Rheumatology workforce shortage demands multipronged approach

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Fri, 12/16/2022 - 09:40

– New rheumatology fellowships in underserved areas. Rheumatology training for nonspecialists. Telemedicine training, tools, and resources. These are a few of the remedies the American College of Rheumatology’s new Workforce Solutions Committee has concocted to address a shrinking U.S. rheumatology workforce in the face of a rising population of patients with rheumatologic diseases.

In two sessions at the ACR’s annual meeting, committee members provided insights on current workforce projections since the most recent ACR workforce study in 2015. They also outlined the 1-year-old committee’s response to bridge the looming gap in patient care. Some projects are already underway, while others have yet to be implemented and require sustained monetary and project coordination commitments to make their impacts felt across the targeted regions.

Dr. Daniel Battafarano, professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
Jeff Evans/MDedge News
Dr. Daniel Battafarano

“At the current pace of physician departures from the workforce, even with fellows graduating from adult and pediatric rheumatology training programs, the subspecialty cannot be sustained,” said Daniel Battafarano, DO, chair of the Workforce Solution Committee, professor of medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md., and adjunct professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.

The Northwest is an example of the problem at hand. “For an adult, there’s 1.65 rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015. In 2025, there’s going to be 0.5 [adult] rheumatologists per 100,000. That’s a problem. If you look at every region in the United States, every single region is decrementing significantly,” he said.

Even the Northeast, which boasted 3.07 adult rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015, will drop to 1.61 in 2025. Other regions are much worse off. The Southwest will drop from 1.28 to 0.64, and North Central will drop from 1.64 to 0.69, projections show.

The situation for pediatrics “has been in a crisis since 2015,” Dr. Battafarano said. It is much worse off than the situation for adult rheumatology, with 2015 figures going from 0.17 to 0.20 in the Southwest and from 0.03 to 0.04 in the South Central region by 2025, and in the Northwest from 0.67 to 0.13 and Northeast from 0.83 to 0.16.

“The ill effects of the pandemic are immeasurable to this point, but anecdotally we know we lost colleagues to part-time employment, we saw early retirements, and that happened across the full spectrum of the United States,” he said. It’s possible that up to 10% of full-time equivalents of physicians left practice in the United States since the pandemic began.

Rheumatologists largely practice in the 392 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), which are defined as a “core area containing a substantial population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core.” The smallest MSA has nearly 59,000 people. This distribution leaves many people in the Northwest, Southwest, South Central, and North Central regions with few rheumatologists. Over 86% of locations where rheumatologists train and work are in MSAs.

“By definition, if you get into a region where there’s 60,000 people or less, you can’t support a rheumatologist,” Dr. Battafarano said. He also noted that all pediatric hospitals tend to be in dense MSAs where rheumatologists might be.



South Central region serves as an example

People in certain MSAs of the South Central region (Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas) such as Laredo, Tex., population 281,805 – where there is no adult rheumatologist – have to drive nearly 2.5 hours to the nearest well-served MSA (San Antonio) where there is a rheumatology fellowship program and medical school.

“Texas may have rheumatologists, but it depends on where you live,” Dr. Battafarano said. “The same applies to Waco, Texas; Texarkana, Arkansas; Lawton, Oklahoma; Pine Bluff, Arkansas; and Enid, Oklahoma, and you can see the range of traveling is between 45 minutes and 2.5 hours. That’s adult rheumatology.”

People in Laredo have an even longer drive to find a pediatric rheumatologist. In pediatrics, he said, “we don’t even look at towns, we look at pediatrics by state. You can see there’s a pediatric fellowship program in Dallas, and there’s one in Houston. There’s one or two [pediatric] rheumatologists in Austin. It just depends on how quickly they burn out and how long they stay. I’m in San Antonio. We don’t have a pediatric rheumatologist in San Antonio, the seventh-largest city in the United States.”

Pediatric rheumatologists are very often found where fellowship programs are located. “Ninety-five percent or greater of pediatric rheumatologists are housed in a pediatric hospital,” Dr. Battafarano said. “There are very few adult rheumatologists who see children, for a variety of reasons.”

Dr. Beth L. Jonas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is chair of the American College of Rheumatology’s Committee on Training and Workforce Issues
Dr. Beth L. Jonas

In a panel discussion and question-and-answer session that took place after Dr. Battafarano outlined concerns with the numbers and distribution of rheumatologists across the United States, committee member Beth Jonas, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the division of rheumatology, allergy, and immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, noted that the rheumatology specialty match is competitive and typically leaves close to 100 residents who had rheumatology as their first choice without a match because there are not enough fellowship positions for them to fill.

The Workforce Solutions Committee hopes to reduce this “bottleneck,” she said, by identifying institutions that are ripe for opening new fellowship programs or have existing programs that can expand their number of positions, as well as expanding musculoskeletal training among nonrheumatologists, such as primary care physicians, advanced practice providers, and sports medicine physicians.

“I think that we’re going to find ourselves needing to be more creative as we become overcome with events with shortages of physicians,” Dr. Battafarano said. He gave an example of a recent pediatric rheumatology fellow in Seattle who wanted to go back home to Montana to practice. At the same time, the pediatric program wanted her to become a faculty member, so they said they would bridge their program to her, rotating fellows and covering her while on vacation.

“That’s an example of a pediatric program spreading its wings,” he said. “I think that we need to think that way, whether we talk about urban, suburban, rural. It’s how can we stage rheumatologists in areas, how can we embrace our primary care providers, and have rheumatology health care teams so that we have rheumatology expertise located within arm’s length but also within telemedicine length.”



Interventions for 2023

As part of a report on the activities of the Workforce Solutions Committee, Dr. Jonas outlined a number of interventions that the ACR is set to launch in 2023. The committee created five intervention teams to support fellowship positions and training providers, recruitment opportunities, fostering patient-centered communities, virtual training programs, and grants for research and training. The ACR’s initial pilot interventions are focused on, but not limited to, the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions.

The committee identified 10 potential partner institutions to develop new fellowship programs in the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions: University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Texas Tech University Permian Basin Program; Baylor Scott and White Medical Center Round Rock (Tex.) Program; Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso Program; University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School Program; Abrazo Health Network Program in Arizona; University of Arizona Phoenix Program; University of Arkansas (pediatric program); Oklahoma State University; and University of Texas, San Antonio (pediatric program).

Dr. Jonas explained that opening new programs in these underserved areas should help establish new rheumatologists in these areas, because studies have shown that fellows tend to stay within 100-200 miles of where they trained.

In addition to starting new programs, “if you want to grow your program, if you want to add another fellow, we can support that,” Dr. Jonas said.

To help convince institutions of the value of rheumatology care, a position paper will soon be released by the ACR that outlines the benefits of the specialty to a health care system. The paper will describe an annual preventive cost savings of $2,762 per patient who is in the care of a rheumatologist and an annual direct or downstream income of $3.5 million per rheumatologist in a community, committee members said.

To help with recruitment and retention efforts, the ACR will revise its CareerConnection website to make it more useful.

To help in developing patient-centered communities of care, there will be a discussion series with payers on topics such as access, care delivery, and financing, in which 12 payers (including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, and Kaiser) will discuss patient access, cost, and quality measures. An in-person payer summit is also scheduled for 2023.

Interventions to enhance rheumatology care will also keep an ongoing focus on virtual training programs for primary care physicians and advanced practice providers, including a Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) virtual lecture and case-based training and mentoring series for nonrheumatologists, an online library of searchable topics targeted to nonrheumatologists, as well as a grand rounds podcast series on certain rheumatic diseases for residents in family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric programs. For rheumatology educators in 2023, there also will be an online portal curated by the ACR and other sources to use as a resource for developing curriculum.

Dr. Janet Poole, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Janet Poole

A newly revised Fundamentals of Rheumatology course started in June 2022, which can help many medical students, residents, primary care physicians, and students in rehabilitation professions to learn about rheumatologic diseases, said committee member Janet Poole, PhD, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Grants from the Rheumatology Research Foundation are available to offset the costs of the course for attendees.

An “onboarding toolkit” for nurse practitioners and physician assistants is now available to provide advice to practices for hiring, mentoring, and conducting performance evaluations in rheumatology care teams, Dr. Poole said. And fact sheets about the roles of interprofessional team members are being revised to give nonspecialty providers a sense of what other disciplines are available to care for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. The Advanced Rheumatology course is also being revised and will be available in summer 2023.

Other planned interventions aim to optimize telemedicine for the rheumatology community with a telehealth curriculum for rheumatology fellows, tools to improve telehealth implementation and delivery, and educational materials for patients to optimize their participation in telehealth visits.

The committee created targeted outreach to promote all grants focused on workforce expansion. As a result, in the last year the committee noted a three- to fourfold rise in the number of grant applications, including people and programs in underserved areas that had not previously applied. The Rheumatology Research Foundation also created a baseline for measuring success of grant funding in underserved areas and earmarked funds to increase awareness of the grants and facilitate applications.

Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman  the Solovy/Arthritis Research Society Research Professor and a professor of Medicine (Rheumatology), at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.
Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman

Early signs of success are evident in the Rheumatology Access Expansion initiative in the ACR’s Collaborative Initiatives (COIN) department, said committee member Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, professor of medicine/rheumatology at Northwestern University, Chicago. A team of rheumatologists, a pharmacist, and Navajo cultural interpreters developed a 12-week rheumatoid arthritis training program for primary care physicians in the Navajo Nation American Indian reservation, where there’s a high prevalence of RA and a shortage of local rheumatology providers. Results of the pilot study were presented in a plenary session at the meeting.

COIN also worked with the ACR’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force to sponsor 2022 annual meeting attendance for 11 medical students who identify themselves as underrepresented in medicine to expose them to rheumatology early in their career, said Dr. Ramsey-Goldman. The ACR is starting a program for medical students at historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions to include mentoring, round tables, and attendance at next year’s annual meeting.

None of the rheumatologists had relevant financial disclosures.


– New rheumatology fellowships in underserved areas. Rheumatology training for nonspecialists. Telemedicine training, tools, and resources. These are a few of the remedies the American College of Rheumatology’s new Workforce Solutions Committee has concocted to address a shrinking U.S. rheumatology workforce in the face of a rising population of patients with rheumatologic diseases.

In two sessions at the ACR’s annual meeting, committee members provided insights on current workforce projections since the most recent ACR workforce study in 2015. They also outlined the 1-year-old committee’s response to bridge the looming gap in patient care. Some projects are already underway, while others have yet to be implemented and require sustained monetary and project coordination commitments to make their impacts felt across the targeted regions.

Dr. Daniel Battafarano, professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
Jeff Evans/MDedge News
Dr. Daniel Battafarano

“At the current pace of physician departures from the workforce, even with fellows graduating from adult and pediatric rheumatology training programs, the subspecialty cannot be sustained,” said Daniel Battafarano, DO, chair of the Workforce Solution Committee, professor of medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md., and adjunct professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.

The Northwest is an example of the problem at hand. “For an adult, there’s 1.65 rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015. In 2025, there’s going to be 0.5 [adult] rheumatologists per 100,000. That’s a problem. If you look at every region in the United States, every single region is decrementing significantly,” he said.

Even the Northeast, which boasted 3.07 adult rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015, will drop to 1.61 in 2025. Other regions are much worse off. The Southwest will drop from 1.28 to 0.64, and North Central will drop from 1.64 to 0.69, projections show.

The situation for pediatrics “has been in a crisis since 2015,” Dr. Battafarano said. It is much worse off than the situation for adult rheumatology, with 2015 figures going from 0.17 to 0.20 in the Southwest and from 0.03 to 0.04 in the South Central region by 2025, and in the Northwest from 0.67 to 0.13 and Northeast from 0.83 to 0.16.

“The ill effects of the pandemic are immeasurable to this point, but anecdotally we know we lost colleagues to part-time employment, we saw early retirements, and that happened across the full spectrum of the United States,” he said. It’s possible that up to 10% of full-time equivalents of physicians left practice in the United States since the pandemic began.

Rheumatologists largely practice in the 392 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), which are defined as a “core area containing a substantial population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core.” The smallest MSA has nearly 59,000 people. This distribution leaves many people in the Northwest, Southwest, South Central, and North Central regions with few rheumatologists. Over 86% of locations where rheumatologists train and work are in MSAs.

“By definition, if you get into a region where there’s 60,000 people or less, you can’t support a rheumatologist,” Dr. Battafarano said. He also noted that all pediatric hospitals tend to be in dense MSAs where rheumatologists might be.



South Central region serves as an example

People in certain MSAs of the South Central region (Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas) such as Laredo, Tex., population 281,805 – where there is no adult rheumatologist – have to drive nearly 2.5 hours to the nearest well-served MSA (San Antonio) where there is a rheumatology fellowship program and medical school.

“Texas may have rheumatologists, but it depends on where you live,” Dr. Battafarano said. “The same applies to Waco, Texas; Texarkana, Arkansas; Lawton, Oklahoma; Pine Bluff, Arkansas; and Enid, Oklahoma, and you can see the range of traveling is between 45 minutes and 2.5 hours. That’s adult rheumatology.”

People in Laredo have an even longer drive to find a pediatric rheumatologist. In pediatrics, he said, “we don’t even look at towns, we look at pediatrics by state. You can see there’s a pediatric fellowship program in Dallas, and there’s one in Houston. There’s one or two [pediatric] rheumatologists in Austin. It just depends on how quickly they burn out and how long they stay. I’m in San Antonio. We don’t have a pediatric rheumatologist in San Antonio, the seventh-largest city in the United States.”

Pediatric rheumatologists are very often found where fellowship programs are located. “Ninety-five percent or greater of pediatric rheumatologists are housed in a pediatric hospital,” Dr. Battafarano said. “There are very few adult rheumatologists who see children, for a variety of reasons.”

Dr. Beth L. Jonas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is chair of the American College of Rheumatology’s Committee on Training and Workforce Issues
Dr. Beth L. Jonas

In a panel discussion and question-and-answer session that took place after Dr. Battafarano outlined concerns with the numbers and distribution of rheumatologists across the United States, committee member Beth Jonas, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the division of rheumatology, allergy, and immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, noted that the rheumatology specialty match is competitive and typically leaves close to 100 residents who had rheumatology as their first choice without a match because there are not enough fellowship positions for them to fill.

The Workforce Solutions Committee hopes to reduce this “bottleneck,” she said, by identifying institutions that are ripe for opening new fellowship programs or have existing programs that can expand their number of positions, as well as expanding musculoskeletal training among nonrheumatologists, such as primary care physicians, advanced practice providers, and sports medicine physicians.

“I think that we’re going to find ourselves needing to be more creative as we become overcome with events with shortages of physicians,” Dr. Battafarano said. He gave an example of a recent pediatric rheumatology fellow in Seattle who wanted to go back home to Montana to practice. At the same time, the pediatric program wanted her to become a faculty member, so they said they would bridge their program to her, rotating fellows and covering her while on vacation.

“That’s an example of a pediatric program spreading its wings,” he said. “I think that we need to think that way, whether we talk about urban, suburban, rural. It’s how can we stage rheumatologists in areas, how can we embrace our primary care providers, and have rheumatology health care teams so that we have rheumatology expertise located within arm’s length but also within telemedicine length.”



Interventions for 2023

As part of a report on the activities of the Workforce Solutions Committee, Dr. Jonas outlined a number of interventions that the ACR is set to launch in 2023. The committee created five intervention teams to support fellowship positions and training providers, recruitment opportunities, fostering patient-centered communities, virtual training programs, and grants for research and training. The ACR’s initial pilot interventions are focused on, but not limited to, the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions.

The committee identified 10 potential partner institutions to develop new fellowship programs in the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions: University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Texas Tech University Permian Basin Program; Baylor Scott and White Medical Center Round Rock (Tex.) Program; Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso Program; University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School Program; Abrazo Health Network Program in Arizona; University of Arizona Phoenix Program; University of Arkansas (pediatric program); Oklahoma State University; and University of Texas, San Antonio (pediatric program).

Dr. Jonas explained that opening new programs in these underserved areas should help establish new rheumatologists in these areas, because studies have shown that fellows tend to stay within 100-200 miles of where they trained.

In addition to starting new programs, “if you want to grow your program, if you want to add another fellow, we can support that,” Dr. Jonas said.

To help convince institutions of the value of rheumatology care, a position paper will soon be released by the ACR that outlines the benefits of the specialty to a health care system. The paper will describe an annual preventive cost savings of $2,762 per patient who is in the care of a rheumatologist and an annual direct or downstream income of $3.5 million per rheumatologist in a community, committee members said.

To help with recruitment and retention efforts, the ACR will revise its CareerConnection website to make it more useful.

To help in developing patient-centered communities of care, there will be a discussion series with payers on topics such as access, care delivery, and financing, in which 12 payers (including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, and Kaiser) will discuss patient access, cost, and quality measures. An in-person payer summit is also scheduled for 2023.

Interventions to enhance rheumatology care will also keep an ongoing focus on virtual training programs for primary care physicians and advanced practice providers, including a Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) virtual lecture and case-based training and mentoring series for nonrheumatologists, an online library of searchable topics targeted to nonrheumatologists, as well as a grand rounds podcast series on certain rheumatic diseases for residents in family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric programs. For rheumatology educators in 2023, there also will be an online portal curated by the ACR and other sources to use as a resource for developing curriculum.

Dr. Janet Poole, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Janet Poole

A newly revised Fundamentals of Rheumatology course started in June 2022, which can help many medical students, residents, primary care physicians, and students in rehabilitation professions to learn about rheumatologic diseases, said committee member Janet Poole, PhD, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Grants from the Rheumatology Research Foundation are available to offset the costs of the course for attendees.

An “onboarding toolkit” for nurse practitioners and physician assistants is now available to provide advice to practices for hiring, mentoring, and conducting performance evaluations in rheumatology care teams, Dr. Poole said. And fact sheets about the roles of interprofessional team members are being revised to give nonspecialty providers a sense of what other disciplines are available to care for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. The Advanced Rheumatology course is also being revised and will be available in summer 2023.

Other planned interventions aim to optimize telemedicine for the rheumatology community with a telehealth curriculum for rheumatology fellows, tools to improve telehealth implementation and delivery, and educational materials for patients to optimize their participation in telehealth visits.

The committee created targeted outreach to promote all grants focused on workforce expansion. As a result, in the last year the committee noted a three- to fourfold rise in the number of grant applications, including people and programs in underserved areas that had not previously applied. The Rheumatology Research Foundation also created a baseline for measuring success of grant funding in underserved areas and earmarked funds to increase awareness of the grants and facilitate applications.

Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman  the Solovy/Arthritis Research Society Research Professor and a professor of Medicine (Rheumatology), at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.
Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman

Early signs of success are evident in the Rheumatology Access Expansion initiative in the ACR’s Collaborative Initiatives (COIN) department, said committee member Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, professor of medicine/rheumatology at Northwestern University, Chicago. A team of rheumatologists, a pharmacist, and Navajo cultural interpreters developed a 12-week rheumatoid arthritis training program for primary care physicians in the Navajo Nation American Indian reservation, where there’s a high prevalence of RA and a shortage of local rheumatology providers. Results of the pilot study were presented in a plenary session at the meeting.

COIN also worked with the ACR’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force to sponsor 2022 annual meeting attendance for 11 medical students who identify themselves as underrepresented in medicine to expose them to rheumatology early in their career, said Dr. Ramsey-Goldman. The ACR is starting a program for medical students at historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions to include mentoring, round tables, and attendance at next year’s annual meeting.

None of the rheumatologists had relevant financial disclosures.

– New rheumatology fellowships in underserved areas. Rheumatology training for nonspecialists. Telemedicine training, tools, and resources. These are a few of the remedies the American College of Rheumatology’s new Workforce Solutions Committee has concocted to address a shrinking U.S. rheumatology workforce in the face of a rising population of patients with rheumatologic diseases.

In two sessions at the ACR’s annual meeting, committee members provided insights on current workforce projections since the most recent ACR workforce study in 2015. They also outlined the 1-year-old committee’s response to bridge the looming gap in patient care. Some projects are already underway, while others have yet to be implemented and require sustained monetary and project coordination commitments to make their impacts felt across the targeted regions.

