Revamping Resident Schedules to Reduce Burnout

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Wed, 07/17/2024 - 12:34

It’s the difference between running a marathon and taking a leisurely stroll. That’s how recent pediatrics resident Joey Whelihan, MD, compared an 11-hour inpatient hospital day with an 8-hour outpatient shift where residents see patients in a clinic.

With inpatient training, “you are lucky if you have time to cook dinner, go to bed, and get ready for the next day,” said Dr. Whelihan, who recently started his adolescent medicine fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia after 3 years of residency there. Some residents have call every fourth day during inpatient rotations, working 24-28 hours at a time. They come in one morning and go home the next, he told this news organization.

“Outpatient blocks give you more time to catch your breath and feel somewhat refreshed and ready to take care of patients.”

Longer stretches of inpatient rotations are not sustainable, Dr. Whelihan added, and residents are likely to become exhausted. Fatigue is a leading cause of burnout, a mental, physical, and emotional challenge that residency programs and national medical organizations have been struggling to address.

In recent years, there has been a movement to reduce the maximum consecutive duration of resident duty hours in residency programs across the country. Fueled by resident health and patient safety concerns, the movement is a shift from the previous 24- to 36-hour call duty schedules.

Improved Call Systems = Better Residents

The connection between burnout, well-being, and work schedules appears regularly in national program standards. “Residents and faculty members are at risk for burnout and depression,” according to the current Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s standard residency program requirements.

“Programs, in partnership with their sponsoring institutions, have the same responsibility to address well-being as other aspects of resident competence,” the guidelines state. That charge includes “attention to scheduling, work intensity, and work compression that impacts resident well-being.”

In Medscape’s Residents Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2023, a third of residents surveyed rarely or never paid attention to their well-being, which closely mirrors the 31% who rarely or never had time for a social life. Slightly more residents (37%) said their work-life balance was “somewhat worse” or “much worse” than they expected.

“I think everyone has burnout as a resident, regardless of the type of program they are in,” Dr. Whelihan said. He described the experience as when you lack fulfillment and empathy and feel exhausted, callous, and removed from interactions with colleagues and patients.

The American Medical Association’s recently released report on the state of residency well-being in 2023 also found that about 43% of residents and fellows had at least one symptom of burnout, about a 2% increase from 2022.

Efforts to Combat Burnout

One residency program found a way to reduce burnout by changing its block scheduling from 4 inpatient weeks followed by 1 outpatient week (4 + 1) to 4 inpatient call-based weeks and 4 outpatient ambulatory, non-call weeks (4 + 4), according to a survey study published recently in JAMA Network Open. The initiative drew praise from some residents and a med school professor who studies wellness issues.

In the survey of postgraduate year (PGY) 1 and PGY-2 hospitalist and primary care residents from the University of Colorado’s Internal Medicine Residency Program, Aurora, between June 2019 and June 2021, the schedule change resulted in improved burnout scores and self-reported professional, educational, and health benefits.

As part of the survey, residents rated symptoms on a 7-point scale on the basis of how frequently they experienced emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.

Investigators also used a questionnaire to evaluate how participants perceived the rotation structure with various outcomes, including the ability to acquire clinical skills, access educational and scholarly opportunities, job satisfaction, and health.

The study concluded that the schedule change improved burnout, health, wellness, and professional development without weakening residents perceived clinical skills or standardized exam scores.

Still, the study authors acknowledged that several factors, including the pandemic, may have limited the findings. During that time, the study transitioned from in-person to electronic submissions, resulting in reduced response rates because of changes in staffing needs and fewer research and scholarly activities.

“One of the things we worried about was that the pandemic would make [burnout findings] look worse,” said lead author Dan Heppe, MD, a hospitalist and associate director of the CU Internal Medicine Residency Program. “Anecdotally, residents may have had more support in our program than perhaps some other programs. Though they had long hours with very sick patients, we tried to keep going in a positive direction.”

Dr. Heppe said in an interview that the purpose of the schedule change was to space out more intense rotations and build in more time for research, leadership, teaching, and professional development. He suggested the new schedule could help with other aspects of residents’ careers, exposing them to alternate avenues earlier in their training and in a more structured way.

Like most of the study authors, Dr. Heppe is a graduate of the residency program. He recalled how the program changed from multiple inpatient months in a row with clinic half days during those rotations to a 4 + 1 schedule. But the 1 week between inpatient rotations wasn’t enough time to recover or catch up on clinical work, said Dr. Heppe, who is also an associate professor of medicine at CU.

“It was too erratic,” he said of his former residency schedule. “There was a month of research here or there and clinic and then right back to the ICU for a couple of months without a break, and it was less predictable.”

Dr. Heppe said other residency programs have expressed interest in duplicating CU’s schedule change. He admits it may be difficult because of intensive schedule coordination, and some hospitals may not want to reduce clinical services.

The Yale Internal Medicine Traditional Residency Program also recently ended its 28-hour call, during which residents worked 24 hours with an additional 4 hours to transfer the patient to the incoming team. The move was made in response to residents’ requests, saying that the grueling call rotation’s time had come. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.

Proponents of alternate scheduling blocks [4 + 4 or 6 + 2] say that they improve residents’ educational experience, patient care, and continuity of care, reduce burnout, and guarantee residents time off.



Advancing Resident Well-Being

“The premise of looking at scheduling in a more intentional way is a sound one in the process of trying to support and advance resident well-being,” said Mark Greenawald, MD, vice chair of academic affairs, well-being, and professional development for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine’s Department of Family and Community Medicine in Roanoke.

He said it’s up to residency program directors or graduate medical education departments within a specialty to determine whether such scheduling changes fit their requirements for inpatient and outpatient care and training electives. Requirements may limit some scheduling changes, but within the specialty, there’s some flexibility to be creative with rotations. The CU study considered how to create a residency rhythm without stacking inpatient rotations so there’s recovery time.

“Human beings need a break. If residents work 80 hours continually, they will start to experience greater distress, which for many leads to burnout,” he said

Still, the study includes design flaws because it doesn’t explain how call times and hours differ between inpatient and outpatient rotations. “My own [family medicine] program also does outpatient clinics when we have inpatient service. We have half days in the clinic, which ensures better continuity care with the patient.”

Dr. Greenawald has yet to see much research published about the impact of resident schedule changes. By taking an experimental approach, the CU study showed that their particular change positively affected burnout. If the study leads to improvements in rotation schedules or encourages other programs to experiment with their schedules, it will be a step in the right direction.

How Residents Respond

Haidn Foster, MD, a third-year internal medicine resident at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, remembered experiencing burnout as an intern. At that time, he occasionally dealt with poor patient outcomes and sick patients while working long hours with only 1 day off each week. During a particularly challenging rotation, he felt overwhelmed and numb, which was exacerbated if a patient’s condition worsened or they passed away, he said.

His program follows a schedule of 6 weeks of inpatient training and 2 weeks of outpatient rotations (6 + 2). He said that restructuring residents’ schedules may be more effective than commonly used individual wellness modules, referring to the CU study. “The authors tried out a novel systematic way to tackle the epidemic of physician burnout overwhelming people in the medical community.”

Although the study found that schedule changes don’t affect standardized exam scores, Dr. Foster wondered about preceptor ratings, another marker for clinical competency.

He said future studies should attempt to change the structure of medical training delivery by evaluating models that best reduce burnout, are consistent with residents’ career goals, and produce competent physicians. “Burnout plagues our medical system and leads to too many physicians and physicians-in-training leaving the field or taking their lives. I’m not sure this particular mechanism gets us there, but it’s a step, and so that’s very important.”

Like Dr. Foster, Dr. Whelihan follows a 6 + 2 schedule. He said he would have welcomed a schedule that included more outpatient and less inpatient training and can see how changes in scheduling could reduce burnout. “More outpatient time gives you an opportunity to breathe. You get a little more time off working in clinic with less sick people at a slower pace.”

Ally Fuher, MD, said she chose CU’s Internal Medicine Residency Program 4 years ago largely because of its innovative schedule. Now the program’s chief medical resident, she knew the structure would give her more time to pursue other nonclinical interests including research and medical education, meet regularly with mentors, visit family in another state, and attend important life events.

She acknowledged that the alternative would have meant a more irregular schedule with the possibility of working as many as 80 hours a week on back-to-back inpatient rotations with only 1 day off a week, leaving minimal time to plan other activities, let alone rest and recover.

Dr. Fuher said a balanced schedule made her a more well-rounded person excited to engage in her profession. While she hasn’t personally experienced burnout, she realizes a schedule change may not completely solve the issue for others. However, it shows what progress programs can make when they create systemic structural change.

A version of this article first appeared on


It’s the difference between running a marathon and taking a leisurely stroll. That’s how recent pediatrics resident Joey Whelihan, MD, compared an 11-hour inpatient hospital day with an 8-hour outpatient shift where residents see patients in a clinic.

With inpatient training, “you are lucky if you have time to cook dinner, go to bed, and get ready for the next day,” said Dr. Whelihan, who recently started his adolescent medicine fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia after 3 years of residency there. Some residents have call every fourth day during inpatient rotations, working 24-28 hours at a time. They come in one morning and go home the next, he told this news organization.

“Outpatient blocks give you more time to catch your breath and feel somewhat refreshed and ready to take care of patients.”

Longer stretches of inpatient rotations are not sustainable, Dr. Whelihan added, and residents are likely to become exhausted. Fatigue is a leading cause of burnout, a mental, physical, and emotional challenge that residency programs and national medical organizations have been struggling to address.

In recent years, there has been a movement to reduce the maximum consecutive duration of resident duty hours in residency programs across the country. Fueled by resident health and patient safety concerns, the movement is a shift from the previous 24- to 36-hour call duty schedules.

Improved Call Systems = Better Residents

The connection between burnout, well-being, and work schedules appears regularly in national program standards. “Residents and faculty members are at risk for burnout and depression,” according to the current Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s standard residency program requirements.

“Programs, in partnership with their sponsoring institutions, have the same responsibility to address well-being as other aspects of resident competence,” the guidelines state. That charge includes “attention to scheduling, work intensity, and work compression that impacts resident well-being.”

In Medscape’s Residents Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2023, a third of residents surveyed rarely or never paid attention to their well-being, which closely mirrors the 31% who rarely or never had time for a social life. Slightly more residents (37%) said their work-life balance was “somewhat worse” or “much worse” than they expected.

“I think everyone has burnout as a resident, regardless of the type of program they are in,” Dr. Whelihan said. He described the experience as when you lack fulfillment and empathy and feel exhausted, callous, and removed from interactions with colleagues and patients.

The American Medical Association’s recently released report on the state of residency well-being in 2023 also found that about 43% of residents and fellows had at least one symptom of burnout, about a 2% increase from 2022.

Efforts to Combat Burnout

One residency program found a way to reduce burnout by changing its block scheduling from 4 inpatient weeks followed by 1 outpatient week (4 + 1) to 4 inpatient call-based weeks and 4 outpatient ambulatory, non-call weeks (4 + 4), according to a survey study published recently in JAMA Network Open. The initiative drew praise from some residents and a med school professor who studies wellness issues.

In the survey of postgraduate year (PGY) 1 and PGY-2 hospitalist and primary care residents from the University of Colorado’s Internal Medicine Residency Program, Aurora, between June 2019 and June 2021, the schedule change resulted in improved burnout scores and self-reported professional, educational, and health benefits.

As part of the survey, residents rated symptoms on a 7-point scale on the basis of how frequently they experienced emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.

Investigators also used a questionnaire to evaluate how participants perceived the rotation structure with various outcomes, including the ability to acquire clinical skills, access educational and scholarly opportunities, job satisfaction, and health.

The study concluded that the schedule change improved burnout, health, wellness, and professional development without weakening residents perceived clinical skills or standardized exam scores.

Still, the study authors acknowledged that several factors, including the pandemic, may have limited the findings. During that time, the study transitioned from in-person to electronic submissions, resulting in reduced response rates because of changes in staffing needs and fewer research and scholarly activities.

“One of the things we worried about was that the pandemic would make [burnout findings] look worse,” said lead author Dan Heppe, MD, a hospitalist and associate director of the CU Internal Medicine Residency Program. “Anecdotally, residents may have had more support in our program than perhaps some other programs. Though they had long hours with very sick patients, we tried to keep going in a positive direction.”

Dr. Heppe said in an interview that the purpose of the schedule change was to space out more intense rotations and build in more time for research, leadership, teaching, and professional development. He suggested the new schedule could help with other aspects of residents’ careers, exposing them to alternate avenues earlier in their training and in a more structured way.

Like most of the study authors, Dr. Heppe is a graduate of the residency program. He recalled how the program changed from multiple inpatient months in a row with clinic half days during those rotations to a 4 + 1 schedule. But the 1 week between inpatient rotations wasn’t enough time to recover or catch up on clinical work, said Dr. Heppe, who is also an associate professor of medicine at CU.

“It was too erratic,” he said of his former residency schedule. “There was a month of research here or there and clinic and then right back to the ICU for a couple of months without a break, and it was less predictable.”

Dr. Heppe said other residency programs have expressed interest in duplicating CU’s schedule change. He admits it may be difficult because of intensive schedule coordination, and some hospitals may not want to reduce clinical services.

The Yale Internal Medicine Traditional Residency Program also recently ended its 28-hour call, during which residents worked 24 hours with an additional 4 hours to transfer the patient to the incoming team. The move was made in response to residents’ requests, saying that the grueling call rotation’s time had come. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.

Proponents of alternate scheduling blocks [4 + 4 or 6 + 2] say that they improve residents’ educational experience, patient care, and continuity of care, reduce burnout, and guarantee residents time off.



Advancing Resident Well-Being

“The premise of looking at scheduling in a more intentional way is a sound one in the process of trying to support and advance resident well-being,” said Mark Greenawald, MD, vice chair of academic affairs, well-being, and professional development for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine’s Department of Family and Community Medicine in Roanoke.

He said it’s up to residency program directors or graduate medical education departments within a specialty to determine whether such scheduling changes fit their requirements for inpatient and outpatient care and training electives. Requirements may limit some scheduling changes, but within the specialty, there’s some flexibility to be creative with rotations. The CU study considered how to create a residency rhythm without stacking inpatient rotations so there’s recovery time.

“Human beings need a break. If residents work 80 hours continually, they will start to experience greater distress, which for many leads to burnout,” he said

Still, the study includes design flaws because it doesn’t explain how call times and hours differ between inpatient and outpatient rotations. “My own [family medicine] program also does outpatient clinics when we have inpatient service. We have half days in the clinic, which ensures better continuity care with the patient.”

Dr. Greenawald has yet to see much research published about the impact of resident schedule changes. By taking an experimental approach, the CU study showed that their particular change positively affected burnout. If the study leads to improvements in rotation schedules or encourages other programs to experiment with their schedules, it will be a step in the right direction.

How Residents Respond

Haidn Foster, MD, a third-year internal medicine resident at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, remembered experiencing burnout as an intern. At that time, he occasionally dealt with poor patient outcomes and sick patients while working long hours with only 1 day off each week. During a particularly challenging rotation, he felt overwhelmed and numb, which was exacerbated if a patient’s condition worsened or they passed away, he said.

His program follows a schedule of 6 weeks of inpatient training and 2 weeks of outpatient rotations (6 + 2). He said that restructuring residents’ schedules may be more effective than commonly used individual wellness modules, referring to the CU study. “The authors tried out a novel systematic way to tackle the epidemic of physician burnout overwhelming people in the medical community.”

Although the study found that schedule changes don’t affect standardized exam scores, Dr. Foster wondered about preceptor ratings, another marker for clinical competency.

He said future studies should attempt to change the structure of medical training delivery by evaluating models that best reduce burnout, are consistent with residents’ career goals, and produce competent physicians. “Burnout plagues our medical system and leads to too many physicians and physicians-in-training leaving the field or taking their lives. I’m not sure this particular mechanism gets us there, but it’s a step, and so that’s very important.”

Like Dr. Foster, Dr. Whelihan follows a 6 + 2 schedule. He said he would have welcomed a schedule that included more outpatient and less inpatient training and can see how changes in scheduling could reduce burnout. “More outpatient time gives you an opportunity to breathe. You get a little more time off working in clinic with less sick people at a slower pace.”

Ally Fuher, MD, said she chose CU’s Internal Medicine Residency Program 4 years ago largely because of its innovative schedule. Now the program’s chief medical resident, she knew the structure would give her more time to pursue other nonclinical interests including research and medical education, meet regularly with mentors, visit family in another state, and attend important life events.

