to undergo the treatment, often bypassing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and survival is on the rise.

From 2018 to 2022, the percentage of patients in an international cohort who had disease burden of ≥50% fell from 18% to 4%, researchers reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Median relapse-free survival in patients who didn’t undergo post-infusion HSCT grew from 18 months in 2018 to 27 months in 2020. It was not estimable in 2021.

“This introduction of the therapy is changing the treatment landscape of how we look at refractory B-ALL, where the standard of care previously would be to proceed to transplant. This therapy is actually reducing the use of transplant, which has lots of morbidity and mortality associated with it,” Texas Children’s Cancer Center hematologist-oncologist Rayne H. Rouce, MD, who led the study, said in an interview.

Tisagenlecleucel received Food and Drug Administration approval in 2017, said Nirali N. Shah, MD, MHSc, head of the Pediatric Oncology Branch’s Hematologic Malignancies Section at the National Cancer Institute, in an interview. Dr. Shah is familiar with the study findings but didn’t take part in the research.

Remission rates have been around 60%-70%, Dr. Shah said, although that rate is “likely higher” now because of gains in experience and improvement in disease burden prior to therapy. 

The new findings fill a knowledge gap about real-world outcomes since a lot of the prior data was based on investigational CAR T-cell products, she said.

The noninterventional, prospective, longitudinal study, funded by tisagenlecleucel manufacturer Novartis, tracked 974 patients up to age 25 who received tisagenlecleucel in the United States, Canada, Korea, and Taiwan.

The study found that between 2018 and 2022:

  • The percentage of patients who received treatment while in morphological complete remission grew from 34% to 51%.
  • The percentages who were in third or greater relapse fell from 14% to 2%.
  • The percentages undergoing ≥1 HSCT before tisagenlecleucel infusion fell from 37% to 15%.
  • Overall, 34.5% of 911 patients received post-infusion HSCT.

In the big picture, the findings suggest that the therapy can be considered more than “a last resort for patients in a second or greater relapse or who are refractory,” Dr. Rouce said. By offering CAR T-cell therapy to earlier-stage patients, she said, “when they’re less sick, when they have less comorbidities, and when their organs are functioning better, we could potentially save them from having to go on to a transplant.”

Dr. Shah said the findings indicate that “a substantial number of patients are surviving. It’s remarkable actually. Prior to tisagenlecleucel, patients had dismal outcomes from standard chemotherapy.”

She added that the study suggests “providers are getting much more comfortable with getting their patients in the best shape prior to getting CAR T-cell therapy. Outcomes are improving as providers expand the use of CAR T-cell therapy to patients who are less heavily pretreated and have lower disease burden.”

Moving forward, “at some point there will likely be a plateau in terms of how good the outcomes can be.” And there will be discussion of the role of HSCT.

“We’ll figure out some of the nuances about which patients need transplants and which can avoid them. But curative potential is growing. With or without transplant, this is ultimately going to lead to a much higher fraction of patients being cured who previously would not have been cured,” she said. “That’s the bottom line.”

As for adverse effects, Dr. Shah said “disease burden has a pretty direct relationship with side effects and toxicities. If you have more disease, you have more severe side effects.”

Reducing disease burden will reduce side effects, she said. Also, “we’re getting a lot better at managing these toxicities. Eliminating some of the more toxic chemotherapy through earlier use of CAR T-cells in chemotherapy-refractory patients may well help reduce therapy burden and improve long-term survival outcomes, she added.

As for cost, reports that the therapy runs to more than $612,000 per infusion. But Dr. Shah said insurers are covering the treatment. She added that there are efforts to expand the indication so CAR T-cell therapy can be used earlier in patients who are chemotherapy-refractory.

Novartis funded the study. Dr. Shah discloses ties with Lentigen, VOR, and CARGO, ImmunoACT, and Sobi. Dr. Rouce reports relationships with Pfizer and Novartis.

In just 4 years, there’s been a significant evolution in the profile of pediatric and young adult patients who’ve taken the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy known as tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) for relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), a new industry-funded study finds.

It’s becoming more common for patients with less severe disease to undergo the treatment, often bypassing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and survival is on the rise.

From 2018 to 2022, the percentage of patients in an international cohort who had disease burden of ≥50% fell from 18% to 4%, researchers reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Median relapse-free survival in patients who didn’t undergo post-infusion HSCT grew from 18 months in 2018 to 27 months in 2020. It was not estimable in 2021.

“This introduction of the therapy is changing the treatment landscape of how we look at refractory B-ALL, where the standard of care previously would be to proceed to transplant. This therapy is actually reducing the use of transplant, which has lots of morbidity and mortality associated with it,” Texas Children’s Cancer Center hematologist-oncologist Rayne H. Rouce, MD, who led the study, said in an interview.

Tisagenlecleucel received Food and Drug Administration approval in 2017, said Nirali N. Shah, MD, MHSc, head of the Pediatric Oncology Branch’s Hematologic Malignancies Section at the National Cancer Institute, in an interview. Dr. Shah is familiar with the study findings but didn’t take part in the research.

Remission rates have been around 60%-70%, Dr. Shah said, although that rate is “likely higher” now because of gains in experience and improvement in disease burden prior to therapy. 

The new findings fill a knowledge gap about real-world outcomes since a lot of the prior data was based on investigational CAR T-cell products, she said.

The noninterventional, prospective, longitudinal study, funded by tisagenlecleucel manufacturer Novartis, tracked 974 patients up to age 25 who received tisagenlecleucel in the United States, Canada, Korea, and Taiwan.

The study found that between 2018 and 2022:

  • The percentage of patients who received treatment while in morphological complete remission grew from 34% to 51%.
  • The percentages who were in third or greater relapse fell from 14% to 2%.
  • The percentages undergoing ≥1 HSCT before tisagenlecleucel infusion fell from 37% to 15%.
  • Overall, 34.5% of 911 patients received post-infusion HSCT.

In the big picture, the findings suggest that the therapy can be considered more than “a last resort for patients in a second or greater relapse or who are refractory,” Dr. Rouce said. By offering CAR T-cell therapy to earlier-stage patients, she said, “when they’re less sick, when they have less comorbidities, and when their organs are functioning better, we could potentially save them from having to go on to a transplant.”

Dr. Shah said the findings indicate that “a substantial number of patients are surviving. It’s remarkable actually. Prior to tisagenlecleucel, patients had dismal outcomes from standard chemotherapy.”

She added that the study suggests “providers are getting much more comfortable with getting their patients in the best shape prior to getting CAR T-cell therapy. Outcomes are improving as providers expand the use of CAR T-cell therapy to patients who are less heavily pretreated and have lower disease burden.”

Moving forward, “at some point there will likely be a plateau in terms of how good the outcomes can be.” And there will be discussion of the role of HSCT.

“We’ll figure out some of the nuances about which patients need transplants and which can avoid them. But curative potential is growing. With or without transplant, this is ultimately going to lead to a much higher fraction of patients being cured who previously would not have been cured,” she said. “That’s the bottom line.”

As for adverse effects, Dr. Shah said “disease burden has a pretty direct relationship with side effects and toxicities. If you have more disease, you have more severe side effects.”

Reducing disease burden will reduce side effects, she said. Also, “we’re getting a lot better at managing these toxicities. Eliminating some of the more toxic chemotherapy through earlier use of CAR T-cells in chemotherapy-refractory patients may well help reduce therapy burden and improve long-term survival outcomes, she added.

As for cost, reports that the therapy runs to more than $612,000 per infusion. But Dr. Shah said insurers are covering the treatment. She added that there are efforts to expand the indication so CAR T-cell therapy can be used earlier in patients who are chemotherapy-refractory.

Novartis funded the study. Dr. Shah discloses ties with Lentigen, VOR, and CARGO, ImmunoACT, and Sobi. Dr. Rouce reports relationships with Pfizer and Novartis.

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Gene Tests Could Predict if a Drug Will Work for a Patient

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Fri, 05/31/2024 - 13:45

What if there were tests that could tell you whether the following drugs were a good match for your patients: Antidepressants, statins, painkillers, anticlotting medicines, chemotherapy agents, HIV treatments, organ transplant antirejection drugs, proton pump inhibitors for heartburn, and more?

That’s quite a list. And that’s pharmacogenetics, testing patients for genetic differences that affect how well a given drug will work for them and what kind of side effects to expect.

“About 9 out of 10 people will have a genetic difference in their DNA that can impact how they respond to common medications,” said Emily J. Cicali, PharmD, a clinical associate at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Gainesville.

Dr. Cicali is the clinical director of UF Health’s MyRx, a virtual program that gives Florida and New Jersey residents access to pharmacogenetic (PGx) tests plus expert interpretation by the health system’s pharmacists. Genetic factors are thought to contribute to about 25% or more of inappropriate drug responses or adverse events, said Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, dean of the College of Pharmacy at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago.

“Pharmacogenetics helps consumers avoid drugs that may not work well for them or could cause serious adverse events. It’s personalized medicine,” Dr. Cicali said.

Through a cheek swab or blood sample, the MyRx program — and a growing number of health system programs, doctors’ offices, and home tests available across the United States — gives consumers a window on inherited gene variants that can affect how their body activates, metabolizes, and clears away medications from a long list of widely used drugs.

Why PGx Tests Can Have a Big Impact

These tests work by looking for genes that control drug metabolism.

“You have several different drug-metabolizing enzymes in your liver,” Dr. Cicali explained. “Pharmacogenetic tests look for gene variants that encode for these enzymes. If you’re an ultrarapid metabolizer, you have more of the enzymes that metabolize certain drugs, and there could be a risk the drug won’t work well because it doesn’t stay in the body long enough. On the other end of the spectrum, poor metabolizers have low levels of enzymes that affect certain drugs, so the drugs hang around longer and cause side effects.”

While pharmacogenetics is still considered an emerging science, it’s becoming more mainstream as test prices drop, insurance coverage expands, and an explosion of new research boosts understanding of gene-drug interactions, Dr. Wiisanen said.

Politicians are trying to extend its reach, too. The Right Drug Dose Now Act of 2024, introduced in Congress in late March, aims to accelerate the use of PGx by boosting public awareness and by inserting PGx test results into consumers’ electronic health records. (Though a similar bill died in a US House subcommittee in 2023.)

“The use of pharmacogenetic data to guide prescribing is growing rapidly,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “It’s becoming a routine part of drug therapy for many medications.”

What the Research Shows

When researchers sequenced the DNA of more than 10,000 Mayo Clinic patients, they made a discovery that might surprise many Americans: Gene variants that affect the effectiveness and safety of widely used drugs are not rare glitches. More than 99% of study participants had at least one. And 79% had three or more.

The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study — one of the largest PGx studies ever conducted in the United States — looked at 77 gene variants, most involved with drug metabolism in the liver. Researchers focused closely on 13 with extensively studied, gene-based prescribing recommendations for 21 drugs including antidepressants, statins, pain killers, anticlotting medications for heart conditions, HIV treatments, chemotherapy agents, and antirejection drugs for organ transplants.

When researchers added participants’ genetic data to their electronic health records, they also sent semi-urgent alerts, which are alerts with the potential for severe harm, to the clinicians of 61 study volunteers. Over half changed patients’ drugs or doses.

The changes made a difference. One participant taking the pain drug tramadol turned out to be a poor metabolizer and was having dizzy spells because blood levels of the drug stayed high for long periods. Stopping tramadol stopped the dizziness. A participant taking escitalopram plus bupropion for major depression found out that the combo was likely ineffective because they metabolized escitalopram rapidly. A switch to a higher dose of bupropion alone put their depression into full remission.

“So many factors play into how you respond to medications,” said Mayo Clinic pharmacogenomics pharmacist Jessica Wright, PharmD, BCACP, one of the study authors. “Genetics is one of those pieces. Pharmacogenetic testing can reveal things that clinicians may not have been aware of or could help explain a patient’s exaggerated side effect.”

Pharmacogenetics is also called pharmacogenomics. The terms are often used interchangeably, even among PGx pharmacists, though the first refers to how individual genes influence drug response and the second to the effects of multiple genes, said Kelly E. Caudle, PharmD, PhD, an associate member of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Caudle is also co-principal investigator and director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). The group creates, publishes, and posts evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for drugs with well-researched PGx influences.

By any name, PGx may help explain, predict, and sidestep unpredictable responses to a variety of drugs:

  • In a 2023 multicenter study of 6944 people from seven European countries in The Lancet, those given customized drug treatments based on a 12-gene PGx panel had 30% fewer side effects than those who didn’t get this personalized prescribing. People in the study were being treated for cancer, heart disease, and mental health issues, among other conditions.
  • In a 2023  from China’s Tongji University, Shanghai, of 650 survivors of strokes and transient ischemic attacks, those whose antiplatelet drugs (such as clopidogrel) were customized based on PGx testing had a lower risk for stroke and other vascular events in the next 90 days. The study was published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.
  • In a University of Pennsylvania  of 1944 adults with major depression, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those whose antidepressants were guided by PGx test results were 28% more likely to go into remission during the first 24 weeks of treatment than those in a control group. But by 24 weeks, equal numbers were in remission. A 2023 Chinese  of 11 depression studies, published in BMC Psychiatry, came to a similar conclusion: PGx-guided antidepressant prescriptions may help people feel better quicker, perhaps by avoiding some of the usual trial-and-error of different depression drugs.


PGx checks are already strongly recommended or considered routine before some medications are prescribed. These include abacavir (Ziagen), an antiviral treatment for HIV that can have severe side effects in people with one gene variant.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends genetic testing for people with colon cancer before starting the drug irinotecan (Camptosar), which can cause severe diarrhea and raise infection risk in people with a gene variant that slows the drug’s elimination from the body.

Genetic testing is also recommended by the FDA for people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia before receiving the chemotherapy drug mercaptopurine (Purinethol) because a gene variant that affects drug processing can trigger serious side effects and raise the risk for infection at standard dosages.

“One of the key benefits of pharmacogenomic testing is in preventing adverse drug reactions,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “Testing of the thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme to guide dosing with 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine can help prevent myelosuppression, a serious adverse drug reaction caused by lower production of blood cells in bone marrow.”

When, Why, and How to Test

“A family doctor should consider a PGx test if a patient is planning on taking a medication for which there is a CPIC guideline with a dosing recommendation,” said Teri Klein, PhD, professor of biomedical data science at Stanford University in California, and principal investigator at PharmGKB, an online resource funded by the NIH that provides information for healthcare practitioners, researchers, and consumers about PGx. Affiliated with CPIC, it’s based at Stanford University.

You might also consider it for patients already on a drug who are “not responding or experiencing side effects,” Dr. Caudle said.

Here’s how four PGx experts suggest consumers and physicians approach this option.

Find a Test

More than a dozen PGx tests are on the market — some only a provider can order, others a consumer can order after a review by their provider or by a provider from the testing company. Some of the tests (using saliva) may be administered at home, while blood tests are done in a doctor’s office or laboratory. Companies that offer the tests include ARUP LaboratoriesGenomindLabcorpMayo Clinic LaboratoriesMyriad NeurosciencePrecision Sciences Inc.Tempus, and OneOme, but there are many others online. (Keep in mind that many laboratories offer “lab-developed tests” — created for use in a single laboratory — but these can be harder to verify. “The FDA regulates pharmacogenomic testing in laboratories,” Dr. Wiisanen said, “but many of the regulatory parameters are still being defined.”)

