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Tue, 07/21/2020 - 14:18
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HFSA: Emphasizing "acute" in acute decompensated heart failure

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. – Acute decompensated heart failure is becoming more of an emergency.

Traditionally, it has been seen as a lumbering event that could be treated at a relatively leisurely pace, but heart failure physicians increasingly see the moment when patients arrive in the hospital with an episode of acute decompensated heart failure as a time-sensitive event that requires rapid intervention in a manner much more akin to an acute MI than to chronic heart failure.

Dr. Milton Packer
Dr. Milton Packer

While the tide is slowly shifting to put a premium on rapid treatment to try to decongest acute heart failure patients, the treatment options clinicians have available for these patients often remain inadequate.

“Development of drugs for acutely decompensated heart failure has been extremely difficult. We have done a really horrible job treating this disease,” Dr. Milton Packer said at the HFSA annual scientific meeting.

Treatment of acute heart failure patients has generally focused on relieving dyspnea, but part of the new appreciation of this state as an emergency event involves understanding that the pathology patients have when they reach the hospital is much more global and has profoundly morbid consequences.

“We want more from treatment than for patients to feel a little bit better an hour or two sooner” by relieving dyspnea, said Dr. Packer, professor of medicine and a heart failure specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “In the first 6 hours [of acute heart failure hospitalization], many patients are spilling troponin. We don’t know what this means, but the patients who spill troponin have a markedly increased risk for a more complicated hospital course.” About 10%-25% of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure have recurrent worsening heart failure, and many of these are also the patients who have a spike in their troponin level during initial hospitalization, he noted.

The troponin release in many patients and its association with worse outcomes is a clue that these patients are experiencing an ischemic myocardial event similar to an acute MI, possibly caused by myocardial-wall stretch, Dr. Packer said in an interview.

“If we can reduce this early acute cardiac dilatation, maybe we can reduce myocardial injury, reduce troponin release, and have favorable effects on clinically relevant events both short-term and long-term,” he said. “That’s why in trials [of investigational drugs for acute heart failure] we are treating patients earlier. Before we said we could enroll patients [into acute-treatment trials] within 48 hours of hospital admission. Now we enroll within 16 hours, or within 12 hours. We’ve learned that early intervention is important. That makes acute heart failure a lot more similar to an acute MI.”

European Society recommends faster acute heart failure management

European heart failure specialists have also become convinced that acute heart failure is an emergency that needs a rapid response. In June, the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology published new recommendations on the in-hospital management of patients with acute heart failure (Eur J Heart Fail 2015 June;17[6];544-58). In the document, the association’s writing panel said, “The potentially greater benefit of early treatment is of conceptual importance in many cardiovascular presentations (e.g., myocardial infarction). Unfortunately, acute heart failure has not been considered with this regard until recently.” Breaking with the past, the association’s new recommendations now say that “all acute heart failure patients should receive appropriate therapy as early as possible,” an approach that involves starting acute management in the prehospital setting.

Dr. Piotr Ponikowski
Dr. Piotr Ponikowski

One member of the writing group for these recommendations put it more succinctly while speaking at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology in London in August: “Time is muscle in acute heart failure,” said Dr. Piotr Ponikowski, professor and heart failure specialist at the Medical University in Wroclaw, Poland. “When a patient has acute coronary syndrome everyone rushes, but we have patients with acute heart failure and no one rushes. We give furosemide, maybe something else, and then we wait and see.” He recommended adhering to a schedule that would have a patient assessed and initially treated within the first hour of hospitalization, and even sooner if treatment could start at the prehospital stage.

Like Dr. Packer, Dr. Ponikowski also lamented the inadequate tools now available for treating acute heart failure and the pressing need to identify better approaches to treatment, especially for selected acute heart failure patients.

“It is too simple to think that one drug or one treatment will help the entire spectrum of acute heart failure patients,” he said. “Our hypothesis is that profiling patients at every step of acute heart failure is crucial.”