She acknowledged that the alternative would have meant a more irregular schedule with the possibility of working as many as 80 hours a week on back-to-back inpatient rotations with only 1 day off a week, leaving minimal time to plan other activities, let alone rest and recover.

Dr. Fuher said a balanced schedule made her a more well-rounded person excited to engage in her profession. While she hasn’t personally experienced burnout, she realizes a schedule change may not completely solve the issue for others. However, it shows what progress programs can make when they create systemic structural change.

A version of this article first appeared on

It’s the difference between running a marathon and taking a leisurely stroll. That’s how recent pediatrics resident Joey Whelihan, MD, compared an 11-hour inpatient hospital day with an 8-hour outpatient shift where residents see patients in a clinic.

With inpatient training, “you are lucky if you have time to cook dinner, go to bed, and get ready for the next day,” said Dr. Whelihan, who recently started his adolescent medicine fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia after 3 years of residency there. Some residents have call every fourth day during inpatient rotations, working 24-28 hours at a time. They come in one morning and go home the next, he told this news organization.

“Outpatient blocks give you more time to catch your breath and feel somewhat refreshed and ready to take care of patients.”

Longer stretches of inpatient rotations are not sustainable, Dr. Whelihan added, and residents are likely to become exhausted. Fatigue is a leading cause of burnout, a mental, physical, and emotional challenge that residency programs and national medical organizations have been struggling to address.

In recent years, there has been a movement to reduce the maximum consecutive duration of resident duty hours in residency programs across the country. Fueled by resident health and patient safety concerns, the movement is a shift from the previous 24- to 36-hour call duty schedules.

Improved Call Systems = Better Residents

The connection between burnout, well-being, and work schedules appears regularly in national program standards. “Residents and faculty members are at risk for burnout and depression,” according to the current Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s standard residency program requirements.

“Programs, in partnership with their sponsoring institutions, have the same responsibility to address well-being as other aspects of resident competence,” the guidelines state. That charge includes “attention to scheduling, work intensity, and work compression that impacts resident well-being.”

In Medscape’s Residents Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2023, a third of residents surveyed rarely or never paid attention to their well-being, which closely mirrors the 31% who rarely or never had time for a social life. Slightly more residents (37%) said their work-life balance was “somewhat worse” or “much worse” than they expected.

“I think everyone has burnout as a resident, regardless of the type of program they are in,” Dr. Whelihan said. He described the experience as when you lack fulfillment and empathy and feel exhausted, callous, and removed from interactions with colleagues and patients.

The American Medical Association’s recently released report on the state of residency well-being in 2023 also found that about 43% of residents and fellows had at least one symptom of burnout, about a 2% increase from 2022.

Efforts to Combat Burnout

One residency program found a way to reduce burnout by changing its block scheduling from 4 inpatient weeks followed by 1 outpatient week (4 + 1) to 4 inpatient call-based weeks and 4 outpatient ambulatory, non-call weeks (4 + 4), according to a survey study published recently in JAMA Network Open. The initiative drew praise from some residents and a med school professor who studies wellness issues.

In the survey of postgraduate year (PGY) 1 and PGY-2 hospitalist and primary care residents from the University of Colorado’s Internal Medicine Residency Program, Aurora, between June 2019 and June 2021, the schedule change resulted in improved burnout scores and self-reported professional, educational, and health benefits.

As part of the survey, residents rated symptoms on a 7-point scale on the basis of how frequently they experienced emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.

Investigators also used a questionnaire to evaluate how participants perceived the rotation structure with various outcomes, including the ability to acquire clinical skills, access educational and scholarly opportunities, job satisfaction, and health.

The study concluded that the schedule change improved burnout, health, wellness, and professional development without weakening residents perceived clinical skills or standardized exam scores.

Still, the study authors acknowledged that several factors, including the pandemic, may have limited the findings. During that time, the study transitioned from in-person to electronic submissions, resulting in reduced response rates because of changes in staffing needs and fewer research and scholarly activities.

“One of the things we worried about was that the pandemic would make [burnout findings] look worse,” said lead author Dan Heppe, MD, a hospitalist and associate director of the CU Internal Medicine Residency Program. “Anecdotally, residents may have had more support in our program than perhaps some other programs. Though they had long hours with very sick patients, we tried to keep going in a positive direction.”

Dr. Heppe said in an interview that the purpose of the schedule change was to space out more intense rotations and build in more time for research, leadership, teaching, and professional development. He suggested the new schedule could help with other aspects of residents’ careers, exposing them to alternate avenues earlier in their training and in a more structured way.

Like most of the study authors, Dr. Heppe is a graduate of the residency program. He recalled how the program changed from multiple inpatient months in a row with clinic half days during those rotations to a 4 + 1 schedule. But the 1 week between inpatient rotations wasn’t enough time to recover or catch up on clinical work, said Dr. Heppe, who is also an associate professor of medicine at CU.

“It was too erratic,” he said of his former residency schedule. “There was a month of research here or there and clinic and then right back to the ICU for a couple of months without a break, and it was less predictable.”

Dr. Heppe said other residency programs have expressed interest in duplicating CU’s schedule change. He admits it may be difficult because of intensive schedule coordination, and some hospitals may not want to reduce clinical services.

The Yale Internal Medicine Traditional Residency Program also recently ended its 28-hour call, during which residents worked 24 hours with an additional 4 hours to transfer the patient to the incoming team. The move was made in response to residents’ requests, saying that the grueling call rotation’s time had come. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.

Proponents of alternate scheduling blocks [4 + 4 or 6 + 2] say that they improve residents’ educational experience, patient care, and continuity of care, reduce burnout, and guarantee residents time off.



Advancing Resident Well-Being

“The premise of looking at scheduling in a more intentional way is a sound one in the process of trying to support and advance resident well-being,” said Mark Greenawald, MD, vice chair of academic affairs, well-being, and professional development for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine’s Department of Family and Community Medicine in Roanoke.

He said it’s up to residency program directors or graduate medical education departments within a specialty to determine whether such scheduling changes fit their requirements for inpatient and outpatient care and training electives. Requirements may limit some scheduling changes, but within the specialty, there’s some flexibility to be creative with rotations. The CU study considered how to create a residency rhythm without stacking inpatient rotations so there’s recovery time.

“Human beings need a break. If residents work 80 hours continually, they will start to experience greater distress, which for many leads to burnout,” he said

Still, the study includes design flaws because it doesn’t explain how call times and hours differ between inpatient and outpatient rotations. “My own [family medicine] program also does outpatient clinics when we have inpatient service. We have half days in the clinic, which ensures better continuity care with the patient.”

Dr. Greenawald has yet to see much research published about the impact of resident schedule changes. By taking an experimental approach, the CU study showed that their particular change positively affected burnout. If the study leads to improvements in rotation schedules or encourages other programs to experiment with their schedules, it will be a step in the right direction.

How Residents Respond

Haidn Foster, MD, a third-year internal medicine resident at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, remembered experiencing burnout as an intern. At that time, he occasionally dealt with poor patient outcomes and sick patients while working long hours with only 1 day off each week. During a particularly challenging rotation, he felt overwhelmed and numb, which was exacerbated if a patient’s condition worsened or they passed away, he said.

His program follows a schedule of 6 weeks of inpatient training and 2 weeks of outpatient rotations (6 + 2). He said that restructuring residents’ schedules may be more effective than commonly used individual wellness modules, referring to the CU study. “The authors tried out a novel systematic way to tackle the epidemic of physician burnout overwhelming people in the medical community.”

Although the study found that schedule changes don’t affect standardized exam scores, Dr. Foster wondered about preceptor ratings, another marker for clinical competency.

He said future studies should attempt to change the structure of medical training delivery by evaluating models that best reduce burnout, are consistent with residents’ career goals, and produce competent physicians. “Burnout plagues our medical system and leads to too many physicians and physicians-in-training leaving the field or taking their lives. I’m not sure this particular mechanism gets us there, but it’s a step, and so that’s very important.”

Like Dr. Foster, Dr. Whelihan follows a 6 + 2 schedule. He said he would have welcomed a schedule that included more outpatient and less inpatient training and can see how changes in scheduling could reduce burnout. “More outpatient time gives you an opportunity to breathe. You get a little more time off working in clinic with less sick people at a slower pace.”

Ally Fuher, MD, said she chose CU’s Internal Medicine Residency Program 4 years ago largely because of its innovative schedule. Now the program’s chief medical resident, she knew the structure would give her more time to pursue other nonclinical interests including research and medical education, meet regularly with mentors, visit family in another state, and attend important life events.

She acknowledged that the alternative would have meant a more irregular schedule with the possibility of working as many as 80 hours a week on back-to-back inpatient rotations with only 1 day off a week, leaving minimal time to plan other activities, let alone rest and recover.

Dr. Fuher said a balanced schedule made her a more well-rounded person excited to engage in her profession. While she hasn’t personally experienced burnout, she realizes a schedule change may not completely solve the issue for others. However, it shows what progress programs can make when they create systemic structural change.

A version of this article first appeared on

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After the Match: Next steps for new residents, unmatched

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Thu, 03/23/2023 - 10:57

Medical school graduates around the US took to social media after last week's Match Day to share their joy ― or explore their options if they did not match.

Take this post March 19 on Twitter: “I went unmatched this year; looking for research position at any institute for internal medicine.”

Most of the fourth-year medical students this news organization has followed in the run-up to Match Day found success, including an international medical graduate who matched into his chosen specialty after multiple disappointments.

“I’ve waited for this email for 8 years,” Sahil Bawa, MD, posted on Twitter on March 13. A few days later, when he learned about his residency position, he posted: “I’m beyond grateful. Will be moving to Alabama soon #familymedicine.”

Dr. Bawa, who matched into UAB Medicine Selma (Ala.), graduated from medical school in India in 2014. He said in an interview that he has visited the United States periodically since then to pass medical tests, obtain letters of recommendation, and participate in research.

Over the years he watched his Indian colleagues give up on becoming American doctors, find alternative careers, or resolve to practice in their native country. But he held onto the few success stories he saw on social media. “There were always one to two every year. It kept me going. If they can do it, I can do it.”

International medical graduates (IMGs) like Dr. Bawa applied in record numbers to Match2023, according to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), which announced the results on March 13 of its main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

Overall, 48,156 total applicants registered for the match, which was driven by the increase of non-U.S. IMG applicants and U.S. DO seniors over the past year, NRMP stated in its release. U.S. MD seniors had a match rate of nearly 94%, and U.S. DO seniors, nearly 92%. U.S. IMGs had a match rate of nearly 68%, an “all-time high,” and non-U.S. IMGs, nearly 60%, NRMP stated.

Three specialties that filled all of their 30 or more available positions were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), radiology – diagnostic, and thoracic surgery. Specialties with 30 or more positions that filled with the highest percentage of U.S. MD and DO seniors were plastic surgery (integrated), internal medicine-pediatrics, ob.gyn., and orthopedic surgery.

The number of available primary care positions increased slightly, NRMP reported. Considering “a serious and growing shortage of primary care physicians across the U.S.,” there were 571 more primary care positions than 2022. That’s an increase of about 3% over last year and 17% over the past 5 years. Primary care positions filled at a rate of 94%, which remained steady from 2022.

Match Day 2023: Residency fill rates for the largest specialties

NRMP also pointed out specialties with increases in the number of positions filled by U.S. MD seniors of more than 10% and 10 positions in the past 5 years: anesthesiology, child neurology, interventional radiology, neurology, pathology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery (integrated), psychiatry, radiology-diagnostic, transitional year, and vascular surgery.

Bryan Carmody, MD, MPH, a pediatric nephrologist known for his medical school commentaries, said in an interview that the most competitive specialties he noted in 2023 were radiology, pathology, and neurology.

“The surgical specialties are always competitive, so it wasn’t a surprise that orthopedics, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery filled all of their positions. But I was surprised to see diagnostic radiology fill every single one of their positions in the match. And although pathology and neurology aren’t typically considered extremely competitive specialties, they filled over 99% of their positions in the Match this year.”

On Dr. Carmody’s blog about the winners and losers of Match Day, he said that despite the record number of primary care positions offered, family medicine programs suffered. “Only 89% of family medicine programs filled in the Match, and graduating U.S. MD and DO students only filled a little more than half of all the available positions,” he wrote.

For a record number of applicants that match each year, and “the most favorable ratio in the past 2 decades” of applicants-to-positions in 2023, there are still a lot unmatched, Dr. Carmody said. “It’s a tough thing to talk about. The reality is the number of residency positions should be determined by the number of physicians needed.”

One student, Asim Ansari, didn’t match into a traditional residency or through SOAP. It was his fifth attempt. He was serving a transitional-year residency at Merit Health Wesley in Hattiesburg, Miss., and when he didn’t match, he accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City.

He said he was “relieved and excited” to have found a program in his chosen specialty. Still, in 2 years, Mr. Ansari must again try to match into a traditional psychiatry residency.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bawa will prepare for his 3-year residency in Alabama after completing his interim research year in the surgery department at Wayne State University, Detroit, in May.

Despite his years in limbo, Dr. Bawa said, “I have no regrets, no complaints. I am still very happy.”

A version of this article originally appeared on


Medical school graduates around the US took to social media after last week's Match Day to share their joy ― or explore their options if they did not match.

Take this post March 19 on Twitter: “I went unmatched this year; looking for research position at any institute for internal medicine.”

Most of the fourth-year medical students this news organization has followed in the run-up to Match Day found success, including an international medical graduate who matched into his chosen specialty after multiple disappointments.

“I’ve waited for this email for 8 years,” Sahil Bawa, MD, posted on Twitter on March 13. A few days later, when he learned about his residency position, he posted: “I’m beyond grateful. Will be moving to Alabama soon #familymedicine.”

Dr. Bawa, who matched into UAB Medicine Selma (Ala.), graduated from medical school in India in 2014. He said in an interview that he has visited the United States periodically since then to pass medical tests, obtain letters of recommendation, and participate in research.

Over the years he watched his Indian colleagues give up on becoming American doctors, find alternative careers, or resolve to practice in their native country. But he held onto the few success stories he saw on social media. “There were always one to two every year. It kept me going. If they can do it, I can do it.”

International medical graduates (IMGs) like Dr. Bawa applied in record numbers to Match2023, according to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), which announced the results on March 13 of its main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

Overall, 48,156 total applicants registered for the match, which was driven by the increase of non-U.S. IMG applicants and U.S. DO seniors over the past year, NRMP stated in its release. U.S. MD seniors had a match rate of nearly 94%, and U.S. DO seniors, nearly 92%. U.S. IMGs had a match rate of nearly 68%, an “all-time high,” and non-U.S. IMGs, nearly 60%, NRMP stated.

Three specialties that filled all of their 30 or more available positions were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), radiology – diagnostic, and thoracic surgery. Specialties with 30 or more positions that filled with the highest percentage of U.S. MD and DO seniors were plastic surgery (integrated), internal medicine-pediatrics, ob.gyn., and orthopedic surgery.

The number of available primary care positions increased slightly, NRMP reported. Considering “a serious and growing shortage of primary care physicians across the U.S.,” there were 571 more primary care positions than 2022. That’s an increase of about 3% over last year and 17% over the past 5 years. Primary care positions filled at a rate of 94%, which remained steady from 2022.

Match Day 2023: Residency fill rates for the largest specialties

NRMP also pointed out specialties with increases in the number of positions filled by U.S. MD seniors of more than 10% and 10 positions in the past 5 years: anesthesiology, child neurology, interventional radiology, neurology, pathology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery (integrated), psychiatry, radiology-diagnostic, transitional year, and vascular surgery.

Bryan Carmody, MD, MPH, a pediatric nephrologist known for his medical school commentaries, said in an interview that the most competitive specialties he noted in 2023 were radiology, pathology, and neurology.

“The surgical specialties are always competitive, so it wasn’t a surprise that orthopedics, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery filled all of their positions. But I was surprised to see diagnostic radiology fill every single one of their positions in the match. And although pathology and neurology aren’t typically considered extremely competitive specialties, they filled over 99% of their positions in the Match this year.”

On Dr. Carmody’s blog about the winners and losers of Match Day, he said that despite the record number of primary care positions offered, family medicine programs suffered. “Only 89% of family medicine programs filled in the Match, and graduating U.S. MD and DO students only filled a little more than half of all the available positions,” he wrote.

