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Turning Late-Night Advice into Big Business: Two Nurses’ Story

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Fri, 08/09/2024 - 15:11

Fevers? Vomiting? Fussiness? How to manage the first night home from the hospital? These are just a few of the hundreds of questions from parents that Atlanta, Georgia–based pediatric nurses Jennifer Walker and Laura Hunter answered well into the night.

Jennifer Walker and Lauren Hunter

It was the mid-1990s, and theirs was the only practice in town that offered on-call nurse responses around the clock. Ms. Hunter and Ms. Walker alternated work-from-home shifts, chatting with many of the practice’s families.

The pair answered the same questions from panicked parents over and over. And they found themselves bridging the gap between medical advice and parenting advice when supporting families.

“Parents were calling us at 2:00 in the morning with all kinds of things they were worried about, and that’s where Moms on Call was born,” Ms. Walker said.

A few decades later, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter turned that experience, empathy, and expertise into a thriving business. Moms on Call is often referred to as the “instruction manual for babies,” and the two nurses have consulted with more than 10,000 families. Along the way, they’ve sold more than a million copies of multiple books, created a deep well of online resources, and trained others in their techniques.

So how did they do it?

A Folder, a Swaddle, and a Mission

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter literally wrote the book on helping people in the trenches of new parenthood. But it wasn’t quite a book at first. “It was a folder we printed off the computer with those questions coming in,” Ms. Hunter recalled. The nurses developed a way to approach each call with a specific outline of protocols they had designed.

“What if we just go to the [patient’s] house and help them figure that out?” Ms. Walker remembered one of the pediatricians she worked with suggesting in 2002. For example, Ms. Hunter’s swaddle technique that calmed even the fussiest babies worked much better if it was demonstrated in person.

The two embarked on home visits with new parents. But their advice would be practical, not medical. Because they were not classified as traveling nurses, they drew a “definitive line” that they wouldn’t be discussing “major medical issues.”

“Going into the homes here in Atlanta, taking that folder, clipping nails, doing baths, discussing feeding — whether you were doing bottles or breastfeeding — we were going to help parents where they were,” Ms. Hunter said.

The physicians they worked with began recommending their services. Ms. Walker jokes that they didn’t know what they were doing at first; they considered giving their first client their money back. But parents needed what they were delivering, which was advice, validation, and confidence in their parenting.

Just 6-8 weeks into their initiative, other practices started to inquire about whether the nurses could do the same thing for them.

It was a solution to the problem of the 15-minute office visit. “We were helping with those questions so that when [babies] came in for their well visits, those questions were already answered. Not only did we go into their homes, but we supported them in the months after we left,” Ms. Hunter said.



The Ripple Effect

The outcomes were astonishing. “Babies were sleeping through the night. Parents were more confident. We didn’t expect the results, and we were shocked at how consistent it was,” Ms. Walker said. “Laura and I used to call each other in disbelief after we would put these basic principles in place and partner with parents.”

Local pediatricians were grateful for the help. But for the nurses, it was about walking alongside families. The two have countless stories of desperate parents, marriages “on the brink of disaster,” moments when they realized their work was having a ripple effect.

One military family stands out in Ms. Walker’s memory. “The father was fighting for our country overseas, and his wife was struggling alone at home.”

But support from Moms on Call had a powerful impact. “When [the father] came home, he presented Laura with a flag and a beautiful personal note expressing his gratitude,” Ms. Walker said. “Once his wife had a partner to help and felt confident and well rested, his heart could rest as well. We did what he couldn’t, and it made all the difference. After all, that’s what he was fighting for in the first place.”

The Gambler Calls

After just 1 or 2 years as Moms on Call, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter got an unexpected call from none other than celebrity singer Kenny Rogers, who needed help with his twins.

“I was flipping through the folder, and he said: ‘It’s not copyrighted. It’ll be copyrighted tomorrow morning,’ ” Ms. Hunter recalled.

Mr. Rogers’ attorneys called the next day to provide all the information. “He said: ‘Y’all have got something here. Send this folder to a self-publishing company. Throw up a website. It’ll cost you a few thousand bucks,’” said Ms. Hunter. The business was officially born in 2004.

More of Mr. Rogers’ advice: “You can’t hit a bull’s-eye if you don’t throw a few darts. This is worth throwing a few darts at.”

‘They Don’t Teach You That in Nursing School’

The two nurses reimagined their all-knowing folder as a book with a DVD in the back. Because how do you teach parents how to suction noses without showing it? They also wanted to use an outline format — simpler for exhausted parents who just needed to get the information quickly. A few publishers pushed back on these ideas. But the nurses persisted and self-published the first edition.

The original website was basic. Ms. Walker’s Aunt Janet put it together. But grateful clients were Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s best marketing tool, spreading the word to friends and family. The message: Parents know their own children best and can be empowered to help their own kids, rather than leaning on professionals alone.

A community of families also helped them navigate starting a business. A client who was a mergers and acquisitions lawyer helped them form their LLC. “They don’t teach you that in nursing school,” Ms. Walker said. 

Ms. Walker added that they made mistakes. “Not everyone that we encountered viewed or felt the same way about growing a business that is primarily focused on helping families. Sometimes that meant offering services at no charge. Or saying no to certain partnerships that didn’t align with our business model.”

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter had an eye on equity in creating multiple ways to access their advice at various price points. They started by charging around $75 for an in-home visit. (Now, if one of the CEOs comes out, it’s around $1000.) But the books, app, and online resources support those who can’t access that, as do an additional 10 in-home consultants around the country.

Along the way, moments told them they were going in the right direction and helped them define their purpose. “It is having a client ‘buy’ us as their go-to [baby] shower gift. It is being able to provide and support a clinic in Kenya or military families around the world. It is helping families realize that they can sleep — that they aren’t alone,” Ms. Walker said. 



On Call 24/7 in the Car, in the Checkout Line ...

The early days of Moms on Call were also a juggling act. As Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter balanced work and home with 10 of their own kids between the two of them, they took calls wherever they were. A friend and caller once joked that she could tell Ms. Hunter was checking out at the grocery store while she advised her on her very sick son’s vomiting.

“We were still trying to take care of the kids, run the house, and neither one of us had nannies or night nurses or housekeepers,” Ms. Hunter said. “But being on call allowed us to still be at home.”

Ms. Walker remembers taking calls on the way to ball games with her own kids, who by 8 years old could recite the advice for a baby’s fever from the back of the car. “It was like a family affair, and our kids got to see how that works and see their moms in action,” she said.

Through it all, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s motivation came from knowing that thousands of parents were begging for help — and they had an answer.

“Our shoulders have absorbed so many tears of parents who were exhausted and hurting, some who had been lied to or told their child would never sleep or had to be raised a certain way. When someone steals that confidence, especially from a brand-new parent overwhelmed by information, it makes us want to shout the truth from every rooftop and digital channel available,” Ms. Walker added.

Do You Have a Business Idea?

“Boots on the ground” healthcare professionals often see new opportunities to serve patients who might be falling through the cracks of the healthcare system. While not all will become a full-blown business, Ms. Hunter encourages them to break down their idea into “bite-sized pieces.” Just have the next conversation.

“Ask the people around you and the people who are brought to you,” Ms. Hunter said. When the two nurses look back, they see how those pieces of the puzzle were meant to come together. “Ask everyone you know,” Ms. Hunter advised. “And talk to the people you are taking care of. It’s possible they have a gift that will help you get to the next bite-sized piece.”

In short — develop a network of people who believe in your idea. Prioritize those relationships and see where they can take you.

The close relationship between Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter, as business partners and friends, has also been crucial. They joke that they finish each other’s sentences and sandwiches. “You have to fight for that — we prioritize [that relationship]” too, Ms. Walker said.

Finally, remember why you are doing what you do, Ms. Walker said. “These are the people we help: Wonderful people with jobs that serve us all — the airplane pilot, the anesthesiologist, the pediatrician, the single dad. They are all parents who have felt alone and exhausted. In those lonely moments of a parent’s heart where they fear they are doing the wrong thing, we want to be the voice of hope,” she added. “We let them know that if they ever wondered if they were doing it right, well, only good parents wonder that.”

A version of this article appeared on


Fevers? Vomiting? Fussiness? How to manage the first night home from the hospital? These are just a few of the hundreds of questions from parents that Atlanta, Georgia–based pediatric nurses Jennifer Walker and Laura Hunter answered well into the night.

Jennifer Walker and Lauren Hunter

It was the mid-1990s, and theirs was the only practice in town that offered on-call nurse responses around the clock. Ms. Hunter and Ms. Walker alternated work-from-home shifts, chatting with many of the practice’s families.

The pair answered the same questions from panicked parents over and over. And they found themselves bridging the gap between medical advice and parenting advice when supporting families.

“Parents were calling us at 2:00 in the morning with all kinds of things they were worried about, and that’s where Moms on Call was born,” Ms. Walker said.

A few decades later, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter turned that experience, empathy, and expertise into a thriving business. Moms on Call is often referred to as the “instruction manual for babies,” and the two nurses have consulted with more than 10,000 families. Along the way, they’ve sold more than a million copies of multiple books, created a deep well of online resources, and trained others in their techniques.

So how did they do it?

A Folder, a Swaddle, and a Mission

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter literally wrote the book on helping people in the trenches of new parenthood. But it wasn’t quite a book at first. “It was a folder we printed off the computer with those questions coming in,” Ms. Hunter recalled. The nurses developed a way to approach each call with a specific outline of protocols they had designed.

“What if we just go to the [patient’s] house and help them figure that out?” Ms. Walker remembered one of the pediatricians she worked with suggesting in 2002. For example, Ms. Hunter’s swaddle technique that calmed even the fussiest babies worked much better if it was demonstrated in person.

The two embarked on home visits with new parents. But their advice would be practical, not medical. Because they were not classified as traveling nurses, they drew a “definitive line” that they wouldn’t be discussing “major medical issues.”

“Going into the homes here in Atlanta, taking that folder, clipping nails, doing baths, discussing feeding — whether you were doing bottles or breastfeeding — we were going to help parents where they were,” Ms. Hunter said.

The physicians they worked with began recommending their services. Ms. Walker jokes that they didn’t know what they were doing at first; they considered giving their first client their money back. But parents needed what they were delivering, which was advice, validation, and confidence in their parenting.

Just 6-8 weeks into their initiative, other practices started to inquire about whether the nurses could do the same thing for them.

It was a solution to the problem of the 15-minute office visit. “We were helping with those questions so that when [babies] came in for their well visits, those questions were already answered. Not only did we go into their homes, but we supported them in the months after we left,” Ms. Hunter said.



The Ripple Effect

The outcomes were astonishing. “Babies were sleeping through the night. Parents were more confident. We didn’t expect the results, and we were shocked at how consistent it was,” Ms. Walker said. “Laura and I used to call each other in disbelief after we would put these basic principles in place and partner with parents.”

Local pediatricians were grateful for the help. But for the nurses, it was about walking alongside families. The two have countless stories of desperate parents, marriages “on the brink of disaster,” moments when they realized their work was having a ripple effect.

One military family stands out in Ms. Walker’s memory. “The father was fighting for our country overseas, and his wife was struggling alone at home.”

But support from Moms on Call had a powerful impact. “When [the father] came home, he presented Laura with a flag and a beautiful personal note expressing his gratitude,” Ms. Walker said. “Once his wife had a partner to help and felt confident and well rested, his heart could rest as well. We did what he couldn’t, and it made all the difference. After all, that’s what he was fighting for in the first place.”

The Gambler Calls

After just 1 or 2 years as Moms on Call, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter got an unexpected call from none other than celebrity singer Kenny Rogers, who needed help with his twins.

“I was flipping through the folder, and he said: ‘It’s not copyrighted. It’ll be copyrighted tomorrow morning,’ ” Ms. Hunter recalled.

Mr. Rogers’ attorneys called the next day to provide all the information. “He said: ‘Y’all have got something here. Send this folder to a self-publishing company. Throw up a website. It’ll cost you a few thousand bucks,’” said Ms. Hunter. The business was officially born in 2004.

More of Mr. Rogers’ advice: “You can’t hit a bull’s-eye if you don’t throw a few darts. This is worth throwing a few darts at.”

‘They Don’t Teach You That in Nursing School’

The two nurses reimagined their all-knowing folder as a book with a DVD in the back. Because how do you teach parents how to suction noses without showing it? They also wanted to use an outline format — simpler for exhausted parents who just needed to get the information quickly. A few publishers pushed back on these ideas. But the nurses persisted and self-published the first edition.

The original website was basic. Ms. Walker’s Aunt Janet put it together. But grateful clients were Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s best marketing tool, spreading the word to friends and family. The message: Parents know their own children best and can be empowered to help their own kids, rather than leaning on professionals alone.

A community of families also helped them navigate starting a business. A client who was a mergers and acquisitions lawyer helped them form their LLC. “They don’t teach you that in nursing school,” Ms. Walker said. 

Ms. Walker added that they made mistakes. “Not everyone that we encountered viewed or felt the same way about growing a business that is primarily focused on helping families. Sometimes that meant offering services at no charge. Or saying no to certain partnerships that didn’t align with our business model.”

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter had an eye on equity in creating multiple ways to access their advice at various price points. They started by charging around $75 for an in-home visit. (Now, if one of the CEOs comes out, it’s around $1000.) But the books, app, and online resources support those who can’t access that, as do an additional 10 in-home consultants around the country.

Along the way, moments told them they were going in the right direction and helped them define their purpose. “It is having a client ‘buy’ us as their go-to [baby] shower gift. It is being able to provide and support a clinic in Kenya or military families around the world. It is helping families realize that they can sleep — that they aren’t alone,” Ms. Walker said. 



On Call 24/7 in the Car, in the Checkout Line ...

The early days of Moms on Call were also a juggling act. As Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter balanced work and home with 10 of their own kids between the two of them, they took calls wherever they were. A friend and caller once joked that she could tell Ms. Hunter was checking out at the grocery store while she advised her on her very sick son’s vomiting.

“We were still trying to take care of the kids, run the house, and neither one of us had nannies or night nurses or housekeepers,” Ms. Hunter said. “But being on call allowed us to still be at home.”

Ms. Walker remembers taking calls on the way to ball games with her own kids, who by 8 years old could recite the advice for a baby’s fever from the back of the car. “It was like a family affair, and our kids got to see how that works and see their moms in action,” she said.

Through it all, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s motivation came from knowing that thousands of parents were begging for help — and they had an answer.

“Our shoulders have absorbed so many tears of parents who were exhausted and hurting, some who had been lied to or told their child would never sleep or had to be raised a certain way. When someone steals that confidence, especially from a brand-new parent overwhelmed by information, it makes us want to shout the truth from every rooftop and digital channel available,” Ms. Walker added.

Do You Have a Business Idea?

“Boots on the ground” healthcare professionals often see new opportunities to serve patients who might be falling through the cracks of the healthcare system. While not all will become a full-blown business, Ms. Hunter encourages them to break down their idea into “bite-sized pieces.” Just have the next conversation.

“Ask the people around you and the people who are brought to you,” Ms. Hunter said. When the two nurses look back, they see how those pieces of the puzzle were meant to come together. “Ask everyone you know,” Ms. Hunter advised. “And talk to the people you are taking care of. It’s possible they have a gift that will help you get to the next bite-sized piece.”

In short — develop a network of people who believe in your idea. Prioritize those relationships and see where they can take you.

The close relationship between Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter, as business partners and friends, has also been crucial. They joke that they finish each other’s sentences and sandwiches. “You have to fight for that — we prioritize [that relationship]” too, Ms. Walker said.

Finally, remember why you are doing what you do, Ms. Walker said. “These are the people we help: Wonderful people with jobs that serve us all — the airplane pilot, the anesthesiologist, the pediatrician, the single dad. They are all parents who have felt alone and exhausted. In those lonely moments of a parent’s heart where they fear they are doing the wrong thing, we want to be the voice of hope,” she added. “We let them know that if they ever wondered if they were doing it right, well, only good parents wonder that.”

A version of this article appeared on

Fevers? Vomiting? Fussiness? How to manage the first night home from the hospital? These are just a few of the hundreds of questions from parents that Atlanta, Georgia–based pediatric nurses Jennifer Walker and Laura Hunter answered well into the night.

Jennifer Walker and Lauren Hunter

It was the mid-1990s, and theirs was the only practice in town that offered on-call nurse responses around the clock. Ms. Hunter and Ms. Walker alternated work-from-home shifts, chatting with many of the practice’s families.

The pair answered the same questions from panicked parents over and over. And they found themselves bridging the gap between medical advice and parenting advice when supporting families.

“Parents were calling us at 2:00 in the morning with all kinds of things they were worried about, and that’s where Moms on Call was born,” Ms. Walker said.

A few decades later, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter turned that experience, empathy, and expertise into a thriving business. Moms on Call is often referred to as the “instruction manual for babies,” and the two nurses have consulted with more than 10,000 families. Along the way, they’ve sold more than a million copies of multiple books, created a deep well of online resources, and trained others in their techniques.

So how did they do it?

A Folder, a Swaddle, and a Mission

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter literally wrote the book on helping people in the trenches of new parenthood. But it wasn’t quite a book at first. “It was a folder we printed off the computer with those questions coming in,” Ms. Hunter recalled. The nurses developed a way to approach each call with a specific outline of protocols they had designed.

“What if we just go to the [patient’s] house and help them figure that out?” Ms. Walker remembered one of the pediatricians she worked with suggesting in 2002. For example, Ms. Hunter’s swaddle technique that calmed even the fussiest babies worked much better if it was demonstrated in person.

The two embarked on home visits with new parents. But their advice would be practical, not medical. Because they were not classified as traveling nurses, they drew a “definitive line” that they wouldn’t be discussing “major medical issues.”

“Going into the homes here in Atlanta, taking that folder, clipping nails, doing baths, discussing feeding — whether you were doing bottles or breastfeeding — we were going to help parents where they were,” Ms. Hunter said.