Because PGx is so new, there is no official list of recommended tests. So you’ll have to do a little homework. You can check that the laboratory is accredited by searching for it in the NIH Genetic Testing Laboratory Registry database. Beyond that, you’ll have to consult other evidence-based resources to confirm that the drug you’re interested in has research-backed data about specific gene variants (alleles) that affect metabolism as well as research-based clinical guidelines for using PGx results to make prescribing decisions.

The CPIC’s guidelines include dosing and alternate drug recommendations for more than 100 antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs, the antiplatelet and anticlotting drugs clopidogrel and warfarin, local anesthetics, antivirals and antibacterials, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and some cholesterol-lowering statins such as lovastatin and fluvastatin.

For help figuring out if a test looks for the right gene variants, Dr. Caudle and Dr. Wright recommended checking with the Association for Molecular Pathology’s website. The group published a brief list of best practices for pharmacogenomic testing in 2019. And it keeps a list of gene variants (alleles) that should be included in tests. Clinical guidelines from the CPIC and other groups, available on PharmGKB’s website, also list gene variants that affect the metabolism of the drug.



Consider Cost

The price tag for a test is typically several hundred dollars — but it can run as high as $1000-$2500. And health insurance doesn’t always pick up the tab.

In a 2023 University of Florida study of more than 1000 insurance claims for PGx testing, the number reimbursed varied from 72% for a pain diagnosis to 52% for cardiology to 46% for psychiatry.

Medicare covers some PGx testing when a consumer and their providers meet certain criteria, including whether a drug being considered has a significant gene-drug interaction. California’s Medi-Cal health insurance program covers PGx as do Medicaid programs in some states, including Arkansas and Rhode Island. You can find state-by-state coverage information on the Genetics Policy Hub’s website.

Understand the Results

As more insurers cover PGx, Dr. Klein and Dr. Wiisanen say the field will grow and more providers will use it to inform prescribing. But some health systems aren’t waiting.

In addition to UF Health’s MyRx, PGx is part of personalized medicine programs at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Endeavor Health in Chicago, the Mayo Clinic, the University of California, San FranciscoSanford Health in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Beyond testing, they offer a very useful service: A consult with a pharmacogenetics pharmacist to review the results and explain what they mean for a consumer’s current and future medications.

Physicians and curious consumers can also consult CPIC’s guidelines, which give recommendations about how to interpret the results of a PGx test, said Dr. Klein, a co-principal investigator at CPIC. CPIC has a grading system for both the evidence that supports the recommendation (high, moderate, or weak) and the recommendation itself (strong, moderate, or optional).

Currently, labeling for 456 prescription drugs sold in the United States includes some type of PGx information, according to the FDA’s Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling and an annotated guide from PharmGKB.

Just 108 drug labels currently tell doctors and patients what to do with the information — such as requiring or suggesting testing or offering prescribing recommendations, according to PharmGKB. In contrast, PharmGKB’s online resources include evidence-based clinical guidelines for 201 drugs from CPIC and from professional PGx societies in the Netherlands, Canada, France, and elsewhere.

Consumers and physicians can also look for a pharmacist with pharmacogenetics training in their area or through a nearby medical center to learn more, Dr. Wright suggested. And while consumers can test without working with their own physician, the experts advise against it. Don’t stop or change the dose of medications you already take on your own, they say . And do work with your primary care practitioner or specialist to get tested and understand how the results fit into the bigger picture of how your body responds to your medications.

A version of this article appeared on


What if there were tests that could tell you whether the following drugs were a good match for your patients: Antidepressants, statins, painkillers, anticlotting medicines, chemotherapy agents, HIV treatments, organ transplant antirejection drugs, proton pump inhibitors for heartburn, and more?

That’s quite a list. And that’s pharmacogenetics, testing patients for genetic differences that affect how well a given drug will work for them and what kind of side effects to expect.

“About 9 out of 10 people will have a genetic difference in their DNA that can impact how they respond to common medications,” said Emily J. Cicali, PharmD, a clinical associate at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Gainesville.

Dr. Cicali is the clinical director of UF Health’s MyRx, a virtual program that gives Florida and New Jersey residents access to pharmacogenetic (PGx) tests plus expert interpretation by the health system’s pharmacists. Genetic factors are thought to contribute to about 25% or more of inappropriate drug responses or adverse events, said Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, dean of the College of Pharmacy at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago.

“Pharmacogenetics helps consumers avoid drugs that may not work well for them or could cause serious adverse events. It’s personalized medicine,” Dr. Cicali said.

Through a cheek swab or blood sample, the MyRx program — and a growing number of health system programs, doctors’ offices, and home tests available across the United States — gives consumers a window on inherited gene variants that can affect how their body activates, metabolizes, and clears away medications from a long list of widely used drugs.

Why PGx Tests Can Have a Big Impact

These tests work by looking for genes that control drug metabolism.

“You have several different drug-metabolizing enzymes in your liver,” Dr. Cicali explained. “Pharmacogenetic tests look for gene variants that encode for these enzymes. If you’re an ultrarapid metabolizer, you have more of the enzymes that metabolize certain drugs, and there could be a risk the drug won’t work well because it doesn’t stay in the body long enough. On the other end of the spectrum, poor metabolizers have low levels of enzymes that affect certain drugs, so the drugs hang around longer and cause side effects.”

While pharmacogenetics is still considered an emerging science, it’s becoming more mainstream as test prices drop, insurance coverage expands, and an explosion of new research boosts understanding of gene-drug interactions, Dr. Wiisanen said.

Politicians are trying to extend its reach, too. The Right Drug Dose Now Act of 2024, introduced in Congress in late March, aims to accelerate the use of PGx by boosting public awareness and by inserting PGx test results into consumers’ electronic health records. (Though a similar bill died in a US House subcommittee in 2023.)

“The use of pharmacogenetic data to guide prescribing is growing rapidly,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “It’s becoming a routine part of drug therapy for many medications.”

What the Research Shows

When researchers sequenced the DNA of more than 10,000 Mayo Clinic patients, they made a discovery that might surprise many Americans: Gene variants that affect the effectiveness and safety of widely used drugs are not rare glitches. More than 99% of study participants had at least one. And 79% had three or more.

The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study — one of the largest PGx studies ever conducted in the United States — looked at 77 gene variants, most involved with drug metabolism in the liver. Researchers focused closely on 13 with extensively studied, gene-based prescribing recommendations for 21 drugs including antidepressants, statins, pain killers, anticlotting medications for heart conditions, HIV treatments, chemotherapy agents, and antirejection drugs for organ transplants.

When researchers added participants’ genetic data to their electronic health records, they also sent semi-urgent alerts, which are alerts with the potential for severe harm, to the clinicians of 61 study volunteers. Over half changed patients’ drugs or doses.

The changes made a difference. One participant taking the pain drug tramadol turned out to be a poor metabolizer and was having dizzy spells because blood levels of the drug stayed high for long periods. Stopping tramadol stopped the dizziness. A participant taking escitalopram plus bupropion for major depression found out that the combo was likely ineffective because they metabolized escitalopram rapidly. A switch to a higher dose of bupropion alone put their depression into full remission.

“So many factors play into how you respond to medications,” said Mayo Clinic pharmacogenomics pharmacist Jessica Wright, PharmD, BCACP, one of the study authors. “Genetics is one of those pieces. Pharmacogenetic testing can reveal things that clinicians may not have been aware of or could help explain a patient’s exaggerated side effect.”

Pharmacogenetics is also called pharmacogenomics. The terms are often used interchangeably, even among PGx pharmacists, though the first refers to how individual genes influence drug response and the second to the effects of multiple genes, said Kelly E. Caudle, PharmD, PhD, an associate member of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Caudle is also co-principal investigator and director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). The group creates, publishes, and posts evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for drugs with well-researched PGx influences.

By any name, PGx may help explain, predict, and sidestep unpredictable responses to a variety of drugs:

  • In a 2023 multicenter study of 6944 people from seven European countries in The Lancet, those given customized drug treatments based on a 12-gene PGx panel had 30% fewer side effects than those who didn’t get this personalized prescribing. People in the study were being treated for cancer, heart disease, and mental health issues, among other conditions.
  • In a 2023  from China’s Tongji University, Shanghai, of 650 survivors of strokes and transient ischemic attacks, those whose antiplatelet drugs (such as clopidogrel) were customized based on PGx testing had a lower risk for stroke and other vascular events in the next 90 days. The study was published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.
  • In a University of Pennsylvania  of 1944 adults with major depression, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those whose antidepressants were guided by PGx test results were 28% more likely to go into remission during the first 24 weeks of treatment than those in a control group. But by 24 weeks, equal numbers were in remission. A 2023 Chinese  of 11 depression studies, published in BMC Psychiatry, came to a similar conclusion: PGx-guided antidepressant prescriptions may help people feel better quicker, perhaps by avoiding some of the usual trial-and-error of different depression drugs.


PGx checks are already strongly recommended or considered routine before some medications are prescribed. These include abacavir (Ziagen), an antiviral treatment for HIV that can have severe side effects in people with one gene variant.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends genetic testing for people with colon cancer before starting the drug irinotecan (Camptosar), which can cause severe diarrhea and raise infection risk in people with a gene variant that slows the drug’s elimination from the body.

Genetic testing is also recommended by the FDA for people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia before receiving the chemotherapy drug mercaptopurine (Purinethol) because a gene variant that affects drug processing can trigger serious side effects and raise the risk for infection at standard dosages.

“One of the key benefits of pharmacogenomic testing is in preventing adverse drug reactions,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “Testing of the thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme to guide dosing with 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine can help prevent myelosuppression, a serious adverse drug reaction caused by lower production of blood cells in bone marrow.”

When, Why, and How to Test

“A family doctor should consider a PGx test if a patient is planning on taking a medication for which there is a CPIC guideline with a dosing recommendation,” said Teri Klein, PhD, professor of biomedical data science at Stanford University in California, and principal investigator at PharmGKB, an online resource funded by the NIH that provides information for healthcare practitioners, researchers, and consumers about PGx. Affiliated with CPIC, it’s based at Stanford University.

You might also consider it for patients already on a drug who are “not responding or experiencing side effects,” Dr. Caudle said.

Here’s how four PGx experts suggest consumers and physicians approach this option.

Find a Test

More than a dozen PGx tests are on the market — some only a provider can order, others a consumer can order after a review by their provider or by a provider from the testing company. Some of the tests (using saliva) may be administered at home, while blood tests are done in a doctor’s office or laboratory. Companies that offer the tests include ARUP LaboratoriesGenomindLabcorpMayo Clinic LaboratoriesMyriad NeurosciencePrecision Sciences Inc.Tempus, and OneOme, but there are many others online. (Keep in mind that many laboratories offer “lab-developed tests” — created for use in a single laboratory — but these can be harder to verify. “The FDA regulates pharmacogenomic testing in laboratories,” Dr. Wiisanen said, “but many of the regulatory parameters are still being defined.”)

Because PGx is so new, there is no official list of recommended tests. So you’ll have to do a little homework. You can check that the laboratory is accredited by searching for it in the NIH Genetic Testing Laboratory Registry database. Beyond that, you’ll have to consult other evidence-based resources to confirm that the drug you’re interested in has research-backed data about specific gene variants (alleles) that affect metabolism as well as research-based clinical guidelines for using PGx results to make prescribing decisions.

The CPIC’s guidelines include dosing and alternate drug recommendations for more than 100 antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs, the antiplatelet and anticlotting drugs clopidogrel and warfarin, local anesthetics, antivirals and antibacterials, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and some cholesterol-lowering statins such as lovastatin and fluvastatin.

For help figuring out if a test looks for the right gene variants, Dr. Caudle and Dr. Wright recommended checking with the Association for Molecular Pathology’s website. The group published a brief list of best practices for pharmacogenomic testing in 2019. And it keeps a list of gene variants (alleles) that should be included in tests. Clinical guidelines from the CPIC and other groups, available on PharmGKB’s website, also list gene variants that affect the metabolism of the drug.



Consider Cost

The price tag for a test is typically several hundred dollars — but it can run as high as $1000-$2500. And health insurance doesn’t always pick up the tab.

In a 2023 University of Florida study of more than 1000 insurance claims for PGx testing, the number reimbursed varied from 72% for a pain diagnosis to 52% for cardiology to 46% for psychiatry.

Medicare covers some PGx testing when a consumer and their providers meet certain criteria, including whether a drug being considered has a significant gene-drug interaction. California’s Medi-Cal health insurance program covers PGx as do Medicaid programs in some states, including Arkansas and Rhode Island. You can find state-by-state coverage information on the Genetics Policy Hub’s website.

Understand the Results

As more insurers cover PGx, Dr. Klein and Dr. Wiisanen say the field will grow and more providers will use it to inform prescribing. But some health systems aren’t waiting.

In addition to UF Health’s MyRx, PGx is part of personalized medicine programs at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Endeavor Health in Chicago, the Mayo Clinic, the University of California, San FranciscoSanford Health in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Beyond testing, they offer a very useful service: A consult with a pharmacogenetics pharmacist to review the results and explain what they mean for a consumer’s current and future medications.

Physicians and curious consumers can also consult CPIC’s guidelines, which give recommendations about how to interpret the results of a PGx test, said Dr. Klein, a co-principal investigator at CPIC. CPIC has a grading system for both the evidence that supports the recommendation (high, moderate, or weak) and the recommendation itself (strong, moderate, or optional).

Currently, labeling for 456 prescription drugs sold in the United States includes some type of PGx information, according to the FDA’s Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling and an annotated guide from PharmGKB.

Just 108 drug labels currently tell doctors and patients what to do with the information — such as requiring or suggesting testing or offering prescribing recommendations, according to PharmGKB. In contrast, PharmGKB’s online resources include evidence-based clinical guidelines for 201 drugs from CPIC and from professional PGx societies in the Netherlands, Canada, France, and elsewhere.

Consumers and physicians can also look for a pharmacist with pharmacogenetics training in their area or through a nearby medical center to learn more, Dr. Wright suggested. And while consumers can test without working with their own physician, the experts advise against it. Don’t stop or change the dose of medications you already take on your own, they say . And do work with your primary care practitioner or specialist to get tested and understand how the results fit into the bigger picture of how your body responds to your medications.

A version of this article appeared on

What if there were tests that could tell you whether the following drugs were a good match for your patients: Antidepressants, statins, painkillers, anticlotting medicines, chemotherapy agents, HIV treatments, organ transplant antirejection drugs, proton pump inhibitors for heartburn, and more?

That’s quite a list. And that’s pharmacogenetics, testing patients for genetic differences that affect how well a given drug will work for them and what kind of side effects to expect.

“About 9 out of 10 people will have a genetic difference in their DNA that can impact how they respond to common medications,” said Emily J. Cicali, PharmD, a clinical associate at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Gainesville.

Dr. Cicali is the clinical director of UF Health’s MyRx, a virtual program that gives Florida and New Jersey residents access to pharmacogenetic (PGx) tests plus expert interpretation by the health system’s pharmacists. Genetic factors are thought to contribute to about 25% or more of inappropriate drug responses or adverse events, said Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, dean of the College of Pharmacy at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago.

