Translating the 2019 AAD-NPF Guidelines of Care for the Management of Psoriasis With Biologics to Clinical Practice

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Thu, 09/05/2019 - 11:05
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Translating the 2019 AAD-NPF Guidelines of Care for the Management of Psoriasis With Biologics to Clinical Practice

Psoriasis is a systemic immune-mediated disorder characterized by erythematous, scaly, well-demarcated plaques on the skin that affects approximately 3% of the world’s population.1 The disease is moderate to severe for approximately 1 in 6 individuals with psoriasis.2 These patients, particularly those with symptoms that are refractory to topical therapy and/or phototherapy, can benefit from the use of biologic agents, which are monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins engineered to inhibit the action of cytokines that drive psoriatic inflammation.

In February 2019, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) released an updated set of guidelines for the use of biologics in treating adult patients with psoriasis.3 The prior guidelines were released in 2008 when just 3 biologics—etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab—were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the management of psoriasis. These older recommendations were mostly based on studies of the efficacy and safety of biologics for patients with psoriatic arthritis.4 Over the last 11 years, 8 novel biologics have gained FDA approval, and numerous large phase 2 and phase 3 trials evaluating the risks and benefits of biologics have been conducted. The new guidelines contain considerably more detail and are based on evidence more specific to psoriasis rather than to psoriatic arthritis. Given the large repertoire of biologics available today and the increased amount of published research regarding each one, these guidelines may aid dermatologists in choosing the optimal biologic and managing therapy.

The AAD-NPF recommendations discuss the mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, and adverse events of the 10 biologics that have been FDA approved for the treatment of psoriasis as of March 2019, plus risankizumab, which was pending FDA approval at the time of publication and was later approved in April 2019. They also address dosing regimens, potential to combine biologics with other therapies, and different forms of psoriasis for which each may be effective.3 The purpose of this discussion is to present these guidelines in a condensed form to prescribers of biologic therapies and review the most clinically significant considerations during each step of treatment. Of note, we highlight only treatment of adult patients and do not discuss information relevant to risankizumab, as it was not FDA approved when the AAD-NPF guidelines were released.

Choosing a Biologic

Biologic therapy may be considered for patients with psoriasis that affects more than 3% of the body’s surface and is recalcitrant to localized therapies. There is no particular first-line biologic recommended for all patients with psoriasis; rather, choice of therapy should be individualized to the patient, considering factors such as body parts affected, comorbidities, lifestyle, and drug cost.

All 10 FDA-approved biologics (Table) have been ranked by the AAD and NPF as having grade A evidence for efficacy as monotherapy in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis. Involvement of difficult-to-treat areas may be considered when choosing a specific therapy. The tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) inhibitors etanercept and adalimumab, the IL-17 inhibitor secukinumab, and the IL-23 inhibitor guselkumab have the greatest evidence for efficacy in treatment of nail disease. For scalp involvement, etanercept and guselkumab have the highest-quality evidence, and for palmoplantar disease, adalimumab, secukinumab, and guselkumab are considered the most effective. The TNF-α inhibitors are considered the optimal treatment option for concurrent psoriatic arthritis, though the IL-12/IL-23 inhibitor ustekinumab and the IL-17 inhibitors secukinumab and ixekizumab also have shown grade A evidence of efficacy. Of note, because TNF-α inhibitors received the earliest FDA approval, there is most evidence available for this class. Therapies with lower evidence quality for certain forms of psoriasis may show real-world effectiveness in individual patients, though more trials will be necessary to generate a body of evidence to change these clinical recommendations.

In pregnant women or those are anticipating pregnancy, certolizumab may be considered, as it is the only biologic shown to have minimal to no placental transfer. Other TNF-α inhibitors may undergo active placental transfer, particularly during the latter half of pregnancy,5 and the greatest theoretical risk of transfer occurs in the third trimester. Although these drugs may not directly harm the fetus, they do cause fetal immunosuppression for up to the first 3 months of life. All TNF-α inhibitors are considered safe during lactation. There are inadequate data regarding the safety of other classes of biologics during pregnancy and lactation.



Overweight and obese patients also require unique considerations when choosing a biologic. Infliximab is the only approved psoriasis biologic that utilizes proportional-to-weight dosing and hence may be particularly efficacious in patients with higher body mass. Ustekinumab dosing also takes patient weight into consideration; patients heavier than 100 kg should receive 90-mg doses at initiation and during maintenance compared to 45 mg for patients who weigh 100 kg or less. Other approved biologics also may be utilized in these patients but may require closer monitoring of treatment efficacy.

There are few serious contraindications for specific biologic therapies. Any history of allergic reaction to a particular therapy is an absolute contraindication to its use. In patients for whom IL-17 inhibitor treatment is being considered, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should be ruled out given the likelihood that IL-17 could reactivate or worsen IBD. Of note, TNF-α inhibitors and ustekinumab are approved therapies for patients with IBD and may be recommended in patients with comorbid psoriasis. Phase 2 and phase 3 trials have found no reactivation or worsening of IBD in patients with psoriasis who were treated with the IL-23 inhibitor tildrakizumab,6 and phase 2 trials of treatment of IBD with guselkumab are currently underway ( Identifier NCT03466411). In patients with New York Heart Association class III and class IV congestive heart failure or multiple sclerosis, initiation of TNF-α inhibitors should be avoided. Among 3 phase 3 trials encompassing nearly 3000 patients treated with the IL-17 inhibitor brodalumab, a total of 3 patients died by suicide7,8; hence, the FDA has issued a black box warning cautioning against use of this drug in patients with history of suicidal ideation or recent suicidal behavior. Although a causal relationship between brodalumab and suicide has not been well established,9 a thorough psychiatric history should be obtained in those initiating treatment with brodalumab.

Initiation of Therapy

Prior to initiating biologic therapy, it is important to obtain a complete blood cell count, complete metabolic panel, tuberculosis testing, and hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus serologies. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus may be pursued at the clinician’s discretion. It is important to address any positive or concerning results prior to starting biologics. In patients with active infections, therapy may be initiated alongside guidance from an infectious disease specialist. Those with a positive purified protein derivative test, T-SPOT test, or QuantiFERON-TB Gold test must be referred for chest radiographs to rule out active tuberculosis. Patients with active HBV infection should receive appropriate referral to initiate antiviral therapy as well as core antibody testing, and those with active hepatitis C virus infection may only receive biologics under the combined discretion of a dermatologist and an appropriate specialist. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus must concurrently receive highly active antiretroviral therapy, show normal CD4+ T-cell count and undetectable viral load, and have no recent history of opportunistic infection.

Therapy should be commenced using specific dosing regimens, which are unique for each biologic (Table). Patients also must be educated on routine follow-up to assess treatment response and tolerability.

Assessment and Optimization of Treatment Response

Patients taking biologics may experience primary treatment failure, defined as lack of response to therapy from initiation. One predisposing factor may be increased body mass; patients who are overweight and obese are less likely to respond to standard regimens of TNF-α inhibitors and 45-mg dosing of ustekinumab. In most cases, however, the cause of primary nonresponse is unpredictable. For patients in whom therapy has failed within the recommended initial time frame (Table), dose escalation or shortening of dosing intervals may be pursued. Recommended dosing adjustments are outlined in the Table. Alternatively, patients may be switched to a different biologic.

If desired effectiveness is not reached with biologic monotherapy, topical corticosteroids, topical vitamin D analogues, or narrowband UVB light therapy may be concurrently used for difficult-to-treat areas. Evidence for safety and effectiveness of systemic adjuncts to biologics is moderate to low, warranting caution with their use. Methotrexate, cyclosporine, and apremilast have synergistic effects with biologics, though they may increase the risk for immunosuppression-related complications. Acitretin, an oral retinoid, likely is the most reasonable systemic adjunct to biologics because of its lack of immunosuppressive properties.

In patients with a suboptimal response to biologics, particularly those taking therapies that require frequent dosing, poor compliance should be considered.10 These patients may be switched to a biologic with less-frequent maintenance dosing (Table). Ustekinumab and tildrakizumab may be the best options for optimizing compliance, as they require dosing only once every 12 weeks after administration of loading doses.

Secondary treatment failure is diminished efficacy of treatment following successful initial response despite no changes in regimen. The best-known factor contributing to secondary nonresponse to biologics is the development of antidrug antibodies (ADAs), a phenomenon known as immunogenicity. The development of efficacy-limiting ADAs has been observed in response to most biologics, though ADAs against etanercept and guselkumab do not limit therapeutic response. Patients taking adalimumab and infliximab have particularly well-documented efficacy-limiting immunogenicity, and those who develop ADAs to infliximab are considered more prone to developing infusion reactions. Methotrexate, which limits antibody formation, may concomitantly be prescribed in patients who experience secondary treatment failure. It should be considered in all patients taking infliximab to increase efficacy and tolerability of therapy.



Considerations During Active Therapy

In addition to monitoring adherence and response to regimens, dermatologists must be heavily involved in counseling patients regarding the risks and adverse effects associated with these therapies. During maintenance therapy with biologics, patients must follow up with the prescriber at minimum every 3 to 6 months to evaluate for continued efficacy of treatment, extent of side effects, and effects of treatment on overall health and quality of life. Given the immunosuppressive effects of biologics, annual testing for tuberculosis should be considered in high-risk individuals. In those who are considered at low risk, tuberculosis testing may be done at the discretion of the dermatologist. In those with a history of HBV infection, HBV serologies should be pursued routinely given the risk for reactivation.

Annual screening for nonmelanoma skin cancer should be performed in all patients taking biologics. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy in particular confers an elevated risk for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, especially in patients who are immunosuppressed at baseline and those with history of UV phototherapy. Use of acitretin alongside TNF-α inhibitors or ustekinumab may prevent squamous cell carcinoma formation in high-risk patients.