Dr. Daniel Battafarano, professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
Jeff Evans/MDedge News
Dr. Daniel Battafarano

“At the current pace of physician departures from the workforce, even with fellows graduating from adult and pediatric rheumatology training programs, the subspecialty cannot be sustained,” said Daniel Battafarano, DO, chair of the Workforce Solution Committee, professor of medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md., and adjunct professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.

The Northwest is an example of the problem at hand. “For an adult, there’s 1.65 rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015. In 2025, there’s going to be 0.5 [adult] rheumatologists per 100,000. That’s a problem. If you look at every region in the United States, every single region is decrementing significantly,” he said.

Even the Northeast, which boasted 3.07 adult rheumatologists per 100,000 in 2015, will drop to 1.61 in 2025. Other regions are much worse off. The Southwest will drop from 1.28 to 0.64, and North Central will drop from 1.64 to 0.69, projections show.

The situation for pediatrics “has been in a crisis since 2015,” Dr. Battafarano said. It is much worse off than the situation for adult rheumatology, with 2015 figures going from 0.17 to 0.20 in the Southwest and from 0.03 to 0.04 in the South Central region by 2025, and in the Northwest from 0.67 to 0.13 and Northeast from 0.83 to 0.16.

“The ill effects of the pandemic are immeasurable to this point, but anecdotally we know we lost colleagues to part-time employment, we saw early retirements, and that happened across the full spectrum of the United States,” he said. It’s possible that up to 10% of full-time equivalents of physicians left practice in the United States since the pandemic began.

Rheumatologists largely practice in the 392 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), which are defined as a “core area containing a substantial population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core.” The smallest MSA has nearly 59,000 people. This distribution leaves many people in the Northwest, Southwest, South Central, and North Central regions with few rheumatologists. Over 86% of locations where rheumatologists train and work are in MSAs.

“By definition, if you get into a region where there’s 60,000 people or less, you can’t support a rheumatologist,” Dr. Battafarano said. He also noted that all pediatric hospitals tend to be in dense MSAs where rheumatologists might be.



South Central region serves as an example

People in certain MSAs of the South Central region (Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas) such as Laredo, Tex., population 281,805 – where there is no adult rheumatologist – have to drive nearly 2.5 hours to the nearest well-served MSA (San Antonio) where there is a rheumatology fellowship program and medical school.

“Texas may have rheumatologists, but it depends on where you live,” Dr. Battafarano said. “The same applies to Waco, Texas; Texarkana, Arkansas; Lawton, Oklahoma; Pine Bluff, Arkansas; and Enid, Oklahoma, and you can see the range of traveling is between 45 minutes and 2.5 hours. That’s adult rheumatology.”

People in Laredo have an even longer drive to find a pediatric rheumatologist. In pediatrics, he said, “we don’t even look at towns, we look at pediatrics by state. You can see there’s a pediatric fellowship program in Dallas, and there’s one in Houston. There’s one or two [pediatric] rheumatologists in Austin. It just depends on how quickly they burn out and how long they stay. I’m in San Antonio. We don’t have a pediatric rheumatologist in San Antonio, the seventh-largest city in the United States.”

Pediatric rheumatologists are very often found where fellowship programs are located. “Ninety-five percent or greater of pediatric rheumatologists are housed in a pediatric hospital,” Dr. Battafarano said. “There are very few adult rheumatologists who see children, for a variety of reasons.”

Dr. Beth L. Jonas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is chair of the American College of Rheumatology’s Committee on Training and Workforce Issues
Dr. Beth L. Jonas

In a panel discussion and question-and-answer session that took place after Dr. Battafarano outlined concerns with the numbers and distribution of rheumatologists across the United States, committee member Beth Jonas, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the division of rheumatology, allergy, and immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, noted that the rheumatology specialty match is competitive and typically leaves close to 100 residents who had rheumatology as their first choice without a match because there are not enough fellowship positions for them to fill.

The Workforce Solutions Committee hopes to reduce this “bottleneck,” she said, by identifying institutions that are ripe for opening new fellowship programs or have existing programs that can expand their number of positions, as well as expanding musculoskeletal training among nonrheumatologists, such as primary care physicians, advanced practice providers, and sports medicine physicians.

“I think that we’re going to find ourselves needing to be more creative as we become overcome with events with shortages of physicians,” Dr. Battafarano said. He gave an example of a recent pediatric rheumatology fellow in Seattle who wanted to go back home to Montana to practice. At the same time, the pediatric program wanted her to become a faculty member, so they said they would bridge their program to her, rotating fellows and covering her while on vacation.

“That’s an example of a pediatric program spreading its wings,” he said. “I think that we need to think that way, whether we talk about urban, suburban, rural. It’s how can we stage rheumatologists in areas, how can we embrace our primary care providers, and have rheumatology health care teams so that we have rheumatology expertise located within arm’s length but also within telemedicine length.”



Interventions for 2023

As part of a report on the activities of the Workforce Solutions Committee, Dr. Jonas outlined a number of interventions that the ACR is set to launch in 2023. The committee created five intervention teams to support fellowship positions and training providers, recruitment opportunities, fostering patient-centered communities, virtual training programs, and grants for research and training. The ACR’s initial pilot interventions are focused on, but not limited to, the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions.

The committee identified 10 potential partner institutions to develop new fellowship programs in the Northwest, Southwest, and South Central regions: University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Texas Tech University Permian Basin Program; Baylor Scott and White Medical Center Round Rock (Tex.) Program; Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso Program; University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School Program; Abrazo Health Network Program in Arizona; University of Arizona Phoenix Program; University of Arkansas (pediatric program); Oklahoma State University; and University of Texas, San Antonio (pediatric program).

Dr. Jonas explained that opening new programs in these underserved areas should help establish new rheumatologists in these areas, because studies have shown that fellows tend to stay within 100-200 miles of where they trained.

In addition to starting new programs, “if you want to grow your program, if you want to add another fellow, we can support that,” Dr. Jonas said.

To help convince institutions of the value of rheumatology care, a position paper will soon be released by the ACR that outlines the benefits of the specialty to a health care system. The paper will describe an annual preventive cost savings of $2,762 per patient who is in the care of a rheumatologist and an annual direct or downstream income of $3.5 million per rheumatologist in a community, committee members said.

To help with recruitment and retention efforts, the ACR will revise its CareerConnection website to make it more useful.

To help in developing patient-centered communities of care, there will be a discussion series with payers on topics such as access, care delivery, and financing, in which 12 payers (including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, and Kaiser) will discuss patient access, cost, and quality measures. An in-person payer summit is also scheduled for 2023.

Interventions to enhance rheumatology care will also keep an ongoing focus on virtual training programs for primary care physicians and advanced practice providers, including a Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) virtual lecture and case-based training and mentoring series for nonrheumatologists, an online library of searchable topics targeted to nonrheumatologists, as well as a grand rounds podcast series on certain rheumatic diseases for residents in family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric programs. For rheumatology educators in 2023, there also will be an online portal curated by the ACR and other sources to use as a resource for developing curriculum.

Dr. Janet Poole, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Janet Poole

A newly revised Fundamentals of Rheumatology course started in June 2022, which can help many medical students, residents, primary care physicians, and students in rehabilitation professions to learn about rheumatologic diseases, said committee member Janet Poole, PhD, division chief, professor, and director of the occupational therapy graduate program at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Grants from the Rheumatology Research Foundation are available to offset the costs of the course for attendees.

An “onboarding toolkit” for nurse practitioners and physician assistants is now available to provide advice to practices for hiring, mentoring, and conducting performance evaluations in rheumatology care teams, Dr. Poole said. And fact sheets about the roles of interprofessional team members are being revised to give nonspecialty providers a sense of what other disciplines are available to care for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. The Advanced Rheumatology course is also being revised and will be available in summer 2023.

Other planned interventions aim to optimize telemedicine for the rheumatology community with a telehealth curriculum for rheumatology fellows, tools to improve telehealth implementation and delivery, and educational materials for patients to optimize their participation in telehealth visits.

The committee created targeted outreach to promote all grants focused on workforce expansion. As a result, in the last year the committee noted a three- to fourfold rise in the number of grant applications, including people and programs in underserved areas that had not previously applied. The Rheumatology Research Foundation also created a baseline for measuring success of grant funding in underserved areas and earmarked funds to increase awareness of the grants and facilitate applications.

Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman  the Solovy/Arthritis Research Society Research Professor and a professor of Medicine (Rheumatology), at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.
Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman

Early signs of success are evident in the Rheumatology Access Expansion initiative in the ACR’s Collaborative Initiatives (COIN) department, said committee member Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, professor of medicine/rheumatology at Northwestern University, Chicago. A team of rheumatologists, a pharmacist, and Navajo cultural interpreters developed a 12-week rheumatoid arthritis training program for primary care physicians in the Navajo Nation American Indian reservation, where there’s a high prevalence of RA and a shortage of local rheumatology providers. Results of the pilot study were presented in a plenary session at the meeting.

COIN also worked with the ACR’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force to sponsor 2022 annual meeting attendance for 11 medical students who identify themselves as underrepresented in medicine to expose them to rheumatology early in their career, said Dr. Ramsey-Goldman. The ACR is starting a program for medical students at historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions to include mentoring, round tables, and attendance at next year’s annual meeting.

None of the rheumatologists had relevant financial disclosures.

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Ask knee OA patients about stair climbing difficulty

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Thu, 12/15/2022 - 16:47

Asking knee osteoarthritis patients a simple question – do you have difficulty climbing stairs? – may predict the risk of future functional limitation, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Finding out that the patient has difficulty also opens avenues for further evaluation and intervention, said Jason Jakiela, a PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark, who led the study. “We like to view it as a kind of yellow flag,” Mr. Jakiela said in an interview.

Another expert agreed. “I think this is useful for clinical rheumatologists,” said C. Kent Kwoh, MD, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center. He commented on the study findings but was not involved in the study. Another common question asked of OA patients, about pain, may not be as useful as asking about difficulty climbing stairs, he said. “Their pain level can go up and down and can be quite varied.”

A computer graphics rendered representation of a person's knee joint.

Osteoarthritis affects more than 32.5 million adults, according to the CDC, and the knee is a common site.

Study details, results

Mr. Jakiela and his team, including Daniel White, PT, ScD, MSC, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware, Newark, used data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). They assessed stair climbing difficulty at baseline with the question: Does your health now limit you in climbing several flights of stairs? Respondents could answer that they were limited a lot, a little, or not at all.

Jason Jakiela, PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark
Jason Jakiela

The researchers evaluated functional limitation using two measures: Walking speed and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function (WOMAC-PF) scores. A walking speed of < 1.22 m/s over 20 meters, the speed needed to safely cross a timed intersection, represented poor function. A WOMAC-PF score of 28/68 or more was also used to define low functioning.

The analyses included only people free of functional limitations at baseline. Each measure was conducted at the start and then at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 months’ follow-up visits.

While 2,952 participants (mean age 60.1, 54% female, mean body mass index 27.9) were in the walking speed sample, 3,983 participants (mean age 61.2, 57% female, mean BMI 28.2) were in the WOMAC-PF sample.

Dr. Daniel White, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware
Dr. Daniel White

When compared with people who had no limitations, those limited a little had a 47% greater risk of gait speed functional limitation and those limited a lot had a 61% greater risk at follow-up. There was a 70% greater risk for functional limitation defined by WOMAC-PF score at follow-up among people who were limited a little in stair climbing when compared with those not limited at all, and people with a lot of limitations had 161% greater risk. Slow gait speed has been linked with mortality.

Over the 8-year follow-up, 973 in the walking speed sample and 578 in the WOMAC-PF sample developed functional limitation.



Starting the conversation

The question about stair climbing difficulty is a good “jumping-off point,” Mr. Jakiela said. “It opens up a line of questioning.” With knee OA, stair climbing difficulty is often the first reported limitation. That difficulty could capture a variety of issues, he said. Patients could be struggling with strength issues, cardiovascular problems, or balance deficits, for instance.

It signals there may be a trajectory of slow decline coming in this patient, Mr. Jakiela said.

“It’s a signal that something is not right,” Dr. White said in an interview. “We don’t know what is wrong.” While questions about stairs have routinely been asked of OA patients, the study findings suggest the answer to the question about having difficulty could help predict a patient’s future course, he said.

After patients reported a little or a lot of difficulty with stair climbing, the average time to reach functional limitation status was about 3 years, Mr. Jakiela said. That gives health care providers time to ask more questions about the patient’s condition and potentially intervene, depending on the details of the difficulty. If it’s a balance issue, physical therapy might help, for example.

While gait speed is a tried-and-true indication, collecting answers about stair climbing difficulty is easier and quicker for clinicians than assessing gait speed, which requires more time as well as office space, Mr. Jakiela said. It’s also intuitive for the patients to recall, the researchers said.

More practical takeaways

Finding out whether functional limitation is likely, based on the stair question, can help health care providers consider nonpharmacologic interventions, Dr. Kwoh agreed, such as physical therapy or braces. “It doesn’t have to be drugs. We have limited drugs for OA at the moment. We don’t have a so-called DMARD drug [for OA].”

Dr. C. Kent Kwoh, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center
Dr. C. Kent Kwoh

NSAIDs have side effects, and people are very familiar with the issues of opioids, he said. It’s important, he added, for the health care provider, if referring to a physical therapist, to find the right one. To help those dealing with knee OA, a PT in sports medicine might be a good choice, he said.

Mr. Jakiela has no disclosures. Dr. Kwoh and Dr. White have no relevant disclosures.


Asking knee osteoarthritis patients a simple question – do you have difficulty climbing stairs? – may predict the risk of future functional limitation, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Finding out that the patient has difficulty also opens avenues for further evaluation and intervention, said Jason Jakiela, a PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark, who led the study. “We like to view it as a kind of yellow flag,” Mr. Jakiela said in an interview.

Another expert agreed. “I think this is useful for clinical rheumatologists,” said C. Kent Kwoh, MD, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center. He commented on the study findings but was not involved in the study. Another common question asked of OA patients, about pain, may not be as useful as asking about difficulty climbing stairs, he said. “Their pain level can go up and down and can be quite varied.”

A computer graphics rendered representation of a person's knee joint.

Osteoarthritis affects more than 32.5 million adults, according to the CDC, and the knee is a common site.

Study details, results

Mr. Jakiela and his team, including Daniel White, PT, ScD, MSC, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware, Newark, used data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). They assessed stair climbing difficulty at baseline with the question: Does your health now limit you in climbing several flights of stairs? Respondents could answer that they were limited a lot, a little, or not at all.

Jason Jakiela, PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark
Jason Jakiela

The researchers evaluated functional limitation using two measures: Walking speed and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function (WOMAC-PF) scores. A walking speed of < 1.22 m/s over 20 meters, the speed needed to safely cross a timed intersection, represented poor function. A WOMAC-PF score of 28/68 or more was also used to define low functioning.

The analyses included only people free of functional limitations at baseline. Each measure was conducted at the start and then at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 months’ follow-up visits.

While 2,952 participants (mean age 60.1, 54% female, mean body mass index 27.9) were in the walking speed sample, 3,983 participants (mean age 61.2, 57% female, mean BMI 28.2) were in the WOMAC-PF sample.

Dr. Daniel White, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware
Dr. Daniel White

When compared with people who had no limitations, those limited a little had a 47% greater risk of gait speed functional limitation and those limited a lot had a 61% greater risk at follow-up. There was a 70% greater risk for functional limitation defined by WOMAC-PF score at follow-up among people who were limited a little in stair climbing when compared with those not limited at all, and people with a lot of limitations had 161% greater risk. Slow gait speed has been linked with mortality.

Over the 8-year follow-up, 973 in the walking speed sample and 578 in the WOMAC-PF sample developed functional limitation.



Starting the conversation

The question about stair climbing difficulty is a good “jumping-off point,” Mr. Jakiela said. “It opens up a line of questioning.” With knee OA, stair climbing difficulty is often the first reported limitation. That difficulty could capture a variety of issues, he said. Patients could be struggling with strength issues, cardiovascular problems, or balance deficits, for instance.

It signals there may be a trajectory of slow decline coming in this patient, Mr. Jakiela said.

“It’s a signal that something is not right,” Dr. White said in an interview. “We don’t know what is wrong.” While questions about stairs have routinely been asked of OA patients, the study findings suggest the answer to the question about having difficulty could help predict a patient’s future course, he said.

After patients reported a little or a lot of difficulty with stair climbing, the average time to reach functional limitation status was about 3 years, Mr. Jakiela said. That gives health care providers time to ask more questions about the patient’s condition and potentially intervene, depending on the details of the difficulty. If it’s a balance issue, physical therapy might help, for example.

While gait speed is a tried-and-true indication, collecting answers about stair climbing difficulty is easier and quicker for clinicians than assessing gait speed, which requires more time as well as office space, Mr. Jakiela said. It’s also intuitive for the patients to recall, the researchers said.

More practical takeaways

Finding out whether functional limitation is likely, based on the stair question, can help health care providers consider nonpharmacologic interventions, Dr. Kwoh agreed, such as physical therapy or braces. “It doesn’t have to be drugs. We have limited drugs for OA at the moment. We don’t have a so-called DMARD drug [for OA].”

Dr. C. Kent Kwoh, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center
Dr. C. Kent Kwoh

NSAIDs have side effects, and people are very familiar with the issues of opioids, he said. It’s important, he added, for the health care provider, if referring to a physical therapist, to find the right one. To help those dealing with knee OA, a PT in sports medicine might be a good choice, he said.

Mr. Jakiela has no disclosures. Dr. Kwoh and Dr. White have no relevant disclosures.

Asking knee osteoarthritis patients a simple question – do you have difficulty climbing stairs? – may predict the risk of future functional limitation, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Finding out that the patient has difficulty also opens avenues for further evaluation and intervention, said Jason Jakiela, a PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark, who led the study. “We like to view it as a kind of yellow flag,” Mr. Jakiela said in an interview.

Another expert agreed. “I think this is useful for clinical rheumatologists,” said C. Kent Kwoh, MD, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center. He commented on the study findings but was not involved in the study. Another common question asked of OA patients, about pain, may not be as useful as asking about difficulty climbing stairs, he said. “Their pain level can go up and down and can be quite varied.”

A computer graphics rendered representation of a person's knee joint.

Osteoarthritis affects more than 32.5 million adults, according to the CDC, and the knee is a common site.

Study details, results

Mr. Jakiela and his team, including Daniel White, PT, ScD, MSC, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware, Newark, used data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). They assessed stair climbing difficulty at baseline with the question: Does your health now limit you in climbing several flights of stairs? Respondents could answer that they were limited a lot, a little, or not at all.

Jason Jakiela, PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, Newark
Jason Jakiela

The researchers evaluated functional limitation using two measures: Walking speed and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function (WOMAC-PF) scores. A walking speed of < 1.22 m/s over 20 meters, the speed needed to safely cross a timed intersection, represented poor function. A WOMAC-PF score of 28/68 or more was also used to define low functioning.

The analyses included only people free of functional limitations at baseline. Each measure was conducted at the start and then at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 months’ follow-up visits.

While 2,952 participants (mean age 60.1, 54% female, mean body mass index 27.9) were in the walking speed sample, 3,983 participants (mean age 61.2, 57% female, mean BMI 28.2) were in the WOMAC-PF sample.

Dr. Daniel White, associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Delaware
Dr. Daniel White

When compared with people who had no limitations, those limited a little had a 47% greater risk of gait speed functional limitation and those limited a lot had a 61% greater risk at follow-up. There was a 70% greater risk for functional limitation defined by WOMAC-PF score at follow-up among people who were limited a little in stair climbing when compared with those not limited at all, and people with a lot of limitations had 161% greater risk. Slow gait speed has been linked with mortality.

Over the 8-year follow-up, 973 in the walking speed sample and 578 in the WOMAC-PF sample developed functional limitation.