He itemized five distinct types of acute heart failure patients based on their precipitating triggers of decompensation:

• Rapid arrhythmia or rhythm disturbance.

• Hypertension emergency.

• Pulmonary embolism.

• Pulmonary infection.

• Mechanical cause of acute heart failure.

“We need to clinically profile” patients into these subgroups to better tailor management, he said.

Another important aspect of patient heterogeneity is that fluid congestion may be less important in many patients compared with fluid redistribution from the splanchnic circulation. This distinction is important because fluid redistribution may be better treated with a vasodilator than with a diuretic, he noted. He voiced hope that two phase III trials now in progress with two unique vasodilator drugs, the TRUE-AHF trial of ularitide, and the RELAX-AHF-2 trial of serelaxin, may identify two new vasodilators with “unique effects” that could potentially launch a new era in management of selected patients with acute heart failure. Dr. Packer, the principal investigator for the ularitide trial, offered similar hope.

The responsiveness of acute heart failure patients to in-hospital treatment may vary depending on what end-organ damage they experience, Dr. Ponikowski said.

Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa

This end-organ damage is often an acute process occurring during hospitalization caused by the fluid congestion and redistribution that occurs during acute heart failure, said Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa, professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Lariboisière Hospital in Paris.

“Fluid overload leads to organ dysfunction. In the past, we thought that kidney dysfunction [occurring during acute heart failure] was due to low cardiac output, but we know that dysfunction in the kidney and liver is due to congestion, and diuretics do not remove water from the liver and kidney,” Dr. Mebazaa said in an interview. “Diuretics may remove fluid from vessels, but not from organs. We need new approaches to remove fluid from organs – from the kidney, liver, and lungs” – during acute heart failure. This is another reason why heart failure physicians are excited about the possibility of finding new vasodilators, such a ularitide and serelaxin, that might address the issue of venous congestion in peripheral organs.

Faster management endorsed by U.S. clinicians, too

Dr. Mariell L. Jessup
Dr. Mariell L. Jessup

“We used to think that the reason why patients with acute heart failure were not voiding well and became diuretic resistant was because of poor cardiac output. Now we know that there is a lot of venous congestion with an impact on the liver and kidneys,” agreed Dr. Mariell L. Jessup, professor and medical director of the Penn Heart and Vascular Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “We’ve begun to appreciate how important venous congestion is in causing high pressures on the right side” of the circulatory system, she said in an interview.

Other U.S. physicians echo the call by Dr. Packer and the European cardiologists for faster treatment of acute heart failure. “I collected data at U.S. hospitals and found it took an average of 22 hours for decompensated heart failure patients to receive treatment,” said Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo, medical director of the heart failure and pulmonary hypertension program at Advocate Heart Institute in Naperville, Ill. “I have tried to convey the message that these patients must be treated early, and this is associated with better outcomes,” she said in an interview during the HFSA meeting.

Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo
Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo

“Early treatment means at least two doses of intravenous diuretic in the emergency department. We’ve seen that the two immediate doses can make a big difference, producing shorter lengths of stay in the intensive care unit, fewer rehospitalizations, and fewer deaths,” according to data collected in the ADHERE (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry), she said. “But this has not yet been picked up in a lot of U.S. practice.” Although the hemodynamic abnormalities that lead up to an acute decompensation event can take several weeks of steady worsening before severe symptoms drive a patient to the hospital, once the patient requires hospitalization “it should be treated as an emergency,” she said.

Dr. Costanzo is a major advocate for using ultrafiltration as a second-line treatment for acute decompensated heart failure patients who do not adequately respond to diuretic treatment, but for the time being, ultrafiltration remains a controversial option that at least some other heart failure physicians do not endorse, and it can involve reimbursement issues as many insurers consider it investigational.

Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor

“Try to get the patient decongested within the first 6 hours [after arrival at the hospital] or even sooner, within the first 1-2 hours,” recommended Dr. Christopher M. O’Connor, chief executive officer of Inova Heart and Vascular Institute in Falls Church, Va. He suggested treating patients with a combination of diuretics and vasodilators. “Some people are talking about instituting a performance measure for treating acute heart failure within the first 6 hours,” Dr. O’Connor said in an interview.