Because infliximab treatment poses an elevated risk of liver injury,11 liver function tests should be repeated 3 months following initiation of treatment and then every 6 to 12 months subsequently if results are normal. Periodic assessment of suicidal ideation is recommended in patients on brodalumab therapy, which may necessitate more frequent follow-up visits and potentially psychiatry referrals in certain patients. Patients taking IL-17 inhibitors, particularly those who are concurrently taking methotrexate, are at increased risk for developing mucocutaneous Candida infections; these patients should be monitored for such infections and treated appropriately.12

It is additionally important for prescribing dermatologists to ensure that patients on biologics are following up with their general providers to receive timely age-appropriate preventative screenings and vaccines. Inactivated vaccinations may be administered during therapy with any biologic; however, live vaccinations may induce systemic infection in those who are immunocompromised, which theoretically includes individuals taking biologic agents, though incidence data in this patient population are scarce.13 Some experts believe that administration of live vaccines warrants temporary discontinuation of biologic therapy for 2 to 3 half-lives before and after vaccination (Table). Others recommend stopping treatment at least 4 weeks before and until 2 weeks after vaccination. For patients taking biologics with half-lives greater than 20 days, which would theoretically require stopping the drug 2 months prior to vaccination, the benefit of vaccination should be weighed against the risk of prolonged discontinuation of therapy. Until recently, this recommendation was particularly important, as a live herpes zoster vaccination was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adults older than 60 years. In 2017, a new inactivated herpes zoster vaccine was introduced and is now the preferred vaccine for all patients older than 50 years.14 It is especially important that patients on biologics receive this vaccine to avoid temporary drug discontinuation.

Evidence that any particular class of biologics increases risk for solid tumors or lymphoreticular malignancy is limited. One case-control analysis reported that more than 12 months of treatment with TNF-α inhibitors may increase risk for malignancy; however, the confidence interval reported hardly allows for statistical significance.15 Another retrospective cohort study found no elevated incidence of cancer in patients on TNF-α inhibitors compared to nonbiologic comparators.16 Ustekinumab was shown to confer no increased risk for malignancy in 1 large study,15 but no large studies have been conducted for other classes of drugs. Given the limited and inconclusive evidence available, the guidelines recommend that age-appropriate cancer screenings recommended for the general population should be pursued in patients taking biologics.

Surgery while taking biologics may lead to stress-induced augmentation of immunosuppression, resulting in elevated risk of infection.17 Low-risk surgeries that do not warrant discontinuation of treatment include endoscopic, ophthalmologic, dermatologic, orthopedic, and breast procedures. In patients preparing for elective surgery in which respiratory, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary tracts will be entered, biologics may be discontinued at least 3 half-lives (Table) prior to surgery if the dermatologist and surgeon collaboratively deem that risk of infection outweighs benefit of continued therapy.18 Therapy may be resumed within 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively if there are no surgical complications.

Switching Biologics

Changing therapy to another biologic should be considered if there is no response to treatment or the patient experiences adverse effects while taking a particular biologic. Because evidence is limited regarding the ideal time frame between discontinuation of a prior medication and initiation of a new biologic, this interval should be determined at the discretion of the provider based on the patient’s disease severity and response to prior treatment. For individuals who experience primary or secondary treatment failure while maintaining appropriate dosing and treatment compliance, switching to a different biologic is recommended to maximize treatment response.19 Changing therapy to a biologic within the same class is generally effective,20 and switching to a biologic with another mechanism of action should be considered if a class-specific adverse effect is the major reason for altering the regimen. Nonetheless, some patients may be unresponsive to biologic changes. Further research is necessary to determine which biologics may be most effective when previously used biologics have failed and particular factors that may predispose patients to biologic unresponsiveness.

Resuming Biologic Treatment Following Cessation

In cases where therapy is discontinued for any reason, it may be necessary to repeat initiation dosing when resuming treatment. In patients with severe or flaring disease or if more than 3 to 4 half-lives have passed since the most recent dose, it may be necessary to restart therapy with the loading dose (Table). Unfortunately, restarting therapy may preclude some patients from experiencing the maximal response that they attained prior to cessation. In such cases, switching biologic therapy to a different class may prove beneficial.

Final Thoughts

These recommendations contain valuable information that will assist dermatologists when initiating biologics and managing outcomes of their psoriasis patients. It is, however, crucial to bear in mind that these guidelines serve as merely a tool. Given the paucity of comprehensive research, particularly regarding some of the more recently approved therapies, there are many questions that are unanswered within the guidelines. Their utility for each individual patient situation is therefore limited, and clinical judgement may outweigh the information presented. The recommendations nevertheless provide a pivotal and unprecedented framework that promotes discourse among patients, dermatologists, and other providers to optimize the efficacy of biologic therapy for psoriasis.

  1. Michalek IM, Loring B, John SM. A systematic review of worldwide epidemiology of psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2017;31:205-212.
  2. Kurd SK, Gelfand JM. The prevalence of previously diagnosed and undiagnosed psoriasis in US adults: results from NHANES 2003-2004. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:218-224.
  3. Menter A, Strober BE, Kaplan DH, et al. Joint AAD-NPF guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with biologics [published online February 13, 2019]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019;80:1029-1072.
  4. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: section 1. overview of psoriasis and guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;58:826-850.
  5. Förger F, Villiger PM. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy: present and future. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2016;12:937-944.
  6. Gooderham M, Elewski B, Pariser D, et al. Incidence of serious gastrointestinal events and inflammatory bowel disease among tildrakizumab-treated patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: data from 3 large randomized clinical trials [abstract]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79(suppl 1):AB166.
  7. Lebwohl M, Strober B, Menter A, et al. Phase 3 studies comparing brodalumab with ustekinumab in psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:1318-328.
  8. Papp KA, Reich K, Paul C, et al. A prospective phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of brodalumab in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2016;175:273-286
  9. Beck KM, Koo J. Brodalumab for the treatment of plaque psoriasis: up-to-date. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2019;19:287-292.
  10. Fouéré S, Adjadj L, Pawin H. How patients experience psoriasis: results from a European survey. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005;19(suppl 3):2-6.
  11. Björnsson ES, Bergmann OM, Björnsson HK, et al. Incidence, presentation, and outcomes in patients with drug-induced liver injury in the general population of Iceland. Gastroenterology. 2013;144:1419-1425, 1425.e1-3; quiz e19-20.
  12. Saunte DM, Mrowietz U, Puig L, et al. Candida infections in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treated with interleukin-17 inhibitors and their practical management. Br J Dermatol. 2017;177:47-62.
  13. Huber F, Ehrensperger B, Hatz C, et al. Safety of live vaccines on immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory therapy—a retrospective study in three Swiss Travel Clinics [published online January 1, 2018]. J Travel Med. doi:10.1093/jtm/tax082.
  14. Dooling KL, Guo A, Patel M, et al. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Use of Herpes Zoster Vaccines. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018;67:103-108.
  15. Fiorentino D, Ho V, Lebwohl MG, et al. Risk of malignancy with systemic psoriasis treatment in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment Registry. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;77:845-854.e5.
  16. Haynes K, Beukelman T, Curtis JR, et al. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy and cancer risk in chronic immune-mediated diseases. Arthritis Rheum. 2013;65:48-58.
  17. Fabiano A, De Simone C, Gisondi P, et al. Management of patients with psoriasis treated with biologic drugs needing a surgical treatment. Drug Dev Res. 2014;75(suppl 1):S24-S26.
  18. Choi YM, Debbaneh M, Weinberg JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: perioperative management of systemic immunomodulatory agents in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:798-805.e7.
  19. Honda H, Umezawa Y, Kikuchi S, et al. Switching of biologics in psoriasis: reasons and results. J Dermatol. 2017;44:1015-1019.
  20. Bracke S, Lambert J. Viewpoint on handling anti-TNF failure in psoriasis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013;305:945-950.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Pithadia is from Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Ms. Reynolds is from University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Ohio. Dr. Lee is from the Department of Medicine, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, California. Dr. Wu is from Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Pithadia, Ms. Reynolds, and Dr. Lee report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie, Amgen Inc, Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis. He also is a consultant for AbbVie; Almirall; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Celgene Corporation; Dermira Inc; Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly and Company; Janssen Pharmaceuticals; LEO Pharma; Novartis; Promius Pharma; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC. He also is a speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sanofi Genzyme; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

Cutis - 104(2S)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Pithadia is from Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Ms. Reynolds is from University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Ohio. Dr. Lee is from the Department of Medicine, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, California. Dr. Wu is from Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Pithadia, Ms. Reynolds, and Dr. Lee report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie, Amgen Inc, Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis. He also is a consultant for AbbVie; Almirall; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Celgene Corporation; Dermira Inc; Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly and Company; Janssen Pharmaceuticals; LEO Pharma; Novartis; Promius Pharma; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC. He also is a speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sanofi Genzyme; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Pithadia is from Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Ms. Reynolds is from University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Ohio. Dr. Lee is from the Department of Medicine, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, California. Dr. Wu is from Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Pithadia, Ms. Reynolds, and Dr. Lee report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie, Amgen Inc, Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis. He also is a consultant for AbbVie; Almirall; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Celgene Corporation; Dermira Inc; Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly and Company; Janssen Pharmaceuticals; LEO Pharma; Novartis; Promius Pharma; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC. He also is a speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sanofi Genzyme; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

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Article PDF

Psoriasis is a systemic immune-mediated disorder characterized by erythematous, scaly, well-demarcated plaques on the skin that affects approximately 3% of the world’s population.1 The disease is moderate to severe for approximately 1 in 6 individuals with psoriasis.2 These patients, particularly those with symptoms that are refractory to topical therapy and/or phototherapy, can benefit from the use of biologic agents, which are monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins engineered to inhibit the action of cytokines that drive psoriatic inflammation.

In February 2019, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) released an updated set of guidelines for the use of biologics in treating adult patients with psoriasis.3 The prior guidelines were released in 2008 when just 3 biologics—etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab—were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the management of psoriasis. These older recommendations were mostly based on studies of the efficacy and safety of biologics for patients with psoriatic arthritis.4 Over the last 11 years, 8 novel biologics have gained FDA approval, and numerous large phase 2 and phase 3 trials evaluating the risks and benefits of biologics have been conducted. The new guidelines contain considerably more detail and are based on evidence more specific to psoriasis rather than to psoriatic arthritis. Given the large repertoire of biologics available today and the increased amount of published research regarding each one, these guidelines may aid dermatologists in choosing the optimal biologic and managing therapy.

The AAD-NPF recommendations discuss the mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, and adverse events of the 10 biologics that have been FDA approved for the treatment of psoriasis as of March 2019, plus risankizumab, which was pending FDA approval at the time of publication and was later approved in April 2019. They also address dosing regimens, potential to combine biologics with other therapies, and different forms of psoriasis for which each may be effective.3 The purpose of this discussion is to present these guidelines in a condensed form to prescribers of biologic therapies and review the most clinically significant considerations during each step of treatment. Of note, we highlight only treatment of adult patients and do not discuss information relevant to risankizumab, as it was not FDA approved when the AAD-NPF guidelines were released.