Starting the conversation

The question about stair climbing difficulty is a good “jumping-off point,” Mr. Jakiela said. “It opens up a line of questioning.” With knee OA, stair climbing difficulty is often the first reported limitation. That difficulty could capture a variety of issues, he said. Patients could be struggling with strength issues, cardiovascular problems, or balance deficits, for instance.

It signals there may be a trajectory of slow decline coming in this patient, Mr. Jakiela said.

“It’s a signal that something is not right,” Dr. White said in an interview. “We don’t know what is wrong.” While questions about stairs have routinely been asked of OA patients, the study findings suggest the answer to the question about having difficulty could help predict a patient’s future course, he said.

After patients reported a little or a lot of difficulty with stair climbing, the average time to reach functional limitation status was about 3 years, Mr. Jakiela said. That gives health care providers time to ask more questions about the patient’s condition and potentially intervene, depending on the details of the difficulty. If it’s a balance issue, physical therapy might help, for example.

While gait speed is a tried-and-true indication, collecting answers about stair climbing difficulty is easier and quicker for clinicians than assessing gait speed, which requires more time as well as office space, Mr. Jakiela said. It’s also intuitive for the patients to recall, the researchers said.

More practical takeaways

Finding out whether functional limitation is likely, based on the stair question, can help health care providers consider nonpharmacologic interventions, Dr. Kwoh agreed, such as physical therapy or braces. “It doesn’t have to be drugs. We have limited drugs for OA at the moment. We don’t have a so-called DMARD drug [for OA].”

Dr. C. Kent Kwoh, professor of medicine and medical imaging at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center
Dr. C. Kent Kwoh

NSAIDs have side effects, and people are very familiar with the issues of opioids, he said. It’s important, he added, for the health care provider, if referring to a physical therapist, to find the right one. To help those dealing with knee OA, a PT in sports medicine might be a good choice, he said.

Mr. Jakiela has no disclosures. Dr. Kwoh and Dr. White have no relevant disclosures.

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Sarilumab effective for polymyalgia rheumatica in phase 3 trial

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Wed, 03/06/2024 - 10:17

– Treatment with the interleukin-6 receptor antagonist sarilumab (Kevzara), along with a 14-week taper of glucocorticoids, proved to have significant efficacy in patients with relapsing polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) who were resistant to glucocorticoids in a phase 3 trial.

No new safety concerns were found with sarilumab in the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled SAPHYR trial. Sarilumab is approved in the United States for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adults who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

The results, presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology by Robert Spiera, MD, director of the Scleroderma, Vasculitis, and Myositis Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, included clinically meaningful improvement in quality-of-life scores.

The disease, which primarily affects people over age 65, can cause widespread aching and stiffness. It’s one of the most common inflammatory diseases among older adults.

PMR is relatively easy to treat with glucocorticoids, but relapses are common, which means long courses of glucocorticoid therapy and the side effects that come with them.

Need for a steroid-sparing therapy

“We recognize that a steroid-sparing drug in polymyalgia rheumatica seems to be an unmet need,” Dr. Spiera said at the meeting.

The trial, sponsored by Sanofi, included active, refractory PMR patients who flared within 3 months of study entry while on at least 7.5 mg/day of prednisone or the equivalent. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 52 weeks of treatment with subcutaneous sarilumab 200 mg every 2 weeks plus the rapid 14-week glucocorticoid tapering regimen or were given placebo every 2 weeks plus a more traditional 52-week tapering of glucocorticoids.

COVID hampered recruitment

Recruitment was stopped early because of complications during the COVID-19 pandemic, so between October 2018 and July 2020, 118 of the intended 280 patients were recruited, and 117 were treated (sarilumab = 59, placebo = 58). Median age was 69 years in the treatment group and 70 among those taking placebo.

Of the 117 treated, only 78 patients (67%) completed treatment (sarilumab = 42, placebo = 36). The main reasons for stopping treatment were adverse events – including seven with sarilumab and four with placebo – and lack of efficacy (sarilumab = four, placebo = nine).

The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who reached sustained remission at 52 weeks, defined as disease remission by week 12 and no disease flare, normal C-reactive protein (CRP), and adherence to the glucocorticoid taper during weeks 12-52.

The researchers found that sustained remission was significantly higher in the sarilumab arm versus the control group (28.3% versus 10.3%; P = .0193).

IL-6 inhibitors lower CRP, but if you take CRP out of the definition, Dr. Spiera said, “we still saw this difference: 31.7% of patients treated with sarilumab and 13.8% treated with placebo and a longer taper achieved that endpoint.”

Forty-four percent lower risk of flare with sarilumab

Patients in the sarilumab group also had 44% lower risk of having a flare after achieving clinical remission versus the comparator group (16.7% versus 29.3%; hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% confidence interval, 0.35-0.90; P = .0153).

Patient-reported outcomes, which included physical and mental health scores and disability index results, favored sarilumab.

The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) was numerically higher in the sarilumab group, compared with the control group (94.9% versus 84.5%). TEAEs included neutropenia (15.3%) and arthralgia (15.3%) in the sarilumab group and insomnia (15.5%) in the comparator arm.

However, the frequency of serious AEs was higher in the control group, compared with the sarilumab arm (20.7% versus 13.6%). No deaths were reported, and, importantly in this age group treated with concurrent glucocorticoids and an IL-6 inhibitor, Dr. Spiera said, “there were no cases of diverticulitis requiring intervention.”

Dr. Spiera was asked about a seemingly low remission rate. He answered that the bar was very high for remission in this study.

Patients had to achieve remission by week 12 and with the rapid 14-week taper. “That means by week 12 the sarilumab arm patients were only on 2 mg of daily prednisone or its equivalent,” he said.

Patients had to maintain that for another 40 weeks, he noted, adding, “I think especially in the context of quality of life and function indices, these were important results.”

Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Vasculitis Clinic
Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui

Sebastian E. Sattui, MD, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center vasculitis clinic, told this news organization that prolonged use of glucocorticoids in patients with PMR remains an important concern and the need for other options is critical.

“Around 30% of patients with PMR remain on prednisone 5 years after diagnosis,” he said. “Low-dose glucocorticoids are still associated with significant morbidity. Until recently, there has been a paucity of high-quality data regarding the use of steroid-sparing agents in PMR. “

He noted that the SAPHYR trial data are promising “with sarilumab being successful in achieving remission while minimizing glucocorticoids in patients with relapsing PMR.” The clinically meaningful improvement in patient-reported outcomes was just as important, he added.

The main unanswered question is whether the disease-modifying ability of sarilumab will continue after it is stopped, Dr. Sattui said.

Dr. Spiera is a consultant for Sanofi, which funded the trial. He also disclosed financial relationships with GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, Corbus, InflaRx, AbbVie/Abbott, Novartis, Chemocentryx, Roche, and Vera. Dr. Sattui has received research support from AstraZeneca and has done unpaid consulting work for Sanofi.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


– Treatment with the interleukin-6 receptor antagonist sarilumab (Kevzara), along with a 14-week taper of glucocorticoids, proved to have significant efficacy in patients with relapsing polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) who were resistant to glucocorticoids in a phase 3 trial.

No new safety concerns were found with sarilumab in the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled SAPHYR trial. Sarilumab is approved in the United States for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adults who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

The results, presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology by Robert Spiera, MD, director of the Scleroderma, Vasculitis, and Myositis Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, included clinically meaningful improvement in quality-of-life scores.

The disease, which primarily affects people over age 65, can cause widespread aching and stiffness. It’s one of the most common inflammatory diseases among older adults.

PMR is relatively easy to treat with glucocorticoids, but relapses are common, which means long courses of glucocorticoid therapy and the side effects that come with them.

Need for a steroid-sparing therapy

“We recognize that a steroid-sparing drug in polymyalgia rheumatica seems to be an unmet need,” Dr. Spiera said at the meeting.

The trial, sponsored by Sanofi, included active, refractory PMR patients who flared within 3 months of study entry while on at least 7.5 mg/day of prednisone or the equivalent. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 52 weeks of treatment with subcutaneous sarilumab 200 mg every 2 weeks plus the rapid 14-week glucocorticoid tapering regimen or were given placebo every 2 weeks plus a more traditional 52-week tapering of glucocorticoids.

COVID hampered recruitment

Recruitment was stopped early because of complications during the COVID-19 pandemic, so between October 2018 and July 2020, 118 of the intended 280 patients were recruited, and 117 were treated (sarilumab = 59, placebo = 58). Median age was 69 years in the treatment group and 70 among those taking placebo.

Of the 117 treated, only 78 patients (67%) completed treatment (sarilumab = 42, placebo = 36). The main reasons for stopping treatment were adverse events – including seven with sarilumab and four with placebo – and lack of efficacy (sarilumab = four, placebo = nine).

The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who reached sustained remission at 52 weeks, defined as disease remission by week 12 and no disease flare, normal C-reactive protein (CRP), and adherence to the glucocorticoid taper during weeks 12-52.

The researchers found that sustained remission was significantly higher in the sarilumab arm versus the control group (28.3% versus 10.3%; P = .0193).

IL-6 inhibitors lower CRP, but if you take CRP out of the definition, Dr. Spiera said, “we still saw this difference: 31.7% of patients treated with sarilumab and 13.8% treated with placebo and a longer taper achieved that endpoint.”

Forty-four percent lower risk of flare with sarilumab

Patients in the sarilumab group also had 44% lower risk of having a flare after achieving clinical remission versus the comparator group (16.7% versus 29.3%; hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% confidence interval, 0.35-0.90; P = .0153).

Patient-reported outcomes, which included physical and mental health scores and disability index results, favored sarilumab.

The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) was numerically higher in the sarilumab group, compared with the control group (94.9% versus 84.5%). TEAEs included neutropenia (15.3%) and arthralgia (15.3%) in the sarilumab group and insomnia (15.5%) in the comparator arm.

However, the frequency of serious AEs was higher in the control group, compared with the sarilumab arm (20.7% versus 13.6%). No deaths were reported, and, importantly in this age group treated with concurrent glucocorticoids and an IL-6 inhibitor, Dr. Spiera said, “there were no cases of diverticulitis requiring intervention.”

Dr. Spiera was asked about a seemingly low remission rate. He answered that the bar was very high for remission in this study.

Patients had to achieve remission by week 12 and with the rapid 14-week taper. “That means by week 12 the sarilumab arm patients were only on 2 mg of daily prednisone or its equivalent,” he said.

Patients had to maintain that for another 40 weeks, he noted, adding, “I think especially in the context of quality of life and function indices, these were important results.”

Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Vasculitis Clinic
Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui

Sebastian E. Sattui, MD, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center vasculitis clinic, told this news organization that prolonged use of glucocorticoids in patients with PMR remains an important concern and the need for other options is critical.

“Around 30% of patients with PMR remain on prednisone 5 years after diagnosis,” he said. “Low-dose glucocorticoids are still associated with significant morbidity. Until recently, there has been a paucity of high-quality data regarding the use of steroid-sparing agents in PMR. “

He noted that the SAPHYR trial data are promising “with sarilumab being successful in achieving remission while minimizing glucocorticoids in patients with relapsing PMR.” The clinically meaningful improvement in patient-reported outcomes was just as important, he added.

The main unanswered question is whether the disease-modifying ability of sarilumab will continue after it is stopped, Dr. Sattui said.

Dr. Spiera is a consultant for Sanofi, which funded the trial. He also disclosed financial relationships with GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, Corbus, InflaRx, AbbVie/Abbott, Novartis, Chemocentryx, Roche, and Vera. Dr. Sattui has received research support from AstraZeneca and has done unpaid consulting work for Sanofi.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

– Treatment with the interleukin-6 receptor antagonist sarilumab (Kevzara), along with a 14-week taper of glucocorticoids, proved to have significant efficacy in patients with relapsing polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) who were resistant to glucocorticoids in a phase 3 trial.

No new safety concerns were found with sarilumab in the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled SAPHYR trial. Sarilumab is approved in the United States for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adults who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

The results, presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology by Robert Spiera, MD, director of the Scleroderma, Vasculitis, and Myositis Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, included clinically meaningful improvement in quality-of-life scores.

The disease, which primarily affects people over age 65, can cause widespread aching and stiffness. It’s one of the most common inflammatory diseases among older adults.

PMR is relatively easy to treat with glucocorticoids, but relapses are common, which means long courses of glucocorticoid therapy and the side effects that come with them.

Need for a steroid-sparing therapy

“We recognize that a steroid-sparing drug in polymyalgia rheumatica seems to be an unmet need,” Dr. Spiera said at the meeting.

The trial, sponsored by Sanofi, included active, refractory PMR patients who flared within 3 months of study entry while on at least 7.5 mg/day of prednisone or the equivalent. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 52 weeks of treatment with subcutaneous sarilumab 200 mg every 2 weeks plus the rapid 14-week glucocorticoid tapering regimen or were given placebo every 2 weeks plus a more traditional 52-week tapering of glucocorticoids.

COVID hampered recruitment

Recruitment was stopped early because of complications during the COVID-19 pandemic, so between October 2018 and July 2020, 118 of the intended 280 patients were recruited, and 117 were treated (sarilumab = 59, placebo = 58). Median age was 69 years in the treatment group and 70 among those taking placebo.

Of the 117 treated, only 78 patients (67%) completed treatment (sarilumab = 42, placebo = 36). The main reasons for stopping treatment were adverse events – including seven with sarilumab and four with placebo – and lack of efficacy (sarilumab = four, placebo = nine).

The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who reached sustained remission at 52 weeks, defined as disease remission by week 12 and no disease flare, normal C-reactive protein (CRP), and adherence to the glucocorticoid taper during weeks 12-52.

The researchers found that sustained remission was significantly higher in the sarilumab arm versus the control group (28.3% versus 10.3%; P = .0193).

IL-6 inhibitors lower CRP, but if you take CRP out of the definition, Dr. Spiera said, “we still saw this difference: 31.7% of patients treated with sarilumab and 13.8% treated with placebo and a longer taper achieved that endpoint.”

Forty-four percent lower risk of flare with sarilumab

Patients in the sarilumab group also had 44% lower risk of having a flare after achieving clinical remission versus the comparator group (16.7% versus 29.3%; hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% confidence interval, 0.35-0.90; P = .0153).

Patient-reported outcomes, which included physical and mental health scores and disability index results, favored sarilumab.

The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) was numerically higher in the sarilumab group, compared with the control group (94.9% versus 84.5%). TEAEs included neutropenia (15.3%) and arthralgia (15.3%) in the sarilumab group and insomnia (15.5%) in the comparator arm.

However, the frequency of serious AEs was higher in the control group, compared with the sarilumab arm (20.7% versus 13.6%). No deaths were reported, and, importantly in this age group treated with concurrent glucocorticoids and an IL-6 inhibitor, Dr. Spiera said, “there were no cases of diverticulitis requiring intervention.”

Dr. Spiera was asked about a seemingly low remission rate. He answered that the bar was very high for remission in this study.

Patients had to achieve remission by week 12 and with the rapid 14-week taper. “That means by week 12 the sarilumab arm patients were only on 2 mg of daily prednisone or its equivalent,” he said.

Patients had to maintain that for another 40 weeks, he noted, adding, “I think especially in the context of quality of life and function indices, these were important results.”

Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Vasculitis Clinic
Dr. Sebastian E. Sattui

Sebastian E. Sattui, MD, director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center vasculitis clinic, told this news organization that prolonged use of glucocorticoids in patients with PMR remains an important concern and the need for other options is critical.

“Around 30% of patients with PMR remain on prednisone 5 years after diagnosis,” he said. “Low-dose glucocorticoids are still associated with significant morbidity. Until recently, there has been a paucity of high-quality data regarding the use of steroid-sparing agents in PMR. “

He noted that the SAPHYR trial data are promising “with sarilumab being successful in achieving remission while minimizing glucocorticoids in patients with relapsing PMR.” The clinically meaningful improvement in patient-reported outcomes was just as important, he added.

The main unanswered question is whether the disease-modifying ability of sarilumab will continue after it is stopped, Dr. Sattui said.

Dr. Spiera is a consultant for Sanofi, which funded the trial. He also disclosed financial relationships with GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, Corbus, InflaRx, AbbVie/Abbott, Novartis, Chemocentryx, Roche, and Vera. Dr. Sattui has received research support from AstraZeneca and has done unpaid consulting work for Sanofi.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

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Intensive gout treatment meets urate goal, lowers tophi burden

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Mon, 11/21/2022 - 08:14

– Patients with gout who underwent an intensive treat-to-target regimen of monthly up-titration of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) to reach a target serum urate level were significantly more likely to reach that goal at 1 year than were patients who received conventional gout management in a randomized, controlled trial.

These results came from the TICOG (Tight Control of Gout) trial, one of a handful of recent trials to test a treat-to-target strategy with ULT in the management of gout. Beyond the primary outcome of reaching target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL (< 300 micromol/L), the results also showed that the tight-control strategy significantly lowered urate to a greater extent than conventional management, reduced tophus size in the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, and improved gray scale synovitis on ultrasound significantly more than with conventional management, Sarah Black, MBBS, a rheumatology trainee at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, reported at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting.

“Based on these outcomes, we question whether gout is best managed in primary or secondary care. We think there is an argument for establishing specialist gout clinics with more time to focus on patient education to help improve outcomes. These clinics could be led by allied health care professionals, such as specialist nurses and pharmacists,” Dr. Black said at the meeting.

Gout management guidelines issued by the British Society for Rheumatology in 2017 call for a target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL, whereas the ACR’s 2020 guideline for the management of gout endorses a treat-to-target management strategy that aims for a serum urate level of < 6 mg/dL.

The single-center, nonblinded trial recruited 110 patients aged 18-85 years over a 3-year period to take ULT with allopurinol as first-line therapy starting at 100 mg/day. Everyone received the same advice regarding ULT up-titration, lifestyle changes, and gout education at baseline. The second-line agent for ULT was febuxostat (Uloric) 80 mg daily, with uricosuric drugs as third-line agents. All patients received colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis for gout flares for the first 6 months, depending on their comorbidities.

The trial excluded patients who had been treated with ULT within the past 6 months or had experienced prior hypersensitivity to ULT, severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min as measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate), significant liver impairment, or any other significant medical disease affecting life expectancy shorter than 1 year.

Conventional management consisted of urate level review at 0, 6, and 12 months with up-titration at each visit and primary care management of ULT between reviews until the target serum urate level was reached. In the tight-control group, monthly up-titrations occurred at the Musgrave Park Hospital at visits with the study team that were led by a rheumatologist and a specialist pharmacist.

A total of 48 patients in the conventional arm and 47 in the tight-control arm completed the trial. At baseline, monosodium urate crystals were detected in joint aspirates in 56% of patients receiving tight control and in 58.5% of those receiving conventional management. The mean serum urate level was 490 micromol/L (8.24 mg/dL) for tight-control patients and 470 micromol/L (7.9 mg/dL) for conventionally managed patients.

By 1 year, 89.4% of patients in the tight-control group had achieved the target urate level, compared with 39.6% in the conventional-management group (P < .001). At 6 months, serum urate had declined by 37.6% with tight control vs. 18% with conventional management. By the end of the trial, the median allopurinol dose was 400 mg with tight control (range, 200-900 mg) and 200 mg with conventional management (range, 0-400 mg). A total of 89% of patients were taking allopurinol at the end of the trial.

As expected, tight control led to more flares per month on average (0.35 vs. 0.13) in the 79 patients for whom complete data on flare frequency were available.

On blinded ultrasound evaluations, the median diameter of the first MTP tophus declined significantly more with tight control than with conventional management (–4.65 mm vs. –0.30 mm; P = .003). Gray scale synovitis in the knee improved in 63% of patients undergoing tight control, compared with 14% of conventionally managed patients (P = .043). The researchers observed no difference in resolution of the double-contour sign or in the number of erosions between the groups, although the 1-year time frame may not have been long enough to see resolution and improvement, Dr. Black said.

Dr. Black said that a follow-up study is planned with the same patient cohort at 3 years.

