Albuminuria reduction fuels finerenone’s kidney benefits

Article Type
Mon, 11/20/2023 - 06:38

– Reducing albuminuria is a key mediator of the way finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) reduces adverse renal and cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD), based on findings from two novel mediation analyses run on data from more than 12,000 people included in the two finerenone pivotal trials.

Results from these analyses showed that the reduction in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) linked to finerenone treatment mediated 84% of the kidney protection and 37% of the cardiovascular event protection that finerenone treatment produced in the FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD phase 3 trials. FIDELIO-DKD, which had protection against adverse kidney outcomes as its primary endpoint, supplied the data that led to finerenone’s approval in 2021 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating people with type 2 diabetes and CKD.

The findings of the mediation analyses underscore the important role that albuminuria plays in the nephropathy and related comorbidities associated with type 2 diabetes and CKD and highlight the importance of ongoing monitoring of albuminuria to guide treatments aimed at minimizing this pathology, said Rajiv Agarwal, MD, who presented a poster on the mediation analyses at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Rajiv Agarwal

“My hope is that this [report] heightens awareness of UACR” as an important marker of both CKD and of the response by patients with CKD to their treatment, said Dr. Agarwal, a nephrologist and professor at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

“Only about half of people with type 2 diabetes get their UACR measured even though every guideline says measure UACR in people with diabetes. Our findings say that UACR is important not just for CKD diagnosis but also to give feedback” on whether management is working, Dr. Agarwal said in an interview.

Incorporate UACR into clinical decision-making

“My hope is that clinicians will look at UACR as something they should incorporate into clinical decision-making. I measure UACR in my patients [with CKD and type 2 diabetes] at every visit; it’s so inexpensive. Albuminuria is not a good sign. If it’s not reduced in a patient by at least 30% [the recommended minimum reduction by the American Diabetes Association for people who start with a UACR of at least 300 mg/g] clinicians should think of what else they could do to lower albuminuria”: Reduce salt intake, improve blood pressure control, make sure the patient is adherent to treatments, and add additional treatments, Dr. Agarwal advised.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

Multiple efforts are now underway or will soon start to boost the rate at which at-risk people get their UACR measured, noted Leslie A. Inker, MD, in a separate talk during Kidney Week. These efforts include the National Kidney Foundation’s CKD Learning Collaborative, which aims to improve clinician awareness of CKD and improve routine testing for CKD. Early results during 2023 from this program in Missouri showed a nearly 8–percentage point increase in the screening rate for UACR levels in at-risk people, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.

A second advance was introduction in 2018 of the “kidney profile” lab order by the American College of Clinical Pathology that allows clinicians to order as a single test both an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and a UACR.

Also, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the National Committee for Quality Assurance have both taken steps to encourage UACR ordering. The NCQA established a new Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set performance measure for U.S. physicians starting in 2023 that will track measurement of UACR and eGFR in people with diabetes. CMS also has made assessment of kidney health a measure of care quality in programs effective in 2023 and 2024, Dr. Inker noted.



Most subjects had elevated UACRs

The study run by Dr. Agarwal and his associates used data from 12,512 of the more than 13,000 people enrolled in either FIDELITY-DKD or FIGARO-DKD who had UACR measurements recorded at baseline, at 4 months into either study, or both. Their median UACR at the time they began on finerenone or placebo was 514 mg/g, with 67% having a UACR of at least 300 mg/g (macroalbuminuria) and 31% having a UACR of 30-299 mg/g (microalbuminuria). By design, virtually all patients in these two trials were on a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (either an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker), but given the time period when the two trials enrolled participants (during 2015-2018) only 7% of those enrolled were on a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor and only 7% were on a glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonist.

Four months after treatment began, 53% of those randomized to finerenone treatment and 27% of those in the placebo arm had their UACR reduced by at least 30% from baseline, the cutpoint chosen by Dr. Agarwal based on the American Diabetes Association guideline.

Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that the incidence of the primary kidney outcome – kidney failure, a sustained ≥ 57% decrease in eGFR from baseline, or kidney death – showed close correlation with at least a 30% reduction in UACR regardless of whether the patients in this subgroup received finerenone or placebo.

A different correlation was found in those with a less than 30% reduction in their UACR from baseline to 4 months, regardless of whether this happened on finerenone or placebo. People in the two finerenone trials who had a lesser reduction from baseline in their UACR also had a significantly higher rate of adverse kidney outcomes whether they received finerenone or placebo.

84% of finerenone’s kidney benefit linked to lowering of UACR

The causal-mediation analysis run by Dr. Agarwal quantified this observation, showing that 84% of finerenone’s effect on the kidney outcome was mediated by the reduction in UACR.

“It seems like the kidney benefit [from finerenone] travels through the level of albuminuria. This has broad implications for treatment of people with type 2 diabetes and CKD,” he said.

The link with reduction in albuminuria was weaker for the primary cardiovascular disease outcome: CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. The strongest effect on this outcome was only seen in Kaplan-Meier analysis in those on finerenone who had at least a 30% reduction in their UACR. Those on placebo and with a similarly robust 4-month reduction in UACR showed a much more modest cardiovascular benefit that resembled those on either finerenone or placebo who had a smaller, less than 30% UACR reduction. The mediation analysis of these data showed that UACR reduction accounted for about 37% of the observed cardiovascular benefit seen during the trials.

“The effect of UACR is much stronger for the kidney outcomes,” summed up Dr. Agarwal. The results suggest that for cardiovascular outcomes finerenone works through factors other than lowering of UACR, but he admitted that no one currently knows what those other factors might be.



Treat aggressively to lower UACR by 30%

“I wouldn’t stop finerenone treatment in people who do not get a 30% reduction in their UACR” because these analyses suggest that a portion of the overall benefits from finerenone occurs via other mechanisms, he said. But in patients whose UACR is not reduced by at least 30% “be more aggressive on other measures to reduce UACR,” he advised.

The mediation analyses he ran are “the first time this has been done in nephrology,” producing a “groundbreaking” analysis and finding, Dr. Agarwal said. He also highlighted that the findings primarily relate to the importance of controlling UACR rather than an endorsement of finerenone as the best way to achieve this.

“All I care about is that people think about UACR as a modifiable risk factor. It doesn’t have to be treated with finerenone. It could be a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor, it could be chlorthalidone [a thiazide diuretic]. It just happened that we had a large dataset of people treated with finerenone or placebo.”

He said that future mediation analyses should look at the link between outcomes and UACR reductions produced by agents from the classes of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and the glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonists.

FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD were both sponsored by Bayer, the company that markets finerenone. Dr. Agarwal has received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Bayer. He has also received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Akebia Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and Vifor Pharma, and he is a member of data safety monitoring committees for Chinook and Vertex. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix, and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida.


– Reducing albuminuria is a key mediator of the way finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) reduces adverse renal and cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD), based on findings from two novel mediation analyses run on data from more than 12,000 people included in the two finerenone pivotal trials.

Results from these analyses showed that the reduction in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) linked to finerenone treatment mediated 84% of the kidney protection and 37% of the cardiovascular event protection that finerenone treatment produced in the FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD phase 3 trials. FIDELIO-DKD, which had protection against adverse kidney outcomes as its primary endpoint, supplied the data that led to finerenone’s approval in 2021 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating people with type 2 diabetes and CKD.

The findings of the mediation analyses underscore the important role that albuminuria plays in the nephropathy and related comorbidities associated with type 2 diabetes and CKD and highlight the importance of ongoing monitoring of albuminuria to guide treatments aimed at minimizing this pathology, said Rajiv Agarwal, MD, who presented a poster on the mediation analyses at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Rajiv Agarwal

“My hope is that this [report] heightens awareness of UACR” as an important marker of both CKD and of the response by patients with CKD to their treatment, said Dr. Agarwal, a nephrologist and professor at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

“Only about half of people with type 2 diabetes get their UACR measured even though every guideline says measure UACR in people with diabetes. Our findings say that UACR is important not just for CKD diagnosis but also to give feedback” on whether management is working, Dr. Agarwal said in an interview.

Incorporate UACR into clinical decision-making

“My hope is that clinicians will look at UACR as something they should incorporate into clinical decision-making. I measure UACR in my patients [with CKD and type 2 diabetes] at every visit; it’s so inexpensive. Albuminuria is not a good sign. If it’s not reduced in a patient by at least 30% [the recommended minimum reduction by the American Diabetes Association for people who start with a UACR of at least 300 mg/g] clinicians should think of what else they could do to lower albuminuria”: Reduce salt intake, improve blood pressure control, make sure the patient is adherent to treatments, and add additional treatments, Dr. Agarwal advised.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

Multiple efforts are now underway or will soon start to boost the rate at which at-risk people get their UACR measured, noted Leslie A. Inker, MD, in a separate talk during Kidney Week. These efforts include the National Kidney Foundation’s CKD Learning Collaborative, which aims to improve clinician awareness of CKD and improve routine testing for CKD. Early results during 2023 from this program in Missouri showed a nearly 8–percentage point increase in the screening rate for UACR levels in at-risk people, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.

A second advance was introduction in 2018 of the “kidney profile” lab order by the American College of Clinical Pathology that allows clinicians to order as a single test both an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and a UACR.

Also, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the National Committee for Quality Assurance have both taken steps to encourage UACR ordering. The NCQA established a new Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set performance measure for U.S. physicians starting in 2023 that will track measurement of UACR and eGFR in people with diabetes. CMS also has made assessment of kidney health a measure of care quality in programs effective in 2023 and 2024, Dr. Inker noted.



Most subjects had elevated UACRs

The study run by Dr. Agarwal and his associates used data from 12,512 of the more than 13,000 people enrolled in either FIDELITY-DKD or FIGARO-DKD who had UACR measurements recorded at baseline, at 4 months into either study, or both. Their median UACR at the time they began on finerenone or placebo was 514 mg/g, with 67% having a UACR of at least 300 mg/g (macroalbuminuria) and 31% having a UACR of 30-299 mg/g (microalbuminuria). By design, virtually all patients in these two trials were on a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (either an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker), but given the time period when the two trials enrolled participants (during 2015-2018) only 7% of those enrolled were on a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor and only 7% were on a glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonist.

Four months after treatment began, 53% of those randomized to finerenone treatment and 27% of those in the placebo arm had their UACR reduced by at least 30% from baseline, the cutpoint chosen by Dr. Agarwal based on the American Diabetes Association guideline.

Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that the incidence of the primary kidney outcome – kidney failure, a sustained ≥ 57% decrease in eGFR from baseline, or kidney death – showed close correlation with at least a 30% reduction in UACR regardless of whether the patients in this subgroup received finerenone or placebo.

A different correlation was found in those with a less than 30% reduction in their UACR from baseline to 4 months, regardless of whether this happened on finerenone or placebo. People in the two finerenone trials who had a lesser reduction from baseline in their UACR also had a significantly higher rate of adverse kidney outcomes whether they received finerenone or placebo.

84% of finerenone’s kidney benefit linked to lowering of UACR

The causal-mediation analysis run by Dr. Agarwal quantified this observation, showing that 84% of finerenone’s effect on the kidney outcome was mediated by the reduction in UACR.

“It seems like the kidney benefit [from finerenone] travels through the level of albuminuria. This has broad implications for treatment of people with type 2 diabetes and CKD,” he said.

The link with reduction in albuminuria was weaker for the primary cardiovascular disease outcome: CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. The strongest effect on this outcome was only seen in Kaplan-Meier analysis in those on finerenone who had at least a 30% reduction in their UACR. Those on placebo and with a similarly robust 4-month reduction in UACR showed a much more modest cardiovascular benefit that resembled those on either finerenone or placebo who had a smaller, less than 30% UACR reduction. The mediation analysis of these data showed that UACR reduction accounted for about 37% of the observed cardiovascular benefit seen during the trials.

“The effect of UACR is much stronger for the kidney outcomes,” summed up Dr. Agarwal. The results suggest that for cardiovascular outcomes finerenone works through factors other than lowering of UACR, but he admitted that no one currently knows what those other factors might be.



Treat aggressively to lower UACR by 30%

“I wouldn’t stop finerenone treatment in people who do not get a 30% reduction in their UACR” because these analyses suggest that a portion of the overall benefits from finerenone occurs via other mechanisms, he said. But in patients whose UACR is not reduced by at least 30% “be more aggressive on other measures to reduce UACR,” he advised.

The mediation analyses he ran are “the first time this has been done in nephrology,” producing a “groundbreaking” analysis and finding, Dr. Agarwal said. He also highlighted that the findings primarily relate to the importance of controlling UACR rather than an endorsement of finerenone as the best way to achieve this.

“All I care about is that people think about UACR as a modifiable risk factor. It doesn’t have to be treated with finerenone. It could be a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor, it could be chlorthalidone [a thiazide diuretic]. It just happened that we had a large dataset of people treated with finerenone or placebo.”

He said that future mediation analyses should look at the link between outcomes and UACR reductions produced by agents from the classes of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and the glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonists.

FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD were both sponsored by Bayer, the company that markets finerenone. Dr. Agarwal has received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Bayer. He has also received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Akebia Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and Vifor Pharma, and he is a member of data safety monitoring committees for Chinook and Vertex. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix, and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida.

– Reducing albuminuria is a key mediator of the way finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) reduces adverse renal and cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD), based on findings from two novel mediation analyses run on data from more than 12,000 people included in the two finerenone pivotal trials.

Results from these analyses showed that the reduction in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) linked to finerenone treatment mediated 84% of the kidney protection and 37% of the cardiovascular event protection that finerenone treatment produced in the FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD phase 3 trials. FIDELIO-DKD, which had protection against adverse kidney outcomes as its primary endpoint, supplied the data that led to finerenone’s approval in 2021 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating people with type 2 diabetes and CKD.

The findings of the mediation analyses underscore the important role that albuminuria plays in the nephropathy and related comorbidities associated with type 2 diabetes and CKD and highlight the importance of ongoing monitoring of albuminuria to guide treatments aimed at minimizing this pathology, said Rajiv Agarwal, MD, who presented a poster on the mediation analyses at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Rajiv Agarwal

“My hope is that this [report] heightens awareness of UACR” as an important marker of both CKD and of the response by patients with CKD to their treatment, said Dr. Agarwal, a nephrologist and professor at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

“Only about half of people with type 2 diabetes get their UACR measured even though every guideline says measure UACR in people with diabetes. Our findings say that UACR is important not just for CKD diagnosis but also to give feedback” on whether management is working, Dr. Agarwal said in an interview.