Currently, vasodilator treatment is limited to standard agents such as intravenous nitroglycerin, but Dr. O’Connor shared the hope that sometime soon a new vasodilator may be shown effective for acutely decompensated patients. He is a coinvestigator on the TRUE-AHF study of ularitide. “We hope that these new vasodilators, ularitide and serelaxin, will be good complements to diuretics, he said. Dr. O’Connor also recommended that clinicians shy away from using ultrafiltration as a back-up therapy, believing that it was shown ineffective and potentially harmful in results from the CARRESS-HF trial (N Engl J Med 2012 Dec 13;367[24]:2296-304).

But not all heart failure specialists see acute heart failure as a new frontier for early treatment and new drug discovery.

Dr. Clyde W. Yancy
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Clyde W. Yancy

“So much energy has already been spent on acute heart failure with very little return,” said Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, professor and chief of cardiology at Northwestern University in Chicago. “I think that our best opportunities in heart failure are in prevention and in better chronic care. The hospitalized patient is so broad and complex; if we’re looking at how to best spend our resources I think it’s best to focus on prevention,” he said in an interview.

“The hospital experience needs to shift toward better use of systems of care and focus less on the biology. The biggest challenge is how to coordinate all the systems to make sure that patients have access to the resources and can obtain [existing] medications. Patients don’t often have the literacy to understand discharge instructions, and our systems are overwhelmed by trying to have 7-day follow-up visits. Focusing on management of the hospitalized patient does not give us a good return on the investment. There is no question that acute heart failure is an unmet need, but the greater unmet need is prevention and improved chronic care. No single intervention will dramatically change the acute heart failure experience. Focusing on the hospitalization does not offer us management opportunities that are as robust as we once thought,” Dr. Yancy said.

Dr. Packer has been a consultant to 22 companies. Dr. Ponikowski has been a consultant to, speaker for, or has received research grants from 11 companies. Dr. Mebazaa has received speaking honoraria and consulting fees from 11 companies. Dr. Jessup, Dr. Costanzo, and Dr. Yancy had no disclosures. Dr. O’Connor has been a consultant to ResMed, Roche Diagnostics, Cardiorentis, Bayer, and Actelion and has received research grants from Otsuka, ResMed, and Roche Diagnostics.

On Twitter@mitchelzoler


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Legacy Keywords
acute heart failure, decompensated heart failure, diuretics, ularitide, serelaxin, Packer, Ponikowski, Mebazaa, Jessup, O'Connor, Yancy, Costanzo
Author and Disclosure Information

Author and Disclosure Information

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NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. – Acute decompensated heart failure is becoming more of an emergency.

Traditionally, it has been seen as a lumbering event that could be treated at a relatively leisurely pace, but heart failure physicians increasingly see the moment when patients arrive in the hospital with an episode of acute decompensated heart failure as a time-sensitive event that requires rapid intervention in a manner much more akin to an acute MI than to chronic heart failure.

Dr. Milton Packer
Dr. Milton Packer

While the tide is slowly shifting to put a premium on rapid treatment to try to decongest acute heart failure patients, the treatment options clinicians have available for these patients often remain inadequate.

“Development of drugs for acutely decompensated heart failure has been extremely difficult. We have done a really horrible job treating this disease,” Dr. Milton Packer said at the HFSA annual scientific meeting.

Treatment of acute heart failure patients has generally focused on relieving dyspnea, but part of the new appreciation of this state as an emergency event involves understanding that the pathology patients have when they reach the hospital is much more global and has profoundly morbid consequences.

“We want more from treatment than for patients to feel a little bit better an hour or two sooner” by relieving dyspnea, said Dr. Packer, professor of medicine and a heart failure specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “In the first 6 hours [of acute heart failure hospitalization], many patients are spilling troponin. We don’t know what this means, but the patients who spill troponin have a markedly increased risk for a more complicated hospital course.” About 10%-25% of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure have recurrent worsening heart failure, and many of these are also the patients who have a spike in their troponin level during initial hospitalization, he noted.