When asked about the feasibility of monthly ULT titration visits for gout management, audience member Tuhina Neogi, MD, professor of epidemiology at Boston University and chief of rheumatology at Boston Medical Center, told this news organization, “We don’t have a lot of data to guide us in that regard, and I also think it depends on what the increment of the dose titration is, but we generally do recognize that therapeutic inertia is bad – keeping someone on a dose for a long time. For me, I don’t think monthly is unreasonable if you have good prophylaxis [against acute flares].”

Dr. Neogi also noted that such monthly assessments don’t have to take place at a hospital. “I think there are many different practice models in which it could be implemented [that are not physician-driven].”

The study had no outside funding. Dr. Black has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Neogi has received consulting fees from a variety of pharmaceutical companies, including Alnylam, Regeneron, Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Novartis, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


– Patients with gout who underwent an intensive treat-to-target regimen of monthly up-titration of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) to reach a target serum urate level were significantly more likely to reach that goal at 1 year than were patients who received conventional gout management in a randomized, controlled trial.

These results came from the TICOG (Tight Control of Gout) trial, one of a handful of recent trials to test a treat-to-target strategy with ULT in the management of gout. Beyond the primary outcome of reaching target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL (< 300 micromol/L), the results also showed that the tight-control strategy significantly lowered urate to a greater extent than conventional management, reduced tophus size in the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, and improved gray scale synovitis on ultrasound significantly more than with conventional management, Sarah Black, MBBS, a rheumatology trainee at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, reported at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting.

“Based on these outcomes, we question whether gout is best managed in primary or secondary care. We think there is an argument for establishing specialist gout clinics with more time to focus on patient education to help improve outcomes. These clinics could be led by allied health care professionals, such as specialist nurses and pharmacists,” Dr. Black said at the meeting.

Gout management guidelines issued by the British Society for Rheumatology in 2017 call for a target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL, whereas the ACR’s 2020 guideline for the management of gout endorses a treat-to-target management strategy that aims for a serum urate level of < 6 mg/dL.

The single-center, nonblinded trial recruited 110 patients aged 18-85 years over a 3-year period to take ULT with allopurinol as first-line therapy starting at 100 mg/day. Everyone received the same advice regarding ULT up-titration, lifestyle changes, and gout education at baseline. The second-line agent for ULT was febuxostat (Uloric) 80 mg daily, with uricosuric drugs as third-line agents. All patients received colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis for gout flares for the first 6 months, depending on their comorbidities.

The trial excluded patients who had been treated with ULT within the past 6 months or had experienced prior hypersensitivity to ULT, severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min as measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate), significant liver impairment, or any other significant medical disease affecting life expectancy shorter than 1 year.

Conventional management consisted of urate level review at 0, 6, and 12 months with up-titration at each visit and primary care management of ULT between reviews until the target serum urate level was reached. In the tight-control group, monthly up-titrations occurred at the Musgrave Park Hospital at visits with the study team that were led by a rheumatologist and a specialist pharmacist.

A total of 48 patients in the conventional arm and 47 in the tight-control arm completed the trial. At baseline, monosodium urate crystals were detected in joint aspirates in 56% of patients receiving tight control and in 58.5% of those receiving conventional management. The mean serum urate level was 490 micromol/L (8.24 mg/dL) for tight-control patients and 470 micromol/L (7.9 mg/dL) for conventionally managed patients.

By 1 year, 89.4% of patients in the tight-control group had achieved the target urate level, compared with 39.6% in the conventional-management group (P < .001). At 6 months, serum urate had declined by 37.6% with tight control vs. 18% with conventional management. By the end of the trial, the median allopurinol dose was 400 mg with tight control (range, 200-900 mg) and 200 mg with conventional management (range, 0-400 mg). A total of 89% of patients were taking allopurinol at the end of the trial.

As expected, tight control led to more flares per month on average (0.35 vs. 0.13) in the 79 patients for whom complete data on flare frequency were available.

On blinded ultrasound evaluations, the median diameter of the first MTP tophus declined significantly more with tight control than with conventional management (–4.65 mm vs. –0.30 mm; P = .003). Gray scale synovitis in the knee improved in 63% of patients undergoing tight control, compared with 14% of conventionally managed patients (P = .043). The researchers observed no difference in resolution of the double-contour sign or in the number of erosions between the groups, although the 1-year time frame may not have been long enough to see resolution and improvement, Dr. Black said.

Dr. Black said that a follow-up study is planned with the same patient cohort at 3 years.

When asked about the feasibility of monthly ULT titration visits for gout management, audience member Tuhina Neogi, MD, professor of epidemiology at Boston University and chief of rheumatology at Boston Medical Center, told this news organization, “We don’t have a lot of data to guide us in that regard, and I also think it depends on what the increment of the dose titration is, but we generally do recognize that therapeutic inertia is bad – keeping someone on a dose for a long time. For me, I don’t think monthly is unreasonable if you have good prophylaxis [against acute flares].”

Dr. Neogi also noted that such monthly assessments don’t have to take place at a hospital. “I think there are many different practice models in which it could be implemented [that are not physician-driven].”

The study had no outside funding. Dr. Black has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Neogi has received consulting fees from a variety of pharmaceutical companies, including Alnylam, Regeneron, Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Novartis, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

– Patients with gout who underwent an intensive treat-to-target regimen of monthly up-titration of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) to reach a target serum urate level were significantly more likely to reach that goal at 1 year than were patients who received conventional gout management in a randomized, controlled trial.

These results came from the TICOG (Tight Control of Gout) trial, one of a handful of recent trials to test a treat-to-target strategy with ULT in the management of gout. Beyond the primary outcome of reaching target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL (< 300 micromol/L), the results also showed that the tight-control strategy significantly lowered urate to a greater extent than conventional management, reduced tophus size in the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, and improved gray scale synovitis on ultrasound significantly more than with conventional management, Sarah Black, MBBS, a rheumatology trainee at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, reported at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting.

“Based on these outcomes, we question whether gout is best managed in primary or secondary care. We think there is an argument for establishing specialist gout clinics with more time to focus on patient education to help improve outcomes. These clinics could be led by allied health care professionals, such as specialist nurses and pharmacists,” Dr. Black said at the meeting.

Gout management guidelines issued by the British Society for Rheumatology in 2017 call for a target serum urate level of < 5 mg/dL, whereas the ACR’s 2020 guideline for the management of gout endorses a treat-to-target management strategy that aims for a serum urate level of < 6 mg/dL.

The single-center, nonblinded trial recruited 110 patients aged 18-85 years over a 3-year period to take ULT with allopurinol as first-line therapy starting at 100 mg/day. Everyone received the same advice regarding ULT up-titration, lifestyle changes, and gout education at baseline. The second-line agent for ULT was febuxostat (Uloric) 80 mg daily, with uricosuric drugs as third-line agents. All patients received colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis for gout flares for the first 6 months, depending on their comorbidities.

The trial excluded patients who had been treated with ULT within the past 6 months or had experienced prior hypersensitivity to ULT, severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min as measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate), significant liver impairment, or any other significant medical disease affecting life expectancy shorter than 1 year.

Conventional management consisted of urate level review at 0, 6, and 12 months with up-titration at each visit and primary care management of ULT between reviews until the target serum urate level was reached. In the tight-control group, monthly up-titrations occurred at the Musgrave Park Hospital at visits with the study team that were led by a rheumatologist and a specialist pharmacist.

A total of 48 patients in the conventional arm and 47 in the tight-control arm completed the trial. At baseline, monosodium urate crystals were detected in joint aspirates in 56% of patients receiving tight control and in 58.5% of those receiving conventional management. The mean serum urate level was 490 micromol/L (8.24 mg/dL) for tight-control patients and 470 micromol/L (7.9 mg/dL) for conventionally managed patients.

By 1 year, 89.4% of patients in the tight-control group had achieved the target urate level, compared with 39.6% in the conventional-management group (P < .001). At 6 months, serum urate had declined by 37.6% with tight control vs. 18% with conventional management. By the end of the trial, the median allopurinol dose was 400 mg with tight control (range, 200-900 mg) and 200 mg with conventional management (range, 0-400 mg). A total of 89% of patients were taking allopurinol at the end of the trial.

As expected, tight control led to more flares per month on average (0.35 vs. 0.13) in the 79 patients for whom complete data on flare frequency were available.

On blinded ultrasound evaluations, the median diameter of the first MTP tophus declined significantly more with tight control than with conventional management (–4.65 mm vs. –0.30 mm; P = .003). Gray scale synovitis in the knee improved in 63% of patients undergoing tight control, compared with 14% of conventionally managed patients (P = .043). The researchers observed no difference in resolution of the double-contour sign or in the number of erosions between the groups, although the 1-year time frame may not have been long enough to see resolution and improvement, Dr. Black said.

Dr. Black said that a follow-up study is planned with the same patient cohort at 3 years.

When asked about the feasibility of monthly ULT titration visits for gout management, audience member Tuhina Neogi, MD, professor of epidemiology at Boston University and chief of rheumatology at Boston Medical Center, told this news organization, “We don’t have a lot of data to guide us in that regard, and I also think it depends on what the increment of the dose titration is, but we generally do recognize that therapeutic inertia is bad – keeping someone on a dose for a long time. For me, I don’t think monthly is unreasonable if you have good prophylaxis [against acute flares].”

Dr. Neogi also noted that such monthly assessments don’t have to take place at a hospital. “I think there are many different practice models in which it could be implemented [that are not physician-driven].”

The study had no outside funding. Dr. Black has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Neogi has received consulting fees from a variety of pharmaceutical companies, including Alnylam, Regeneron, Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Novartis, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

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ACR and EULAR roll out updated antiphospholipid syndrome criteria

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Fri, 11/18/2022 - 15:56

Draft document widens scope of signs, symptoms

– A draft update of criteria for classifying antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) incorporates a much broader spectrum of disease signs and symptoms, such as kidney disease and more variables for pregnancy, and meets a higher level of specificity than the existing Sapporo criteria, although at the expense of lower sensitivity.

Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. St&eacute;phane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. Stéphane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.

Three members of the core planning group that wrote the update, jointly commissioned by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR), reviewed the proposed criteria at the annual meeting of the ACR.

If ACR and EULAR adopt the new criteria, it would be an update to the Sapporo classification criteria for APS, which was last updated in 2006. The pending criteria consist of the following eight domains encompassing clinical findings and laboratory test results:

  • Macrovascular – venous thromboembolism (VTE) with and without high VTE risk profile.
  • Macrovascular – arterial thrombosis with and without a high cardiovascular disease risk profile.
  • Microvascular – additional categories for kidney disease, pulmonary embolism, and other conditions for both suspected and established APS.
  • Obstetric – expanded definitions to account for the absence or presence of preeclampsia or premature birth with or without fetal death.
  • Cardiac valve – accounts for thickening and vegetation.
  • Hematologic – includes thrombocytopenia (defined as the lowest platelet count, 20-130 x 109/L).
  • Antiphospholipid (aPL) test – coagulation-based functional assay, assigning greater weight to persistent over one-time positive test results.
  • aPL test by solid-phase assay – includes anticardiolipin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (aCL ELISA), and aCL/anti-beta 2 glycoprotein-I (aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI) tests, with greater weight assigned for moderate-to-high positive results depending on isotype, whether immunoglobulin G or M.

Changes from Sapporo criteria

The existing Sapporo criteria include two clinical categories, vascular thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity; and three laboratory categories, positive lupus anticoagulant, medium or high antibody titers, and high aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI measured by ELISA. All of these are included in the draft criteria under two domains.

“These novel clinical features will help us better stratify patients according to the risk factor profile,” Stéphane Zuily, MD, PhD, a vascular specialist and European co-principal investigator of the planning group, said in explaining the proposed updated domains.

“We well-defined the microvascular domain items further than the aPL nephropathy; we redefined pregnancy morbidities; we added cardiac valve disease and thrombocytopenia; and, through gathering novel laboratory features, we were able to quantify single, double, and triple aPL positivity based on different domains and weights,” said Dr. Zuily, professor of medicine at Lorraine University in Nancy, France.

Also noteworthy is the separation of aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI testing by IgG and IgM isotypes. “And we were also able to identify different thresholds in terms of aPL positivity,” Dr. Zuily said.



Rationale and methodology

Planning group member Medha Barbhaiya, MD, MPH, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery and assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained the rationale for the update. “The existing criteria were drafted in 1999 and updated in 2006 and require one clinical criterion, either vascular thrombosis event or pregnancy morbidity along with antiphospholipid antibodies,” she said.

Those 16-year-old criteria also ignored heterogeneous manifestations such as heart valve disease or thrombocytopenia, failed to stratify thrombotic events as risk factors, and used an outdated definition of pregnancy morbidity related to APS, she said.

“These findings helped to support our rationale for new criteria development, along with the fact that over the last 1 to 2 decades there have been important advancements in the methodology of classification criteria development,” she said. ACR and EULAR both endorsed the new methodology for developing the classification criteria, Dr. Barbhaiya added.

That methodology involved multidisciplinary international panels of experts and data-driven efforts, with the goal of identifying patients with a high likelihood of APS for research purposes. The planning group collected 568 cases from 29 international centers, dividing them into two validation cohorts of 284 cases each.

How classification criteria work

Doruk Erkan, MD, MPH, coprincipal investigator representing the United States on the planning group, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, and a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained how the classification system works. “If you have a patient that you are considering for APS classification, the story starts with entry criteria, which are one documented clinical criterion plus a positive aPL [antiphospholipid] test within 3 years of observation of the clinical criteria,” he said.

Once the entry criteria for APS are met, there are the clinical and laboratory domains. Dr. Erkan explained that weighted point values are assigned to individual categories under each domain. For example, in the macrovascular VTE domain, VTE with a high VTE risk profile is worth 1 point, but VTE without a high VTE risk profile is worth 3 points.

“APS classification will be achieved with at least three points from clinical domains and at least three points from the laboratory domains,” he said.

The planning group conducted a sensitivity and specificity analysis of the draft classification system using the two validation cohorts. “Our goal was very high specificity to improve the homogeneity in APS research, and we achieved this in both cohorts with 99% specificity,” Dr. Erkan said. That compares to sensitivity of 91% and 86% of the Sapporo criteria in the validation cohorts.

“Our sensitivity was 83% and 84% capturing a broad spectrum of patients assessed with APS suspicion,” he added, vs. 100% and 99% with the Sapporo criteria.

These criteria are not absolute and are structured to permit future modifications, Dr. Erkan said. “When this work is completed, another chapter will start,” he said. “If a case doesn’t meet APS classification criteria, the case may still be uncertain or equivocal rather than not APS. Uncertain or controversial cases should be studied separately to guide future updates of the new criteria.”



Comment: Why these updates are needed

April Jorge, MD, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and moderator of the session on the draft APS criteria, explained why these updated criteria are needed. “It’s very important to get the updated criteria because, as the speakers mentioned, the prior Sapporo criteria were limited to just large-vessel venous thrombosis or pregnancy complications, and so that makes it difficult to study the disease in other manifestations, such as kidney manifestations, if they’re not part of the criteria.”

Dr. April Jorge, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston
Dr. April Jorge

She added, “I think there was a need for clear classification criteria that was thought to be highly specific for the disease so that future studies can be done in this population.”

Dr. Jorge called the 99% specificity described in the analysis “impressive” and “promising.”

Dr. Barbhaiya and Dr. Zuily have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Erkan disclosed relationships with Aurinia, Eli Lilly, Exagen, and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Jorge has no relevant disclosures.


Draft document widens scope of signs, symptoms

Draft document widens scope of signs, symptoms

– A draft update of criteria for classifying antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) incorporates a much broader spectrum of disease signs and symptoms, such as kidney disease and more variables for pregnancy, and meets a higher level of specificity than the existing Sapporo criteria, although at the expense of lower sensitivity.

Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. St&eacute;phane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. Stéphane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.

Three members of the core planning group that wrote the update, jointly commissioned by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR), reviewed the proposed criteria at the annual meeting of the ACR.

If ACR and EULAR adopt the new criteria, it would be an update to the Sapporo classification criteria for APS, which was last updated in 2006. The pending criteria consist of the following eight domains encompassing clinical findings and laboratory test results:

  • Macrovascular – venous thromboembolism (VTE) with and without high VTE risk profile.
  • Macrovascular – arterial thrombosis with and without a high cardiovascular disease risk profile.
  • Microvascular – additional categories for kidney disease, pulmonary embolism, and other conditions for both suspected and established APS.
  • Obstetric – expanded definitions to account for the absence or presence of preeclampsia or premature birth with or without fetal death.
  • Cardiac valve – accounts for thickening and vegetation.
  • Hematologic – includes thrombocytopenia (defined as the lowest platelet count, 20-130 x 109/L).
  • Antiphospholipid (aPL) test – coagulation-based functional assay, assigning greater weight to persistent over one-time positive test results.
  • aPL test by solid-phase assay – includes anticardiolipin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (aCL ELISA), and aCL/anti-beta 2 glycoprotein-I (aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI) tests, with greater weight assigned for moderate-to-high positive results depending on isotype, whether immunoglobulin G or M.

Changes from Sapporo criteria

The existing Sapporo criteria include two clinical categories, vascular thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity; and three laboratory categories, positive lupus anticoagulant, medium or high antibody titers, and high aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI measured by ELISA. All of these are included in the draft criteria under two domains.

“These novel clinical features will help us better stratify patients according to the risk factor profile,” Stéphane Zuily, MD, PhD, a vascular specialist and European co-principal investigator of the planning group, said in explaining the proposed updated domains.

“We well-defined the microvascular domain items further than the aPL nephropathy; we redefined pregnancy morbidities; we added cardiac valve disease and thrombocytopenia; and, through gathering novel laboratory features, we were able to quantify single, double, and triple aPL positivity based on different domains and weights,” said Dr. Zuily, professor of medicine at Lorraine University in Nancy, France.

Also noteworthy is the separation of aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI testing by IgG and IgM isotypes. “And we were also able to identify different thresholds in terms of aPL positivity,” Dr. Zuily said.



Rationale and methodology

Planning group member Medha Barbhaiya, MD, MPH, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery and assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained the rationale for the update. “The existing criteria were drafted in 1999 and updated in 2006 and require one clinical criterion, either vascular thrombosis event or pregnancy morbidity along with antiphospholipid antibodies,” she said.

Those 16-year-old criteria also ignored heterogeneous manifestations such as heart valve disease or thrombocytopenia, failed to stratify thrombotic events as risk factors, and used an outdated definition of pregnancy morbidity related to APS, she said.

“These findings helped to support our rationale for new criteria development, along with the fact that over the last 1 to 2 decades there have been important advancements in the methodology of classification criteria development,” she said. ACR and EULAR both endorsed the new methodology for developing the classification criteria, Dr. Barbhaiya added.

That methodology involved multidisciplinary international panels of experts and data-driven efforts, with the goal of identifying patients with a high likelihood of APS for research purposes. The planning group collected 568 cases from 29 international centers, dividing them into two validation cohorts of 284 cases each.

How classification criteria work

Doruk Erkan, MD, MPH, coprincipal investigator representing the United States on the planning group, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, and a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained how the classification system works. “If you have a patient that you are considering for APS classification, the story starts with entry criteria, which are one documented clinical criterion plus a positive aPL [antiphospholipid] test within 3 years of observation of the clinical criteria,” he said.

Once the entry criteria for APS are met, there are the clinical and laboratory domains. Dr. Erkan explained that weighted point values are assigned to individual categories under each domain. For example, in the macrovascular VTE domain, VTE with a high VTE risk profile is worth 1 point, but VTE without a high VTE risk profile is worth 3 points.

“APS classification will be achieved with at least three points from clinical domains and at least three points from the laboratory domains,” he said.

The planning group conducted a sensitivity and specificity analysis of the draft classification system using the two validation cohorts. “Our goal was very high specificity to improve the homogeneity in APS research, and we achieved this in both cohorts with 99% specificity,” Dr. Erkan said. That compares to sensitivity of 91% and 86% of the Sapporo criteria in the validation cohorts.

“Our sensitivity was 83% and 84% capturing a broad spectrum of patients assessed with APS suspicion,” he added, vs. 100% and 99% with the Sapporo criteria.