For a record number of applicants that match each year, and “the most favorable ratio in the past 2 decades” of applicants-to-positions in 2023, there are still a lot unmatched, Dr. Carmody said. “It’s a tough thing to talk about. The reality is the number of residency positions should be determined by the number of physicians needed.”

One student, Asim Ansari, didn’t match into a traditional residency or through SOAP. It was his fifth attempt. He was serving a transitional-year residency at Merit Health Wesley in Hattiesburg, Miss., and when he didn’t match, he accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City.

He said he was “relieved and excited” to have found a program in his chosen specialty. Still, in 2 years, Mr. Ansari must again try to match into a traditional psychiatry residency.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bawa will prepare for his 3-year residency in Alabama after completing his interim research year in the surgery department at Wayne State University, Detroit, in May.

Despite his years in limbo, Dr. Bawa said, “I have no regrets, no complaints. I am still very happy.”

A version of this article originally appeared on

Medical school graduates around the US took to social media after last week's Match Day to share their joy ― or explore their options if they did not match.

Take this post March 19 on Twitter: “I went unmatched this year; looking for research position at any institute for internal medicine.”

Most of the fourth-year medical students this news organization has followed in the run-up to Match Day found success, including an international medical graduate who matched into his chosen specialty after multiple disappointments.

“I’ve waited for this email for 8 years,” Sahil Bawa, MD, posted on Twitter on March 13. A few days later, when he learned about his residency position, he posted: “I’m beyond grateful. Will be moving to Alabama soon #familymedicine.”

Dr. Bawa, who matched into UAB Medicine Selma (Ala.), graduated from medical school in India in 2014. He said in an interview that he has visited the United States periodically since then to pass medical tests, obtain letters of recommendation, and participate in research.

Over the years he watched his Indian colleagues give up on becoming American doctors, find alternative careers, or resolve to practice in their native country. But he held onto the few success stories he saw on social media. “There were always one to two every year. It kept me going. If they can do it, I can do it.”

International medical graduates (IMGs) like Dr. Bawa applied in record numbers to Match2023, according to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), which announced the results on March 13 of its main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

Overall, 48,156 total applicants registered for the match, which was driven by the increase of non-U.S. IMG applicants and U.S. DO seniors over the past year, NRMP stated in its release. U.S. MD seniors had a match rate of nearly 94%, and U.S. DO seniors, nearly 92%. U.S. IMGs had a match rate of nearly 68%, an “all-time high,” and non-U.S. IMGs, nearly 60%, NRMP stated.

Three specialties that filled all of their 30 or more available positions were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), radiology – diagnostic, and thoracic surgery. Specialties with 30 or more positions that filled with the highest percentage of U.S. MD and DO seniors were plastic surgery (integrated), internal medicine-pediatrics, ob.gyn., and orthopedic surgery.

The number of available primary care positions increased slightly, NRMP reported. Considering “a serious and growing shortage of primary care physicians across the U.S.,” there were 571 more primary care positions than 2022. That’s an increase of about 3% over last year and 17% over the past 5 years. Primary care positions filled at a rate of 94%, which remained steady from 2022.

Match Day 2023: Residency fill rates for the largest specialties

NRMP also pointed out specialties with increases in the number of positions filled by U.S. MD seniors of more than 10% and 10 positions in the past 5 years: anesthesiology, child neurology, interventional radiology, neurology, pathology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery (integrated), psychiatry, radiology-diagnostic, transitional year, and vascular surgery.

Bryan Carmody, MD, MPH, a pediatric nephrologist known for his medical school commentaries, said in an interview that the most competitive specialties he noted in 2023 were radiology, pathology, and neurology.

“The surgical specialties are always competitive, so it wasn’t a surprise that orthopedics, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery filled all of their positions. But I was surprised to see diagnostic radiology fill every single one of their positions in the match. And although pathology and neurology aren’t typically considered extremely competitive specialties, they filled over 99% of their positions in the Match this year.”

On Dr. Carmody’s blog about the winners and losers of Match Day, he said that despite the record number of primary care positions offered, family medicine programs suffered. “Only 89% of family medicine programs filled in the Match, and graduating U.S. MD and DO students only filled a little more than half of all the available positions,” he wrote.

For a record number of applicants that match each year, and “the most favorable ratio in the past 2 decades” of applicants-to-positions in 2023, there are still a lot unmatched, Dr. Carmody said. “It’s a tough thing to talk about. The reality is the number of residency positions should be determined by the number of physicians needed.”

One student, Asim Ansari, didn’t match into a traditional residency or through SOAP. It was his fifth attempt. He was serving a transitional-year residency at Merit Health Wesley in Hattiesburg, Miss., and when he didn’t match, he accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City.

He said he was “relieved and excited” to have found a program in his chosen specialty. Still, in 2 years, Mr. Ansari must again try to match into a traditional psychiatry residency.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bawa will prepare for his 3-year residency in Alabama after completing his interim research year in the surgery department at Wayne State University, Detroit, in May.

Despite his years in limbo, Dr. Bawa said, “I have no regrets, no complaints. I am still very happy.”

A version of this article originally appeared on

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Match Day: Record number of residencies offered

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Tue, 03/21/2023 - 08:20

Baily Nagle, vice president of her graduating class at Harvard Medical School, Boston, celebrated “the luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day that allowed her to match into her chosen specialty and top choice of residency programs: anesthesia at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

“I am feeling very excited and relieved – I matched,” she said in an interview upon hearing her good fortune on Match Monday, March 13. She had a similar reaction on Match Day, March 17. “After a lot of long nights and hard work, happy to have it pay off.”

Ms. Nagle was so determined to match into her specialty that she didn’t have any other specialties in mind as a backup.

The annual process of matching medical school graduates with compatible residency programs is an emotional roller coaster for all applicants, their personal March Madness, so to speak. But Ms. Nagle was one of the more fortunate applicants. She didn’t have to confront the heartbreak other applicants felt when the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) announced results of the main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), which offers alternate programs for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

During the 2023 Match process, this news organization has been following a handful of students, checking in with them periodically for updates on their progress. Most of them matched successfully, but at least one international medical graduate (IMG) did not. What the others have in common is that their hearts were set on a chosen specialty. Like Ms. Nagle, another student banked on landing his chosen specialty without a backup plan, whereas another said that she’d continue through the SOAP if she didn’t match successfully.

Overall, Match Day resulted in a record number of residency positions offered, most notably in primary care, which “hit an all-time high,” according to NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN. The number of positions has “consistently increased over the past 5 years, and most importantly the fill rate for primary care has remained steady,” Dr.. Lamb noted in the NRMP release of Match Day results. The release coincided with students learning through emails at noon Eastern Time to which residency or supplemental programs they were matched.

Though more applicants registered for the Match in 2023 than in 2022 – driven primarily by non-U.S. IMGs – the NRMP stated that it was surprised by the decrease in U.S. MD senior applicants.

U.S. MD seniors had a nearly 94% Match rate, a small increase over 2022. U.S. citizen IMGs saw a nearly 68% Match rate, which NRMP reported as an “all-time high” and about six percentage points over in 2022, whereas non-U.S. IMGs had a nearly 60% Match rate, a 1.3 percentage point increase over 2022.

Among the specialties that filled all available positions in 2023 were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), and radiology – diagnostic and thoracic surgery.

Not everyone matches

On March 13, the American College of Emergency Physicians issued a joint statement with other emergency medicine (EM) organizations about a high rate of unfilled EM positions expected in 2023.

Match Day 2023

NRMP acknowledged March 17 that 554 positions remained unfilled, an increase of 335 more unfilled positions than 2022. NRMP attributed the increase in unfilled positions in part to a decrease in the number of U.S. MD and U.S. DO seniors who submitted ranks for the specialty, which “could reflect changing applicant interests or projections about workforce opportunities post residency.”

Applicants who didn’t match usually try to obtain an unfilled position through SOAP. In 2023, 2,685 positions were unfilled after the matching algorithm was processed, an increase of nearly 19% over 2022. The vast majority of those positions were placed in SOAP, an increase of 17.5% over 2022.

Asim Ansari was one of the unlucky ones. Mr. Ansari was trying to match for the fifth time. He was unsuccessful in doing so again in 2023 in the Match and SOAP. Still, he was offered and accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City. Psychiatry was his chosen specialty, so he was “feeling good. It’s a nice place to go to do the next 2 years.”

Mr. Ansari, who started the #MatchMadness support group for unmatched doctors on Twitter Spaces, was quick to cheer on his fellow matching peers on March 13 while revealing his own fate: “Congratulations to everyone who matched!!! Y’all are amazing. So proud of each one of you!!! I didn’t.”

Soon after the results, #MatchMadness held a #Soap2023 support session, and Mr. Ansari sought advice for those willing to review SOAP applications. Elsewhere on Twitter Match Day threads, a few doctors offered their support to those who planned to SOAP, students announced their matches, and others either congratulated or encouraged those still trying to match.

Couples match

Not everyone who matched considered the alternative. Before March 13, William Boyer said that he hadn’t given much thought to what would happen if he didn’t match because he was “optimistically confident” he would match into his chosen EM specialty. But he did and got his top choice of programs: Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital.

“I feel great,” he said in an interview. “I was definitely nervous opening the envelope” that revealed his residency program, “but there was a rush of relief” when he saw he landed Yale.

Earlier in the match cycle, he said in an interview that he “interviewed at a few ‘reach’ programs, so I hope I don’t match lower than expected on my rank list.”

Mr. Boyer considers himself “a mature applicant,” entering the University of South Carolina, Columbia, after 4 years as an insurance broker.

“I am celebrating today by playing pickleball with a few close medical friends who also matched this morning,” Mr. Boyer said on March 13. “I definitely had periods of nervousness leading up to this morning though that quickly turned into joy and relief” after learning he matched.

Mr. Boyer believes that his professional experience in the insurance industry and health care lobbying efforts with the National Association of Health Underwriters set him apart from other applicants.

“I changed careers to pursue this aspiration, which demonstrates my full dedication to the medical profession.”

He applied to 48 programs and was offered interviews to nearly half. Mr. Boyer visited the majority of those virtually. He said he targeted programs close to where his and his partner’s families are located: Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas. “My partner, who I met in medical school, matched into ortho as well so the whole household is very happy,” Mr. Boyer said.

She matched into her top choice as well on March 17, though a distance away at UT Health in San Antonio, he said. “We are both ecstatic. We both got our no. 1 choice. That was the plan going into it. We will make it work. I have 4 weeks of vacation.”

In his program choices, Mr. Boyer prioritized access to nature, minimal leadership turnover, a mix of clinical training sites, and adequate elective rotations and fellowship opportunities, such as in wilderness medicine and health policy.

NRMP reported that there were 1,239 couples participating in the Match; 1,095 had both partners match, and 114 had one partner match to residency training programs for a match rate of 93%.

Like Mr. Boyer, Hannah Hedriana matched into EM, one of the more popular despite the reported unfilled positions. In the past few years, it has consistently been one of the fastest-growing specialties, according to the NRMP.

Still Ms. Hedriana had a fall-back plan. “If I don’t match, then I do plan on going through SOAP. With the number of EM spots that were unfilled in 2022, there’s a chance I could still be an EM physician, but if not, then that’s okay with me.”

Her reaction on March 13, after learning she matched? “Super excited, celebrating with my friends right now.” On Match Day, she said she was “ecstatic” to be matched into Lakeland (Fla.) Regional Health. “This was my first choice so now I can stay close to family and friends,” she said in an interview soon after the results were released.

A first-generation, Filipino American student from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Ms. Hedriana comes from a family of health care professionals. Her father is a respiratory therapist turned physical therapist; her mother a registered nurse. Her sister is a patient care technician applying to nursing school.

Ms. Hedriana applied to 70 programs and interviewed mostly online with 24. Her goal was to stay on the East Coast.

“My partner is a licensed dentist in the state of Florida, and so for his career it would be more practical to stay in state, rather than get relicensed in another state, which could take months,” she said earlier in the matching cycle. “However, when we discussed choosing a residency program, he ultimately left it up to me and wanted me to pick where I thought I’d flourish best,” Ms. Hedriana said, adding that her family lives in Florida, too.

She said she sought a residency program that values family and teamwork.

“A program gets more points in my book if they have sites at nonprofit hospitals or has residents that regularly volunteer throughout their communities or participate in DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] initiatives.”

Ms. Hedriana noted that some specialties exclusively offered virtual interviews in 2023, whereas other specialties favored in-person interviews. “This year, many of my classmates were able to do multiple away rotations, which they saw as a positive regarding their chances of matching.” During COVID, in-person visits were limited.

“However, I’ve noticed that many of my classmates are not fond of the signaling aspect that was present for this year’s cycle,” she said. Signaling is a relatively new process that allows applicants to indicate interest in a limited number of residency programs. Not all residencies participate, but it’s growing in popularity among specialties, according to the American Medical Association.



‘Extremely competitive’

Ms. Nagle, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, applied to 12 programs and interviewed with half of them online. She said that she wasn’t targeting any specific type of program through the match.

“I believe you can get phenomenal training anywhere where you mesh with the residents and leadership. My ultimate priority is to (1) be near good people, (2) be near good food (Indian and Thai are a must), and (3) be near an international airport so I can flee the country during breaks.”

Meanwhile, she said that she found the application process, in which students have to articulate their entire medical school experience, extremely competitive. “I think this process is so easy to get wound up in and the anxiety can be palpable,” Ms. Nagle said. “People around you match your energy. So if you are a ball of anxiety then so are your attendings and residents – and that doesn’t bode well for passing the ‘do I want to be on call with them’ test.”

Looking back at medical school, Ms. Nagle recalled having a baby named after her during her first anesthesia rotation and being featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Ms. Nagle said that she had walked into the delivery room where new parents had been debating names of babies beginning with the letter B. “And when I introduced myself, they looked at each other and said, ‘Yep, that’s the one.’”

Mr. Boyer recounted how the majority of his medical school experience involved online education. “Roughly two-thirds of my first year was in-person prior to the pandemic. However, from spring break first year to in-person clinical rotations at the beginning of third year, we were all virtual. While I missed interacting with my classmates, I benefited from the virtual learning environment as I learn more efficiently from reading and visual aids than auditory lectures.”

Ms. Hedriana cited the friends and memories she made while learning to be a doctor. “Medical school was hard, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

A version of this article first appeared on


Baily Nagle, vice president of her graduating class at Harvard Medical School, Boston, celebrated “the luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day that allowed her to match into her chosen specialty and top choice of residency programs: anesthesia at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

“I am feeling very excited and relieved – I matched,” she said in an interview upon hearing her good fortune on Match Monday, March 13. She had a similar reaction on Match Day, March 17. “After a lot of long nights and hard work, happy to have it pay off.”

Ms. Nagle was so determined to match into her specialty that she didn’t have any other specialties in mind as a backup.

The annual process of matching medical school graduates with compatible residency programs is an emotional roller coaster for all applicants, their personal March Madness, so to speak. But Ms. Nagle was one of the more fortunate applicants. She didn’t have to confront the heartbreak other applicants felt when the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) announced results of the main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), which offers alternate programs for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

During the 2023 Match process, this news organization has been following a handful of students, checking in with them periodically for updates on their progress. Most of them matched successfully, but at least one international medical graduate (IMG) did not. What the others have in common is that their hearts were set on a chosen specialty. Like Ms. Nagle, another student banked on landing his chosen specialty without a backup plan, whereas another said that she’d continue through the SOAP if she didn’t match successfully.

Overall, Match Day resulted in a record number of residency positions offered, most notably in primary care, which “hit an all-time high,” according to NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN. The number of positions has “consistently increased over the past 5 years, and most importantly the fill rate for primary care has remained steady,” Dr.. Lamb noted in the NRMP release of Match Day results. The release coincided with students learning through emails at noon Eastern Time to which residency or supplemental programs they were matched.

Though more applicants registered for the Match in 2023 than in 2022 – driven primarily by non-U.S. IMGs – the NRMP stated that it was surprised by the decrease in U.S. MD senior applicants.

U.S. MD seniors had a nearly 94% Match rate, a small increase over 2022. U.S. citizen IMGs saw a nearly 68% Match rate, which NRMP reported as an “all-time high” and about six percentage points over in 2022, whereas non-U.S. IMGs had a nearly 60% Match rate, a 1.3 percentage point increase over 2022.

Among the specialties that filled all available positions in 2023 were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), and radiology – diagnostic and thoracic surgery.

Not everyone matches

On March 13, the American College of Emergency Physicians issued a joint statement with other emergency medicine (EM) organizations about a high rate of unfilled EM positions expected in 2023.