The troponin release in many patients and its association with worse outcomes is a clue that these patients are experiencing an ischemic myocardial event similar to an acute MI, possibly caused by myocardial-wall stretch, Dr. Packer said in an interview.

“If we can reduce this early acute cardiac dilatation, maybe we can reduce myocardial injury, reduce troponin release, and have favorable effects on clinically relevant events both short-term and long-term,” he said. “That’s why in trials [of investigational drugs for acute heart failure] we are treating patients earlier. Before we said we could enroll patients [into acute-treatment trials] within 48 hours of hospital admission. Now we enroll within 16 hours, or within 12 hours. We’ve learned that early intervention is important. That makes acute heart failure a lot more similar to an acute MI.”

European Society recommends faster acute heart failure management

European heart failure specialists have also become convinced that acute heart failure is an emergency that needs a rapid response. In June, the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology published new recommendations on the in-hospital management of patients with acute heart failure (Eur J Heart Fail 2015 June;17[6];544-58). In the document, the association’s writing panel said, “The potentially greater benefit of early treatment is of conceptual importance in many cardiovascular presentations (e.g., myocardial infarction). Unfortunately, acute heart failure has not been considered with this regard until recently.” Breaking with the past, the association’s new recommendations now say that “all acute heart failure patients should receive appropriate therapy as early as possible,” an approach that involves starting acute management in the prehospital setting.

Dr. Piotr Ponikowski
Dr. Piotr Ponikowski

One member of the writing group for these recommendations put it more succinctly while speaking at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology in London in August: “Time is muscle in acute heart failure,” said Dr. Piotr Ponikowski, professor and heart failure specialist at the Medical University in Wroclaw, Poland. “When a patient has acute coronary syndrome everyone rushes, but we have patients with acute heart failure and no one rushes. We give furosemide, maybe something else, and then we wait and see.” He recommended adhering to a schedule that would have a patient assessed and initially treated within the first hour of hospitalization, and even sooner if treatment could start at the prehospital stage.

Like Dr. Packer, Dr. Ponikowski also lamented the inadequate tools now available for treating acute heart failure and the pressing need to identify better approaches to treatment, especially for selected acute heart failure patients.

“It is too simple to think that one drug or one treatment will help the entire spectrum of acute heart failure patients,” he said. “Our hypothesis is that profiling patients at every step of acute heart failure is crucial.”



He itemized five distinct types of acute heart failure patients based on their precipitating triggers of decompensation:

• Rapid arrhythmia or rhythm disturbance.

• Hypertension emergency.

• Pulmonary embolism.

• Pulmonary infection.

• Mechanical cause of acute heart failure.

“We need to clinically profile” patients into these subgroups to better tailor management, he said.

Another important aspect of patient heterogeneity is that fluid congestion may be less important in many patients compared with fluid redistribution from the splanchnic circulation. This distinction is important because fluid redistribution may be better treated with a vasodilator than with a diuretic, he noted. He voiced hope that two phase III trials now in progress with two unique vasodilator drugs, the TRUE-AHF trial of ularitide, and the RELAX-AHF-2 trial of serelaxin, may identify two new vasodilators with “unique effects” that could potentially launch a new era in management of selected patients with acute heart failure. Dr. Packer, the principal investigator for the ularitide trial, offered similar hope.

The responsiveness of acute heart failure patients to in-hospital treatment may vary depending on what end-organ damage they experience, Dr. Ponikowski said.

Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa

This end-organ damage is often an acute process occurring during hospitalization caused by the fluid congestion and redistribution that occurs during acute heart failure, said Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa, professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Lariboisière Hospital in Paris.