Choosing a Biologic

Biologic therapy may be considered for patients with psoriasis that affects more than 3% of the body’s surface and is recalcitrant to localized therapies. There is no particular first-line biologic recommended for all patients with psoriasis; rather, choice of therapy should be individualized to the patient, considering factors such as body parts affected, comorbidities, lifestyle, and drug cost.

All 10 FDA-approved biologics (Table) have been ranked by the AAD and NPF as having grade A evidence for efficacy as monotherapy in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis. Involvement of difficult-to-treat areas may be considered when choosing a specific therapy. The tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) inhibitors etanercept and adalimumab, the IL-17 inhibitor secukinumab, and the IL-23 inhibitor guselkumab have the greatest evidence for efficacy in treatment of nail disease. For scalp involvement, etanercept and guselkumab have the highest-quality evidence, and for palmoplantar disease, adalimumab, secukinumab, and guselkumab are considered the most effective. The TNF-α inhibitors are considered the optimal treatment option for concurrent psoriatic arthritis, though the IL-12/IL-23 inhibitor ustekinumab and the IL-17 inhibitors secukinumab and ixekizumab also have shown grade A evidence of efficacy. Of note, because TNF-α inhibitors received the earliest FDA approval, there is most evidence available for this class. Therapies with lower evidence quality for certain forms of psoriasis may show real-world effectiveness in individual patients, though more trials will be necessary to generate a body of evidence to change these clinical recommendations.

In pregnant women or those are anticipating pregnancy, certolizumab may be considered, as it is the only biologic shown to have minimal to no placental transfer. Other TNF-α inhibitors may undergo active placental transfer, particularly during the latter half of pregnancy,5 and the greatest theoretical risk of transfer occurs in the third trimester. Although these drugs may not directly harm the fetus, they do cause fetal immunosuppression for up to the first 3 months of life. All TNF-α inhibitors are considered safe during lactation. There are inadequate data regarding the safety of other classes of biologics during pregnancy and lactation.



Overweight and obese patients also require unique considerations when choosing a biologic. Infliximab is the only approved psoriasis biologic that utilizes proportional-to-weight dosing and hence may be particularly efficacious in patients with higher body mass. Ustekinumab dosing also takes patient weight into consideration; patients heavier than 100 kg should receive 90-mg doses at initiation and during maintenance compared to 45 mg for patients who weigh 100 kg or less. Other approved biologics also may be utilized in these patients but may require closer monitoring of treatment efficacy.

There are few serious contraindications for specific biologic therapies. Any history of allergic reaction to a particular therapy is an absolute contraindication to its use. In patients for whom IL-17 inhibitor treatment is being considered, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should be ruled out given the likelihood that IL-17 could reactivate or worsen IBD. Of note, TNF-α inhibitors and ustekinumab are approved therapies for patients with IBD and may be recommended in patients with comorbid psoriasis. Phase 2 and phase 3 trials have found no reactivation or worsening of IBD in patients with psoriasis who were treated with the IL-23 inhibitor tildrakizumab,6 and phase 2 trials of treatment of IBD with guselkumab are currently underway ( Identifier NCT03466411). In patients with New York Heart Association class III and class IV congestive heart failure or multiple sclerosis, initiation of TNF-α inhibitors should be avoided. Among 3 phase 3 trials encompassing nearly 3000 patients treated with the IL-17 inhibitor brodalumab, a total of 3 patients died by suicide7,8; hence, the FDA has issued a black box warning cautioning against use of this drug in patients with history of suicidal ideation or recent suicidal behavior. Although a causal relationship between brodalumab and suicide has not been well established,9 a thorough psychiatric history should be obtained in those initiating treatment with brodalumab.

Initiation of Therapy

Prior to initiating biologic therapy, it is important to obtain a complete blood cell count, complete metabolic panel, tuberculosis testing, and hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus serologies. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus may be pursued at the clinician’s discretion. It is important to address any positive or concerning results prior to starting biologics. In patients with active infections, therapy may be initiated alongside guidance from an infectious disease specialist. Those with a positive purified protein derivative test, T-SPOT test, or QuantiFERON-TB Gold test must be referred for chest radiographs to rule out active tuberculosis. Patients with active HBV infection should receive appropriate referral to initiate antiviral therapy as well as core antibody testing, and those with active hepatitis C virus infection may only receive biologics under the combined discretion of a dermatologist and an appropriate specialist. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus must concurrently receive highly active antiretroviral therapy, show normal CD4+ T-cell count and undetectable viral load, and have no recent history of opportunistic infection.

Therapy should be commenced using specific dosing regimens, which are unique for each biologic (Table). Patients also must be educated on routine follow-up to assess treatment response and tolerability.

Assessment and Optimization of Treatment Response

Patients taking biologics may experience primary treatment failure, defined as lack of response to therapy from initiation. One predisposing factor may be increased body mass; patients who are overweight and obese are less likely to respond to standard regimens of TNF-α inhibitors and 45-mg dosing of ustekinumab. In most cases, however, the cause of primary nonresponse is unpredictable. For patients in whom therapy has failed within the recommended initial time frame (Table), dose escalation or shortening of dosing intervals may be pursued. Recommended dosing adjustments are outlined in the Table. Alternatively, patients may be switched to a different biologic.

If desired effectiveness is not reached with biologic monotherapy, topical corticosteroids, topical vitamin D analogues, or narrowband UVB light therapy may be concurrently used for difficult-to-treat areas. Evidence for safety and effectiveness of systemic adjuncts to biologics is moderate to low, warranting caution with their use. Methotrexate, cyclosporine, and apremilast have synergistic effects with biologics, though they may increase the risk for immunosuppression-related complications. Acitretin, an oral retinoid, likely is the most reasonable systemic adjunct to biologics because of its lack of immunosuppressive properties.

In patients with a suboptimal response to biologics, particularly those taking therapies that require frequent dosing, poor compliance should be considered.10 These patients may be switched to a biologic with less-frequent maintenance dosing (Table). Ustekinumab and tildrakizumab may be the best options for optimizing compliance, as they require dosing only once every 12 weeks after administration of loading doses.

Secondary treatment failure is diminished efficacy of treatment following successful initial response despite no changes in regimen. The best-known factor contributing to secondary nonresponse to biologics is the development of antidrug antibodies (ADAs), a phenomenon known as immunogenicity. The development of efficacy-limiting ADAs has been observed in response to most biologics, though ADAs against etanercept and guselkumab do not limit therapeutic response. Patients taking adalimumab and infliximab have particularly well-documented efficacy-limiting immunogenicity, and those who develop ADAs to infliximab are considered more prone to developing infusion reactions. Methotrexate, which limits antibody formation, may concomitantly be prescribed in patients who experience secondary treatment failure. It should be considered in all patients taking infliximab to increase efficacy and tolerability of therapy.



Considerations During Active Therapy

In addition to monitoring adherence and response to regimens, dermatologists must be heavily involved in counseling patients regarding the risks and adverse effects associated with these therapies. During maintenance therapy with biologics, patients must follow up with the prescriber at minimum every 3 to 6 months to evaluate for continued efficacy of treatment, extent of side effects, and effects of treatment on overall health and quality of life. Given the immunosuppressive effects of biologics, annual testing for tuberculosis should be considered in high-risk individuals. In those who are considered at low risk, tuberculosis testing may be done at the discretion of the dermatologist. In those with a history of HBV infection, HBV serologies should be pursued routinely given the risk for reactivation.

Annual screening for nonmelanoma skin cancer should be performed in all patients taking biologics. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy in particular confers an elevated risk for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, especially in patients who are immunosuppressed at baseline and those with history of UV phototherapy. Use of acitretin alongside TNF-α inhibitors or ustekinumab may prevent squamous cell carcinoma formation in high-risk patients.

Because infliximab treatment poses an elevated risk of liver injury,11 liver function tests should be repeated 3 months following initiation of treatment and then every 6 to 12 months subsequently if results are normal. Periodic assessment of suicidal ideation is recommended in patients on brodalumab therapy, which may necessitate more frequent follow-up visits and potentially psychiatry referrals in certain patients. Patients taking IL-17 inhibitors, particularly those who are concurrently taking methotrexate, are at increased risk for developing mucocutaneous Candida infections; these patients should be monitored for such infections and treated appropriately.12

It is additionally important for prescribing dermatologists to ensure that patients on biologics are following up with their general providers to receive timely age-appropriate preventative screenings and vaccines. Inactivated vaccinations may be administered during therapy with any biologic; however, live vaccinations may induce systemic infection in those who are immunocompromised, which theoretically includes individuals taking biologic agents, though incidence data in this patient population are scarce.13 Some experts believe that administration of live vaccines warrants temporary discontinuation of biologic therapy for 2 to 3 half-lives before and after vaccination (Table). Others recommend stopping treatment at least 4 weeks before and until 2 weeks after vaccination. For patients taking biologics with half-lives greater than 20 days, which would theoretically require stopping the drug 2 months prior to vaccination, the benefit of vaccination should be weighed against the risk of prolonged discontinuation of therapy. Until recently, this recommendation was particularly important, as a live herpes zoster vaccination was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adults older than 60 years. In 2017, a new inactivated herpes zoster vaccine was introduced and is now the preferred vaccine for all patients older than 50 years.14 It is especially important that patients on biologics receive this vaccine to avoid temporary drug discontinuation.

Evidence that any particular class of biologics increases risk for solid tumors or lymphoreticular malignancy is limited. One case-control analysis reported that more than 12 months of treatment with TNF-α inhibitors may increase risk for malignancy; however, the confidence interval reported hardly allows for statistical significance.15 Another retrospective cohort study found no elevated incidence of cancer in patients on TNF-α inhibitors compared to nonbiologic comparators.16 Ustekinumab was shown to confer no increased risk for malignancy in 1 large study,15 but no large studies have been conducted for other classes of drugs. Given the limited and inconclusive evidence available, the guidelines recommend that age-appropriate cancer screenings recommended for the general population should be pursued in patients taking biologics.

Surgery while taking biologics may lead to stress-induced augmentation of immunosuppression, resulting in elevated risk of infection.17 Low-risk surgeries that do not warrant discontinuation of treatment include endoscopic, ophthalmologic, dermatologic, orthopedic, and breast procedures. In patients preparing for elective surgery in which respiratory, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary tracts will be entered, biologics may be discontinued at least 3 half-lives (Table) prior to surgery if the dermatologist and surgeon collaboratively deem that risk of infection outweighs benefit of continued therapy.18 Therapy may be resumed within 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively if there are no surgical complications.