The physicians they worked with began recommending their services. Ms. Walker jokes that they didn’t know what they were doing at first; they considered giving their first client their money back. But parents needed what they were delivering, which was advice, validation, and confidence in their parenting.

Just 6-8 weeks into their initiative, other practices started to inquire about whether the nurses could do the same thing for them.

It was a solution to the problem of the 15-minute office visit. “We were helping with those questions so that when [babies] came in for their well visits, those questions were already answered. Not only did we go into their homes, but we supported them in the months after we left,” Ms. Hunter said.



The Ripple Effect

The outcomes were astonishing. “Babies were sleeping through the night. Parents were more confident. We didn’t expect the results, and we were shocked at how consistent it was,” Ms. Walker said. “Laura and I used to call each other in disbelief after we would put these basic principles in place and partner with parents.”

Local pediatricians were grateful for the help. But for the nurses, it was about walking alongside families. The two have countless stories of desperate parents, marriages “on the brink of disaster,” moments when they realized their work was having a ripple effect.

One military family stands out in Ms. Walker’s memory. “The father was fighting for our country overseas, and his wife was struggling alone at home.”

But support from Moms on Call had a powerful impact. “When [the father] came home, he presented Laura with a flag and a beautiful personal note expressing his gratitude,” Ms. Walker said. “Once his wife had a partner to help and felt confident and well rested, his heart could rest as well. We did what he couldn’t, and it made all the difference. After all, that’s what he was fighting for in the first place.”

The Gambler Calls

After just 1 or 2 years as Moms on Call, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter got an unexpected call from none other than celebrity singer Kenny Rogers, who needed help with his twins.

“I was flipping through the folder, and he said: ‘It’s not copyrighted. It’ll be copyrighted tomorrow morning,’ ” Ms. Hunter recalled.

Mr. Rogers’ attorneys called the next day to provide all the information. “He said: ‘Y’all have got something here. Send this folder to a self-publishing company. Throw up a website. It’ll cost you a few thousand bucks,’” said Ms. Hunter. The business was officially born in 2004.

More of Mr. Rogers’ advice: “You can’t hit a bull’s-eye if you don’t throw a few darts. This is worth throwing a few darts at.”

‘They Don’t Teach You That in Nursing School’

The two nurses reimagined their all-knowing folder as a book with a DVD in the back. Because how do you teach parents how to suction noses without showing it? They also wanted to use an outline format — simpler for exhausted parents who just needed to get the information quickly. A few publishers pushed back on these ideas. But the nurses persisted and self-published the first edition.

The original website was basic. Ms. Walker’s Aunt Janet put it together. But grateful clients were Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s best marketing tool, spreading the word to friends and family. The message: Parents know their own children best and can be empowered to help their own kids, rather than leaning on professionals alone.

A community of families also helped them navigate starting a business. A client who was a mergers and acquisitions lawyer helped them form their LLC. “They don’t teach you that in nursing school,” Ms. Walker said. 

Ms. Walker added that they made mistakes. “Not everyone that we encountered viewed or felt the same way about growing a business that is primarily focused on helping families. Sometimes that meant offering services at no charge. Or saying no to certain partnerships that didn’t align with our business model.”

Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter had an eye on equity in creating multiple ways to access their advice at various price points. They started by charging around $75 for an in-home visit. (Now, if one of the CEOs comes out, it’s around $1000.) But the books, app, and online resources support those who can’t access that, as do an additional 10 in-home consultants around the country.

Along the way, moments told them they were going in the right direction and helped them define their purpose. “It is having a client ‘buy’ us as their go-to [baby] shower gift. It is being able to provide and support a clinic in Kenya or military families around the world. It is helping families realize that they can sleep — that they aren’t alone,” Ms. Walker said. 



On Call 24/7 in the Car, in the Checkout Line ...

The early days of Moms on Call were also a juggling act. As Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter balanced work and home with 10 of their own kids between the two of them, they took calls wherever they were. A friend and caller once joked that she could tell Ms. Hunter was checking out at the grocery store while she advised her on her very sick son’s vomiting.

“We were still trying to take care of the kids, run the house, and neither one of us had nannies or night nurses or housekeepers,” Ms. Hunter said. “But being on call allowed us to still be at home.”

Ms. Walker remembers taking calls on the way to ball games with her own kids, who by 8 years old could recite the advice for a baby’s fever from the back of the car. “It was like a family affair, and our kids got to see how that works and see their moms in action,” she said.

Through it all, Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter’s motivation came from knowing that thousands of parents were begging for help — and they had an answer.

“Our shoulders have absorbed so many tears of parents who were exhausted and hurting, some who had been lied to or told their child would never sleep or had to be raised a certain way. When someone steals that confidence, especially from a brand-new parent overwhelmed by information, it makes us want to shout the truth from every rooftop and digital channel available,” Ms. Walker added.

Do You Have a Business Idea?

“Boots on the ground” healthcare professionals often see new opportunities to serve patients who might be falling through the cracks of the healthcare system. While not all will become a full-blown business, Ms. Hunter encourages them to break down their idea into “bite-sized pieces.” Just have the next conversation.

“Ask the people around you and the people who are brought to you,” Ms. Hunter said. When the two nurses look back, they see how those pieces of the puzzle were meant to come together. “Ask everyone you know,” Ms. Hunter advised. “And talk to the people you are taking care of. It’s possible they have a gift that will help you get to the next bite-sized piece.”

In short — develop a network of people who believe in your idea. Prioritize those relationships and see where they can take you.

The close relationship between Ms. Walker and Ms. Hunter, as business partners and friends, has also been crucial. They joke that they finish each other’s sentences and sandwiches. “You have to fight for that — we prioritize [that relationship]” too, Ms. Walker said.

Finally, remember why you are doing what you do, Ms. Walker said. “These are the people we help: Wonderful people with jobs that serve us all — the airplane pilot, the anesthesiologist, the pediatrician, the single dad. They are all parents who have felt alone and exhausted. In those lonely moments of a parent’s heart where they fear they are doing the wrong thing, we want to be the voice of hope,” she added. “We let them know that if they ever wondered if they were doing it right, well, only good parents wonder that.”

A version of this article appeared on

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The Mysterious Latch

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Tue, 08/06/2024 - 11:09

While there may be some lactation consultants who disagree, in my experience counseling women attempting to breastfeed is more art than science. Well before the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began to offer mini courses on breastfeeding for practitioners I was left to help new mothers based on watching my wife nurse our three children and what scraps of common sense I could sweep up off the floor.

Using my own benchmarks of success I would say I did a decent job with dyads who sought my help. I began by accepting that even under optimal conditions, not every woman and/or child can successfully breastfeed. None of the infants died or was hospitalized with dehydration. A few may have required some additional phototherapy, but they all completed infancy in good shape. On the maternal side I am sure there were a few mothers who had lingering feelings of inadequacy because they had “failed” at breastfeeding. But, for the most part, I think I succeeded in helping new mothers remain as mentally healthy as they could be given the rigors of motherhood. At least I gave it my best shot.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

If I had a strategy, it was a focus on maintaining a routine (schedule can have an ugly aura about it) that allowed mothers to achieve spells of restorative rest. Helping mothers with the difficult task of deciding whether their infant was hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable was always a struggle, but well worth the effort when we succeeded. Finally, I tried to help mothers step back off the ledge and look at the bigger picture — breastfeeding was not the only way to feed their baby while we were working to overcome the bumps in the road.

Where I failed was in my inability to effectively counsel when it came to the mysteries of the latch. In large part it was because I was a man and helping the dyad succeed at latching on to the breast can require a hands-on approach with which I felt a bit uncomfortable. I could certainly test a baby’s suck and oral architecture with my pinky but otherwise I had to rely on women to help if latching was a problem. I think even trained lactation consultants have difficulty with this mysterious process, which is completely hidden from view inside the baby’s mouth.

Fortunately for me and the dyads I was working with, we rarely considered ankyloglossia as a problem. My training had been that tongue-tie seldom, if ever, contributed to speech problems and even less commonly hindered latch. I think I recall snipping a couple of lingual frenulums early in my career in a bloodless and seemingly painless procedure. But, for the life of me I can’t recall the motivation. It may have been that the ankyloglossia was so obvious that I couldn’t convince the parents it would resolve or it was at the request of a lactation consultant.

But, obviously after I stopped seeing newborns a decade and a half ago the lingual frenulum became a target of surgical assault with, at times, unfortunate results that made breastfeeding painful and more difficult. It’s hard for me to imagine why anyone would consider using a laser for such a simple procedure. But, then I haven’t invested in a laser that allowed me to charge $800 for the procedure. I doubt I even charged for it. It wouldn’t have been worth the time and effort to look up the code. But, then, technology and money can be powerful motivators.

The good news is the AAP has been watching and recently issued a clinical report in which they state what many of us have known from personal observation — ”Whether the release of a tight lingual frenulum in neonates improves breastfeeding is not clear.” They further note that “the symptoms of ankyloglossia overlap those of other breastfeeding difficulties.”

So there you have it. Another fad has been squashed and we’ve come full circle. The latch still remains mystery hidden from view. I think we have to suspect that there exists a small number of dyads in which tongue-tie creates a problem with nursing. And, there may be some safe imaging technique coming along that gives us a glimpse of what happens in the dark recesses of a nursing baby’s mouth. Until then we must rely on masters of the art of lactation consulting, the “Latch Whisperers.”

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at


While there may be some lactation consultants who disagree, in my experience counseling women attempting to breastfeed is more art than science. Well before the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began to offer mini courses on breastfeeding for practitioners I was left to help new mothers based on watching my wife nurse our three children and what scraps of common sense I could sweep up off the floor.

Using my own benchmarks of success I would say I did a decent job with dyads who sought my help. I began by accepting that even under optimal conditions, not every woman and/or child can successfully breastfeed. None of the infants died or was hospitalized with dehydration. A few may have required some additional phototherapy, but they all completed infancy in good shape. On the maternal side I am sure there were a few mothers who had lingering feelings of inadequacy because they had “failed” at breastfeeding. But, for the most part, I think I succeeded in helping new mothers remain as mentally healthy as they could be given the rigors of motherhood. At least I gave it my best shot.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

If I had a strategy, it was a focus on maintaining a routine (schedule can have an ugly aura about it) that allowed mothers to achieve spells of restorative rest. Helping mothers with the difficult task of deciding whether their infant was hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable was always a struggle, but well worth the effort when we succeeded. Finally, I tried to help mothers step back off the ledge and look at the bigger picture — breastfeeding was not the only way to feed their baby while we were working to overcome the bumps in the road.

Where I failed was in my inability to effectively counsel when it came to the mysteries of the latch. In large part it was because I was a man and helping the dyad succeed at latching on to the breast can require a hands-on approach with which I felt a bit uncomfortable. I could certainly test a baby’s suck and oral architecture with my pinky but otherwise I had to rely on women to help if latching was a problem. I think even trained lactation consultants have difficulty with this mysterious process, which is completely hidden from view inside the baby’s mouth.

Fortunately for me and the dyads I was working with, we rarely considered ankyloglossia as a problem. My training had been that tongue-tie seldom, if ever, contributed to speech problems and even less commonly hindered latch. I think I recall snipping a couple of lingual frenulums early in my career in a bloodless and seemingly painless procedure. But, for the life of me I can’t recall the motivation. It may have been that the ankyloglossia was so obvious that I couldn’t convince the parents it would resolve or it was at the request of a lactation consultant.

But, obviously after I stopped seeing newborns a decade and a half ago the lingual frenulum became a target of surgical assault with, at times, unfortunate results that made breastfeeding painful and more difficult. It’s hard for me to imagine why anyone would consider using a laser for such a simple procedure. But, then I haven’t invested in a laser that allowed me to charge $800 for the procedure. I doubt I even charged for it. It wouldn’t have been worth the time and effort to look up the code. But, then, technology and money can be powerful motivators.

The good news is the AAP has been watching and recently issued a clinical report in which they state what many of us have known from personal observation — ”Whether the release of a tight lingual frenulum in neonates improves breastfeeding is not clear.” They further note that “the symptoms of ankyloglossia overlap those of other breastfeeding difficulties.”

So there you have it. Another fad has been squashed and we’ve come full circle. The latch still remains mystery hidden from view. I think we have to suspect that there exists a small number of dyads in which tongue-tie creates a problem with nursing. And, there may be some safe imaging technique coming along that gives us a glimpse of what happens in the dark recesses of a nursing baby’s mouth. Until then we must rely on masters of the art of lactation consulting, the “Latch Whisperers.”

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at

While there may be some lactation consultants who disagree, in my experience counseling women attempting to breastfeed is more art than science. Well before the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began to offer mini courses on breastfeeding for practitioners I was left to help new mothers based on watching my wife nurse our three children and what scraps of common sense I could sweep up off the floor.

Using my own benchmarks of success I would say I did a decent job with dyads who sought my help. I began by accepting that even under optimal conditions, not every woman and/or child can successfully breastfeed. None of the infants died or was hospitalized with dehydration. A few may have required some additional phototherapy, but they all completed infancy in good shape. On the maternal side I am sure there were a few mothers who had lingering feelings of inadequacy because they had “failed” at breastfeeding. But, for the most part, I think I succeeded in helping new mothers remain as mentally healthy as they could be given the rigors of motherhood. At least I gave it my best shot.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

If I had a strategy, it was a focus on maintaining a routine (schedule can have an ugly aura about it) that allowed mothers to achieve spells of restorative rest. Helping mothers with the difficult task of deciding whether their infant was hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable was always a struggle, but well worth the effort when we succeeded. Finally, I tried to help mothers step back off the ledge and look at the bigger picture — breastfeeding was not the only way to feed their baby while we were working to overcome the bumps in the road.

Where I failed was in my inability to effectively counsel when it came to the mysteries of the latch. In large part it was because I was a man and helping the dyad succeed at latching on to the breast can require a hands-on approach with which I felt a bit uncomfortable. I could certainly test a baby’s suck and oral architecture with my pinky but otherwise I had to rely on women to help if latching was a problem. I think even trained lactation consultants have difficulty with this mysterious process, which is completely hidden from view inside the baby’s mouth.

Fortunately for me and the dyads I was working with, we rarely considered ankyloglossia as a problem. My training had been that tongue-tie seldom, if ever, contributed to speech problems and even less commonly hindered latch. I think I recall snipping a couple of lingual frenulums early in my career in a bloodless and seemingly painless procedure. But, for the life of me I can’t recall the motivation. It may have been that the ankyloglossia was so obvious that I couldn’t convince the parents it would resolve or it was at the request of a lactation consultant.

But, obviously after I stopped seeing newborns a decade and a half ago the lingual frenulum became a target of surgical assault with, at times, unfortunate results that made breastfeeding painful and more difficult. It’s hard for me to imagine why anyone would consider using a laser for such a simple procedure. But, then I haven’t invested in a laser that allowed me to charge $800 for the procedure. I doubt I even charged for it. It wouldn’t have been worth the time and effort to look up the code. But, then, technology and money can be powerful motivators.

The good news is the AAP has been watching and recently issued a clinical report in which they state what many of us have known from personal observation — ”Whether the release of a tight lingual frenulum in neonates improves breastfeeding is not clear.” They further note that “the symptoms of ankyloglossia overlap those of other breastfeeding difficulties.”

So there you have it. Another fad has been squashed and we’ve come full circle. The latch still remains mystery hidden from view. I think we have to suspect that there exists a small number of dyads in which tongue-tie creates a problem with nursing. And, there may be some safe imaging technique coming along that gives us a glimpse of what happens in the dark recesses of a nursing baby’s mouth. Until then we must rely on masters of the art of lactation consulting, the “Latch Whisperers.”

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at

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Maternal Obesity Linked to Sudden Infant Death

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Fri, 08/02/2024 - 11:49

More than 5% of cases of sudden infant death may be linked to maternal obesity, new research showed.

“When a parent has a child that dies of sudden unexplained infant death [SUID], it’s extremely devastating,” said Jan-Marino Ramirez, PhD, the Zain Nadella Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosciences at the University of Washington, Seattle, and director of the Center for Integrative Brain Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital. “And the most devastating problem is that there’s no clear answer. Understanding the mechanisms will help parents understand.”

The study was published online in JAMA Pediatrics.

In the United States, approximately 3500 cases of SUID are reported yearly. After educational campaigns in the 1990s demonstrating safe infant sleep positions, rates of these fatalities dropped but have since plateaued.

Maternal Obesity During Pregnancy

Rates of maternal obesity are increasing globally, and more than half of women of reproductive age are overweight or obese.

“Maternal obesity before pregnancy affects placental development, gene expression, and has long-term implications,” said Patrick Catalano, MD, a professor in residence at the Departments of Reproductive Endocrinology and Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Maternal obesity is a well-documented risk factor for adverse outcomes of pregnancy including stillbirth, preterm birth, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. Swedish researchers in 2014 reported maternal obesity was linked to an increase in infant mortality that increased with body mass index (BMI), but that study did not look specifically at SUID.

For their new study, Dr. Ramirez and colleagues looked at data from all live births in the United States from 2015 to 2019 recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics. Of the 18,857,694 live births occurring at 28 weeks of gestation or later, 16,545 infants died of a sudden, unexplained cause.

Rates of SUID in babies born to mothers with obesity increased in a statistically significant, dose-dependent manner relative to normal weight mothers. The unadjusted absolute risks for SUID were 0.74 cases per 1000 births for normal weight mothers, 0.99 cases at BMIs between 30 and 35, 1.17 cases at BMIs between 35 and 40, and 1.47 instances at BMI ≥ 40.

After adjustment for maternal age, race, ethnicity, and level of education, the adjusted odds ratio for a case of SUID was 1.39 among women with the highest levels of obesity (95% CI, 1.31-1.47), according to the researchers.