“Pharmacogenetics helps consumers avoid drugs that may not work well for them or could cause serious adverse events. It’s personalized medicine,” Dr. Cicali said.

Through a cheek swab or blood sample, the MyRx program — and a growing number of health system programs, doctors’ offices, and home tests available across the United States — gives consumers a window on inherited gene variants that can affect how their body activates, metabolizes, and clears away medications from a long list of widely used drugs.

Why PGx Tests Can Have a Big Impact

These tests work by looking for genes that control drug metabolism.

“You have several different drug-metabolizing enzymes in your liver,” Dr. Cicali explained. “Pharmacogenetic tests look for gene variants that encode for these enzymes. If you’re an ultrarapid metabolizer, you have more of the enzymes that metabolize certain drugs, and there could be a risk the drug won’t work well because it doesn’t stay in the body long enough. On the other end of the spectrum, poor metabolizers have low levels of enzymes that affect certain drugs, so the drugs hang around longer and cause side effects.”

While pharmacogenetics is still considered an emerging science, it’s becoming more mainstream as test prices drop, insurance coverage expands, and an explosion of new research boosts understanding of gene-drug interactions, Dr. Wiisanen said.

Politicians are trying to extend its reach, too. The Right Drug Dose Now Act of 2024, introduced in Congress in late March, aims to accelerate the use of PGx by boosting public awareness and by inserting PGx test results into consumers’ electronic health records. (Though a similar bill died in a US House subcommittee in 2023.)

“The use of pharmacogenetic data to guide prescribing is growing rapidly,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “It’s becoming a routine part of drug therapy for many medications.”

What the Research Shows

When researchers sequenced the DNA of more than 10,000 Mayo Clinic patients, they made a discovery that might surprise many Americans: Gene variants that affect the effectiveness and safety of widely used drugs are not rare glitches. More than 99% of study participants had at least one. And 79% had three or more.

The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study — one of the largest PGx studies ever conducted in the United States — looked at 77 gene variants, most involved with drug metabolism in the liver. Researchers focused closely on 13 with extensively studied, gene-based prescribing recommendations for 21 drugs including antidepressants, statins, pain killers, anticlotting medications for heart conditions, HIV treatments, chemotherapy agents, and antirejection drugs for organ transplants.

When researchers added participants’ genetic data to their electronic health records, they also sent semi-urgent alerts, which are alerts with the potential for severe harm, to the clinicians of 61 study volunteers. Over half changed patients’ drugs or doses.

The changes made a difference. One participant taking the pain drug tramadol turned out to be a poor metabolizer and was having dizzy spells because blood levels of the drug stayed high for long periods. Stopping tramadol stopped the dizziness. A participant taking escitalopram plus bupropion for major depression found out that the combo was likely ineffective because they metabolized escitalopram rapidly. A switch to a higher dose of bupropion alone put their depression into full remission.

“So many factors play into how you respond to medications,” said Mayo Clinic pharmacogenomics pharmacist Jessica Wright, PharmD, BCACP, one of the study authors. “Genetics is one of those pieces. Pharmacogenetic testing can reveal things that clinicians may not have been aware of or could help explain a patient’s exaggerated side effect.”

Pharmacogenetics is also called pharmacogenomics. The terms are often used interchangeably, even among PGx pharmacists, though the first refers to how individual genes influence drug response and the second to the effects of multiple genes, said Kelly E. Caudle, PharmD, PhD, an associate member of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Caudle is also co-principal investigator and director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). The group creates, publishes, and posts evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for drugs with well-researched PGx influences.

By any name, PGx may help explain, predict, and sidestep unpredictable responses to a variety of drugs:

  • In a 2023 multicenter study of 6944 people from seven European countries in The Lancet, those given customized drug treatments based on a 12-gene PGx panel had 30% fewer side effects than those who didn’t get this personalized prescribing. People in the study were being treated for cancer, heart disease, and mental health issues, among other conditions.
  • In a 2023  from China’s Tongji University, Shanghai, of 650 survivors of strokes and transient ischemic attacks, those whose antiplatelet drugs (such as clopidogrel) were customized based on PGx testing had a lower risk for stroke and other vascular events in the next 90 days. The study was published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.
  • In a University of Pennsylvania  of 1944 adults with major depression, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those whose antidepressants were guided by PGx test results were 28% more likely to go into remission during the first 24 weeks of treatment than those in a control group. But by 24 weeks, equal numbers were in remission. A 2023 Chinese  of 11 depression studies, published in BMC Psychiatry, came to a similar conclusion: PGx-guided antidepressant prescriptions may help people feel better quicker, perhaps by avoiding some of the usual trial-and-error of different depression drugs.


PGx checks are already strongly recommended or considered routine before some medications are prescribed. These include abacavir (Ziagen), an antiviral treatment for HIV that can have severe side effects in people with one gene variant.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends genetic testing for people with colon cancer before starting the drug irinotecan (Camptosar), which can cause severe diarrhea and raise infection risk in people with a gene variant that slows the drug’s elimination from the body.

Genetic testing is also recommended by the FDA for people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia before receiving the chemotherapy drug mercaptopurine (Purinethol) because a gene variant that affects drug processing can trigger serious side effects and raise the risk for infection at standard dosages.

“One of the key benefits of pharmacogenomic testing is in preventing adverse drug reactions,” Dr. Wiisanen said. “Testing of the thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme to guide dosing with 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine can help prevent myelosuppression, a serious adverse drug reaction caused by lower production of blood cells in bone marrow.”

When, Why, and How to Test

“A family doctor should consider a PGx test if a patient is planning on taking a medication for which there is a CPIC guideline with a dosing recommendation,” said Teri Klein, PhD, professor of biomedical data science at Stanford University in California, and principal investigator at PharmGKB, an online resource funded by the NIH that provides information for healthcare practitioners, researchers, and consumers about PGx. Affiliated with CPIC, it’s based at Stanford University.

You might also consider it for patients already on a drug who are “not responding or experiencing side effects,” Dr. Caudle said.

Here’s how four PGx experts suggest consumers and physicians approach this option.

Find a Test

More than a dozen PGx tests are on the market — some only a provider can order, others a consumer can order after a review by their provider or by a provider from the testing company. Some of the tests (using saliva) may be administered at home, while blood tests are done in a doctor’s office or laboratory. Companies that offer the tests include ARUP LaboratoriesGenomindLabcorpMayo Clinic LaboratoriesMyriad NeurosciencePrecision Sciences Inc.Tempus, and OneOme, but there are many others online. (Keep in mind that many laboratories offer “lab-developed tests” — created for use in a single laboratory — but these can be harder to verify. “The FDA regulates pharmacogenomic testing in laboratories,” Dr. Wiisanen said, “but many of the regulatory parameters are still being defined.”)

Because PGx is so new, there is no official list of recommended tests. So you’ll have to do a little homework. You can check that the laboratory is accredited by searching for it in the NIH Genetic Testing Laboratory Registry database. Beyond that, you’ll have to consult other evidence-based resources to confirm that the drug you’re interested in has research-backed data about specific gene variants (alleles) that affect metabolism as well as research-based clinical guidelines for using PGx results to make prescribing decisions.

The CPIC’s guidelines include dosing and alternate drug recommendations for more than 100 antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs, the antiplatelet and anticlotting drugs clopidogrel and warfarin, local anesthetics, antivirals and antibacterials, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and some cholesterol-lowering statins such as lovastatin and fluvastatin.

For help figuring out if a test looks for the right gene variants, Dr. Caudle and Dr. Wright recommended checking with the Association for Molecular Pathology’s website. The group published a brief list of best practices for pharmacogenomic testing in 2019. And it keeps a list of gene variants (alleles) that should be included in tests. Clinical guidelines from the CPIC and other groups, available on PharmGKB’s website, also list gene variants that affect the metabolism of the drug.



Consider Cost

The price tag for a test is typically several hundred dollars — but it can run as high as $1000-$2500. And health insurance doesn’t always pick up the tab.

In a 2023 University of Florida study of more than 1000 insurance claims for PGx testing, the number reimbursed varied from 72% for a pain diagnosis to 52% for cardiology to 46% for psychiatry.

Medicare covers some PGx testing when a consumer and their providers meet certain criteria, including whether a drug being considered has a significant gene-drug interaction. California’s Medi-Cal health insurance program covers PGx as do Medicaid programs in some states, including Arkansas and Rhode Island. You can find state-by-state coverage information on the Genetics Policy Hub’s website.

Understand the Results

As more insurers cover PGx, Dr. Klein and Dr. Wiisanen say the field will grow and more providers will use it to inform prescribing. But some health systems aren’t waiting.

In addition to UF Health’s MyRx, PGx is part of personalized medicine programs at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Endeavor Health in Chicago, the Mayo Clinic, the University of California, San FranciscoSanford Health in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Beyond testing, they offer a very useful service: A consult with a pharmacogenetics pharmacist to review the results and explain what they mean for a consumer’s current and future medications.

Physicians and curious consumers can also consult CPIC’s guidelines, which give recommendations about how to interpret the results of a PGx test, said Dr. Klein, a co-principal investigator at CPIC. CPIC has a grading system for both the evidence that supports the recommendation (high, moderate, or weak) and the recommendation itself (strong, moderate, or optional).

Currently, labeling for 456 prescription drugs sold in the United States includes some type of PGx information, according to the FDA’s Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling and an annotated guide from PharmGKB.

Just 108 drug labels currently tell doctors and patients what to do with the information — such as requiring or suggesting testing or offering prescribing recommendations, according to PharmGKB. In contrast, PharmGKB’s online resources include evidence-based clinical guidelines for 201 drugs from CPIC and from professional PGx societies in the Netherlands, Canada, France, and elsewhere.

Consumers and physicians can also look for a pharmacist with pharmacogenetics training in their area or through a nearby medical center to learn more, Dr. Wright suggested. And while consumers can test without working with their own physician, the experts advise against it. Don’t stop or change the dose of medications you already take on your own, they say . And do work with your primary care practitioner or specialist to get tested and understand how the results fit into the bigger picture of how your body responds to your medications.

A version of this article appeared on

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Extraordinary Patients Inspired Father of Cancer Immunotherapy

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Mon, 03/25/2024 - 15:28


Widely considered the father of cancer immunotherapy, Steven A. Rosenberg MD, PhD, FAACR, has spent nearly 50 years analyzing the link between patients’ immune reaction and their cancer response.

His pioneering research established interleukin-2 (IL-2) as the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved cancer immunotherapy in 1992.

To recognize his trailblazing work and other achievements, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) will award Dr. Rosenberg with the 2024 AACR Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cancer Research at its annual meeting in April.

Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg

Dr. Rosenberg, a senior investigator for the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and chief of the NCI Surgery Branch, shared the history behind his novel research and the patient stories that inspired his discoveries, during an interview.

Tell us a little about yourself and where you grew up.

Dr. Rosenberg: I grew up in the Bronx. My parents both immigrated to the United States from Poland as teenagers.

As a young boy, did you always want to become a doctor?

Dr. Rosenberg: I think some defining moments on why I decided to go into medicine occurred when I was 6 or 7 years old. The second world war was over, and many of the horrors of the Holocaust became apparent to me. I was brought up as an Orthodox Jew. My parents were quite religious, and I remember postcards coming in one after another about relatives that had died in the death camps. That had a profound influence on me.

How did that experience impact your aspirations?

Dr. Rosenberg: It was an example to me of how evil certain people and groups can be toward one another. I decided at that point, that I wanted to do something good for people, and medicine seemed the most likely way to do that. But also, I was developing a broad scientific interest. I ended up at the Bronx High School of Science and knew that I not only wanted to practice the medicine of today, but I wanted to play a role in helping develop the medicine.

What led to your interest in cancer treatment?

Dr. Rosenberg: Well, as a medical student and resident, it became clear that the field of cancer needed major improvement. We had three major ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. That could cure about half of the people [who] had cancer. But despite the best application of those three specialties, there were over 600,000 deaths from cancer each year in the United States alone. It was clear to me that new approaches were needed, and I became very interested in taking advantage of the body’s immune system as a source of information to try to make progress.

Were there patients who inspired your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: There were two patients that I saw early in my career that impressed me a great deal. One was a patient that I saw when working in the emergency ward as a resident. A patient came in with right upper quadrant pain that looked like a gallbladder attack. That’s what it was. But when I went through his chart, I saw that he had been at that hospital 12 years earlier with a metastatic gastric cancer. The surgeons had operated. They saw tumor had spread to the liver and could not be removed. They closed the belly, not expecting him to survive. Yet he kept showing up for follow-up visits.
Here he was 12 years later. When I helped operate to take out his gallbladder, there was no evidence of any cancer. The cancer had disappeared in the absence of any external treatment. One of the rarest events in medicine, the spontaneous regression of a cancer. Somehow his body had learned how to destroy the tumor.

Was the second patient’s case as impressive?

Dr. Rosenberg: This patient had received a kidney transplant from a gentleman who died in an auto accident. [The donor’s] kidney contained a cancer deposit, a kidney cancer, unbeknownst to the transplant surgeons. [When the kidney was transplanted], the recipient developed widespread metastatic kidney cancer.
[The recipient] was on immunosuppressive drugs, and so the drugs had to be stopped. [When the immunosuppressive drugs were stopped], the patient’s body rejected the kidney and his cancer disappeared.
That showed me that, in fact, if you could stimulate a strong enough immune reaction, in this case, an [allogeneic] reaction, against foreign tissues from a different individual, that you could make large vascularized, invasive cancers disappear based on immune reactivities. Those were clues that led me toward studying the immune system’s impact on cancer.

From there, how did your work evolve?

Dr. Rosenberg: As chief of the surgery branch at NIH, I began doing research. It was very difficult to manipulate immune cells in the laboratory. They wouldn’t stay alive. But I tried to study immune reactions in patients with cancer to see if there was such a thing as an immune reaction against the cancer. There was no such thing known at the time. There were no cancer antigens and no known immune reactions against the disease in the human.

Around this time, investigators were publishing studies about interleukin-2 (IL-2), or white blood cells known as leukocytes. How did interleukin-2 further your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: The advent of interleukin-2 enabled scientists to grow lymphocytes outside the body. [This] enabled us to grow t-lymphocytes, which are some of the major warriors of the immune system against foreign tissue. After [studying] 66 patients in which we studied interleukin-2 and cells that would develop from it, we finally saw a disappearance of melanoma in a patient that received interleukin-2. And we went on to treat hundreds of patients with that hormone, interleukin-2. In fact, interleukin-2 became the first immunotherapy ever approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer in humans.



How did this finding impact your future discoveries?