These criteria are not absolute and are structured to permit future modifications, Dr. Erkan said. “When this work is completed, another chapter will start,” he said. “If a case doesn’t meet APS classification criteria, the case may still be uncertain or equivocal rather than not APS. Uncertain or controversial cases should be studied separately to guide future updates of the new criteria.”



Comment: Why these updates are needed

April Jorge, MD, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and moderator of the session on the draft APS criteria, explained why these updated criteria are needed. “It’s very important to get the updated criteria because, as the speakers mentioned, the prior Sapporo criteria were limited to just large-vessel venous thrombosis or pregnancy complications, and so that makes it difficult to study the disease in other manifestations, such as kidney manifestations, if they’re not part of the criteria.”

Dr. April Jorge, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston
Dr. April Jorge

She added, “I think there was a need for clear classification criteria that was thought to be highly specific for the disease so that future studies can be done in this population.”

Dr. Jorge called the 99% specificity described in the analysis “impressive” and “promising.”

Dr. Barbhaiya and Dr. Zuily have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Erkan disclosed relationships with Aurinia, Eli Lilly, Exagen, and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Jorge has no relevant disclosures.

– A draft update of criteria for classifying antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) incorporates a much broader spectrum of disease signs and symptoms, such as kidney disease and more variables for pregnancy, and meets a higher level of specificity than the existing Sapporo criteria, although at the expense of lower sensitivity.

Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. St&eacute;phane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Members of the ACR/EULAR core planning group, (left to right) Dr. Doruk Erkan, Dr. Medha Barbhaiya, and Dr. Stéphane Zuily, presented updated APS criteria at ACR 2022.

Three members of the core planning group that wrote the update, jointly commissioned by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR), reviewed the proposed criteria at the annual meeting of the ACR.

If ACR and EULAR adopt the new criteria, it would be an update to the Sapporo classification criteria for APS, which was last updated in 2006. The pending criteria consist of the following eight domains encompassing clinical findings and laboratory test results:

  • Macrovascular – venous thromboembolism (VTE) with and without high VTE risk profile.
  • Macrovascular – arterial thrombosis with and without a high cardiovascular disease risk profile.
  • Microvascular – additional categories for kidney disease, pulmonary embolism, and other conditions for both suspected and established APS.
  • Obstetric – expanded definitions to account for the absence or presence of preeclampsia or premature birth with or without fetal death.
  • Cardiac valve – accounts for thickening and vegetation.
  • Hematologic – includes thrombocytopenia (defined as the lowest platelet count, 20-130 x 109/L).
  • Antiphospholipid (aPL) test – coagulation-based functional assay, assigning greater weight to persistent over one-time positive test results.
  • aPL test by solid-phase assay – includes anticardiolipin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (aCL ELISA), and aCL/anti-beta 2 glycoprotein-I (aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI) tests, with greater weight assigned for moderate-to-high positive results depending on isotype, whether immunoglobulin G or M.

Changes from Sapporo criteria

The existing Sapporo criteria include two clinical categories, vascular thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity; and three laboratory categories, positive lupus anticoagulant, medium or high antibody titers, and high aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI measured by ELISA. All of these are included in the draft criteria under two domains.

“These novel clinical features will help us better stratify patients according to the risk factor profile,” Stéphane Zuily, MD, PhD, a vascular specialist and European co-principal investigator of the planning group, said in explaining the proposed updated domains.

“We well-defined the microvascular domain items further than the aPL nephropathy; we redefined pregnancy morbidities; we added cardiac valve disease and thrombocytopenia; and, through gathering novel laboratory features, we were able to quantify single, double, and triple aPL positivity based on different domains and weights,” said Dr. Zuily, professor of medicine at Lorraine University in Nancy, France.

Also noteworthy is the separation of aCL/anti-beta 2 GPI testing by IgG and IgM isotypes. “And we were also able to identify different thresholds in terms of aPL positivity,” Dr. Zuily said.



Rationale and methodology

Planning group member Medha Barbhaiya, MD, MPH, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery and assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained the rationale for the update. “The existing criteria were drafted in 1999 and updated in 2006 and require one clinical criterion, either vascular thrombosis event or pregnancy morbidity along with antiphospholipid antibodies,” she said.

Those 16-year-old criteria also ignored heterogeneous manifestations such as heart valve disease or thrombocytopenia, failed to stratify thrombotic events as risk factors, and used an outdated definition of pregnancy morbidity related to APS, she said.

“These findings helped to support our rationale for new criteria development, along with the fact that over the last 1 to 2 decades there have been important advancements in the methodology of classification criteria development,” she said. ACR and EULAR both endorsed the new methodology for developing the classification criteria, Dr. Barbhaiya added.

That methodology involved multidisciplinary international panels of experts and data-driven efforts, with the goal of identifying patients with a high likelihood of APS for research purposes. The planning group collected 568 cases from 29 international centers, dividing them into two validation cohorts of 284 cases each.

How classification criteria work

Doruk Erkan, MD, MPH, coprincipal investigator representing the United States on the planning group, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, and a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, explained how the classification system works. “If you have a patient that you are considering for APS classification, the story starts with entry criteria, which are one documented clinical criterion plus a positive aPL [antiphospholipid] test within 3 years of observation of the clinical criteria,” he said.

Once the entry criteria for APS are met, there are the clinical and laboratory domains. Dr. Erkan explained that weighted point values are assigned to individual categories under each domain. For example, in the macrovascular VTE domain, VTE with a high VTE risk profile is worth 1 point, but VTE without a high VTE risk profile is worth 3 points.

“APS classification will be achieved with at least three points from clinical domains and at least three points from the laboratory domains,” he said.

The planning group conducted a sensitivity and specificity analysis of the draft classification system using the two validation cohorts. “Our goal was very high specificity to improve the homogeneity in APS research, and we achieved this in both cohorts with 99% specificity,” Dr. Erkan said. That compares to sensitivity of 91% and 86% of the Sapporo criteria in the validation cohorts.

“Our sensitivity was 83% and 84% capturing a broad spectrum of patients assessed with APS suspicion,” he added, vs. 100% and 99% with the Sapporo criteria.

These criteria are not absolute and are structured to permit future modifications, Dr. Erkan said. “When this work is completed, another chapter will start,” he said. “If a case doesn’t meet APS classification criteria, the case may still be uncertain or equivocal rather than not APS. Uncertain or controversial cases should be studied separately to guide future updates of the new criteria.”



Comment: Why these updates are needed

April Jorge, MD, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and moderator of the session on the draft APS criteria, explained why these updated criteria are needed. “It’s very important to get the updated criteria because, as the speakers mentioned, the prior Sapporo criteria were limited to just large-vessel venous thrombosis or pregnancy complications, and so that makes it difficult to study the disease in other manifestations, such as kidney manifestations, if they’re not part of the criteria.”

Dr. April Jorge, a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston
Dr. April Jorge

She added, “I think there was a need for clear classification criteria that was thought to be highly specific for the disease so that future studies can be done in this population.”

Dr. Jorge called the 99% specificity described in the analysis “impressive” and “promising.”

Dr. Barbhaiya and Dr. Zuily have no relevant disclosures. Dr. Erkan disclosed relationships with Aurinia, Eli Lilly, Exagen, and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Jorge has no relevant disclosures.

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First classification criteria proposed for chronic osteomyelitis

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Fri, 11/18/2022 - 15:07

– An international group of researchers has proposed the first classification criteria for chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and a severe form of it, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO).

CNO/CRMO most frequently affect children and adolescents and can significantly affect quality of life.

Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children's Hospital
Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao

Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, MD, PhD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington, and Seza Ozen, MD, MSc, medical faculty head at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey – members of the expert panel for criteria development – explained the proposed criteria, developed over 6 years, at the American College of Rheumatology 2022 Annual Meeting.

They gave examples of the point system that will help researchers correctly classify CNO/CRMO if the criteria are approved by ACR and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR).

Dr. Melissa S. Oliver of Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis
Dr. Melissa S. Oliver

Melissa S. Oliver, MD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Riley Children’s Hospital and Indiana University, Indianapolis, told this news organization: “This proposal is important because CNO/CRMO has primarily been a diagnosis of exclusion. There are no specific tests or biomarkers for this disease. It can mimic malignancy and infectious osteomyelitis in its presentation, and these must be ruled out thoroughly first.”

However, she noted, this can be challenging and can delay diagnosis and treatment.

The classification criteria are novel, she said, because an international collaborative group used a consensus process involving physicians managing CNO and patients or caregivers of children with CNO.

Findings for and against CNO

Dr. Ozen summarized some examples of findings for and against a CNO/CRMO classification.

Statistically significant findings in favor of CNO/CRMO, she said, include intermittent bone pain; bone pain in upper torso; swelling of upper torso; presence of symmetric lesions; and presence of adaptive immune cell and/or fibrosis in biopsy.

Conversely, findings against CNO/CRMO include fever; signs of infection by labs; signs of cancer by biopsy; specific abnormal x-ray/CT scan; specific abnormal MRI; or pain resolved with antibiotics alone.

Dr. Zhao described a point system with a threshold of 55 points for classification of CNO/CRMO.

He gave actual examples from the registry to demonstrate high and low probability of CNO/CRMO.

Pro-CNO example

The first was a boy, aged 7 years 10 months, who had a year and a half of pain in his back and legs, but no fever. Pain was constant, waxing and waning. He had a personal and family history of psoriasis and was tender to palpation at multiple sites. Labs were normal and bone biopsy and vitamin C tests were not done; imaging findings showed multiple bones were affected. There was no antibiotic treatment.

That patient was scored 81, much higher than the threshold of 55, and would be classified as having CNO.

Non-CNO example

Conversely, the following example of a patient would score 47 – under the threshold – and would not be classified as having CNO.

That patient was an 11-year-old boy who had 2 months of pain in his right thigh with no fever. The pain was constantly waxing and waning. He was tender to palpation at only his right thigh without swelling. Labs were normal. He had no coexisting conditions. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were not measured, and no vitamin C test was performed. Imaging showed one right femur lesion on a PET-CT scan. There was no antibiotic treatment, and a bone biopsy culture showed malignancy but no inflammation or fibrosis.

Dr. Zhao said the mimickers most likely to be misclassified are vitamin C deficiency; hypophosphatasia; benign bone tumor, such as osteogenic osteoma; and a malignancy with normal labs and multifocal pattern of bone lesions.

The classification criteria will be “extremely helpful to diagnose patients with CNO/CRMO earlier,” said Dr. Oliver, who helped develop the criteria.

“The goal is that the proposed classification criteria will be used by all physicians to diagnose suspected CNO patients earlier and refer to a rheumatologist earlier so that appropriate therapies will not be delayed.”

The group will seek ACR and EULAR endorsement, and if granted, work toward widespread implementation. The criteria will allow researchers to have a more homogeneous study population for future clinical trials, Dr. Zhao said.

Dr. Zhao, Dr. Ozen, and Dr. Oliver declared no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Oliver helped develop the proposed guidelines.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


– An international group of researchers has proposed the first classification criteria for chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and a severe form of it, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO).

CNO/CRMO most frequently affect children and adolescents and can significantly affect quality of life.

Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children's Hospital
Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao

Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, MD, PhD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington, and Seza Ozen, MD, MSc, medical faculty head at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey – members of the expert panel for criteria development – explained the proposed criteria, developed over 6 years, at the American College of Rheumatology 2022 Annual Meeting.

They gave examples of the point system that will help researchers correctly classify CNO/CRMO if the criteria are approved by ACR and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR).

Dr. Melissa S. Oliver of Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis
Dr. Melissa S. Oliver

Melissa S. Oliver, MD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Riley Children’s Hospital and Indiana University, Indianapolis, told this news organization: “This proposal is important because CNO/CRMO has primarily been a diagnosis of exclusion. There are no specific tests or biomarkers for this disease. It can mimic malignancy and infectious osteomyelitis in its presentation, and these must be ruled out thoroughly first.”

However, she noted, this can be challenging and can delay diagnosis and treatment.

The classification criteria are novel, she said, because an international collaborative group used a consensus process involving physicians managing CNO and patients or caregivers of children with CNO.

Findings for and against CNO

Dr. Ozen summarized some examples of findings for and against a CNO/CRMO classification.

Statistically significant findings in favor of CNO/CRMO, she said, include intermittent bone pain; bone pain in upper torso; swelling of upper torso; presence of symmetric lesions; and presence of adaptive immune cell and/or fibrosis in biopsy.

Conversely, findings against CNO/CRMO include fever; signs of infection by labs; signs of cancer by biopsy; specific abnormal x-ray/CT scan; specific abnormal MRI; or pain resolved with antibiotics alone.

Dr. Zhao described a point system with a threshold of 55 points for classification of CNO/CRMO.

He gave actual examples from the registry to demonstrate high and low probability of CNO/CRMO.

Pro-CNO example

The first was a boy, aged 7 years 10 months, who had a year and a half of pain in his back and legs, but no fever. Pain was constant, waxing and waning. He had a personal and family history of psoriasis and was tender to palpation at multiple sites. Labs were normal and bone biopsy and vitamin C tests were not done; imaging findings showed multiple bones were affected. There was no antibiotic treatment.

That patient was scored 81, much higher than the threshold of 55, and would be classified as having CNO.

Non-CNO example

Conversely, the following example of a patient would score 47 – under the threshold – and would not be classified as having CNO.

That patient was an 11-year-old boy who had 2 months of pain in his right thigh with no fever. The pain was constantly waxing and waning. He was tender to palpation at only his right thigh without swelling. Labs were normal. He had no coexisting conditions. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were not measured, and no vitamin C test was performed. Imaging showed one right femur lesion on a PET-CT scan. There was no antibiotic treatment, and a bone biopsy culture showed malignancy but no inflammation or fibrosis.

Dr. Zhao said the mimickers most likely to be misclassified are vitamin C deficiency; hypophosphatasia; benign bone tumor, such as osteogenic osteoma; and a malignancy with normal labs and multifocal pattern of bone lesions.

The classification criteria will be “extremely helpful to diagnose patients with CNO/CRMO earlier,” said Dr. Oliver, who helped develop the criteria.

“The goal is that the proposed classification criteria will be used by all physicians to diagnose suspected CNO patients earlier and refer to a rheumatologist earlier so that appropriate therapies will not be delayed.”

The group will seek ACR and EULAR endorsement, and if granted, work toward widespread implementation. The criteria will allow researchers to have a more homogeneous study population for future clinical trials, Dr. Zhao said.

Dr. Zhao, Dr. Ozen, and Dr. Oliver declared no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Oliver helped develop the proposed guidelines.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

– An international group of researchers has proposed the first classification criteria for chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and a severe form of it, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO).

CNO/CRMO most frequently affect children and adolescents and can significantly affect quality of life.

Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children's Hospital
Dr. Yongdong (Dan) Zhao

Yongdong (Dan) Zhao, MD, PhD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington, and Seza Ozen, MD, MSc, medical faculty head at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey – members of the expert panel for criteria development – explained the proposed criteria, developed over 6 years, at the American College of Rheumatology 2022 Annual Meeting.

They gave examples of the point system that will help researchers correctly classify CNO/CRMO if the criteria are approved by ACR and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR).

Dr. Melissa S. Oliver of Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis
Dr. Melissa S. Oliver

Melissa S. Oliver, MD, a pediatric rheumatologist at Riley Children’s Hospital and Indiana University, Indianapolis, told this news organization: “This proposal is important because CNO/CRMO has primarily been a diagnosis of exclusion. There are no specific tests or biomarkers for this disease. It can mimic malignancy and infectious osteomyelitis in its presentation, and these must be ruled out thoroughly first.”

However, she noted, this can be challenging and can delay diagnosis and treatment.

The classification criteria are novel, she said, because an international collaborative group used a consensus process involving physicians managing CNO and patients or caregivers of children with CNO.

Findings for and against CNO

Dr. Ozen summarized some examples of findings for and against a CNO/CRMO classification.

Statistically significant findings in favor of CNO/CRMO, she said, include intermittent bone pain; bone pain in upper torso; swelling of upper torso; presence of symmetric lesions; and presence of adaptive immune cell and/or fibrosis in biopsy.

Conversely, findings against CNO/CRMO include fever; signs of infection by labs; signs of cancer by biopsy; specific abnormal x-ray/CT scan; specific abnormal MRI; or pain resolved with antibiotics alone.

Dr. Zhao described a point system with a threshold of 55 points for classification of CNO/CRMO.

He gave actual examples from the registry to demonstrate high and low probability of CNO/CRMO.

Pro-CNO example

The first was a boy, aged 7 years 10 months, who had a year and a half of pain in his back and legs, but no fever. Pain was constant, waxing and waning. He had a personal and family history of psoriasis and was tender to palpation at multiple sites. Labs were normal and bone biopsy and vitamin C tests were not done; imaging findings showed multiple bones were affected. There was no antibiotic treatment.

That patient was scored 81, much higher than the threshold of 55, and would be classified as having CNO.

Non-CNO example

Conversely, the following example of a patient would score 47 – under the threshold – and would not be classified as having CNO.

That patient was an 11-year-old boy who had 2 months of pain in his right thigh with no fever. The pain was constantly waxing and waning. He was tender to palpation at only his right thigh without swelling. Labs were normal. He had no coexisting conditions. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were not measured, and no vitamin C test was performed. Imaging showed one right femur lesion on a PET-CT scan. There was no antibiotic treatment, and a bone biopsy culture showed malignancy but no inflammation or fibrosis.

Dr. Zhao said the mimickers most likely to be misclassified are vitamin C deficiency; hypophosphatasia; benign bone tumor, such as osteogenic osteoma; and a malignancy with normal labs and multifocal pattern of bone lesions.

The classification criteria will be “extremely helpful to diagnose patients with CNO/CRMO earlier,” said Dr. Oliver, who helped develop the criteria.

“The goal is that the proposed classification criteria will be used by all physicians to diagnose suspected CNO patients earlier and refer to a rheumatologist earlier so that appropriate therapies will not be delayed.”

The group will seek ACR and EULAR endorsement, and if granted, work toward widespread implementation. The criteria will allow researchers to have a more homogeneous study population for future clinical trials, Dr. Zhao said.

Dr. Zhao, Dr. Ozen, and Dr. Oliver declared no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Oliver helped develop the proposed guidelines.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

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New ACR vaccination guideline: Take your best shot

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Tue, 02/07/2023 - 16:37

The new American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Vaccinations in Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs) emphasizes that both adult and pediatric patients should receive recommended vaccinations whenever possible.

But the guideline, currently in press, also offers recommendations about whether and when to withhold vaccines from patients with RMDs, such as avoiding the use of live attenuated virus vaccines in patients who are on immunosuppressive drug regimens, such as conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic DMARDs, or targeted synthetic DMARDs.

Dr. Anne R. Bass is the rheumatology fellowship program director at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
Dr. Anne R. Bass

The new consensus guideline was formulated with the understanding that patients with RMDs are at increased risk for vaccine-preventable infections and more serious complications from infections, compared with the general population.

However, the guideline also acknowledges that the immunogenicity and safety of vaccines may differ among patients with RMDs, and that, depending on the patient age and disease state, individuals may benefit from modified vaccine indications, schedules, or modified medication schedules, said guideline panel member Anne Bass, MD, a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery and a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, who presented the guideline with other panel members in a session outlining the recommendations at the annual meeting of the ACR.

“In addition, vaccination recommendations – since much of it relates to medications – really applies across diseases, and so the ACR felt that, rather than having vaccine recommendations tacked onto the end of treatment guidelines for each individual disease, that the topic should be discussed or tackled as a whole,” she said.

The guideline does not cover vaccinations in patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because this class of agents has minimal or no impact on antibody responses to vaccines. The guideline also does not address vaccinations against COVID-19 infections since the rapidly changing formulations would make the recommendations obsolete before they were even published, and because the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with compromised immunity, she said.

Guiding principles

The overarching principles of the guideline are to give indicated vaccines to patients with RMD whenever possible and that any decision to hold medications before or after vaccination consider the dosage used, RMD disease activity, and the patient’s risk for vaccine-preventable infection.

Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III

The guideline also states that “shared decision-making with patients is a key component of any vaccination strategy.”