Match Day 2023

NRMP acknowledged March 17 that 554 positions remained unfilled, an increase of 335 more unfilled positions than 2022. NRMP attributed the increase in unfilled positions in part to a decrease in the number of U.S. MD and U.S. DO seniors who submitted ranks for the specialty, which “could reflect changing applicant interests or projections about workforce opportunities post residency.”

Applicants who didn’t match usually try to obtain an unfilled position through SOAP. In 2023, 2,685 positions were unfilled after the matching algorithm was processed, an increase of nearly 19% over 2022. The vast majority of those positions were placed in SOAP, an increase of 17.5% over 2022.

Asim Ansari was one of the unlucky ones. Mr. Ansari was trying to match for the fifth time. He was unsuccessful in doing so again in 2023 in the Match and SOAP. Still, he was offered and accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City. Psychiatry was his chosen specialty, so he was “feeling good. It’s a nice place to go to do the next 2 years.”

Mr. Ansari, who started the #MatchMadness support group for unmatched doctors on Twitter Spaces, was quick to cheer on his fellow matching peers on March 13 while revealing his own fate: “Congratulations to everyone who matched!!! Y’all are amazing. So proud of each one of you!!! I didn’t.”

Soon after the results, #MatchMadness held a #Soap2023 support session, and Mr. Ansari sought advice for those willing to review SOAP applications. Elsewhere on Twitter Match Day threads, a few doctors offered their support to those who planned to SOAP, students announced their matches, and others either congratulated or encouraged those still trying to match.

Couples match

Not everyone who matched considered the alternative. Before March 13, William Boyer said that he hadn’t given much thought to what would happen if he didn’t match because he was “optimistically confident” he would match into his chosen EM specialty. But he did and got his top choice of programs: Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital.

“I feel great,” he said in an interview. “I was definitely nervous opening the envelope” that revealed his residency program, “but there was a rush of relief” when he saw he landed Yale.

Earlier in the match cycle, he said in an interview that he “interviewed at a few ‘reach’ programs, so I hope I don’t match lower than expected on my rank list.”

Mr. Boyer considers himself “a mature applicant,” entering the University of South Carolina, Columbia, after 4 years as an insurance broker.

“I am celebrating today by playing pickleball with a few close medical friends who also matched this morning,” Mr. Boyer said on March 13. “I definitely had periods of nervousness leading up to this morning though that quickly turned into joy and relief” after learning he matched.

Mr. Boyer believes that his professional experience in the insurance industry and health care lobbying efforts with the National Association of Health Underwriters set him apart from other applicants.

“I changed careers to pursue this aspiration, which demonstrates my full dedication to the medical profession.”

He applied to 48 programs and was offered interviews to nearly half. Mr. Boyer visited the majority of those virtually. He said he targeted programs close to where his and his partner’s families are located: Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas. “My partner, who I met in medical school, matched into ortho as well so the whole household is very happy,” Mr. Boyer said.

She matched into her top choice as well on March 17, though a distance away at UT Health in San Antonio, he said. “We are both ecstatic. We both got our no. 1 choice. That was the plan going into it. We will make it work. I have 4 weeks of vacation.”

In his program choices, Mr. Boyer prioritized access to nature, minimal leadership turnover, a mix of clinical training sites, and adequate elective rotations and fellowship opportunities, such as in wilderness medicine and health policy.

NRMP reported that there were 1,239 couples participating in the Match; 1,095 had both partners match, and 114 had one partner match to residency training programs for a match rate of 93%.

Like Mr. Boyer, Hannah Hedriana matched into EM, one of the more popular despite the reported unfilled positions. In the past few years, it has consistently been one of the fastest-growing specialties, according to the NRMP.

Still Ms. Hedriana had a fall-back plan. “If I don’t match, then I do plan on going through SOAP. With the number of EM spots that were unfilled in 2022, there’s a chance I could still be an EM physician, but if not, then that’s okay with me.”

Her reaction on March 13, after learning she matched? “Super excited, celebrating with my friends right now.” On Match Day, she said she was “ecstatic” to be matched into Lakeland (Fla.) Regional Health. “This was my first choice so now I can stay close to family and friends,” she said in an interview soon after the results were released.

A first-generation, Filipino American student from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Ms. Hedriana comes from a family of health care professionals. Her father is a respiratory therapist turned physical therapist; her mother a registered nurse. Her sister is a patient care technician applying to nursing school.

Ms. Hedriana applied to 70 programs and interviewed mostly online with 24. Her goal was to stay on the East Coast.

“My partner is a licensed dentist in the state of Florida, and so for his career it would be more practical to stay in state, rather than get relicensed in another state, which could take months,” she said earlier in the matching cycle. “However, when we discussed choosing a residency program, he ultimately left it up to me and wanted me to pick where I thought I’d flourish best,” Ms. Hedriana said, adding that her family lives in Florida, too.

She said she sought a residency program that values family and teamwork.

“A program gets more points in my book if they have sites at nonprofit hospitals or has residents that regularly volunteer throughout their communities or participate in DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] initiatives.”

Ms. Hedriana noted that some specialties exclusively offered virtual interviews in 2023, whereas other specialties favored in-person interviews. “This year, many of my classmates were able to do multiple away rotations, which they saw as a positive regarding their chances of matching.” During COVID, in-person visits were limited.

“However, I’ve noticed that many of my classmates are not fond of the signaling aspect that was present for this year’s cycle,” she said. Signaling is a relatively new process that allows applicants to indicate interest in a limited number of residency programs. Not all residencies participate, but it’s growing in popularity among specialties, according to the American Medical Association.



‘Extremely competitive’

Ms. Nagle, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, applied to 12 programs and interviewed with half of them online. She said that she wasn’t targeting any specific type of program through the match.

“I believe you can get phenomenal training anywhere where you mesh with the residents and leadership. My ultimate priority is to (1) be near good people, (2) be near good food (Indian and Thai are a must), and (3) be near an international airport so I can flee the country during breaks.”

Meanwhile, she said that she found the application process, in which students have to articulate their entire medical school experience, extremely competitive. “I think this process is so easy to get wound up in and the anxiety can be palpable,” Ms. Nagle said. “People around you match your energy. So if you are a ball of anxiety then so are your attendings and residents – and that doesn’t bode well for passing the ‘do I want to be on call with them’ test.”

Looking back at medical school, Ms. Nagle recalled having a baby named after her during her first anesthesia rotation and being featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Ms. Nagle said that she had walked into the delivery room where new parents had been debating names of babies beginning with the letter B. “And when I introduced myself, they looked at each other and said, ‘Yep, that’s the one.’”

Mr. Boyer recounted how the majority of his medical school experience involved online education. “Roughly two-thirds of my first year was in-person prior to the pandemic. However, from spring break first year to in-person clinical rotations at the beginning of third year, we were all virtual. While I missed interacting with my classmates, I benefited from the virtual learning environment as I learn more efficiently from reading and visual aids than auditory lectures.”

Ms. Hedriana cited the friends and memories she made while learning to be a doctor. “Medical school was hard, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

A version of this article first appeared on

Baily Nagle, vice president of her graduating class at Harvard Medical School, Boston, celebrated “the luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day that allowed her to match into her chosen specialty and top choice of residency programs: anesthesia at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

“I am feeling very excited and relieved – I matched,” she said in an interview upon hearing her good fortune on Match Monday, March 13. She had a similar reaction on Match Day, March 17. “After a lot of long nights and hard work, happy to have it pay off.”

Ms. Nagle was so determined to match into her specialty that she didn’t have any other specialties in mind as a backup.

The annual process of matching medical school graduates with compatible residency programs is an emotional roller coaster for all applicants, their personal March Madness, so to speak. But Ms. Nagle was one of the more fortunate applicants. She didn’t have to confront the heartbreak other applicants felt when the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) announced results of the main residency match and the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), which offers alternate programs for unfilled positions or unmatched applicants.

During the 2023 Match process, this news organization has been following a handful of students, checking in with them periodically for updates on their progress. Most of them matched successfully, but at least one international medical graduate (IMG) did not. What the others have in common is that their hearts were set on a chosen specialty. Like Ms. Nagle, another student banked on landing his chosen specialty without a backup plan, whereas another said that she’d continue through the SOAP if she didn’t match successfully.

Overall, Match Day resulted in a record number of residency positions offered, most notably in primary care, which “hit an all-time high,” according to NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN. The number of positions has “consistently increased over the past 5 years, and most importantly the fill rate for primary care has remained steady,” Dr.. Lamb noted in the NRMP release of Match Day results. The release coincided with students learning through emails at noon Eastern Time to which residency or supplemental programs they were matched.

Though more applicants registered for the Match in 2023 than in 2022 – driven primarily by non-U.S. IMGs – the NRMP stated that it was surprised by the decrease in U.S. MD senior applicants.

U.S. MD seniors had a nearly 94% Match rate, a small increase over 2022. U.S. citizen IMGs saw a nearly 68% Match rate, which NRMP reported as an “all-time high” and about six percentage points over in 2022, whereas non-U.S. IMGs had a nearly 60% Match rate, a 1.3 percentage point increase over 2022.

Among the specialties that filled all available positions in 2023 were orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery (integrated), and radiology – diagnostic and thoracic surgery.

Not everyone matches

On March 13, the American College of Emergency Physicians issued a joint statement with other emergency medicine (EM) organizations about a high rate of unfilled EM positions expected in 2023.

Match Day 2023

NRMP acknowledged March 17 that 554 positions remained unfilled, an increase of 335 more unfilled positions than 2022. NRMP attributed the increase in unfilled positions in part to a decrease in the number of U.S. MD and U.S. DO seniors who submitted ranks for the specialty, which “could reflect changing applicant interests or projections about workforce opportunities post residency.”

Applicants who didn’t match usually try to obtain an unfilled position through SOAP. In 2023, 2,685 positions were unfilled after the matching algorithm was processed, an increase of nearly 19% over 2022. The vast majority of those positions were placed in SOAP, an increase of 17.5% over 2022.

Asim Ansari was one of the unlucky ones. Mr. Ansari was trying to match for the fifth time. He was unsuccessful in doing so again in 2023 in the Match and SOAP. Still, he was offered and accepted a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City. Psychiatry was his chosen specialty, so he was “feeling good. It’s a nice place to go to do the next 2 years.”

Mr. Ansari, who started the #MatchMadness support group for unmatched doctors on Twitter Spaces, was quick to cheer on his fellow matching peers on March 13 while revealing his own fate: “Congratulations to everyone who matched!!! Y’all are amazing. So proud of each one of you!!! I didn’t.”

Soon after the results, #MatchMadness held a #Soap2023 support session, and Mr. Ansari sought advice for those willing to review SOAP applications. Elsewhere on Twitter Match Day threads, a few doctors offered their support to those who planned to SOAP, students announced their matches, and others either congratulated or encouraged those still trying to match.

Couples match

Not everyone who matched considered the alternative. Before March 13, William Boyer said that he hadn’t given much thought to what would happen if he didn’t match because he was “optimistically confident” he would match into his chosen EM specialty. But he did and got his top choice of programs: Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital.

“I feel great,” he said in an interview. “I was definitely nervous opening the envelope” that revealed his residency program, “but there was a rush of relief” when he saw he landed Yale.

Earlier in the match cycle, he said in an interview that he “interviewed at a few ‘reach’ programs, so I hope I don’t match lower than expected on my rank list.”

Mr. Boyer considers himself “a mature applicant,” entering the University of South Carolina, Columbia, after 4 years as an insurance broker.

“I am celebrating today by playing pickleball with a few close medical friends who also matched this morning,” Mr. Boyer said on March 13. “I definitely had periods of nervousness leading up to this morning though that quickly turned into joy and relief” after learning he matched.

Mr. Boyer believes that his professional experience in the insurance industry and health care lobbying efforts with the National Association of Health Underwriters set him apart from other applicants.

“I changed careers to pursue this aspiration, which demonstrates my full dedication to the medical profession.”

He applied to 48 programs and was offered interviews to nearly half. Mr. Boyer visited the majority of those virtually. He said he targeted programs close to where his and his partner’s families are located: Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas. “My partner, who I met in medical school, matched into ortho as well so the whole household is very happy,” Mr. Boyer said.

She matched into her top choice as well on March 17, though a distance away at UT Health in San Antonio, he said. “We are both ecstatic. We both got our no. 1 choice. That was the plan going into it. We will make it work. I have 4 weeks of vacation.”

In his program choices, Mr. Boyer prioritized access to nature, minimal leadership turnover, a mix of clinical training sites, and adequate elective rotations and fellowship opportunities, such as in wilderness medicine and health policy.

NRMP reported that there were 1,239 couples participating in the Match; 1,095 had both partners match, and 114 had one partner match to residency training programs for a match rate of 93%.

Like Mr. Boyer, Hannah Hedriana matched into EM, one of the more popular despite the reported unfilled positions. In the past few years, it has consistently been one of the fastest-growing specialties, according to the NRMP.

Still Ms. Hedriana had a fall-back plan. “If I don’t match, then I do plan on going through SOAP. With the number of EM spots that were unfilled in 2022, there’s a chance I could still be an EM physician, but if not, then that’s okay with me.”

Her reaction on March 13, after learning she matched? “Super excited, celebrating with my friends right now.” On Match Day, she said she was “ecstatic” to be matched into Lakeland (Fla.) Regional Health. “This was my first choice so now I can stay close to family and friends,” she said in an interview soon after the results were released.

A first-generation, Filipino American student from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Ms. Hedriana comes from a family of health care professionals. Her father is a respiratory therapist turned physical therapist; her mother a registered nurse. Her sister is a patient care technician applying to nursing school.

Ms. Hedriana applied to 70 programs and interviewed mostly online with 24. Her goal was to stay on the East Coast.

“My partner is a licensed dentist in the state of Florida, and so for his career it would be more practical to stay in state, rather than get relicensed in another state, which could take months,” she said earlier in the matching cycle. “However, when we discussed choosing a residency program, he ultimately left it up to me and wanted me to pick where I thought I’d flourish best,” Ms. Hedriana said, adding that her family lives in Florida, too.

She said she sought a residency program that values family and teamwork.

“A program gets more points in my book if they have sites at nonprofit hospitals or has residents that regularly volunteer throughout their communities or participate in DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] initiatives.”

Ms. Hedriana noted that some specialties exclusively offered virtual interviews in 2023, whereas other specialties favored in-person interviews. “This year, many of my classmates were able to do multiple away rotations, which they saw as a positive regarding their chances of matching.” During COVID, in-person visits were limited.

“However, I’ve noticed that many of my classmates are not fond of the signaling aspect that was present for this year’s cycle,” she said. Signaling is a relatively new process that allows applicants to indicate interest in a limited number of residency programs. Not all residencies participate, but it’s growing in popularity among specialties, according to the American Medical Association.



‘Extremely competitive’

Ms. Nagle, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, applied to 12 programs and interviewed with half of them online. She said that she wasn’t targeting any specific type of program through the match.

“I believe you can get phenomenal training anywhere where you mesh with the residents and leadership. My ultimate priority is to (1) be near good people, (2) be near good food (Indian and Thai are a must), and (3) be near an international airport so I can flee the country during breaks.”

Meanwhile, she said that she found the application process, in which students have to articulate their entire medical school experience, extremely competitive. “I think this process is so easy to get wound up in and the anxiety can be palpable,” Ms. Nagle said. “People around you match your energy. So if you are a ball of anxiety then so are your attendings and residents – and that doesn’t bode well for passing the ‘do I want to be on call with them’ test.”

Looking back at medical school, Ms. Nagle recalled having a baby named after her during her first anesthesia rotation and being featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Ms. Nagle said that she had walked into the delivery room where new parents had been debating names of babies beginning with the letter B. “And when I introduced myself, they looked at each other and said, ‘Yep, that’s the one.’”

Mr. Boyer recounted how the majority of his medical school experience involved online education. “Roughly two-thirds of my first year was in-person prior to the pandemic. However, from spring break first year to in-person clinical rotations at the beginning of third year, we were all virtual. While I missed interacting with my classmates, I benefited from the virtual learning environment as I learn more efficiently from reading and visual aids than auditory lectures.”

Ms. Hedriana cited the friends and memories she made while learning to be a doctor. “Medical school was hard, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

A version of this article first appeared on

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Nursing exam failure rates spark review of test results

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Tue, 01/03/2023 - 09:42

Nursing oversight groups in the United States and Canada are holding the line on testing standards as more would-be nurses fail entry exams. As a result, pressure is growing to make tests easier to pass given widespread nursing shortages, and some critics wonder whether the exams accurately assess students’ true abilities.