Switching Biologics

Changing therapy to another biologic should be considered if there is no response to treatment or the patient experiences adverse effects while taking a particular biologic. Because evidence is limited regarding the ideal time frame between discontinuation of a prior medication and initiation of a new biologic, this interval should be determined at the discretion of the provider based on the patient’s disease severity and response to prior treatment. For individuals who experience primary or secondary treatment failure while maintaining appropriate dosing and treatment compliance, switching to a different biologic is recommended to maximize treatment response.19 Changing therapy to a biologic within the same class is generally effective,20 and switching to a biologic with another mechanism of action should be considered if a class-specific adverse effect is the major reason for altering the regimen. Nonetheless, some patients may be unresponsive to biologic changes. Further research is necessary to determine which biologics may be most effective when previously used biologics have failed and particular factors that may predispose patients to biologic unresponsiveness.

Resuming Biologic Treatment Following Cessation

In cases where therapy is discontinued for any reason, it may be necessary to repeat initiation dosing when resuming treatment. In patients with severe or flaring disease or if more than 3 to 4 half-lives have passed since the most recent dose, it may be necessary to restart therapy with the loading dose (Table). Unfortunately, restarting therapy may preclude some patients from experiencing the maximal response that they attained prior to cessation. In such cases, switching biologic therapy to a different class may prove beneficial.

Final Thoughts

These recommendations contain valuable information that will assist dermatologists when initiating biologics and managing outcomes of their psoriasis patients. It is, however, crucial to bear in mind that these guidelines serve as merely a tool. Given the paucity of comprehensive research, particularly regarding some of the more recently approved therapies, there are many questions that are unanswered within the guidelines. Their utility for each individual patient situation is therefore limited, and clinical judgement may outweigh the information presented. The recommendations nevertheless provide a pivotal and unprecedented framework that promotes discourse among patients, dermatologists, and other providers to optimize the efficacy of biologic therapy for psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a systemic immune-mediated disorder characterized by erythematous, scaly, well-demarcated plaques on the skin that affects approximately 3% of the world’s population.1 The disease is moderate to severe for approximately 1 in 6 individuals with psoriasis.2 These patients, particularly those with symptoms that are refractory to topical therapy and/or phototherapy, can benefit from the use of biologic agents, which are monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins engineered to inhibit the action of cytokines that drive psoriatic inflammation.

In February 2019, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) released an updated set of guidelines for the use of biologics in treating adult patients with psoriasis.3 The prior guidelines were released in 2008 when just 3 biologics—etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab—were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the management of psoriasis. These older recommendations were mostly based on studies of the efficacy and safety of biologics for patients with psoriatic arthritis.4 Over the last 11 years, 8 novel biologics have gained FDA approval, and numerous large phase 2 and phase 3 trials evaluating the risks and benefits of biologics have been conducted. The new guidelines contain considerably more detail and are based on evidence more specific to psoriasis rather than to psoriatic arthritis. Given the large repertoire of biologics available today and the increased amount of published research regarding each one, these guidelines may aid dermatologists in choosing the optimal biologic and managing therapy.

The AAD-NPF recommendations discuss the mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, and adverse events of the 10 biologics that have been FDA approved for the treatment of psoriasis as of March 2019, plus risankizumab, which was pending FDA approval at the time of publication and was later approved in April 2019. They also address dosing regimens, potential to combine biologics with other therapies, and different forms of psoriasis for which each may be effective.3 The purpose of this discussion is to present these guidelines in a condensed form to prescribers of biologic therapies and review the most clinically significant considerations during each step of treatment. Of note, we highlight only treatment of adult patients and do not discuss information relevant to risankizumab, as it was not FDA approved when the AAD-NPF guidelines were released.

Choosing a Biologic

Biologic therapy may be considered for patients with psoriasis that affects more than 3% of the body’s surface and is recalcitrant to localized therapies. There is no particular first-line biologic recommended for all patients with psoriasis; rather, choice of therapy should be individualized to the patient, considering factors such as body parts affected, comorbidities, lifestyle, and drug cost.

All 10 FDA-approved biologics (Table) have been ranked by the AAD and NPF as having grade A evidence for efficacy as monotherapy in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis. Involvement of difficult-to-treat areas may be considered when choosing a specific therapy. The tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) inhibitors etanercept and adalimumab, the IL-17 inhibitor secukinumab, and the IL-23 inhibitor guselkumab have the greatest evidence for efficacy in treatment of nail disease. For scalp involvement, etanercept and guselkumab have the highest-quality evidence, and for palmoplantar disease, adalimumab, secukinumab, and guselkumab are considered the most effective. The TNF-α inhibitors are considered the optimal treatment option for concurrent psoriatic arthritis, though the IL-12/IL-23 inhibitor ustekinumab and the IL-17 inhibitors secukinumab and ixekizumab also have shown grade A evidence of efficacy. Of note, because TNF-α inhibitors received the earliest FDA approval, there is most evidence available for this class. Therapies with lower evidence quality for certain forms of psoriasis may show real-world effectiveness in individual patients, though more trials will be necessary to generate a body of evidence to change these clinical recommendations.

In pregnant women or those are anticipating pregnancy, certolizumab may be considered, as it is the only biologic shown to have minimal to no placental transfer. Other TNF-α inhibitors may undergo active placental transfer, particularly during the latter half of pregnancy,5 and the greatest theoretical risk of transfer occurs in the third trimester. Although these drugs may not directly harm the fetus, they do cause fetal immunosuppression for up to the first 3 months of life. All TNF-α inhibitors are considered safe during lactation. There are inadequate data regarding the safety of other classes of biologics during pregnancy and lactation.



Overweight and obese patients also require unique considerations when choosing a biologic. Infliximab is the only approved psoriasis biologic that utilizes proportional-to-weight dosing and hence may be particularly efficacious in patients with higher body mass. Ustekinumab dosing also takes patient weight into consideration; patients heavier than 100 kg should receive 90-mg doses at initiation and during maintenance compared to 45 mg for patients who weigh 100 kg or less. Other approved biologics also may be utilized in these patients but may require closer monitoring of treatment efficacy.

There are few serious contraindications for specific biologic therapies. Any history of allergic reaction to a particular therapy is an absolute contraindication to its use. In patients for whom IL-17 inhibitor treatment is being considered, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should be ruled out given the likelihood that IL-17 could reactivate or worsen IBD. Of note, TNF-α inhibitors and ustekinumab are approved therapies for patients with IBD and may be recommended in patients with comorbid psoriasis. Phase 2 and phase 3 trials have found no reactivation or worsening of IBD in patients with psoriasis who were treated with the IL-23 inhibitor tildrakizumab,6 and phase 2 trials of treatment of IBD with guselkumab are currently underway ( Identifier NCT03466411). In patients with New York Heart Association class III and class IV congestive heart failure or multiple sclerosis, initiation of TNF-α inhibitors should be avoided. Among 3 phase 3 trials encompassing nearly 3000 patients treated with the IL-17 inhibitor brodalumab, a total of 3 patients died by suicide7,8; hence, the FDA has issued a black box warning cautioning against use of this drug in patients with history of suicidal ideation or recent suicidal behavior. Although a causal relationship between brodalumab and suicide has not been well established,9 a thorough psychiatric history should be obtained in those initiating treatment with brodalumab.

Initiation of Therapy

Prior to initiating biologic therapy, it is important to obtain a complete blood cell count, complete metabolic panel, tuberculosis testing, and hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus serologies. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus may be pursued at the clinician’s discretion. It is important to address any positive or concerning results prior to starting biologics. In patients with active infections, therapy may be initiated alongside guidance from an infectious disease specialist. Those with a positive purified protein derivative test, T-SPOT test, or QuantiFERON-TB Gold test must be referred for chest radiographs to rule out active tuberculosis. Patients with active HBV infection should receive appropriate referral to initiate antiviral therapy as well as core antibody testing, and those with active hepatitis C virus infection may only receive biologics under the combined discretion of a dermatologist and an appropriate specialist. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus must concurrently receive highly active antiretroviral therapy, show normal CD4+ T-cell count and undetectable viral load, and have no recent history of opportunistic infection.

Therapy should be commenced using specific dosing regimens, which are unique for each biologic (Table). Patients also must be educated on routine follow-up to assess treatment response and tolerability.

Assessment and Optimization of Treatment Response

Patients taking biologics may experience primary treatment failure, defined as lack of response to therapy from initiation. One predisposing factor may be increased body mass; patients who are overweight and obese are less likely to respond to standard regimens of TNF-α inhibitors and 45-mg dosing of ustekinumab. In most cases, however, the cause of primary nonresponse is unpredictable. For patients in whom therapy has failed within the recommended initial time frame (Table), dose escalation or shortening of dosing intervals may be pursued. Recommended dosing adjustments are outlined in the Table. Alternatively, patients may be switched to a different biologic.

If desired effectiveness is not reached with biologic monotherapy, topical corticosteroids, topical vitamin D analogues, or narrowband UVB light therapy may be concurrently used for difficult-to-treat areas. Evidence for safety and effectiveness of systemic adjuncts to biologics is moderate to low, warranting caution with their use. Methotrexate, cyclosporine, and apremilast have synergistic effects with biologics, though they may increase the risk for immunosuppression-related complications. Acitretin, an oral retinoid, likely is the most reasonable systemic adjunct to biologics because of its lack of immunosuppressive properties.

In patients with a suboptimal response to biologics, particularly those taking therapies that require frequent dosing, poor compliance should be considered.10 These patients may be switched to a biologic with less-frequent maintenance dosing (Table). Ustekinumab and tildrakizumab may be the best options for optimizing compliance, as they require dosing only once every 12 weeks after administration of loading doses.

Secondary treatment failure is diminished efficacy of treatment following successful initial response despite no changes in regimen. The best-known factor contributing to secondary nonresponse to biologics is the development of antidrug antibodies (ADAs), a phenomenon known as immunogenicity. The development of efficacy-limiting ADAs has been observed in response to most biologics, though ADAs against etanercept and guselkumab do not limit therapeutic response. Patients taking adalimumab and infliximab have particularly well-documented efficacy-limiting immunogenicity, and those who develop ADAs to infliximab are considered more prone to developing infusion reactions. Methotrexate, which limits antibody formation, may concomitantly be prescribed in patients who experience secondary treatment failure. It should be considered in all patients taking infliximab to increase efficacy and tolerability of therapy.