While the study revealed an association between maternal obesity and SUID, the basis for this connection remains unknown, the investigators noted. One possibility for the link is that obesity increases the risk for obstructive sleep apnea, which can result in intermittent hypoxia. That, in turn, causes oxidative stress, which may possibly have effects on the fetus causing effects that eventually lead to SUID in the infant.

An accompanying editorial by Jacqueline Maya, MD; Marie-France Hivert, MD, MMSc; and Lydia Shook, MD, from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, suggested that the SUID is unlikely directly influenced by high maternal BMI but rather by the metabolic concerns related to obesity such as inflammation, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid metabolism. Epigenetics may also play a role.

“We believe the evidence for this study of an association between prepregnancy obesity and SUID is a call to action for the scientific and medical community to better understand the complex interplay of biological, social, and behavioral factors that may lead to SUID, a devastating complication that no family should experience,” the authors of the editorial wrote.

Dr. Ramirez stressed the importance of not initiating guilt because there are many factors in SUID such as genetics that cannot be controlled.

“We are far from saying a baby died because you were obese; that’s an important message to parents,” he said. What he sees as important, rather, is using this new research to elucidate further mechanisms that may allow for more targeted interventions: “If we discover that it’s due to, for example, sleep apnea, that’s something we can prevent.”

The researchers reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on


More than 5% of cases of sudden infant death may be linked to maternal obesity, new research showed.

“When a parent has a child that dies of sudden unexplained infant death [SUID], it’s extremely devastating,” said Jan-Marino Ramirez, PhD, the Zain Nadella Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosciences at the University of Washington, Seattle, and director of the Center for Integrative Brain Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital. “And the most devastating problem is that there’s no clear answer. Understanding the mechanisms will help parents understand.”

The study was published online in JAMA Pediatrics.

In the United States, approximately 3500 cases of SUID are reported yearly. After educational campaigns in the 1990s demonstrating safe infant sleep positions, rates of these fatalities dropped but have since plateaued.

Maternal Obesity During Pregnancy

Rates of maternal obesity are increasing globally, and more than half of women of reproductive age are overweight or obese.

“Maternal obesity before pregnancy affects placental development, gene expression, and has long-term implications,” said Patrick Catalano, MD, a professor in residence at the Departments of Reproductive Endocrinology and Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Maternal obesity is a well-documented risk factor for adverse outcomes of pregnancy including stillbirth, preterm birth, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. Swedish researchers in 2014 reported maternal obesity was linked to an increase in infant mortality that increased with body mass index (BMI), but that study did not look specifically at SUID.

For their new study, Dr. Ramirez and colleagues looked at data from all live births in the United States from 2015 to 2019 recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics. Of the 18,857,694 live births occurring at 28 weeks of gestation or later, 16,545 infants died of a sudden, unexplained cause.

Rates of SUID in babies born to mothers with obesity increased in a statistically significant, dose-dependent manner relative to normal weight mothers. The unadjusted absolute risks for SUID were 0.74 cases per 1000 births for normal weight mothers, 0.99 cases at BMIs between 30 and 35, 1.17 cases at BMIs between 35 and 40, and 1.47 instances at BMI ≥ 40.

After adjustment for maternal age, race, ethnicity, and level of education, the adjusted odds ratio for a case of SUID was 1.39 among women with the highest levels of obesity (95% CI, 1.31-1.47), according to the researchers.

While the study revealed an association between maternal obesity and SUID, the basis for this connection remains unknown, the investigators noted. One possibility for the link is that obesity increases the risk for obstructive sleep apnea, which can result in intermittent hypoxia. That, in turn, causes oxidative stress, which may possibly have effects on the fetus causing effects that eventually lead to SUID in the infant.

An accompanying editorial by Jacqueline Maya, MD; Marie-France Hivert, MD, MMSc; and Lydia Shook, MD, from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, suggested that the SUID is unlikely directly influenced by high maternal BMI but rather by the metabolic concerns related to obesity such as inflammation, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid metabolism. Epigenetics may also play a role.

“We believe the evidence for this study of an association between prepregnancy obesity and SUID is a call to action for the scientific and medical community to better understand the complex interplay of biological, social, and behavioral factors that may lead to SUID, a devastating complication that no family should experience,” the authors of the editorial wrote.

Dr. Ramirez stressed the importance of not initiating guilt because there are many factors in SUID such as genetics that cannot be controlled.

“We are far from saying a baby died because you were obese; that’s an important message to parents,” he said. What he sees as important, rather, is using this new research to elucidate further mechanisms that may allow for more targeted interventions: “If we discover that it’s due to, for example, sleep apnea, that’s something we can prevent.”

The researchers reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

More than 5% of cases of sudden infant death may be linked to maternal obesity, new research showed.

“When a parent has a child that dies of sudden unexplained infant death [SUID], it’s extremely devastating,” said Jan-Marino Ramirez, PhD, the Zain Nadella Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosciences at the University of Washington, Seattle, and director of the Center for Integrative Brain Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital. “And the most devastating problem is that there’s no clear answer. Understanding the mechanisms will help parents understand.”

The study was published online in JAMA Pediatrics.

In the United States, approximately 3500 cases of SUID are reported yearly. After educational campaigns in the 1990s demonstrating safe infant sleep positions, rates of these fatalities dropped but have since plateaued.

Maternal Obesity During Pregnancy

Rates of maternal obesity are increasing globally, and more than half of women of reproductive age are overweight or obese.

“Maternal obesity before pregnancy affects placental development, gene expression, and has long-term implications,” said Patrick Catalano, MD, a professor in residence at the Departments of Reproductive Endocrinology and Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Maternal obesity is a well-documented risk factor for adverse outcomes of pregnancy including stillbirth, preterm birth, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. Swedish researchers in 2014 reported maternal obesity was linked to an increase in infant mortality that increased with body mass index (BMI), but that study did not look specifically at SUID.

For their new study, Dr. Ramirez and colleagues looked at data from all live births in the United States from 2015 to 2019 recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics. Of the 18,857,694 live births occurring at 28 weeks of gestation or later, 16,545 infants died of a sudden, unexplained cause.

Rates of SUID in babies born to mothers with obesity increased in a statistically significant, dose-dependent manner relative to normal weight mothers. The unadjusted absolute risks for SUID were 0.74 cases per 1000 births for normal weight mothers, 0.99 cases at BMIs between 30 and 35, 1.17 cases at BMIs between 35 and 40, and 1.47 instances at BMI ≥ 40.

After adjustment for maternal age, race, ethnicity, and level of education, the adjusted odds ratio for a case of SUID was 1.39 among women with the highest levels of obesity (95% CI, 1.31-1.47), according to the researchers.

While the study revealed an association between maternal obesity and SUID, the basis for this connection remains unknown, the investigators noted. One possibility for the link is that obesity increases the risk for obstructive sleep apnea, which can result in intermittent hypoxia. That, in turn, causes oxidative stress, which may possibly have effects on the fetus causing effects that eventually lead to SUID in the infant.

An accompanying editorial by Jacqueline Maya, MD; Marie-France Hivert, MD, MMSc; and Lydia Shook, MD, from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, suggested that the SUID is unlikely directly influenced by high maternal BMI but rather by the metabolic concerns related to obesity such as inflammation, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid metabolism. Epigenetics may also play a role.

“We believe the evidence for this study of an association between prepregnancy obesity and SUID is a call to action for the scientific and medical community to better understand the complex interplay of biological, social, and behavioral factors that may lead to SUID, a devastating complication that no family should experience,” the authors of the editorial wrote.

Dr. Ramirez stressed the importance of not initiating guilt because there are many factors in SUID such as genetics that cannot be controlled.

“We are far from saying a baby died because you were obese; that’s an important message to parents,” he said. What he sees as important, rather, is using this new research to elucidate further mechanisms that may allow for more targeted interventions: “If we discover that it’s due to, for example, sleep apnea, that’s something we can prevent.”

The researchers reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Consider Risks, Toxicity of Some Topical Ingredients in Infants, Young Children

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Thu, 08/01/2024 - 15:11

— Lawrence A. Schachner, MD, would like pediatric dermatologists to adopt a “toxic agent of the year” to raise awareness about the potential harm related to certain topical treatments in babies and young children.

Dr. Schachner, director of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology in the Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, said he got the idea from the American Contact Dermatitis Society, which annually names the “Allergen of the Year.”

In pediatric dermatology, the list of potentially toxic products includes topical analgesics such as Castellani paint used for skin infections, alcohols used for umbilical care in newborns, and henna dye used in cosmetics, said Dr. Schachner, professor of pediatrics and dermatology at the University of Miami.

“Any one of those would be excellent toxic substances of the year” that could be the focus of an educational campaign, he told this news organization following his presentation on “Toxicology of Topical Ingredients in Pediatric Dermatology” at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology on July 14.

Benzene might also be a good candidate for the list, although the jury seems to be still out on its toxicity, said Dr. Schachner.

He talked about the “four Ps” of poisoning — the physician, pharmacy, parents, and pharmaceutical manufacturing — which all have some responsibility for errors that lead to adverse outcomes but can also take steps to prevent them.

During his presentation, Dr. Schachner discussed how babies are especially sensitive to topical therapies, noting that a baby’s skin is thinner and more permeable than that of an adult. And children have a greater body surface-to-weight ratio, so they absorb more substances through their skin.

He also noted that babies lack natural moisturizing factors, and their skin barrier isn’t mature until about age 3-5 years, stressing the need for extreme care when applying a topical agent to a baby’s skin.

Tragic Stories

Dr. Schachner pointed to some instances of mishaps related to toxic topical substances in children. There was the outbreak in the early 1980s of accidental hexachlorophene poisoning among children in France exposed to talc “baby powder.” Of the 204 affected children, 36 died.

The cause was a manufacturing error; the product contained 6.3% hexachlorophene, as opposed to the 0.1% limit recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Local anesthetics, including lidocaine, dibucaine, and prilocaine, can cause local anesthetic systemic toxicity, a syndrome with symptoms that include central nervous system depression, seizures, and cardiotoxicity. Dr. Schachner described the case of a 3-year-old who developed methemoglobinemia, with seizures, after treatment with an excessive amount of eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream, which contains both lidocaine and prilocaine.

EMLA shouldn’t be used with methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, such as some antimalarials, analgesics, anesthetics, and antineoplastic agents. It’s not recommended in neonates or for those under 12 months if receiving methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, “and I would keep an eye on it after 12 months of age,” said Dr. Schachner.

He cited a retrospective review of topical lidocaine toxicity in pediatric patients reported to the National Poison Data System from 2000 to 2020. It found 37 cases of toxicity, the most common from application prior to dermatologic procedures (37.5%), which led to two deaths.



Not Benign Agents

“These are not benign agents; we have to use them correctly,” Dr. Schachner stressed. When discussing alcohols and antiseptics, he noted that phenol is found in a variety of household disinfectants, gargling products, ointments, and lip balms. Phenol can be used as a chemical peel and is the antiseptic component of Castellani paint. He also referred to cases of alcohol intoxication linked to umbilical care in newborns.

Benzene at elevated levels has been found in some topical benzoyl peroxide acne products and in some sunscreens. There have been suggestions, not strongly substantiated, that benzene may increase the risk for cancer, especially leukemias.

But there is sparse data on the absorption and toxicity of benzene exposure with sunscreen use. The data, he said, include an analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, which found that people who regularly used sunscreens were less likely to have elevated benzene levels compared with those who didn’t use sunscreens.

Turning to insecticides, Dr. Schachner discussed N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), the active ingredient in many insect repellents. It helps avoid “some terrible diseases,” including mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria and tick-borne conditions such as Lyme disease, and is available in several convenient formulations, he said.

When used on children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends products with no more than 30% DEET. And insect repellents are not recommended for children younger than 2 months, or under clothing or damaged skin, he said.

Dr. Schachner referred to a case series of 18 children who developed DEET-induced encephalopathy; 13 (72%) involved dermal exposure. Three of those with cutaneous exposure died, mostly from neurologic, respiratory, and cardiac issues. “What’s very striking is that 55% of the kids were exposed to DEET of 20% or less, even though the AAP approves DEET at 30%, so maybe that’s something we have to look at,” he said.

Medication Patches

With medication patches, especially fentanyl transdermal patches, much can go wrong when it comes to children. This was highlighted by the cases Schachner cited, including an infant who developed acute cytotoxic cerebellar edema from fentanyl patch intoxication.

In another case, emergency room staff found a fentanyl patch stuck to the back of a 3-year-old girl. A CT scan showed global cerebral edema, and the patient progressed to brain death. “This is not a unique case; there have been over 10 such cases in the United States,” said Dr. Schachner. “We should be doing better with fentanyl.”

Nicotine patches can also be dangerous to children, he added. As for other topical agents, there have been reports of toxicity and deaths linked to salicylic acid, commonly used by dermatologists because of its bacteriostatic, fungicidal, keratolytic, and photoprotective properties.

Dr. Schachner cited the case of a 2-month-old where the pediatrician prescribed 50% salicylic acid for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, under occlusion. “It’s amazing this child survived; that’s clearly a physician error,” he said.

Henna, a reddish-brown dye derived from the crushed leaves of Lawsonia alba, is used cosmetically for the hair, skin, and nails. Many henna products are mixed with additives, including para-phenylenediamine, which has been associated with dermatitis, asthma, renal failure, and permanent vision loss.

Asked to comment on the presentation, Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, professor of dermatology and pediatrics and chair of pediatric dermatology at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, recalled a particularly concerning story in 2008, when the FDA issued a warning about Mommy’s Bliss, a cream containing chlorphenesin and phenoxyethanol as preservatives, promoted to nursing mothers for soothing cracked nipples. There were reports of the cream causing respiratory distress, vomiting, and diarrhea in nursing infants.

Dr. Schachner is chair of Stiefel Laboratories and is an investigator with: Astellas, Berg Pharma, Celgene, Ferndale Labs, Lilly, Medimetriks Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, Organogenesis, Pfizer, Sciton; is a consultant for: Alphyn, Amryt Pharma, Beiersdorf, Brickell, Cutanea, Hoth, Lexington, Mustela, TopMD, Noble Pharma; a speaker for: Novartis, Sanofi-Regeneron, CeraVe; is on the advisory boards of: Almirall, Alphyn, Apogee, Aslan, Biofrontera, CeraVe, Krystal Biotech, Mustela, Noble Pharma, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Sanofi-Regeneron; and owns stocks in: TopMD and Alphyn. Dr. Maguiness had no relevant conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on


— Lawrence A. Schachner, MD, would like pediatric dermatologists to adopt a “toxic agent of the year” to raise awareness about the potential harm related to certain topical treatments in babies and young children.

Dr. Schachner, director of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology in the Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, said he got the idea from the American Contact Dermatitis Society, which annually names the “Allergen of the Year.”

In pediatric dermatology, the list of potentially toxic products includes topical analgesics such as Castellani paint used for skin infections, alcohols used for umbilical care in newborns, and henna dye used in cosmetics, said Dr. Schachner, professor of pediatrics and dermatology at the University of Miami.

“Any one of those would be excellent toxic substances of the year” that could be the focus of an educational campaign, he told this news organization following his presentation on “Toxicology of Topical Ingredients in Pediatric Dermatology” at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology on July 14.

Benzene might also be a good candidate for the list, although the jury seems to be still out on its toxicity, said Dr. Schachner.

He talked about the “four Ps” of poisoning — the physician, pharmacy, parents, and pharmaceutical manufacturing — which all have some responsibility for errors that lead to adverse outcomes but can also take steps to prevent them.

During his presentation, Dr. Schachner discussed how babies are especially sensitive to topical therapies, noting that a baby’s skin is thinner and more permeable than that of an adult. And children have a greater body surface-to-weight ratio, so they absorb more substances through their skin.

He also noted that babies lack natural moisturizing factors, and their skin barrier isn’t mature until about age 3-5 years, stressing the need for extreme care when applying a topical agent to a baby’s skin.

Tragic Stories

Dr. Schachner pointed to some instances of mishaps related to toxic topical substances in children. There was the outbreak in the early 1980s of accidental hexachlorophene poisoning among children in France exposed to talc “baby powder.” Of the 204 affected children, 36 died.

The cause was a manufacturing error; the product contained 6.3% hexachlorophene, as opposed to the 0.1% limit recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Local anesthetics, including lidocaine, dibucaine, and prilocaine, can cause local anesthetic systemic toxicity, a syndrome with symptoms that include central nervous system depression, seizures, and cardiotoxicity. Dr. Schachner described the case of a 3-year-old who developed methemoglobinemia, with seizures, after treatment with an excessive amount of eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream, which contains both lidocaine and prilocaine.

EMLA shouldn’t be used with methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, such as some antimalarials, analgesics, anesthetics, and antineoplastic agents. It’s not recommended in neonates or for those under 12 months if receiving methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, “and I would keep an eye on it after 12 months of age,” said Dr. Schachner.

He cited a retrospective review of topical lidocaine toxicity in pediatric patients reported to the National Poison Data System from 2000 to 2020. It found 37 cases of toxicity, the most common from application prior to dermatologic procedures (37.5%), which led to two deaths.



Not Benign Agents

“These are not benign agents; we have to use them correctly,” Dr. Schachner stressed. When discussing alcohols and antiseptics, he noted that phenol is found in a variety of household disinfectants, gargling products, ointments, and lip balms. Phenol can be used as a chemical peel and is the antiseptic component of Castellani paint. He also referred to cases of alcohol intoxication linked to umbilical care in newborns.

Benzene at elevated levels has been found in some topical benzoyl peroxide acne products and in some sunscreens. There have been suggestions, not strongly substantiated, that benzene may increase the risk for cancer, especially leukemias.

But there is sparse data on the absorption and toxicity of benzene exposure with sunscreen use. The data, he said, include an analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, which found that people who regularly used sunscreens were less likely to have elevated benzene levels compared with those who didn’t use sunscreens.