When it comes to training more nurses to keep up with growing demand, the U.S. organization that oversees the main licensing exams for nurses decided earlier this month not to change the passing standards for entry-level tests. Meanwhile, nursing test examiners have seen a drop in passing rates for nurses taking the standard licensing exam since the pandemic began.

A similar scenario also is unfolding in Quebec, where the agency overseeing nurse licensing exams announced last month it is holding the line on its passing rates despite an outcry from nurses after more than half of those taking the exam in September failed. Quebec’s commissioner for professional admissions is investigating dozens of complaints from nurses about the failure rate. Nurses who failed the test can sign up to retake it in March.

Joseph Oujeil, DESS, DEF, has been teaching in Canada for 4 years, now at two Quebec nursing schools. “This is surprising and very shocking to our students as well as nurses from outside Quebec who were [completing] an integration program to adjust their practice to Quebec guidelines,” Mr. Oujeil told this news organization. Students from outside the province failed the licensing exam at a higher rate than their Quebec-native peers, he explained.

Quebec’s professional Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) responded to the nurses’ outcry in a press release last month, saying that the pandemic may be partly to blame for the lower passing rate because it made it more difficult to access internships, labs, and face-to-face teaching. Some students weren’t able to demonstrate their ability to practice during the exam as in previous years, OIIQ reported.

Mr. Oujeil agreed. “I’m sure the pandemic has an impact on the situation as well as some students did less training in hospitals” because of restrictions caused by the pandemic, he said. But students also told Mr. Oujeil some questions seemed ambiguous.

OIIQ stated in its release that it doesn’t want to lower the standard. The goal is to protect the public “by and with nurses,” to “ensure the competence and integrity of nurses in Quebec,” and “promote quality nursing practice,” the release noted.

Similarly in the United States, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) announced Dec. 8 that it would uphold the current passing standards for its entry-level NCLEX tests for registered nurses and practical nurses. NCSBN analyzes the passing standard every 3 years “to keep the test plan and passing standard current,” a press release explains.

NCLEX pass rates have dropped from about 73% for all candidates and 88% for first-time U.S.-educated candidates to 69% and 82% respectively in 2021, the last full year for which results are available, NCSBN spokesperson Dawn Kappel told this news organization.

Over the past 3 years, including during the pandemic, the board decided “that the current passing standard is appropriate as a measure of safe and effective entry-level nurse practice,” after reviewing national nurse surveys and the findings of panels of nurses representing NCSBN’s geographic areas in the United States and Canada, board president Jay Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, said in a press release.

Still, NCSBN is not blind to the larger issues facing nursing, Ms. Kappel told this news organization. “There is a huge nursing shortage in the U.S. and Canada. We want as many nurses in the workforce as possible, but we want to ensure safe practice,” she said.

“Everyone has access to the same test, regardless of which state, province, or country they take it in,” she said. Some international students may not perform as well as U.S.-educated students because of their command of English and the nursing education standards in their home countries, Ms. Kappel added.

“Obviously COVID and the challenge of education in general” affected the results, she said.

Mr. Oujeil, the nursing school professor, said he is frustrated by the test results because the majority of students who failed maintained good grades and passed all of their trainings. Yet they scored just below the passing rate of 55%. He said students are proposing the passing rate be lowered to 50%. The current test doesn’t reflect what students are learning in the classroom or during clinical trainings, Mr. Oujeil added. “I don’t know of any students who scored more than 60%.”

He said he understands that the mission of the OIIQ is protecting the population, but he doesn’t believe lowering the passing rate to 50% will put the population at risk – and it will help offset the staffing shortage.

“I’m especially frustrated by those who were doing integration programs – mothers and fathers with children with family lives and financial responsibilities. Many of them are good, hard workers and were shocked they should have to pass the exam another time.”

Since 2018, the pass rate on the first attempt at the Quebec test has generally been between 71% and 96%, compared with 51.4% during the exam in September, according to the OIIQ press release. Meanwhile, graduates from 30 of the 55 schools and universities in Quebec teaching nurses performed above the average on the recent professional exam, OIIQ reported.

The professional licensing organization pointed out that nursing candidates have three attempts to pass their exam. “In order to better prepare for their next attempt, all those who failed received an individual response detailing the difficulties encountered. The OIIQ offers all the tools necessary to pass the exam; a detailed guide and preparatory workshops are available online.

“In the run up to the next exams, we will continue to support students by working with educational institutions to provide the optimal conditions for passing the exam. This exam is usually successful and we are convinced that the return to face-to-face teaching, as well as support for students, will be factors of success,” OIIQ President Luc Mathieu said in a press release.

Nursing candidates “who have not passed the exam will be put to work in the network, with the possibility of practicing under the supervision of a nurse. ... In addition, we will contact health establishments in order to support them in their supervision activities” of the candidates, he said.

A version of this article first appeared on


Nursing oversight groups in the United States and Canada are holding the line on testing standards as more would-be nurses fail entry exams. As a result, pressure is growing to make tests easier to pass given widespread nursing shortages, and some critics wonder whether the exams accurately assess students’ true abilities.

When it comes to training more nurses to keep up with growing demand, the U.S. organization that oversees the main licensing exams for nurses decided earlier this month not to change the passing standards for entry-level tests. Meanwhile, nursing test examiners have seen a drop in passing rates for nurses taking the standard licensing exam since the pandemic began.

A similar scenario also is unfolding in Quebec, where the agency overseeing nurse licensing exams announced last month it is holding the line on its passing rates despite an outcry from nurses after more than half of those taking the exam in September failed. Quebec’s commissioner for professional admissions is investigating dozens of complaints from nurses about the failure rate. Nurses who failed the test can sign up to retake it in March.

Joseph Oujeil, DESS, DEF, has been teaching in Canada for 4 years, now at two Quebec nursing schools. “This is surprising and very shocking to our students as well as nurses from outside Quebec who were [completing] an integration program to adjust their practice to Quebec guidelines,” Mr. Oujeil told this news organization. Students from outside the province failed the licensing exam at a higher rate than their Quebec-native peers, he explained.

Quebec’s professional Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) responded to the nurses’ outcry in a press release last month, saying that the pandemic may be partly to blame for the lower passing rate because it made it more difficult to access internships, labs, and face-to-face teaching. Some students weren’t able to demonstrate their ability to practice during the exam as in previous years, OIIQ reported.

Mr. Oujeil agreed. “I’m sure the pandemic has an impact on the situation as well as some students did less training in hospitals” because of restrictions caused by the pandemic, he said. But students also told Mr. Oujeil some questions seemed ambiguous.

OIIQ stated in its release that it doesn’t want to lower the standard. The goal is to protect the public “by and with nurses,” to “ensure the competence and integrity of nurses in Quebec,” and “promote quality nursing practice,” the release noted.

Similarly in the United States, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) announced Dec. 8 that it would uphold the current passing standards for its entry-level NCLEX tests for registered nurses and practical nurses. NCSBN analyzes the passing standard every 3 years “to keep the test plan and passing standard current,” a press release explains.

NCLEX pass rates have dropped from about 73% for all candidates and 88% for first-time U.S.-educated candidates to 69% and 82% respectively in 2021, the last full year for which results are available, NCSBN spokesperson Dawn Kappel told this news organization.

Over the past 3 years, including during the pandemic, the board decided “that the current passing standard is appropriate as a measure of safe and effective entry-level nurse practice,” after reviewing national nurse surveys and the findings of panels of nurses representing NCSBN’s geographic areas in the United States and Canada, board president Jay Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, said in a press release.

Still, NCSBN is not blind to the larger issues facing nursing, Ms. Kappel told this news organization. “There is a huge nursing shortage in the U.S. and Canada. We want as many nurses in the workforce as possible, but we want to ensure safe practice,” she said.

“Everyone has access to the same test, regardless of which state, province, or country they take it in,” she said. Some international students may not perform as well as U.S.-educated students because of their command of English and the nursing education standards in their home countries, Ms. Kappel added.

“Obviously COVID and the challenge of education in general” affected the results, she said.

Mr. Oujeil, the nursing school professor, said he is frustrated by the test results because the majority of students who failed maintained good grades and passed all of their trainings. Yet they scored just below the passing rate of 55%. He said students are proposing the passing rate be lowered to 50%. The current test doesn’t reflect what students are learning in the classroom or during clinical trainings, Mr. Oujeil added. “I don’t know of any students who scored more than 60%.”

He said he understands that the mission of the OIIQ is protecting the population, but he doesn’t believe lowering the passing rate to 50% will put the population at risk – and it will help offset the staffing shortage.

“I’m especially frustrated by those who were doing integration programs – mothers and fathers with children with family lives and financial responsibilities. Many of them are good, hard workers and were shocked they should have to pass the exam another time.”

Since 2018, the pass rate on the first attempt at the Quebec test has generally been between 71% and 96%, compared with 51.4% during the exam in September, according to the OIIQ press release. Meanwhile, graduates from 30 of the 55 schools and universities in Quebec teaching nurses performed above the average on the recent professional exam, OIIQ reported.

The professional licensing organization pointed out that nursing candidates have three attempts to pass their exam. “In order to better prepare for their next attempt, all those who failed received an individual response detailing the difficulties encountered. The OIIQ offers all the tools necessary to pass the exam; a detailed guide and preparatory workshops are available online.

“In the run up to the next exams, we will continue to support students by working with educational institutions to provide the optimal conditions for passing the exam. This exam is usually successful and we are convinced that the return to face-to-face teaching, as well as support for students, will be factors of success,” OIIQ President Luc Mathieu said in a press release.

Nursing candidates “who have not passed the exam will be put to work in the network, with the possibility of practicing under the supervision of a nurse. ... In addition, we will contact health establishments in order to support them in their supervision activities” of the candidates, he said.

A version of this article first appeared on

Nursing oversight groups in the United States and Canada are holding the line on testing standards as more would-be nurses fail entry exams. As a result, pressure is growing to make tests easier to pass given widespread nursing shortages, and some critics wonder whether the exams accurately assess students’ true abilities.

When it comes to training more nurses to keep up with growing demand, the U.S. organization that oversees the main licensing exams for nurses decided earlier this month not to change the passing standards for entry-level tests. Meanwhile, nursing test examiners have seen a drop in passing rates for nurses taking the standard licensing exam since the pandemic began.

A similar scenario also is unfolding in Quebec, where the agency overseeing nurse licensing exams announced last month it is holding the line on its passing rates despite an outcry from nurses after more than half of those taking the exam in September failed. Quebec’s commissioner for professional admissions is investigating dozens of complaints from nurses about the failure rate. Nurses who failed the test can sign up to retake it in March.

Joseph Oujeil, DESS, DEF, has been teaching in Canada for 4 years, now at two Quebec nursing schools. “This is surprising and very shocking to our students as well as nurses from outside Quebec who were [completing] an integration program to adjust their practice to Quebec guidelines,” Mr. Oujeil told this news organization. Students from outside the province failed the licensing exam at a higher rate than their Quebec-native peers, he explained.

Quebec’s professional Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) responded to the nurses’ outcry in a press release last month, saying that the pandemic may be partly to blame for the lower passing rate because it made it more difficult to access internships, labs, and face-to-face teaching. Some students weren’t able to demonstrate their ability to practice during the exam as in previous years, OIIQ reported.

Mr. Oujeil agreed. “I’m sure the pandemic has an impact on the situation as well as some students did less training in hospitals” because of restrictions caused by the pandemic, he said. But students also told Mr. Oujeil some questions seemed ambiguous.

OIIQ stated in its release that it doesn’t want to lower the standard. The goal is to protect the public “by and with nurses,” to “ensure the competence and integrity of nurses in Quebec,” and “promote quality nursing practice,” the release noted.

Similarly in the United States, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) announced Dec. 8 that it would uphold the current passing standards for its entry-level NCLEX tests for registered nurses and practical nurses. NCSBN analyzes the passing standard every 3 years “to keep the test plan and passing standard current,” a press release explains.

NCLEX pass rates have dropped from about 73% for all candidates and 88% for first-time U.S.-educated candidates to 69% and 82% respectively in 2021, the last full year for which results are available, NCSBN spokesperson Dawn Kappel told this news organization.

Over the past 3 years, including during the pandemic, the board decided “that the current passing standard is appropriate as a measure of safe and effective entry-level nurse practice,” after reviewing national nurse surveys and the findings of panels of nurses representing NCSBN’s geographic areas in the United States and Canada, board president Jay Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, said in a press release.

Still, NCSBN is not blind to the larger issues facing nursing, Ms. Kappel told this news organization. “There is a huge nursing shortage in the U.S. and Canada. We want as many nurses in the workforce as possible, but we want to ensure safe practice,” she said.

“Everyone has access to the same test, regardless of which state, province, or country they take it in,” she said. Some international students may not perform as well as U.S.-educated students because of their command of English and the nursing education standards in their home countries, Ms. Kappel added.

“Obviously COVID and the challenge of education in general” affected the results, she said.

Mr. Oujeil, the nursing school professor, said he is frustrated by the test results because the majority of students who failed maintained good grades and passed all of their trainings. Yet they scored just below the passing rate of 55%. He said students are proposing the passing rate be lowered to 50%. The current test doesn’t reflect what students are learning in the classroom or during clinical trainings, Mr. Oujeil added. “I don’t know of any students who scored more than 60%.”

He said he understands that the mission of the OIIQ is protecting the population, but he doesn’t believe lowering the passing rate to 50% will put the population at risk – and it will help offset the staffing shortage.

“I’m especially frustrated by those who were doing integration programs – mothers and fathers with children with family lives and financial responsibilities. Many of them are good, hard workers and were shocked they should have to pass the exam another time.”

Since 2018, the pass rate on the first attempt at the Quebec test has generally been between 71% and 96%, compared with 51.4% during the exam in September, according to the OIIQ press release. Meanwhile, graduates from 30 of the 55 schools and universities in Quebec teaching nurses performed above the average on the recent professional exam, OIIQ reported.

The professional licensing organization pointed out that nursing candidates have three attempts to pass their exam. “In order to better prepare for their next attempt, all those who failed received an individual response detailing the difficulties encountered. The OIIQ offers all the tools necessary to pass the exam; a detailed guide and preparatory workshops are available online.

“In the run up to the next exams, we will continue to support students by working with educational institutions to provide the optimal conditions for passing the exam. This exam is usually successful and we are convinced that the return to face-to-face teaching, as well as support for students, will be factors of success,” OIIQ President Luc Mathieu said in a press release.

Nursing candidates “who have not passed the exam will be put to work in the network, with the possibility of practicing under the supervision of a nurse. ... In addition, we will contact health establishments in order to support them in their supervision activities” of the candidates, he said.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Med students dismayed that residency match process won’t change

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Mon, 11/14/2022 - 17:40

The National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) decision to nix a proposal for a 2-day medical resident matching process has left some students scratching their heads about why the organization discounted the opinions of the majority of respondents – mostly medical students, residents, and fellows – who supported the change.

The program’s decision comes after nearly 3 months of feedback from the public, medical students, and education community. Although about 60% of public respondents believed the change could reduce stress and allow students more time for momentous career decisions, the program’s board of directors decided the disadvantages were “of greater consequence,” according to a Oct. 28 statement.

Those disadvantages included introducing application or interview behaviors that could increase students’ stress; potentially identifying partially matched or unmatched applicants, which could lead to bias; and extending the match process time for those applicants.

In addition, members of 12 medical education and student organizations raised other concerns, such as the proposed change not addressing high application numbers, according to the statement. NRMP has reported record numbers of applicants over the past few years, typically with more applicants than available program slots.

“While the testimony gave nod to the positive aspects of the proposal ... there was substantially more concern voiced about the potential negative consequences identified in the public comments,” NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN, told this news organization. Some of those issues could not be addressed without further study, so the board decided not to proceed with the proposal, she explained.

The proposal would have separated the Main Residency Match into two phases and replaced the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), in which unmatched or partially matched applicants apply for unfilled residency positions. Under the proposed change, each phase would have operated the same way, from rank order lists and using a matching algorithm to a pair of Match Days instead of a single day.

The two-phase process would have given students who didn’t match more time to carefully weigh residency programs – they can apply to up to 45 placements as part of SOAP – that will guide their career path for the next few years, PGY-1 intern Asim A., who asked not to be identified further, told this news organization. The alternative is a hasty decision once students learn which residency spots are available, he added. “Applicants would have breathing room to make a more informed decision.”