Considerations During Active Therapy

In addition to monitoring adherence and response to regimens, dermatologists must be heavily involved in counseling patients regarding the risks and adverse effects associated with these therapies. During maintenance therapy with biologics, patients must follow up with the prescriber at minimum every 3 to 6 months to evaluate for continued efficacy of treatment, extent of side effects, and effects of treatment on overall health and quality of life. Given the immunosuppressive effects of biologics, annual testing for tuberculosis should be considered in high-risk individuals. In those who are considered at low risk, tuberculosis testing may be done at the discretion of the dermatologist. In those with a history of HBV infection, HBV serologies should be pursued routinely given the risk for reactivation.

Annual screening for nonmelanoma skin cancer should be performed in all patients taking biologics. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy in particular confers an elevated risk for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, especially in patients who are immunosuppressed at baseline and those with history of UV phototherapy. Use of acitretin alongside TNF-α inhibitors or ustekinumab may prevent squamous cell carcinoma formation in high-risk patients.

Because infliximab treatment poses an elevated risk of liver injury,11 liver function tests should be repeated 3 months following initiation of treatment and then every 6 to 12 months subsequently if results are normal. Periodic assessment of suicidal ideation is recommended in patients on brodalumab therapy, which may necessitate more frequent follow-up visits and potentially psychiatry referrals in certain patients. Patients taking IL-17 inhibitors, particularly those who are concurrently taking methotrexate, are at increased risk for developing mucocutaneous Candida infections; these patients should be monitored for such infections and treated appropriately.12

It is additionally important for prescribing dermatologists to ensure that patients on biologics are following up with their general providers to receive timely age-appropriate preventative screenings and vaccines. Inactivated vaccinations may be administered during therapy with any biologic; however, live vaccinations may induce systemic infection in those who are immunocompromised, which theoretically includes individuals taking biologic agents, though incidence data in this patient population are scarce.13 Some experts believe that administration of live vaccines warrants temporary discontinuation of biologic therapy for 2 to 3 half-lives before and after vaccination (Table). Others recommend stopping treatment at least 4 weeks before and until 2 weeks after vaccination. For patients taking biologics with half-lives greater than 20 days, which would theoretically require stopping the drug 2 months prior to vaccination, the benefit of vaccination should be weighed against the risk of prolonged discontinuation of therapy. Until recently, this recommendation was particularly important, as a live herpes zoster vaccination was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adults older than 60 years. In 2017, a new inactivated herpes zoster vaccine was introduced and is now the preferred vaccine for all patients older than 50 years.14 It is especially important that patients on biologics receive this vaccine to avoid temporary drug discontinuation.

Evidence that any particular class of biologics increases risk for solid tumors or lymphoreticular malignancy is limited. One case-control analysis reported that more than 12 months of treatment with TNF-α inhibitors may increase risk for malignancy; however, the confidence interval reported hardly allows for statistical significance.15 Another retrospective cohort study found no elevated incidence of cancer in patients on TNF-α inhibitors compared to nonbiologic comparators.16 Ustekinumab was shown to confer no increased risk for malignancy in 1 large study,15 but no large studies have been conducted for other classes of drugs. Given the limited and inconclusive evidence available, the guidelines recommend that age-appropriate cancer screenings recommended for the general population should be pursued in patients taking biologics.

Surgery while taking biologics may lead to stress-induced augmentation of immunosuppression, resulting in elevated risk of infection.17 Low-risk surgeries that do not warrant discontinuation of treatment include endoscopic, ophthalmologic, dermatologic, orthopedic, and breast procedures. In patients preparing for elective surgery in which respiratory, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary tracts will be entered, biologics may be discontinued at least 3 half-lives (Table) prior to surgery if the dermatologist and surgeon collaboratively deem that risk of infection outweighs benefit of continued therapy.18 Therapy may be resumed within 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively if there are no surgical complications.

Switching Biologics

Changing therapy to another biologic should be considered if there is no response to treatment or the patient experiences adverse effects while taking a particular biologic. Because evidence is limited regarding the ideal time frame between discontinuation of a prior medication and initiation of a new biologic, this interval should be determined at the discretion of the provider based on the patient’s disease severity and response to prior treatment. For individuals who experience primary or secondary treatment failure while maintaining appropriate dosing and treatment compliance, switching to a different biologic is recommended to maximize treatment response.19 Changing therapy to a biologic within the same class is generally effective,20 and switching to a biologic with another mechanism of action should be considered if a class-specific adverse effect is the major reason for altering the regimen. Nonetheless, some patients may be unresponsive to biologic changes. Further research is necessary to determine which biologics may be most effective when previously used biologics have failed and particular factors that may predispose patients to biologic unresponsiveness.

Resuming Biologic Treatment Following Cessation

In cases where therapy is discontinued for any reason, it may be necessary to repeat initiation dosing when resuming treatment. In patients with severe or flaring disease or if more than 3 to 4 half-lives have passed since the most recent dose, it may be necessary to restart therapy with the loading dose (Table). Unfortunately, restarting therapy may preclude some patients from experiencing the maximal response that they attained prior to cessation. In such cases, switching biologic therapy to a different class may prove beneficial.

Final Thoughts

These recommendations contain valuable information that will assist dermatologists when initiating biologics and managing outcomes of their psoriasis patients. It is, however, crucial to bear in mind that these guidelines serve as merely a tool. Given the paucity of comprehensive research, particularly regarding some of the more recently approved therapies, there are many questions that are unanswered within the guidelines. Their utility for each individual patient situation is therefore limited, and clinical judgement may outweigh the information presented. The recommendations nevertheless provide a pivotal and unprecedented framework that promotes discourse among patients, dermatologists, and other providers to optimize the efficacy of biologic therapy for psoriasis.

  1. Michalek IM, Loring B, John SM. A systematic review of worldwide epidemiology of psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2017;31:205-212.
  2. Kurd SK, Gelfand JM. The prevalence of previously diagnosed and undiagnosed psoriasis in US adults: results from NHANES 2003-2004. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:218-224.
  3. Menter A, Strober BE, Kaplan DH, et al. Joint AAD-NPF guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with biologics [published online February 13, 2019]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019;80:1029-1072.
  4. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: section 1. overview of psoriasis and guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;58:826-850.
  5. Förger F, Villiger PM. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy: present and future. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2016;12:937-944.
  6. Gooderham M, Elewski B, Pariser D, et al. Incidence of serious gastrointestinal events and inflammatory bowel disease among tildrakizumab-treated patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: data from 3 large randomized clinical trials [abstract]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79(suppl 1):AB166.
  7. Lebwohl M, Strober B, Menter A, et al. Phase 3 studies comparing brodalumab with ustekinumab in psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:1318-328.
  8. Papp KA, Reich K, Paul C, et al. A prospective phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of brodalumab in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2016;175:273-286
  9. Beck KM, Koo J. Brodalumab for the treatment of plaque psoriasis: up-to-date. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2019;19:287-292.
  10. Fouéré S, Adjadj L, Pawin H. How patients experience psoriasis: results from a European survey. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005;19(suppl 3):2-6.
  11. Björnsson ES, Bergmann OM, Björnsson HK, et al. Incidence, presentation, and outcomes in patients with drug-induced liver injury in the general population of Iceland. Gastroenterology. 2013;144:1419-1425, 1425.e1-3; quiz e19-20.
  12. Saunte DM, Mrowietz U, Puig L, et al. Candida infections in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treated with interleukin-17 inhibitors and their practical management. Br J Dermatol. 2017;177:47-62.
  13. Huber F, Ehrensperger B, Hatz C, et al. Safety of live vaccines on immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory therapy—a retrospective study in three Swiss Travel Clinics [published online January 1, 2018]. J Travel Med. doi:10.1093/jtm/tax082.
  14. Dooling KL, Guo A, Patel M, et al. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Use of Herpes Zoster Vaccines. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018;67:103-108.
  15. Fiorentino D, Ho V, Lebwohl MG, et al. Risk of malignancy with systemic psoriasis treatment in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment Registry. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;77:845-854.e5.
  16. Haynes K, Beukelman T, Curtis JR, et al. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy and cancer risk in chronic immune-mediated diseases. Arthritis Rheum. 2013;65:48-58.
  17. Fabiano A, De Simone C, Gisondi P, et al. Management of patients with psoriasis treated with biologic drugs needing a surgical treatment. Drug Dev Res. 2014;75(suppl 1):S24-S26.
  18. Choi YM, Debbaneh M, Weinberg JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: perioperative management of systemic immunomodulatory agents in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:798-805.e7.
  19. Honda H, Umezawa Y, Kikuchi S, et al. Switching of biologics in psoriasis: reasons and results. J Dermatol. 2017;44:1015-1019.
  20. Bracke S, Lambert J. Viewpoint on handling anti-TNF failure in psoriasis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013;305:945-950.
  1. Michalek IM, Loring B, John SM. A systematic review of worldwide epidemiology of psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2017;31:205-212.
  2. Kurd SK, Gelfand JM. The prevalence of previously diagnosed and undiagnosed psoriasis in US adults: results from NHANES 2003-2004. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:218-224.
  3. Menter A, Strober BE, Kaplan DH, et al. Joint AAD-NPF guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with biologics [published online February 13, 2019]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019;80:1029-1072.
  4. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: section 1. overview of psoriasis and guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;58:826-850.
  5. Förger F, Villiger PM. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy: present and future. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2016;12:937-944.
  6. Gooderham M, Elewski B, Pariser D, et al. Incidence of serious gastrointestinal events and inflammatory bowel disease among tildrakizumab-treated patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: data from 3 large randomized clinical trials [abstract]. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79(suppl 1):AB166.
  7. Lebwohl M, Strober B, Menter A, et al. Phase 3 studies comparing brodalumab with ustekinumab in psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:1318-328.
  8. Papp KA, Reich K, Paul C, et al. A prospective phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of brodalumab in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2016;175:273-286
  9. Beck KM, Koo J. Brodalumab for the treatment of plaque psoriasis: up-to-date. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2019;19:287-292.
  10. Fouéré S, Adjadj L, Pawin H. How patients experience psoriasis: results from a European survey. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005;19(suppl 3):2-6.
  11. Björnsson ES, Bergmann OM, Björnsson HK, et al. Incidence, presentation, and outcomes in patients with drug-induced liver injury in the general population of Iceland. Gastroenterology. 2013;144:1419-1425, 1425.e1-3; quiz e19-20.
  12. Saunte DM, Mrowietz U, Puig L, et al. Candida infections in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treated with interleukin-17 inhibitors and their practical management. Br J Dermatol. 2017;177:47-62.
  13. Huber F, Ehrensperger B, Hatz C, et al. Safety of live vaccines on immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory therapy—a retrospective study in three Swiss Travel Clinics [published online January 1, 2018]. J Travel Med. doi:10.1093/jtm/tax082.
  14. Dooling KL, Guo A, Patel M, et al. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Use of Herpes Zoster Vaccines. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018;67:103-108.
  15. Fiorentino D, Ho V, Lebwohl MG, et al. Risk of malignancy with systemic psoriasis treatment in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment Registry. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;77:845-854.e5.
  16. Haynes K, Beukelman T, Curtis JR, et al. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy and cancer risk in chronic immune-mediated diseases. Arthritis Rheum. 2013;65:48-58.
  17. Fabiano A, De Simone C, Gisondi P, et al. Management of patients with psoriasis treated with biologic drugs needing a surgical treatment. Drug Dev Res. 2014;75(suppl 1):S24-S26.
  18. Choi YM, Debbaneh M, Weinberg JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: perioperative management of systemic immunomodulatory agents in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:798-805.e7.
  19. Honda H, Umezawa Y, Kikuchi S, et al. Switching of biologics in psoriasis: reasons and results. J Dermatol. 2017;44:1015-1019.
  20. Bracke S, Lambert J. Viewpoint on handling anti-TNF failure in psoriasis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013;305:945-950.
Cutis - 104(2S)
Cutis - 104(2S)
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Translating the 2019 AAD-NPF Guidelines of Care for the Management of Psoriasis With Biologics to Clinical Practice
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Translating the 2019 AAD-NPF Guidelines of Care for the Management of Psoriasis With Biologics to Clinical Practice
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Cutis. 2019 August;104(2S):12-16
Inside the Article

