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Mon, 02/24/2020 - 10:42

Eucalyptus eulogy

(“Taps” quietly plays in the background ... ) In some sad news, Quincy the diabetic koala has passed on to that great eucalyptus tree in the sky. The furry type 1 diabetic lived in San Diego, where he was recently fitted with a cutting-edge continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This allowed Quincy more time for his favorite activities (chewing and sleeping) and less time spent with pesky skin pricks.

Quincy, a koala with diabetes at the San Diego Zoo, wears a continuous glucose monitor.
Courtesy San Diego Zoo

Quincy died of pneumonia, and it is unclear whether his death was diabetes related. All we know is that he will be missed greatly. He was beloved by those with diabetes everywhere, animal or otherwise. Quincy’s successful CGM procedure also gives endocrinologists hope that the technology could eventually be used for similarly fragile humans, like babies. R.I.P., Quincy; we loved you. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to his favorite charity, the Drop Bear Awareness Association.

What’s Latin for ‘poop’?

The study of the human microbiota has become incredibly important in recent years, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it entails experimenting on poop. Remarkably, no one’s come up with a proper technical name for this unsavory activity. However, thanks to a collaboration between a gastroenterologist and a classics professor at the University of North Carolina, that deficiency is no more. You’ve met the in vivo and in vitro study. Now, please welcome the “in vimo” study!

ventdusud/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Why in vimo? The term fecal or “in feco” might seem obvious. But the Latin root word never referred to poop, and if there’s one thing scientists can’t have, it’s improper Latin usage. The Romans, it turns out, had lots of words for poop. The root word of laetamen referred to fertility, richness, and happiness – a tempting prospect – but was mostly used to refer to farm animal dung. Merda mostly referred to smell or stench, and stercus shared the same root word as scatology, which refers to obscene literature. Fimus, which specifically refers to manure, was thus the most precise, and it was used by literary giants such as Livy, Virgil, and Tacitus. A clear winner, and the in vimo study flushed the rest of the competition away.

And just in case you think these researchers are no fun, the name they chose for the active enzymes collected from their in vimo samples? Poopernatants. Yes, even doctors enjoy a good poop joke.

The new Breakfast Club

Researchers at the University of Illinois and the University of Texas have collaborated to study something that most of us fear greatly: high school cliques. The researchers, who may or may not have peaked in high school, took a look at high school peer crowds and influences that form those tight-knit bonds that last all of 4 years.

A teen looks at her smartphone while leaning against a school locker.
monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The study found that most of the classic cliques – the jocks, the popular crowd, the brains, the stoners, the loners – are still alive and well in today’s American school system. However, at least one new group has emerged in the last decade: the “anime/manga fans.” Researchers noted that although schools have become much more diverse, racial and ethnic stereotypes are alive and well. Thank God we only have to do high school once.



Resistance is fecal

And now, just in case you were wondering how long it would take to put our newfound knowledge of “in vimo” to use, here comes a study that has “in vimo” written all over it (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Researchers in Sweden and Finland decided to take a look at antibiotic resistance genes in sewage, because “antibiotics consumed by humans and animals are released into the environment in urine and fecal material contained in treated wastewaters and sludge applied to land.” Then they compared the abundance of the mobile antibiotic resistance genes with the abundance of a human fecal pollution marker.

A toilet
SutidaS/iStock/Getty Images Plus

That marker – a virus that infects bacteria in human feces but is rare in other animals – was “highly correlated to the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples,” they said in a separate written statement, which “indicates that fecal pollution can largely explain the increase in resistant bacteria often found in human-impacted environments.” The name of that marker, the virus found in feces, happens to be “crAssphage.” And yes, the A really is capitalized. Really. We are not making this up.

Gout wins a Golden Globe

Gout has a new poster girl: Great Britain’s Queen Anne. She’s been dead for more than 4 centuries, but a Hollywood version of this stout monarch is turning a famously royal affliction into the disease of the moment.

The credit goes to actress Olivia Colman, who just won a Golden Globe award for her brilliant performance in the earthy comedy “The Favourite.” Ms. Colman transforms the pain-wracked Queen Anne into a needy, manipulative, and loopy monarch who still manages to draw our sympathy.

Besides flummoxing American spell-checkers with its title, The Favourite glories in stretching the truth about the queen’s private life. But she really does seem to have had the “disease of kings,” which has long been linked to the rich, fatty diets enjoyed by blue bloods.

Now, there’s talk that high-protein, meat-friendly keto and paleo diets are boosting rates among the young. This theory got an airing last week in a New York Magazine article titled “Why Gout Is Making a Comeback.”

Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)
Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)

The truth may be more complicated. Over the last few years, researchers have cast doubt on the keto-leads-to-gout theory and suggested that fructose in sugar may be the real culprit. According to this hypothesis, gout afflicted British royals as they developed a communal sweet tooth during the early days of the sugar trade. Gout then spread to the general population as sugar became more accessible.

The gout debate will continue. As for Olivia Colman, she will soon grace smaller screens with her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix’s series “The Crown.”

QE II isn’t known for having suffered from any major diseases. But at her next checkup, we do think she should have that stiff upper lip looked at.