Asim, who is Canadian, said he is participating in a transitional year in internal medicine in the hopes of being matched into internal medicine or psychiatry. He said Canada’s two-phase match is a “lot less stressful” than the U.S. system.

Meanwhile, students on Reddit’s medical school community also questioned NRMP’s decision.

“A significant majority of those surveyed thought it would be beneficial. But NRMP decides to not go through with it,” one Reddit user wrote. Another posted, “The one thing that could have improved the match and they chose not to do it.”

Others supported the decision to retain a 1-day match.

“I think this was the right call,” Bryan Carmody, MD, an outspoken medical education blogger, tweeted after learning of NRMP’s decision. Dr. Carmody, a pediatric nephrologist, previously expressed to this news organization misgivings about whether the two-phase match would make it difficult for programs to thoroughly review candidates and vice versa. He was concerned that it would compress the interview season and pressure programs to rapidly review applicants and conduct interviews.

More than 8,000 people responded to the public survey that began in August and ran for a month. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (60%) were students, residents, or fellows. About 25% included faculty, program directors, and staff. Among the survey findings, respondents were equally divided between whether the two-phase match would be modestly advantageous (30%) or significantly advantageous (30%) compared to 20% who viewed it as modestly or significantly disadvantageous.

The NRMP said it would continue engaging with the community through focus groups and other means to improve the match experience and transition to residency.

“It is important to remember that a proposal is just that,” Dr. Lamb told this news orgnization, “an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of an idea or framework ... and to mitigate unwanted consequences determined to be detrimental to learners and programs.”

The NRMP will involve the community in future discussions “to continue to give learners a voice,” she said.

A version of this article first appeared on


The National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) decision to nix a proposal for a 2-day medical resident matching process has left some students scratching their heads about why the organization discounted the opinions of the majority of respondents – mostly medical students, residents, and fellows – who supported the change.

The program’s decision comes after nearly 3 months of feedback from the public, medical students, and education community. Although about 60% of public respondents believed the change could reduce stress and allow students more time for momentous career decisions, the program’s board of directors decided the disadvantages were “of greater consequence,” according to a Oct. 28 statement.

Those disadvantages included introducing application or interview behaviors that could increase students’ stress; potentially identifying partially matched or unmatched applicants, which could lead to bias; and extending the match process time for those applicants.

In addition, members of 12 medical education and student organizations raised other concerns, such as the proposed change not addressing high application numbers, according to the statement. NRMP has reported record numbers of applicants over the past few years, typically with more applicants than available program slots.

“While the testimony gave nod to the positive aspects of the proposal ... there was substantially more concern voiced about the potential negative consequences identified in the public comments,” NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN, told this news organization. Some of those issues could not be addressed without further study, so the board decided not to proceed with the proposal, she explained.

The proposal would have separated the Main Residency Match into two phases and replaced the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), in which unmatched or partially matched applicants apply for unfilled residency positions. Under the proposed change, each phase would have operated the same way, from rank order lists and using a matching algorithm to a pair of Match Days instead of a single day.

The two-phase process would have given students who didn’t match more time to carefully weigh residency programs – they can apply to up to 45 placements as part of SOAP – that will guide their career path for the next few years, PGY-1 intern Asim A., who asked not to be identified further, told this news organization. The alternative is a hasty decision once students learn which residency spots are available, he added. “Applicants would have breathing room to make a more informed decision.”

Asim, who is Canadian, said he is participating in a transitional year in internal medicine in the hopes of being matched into internal medicine or psychiatry. He said Canada’s two-phase match is a “lot less stressful” than the U.S. system.

Meanwhile, students on Reddit’s medical school community also questioned NRMP’s decision.

“A significant majority of those surveyed thought it would be beneficial. But NRMP decides to not go through with it,” one Reddit user wrote. Another posted, “The one thing that could have improved the match and they chose not to do it.”

Others supported the decision to retain a 1-day match.

“I think this was the right call,” Bryan Carmody, MD, an outspoken medical education blogger, tweeted after learning of NRMP’s decision. Dr. Carmody, a pediatric nephrologist, previously expressed to this news organization misgivings about whether the two-phase match would make it difficult for programs to thoroughly review candidates and vice versa. He was concerned that it would compress the interview season and pressure programs to rapidly review applicants and conduct interviews.

More than 8,000 people responded to the public survey that began in August and ran for a month. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (60%) were students, residents, or fellows. About 25% included faculty, program directors, and staff. Among the survey findings, respondents were equally divided between whether the two-phase match would be modestly advantageous (30%) or significantly advantageous (30%) compared to 20% who viewed it as modestly or significantly disadvantageous.

The NRMP said it would continue engaging with the community through focus groups and other means to improve the match experience and transition to residency.

“It is important to remember that a proposal is just that,” Dr. Lamb told this news orgnization, “an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of an idea or framework ... and to mitigate unwanted consequences determined to be detrimental to learners and programs.”

The NRMP will involve the community in future discussions “to continue to give learners a voice,” she said.

A version of this article first appeared on

The National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) decision to nix a proposal for a 2-day medical resident matching process has left some students scratching their heads about why the organization discounted the opinions of the majority of respondents – mostly medical students, residents, and fellows – who supported the change.

The program’s decision comes after nearly 3 months of feedback from the public, medical students, and education community. Although about 60% of public respondents believed the change could reduce stress and allow students more time for momentous career decisions, the program’s board of directors decided the disadvantages were “of greater consequence,” according to a Oct. 28 statement.

Those disadvantages included introducing application or interview behaviors that could increase students’ stress; potentially identifying partially matched or unmatched applicants, which could lead to bias; and extending the match process time for those applicants.

In addition, members of 12 medical education and student organizations raised other concerns, such as the proposed change not addressing high application numbers, according to the statement. NRMP has reported record numbers of applicants over the past few years, typically with more applicants than available program slots.

“While the testimony gave nod to the positive aspects of the proposal ... there was substantially more concern voiced about the potential negative consequences identified in the public comments,” NRMP President and CEO Donna L. Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN, told this news organization. Some of those issues could not be addressed without further study, so the board decided not to proceed with the proposal, she explained.

The proposal would have separated the Main Residency Match into two phases and replaced the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), in which unmatched or partially matched applicants apply for unfilled residency positions. Under the proposed change, each phase would have operated the same way, from rank order lists and using a matching algorithm to a pair of Match Days instead of a single day.

The two-phase process would have given students who didn’t match more time to carefully weigh residency programs – they can apply to up to 45 placements as part of SOAP – that will guide their career path for the next few years, PGY-1 intern Asim A., who asked not to be identified further, told this news organization. The alternative is a hasty decision once students learn which residency spots are available, he added. “Applicants would have breathing room to make a more informed decision.”

Asim, who is Canadian, said he is participating in a transitional year in internal medicine in the hopes of being matched into internal medicine or psychiatry. He said Canada’s two-phase match is a “lot less stressful” than the U.S. system.

Meanwhile, students on Reddit’s medical school community also questioned NRMP’s decision.

“A significant majority of those surveyed thought it would be beneficial. But NRMP decides to not go through with it,” one Reddit user wrote. Another posted, “The one thing that could have improved the match and they chose not to do it.”

Others supported the decision to retain a 1-day match.

“I think this was the right call,” Bryan Carmody, MD, an outspoken medical education blogger, tweeted after learning of NRMP’s decision. Dr. Carmody, a pediatric nephrologist, previously expressed to this news organization misgivings about whether the two-phase match would make it difficult for programs to thoroughly review candidates and vice versa. He was concerned that it would compress the interview season and pressure programs to rapidly review applicants and conduct interviews.

More than 8,000 people responded to the public survey that began in August and ran for a month. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (60%) were students, residents, or fellows. About 25% included faculty, program directors, and staff. Among the survey findings, respondents were equally divided between whether the two-phase match would be modestly advantageous (30%) or significantly advantageous (30%) compared to 20% who viewed it as modestly or significantly disadvantageous.

The NRMP said it would continue engaging with the community through focus groups and other means to improve the match experience and transition to residency.

“It is important to remember that a proposal is just that,” Dr. Lamb told this news orgnization, “an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of an idea or framework ... and to mitigate unwanted consequences determined to be detrimental to learners and programs.”

The NRMP will involve the community in future discussions “to continue to give learners a voice,” she said.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Former nurse charged with murder in death of 97-year-old war veteran

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Fri, 08/26/2022 - 07:50

A former Kentucky nurse was charged with murder stemming from an incident in which she gave “something special” to a 97-year-old patient who died 5 days later, according to multiple sources, including police and nursing records.

Eyvette Hunter, 52, who had been a registered nurse and previously a licensed practical nurse, was arrested Aug. 23 and charged in connection with the death of James A. Morris, a veteran of World War II and the Korean War, who was being treated at Baptist Health Lexington after a slip-and-fall injury. Ms. Hunter allegedly gave lorazepam, typically used for anxiety, to Mr. Morris on April 30. He subsequently developed pneumonia and died on May 5.

Ms. Hunter “intentionally performed actions of medical maltreatment,” according to the Lexington Police Department’s report.

A Baptist Health Lexington spokeswoman told this news organization that the nurse who was charged hasn’t worked at the hospital since the April incident. “We have learned that a former nurse at our hospital has been arrested yesterday on criminal charges,” spokeswoman Ruth Ann Childers stated. “The hospital has fully cooperated with the police investigation. Patient care and safety are always our top priorities. Out of respect for the patient’s family and because this is criminal matter, we are not able to talk about the investigation.”

According to the Kentucky Board of Nursing, which suspended Ms. Hunter’s RN license on a temporary basis on Aug. 22, she allegedly asked the on-duty physician and a nurse practitioner separately for a medication order to calm Mr. Morris, who had become agitated and aggressive. They denied Ms. Hunter’s request, so she withdrew lorazepam intended for another patient and administered it to Mr. Morris, the nursing board suspension order states. “When asked what was administered, she replied ‘something special,’ “ the order states.

Another RN found the patient with labored breathing and “it was determined that respondent had disarmed/lowered the oxygen monitoring system several times as to not set off an alarm at the bedside,” the order continued. “The RN discussed with charge nurse that the patient had been given something intravenously that was causing his decline.”

When the charge nurse entered the room later, she found the patient in “respiratory distress with labored breathing and poor oxygen saturation. ... X-rays would show that the aspiration from the substances ingested by the patient while in his condition caused the patient to develop aspirational pneumonia,” the order continues.

“Despite the rapidly declining condition of the patient, respondent never called for rapid response nor acted with any sense of urgency. Respondent did however edit documentation of administration of Ativan on ‘patient B’ to state ‘not given.’ ”

Mr. Morris’ condition never improved. He was taken to hospice care on May 3 and died 2 days later, the order states.

Ms. Hunter was being held in the Lexington Jail on $100,000 bond, according to jail records.

A version of this article first appeared on


A former Kentucky nurse was charged with murder stemming from an incident in which she gave “something special” to a 97-year-old patient who died 5 days later, according to multiple sources, including police and nursing records.

Eyvette Hunter, 52, who had been a registered nurse and previously a licensed practical nurse, was arrested Aug. 23 and charged in connection with the death of James A. Morris, a veteran of World War II and the Korean War, who was being treated at Baptist Health Lexington after a slip-and-fall injury. Ms. Hunter allegedly gave lorazepam, typically used for anxiety, to Mr. Morris on April 30. He subsequently developed pneumonia and died on May 5.

Ms. Hunter “intentionally performed actions of medical maltreatment,” according to the Lexington Police Department’s report.

A Baptist Health Lexington spokeswoman told this news organization that the nurse who was charged hasn’t worked at the hospital since the April incident. “We have learned that a former nurse at our hospital has been arrested yesterday on criminal charges,” spokeswoman Ruth Ann Childers stated. “The hospital has fully cooperated with the police investigation. Patient care and safety are always our top priorities. Out of respect for the patient’s family and because this is criminal matter, we are not able to talk about the investigation.”

According to the Kentucky Board of Nursing, which suspended Ms. Hunter’s RN license on a temporary basis on Aug. 22, she allegedly asked the on-duty physician and a nurse practitioner separately for a medication order to calm Mr. Morris, who had become agitated and aggressive. They denied Ms. Hunter’s request, so she withdrew lorazepam intended for another patient and administered it to Mr. Morris, the nursing board suspension order states. “When asked what was administered, she replied ‘something special,’ “ the order states.

Another RN found the patient with labored breathing and “it was determined that respondent had disarmed/lowered the oxygen monitoring system several times as to not set off an alarm at the bedside,” the order continued. “The RN discussed with charge nurse that the patient had been given something intravenously that was causing his decline.”

When the charge nurse entered the room later, she found the patient in “respiratory distress with labored breathing and poor oxygen saturation. ... X-rays would show that the aspiration from the substances ingested by the patient while in his condition caused the patient to develop aspirational pneumonia,” the order continues.

“Despite the rapidly declining condition of the patient, respondent never called for rapid response nor acted with any sense of urgency. Respondent did however edit documentation of administration of Ativan on ‘patient B’ to state ‘not given.’ ”

Mr. Morris’ condition never improved. He was taken to hospice care on May 3 and died 2 days later, the order states.

Ms. Hunter was being held in the Lexington Jail on $100,000 bond, according to jail records.

A version of this article first appeared on

A former Kentucky nurse was charged with murder stemming from an incident in which she gave “something special” to a 97-year-old patient who died 5 days later, according to multiple sources, including police and nursing records.

Eyvette Hunter, 52, who had been a registered nurse and previously a licensed practical nurse, was arrested Aug. 23 and charged in connection with the death of James A. Morris, a veteran of World War II and the Korean War, who was being treated at Baptist Health Lexington after a slip-and-fall injury. Ms. Hunter allegedly gave lorazepam, typically used for anxiety, to Mr. Morris on April 30. He subsequently developed pneumonia and died on May 5.

Ms. Hunter “intentionally performed actions of medical maltreatment,” according to the Lexington Police Department’s report.

A Baptist Health Lexington spokeswoman told this news organization that the nurse who was charged hasn’t worked at the hospital since the April incident. “We have learned that a former nurse at our hospital has been arrested yesterday on criminal charges,” spokeswoman Ruth Ann Childers stated. “The hospital has fully cooperated with the police investigation. Patient care and safety are always our top priorities. Out of respect for the patient’s family and because this is criminal matter, we are not able to talk about the investigation.”

According to the Kentucky Board of Nursing, which suspended Ms. Hunter’s RN license on a temporary basis on Aug. 22, she allegedly asked the on-duty physician and a nurse practitioner separately for a medication order to calm Mr. Morris, who had become agitated and aggressive. They denied Ms. Hunter’s request, so she withdrew lorazepam intended for another patient and administered it to Mr. Morris, the nursing board suspension order states. “When asked what was administered, she replied ‘something special,’ “ the order states.

Another RN found the patient with labored breathing and “it was determined that respondent had disarmed/lowered the oxygen monitoring system several times as to not set off an alarm at the bedside,” the order continued. “The RN discussed with charge nurse that the patient had been given something intravenously that was causing his decline.”

When the charge nurse entered the room later, she found the patient in “respiratory distress with labored breathing and poor oxygen saturation. ... X-rays would show that the aspiration from the substances ingested by the patient while in his condition caused the patient to develop aspirational pneumonia,” the order continues.

“Despite the rapidly declining condition of the patient, respondent never called for rapid response nor acted with any sense of urgency. Respondent did however edit documentation of administration of Ativan on ‘patient B’ to state ‘not given.’ ”

Mr. Morris’ condition never improved. He was taken to hospice care on May 3 and died 2 days later, the order states.

Ms. Hunter was being held in the Lexington Jail on $100,000 bond, according to jail records.

A version of this article first appeared on

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#ShowMeYourBuns: Social media outrage over nurses’ messy hair policy

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Wed, 08/17/2022 - 15:14

Social media comic Blake Lynch, BSN, RN, known to his millions of followers as “Nurse Blake,” took to his online platforms recently to voice outrage over a Nebraska health care system’s personal appearance policy.

His posts included a screenshot explanation that was presented at a Bryan Health clinical manager meeting featuring an image of women’s hair in buns and the statement: “There is emphasis on hair being clean, neatly managed, therefore ‘no messy buns.’ “

“If you really want to make a difference, don’t worry about hair,” Mr. Lynch said in his social media posts. “Let’s talk safe staffing. Let’s talk mandatory breaks, uninterrupted breaks. Since when is hair an indication if a nurse is a good nurse or a bad nurse? ... Nurses are running around over 12 hours, sweating in patient rooms, putting on PPE, taking off PPE, saving lives, doing CPR. They don’t even have time for beaks, so what nurse is going to be worrying about what their hair looks like?”