Turning to insecticides, Dr. Schachner discussed N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), the active ingredient in many insect repellents. It helps avoid “some terrible diseases,” including mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria and tick-borne conditions such as Lyme disease, and is available in several convenient formulations, he said.

When used on children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends products with no more than 30% DEET. And insect repellents are not recommended for children younger than 2 months, or under clothing or damaged skin, he said.

Dr. Schachner referred to a case series of 18 children who developed DEET-induced encephalopathy; 13 (72%) involved dermal exposure. Three of those with cutaneous exposure died, mostly from neurologic, respiratory, and cardiac issues. “What’s very striking is that 55% of the kids were exposed to DEET of 20% or less, even though the AAP approves DEET at 30%, so maybe that’s something we have to look at,” he said.

Medication Patches

With medication patches, especially fentanyl transdermal patches, much can go wrong when it comes to children. This was highlighted by the cases Schachner cited, including an infant who developed acute cytotoxic cerebellar edema from fentanyl patch intoxication.

In another case, emergency room staff found a fentanyl patch stuck to the back of a 3-year-old girl. A CT scan showed global cerebral edema, and the patient progressed to brain death. “This is not a unique case; there have been over 10 such cases in the United States,” said Dr. Schachner. “We should be doing better with fentanyl.”

Nicotine patches can also be dangerous to children, he added. As for other topical agents, there have been reports of toxicity and deaths linked to salicylic acid, commonly used by dermatologists because of its bacteriostatic, fungicidal, keratolytic, and photoprotective properties.

Dr. Schachner cited the case of a 2-month-old where the pediatrician prescribed 50% salicylic acid for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, under occlusion. “It’s amazing this child survived; that’s clearly a physician error,” he said.

Henna, a reddish-brown dye derived from the crushed leaves of Lawsonia alba, is used cosmetically for the hair, skin, and nails. Many henna products are mixed with additives, including para-phenylenediamine, which has been associated with dermatitis, asthma, renal failure, and permanent vision loss.

Asked to comment on the presentation, Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, professor of dermatology and pediatrics and chair of pediatric dermatology at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, recalled a particularly concerning story in 2008, when the FDA issued a warning about Mommy’s Bliss, a cream containing chlorphenesin and phenoxyethanol as preservatives, promoted to nursing mothers for soothing cracked nipples. There were reports of the cream causing respiratory distress, vomiting, and diarrhea in nursing infants.

Dr. Schachner is chair of Stiefel Laboratories and is an investigator with: Astellas, Berg Pharma, Celgene, Ferndale Labs, Lilly, Medimetriks Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, Organogenesis, Pfizer, Sciton; is a consultant for: Alphyn, Amryt Pharma, Beiersdorf, Brickell, Cutanea, Hoth, Lexington, Mustela, TopMD, Noble Pharma; a speaker for: Novartis, Sanofi-Regeneron, CeraVe; is on the advisory boards of: Almirall, Alphyn, Apogee, Aslan, Biofrontera, CeraVe, Krystal Biotech, Mustela, Noble Pharma, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Sanofi-Regeneron; and owns stocks in: TopMD and Alphyn. Dr. Maguiness had no relevant conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on

— Lawrence A. Schachner, MD, would like pediatric dermatologists to adopt a “toxic agent of the year” to raise awareness about the potential harm related to certain topical treatments in babies and young children.

Dr. Schachner, director of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology in the Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, said he got the idea from the American Contact Dermatitis Society, which annually names the “Allergen of the Year.”

In pediatric dermatology, the list of potentially toxic products includes topical analgesics such as Castellani paint used for skin infections, alcohols used for umbilical care in newborns, and henna dye used in cosmetics, said Dr. Schachner, professor of pediatrics and dermatology at the University of Miami.

“Any one of those would be excellent toxic substances of the year” that could be the focus of an educational campaign, he told this news organization following his presentation on “Toxicology of Topical Ingredients in Pediatric Dermatology” at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology on July 14.

Benzene might also be a good candidate for the list, although the jury seems to be still out on its toxicity, said Dr. Schachner.

He talked about the “four Ps” of poisoning — the physician, pharmacy, parents, and pharmaceutical manufacturing — which all have some responsibility for errors that lead to adverse outcomes but can also take steps to prevent them.

During his presentation, Dr. Schachner discussed how babies are especially sensitive to topical therapies, noting that a baby’s skin is thinner and more permeable than that of an adult. And children have a greater body surface-to-weight ratio, so they absorb more substances through their skin.

He also noted that babies lack natural moisturizing factors, and their skin barrier isn’t mature until about age 3-5 years, stressing the need for extreme care when applying a topical agent to a baby’s skin.

Tragic Stories

Dr. Schachner pointed to some instances of mishaps related to toxic topical substances in children. There was the outbreak in the early 1980s of accidental hexachlorophene poisoning among children in France exposed to talc “baby powder.” Of the 204 affected children, 36 died.

The cause was a manufacturing error; the product contained 6.3% hexachlorophene, as opposed to the 0.1% limit recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Local anesthetics, including lidocaine, dibucaine, and prilocaine, can cause local anesthetic systemic toxicity, a syndrome with symptoms that include central nervous system depression, seizures, and cardiotoxicity. Dr. Schachner described the case of a 3-year-old who developed methemoglobinemia, with seizures, after treatment with an excessive amount of eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream, which contains both lidocaine and prilocaine.

EMLA shouldn’t be used with methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, such as some antimalarials, analgesics, anesthetics, and antineoplastic agents. It’s not recommended in neonates or for those under 12 months if receiving methemoglobinemia-inducing agents, “and I would keep an eye on it after 12 months of age,” said Dr. Schachner.

He cited a retrospective review of topical lidocaine toxicity in pediatric patients reported to the National Poison Data System from 2000 to 2020. It found 37 cases of toxicity, the most common from application prior to dermatologic procedures (37.5%), which led to two deaths.



Not Benign Agents

“These are not benign agents; we have to use them correctly,” Dr. Schachner stressed. When discussing alcohols and antiseptics, he noted that phenol is found in a variety of household disinfectants, gargling products, ointments, and lip balms. Phenol can be used as a chemical peel and is the antiseptic component of Castellani paint. He also referred to cases of alcohol intoxication linked to umbilical care in newborns.

Benzene at elevated levels has been found in some topical benzoyl peroxide acne products and in some sunscreens. There have been suggestions, not strongly substantiated, that benzene may increase the risk for cancer, especially leukemias.

But there is sparse data on the absorption and toxicity of benzene exposure with sunscreen use. The data, he said, include an analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, which found that people who regularly used sunscreens were less likely to have elevated benzene levels compared with those who didn’t use sunscreens.

Turning to insecticides, Dr. Schachner discussed N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), the active ingredient in many insect repellents. It helps avoid “some terrible diseases,” including mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria and tick-borne conditions such as Lyme disease, and is available in several convenient formulations, he said.

When used on children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends products with no more than 30% DEET. And insect repellents are not recommended for children younger than 2 months, or under clothing or damaged skin, he said.

Dr. Schachner referred to a case series of 18 children who developed DEET-induced encephalopathy; 13 (72%) involved dermal exposure. Three of those with cutaneous exposure died, mostly from neurologic, respiratory, and cardiac issues. “What’s very striking is that 55% of the kids were exposed to DEET of 20% or less, even though the AAP approves DEET at 30%, so maybe that’s something we have to look at,” he said.

Medication Patches

With medication patches, especially fentanyl transdermal patches, much can go wrong when it comes to children. This was highlighted by the cases Schachner cited, including an infant who developed acute cytotoxic cerebellar edema from fentanyl patch intoxication.

In another case, emergency room staff found a fentanyl patch stuck to the back of a 3-year-old girl. A CT scan showed global cerebral edema, and the patient progressed to brain death. “This is not a unique case; there have been over 10 such cases in the United States,” said Dr. Schachner. “We should be doing better with fentanyl.”

Nicotine patches can also be dangerous to children, he added. As for other topical agents, there have been reports of toxicity and deaths linked to salicylic acid, commonly used by dermatologists because of its bacteriostatic, fungicidal, keratolytic, and photoprotective properties.

Dr. Schachner cited the case of a 2-month-old where the pediatrician prescribed 50% salicylic acid for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, under occlusion. “It’s amazing this child survived; that’s clearly a physician error,” he said.

Henna, a reddish-brown dye derived from the crushed leaves of Lawsonia alba, is used cosmetically for the hair, skin, and nails. Many henna products are mixed with additives, including para-phenylenediamine, which has been associated with dermatitis, asthma, renal failure, and permanent vision loss.

Asked to comment on the presentation, Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, professor of dermatology and pediatrics and chair of pediatric dermatology at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, recalled a particularly concerning story in 2008, when the FDA issued a warning about Mommy’s Bliss, a cream containing chlorphenesin and phenoxyethanol as preservatives, promoted to nursing mothers for soothing cracked nipples. There were reports of the cream causing respiratory distress, vomiting, and diarrhea in nursing infants.

Dr. Schachner is chair of Stiefel Laboratories and is an investigator with: Astellas, Berg Pharma, Celgene, Ferndale Labs, Lilly, Medimetriks Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, Organogenesis, Pfizer, Sciton; is a consultant for: Alphyn, Amryt Pharma, Beiersdorf, Brickell, Cutanea, Hoth, Lexington, Mustela, TopMD, Noble Pharma; a speaker for: Novartis, Sanofi-Regeneron, CeraVe; is on the advisory boards of: Almirall, Alphyn, Apogee, Aslan, Biofrontera, CeraVe, Krystal Biotech, Mustela, Noble Pharma, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Sanofi-Regeneron; and owns stocks in: TopMD and Alphyn. Dr. Maguiness had no relevant conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on

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Is Parenthood Losing Its Appeal?

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Thu, 08/01/2024 - 09:27

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that among adults younger than 50, the percentage who say they are unlikely to have children rose from 37% to 47%. With this trend freshly etched in my consciousness, I stumbled across an interview with Anastasia Berg, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Berg and Rachel Wiseman have just published What Are Children For? On Ambivalence and Choice. How could a pediatrician with time on his hands ignore a provocative title like that?

I was immediately drawn to Professor Berg’s observations about the “concerns, anxieties, and lines of reasoning people encounter when considering whether or not they should have children.” Prior to the 1960s, motherhood seemed to just be a natural progression from marriage. That’s the way my wife and I approached it when we had our first child while I was in my last year of medical school in 1971. There was no discussion of the pros and cons, except maybe that financially waiting until the eve of my first professional paycheck seemed to make sense.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

However, as Professor Berg points out, from the 1960s up until well into the 1980s, as feminist thought gained a higher profile, there were anti-motherhood factions. There were others who wanted to see motherhood reformed and adapted so it “could once again be a legitimate source of meaning and value in life.” However, both camps agreed that the choice to have children was a decision that “women should make completely on their own.”

Now, well into the new millennium, we are looking at a completely different landscape. In the past, having children was woven into the fabric of human life in which we had a past, a present, and a role in creating the future. Professor Berg observes that currently, having children is often considered a project, not unlike our other projects such as “career choice or travel plans.” What are the pluses and minuses?

The Pew Survey found that 60% of adults younger than 50 who don’t have children said that not having children made it less difficult to be successful and have an active social life. Many felt that being a parent would improve the chances of having someone to care for you as you aged.

When my wife and I considered the financial costs of motherhood more than 50 years ago, our calculation was primarily about the timing. The decision to have a second child focused our concern around our ability to balance our attention between two siblings. A third child just sorta happened without any discussion.

Professor Berg echoes the Pew findings when she observes that currently woman are considering the cost in terms of their identities. Will motherhood transform me? Will there be a cost not only to my career but also to all the associations, interests, and activities I have accumulated? These costs are likely to be greater the longer the decision to have a child is put off. She adds that viewing motherhood as a transformation can make the decision to have children scarier than it needs to be. My wife and I, at age 26 and 27, were still in the early stages of building our identities. My wife had a 2-year college degree and no career plans on the horizon. Having a child was one of those things that was built into who we became.

But to compare our experiences in the 1970s to the realities of the first quarter of the 21st century ignores the concerns facing today’s adults who are facing the cloud of uncertainty hanging over all of us. Despite their claims to fix the situation, both sides of the political spectrum are leveraging fear to gain our support. Even climate change skeptics must have some concern in the spate of natural disasters we are experiencing. Not to mention the pandemic. Anxiety in this country is at an all time high. Optimism doesn’t seem to fit into today’s journalists’ lexicon, as they chose to focus on conflict instead of cooperation. It’s hard to question any adult who harbors serious doubts on taking on the challenge of parenthood and bringing a child into a world that feels unsettled.

However, based on her research and her own experience as a parent, Professor Berg offers some advice. She encourages people to think and discuss the decision to have children earlier in their life trajectory, before they have made decisions that may eventually limit their options. Second, she discourages making a list of pros and cons. Finally, she advises taking a long view and ask yourself whether you “choose to take a direct part in ushering in the next generation.”

Sounds like advice that will optimize the chances of making the good decision about having a child. I’m just thankful to have lived at time and in a situation when having child was just the thing most married couples did.

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at


A recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that among adults younger than 50, the percentage who say they are unlikely to have children rose from 37% to 47%. With this trend freshly etched in my consciousness, I stumbled across an interview with Anastasia Berg, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Berg and Rachel Wiseman have just published What Are Children For? On Ambivalence and Choice. How could a pediatrician with time on his hands ignore a provocative title like that?

I was immediately drawn to Professor Berg’s observations about the “concerns, anxieties, and lines of reasoning people encounter when considering whether or not they should have children.” Prior to the 1960s, motherhood seemed to just be a natural progression from marriage. That’s the way my wife and I approached it when we had our first child while I was in my last year of medical school in 1971. There was no discussion of the pros and cons, except maybe that financially waiting until the eve of my first professional paycheck seemed to make sense.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

However, as Professor Berg points out, from the 1960s up until well into the 1980s, as feminist thought gained a higher profile, there were anti-motherhood factions. There were others who wanted to see motherhood reformed and adapted so it “could once again be a legitimate source of meaning and value in life.” However, both camps agreed that the choice to have children was a decision that “women should make completely on their own.”

Now, well into the new millennium, we are looking at a completely different landscape. In the past, having children was woven into the fabric of human life in which we had a past, a present, and a role in creating the future. Professor Berg observes that currently, having children is often considered a project, not unlike our other projects such as “career choice or travel plans.” What are the pluses and minuses?

The Pew Survey found that 60% of adults younger than 50 who don’t have children said that not having children made it less difficult to be successful and have an active social life. Many felt that being a parent would improve the chances of having someone to care for you as you aged.

When my wife and I considered the financial costs of motherhood more than 50 years ago, our calculation was primarily about the timing. The decision to have a second child focused our concern around our ability to balance our attention between two siblings. A third child just sorta happened without any discussion.

Professor Berg echoes the Pew findings when she observes that currently woman are considering the cost in terms of their identities. Will motherhood transform me? Will there be a cost not only to my career but also to all the associations, interests, and activities I have accumulated? These costs are likely to be greater the longer the decision to have a child is put off. She adds that viewing motherhood as a transformation can make the decision to have children scarier than it needs to be. My wife and I, at age 26 and 27, were still in the early stages of building our identities. My wife had a 2-year college degree and no career plans on the horizon. Having a child was one of those things that was built into who we became.

But to compare our experiences in the 1970s to the realities of the first quarter of the 21st century ignores the concerns facing today’s adults who are facing the cloud of uncertainty hanging over all of us. Despite their claims to fix the situation, both sides of the political spectrum are leveraging fear to gain our support. Even climate change skeptics must have some concern in the spate of natural disasters we are experiencing. Not to mention the pandemic. Anxiety in this country is at an all time high. Optimism doesn’t seem to fit into today’s journalists’ lexicon, as they chose to focus on conflict instead of cooperation. It’s hard to question any adult who harbors serious doubts on taking on the challenge of parenthood and bringing a child into a world that feels unsettled.

However, based on her research and her own experience as a parent, Professor Berg offers some advice. She encourages people to think and discuss the decision to have children earlier in their life trajectory, before they have made decisions that may eventually limit their options. Second, she discourages making a list of pros and cons. Finally, she advises taking a long view and ask yourself whether you “choose to take a direct part in ushering in the next generation.”

Sounds like advice that will optimize the chances of making the good decision about having a child. I’m just thankful to have lived at time and in a situation when having child was just the thing most married couples did.

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that among adults younger than 50, the percentage who say they are unlikely to have children rose from 37% to 47%. With this trend freshly etched in my consciousness, I stumbled across an interview with Anastasia Berg, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Berg and Rachel Wiseman have just published What Are Children For? On Ambivalence and Choice. How could a pediatrician with time on his hands ignore a provocative title like that?

I was immediately drawn to Professor Berg’s observations about the “concerns, anxieties, and lines of reasoning people encounter when considering whether or not they should have children.” Prior to the 1960s, motherhood seemed to just be a natural progression from marriage. That’s the way my wife and I approached it when we had our first child while I was in my last year of medical school in 1971. There was no discussion of the pros and cons, except maybe that financially waiting until the eve of my first professional paycheck seemed to make sense.

Dr. William G. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years.
Dr. William G. Wilkoff

However, as Professor Berg points out, from the 1960s up until well into the 1980s, as feminist thought gained a higher profile, there were anti-motherhood factions. There were others who wanted to see motherhood reformed and adapted so it “could once again be a legitimate source of meaning and value in life.” However, both camps agreed that the choice to have children was a decision that “women should make completely on their own.”

Now, well into the new millennium, we are looking at a completely different landscape. In the past, having children was woven into the fabric of human life in which we had a past, a present, and a role in creating the future. Professor Berg observes that currently, having children is often considered a project, not unlike our other projects such as “career choice or travel plans.” What are the pluses and minuses?

The Pew Survey found that 60% of adults younger than 50 who don’t have children said that not having children made it less difficult to be successful and have an active social life. Many felt that being a parent would improve the chances of having someone to care for you as you aged.