“Fluid overload leads to organ dysfunction. In the past, we thought that kidney dysfunction [occurring during acute heart failure] was due to low cardiac output, but we know that dysfunction in the kidney and liver is due to congestion, and diuretics do not remove water from the liver and kidney,” Dr. Mebazaa said in an interview. “Diuretics may remove fluid from vessels, but not from organs. We need new approaches to remove fluid from organs – from the kidney, liver, and lungs” – during acute heart failure. This is another reason why heart failure physicians are excited about the possibility of finding new vasodilators, such a ularitide and serelaxin, that might address the issue of venous congestion in peripheral organs.

Faster management endorsed by U.S. clinicians, too

Dr. Mariell L. Jessup
Dr. Mariell L. Jessup

“We used to think that the reason why patients with acute heart failure were not voiding well and became diuretic resistant was because of poor cardiac output. Now we know that there is a lot of venous congestion with an impact on the liver and kidneys,” agreed Dr. Mariell L. Jessup, professor and medical director of the Penn Heart and Vascular Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “We’ve begun to appreciate how important venous congestion is in causing high pressures on the right side” of the circulatory system, she said in an interview.

Other U.S. physicians echo the call by Dr. Packer and the European cardiologists for faster treatment of acute heart failure. “I collected data at U.S. hospitals and found it took an average of 22 hours for decompensated heart failure patients to receive treatment,” said Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo, medical director of the heart failure and pulmonary hypertension program at Advocate Heart Institute in Naperville, Ill. “I have tried to convey the message that these patients must be treated early, and this is associated with better outcomes,” she said in an interview during the HFSA meeting.

Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo
Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo

“Early treatment means at least two doses of intravenous diuretic in the emergency department. We’ve seen that the two immediate doses can make a big difference, producing shorter lengths of stay in the intensive care unit, fewer rehospitalizations, and fewer deaths,” according to data collected in the ADHERE (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry), she said. “But this has not yet been picked up in a lot of U.S. practice.” Although the hemodynamic abnormalities that lead up to an acute decompensation event can take several weeks of steady worsening before severe symptoms drive a patient to the hospital, once the patient requires hospitalization “it should be treated as an emergency,” she said.

Dr. Costanzo is a major advocate for using ultrafiltration as a second-line treatment for acute decompensated heart failure patients who do not adequately respond to diuretic treatment, but for the time being, ultrafiltration remains a controversial option that at least some other heart failure physicians do not endorse, and it can involve reimbursement issues as many insurers consider it investigational.

Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor

“Try to get the patient decongested within the first 6 hours [after arrival at the hospital] or even sooner, within the first 1-2 hours,” recommended Dr. Christopher M. O’Connor, chief executive officer of Inova Heart and Vascular Institute in Falls Church, Va. He suggested treating patients with a combination of diuretics and vasodilators. “Some people are talking about instituting a performance measure for treating acute heart failure within the first 6 hours,” Dr. O’Connor said in an interview.



Currently, vasodilator treatment is limited to standard agents such as intravenous nitroglycerin, but Dr. O’Connor shared the hope that sometime soon a new vasodilator may be shown effective for acutely decompensated patients. He is a coinvestigator on the TRUE-AHF study of ularitide. “We hope that these new vasodilators, ularitide and serelaxin, will be good complements to diuretics, he said. Dr. O’Connor also recommended that clinicians shy away from using ultrafiltration as a back-up therapy, believing that it was shown ineffective and potentially harmful in results from the CARRESS-HF trial (N Engl J Med 2012 Dec 13;367[24]:2296-304).

But not all heart failure specialists see acute heart failure as a new frontier for early treatment and new drug discovery.

Dr. Clyde W. Yancy
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Clyde W. Yancy

“So much energy has already been spent on acute heart failure with very little return,” said Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, professor and chief of cardiology at Northwestern University in Chicago. “I think that our best opportunities in heart failure are in prevention and in better chronic care. The hospitalized patient is so broad and complex; if we’re looking at how to best spend our resources I think it’s best to focus on prevention,” he said in an interview.