Practice Points

  • There are currently 11 biologics approved for psoriasis, but there is no first-line or optimalbiologic. The choice must be made using clinical judgment based on a variety of medical and social factors.
  • Frequent assessment for efficacy of and adverse events due to biologic therapy is warranted, as lack of response, loss of response, or severe side effects may warrant addition of concurrent therapies or switching to a different biologic.
  • There are important considerations to make when immunizing and planning for surgery in patients on biologics.
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Clearance of Psoriasis After Ischemic Stroke

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Thu, 12/15/2022 - 14:42
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Clearance of Psoriasis After Ischemic Stroke

The etiology of psoriasis is multifactorial, and it is attributed to both genetic and environmental components.1 One of the lesser-studied aspects of psoriasis pathogenesis is the involvement of the nervous system. It is thought that the pathogenesis involves inflammation of the cutaneous nerves,2 and cutaneous denervation has been shown to improve acanthosis and IL-23 expression in mice with psoriasiform skin.3 There also have been reports of psoriasis remission following peripheral and central nervous system injury from surgical nerve resection4 as well as cerebrovascular accident.5 We present a case of total psoriasis clearance following ischemic stroke.

Case Report

A 52-year-old man with psoriasis presented to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. The patient had been using topical clobetasol and apremilast with limited success but had not previously tried biologics. On physical examination he was noted to have erythematous, scaly, indurated papules and plaques on the chest, abdomen, back, arms, and legs, consistent with psoriasis. Affected body surface area was approximately 10%. Ustekinumab was prescribed, but the patient did not pick it up from the pharmacy.

Approximately 1 month later, the patient presented to the emergency department with left-sided weakness and numbness. He was hospitalized for treatment of stroke. During hospitalization, the patient was started on lisinopril, aspirin, and atorvastatin. He also was given subcutaneous enoxaparin with plans to initiate warfarin as an outpatient. His psoriasis was not treated with topical or systemic medications during the course of his admission. He was discharged to a skilled nursing facility after 3 days.

Three months following discharge, the patient returned to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. After his stroke, he reported that his psoriasis had cleared and had not returned. On physical examination his skin was clear of psoriatic lesions.


The nervous system is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Evidence for this involvement includes the exacerbation of psoriasis with stress and the often symmetric distribution of psoriatic lesions.6



Moreover, numerous neuropeptides have been identified in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Farber et al7 first proposed that release of substance P (SP) from cutaneous sensory nerve fibers causes a local neurogenic response that triggers psoriasis in predisposed individuals. The role of SP in psoriasis is unclear, as there have been reports of both higher8 and lower9 levels in involved and noninvolved skin of psoriatic patients compared to skin in healthy individuals. It has been suggested that numerous other neuropeptides, including nerve growth factor (NGF), calcitonin gene-related peptide, and vasoactive intestinal peptide, play a part in psoriasis.2,10 Specifically, NGF prevents apoptosis of keratinocytes11 and is found in higher levels in psoriatic skin compared to controls.12 Calcitonin gene-related peptide has been shown to stimulate keratinocyte proliferation13 and has been found at increased levels in psoriatic skin.14 Vasoactive intestinal peptide-positive nerve fibers in the epidermis and dermis are found in higher quantities in psoriatic plaques compared to nonlesional and normal skin.8

Neuropeptides also might play a role in the itching and Köbner phenomenon that accompany psoriasis. Increased levels of NGF in nonlesional skin of patients with psoriasis is thought to contribute to the development of psoriatic plaques following trauma by inducing an inflammatory response that upregulates other neuropeptides, such as SP and calcitonin gene-related peptide. These neuropeptides induce keratinocyte proliferation, which further increases NGF expression, thus creating a cycle of inflammation and formation of psoriatic lesions.6 Moreover, there is a notable correlation between pruritus severity and density of NGF-immunoreactive keratinocytes, high-affinity NGF receptors, protein gene product 9.5–immunoreactive intraepidermal fibers, and immunoreactive vessels for E-selectin.15

Spontaneous remission of psoriasis after cerebrovascular accident was first reported in 1998.5 Moreover, there have been cases of protective effects from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in limbs affected by poliomyelitis.16,17 In cases in which patients regained neurologic function, Zhu et al10 found that recurrence of skin lesions in areas corresponding to nervous system injury also occurred. However, in cases of permanent nerve damage, psoriasis did not return,10 confirming the role of peripheral nerves in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. It is thought that peripheral nerve damage results in decreased secretion of neuropeptides3 and that central nervous system injury also can cause similar downstream effects.10

Other reasons for the patient’s remission also were considered. Although it is possible that the sudden change in the patient’s usual environment could have induced remission of psoriasis, it seems more likely that the stress of the situation would have worsened his symptoms. Medications used during the patient’s hospitalization also were considered as reasons for symptom improvement. One study using a case-control and case-crossover design found psoriasis to be associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (odds ratio, 4.0 and 2.1, respectively).18 Atorvastatin has been investigated as a potential treatment of psoriasis, though no therapeutic benefit has been proven.19,20 Heparin has been shown in case reports to improve psoriasis symptoms but was used in addition to standard psoriasis therapies and not as monotherapy.21

A more thorough understanding of which neuropeptides are directly implicated in the neurologic-mediated clearance of psoriasis might contribute to better targeted therapies. For example, infusion of peptide T, a vasoactive intestinal peptide analogue, was shown to have some effect in clearing the skin in 14 psoriasis patients.22 Although this finding has not been replicated, it demonstrates the potential utility of therapies targeted toward the neurologic aspects of psoriasis. More research is needed to evaluate the potential of targeting other neuropeptides for treatment of psoriatic plaques.

  1. Boehncke WH. Etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2015;41:665-675.
  2. Saraceno R, Kleyn CE, Terenghi G, et al. The role of neuropeptides in psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2006;155:876-882.
  3. Ostrowski SM, Belkai A, Loyd CM, et al. Cutaneous denervation of psoriasiform mouse skin improves acanthosis and inflammation in a sensory neuropeptide-dependent manner. J Invest Dermatol. 2011;131:1530-1538.
  4. Dewing SB. Remission of psoriasis associated with cutaneous nerve section. Arch Dermatol. 1971;104:220-221.
  5. Stratigos AJ, Katoulis AK, Stavrianeas NG. Spontaneous clearing of psoriasis after stroke. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;38(5, pt 1):768-770.
  6. Raychaudhuri SP, Farber EM. Neuroimmunologic aspects of psoriasis. Cutis. 2000;66:357-362.
  7. Farber EM, Nickoloff BJ, Recht B, et al. Stress, symmetry, and psoriasis: possible role of neuropeptides. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986;14(2, pt 1):305-311.
  8. Al’Abadie MS, Senior HJ, Bleehen SS, et al. Neuropeptides and general neuronal marker in psoriasis—an immunohistochemical study. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1995;20:384-389.
  9. Pincelli C, Fantini F, Romualdi P, et al. Substance P is diminished and vasoactive intestinal peptide is augmented in psoriatic lesions and these peptides exert disparate effects on the proliferation of cultured human keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol. 1992;98:421-427.
  10. Zhu TH, Nakamura M, Farahnik B, et al. The role of the nervous system in the pathophysiology of psoriasis: a review of cases of psoriasis remission or improvement following denervation injury. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2016;17:257-263.
  11. Pincelli C. Nerve growth factor and keratinocytes: a role in psoriasis. Eur J Dermatol. 2000;10:85-90.
  12. Raychaudhuri SP, Jiang WY, Farber EM. Psoriatic keratinocytes express high levels of nerve growth factor. Acta Derm Venereol. 1998;78:84-86.
  13. He Y, Ding G, Wang X, et al. Calcitonin gene‐related peptide in Langerhans cells in psoriatic plaque lesions. Chin Med J (Engl). 2000;113:747-751.
  14. Chu DQ, Choy M, Foster P, et al. A comparative study of the ability of calcitonin gene‐related peptide and adrenomedullin13–52 to modulate microvascular but not thermal hyperalgesia responses. Br J Pharmacol. 2000;130:1589-1596.
  15. Nakamura M, Toyoda M, Morohashi M. Pruritogenic mediators in psoriasis vulgaris: comparative evaluation of itch-associated cutaneous factors. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:718-730.
  16. Wang TS, Tsai TF. Psoriasis sparing the lower limb with postpoliomeylitis residual paralysis. Br J Dermatol. 2014;171:429-431.
  17. Weiner SR, Bassett LW, Reichman RP. Protective effect of poliomyelitis on psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1985;28:703-706.
  18. Cohen AD, Bonneh DY, Reuveni H, et al. Drug exposure and psoriasis vulgaris: case control and case-crossover studies. Acta Derm Venereol. 2005;85:299-303.
  19. Faghihi T, Radfar M, Mehrabian Z, et al. Atorvastatin for the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis. Pharmacotherapy. 2011;31:1045-1050.
  20. Chua SHH, Tioleco GMS, Dayrit CAF, et al. Atorvastatin as adjunctive therapy for chronic plaque type psoriasis versus betamethasone valerate alone: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2017;83:441-447.
  21. Jekel LG. Use of heparin in treatment of psoriasis. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1953;68:80-82.
  22. Farber EM, Cohen EN, Trozak DJ, et al. Peptide T improves psoriasis when infused into lesions in nanogram amounts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:658-664.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Lee is from the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Ms. Reynolds is from the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ms. Pithadia is from the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Dr. Thiyanaratnam is from the Department of Dermatology, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, California. Dr. Wu is from the Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Lee, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Pithadia, and Dr. Thiyanaratnam report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie; Amgen Inc; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; and Novartis. He also is consultant for Almirall, SA; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Dermira, Inc; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; LEO Pharma Inc; and Promius Pharma. He also is a consultant and speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB, Inc; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