Eucalyptus eulogy

(“Taps” quietly plays in the background ... ) In some sad news, Quincy the diabetic koala has passed on to that great eucalyptus tree in the sky. The furry type 1 diabetic lived in San Diego, where he was recently fitted with a cutting-edge continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This allowed Quincy more time for his favorite activities (chewing and sleeping) and less time spent with pesky skin pricks.

Quincy, a koala with diabetes at the San Diego Zoo, wears a continuous glucose monitor.
Courtesy San Diego Zoo

Quincy died of pneumonia, and it is unclear whether his death was diabetes related. All we know is that he will be missed greatly. He was beloved by those with diabetes everywhere, animal or otherwise. Quincy’s successful CGM procedure also gives endocrinologists hope that the technology could eventually be used for similarly fragile humans, like babies. R.I.P., Quincy; we loved you. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to his favorite charity, the Drop Bear Awareness Association.

What’s Latin for ‘poop’?

The study of the human microbiota has become incredibly important in recent years, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it entails experimenting on poop. Remarkably, no one’s come up with a proper technical name for this unsavory activity. However, thanks to a collaboration between a gastroenterologist and a classics professor at the University of North Carolina, that deficiency is no more. You’ve met the in vivo and in vitro study. Now, please welcome the “in vimo” study!

ventdusud/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Why in vimo? The term fecal or “in feco” might seem obvious. But the Latin root word never referred to poop, and if there’s one thing scientists can’t have, it’s improper Latin usage. The Romans, it turns out, had lots of words for poop. The root word of laetamen referred to fertility, richness, and happiness – a tempting prospect – but was mostly used to refer to farm animal dung. Merda mostly referred to smell or stench, and stercus shared the same root word as scatology, which refers to obscene literature. Fimus, which specifically refers to manure, was thus the most precise, and it was used by literary giants such as Livy, Virgil, and Tacitus. A clear winner, and the in vimo study flushed the rest of the competition away.

And just in case you think these researchers are no fun, the name they chose for the active enzymes collected from their in vimo samples? Poopernatants. Yes, even doctors enjoy a good poop joke.

The new Breakfast Club

Researchers at the University of Illinois and the University of Texas have collaborated to study something that most of us fear greatly: high school cliques. The researchers, who may or may not have peaked in high school, took a look at high school peer crowds and influences that form those tight-knit bonds that last all of 4 years.

A teen looks at her smartphone while leaning against a school locker.
monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The study found that most of the classic cliques – the jocks, the popular crowd, the brains, the stoners, the loners – are still alive and well in today’s American school system. However, at least one new group has emerged in the last decade: the “anime/manga fans.” Researchers noted that although schools have become much more diverse, racial and ethnic stereotypes are alive and well. Thank God we only have to do high school once.



Resistance is fecal

And now, just in case you were wondering how long it would take to put our newfound knowledge of “in vimo” to use, here comes a study that has “in vimo” written all over it (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Researchers in Sweden and Finland decided to take a look at antibiotic resistance genes in sewage, because “antibiotics consumed by humans and animals are released into the environment in urine and fecal material contained in treated wastewaters and sludge applied to land.” Then they compared the abundance of the mobile antibiotic resistance genes with the abundance of a human fecal pollution marker.

A toilet
SutidaS/iStock/Getty Images Plus

That marker – a virus that infects bacteria in human feces but is rare in other animals – was “highly correlated to the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples,” they said in a separate written statement, which “indicates that fecal pollution can largely explain the increase in resistant bacteria often found in human-impacted environments.” The name of that marker, the virus found in feces, happens to be “crAssphage.” And yes, the A really is capitalized. Really. We are not making this up.

Gout wins a Golden Globe

Gout has a new poster girl: Great Britain’s Queen Anne. She’s been dead for more than 4 centuries, but a Hollywood version of this stout monarch is turning a famously royal affliction into the disease of the moment.

The credit goes to actress Olivia Colman, who just won a Golden Globe award for her brilliant performance in the earthy comedy “The Favourite.” Ms. Colman transforms the pain-wracked Queen Anne into a needy, manipulative, and loopy monarch who still manages to draw our sympathy.

Besides flummoxing American spell-checkers with its title, The Favourite glories in stretching the truth about the queen’s private life. But she really does seem to have had the “disease of kings,” which has long been linked to the rich, fatty diets enjoyed by blue bloods.

Now, there’s talk that high-protein, meat-friendly keto and paleo diets are boosting rates among the young. This theory got an airing last week in a New York Magazine article titled “Why Gout Is Making a Comeback.”

Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)
Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)

The truth may be more complicated. Over the last few years, researchers have cast doubt on the keto-leads-to-gout theory and suggested that fructose in sugar may be the real culprit. According to this hypothesis, gout afflicted British royals as they developed a communal sweet tooth during the early days of the sugar trade. Gout then spread to the general population as sugar became more accessible.

The gout debate will continue. As for Olivia Colman, she will soon grace smaller screens with her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix’s series “The Crown.”

QE II isn’t known for having suffered from any major diseases. But at her next checkup, we do think she should have that stiff upper lip looked at.