Dr. Rosenberg: [It] led to studies of the mechanism of action of interleukin-2 and to do that, we identified a kind of cell called a tumor infiltrating lymphocyte. What better place, intuitively to look for cells doing battle against the cancer than within the cancer itself?
In 1988, we demonstrated for the first time that transfer of lymphocytes with antitumor activity could cause the regression of melanoma. This was a living drug obtained from melanoma deposits that could be grown outside the body and then readministered to the patient under suitable conditions. Interestingly, [in February the FDA approved that drug as treatment for patients with melanoma]. A company developed it to the point where in multi-institutional studies, they reproduced our results.
And we’ve now emphasized the value of using T cell therapy, t cell transfer, for the treatment of patients with the common solid cancers, the cancers that start anywhere from the colon up through the intestine, the stomach, the pancreas, and the esophagus. Solid tumors such as ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and so on, are also potentially susceptible to this T cell therapy.
We’ve published several papers showing in isolated patients that you could cause major regressions, if not complete regressions, of these solid cancers in the liver, in the breast, the cervix, the colon. That’s a major aspect of what we’re doing now.
I think immunotherapy has come to be recognized as a major fourth arm that can be used to attack cancers, adding to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

What guidance would you have for other physician-investigators or young doctors who want to follow in your path?

Dr. Rosenberg: You have to have a broad base of knowledge. You have to be willing to immerse yourself in a problem so that your mind is working on it when you’re doing things where you can only think. [When] you’re taking a shower, [or] waiting at a red light, your mind is working on this problem because you’re immersed in trying to understand it.
You need to have a laser focus on the goals that you have and not get sidetracked by issues that may be interesting but not directly related to the goals that you’re attempting to achieve.



Widely considered the father of cancer immunotherapy, Steven A. Rosenberg MD, PhD, FAACR, has spent nearly 50 years analyzing the link between patients’ immune reaction and their cancer response.

His pioneering research established interleukin-2 (IL-2) as the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved cancer immunotherapy in 1992.

To recognize his trailblazing work and other achievements, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) will award Dr. Rosenberg with the 2024 AACR Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cancer Research at its annual meeting in April.

Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg

Dr. Rosenberg, a senior investigator for the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and chief of the NCI Surgery Branch, shared the history behind his novel research and the patient stories that inspired his discoveries, during an interview.

Tell us a little about yourself and where you grew up.

Dr. Rosenberg: I grew up in the Bronx. My parents both immigrated to the United States from Poland as teenagers.

As a young boy, did you always want to become a doctor?

Dr. Rosenberg: I think some defining moments on why I decided to go into medicine occurred when I was 6 or 7 years old. The second world war was over, and many of the horrors of the Holocaust became apparent to me. I was brought up as an Orthodox Jew. My parents were quite religious, and I remember postcards coming in one after another about relatives that had died in the death camps. That had a profound influence on me.

How did that experience impact your aspirations?

Dr. Rosenberg: It was an example to me of how evil certain people and groups can be toward one another. I decided at that point, that I wanted to do something good for people, and medicine seemed the most likely way to do that. But also, I was developing a broad scientific interest. I ended up at the Bronx High School of Science and knew that I not only wanted to practice the medicine of today, but I wanted to play a role in helping develop the medicine.

What led to your interest in cancer treatment?

Dr. Rosenberg: Well, as a medical student and resident, it became clear that the field of cancer needed major improvement. We had three major ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. That could cure about half of the people [who] had cancer. But despite the best application of those three specialties, there were over 600,000 deaths from cancer each year in the United States alone. It was clear to me that new approaches were needed, and I became very interested in taking advantage of the body’s immune system as a source of information to try to make progress.

Were there patients who inspired your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: There were two patients that I saw early in my career that impressed me a great deal. One was a patient that I saw when working in the emergency ward as a resident. A patient came in with right upper quadrant pain that looked like a gallbladder attack. That’s what it was. But when I went through his chart, I saw that he had been at that hospital 12 years earlier with a metastatic gastric cancer. The surgeons had operated. They saw tumor had spread to the liver and could not be removed. They closed the belly, not expecting him to survive. Yet he kept showing up for follow-up visits.
Here he was 12 years later. When I helped operate to take out his gallbladder, there was no evidence of any cancer. The cancer had disappeared in the absence of any external treatment. One of the rarest events in medicine, the spontaneous regression of a cancer. Somehow his body had learned how to destroy the tumor.

Was the second patient’s case as impressive?

Dr. Rosenberg: This patient had received a kidney transplant from a gentleman who died in an auto accident. [The donor’s] kidney contained a cancer deposit, a kidney cancer, unbeknownst to the transplant surgeons. [When the kidney was transplanted], the recipient developed widespread metastatic kidney cancer.
[The recipient] was on immunosuppressive drugs, and so the drugs had to be stopped. [When the immunosuppressive drugs were stopped], the patient’s body rejected the kidney and his cancer disappeared.
That showed me that, in fact, if you could stimulate a strong enough immune reaction, in this case, an [allogeneic] reaction, against foreign tissues from a different individual, that you could make large vascularized, invasive cancers disappear based on immune reactivities. Those were clues that led me toward studying the immune system’s impact on cancer.

From there, how did your work evolve?

Dr. Rosenberg: As chief of the surgery branch at NIH, I began doing research. It was very difficult to manipulate immune cells in the laboratory. They wouldn’t stay alive. But I tried to study immune reactions in patients with cancer to see if there was such a thing as an immune reaction against the cancer. There was no such thing known at the time. There were no cancer antigens and no known immune reactions against the disease in the human.

Around this time, investigators were publishing studies about interleukin-2 (IL-2), or white blood cells known as leukocytes. How did interleukin-2 further your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: The advent of interleukin-2 enabled scientists to grow lymphocytes outside the body. [This] enabled us to grow t-lymphocytes, which are some of the major warriors of the immune system against foreign tissue. After [studying] 66 patients in which we studied interleukin-2 and cells that would develop from it, we finally saw a disappearance of melanoma in a patient that received interleukin-2. And we went on to treat hundreds of patients with that hormone, interleukin-2. In fact, interleukin-2 became the first immunotherapy ever approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer in humans.



How did this finding impact your future discoveries?

Dr. Rosenberg: [It] led to studies of the mechanism of action of interleukin-2 and to do that, we identified a kind of cell called a tumor infiltrating lymphocyte. What better place, intuitively to look for cells doing battle against the cancer than within the cancer itself?
In 1988, we demonstrated for the first time that transfer of lymphocytes with antitumor activity could cause the regression of melanoma. This was a living drug obtained from melanoma deposits that could be grown outside the body and then readministered to the patient under suitable conditions. Interestingly, [in February the FDA approved that drug as treatment for patients with melanoma]. A company developed it to the point where in multi-institutional studies, they reproduced our results.
And we’ve now emphasized the value of using T cell therapy, t cell transfer, for the treatment of patients with the common solid cancers, the cancers that start anywhere from the colon up through the intestine, the stomach, the pancreas, and the esophagus. Solid tumors such as ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and so on, are also potentially susceptible to this T cell therapy.
We’ve published several papers showing in isolated patients that you could cause major regressions, if not complete regressions, of these solid cancers in the liver, in the breast, the cervix, the colon. That’s a major aspect of what we’re doing now.
I think immunotherapy has come to be recognized as a major fourth arm that can be used to attack cancers, adding to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

What guidance would you have for other physician-investigators or young doctors who want to follow in your path?

Dr. Rosenberg: You have to have a broad base of knowledge. You have to be willing to immerse yourself in a problem so that your mind is working on it when you’re doing things where you can only think. [When] you’re taking a shower, [or] waiting at a red light, your mind is working on this problem because you’re immersed in trying to understand it.
You need to have a laser focus on the goals that you have and not get sidetracked by issues that may be interesting but not directly related to the goals that you’re attempting to achieve.


Widely considered the father of cancer immunotherapy, Steven A. Rosenberg MD, PhD, FAACR, has spent nearly 50 years analyzing the link between patients’ immune reaction and their cancer response.

His pioneering research established interleukin-2 (IL-2) as the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved cancer immunotherapy in 1992.

To recognize his trailblazing work and other achievements, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) will award Dr. Rosenberg with the 2024 AACR Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cancer Research at its annual meeting in April.

Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg

Dr. Rosenberg, a senior investigator for the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and chief of the NCI Surgery Branch, shared the history behind his novel research and the patient stories that inspired his discoveries, during an interview.

Tell us a little about yourself and where you grew up.

Dr. Rosenberg: I grew up in the Bronx. My parents both immigrated to the United States from Poland as teenagers.

As a young boy, did you always want to become a doctor?

Dr. Rosenberg: I think some defining moments on why I decided to go into medicine occurred when I was 6 or 7 years old. The second world war was over, and many of the horrors of the Holocaust became apparent to me. I was brought up as an Orthodox Jew. My parents were quite religious, and I remember postcards coming in one after another about relatives that had died in the death camps. That had a profound influence on me.

How did that experience impact your aspirations?

Dr. Rosenberg: It was an example to me of how evil certain people and groups can be toward one another. I decided at that point, that I wanted to do something good for people, and medicine seemed the most likely way to do that. But also, I was developing a broad scientific interest. I ended up at the Bronx High School of Science and knew that I not only wanted to practice the medicine of today, but I wanted to play a role in helping develop the medicine.

What led to your interest in cancer treatment?

Dr. Rosenberg: Well, as a medical student and resident, it became clear that the field of cancer needed major improvement. We had three major ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. That could cure about half of the people [who] had cancer. But despite the best application of those three specialties, there were over 600,000 deaths from cancer each year in the United States alone. It was clear to me that new approaches were needed, and I became very interested in taking advantage of the body’s immune system as a source of information to try to make progress.

Were there patients who inspired your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: There were two patients that I saw early in my career that impressed me a great deal. One was a patient that I saw when working in the emergency ward as a resident. A patient came in with right upper quadrant pain that looked like a gallbladder attack. That’s what it was. But when I went through his chart, I saw that he had been at that hospital 12 years earlier with a metastatic gastric cancer. The surgeons had operated. They saw tumor had spread to the liver and could not be removed. They closed the belly, not expecting him to survive. Yet he kept showing up for follow-up visits.
Here he was 12 years later. When I helped operate to take out his gallbladder, there was no evidence of any cancer. The cancer had disappeared in the absence of any external treatment. One of the rarest events in medicine, the spontaneous regression of a cancer. Somehow his body had learned how to destroy the tumor.

Was the second patient’s case as impressive?

Dr. Rosenberg: This patient had received a kidney transplant from a gentleman who died in an auto accident. [The donor’s] kidney contained a cancer deposit, a kidney cancer, unbeknownst to the transplant surgeons. [When the kidney was transplanted], the recipient developed widespread metastatic kidney cancer.
[The recipient] was on immunosuppressive drugs, and so the drugs had to be stopped. [When the immunosuppressive drugs were stopped], the patient’s body rejected the kidney and his cancer disappeared.
That showed me that, in fact, if you could stimulate a strong enough immune reaction, in this case, an [allogeneic] reaction, against foreign tissues from a different individual, that you could make large vascularized, invasive cancers disappear based on immune reactivities. Those were clues that led me toward studying the immune system’s impact on cancer.

From there, how did your work evolve?

Dr. Rosenberg: As chief of the surgery branch at NIH, I began doing research. It was very difficult to manipulate immune cells in the laboratory. They wouldn’t stay alive. But I tried to study immune reactions in patients with cancer to see if there was such a thing as an immune reaction against the cancer. There was no such thing known at the time. There were no cancer antigens and no known immune reactions against the disease in the human.

Around this time, investigators were publishing studies about interleukin-2 (IL-2), or white blood cells known as leukocytes. How did interleukin-2 further your research?

Dr. Rosenberg: The advent of interleukin-2 enabled scientists to grow lymphocytes outside the body. [This] enabled us to grow t-lymphocytes, which are some of the major warriors of the immune system against foreign tissue. After [studying] 66 patients in which we studied interleukin-2 and cells that would develop from it, we finally saw a disappearance of melanoma in a patient that received interleukin-2. And we went on to treat hundreds of patients with that hormone, interleukin-2. In fact, interleukin-2 became the first immunotherapy ever approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer in humans.



How did this finding impact your future discoveries?

Dr. Rosenberg: [It] led to studies of the mechanism of action of interleukin-2 and to do that, we identified a kind of cell called a tumor infiltrating lymphocyte. What better place, intuitively to look for cells doing battle against the cancer than within the cancer itself?
In 1988, we demonstrated for the first time that transfer of lymphocytes with antitumor activity could cause the regression of melanoma. This was a living drug obtained from melanoma deposits that could be grown outside the body and then readministered to the patient under suitable conditions. Interestingly, [in February the FDA approved that drug as treatment for patients with melanoma]. A company developed it to the point where in multi-institutional studies, they reproduced our results.
And we’ve now emphasized the value of using T cell therapy, t cell transfer, for the treatment of patients with the common solid cancers, the cancers that start anywhere from the colon up through the intestine, the stomach, the pancreas, and the esophagus. Solid tumors such as ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and so on, are also potentially susceptible to this T cell therapy.
We’ve published several papers showing in isolated patients that you could cause major regressions, if not complete regressions, of these solid cancers in the liver, in the breast, the cervix, the colon. That’s a major aspect of what we’re doing now.
I think immunotherapy has come to be recognized as a major fourth arm that can be used to attack cancers, adding to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

What guidance would you have for other physician-investigators or young doctors who want to follow in your path?

Dr. Rosenberg: You have to have a broad base of knowledge. You have to be willing to immerse yourself in a problem so that your mind is working on it when you’re doing things where you can only think. [When] you’re taking a shower, [or] waiting at a red light, your mind is working on this problem because you’re immersed in trying to understand it.
You need to have a laser focus on the goals that you have and not get sidetracked by issues that may be interesting but not directly related to the goals that you’re attempting to achieve.

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High Marks for New CAR T Toxicity Grading Tool

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Wed, 03/13/2024 - 12:28

A new grading system designed to improve the assessment of hematological toxicities following chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy shows utility for a real-world population, providing much-needed standardization and guidance for management of the potentially life-threatening events.

“Hematotoxicity after CAR T is common and clinically relevant, but it also remains poorly understood [with] a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of grading its clinical management,” said first author Kai Rejeski, MD, in presenting on the findings at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting, held in Spain and jointly sponsored by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA).

“We hope that this novel grading system helps with this by enabling harmonized reporting using the same nomenclature and allowing the comparison of the expected incidence rates of grade 3 or higher [hematological toxicities] across several disease entities and CAR T products,” said Dr. Rejeski, of the Adult BMT (Blood Marrow Transplant) and Cellular Therapy Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City.

ICAHT Grading System

In a recent meta-analysis, Dr. Rejeski and his team found that infections are the cause of as many as 49% of non–relapse related deaths after CAR T-cell therapy, representing the most common cause of death and numbering significantly more than the more prominent causes of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) or immune effector cell–associated neurotoxicity (ICANS), which paradoxically have been the focus of significantly more research. In addition, the authors have reported substantial inconsistency among CAR T centers in the grading and management of the post–CAR T cytopenias that can cause those infections, underscoring the need for better guidelines.

“The narrative around CAR T toxicity has long centered on CRS and ICANS as novel and prototypical side effects with distinct management protocols,” Dr. Rejeski said in an interview. “However, it is cytopenias and the associated infections that drive nonrelapse mortality after CAR T.”

To address the need, the EHA and EBMT established the grading system for Immune Effector Cell–Associated HematoToxicity (ICAHT) that is applicable across disease types, indications, and treatment settings.