Cutis - 103(2)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Lee is from the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Ms. Reynolds is from the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ms. Pithadia is from the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Dr. Thiyanaratnam is from the Department of Dermatology, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, California. Dr. Wu is from the Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Lee, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Pithadia, and Dr. Thiyanaratnam report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie; Amgen Inc; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; and Novartis. He also is consultant for Almirall, SA; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Dermira, Inc; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; LEO Pharma Inc; and Promius Pharma. He also is a consultant and speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB, Inc; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. Lee is from the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Ms. Reynolds is from the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ms. Pithadia is from the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. Dr. Thiyanaratnam is from the Department of Dermatology, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, California. Dr. Wu is from the Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, California.

Ms. Lee, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Pithadia, and Dr. Thiyanaratnam report no conflict of interest. Dr. Wu is an investigator for AbbVie; Amgen Inc; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; and Novartis. He also is consultant for Almirall, SA; Amgen Inc; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Dermira, Inc; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd; Eli Lilly & Company; Janssen Biotech, Inc; LEO Pharma Inc; and Promius Pharma. He also is a consultant and speaker for AbbVie; Celgene Corporation; Novartis; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; UCB, Inc; and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC.

Correspondence: Jashin J. Wu, MD (

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The etiology of psoriasis is multifactorial, and it is attributed to both genetic and environmental components.1 One of the lesser-studied aspects of psoriasis pathogenesis is the involvement of the nervous system. It is thought that the pathogenesis involves inflammation of the cutaneous nerves,2 and cutaneous denervation has been shown to improve acanthosis and IL-23 expression in mice with psoriasiform skin.3 There also have been reports of psoriasis remission following peripheral and central nervous system injury from surgical nerve resection4 as well as cerebrovascular accident.5 We present a case of total psoriasis clearance following ischemic stroke.

Case Report

A 52-year-old man with psoriasis presented to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. The patient had been using topical clobetasol and apremilast with limited success but had not previously tried biologics. On physical examination he was noted to have erythematous, scaly, indurated papules and plaques on the chest, abdomen, back, arms, and legs, consistent with psoriasis. Affected body surface area was approximately 10%. Ustekinumab was prescribed, but the patient did not pick it up from the pharmacy.

Approximately 1 month later, the patient presented to the emergency department with left-sided weakness and numbness. He was hospitalized for treatment of stroke. During hospitalization, the patient was started on lisinopril, aspirin, and atorvastatin. He also was given subcutaneous enoxaparin with plans to initiate warfarin as an outpatient. His psoriasis was not treated with topical or systemic medications during the course of his admission. He was discharged to a skilled nursing facility after 3 days.

Three months following discharge, the patient returned to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. After his stroke, he reported that his psoriasis had cleared and had not returned. On physical examination his skin was clear of psoriatic lesions.


The nervous system is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Evidence for this involvement includes the exacerbation of psoriasis with stress and the often symmetric distribution of psoriatic lesions.6



Moreover, numerous neuropeptides have been identified in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Farber et al7 first proposed that release of substance P (SP) from cutaneous sensory nerve fibers causes a local neurogenic response that triggers psoriasis in predisposed individuals. The role of SP in psoriasis is unclear, as there have been reports of both higher8 and lower9 levels in involved and noninvolved skin of psoriatic patients compared to skin in healthy individuals. It has been suggested that numerous other neuropeptides, including nerve growth factor (NGF), calcitonin gene-related peptide, and vasoactive intestinal peptide, play a part in psoriasis.2,10 Specifically, NGF prevents apoptosis of keratinocytes11 and is found in higher levels in psoriatic skin compared to controls.12 Calcitonin gene-related peptide has been shown to stimulate keratinocyte proliferation13 and has been found at increased levels in psoriatic skin.14 Vasoactive intestinal peptide-positive nerve fibers in the epidermis and dermis are found in higher quantities in psoriatic plaques compared to nonlesional and normal skin.8

Neuropeptides also might play a role in the itching and Köbner phenomenon that accompany psoriasis. Increased levels of NGF in nonlesional skin of patients with psoriasis is thought to contribute to the development of psoriatic plaques following trauma by inducing an inflammatory response that upregulates other neuropeptides, such as SP and calcitonin gene-related peptide. These neuropeptides induce keratinocyte proliferation, which further increases NGF expression, thus creating a cycle of inflammation and formation of psoriatic lesions.6 Moreover, there is a notable correlation between pruritus severity and density of NGF-immunoreactive keratinocytes, high-affinity NGF receptors, protein gene product 9.5–immunoreactive intraepidermal fibers, and immunoreactive vessels for E-selectin.15

Spontaneous remission of psoriasis after cerebrovascular accident was first reported in 1998.5 Moreover, there have been cases of protective effects from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in limbs affected by poliomyelitis.16,17 In cases in which patients regained neurologic function, Zhu et al10 found that recurrence of skin lesions in areas corresponding to nervous system injury also occurred. However, in cases of permanent nerve damage, psoriasis did not return,10 confirming the role of peripheral nerves in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. It is thought that peripheral nerve damage results in decreased secretion of neuropeptides3 and that central nervous system injury also can cause similar downstream effects.10

Other reasons for the patient’s remission also were considered. Although it is possible that the sudden change in the patient’s usual environment could have induced remission of psoriasis, it seems more likely that the stress of the situation would have worsened his symptoms. Medications used during the patient’s hospitalization also were considered as reasons for symptom improvement. One study using a case-control and case-crossover design found psoriasis to be associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (odds ratio, 4.0 and 2.1, respectively).18 Atorvastatin has been investigated as a potential treatment of psoriasis, though no therapeutic benefit has been proven.19,20 Heparin has been shown in case reports to improve psoriasis symptoms but was used in addition to standard psoriasis therapies and not as monotherapy.21

A more thorough understanding of which neuropeptides are directly implicated in the neurologic-mediated clearance of psoriasis might contribute to better targeted therapies. For example, infusion of peptide T, a vasoactive intestinal peptide analogue, was shown to have some effect in clearing the skin in 14 psoriasis patients.22 Although this finding has not been replicated, it demonstrates the potential utility of therapies targeted toward the neurologic aspects of psoriasis. More research is needed to evaluate the potential of targeting other neuropeptides for treatment of psoriatic plaques.

The etiology of psoriasis is multifactorial, and it is attributed to both genetic and environmental components.1 One of the lesser-studied aspects of psoriasis pathogenesis is the involvement of the nervous system. It is thought that the pathogenesis involves inflammation of the cutaneous nerves,2 and cutaneous denervation has been shown to improve acanthosis and IL-23 expression in mice with psoriasiform skin.3 There also have been reports of psoriasis remission following peripheral and central nervous system injury from surgical nerve resection4 as well as cerebrovascular accident.5 We present a case of total psoriasis clearance following ischemic stroke.

Case Report

A 52-year-old man with psoriasis presented to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. The patient had been using topical clobetasol and apremilast with limited success but had not previously tried biologics. On physical examination he was noted to have erythematous, scaly, indurated papules and plaques on the chest, abdomen, back, arms, and legs, consistent with psoriasis. Affected body surface area was approximately 10%. Ustekinumab was prescribed, but the patient did not pick it up from the pharmacy.

Approximately 1 month later, the patient presented to the emergency department with left-sided weakness and numbness. He was hospitalized for treatment of stroke. During hospitalization, the patient was started on lisinopril, aspirin, and atorvastatin. He also was given subcutaneous enoxaparin with plans to initiate warfarin as an outpatient. His psoriasis was not treated with topical or systemic medications during the course of his admission. He was discharged to a skilled nursing facility after 3 days.

Three months following discharge, the patient returned to the dermatology clinic for follow-up. After his stroke, he reported that his psoriasis had cleared and had not returned. On physical examination his skin was clear of psoriatic lesions.