Incorporate UACR into clinical decision-making

“My hope is that clinicians will look at UACR as something they should incorporate into clinical decision-making. I measure UACR in my patients [with CKD and type 2 diabetes] at every visit; it’s so inexpensive. Albuminuria is not a good sign. If it’s not reduced in a patient by at least 30% [the recommended minimum reduction by the American Diabetes Association for people who start with a UACR of at least 300 mg/g] clinicians should think of what else they could do to lower albuminuria”: Reduce salt intake, improve blood pressure control, make sure the patient is adherent to treatments, and add additional treatments, Dr. Agarwal advised.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

Multiple efforts are now underway or will soon start to boost the rate at which at-risk people get their UACR measured, noted Leslie A. Inker, MD, in a separate talk during Kidney Week. These efforts include the National Kidney Foundation’s CKD Learning Collaborative, which aims to improve clinician awareness of CKD and improve routine testing for CKD. Early results during 2023 from this program in Missouri showed a nearly 8–percentage point increase in the screening rate for UACR levels in at-risk people, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.

A second advance was introduction in 2018 of the “kidney profile” lab order by the American College of Clinical Pathology that allows clinicians to order as a single test both an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and a UACR.

Also, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the National Committee for Quality Assurance have both taken steps to encourage UACR ordering. The NCQA established a new Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set performance measure for U.S. physicians starting in 2023 that will track measurement of UACR and eGFR in people with diabetes. CMS also has made assessment of kidney health a measure of care quality in programs effective in 2023 and 2024, Dr. Inker noted.



Most subjects had elevated UACRs

The study run by Dr. Agarwal and his associates used data from 12,512 of the more than 13,000 people enrolled in either FIDELITY-DKD or FIGARO-DKD who had UACR measurements recorded at baseline, at 4 months into either study, or both. Their median UACR at the time they began on finerenone or placebo was 514 mg/g, with 67% having a UACR of at least 300 mg/g (macroalbuminuria) and 31% having a UACR of 30-299 mg/g (microalbuminuria). By design, virtually all patients in these two trials were on a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (either an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker), but given the time period when the two trials enrolled participants (during 2015-2018) only 7% of those enrolled were on a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor and only 7% were on a glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonist.

Four months after treatment began, 53% of those randomized to finerenone treatment and 27% of those in the placebo arm had their UACR reduced by at least 30% from baseline, the cutpoint chosen by Dr. Agarwal based on the American Diabetes Association guideline.

Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that the incidence of the primary kidney outcome – kidney failure, a sustained ≥ 57% decrease in eGFR from baseline, or kidney death – showed close correlation with at least a 30% reduction in UACR regardless of whether the patients in this subgroup received finerenone or placebo.

A different correlation was found in those with a less than 30% reduction in their UACR from baseline to 4 months, regardless of whether this happened on finerenone or placebo. People in the two finerenone trials who had a lesser reduction from baseline in their UACR also had a significantly higher rate of adverse kidney outcomes whether they received finerenone or placebo.

84% of finerenone’s kidney benefit linked to lowering of UACR

The causal-mediation analysis run by Dr. Agarwal quantified this observation, showing that 84% of finerenone’s effect on the kidney outcome was mediated by the reduction in UACR.

“It seems like the kidney benefit [from finerenone] travels through the level of albuminuria. This has broad implications for treatment of people with type 2 diabetes and CKD,” he said.

The link with reduction in albuminuria was weaker for the primary cardiovascular disease outcome: CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. The strongest effect on this outcome was only seen in Kaplan-Meier analysis in those on finerenone who had at least a 30% reduction in their UACR. Those on placebo and with a similarly robust 4-month reduction in UACR showed a much more modest cardiovascular benefit that resembled those on either finerenone or placebo who had a smaller, less than 30% UACR reduction. The mediation analysis of these data showed that UACR reduction accounted for about 37% of the observed cardiovascular benefit seen during the trials.

“The effect of UACR is much stronger for the kidney outcomes,” summed up Dr. Agarwal. The results suggest that for cardiovascular outcomes finerenone works through factors other than lowering of UACR, but he admitted that no one currently knows what those other factors might be.



Treat aggressively to lower UACR by 30%

“I wouldn’t stop finerenone treatment in people who do not get a 30% reduction in their UACR” because these analyses suggest that a portion of the overall benefits from finerenone occurs via other mechanisms, he said. But in patients whose UACR is not reduced by at least 30% “be more aggressive on other measures to reduce UACR,” he advised.

The mediation analyses he ran are “the first time this has been done in nephrology,” producing a “groundbreaking” analysis and finding, Dr. Agarwal said. He also highlighted that the findings primarily relate to the importance of controlling UACR rather than an endorsement of finerenone as the best way to achieve this.

“All I care about is that people think about UACR as a modifiable risk factor. It doesn’t have to be treated with finerenone. It could be a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor, it could be chlorthalidone [a thiazide diuretic]. It just happened that we had a large dataset of people treated with finerenone or placebo.”

He said that future mediation analyses should look at the link between outcomes and UACR reductions produced by agents from the classes of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and the glucagonlike peptide–1 receptor agonists.

FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD were both sponsored by Bayer, the company that markets finerenone. Dr. Agarwal has received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Bayer. He has also received personal fees and nonfinancial support from Akebia Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and Vifor Pharma, and he is a member of data safety monitoring committees for Chinook and Vertex. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix, and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida.

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WebMD Article

CKD-EPI eGFR formula surpasses alternatives in young adults

Article Type
Wed, 11/15/2023 - 08:27

The 2021 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration race-free equation for calculating estimated glomerular filtration rate showed the least bias and most consistent performance, compared with two alternative methods for calculating eGFR, in a study of 1,491 young adults aged 18-40 years.

The two alternative formulas for calculating eGFR, the CKiD U25 (Chronic Kidney Disease in Children under 25) and the European Kidney Function Consortium equations, showed higher levels of bias that resulted in underestimates of kidney function, particularly in younger adults 18-25 years old and in those with higher eGFR values, Leslie A. Inker, MD, said at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

However, for young adults with a history of childhood CKD and especially for those who continue under the care of pediatric clinicians even after they become young adults, use of the CKiD U25 equation, remains a reasonable option, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. The CKiD U25 equation is intended for people aged 1-25 years and came out in late 2020.

Pediatric nephrologists use the CKiD U25 but the results of the 2021 CKD-EPI race-free equation is what U.S. clinical labs routinely report for people aged 18 or older. “Our findings support the current practice of pediatric nephrologists” who may opt to use the CKiD U25 even when a patient turns 18 years or older, Dr. Inker said in an interview.

But the new results also support the current practice of U.S. labs, which is to focus on calculating eGFR in anyone at least 18 years old using the 2021 equation developed by the CKD-EPI, work led by Dr. Inker. The new findings confirm routine use of the 2021 CKD-EPI equation in adults as young as 18 years old, especially when they’re having their eGFR calculated for the first time, she said.

Discontinuity changing from CKiD U25 to CKD-EPI is ‘not huge’

“It’s important to understand that the 2021 CKD-EPI equation works in young adults,” noted Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who collaborated on both the current study and on developing the 2021 CKD-EPI equation.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The new data show that the discontinuity in eGFR produced by switching from the CKiD U25 formula to the 2021 CKD-EPI formula “is not huge, maybe about 5 mL/min per 1.73 m2 higher. People should focus on the new baseline and subsequent trends, not the modest difference between equations,” Dr. Coresh advised in an interview.

The study run by Dr. Inker and her associates used 1,491 people aged 18-40 years and enrolled in a cohort created by the CKD-EPI. They compared measured GFR levels in each subject with the estimates generated by the 2021 race-free CKD-EPI equation, the CKiD U25 equation, and a third equation developed by the EKFC and introduced in 2021.



Less bias with the 2021 CKD-EPI equation

The researchers compared the three eGFR equations with their respective measured GFR values by two metrics: bias, defined as the median difference between measured and estimated GFR; and the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of the corresponding measured GFR value.

The results showed that bias was lowest using the 2021 CKD-EPI equation, with an overall median difference of 0.5 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This compared with median differences of 7.2 with the CKiD U25 equation and 4.9 mL/min per 1.73 m2 with the EKFC equation. The disparity in bias was greatest among those with eGFR values in the range of 60-90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and was also greatest for those 18-25 years old.

The CKD-EPI equation results also showed the greatest consistency of bias across the entire 18- to 40-year-old range. Between-group differences were small for the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of measured GFR, with all three equations scoring in the range of 88%-90%.

The study received no commercial funding. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida. Dr. Coresh is a consultant to and SomaLogic and he has an ownership interest in


The 2021 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration race-free equation for calculating estimated glomerular filtration rate showed the least bias and most consistent performance, compared with two alternative methods for calculating eGFR, in a study of 1,491 young adults aged 18-40 years.

The two alternative formulas for calculating eGFR, the CKiD U25 (Chronic Kidney Disease in Children under 25) and the European Kidney Function Consortium equations, showed higher levels of bias that resulted in underestimates of kidney function, particularly in younger adults 18-25 years old and in those with higher eGFR values, Leslie A. Inker, MD, said at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

However, for young adults with a history of childhood CKD and especially for those who continue under the care of pediatric clinicians even after they become young adults, use of the CKiD U25 equation, remains a reasonable option, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. The CKiD U25 equation is intended for people aged 1-25 years and came out in late 2020.

Pediatric nephrologists use the CKiD U25 but the results of the 2021 CKD-EPI race-free equation is what U.S. clinical labs routinely report for people aged 18 or older. “Our findings support the current practice of pediatric nephrologists” who may opt to use the CKiD U25 even when a patient turns 18 years or older, Dr. Inker said in an interview.

But the new results also support the current practice of U.S. labs, which is to focus on calculating eGFR in anyone at least 18 years old using the 2021 equation developed by the CKD-EPI, work led by Dr. Inker. The new findings confirm routine use of the 2021 CKD-EPI equation in adults as young as 18 years old, especially when they’re having their eGFR calculated for the first time, she said.

Discontinuity changing from CKiD U25 to CKD-EPI is ‘not huge’

“It’s important to understand that the 2021 CKD-EPI equation works in young adults,” noted Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who collaborated on both the current study and on developing the 2021 CKD-EPI equation.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The new data show that the discontinuity in eGFR produced by switching from the CKiD U25 formula to the 2021 CKD-EPI formula “is not huge, maybe about 5 mL/min per 1.73 m2 higher. People should focus on the new baseline and subsequent trends, not the modest difference between equations,” Dr. Coresh advised in an interview.

The study run by Dr. Inker and her associates used 1,491 people aged 18-40 years and enrolled in a cohort created by the CKD-EPI. They compared measured GFR levels in each subject with the estimates generated by the 2021 race-free CKD-EPI equation, the CKiD U25 equation, and a third equation developed by the EKFC and introduced in 2021.



Less bias with the 2021 CKD-EPI equation

The researchers compared the three eGFR equations with their respective measured GFR values by two metrics: bias, defined as the median difference between measured and estimated GFR; and the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of the corresponding measured GFR value.

The results showed that bias was lowest using the 2021 CKD-EPI equation, with an overall median difference of 0.5 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This compared with median differences of 7.2 with the CKiD U25 equation and 4.9 mL/min per 1.73 m2 with the EKFC equation. The disparity in bias was greatest among those with eGFR values in the range of 60-90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and was also greatest for those 18-25 years old.

The CKD-EPI equation results also showed the greatest consistency of bias across the entire 18- to 40-year-old range. Between-group differences were small for the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of measured GFR, with all three equations scoring in the range of 88%-90%.

The study received no commercial funding. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida. Dr. Coresh is a consultant to and SomaLogic and he has an ownership interest in

The 2021 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration race-free equation for calculating estimated glomerular filtration rate showed the least bias and most consistent performance, compared with two alternative methods for calculating eGFR, in a study of 1,491 young adults aged 18-40 years.

The two alternative formulas for calculating eGFR, the CKiD U25 (Chronic Kidney Disease in Children under 25) and the European Kidney Function Consortium equations, showed higher levels of bias that resulted in underestimates of kidney function, particularly in younger adults 18-25 years old and in those with higher eGFR values, Leslie A. Inker, MD, said at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. Leslie A. Inker, professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Leslie A. Inker

However, for young adults with a history of childhood CKD and especially for those who continue under the care of pediatric clinicians even after they become young adults, use of the CKiD U25 equation, remains a reasonable option, said Dr. Inker, professor and director of the Kidney and Blood Pressure Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. The CKiD U25 equation is intended for people aged 1-25 years and came out in late 2020.

Pediatric nephrologists use the CKiD U25 but the results of the 2021 CKD-EPI race-free equation is what U.S. clinical labs routinely report for people aged 18 or older. “Our findings support the current practice of pediatric nephrologists” who may opt to use the CKiD U25 even when a patient turns 18 years or older, Dr. Inker said in an interview.

But the new results also support the current practice of U.S. labs, which is to focus on calculating eGFR in anyone at least 18 years old using the 2021 equation developed by the CKD-EPI, work led by Dr. Inker. The new findings confirm routine use of the 2021 CKD-EPI equation in adults as young as 18 years old, especially when they’re having their eGFR calculated for the first time, she said.

Discontinuity changing from CKiD U25 to CKD-EPI is ‘not huge’

“It’s important to understand that the 2021 CKD-EPI equation works in young adults,” noted Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who collaborated on both the current study and on developing the 2021 CKD-EPI equation.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The new data show that the discontinuity in eGFR produced by switching from the CKiD U25 formula to the 2021 CKD-EPI formula “is not huge, maybe about 5 mL/min per 1.73 m2 higher. People should focus on the new baseline and subsequent trends, not the modest difference between equations,” Dr. Coresh advised in an interview.

The study run by Dr. Inker and her associates used 1,491 people aged 18-40 years and enrolled in a cohort created by the CKD-EPI. They compared measured GFR levels in each subject with the estimates generated by the 2021 race-free CKD-EPI equation, the CKiD U25 equation, and a third equation developed by the EKFC and introduced in 2021.



Less bias with the 2021 CKD-EPI equation

The researchers compared the three eGFR equations with their respective measured GFR values by two metrics: bias, defined as the median difference between measured and estimated GFR; and the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of the corresponding measured GFR value.