The details of the grading system were published in September 2023 in the journal Blood. The new system, which specifically focuses on neutrophil count and timing, importantly addresses the biphasic nature of ICAHT by distinguishing “early” ICAHT, occurring within 30 days of the CAR T administration, and “late” ICAHT, occurring more that 30 days following the treatment.

By contrast, conventional grading scales for CAR T–related cytopenias, such as the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) scale, “neither reflect the unique quality of post–CAR T neutrophil recovery, nor do they reflect the inherent risk of infections due to protracted neutropenia,” the authors report in the study.

Real-World Evaluation

To assess the ICAHT grading system’s relevance in a real-world clinical setting of CAR T-cell therapy recipients, Dr. Rejeski and colleagues conducted a multicenter observational study, published in January 2024 in Blood Advances.

The study involved 549 patients at 12 international CAR T centers treated with BCMA- or CD19- directed CAR T therapy for relapsed/refractory B-cell malignancies.

Of the patients, 112 were treated for multiple myeloma (MM), 334 for large B cell lymphoma (LBCL), and 103 for mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Using the grading system, grade 3 (severe) or 4 (life-threatening) ICAHT (n = 125), was found to be strongly associated with key factors including a cumulative duration of severe neutropenia (P < .0001), the presence of multilineage cytopenias, such as severe thrombocytopenia (90%, compared with 46% in nonsevere ICAHT) and severe anemia (92% vs 49%; both P < .001), as well as the use of platelet and red blood cell transfusions.

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was more common in patients with MCL (28%), compared with LBCL (23%) and MM (15%).

Key factors at baseline that were independently associated with severe ICAHT after multivariate adjustment included the presence of bone marrow infiltration, increased serum LDH levels, elevated CAR-HEMATOTOX scores (all P < .001), and receipt of CD28z costimulatory domain products, including axi-cel or brexu-cel (P = .01).

Those with grade 3 or higher ICAHT scores had a significantly higher rate of severe infections, compared with lower ICAHT scores (49% vs 13%; P < .0001), as well as increased nonrelapse mortality (14% vs 4.5%; P < .0001), primarily attributable to fatal infections.

Survival outcomes were also worse with grade 3 or higher ICAHT, including significantly lower rates of 1-year progression-free survival (35% vs 51%) and 1-year overall survival (52% vs 73%; both P < .0001).

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was also significantly associated with prolonged hospital stays (median 21 vs 16 days; P < .0001).

However, contrary to findings from some previous studies, the current study showed no association between ICAHT severity and the prior administration of autologous stem cell transplant.

The number of prior treatment lines was not associated with grade 3 or higher ICAHT. However, grade 3 or higher CRS was more common as a cotoxicity (15% vs 5% without severe ICAHT), as was severe ICANS (26% vs 13%; both P < .001).

Notably, ICAHT grading showed superiority in the prediction of severe infections, compared with CTCAE grading (c-index 0.73 vs 0.55, P < .0001 vs nonsignificant).

While mild to moderate toxicity after CAR T-cell therapy has been associated with more favorable outcomes, the poor survival rates associated with severe ICAHT “underscore that high-grade toxicity and inferior treatment outcomes often go hand-in-hand,” the authors write.

Conversely, “the patients with grade 1 or 2 ICAHT exhibited excellent treatment outcomes in our study,” they point out.



Recommendations in Clinical Practice

For clinical guidance, the ICAHT grading system provides best practice recommendations based on severity for diagnostic work-up and management, such as measures including use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), anti-infective prophylaxis and stem cell boosts.

The authors add that preinfusion scoring systems, including the CAR-HEMATOTOX prognostic score, may be optimized by ICAHT grading in terms of modeling for severe or life-threatening ICAHT as an important endpoint.

“We have had an absence of the standardized severity-based guidelines that we know very well for CRS and ICANS, both in terms of the diagnostic work-up and the grading but also the management,” Dr. Rejeski said at the meeting.

“We hope that the new ICAHT grading focuses future research efforts to not only understand this important side effect better, but also develop specific management strategies that mitigate the risk of infections in high-risk patients,” Dr. Rejeski added.

“The multiply validated CAR-HEMATOTOX score, assessed at time of lymphodepletion, may be helpful in this regard,” he added.

An accompanying editorial published with the guidelines underscored that “this is the first such guideline by a major organization and is a much-needed development for the management of this important CAR T-cell–associated toxicity.”

The improved standardized reporting of ICAHT “could also inform hematotoxicity management protocols,” said the editorial authors, David Qualls, MD, of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and Caron Jacobson, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts.

“While providing comprehensive recommendations for ICAHT, the EHA/EBMT guidelines also highlight important gaps in our current knowledge of ICAHT, which are significant,” the editorial authors add.

Further commenting, Ulrich Jaeger, MD, a professor of hematology at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, agreed that the research fills an important need in post–CAR T-cell therapy management.

“Dr. Rejeski´s work is really seminal in the field and confirmed by validation cohorts in other centers,” he said in an interview. “I think the story is absolutely clear. It will be of increasing importance, with more patients surviving. [The system] will have to be adapted to novel indications as well.”

Dr. Rejeski disclosed ties with Kite/Gilead, Novartis, GMS/Celgene, and Pierre-Fabre. Jaeger reports relationships with Novartis, Gilead Sciences, Celgene/BMS, Janssen, Roche, Miltenyi Biotec, and Innovative Medicines Initiative.


A new grading system designed to improve the assessment of hematological toxicities following chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy shows utility for a real-world population, providing much-needed standardization and guidance for management of the potentially life-threatening events.

“Hematotoxicity after CAR T is common and clinically relevant, but it also remains poorly understood [with] a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of grading its clinical management,” said first author Kai Rejeski, MD, in presenting on the findings at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting, held in Spain and jointly sponsored by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA).

“We hope that this novel grading system helps with this by enabling harmonized reporting using the same nomenclature and allowing the comparison of the expected incidence rates of grade 3 or higher [hematological toxicities] across several disease entities and CAR T products,” said Dr. Rejeski, of the Adult BMT (Blood Marrow Transplant) and Cellular Therapy Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City.

ICAHT Grading System

In a recent meta-analysis, Dr. Rejeski and his team found that infections are the cause of as many as 49% of non–relapse related deaths after CAR T-cell therapy, representing the most common cause of death and numbering significantly more than the more prominent causes of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) or immune effector cell–associated neurotoxicity (ICANS), which paradoxically have been the focus of significantly more research. In addition, the authors have reported substantial inconsistency among CAR T centers in the grading and management of the post–CAR T cytopenias that can cause those infections, underscoring the need for better guidelines.

“The narrative around CAR T toxicity has long centered on CRS and ICANS as novel and prototypical side effects with distinct management protocols,” Dr. Rejeski said in an interview. “However, it is cytopenias and the associated infections that drive nonrelapse mortality after CAR T.”

To address the need, the EHA and EBMT established the grading system for Immune Effector Cell–Associated HematoToxicity (ICAHT) that is applicable across disease types, indications, and treatment settings.

The details of the grading system were published in September 2023 in the journal Blood. The new system, which specifically focuses on neutrophil count and timing, importantly addresses the biphasic nature of ICAHT by distinguishing “early” ICAHT, occurring within 30 days of the CAR T administration, and “late” ICAHT, occurring more that 30 days following the treatment.

By contrast, conventional grading scales for CAR T–related cytopenias, such as the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) scale, “neither reflect the unique quality of post–CAR T neutrophil recovery, nor do they reflect the inherent risk of infections due to protracted neutropenia,” the authors report in the study.

Real-World Evaluation

To assess the ICAHT grading system’s relevance in a real-world clinical setting of CAR T-cell therapy recipients, Dr. Rejeski and colleagues conducted a multicenter observational study, published in January 2024 in Blood Advances.

The study involved 549 patients at 12 international CAR T centers treated with BCMA- or CD19- directed CAR T therapy for relapsed/refractory B-cell malignancies.

Of the patients, 112 were treated for multiple myeloma (MM), 334 for large B cell lymphoma (LBCL), and 103 for mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Using the grading system, grade 3 (severe) or 4 (life-threatening) ICAHT (n = 125), was found to be strongly associated with key factors including a cumulative duration of severe neutropenia (P < .0001), the presence of multilineage cytopenias, such as severe thrombocytopenia (90%, compared with 46% in nonsevere ICAHT) and severe anemia (92% vs 49%; both P < .001), as well as the use of platelet and red blood cell transfusions.

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was more common in patients with MCL (28%), compared with LBCL (23%) and MM (15%).

Key factors at baseline that were independently associated with severe ICAHT after multivariate adjustment included the presence of bone marrow infiltration, increased serum LDH levels, elevated CAR-HEMATOTOX scores (all P < .001), and receipt of CD28z costimulatory domain products, including axi-cel or brexu-cel (P = .01).

Those with grade 3 or higher ICAHT scores had a significantly higher rate of severe infections, compared with lower ICAHT scores (49% vs 13%; P < .0001), as well as increased nonrelapse mortality (14% vs 4.5%; P < .0001), primarily attributable to fatal infections.

Survival outcomes were also worse with grade 3 or higher ICAHT, including significantly lower rates of 1-year progression-free survival (35% vs 51%) and 1-year overall survival (52% vs 73%; both P < .0001).

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was also significantly associated with prolonged hospital stays (median 21 vs 16 days; P < .0001).

However, contrary to findings from some previous studies, the current study showed no association between ICAHT severity and the prior administration of autologous stem cell transplant.

The number of prior treatment lines was not associated with grade 3 or higher ICAHT. However, grade 3 or higher CRS was more common as a cotoxicity (15% vs 5% without severe ICAHT), as was severe ICANS (26% vs 13%; both P < .001).

Notably, ICAHT grading showed superiority in the prediction of severe infections, compared with CTCAE grading (c-index 0.73 vs 0.55, P < .0001 vs nonsignificant).

While mild to moderate toxicity after CAR T-cell therapy has been associated with more favorable outcomes, the poor survival rates associated with severe ICAHT “underscore that high-grade toxicity and inferior treatment outcomes often go hand-in-hand,” the authors write.

Conversely, “the patients with grade 1 or 2 ICAHT exhibited excellent treatment outcomes in our study,” they point out.



Recommendations in Clinical Practice

For clinical guidance, the ICAHT grading system provides best practice recommendations based on severity for diagnostic work-up and management, such as measures including use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), anti-infective prophylaxis and stem cell boosts.

The authors add that preinfusion scoring systems, including the CAR-HEMATOTOX prognostic score, may be optimized by ICAHT grading in terms of modeling for severe or life-threatening ICAHT as an important endpoint.

“We have had an absence of the standardized severity-based guidelines that we know very well for CRS and ICANS, both in terms of the diagnostic work-up and the grading but also the management,” Dr. Rejeski said at the meeting.

“We hope that the new ICAHT grading focuses future research efforts to not only understand this important side effect better, but also develop specific management strategies that mitigate the risk of infections in high-risk patients,” Dr. Rejeski added.

“The multiply validated CAR-HEMATOTOX score, assessed at time of lymphodepletion, may be helpful in this regard,” he added.

An accompanying editorial published with the guidelines underscored that “this is the first such guideline by a major organization and is a much-needed development for the management of this important CAR T-cell–associated toxicity.”

The improved standardized reporting of ICAHT “could also inform hematotoxicity management protocols,” said the editorial authors, David Qualls, MD, of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and Caron Jacobson, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts.

“While providing comprehensive recommendations for ICAHT, the EHA/EBMT guidelines also highlight important gaps in our current knowledge of ICAHT, which are significant,” the editorial authors add.

Further commenting, Ulrich Jaeger, MD, a professor of hematology at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, agreed that the research fills an important need in post–CAR T-cell therapy management.

“Dr. Rejeski´s work is really seminal in the field and confirmed by validation cohorts in other centers,” he said in an interview. “I think the story is absolutely clear. It will be of increasing importance, with more patients surviving. [The system] will have to be adapted to novel indications as well.”

Dr. Rejeski disclosed ties with Kite/Gilead, Novartis, GMS/Celgene, and Pierre-Fabre. Jaeger reports relationships with Novartis, Gilead Sciences, Celgene/BMS, Janssen, Roche, Miltenyi Biotec, and Innovative Medicines Initiative.

A new grading system designed to improve the assessment of hematological toxicities following chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy shows utility for a real-world population, providing much-needed standardization and guidance for management of the potentially life-threatening events.

“Hematotoxicity after CAR T is common and clinically relevant, but it also remains poorly understood [with] a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of grading its clinical management,” said first author Kai Rejeski, MD, in presenting on the findings at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting, held in Spain and jointly sponsored by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA).

“We hope that this novel grading system helps with this by enabling harmonized reporting using the same nomenclature and allowing the comparison of the expected incidence rates of grade 3 or higher [hematological toxicities] across several disease entities and CAR T products,” said Dr. Rejeski, of the Adult BMT (Blood Marrow Transplant) and Cellular Therapy Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City.

ICAHT Grading System

In a recent meta-analysis, Dr. Rejeski and his team found that infections are the cause of as many as 49% of non–relapse related deaths after CAR T-cell therapy, representing the most common cause of death and numbering significantly more than the more prominent causes of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) or immune effector cell–associated neurotoxicity (ICANS), which paradoxically have been the focus of significantly more research. In addition, the authors have reported substantial inconsistency among CAR T centers in the grading and management of the post–CAR T cytopenias that can cause those infections, underscoring the need for better guidelines.

“The narrative around CAR T toxicity has long centered on CRS and ICANS as novel and prototypical side effects with distinct management protocols,” Dr. Rejeski said in an interview. “However, it is cytopenias and the associated infections that drive nonrelapse mortality after CAR T.”

To address the need, the EHA and EBMT established the grading system for Immune Effector Cell–Associated HematoToxicity (ICAHT) that is applicable across disease types, indications, and treatment settings.

The details of the grading system were published in September 2023 in the journal Blood. The new system, which specifically focuses on neutrophil count and timing, importantly addresses the biphasic nature of ICAHT by distinguishing “early” ICAHT, occurring within 30 days of the CAR T administration, and “late” ICAHT, occurring more that 30 days following the treatment.

By contrast, conventional grading scales for CAR T–related cytopenias, such as the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) scale, “neither reflect the unique quality of post–CAR T neutrophil recovery, nor do they reflect the inherent risk of infections due to protracted neutropenia,” the authors report in the study.

Real-World Evaluation

To assess the ICAHT grading system’s relevance in a real-world clinical setting of CAR T-cell therapy recipients, Dr. Rejeski and colleagues conducted a multicenter observational study, published in January 2024 in Blood Advances.

The study involved 549 patients at 12 international CAR T centers treated with BCMA- or CD19- directed CAR T therapy for relapsed/refractory B-cell malignancies.

Of the patients, 112 were treated for multiple myeloma (MM), 334 for large B cell lymphoma (LBCL), and 103 for mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Using the grading system, grade 3 (severe) or 4 (life-threatening) ICAHT (n = 125), was found to be strongly associated with key factors including a cumulative duration of severe neutropenia (P < .0001), the presence of multilineage cytopenias, such as severe thrombocytopenia (90%, compared with 46% in nonsevere ICAHT) and severe anemia (92% vs 49%; both P < .001), as well as the use of platelet and red blood cell transfusions.

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was more common in patients with MCL (28%), compared with LBCL (23%) and MM (15%).