The nervous system is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Evidence for this involvement includes the exacerbation of psoriasis with stress and the often symmetric distribution of psoriatic lesions.6



Moreover, numerous neuropeptides have been identified in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Farber et al7 first proposed that release of substance P (SP) from cutaneous sensory nerve fibers causes a local neurogenic response that triggers psoriasis in predisposed individuals. The role of SP in psoriasis is unclear, as there have been reports of both higher8 and lower9 levels in involved and noninvolved skin of psoriatic patients compared to skin in healthy individuals. It has been suggested that numerous other neuropeptides, including nerve growth factor (NGF), calcitonin gene-related peptide, and vasoactive intestinal peptide, play a part in psoriasis.2,10 Specifically, NGF prevents apoptosis of keratinocytes11 and is found in higher levels in psoriatic skin compared to controls.12 Calcitonin gene-related peptide has been shown to stimulate keratinocyte proliferation13 and has been found at increased levels in psoriatic skin.14 Vasoactive intestinal peptide-positive nerve fibers in the epidermis and dermis are found in higher quantities in psoriatic plaques compared to nonlesional and normal skin.8

Neuropeptides also might play a role in the itching and Köbner phenomenon that accompany psoriasis. Increased levels of NGF in nonlesional skin of patients with psoriasis is thought to contribute to the development of psoriatic plaques following trauma by inducing an inflammatory response that upregulates other neuropeptides, such as SP and calcitonin gene-related peptide. These neuropeptides induce keratinocyte proliferation, which further increases NGF expression, thus creating a cycle of inflammation and formation of psoriatic lesions.6 Moreover, there is a notable correlation between pruritus severity and density of NGF-immunoreactive keratinocytes, high-affinity NGF receptors, protein gene product 9.5–immunoreactive intraepidermal fibers, and immunoreactive vessels for E-selectin.15

Spontaneous remission of psoriasis after cerebrovascular accident was first reported in 1998.5 Moreover, there have been cases of protective effects from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in limbs affected by poliomyelitis.16,17 In cases in which patients regained neurologic function, Zhu et al10 found that recurrence of skin lesions in areas corresponding to nervous system injury also occurred. However, in cases of permanent nerve damage, psoriasis did not return,10 confirming the role of peripheral nerves in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. It is thought that peripheral nerve damage results in decreased secretion of neuropeptides3 and that central nervous system injury also can cause similar downstream effects.10

Other reasons for the patient’s remission also were considered. Although it is possible that the sudden change in the patient’s usual environment could have induced remission of psoriasis, it seems more likely that the stress of the situation would have worsened his symptoms. Medications used during the patient’s hospitalization also were considered as reasons for symptom improvement. One study using a case-control and case-crossover design found psoriasis to be associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (odds ratio, 4.0 and 2.1, respectively).18 Atorvastatin has been investigated as a potential treatment of psoriasis, though no therapeutic benefit has been proven.19,20 Heparin has been shown in case reports to improve psoriasis symptoms but was used in addition to standard psoriasis therapies and not as monotherapy.21

A more thorough understanding of which neuropeptides are directly implicated in the neurologic-mediated clearance of psoriasis might contribute to better targeted therapies. For example, infusion of peptide T, a vasoactive intestinal peptide analogue, was shown to have some effect in clearing the skin in 14 psoriasis patients.22 Although this finding has not been replicated, it demonstrates the potential utility of therapies targeted toward the neurologic aspects of psoriasis. More research is needed to evaluate the potential of targeting other neuropeptides for treatment of psoriatic plaques.

  1. Boehncke WH. Etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2015;41:665-675.
  2. Saraceno R, Kleyn CE, Terenghi G, et al. The role of neuropeptides in psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2006;155:876-882.
  3. Ostrowski SM, Belkai A, Loyd CM, et al. Cutaneous denervation of psoriasiform mouse skin improves acanthosis and inflammation in a sensory neuropeptide-dependent manner. J Invest Dermatol. 2011;131:1530-1538.
  4. Dewing SB. Remission of psoriasis associated with cutaneous nerve section. Arch Dermatol. 1971;104:220-221.
  5. Stratigos AJ, Katoulis AK, Stavrianeas NG. Spontaneous clearing of psoriasis after stroke. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;38(5, pt 1):768-770.
  6. Raychaudhuri SP, Farber EM. Neuroimmunologic aspects of psoriasis. Cutis. 2000;66:357-362.
  7. Farber EM, Nickoloff BJ, Recht B, et al. Stress, symmetry, and psoriasis: possible role of neuropeptides. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986;14(2, pt 1):305-311.
  8. Al’Abadie MS, Senior HJ, Bleehen SS, et al. Neuropeptides and general neuronal marker in psoriasis—an immunohistochemical study. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1995;20:384-389.
  9. Pincelli C, Fantini F, Romualdi P, et al. Substance P is diminished and vasoactive intestinal peptide is augmented in psoriatic lesions and these peptides exert disparate effects on the proliferation of cultured human keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol. 1992;98:421-427.
  10. Zhu TH, Nakamura M, Farahnik B, et al. The role of the nervous system in the pathophysiology of psoriasis: a review of cases of psoriasis remission or improvement following denervation injury. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2016;17:257-263.
  11. Pincelli C. Nerve growth factor and keratinocytes: a role in psoriasis. Eur J Dermatol. 2000;10:85-90.
  12. Raychaudhuri SP, Jiang WY, Farber EM. Psoriatic keratinocytes express high levels of nerve growth factor. Acta Derm Venereol. 1998;78:84-86.
  13. He Y, Ding G, Wang X, et al. Calcitonin gene‐related peptide in Langerhans cells in psoriatic plaque lesions. Chin Med J (Engl). 2000;113:747-751.
  14. Chu DQ, Choy M, Foster P, et al. A comparative study of the ability of calcitonin gene‐related peptide and adrenomedullin13–52 to modulate microvascular but not thermal hyperalgesia responses. Br J Pharmacol. 2000;130:1589-1596.
  15. Nakamura M, Toyoda M, Morohashi M. Pruritogenic mediators in psoriasis vulgaris: comparative evaluation of itch-associated cutaneous factors. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:718-730.
  16. Wang TS, Tsai TF. Psoriasis sparing the lower limb with postpoliomeylitis residual paralysis. Br J Dermatol. 2014;171:429-431.
  17. Weiner SR, Bassett LW, Reichman RP. Protective effect of poliomyelitis on psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1985;28:703-706.
  18. Cohen AD, Bonneh DY, Reuveni H, et al. Drug exposure and psoriasis vulgaris: case control and case-crossover studies. Acta Derm Venereol. 2005;85:299-303.
  19. Faghihi T, Radfar M, Mehrabian Z, et al. Atorvastatin for the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis. Pharmacotherapy. 2011;31:1045-1050.
  20. Chua SHH, Tioleco GMS, Dayrit CAF, et al. Atorvastatin as adjunctive therapy for chronic plaque type psoriasis versus betamethasone valerate alone: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2017;83:441-447.
  21. Jekel LG. Use of heparin in treatment of psoriasis. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1953;68:80-82.
  22. Farber EM, Cohen EN, Trozak DJ, et al. Peptide T improves psoriasis when infused into lesions in nanogram amounts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:658-664.
  1. Boehncke WH. Etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2015;41:665-675.
  2. Saraceno R, Kleyn CE, Terenghi G, et al. The role of neuropeptides in psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2006;155:876-882.
  3. Ostrowski SM, Belkai A, Loyd CM, et al. Cutaneous denervation of psoriasiform mouse skin improves acanthosis and inflammation in a sensory neuropeptide-dependent manner. J Invest Dermatol. 2011;131:1530-1538.
  4. Dewing SB. Remission of psoriasis associated with cutaneous nerve section. Arch Dermatol. 1971;104:220-221.
  5. Stratigos AJ, Katoulis AK, Stavrianeas NG. Spontaneous clearing of psoriasis after stroke. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;38(5, pt 1):768-770.
  6. Raychaudhuri SP, Farber EM. Neuroimmunologic aspects of psoriasis. Cutis. 2000;66:357-362.
  7. Farber EM, Nickoloff BJ, Recht B, et al. Stress, symmetry, and psoriasis: possible role of neuropeptides. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986;14(2, pt 1):305-311.
  8. Al’Abadie MS, Senior HJ, Bleehen SS, et al. Neuropeptides and general neuronal marker in psoriasis—an immunohistochemical study. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1995;20:384-389.
  9. Pincelli C, Fantini F, Romualdi P, et al. Substance P is diminished and vasoactive intestinal peptide is augmented in psoriatic lesions and these peptides exert disparate effects on the proliferation of cultured human keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol. 1992;98:421-427.
  10. Zhu TH, Nakamura M, Farahnik B, et al. The role of the nervous system in the pathophysiology of psoriasis: a review of cases of psoriasis remission or improvement following denervation injury. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2016;17:257-263.
  11. Pincelli C. Nerve growth factor and keratinocytes: a role in psoriasis. Eur J Dermatol. 2000;10:85-90.
  12. Raychaudhuri SP, Jiang WY, Farber EM. Psoriatic keratinocytes express high levels of nerve growth factor. Acta Derm Venereol. 1998;78:84-86.
  13. He Y, Ding G, Wang X, et al. Calcitonin gene‐related peptide in Langerhans cells in psoriatic plaque lesions. Chin Med J (Engl). 2000;113:747-751.
  14. Chu DQ, Choy M, Foster P, et al. A comparative study of the ability of calcitonin gene‐related peptide and adrenomedullin13–52 to modulate microvascular but not thermal hyperalgesia responses. Br J Pharmacol. 2000;130:1589-1596.
  15. Nakamura M, Toyoda M, Morohashi M. Pruritogenic mediators in psoriasis vulgaris: comparative evaluation of itch-associated cutaneous factors. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:718-730.
  16. Wang TS, Tsai TF. Psoriasis sparing the lower limb with postpoliomeylitis residual paralysis. Br J Dermatol. 2014;171:429-431.
  17. Weiner SR, Bassett LW, Reichman RP. Protective effect of poliomyelitis on psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1985;28:703-706.
  18. Cohen AD, Bonneh DY, Reuveni H, et al. Drug exposure and psoriasis vulgaris: case control and case-crossover studies. Acta Derm Venereol. 2005;85:299-303.
  19. Faghihi T, Radfar M, Mehrabian Z, et al. Atorvastatin for the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis. Pharmacotherapy. 2011;31:1045-1050.
  20. Chua SHH, Tioleco GMS, Dayrit CAF, et al. Atorvastatin as adjunctive therapy for chronic plaque type psoriasis versus betamethasone valerate alone: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2017;83:441-447.
  21. Jekel LG. Use of heparin in treatment of psoriasis. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1953;68:80-82.
  22. Farber EM, Cohen EN, Trozak DJ, et al. Peptide T improves psoriasis when infused into lesions in nanogram amounts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:658-664.
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Cutis - 103(2)
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Clearance of Psoriasis After Ischemic Stroke
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Clearance of Psoriasis After Ischemic Stroke
Inside the Article

Practice Points

  • Psoriasis is exacerbated in the presence of stress, and psoriatic lesions often have a symmetric distribution, which is evidence that the nervous system is involved in the pathophysiology of the condition.
  • Various neuropeptides are involved in the pathophysiology of psoriasis, including substance P, nerve growth factor, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and vasoactive intestinal peptide.
  • Peripheral nerve damage results in decreased secretion of neuropeptides, which can lead to remission of psoriasis.
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