The results showed that bias was lowest using the 2021 CKD-EPI equation, with an overall median difference of 0.5 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This compared with median differences of 7.2 with the CKiD U25 equation and 4.9 mL/min per 1.73 m2 with the EKFC equation. The disparity in bias was greatest among those with eGFR values in the range of 60-90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and was also greatest for those 18-25 years old.

The CKD-EPI equation results also showed the greatest consistency of bias across the entire 18- to 40-year-old range. Between-group differences were small for the percentage of eGFR values that fell within 30% of measured GFR, with all three equations scoring in the range of 88%-90%.

The study received no commercial funding. Dr. Inker is a consultant to Diamtrix and her department receives research funding from Chinook, Omeros, Reata, and Tricida. Dr. Coresh is a consultant to and SomaLogic and he has an ownership interest in

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Risk calculator for early-stage CKD may soon enter U.S. market

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Thu, 11/09/2023 - 15:10

A proprietary formula showed good performance stratifying the risk of adults with early-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) advancing to more severe kidney dysfunction and increased health care needs. The analyses offer the possibility of focusing intensified medical management of early-stage CKD on those patients who could potentially receive the most benefit.

The Klinrisk model predicts the risk of an adult with early-stage CKD developing either a 40% or greater drop in estimated glomerular filtration rate or kidney failure. It calculates risk based on 20 lab-measured variables that include serum creatinine, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, and other values taken from routinely ordered tests such as complete blood cell counts, chemistry panels, comprehensive metabolic panels, and urinalysis.

Dr. Navdeep Tangri, professor of medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Navdeep Tangri

In the most recent and largest external validation study using data from 4.6 million American adults enrolled in commercial and Medicare insurance plans, the results showed Klinrisk correctly predicted CKD progression in 80%-83% of individuals over 2 years and in 78%-83% of individuals over 5 years, depending on the insurance provider, Navdeep Tangri, MD, PhD, reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology. When urinalysis data were available, the model correctly predicted CKD progression in 81%-87% of individuals over 2 years and in 80%-87% of individuals over 5 years. These results follow prior reports of several other successful validations of Klinrisk.

‘Ready to implement’

“The Klinrisk model is ready to implement by any payer, health system, or clinic where the needed lab data are available,” said Dr. Tangri, a nephrologist and professor at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, and founder of Klinrisk Inc., the company developing and commercializing the Klinrisk assessment tool.

For the time being, Dr. Tangri sees Klinrisk as a population health device that can allow insurers and health systems to track management quality and quality improvement and to target patients who stand to benefit most from relatively expensive resources. This includes prescriptions for finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) for people who also have type 2 diabetes, and agents from the class of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors such as dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) and empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly).

He has also begun discussions with the Food and Drug Administration about the data the agency will need to consider Klinrisk for potential approval as a new medical device, perhaps in 2025. That’s how he envisions getting a Klinrisk assessment into the hands of caregivers that they could use with individual patients to create an appropriate treatment plan.

Results from his new analysis showed that “all the kidney disease action is in the 10%-20% of people with the highest risk on Klinrisk, while not much happens in those in the bottom half,” Dr. Tangri said during his presentation.

“We’re trying to find the patients who get the largest [absolute] benefit from intensified treatment,” he added in an interview. “Klinrisk finds people with high-risk kidney disease early on, when kidney function is still normal or near normal. High-risk patients are often completely unrecognized. Risk-based management” that identifies the early-stage CKD patients who would benefit most from treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor, finerenone, and other foundational treatments to slow CKD progression “is better than the free-for-all that occurs today.”



Simplified data collection

“Klinrisk is very effective,” but requires follow-up by clinicians and health systems to implement its findings, commented Josef Coresh, MD, a professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, Baltimore. Dr. Coresh compared it with a free equation that estimates a person’s risk for a 40% drop in kidney function over the next 3 years developed by Dr. Tangri, Dr. Coresh, and many collaborators led by Morgan C. Grams, MD, PhD, of New York University that they published in 2022, and posted on a website of the CKD Prognosis Consortium.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The CKD Prognosis Consortium formula “takes a different approach” from Klinrisk. The commercial formula “is simpler, only using lab measures, and avoids inputs taken from physical examination such as systolic blood pressure and body mass index and health history data such as smoking, noted Dr. Coresh. He also speculated that “a commercial formula that must be paid for may counterintuitively result in better follow-up for making management changes if it uses some of the resources for education and system changes.”

Using data from multiple sources, like the CKD Prognosis Consortium equation, can create implementation challenges, said Dr. Tangri. “Lab results don’t vary much,” which makes Klinrisk “quite an improvement for implementation. It’s easier to implement.”

Other findings from the newest validation study that Dr. Tangri presented were that the people studied with Klinrisk scores in the top 10% had, over the next 2 years of follow-up and compared with people in the bottom half for Klinrisk staging, a 3- to 5-fold higher rate of all-cause medical costs, a 13-30-fold increase in CKD-related costs, and a 5- to 10-fold increase in hospitalizations and ED visits.

Early identification of CKD and early initiation of intensified treatment for high-risk patients can reduce the rate of progression to dialysis, reduce hospitalizations for heart failure, and lower the cost of care, Dr. Tangri said.

The validation study in 4.6 million Americans was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Tangri founded and has an ownership interest in Klinrisk. He has also received honoraria from, has ownership interests in, and has been a consultant to multiple pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Coresh had no disclosures.


A proprietary formula showed good performance stratifying the risk of adults with early-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) advancing to more severe kidney dysfunction and increased health care needs. The analyses offer the possibility of focusing intensified medical management of early-stage CKD on those patients who could potentially receive the most benefit.

The Klinrisk model predicts the risk of an adult with early-stage CKD developing either a 40% or greater drop in estimated glomerular filtration rate or kidney failure. It calculates risk based on 20 lab-measured variables that include serum creatinine, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, and other values taken from routinely ordered tests such as complete blood cell counts, chemistry panels, comprehensive metabolic panels, and urinalysis.

Dr. Navdeep Tangri, professor of medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Navdeep Tangri

In the most recent and largest external validation study using data from 4.6 million American adults enrolled in commercial and Medicare insurance plans, the results showed Klinrisk correctly predicted CKD progression in 80%-83% of individuals over 2 years and in 78%-83% of individuals over 5 years, depending on the insurance provider, Navdeep Tangri, MD, PhD, reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology. When urinalysis data were available, the model correctly predicted CKD progression in 81%-87% of individuals over 2 years and in 80%-87% of individuals over 5 years. These results follow prior reports of several other successful validations of Klinrisk.

‘Ready to implement’

“The Klinrisk model is ready to implement by any payer, health system, or clinic where the needed lab data are available,” said Dr. Tangri, a nephrologist and professor at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, and founder of Klinrisk Inc., the company developing and commercializing the Klinrisk assessment tool.

For the time being, Dr. Tangri sees Klinrisk as a population health device that can allow insurers and health systems to track management quality and quality improvement and to target patients who stand to benefit most from relatively expensive resources. This includes prescriptions for finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) for people who also have type 2 diabetes, and agents from the class of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors such as dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) and empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly).

He has also begun discussions with the Food and Drug Administration about the data the agency will need to consider Klinrisk for potential approval as a new medical device, perhaps in 2025. That’s how he envisions getting a Klinrisk assessment into the hands of caregivers that they could use with individual patients to create an appropriate treatment plan.

Results from his new analysis showed that “all the kidney disease action is in the 10%-20% of people with the highest risk on Klinrisk, while not much happens in those in the bottom half,” Dr. Tangri said during his presentation.

“We’re trying to find the patients who get the largest [absolute] benefit from intensified treatment,” he added in an interview. “Klinrisk finds people with high-risk kidney disease early on, when kidney function is still normal or near normal. High-risk patients are often completely unrecognized. Risk-based management” that identifies the early-stage CKD patients who would benefit most from treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor, finerenone, and other foundational treatments to slow CKD progression “is better than the free-for-all that occurs today.”



Simplified data collection

“Klinrisk is very effective,” but requires follow-up by clinicians and health systems to implement its findings, commented Josef Coresh, MD, a professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, Baltimore. Dr. Coresh compared it with a free equation that estimates a person’s risk for a 40% drop in kidney function over the next 3 years developed by Dr. Tangri, Dr. Coresh, and many collaborators led by Morgan C. Grams, MD, PhD, of New York University that they published in 2022, and posted on a website of the CKD Prognosis Consortium.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The CKD Prognosis Consortium formula “takes a different approach” from Klinrisk. The commercial formula “is simpler, only using lab measures, and avoids inputs taken from physical examination such as systolic blood pressure and body mass index and health history data such as smoking, noted Dr. Coresh. He also speculated that “a commercial formula that must be paid for may counterintuitively result in better follow-up for making management changes if it uses some of the resources for education and system changes.”

Using data from multiple sources, like the CKD Prognosis Consortium equation, can create implementation challenges, said Dr. Tangri. “Lab results don’t vary much,” which makes Klinrisk “quite an improvement for implementation. It’s easier to implement.”

Other findings from the newest validation study that Dr. Tangri presented were that the people studied with Klinrisk scores in the top 10% had, over the next 2 years of follow-up and compared with people in the bottom half for Klinrisk staging, a 3- to 5-fold higher rate of all-cause medical costs, a 13-30-fold increase in CKD-related costs, and a 5- to 10-fold increase in hospitalizations and ED visits.

Early identification of CKD and early initiation of intensified treatment for high-risk patients can reduce the rate of progression to dialysis, reduce hospitalizations for heart failure, and lower the cost of care, Dr. Tangri said.

The validation study in 4.6 million Americans was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Tangri founded and has an ownership interest in Klinrisk. He has also received honoraria from, has ownership interests in, and has been a consultant to multiple pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Coresh had no disclosures.

A proprietary formula showed good performance stratifying the risk of adults with early-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) advancing to more severe kidney dysfunction and increased health care needs. The analyses offer the possibility of focusing intensified medical management of early-stage CKD on those patients who could potentially receive the most benefit.

The Klinrisk model predicts the risk of an adult with early-stage CKD developing either a 40% or greater drop in estimated glomerular filtration rate or kidney failure. It calculates risk based on 20 lab-measured variables that include serum creatinine, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, and other values taken from routinely ordered tests such as complete blood cell counts, chemistry panels, comprehensive metabolic panels, and urinalysis.

Dr. Navdeep Tangri, professor of medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Navdeep Tangri

In the most recent and largest external validation study using data from 4.6 million American adults enrolled in commercial and Medicare insurance plans, the results showed Klinrisk correctly predicted CKD progression in 80%-83% of individuals over 2 years and in 78%-83% of individuals over 5 years, depending on the insurance provider, Navdeep Tangri, MD, PhD, reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology. When urinalysis data were available, the model correctly predicted CKD progression in 81%-87% of individuals over 2 years and in 80%-87% of individuals over 5 years. These results follow prior reports of several other successful validations of Klinrisk.

‘Ready to implement’

“The Klinrisk model is ready to implement by any payer, health system, or clinic where the needed lab data are available,” said Dr. Tangri, a nephrologist and professor at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, and founder of Klinrisk Inc., the company developing and commercializing the Klinrisk assessment tool.

For the time being, Dr. Tangri sees Klinrisk as a population health device that can allow insurers and health systems to track management quality and quality improvement and to target patients who stand to benefit most from relatively expensive resources. This includes prescriptions for finerenone (Kerendia, Bayer) for people who also have type 2 diabetes, and agents from the class of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors such as dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) and empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly).

He has also begun discussions with the Food and Drug Administration about the data the agency will need to consider Klinrisk for potential approval as a new medical device, perhaps in 2025. That’s how he envisions getting a Klinrisk assessment into the hands of caregivers that they could use with individual patients to create an appropriate treatment plan.

Results from his new analysis showed that “all the kidney disease action is in the 10%-20% of people with the highest risk on Klinrisk, while not much happens in those in the bottom half,” Dr. Tangri said during his presentation.

“We’re trying to find the patients who get the largest [absolute] benefit from intensified treatment,” he added in an interview. “Klinrisk finds people with high-risk kidney disease early on, when kidney function is still normal or near normal. High-risk patients are often completely unrecognized. Risk-based management” that identifies the early-stage CKD patients who would benefit most from treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor, finerenone, and other foundational treatments to slow CKD progression “is better than the free-for-all that occurs today.”



Simplified data collection

“Klinrisk is very effective,” but requires follow-up by clinicians and health systems to implement its findings, commented Josef Coresh, MD, a professor of clinical epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, Baltimore. Dr. Coresh compared it with a free equation that estimates a person’s risk for a 40% drop in kidney function over the next 3 years developed by Dr. Tangri, Dr. Coresh, and many collaborators led by Morgan C. Grams, MD, PhD, of New York University that they published in 2022, and posted on a website of the CKD Prognosis Consortium.

Dr. Josef Coresh, professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Josef Coresh

The CKD Prognosis Consortium formula “takes a different approach” from Klinrisk. The commercial formula “is simpler, only using lab measures, and avoids inputs taken from physical examination such as systolic blood pressure and body mass index and health history data such as smoking, noted Dr. Coresh. He also speculated that “a commercial formula that must be paid for may counterintuitively result in better follow-up for making management changes if it uses some of the resources for education and system changes.”

Using data from multiple sources, like the CKD Prognosis Consortium equation, can create implementation challenges, said Dr. Tangri. “Lab results don’t vary much,” which makes Klinrisk “quite an improvement for implementation. It’s easier to implement.”

Other findings from the newest validation study that Dr. Tangri presented were that the people studied with Klinrisk scores in the top 10% had, over the next 2 years of follow-up and compared with people in the bottom half for Klinrisk staging, a 3- to 5-fold higher rate of all-cause medical costs, a 13-30-fold increase in CKD-related costs, and a 5- to 10-fold increase in hospitalizations and ED visits.

Early identification of CKD and early initiation of intensified treatment for high-risk patients can reduce the rate of progression to dialysis, reduce hospitalizations for heart failure, and lower the cost of care, Dr. Tangri said.

The validation study in 4.6 million Americans was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Tangri founded and has an ownership interest in Klinrisk. He has also received honoraria from, has ownership interests in, and has been a consultant to multiple pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Coresh had no disclosures.

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Aprocitentan reduces resistant hypertension in CKD

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Tue, 11/07/2023 - 11:09

Treatment with aprocitentan, a novel agent currently under Food and Drug Administration review for lowering blood pressure in people with treatment-resistant hypertension, showed efficacy and safety in people with stage 3 or 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). The results come from a prespecified subgroup analysis of data collected in the drug’s pivotal trial, PRECISION.