Mr. Lynch’s video response to the statement and image attracted more than 560,000 views on Facebook. He subsequently encouraged followers to post photos of their messy buns under the hashtags #showmeyourbuns and #messybunhairday.

Mr. Lynch, who tours the country as a comedian and leads continuing nurse education programs, told this news organization he was not surprised by the reaction to his “messy buns” video. “I think this particular post got so much attention because it resonated with so many nurses,” he said.

He reiterated that with a nursing shortage and understaffing, hospital administrators should focus on patient outcomes rather than nurses’ hair or risk losing more nurses to employers who are less concerned with hair.

Bryan Health, based in Lincoln, Neb., responded on Twitter and in a more extensive statement to this news organization that in his “messy bun” post, Mr. Lynch misrepresented a long-standing health system policy on personal appearance and cleanliness.

The health system’s dress code policy does not mention “messy buns,” the health system stated. The policy mirrors those of other health systems and industries that try to maintain safety and sanitation, the statement continued.

The portion of the policy that sparked interest was not about securing hair but eliminating previous language pertaining to unnatural hair colors, Bryan Health stated.

The relaxed language reads: “Haircuts and colors will not be restricted, but all hair is to be clean, neatly managed, and appropriately secured out of the face. Headbands worn should be simple and professional in color or pattern.”

The health system’s statement continued: “The policy does and will continue to reference clean, neatly managed hair, appropriately secured out of the face. Appropriately secured hair is important for a number of safety reasons.”

A pediatric nurse who goes by “CB” on Twitter responded to Mr. Lynch’s post by indicating that she worked at the Nebraska hospital. “What a joke!!!” Earlier in her response, she said, “You realize most hospitals are dealing with severely understaffed units and nurse burnout. How about you worry about your staff ratios, not your nurses’ hair.”

Mr. Lynch said a nurse sent him a screenshot of “messy buns,” like other followers who send him items for discussion on his social media page. Since the post went viral, Mr. Lynch said he’s had followers inform him of how hair policies such as Bryan Health’s have targeted people of color for more than a decade. And a Nebraska health system told him they’d welcome any nurses with messy hair to offset their nursing shortage.

A version of this article first appeared on


Social media comic Blake Lynch, BSN, RN, known to his millions of followers as “Nurse Blake,” took to his online platforms recently to voice outrage over a Nebraska health care system’s personal appearance policy.

His posts included a screenshot explanation that was presented at a Bryan Health clinical manager meeting featuring an image of women’s hair in buns and the statement: “There is emphasis on hair being clean, neatly managed, therefore ‘no messy buns.’ “

“If you really want to make a difference, don’t worry about hair,” Mr. Lynch said in his social media posts. “Let’s talk safe staffing. Let’s talk mandatory breaks, uninterrupted breaks. Since when is hair an indication if a nurse is a good nurse or a bad nurse? ... Nurses are running around over 12 hours, sweating in patient rooms, putting on PPE, taking off PPE, saving lives, doing CPR. They don’t even have time for beaks, so what nurse is going to be worrying about what their hair looks like?”

Mr. Lynch’s video response to the statement and image attracted more than 560,000 views on Facebook. He subsequently encouraged followers to post photos of their messy buns under the hashtags #showmeyourbuns and #messybunhairday.

Mr. Lynch, who tours the country as a comedian and leads continuing nurse education programs, told this news organization he was not surprised by the reaction to his “messy buns” video. “I think this particular post got so much attention because it resonated with so many nurses,” he said.

He reiterated that with a nursing shortage and understaffing, hospital administrators should focus on patient outcomes rather than nurses’ hair or risk losing more nurses to employers who are less concerned with hair.

Bryan Health, based in Lincoln, Neb., responded on Twitter and in a more extensive statement to this news organization that in his “messy bun” post, Mr. Lynch misrepresented a long-standing health system policy on personal appearance and cleanliness.

The health system’s dress code policy does not mention “messy buns,” the health system stated. The policy mirrors those of other health systems and industries that try to maintain safety and sanitation, the statement continued.

The portion of the policy that sparked interest was not about securing hair but eliminating previous language pertaining to unnatural hair colors, Bryan Health stated.

The relaxed language reads: “Haircuts and colors will not be restricted, but all hair is to be clean, neatly managed, and appropriately secured out of the face. Headbands worn should be simple and professional in color or pattern.”

The health system’s statement continued: “The policy does and will continue to reference clean, neatly managed hair, appropriately secured out of the face. Appropriately secured hair is important for a number of safety reasons.”

A pediatric nurse who goes by “CB” on Twitter responded to Mr. Lynch’s post by indicating that she worked at the Nebraska hospital. “What a joke!!!” Earlier in her response, she said, “You realize most hospitals are dealing with severely understaffed units and nurse burnout. How about you worry about your staff ratios, not your nurses’ hair.”

Mr. Lynch said a nurse sent him a screenshot of “messy buns,” like other followers who send him items for discussion on his social media page. Since the post went viral, Mr. Lynch said he’s had followers inform him of how hair policies such as Bryan Health’s have targeted people of color for more than a decade. And a Nebraska health system told him they’d welcome any nurses with messy hair to offset their nursing shortage.

A version of this article first appeared on

Social media comic Blake Lynch, BSN, RN, known to his millions of followers as “Nurse Blake,” took to his online platforms recently to voice outrage over a Nebraska health care system’s personal appearance policy.

His posts included a screenshot explanation that was presented at a Bryan Health clinical manager meeting featuring an image of women’s hair in buns and the statement: “There is emphasis on hair being clean, neatly managed, therefore ‘no messy buns.’ “

“If you really want to make a difference, don’t worry about hair,” Mr. Lynch said in his social media posts. “Let’s talk safe staffing. Let’s talk mandatory breaks, uninterrupted breaks. Since when is hair an indication if a nurse is a good nurse or a bad nurse? ... Nurses are running around over 12 hours, sweating in patient rooms, putting on PPE, taking off PPE, saving lives, doing CPR. They don’t even have time for beaks, so what nurse is going to be worrying about what their hair looks like?”

Mr. Lynch’s video response to the statement and image attracted more than 560,000 views on Facebook. He subsequently encouraged followers to post photos of their messy buns under the hashtags #showmeyourbuns and #messybunhairday.

Mr. Lynch, who tours the country as a comedian and leads continuing nurse education programs, told this news organization he was not surprised by the reaction to his “messy buns” video. “I think this particular post got so much attention because it resonated with so many nurses,” he said.

He reiterated that with a nursing shortage and understaffing, hospital administrators should focus on patient outcomes rather than nurses’ hair or risk losing more nurses to employers who are less concerned with hair.

Bryan Health, based in Lincoln, Neb., responded on Twitter and in a more extensive statement to this news organization that in his “messy bun” post, Mr. Lynch misrepresented a long-standing health system policy on personal appearance and cleanliness.

The health system’s dress code policy does not mention “messy buns,” the health system stated. The policy mirrors those of other health systems and industries that try to maintain safety and sanitation, the statement continued.

The portion of the policy that sparked interest was not about securing hair but eliminating previous language pertaining to unnatural hair colors, Bryan Health stated.

The relaxed language reads: “Haircuts and colors will not be restricted, but all hair is to be clean, neatly managed, and appropriately secured out of the face. Headbands worn should be simple and professional in color or pattern.”

The health system’s statement continued: “The policy does and will continue to reference clean, neatly managed hair, appropriately secured out of the face. Appropriately secured hair is important for a number of safety reasons.”

A pediatric nurse who goes by “CB” on Twitter responded to Mr. Lynch’s post by indicating that she worked at the Nebraska hospital. “What a joke!!!” Earlier in her response, she said, “You realize most hospitals are dealing with severely understaffed units and nurse burnout. How about you worry about your staff ratios, not your nurses’ hair.”

Mr. Lynch said a nurse sent him a screenshot of “messy buns,” like other followers who send him items for discussion on his social media page. Since the post went viral, Mr. Lynch said he’s had followers inform him of how hair policies such as Bryan Health’s have targeted people of color for more than a decade. And a Nebraska health system told him they’d welcome any nurses with messy hair to offset their nursing shortage.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Students exit white coat ceremony over speaker’s abortion stance

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Wed, 07/27/2022 - 08:53

Dozens of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, medical students walked out of their white coat ceremony July 24 as a keynote speaker began to talk.

A Twitter video of the walkout has gone viral. By press time, the video had garnered more than 9.5 million views.

The walkout comes days after more than 340 medical students at the school signed a petition opposing the selection of Michigan assistant professor Kristin Collier, MD, for the ceremony because of her anti-abortion views, according to The Michigan Daily.

In response to the incident, a medical school spokeswoman told this news organization that Dr. Collier was chosen to be speaker “based on nominations and voting by members of the UM Medical School Gold Humanism Honor Society, which is comprised of medical students, house officers, and faculty.”

The press statement continued, “The White Coat Ceremony is not a platform for discussion of controversial issues. Its focus will always be on welcoming students into the profession of medicine. Dr. Collier never planned to address a divisive topic as part of her remarks. However, the University of Michigan does not revoke an invitation to a speaker based on their personal beliefs.”

The university further stated that it remains committed to providing reproductive care for patients, including abortion care, which remains legal in Michigan following the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning abortion rights, according to the statement by Mary Masson, director of Michigan Medicine public relations.

The state has an abortion ban, but a recent court order temporarily blocked enforcement of it, according to the statement.

In her speech, Dr. Collier recognized the divisiveness of the issue. “I want to acknowledge the deep wounds our community has suffered over the past several weeks. We have a great deal of work to do for healing to occur. And I hope for today, for this time, we can focus on what matters the most, coming together with a goal to support our newly accepted students and their families.”

Following applause from the remaining audience, she continued to offer advice for the incoming students about how to thrive in their chosen profession.

Dr. Collier, a graduate of the med school and director of its Health, Spirituality, and Religion program, has 15.2K Twitter followers. She has been known to post anti-abortion sentiments, including those cited in the students’ petition.

“While we support the rights of freedom of speech and religion, an anti-choice speaker as a representative of the University of Michigan undermines the University’s position on abortion and supports the non-universal, theology-rooted platform to restrict abortion access, an essential part of medical care,” the petition reads, in part.

The petition states that the disagreement is not over personal opinions. “We demand that UM stands in solidarity with us and selects a speaker whose values align with institutional policies, students, and the broader medical community. This speaker should inspire the next generation of health care providers to be courageous advocates for patient autonomy and our communities.”

A version of this article first appeared on


Dozens of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, medical students walked out of their white coat ceremony July 24 as a keynote speaker began to talk.

A Twitter video of the walkout has gone viral. By press time, the video had garnered more than 9.5 million views.

The walkout comes days after more than 340 medical students at the school signed a petition opposing the selection of Michigan assistant professor Kristin Collier, MD, for the ceremony because of her anti-abortion views, according to The Michigan Daily.

In response to the incident, a medical school spokeswoman told this news organization that Dr. Collier was chosen to be speaker “based on nominations and voting by members of the UM Medical School Gold Humanism Honor Society, which is comprised of medical students, house officers, and faculty.”

The press statement continued, “The White Coat Ceremony is not a platform for discussion of controversial issues. Its focus will always be on welcoming students into the profession of medicine. Dr. Collier never planned to address a divisive topic as part of her remarks. However, the University of Michigan does not revoke an invitation to a speaker based on their personal beliefs.”

The university further stated that it remains committed to providing reproductive care for patients, including abortion care, which remains legal in Michigan following the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning abortion rights, according to the statement by Mary Masson, director of Michigan Medicine public relations.

The state has an abortion ban, but a recent court order temporarily blocked enforcement of it, according to the statement.

In her speech, Dr. Collier recognized the divisiveness of the issue. “I want to acknowledge the deep wounds our community has suffered over the past several weeks. We have a great deal of work to do for healing to occur. And I hope for today, for this time, we can focus on what matters the most, coming together with a goal to support our newly accepted students and their families.”

Following applause from the remaining audience, she continued to offer advice for the incoming students about how to thrive in their chosen profession.

Dr. Collier, a graduate of the med school and director of its Health, Spirituality, and Religion program, has 15.2K Twitter followers. She has been known to post anti-abortion sentiments, including those cited in the students’ petition.

“While we support the rights of freedom of speech and religion, an anti-choice speaker as a representative of the University of Michigan undermines the University’s position on abortion and supports the non-universal, theology-rooted platform to restrict abortion access, an essential part of medical care,” the petition reads, in part.

The petition states that the disagreement is not over personal opinions. “We demand that UM stands in solidarity with us and selects a speaker whose values align with institutional policies, students, and the broader medical community. This speaker should inspire the next generation of health care providers to be courageous advocates for patient autonomy and our communities.”

A version of this article first appeared on

Dozens of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, medical students walked out of their white coat ceremony July 24 as a keynote speaker began to talk.

A Twitter video of the walkout has gone viral. By press time, the video had garnered more than 9.5 million views.

The walkout comes days after more than 340 medical students at the school signed a petition opposing the selection of Michigan assistant professor Kristin Collier, MD, for the ceremony because of her anti-abortion views, according to The Michigan Daily.

In response to the incident, a medical school spokeswoman told this news organization that Dr. Collier was chosen to be speaker “based on nominations and voting by members of the UM Medical School Gold Humanism Honor Society, which is comprised of medical students, house officers, and faculty.”

The press statement continued, “The White Coat Ceremony is not a platform for discussion of controversial issues. Its focus will always be on welcoming students into the profession of medicine. Dr. Collier never planned to address a divisive topic as part of her remarks. However, the University of Michigan does not revoke an invitation to a speaker based on their personal beliefs.”

The university further stated that it remains committed to providing reproductive care for patients, including abortion care, which remains legal in Michigan following the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning abortion rights, according to the statement by Mary Masson, director of Michigan Medicine public relations.

The state has an abortion ban, but a recent court order temporarily blocked enforcement of it, according to the statement.

In her speech, Dr. Collier recognized the divisiveness of the issue. “I want to acknowledge the deep wounds our community has suffered over the past several weeks. We have a great deal of work to do for healing to occur. And I hope for today, for this time, we can focus on what matters the most, coming together with a goal to support our newly accepted students and their families.”

Following applause from the remaining audience, she continued to offer advice for the incoming students about how to thrive in their chosen profession.

Dr. Collier, a graduate of the med school and director of its Health, Spirituality, and Religion program, has 15.2K Twitter followers. She has been known to post anti-abortion sentiments, including those cited in the students’ petition.

“While we support the rights of freedom of speech and religion, an anti-choice speaker as a representative of the University of Michigan undermines the University’s position on abortion and supports the non-universal, theology-rooted platform to restrict abortion access, an essential part of medical care,” the petition reads, in part.

The petition states that the disagreement is not over personal opinions. “We demand that UM stands in solidarity with us and selects a speaker whose values align with institutional policies, students, and the broader medical community. This speaker should inspire the next generation of health care providers to be courageous advocates for patient autonomy and our communities.”

A version of this article first appeared on

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Former nurses of historic Black hospital sue to preserve its legacy

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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 13:11

A training facility for Black doctors and nurses in St. Louis, which was the only public hospital for Black community from the late 1930s through the mid-1950s, has been at the center of many contentious community protests over the years and is facing another.

A federal lawsuit was filed recently by the nurses’ alumni of Homer G. Phillips Hospital against a St. Louis developer who is using the hospital’s name for a small for-profit urgent care health facility.

Homer G. Phillips was a St. Louis attorney and civic leader who joined with other Black leaders in 1922 to gain money for a hospital that would serve the Black community, according to online sources. He didn’t live to see the hospital named in his honor completed in 1937.

The Homer G. Phillips Nurses’ Alumni, Inc., claims that the name of the new health center, doing business as Homer G. Phillips Hospital, infringes on the alumni group’s trademark. The former Homer G. Phillips Hospital closed in 1979 despite the community’s outcry at that time, according to The Missouri Independent. The building sat vacant for many years before being converted into a senior center, Yvonne Jones, alumni president, said in an interview.

She said of the new health center, which hasn’t opened yet, “We are not against the facility; we want to protect the name and legacy” of the original hospital, which remains at the heart of the historic St. Louis Black community.

At press time, the developer and his attorneys had not returned this news organization’s request for comment.