Key factors at baseline that were independently associated with severe ICAHT after multivariate adjustment included the presence of bone marrow infiltration, increased serum LDH levels, elevated CAR-HEMATOTOX scores (all P < .001), and receipt of CD28z costimulatory domain products, including axi-cel or brexu-cel (P = .01).

Those with grade 3 or higher ICAHT scores had a significantly higher rate of severe infections, compared with lower ICAHT scores (49% vs 13%; P < .0001), as well as increased nonrelapse mortality (14% vs 4.5%; P < .0001), primarily attributable to fatal infections.

Survival outcomes were also worse with grade 3 or higher ICAHT, including significantly lower rates of 1-year progression-free survival (35% vs 51%) and 1-year overall survival (52% vs 73%; both P < .0001).

Grade 3 or higher ICAHT was also significantly associated with prolonged hospital stays (median 21 vs 16 days; P < .0001).

However, contrary to findings from some previous studies, the current study showed no association between ICAHT severity and the prior administration of autologous stem cell transplant.

The number of prior treatment lines was not associated with grade 3 or higher ICAHT. However, grade 3 or higher CRS was more common as a cotoxicity (15% vs 5% without severe ICAHT), as was severe ICANS (26% vs 13%; both P < .001).

Notably, ICAHT grading showed superiority in the prediction of severe infections, compared with CTCAE grading (c-index 0.73 vs 0.55, P < .0001 vs nonsignificant).

While mild to moderate toxicity after CAR T-cell therapy has been associated with more favorable outcomes, the poor survival rates associated with severe ICAHT “underscore that high-grade toxicity and inferior treatment outcomes often go hand-in-hand,” the authors write.

Conversely, “the patients with grade 1 or 2 ICAHT exhibited excellent treatment outcomes in our study,” they point out.



Recommendations in Clinical Practice

For clinical guidance, the ICAHT grading system provides best practice recommendations based on severity for diagnostic work-up and management, such as measures including use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), anti-infective prophylaxis and stem cell boosts.

The authors add that preinfusion scoring systems, including the CAR-HEMATOTOX prognostic score, may be optimized by ICAHT grading in terms of modeling for severe or life-threatening ICAHT as an important endpoint.

“We have had an absence of the standardized severity-based guidelines that we know very well for CRS and ICANS, both in terms of the diagnostic work-up and the grading but also the management,” Dr. Rejeski said at the meeting.

“We hope that the new ICAHT grading focuses future research efforts to not only understand this important side effect better, but also develop specific management strategies that mitigate the risk of infections in high-risk patients,” Dr. Rejeski added.

“The multiply validated CAR-HEMATOTOX score, assessed at time of lymphodepletion, may be helpful in this regard,” he added.

An accompanying editorial published with the guidelines underscored that “this is the first such guideline by a major organization and is a much-needed development for the management of this important CAR T-cell–associated toxicity.”

The improved standardized reporting of ICAHT “could also inform hematotoxicity management protocols,” said the editorial authors, David Qualls, MD, of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and Caron Jacobson, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts.

“While providing comprehensive recommendations for ICAHT, the EHA/EBMT guidelines also highlight important gaps in our current knowledge of ICAHT, which are significant,” the editorial authors add.

Further commenting, Ulrich Jaeger, MD, a professor of hematology at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, agreed that the research fills an important need in post–CAR T-cell therapy management.

“Dr. Rejeski´s work is really seminal in the field and confirmed by validation cohorts in other centers,” he said in an interview. “I think the story is absolutely clear. It will be of increasing importance, with more patients surviving. [The system] will have to be adapted to novel indications as well.”

Dr. Rejeski disclosed ties with Kite/Gilead, Novartis, GMS/Celgene, and Pierre-Fabre. Jaeger reports relationships with Novartis, Gilead Sciences, Celgene/BMS, Janssen, Roche, Miltenyi Biotec, and Innovative Medicines Initiative.

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Patient-Reported Outcomes Predict Mortality in Cutaneous Chronic GVHD

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Fri, 03/01/2024 - 16:16

A longitudinal study incorporating two validated patient-reported outcome (PRO) tools showed that compared with patients with epidermal chronic cutaneous graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), those with sclerotic and combination disease experienced worse symptoms and quality-of-life (QOL) impairment. Independent of potential confounders, these PROs moreover predicted non-relapse mortality for all three disease subtypes, making PROs potentially useful adjuncts for risk stratification and treatment decisions, the study authors said.

“These two findings highlight the importance of patient-reported outcomes in measuring this disease,” lead author Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told this news organization. The study was published online February 28 in JAMA Dermatology.

Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Dr. Baumrin
Dr. Emily Baumrin

Symptoms and QOL

The investigators monitored 436 patients from the Chronic GVHD Consortium until December 2020. The Lee Symptom Scale (LSS) skin subscale was used to evaluate symptom burden and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Bone Marrow Transplantation (FACT-BMT) was used to measure quality of life.

Patients with sclerotic GVHD and combination disease at diagnosis had significantly worse median LSS scores than did those with epidermal disease (25, 35, and 20 points, respectively; P = .01). Patients with sclerotic disease had worse median FACT-BMT scores versus those with epidermal involvement (104 versus 109 points, respectively; P = .08).

Although these scores improved with all skin subtypes, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores remained significantly worse (by 9.0 points and 6.1 points, respectively) for patients with combination and sclerotic disease versus those with epidermal disease after adjusting for potential confounders.

Regarding mortality, every 7-point worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in FACT-BMT score at diagnosis of skin chronic GVHD conferred 9.1% increases in odds of both all-cause mortality and non-relapse mortality, after adjustment for factors such as age and sex. Likewise, for every 11 points worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in LSS skin subscale scores at diagnosis, researchers observed odds increases of 10% in all-cause mortality and 16.4% in non-relapse mortality.

Because patients with combination disease had only slightly more epidermal body surface area (BSA) involvement but significantly higher symptom burden than the other subtypes, the authors added, combination disease may represent a distinct phenotype. “Since we’ve also shown that the severity of patient-reported outcomes is associated with mortality,” Dr. Baumrin said in the interview, “perhaps these patients are at the highest risk of mortality as well.”

A growing population

Although many might think of chronic GVHD as rare, she noted, the number of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) survivors living in the United States is growing. In a modeling study published in October of 2013 in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, authors predicted that by 2030, this figure will reach 502,000 — about half of whom will develop chronic GVHD, she said.

With more HCTs being performed each year and ongoing improvements in supportive care, patients are living longer post transplant. “Therefore, many transplant survivors are being taken care of in the community outside of transplant centers.”

Accordingly, Dr. Baumrin said, study findings are relevant to dermatologists in academic and transplant centers and the community who provide skin cancer screenings or other dermatologic care for transplant recipients. “Upon diagnosis of chronic GVHD, the evaluation of disease burden by patient-reported outcome measures may assist in assessing disease severity and response to treatments over time — and to stratify patients at higher risk for mortality and communicate that back to transplant physicians.”

Incorporating PROs into clinical practice might prove especially helpful for patients with sclerotic chronic cutaneous GVHD. Currently, clinicians assess cutaneous GVHD clinically, using parameters including skin thickness. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Skin Score, used in clinical trials, also measures BSA.

“The issue with sclerosis is, it’s hard to determine clinical severity based on physical examination alone,” Dr. Baumrin said. It can be difficult to quantify skin thickness and changes over time. “So it’s hard to detect improvements, which are often slow. Patient-reported outcome measures may be a more sensitive way to detect response to treatment than our clinical assessments, which are often crude for sclerotic disease.”

In a secondary analysis of the phase 2 clinical trial of belumosudil, a treatment for chronic GVHD, published in October 2022 in Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, response rate was around 30% measured by NIH Skin Score and 77% by PROs. “Our clinical examination in sclerotic type disease falls short in terms of determining therapeutic benefit. PROs might complement those clinical measures,” she said.

Future research will involve determining and validating which PROs matter most clinically and to patients, added Dr. Baumrin. Although widely used in evaluating transplant patients, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores may not represent patients’ experience of living with cutaneous chronic GVHD as effectively as might other tools such as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) or Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measures, she explained.

Study strengths included authors’ use of well-validated PROs rather than novel unvalidated measures, Sandra A. Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, of the National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, and Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc, of the Dermatology Branch at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Bethesda, Maryland, wrote in an accompanying editorial in JAMA Dermatology. However, they added, incorporating causes of death might have revealed that the excess mortality associated with sclerotic disease stemmed at least partly from adverse effects of prolonged immunosuppression, particularly infection.

If future studies establish this to be the case, said Dr. Baumrin, reducing immunosuppression might be warranted for these patients. “And if death is primarily due to chronic GVHD itself, maybe we should treat more aggressively. PROs can help guide this decision.”

The study was supported by the NIH/NIAMS and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baumrin and three coauthors report no relevant financial relationships; other authors had disclosures related to several pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Cowen had no disclosures.


A longitudinal study incorporating two validated patient-reported outcome (PRO) tools showed that compared with patients with epidermal chronic cutaneous graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), those with sclerotic and combination disease experienced worse symptoms and quality-of-life (QOL) impairment. Independent of potential confounders, these PROs moreover predicted non-relapse mortality for all three disease subtypes, making PROs potentially useful adjuncts for risk stratification and treatment decisions, the study authors said.

“These two findings highlight the importance of patient-reported outcomes in measuring this disease,” lead author Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told this news organization. The study was published online February 28 in JAMA Dermatology.

Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Dr. Baumrin
Dr. Emily Baumrin

Symptoms and QOL

The investigators monitored 436 patients from the Chronic GVHD Consortium until December 2020. The Lee Symptom Scale (LSS) skin subscale was used to evaluate symptom burden and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Bone Marrow Transplantation (FACT-BMT) was used to measure quality of life.

Patients with sclerotic GVHD and combination disease at diagnosis had significantly worse median LSS scores than did those with epidermal disease (25, 35, and 20 points, respectively; P = .01). Patients with sclerotic disease had worse median FACT-BMT scores versus those with epidermal involvement (104 versus 109 points, respectively; P = .08).

Although these scores improved with all skin subtypes, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores remained significantly worse (by 9.0 points and 6.1 points, respectively) for patients with combination and sclerotic disease versus those with epidermal disease after adjusting for potential confounders.

Regarding mortality, every 7-point worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in FACT-BMT score at diagnosis of skin chronic GVHD conferred 9.1% increases in odds of both all-cause mortality and non-relapse mortality, after adjustment for factors such as age and sex. Likewise, for every 11 points worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in LSS skin subscale scores at diagnosis, researchers observed odds increases of 10% in all-cause mortality and 16.4% in non-relapse mortality.

Because patients with combination disease had only slightly more epidermal body surface area (BSA) involvement but significantly higher symptom burden than the other subtypes, the authors added, combination disease may represent a distinct phenotype. “Since we’ve also shown that the severity of patient-reported outcomes is associated with mortality,” Dr. Baumrin said in the interview, “perhaps these patients are at the highest risk of mortality as well.”

A growing population

Although many might think of chronic GVHD as rare, she noted, the number of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) survivors living in the United States is growing. In a modeling study published in October of 2013 in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, authors predicted that by 2030, this figure will reach 502,000 — about half of whom will develop chronic GVHD, she said.

With more HCTs being performed each year and ongoing improvements in supportive care, patients are living longer post transplant. “Therefore, many transplant survivors are being taken care of in the community outside of transplant centers.”

Accordingly, Dr. Baumrin said, study findings are relevant to dermatologists in academic and transplant centers and the community who provide skin cancer screenings or other dermatologic care for transplant recipients. “Upon diagnosis of chronic GVHD, the evaluation of disease burden by patient-reported outcome measures may assist in assessing disease severity and response to treatments over time — and to stratify patients at higher risk for mortality and communicate that back to transplant physicians.”

Incorporating PROs into clinical practice might prove especially helpful for patients with sclerotic chronic cutaneous GVHD. Currently, clinicians assess cutaneous GVHD clinically, using parameters including skin thickness. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Skin Score, used in clinical trials, also measures BSA.

“The issue with sclerosis is, it’s hard to determine clinical severity based on physical examination alone,” Dr. Baumrin said. It can be difficult to quantify skin thickness and changes over time. “So it’s hard to detect improvements, which are often slow. Patient-reported outcome measures may be a more sensitive way to detect response to treatment than our clinical assessments, which are often crude for sclerotic disease.”

In a secondary analysis of the phase 2 clinical trial of belumosudil, a treatment for chronic GVHD, published in October 2022 in Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, response rate was around 30% measured by NIH Skin Score and 77% by PROs. “Our clinical examination in sclerotic type disease falls short in terms of determining therapeutic benefit. PROs might complement those clinical measures,” she said.

Future research will involve determining and validating which PROs matter most clinically and to patients, added Dr. Baumrin. Although widely used in evaluating transplant patients, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores may not represent patients’ experience of living with cutaneous chronic GVHD as effectively as might other tools such as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) or Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measures, she explained.

Study strengths included authors’ use of well-validated PROs rather than novel unvalidated measures, Sandra A. Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, of the National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, and Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc, of the Dermatology Branch at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Bethesda, Maryland, wrote in an accompanying editorial in JAMA Dermatology. However, they added, incorporating causes of death might have revealed that the excess mortality associated with sclerotic disease stemmed at least partly from adverse effects of prolonged immunosuppression, particularly infection.

If future studies establish this to be the case, said Dr. Baumrin, reducing immunosuppression might be warranted for these patients. “And if death is primarily due to chronic GVHD itself, maybe we should treat more aggressively. PROs can help guide this decision.”

The study was supported by the NIH/NIAMS and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baumrin and three coauthors report no relevant financial relationships; other authors had disclosures related to several pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Cowen had no disclosures.

A longitudinal study incorporating two validated patient-reported outcome (PRO) tools showed that compared with patients with epidermal chronic cutaneous graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), those with sclerotic and combination disease experienced worse symptoms and quality-of-life (QOL) impairment. Independent of potential confounders, these PROs moreover predicted non-relapse mortality for all three disease subtypes, making PROs potentially useful adjuncts for risk stratification and treatment decisions, the study authors said.

“These two findings highlight the importance of patient-reported outcomes in measuring this disease,” lead author Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told this news organization. The study was published online February 28 in JAMA Dermatology.

Emily Baumrin, MD, MSCE, assistant professor of dermatology and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Dr. Baumrin
Dr. Emily Baumrin

Symptoms and QOL

The investigators monitored 436 patients from the Chronic GVHD Consortium until December 2020. The Lee Symptom Scale (LSS) skin subscale was used to evaluate symptom burden and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Bone Marrow Transplantation (FACT-BMT) was used to measure quality of life.

Patients with sclerotic GVHD and combination disease at diagnosis had significantly worse median LSS scores than did those with epidermal disease (25, 35, and 20 points, respectively; P = .01). Patients with sclerotic disease had worse median FACT-BMT scores versus those with epidermal involvement (104 versus 109 points, respectively; P = .08).

Although these scores improved with all skin subtypes, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores remained significantly worse (by 9.0 points and 6.1 points, respectively) for patients with combination and sclerotic disease versus those with epidermal disease after adjusting for potential confounders.