The findings provide support for potentially using aprocitentan, if approved for U.S. marketing in 2024, in patients with blood pressure that remains elevated despite treatment with three established antihypertensive drug classes and with stage 3 CKD with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30-59 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This is a key group of patients because “chronic kidney disease is the most common comorbidity in patients with resistant hypertension,” said George Bakris, MD, who presented the subgroup analysis at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. George Bakris, director, Comprehensive Hypertension center, University of Chicago
Mtchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. George Bakris

The CKD subgroup analysis showed “good evidence for safety and evidence in stage 3 CKD,” a subgroup of 141 patients among the total 730 enrolled in PRECISION, said Dr. Bakris. Professor and director of the Comprehensive Hypertension Center at the University of Chicago, he acknowledged that while the results also showed a signal for safety and efficacy in the 21 enrolled patients with stage 4 hypertension, 15-29 mL/min per 1.73m2, this number of stage 4 patients was too small to allow definitive conclusions.

Nephrologist Nishigandha Pradhan, MD, who cochaired the session with this report, agreed. “Resistant hypertension is a particularly intractable problem in patients with CKD, and the risk is greatest with stage 4 CKD. If studies could show that aprocitentan is safe in people with stage 4 CKD, that would be a big plus, but we need more data,” commented Dr. Pradhan in an interview.

Incremental blood pressure reductions

The parallel-group, phase 3 PRECISION trial investigated the safety and short-term antihypertensive effect of aprocitentan in patients with resistant hypertension. The study’s primary efficacy endpoint was blood pressure reduction from baseline in 730 randomized people with persistent systolic hypertension despite treatment with three established antihypertensive agents including a diuretic. The study ran during June 2018–April 2022 at 191 sites in 22 countries.

The primary outcome after 4 weeks on treatment was a least-square mean reduction in office-measured systolic blood pressure, compared with placebo, of 3.8 mm Hg with a 12.5-mg daily oral dose of aprocitentan and 3.7 mm Hg with a 25-mg daily oral dose. Both significant differences were first reported in 2022. Twenty-four–hour ambulatory systolic blood pressures after 4 weeks of treatment fell by an average of 4.2 mm Hg on the lower dose compared with placebo and by an average of 5.9 mm Hg on the higher daily dose, compared with placebo.

Consistent blood pressure reductions occurred in the CKD subgroups. Among people with stage 3 CKD, daytime ambulatory blood pressure at 4 weeks fell by about 10 mm Hg on both the 12.5-mg daily and 25-mg daily doses, compared with placebo.

Among the small number of people with stage 4 CKD, the incremental nighttime systolic blood pressure on aprocitentan, compared with placebo, was even greater, with about a 15–mm Hg incremental reduction on 12.5 mg daily and about a 17–mm Hg incremental reduction on the higher dose.

“This is the first evidence for a change in nocturnal blood pressure in people with stage 4 CKD [and treatment-resistant hypertension], but it was just 21 patients so not yet a big deal,” Dr. Bakris noted.



Increased rates of fluid retention

Although aprocitentan was generally well tolerated, the most common adverse effect was edema or fluid retention, mainly during the first 4 weeks of treatment. In the full PRECISION cohort, this adverse event occurred in 2.1% of people treated with placebo, 9.1% of those on the 12.5-mg daily dose, and in 18.4% of those on the higher dose during the initial 4-week phase of treatment.

Among all stage 3 and 4 CKD patients on aprocitentan, edema or fluid retention occurred in 21% during the first 4 weeks, and in 27% during an additional 32 weeks of treatment with 25 mg aprocitentan daily. A majority of these patients started a diuretic to address their excess fluid, with only two discontinuing aprocitentan treatment.

“Fluid retention is an issue with aprocitentan,” Dr. Bakris acknowledged. But he also highlighted than only 6 of the 162 patients with CKD required hospitalization for heart failure during the study, and one of these cases had placebo treatment. Among the five with acute heart failure while on aprocitentan, none had to stop their treatment, and two had a clear prior history of heart failure.

The companies developing aprocitentan, Janssen and Idorsia, used the PRECISION results as the centerpiece in filing for a new drug approval to the FDA, with a March 2024 goal for the FDA‘s decision. Dr. Bakris called the application “a solid case for approval.” But he added that approval will likely require that all treatment candidates first undergo testing of their heart function or fluid volume, such as a measure of their blood level of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, with treatment withheld when the level is too high.

The upside of aprocitentan compared with current drug options for treating resistant hypertension is that it has not appeared to cause any increase in blood potassium levels, which is an issue with the current top agent for resistant hypertension, spironolactone.

“The problem with spironolactone is the risk for hyperkalemia, which keeps us looking for something with lower risk,” commented Dr. Pradhan, a nephrologist with University Hospitals in Cleveland. Hyperkalemia is an even greater risk for people with CKD. Although the PRECISION trial identified the issue of fluid retention with aprocitentan, titrating an effective dose of a loop diuretic for treated patients may effectively blunt the edema risk, Dr. Pradhan said.

Endothelin has a potent vasoconstrictive effect and is “implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension,” Dr. Bakris explained. Aprocitentan antagonizes both the endothelin A and B receptors. The subgroup analyses also showed that in people with CKD, treatment with aprocitentan led to roughly a halving of the baseline level of urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, a small and stable decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate, and a modest and stable increase in blood levels of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic hormone.

The PRECISION trial was sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Idorsia Pharmaceuticals, the companies jointly developing aprocitentan. Dr. Bakris has been a consultant to Janssen, and also a consultant to or honoraria recipient of Alnylam, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Dia Medica Therapeutics, Ionis, inREGEN, KBP Biosciences, Merck, Novo Nordisk, and Quantum Genomics. Dr. Pradhan had no disclosures.


Treatment with aprocitentan, a novel agent currently under Food and Drug Administration review for lowering blood pressure in people with treatment-resistant hypertension, showed efficacy and safety in people with stage 3 or 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). The results come from a prespecified subgroup analysis of data collected in the drug’s pivotal trial, PRECISION.

The findings provide support for potentially using aprocitentan, if approved for U.S. marketing in 2024, in patients with blood pressure that remains elevated despite treatment with three established antihypertensive drug classes and with stage 3 CKD with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30-59 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This is a key group of patients because “chronic kidney disease is the most common comorbidity in patients with resistant hypertension,” said George Bakris, MD, who presented the subgroup analysis at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. George Bakris, director, Comprehensive Hypertension center, University of Chicago
Mtchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. George Bakris

The CKD subgroup analysis showed “good evidence for safety and evidence in stage 3 CKD,” a subgroup of 141 patients among the total 730 enrolled in PRECISION, said Dr. Bakris. Professor and director of the Comprehensive Hypertension Center at the University of Chicago, he acknowledged that while the results also showed a signal for safety and efficacy in the 21 enrolled patients with stage 4 hypertension, 15-29 mL/min per 1.73m2, this number of stage 4 patients was too small to allow definitive conclusions.

Nephrologist Nishigandha Pradhan, MD, who cochaired the session with this report, agreed. “Resistant hypertension is a particularly intractable problem in patients with CKD, and the risk is greatest with stage 4 CKD. If studies could show that aprocitentan is safe in people with stage 4 CKD, that would be a big plus, but we need more data,” commented Dr. Pradhan in an interview.

Incremental blood pressure reductions

The parallel-group, phase 3 PRECISION trial investigated the safety and short-term antihypertensive effect of aprocitentan in patients with resistant hypertension. The study’s primary efficacy endpoint was blood pressure reduction from baseline in 730 randomized people with persistent systolic hypertension despite treatment with three established antihypertensive agents including a diuretic. The study ran during June 2018–April 2022 at 191 sites in 22 countries.

The primary outcome after 4 weeks on treatment was a least-square mean reduction in office-measured systolic blood pressure, compared with placebo, of 3.8 mm Hg with a 12.5-mg daily oral dose of aprocitentan and 3.7 mm Hg with a 25-mg daily oral dose. Both significant differences were first reported in 2022. Twenty-four–hour ambulatory systolic blood pressures after 4 weeks of treatment fell by an average of 4.2 mm Hg on the lower dose compared with placebo and by an average of 5.9 mm Hg on the higher daily dose, compared with placebo.

Consistent blood pressure reductions occurred in the CKD subgroups. Among people with stage 3 CKD, daytime ambulatory blood pressure at 4 weeks fell by about 10 mm Hg on both the 12.5-mg daily and 25-mg daily doses, compared with placebo.

Among the small number of people with stage 4 CKD, the incremental nighttime systolic blood pressure on aprocitentan, compared with placebo, was even greater, with about a 15–mm Hg incremental reduction on 12.5 mg daily and about a 17–mm Hg incremental reduction on the higher dose.

“This is the first evidence for a change in nocturnal blood pressure in people with stage 4 CKD [and treatment-resistant hypertension], but it was just 21 patients so not yet a big deal,” Dr. Bakris noted.



Increased rates of fluid retention

Although aprocitentan was generally well tolerated, the most common adverse effect was edema or fluid retention, mainly during the first 4 weeks of treatment. In the full PRECISION cohort, this adverse event occurred in 2.1% of people treated with placebo, 9.1% of those on the 12.5-mg daily dose, and in 18.4% of those on the higher dose during the initial 4-week phase of treatment.

Among all stage 3 and 4 CKD patients on aprocitentan, edema or fluid retention occurred in 21% during the first 4 weeks, and in 27% during an additional 32 weeks of treatment with 25 mg aprocitentan daily. A majority of these patients started a diuretic to address their excess fluid, with only two discontinuing aprocitentan treatment.

“Fluid retention is an issue with aprocitentan,” Dr. Bakris acknowledged. But he also highlighted than only 6 of the 162 patients with CKD required hospitalization for heart failure during the study, and one of these cases had placebo treatment. Among the five with acute heart failure while on aprocitentan, none had to stop their treatment, and two had a clear prior history of heart failure.

The companies developing aprocitentan, Janssen and Idorsia, used the PRECISION results as the centerpiece in filing for a new drug approval to the FDA, with a March 2024 goal for the FDA‘s decision. Dr. Bakris called the application “a solid case for approval.” But he added that approval will likely require that all treatment candidates first undergo testing of their heart function or fluid volume, such as a measure of their blood level of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, with treatment withheld when the level is too high.

The upside of aprocitentan compared with current drug options for treating resistant hypertension is that it has not appeared to cause any increase in blood potassium levels, which is an issue with the current top agent for resistant hypertension, spironolactone.

“The problem with spironolactone is the risk for hyperkalemia, which keeps us looking for something with lower risk,” commented Dr. Pradhan, a nephrologist with University Hospitals in Cleveland. Hyperkalemia is an even greater risk for people with CKD. Although the PRECISION trial identified the issue of fluid retention with aprocitentan, titrating an effective dose of a loop diuretic for treated patients may effectively blunt the edema risk, Dr. Pradhan said.

Endothelin has a potent vasoconstrictive effect and is “implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension,” Dr. Bakris explained. Aprocitentan antagonizes both the endothelin A and B receptors. The subgroup analyses also showed that in people with CKD, treatment with aprocitentan led to roughly a halving of the baseline level of urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, a small and stable decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate, and a modest and stable increase in blood levels of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic hormone.

The PRECISION trial was sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Idorsia Pharmaceuticals, the companies jointly developing aprocitentan. Dr. Bakris has been a consultant to Janssen, and also a consultant to or honoraria recipient of Alnylam, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Dia Medica Therapeutics, Ionis, inREGEN, KBP Biosciences, Merck, Novo Nordisk, and Quantum Genomics. Dr. Pradhan had no disclosures.

Treatment with aprocitentan, a novel agent currently under Food and Drug Administration review for lowering blood pressure in people with treatment-resistant hypertension, showed efficacy and safety in people with stage 3 or 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). The results come from a prespecified subgroup analysis of data collected in the drug’s pivotal trial, PRECISION.

The findings provide support for potentially using aprocitentan, if approved for U.S. marketing in 2024, in patients with blood pressure that remains elevated despite treatment with three established antihypertensive drug classes and with stage 3 CKD with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30-59 mL/min per 1.73 m2. This is a key group of patients because “chronic kidney disease is the most common comorbidity in patients with resistant hypertension,” said George Bakris, MD, who presented the subgroup analysis at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

Dr. George Bakris, director, Comprehensive Hypertension center, University of Chicago
Mtchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. George Bakris

The CKD subgroup analysis showed “good evidence for safety and evidence in stage 3 CKD,” a subgroup of 141 patients among the total 730 enrolled in PRECISION, said Dr. Bakris. Professor and director of the Comprehensive Hypertension Center at the University of Chicago, he acknowledged that while the results also showed a signal for safety and efficacy in the 21 enrolled patients with stage 4 hypertension, 15-29 mL/min per 1.73m2, this number of stage 4 patients was too small to allow definitive conclusions.

Nephrologist Nishigandha Pradhan, MD, who cochaired the session with this report, agreed. “Resistant hypertension is a particularly intractable problem in patients with CKD, and the risk is greatest with stage 4 CKD. If studies could show that aprocitentan is safe in people with stage 4 CKD, that would be a big plus, but we need more data,” commented Dr. Pradhan in an interview.

Incremental blood pressure reductions

The parallel-group, phase 3 PRECISION trial investigated the safety and short-term antihypertensive effect of aprocitentan in patients with resistant hypertension. The study’s primary efficacy endpoint was blood pressure reduction from baseline in 730 randomized people with persistent systolic hypertension despite treatment with three established antihypertensive agents including a diuretic. The study ran during June 2018–April 2022 at 191 sites in 22 countries.

The primary outcome after 4 weeks on treatment was a least-square mean reduction in office-measured systolic blood pressure, compared with placebo, of 3.8 mm Hg with a 12.5-mg daily oral dose of aprocitentan and 3.7 mm Hg with a 25-mg daily oral dose. Both significant differences were first reported in 2022. Twenty-four–hour ambulatory systolic blood pressures after 4 weeks of treatment fell by an average of 4.2 mm Hg on the lower dose compared with placebo and by an average of 5.9 mm Hg on the higher daily dose, compared with placebo.

Consistent blood pressure reductions occurred in the CKD subgroups. Among people with stage 3 CKD, daytime ambulatory blood pressure at 4 weeks fell by about 10 mm Hg on both the 12.5-mg daily and 25-mg daily doses, compared with placebo.