When my wife and I considered the financial costs of motherhood more than 50 years ago, our calculation was primarily about the timing. The decision to have a second child focused our concern around our ability to balance our attention between two siblings. A third child just sorta happened without any discussion.

Professor Berg echoes the Pew findings when she observes that currently woman are considering the cost in terms of their identities. Will motherhood transform me? Will there be a cost not only to my career but also to all the associations, interests, and activities I have accumulated? These costs are likely to be greater the longer the decision to have a child is put off. She adds that viewing motherhood as a transformation can make the decision to have children scarier than it needs to be. My wife and I, at age 26 and 27, were still in the early stages of building our identities. My wife had a 2-year college degree and no career plans on the horizon. Having a child was one of those things that was built into who we became.

But to compare our experiences in the 1970s to the realities of the first quarter of the 21st century ignores the concerns facing today’s adults who are facing the cloud of uncertainty hanging over all of us. Despite their claims to fix the situation, both sides of the political spectrum are leveraging fear to gain our support. Even climate change skeptics must have some concern in the spate of natural disasters we are experiencing. Not to mention the pandemic. Anxiety in this country is at an all time high. Optimism doesn’t seem to fit into today’s journalists’ lexicon, as they chose to focus on conflict instead of cooperation. It’s hard to question any adult who harbors serious doubts on taking on the challenge of parenthood and bringing a child into a world that feels unsettled.

However, based on her research and her own experience as a parent, Professor Berg offers some advice. She encourages people to think and discuss the decision to have children earlier in their life trajectory, before they have made decisions that may eventually limit their options. Second, she discourages making a list of pros and cons. Finally, she advises taking a long view and ask yourself whether you “choose to take a direct part in ushering in the next generation.”

Sounds like advice that will optimize the chances of making the good decision about having a child. I’m just thankful to have lived at time and in a situation when having child was just the thing most married couples did.

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics, including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.” Other than a Littman stethoscope he accepted as a first-year medical student in 1966, Dr. Wilkoff reports having nothing to disclose. Email him at

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Study Quantifies Benefit of Newborn Screening for Vitamin B12 Deficiency

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Wed, 07/31/2024 - 15:34

Newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to a fourfold reduction in chances of developing symptomatic vitamin B12 in the first year of life compared with infants without newborn screening, a hospital-based surveillance study in Germany indicates.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can impede development in infants, but the true impact of newborn screening versus no screening had not been known in Germany. Early treatment had been shown to be linked with normal development in infants who got newborn screening, but left unclear was how many who had newborn screening would have progressed to symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency without treatment. Thus formal evidence for the benefit of the screening was lacking.

The nationwide surveillance study, led by Ulrike Mütze, MD, with the Heidelberg University Center for Child and Adolescent Medicine, was published online in Pediatrics. It used prospectively collected data from incident cases of infants under 12 months of age with vitamin B12 deficiency from 2021 to 2022.

The researchers analyzed 61 cases of vitamin B12 deficiency reported to the German Pediatric Surveillance Unit. They were either identified by newborn screening (n = 31) or diagnosed after the onset of suggestive symptoms (non-newborn screening; n = 30).

At a median 4 months of age, the great majority (90%) of the infants identified by newborn screening were still asymptomatic, while the non-newborn screening cohort presented with muscular hypotonia (68%), anemia (58%), developmental delay (44%), microcephalia (30%), and seizures (12%).

Symptomatically diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency in the baby’s first year was reported four times more frequently in infants who did not receive newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency compared with those screened for vitamin B12 as newborns (Fisher’s Exact Test; odds ratio, 4.12 [95% confidence interval, 1.29-17.18], P = .008).

Clinical presentation of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants usually starts in the first months and reportedly includes, in addition to developmental delay, feeding difficulties, muscular hypotonia and weakness, severe failure to thrive, irritability, lethargy, and (as late symptoms) megaloblastic anemia and brain atrophy.

The current study confirmed these reports and highlighted that the most common presentations in symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency were muscular hypotonia, anemia, developmental delay, malnutrition or failure to thrive, and microcephalia, brain atrophy, or delayed myelination.

Stephen Walker, MD, a pediatric neurologist at University of Alabama, Birmingham, who was not involved with the study, said newborn screening for vitamin B12 deficiency is routine in the United States.

“In Alabama, we’re generally the last to adopt any of these newborn screenings ... and we’ve been doing it for several years,” he said. Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of 59 conditions included in the state’s newborn blood spot screening. In the United States, he added, when deficiencies are identified, cases are quickly referred to genetic or nutritional specialists.

In the Mütze et al. study, the authors conclude, “The incidence of symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency accounts for about half of the estimated incidence of the vitamin B12 deficiency identified by newborn screening [NBS]. This supports the notion that not all newborns identified will develop a symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency but at the same time [this study demonstrates] the high beneficial potential of NBS for vitamin B12 deficiency.”

Dr. Mütze received a research grant from the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, Germany. Dr. Kölker, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Mütze received research grants for their work on newborn screening from the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. Dr. Hoffmann, Dr. Janzen, and Dr. Röschinger are principal investigators for newborn screening pilot studies including neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency. The other authors have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Walker reports no relevant financial relationships.


Newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to a fourfold reduction in chances of developing symptomatic vitamin B12 in the first year of life compared with infants without newborn screening, a hospital-based surveillance study in Germany indicates.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can impede development in infants, but the true impact of newborn screening versus no screening had not been known in Germany. Early treatment had been shown to be linked with normal development in infants who got newborn screening, but left unclear was how many who had newborn screening would have progressed to symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency without treatment. Thus formal evidence for the benefit of the screening was lacking.

The nationwide surveillance study, led by Ulrike Mütze, MD, with the Heidelberg University Center for Child and Adolescent Medicine, was published online in Pediatrics. It used prospectively collected data from incident cases of infants under 12 months of age with vitamin B12 deficiency from 2021 to 2022.

The researchers analyzed 61 cases of vitamin B12 deficiency reported to the German Pediatric Surveillance Unit. They were either identified by newborn screening (n = 31) or diagnosed after the onset of suggestive symptoms (non-newborn screening; n = 30).

At a median 4 months of age, the great majority (90%) of the infants identified by newborn screening were still asymptomatic, while the non-newborn screening cohort presented with muscular hypotonia (68%), anemia (58%), developmental delay (44%), microcephalia (30%), and seizures (12%).

Symptomatically diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency in the baby’s first year was reported four times more frequently in infants who did not receive newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency compared with those screened for vitamin B12 as newborns (Fisher’s Exact Test; odds ratio, 4.12 [95% confidence interval, 1.29-17.18], P = .008).

Clinical presentation of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants usually starts in the first months and reportedly includes, in addition to developmental delay, feeding difficulties, muscular hypotonia and weakness, severe failure to thrive, irritability, lethargy, and (as late symptoms) megaloblastic anemia and brain atrophy.

The current study confirmed these reports and highlighted that the most common presentations in symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency were muscular hypotonia, anemia, developmental delay, malnutrition or failure to thrive, and microcephalia, brain atrophy, or delayed myelination.

Stephen Walker, MD, a pediatric neurologist at University of Alabama, Birmingham, who was not involved with the study, said newborn screening for vitamin B12 deficiency is routine in the United States.

“In Alabama, we’re generally the last to adopt any of these newborn screenings ... and we’ve been doing it for several years,” he said. Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of 59 conditions included in the state’s newborn blood spot screening. In the United States, he added, when deficiencies are identified, cases are quickly referred to genetic or nutritional specialists.

In the Mütze et al. study, the authors conclude, “The incidence of symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency accounts for about half of the estimated incidence of the vitamin B12 deficiency identified by newborn screening [NBS]. This supports the notion that not all newborns identified will develop a symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency but at the same time [this study demonstrates] the high beneficial potential of NBS for vitamin B12 deficiency.”

Dr. Mütze received a research grant from the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, Germany. Dr. Kölker, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Mütze received research grants for their work on newborn screening from the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. Dr. Hoffmann, Dr. Janzen, and Dr. Röschinger are principal investigators for newborn screening pilot studies including neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency. The other authors have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Walker reports no relevant financial relationships.

Newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to a fourfold reduction in chances of developing symptomatic vitamin B12 in the first year of life compared with infants without newborn screening, a hospital-based surveillance study in Germany indicates.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can impede development in infants, but the true impact of newborn screening versus no screening had not been known in Germany. Early treatment had been shown to be linked with normal development in infants who got newborn screening, but left unclear was how many who had newborn screening would have progressed to symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency without treatment. Thus formal evidence for the benefit of the screening was lacking.

The nationwide surveillance study, led by Ulrike Mütze, MD, with the Heidelberg University Center for Child and Adolescent Medicine, was published online in Pediatrics. It used prospectively collected data from incident cases of infants under 12 months of age with vitamin B12 deficiency from 2021 to 2022.

The researchers analyzed 61 cases of vitamin B12 deficiency reported to the German Pediatric Surveillance Unit. They were either identified by newborn screening (n = 31) or diagnosed after the onset of suggestive symptoms (non-newborn screening; n = 30).

At a median 4 months of age, the great majority (90%) of the infants identified by newborn screening were still asymptomatic, while the non-newborn screening cohort presented with muscular hypotonia (68%), anemia (58%), developmental delay (44%), microcephalia (30%), and seizures (12%).

Symptomatically diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency in the baby’s first year was reported four times more frequently in infants who did not receive newborn screening for neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency compared with those screened for vitamin B12 as newborns (Fisher’s Exact Test; odds ratio, 4.12 [95% confidence interval, 1.29-17.18], P = .008).

Clinical presentation of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants usually starts in the first months and reportedly includes, in addition to developmental delay, feeding difficulties, muscular hypotonia and weakness, severe failure to thrive, irritability, lethargy, and (as late symptoms) megaloblastic anemia and brain atrophy.

The current study confirmed these reports and highlighted that the most common presentations in symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency were muscular hypotonia, anemia, developmental delay, malnutrition or failure to thrive, and microcephalia, brain atrophy, or delayed myelination.

Stephen Walker, MD, a pediatric neurologist at University of Alabama, Birmingham, who was not involved with the study, said newborn screening for vitamin B12 deficiency is routine in the United States.

“In Alabama, we’re generally the last to adopt any of these newborn screenings ... and we’ve been doing it for several years,” he said. Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of 59 conditions included in the state’s newborn blood spot screening. In the United States, he added, when deficiencies are identified, cases are quickly referred to genetic or nutritional specialists.

In the Mütze et al. study, the authors conclude, “The incidence of symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency accounts for about half of the estimated incidence of the vitamin B12 deficiency identified by newborn screening [NBS]. This supports the notion that not all newborns identified will develop a symptomatic infantile vitamin B12 deficiency but at the same time [this study demonstrates] the high beneficial potential of NBS for vitamin B12 deficiency.”

Dr. Mütze received a research grant from the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, Germany. Dr. Kölker, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Mütze received research grants for their work on newborn screening from the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. Dr. Hoffmann, Dr. Janzen, and Dr. Röschinger are principal investigators for newborn screening pilot studies including neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency. The other authors have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Walker reports no relevant financial relationships.

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How Common Are Life-Threatening Infections In Infants with Pustules, Vesicles?

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Wed, 07/17/2024 - 09:37



Full-term afebrile infants with pustules and vesicles have a low likelihood of life-threatening infections once herpes simplex virus (HSV) is ruled out, according to the findings from a retrospective study.


  • Researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of infants aged ≤ 60 days who received a pediatric dermatology consultation at six US academic institutions between September 2013 and August 2019.
  • Among 879 consults, 183 afebrile infants were identified as having presented with pustules, vesicles, and/or bullae.
  • Infectious disease workups included blood cultures, urine cultures, lumbar punctures, and HSV testing using viral skin culture, direct immunofluorescence assay, and/or polymerase chain reaction.
  • Patients were categorized by gestational age as preterm (< 37 weeks), full-term (37-42 weeks), and post-term (≥ 42 weeks).
  • Overall, 67.8% of infants had pustules, 31.1% had vesicles, and 10.4% had bullae.


  • None of the cases showed positive cerebrospinal fluid or pathogenic blood cultures. In 122 of the cases (66.6%), a noninfectious cause was diagnosed, and an infectious cause was diagnosed in 71 cases (38.8%; some patients had more than one diagnosis).
  • Of the 127 newborns evaluated for HSV infection, nine (7.1%) tested positive, of whom seven (5.5%) had disease affecting the skin, eye, and mouth and were full- term infants, and two (1.6%) had disseminated HSV and were preterm infants.
  • Angioinvasive fungal infection was diagnosed in five infants (2.7%), all of whom were preterm infants (< 28 weeks gestational age).
  • The risk for life-threatening disease was higher in preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestational age (P < .01) compared with those born after 32 weeks.


“Full-term, well-appearing, afebrile infants ≤ 60 days of age presenting with pustules or vesicles may not require full SBI [serious bacterial infection] work-up, although larger studies are needed,” the authors concluded. Testing for HSV, they added, “is recommended in all infants with vesicles, grouped pustules, or pustules accompanied by punched out or grouped erosions,” and preterm infants “should be assessed for disseminated fungal infection and HSV in the setting of fluid-filled skin lesions.”


The study was led by Sonora Yun, BA, Columbia University, New York City, and was published online in Pediatrics.


The data were limited by the sample size and very low incidence of serious infections. Infants probably had atypical or severe presentations that warranted pediatric dermatology consultation, which may have led to overrepresentation of infectious disease rates. The study inclusion was restricted to those who received a dermatology consult; therefore, the findings may not be generalizable to outpatient primary care.


This study did not receive any external funding. The authors declared that they had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on




Full-term afebrile infants with pustules and vesicles have a low likelihood of life-threatening infections once herpes simplex virus (HSV) is ruled out, according to the findings from a retrospective study.


  • Researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of infants aged ≤ 60 days who received a pediatric dermatology consultation at six US academic institutions between September 2013 and August 2019.
  • Among 879 consults, 183 afebrile infants were identified as having presented with pustules, vesicles, and/or bullae.
  • Infectious disease workups included blood cultures, urine cultures, lumbar punctures, and HSV testing using viral skin culture, direct immunofluorescence assay, and/or polymerase chain reaction.
  • Patients were categorized by gestational age as preterm (< 37 weeks), full-term (37-42 weeks), and post-term (≥ 42 weeks).
  • Overall, 67.8% of infants had pustules, 31.1% had vesicles, and 10.4% had bullae.


  • None of the cases showed positive cerebrospinal fluid or pathogenic blood cultures. In 122 of the cases (66.6%), a noninfectious cause was diagnosed, and an infectious cause was diagnosed in 71 cases (38.8%; some patients had more than one diagnosis).
  • Of the 127 newborns evaluated for HSV infection, nine (7.1%) tested positive, of whom seven (5.5%) had disease affecting the skin, eye, and mouth and were full- term infants, and two (1.6%) had disseminated HSV and were preterm infants.
  • Angioinvasive fungal infection was diagnosed in five infants (2.7%), all of whom were preterm infants (< 28 weeks gestational age).
  • The risk for life-threatening disease was higher in preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestational age (P < .01) compared with those born after 32 weeks.


“Full-term, well-appearing, afebrile infants ≤ 60 days of age presenting with pustules or vesicles may not require full SBI [serious bacterial infection] work-up, although larger studies are needed,” the authors concluded. Testing for HSV, they added, “is recommended in all infants with vesicles, grouped pustules, or pustules accompanied by punched out or grouped erosions,” and preterm infants “should be assessed for disseminated fungal infection and HSV in the setting of fluid-filled skin lesions.”


The study was led by Sonora Yun, BA, Columbia University, New York City, and was published online in Pediatrics.


The data were limited by the sample size and very low incidence of serious infections. Infants probably had atypical or severe presentations that warranted pediatric dermatology consultation, which may have led to overrepresentation of infectious disease rates. The study inclusion was restricted to those who received a dermatology consult; therefore, the findings may not be generalizable to outpatient primary care.


This study did not receive any external funding. The authors declared that they had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on



Full-term afebrile infants with pustules and vesicles have a low likelihood of life-threatening infections once herpes simplex virus (HSV) is ruled out, according to the findings from a retrospective study.


  • Researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of infants aged ≤ 60 days who received a pediatric dermatology consultation at six US academic institutions between September 2013 and August 2019.
  • Among 879 consults, 183 afebrile infants were identified as having presented with pustules, vesicles, and/or bullae.
  • Infectious disease workups included blood cultures, urine cultures, lumbar punctures, and HSV testing using viral skin culture, direct immunofluorescence assay, and/or polymerase chain reaction.
  • Patients were categorized by gestational age as preterm (< 37 weeks), full-term (37-42 weeks), and post-term (≥ 42 weeks).
  • Overall, 67.8% of infants had pustules, 31.1% had vesicles, and 10.4% had bullae.


  • None of the cases showed positive cerebrospinal fluid or pathogenic blood cultures. In 122 of the cases (66.6%), a noninfectious cause was diagnosed, and an infectious cause was diagnosed in 71 cases (38.8%; some patients had more than one diagnosis).
  • Of the 127 newborns evaluated for HSV infection, nine (7.1%) tested positive, of whom seven (5.5%) had disease affecting the skin, eye, and mouth and were full- term infants, and two (1.6%) had disseminated HSV and were preterm infants.
  • Angioinvasive fungal infection was diagnosed in five infants (2.7%), all of whom were preterm infants (< 28 weeks gestational age).
  • The risk for life-threatening disease was higher in preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestational age (P < .01) compared with those born after 32 weeks.


“Full-term, well-appearing, afebrile infants ≤ 60 days of age presenting with pustules or vesicles may not require full SBI [serious bacterial infection] work-up, although larger studies are needed,” the authors concluded. Testing for HSV, they added, “is recommended in all infants with vesicles, grouped pustules, or pustules accompanied by punched out or grouped erosions,” and preterm infants “should be assessed for disseminated fungal infection and HSV in the setting of fluid-filled skin lesions.”