Regarding mortality, every 7-point worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in FACT-BMT score at diagnosis of skin chronic GVHD conferred 9.1% increases in odds of both all-cause mortality and non-relapse mortality, after adjustment for factors such as age and sex. Likewise, for every 11 points worsening (clinically meaningful difference) in LSS skin subscale scores at diagnosis, researchers observed odds increases of 10% in all-cause mortality and 16.4% in non-relapse mortality.

Because patients with combination disease had only slightly more epidermal body surface area (BSA) involvement but significantly higher symptom burden than the other subtypes, the authors added, combination disease may represent a distinct phenotype. “Since we’ve also shown that the severity of patient-reported outcomes is associated with mortality,” Dr. Baumrin said in the interview, “perhaps these patients are at the highest risk of mortality as well.”

A growing population

Although many might think of chronic GVHD as rare, she noted, the number of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) survivors living in the United States is growing. In a modeling study published in October of 2013 in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, authors predicted that by 2030, this figure will reach 502,000 — about half of whom will develop chronic GVHD, she said.

With more HCTs being performed each year and ongoing improvements in supportive care, patients are living longer post transplant. “Therefore, many transplant survivors are being taken care of in the community outside of transplant centers.”

Accordingly, Dr. Baumrin said, study findings are relevant to dermatologists in academic and transplant centers and the community who provide skin cancer screenings or other dermatologic care for transplant recipients. “Upon diagnosis of chronic GVHD, the evaluation of disease burden by patient-reported outcome measures may assist in assessing disease severity and response to treatments over time — and to stratify patients at higher risk for mortality and communicate that back to transplant physicians.”

Incorporating PROs into clinical practice might prove especially helpful for patients with sclerotic chronic cutaneous GVHD. Currently, clinicians assess cutaneous GVHD clinically, using parameters including skin thickness. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Skin Score, used in clinical trials, also measures BSA.

“The issue with sclerosis is, it’s hard to determine clinical severity based on physical examination alone,” Dr. Baumrin said. It can be difficult to quantify skin thickness and changes over time. “So it’s hard to detect improvements, which are often slow. Patient-reported outcome measures may be a more sensitive way to detect response to treatment than our clinical assessments, which are often crude for sclerotic disease.”

In a secondary analysis of the phase 2 clinical trial of belumosudil, a treatment for chronic GVHD, published in October 2022 in Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, response rate was around 30% measured by NIH Skin Score and 77% by PROs. “Our clinical examination in sclerotic type disease falls short in terms of determining therapeutic benefit. PROs might complement those clinical measures,” she said.

Future research will involve determining and validating which PROs matter most clinically and to patients, added Dr. Baumrin. Although widely used in evaluating transplant patients, LSS skin subscale and FACT-BMT scores may not represent patients’ experience of living with cutaneous chronic GVHD as effectively as might other tools such as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) or Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measures, she explained.

Study strengths included authors’ use of well-validated PROs rather than novel unvalidated measures, Sandra A. Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, of the National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, and Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc, of the Dermatology Branch at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Bethesda, Maryland, wrote in an accompanying editorial in JAMA Dermatology. However, they added, incorporating causes of death might have revealed that the excess mortality associated with sclerotic disease stemmed at least partly from adverse effects of prolonged immunosuppression, particularly infection.

If future studies establish this to be the case, said Dr. Baumrin, reducing immunosuppression might be warranted for these patients. “And if death is primarily due to chronic GVHD itself, maybe we should treat more aggressively. PROs can help guide this decision.”

The study was supported by the NIH/NIAMS and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baumrin and three coauthors report no relevant financial relationships; other authors had disclosures related to several pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Cowen had no disclosures.

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B-ALL: CAR-T Outperforms Novel Therapies

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Fri, 03/01/2024 - 11:09

Patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) who relapse following hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HCT) show significantly superior survival outcomes when treated with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy compared with other novel alternative therapies, a real-world analysis of patients in the UK shows.

“This is the first time there is a real-world comparison of CAR-T cell therapy versus other treatments in the era of other novel therapies such as inotuzumab or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs),” said first author Alexandros Rampotas, MD, of the University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. “The study was looking retrospectively at patients treated in the UK, but the results should be applicable to most countries where similar treatments are available.”

Dr. Rampotas presented the research at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting jointly sponsored by the Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Hematology Association.

Outcomes when patients with B-ALL relapse after allo-HCT treatment are generally very poor, and while the advent of CAR T-cell therapy has provided significant improvements, additional novel targeted therapies have also joined the field to further improve outcomes.

With no prior studies directly comparing outcomes between the various treatment options in a real-world setting, Dr. Rampotas and colleagues conducted a retrospective analysis of posttransplant relapsed B-ALL cases at six major transplant centers in the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2022.

Of 93 patients with sufficient data for the analysis, 17 had been treated with CAR T-cell therapy: 4 with UCART19, 1 with CD22 CAR T-cell, and 12 with the CD19-directed CAR T-cell products tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) or obecabtagene autoleucel (obe-cel).

Among the remaining 75 patients who received non-CAR T-cell therapies, 24 received TKIs, 11 received blinatumumab, 12 received inotuzumab, 10 received intensive chemotherapy, 3 received intensive chemotherapy and TKI therapy, 14 received palliative/supportive regimens and 1 had a second allo-HCT following relapse from the first.

The median time from relapse to treatment was 2.8 months in the CAR T-cell therapy group, and 0.32 months for those receiving non-CAR T-cell therapies.

“The 2.8-month time-to-treat is quite expected as CAR T-cells can take a while to manufacture and be infused,” Dr. Rampotas noted. “This also comes with the bias that the patients who did receive them were likely fitter and could wait for that long.”

Patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy were also younger (median age 26 versus 47 in the non-CAR T-cell group) but the CAR T-cell group had higher risk disease and had a median of 2 prior lines of therapy versus 1 in the non-CAR T-cell group.

With a median follow-up of 24.8 months, patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy had significantly better rates of overall survival (OS), with 31 months compared with the non-CAR T-cell therapy OS of just 6.4 months (P = .0147).

The patients treated with CAR T-cell therapy also had improved progression-free survival (PFS) over the non-CAR T-cell patients (16.7 vs 3.7 months; P = .0001).

The superior outcomes in the CAR T-cell group remained consistent after exclusion of patients who received palliative approaches.

“In the realm of numerous innovative therapies for B-ALL, CAR Ts have now, for the first time, exhibited superior outcomes over alternative approaches in posttransplant relapsed B-ALL in the real world,” the authors reported. “The clear superior PFS and OS should encourage the use of more CAR T-cell therapies for this challenging cohort, while further improvements are imperative to enhance outcomes.”

In the meantime, “patients who relapse post transplant with B-ALL should be referred for CAR-T cell therapy as it is a superior treatment to other available options,” Dr. Rampotas said.

Dr. Rampotas discloses receiving conference fees from Gilead.


Patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) who relapse following hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HCT) show significantly superior survival outcomes when treated with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy compared with other novel alternative therapies, a real-world analysis of patients in the UK shows.

“This is the first time there is a real-world comparison of CAR-T cell therapy versus other treatments in the era of other novel therapies such as inotuzumab or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs),” said first author Alexandros Rampotas, MD, of the University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. “The study was looking retrospectively at patients treated in the UK, but the results should be applicable to most countries where similar treatments are available.”

Dr. Rampotas presented the research at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting jointly sponsored by the Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Hematology Association.

Outcomes when patients with B-ALL relapse after allo-HCT treatment are generally very poor, and while the advent of CAR T-cell therapy has provided significant improvements, additional novel targeted therapies have also joined the field to further improve outcomes.

With no prior studies directly comparing outcomes between the various treatment options in a real-world setting, Dr. Rampotas and colleagues conducted a retrospective analysis of posttransplant relapsed B-ALL cases at six major transplant centers in the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2022.

Of 93 patients with sufficient data for the analysis, 17 had been treated with CAR T-cell therapy: 4 with UCART19, 1 with CD22 CAR T-cell, and 12 with the CD19-directed CAR T-cell products tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) or obecabtagene autoleucel (obe-cel).

Among the remaining 75 patients who received non-CAR T-cell therapies, 24 received TKIs, 11 received blinatumumab, 12 received inotuzumab, 10 received intensive chemotherapy, 3 received intensive chemotherapy and TKI therapy, 14 received palliative/supportive regimens and 1 had a second allo-HCT following relapse from the first.

The median time from relapse to treatment was 2.8 months in the CAR T-cell therapy group, and 0.32 months for those receiving non-CAR T-cell therapies.

“The 2.8-month time-to-treat is quite expected as CAR T-cells can take a while to manufacture and be infused,” Dr. Rampotas noted. “This also comes with the bias that the patients who did receive them were likely fitter and could wait for that long.”

Patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy were also younger (median age 26 versus 47 in the non-CAR T-cell group) but the CAR T-cell group had higher risk disease and had a median of 2 prior lines of therapy versus 1 in the non-CAR T-cell group.

With a median follow-up of 24.8 months, patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy had significantly better rates of overall survival (OS), with 31 months compared with the non-CAR T-cell therapy OS of just 6.4 months (P = .0147).

The patients treated with CAR T-cell therapy also had improved progression-free survival (PFS) over the non-CAR T-cell patients (16.7 vs 3.7 months; P = .0001).

The superior outcomes in the CAR T-cell group remained consistent after exclusion of patients who received palliative approaches.

“In the realm of numerous innovative therapies for B-ALL, CAR Ts have now, for the first time, exhibited superior outcomes over alternative approaches in posttransplant relapsed B-ALL in the real world,” the authors reported. “The clear superior PFS and OS should encourage the use of more CAR T-cell therapies for this challenging cohort, while further improvements are imperative to enhance outcomes.”

In the meantime, “patients who relapse post transplant with B-ALL should be referred for CAR-T cell therapy as it is a superior treatment to other available options,” Dr. Rampotas said.

Dr. Rampotas discloses receiving conference fees from Gilead.

Patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) who relapse following hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HCT) show significantly superior survival outcomes when treated with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy compared with other novel alternative therapies, a real-world analysis of patients in the UK shows.

“This is the first time there is a real-world comparison of CAR-T cell therapy versus other treatments in the era of other novel therapies such as inotuzumab or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs),” said first author Alexandros Rampotas, MD, of the University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. “The study was looking retrospectively at patients treated in the UK, but the results should be applicable to most countries where similar treatments are available.”

Dr. Rampotas presented the research at the 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting jointly sponsored by the Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Hematology Association.

Outcomes when patients with B-ALL relapse after allo-HCT treatment are generally very poor, and while the advent of CAR T-cell therapy has provided significant improvements, additional novel targeted therapies have also joined the field to further improve outcomes.

With no prior studies directly comparing outcomes between the various treatment options in a real-world setting, Dr. Rampotas and colleagues conducted a retrospective analysis of posttransplant relapsed B-ALL cases at six major transplant centers in the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2022.

Of 93 patients with sufficient data for the analysis, 17 had been treated with CAR T-cell therapy: 4 with UCART19, 1 with CD22 CAR T-cell, and 12 with the CD19-directed CAR T-cell products tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) or obecabtagene autoleucel (obe-cel).

Among the remaining 75 patients who received non-CAR T-cell therapies, 24 received TKIs, 11 received blinatumumab, 12 received inotuzumab, 10 received intensive chemotherapy, 3 received intensive chemotherapy and TKI therapy, 14 received palliative/supportive regimens and 1 had a second allo-HCT following relapse from the first.

The median time from relapse to treatment was 2.8 months in the CAR T-cell therapy group, and 0.32 months for those receiving non-CAR T-cell therapies.

“The 2.8-month time-to-treat is quite expected as CAR T-cells can take a while to manufacture and be infused,” Dr. Rampotas noted. “This also comes with the bias that the patients who did receive them were likely fitter and could wait for that long.”

Patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy were also younger (median age 26 versus 47 in the non-CAR T-cell group) but the CAR T-cell group had higher risk disease and had a median of 2 prior lines of therapy versus 1 in the non-CAR T-cell group.

With a median follow-up of 24.8 months, patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy had significantly better rates of overall survival (OS), with 31 months compared with the non-CAR T-cell therapy OS of just 6.4 months (P = .0147).

The patients treated with CAR T-cell therapy also had improved progression-free survival (PFS) over the non-CAR T-cell patients (16.7 vs 3.7 months; P = .0001).

The superior outcomes in the CAR T-cell group remained consistent after exclusion of patients who received palliative approaches.

“In the realm of numerous innovative therapies for B-ALL, CAR Ts have now, for the first time, exhibited superior outcomes over alternative approaches in posttransplant relapsed B-ALL in the real world,” the authors reported. “The clear superior PFS and OS should encourage the use of more CAR T-cell therapies for this challenging cohort, while further improvements are imperative to enhance outcomes.”

In the meantime, “patients who relapse post transplant with B-ALL should be referred for CAR-T cell therapy as it is a superior treatment to other available options,” Dr. Rampotas said.

Dr. Rampotas discloses receiving conference fees from Gilead.

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Mixing Paxlovid With Specific Immunosuppressants Risks Serious Adverse Reactions

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Wed, 02/14/2024 - 15:08

The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a reminder to healthcare professionals regarding the potential serious adverse reactions associated with Paxlovid when administered in combination with specific immunosuppressants.

These immunosuppressants, encompassing calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and ciclosporin) and mTOR inhibitors (everolimus and sirolimus), possess a narrow safe dosage range. They are recognized for their role in diminishing the activity of the immune system and are typically prescribed for autoimmune conditions and organ transplant recipients.

The highlighted risk arises due to drug-drug interactions, which can compromise the body’s ability to eliminate these medicines effectively.

Paxlovid, also known as nirmatrelvir with ritonavir, is an antiviral medication used to treat COVID-19 in adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at an increased risk of progressing to severe COVID-19. It should be administered as soon as possible after a diagnosis of COVID-19 has been made and within 5 days of symptom onset.

Conditional marketing authorization for Paxlovid was granted across the European Union (EU) on January 28, 2022, and subsequently transitioned to full marketing authorization on February 24, 2023.

Developed by Pfizer, Paxlovid exhibited an 89% reduction in the risk for hospitalization or death among unvaccinated individuals in a phase 2-3 clinical trial. This led the National Institutes of Health to prioritize Paxlovid over other COVID-19 treatments. Subsequent real-world studies have affirmed its effectiveness, even among the vaccinated.

When combining Paxlovid with tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus, healthcare professionals need to actively monitor their blood levels. This proactive approach is essential to mitigate the risk for drug-drug interactions and potential serious reactions. They should collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to navigate the complexities of administering these medications concurrently.

Further, Paxlovid must not be coadministered with medications highly reliant on CYP3A liver enzymes for elimination, such as the immunosuppressant voclosporin. When administered together, there is a risk for these drugs interfering with each other’s metabolism, potentially leading to altered blood levels, reduced effectiveness, or an increased risk for adverse reactions.

After a thorough review, PRAC has highlighted potential serious adverse reactions, including fatal cases, due to drug interactions between Paxlovid and specified immunosuppressants. Thus, it issued a direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC) to emphasize the recognized risk for these interactions, as previously outlined in Paxlovid’s product information.

The DHPC for Paxlovid will undergo further evaluation by EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and, upon adoption, will be disseminated to healthcare professionals. The communication plan will include publication on the DHPCs page and in national registers across EU Member States.