Among the small number of people with stage 4 CKD, the incremental nighttime systolic blood pressure on aprocitentan, compared with placebo, was even greater, with about a 15–mm Hg incremental reduction on 12.5 mg daily and about a 17–mm Hg incremental reduction on the higher dose.

“This is the first evidence for a change in nocturnal blood pressure in people with stage 4 CKD [and treatment-resistant hypertension], but it was just 21 patients so not yet a big deal,” Dr. Bakris noted.



Increased rates of fluid retention

Although aprocitentan was generally well tolerated, the most common adverse effect was edema or fluid retention, mainly during the first 4 weeks of treatment. In the full PRECISION cohort, this adverse event occurred in 2.1% of people treated with placebo, 9.1% of those on the 12.5-mg daily dose, and in 18.4% of those on the higher dose during the initial 4-week phase of treatment.

Among all stage 3 and 4 CKD patients on aprocitentan, edema or fluid retention occurred in 21% during the first 4 weeks, and in 27% during an additional 32 weeks of treatment with 25 mg aprocitentan daily. A majority of these patients started a diuretic to address their excess fluid, with only two discontinuing aprocitentan treatment.

“Fluid retention is an issue with aprocitentan,” Dr. Bakris acknowledged. But he also highlighted than only 6 of the 162 patients with CKD required hospitalization for heart failure during the study, and one of these cases had placebo treatment. Among the five with acute heart failure while on aprocitentan, none had to stop their treatment, and two had a clear prior history of heart failure.

The companies developing aprocitentan, Janssen and Idorsia, used the PRECISION results as the centerpiece in filing for a new drug approval to the FDA, with a March 2024 goal for the FDA‘s decision. Dr. Bakris called the application “a solid case for approval.” But he added that approval will likely require that all treatment candidates first undergo testing of their heart function or fluid volume, such as a measure of their blood level of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, with treatment withheld when the level is too high.

The upside of aprocitentan compared with current drug options for treating resistant hypertension is that it has not appeared to cause any increase in blood potassium levels, which is an issue with the current top agent for resistant hypertension, spironolactone.

“The problem with spironolactone is the risk for hyperkalemia, which keeps us looking for something with lower risk,” commented Dr. Pradhan, a nephrologist with University Hospitals in Cleveland. Hyperkalemia is an even greater risk for people with CKD. Although the PRECISION trial identified the issue of fluid retention with aprocitentan, titrating an effective dose of a loop diuretic for treated patients may effectively blunt the edema risk, Dr. Pradhan said.

Endothelin has a potent vasoconstrictive effect and is “implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension,” Dr. Bakris explained. Aprocitentan antagonizes both the endothelin A and B receptors. The subgroup analyses also showed that in people with CKD, treatment with aprocitentan led to roughly a halving of the baseline level of urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, a small and stable decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate, and a modest and stable increase in blood levels of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic hormone.

The PRECISION trial was sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Idorsia Pharmaceuticals, the companies jointly developing aprocitentan. Dr. Bakris has been a consultant to Janssen, and also a consultant to or honoraria recipient of Alnylam, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Dia Medica Therapeutics, Ionis, inREGEN, KBP Biosciences, Merck, Novo Nordisk, and Quantum Genomics. Dr. Pradhan had no disclosures.

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EMR prompt boosts albuminuria measurement in T2D

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Mon, 11/06/2023 - 15:41

– An electronic medical record alert to primary care physicians that their adult patients with type 2 diabetes were due for an albuminuria and renal-function check boosted screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) by roughly half compared with the preintervention rate in a single U.S. academic health system.

“Screening rates for CKD more rapidly improved after implementation” of the EMR alert, said Maggy M. Spolnik, MD, at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

“There was an immediate and ongoing effect over a year,” said Dr. Spolnik, a nephrologist at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik, nephrologist, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik

However, CKD screening rates in the primary care setting remain a challenge. In the study, the EMR alert produced a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) screening rate of about 26% of patient encounters, she reported. While this was significantly above the roughly 17% rate that had persisted for months before the intervention, it still fell short of the universal annual screening for adults with type 2 diabetes not previously diagnosed with CKD recommended by medical groups such as the American Diabetes Association and the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes organization. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s assessment in 2012 concluded inadequate information existed at that time to make recommendations about CKD screening, but the group is now revisiting the issue.

‘Albuminuria is an earlier marker’ than eGFR

“Primary care physicians need to regularly monitor albuminuria in adults with type 2 diabetes,” commented Karen A. Griffin, MD, a nephrologist and professor at Loyola University in Maywood, Ill. “By the time you diagnose CKD based on reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a patient has already lost more than half their renal function. Albuminuria is an earlier marker of a problem,” Dr. Griffin said in an interview.

Dr. Karen A. Griffin, professor of nephrology, Loyola University School of Medicine, Maywood, Ill
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Karen A. Griffin

Primary care physicians have been slow to adopt at least annual checks on both eGFR and the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) in their adult patients with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Spolnik cited reasons such as the brief 15-minute consultation that primary care physicians have when seeing a patient, and an often confusing ordering menu that gives a UACR test various other names such as tests for microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria.

To simplify ordering, the EMR prompt assessed in Dr. Spolnik’s study called the test “kidney screening” that automatically bundled an order for both eGFR calculation with UACR measurement. Another limitation is that UACR measurement requires a urine sample, which patients often find inconvenient to provide at the time of their examination.

The study run by Dr. Spolnik involved 10,744 adults with type 2 diabetes without an existing diagnosis of CKD seen in an outpatient, primary care visit to the UVA Health system centered in Charlottesville, Va. during April 2021–April 2022. A total of 23,419 encounters served as usual-care controls. The intervention period with active EMR alerts for kidney screening included 10,204 similar patients seen during April 2022–April 2023 in a total of 20,358 encounters. The patients averaged about 61-62 years old, and about 45% were men.



Bundling alerts into a single pop-up

The primary care clinicians who received the prompts were generally receptive to them, but they asked the researchers to bundle the UACR and eGFR measurement prompts along with any other alerts they received in the EMR into a single on-screen pop-up.

Dr. Spolnik acknowledged the need for further research and refinement to the prompt. For example, she wants to assess prompts for patients identified as having CKD that would promote best-practice management, including lifestyle and medical interventions. She also envisions expanding the prompts to also include other, related disorders such as hypertension.

But she and her colleagues were convinced enough by the results that they have not only continued the program at UVA Health but they also expanded it, starting in October 2023, to the academic primary care practice at Indiana University.

If the Indiana University trial confirms the efficacy seen in Virginia, the next step might be inclusion by Epic of the CKD screening alert as a routine option in the EMR software it distributes to its U.S. clients, Dr. Spolnik said in an interview.

Dr. Spolnik and Dr. Griffin had no disclosures.


– An electronic medical record alert to primary care physicians that their adult patients with type 2 diabetes were due for an albuminuria and renal-function check boosted screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) by roughly half compared with the preintervention rate in a single U.S. academic health system.

“Screening rates for CKD more rapidly improved after implementation” of the EMR alert, said Maggy M. Spolnik, MD, at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

“There was an immediate and ongoing effect over a year,” said Dr. Spolnik, a nephrologist at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik, nephrologist, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik

However, CKD screening rates in the primary care setting remain a challenge. In the study, the EMR alert produced a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) screening rate of about 26% of patient encounters, she reported. While this was significantly above the roughly 17% rate that had persisted for months before the intervention, it still fell short of the universal annual screening for adults with type 2 diabetes not previously diagnosed with CKD recommended by medical groups such as the American Diabetes Association and the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes organization. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s assessment in 2012 concluded inadequate information existed at that time to make recommendations about CKD screening, but the group is now revisiting the issue.

‘Albuminuria is an earlier marker’ than eGFR

“Primary care physicians need to regularly monitor albuminuria in adults with type 2 diabetes,” commented Karen A. Griffin, MD, a nephrologist and professor at Loyola University in Maywood, Ill. “By the time you diagnose CKD based on reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a patient has already lost more than half their renal function. Albuminuria is an earlier marker of a problem,” Dr. Griffin said in an interview.

Dr. Karen A. Griffin, professor of nephrology, Loyola University School of Medicine, Maywood, Ill
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Karen A. Griffin

Primary care physicians have been slow to adopt at least annual checks on both eGFR and the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) in their adult patients with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Spolnik cited reasons such as the brief 15-minute consultation that primary care physicians have when seeing a patient, and an often confusing ordering menu that gives a UACR test various other names such as tests for microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria.

To simplify ordering, the EMR prompt assessed in Dr. Spolnik’s study called the test “kidney screening” that automatically bundled an order for both eGFR calculation with UACR measurement. Another limitation is that UACR measurement requires a urine sample, which patients often find inconvenient to provide at the time of their examination.

The study run by Dr. Spolnik involved 10,744 adults with type 2 diabetes without an existing diagnosis of CKD seen in an outpatient, primary care visit to the UVA Health system centered in Charlottesville, Va. during April 2021–April 2022. A total of 23,419 encounters served as usual-care controls. The intervention period with active EMR alerts for kidney screening included 10,204 similar patients seen during April 2022–April 2023 in a total of 20,358 encounters. The patients averaged about 61-62 years old, and about 45% were men.



Bundling alerts into a single pop-up

The primary care clinicians who received the prompts were generally receptive to them, but they asked the researchers to bundle the UACR and eGFR measurement prompts along with any other alerts they received in the EMR into a single on-screen pop-up.

Dr. Spolnik acknowledged the need for further research and refinement to the prompt. For example, she wants to assess prompts for patients identified as having CKD that would promote best-practice management, including lifestyle and medical interventions. She also envisions expanding the prompts to also include other, related disorders such as hypertension.

But she and her colleagues were convinced enough by the results that they have not only continued the program at UVA Health but they also expanded it, starting in October 2023, to the academic primary care practice at Indiana University.

If the Indiana University trial confirms the efficacy seen in Virginia, the next step might be inclusion by Epic of the CKD screening alert as a routine option in the EMR software it distributes to its U.S. clients, Dr. Spolnik said in an interview.

Dr. Spolnik and Dr. Griffin had no disclosures.

– An electronic medical record alert to primary care physicians that their adult patients with type 2 diabetes were due for an albuminuria and renal-function check boosted screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) by roughly half compared with the preintervention rate in a single U.S. academic health system.

“Screening rates for CKD more rapidly improved after implementation” of the EMR alert, said Maggy M. Spolnik, MD, at Kidney Week 2023, organized by the American Society of Nephrology.

“There was an immediate and ongoing effect over a year,” said Dr. Spolnik, a nephrologist at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik, nephrologist, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Maggy M. Spolnik

However, CKD screening rates in the primary care setting remain a challenge. In the study, the EMR alert produced a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) screening rate of about 26% of patient encounters, she reported. While this was significantly above the roughly 17% rate that had persisted for months before the intervention, it still fell short of the universal annual screening for adults with type 2 diabetes not previously diagnosed with CKD recommended by medical groups such as the American Diabetes Association and the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes organization. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s assessment in 2012 concluded inadequate information existed at that time to make recommendations about CKD screening, but the group is now revisiting the issue.

‘Albuminuria is an earlier marker’ than eGFR

“Primary care physicians need to regularly monitor albuminuria in adults with type 2 diabetes,” commented Karen A. Griffin, MD, a nephrologist and professor at Loyola University in Maywood, Ill. “By the time you diagnose CKD based on reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a patient has already lost more than half their renal function. Albuminuria is an earlier marker of a problem,” Dr. Griffin said in an interview.

Dr. Karen A. Griffin, professor of nephrology, Loyola University School of Medicine, Maywood, Ill
Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News
Dr. Karen A. Griffin

Primary care physicians have been slow to adopt at least annual checks on both eGFR and the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) in their adult patients with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Spolnik cited reasons such as the brief 15-minute consultation that primary care physicians have when seeing a patient, and an often confusing ordering menu that gives a UACR test various other names such as tests for microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria.

To simplify ordering, the EMR prompt assessed in Dr. Spolnik’s study called the test “kidney screening” that automatically bundled an order for both eGFR calculation with UACR measurement. Another limitation is that UACR measurement requires a urine sample, which patients often find inconvenient to provide at the time of their examination.

The study run by Dr. Spolnik involved 10,744 adults with type 2 diabetes without an existing diagnosis of CKD seen in an outpatient, primary care visit to the UVA Health system centered in Charlottesville, Va. during April 2021–April 2022. A total of 23,419 encounters served as usual-care controls. The intervention period with active EMR alerts for kidney screening included 10,204 similar patients seen during April 2022–April 2023 in a total of 20,358 encounters. The patients averaged about 61-62 years old, and about 45% were men.



Bundling alerts into a single pop-up

The primary care clinicians who received the prompts were generally receptive to them, but they asked the researchers to bundle the UACR and eGFR measurement prompts along with any other alerts they received in the EMR into a single on-screen pop-up.

Dr. Spolnik acknowledged the need for further research and refinement to the prompt. For example, she wants to assess prompts for patients identified as having CKD that would promote best-practice management, including lifestyle and medical interventions. She also envisions expanding the prompts to also include other, related disorders such as hypertension.

But she and her colleagues were convinced enough by the results that they have not only continued the program at UVA Health but they also expanded it, starting in October 2023, to the academic primary care practice at Indiana University.

If the Indiana University trial confirms the efficacy seen in Virginia, the next step might be inclusion by Epic of the CKD screening alert as a routine option in the EMR software it distributes to its U.S. clients, Dr. Spolnik said in an interview.

Dr. Spolnik and Dr. Griffin had no disclosures.

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Higher weight loss on tirzepatide links to seven factors

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Thu, 10/26/2023 - 12:49



Among the 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who were adherent to their tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) regimen in four pivotal trials of the agent, a quarter achieved at least a 15% cut from their baseline body weight after 40-42 weeks of treatment, and researchers found seven baseline variables that were significantly linked with a higher incidence of this level of weight loss.

“These findings help inform which people with type 2 diabetes are most likely to achieve greater body weight reduction with improved cardiometabolic risk factors with tirzepatide,” say the authors.