Panel member Clifton O. Bingham III, MD, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, outlined expanded indications for vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal infections, varicella zoster virus (VZV) and human papillomavirus (HPV).


The guideline conditionally recommends that patients with RMD aged 65 years and older and adults older than age 18 years who are on immunosuppressive medications should receive either high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccination rather than regular-dose vaccines.

“It’s recognized that the high-dose or adjuvanted vaccinations may be unavailable for patients when they’re seen in your practice,” Dr. Bingham said,” and we came out with two additional statements within the guidelines that said that any flu vaccine is recommended over no flu vaccinations, because we do know that responses are elicited, and a flu vaccination today is preferred over a flu vaccination delay.”

Pneumococcal vaccination

The panelists strongly recommended that patients with RMD younger than age 65 years who are on immunosuppressive medication receive pneumococcal vaccinations.

The ACR guideline is in sync with those issued by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Dr. Bingham said. He urged audience members to visit a CDC-ACIP web page for more information on who should receive pneumococcal vaccination and when.

Recombinant varicella zoster

The recommendations strongly support that patients aged 18 years and over who are on immunosuppressive therapies should receive the recombinant VZV vaccine (Shingrix).


A less robust, conditional recommendation is for patients with RMDs who are between the ages of 26 and 45 years and on immunosuppressive medications to receive the HPV vaccine (if they have not already received the vaccine).

Non-live attenuated vaccines

Kevin Winthrop, MD, MPH, professor of infectious diseases and public health at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, summarized the recommendations for managing immunosuppressive therapies in patients scheduled to receive vaccinations using killed or nonactive antigens.

Dr. Kevin Winthrop, professor of infectious diseases and epidemiology at Oregon Health &amp; Science University, Portland
Dr. Kevin Winthrop

“In influenza season, don’t pass up the opportunity to vaccinate,” he said, adding, “if you can wait on rituximab dosing, do it, and if you can’t, go ahead and vaccinate.”

The guidelines also recommend a 2-week methotrexate hold at the time of influenza vaccination; other DMARD dosing changes are likely not necessary at the time of vaccination, “but this is an area of fervent study, and I think in a year or two we’ll have more experimental hold data with regard to other DMARDs,” Dr. Winthrop said.

For other nonlive attenuated vaccinations, recommendations are similar to those for influenza, except with more flexible timing because these vaccinations are not seasonal. When and how to hold methotrexate is still up in the air, he said.

Additionally, it’s recommended that vaccinations be delayed in patients on high-dose prednisone until the drug is tapered to below 20 mg per day, and ideally to less than 10 mg per day, he said.

Live-attenuated vaccines

The guideline conditionally recommends deferring live-attenuated vaccines in patients on immunosuppressive drugs. It also recommends holding these medications “for an appropriate period before” vaccination and for 4 weeks afterward.

“Although the evidence around conventional synthetic DMARDs and TNF inhibitors is reassuring in terms of their safety at the time of live attenuated vaccines, as you can see the number of studies is quite small, and so the voting panel conditionally recommend against administering live-attenuated virus vaccines to patients who are on conventional synthetics, biologic, or targeted DMARDs,” Dr. Bass said.



In utero exposures

Most women with RMD who have recently given birth will consult their general pediatricians rather than rheumatologists for infant vaccinations, but pediatricians may not be aware of the affect that in utero exposures to biologic DMARDs can have on vaccine safety and immunogenicity in infants, Dr, Bass said.

“It’s important that you, as a provider, give your recommendations regarding infant rotavirus vaccination after in utero exposure to the pregnant rheumatic disease patient prior to delivery, and let that patient know that this is something that they should share with their pediatrician to be,” she advised audience members.

Getting the message out

In an interview, session moderator and guidelines panelist Lisa F. Imundo, MD, director of the center for adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University in New York, noted that rheumatologists don’t usually have the full schedule of pediatric vaccinations in stock and often leave the decisions about what to give – and when – to general practitioners.

Dr. Lisa F. Imundo, director of adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City
Dr. Lisa F. Imundo

“Pediatric rheumatologists sometimes will give patients flu vaccinations because they’re a high-risk population of patients, and we want to make sure that they’re getting it in a timely manner,” she said.

In addition, because pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines are not indicated in the general pediatric population, children on biologic DMARDs who have completed their standard series of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV13 or PVC15) are recommended to get a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Dr. Imundo said.

She also noted that communication between pediatric rheumatologists and general practitioners about vaccine recommendations can be challenging.

“It’s a huge issue, figuring out how we’re going to communicate all of this information to our pediatric colleagues,” she said. “With individual patients, we may sometimes remind doctors, especially with our younger patients who haven’t gotten their live vaccines, that they really shouldn’t get live vaccines until they’re off medication or until we arrange holding medication for some period of time.”

She said that ACR vaccine committee members are working with infectious disease specialists and guideline developers for the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure guidelines include the most important vaccination recommendations for pediatric patients with RMDs.

The development process for the guidelines was supported by the ACR. Dr. Bass reported no relevant disclosures, Dr. Bingham disclosed consulting activities, grant/research support, and royalties from various corporate entities. Dr. Winthrop disclosed consulting activities for and research funding from various companies. Dr. Imundo reported no relevant financial relationships.


The new American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Vaccinations in Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs) emphasizes that both adult and pediatric patients should receive recommended vaccinations whenever possible.

But the guideline, currently in press, also offers recommendations about whether and when to withhold vaccines from patients with RMDs, such as avoiding the use of live attenuated virus vaccines in patients who are on immunosuppressive drug regimens, such as conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic DMARDs, or targeted synthetic DMARDs.

Dr. Anne R. Bass is the rheumatology fellowship program director at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
Dr. Anne R. Bass

The new consensus guideline was formulated with the understanding that patients with RMDs are at increased risk for vaccine-preventable infections and more serious complications from infections, compared with the general population.

However, the guideline also acknowledges that the immunogenicity and safety of vaccines may differ among patients with RMDs, and that, depending on the patient age and disease state, individuals may benefit from modified vaccine indications, schedules, or modified medication schedules, said guideline panel member Anne Bass, MD, a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery and a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, who presented the guideline with other panel members in a session outlining the recommendations at the annual meeting of the ACR.

“In addition, vaccination recommendations – since much of it relates to medications – really applies across diseases, and so the ACR felt that, rather than having vaccine recommendations tacked onto the end of treatment guidelines for each individual disease, that the topic should be discussed or tackled as a whole,” she said.

The guideline does not cover vaccinations in patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because this class of agents has minimal or no impact on antibody responses to vaccines. The guideline also does not address vaccinations against COVID-19 infections since the rapidly changing formulations would make the recommendations obsolete before they were even published, and because the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with compromised immunity, she said.

Guiding principles

The overarching principles of the guideline are to give indicated vaccines to patients with RMD whenever possible and that any decision to hold medications before or after vaccination consider the dosage used, RMD disease activity, and the patient’s risk for vaccine-preventable infection.

Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III

The guideline also states that “shared decision-making with patients is a key component of any vaccination strategy.”

Panel member Clifton O. Bingham III, MD, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, outlined expanded indications for vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal infections, varicella zoster virus (VZV) and human papillomavirus (HPV).


The guideline conditionally recommends that patients with RMD aged 65 years and older and adults older than age 18 years who are on immunosuppressive medications should receive either high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccination rather than regular-dose vaccines.

“It’s recognized that the high-dose or adjuvanted vaccinations may be unavailable for patients when they’re seen in your practice,” Dr. Bingham said,” and we came out with two additional statements within the guidelines that said that any flu vaccine is recommended over no flu vaccinations, because we do know that responses are elicited, and a flu vaccination today is preferred over a flu vaccination delay.”

Pneumococcal vaccination

The panelists strongly recommended that patients with RMD younger than age 65 years who are on immunosuppressive medication receive pneumococcal vaccinations.

The ACR guideline is in sync with those issued by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Dr. Bingham said. He urged audience members to visit a CDC-ACIP web page for more information on who should receive pneumococcal vaccination and when.

Recombinant varicella zoster

The recommendations strongly support that patients aged 18 years and over who are on immunosuppressive therapies should receive the recombinant VZV vaccine (Shingrix).


A less robust, conditional recommendation is for patients with RMDs who are between the ages of 26 and 45 years and on immunosuppressive medications to receive the HPV vaccine (if they have not already received the vaccine).

Non-live attenuated vaccines

Kevin Winthrop, MD, MPH, professor of infectious diseases and public health at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, summarized the recommendations for managing immunosuppressive therapies in patients scheduled to receive vaccinations using killed or nonactive antigens.

Dr. Kevin Winthrop, professor of infectious diseases and epidemiology at Oregon Health &amp; Science University, Portland
Dr. Kevin Winthrop

“In influenza season, don’t pass up the opportunity to vaccinate,” he said, adding, “if you can wait on rituximab dosing, do it, and if you can’t, go ahead and vaccinate.”

The guidelines also recommend a 2-week methotrexate hold at the time of influenza vaccination; other DMARD dosing changes are likely not necessary at the time of vaccination, “but this is an area of fervent study, and I think in a year or two we’ll have more experimental hold data with regard to other DMARDs,” Dr. Winthrop said.

For other nonlive attenuated vaccinations, recommendations are similar to those for influenza, except with more flexible timing because these vaccinations are not seasonal. When and how to hold methotrexate is still up in the air, he said.

Additionally, it’s recommended that vaccinations be delayed in patients on high-dose prednisone until the drug is tapered to below 20 mg per day, and ideally to less than 10 mg per day, he said.

Live-attenuated vaccines

The guideline conditionally recommends deferring live-attenuated vaccines in patients on immunosuppressive drugs. It also recommends holding these medications “for an appropriate period before” vaccination and for 4 weeks afterward.

“Although the evidence around conventional synthetic DMARDs and TNF inhibitors is reassuring in terms of their safety at the time of live attenuated vaccines, as you can see the number of studies is quite small, and so the voting panel conditionally recommend against administering live-attenuated virus vaccines to patients who are on conventional synthetics, biologic, or targeted DMARDs,” Dr. Bass said.



In utero exposures

Most women with RMD who have recently given birth will consult their general pediatricians rather than rheumatologists for infant vaccinations, but pediatricians may not be aware of the affect that in utero exposures to biologic DMARDs can have on vaccine safety and immunogenicity in infants, Dr, Bass said.

“It’s important that you, as a provider, give your recommendations regarding infant rotavirus vaccination after in utero exposure to the pregnant rheumatic disease patient prior to delivery, and let that patient know that this is something that they should share with their pediatrician to be,” she advised audience members.

Getting the message out

In an interview, session moderator and guidelines panelist Lisa F. Imundo, MD, director of the center for adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University in New York, noted that rheumatologists don’t usually have the full schedule of pediatric vaccinations in stock and often leave the decisions about what to give – and when – to general practitioners.

Dr. Lisa F. Imundo, director of adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City
Dr. Lisa F. Imundo

“Pediatric rheumatologists sometimes will give patients flu vaccinations because they’re a high-risk population of patients, and we want to make sure that they’re getting it in a timely manner,” she said.

In addition, because pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines are not indicated in the general pediatric population, children on biologic DMARDs who have completed their standard series of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV13 or PVC15) are recommended to get a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Dr. Imundo said.

She also noted that communication between pediatric rheumatologists and general practitioners about vaccine recommendations can be challenging.

“It’s a huge issue, figuring out how we’re going to communicate all of this information to our pediatric colleagues,” she said. “With individual patients, we may sometimes remind doctors, especially with our younger patients who haven’t gotten their live vaccines, that they really shouldn’t get live vaccines until they’re off medication or until we arrange holding medication for some period of time.”

She said that ACR vaccine committee members are working with infectious disease specialists and guideline developers for the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure guidelines include the most important vaccination recommendations for pediatric patients with RMDs.

The development process for the guidelines was supported by the ACR. Dr. Bass reported no relevant disclosures, Dr. Bingham disclosed consulting activities, grant/research support, and royalties from various corporate entities. Dr. Winthrop disclosed consulting activities for and research funding from various companies. Dr. Imundo reported no relevant financial relationships.

The new American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Vaccinations in Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs) emphasizes that both adult and pediatric patients should receive recommended vaccinations whenever possible.

But the guideline, currently in press, also offers recommendations about whether and when to withhold vaccines from patients with RMDs, such as avoiding the use of live attenuated virus vaccines in patients who are on immunosuppressive drug regimens, such as conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic DMARDs, or targeted synthetic DMARDs.

Dr. Anne R. Bass is the rheumatology fellowship program director at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
Dr. Anne R. Bass

The new consensus guideline was formulated with the understanding that patients with RMDs are at increased risk for vaccine-preventable infections and more serious complications from infections, compared with the general population.

However, the guideline also acknowledges that the immunogenicity and safety of vaccines may differ among patients with RMDs, and that, depending on the patient age and disease state, individuals may benefit from modified vaccine indications, schedules, or modified medication schedules, said guideline panel member Anne Bass, MD, a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery and a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, who presented the guideline with other panel members in a session outlining the recommendations at the annual meeting of the ACR.

“In addition, vaccination recommendations – since much of it relates to medications – really applies across diseases, and so the ACR felt that, rather than having vaccine recommendations tacked onto the end of treatment guidelines for each individual disease, that the topic should be discussed or tackled as a whole,” she said.

The guideline does not cover vaccinations in patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because this class of agents has minimal or no impact on antibody responses to vaccines. The guideline also does not address vaccinations against COVID-19 infections since the rapidly changing formulations would make the recommendations obsolete before they were even published, and because the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with compromised immunity, she said.

Guiding principles

The overarching principles of the guideline are to give indicated vaccines to patients with RMD whenever possible and that any decision to hold medications before or after vaccination consider the dosage used, RMD disease activity, and the patient’s risk for vaccine-preventable infection.

Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III

The guideline also states that “shared decision-making with patients is a key component of any vaccination strategy.”

Panel member Clifton O. Bingham III, MD, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, outlined expanded indications for vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal infections, varicella zoster virus (VZV) and human papillomavirus (HPV).


The guideline conditionally recommends that patients with RMD aged 65 years and older and adults older than age 18 years who are on immunosuppressive medications should receive either high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccination rather than regular-dose vaccines.

“It’s recognized that the high-dose or adjuvanted vaccinations may be unavailable for patients when they’re seen in your practice,” Dr. Bingham said,” and we came out with two additional statements within the guidelines that said that any flu vaccine is recommended over no flu vaccinations, because we do know that responses are elicited, and a flu vaccination today is preferred over a flu vaccination delay.”

Pneumococcal vaccination

The panelists strongly recommended that patients with RMD younger than age 65 years who are on immunosuppressive medication receive pneumococcal vaccinations.

The ACR guideline is in sync with those issued by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Dr. Bingham said. He urged audience members to visit a CDC-ACIP web page for more information on who should receive pneumococcal vaccination and when.

Recombinant varicella zoster

The recommendations strongly support that patients aged 18 years and over who are on immunosuppressive therapies should receive the recombinant VZV vaccine (Shingrix).


A less robust, conditional recommendation is for patients with RMDs who are between the ages of 26 and 45 years and on immunosuppressive medications to receive the HPV vaccine (if they have not already received the vaccine).

Non-live attenuated vaccines

Kevin Winthrop, MD, MPH, professor of infectious diseases and public health at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, summarized the recommendations for managing immunosuppressive therapies in patients scheduled to receive vaccinations using killed or nonactive antigens.

Dr. Kevin Winthrop, professor of infectious diseases and epidemiology at Oregon Health &amp; Science University, Portland
Dr. Kevin Winthrop

“In influenza season, don’t pass up the opportunity to vaccinate,” he said, adding, “if you can wait on rituximab dosing, do it, and if you can’t, go ahead and vaccinate.”

The guidelines also recommend a 2-week methotrexate hold at the time of influenza vaccination; other DMARD dosing changes are likely not necessary at the time of vaccination, “but this is an area of fervent study, and I think in a year or two we’ll have more experimental hold data with regard to other DMARDs,” Dr. Winthrop said.

For other nonlive attenuated vaccinations, recommendations are similar to those for influenza, except with more flexible timing because these vaccinations are not seasonal. When and how to hold methotrexate is still up in the air, he said.

Additionally, it’s recommended that vaccinations be delayed in patients on high-dose prednisone until the drug is tapered to below 20 mg per day, and ideally to less than 10 mg per day, he said.

Live-attenuated vaccines

The guideline conditionally recommends deferring live-attenuated vaccines in patients on immunosuppressive drugs. It also recommends holding these medications “for an appropriate period before” vaccination and for 4 weeks afterward.

“Although the evidence around conventional synthetic DMARDs and TNF inhibitors is reassuring in terms of their safety at the time of live attenuated vaccines, as you can see the number of studies is quite small, and so the voting panel conditionally recommend against administering live-attenuated virus vaccines to patients who are on conventional synthetics, biologic, or targeted DMARDs,” Dr. Bass said.



In utero exposures

Most women with RMD who have recently given birth will consult their general pediatricians rather than rheumatologists for infant vaccinations, but pediatricians may not be aware of the affect that in utero exposures to biologic DMARDs can have on vaccine safety and immunogenicity in infants, Dr, Bass said.

“It’s important that you, as a provider, give your recommendations regarding infant rotavirus vaccination after in utero exposure to the pregnant rheumatic disease patient prior to delivery, and let that patient know that this is something that they should share with their pediatrician to be,” she advised audience members.

Getting the message out

In an interview, session moderator and guidelines panelist Lisa F. Imundo, MD, director of the center for adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University in New York, noted that rheumatologists don’t usually have the full schedule of pediatric vaccinations in stock and often leave the decisions about what to give – and when – to general practitioners.

Dr. Lisa F. Imundo, director of adolescent rheumatology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City
Dr. Lisa F. Imundo

“Pediatric rheumatologists sometimes will give patients flu vaccinations because they’re a high-risk population of patients, and we want to make sure that they’re getting it in a timely manner,” she said.

In addition, because pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines are not indicated in the general pediatric population, children on biologic DMARDs who have completed their standard series of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV13 or PVC15) are recommended to get a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Dr. Imundo said.

She also noted that communication between pediatric rheumatologists and general practitioners about vaccine recommendations can be challenging.

“It’s a huge issue, figuring out how we’re going to communicate all of this information to our pediatric colleagues,” she said. “With individual patients, we may sometimes remind doctors, especially with our younger patients who haven’t gotten their live vaccines, that they really shouldn’t get live vaccines until they’re off medication or until we arrange holding medication for some period of time.”

She said that ACR vaccine committee members are working with infectious disease specialists and guideline developers for the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure guidelines include the most important vaccination recommendations for pediatric patients with RMDs.

The development process for the guidelines was supported by the ACR. Dr. Bass reported no relevant disclosures, Dr. Bingham disclosed consulting activities, grant/research support, and royalties from various corporate entities. Dr. Winthrop disclosed consulting activities for and research funding from various companies. Dr. Imundo reported no relevant financial relationships.

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Denosumab may halt erosive hand OA progression

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Thu, 11/17/2022 - 13:44

But pain outcomes questionable

– A double dose of the antiosteoporosis biologic denosumab (Prolia) slowed progression and repaired joints in erosive hand osteoarthritis (OA) but showed no impact on pain levels until 2 years after patients received the first dose, the lead investigator of a Belgium-based randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.

“This is the first placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial showing the efficacy of denosumab double-dosing regimen in structural modification of erosive hand osteoarthritis,” Ruth Wittoek, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at Ghent (Belgium) University, said in presenting the results.

Dr. Ruth Wittoek, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Ruth Wittoek

“Our primary endpoint was confirmed by a more robust secondary endpoint, both showing that denosumab stopped erosive progression and induced remodeling in patients with erosive hand OA,” she added. “Moreover, the double-dosing regimen was well-tolerated.”

However, during the question-and-answer period after her presentation, Dr. Wittoek acknowledged the study didn’t evaluate the impact denosumab had on cartilage and didn’t detect a signal for pain resolution until 96 weeks during the open-label extension phase. “I’m not quite sure if denosumab is sufficient to treat symptoms in osteoarthritis,” she said. “There were positive signals but, of course, having to wait 2 years for an effect is kind of hard for our patients.”