A version of this article appeared on


The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a reminder to healthcare professionals regarding the potential serious adverse reactions associated with Paxlovid when administered in combination with specific immunosuppressants.

These immunosuppressants, encompassing calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and ciclosporin) and mTOR inhibitors (everolimus and sirolimus), possess a narrow safe dosage range. They are recognized for their role in diminishing the activity of the immune system and are typically prescribed for autoimmune conditions and organ transplant recipients.

The highlighted risk arises due to drug-drug interactions, which can compromise the body’s ability to eliminate these medicines effectively.

Paxlovid, also known as nirmatrelvir with ritonavir, is an antiviral medication used to treat COVID-19 in adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at an increased risk of progressing to severe COVID-19. It should be administered as soon as possible after a diagnosis of COVID-19 has been made and within 5 days of symptom onset.

Conditional marketing authorization for Paxlovid was granted across the European Union (EU) on January 28, 2022, and subsequently transitioned to full marketing authorization on February 24, 2023.

Developed by Pfizer, Paxlovid exhibited an 89% reduction in the risk for hospitalization or death among unvaccinated individuals in a phase 2-3 clinical trial. This led the National Institutes of Health to prioritize Paxlovid over other COVID-19 treatments. Subsequent real-world studies have affirmed its effectiveness, even among the vaccinated.

When combining Paxlovid with tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus, healthcare professionals need to actively monitor their blood levels. This proactive approach is essential to mitigate the risk for drug-drug interactions and potential serious reactions. They should collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to navigate the complexities of administering these medications concurrently.

Further, Paxlovid must not be coadministered with medications highly reliant on CYP3A liver enzymes for elimination, such as the immunosuppressant voclosporin. When administered together, there is a risk for these drugs interfering with each other’s metabolism, potentially leading to altered blood levels, reduced effectiveness, or an increased risk for adverse reactions.

After a thorough review, PRAC has highlighted potential serious adverse reactions, including fatal cases, due to drug interactions between Paxlovid and specified immunosuppressants. Thus, it issued a direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC) to emphasize the recognized risk for these interactions, as previously outlined in Paxlovid’s product information.

The DHPC for Paxlovid will undergo further evaluation by EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and, upon adoption, will be disseminated to healthcare professionals. The communication plan will include publication on the DHPCs page and in national registers across EU Member States.

A version of this article appeared on

The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a reminder to healthcare professionals regarding the potential serious adverse reactions associated with Paxlovid when administered in combination with specific immunosuppressants.

These immunosuppressants, encompassing calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and ciclosporin) and mTOR inhibitors (everolimus and sirolimus), possess a narrow safe dosage range. They are recognized for their role in diminishing the activity of the immune system and are typically prescribed for autoimmune conditions and organ transplant recipients.

The highlighted risk arises due to drug-drug interactions, which can compromise the body’s ability to eliminate these medicines effectively.

Paxlovid, also known as nirmatrelvir with ritonavir, is an antiviral medication used to treat COVID-19 in adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at an increased risk of progressing to severe COVID-19. It should be administered as soon as possible after a diagnosis of COVID-19 has been made and within 5 days of symptom onset.

Conditional marketing authorization for Paxlovid was granted across the European Union (EU) on January 28, 2022, and subsequently transitioned to full marketing authorization on February 24, 2023.

Developed by Pfizer, Paxlovid exhibited an 89% reduction in the risk for hospitalization or death among unvaccinated individuals in a phase 2-3 clinical trial. This led the National Institutes of Health to prioritize Paxlovid over other COVID-19 treatments. Subsequent real-world studies have affirmed its effectiveness, even among the vaccinated.

When combining Paxlovid with tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus, healthcare professionals need to actively monitor their blood levels. This proactive approach is essential to mitigate the risk for drug-drug interactions and potential serious reactions. They should collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to navigate the complexities of administering these medications concurrently.

Further, Paxlovid must not be coadministered with medications highly reliant on CYP3A liver enzymes for elimination, such as the immunosuppressant voclosporin. When administered together, there is a risk for these drugs interfering with each other’s metabolism, potentially leading to altered blood levels, reduced effectiveness, or an increased risk for adverse reactions.

After a thorough review, PRAC has highlighted potential serious adverse reactions, including fatal cases, due to drug interactions between Paxlovid and specified immunosuppressants. Thus, it issued a direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC) to emphasize the recognized risk for these interactions, as previously outlined in Paxlovid’s product information.

The DHPC for Paxlovid will undergo further evaluation by EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and, upon adoption, will be disseminated to healthcare professionals. The communication plan will include publication on the DHPCs page and in national registers across EU Member States.

A version of this article appeared on

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Top US Oncology Regulator Seeks Changes in Drug Studies

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Sun, 02/04/2024 - 13:15

In a joint discussion with European counterparts, the top US regulator for cancer medicines called for the streamlining of processes for testing oncology medicines and for a greater focus on designing research that answers the most important questions raised by physicians and their patients.

Richard Pazdur, MD, who leads the cancer division at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said there’s a need to simplify the paperwork involved in clinical trials. Before joining the FDA in 1999, Dr. Pazdur participated in and published cancer research. He says the informed consent forms used for studies have grown too elaborate over the years, such that they can intimidate even experts.

“When I read informed consents now in clinical trials, folks, it gives me a headache. Okay, I can’t follow them,” Dr. Pazdur said.

Dr. Pazdur said informed consent forms can be “mind-boggling” these days.

“They’re so damn complicated with so many damn questions being answered,” he said. “So our point is what’s the essential question that you need answered and what’s the quickest way of answering that question with the least amount of data that can be collected?”

Dr. Pazdur made these comments during a joint meeting of the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The meeting was a broad discussion about how to build on the successes seen in treatment of blood cancers in the past two decades. No formal recommendations were introduced or considered at the meeting. Instead, the meeting served as a chance for oncologists and patients to discuss ways to more quickly and efficiently address the key questions in drug research: Do medicines deliver a significant benefit to patients?

Dr. Pazdur also said at the meeting that there needs to be a way to attract more people to enroll in clinical trials.

“When I started in oncology, it was about 5%. When I’m sitting here now, 40 years later, it’s 5%. Basically it hasn’t moved,” he said at the discussion, held on February 1.

Ellin Berman, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, spoke at the meeting about the changes she has witnessed in her career in oncology. Until 2001, there were limited drug options, and physicians tried to get patients to transplant teams as possible. Then the FDA in 2001 approved imatinib to treat patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) that has the Philadelphia chromosome. That set the stage, Dr. Berman said, for a sea change in treatment of CML.

“The fellows now have no idea what it is like to talk to a CML patient about transplant and the question is which among the treasures we have of drugs do we start people on? And that’s always a conversation,” Dr. Berman said.

She noted that advances in treatment have also let some female patients get pregnant and have children.

“We have at least half a dozen women who bring their kids to clinic. And boy, if that doesn’t bring tears to our eyes, our collective eyes, I don’t know what does,” she said.

Dr. Pazdur also recalled his experience treating patients in the 1970s and 1980s for cancers for which “you had nothing so to speak” in terms of effective treatment.

“So then ask yourself the question, what would their stories be now?” with the many options available, Dr. Pazdur said.




Seeking clinician feedback

To try to improve the development and testing of cancer drugs, the FDA is seeking to get more feedback from clinicians about which questions trials should address, Dr. Pazdur said.

The agency is considering a way to poll clinicians on what their most crucial questions are about the medicines, he said. Better design of trial questions might serve to improve enrollment in studies.

“What we’re thinking of doing is taking the common disease areas and asking clinicians what are the five basic questions that you want answered in the next 5 years,” he said.

He cited PD-1 drugs as a possible example of a class where regulators could consider new approaches. There could be a discussion about the safety data collection for this class of drugs, which has been used by millions of patients.

Dr. Pazdur said he has been discussing these kinds of themes with his European and Japanese counterparts, who also are interested in simplifying clinical trials.

The goal is to have trials better represent real-world experiences rather than “artificial” ones created when patients must meet extensive eligibility requirements. Improved use of emerging technologies could aid in the needed streamlining, Dr. Pazdur said.

“As an oncology community, we have made our lives somewhat too complicated and need to draw back and ask the basic questions,” Dr. Pazdur said.


In a joint discussion with European counterparts, the top US regulator for cancer medicines called for the streamlining of processes for testing oncology medicines and for a greater focus on designing research that answers the most important questions raised by physicians and their patients.

Richard Pazdur, MD, who leads the cancer division at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said there’s a need to simplify the paperwork involved in clinical trials. Before joining the FDA in 1999, Dr. Pazdur participated in and published cancer research. He says the informed consent forms used for studies have grown too elaborate over the years, such that they can intimidate even experts.

“When I read informed consents now in clinical trials, folks, it gives me a headache. Okay, I can’t follow them,” Dr. Pazdur said.

Dr. Pazdur said informed consent forms can be “mind-boggling” these days.

“They’re so damn complicated with so many damn questions being answered,” he said. “So our point is what’s the essential question that you need answered and what’s the quickest way of answering that question with the least amount of data that can be collected?”

Dr. Pazdur made these comments during a joint meeting of the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The meeting was a broad discussion about how to build on the successes seen in treatment of blood cancers in the past two decades. No formal recommendations were introduced or considered at the meeting. Instead, the meeting served as a chance for oncologists and patients to discuss ways to more quickly and efficiently address the key questions in drug research: Do medicines deliver a significant benefit to patients?

Dr. Pazdur also said at the meeting that there needs to be a way to attract more people to enroll in clinical trials.

“When I started in oncology, it was about 5%. When I’m sitting here now, 40 years later, it’s 5%. Basically it hasn’t moved,” he said at the discussion, held on February 1.

Ellin Berman, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, spoke at the meeting about the changes she has witnessed in her career in oncology. Until 2001, there were limited drug options, and physicians tried to get patients to transplant teams as possible. Then the FDA in 2001 approved imatinib to treat patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) that has the Philadelphia chromosome. That set the stage, Dr. Berman said, for a sea change in treatment of CML.

“The fellows now have no idea what it is like to talk to a CML patient about transplant and the question is which among the treasures we have of drugs do we start people on? And that’s always a conversation,” Dr. Berman said.

She noted that advances in treatment have also let some female patients get pregnant and have children.

“We have at least half a dozen women who bring their kids to clinic. And boy, if that doesn’t bring tears to our eyes, our collective eyes, I don’t know what does,” she said.

Dr. Pazdur also recalled his experience treating patients in the 1970s and 1980s for cancers for which “you had nothing so to speak” in terms of effective treatment.

“So then ask yourself the question, what would their stories be now?” with the many options available, Dr. Pazdur said.




Seeking clinician feedback

To try to improve the development and testing of cancer drugs, the FDA is seeking to get more feedback from clinicians about which questions trials should address, Dr. Pazdur said.

The agency is considering a way to poll clinicians on what their most crucial questions are about the medicines, he said. Better design of trial questions might serve to improve enrollment in studies.

“What we’re thinking of doing is taking the common disease areas and asking clinicians what are the five basic questions that you want answered in the next 5 years,” he said.

He cited PD-1 drugs as a possible example of a class where regulators could consider new approaches. There could be a discussion about the safety data collection for this class of drugs, which has been used by millions of patients.

Dr. Pazdur said he has been discussing these kinds of themes with his European and Japanese counterparts, who also are interested in simplifying clinical trials.

The goal is to have trials better represent real-world experiences rather than “artificial” ones created when patients must meet extensive eligibility requirements. Improved use of emerging technologies could aid in the needed streamlining, Dr. Pazdur said.

“As an oncology community, we have made our lives somewhat too complicated and need to draw back and ask the basic questions,” Dr. Pazdur said.

In a joint discussion with European counterparts, the top US regulator for cancer medicines called for the streamlining of processes for testing oncology medicines and for a greater focus on designing research that answers the most important questions raised by physicians and their patients.

Richard Pazdur, MD, who leads the cancer division at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said there’s a need to simplify the paperwork involved in clinical trials. Before joining the FDA in 1999, Dr. Pazdur participated in and published cancer research. He says the informed consent forms used for studies have grown too elaborate over the years, such that they can intimidate even experts.

“When I read informed consents now in clinical trials, folks, it gives me a headache. Okay, I can’t follow them,” Dr. Pazdur said.

Dr. Pazdur said informed consent forms can be “mind-boggling” these days.

“They’re so damn complicated with so many damn questions being answered,” he said. “So our point is what’s the essential question that you need answered and what’s the quickest way of answering that question with the least amount of data that can be collected?”

Dr. Pazdur made these comments during a joint meeting of the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The meeting was a broad discussion about how to build on the successes seen in treatment of blood cancers in the past two decades. No formal recommendations were introduced or considered at the meeting. Instead, the meeting served as a chance for oncologists and patients to discuss ways to more quickly and efficiently address the key questions in drug research: Do medicines deliver a significant benefit to patients?

Dr. Pazdur also said at the meeting that there needs to be a way to attract more people to enroll in clinical trials.

“When I started in oncology, it was about 5%. When I’m sitting here now, 40 years later, it’s 5%. Basically it hasn’t moved,” he said at the discussion, held on February 1.

Ellin Berman, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, spoke at the meeting about the changes she has witnessed in her career in oncology. Until 2001, there were limited drug options, and physicians tried to get patients to transplant teams as possible. Then the FDA in 2001 approved imatinib to treat patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) that has the Philadelphia chromosome. That set the stage, Dr. Berman said, for a sea change in treatment of CML.

“The fellows now have no idea what it is like to talk to a CML patient about transplant and the question is which among the treasures we have of drugs do we start people on? And that’s always a conversation,” Dr. Berman said.

She noted that advances in treatment have also let some female patients get pregnant and have children.

“We have at least half a dozen women who bring their kids to clinic. And boy, if that doesn’t bring tears to our eyes, our collective eyes, I don’t know what does,” she said.

Dr. Pazdur also recalled his experience treating patients in the 1970s and 1980s for cancers for which “you had nothing so to speak” in terms of effective treatment.

“So then ask yourself the question, what would their stories be now?” with the many options available, Dr. Pazdur said.




Seeking clinician feedback

To try to improve the development and testing of cancer drugs, the FDA is seeking to get more feedback from clinicians about which questions trials should address, Dr. Pazdur said.

The agency is considering a way to poll clinicians on what their most crucial questions are about the medicines, he said. Better design of trial questions might serve to improve enrollment in studies.

“What we’re thinking of doing is taking the common disease areas and asking clinicians what are the five basic questions that you want answered in the next 5 years,” he said.

He cited PD-1 drugs as a possible example of a class where regulators could consider new approaches. There could be a discussion about the safety data collection for this class of drugs, which has been used by millions of patients.

Dr. Pazdur said he has been discussing these kinds of themes with his European and Japanese counterparts, who also are interested in simplifying clinical trials.

The goal is to have trials better represent real-world experiences rather than “artificial” ones created when patients must meet extensive eligibility requirements. Improved use of emerging technologies could aid in the needed streamlining, Dr. Pazdur said.

“As an oncology community, we have made our lives somewhat too complicated and need to draw back and ask the basic questions,” Dr. Pazdur said.

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