“The hospital experience needs to shift toward better use of systems of care and focus less on the biology. The biggest challenge is how to coordinate all the systems to make sure that patients have access to the resources and can obtain [existing] medications. Patients don’t often have the literacy to understand discharge instructions, and our systems are overwhelmed by trying to have 7-day follow-up visits. Focusing on management of the hospitalized patient does not give us a good return on the investment. There is no question that acute heart failure is an unmet need, but the greater unmet need is prevention and improved chronic care. No single intervention will dramatically change the acute heart failure experience. Focusing on the hospitalization does not offer us management opportunities that are as robust as we once thought,” Dr. Yancy said.

Dr. Packer has been a consultant to 22 companies. Dr. Ponikowski has been a consultant to, speaker for, or has received research grants from 11 companies. Dr. Mebazaa has received speaking honoraria and consulting fees from 11 companies. Dr. Jessup, Dr. Costanzo, and Dr. Yancy had no disclosures. Dr. O’Connor has been a consultant to ResMed, Roche Diagnostics, Cardiorentis, Bayer, and Actelion and has received research grants from Otsuka, ResMed, and Roche Diagnostics.

On Twitter@mitchelzoler

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. – Acute decompensated heart failure is becoming more of an emergency.

Traditionally, it has been seen as a lumbering event that could be treated at a relatively leisurely pace, but heart failure physicians increasingly see the moment when patients arrive in the hospital with an episode of acute decompensated heart failure as a time-sensitive event that requires rapid intervention in a manner much more akin to an acute MI than to chronic heart failure.

Dr. Milton Packer
Dr. Milton Packer

While the tide is slowly shifting to put a premium on rapid treatment to try to decongest acute heart failure patients, the treatment options clinicians have available for these patients often remain inadequate.

“Development of drugs for acutely decompensated heart failure has been extremely difficult. We have done a really horrible job treating this disease,” Dr. Milton Packer said at the HFSA annual scientific meeting.

Treatment of acute heart failure patients has generally focused on relieving dyspnea, but part of the new appreciation of this state as an emergency event involves understanding that the pathology patients have when they reach the hospital is much more global and has profoundly morbid consequences.

“We want more from treatment than for patients to feel a little bit better an hour or two sooner” by relieving dyspnea, said Dr. Packer, professor of medicine and a heart failure specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “In the first 6 hours [of acute heart failure hospitalization], many patients are spilling troponin. We don’t know what this means, but the patients who spill troponin have a markedly increased risk for a more complicated hospital course.” About 10%-25% of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure have recurrent worsening heart failure, and many of these are also the patients who have a spike in their troponin level during initial hospitalization, he noted.

The troponin release in many patients and its association with worse outcomes is a clue that these patients are experiencing an ischemic myocardial event similar to an acute MI, possibly caused by myocardial-wall stretch, Dr. Packer said in an interview.

“If we can reduce this early acute cardiac dilatation, maybe we can reduce myocardial injury, reduce troponin release, and have favorable effects on clinically relevant events both short-term and long-term,” he said. “That’s why in trials [of investigational drugs for acute heart failure] we are treating patients earlier. Before we said we could enroll patients [into acute-treatment trials] within 48 hours of hospital admission. Now we enroll within 16 hours, or within 12 hours. We’ve learned that early intervention is important. That makes acute heart failure a lot more similar to an acute MI.”

European Society recommends faster acute heart failure management

European heart failure specialists have also become convinced that acute heart failure is an emergency that needs a rapid response. In June, the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology published new recommendations on the in-hospital management of patients with acute heart failure (Eur J Heart Fail 2015 June;17[6];544-58). In the document, the association’s writing panel said, “The potentially greater benefit of early treatment is of conceptual importance in many cardiovascular presentations (e.g., myocardial infarction). Unfortunately, acute heart failure has not been considered with this regard until recently.” Breaking with the past, the association’s new recommendations now say that “all acute heart failure patients should receive appropriate therapy as early as possible,” an approach that involves starting acute management in the prehospital setting.