The trial randomized 100 adult patients 1:1 to denosumab 60 mg every 12 weeks – double the normal dose for osteoporosis – or placebo. The primary endpoint was changes in erosive progression and signs of repair based on x-ray at 48 weeks, after which all patients were switched to denosumab for the open-label study. To quantify changes, the investigators used the Ghent University Scoring System (GUSS), which uses a scale of 0-300 to quantify radiographic changes in erosive hand OA.

Dr. Wittoek said that the average change in GUSS at week 24 was +6 vs. –2.8 (P = .024) in the treatment and placebo groups, respectively, widening at week 48 to +10.1 and –7.9 (P = .003). By week 96, the variation was +18.8 for denosumab and +17 for placebo with switch to denosumab (P = .03).

“During the open-label extension the denosumab treatment group continued to increase to show remodeling while the former placebo treatment group, now also receiving denosumab, also  showed signs of remodeling,” she said. “So, there was no more erosive progression.”

The secondary endpoint was the percentage of new erosive joint development at week 48: 1.8% in the denosumab group and 7% in placebo group (odds ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.10-0.50; P < .001). “Meaning the odds of erosive progression is 77% lower in the denosumab treatment group,” Dr. Wittoek said.

By week 96, those percentages were 0% and 0.7% in the respective treatment groups. “During the open-label extension, it was clear that denosumab blocked all new development of erosive joints,” she said.

Pain was one of the study’s exploratory endpoints, and the mean numeric rating scale showed no difference between treatment arms until the 96-week results, with a reduction by almost half in the denosumab group (from 4.2 at week 48 to 2.4) and a lesser reduction in the placebo-switched-to-denosumab arm (from 4.2 to 3.5; P = .028) between arms.

The placebo group was more susceptible to adverse events, namely musculoskeletal complaints and nervous system disorders, Dr. Wittoek noted. Infection rates, the most common adverse event, were similar between the two groups: 41 and 39 in the respective arms. Despite the double dose of denosumab, safety and tolerability in this trial was comparable to other trials, she said.

In comments submitted by e-mail, Dr. Wittoek noted that the extension study results will go out to 144 weeks. She also addressed the issues surrounding pain as an outcome.

“Besides disability, pain is also important from the patient’s perspective,” Dr. Wittoek said in the e-mailed comments. “However, pain and radiographic progression are undeniably coupled, but it’s unclear how.”

In erosive hand OA, structural progression and pain may not be related on a molecular level, she said. “Therefore, we don’t deny that pain levels should also be covered by treatment, but they should not be confused with structural modification; it is just another domain, not more nor less important.

The second year of the open-label extension study should clarify the pain outcomes, she said.

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David T. Felson

In an interview, David T. Felson, MD, MPH, professor and director of clinical epidemiology research at Boston University, questioned the delayed pain effect the study suggested. “It didn’t make any sense to me that there would be because both groups at that point got denosumab, so if there was going to be a pain effect that would’ve happened,” he said.

The pain effect is “really important,” he said. “We don’t use denosumab in rheumatoid arthritis to treat erosions because it doesn’t necessarily affect the pain and dysfunction of rheumatoid arthritis, and I’m not sure that isn’t going to be true in erosive hand osteoarthritis, but it’s possible.”

To clarify the pain outcomes, he said, “They’re going to have to work on the data.”

Amgen sponsored the trial but had no role in the design. Dr. Wittoek and Dr. Felson reported no relevant disclosures.


But pain outcomes questionable

But pain outcomes questionable

– A double dose of the antiosteoporosis biologic denosumab (Prolia) slowed progression and repaired joints in erosive hand osteoarthritis (OA) but showed no impact on pain levels until 2 years after patients received the first dose, the lead investigator of a Belgium-based randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.

“This is the first placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial showing the efficacy of denosumab double-dosing regimen in structural modification of erosive hand osteoarthritis,” Ruth Wittoek, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at Ghent (Belgium) University, said in presenting the results.

Dr. Ruth Wittoek, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Ruth Wittoek

“Our primary endpoint was confirmed by a more robust secondary endpoint, both showing that denosumab stopped erosive progression and induced remodeling in patients with erosive hand OA,” she added. “Moreover, the double-dosing regimen was well-tolerated.”

However, during the question-and-answer period after her presentation, Dr. Wittoek acknowledged the study didn’t evaluate the impact denosumab had on cartilage and didn’t detect a signal for pain resolution until 96 weeks during the open-label extension phase. “I’m not quite sure if denosumab is sufficient to treat symptoms in osteoarthritis,” she said. “There were positive signals but, of course, having to wait 2 years for an effect is kind of hard for our patients.”

The trial randomized 100 adult patients 1:1 to denosumab 60 mg every 12 weeks – double the normal dose for osteoporosis – or placebo. The primary endpoint was changes in erosive progression and signs of repair based on x-ray at 48 weeks, after which all patients were switched to denosumab for the open-label study. To quantify changes, the investigators used the Ghent University Scoring System (GUSS), which uses a scale of 0-300 to quantify radiographic changes in erosive hand OA.

Dr. Wittoek said that the average change in GUSS at week 24 was +6 vs. –2.8 (P = .024) in the treatment and placebo groups, respectively, widening at week 48 to +10.1 and –7.9 (P = .003). By week 96, the variation was +18.8 for denosumab and +17 for placebo with switch to denosumab (P = .03).

“During the open-label extension the denosumab treatment group continued to increase to show remodeling while the former placebo treatment group, now also receiving denosumab, also  showed signs of remodeling,” she said. “So, there was no more erosive progression.”

The secondary endpoint was the percentage of new erosive joint development at week 48: 1.8% in the denosumab group and 7% in placebo group (odds ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.10-0.50; P < .001). “Meaning the odds of erosive progression is 77% lower in the denosumab treatment group,” Dr. Wittoek said.

By week 96, those percentages were 0% and 0.7% in the respective treatment groups. “During the open-label extension, it was clear that denosumab blocked all new development of erosive joints,” she said.

Pain was one of the study’s exploratory endpoints, and the mean numeric rating scale showed no difference between treatment arms until the 96-week results, with a reduction by almost half in the denosumab group (from 4.2 at week 48 to 2.4) and a lesser reduction in the placebo-switched-to-denosumab arm (from 4.2 to 3.5; P = .028) between arms.

The placebo group was more susceptible to adverse events, namely musculoskeletal complaints and nervous system disorders, Dr. Wittoek noted. Infection rates, the most common adverse event, were similar between the two groups: 41 and 39 in the respective arms. Despite the double dose of denosumab, safety and tolerability in this trial was comparable to other trials, she said.

In comments submitted by e-mail, Dr. Wittoek noted that the extension study results will go out to 144 weeks. She also addressed the issues surrounding pain as an outcome.

“Besides disability, pain is also important from the patient’s perspective,” Dr. Wittoek said in the e-mailed comments. “However, pain and radiographic progression are undeniably coupled, but it’s unclear how.”

In erosive hand OA, structural progression and pain may not be related on a molecular level, she said. “Therefore, we don’t deny that pain levels should also be covered by treatment, but they should not be confused with structural modification; it is just another domain, not more nor less important.

The second year of the open-label extension study should clarify the pain outcomes, she said.

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David T. Felson

In an interview, David T. Felson, MD, MPH, professor and director of clinical epidemiology research at Boston University, questioned the delayed pain effect the study suggested. “It didn’t make any sense to me that there would be because both groups at that point got denosumab, so if there was going to be a pain effect that would’ve happened,” he said.

The pain effect is “really important,” he said. “We don’t use denosumab in rheumatoid arthritis to treat erosions because it doesn’t necessarily affect the pain and dysfunction of rheumatoid arthritis, and I’m not sure that isn’t going to be true in erosive hand osteoarthritis, but it’s possible.”

To clarify the pain outcomes, he said, “They’re going to have to work on the data.”

Amgen sponsored the trial but had no role in the design. Dr. Wittoek and Dr. Felson reported no relevant disclosures.

– A double dose of the antiosteoporosis biologic denosumab (Prolia) slowed progression and repaired joints in erosive hand osteoarthritis (OA) but showed no impact on pain levels until 2 years after patients received the first dose, the lead investigator of a Belgium-based randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.

“This is the first placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial showing the efficacy of denosumab double-dosing regimen in structural modification of erosive hand osteoarthritis,” Ruth Wittoek, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at Ghent (Belgium) University, said in presenting the results.

Dr. Ruth Wittoek, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Ruth Wittoek

“Our primary endpoint was confirmed by a more robust secondary endpoint, both showing that denosumab stopped erosive progression and induced remodeling in patients with erosive hand OA,” she added. “Moreover, the double-dosing regimen was well-tolerated.”

However, during the question-and-answer period after her presentation, Dr. Wittoek acknowledged the study didn’t evaluate the impact denosumab had on cartilage and didn’t detect a signal for pain resolution until 96 weeks during the open-label extension phase. “I’m not quite sure if denosumab is sufficient to treat symptoms in osteoarthritis,” she said. “There were positive signals but, of course, having to wait 2 years for an effect is kind of hard for our patients.”

The trial randomized 100 adult patients 1:1 to denosumab 60 mg every 12 weeks – double the normal dose for osteoporosis – or placebo. The primary endpoint was changes in erosive progression and signs of repair based on x-ray at 48 weeks, after which all patients were switched to denosumab for the open-label study. To quantify changes, the investigators used the Ghent University Scoring System (GUSS), which uses a scale of 0-300 to quantify radiographic changes in erosive hand OA.

Dr. Wittoek said that the average change in GUSS at week 24 was +6 vs. –2.8 (P = .024) in the treatment and placebo groups, respectively, widening at week 48 to +10.1 and –7.9 (P = .003). By week 96, the variation was +18.8 for denosumab and +17 for placebo with switch to denosumab (P = .03).

“During the open-label extension the denosumab treatment group continued to increase to show remodeling while the former placebo treatment group, now also receiving denosumab, also  showed signs of remodeling,” she said. “So, there was no more erosive progression.”

The secondary endpoint was the percentage of new erosive joint development at week 48: 1.8% in the denosumab group and 7% in placebo group (odds ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.10-0.50; P < .001). “Meaning the odds of erosive progression is 77% lower in the denosumab treatment group,” Dr. Wittoek said.

By week 96, those percentages were 0% and 0.7% in the respective treatment groups. “During the open-label extension, it was clear that denosumab blocked all new development of erosive joints,” she said.

Pain was one of the study’s exploratory endpoints, and the mean numeric rating scale showed no difference between treatment arms until the 96-week results, with a reduction by almost half in the denosumab group (from 4.2 at week 48 to 2.4) and a lesser reduction in the placebo-switched-to-denosumab arm (from 4.2 to 3.5; P = .028) between arms.

The placebo group was more susceptible to adverse events, namely musculoskeletal complaints and nervous system disorders, Dr. Wittoek noted. Infection rates, the most common adverse event, were similar between the two groups: 41 and 39 in the respective arms. Despite the double dose of denosumab, safety and tolerability in this trial was comparable to other trials, she said.

In comments submitted by e-mail, Dr. Wittoek noted that the extension study results will go out to 144 weeks. She also addressed the issues surrounding pain as an outcome.

“Besides disability, pain is also important from the patient’s perspective,” Dr. Wittoek said in the e-mailed comments. “However, pain and radiographic progression are undeniably coupled, but it’s unclear how.”

In erosive hand OA, structural progression and pain may not be related on a molecular level, she said. “Therefore, we don’t deny that pain levels should also be covered by treatment, but they should not be confused with structural modification; it is just another domain, not more nor less important.

The second year of the open-label extension study should clarify the pain outcomes, she said.

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David T. Felson

In an interview, David T. Felson, MD, MPH, professor and director of clinical epidemiology research at Boston University, questioned the delayed pain effect the study suggested. “It didn’t make any sense to me that there would be because both groups at that point got denosumab, so if there was going to be a pain effect that would’ve happened,” he said.

The pain effect is “really important,” he said. “We don’t use denosumab in rheumatoid arthritis to treat erosions because it doesn’t necessarily affect the pain and dysfunction of rheumatoid arthritis, and I’m not sure that isn’t going to be true in erosive hand osteoarthritis, but it’s possible.”

To clarify the pain outcomes, he said, “They’re going to have to work on the data.”

Amgen sponsored the trial but had no role in the design. Dr. Wittoek and Dr. Felson reported no relevant disclosures.

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Randomized trial finds community-based weight-loss programs ease knee OA pain

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Thu, 11/17/2022 - 13:25

What works in the clinic can also work in community settings: Patients who are overweight or obese with knee osteoarthritis can find relief from pain through diet and exercise programs conducted in recreation centers, local gyms, fitness centers, and other places close to home, according to investigators in a pragmatic randomized trial.

The Weight Loss and Exercise for Communities With Arthritis in North Carolina (WE-CAN) study was modeled after the successful Intensive Diet and Exercise for Arthritis trial, which showed that adults randomized to 18 months of either a diet and exercise program or diet alone had more weight loss and larger reductions in levels of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 than patients randomized to exercise alone, and that diet alone was associated with greater reductions in knee compressive force than exercise alone.

Dr. Stephen P. Messier, professor and director of the J.B. Snow Biomechanics Laboratory at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Stephen P. Messier

That study was conducted by Stephen P. Messier, PhD, and colleagues at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.. As previously reported, the investigators also saw continued benefits for participants years after the original trial.

With the WE-CAN trial, results of which were reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, Dr. Messier and colleagues took the intervention one step further, randomizing 823 community-dwelling adults who were overweight or obese (body mass index [BMI], ≥ 27 kg/m2) with knee OA to either an 18-month diet and exercise intervention or attention control group consisting of five 1-hour face-to-face meetings over 18 months, plus information packets and phone sessions during alternate months.

“Compared to the control group, diet plus exercise had a statistically significant but modest reduction in pain. Diet plus exercise was 20% more likely to attain a clinically important 2-point improvement in pain,” Dr. Messier said in an oral abstract session at ACR.

Real-world setting

The primary goal of WE-CAN was to “determine whether adaptation of a diet and exercise academic center–based efficacy trial to community settings results in a statistically significant reduction in pain relative to an attention control.”

Couple walking for exercise
Ariel Skelley/Getty Images

A total of 3,751 potential candidates were screened, and 823 were randomized and assigned to either a diet and exercise arm (414) or attention control arm (409). Of the patients randomized, 336 in the diet/exercise arm and 322 in the control arm attended the final 18-month follow-up visit.

The exercise component consisted of a 15-minute walking period, followed by a 20-minute weight-training period, and ending with a second 15-minute walking period. The diet goal was 10% or greater weight loss, aided by a distribution of low-calorie recipes to produce a reduced-calorie diet of the patient’s choice, with the option to include nutritional powder to make low-calories shakes as meal replacements, one or two per day for the first 6 months, with the option of one per day for the remaining months.

The pragmatic components included the use of established community facilities in both urban and rural counties in North Carolina, broad inclusion criteria, patient-centered outcomes, use of community-based staff to deliver the treatment, nonphysicians trained by study physicians to perform knee exams, and various means of communication, Dr. Messier said.

Participants in each arm were closely matched by demographic and clinical characteristics, with a mean age of 64.5 years in the diet/exercise group and 64.7 years in the attention control group, respective mean weight of 100.7 kg and 101.1 kg, and respective BMI of 36.7 and 36.9. Women comprised about 77% of participants in each group.



Endpoints met

The trial met its primary endpoint of a significantly greater reduction in pain at 18 months in the diet and exercise group as measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and scored on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 20 (worst pain).

In an analysis adjusted for sex, BMI, and baseline values, there was a 32% reduction in pain scores from baseline in the active intervention arm versus 24% in the control arm (P = .02).

In all, 60.2% of participants assigned to diet and exercise had a minimum reduction in pain scores of at least 2 points at 18 months, compared with 49.7% of participants assigned to the attention control group. This translated into a relative risk for achieving at least a 2-point improvement with diet and exercise was 1.20 (P = .01).

Among participants who remained in the study for the entire 18 months, there were significant improvements in the diet and exercise group compared with controls in the prespecified secondary endpoints of weight change (–8 kg vs. –2 kg), waist circumference, WOMAC function, 6-minute walk distance, and mean Short Form–36 health-related quality of life subscale (P < .001 for all comparisons).

Dr. Messier acknowledged that the diagnosis of knee OA was based only on ACR clinical criteria and was not confirmed with imaging. In addition, offering patients the option of free meal replacement limited the pragmatic nature of the intervention.

He also noted that the 24% reduction in pain seen in the control group suggests that interacting with patients can improve clinical outcomes.

‘Tour de force’

In the question-and-answer session following Dr. Messier’s presentation, David T. Felson, MD, a rheumatologist at Boston Medical Center, called in and said the study was “a tour de force” and congratulated Dr. Messier and colleagues on “a lovely study.”

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David Felson

Dr. Felson asked whether the investigators had conducted a mediation analysis to determine what proportion of the improvement was attributable to weight loss, and whether patients assigned to exercise were sticking with it throughout the study.

Dr. Messier replied that they had not yet done a mediation analysis but were continuing to examine the data. Regarding the exercise question, he noted that “the adherence was over 80% for 6 months and over 70% for the whole 18 months, so they did a really nice job.”

In an interview, session moderator Anne Davidson, MBBS, director of the rheumatology program at Northwell Health in Manhasset, N.Y., commented that the investigators managed to accomplish a very challenging task.

“In terms of recruitment of patients with engagement of community facilities and quality of data, I would say that, as far as an osteoarthritis study goes, this was really a tremendous effort on the part of all people involved,” she said.

She noted that, while the WE-CAN program may work in North Carolina, there may be barriers to implementing it elsewhere, such as large suburban areas where some patients experience food insecurity and others have difficulty with transportation and access to treatment facilities.

“The question here that remains is, as Dr. Felson asked, what is the contribution of weight loss and what is the contribution of exercise? Because if it’s just weight loss, we have a whole lot of new things coming to help with that,” she said.

The WE-CAN study was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Dr. Messier disclosed that GNC, a health food and nutrition chain, donated the meal replacements used by patients. Dr. Davidson reported no relevant conflicts of interest.


What works in the clinic can also work in community settings: Patients who are overweight or obese with knee osteoarthritis can find relief from pain through diet and exercise programs conducted in recreation centers, local gyms, fitness centers, and other places close to home, according to investigators in a pragmatic randomized trial.

The Weight Loss and Exercise for Communities With Arthritis in North Carolina (WE-CAN) study was modeled after the successful Intensive Diet and Exercise for Arthritis trial, which showed that adults randomized to 18 months of either a diet and exercise program or diet alone had more weight loss and larger reductions in levels of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 than patients randomized to exercise alone, and that diet alone was associated with greater reductions in knee compressive force than exercise alone.

Dr. Stephen P. Messier, professor and director of the J.B. Snow Biomechanics Laboratory at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Stephen P. Messier

That study was conducted by Stephen P. Messier, PhD, and colleagues at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.. As previously reported, the investigators also saw continued benefits for participants years after the original trial.

With the WE-CAN trial, results of which were reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, Dr. Messier and colleagues took the intervention one step further, randomizing 823 community-dwelling adults who were overweight or obese (body mass index [BMI], ≥ 27 kg/m2) with knee OA to either an 18-month diet and exercise intervention or attention control group consisting of five 1-hour face-to-face meetings over 18 months, plus information packets and phone sessions during alternate months.

“Compared to the control group, diet plus exercise had a statistically significant but modest reduction in pain. Diet plus exercise was 20% more likely to attain a clinically important 2-point improvement in pain,” Dr. Messier said in an oral abstract session at ACR.

Real-world setting

The primary goal of WE-CAN was to “determine whether adaptation of a diet and exercise academic center–based efficacy trial to community settings results in a statistically significant reduction in pain relative to an attention control.”

Couple walking for exercise
Ariel Skelley/Getty Images

A total of 3,751 potential candidates were screened, and 823 were randomized and assigned to either a diet and exercise arm (414) or attention control arm (409). Of the patients randomized, 336 in the diet/exercise arm and 322 in the control arm attended the final 18-month follow-up visit.