  • Investigators conducted a post hoc analysis of data collected from a total of 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who had been adherent to their assigned tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks in any one of four pivotal trials of the agent.
  • The researchers aimed to identify predictors of a reduction in body weight of at least 15% with tirzepatide treatment at any of the three tested doses – 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg – which were administered by subcutaneous injection once a week.
  • All four trials that provided data prohibited concurrent therapy that would promote weight loss, and the people included in the analysis did not receive any rescue medications for controlling glycemia.
  • The primary efficacy measure in all four studies was the ability of tirzepatide to improve glycemic control (measured by A1c level), compared with placebo, semaglutide (Ozempic) 1 mg SC once weekly, insulin degludec (Tresiba, Novo Nordisk), or insulin glargine (Basaglar, Lilly).


  • Among the 3,188 people who remained adherent to their tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks, 792 (25%) experienced a weight reduction of at least 15% from baseline.
  • Multivariate analysis of baseline covariates showed that these seven factors were significantly linked with greater than or equal to 15% weight loss: higher tirzepatide dose, being female, being of White or Asian race, being of younger age, undergoing treatment with metformin, having better glycemic control (based on lower A1c and lower fasting serum glucose), and having lower non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.
  • During follow-up, achievement of at least a 15% cut in baseline body weight was significantly associated with greater reductions in A1c, fasting serum glucose level, waist circumference, blood pressure, serum triglyceride level, and serum level of the liver enzyme alanine transaminase.


“These findings may provide valuable information to clinicians and people with type 2 diabetes regarding the likelihood of achieving substantial body weight reduction with tirzepatide and also help to signal likely improvements to be seen in a range of cardiometabolic risk parameters with tirzepatide-induced weight loss,” the authors concluded in their report.


The study was largely run by researchers who are employees of Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro). It was published in Diabetes Care.


  • The analysis was post hoc.
  • The follow-up was limited.
  • The analysis focused entirely on baseline parameters as potential predictors of weight loss magnitude.


The study was funded by Eli Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro) and that sponsored the SURPASS trials. Six authors are employees of Lilly, one is a contractor for Lilly, and the two remaining authors have had financial relationships with Lilly and with several other companies.

A version of this article first appeared on




Among the 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who were adherent to their tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) regimen in four pivotal trials of the agent, a quarter achieved at least a 15% cut from their baseline body weight after 40-42 weeks of treatment, and researchers found seven baseline variables that were significantly linked with a higher incidence of this level of weight loss.

“These findings help inform which people with type 2 diabetes are most likely to achieve greater body weight reduction with improved cardiometabolic risk factors with tirzepatide,” say the authors.


  • Investigators conducted a post hoc analysis of data collected from a total of 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who had been adherent to their assigned tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks in any one of four pivotal trials of the agent.
  • The researchers aimed to identify predictors of a reduction in body weight of at least 15% with tirzepatide treatment at any of the three tested doses – 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg – which were administered by subcutaneous injection once a week.
  • All four trials that provided data prohibited concurrent therapy that would promote weight loss, and the people included in the analysis did not receive any rescue medications for controlling glycemia.
  • The primary efficacy measure in all four studies was the ability of tirzepatide to improve glycemic control (measured by A1c level), compared with placebo, semaglutide (Ozempic) 1 mg SC once weekly, insulin degludec (Tresiba, Novo Nordisk), or insulin glargine (Basaglar, Lilly).


  • Among the 3,188 people who remained adherent to their tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks, 792 (25%) experienced a weight reduction of at least 15% from baseline.
  • Multivariate analysis of baseline covariates showed that these seven factors were significantly linked with greater than or equal to 15% weight loss: higher tirzepatide dose, being female, being of White or Asian race, being of younger age, undergoing treatment with metformin, having better glycemic control (based on lower A1c and lower fasting serum glucose), and having lower non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.
  • During follow-up, achievement of at least a 15% cut in baseline body weight was significantly associated with greater reductions in A1c, fasting serum glucose level, waist circumference, blood pressure, serum triglyceride level, and serum level of the liver enzyme alanine transaminase.


“These findings may provide valuable information to clinicians and people with type 2 diabetes regarding the likelihood of achieving substantial body weight reduction with tirzepatide and also help to signal likely improvements to be seen in a range of cardiometabolic risk parameters with tirzepatide-induced weight loss,” the authors concluded in their report.


The study was largely run by researchers who are employees of Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro). It was published in Diabetes Care.


  • The analysis was post hoc.
  • The follow-up was limited.
  • The analysis focused entirely on baseline parameters as potential predictors of weight loss magnitude.


The study was funded by Eli Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro) and that sponsored the SURPASS trials. Six authors are employees of Lilly, one is a contractor for Lilly, and the two remaining authors have had financial relationships with Lilly and with several other companies.

A version of this article first appeared on



Among the 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who were adherent to their tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) regimen in four pivotal trials of the agent, a quarter achieved at least a 15% cut from their baseline body weight after 40-42 weeks of treatment, and researchers found seven baseline variables that were significantly linked with a higher incidence of this level of weight loss.

“These findings help inform which people with type 2 diabetes are most likely to achieve greater body weight reduction with improved cardiometabolic risk factors with tirzepatide,” say the authors.


  • Investigators conducted a post hoc analysis of data collected from a total of 3,188 people with type 2 diabetes who had been adherent to their assigned tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks in any one of four pivotal trials of the agent.
  • The researchers aimed to identify predictors of a reduction in body weight of at least 15% with tirzepatide treatment at any of the three tested doses – 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg – which were administered by subcutaneous injection once a week.
  • All four trials that provided data prohibited concurrent therapy that would promote weight loss, and the people included in the analysis did not receive any rescue medications for controlling glycemia.
  • The primary efficacy measure in all four studies was the ability of tirzepatide to improve glycemic control (measured by A1c level), compared with placebo, semaglutide (Ozempic) 1 mg SC once weekly, insulin degludec (Tresiba, Novo Nordisk), or insulin glargine (Basaglar, Lilly).


  • Among the 3,188 people who remained adherent to their tirzepatide regimen for 40-42 weeks, 792 (25%) experienced a weight reduction of at least 15% from baseline.
  • Multivariate analysis of baseline covariates showed that these seven factors were significantly linked with greater than or equal to 15% weight loss: higher tirzepatide dose, being female, being of White or Asian race, being of younger age, undergoing treatment with metformin, having better glycemic control (based on lower A1c and lower fasting serum glucose), and having lower non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.
  • During follow-up, achievement of at least a 15% cut in baseline body weight was significantly associated with greater reductions in A1c, fasting serum glucose level, waist circumference, blood pressure, serum triglyceride level, and serum level of the liver enzyme alanine transaminase.


“These findings may provide valuable information to clinicians and people with type 2 diabetes regarding the likelihood of achieving substantial body weight reduction with tirzepatide and also help to signal likely improvements to be seen in a range of cardiometabolic risk parameters with tirzepatide-induced weight loss,” the authors concluded in their report.


The study was largely run by researchers who are employees of Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro). It was published in Diabetes Care.


  • The analysis was post hoc.
  • The follow-up was limited.
  • The analysis focused entirely on baseline parameters as potential predictors of weight loss magnitude.


The study was funded by Eli Lilly, the company that markets tirzepatide (Mounjaro) and that sponsored the SURPASS trials. Six authors are employees of Lilly, one is a contractor for Lilly, and the two remaining authors have had financial relationships with Lilly and with several other companies.

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FDA gives semaglutide two drug safety–related label changes

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Thu, 10/05/2023 - 20:31

The hugely popular weight loss agent semaglutide (approved as Wegovy for weight loss; Ozempic for type 2 diabetes; Novo Nordisk) received a pair of drug safety–related labeling additions from the Food and Drug Administration in late September for the Ozempic formulation.

The FDA added a warning to the drug-interaction section of the Ozempic label that reiterates a warning that is already in place in other label sections, reinforcing the message that the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist Ozempic can potentially interact with the action of certain other agents to increase a person’s risk for hypoglycemia.

The added text says: “Ozempic stimulates insulin release in the presence of elevated blood glucose concentrations. Patients receiving Ozempic in combination with an insulin secretagogue (for instance, sulfonylurea) or insulin may have an increased risk of hypoglycemia, including severe hypoglycemia.”

This text was already included in both the “Warning and Precautions” and the “Adverse Reactions” sections of the label. The warning also advises, “The risk of hypoglycemia may be lowered by a reduction in the dose of sulfonylurea (or other concomitantly administered insulin secretagogue) or insulin. Inform patients using these concomitant medications of the risk of hypoglycemia and educate them on the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.”

Reports of ileus episodes after approval

The second addition concerns a new adverse reaction that was identified during the postmarketing experience.

The FDA has received more than 8,500 reports of gastrointestinal issues among patients prescribed glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Ileus is mentioned in 33 cases, including two deaths, associated with semaglutide. The FDA stopped short of saying there is a direct link between the drug and intestinal blockages.

“Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure,” the FDA stated in its approval of the label update.

The same warning for the risk of intestinal blockages is already listed on the labels for tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) and semaglutide injection 2.4 mg (Wegovy, Novo Nordisk).

The label change comes after a Louisiana woman filed a lawsuit in August that claims she was “severely injured” after using Mounjaro and Ozempic. She claimed the drug makers failed to disclose risks of vomiting and diarrhea due to inflammation of the stomach lining, as well as the risk of gastroparesis.

*Correction, 10/3/23: An earlier version of this article misstated the semaglutide formulation that received the updates. 

A version of this article first appeared on


The hugely popular weight loss agent semaglutide (approved as Wegovy for weight loss; Ozempic for type 2 diabetes; Novo Nordisk) received a pair of drug safety–related labeling additions from the Food and Drug Administration in late September for the Ozempic formulation.

The FDA added a warning to the drug-interaction section of the Ozempic label that reiterates a warning that is already in place in other label sections, reinforcing the message that the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist Ozempic can potentially interact with the action of certain other agents to increase a person’s risk for hypoglycemia.

The added text says: “Ozempic stimulates insulin release in the presence of elevated blood glucose concentrations. Patients receiving Ozempic in combination with an insulin secretagogue (for instance, sulfonylurea) or insulin may have an increased risk of hypoglycemia, including severe hypoglycemia.”

This text was already included in both the “Warning and Precautions” and the “Adverse Reactions” sections of the label. The warning also advises, “The risk of hypoglycemia may be lowered by a reduction in the dose of sulfonylurea (or other concomitantly administered insulin secretagogue) or insulin. Inform patients using these concomitant medications of the risk of hypoglycemia and educate them on the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.”

Reports of ileus episodes after approval

The second addition concerns a new adverse reaction that was identified during the postmarketing experience.

The FDA has received more than 8,500 reports of gastrointestinal issues among patients prescribed glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Ileus is mentioned in 33 cases, including two deaths, associated with semaglutide. The FDA stopped short of saying there is a direct link between the drug and intestinal blockages.

“Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure,” the FDA stated in its approval of the label update.

The same warning for the risk of intestinal blockages is already listed on the labels for tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) and semaglutide injection 2.4 mg (Wegovy, Novo Nordisk).

The label change comes after a Louisiana woman filed a lawsuit in August that claims she was “severely injured” after using Mounjaro and Ozempic. She claimed the drug makers failed to disclose risks of vomiting and diarrhea due to inflammation of the stomach lining, as well as the risk of gastroparesis.

*Correction, 10/3/23: An earlier version of this article misstated the semaglutide formulation that received the updates. 

A version of this article first appeared on

The hugely popular weight loss agent semaglutide (approved as Wegovy for weight loss; Ozempic for type 2 diabetes; Novo Nordisk) received a pair of drug safety–related labeling additions from the Food and Drug Administration in late September for the Ozempic formulation.

The FDA added a warning to the drug-interaction section of the Ozempic label that reiterates a warning that is already in place in other label sections, reinforcing the message that the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist Ozempic can potentially interact with the action of certain other agents to increase a person’s risk for hypoglycemia.

The added text says: “Ozempic stimulates insulin release in the presence of elevated blood glucose concentrations. Patients receiving Ozempic in combination with an insulin secretagogue (for instance, sulfonylurea) or insulin may have an increased risk of hypoglycemia, including severe hypoglycemia.”

This text was already included in both the “Warning and Precautions” and the “Adverse Reactions” sections of the label. The warning also advises, “The risk of hypoglycemia may be lowered by a reduction in the dose of sulfonylurea (or other concomitantly administered insulin secretagogue) or insulin. Inform patients using these concomitant medications of the risk of hypoglycemia and educate them on the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.”

Reports of ileus episodes after approval

The second addition concerns a new adverse reaction that was identified during the postmarketing experience.

The FDA has received more than 8,500 reports of gastrointestinal issues among patients prescribed glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Ileus is mentioned in 33 cases, including two deaths, associated with semaglutide. The FDA stopped short of saying there is a direct link between the drug and intestinal blockages.

“Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure,” the FDA stated in its approval of the label update.

The same warning for the risk of intestinal blockages is already listed on the labels for tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Lilly) and semaglutide injection 2.4 mg (Wegovy, Novo Nordisk).

The label change comes after a Louisiana woman filed a lawsuit in August that claims she was “severely injured” after using Mounjaro and Ozempic. She claimed the drug makers failed to disclose risks of vomiting and diarrhea due to inflammation of the stomach lining, as well as the risk of gastroparesis.

*Correction, 10/3/23: An earlier version of this article misstated the semaglutide formulation that received the updates. 

A version of this article first appeared on

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Echocardiography boosts prognostic power in T1D

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Fri, 09/22/2023 - 16:08

– Calculating a patient’s myocardial performance index (MPI) and adding it to a standard risk-prediction model significantly increased prognostic accuracy for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), especially heart failure, in people with type 1 but not type 2 diabetes, an analysis of data from about 2,000 Danish patients shows.

“MPI provides incremental prognostic information” in people with type 1 diabetes that “may enhance risk prediction” for their future risk of all-cause death, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, or stroke, Hashmat S.Z. Bahrami, MD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology.

The primary analysis he reported showed a significantly elevated adjusted hazard ratio of 1.2 among people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and an elevated MPI, compared with those with diabetes but a lower MPI value.

Further analysis divided the study cohort into the 1,093 people with type 1 diabetes and the 1,030 with type 2 diabetes and showed that the significant association of elevated MPI with increased MACE was entirely confined to the type 1 diabetes subgroup, again with a hazard ratio of 1.2, but without any significant association among those with type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Bahrami, a cardiology researcher at Copenhagen University Hospital.