Having a new center with the name of the iconic hospital would mean that “the goodwill and the pride it represents has been usurped,” said Zenobia Thompson, who served as head nurse of Homer G. Phillips and is now the co-chair of the Change the Name Coalition. It formed last year after Ms. Thompson and others noticed a sign posted at the site of the new health center that lists it as the Homer G. Phillips Hospital, with a trademark symbol that the nurses say it doesn’t have a right to.

The coalition, which meets weekly, sponsored a petition and has been protesting at the site of the new center twice a month, Ms. Thompson said.

“We wrote a letter to [developer] Paul McKee that the legacy not be trivialized for commercial reasons,” Ms. Thompson said.

Richard Voytas, attorney for the alumni group, said in an interview that the developer did not ask permission from the nurses to use the trademark and he didn’t know if the nurses will grant that permission now. “If they [the developers] use the name, it is very important that they honor the Homer G. Phillips legacy,” Mr. Voytas said.

Honoring a legacy or taking advantage of a name?

In her new book, Climbing the Ladder, Chasing the Dream: A History of Homer G. Phillips Hospital, author Candace O’Connor cites the importance of the hospital’s heritage.

“Several nurses came from rural, impoverished backgrounds and went on to get jobs all across the country,” Ms. O’Connor wrote in the book. “Because all you had to do was say, ‘I’m from Homer Phillips,’ and they would say ‘you’re hired.’ It didn’t just change the nurse. It created opportunities for whole families.”

The area where the hospital remains once boasted a grocery store, high school, college, ice cream shop, and renowned Black churches, some of which still exist as historical sites. “They built up the area for Blacks who couldn’t go anywhere else,” Ms. Jones said.

In the suit, the alumni group describes itself as a 100-year-old philanthropic organization that brought healthcare to St. Louis’ historically underserved Black community and remains very active in the area today in fundraising and community outreach efforts. The group has been fighting with the developers since learning in 2019 about the proposed use of the name that is “confusingly similar” to the trademark and immediately voiced its objections via lawsuit, demanding that another name be chosen, stating:

“…in its name and efforts to market its for-profit urgent care facility immediately within plaintiff’s primary market to directly compete with plaintiff for name recognition and goodwill, only increases the likelihood of consumer confusion and, upon information and belief, represents an effort by defendants’ to pass off their products and services as those offered by plaintiff and its members.”

“Defendants stated purpose in using the mark, or a phrase confusingly similar to the mark, for its name is to ‘honor’ the name of Homer G. Phillips and to ‘emulate his spirit andtenacity in serving the health care needs of North St. Louis,’” the suit continues.

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen passed a resolution in December calling the use of the name for the new health center an “inappropriate cultural appropriation.” Mayor Tishaura Jones and Congresswoman Cori Bush followed that with a joint statement: “Profiting off of Homer G. Phillips’ name on a small 3-bed facility that will fail to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities is an insult to Homer G. Phillips’ legacy and the Black community.”

The alumni group is requesting a jury trial and damages to be determined at trial, three times the defendant’s profits or plaintiffs’ damages, whichever is greater, along with attorneys’ fees and interest.

A version of this article first appeared on


A training facility for Black doctors and nurses in St. Louis, which was the only public hospital for Black community from the late 1930s through the mid-1950s, has been at the center of many contentious community protests over the years and is facing another.

A federal lawsuit was filed recently by the nurses’ alumni of Homer G. Phillips Hospital against a St. Louis developer who is using the hospital’s name for a small for-profit urgent care health facility.

Homer G. Phillips was a St. Louis attorney and civic leader who joined with other Black leaders in 1922 to gain money for a hospital that would serve the Black community, according to online sources. He didn’t live to see the hospital named in his honor completed in 1937.

The Homer G. Phillips Nurses’ Alumni, Inc., claims that the name of the new health center, doing business as Homer G. Phillips Hospital, infringes on the alumni group’s trademark. The former Homer G. Phillips Hospital closed in 1979 despite the community’s outcry at that time, according to The Missouri Independent. The building sat vacant for many years before being converted into a senior center, Yvonne Jones, alumni president, said in an interview.

She said of the new health center, which hasn’t opened yet, “We are not against the facility; we want to protect the name and legacy” of the original hospital, which remains at the heart of the historic St. Louis Black community.

At press time, the developer and his attorneys had not returned this news organization’s request for comment.

Having a new center with the name of the iconic hospital would mean that “the goodwill and the pride it represents has been usurped,” said Zenobia Thompson, who served as head nurse of Homer G. Phillips and is now the co-chair of the Change the Name Coalition. It formed last year after Ms. Thompson and others noticed a sign posted at the site of the new health center that lists it as the Homer G. Phillips Hospital, with a trademark symbol that the nurses say it doesn’t have a right to.

The coalition, which meets weekly, sponsored a petition and has been protesting at the site of the new center twice a month, Ms. Thompson said.

“We wrote a letter to [developer] Paul McKee that the legacy not be trivialized for commercial reasons,” Ms. Thompson said.

Richard Voytas, attorney for the alumni group, said in an interview that the developer did not ask permission from the nurses to use the trademark and he didn’t know if the nurses will grant that permission now. “If they [the developers] use the name, it is very important that they honor the Homer G. Phillips legacy,” Mr. Voytas said.

Honoring a legacy or taking advantage of a name?

In her new book, Climbing the Ladder, Chasing the Dream: A History of Homer G. Phillips Hospital, author Candace O’Connor cites the importance of the hospital’s heritage.

“Several nurses came from rural, impoverished backgrounds and went on to get jobs all across the country,” Ms. O’Connor wrote in the book. “Because all you had to do was say, ‘I’m from Homer Phillips,’ and they would say ‘you’re hired.’ It didn’t just change the nurse. It created opportunities for whole families.”

The area where the hospital remains once boasted a grocery store, high school, college, ice cream shop, and renowned Black churches, some of which still exist as historical sites. “They built up the area for Blacks who couldn’t go anywhere else,” Ms. Jones said.

In the suit, the alumni group describes itself as a 100-year-old philanthropic organization that brought healthcare to St. Louis’ historically underserved Black community and remains very active in the area today in fundraising and community outreach efforts. The group has been fighting with the developers since learning in 2019 about the proposed use of the name that is “confusingly similar” to the trademark and immediately voiced its objections via lawsuit, demanding that another name be chosen, stating:

“…in its name and efforts to market its for-profit urgent care facility immediately within plaintiff’s primary market to directly compete with plaintiff for name recognition and goodwill, only increases the likelihood of consumer confusion and, upon information and belief, represents an effort by defendants’ to pass off their products and services as those offered by plaintiff and its members.”

“Defendants stated purpose in using the mark, or a phrase confusingly similar to the mark, for its name is to ‘honor’ the name of Homer G. Phillips and to ‘emulate his spirit andtenacity in serving the health care needs of North St. Louis,’” the suit continues.

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen passed a resolution in December calling the use of the name for the new health center an “inappropriate cultural appropriation.” Mayor Tishaura Jones and Congresswoman Cori Bush followed that with a joint statement: “Profiting off of Homer G. Phillips’ name on a small 3-bed facility that will fail to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities is an insult to Homer G. Phillips’ legacy and the Black community.”

The alumni group is requesting a jury trial and damages to be determined at trial, three times the defendant’s profits or plaintiffs’ damages, whichever is greater, along with attorneys’ fees and interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

A training facility for Black doctors and nurses in St. Louis, which was the only public hospital for Black community from the late 1930s through the mid-1950s, has been at the center of many contentious community protests over the years and is facing another.

A federal lawsuit was filed recently by the nurses’ alumni of Homer G. Phillips Hospital against a St. Louis developer who is using the hospital’s name for a small for-profit urgent care health facility.

Homer G. Phillips was a St. Louis attorney and civic leader who joined with other Black leaders in 1922 to gain money for a hospital that would serve the Black community, according to online sources. He didn’t live to see the hospital named in his honor completed in 1937.

The Homer G. Phillips Nurses’ Alumni, Inc., claims that the name of the new health center, doing business as Homer G. Phillips Hospital, infringes on the alumni group’s trademark. The former Homer G. Phillips Hospital closed in 1979 despite the community’s outcry at that time, according to The Missouri Independent. The building sat vacant for many years before being converted into a senior center, Yvonne Jones, alumni president, said in an interview.

She said of the new health center, which hasn’t opened yet, “We are not against the facility; we want to protect the name and legacy” of the original hospital, which remains at the heart of the historic St. Louis Black community.

At press time, the developer and his attorneys had not returned this news organization’s request for comment.

Having a new center with the name of the iconic hospital would mean that “the goodwill and the pride it represents has been usurped,” said Zenobia Thompson, who served as head nurse of Homer G. Phillips and is now the co-chair of the Change the Name Coalition. It formed last year after Ms. Thompson and others noticed a sign posted at the site of the new health center that lists it as the Homer G. Phillips Hospital, with a trademark symbol that the nurses say it doesn’t have a right to.

The coalition, which meets weekly, sponsored a petition and has been protesting at the site of the new center twice a month, Ms. Thompson said.

“We wrote a letter to [developer] Paul McKee that the legacy not be trivialized for commercial reasons,” Ms. Thompson said.

Richard Voytas, attorney for the alumni group, said in an interview that the developer did not ask permission from the nurses to use the trademark and he didn’t know if the nurses will grant that permission now. “If they [the developers] use the name, it is very important that they honor the Homer G. Phillips legacy,” Mr. Voytas said.

Honoring a legacy or taking advantage of a name?

In her new book, Climbing the Ladder, Chasing the Dream: A History of Homer G. Phillips Hospital, author Candace O’Connor cites the importance of the hospital’s heritage.

“Several nurses came from rural, impoverished backgrounds and went on to get jobs all across the country,” Ms. O’Connor wrote in the book. “Because all you had to do was say, ‘I’m from Homer Phillips,’ and they would say ‘you’re hired.’ It didn’t just change the nurse. It created opportunities for whole families.”

The area where the hospital remains once boasted a grocery store, high school, college, ice cream shop, and renowned Black churches, some of which still exist as historical sites. “They built up the area for Blacks who couldn’t go anywhere else,” Ms. Jones said.

In the suit, the alumni group describes itself as a 100-year-old philanthropic organization that brought healthcare to St. Louis’ historically underserved Black community and remains very active in the area today in fundraising and community outreach efforts. The group has been fighting with the developers since learning in 2019 about the proposed use of the name that is “confusingly similar” to the trademark and immediately voiced its objections via lawsuit, demanding that another name be chosen, stating:

“…in its name and efforts to market its for-profit urgent care facility immediately within plaintiff’s primary market to directly compete with plaintiff for name recognition and goodwill, only increases the likelihood of consumer confusion and, upon information and belief, represents an effort by defendants’ to pass off their products and services as those offered by plaintiff and its members.”

“Defendants stated purpose in using the mark, or a phrase confusingly similar to the mark, for its name is to ‘honor’ the name of Homer G. Phillips and to ‘emulate his spirit andtenacity in serving the health care needs of North St. Louis,’” the suit continues.

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen passed a resolution in December calling the use of the name for the new health center an “inappropriate cultural appropriation.” Mayor Tishaura Jones and Congresswoman Cori Bush followed that with a joint statement: “Profiting off of Homer G. Phillips’ name on a small 3-bed facility that will fail to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities is an insult to Homer G. Phillips’ legacy and the Black community.”

The alumni group is requesting a jury trial and damages to be determined at trial, three times the defendant’s profits or plaintiffs’ damages, whichever is greater, along with attorneys’ fees and interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Nurse who won’t give Viagra to White conservative men resigns

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Tue, 07/05/2022 - 08:13

An Illinois advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who vowed on Twitter she would refuse to prescribe Viagra (sildenafil) to White conservative male patients resigned the day after her now-viral post.

The discriminatory tweet with political overtones comes just days after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which permitted abortions.

Libs of TikTok, which featured the tweet, identified the nurse practitioner as Shawna Harris. More than a dozen visitors to WebMD’s healthcare directory, which indicates Ms. Harris specialized in family medicine, gave her a 1-star (out of 5 stars) review after the posting. Among the comments left on the site:

“By threatening patients that hold views she is against, she has broken the bond of trust between patient and doctor.” Still another visitor voiced: “If you are White and conservative I’d be careful going here because she tweeted she withholds medication based on race and political affiliation. That’s scary.”

Meanwhile, the health system where she worked, Sarah Bush Lincoln in Sullivan, Ill., in a since-deleted bio listed Ms. Harris’ rating as 4.8 out of 5 stars. The bio stated she was a certified family nurse practitioner and was board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Sarah Bush Lincoln posted the APRN’s apology and resignation on Twitter. “I am deeply sorry for my posts on social media,” she wrote, according to the health system’s tweet. “I allowed my personal feelings to spill out. Those hateful words are not aligned with how I have provided care to my patients.”

Jerry Esker, the health system’s president and CEO, also stated in the post: “Our mission is to provide exceptional care to all. That means we provide care to everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, income, national origin, cultural personal values, beliefs, and preferences.”

Mr. Esker added that he wanted to talk with the APRN before taking any action and that “everyone is entitled to due process,” according to the health system post.

Sarah Bush Lincoln is a 145-bed, not-for-profit, regional hospital in east central Illinois, according to its website.

A version of this article first appeared on


An Illinois advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who vowed on Twitter she would refuse to prescribe Viagra (sildenafil) to White conservative male patients resigned the day after her now-viral post.

The discriminatory tweet with political overtones comes just days after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which permitted abortions.

Libs of TikTok, which featured the tweet, identified the nurse practitioner as Shawna Harris. More than a dozen visitors to WebMD’s healthcare directory, which indicates Ms. Harris specialized in family medicine, gave her a 1-star (out of 5 stars) review after the posting. Among the comments left on the site:

“By threatening patients that hold views she is against, she has broken the bond of trust between patient and doctor.” Still another visitor voiced: “If you are White and conservative I’d be careful going here because she tweeted she withholds medication based on race and political affiliation. That’s scary.”

Meanwhile, the health system where she worked, Sarah Bush Lincoln in Sullivan, Ill., in a since-deleted bio listed Ms. Harris’ rating as 4.8 out of 5 stars. The bio stated she was a certified family nurse practitioner and was board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Sarah Bush Lincoln posted the APRN’s apology and resignation on Twitter. “I am deeply sorry for my posts on social media,” she wrote, according to the health system’s tweet. “I allowed my personal feelings to spill out. Those hateful words are not aligned with how I have provided care to my patients.”

Jerry Esker, the health system’s president and CEO, also stated in the post: “Our mission is to provide exceptional care to all. That means we provide care to everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, income, national origin, cultural personal values, beliefs, and preferences.”

Mr. Esker added that he wanted to talk with the APRN before taking any action and that “everyone is entitled to due process,” according to the health system post.

Sarah Bush Lincoln is a 145-bed, not-for-profit, regional hospital in east central Illinois, according to its website.

A version of this article first appeared on

An Illinois advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who vowed on Twitter she would refuse to prescribe Viagra (sildenafil) to White conservative male patients resigned the day after her now-viral post.

The discriminatory tweet with political overtones comes just days after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which permitted abortions.

Libs of TikTok, which featured the tweet, identified the nurse practitioner as Shawna Harris. More than a dozen visitors to WebMD’s healthcare directory, which indicates Ms. Harris specialized in family medicine, gave her a 1-star (out of 5 stars) review after the posting. Among the comments left on the site:

“By threatening patients that hold views she is against, she has broken the bond of trust between patient and doctor.” Still another visitor voiced: “If you are White and conservative I’d be careful going here because she tweeted she withholds medication based on race and political affiliation. That’s scary.”

Meanwhile, the health system where she worked, Sarah Bush Lincoln in Sullivan, Ill., in a since-deleted bio listed Ms. Harris’ rating as 4.8 out of 5 stars. The bio stated she was a certified family nurse practitioner and was board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Sarah Bush Lincoln posted the APRN’s apology and resignation on Twitter. “I am deeply sorry for my posts on social media,” she wrote, according to the health system’s tweet. “I allowed my personal feelings to spill out. Those hateful words are not aligned with how I have provided care to my patients.”

Jerry Esker, the health system’s president and CEO, also stated in the post: “Our mission is to provide exceptional care to all. That means we provide care to everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, income, national origin, cultural personal values, beliefs, and preferences.”

Mr. Esker added that he wanted to talk with the APRN before taking any action and that “everyone is entitled to due process,” according to the health system post.

Sarah Bush Lincoln is a 145-bed, not-for-profit, regional hospital in east central Illinois, according to its website.

A version of this article first appeared on

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