The study was led by Sonora Yun, BA, Columbia University, New York City, and was published online in Pediatrics.


The data were limited by the sample size and very low incidence of serious infections. Infants probably had atypical or severe presentations that warranted pediatric dermatology consultation, which may have led to overrepresentation of infectious disease rates. The study inclusion was restricted to those who received a dermatology consult; therefore, the findings may not be generalizable to outpatient primary care.


This study did not receive any external funding. The authors declared that they had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on

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Research Highlights From ESMO Breast Cancer

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Wed, 05/22/2024 - 15:02


Five experts discussed research that they considered to be highlights of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Breast Cancer annual congress during a “Key Takeaways” session at the meeting.

Among the topics the speakers addressed were breast cancer prevention, early breast cancer, advanced breast cancer, and supportive care.

In recent years, the way clinicians look at carcinogenesis in breast cancer has changed, and many new targets for potential early detection and prevention have emerged, said Suzette Delaloge, MD, of Gustave Roussy, Paris, France, in her presentation at the meeting.

Instant risk assessment at different time points could potentially intercept cancer among high-risk individuals, she said.

A study by Mikael Eriksson, PhD, and colleagues focused on external validation of the Profound AI tool to identify breast cancer risk in the general population. The researchers showed an area under the curve of 0.72 in their AI risk model, which has the potential to be clinically meaningful, although it must be prospectively validated, Dr. Delaloge said in her presentation.

She also reviewed two studies on the use of genes to further refine breast cancer risk among carriers. One of these, a prospective study presented in a session by Kelly-Anne Phillips, MD, of Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, Australia, used the CANRISK online risk assessment tool and validated increased breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers, with AUCs of 0.79 and 0.78, respectively. The other study, which was by Maria Rezqallah Aron, MD, and colleagues examined polygenic scores as a way to refine breast cancer risk stratification among carriers of the ALM and PALB2 genes as well. These genes might be useful in identifying individuals who could benefit from early intervention, including surgery, Dr. Delaloge said.

Translational Research

“Preparing my talk, I felt like a kid in a candy store,” because of the amount of new translational research presented, including several studies of endocrine treatment–based approaches to therapy, said Marleen Kok, MD, of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

In her presentation, Dr. Kok highlighted findings from an analysis of patients in the monarchE study (a trial of high-risk patients) showing a consistent improvement in invasive disease-free survival for the subset of patients with germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations who received abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy.

The value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) on patients who are not receiving chemotherapy is important because of the focus on prognosis, and prospective trials are underway, she said.

A poster on the impact of chemotherapy and stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in stage I triple-negative breast cancer showed no association between chemotherapy and better outcomes regardless of sTILs in patients who did and did not receive chemotherapy, which has implications for potential treatment sparing in this population, Dr. Kok noted.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the subject of several posters at the meeting, and Dr. Kok identified a multisite European study of an automated HER2 scoring system as notable for its size and accuracy. In the study, the accuracy among pathologists was much higher with the assistance of AI, she said. Using AI for more complex analysis has shown success, she said.

Dr. Kok ended her talk with a poster that surveyed breast cancer patients about their understanding of their disease. The results showed that less than half (44%) of patients reported that their healthcare providers had given them enough information to learn about their breast cancer type, and less than one third could recall terminology about biomarkers; the study is important because it shows that clinicians need to do better in explaining these terms to patients, Dr. Kok said.



Early Breast Cancer

Right-sizing therapy, meaning identifying the right treatment for every patient, is a key element of new research in early breast cancer, said Erika Hamilton, MD, of the Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, Tenn.

She highlighted safety and treatment duration updates from the NATALEE study, which compared adjuvant ribociclib plus nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) to NSAI alone for ER+/HER2- breast cancer. The current analysis presented at the meeting showed significant benefits with the addition of ribociclib and no evidence of new safety signals or adverse event exacerbations at 3 years, she said. Dose modifications had no significant impact on efficacy, she added.

The findings of no impact of dose reduction on efficacy in both the NATALEE and monarchE studies provide important information on whether dosage can be reduced in patients, which will increase the odds that patients will tolerate extended therapy with good outcomes and stay on their prescribed therapies, Dr. Hamilton emphasized.

The CARABELA study, a phase 2 trial of neoadjuvant letrozole plus abemaciclib vs adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC), showed clinically similar response rates but did not meet its endpoint for residual cancer burden (RCB) scores. These data add to results from other studies and show that it is too soon to universally replace neoadjuvant chemotherapy as first-line treatment for highly proliferative ER+ breast cancer, Dr. Hamilton said in her presentation.

Advanced Breast Cancer

Take-home messages about advanced breast cancer include growing evidence for the potential benefits of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), said Eva Ciruelos, MD, of University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. The TROPION-BREAST01 study, a phase 3 randomized trial, showed significant and clinically meaningful improvement in progression-free survival in patients with previously treated, inoperable, or metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer who received datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) compared with those who received chemotherapy.

Data from an additional safety analysis were presented at the meeting; although Dato-DXd, a trophoblast cell-surface antigen 2 (TROP2)–directed antibody-drug conjugate, was well-tolerated, it is important to remain aware of toxicities, notably oral mucositis, which occurred in 55.6% of the patients in the study across all grades, and ocular surface toxicity, which occurred in 40% of patients across all grades, Dr. Ciruelos emphasized.

Key research in the area of advanced triple-negative breast cancer included data from the IMPASSION 132 study. This study is “specifically centered on early relapsers,” a population often excluded from other trials, Dr. Ciruelos said. In this study, patients with advanced triple-negative breast cancer were randomized to chemotherapy with or without atezolizumab, and the study showed no benefits with atezolizumab for overall survival, progression-free survival, or overall response rate, she said. “This is something to work with, because this is a very refractory population,” Dr. Ciruelos noted.

New immunotherapy combinations are needed to improve survival in advanced breast cancer patients, Dr. Ciruelos said. At the meeting, researchers presented interim data from a subset of patients in the MORPHEUS-pan breast cancer trial, a phase 1B/2 study involving multiple treatment combinations in locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients.

The interim analysis included 18-week data from triple-negative breast cancer patients and compared outcomes for patients randomized to atezolizumab with or without sacituzumab govitecan (SG).



The study was small, with only 31 patients in the combination arm and 11 controls, but the results were promising, with an overall response rate of 76.7% in the combination arm vs 66.7% in the control arm, Dr. Ciruelos said.

Supportive Care

Key supportive care takeaways included data on pregnancy in young breast cancer survivors and the safety of vaginal estrogen therapy in breast cancer patients with genitourinary symptoms, said Anne May, MD, of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.

A study previously published in JAMA including nearly 5000 BRCA carriers who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at age 40 years or younger showed no association between pregnancy after breast cancer and adverse maternal or fetal outcomes, and pregnancy had no significant impact on overall survival. The authors presented new data on the safety of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) based on the 543 pregnancies in the original study, at the meeting. Of these, 436 conceived naturally, and 107 used ART. After a median of 9.1 years, ART had no effect on disease-free survival compared to natural conception (hazard ratio [HR], 0.64). Based on these findings, fertility preservation should be offered to all women who receive a breast cancer diagnosis and are interested in future fertility, Dr. May said.

Conceiving after breast cancer treatment and follow-up should not be contraindicated for young BRCA carriers, she added.No trial data are available for the effects of vaginal estrogen therapy (VET) on disease-free survival in breast cancer survivors with genitourinary symptoms caused by declining estrogen levels, Dr. May said. However, researchers in France and Switzerland conducted an emulation of a hypothetical target trial using data from the French National social security system for more than 130,000 individuals. Although VET therapy had no impact on disease-free survival in most breast cancer survivors overall, it did have a negative impact in a subset of patients with HR-positive and HR-negative tumors who were treated with aromatase inhibitors. The study was hypothetical, but important because the results suggest that clinicians can safely propose VTE to patients who report genitourinary symptoms after treatment for early-stage breast cancer with tamoxifen, but VTE should be avoided in patients treated with aromatase inhibitors, Dr. May said.

Dr. Delaloge disclosed research support to her institution from AstraZeneca, MSD, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Taiho, Novartis, European Commission, INCa, Banque des Territoires, and Fondation Philanthropia. She also disclosed honoraria to her institution from AstraZeneca, Gilead, Novartis, Elsan, Besins, Sanofi, Exact Sciences, and Lilly, as well as travel support from Novartis.

Dr. Kok disclosed research funding from AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Daichi, and Roche, and advisory board membership/speaker’s fees from Alderaan Biotechnology, BIONTECH, Domain Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Daichi, Bristol Myers Squibb, Gilead, Medscape, MSD, and Roche.

Dr. Hamilton disclosed a consulting advisory role (to her institution) for Accutar Biotechology, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Ellipses Pharma, Entos, Forsum Pharma, Gilead Sciences, Greenwich LifeSciences, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Medical Pharma Services, Mersana, Novartis, Olema Pharmaceuticals, Orum Therapeutics, Roche/Genentech, Stemline Therapeutics, ands others. She also disclosed contracted research/grant support to her institution only from Abbvie, Acerta Pharma, Accutar Biotechnology , ADC Therapeutics, AKESOBIO Australia , Amgen, Aravive, ArQule, Artios, Arvinas, AstraZeneca, AtlasMedx, BeiGene, Black Diamond and others.

Dr. Ciruelos disclosed serving as an external advisor for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, and Lilly, as well as serving as a speaker for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, Lilly, and Pierre Fabre. She also disclosed travel grants from Roche, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, and research grants from Seagen and Roche.

Dr. May had no financial conflicts to disclose.



Five experts discussed research that they considered to be highlights of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Breast Cancer annual congress during a “Key Takeaways” session at the meeting.

Among the topics the speakers addressed were breast cancer prevention, early breast cancer, advanced breast cancer, and supportive care.

In recent years, the way clinicians look at carcinogenesis in breast cancer has changed, and many new targets for potential early detection and prevention have emerged, said Suzette Delaloge, MD, of Gustave Roussy, Paris, France, in her presentation at the meeting.

Instant risk assessment at different time points could potentially intercept cancer among high-risk individuals, she said.

A study by Mikael Eriksson, PhD, and colleagues focused on external validation of the Profound AI tool to identify breast cancer risk in the general population. The researchers showed an area under the curve of 0.72 in their AI risk model, which has the potential to be clinically meaningful, although it must be prospectively validated, Dr. Delaloge said in her presentation.

She also reviewed two studies on the use of genes to further refine breast cancer risk among carriers. One of these, a prospective study presented in a session by Kelly-Anne Phillips, MD, of Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, Australia, used the CANRISK online risk assessment tool and validated increased breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers, with AUCs of 0.79 and 0.78, respectively. The other study, which was by Maria Rezqallah Aron, MD, and colleagues examined polygenic scores as a way to refine breast cancer risk stratification among carriers of the ALM and PALB2 genes as well. These genes might be useful in identifying individuals who could benefit from early intervention, including surgery, Dr. Delaloge said.

Translational Research

“Preparing my talk, I felt like a kid in a candy store,” because of the amount of new translational research presented, including several studies of endocrine treatment–based approaches to therapy, said Marleen Kok, MD, of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

In her presentation, Dr. Kok highlighted findings from an analysis of patients in the monarchE study (a trial of high-risk patients) showing a consistent improvement in invasive disease-free survival for the subset of patients with germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations who received abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy.

The value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) on patients who are not receiving chemotherapy is important because of the focus on prognosis, and prospective trials are underway, she said.

A poster on the impact of chemotherapy and stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in stage I triple-negative breast cancer showed no association between chemotherapy and better outcomes regardless of sTILs in patients who did and did not receive chemotherapy, which has implications for potential treatment sparing in this population, Dr. Kok noted.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the subject of several posters at the meeting, and Dr. Kok identified a multisite European study of an automated HER2 scoring system as notable for its size and accuracy. In the study, the accuracy among pathologists was much higher with the assistance of AI, she said. Using AI for more complex analysis has shown success, she said.

Dr. Kok ended her talk with a poster that surveyed breast cancer patients about their understanding of their disease. The results showed that less than half (44%) of patients reported that their healthcare providers had given them enough information to learn about their breast cancer type, and less than one third could recall terminology about biomarkers; the study is important because it shows that clinicians need to do better in explaining these terms to patients, Dr. Kok said.



Early Breast Cancer

Right-sizing therapy, meaning identifying the right treatment for every patient, is a key element of new research in early breast cancer, said Erika Hamilton, MD, of the Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, Tenn.

She highlighted safety and treatment duration updates from the NATALEE study, which compared adjuvant ribociclib plus nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) to NSAI alone for ER+/HER2- breast cancer. The current analysis presented at the meeting showed significant benefits with the addition of ribociclib and no evidence of new safety signals or adverse event exacerbations at 3 years, she said. Dose modifications had no significant impact on efficacy, she added.

The findings of no impact of dose reduction on efficacy in both the NATALEE and monarchE studies provide important information on whether dosage can be reduced in patients, which will increase the odds that patients will tolerate extended therapy with good outcomes and stay on their prescribed therapies, Dr. Hamilton emphasized.

The CARABELA study, a phase 2 trial of neoadjuvant letrozole plus abemaciclib vs adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC), showed clinically similar response rates but did not meet its endpoint for residual cancer burden (RCB) scores. These data add to results from other studies and show that it is too soon to universally replace neoadjuvant chemotherapy as first-line treatment for highly proliferative ER+ breast cancer, Dr. Hamilton said in her presentation.

Advanced Breast Cancer

Take-home messages about advanced breast cancer include growing evidence for the potential benefits of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), said Eva Ciruelos, MD, of University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. The TROPION-BREAST01 study, a phase 3 randomized trial, showed significant and clinically meaningful improvement in progression-free survival in patients with previously treated, inoperable, or metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer who received datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) compared with those who received chemotherapy.

Data from an additional safety analysis were presented at the meeting; although Dato-DXd, a trophoblast cell-surface antigen 2 (TROP2)–directed antibody-drug conjugate, was well-tolerated, it is important to remain aware of toxicities, notably oral mucositis, which occurred in 55.6% of the patients in the study across all grades, and ocular surface toxicity, which occurred in 40% of patients across all grades, Dr. Ciruelos emphasized.

Key research in the area of advanced triple-negative breast cancer included data from the IMPASSION 132 study. This study is “specifically centered on early relapsers,” a population often excluded from other trials, Dr. Ciruelos said. In this study, patients with advanced triple-negative breast cancer were randomized to chemotherapy with or without atezolizumab, and the study showed no benefits with atezolizumab for overall survival, progression-free survival, or overall response rate, she said. “This is something to work with, because this is a very refractory population,” Dr. Ciruelos noted.

New immunotherapy combinations are needed to improve survival in advanced breast cancer patients, Dr. Ciruelos said. At the meeting, researchers presented interim data from a subset of patients in the MORPHEUS-pan breast cancer trial, a phase 1B/2 study involving multiple treatment combinations in locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients.

The interim analysis included 18-week data from triple-negative breast cancer patients and compared outcomes for patients randomized to atezolizumab with or without sacituzumab govitecan (SG).



The study was small, with only 31 patients in the combination arm and 11 controls, but the results were promising, with an overall response rate of 76.7% in the combination arm vs 66.7% in the control arm, Dr. Ciruelos said.

Supportive Care

Key supportive care takeaways included data on pregnancy in young breast cancer survivors and the safety of vaginal estrogen therapy in breast cancer patients with genitourinary symptoms, said Anne May, MD, of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.

A study previously published in JAMA including nearly 5000 BRCA carriers who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at age 40 years or younger showed no association between pregnancy after breast cancer and adverse maternal or fetal outcomes, and pregnancy had no significant impact on overall survival. The authors presented new data on the safety of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) based on the 543 pregnancies in the original study, at the meeting. Of these, 436 conceived naturally, and 107 used ART. After a median of 9.1 years, ART had no effect on disease-free survival compared to natural conception (hazard ratio [HR], 0.64). Based on these findings, fertility preservation should be offered to all women who receive a breast cancer diagnosis and are interested in future fertility, Dr. May said.

Conceiving after breast cancer treatment and follow-up should not be contraindicated for young BRCA carriers, she added.No trial data are available for the effects of vaginal estrogen therapy (VET) on disease-free survival in breast cancer survivors with genitourinary symptoms caused by declining estrogen levels, Dr. May said. However, researchers in France and Switzerland conducted an emulation of a hypothetical target trial using data from the French National social security system for more than 130,000 individuals. Although VET therapy had no impact on disease-free survival in most breast cancer survivors overall, it did have a negative impact in a subset of patients with HR-positive and HR-negative tumors who were treated with aromatase inhibitors. The study was hypothetical, but important because the results suggest that clinicians can safely propose VTE to patients who report genitourinary symptoms after treatment for early-stage breast cancer with tamoxifen, but VTE should be avoided in patients treated with aromatase inhibitors, Dr. May said.

Dr. Delaloge disclosed research support to her institution from AstraZeneca, MSD, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Taiho, Novartis, European Commission, INCa, Banque des Territoires, and Fondation Philanthropia. She also disclosed honoraria to her institution from AstraZeneca, Gilead, Novartis, Elsan, Besins, Sanofi, Exact Sciences, and Lilly, as well as travel support from Novartis.

Dr. Kok disclosed research funding from AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Daichi, and Roche, and advisory board membership/speaker’s fees from Alderaan Biotechnology, BIONTECH, Domain Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Daichi, Bristol Myers Squibb, Gilead, Medscape, MSD, and Roche.