Eucalyptus eulogy

(“Taps” quietly plays in the background ... ) In some sad news, Quincy the diabetic koala has passed on to that great eucalyptus tree in the sky. The furry type 1 diabetic lived in San Diego, where he was recently fitted with a cutting-edge continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This allowed Quincy more time for his favorite activities (chewing and sleeping) and less time spent with pesky skin pricks.

Quincy, a koala with diabetes at the San Diego Zoo, wears a continuous glucose monitor.
Courtesy San Diego Zoo

Quincy died of pneumonia, and it is unclear whether his death was diabetes related. All we know is that he will be missed greatly. He was beloved by those with diabetes everywhere, animal or otherwise. Quincy’s successful CGM procedure also gives endocrinologists hope that the technology could eventually be used for similarly fragile humans, like babies. R.I.P., Quincy; we loved you. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to his favorite charity, the Drop Bear Awareness Association.

What’s Latin for ‘poop’?

The study of the human microbiota has become incredibly important in recent years, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it entails experimenting on poop. Remarkably, no one’s come up with a proper technical name for this unsavory activity. However, thanks to a collaboration between a gastroenterologist and a classics professor at the University of North Carolina, that deficiency is no more. You’ve met the in vivo and in vitro study. Now, please welcome the “in vimo” study!

ventdusud/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Why in vimo? The term fecal or “in feco” might seem obvious. But the Latin root word never referred to poop, and if there’s one thing scientists can’t have, it’s improper Latin usage. The Romans, it turns out, had lots of words for poop. The root word of laetamen referred to fertility, richness, and happiness – a tempting prospect – but was mostly used to refer to farm animal dung. Merda mostly referred to smell or stench, and stercus shared the same root word as scatology, which refers to obscene literature. Fimus, which specifically refers to manure, was thus the most precise, and it was used by literary giants such as Livy, Virgil, and Tacitus. A clear winner, and the in vimo study flushed the rest of the competition away.

And just in case you think these researchers are no fun, the name they chose for the active enzymes collected from their in vimo samples? Poopernatants. Yes, even doctors enjoy a good poop joke.

The new Breakfast Club

Researchers at the University of Illinois and the University of Texas have collaborated to study something that most of us fear greatly: high school cliques. The researchers, who may or may not have peaked in high school, took a look at high school peer crowds and influences that form those tight-knit bonds that last all of 4 years.

A teen looks at her smartphone while leaning against a school locker.
monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The study found that most of the classic cliques – the jocks, the popular crowd, the brains, the stoners, the loners – are still alive and well in today’s American school system. However, at least one new group has emerged in the last decade: the “anime/manga fans.” Researchers noted that although schools have become much more diverse, racial and ethnic stereotypes are alive and well. Thank God we only have to do high school once.



Resistance is fecal

And now, just in case you were wondering how long it would take to put our newfound knowledge of “in vimo” to use, here comes a study that has “in vimo” written all over it (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Researchers in Sweden and Finland decided to take a look at antibiotic resistance genes in sewage, because “antibiotics consumed by humans and animals are released into the environment in urine and fecal material contained in treated wastewaters and sludge applied to land.” Then they compared the abundance of the mobile antibiotic resistance genes with the abundance of a human fecal pollution marker.

A toilet
SutidaS/iStock/Getty Images Plus

That marker – a virus that infects bacteria in human feces but is rare in other animals – was “highly correlated to the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples,” they said in a separate written statement, which “indicates that fecal pollution can largely explain the increase in resistant bacteria often found in human-impacted environments.” The name of that marker, the virus found in feces, happens to be “crAssphage.” And yes, the A really is capitalized. Really. We are not making this up.

Gout wins a Golden Globe

Gout has a new poster girl: Great Britain’s Queen Anne. She’s been dead for more than 4 centuries, but a Hollywood version of this stout monarch is turning a famously royal affliction into the disease of the moment.

The credit goes to actress Olivia Colman, who just won a Golden Globe award for her brilliant performance in the earthy comedy “The Favourite.” Ms. Colman transforms the pain-wracked Queen Anne into a needy, manipulative, and loopy monarch who still manages to draw our sympathy.

Besides flummoxing American spell-checkers with its title, The Favourite glories in stretching the truth about the queen’s private life. But she really does seem to have had the “disease of kings,” which has long been linked to the rich, fatty diets enjoyed by blue bloods.

Now, there’s talk that high-protein, meat-friendly keto and paleo diets are boosting rates among the young. This theory got an airing last week in a New York Magazine article titled “Why Gout Is Making a Comeback.”

Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)
Podagra: The Gout by James Gillray (1799)

The truth may be more complicated. Over the last few years, researchers have cast doubt on the keto-leads-to-gout theory and suggested that fructose in sugar may be the real culprit. According to this hypothesis, gout afflicted British royals as they developed a communal sweet tooth during the early days of the sugar trade. Gout then spread to the general population as sugar became more accessible.

The gout debate will continue. As for Olivia Colman, she will soon grace smaller screens with her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix’s series “The Crown.”

QE II isn’t known for having suffered from any major diseases. But at her next checkup, we do think she should have that stiff upper lip looked at.

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