‘Trying to figure out’ the type 1 diabetes link

“We’re still trying to figure out” the explanation for this difference based on diabetes type, Dr. Bahrami said. He speculated that it might relate to a higher incidence of heart failure among those with type 1 diabetes, or to longer duration of diabetes in the type 1 subgroup.

The ability of elevated MPI to predict an increased risk specifically for heart failure was apparent in another analysis he presented that divided MACE events into the individual components of this composite. Elevated MPI significantly linked with a 1.3-fold elevated risk for heart failure in those with type 1 diabetes, but high MPI had no significant association with any of the other event types included in the MACE composite.

The researchers also assessed the incremental impact from adding MPI data to an established cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculator for people with type 1 diabetes, the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine, which includes nine parameters such as age, sex, blood pressure, diabetes duration, and two different measures of renal function.

This analysis showed that adding MPI significantly boosted the attributable CVD risk from an area-under-the-curve of 0.77 to an AUC of 0.79. Including MPI also boosted the AUC for risk of future heart failure from 0.77 with the existing Steno Type 1 Risk Engine to 0.83, also a significant increase.

Simultaneously with his talk at the Congress, a report on the findings was published online in the European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging.

MPI reflects left ventricular function

MPI is calculated by adding a person’s isovolumic cardiac relaxation time to their isovolumic cardiac contraction time and dividing this by their ejection time. These time measurements come from examination with tissue Doppler M-mode echocardiography, Dr. Bahrami explained, and when assessed together reflect left ventricular function during both systolic and diastolic phases.

“MPI has been around for many years, but our technique is rather novel” and has high intra- and inter-observer reproducibility, he said. “It’s highly reproducible and feasible.”

The study included data collected prospectively from Danish adults without any known CVD enrolled in the Thousand & 1 study of people with type 1 diabetes and the Thousand & 2 study of people with type 2 diabetes. The analyses that Dr. Bahrami reported included CVD events during a median 5.3 years of follow-up.

The study received funding from Novo Nordisk. Dr. Bahrami has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on


– Calculating a patient’s myocardial performance index (MPI) and adding it to a standard risk-prediction model significantly increased prognostic accuracy for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), especially heart failure, in people with type 1 but not type 2 diabetes, an analysis of data from about 2,000 Danish patients shows.

“MPI provides incremental prognostic information” in people with type 1 diabetes that “may enhance risk prediction” for their future risk of all-cause death, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, or stroke, Hashmat S.Z. Bahrami, MD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology.

The primary analysis he reported showed a significantly elevated adjusted hazard ratio of 1.2 among people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and an elevated MPI, compared with those with diabetes but a lower MPI value.

Further analysis divided the study cohort into the 1,093 people with type 1 diabetes and the 1,030 with type 2 diabetes and showed that the significant association of elevated MPI with increased MACE was entirely confined to the type 1 diabetes subgroup, again with a hazard ratio of 1.2, but without any significant association among those with type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Bahrami, a cardiology researcher at Copenhagen University Hospital.

‘Trying to figure out’ the type 1 diabetes link

“We’re still trying to figure out” the explanation for this difference based on diabetes type, Dr. Bahrami said. He speculated that it might relate to a higher incidence of heart failure among those with type 1 diabetes, or to longer duration of diabetes in the type 1 subgroup.

The ability of elevated MPI to predict an increased risk specifically for heart failure was apparent in another analysis he presented that divided MACE events into the individual components of this composite. Elevated MPI significantly linked with a 1.3-fold elevated risk for heart failure in those with type 1 diabetes, but high MPI had no significant association with any of the other event types included in the MACE composite.

The researchers also assessed the incremental impact from adding MPI data to an established cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculator for people with type 1 diabetes, the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine, which includes nine parameters such as age, sex, blood pressure, diabetes duration, and two different measures of renal function.

This analysis showed that adding MPI significantly boosted the attributable CVD risk from an area-under-the-curve of 0.77 to an AUC of 0.79. Including MPI also boosted the AUC for risk of future heart failure from 0.77 with the existing Steno Type 1 Risk Engine to 0.83, also a significant increase.

Simultaneously with his talk at the Congress, a report on the findings was published online in the European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging.

MPI reflects left ventricular function

MPI is calculated by adding a person’s isovolumic cardiac relaxation time to their isovolumic cardiac contraction time and dividing this by their ejection time. These time measurements come from examination with tissue Doppler M-mode echocardiography, Dr. Bahrami explained, and when assessed together reflect left ventricular function during both systolic and diastolic phases.

“MPI has been around for many years, but our technique is rather novel” and has high intra- and inter-observer reproducibility, he said. “It’s highly reproducible and feasible.”

The study included data collected prospectively from Danish adults without any known CVD enrolled in the Thousand & 1 study of people with type 1 diabetes and the Thousand & 2 study of people with type 2 diabetes. The analyses that Dr. Bahrami reported included CVD events during a median 5.3 years of follow-up.

The study received funding from Novo Nordisk. Dr. Bahrami has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on

– Calculating a patient’s myocardial performance index (MPI) and adding it to a standard risk-prediction model significantly increased prognostic accuracy for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), especially heart failure, in people with type 1 but not type 2 diabetes, an analysis of data from about 2,000 Danish patients shows.

“MPI provides incremental prognostic information” in people with type 1 diabetes that “may enhance risk prediction” for their future risk of all-cause death, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, or stroke, Hashmat S.Z. Bahrami, MD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology.

The primary analysis he reported showed a significantly elevated adjusted hazard ratio of 1.2 among people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and an elevated MPI, compared with those with diabetes but a lower MPI value.

Further analysis divided the study cohort into the 1,093 people with type 1 diabetes and the 1,030 with type 2 diabetes and showed that the significant association of elevated MPI with increased MACE was entirely confined to the type 1 diabetes subgroup, again with a hazard ratio of 1.2, but without any significant association among those with type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Bahrami, a cardiology researcher at Copenhagen University Hospital.

‘Trying to figure out’ the type 1 diabetes link

“We’re still trying to figure out” the explanation for this difference based on diabetes type, Dr. Bahrami said. He speculated that it might relate to a higher incidence of heart failure among those with type 1 diabetes, or to longer duration of diabetes in the type 1 subgroup.

The ability of elevated MPI to predict an increased risk specifically for heart failure was apparent in another analysis he presented that divided MACE events into the individual components of this composite. Elevated MPI significantly linked with a 1.3-fold elevated risk for heart failure in those with type 1 diabetes, but high MPI had no significant association with any of the other event types included in the MACE composite.

The researchers also assessed the incremental impact from adding MPI data to an established cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculator for people with type 1 diabetes, the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine, which includes nine parameters such as age, sex, blood pressure, diabetes duration, and two different measures of renal function.

This analysis showed that adding MPI significantly boosted the attributable CVD risk from an area-under-the-curve of 0.77 to an AUC of 0.79. Including MPI also boosted the AUC for risk of future heart failure from 0.77 with the existing Steno Type 1 Risk Engine to 0.83, also a significant increase.

Simultaneously with his talk at the Congress, a report on the findings was published online in the European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging.

MPI reflects left ventricular function

MPI is calculated by adding a person’s isovolumic cardiac relaxation time to their isovolumic cardiac contraction time and dividing this by their ejection time. These time measurements come from examination with tissue Doppler M-mode echocardiography, Dr. Bahrami explained, and when assessed together reflect left ventricular function during both systolic and diastolic phases.

“MPI has been around for many years, but our technique is rather novel” and has high intra- and inter-observer reproducibility, he said. “It’s highly reproducible and feasible.”

The study included data collected prospectively from Danish adults without any known CVD enrolled in the Thousand & 1 study of people with type 1 diabetes and the Thousand & 2 study of people with type 2 diabetes. The analyses that Dr. Bahrami reported included CVD events during a median 5.3 years of follow-up.

The study received funding from Novo Nordisk. Dr. Bahrami has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on

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FDA panel rejects implanted GLP1-RA dosing device for T2D

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Fri, 09/22/2023 - 11:07

A small, nonmechanical, implanted device that continuously releases the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon) and designed for improving glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes received a resounding, unanimous rejection Sept. 21 from an advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration.

The 19 voting panel members mostly cited concerning signals of both renal toxicity in the form of excess episodes of acute kidney injury (AKI) as well as increased cardiovascular events compared with placebo as their main reasons for voting that the developing company, Intarcia Therapeutics, had not shown adequate evidence that the benefits of the drug-device combination, known as ITCA 650, outweighed its risks for treating people with type 2 diabetes.

“I’m quite uncomfortable with the AKI safety,” said panel member Erica Brittain, PhD, deputy chief of the Biostatistics Research Branch of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md.

FDA icon

The case that ITCA 650 is ready for routine use was also undermined by uncertainty documented by FDA staff about the uniformity and reliability of exenatide delivery by the DUROS device, a matchstick-sized reservoir that’s placed subcutaneously and designed to deliver exenatide continuously for 6 months at a time, noted Cecilia C. Low Wang, MD, chair of the FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee.

“No evidence of improved adherence”

Another shortcoming was no data on the impact that this form of drug delivery, first developed and FDA approved to treat patients with prostate cancer with leuprolide acetate, really accomplished its goal of improving adherence to a glycemic-control agent. Intarcia Therapeutics presented “no evidence of improved adherence,” said Dr. Low Wang, director of the Glucose Management Team at the University of Colorado Hospital.

However, she and several other panel members acknowledged the compelling comments from several patients and health care professionals experienced in using or administering the device who, during the public comment period, voiced anecdotal testimonials to its positive impact on treatment compliance.

Seven years of FDA review

This review of ITCA 650 capped a nearly 7-year effort by Intarcia Therapeutics to receive marketing approval for ITCA 650 from the FDA, which began with an application filed in November 2016 (and denied by the agency in September 2017). Intarcia resubmitted an amended application in 2019 that the FDA again rejected in 2020. The company’s persistence following that led to the current panel meeting, the first time the ITCA 650 evidence came before an advisory panel.

Committee members in general praised the concept of managing blood glucose by continuous release of a medication 6 months at a time. They also offered ideas on a path forward, such as a study that used an active competitor. Ideally, that could be another agent from the same class of GLP-1 receptor agonists such as Bydureon, an injected formulation of exenatide administered by subcutaneous injection once a week. 

But the key, agreed panel members, was to bulk up the evidence that ITCA 650 is safe. “The data show concerning safety signals that need further investigation,” summed up Dr. Low Wong. “There are concerns about overall safety, all-cause mortality, AKI, cardiovascular events, and glycemic excursions.”

All voting members of the advisory committee met the FDA’s standard for having no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on


A small, nonmechanical, implanted device that continuously releases the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon) and designed for improving glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes received a resounding, unanimous rejection Sept. 21 from an advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration.

The 19 voting panel members mostly cited concerning signals of both renal toxicity in the form of excess episodes of acute kidney injury (AKI) as well as increased cardiovascular events compared with placebo as their main reasons for voting that the developing company, Intarcia Therapeutics, had not shown adequate evidence that the benefits of the drug-device combination, known as ITCA 650, outweighed its risks for treating people with type 2 diabetes.

“I’m quite uncomfortable with the AKI safety,” said panel member Erica Brittain, PhD, deputy chief of the Biostatistics Research Branch of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md.

FDA icon

The case that ITCA 650 is ready for routine use was also undermined by uncertainty documented by FDA staff about the uniformity and reliability of exenatide delivery by the DUROS device, a matchstick-sized reservoir that’s placed subcutaneously and designed to deliver exenatide continuously for 6 months at a time, noted Cecilia C. Low Wang, MD, chair of the FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee.

“No evidence of improved adherence”

Another shortcoming was no data on the impact that this form of drug delivery, first developed and FDA approved to treat patients with prostate cancer with leuprolide acetate, really accomplished its goal of improving adherence to a glycemic-control agent. Intarcia Therapeutics presented “no evidence of improved adherence,” said Dr. Low Wang, director of the Glucose Management Team at the University of Colorado Hospital.

However, she and several other panel members acknowledged the compelling comments from several patients and health care professionals experienced in using or administering the device who, during the public comment period, voiced anecdotal testimonials to its positive impact on treatment compliance.

Seven years of FDA review

This review of ITCA 650 capped a nearly 7-year effort by Intarcia Therapeutics to receive marketing approval for ITCA 650 from the FDA, which began with an application filed in November 2016 (and denied by the agency in September 2017). Intarcia resubmitted an amended application in 2019 that the FDA again rejected in 2020. The company’s persistence following that led to the current panel meeting, the first time the ITCA 650 evidence came before an advisory panel.

Committee members in general praised the concept of managing blood glucose by continuous release of a medication 6 months at a time. They also offered ideas on a path forward, such as a study that used an active competitor. Ideally, that could be another agent from the same class of GLP-1 receptor agonists such as Bydureon, an injected formulation of exenatide administered by subcutaneous injection once a week. 

But the key, agreed panel members, was to bulk up the evidence that ITCA 650 is safe. “The data show concerning safety signals that need further investigation,” summed up Dr. Low Wong. “There are concerns about overall safety, all-cause mortality, AKI, cardiovascular events, and glycemic excursions.”

All voting members of the advisory committee met the FDA’s standard for having no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on

A small, nonmechanical, implanted device that continuously releases the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon) and designed for improving glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes received a resounding, unanimous rejection Sept. 21 from an advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration.

The 19 voting panel members mostly cited concerning signals of both renal toxicity in the form of excess episodes of acute kidney injury (AKI) as well as increased cardiovascular events compared with placebo as their main reasons for voting that the developing company, Intarcia Therapeutics, had not shown adequate evidence that the benefits of the drug-device combination, known as ITCA 650, outweighed its risks for treating people with type 2 diabetes.

“I’m quite uncomfortable with the AKI safety,” said panel member Erica Brittain, PhD, deputy chief of the Biostatistics Research Branch of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md.

FDA icon

The case that ITCA 650 is ready for routine use was also undermined by uncertainty documented by FDA staff about the uniformity and reliability of exenatide delivery by the DUROS device, a matchstick-sized reservoir that’s placed subcutaneously and designed to deliver exenatide continuously for 6 months at a time, noted Cecilia C. Low Wang, MD, chair of the FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee.

“No evidence of improved adherence”

Another shortcoming was no data on the impact that this form of drug delivery, first developed and FDA approved to treat patients with prostate cancer with leuprolide acetate, really accomplished its goal of improving adherence to a glycemic-control agent. Intarcia Therapeutics presented “no evidence of improved adherence,” said Dr. Low Wang, director of the Glucose Management Team at the University of Colorado Hospital.