The exercise component consisted of a 15-minute walking period, followed by a 20-minute weight-training period, and ending with a second 15-minute walking period. The diet goal was 10% or greater weight loss, aided by a distribution of low-calorie recipes to produce a reduced-calorie diet of the patient’s choice, with the option to include nutritional powder to make low-calories shakes as meal replacements, one or two per day for the first 6 months, with the option of one per day for the remaining months.

The pragmatic components included the use of established community facilities in both urban and rural counties in North Carolina, broad inclusion criteria, patient-centered outcomes, use of community-based staff to deliver the treatment, nonphysicians trained by study physicians to perform knee exams, and various means of communication, Dr. Messier said.

Participants in each arm were closely matched by demographic and clinical characteristics, with a mean age of 64.5 years in the diet/exercise group and 64.7 years in the attention control group, respective mean weight of 100.7 kg and 101.1 kg, and respective BMI of 36.7 and 36.9. Women comprised about 77% of participants in each group.



Endpoints met

The trial met its primary endpoint of a significantly greater reduction in pain at 18 months in the diet and exercise group as measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and scored on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 20 (worst pain).

In an analysis adjusted for sex, BMI, and baseline values, there was a 32% reduction in pain scores from baseline in the active intervention arm versus 24% in the control arm (P = .02).

In all, 60.2% of participants assigned to diet and exercise had a minimum reduction in pain scores of at least 2 points at 18 months, compared with 49.7% of participants assigned to the attention control group. This translated into a relative risk for achieving at least a 2-point improvement with diet and exercise was 1.20 (P = .01).

Among participants who remained in the study for the entire 18 months, there were significant improvements in the diet and exercise group compared with controls in the prespecified secondary endpoints of weight change (–8 kg vs. –2 kg), waist circumference, WOMAC function, 6-minute walk distance, and mean Short Form–36 health-related quality of life subscale (P < .001 for all comparisons).

Dr. Messier acknowledged that the diagnosis of knee OA was based only on ACR clinical criteria and was not confirmed with imaging. In addition, offering patients the option of free meal replacement limited the pragmatic nature of the intervention.

He also noted that the 24% reduction in pain seen in the control group suggests that interacting with patients can improve clinical outcomes.

‘Tour de force’

In the question-and-answer session following Dr. Messier’s presentation, David T. Felson, MD, a rheumatologist at Boston Medical Center, called in and said the study was “a tour de force” and congratulated Dr. Messier and colleagues on “a lovely study.”

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David Felson

Dr. Felson asked whether the investigators had conducted a mediation analysis to determine what proportion of the improvement was attributable to weight loss, and whether patients assigned to exercise were sticking with it throughout the study.

Dr. Messier replied that they had not yet done a mediation analysis but were continuing to examine the data. Regarding the exercise question, he noted that “the adherence was over 80% for 6 months and over 70% for the whole 18 months, so they did a really nice job.”

In an interview, session moderator Anne Davidson, MBBS, director of the rheumatology program at Northwell Health in Manhasset, N.Y., commented that the investigators managed to accomplish a very challenging task.

“In terms of recruitment of patients with engagement of community facilities and quality of data, I would say that, as far as an osteoarthritis study goes, this was really a tremendous effort on the part of all people involved,” she said.

She noted that, while the WE-CAN program may work in North Carolina, there may be barriers to implementing it elsewhere, such as large suburban areas where some patients experience food insecurity and others have difficulty with transportation and access to treatment facilities.

“The question here that remains is, as Dr. Felson asked, what is the contribution of weight loss and what is the contribution of exercise? Because if it’s just weight loss, we have a whole lot of new things coming to help with that,” she said.

The WE-CAN study was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Dr. Messier disclosed that GNC, a health food and nutrition chain, donated the meal replacements used by patients. Dr. Davidson reported no relevant conflicts of interest.

What works in the clinic can also work in community settings: Patients who are overweight or obese with knee osteoarthritis can find relief from pain through diet and exercise programs conducted in recreation centers, local gyms, fitness centers, and other places close to home, according to investigators in a pragmatic randomized trial.

The Weight Loss and Exercise for Communities With Arthritis in North Carolina (WE-CAN) study was modeled after the successful Intensive Diet and Exercise for Arthritis trial, which showed that adults randomized to 18 months of either a diet and exercise program or diet alone had more weight loss and larger reductions in levels of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 than patients randomized to exercise alone, and that diet alone was associated with greater reductions in knee compressive force than exercise alone.

Dr. Stephen P. Messier, professor and director of the J.B. Snow Biomechanics Laboratory at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Stephen P. Messier

That study was conducted by Stephen P. Messier, PhD, and colleagues at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.. As previously reported, the investigators also saw continued benefits for participants years after the original trial.

With the WE-CAN trial, results of which were reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, Dr. Messier and colleagues took the intervention one step further, randomizing 823 community-dwelling adults who were overweight or obese (body mass index [BMI], ≥ 27 kg/m2) with knee OA to either an 18-month diet and exercise intervention or attention control group consisting of five 1-hour face-to-face meetings over 18 months, plus information packets and phone sessions during alternate months.

“Compared to the control group, diet plus exercise had a statistically significant but modest reduction in pain. Diet plus exercise was 20% more likely to attain a clinically important 2-point improvement in pain,” Dr. Messier said in an oral abstract session at ACR.

Real-world setting

The primary goal of WE-CAN was to “determine whether adaptation of a diet and exercise academic center–based efficacy trial to community settings results in a statistically significant reduction in pain relative to an attention control.”

Couple walking for exercise
Ariel Skelley/Getty Images

A total of 3,751 potential candidates were screened, and 823 were randomized and assigned to either a diet and exercise arm (414) or attention control arm (409). Of the patients randomized, 336 in the diet/exercise arm and 322 in the control arm attended the final 18-month follow-up visit.

The exercise component consisted of a 15-minute walking period, followed by a 20-minute weight-training period, and ending with a second 15-minute walking period. The diet goal was 10% or greater weight loss, aided by a distribution of low-calorie recipes to produce a reduced-calorie diet of the patient’s choice, with the option to include nutritional powder to make low-calories shakes as meal replacements, one or two per day for the first 6 months, with the option of one per day for the remaining months.

The pragmatic components included the use of established community facilities in both urban and rural counties in North Carolina, broad inclusion criteria, patient-centered outcomes, use of community-based staff to deliver the treatment, nonphysicians trained by study physicians to perform knee exams, and various means of communication, Dr. Messier said.

Participants in each arm were closely matched by demographic and clinical characteristics, with a mean age of 64.5 years in the diet/exercise group and 64.7 years in the attention control group, respective mean weight of 100.7 kg and 101.1 kg, and respective BMI of 36.7 and 36.9. Women comprised about 77% of participants in each group.



Endpoints met

The trial met its primary endpoint of a significantly greater reduction in pain at 18 months in the diet and exercise group as measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and scored on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 20 (worst pain).

In an analysis adjusted for sex, BMI, and baseline values, there was a 32% reduction in pain scores from baseline in the active intervention arm versus 24% in the control arm (P = .02).

In all, 60.2% of participants assigned to diet and exercise had a minimum reduction in pain scores of at least 2 points at 18 months, compared with 49.7% of participants assigned to the attention control group. This translated into a relative risk for achieving at least a 2-point improvement with diet and exercise was 1.20 (P = .01).

Among participants who remained in the study for the entire 18 months, there were significant improvements in the diet and exercise group compared with controls in the prespecified secondary endpoints of weight change (–8 kg vs. –2 kg), waist circumference, WOMAC function, 6-minute walk distance, and mean Short Form–36 health-related quality of life subscale (P < .001 for all comparisons).

Dr. Messier acknowledged that the diagnosis of knee OA was based only on ACR clinical criteria and was not confirmed with imaging. In addition, offering patients the option of free meal replacement limited the pragmatic nature of the intervention.

He also noted that the 24% reduction in pain seen in the control group suggests that interacting with patients can improve clinical outcomes.

‘Tour de force’

In the question-and-answer session following Dr. Messier’s presentation, David T. Felson, MD, a rheumatologist at Boston Medical Center, called in and said the study was “a tour de force” and congratulated Dr. Messier and colleagues on “a lovely study.”

Dr. David T. Felson, Boston University
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. David Felson

Dr. Felson asked whether the investigators had conducted a mediation analysis to determine what proportion of the improvement was attributable to weight loss, and whether patients assigned to exercise were sticking with it throughout the study.

Dr. Messier replied that they had not yet done a mediation analysis but were continuing to examine the data. Regarding the exercise question, he noted that “the adherence was over 80% for 6 months and over 70% for the whole 18 months, so they did a really nice job.”

In an interview, session moderator Anne Davidson, MBBS, director of the rheumatology program at Northwell Health in Manhasset, N.Y., commented that the investigators managed to accomplish a very challenging task.

“In terms of recruitment of patients with engagement of community facilities and quality of data, I would say that, as far as an osteoarthritis study goes, this was really a tremendous effort on the part of all people involved,” she said.

She noted that, while the WE-CAN program may work in North Carolina, there may be barriers to implementing it elsewhere, such as large suburban areas where some patients experience food insecurity and others have difficulty with transportation and access to treatment facilities.

“The question here that remains is, as Dr. Felson asked, what is the contribution of weight loss and what is the contribution of exercise? Because if it’s just weight loss, we have a whole lot of new things coming to help with that,” she said.

The WE-CAN study was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Dr. Messier disclosed that GNC, a health food and nutrition chain, donated the meal replacements used by patients. Dr. Davidson reported no relevant conflicts of interest.

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StopRA trial: Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t prevent or delay onset of rheumatoid arthritis

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Wed, 11/16/2022 - 15:20

– Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) isn’t any more effective at preventing or delaying the onset of rheumatoid arthritis than placebo, based on interim results of a randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Despite that futility, the percentage of patients who actually went on to develop clinical RA was lower than investigators expected, and the trial supports the use of a key biomarker for identifying RA.

While the StopRA trial was halted early because of futility of the treatment, investigators are continuing to mine the gathered data to deepen their understanding of disease progression and the potential of HCQ to improve symptoms in RA patients, said lead study author Kevin D. Deane, MD, PhD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora.

Dr. Kevin D. Deane, University of Colorado, Denver
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Kevin D. Deane

Overall, around 35% of the study participants on average developed RA, Dr. Deane said. “We were expecting somewhat more,” he said. “Teasing out who’s really going to progress to RA during a study and who’s not is going to be incredibly important.”

StopRA enrolled 144 adults who had elevated anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (CCP3) levels of at least 40 units (about twice the normal level) but no history if inflammatory arthritis, randomizing them on a 1:1 basis to either HCQ (200-400 mg a day based on weight) or placebo for a 1-year treatment regimen.

The study identified participants through rheumatology clinics, testing of first-degree relatives with established RA, health fairs, blood donors, and biobanks. The interim findings are based on 2 years of follow-up after the last dose.

The study focused on HCQ because it has a relatively low risk profile with good safety and tolerability, is easy to administer, and is relatively low cost, Dr. Deane said.

StopRA study failed to meet its primary endpoint: to determine if 1 year of treatment with HCQ reduced the risk of developing inflammatory arthritis and classifiable RA at the end of 3 years in the study population. At the time of the interim analysis, 34% of patients in the HCQ arm and 36% in the placebo arm had developed RA (P = .844), Dr. Deane said. Baseline characteristics were balanced in both treatment arms.

The findings also support the use of CCP3 as a biomarker for RA, Dr. Deane said.

Now that the trial has been terminated, Dr. Deane said investigators are going to review the final data and perform secondary analyses for further clarity on the impact HCQ may have on RA.

“The future analysis should hopefully say if this treatment actually changes symptoms,” he said in an interview. “Because, if somebody felt better on the drug or had a milder form of rheumatoid arthritis once they developed it, that could potentially be a benefit.”

Dr. Deane noted the TREAT EARLIER trial similarly found that a 1-year course of methotrexate didn’t prevent the onset of clinical arthritis, but it did alter the disease course as measured in MRI-detected inflammation, related symptoms, and impairment.

“We’re hoping to look at those things and hopefully look at biologic changes over time,” Dr. Deane said of the extended analysis. “We’re not sure if the drug was associated with changes in biomarkers yet still didn’t halt progression to RA. That might be interesting, because those biomarkers might not be fundamentally related to the disease, but other mechanisms may be. That could give us some insights.”

Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Ted Mikuls

Session moderator Ted Mikuls, MD, a professor of rheumatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, said further mining of the study data is warranted.

“It’s common in a study like that, which took a lot of time and investment, to really take a deep dive into the data to make sure there aren’t signals that we’re missing,” he said in an interview.

One of the challenges with the study may have been patient enrollment, Dr. Mikuls noted. “I wonder about the study population in terms of where they recruit patients from. Who’s more likely to get RA? Is it patients who already have symptoms? Is it asymptomatic patients from biobanks? If it’s arthralgia joint pain patients, maybe by the time you have joint and autoantibody positivity it’s too late to have an intervention.”

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored the study. Dr. Deane disclosed a relationship with Werfen. Dr. Mikuls has no relevant disclosures.


– Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) isn’t any more effective at preventing or delaying the onset of rheumatoid arthritis than placebo, based on interim results of a randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Despite that futility, the percentage of patients who actually went on to develop clinical RA was lower than investigators expected, and the trial supports the use of a key biomarker for identifying RA.

While the StopRA trial was halted early because of futility of the treatment, investigators are continuing to mine the gathered data to deepen their understanding of disease progression and the potential of HCQ to improve symptoms in RA patients, said lead study author Kevin D. Deane, MD, PhD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora.

Dr. Kevin D. Deane, University of Colorado, Denver
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Kevin D. Deane

Overall, around 35% of the study participants on average developed RA, Dr. Deane said. “We were expecting somewhat more,” he said. “Teasing out who’s really going to progress to RA during a study and who’s not is going to be incredibly important.”

StopRA enrolled 144 adults who had elevated anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (CCP3) levels of at least 40 units (about twice the normal level) but no history if inflammatory arthritis, randomizing them on a 1:1 basis to either HCQ (200-400 mg a day based on weight) or placebo for a 1-year treatment regimen.

The study identified participants through rheumatology clinics, testing of first-degree relatives with established RA, health fairs, blood donors, and biobanks. The interim findings are based on 2 years of follow-up after the last dose.

The study focused on HCQ because it has a relatively low risk profile with good safety and tolerability, is easy to administer, and is relatively low cost, Dr. Deane said.

StopRA study failed to meet its primary endpoint: to determine if 1 year of treatment with HCQ reduced the risk of developing inflammatory arthritis and classifiable RA at the end of 3 years in the study population. At the time of the interim analysis, 34% of patients in the HCQ arm and 36% in the placebo arm had developed RA (P = .844), Dr. Deane said. Baseline characteristics were balanced in both treatment arms.

The findings also support the use of CCP3 as a biomarker for RA, Dr. Deane said.

Now that the trial has been terminated, Dr. Deane said investigators are going to review the final data and perform secondary analyses for further clarity on the impact HCQ may have on RA.

“The future analysis should hopefully say if this treatment actually changes symptoms,” he said in an interview. “Because, if somebody felt better on the drug or had a milder form of rheumatoid arthritis once they developed it, that could potentially be a benefit.”

Dr. Deane noted the TREAT EARLIER trial similarly found that a 1-year course of methotrexate didn’t prevent the onset of clinical arthritis, but it did alter the disease course as measured in MRI-detected inflammation, related symptoms, and impairment.

“We’re hoping to look at those things and hopefully look at biologic changes over time,” Dr. Deane said of the extended analysis. “We’re not sure if the drug was associated with changes in biomarkers yet still didn’t halt progression to RA. That might be interesting, because those biomarkers might not be fundamentally related to the disease, but other mechanisms may be. That could give us some insights.”

Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Ted Mikuls

Session moderator Ted Mikuls, MD, a professor of rheumatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, said further mining of the study data is warranted.

“It’s common in a study like that, which took a lot of time and investment, to really take a deep dive into the data to make sure there aren’t signals that we’re missing,” he said in an interview.

One of the challenges with the study may have been patient enrollment, Dr. Mikuls noted. “I wonder about the study population in terms of where they recruit patients from. Who’s more likely to get RA? Is it patients who already have symptoms? Is it asymptomatic patients from biobanks? If it’s arthralgia joint pain patients, maybe by the time you have joint and autoantibody positivity it’s too late to have an intervention.”

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored the study. Dr. Deane disclosed a relationship with Werfen. Dr. Mikuls has no relevant disclosures.

– Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) isn’t any more effective at preventing or delaying the onset of rheumatoid arthritis than placebo, based on interim results of a randomized clinical trial reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Despite that futility, the percentage of patients who actually went on to develop clinical RA was lower than investigators expected, and the trial supports the use of a key biomarker for identifying RA.

While the StopRA trial was halted early because of futility of the treatment, investigators are continuing to mine the gathered data to deepen their understanding of disease progression and the potential of HCQ to improve symptoms in RA patients, said lead study author Kevin D. Deane, MD, PhD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora.

Dr. Kevin D. Deane, University of Colorado, Denver
Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Kevin D. Deane

Overall, around 35% of the study participants on average developed RA, Dr. Deane said. “We were expecting somewhat more,” he said. “Teasing out who’s really going to progress to RA during a study and who’s not is going to be incredibly important.”

StopRA enrolled 144 adults who had elevated anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (CCP3) levels of at least 40 units (about twice the normal level) but no history if inflammatory arthritis, randomizing them on a 1:1 basis to either HCQ (200-400 mg a day based on weight) or placebo for a 1-year treatment regimen.

The study identified participants through rheumatology clinics, testing of first-degree relatives with established RA, health fairs, blood donors, and biobanks. The interim findings are based on 2 years of follow-up after the last dose.

The study focused on HCQ because it has a relatively low risk profile with good safety and tolerability, is easy to administer, and is relatively low cost, Dr. Deane said.

StopRA study failed to meet its primary endpoint: to determine if 1 year of treatment with HCQ reduced the risk of developing inflammatory arthritis and classifiable RA at the end of 3 years in the study population. At the time of the interim analysis, 34% of patients in the HCQ arm and 36% in the placebo arm had developed RA (P = .844), Dr. Deane said. Baseline characteristics were balanced in both treatment arms.

The findings also support the use of CCP3 as a biomarker for RA, Dr. Deane said.

Now that the trial has been terminated, Dr. Deane said investigators are going to review the final data and perform secondary analyses for further clarity on the impact HCQ may have on RA.

“The future analysis should hopefully say if this treatment actually changes symptoms,” he said in an interview. “Because, if somebody felt better on the drug or had a milder form of rheumatoid arthritis once they developed it, that could potentially be a benefit.”

Dr. Deane noted the TREAT EARLIER trial similarly found that a 1-year course of methotrexate didn’t prevent the onset of clinical arthritis, but it did alter the disease course as measured in MRI-detected inflammation, related symptoms, and impairment.

“We’re hoping to look at those things and hopefully look at biologic changes over time,” Dr. Deane said of the extended analysis. “We’re not sure if the drug was associated with changes in biomarkers yet still didn’t halt progression to RA. That might be interesting, because those biomarkers might not be fundamentally related to the disease, but other mechanisms may be. That could give us some insights.”

Richard Mark Kirkner/MDedge News
Dr. Ted Mikuls

Session moderator Ted Mikuls, MD, a professor of rheumatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, said further mining of the study data is warranted.

“It’s common in a study like that, which took a lot of time and investment, to really take a deep dive into the data to make sure there aren’t signals that we’re missing,” he said in an interview.

One of the challenges with the study may have been patient enrollment, Dr. Mikuls noted. “I wonder about the study population in terms of where they recruit patients from. Who’s more likely to get RA? Is it patients who already have symptoms? Is it asymptomatic patients from biobanks? If it’s arthralgia joint pain patients, maybe by the time you have joint and autoantibody positivity it’s too late to have an intervention.”

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored the study. Dr. Deane disclosed a relationship with Werfen. Dr. Mikuls has no relevant disclosures.

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