Dr. Piotr Ponikowski
Dr. Piotr Ponikowski

One member of the writing group for these recommendations put it more succinctly while speaking at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology in London in August: “Time is muscle in acute heart failure,” said Dr. Piotr Ponikowski, professor and heart failure specialist at the Medical University in Wroclaw, Poland. “When a patient has acute coronary syndrome everyone rushes, but we have patients with acute heart failure and no one rushes. We give furosemide, maybe something else, and then we wait and see.” He recommended adhering to a schedule that would have a patient assessed and initially treated within the first hour of hospitalization, and even sooner if treatment could start at the prehospital stage.

Like Dr. Packer, Dr. Ponikowski also lamented the inadequate tools now available for treating acute heart failure and the pressing need to identify better approaches to treatment, especially for selected acute heart failure patients.

“It is too simple to think that one drug or one treatment will help the entire spectrum of acute heart failure patients,” he said. “Our hypothesis is that profiling patients at every step of acute heart failure is crucial.”



He itemized five distinct types of acute heart failure patients based on their precipitating triggers of decompensation:

• Rapid arrhythmia or rhythm disturbance.

• Hypertension emergency.

• Pulmonary embolism.

• Pulmonary infection.

• Mechanical cause of acute heart failure.

“We need to clinically profile” patients into these subgroups to better tailor management, he said.

Another important aspect of patient heterogeneity is that fluid congestion may be less important in many patients compared with fluid redistribution from the splanchnic circulation. This distinction is important because fluid redistribution may be better treated with a vasodilator than with a diuretic, he noted. He voiced hope that two phase III trials now in progress with two unique vasodilator drugs, the TRUE-AHF trial of ularitide, and the RELAX-AHF-2 trial of serelaxin, may identify two new vasodilators with “unique effects” that could potentially launch a new era in management of selected patients with acute heart failure. Dr. Packer, the principal investigator for the ularitide trial, offered similar hope.

The responsiveness of acute heart failure patients to in-hospital treatment may vary depending on what end-organ damage they experience, Dr. Ponikowski said.

Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa

This end-organ damage is often an acute process occurring during hospitalization caused by the fluid congestion and redistribution that occurs during acute heart failure, said Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa, professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Lariboisière Hospital in Paris.

“Fluid overload leads to organ dysfunction. In the past, we thought that kidney dysfunction [occurring during acute heart failure] was due to low cardiac output, but we know that dysfunction in the kidney and liver is due to congestion, and diuretics do not remove water from the liver and kidney,” Dr. Mebazaa said in an interview. “Diuretics may remove fluid from vessels, but not from organs. We need new approaches to remove fluid from organs – from the kidney, liver, and lungs” – during acute heart failure. This is another reason why heart failure physicians are excited about the possibility of finding new vasodilators, such a ularitide and serelaxin, that might address the issue of venous congestion in peripheral organs.

Faster management endorsed by U.S. clinicians, too

Dr. Mariell L. Jessup
Dr. Mariell L. Jessup

“We used to think that the reason why patients with acute heart failure were not voiding well and became diuretic resistant was because of poor cardiac output. Now we know that there is a lot of venous congestion with an impact on the liver and kidneys,” agreed Dr. Mariell L. Jessup, professor and medical director of the Penn Heart and Vascular Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “We’ve begun to appreciate how important venous congestion is in causing high pressures on the right side” of the circulatory system, she said in an interview.

Other U.S. physicians echo the call by Dr. Packer and the European cardiologists for faster treatment of acute heart failure. “I collected data at U.S. hospitals and found it took an average of 22 hours for decompensated heart failure patients to receive treatment,” said Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo, medical director of the heart failure and pulmonary hypertension program at Advocate Heart Institute in Naperville, Ill. “I have tried to convey the message that these patients must be treated early, and this is associated with better outcomes,” she said in an interview during the HFSA meeting.

Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo
Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo

“Early treatment means at least two doses of intravenous diuretic in the emergency department. We’ve seen that the two immediate doses can make a big difference, producing shorter lengths of stay in the intensive care unit, fewer rehospitalizations, and fewer deaths,” according to data collected in the ADHERE (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry), she said. “But this has not yet been picked up in a lot of U.S. practice.” Although the hemodynamic abnormalities that lead up to an acute decompensation event can take several weeks of steady worsening before severe symptoms drive a patient to the hospital, once the patient requires hospitalization “it should be treated as an emergency,” she said.

Dr. Costanzo is a major advocate for using ultrafiltration as a second-line treatment for acute decompensated heart failure patients who do not adequately respond to diuretic treatment, but for the time being, ultrafiltration remains a controversial option that at least some other heart failure physicians do not endorse, and it can involve reimbursement issues as many insurers consider it investigational.

Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Christopher M. O'Connor

“Try to get the patient decongested within the first 6 hours [after arrival at the hospital] or even sooner, within the first 1-2 hours,” recommended Dr. Christopher M. O’Connor, chief executive officer of Inova Heart and Vascular Institute in Falls Church, Va. He suggested treating patients with a combination of diuretics and vasodilators. “Some people are talking about instituting a performance measure for treating acute heart failure within the first 6 hours,” Dr. O’Connor said in an interview.



Currently, vasodilator treatment is limited to standard agents such as intravenous nitroglycerin, but Dr. O’Connor shared the hope that sometime soon a new vasodilator may be shown effective for acutely decompensated patients. He is a coinvestigator on the TRUE-AHF study of ularitide. “We hope that these new vasodilators, ularitide and serelaxin, will be good complements to diuretics, he said. Dr. O’Connor also recommended that clinicians shy away from using ultrafiltration as a back-up therapy, believing that it was shown ineffective and potentially harmful in results from the CARRESS-HF trial (N Engl J Med 2012 Dec 13;367[24]:2296-304).

But not all heart failure specialists see acute heart failure as a new frontier for early treatment and new drug discovery.

Dr. Clyde W. Yancy
Mitchel L. Zoler/Frontline Medical News
Dr. Clyde W. Yancy

“So much energy has already been spent on acute heart failure with very little return,” said Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, professor and chief of cardiology at Northwestern University in Chicago. “I think that our best opportunities in heart failure are in prevention and in better chronic care. The hospitalized patient is so broad and complex; if we’re looking at how to best spend our resources I think it’s best to focus on prevention,” he said in an interview.

“The hospital experience needs to shift toward better use of systems of care and focus less on the biology. The biggest challenge is how to coordinate all the systems to make sure that patients have access to the resources and can obtain [existing] medications. Patients don’t often have the literacy to understand discharge instructions, and our systems are overwhelmed by trying to have 7-day follow-up visits. Focusing on management of the hospitalized patient does not give us a good return on the investment. There is no question that acute heart failure is an unmet need, but the greater unmet need is prevention and improved chronic care. No single intervention will dramatically change the acute heart failure experience. Focusing on the hospitalization does not offer us management opportunities that are as robust as we once thought,” Dr. Yancy said.

Dr. Packer has been a consultant to 22 companies. Dr. Ponikowski has been a consultant to, speaker for, or has received research grants from 11 companies. Dr. Mebazaa has received speaking honoraria and consulting fees from 11 companies. Dr. Jessup, Dr. Costanzo, and Dr. Yancy had no disclosures. Dr. O’Connor has been a consultant to ResMed, Roche Diagnostics, Cardiorentis, Bayer, and Actelion and has received research grants from Otsuka, ResMed, and Roche Diagnostics.

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HFSA: Emphasizing "acute" in acute decompensated heart failure
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HFSA: Emphasizing "acute" in acute decompensated heart failure
Legacy Keywords
acute heart failure, decompensated heart failure, diuretics, ularitide, serelaxin, Packer, Ponikowski, Mebazaa, Jessup, O'Connor, Yancy, Costanzo
Legacy Keywords
acute heart failure, decompensated heart failure, diuretics, ularitide, serelaxin, Packer, Ponikowski, Mebazaa, Jessup, O'Connor, Yancy, Costanzo
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