However, she and several other panel members acknowledged the compelling comments from several patients and health care professionals experienced in using or administering the device who, during the public comment period, voiced anecdotal testimonials to its positive impact on treatment compliance.

Seven years of FDA review

This review of ITCA 650 capped a nearly 7-year effort by Intarcia Therapeutics to receive marketing approval for ITCA 650 from the FDA, which began with an application filed in November 2016 (and denied by the agency in September 2017). Intarcia resubmitted an amended application in 2019 that the FDA again rejected in 2020. The company’s persistence following that led to the current panel meeting, the first time the ITCA 650 evidence came before an advisory panel.

Committee members in general praised the concept of managing blood glucose by continuous release of a medication 6 months at a time. They also offered ideas on a path forward, such as a study that used an active competitor. Ideally, that could be another agent from the same class of GLP-1 receptor agonists such as Bydureon, an injected formulation of exenatide administered by subcutaneous injection once a week. 

But the key, agreed panel members, was to bulk up the evidence that ITCA 650 is safe. “The data show concerning safety signals that need further investigation,” summed up Dr. Low Wong. “There are concerns about overall safety, all-cause mortality, AKI, cardiovascular events, and glycemic excursions.”

All voting members of the advisory committee met the FDA’s standard for having no relevant financial relationships.

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SGLT2i safety in acute heart failure confirmed by new data

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Fri, 09/08/2023 - 15:38

– For patients hospitalized for acute heart failure, initiating treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) before hospital discharge was safe, it appeared to improve diuresis and natriuresis while reducing the administered diuretic dose, and it meant quicker initiation of guideline-directed therapy in a controlled study of 238 patients.

Treatment with dapagliflozin was begun for people with heart failure on their first day of hospitalization for an acute episode. Such treatment “can be safely started to optimize a key medication,” Zachary Cox, PharmD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology. It improved fluid removal, as evidenced in the “totality of diuretic measures,” it resulted in reduced doses of IV diuretics, and it shortened length of stay in the hospital.

In current U.S. practice, about 80% of people hospitalized with heart failure do not initially receive treatment with a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor during their hospital stay when they are not already taking an agent from the class, noted Dr. Cox, professor of pharmacy at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville, Tenn.

Physicians are often uncomfortable changing a patient’s medications on the first day of a hospitalization, he noted. “Our results should embolden physicians” to begin treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor early during hospitalization and to then continue it chronically, Dr. Cox said in a press briefing.

“Despite the messaging [from guidelines], we still see hesitancy. We hope more evidence of safety will improve uptake.” The study’s “key message is to start guideline-directed medical therapy early,” prior to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox concluded.

“Some support” for SGLT2 inhibitors

The study results “provide some support for SGLT2 inhibitors facilitating decongestion and hospital discharge without observed safety issues,” said Stephen D. Wiviott, MD, designated discussant for the report and a cardiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

While initiation of an SGLT2 inhibitor during an acute heart failure hospitalization received endorsement as a top management priority in both the 2023 heart failure guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and in 2022 U.S. guidelines, evidence of the safety and efficacy of this approach has been scanty, Dr. Wiviott noted.

Two prior studies addressed the issue. The SOLOIST-WHF trial tested the combined SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor sotagliflozin (Inpefa, Lexicon) for patients recently hospitalized for heart failure, but only 142 of the 596 participants who were randomly assigned to receive sotagliflozin began receiving it at least a day before hospital discharge; for the remaining 454, treatment with sotagliflozin began on their discharge day, noted Dr. Wiviott.

In the EMPULSE trial, 530 people hospitalized for acute heart failure were randomly assigned to initially receive empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly) or placebo during hospitalization. The primary endpoint was largely driven by an improvement in the patient-reported outcome, as assessed on the basis of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire Total Symptom Score, Dr. Wiviott added.

The DICTATE-AHF study included 238 adults who were within 24 hours of first presenting to any of six participating U.S. hospitals with hypervolemic acute heart failure. All patients underwent a standard treatment protocol with IV loop diuretics, and half received additional, open-label treatment with a daily 10-mg dose of dapagliflozin.

The average age of the patients was 65 years, 71% had type 2 diabetes (the study excluded people with type 1 diabetes), and about half had a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40% or less.



Similar weight loss with lower diuretics dose

The study’s primary outcome was a measure of diuretic efficiency, calculated as a person’s cumulative weight change divided by the cumulative dose of loop diuretics.

Both treatment arms experienced nearly identical weight loss, but for the people who received dapagliflozin, this occurred with a lower cumulative dose of diuretics. The diuretic efficiency with dapagliflozin produced comparable weight loss with a 35% lower amount of loop diuretic dose, a difference that fell just short of significance (P = .06).

However, treatment with dapagliflozin also significantly boosted 24-hour natriuresis and 24-hour diuresis, and it significantly shortened the time to stopping treatment with IV diuretics and to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox reported. Dapagliflozin initiation and ongoing treatment was also safe and well tolerated compared with usual care.

The fact that the primary endpoint fell short of significance was “largely related” to the study’s relatively small size, Dr. Wiviott suggested. He noted that the DAPA ACT HF-TIMI 68 study, which is a much larger and potentially more definitive study of the safety and efficacy of dapagliflozin in comparison with usual care for patients with acute heart failure, is in progress. The study includes about 2,400 patients.

The primary outcome is the combined rate of cardiovascular death or worsening heart failure during the 2 months following randomization. Results are expected in 2024.

DICTATE-AHF was sponsored by AstraZeneca, the company that markets dapagliflozin (Farxiga). Dr. Cox has received research funding from AstraZeneca and has been a consultant to Roche and Translational Catalyst. Dr. Wiviott has received research funding from AstraZeneca and from Merck and has been a consultant to Icon Clinical and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on


– For patients hospitalized for acute heart failure, initiating treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) before hospital discharge was safe, it appeared to improve diuresis and natriuresis while reducing the administered diuretic dose, and it meant quicker initiation of guideline-directed therapy in a controlled study of 238 patients.

Treatment with dapagliflozin was begun for people with heart failure on their first day of hospitalization for an acute episode. Such treatment “can be safely started to optimize a key medication,” Zachary Cox, PharmD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology. It improved fluid removal, as evidenced in the “totality of diuretic measures,” it resulted in reduced doses of IV diuretics, and it shortened length of stay in the hospital.

In current U.S. practice, about 80% of people hospitalized with heart failure do not initially receive treatment with a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor during their hospital stay when they are not already taking an agent from the class, noted Dr. Cox, professor of pharmacy at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville, Tenn.

Physicians are often uncomfortable changing a patient’s medications on the first day of a hospitalization, he noted. “Our results should embolden physicians” to begin treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor early during hospitalization and to then continue it chronically, Dr. Cox said in a press briefing.

“Despite the messaging [from guidelines], we still see hesitancy. We hope more evidence of safety will improve uptake.” The study’s “key message is to start guideline-directed medical therapy early,” prior to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox concluded.

“Some support” for SGLT2 inhibitors

The study results “provide some support for SGLT2 inhibitors facilitating decongestion and hospital discharge without observed safety issues,” said Stephen D. Wiviott, MD, designated discussant for the report and a cardiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

While initiation of an SGLT2 inhibitor during an acute heart failure hospitalization received endorsement as a top management priority in both the 2023 heart failure guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and in 2022 U.S. guidelines, evidence of the safety and efficacy of this approach has been scanty, Dr. Wiviott noted.

Two prior studies addressed the issue. The SOLOIST-WHF trial tested the combined SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor sotagliflozin (Inpefa, Lexicon) for patients recently hospitalized for heart failure, but only 142 of the 596 participants who were randomly assigned to receive sotagliflozin began receiving it at least a day before hospital discharge; for the remaining 454, treatment with sotagliflozin began on their discharge day, noted Dr. Wiviott.

In the EMPULSE trial, 530 people hospitalized for acute heart failure were randomly assigned to initially receive empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly) or placebo during hospitalization. The primary endpoint was largely driven by an improvement in the patient-reported outcome, as assessed on the basis of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire Total Symptom Score, Dr. Wiviott added.

The DICTATE-AHF study included 238 adults who were within 24 hours of first presenting to any of six participating U.S. hospitals with hypervolemic acute heart failure. All patients underwent a standard treatment protocol with IV loop diuretics, and half received additional, open-label treatment with a daily 10-mg dose of dapagliflozin.

The average age of the patients was 65 years, 71% had type 2 diabetes (the study excluded people with type 1 diabetes), and about half had a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40% or less.



Similar weight loss with lower diuretics dose

The study’s primary outcome was a measure of diuretic efficiency, calculated as a person’s cumulative weight change divided by the cumulative dose of loop diuretics.

Both treatment arms experienced nearly identical weight loss, but for the people who received dapagliflozin, this occurred with a lower cumulative dose of diuretics. The diuretic efficiency with dapagliflozin produced comparable weight loss with a 35% lower amount of loop diuretic dose, a difference that fell just short of significance (P = .06).

However, treatment with dapagliflozin also significantly boosted 24-hour natriuresis and 24-hour diuresis, and it significantly shortened the time to stopping treatment with IV diuretics and to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox reported. Dapagliflozin initiation and ongoing treatment was also safe and well tolerated compared with usual care.

The fact that the primary endpoint fell short of significance was “largely related” to the study’s relatively small size, Dr. Wiviott suggested. He noted that the DAPA ACT HF-TIMI 68 study, which is a much larger and potentially more definitive study of the safety and efficacy of dapagliflozin in comparison with usual care for patients with acute heart failure, is in progress. The study includes about 2,400 patients.

The primary outcome is the combined rate of cardiovascular death or worsening heart failure during the 2 months following randomization. Results are expected in 2024.

DICTATE-AHF was sponsored by AstraZeneca, the company that markets dapagliflozin (Farxiga). Dr. Cox has received research funding from AstraZeneca and has been a consultant to Roche and Translational Catalyst. Dr. Wiviott has received research funding from AstraZeneca and from Merck and has been a consultant to Icon Clinical and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on

– For patients hospitalized for acute heart failure, initiating treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) before hospital discharge was safe, it appeared to improve diuresis and natriuresis while reducing the administered diuretic dose, and it meant quicker initiation of guideline-directed therapy in a controlled study of 238 patients.

Treatment with dapagliflozin was begun for people with heart failure on their first day of hospitalization for an acute episode. Such treatment “can be safely started to optimize a key medication,” Zachary Cox, PharmD, said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology. It improved fluid removal, as evidenced in the “totality of diuretic measures,” it resulted in reduced doses of IV diuretics, and it shortened length of stay in the hospital.

In current U.S. practice, about 80% of people hospitalized with heart failure do not initially receive treatment with a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor during their hospital stay when they are not already taking an agent from the class, noted Dr. Cox, professor of pharmacy at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville, Tenn.

Physicians are often uncomfortable changing a patient’s medications on the first day of a hospitalization, he noted. “Our results should embolden physicians” to begin treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor early during hospitalization and to then continue it chronically, Dr. Cox said in a press briefing.

“Despite the messaging [from guidelines], we still see hesitancy. We hope more evidence of safety will improve uptake.” The study’s “key message is to start guideline-directed medical therapy early,” prior to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox concluded.

“Some support” for SGLT2 inhibitors

The study results “provide some support for SGLT2 inhibitors facilitating decongestion and hospital discharge without observed safety issues,” said Stephen D. Wiviott, MD, designated discussant for the report and a cardiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

While initiation of an SGLT2 inhibitor during an acute heart failure hospitalization received endorsement as a top management priority in both the 2023 heart failure guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and in 2022 U.S. guidelines, evidence of the safety and efficacy of this approach has been scanty, Dr. Wiviott noted.

Two prior studies addressed the issue. The SOLOIST-WHF trial tested the combined SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor sotagliflozin (Inpefa, Lexicon) for patients recently hospitalized for heart failure, but only 142 of the 596 participants who were randomly assigned to receive sotagliflozin began receiving it at least a day before hospital discharge; for the remaining 454, treatment with sotagliflozin began on their discharge day, noted Dr. Wiviott.

In the EMPULSE trial, 530 people hospitalized for acute heart failure were randomly assigned to initially receive empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly) or placebo during hospitalization. The primary endpoint was largely driven by an improvement in the patient-reported outcome, as assessed on the basis of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire Total Symptom Score, Dr. Wiviott added.

The DICTATE-AHF study included 238 adults who were within 24 hours of first presenting to any of six participating U.S. hospitals with hypervolemic acute heart failure. All patients underwent a standard treatment protocol with IV loop diuretics, and half received additional, open-label treatment with a daily 10-mg dose of dapagliflozin.

The average age of the patients was 65 years, 71% had type 2 diabetes (the study excluded people with type 1 diabetes), and about half had a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40% or less.



Similar weight loss with lower diuretics dose

The study’s primary outcome was a measure of diuretic efficiency, calculated as a person’s cumulative weight change divided by the cumulative dose of loop diuretics.

Both treatment arms experienced nearly identical weight loss, but for the people who received dapagliflozin, this occurred with a lower cumulative dose of diuretics. The diuretic efficiency with dapagliflozin produced comparable weight loss with a 35% lower amount of loop diuretic dose, a difference that fell just short of significance (P = .06).

However, treatment with dapagliflozin also significantly boosted 24-hour natriuresis and 24-hour diuresis, and it significantly shortened the time to stopping treatment with IV diuretics and to hospital discharge, Dr. Cox reported. Dapagliflozin initiation and ongoing treatment was also safe and well tolerated compared with usual care.

The fact that the primary endpoint fell short of significance was “largely related” to the study’s relatively small size, Dr. Wiviott suggested. He noted that the DAPA ACT HF-TIMI 68 study, which is a much larger and potentially more definitive study of the safety and efficacy of dapagliflozin in comparison with usual care for patients with acute heart failure, is in progress. The study includes about 2,400 patients.

The primary outcome is the combined rate of cardiovascular death or worsening heart failure during the 2 months following randomization. Results are expected in 2024.

DICTATE-AHF was sponsored by AstraZeneca, the company that markets dapagliflozin (Farxiga). Dr. Cox has received research funding from AstraZeneca and has been a consultant to Roche and Translational Catalyst. Dr. Wiviott has received research funding from AstraZeneca and from Merck and has been a consultant to Icon Clinical and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on

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