Dr. Hamilton disclosed a consulting advisory role (to her institution) for Accutar Biotechology, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Ellipses Pharma, Entos, Forsum Pharma, Gilead Sciences, Greenwich LifeSciences, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Medical Pharma Services, Mersana, Novartis, Olema Pharmaceuticals, Orum Therapeutics, Roche/Genentech, Stemline Therapeutics, ands others. She also disclosed contracted research/grant support to her institution only from Abbvie, Acerta Pharma, Accutar Biotechnology , ADC Therapeutics, AKESOBIO Australia , Amgen, Aravive, ArQule, Artios, Arvinas, AstraZeneca, AtlasMedx, BeiGene, Black Diamond and others.

Dr. Ciruelos disclosed serving as an external advisor for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, and Lilly, as well as serving as a speaker for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, Lilly, and Pierre Fabre. She also disclosed travel grants from Roche, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, and research grants from Seagen and Roche.

Dr. May had no financial conflicts to disclose.


Five experts discussed research that they considered to be highlights of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Breast Cancer annual congress during a “Key Takeaways” session at the meeting.

Among the topics the speakers addressed were breast cancer prevention, early breast cancer, advanced breast cancer, and supportive care.

In recent years, the way clinicians look at carcinogenesis in breast cancer has changed, and many new targets for potential early detection and prevention have emerged, said Suzette Delaloge, MD, of Gustave Roussy, Paris, France, in her presentation at the meeting.

Instant risk assessment at different time points could potentially intercept cancer among high-risk individuals, she said.

A study by Mikael Eriksson, PhD, and colleagues focused on external validation of the Profound AI tool to identify breast cancer risk in the general population. The researchers showed an area under the curve of 0.72 in their AI risk model, which has the potential to be clinically meaningful, although it must be prospectively validated, Dr. Delaloge said in her presentation.

She also reviewed two studies on the use of genes to further refine breast cancer risk among carriers. One of these, a prospective study presented in a session by Kelly-Anne Phillips, MD, of Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, Australia, used the CANRISK online risk assessment tool and validated increased breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers, with AUCs of 0.79 and 0.78, respectively. The other study, which was by Maria Rezqallah Aron, MD, and colleagues examined polygenic scores as a way to refine breast cancer risk stratification among carriers of the ALM and PALB2 genes as well. These genes might be useful in identifying individuals who could benefit from early intervention, including surgery, Dr. Delaloge said.

Translational Research

“Preparing my talk, I felt like a kid in a candy store,” because of the amount of new translational research presented, including several studies of endocrine treatment–based approaches to therapy, said Marleen Kok, MD, of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

In her presentation, Dr. Kok highlighted findings from an analysis of patients in the monarchE study (a trial of high-risk patients) showing a consistent improvement in invasive disease-free survival for the subset of patients with germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations who received abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy.

The value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) on patients who are not receiving chemotherapy is important because of the focus on prognosis, and prospective trials are underway, she said.

A poster on the impact of chemotherapy and stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in stage I triple-negative breast cancer showed no association between chemotherapy and better outcomes regardless of sTILs in patients who did and did not receive chemotherapy, which has implications for potential treatment sparing in this population, Dr. Kok noted.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the subject of several posters at the meeting, and Dr. Kok identified a multisite European study of an automated HER2 scoring system as notable for its size and accuracy. In the study, the accuracy among pathologists was much higher with the assistance of AI, she said. Using AI for more complex analysis has shown success, she said.

Dr. Kok ended her talk with a poster that surveyed breast cancer patients about their understanding of their disease. The results showed that less than half (44%) of patients reported that their healthcare providers had given them enough information to learn about their breast cancer type, and less than one third could recall terminology about biomarkers; the study is important because it shows that clinicians need to do better in explaining these terms to patients, Dr. Kok said.



Early Breast Cancer

Right-sizing therapy, meaning identifying the right treatment for every patient, is a key element of new research in early breast cancer, said Erika Hamilton, MD, of the Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, Tenn.

She highlighted safety and treatment duration updates from the NATALEE study, which compared adjuvant ribociclib plus nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) to NSAI alone for ER+/HER2- breast cancer. The current analysis presented at the meeting showed significant benefits with the addition of ribociclib and no evidence of new safety signals or adverse event exacerbations at 3 years, she said. Dose modifications had no significant impact on efficacy, she added.

The findings of no impact of dose reduction on efficacy in both the NATALEE and monarchE studies provide important information on whether dosage can be reduced in patients, which will increase the odds that patients will tolerate extended therapy with good outcomes and stay on their prescribed therapies, Dr. Hamilton emphasized.

The CARABELA study, a phase 2 trial of neoadjuvant letrozole plus abemaciclib vs adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC), showed clinically similar response rates but did not meet its endpoint for residual cancer burden (RCB) scores. These data add to results from other studies and show that it is too soon to universally replace neoadjuvant chemotherapy as first-line treatment for highly proliferative ER+ breast cancer, Dr. Hamilton said in her presentation.

Advanced Breast Cancer

Take-home messages about advanced breast cancer include growing evidence for the potential benefits of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), said Eva Ciruelos, MD, of University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. The TROPION-BREAST01 study, a phase 3 randomized trial, showed significant and clinically meaningful improvement in progression-free survival in patients with previously treated, inoperable, or metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer who received datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) compared with those who received chemotherapy.

Data from an additional safety analysis were presented at the meeting; although Dato-DXd, a trophoblast cell-surface antigen 2 (TROP2)–directed antibody-drug conjugate, was well-tolerated, it is important to remain aware of toxicities, notably oral mucositis, which occurred in 55.6% of the patients in the study across all grades, and ocular surface toxicity, which occurred in 40% of patients across all grades, Dr. Ciruelos emphasized.

Key research in the area of advanced triple-negative breast cancer included data from the IMPASSION 132 study. This study is “specifically centered on early relapsers,” a population often excluded from other trials, Dr. Ciruelos said. In this study, patients with advanced triple-negative breast cancer were randomized to chemotherapy with or without atezolizumab, and the study showed no benefits with atezolizumab for overall survival, progression-free survival, or overall response rate, she said. “This is something to work with, because this is a very refractory population,” Dr. Ciruelos noted.

New immunotherapy combinations are needed to improve survival in advanced breast cancer patients, Dr. Ciruelos said. At the meeting, researchers presented interim data from a subset of patients in the MORPHEUS-pan breast cancer trial, a phase 1B/2 study involving multiple treatment combinations in locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients.

The interim analysis included 18-week data from triple-negative breast cancer patients and compared outcomes for patients randomized to atezolizumab with or without sacituzumab govitecan (SG).



The study was small, with only 31 patients in the combination arm and 11 controls, but the results were promising, with an overall response rate of 76.7% in the combination arm vs 66.7% in the control arm, Dr. Ciruelos said.

Supportive Care

Key supportive care takeaways included data on pregnancy in young breast cancer survivors and the safety of vaginal estrogen therapy in breast cancer patients with genitourinary symptoms, said Anne May, MD, of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.

A study previously published in JAMA including nearly 5000 BRCA carriers who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at age 40 years or younger showed no association between pregnancy after breast cancer and adverse maternal or fetal outcomes, and pregnancy had no significant impact on overall survival. The authors presented new data on the safety of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) based on the 543 pregnancies in the original study, at the meeting. Of these, 436 conceived naturally, and 107 used ART. After a median of 9.1 years, ART had no effect on disease-free survival compared to natural conception (hazard ratio [HR], 0.64). Based on these findings, fertility preservation should be offered to all women who receive a breast cancer diagnosis and are interested in future fertility, Dr. May said.

Conceiving after breast cancer treatment and follow-up should not be contraindicated for young BRCA carriers, she added.No trial data are available for the effects of vaginal estrogen therapy (VET) on disease-free survival in breast cancer survivors with genitourinary symptoms caused by declining estrogen levels, Dr. May said. However, researchers in France and Switzerland conducted an emulation of a hypothetical target trial using data from the French National social security system for more than 130,000 individuals. Although VET therapy had no impact on disease-free survival in most breast cancer survivors overall, it did have a negative impact in a subset of patients with HR-positive and HR-negative tumors who were treated with aromatase inhibitors. The study was hypothetical, but important because the results suggest that clinicians can safely propose VTE to patients who report genitourinary symptoms after treatment for early-stage breast cancer with tamoxifen, but VTE should be avoided in patients treated with aromatase inhibitors, Dr. May said.

Dr. Delaloge disclosed research support to her institution from AstraZeneca, MSD, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Taiho, Novartis, European Commission, INCa, Banque des Territoires, and Fondation Philanthropia. She also disclosed honoraria to her institution from AstraZeneca, Gilead, Novartis, Elsan, Besins, Sanofi, Exact Sciences, and Lilly, as well as travel support from Novartis.

Dr. Kok disclosed research funding from AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Daichi, and Roche, and advisory board membership/speaker’s fees from Alderaan Biotechnology, BIONTECH, Domain Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Daichi, Bristol Myers Squibb, Gilead, Medscape, MSD, and Roche.

Dr. Hamilton disclosed a consulting advisory role (to her institution) for Accutar Biotechology, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Ellipses Pharma, Entos, Forsum Pharma, Gilead Sciences, Greenwich LifeSciences, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Medical Pharma Services, Mersana, Novartis, Olema Pharmaceuticals, Orum Therapeutics, Roche/Genentech, Stemline Therapeutics, ands others. She also disclosed contracted research/grant support to her institution only from Abbvie, Acerta Pharma, Accutar Biotechnology , ADC Therapeutics, AKESOBIO Australia , Amgen, Aravive, ArQule, Artios, Arvinas, AstraZeneca, AtlasMedx, BeiGene, Black Diamond and others.

Dr. Ciruelos disclosed serving as an external advisor for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, and Lilly, as well as serving as a speaker for Roche, MSD, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Daichii Sankyo, Reveal Genomics, Pfizer, Novartis, Lilly, and Pierre Fabre. She also disclosed travel grants from Roche, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, and research grants from Seagen and Roche.

Dr. May had no financial conflicts to disclose.

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AAP Shifts Stance, Updates Guidance on Breastfeeding With HIV

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Mon, 05/20/2024 - 13:47

People with HIV who wish to breastfeed their infants should have sustained viral suppression, with a viral load below 50 copies per mL, to have the least risk of transmitting HIV to their baby aside from avoiding breastfeeding altogether, according to a new clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

“The risk of HIV transmission via breastfeeding from a parent with HIV who is receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) and is virally suppressed is estimated to be less than 1%,” Lisa Abuogi, MD, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and her colleagues wrote in Pediatrics. For people living with HIV in the United States, however, the AAP recommends that “avoidance of breastfeeding is the only infant feeding option with 0% risk of HIV transmission.”

The authors go on to suggest that pediatricians “be prepared to offer a family-centered, nonjudgmental, harm reduction approach” to support people with HIV who do want to breastfeed and have sustained viral suppression. Parents with HIV who are not on ART or who do not have adequate viral suppression should be advised against breastfeeding, the report states. Members of the AAP Committee on Pediatric and Adolescent HIV and of the AAP Section on Breastfeeding coauthored the clinical report.

“The new guidelines emphasize the importance of patient-centered counseling as the foundation for shared decision-making, allowing patients and pediatric providers to make feeding decisions together and for the first time really giving support to people with HIV in the U.S. who want to breastfeed,” Danna Biala, MD, MS, an attending pediatrician at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and an assistant professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told MDedge News.

Dr. Biala was not involved in the development of the report, but she said the AAP’s guidance reflects the recent shift in the stance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding breastfeeding among people who are HIV+. Recommendations from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were updated in 2023.

“I’m glad that the AAP is putting out guidelines on infant feeding for people with HIV,” Dr. Biala said. “For so long in the U.S., pediatricians have been advising all mothers with HIV to avoid breastfeeding, believing that the risk of transmission outweighed the benefits of breastfeeding.”

The updated guidance from HHS in 2023 “was revolutionary in supporting people with HIV in low-risk situations who want to breastfeed,” Dr. Biala said, but “clear protocols for monitoring and follow-up were not in place,” which these AAP guidelines help address.

Prior Discordance Between Global, U.S. Guidance

An estimated 5,000 people with HIV give birth each year in the United States, and up to one third of pregnant people with HIV may be unaware of their HIV status, the AAP report notes. Pediatric healthcare professionals in the United States therefore need to be aware of recommendations related to HIV testing of pregnant people and of counseling the feeding of infants exposed to HIV. The report recommends opt-out HIV testing at the first prenatal visit and then possibly retesting in the third trimester in areas with high HIV incidence or for people at high risk for HIV or with signs or symptoms of acute HIV infection.

The report also highlights the health benefits of breastfeeding to both the infant and the breastfeeding parent, but notes the CDC’s historical recommendation against breastfeeding for people who are HIV+. The WHO, meanwhile, began recommending in 2016 that infants be breastfed through 12 to 24 months old if the parent was on ART and/or the infant was receiving antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis, since research showed those treatments were effective in reducing transmission risk.

Still, an estimated 30% of perinatal HIV transmission occurs via breastfeeding worldwide, primarily from people with HIV who are not on ART or are not adequately virally suppressed. Without parental ART or infant ARV prophylaxis, HIV transmission risk to infants via breastfeeding is highest, about 5%-6%, in the first 4-6 weeks of life. Risk then declines to about 0.9% a month thereafter. The AAP report goes on to describe factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of transmission during breastfeeding, but it notes that neither ART in the breastfeeding person nor ARV prophylaxis in the infant completely eliminates the risk of HIV transmission during breastfeeding. There have been rare cases where transmission occurred despite viral suppression in the person with HIV.

Among the reasons people with HIV have expressed a desire to breastfeed are wanting to bond with their infant, wanting to provide optimal nutrition and health benefits to their baby, and meeting cultural expectations, including the desire not to disclose their HIV infection status to family or friends by virtue of not breastfeeding.

“Among immigrant and refugee populations, the discordance between infant feeding guidelines in the United States and their country of birth may result in confusion, especially among parents who breastfed previous infants,” the AAP report also notes. Further, not breastfeeding could compound health disparities already more likely to be present among those living with HIV.

Discussions about infant feeding with parents with HIV should therefore “begin as early as possible and involve a multidisciplinary team that might include the pediatric primary care provider (once identified), a pediatric HIV expert, the breastfeeding parent’s HIV care and obstetric providers, and lactation consultants,” the report states. ”The parent’s motivations for breastfeeding should be explored and counseling provided on the risks and benefits of each feeding option, including breastfeeding, formula feeding, or certified, banked donor human milk.” The statement emphasizes the need for providing counseling in a “non-judgmental, respectful way, recognizing potential drivers for their decisions such as avoidance of stigma, prior experience with breastfeeding, and cultural contributors.”

Clear Recommendations Can Help Providers

The AAP’s statement that “replacement feeding (with formula or certified, banked donor human milk) is the only option that is 100% certain to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV” feels like it takes a “more conservative or discouraging approach” to breastfeeding than the CDC or WHO guidelines, Alissa Parker-Smith, APRN, DNP, CPNP-PC, IBCLC, a nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at PrimaryPlus, a Federally Qualified Health Clinic in Ashland, Kentucky, told MDedge. But she said they do clearly align with the CDC guidelines, and their differences from the WHO guidelines make sense in light of the different populations served by the WHO versus the U.S. agencies.

“Unclean water for formula preparation and a reduced or lack of access to formula in general can lead to many other risks of death for the infant other than the very small risk of HIV infection from breastfeeding from an HIV+ parent,” Ms. Parker-Smith said. “In the U.S. we generally have consistent access to clean water and safe formula as well as social structures to help families have access to formula, so the very small risk of HIV being passed to the infant is far greater than an infant in the U.S. dying as a result of unclean water or formula contamination.”

Ms. Parker-Smith also said the AAP recommendations seem thorough in helping pediatric practitioners counsel and support parents with HIV. “If I had a parent who is HIV+ walk in the door today wanting to breastfeed their infant, the AAP guidelines give me specific steps to make me feel confident in helping that parent breastfeed as safely as possible as well as providing education to assist that parent through the decision process,” she said.

Dr. Biala agreed, noting that the clinical report “very clearly delineates recommendations for different groups of people: those in labor or postpartum with undocumented HIV infection status, pregnant and postpartum people with HIV, those without HIV but at high risk of acquiring it, and those with suspected acute HIV infection while breastfeeding.” Dr. Biala said the report “provides concrete, detailed, and easy-to-follow guidance on comprehensive counseling, strategies to minimize risk of transmission, and infant screening timelines.”

How easily the guidelines can be implemented will depend on the existing resources at different institutions in the United States, Dr. Biala added.

“In hospitals and clinics that have, or could easily have, systems in place to ensure follow-up and regular assessment during breastfeeding, the guidelines could be implemented fairly quickly,” she said. “It might be more challenging in areas with inadequate or limited access to multidisciplinary team members, including HIV care providers and lactation consultants.”

The report did not use external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Abuogi and Ms. Parker-Smith have no disclosures.


People with HIV who wish to breastfeed their infants should have sustained viral suppression, with a viral load below 50 copies per mL, to have the least risk of transmitting HIV to their baby aside from avoiding breastfeeding altogether, according to a new clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

“The risk of HIV transmission via breastfeeding from a parent with HIV who is receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) and is virally suppressed is estimated to be less than 1%,” Lisa Abuogi, MD, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and her colleagues wrote in Pediatrics. For people living with HIV in the United States, however, the AAP recommends that “avoidance of breastfeeding is the only infant feeding option with 0% risk of HIV transmission.”

The authors go on to suggest that pediatricians “be prepared to offer a family-centered, nonjudgmental, harm reduction approach” to support people with HIV who do want to breastfeed and have sustained viral suppression. Parents with HIV who are not on ART or who do not have adequate viral suppression should be advised against breastfeeding, the report states. Members of the AAP Committee on Pediatric and Adolescent HIV and of the AAP Section on Breastfeeding coauthored the clinical report.

“The new guidelines emphasize the importance of patient-centered counseling as the foundation for shared decision-making, allowing patients and pediatric providers to make feeding decisions together and for the first time really giving support to people with HIV in the U.S. who want to breastfeed,” Danna Biala, MD, MS, an attending pediatrician at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and an assistant professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told MDedge News.

Dr. Biala was not involved in the development of the report, but she said the AAP’s guidance reflects the recent shift in the stance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding breastfeeding among people who are HIV+. Recommendations from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were updated in 2023.

“I’m glad that the AAP is putting out guidelines on infant feeding for people with HIV,” Dr. Biala said. “For so long in the U.S., pediatricians have been advising all mothers with HIV to avoid breastfeeding, believing that the risk of transmission outweighed the benefits of breastfeeding.”

The updated guidance from HHS in 2023 “was revolutionary in supporting people with HIV in low-risk situations who want to breastfeed,” Dr. Biala said, but “clear protocols for monitoring and follow-up were not in place,” which these AAP guidelines help address.

Prior Discordance Between Global, U.S. Guidance

An estimated 5,000 people with HIV give birth each year in the United States, and up to one third of pregnant people with HIV may be unaware of their HIV status, the AAP report notes. Pediatric healthcare professionals in the United States therefore need to be aware of recommendations related to HIV testing of pregnant people and of counseling the feeding of infants exposed to HIV. The report recommends opt-out HIV testing at the first prenatal visit and then possibly retesting in the third trimester in areas with high HIV incidence or for people at high risk for HIV or with signs or symptoms of acute HIV infection.

The report also highlights the health benefits of breastfeeding to both the infant and the breastfeeding parent, but notes the CDC’s historical recommendation against breastfeeding for people who are HIV+. The WHO, meanwhile, began recommending in 2016 that infants be breastfed through 12 to 24 months old if the parent was on ART and/or the infant was receiving antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis, since research showed those treatments were effective in reducing transmission risk.

Still, an estimated 30% of perinatal HIV transmission occurs via breastfeeding worldwide, primarily from people with HIV who are not on ART or are not adequately virally suppressed. Without parental ART or infant ARV prophylaxis, HIV transmission risk to infants via breastfeeding is highest, about 5%-6%, in the first 4-6 weeks of life. Risk then declines to about 0.9% a month thereafter. The AAP report goes on to describe factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of transmission during breastfeeding, but it notes that neither ART in the breastfeeding person nor ARV prophylaxis in the infant completely eliminates the risk of HIV transmission during breastfeeding. There have been rare cases where transmission occurred despite viral suppression in the person with HIV.

Among the reasons people with HIV have expressed a desire to breastfeed are wanting to bond with their infant, wanting to provide optimal nutrition and health benefits to their baby, and meeting cultural expectations, including the desire not to disclose their HIV infection status to family or friends by virtue of not breastfeeding.

“Among immigrant and refugee populations, the discordance between infant feeding guidelines in the United States and their country of birth may result in confusion, especially among parents who breastfed previous infants,” the AAP report also notes. Further, not breastfeeding could compound health disparities already more likely to be present among those living with HIV.

Discussions about infant feeding with parents with HIV should therefore “begin as early as possible and involve a multidisciplinary team that might include the pediatric primary care provider (once identified), a pediatric HIV expert, the breastfeeding parent’s HIV care and obstetric providers, and lactation consultants,” the report states. ”The parent’s motivations for breastfeeding should be explored and counseling provided on the risks and benefits of each feeding option, including breastfeeding, formula feeding, or certified, banked donor human milk.” The statement emphasizes the need for providing counseling in a “non-judgmental, respectful way, recognizing potential drivers for their decisions such as avoidance of stigma, prior experience with breastfeeding, and cultural contributors.”

Clear Recommendations Can Help Providers

The AAP’s statement that “replacement feeding (with formula or certified, banked donor human milk) is the only option that is 100% certain to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV” feels like it takes a “more conservative or discouraging approach” to breastfeeding than the CDC or WHO guidelines, Alissa Parker-Smith, APRN, DNP, CPNP-PC, IBCLC, a nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at PrimaryPlus, a Federally Qualified Health Clinic in Ashland, Kentucky, told MDedge. But she said they do clearly align with the CDC guidelines, and their differences from the WHO guidelines make sense in light of the different populations served by the WHO versus the U.S. agencies.

“Unclean water for formula preparation and a reduced or lack of access to formula in general can lead to many other risks of death for the infant other than the very small risk of HIV infection from breastfeeding from an HIV+ parent,” Ms. Parker-Smith said. “In the U.S. we generally have consistent access to clean water and safe formula as well as social structures to help families have access to formula, so the very small risk of HIV being passed to the infant is far greater than an infant in the U.S. dying as a result of unclean water or formula contamination.”

Ms. Parker-Smith also said the AAP recommendations seem thorough in helping pediatric practitioners counsel and support parents with HIV. “If I had a parent who is HIV+ walk in the door today wanting to breastfeed their infant, the AAP guidelines give me specific steps to make me feel confident in helping that parent breastfeed as safely as possible as well as providing education to assist that parent through the decision process,” she said.

Dr. Biala agreed, noting that the clinical report “very clearly delineates recommendations for different groups of people: those in labor or postpartum with undocumented HIV infection status, pregnant and postpartum people with HIV, those without HIV but at high risk of acquiring it, and those with suspected acute HIV infection while breastfeeding.” Dr. Biala said the report “provides concrete, detailed, and easy-to-follow guidance on comprehensive counseling, strategies to minimize risk of transmission, and infant screening timelines.”

How easily the guidelines can be implemented will depend on the existing resources at different institutions in the United States, Dr. Biala added.

“In hospitals and clinics that have, or could easily have, systems in place to ensure follow-up and regular assessment during breastfeeding, the guidelines could be implemented fairly quickly,” she said. “It might be more challenging in areas with inadequate or limited access to multidisciplinary team members, including HIV care providers and lactation consultants.”

The report did not use external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Abuogi and Ms. Parker-Smith have no disclosures.

People with HIV who wish to breastfeed their infants should have sustained viral suppression, with a viral load below 50 copies per mL, to have the least risk of transmitting HIV to their baby aside from avoiding breastfeeding altogether, according to a new clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

“The risk of HIV transmission via breastfeeding from a parent with HIV who is receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) and is virally suppressed is estimated to be less than 1%,” Lisa Abuogi, MD, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and her colleagues wrote in Pediatrics. For people living with HIV in the United States, however, the AAP recommends that “avoidance of breastfeeding is the only infant feeding option with 0% risk of HIV transmission.”

The authors go on to suggest that pediatricians “be prepared to offer a family-centered, nonjudgmental, harm reduction approach” to support people with HIV who do want to breastfeed and have sustained viral suppression. Parents with HIV who are not on ART or who do not have adequate viral suppression should be advised against breastfeeding, the report states. Members of the AAP Committee on Pediatric and Adolescent HIV and of the AAP Section on Breastfeeding coauthored the clinical report.

“The new guidelines emphasize the importance of patient-centered counseling as the foundation for shared decision-making, allowing patients and pediatric providers to make feeding decisions together and for the first time really giving support to people with HIV in the U.S. who want to breastfeed,” Danna Biala, MD, MS, an attending pediatrician at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and an assistant professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told MDedge News.

Dr. Biala was not involved in the development of the report, but she said the AAP’s guidance reflects the recent shift in the stance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding breastfeeding among people who are HIV+. Recommendations from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were updated in 2023.

“I’m glad that the AAP is putting out guidelines on infant feeding for people with HIV,” Dr. Biala said. “For so long in the U.S., pediatricians have been advising all mothers with HIV to avoid breastfeeding, believing that the risk of transmission outweighed the benefits of breastfeeding.”

The updated guidance from HHS in 2023 “was revolutionary in supporting people with HIV in low-risk situations who want to breastfeed,” Dr. Biala said, but “clear protocols for monitoring and follow-up were not in place,” which these AAP guidelines help address.

Prior Discordance Between Global, U.S. Guidance

An estimated 5,000 people with HIV give birth each year in the United States, and up to one third of pregnant people with HIV may be unaware of their HIV status, the AAP report notes. Pediatric healthcare professionals in the United States therefore need to be aware of recommendations related to HIV testing of pregnant people and of counseling the feeding of infants exposed to HIV. The report recommends opt-out HIV testing at the first prenatal visit and then possibly retesting in the third trimester in areas with high HIV incidence or for people at high risk for HIV or with signs or symptoms of acute HIV infection.

The report also highlights the health benefits of breastfeeding to both the infant and the breastfeeding parent, but notes the CDC’s historical recommendation against breastfeeding for people who are HIV+. The WHO, meanwhile, began recommending in 2016 that infants be breastfed through 12 to 24 months old if the parent was on ART and/or the infant was receiving antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis, since research showed those treatments were effective in reducing transmission risk.

Still, an estimated 30% of perinatal HIV transmission occurs via breastfeeding worldwide, primarily from people with HIV who are not on ART or are not adequately virally suppressed. Without parental ART or infant ARV prophylaxis, HIV transmission risk to infants via breastfeeding is highest, about 5%-6%, in the first 4-6 weeks of life. Risk then declines to about 0.9% a month thereafter. The AAP report goes on to describe factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of transmission during breastfeeding, but it notes that neither ART in the breastfeeding person nor ARV prophylaxis in the infant completely eliminates the risk of HIV transmission during breastfeeding. There have been rare cases where transmission occurred despite viral suppression in the person with HIV.

Among the reasons people with HIV have expressed a desire to breastfeed are wanting to bond with their infant, wanting to provide optimal nutrition and health benefits to their baby, and meeting cultural expectations, including the desire not to disclose their HIV infection status to family or friends by virtue of not breastfeeding.

“Among immigrant and refugee populations, the discordance between infant feeding guidelines in the United States and their country of birth may result in confusion, especially among parents who breastfed previous infants,” the AAP report also notes. Further, not breastfeeding could compound health disparities already more likely to be present among those living with HIV.

Discussions about infant feeding with parents with HIV should therefore “begin as early as possible and involve a multidisciplinary team that might include the pediatric primary care provider (once identified), a pediatric HIV expert, the breastfeeding parent’s HIV care and obstetric providers, and lactation consultants,” the report states. ”The parent’s motivations for breastfeeding should be explored and counseling provided on the risks and benefits of each feeding option, including breastfeeding, formula feeding, or certified, banked donor human milk.” The statement emphasizes the need for providing counseling in a “non-judgmental, respectful way, recognizing potential drivers for their decisions such as avoidance of stigma, prior experience with breastfeeding, and cultural contributors.”

Clear Recommendations Can Help Providers

The AAP’s statement that “replacement feeding (with formula or certified, banked donor human milk) is the only option that is 100% certain to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV” feels like it takes a “more conservative or discouraging approach” to breastfeeding than the CDC or WHO guidelines, Alissa Parker-Smith, APRN, DNP, CPNP-PC, IBCLC, a nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at PrimaryPlus, a Federally Qualified Health Clinic in Ashland, Kentucky, told MDedge. But she said they do clearly align with the CDC guidelines, and their differences from the WHO guidelines make sense in light of the different populations served by the WHO versus the U.S. agencies.

“Unclean water for formula preparation and a reduced or lack of access to formula in general can lead to many other risks of death for the infant other than the very small risk of HIV infection from breastfeeding from an HIV+ parent,” Ms. Parker-Smith said. “In the U.S. we generally have consistent access to clean water and safe formula as well as social structures to help families have access to formula, so the very small risk of HIV being passed to the infant is far greater than an infant in the U.S. dying as a result of unclean water or formula contamination.”

Ms. Parker-Smith also said the AAP recommendations seem thorough in helping pediatric practitioners counsel and support parents with HIV. “If I had a parent who is HIV+ walk in the door today wanting to breastfeed their infant, the AAP guidelines give me specific steps to make me feel confident in helping that parent breastfeed as safely as possible as well as providing education to assist that parent through the decision process,” she said.

Dr. Biala agreed, noting that the clinical report “very clearly delineates recommendations for different groups of people: those in labor or postpartum with undocumented HIV infection status, pregnant and postpartum people with HIV, those without HIV but at high risk of acquiring it, and those with suspected acute HIV infection while breastfeeding.” Dr. Biala said the report “provides concrete, detailed, and easy-to-follow guidance on comprehensive counseling, strategies to minimize risk of transmission, and infant screening timelines.”

How easily the guidelines can be implemented will depend on the existing resources at different institutions in the United States, Dr. Biala added.

“In hospitals and clinics that have, or could easily have, systems in place to ensure follow-up and regular assessment during breastfeeding, the guidelines could be implemented fairly quickly,” she said. “It might be more challenging in areas with inadequate or limited access to multidisciplinary team members, including HIV care providers and lactation consultants.”

The report did not use external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Abuogi and Ms. Parker-Smith have no disclosures.

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Port-Wine Birthmarks: Shorter Interval Laser Treatments Show Promise in Infants

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Thu, 04/18/2024 - 17:29



Infants with port-wine birthmarks (PWB) achieved near-total or total clearance with weekly pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatments in a case-series of 10 infants.


  • Early intervention of PWB in infants can significantly improve outcomes, and some studies suggest shorter intervals between laser treatments may be more effective. While laser treatment with PDL is the gold standard, the optimal treatment interval has not been determined.
  • Researchers evaluated the records of 10 infants with PWB who received weekly PDL treatments from 2022 to 2023 at a single center. Treatment was initiated when the infants were 6 months old or younger, with the median age at the first treatment being 4 weeks. Of the 10 infants, eight had Fitzpatrick skin types I-III and two had skin type IV.
  • Two dermatologists assessed photographs taken before and after laser treatment, and the primary outcome was the percentage improvement of PWB.


  • Of the 10 patients, six achieved near-total (76%-95%) clearance, and one achieved total (96%-100%) clearance of PWB at a mean of 2 months after the first treatment.
  • Marked improvement (51%-75%) in PWB was observed in the remaining three patients, who achieved near-total clearance with additional treatments.
  • The median duration of treatment was 2 months (range, 0.2-5.1), and a median of eight treatments (range, 2-20) were needed to achieve near total or total clearance.
  • No adverse events were reported, including pigmentary changes, scarring, burns, erosions, or infections.


The outcomes in the case series, the authors concluded, “are compelling and warrant attention and further investigation into the possibility that this novel and decreased treatment interval of 1 week ... is associated with potential improvement in outcomes and shorter overall treatment duration.”


This study was led by Shirin Bajaj, MD, of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, where the infants were treated, and was published online on April 17, 2024, in JAMA Dermatology.


A small sample size and the lack of a comparison arm limited the ability to draw any conclusions or make treatment recommendations based on the results.


The authors disclosed no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on




Infants with port-wine birthmarks (PWB) achieved near-total or total clearance with weekly pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatments in a case-series of 10 infants.


  • Early intervention of PWB in infants can significantly improve outcomes, and some studies suggest shorter intervals between laser treatments may be more effective. While laser treatment with PDL is the gold standard, the optimal treatment interval has not been determined.
  • Researchers evaluated the records of 10 infants with PWB who received weekly PDL treatments from 2022 to 2023 at a single center. Treatment was initiated when the infants were 6 months old or younger, with the median age at the first treatment being 4 weeks. Of the 10 infants, eight had Fitzpatrick skin types I-III and two had skin type IV.
  • Two dermatologists assessed photographs taken before and after laser treatment, and the primary outcome was the percentage improvement of PWB.


  • Of the 10 patients, six achieved near-total (76%-95%) clearance, and one achieved total (96%-100%) clearance of PWB at a mean of 2 months after the first treatment.
  • Marked improvement (51%-75%) in PWB was observed in the remaining three patients, who achieved near-total clearance with additional treatments.
  • The median duration of treatment was 2 months (range, 0.2-5.1), and a median of eight treatments (range, 2-20) were needed to achieve near total or total clearance.
  • No adverse events were reported, including pigmentary changes, scarring, burns, erosions, or infections.


The outcomes in the case series, the authors concluded, “are compelling and warrant attention and further investigation into the possibility that this novel and decreased treatment interval of 1 week ... is associated with potential improvement in outcomes and shorter overall treatment duration.”


This study was led by Shirin Bajaj, MD, of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, where the infants were treated, and was published online on April 17, 2024, in JAMA Dermatology.


A small sample size and the lack of a comparison arm limited the ability to draw any conclusions or make treatment recommendations based on the results.


The authors disclosed no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on



Infants with port-wine birthmarks (PWB) achieved near-total or total clearance with weekly pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatments in a case-series of 10 infants.


  • Early intervention of PWB in infants can significantly improve outcomes, and some studies suggest shorter intervals between laser treatments may be more effective. While laser treatment with PDL is the gold standard, the optimal treatment interval has not been determined.
  • Researchers evaluated the records of 10 infants with PWB who received weekly PDL treatments from 2022 to 2023 at a single center. Treatment was initiated when the infants were 6 months old or younger, with the median age at the first treatment being 4 weeks. Of the 10 infants, eight had Fitzpatrick skin types I-III and two had skin type IV.
  • Two dermatologists assessed photographs taken before and after laser treatment, and the primary outcome was the percentage improvement of PWB.


  • Of the 10 patients, six achieved near-total (76%-95%) clearance, and one achieved total (96%-100%) clearance of PWB at a mean of 2 months after the first treatment.
  • Marked improvement (51%-75%) in PWB was observed in the remaining three patients, who achieved near-total clearance with additional treatments.
  • The median duration of treatment was 2 months (range, 0.2-5.1), and a median of eight treatments (range, 2-20) were needed to achieve near total or total clearance.
  • No adverse events were reported, including pigmentary changes, scarring, burns, erosions, or infections.


The outcomes in the case series, the authors concluded, “are compelling and warrant attention and further investigation into the possibility that this novel and decreased treatment interval of 1 week ... is associated with potential improvement in outcomes and shorter overall treatment duration.”


This study was led by Shirin Bajaj, MD, of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, where the infants were treated, and was published online on April 17, 2024, in JAMA Dermatology.


A small sample size and the lack of a comparison arm limited the ability to draw any conclusions or make treatment recommendations based on the results.


The authors disclosed no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on

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