Achieving Promotion for Junior Faculty in Academic Medicine: An Interview With Experts

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Fri, 05/03/2024 - 15:11


Academic medicine plays a crucial role at the crossroads of medical practice, education, and research, influencing the future landscape of healthcare. Many physicians aspire to pursue and sustain a career in academic medicine to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge, enhance patient care, and influence the trajectory of the medical field. Opting for a career in academic medicine can offer benefits such as increased autonomy and scheduling flexibility, which can significantly improve the quality of life. In addition, engagement in scholarly activities and working in a dynamic environment with continuous learning opportunities can help mitigate burnout.

However, embarking on an academic career can be daunting for junior faculty members who face the challenge of providing clinical care while excelling in research and dedicating time to mentorship and teaching trainees. According to a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges, 38% of physicians leave academic medicine within a decade of obtaining a faculty position. Barriers to promotion and retention within academic medicine include ineffective mentorship, unclear or inconsistent promotion criteria, and disparities in gender/ethnic representation.

Dr. Vineet Rolston, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Vineet Rolston

In this article, we interview two accomplished physicians in academic medicine who have attained the rank of professors. Our aim is to provide insights into the promotion process and offer recommendations for junior faculty, highlighting the key factors that contribute to success.

Interview with Sophie Balzora, MD

Dr. Balzora is a professor of medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a practicing gastroenterologist specializing in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease at NYU Langone Health. She serves as the American College of Gastroenterology’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair, on the Advisory Board of ACG’s Leadership, Ethics, and Equity (LE&E) Center, and is president and cofounder of the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH). Dr. Balzora was promoted to full professor 11 years after graduating from fellowship.

Dr. Sophie Balzora, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Sophie Balzora

What would you identify as some of the most important factors that led to your success in achieving a promotion to professor of medicine?

Surround yourself with individuals whose professional and personal priorities align with yours. To achieve this, it is essential to gain an understanding of what is important to you, what you envision your success to look like, and establish a timeline to achieve it. The concept of personal success and how to best achieve it will absolutely change as you grow, and that is okay and expected. Connecting with those outside of your clinical interests, at other institutions, and even outside of the medical field, can help you achieve these goals and better shape how you see your career unfolding and how you want it to look.

Historically, the proportion of physicians who achieve professorship is lower among women compared with men. What do you believe are some of the barriers involved in this, and how would you counsel women who are interested in pursuing the rank of professor?

Systemic gender bias and discrimination, over-mentorship and under-sponsorship, inconsistent parental leave, and delayed parenthood are a few of the factors that contribute to the observed disparities in academic rank. Predictably, for women from underrepresented backgrounds in medicine, the chasm grows.



What has helped me most is to keep my eyes on the prize, and to recognize that the prize is different for everyone. It’s important not to make direct comparisons to any other individual, because they are not you. Harness what makes you different and drown out the naysayers — the “we’ve never seen this done before” camp, the “it’s too soon [for someone like you] to go up for promotion” folks. While these voices are sometimes well intentioned, they can distract you from your goals and ambitions because they are rooted in bias and adherence to traditional expectations. To do something new, and to change the game, requires going against the grain and utilizing your skills and talents to achieve what you want to achieve in a way that works for you.

What are some practical tips you have for junior gastroenterologists to track their promotion in academia?

  • Keep your curriculum vitae (CV) up to date and formatted to your institutional guidelines. Ensure that you document your academic activities, even if it doesn’t seem important in the moment. When it’s time to submit that promotion portfolio, you want to be ready and organized.
  • Remember: “No” is a full sentence, and saying it takes practice and time and confidence. It is a skill I still struggle to adopt at times, but it’s important to recognize the power of no, for it opens opportunities to say yes to other things.
  • Lift as you climb — a critical part of changing the status quo is fostering the future of those underrepresented in medicine. A professional goal of mine that keeps me steady and passionate is to create supporting and enriching systemic and institutional changes that work to dismantle the obstacles perpetuating disparities in academic rank for women and those underrepresented in medicine. Discovering your “why” is a complex, difficult, and rewarding journey.

Interview with Mark Schattner, MD, AGAF

Dr. Schattner is a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell College of Medicine and chief of the gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, both in New York. He is a former president of the New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and a fellow of the AGA and ASGE.

Dr. Mark Schattner, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Mark Schattner

In your role as chief, you serve as a mentor for early career gastroenterologists for pursuing career promotion. What advice do you have for achieving this?

Promoting junior faculty is one of the prime responsibilities of a service chief. Generally, the early steps of promotion are straightforward, with criteria becoming more stringent as you progress. I think it is critical to understand the criteria used by promotion committees and to be aware of the various available tracks. I believe every meeting a junior faculty member has with their service chief should include, at the least, a brief check-in on where they are in the promotion process and plans (both short term and long term) to move forward. Successful promotion is facilitated when done upon a solid foundation of production and accomplishment. It is very challenging or even impossible when trying to piece together a package from discordant activities.



Most institutions require or encourage academic involvement at both national and international levels for career promotion. Do you have advice for junior faculty about how to achieve this type of recognition or experience?

The easiest place to start is with regional professional societies. Active involvement in these local societies fosters valuable networking and lays the groundwork for involvement at the national or international level. I would strongly encourage junior faculty to seek opportunities for a leadership position at any level in these societies and move up the ladder as their career matures. This is also a very good avenue to network and get invited to join collaborative research projects, which can be a fruitful means to enhance your academic productivity.

In your opinion, what factors are likely to hinder or delay an individual’s promotion?

I think it is crucial to consider the career track you are on. If you are very clinically productive and love to teach, that is completely appropriate, and most institutions will recognize the value of that and promote you along a clinical-educator tract. On the other hand, if you have a passion for research and can successfully lead research and compete for grants, then you would move along a traditional tenure track. It is also critical to think ahead, know the criteria on which you will be judged, and incorporate that into your practice early. Trying to scramble to enhance your CV in a short time just for promotion will likely prove ineffective.

Do you have advice for junior faculty who have families about how to manage career goals but also prioritize time with family?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. I think this requires a lot of shared decision-making with your family. Compromise will undoubtedly be required. For example, I always chose to live in close proximity to my workplace, eliminating any commuting time. This choice really allowed me spend time with my family.

In conclusion, a career in academic medicine presents both opportunities and challenges. A successful academic career, and achieving promotion to the rank of professor of medicine, requires a combination of factors including understanding institution-specific criteria for promotion, proactive engagement at the regional and national level, and envisioning your career goals and creating a timeline to achieve them. There are challenges to promotion, including navigating systemic biases and balancing career goals with family commitments, which also requires consideration and open communication. Ultimately, we hope these insights provide valuable guidance and advice for junior faculty who are navigating this complex environment of academic medicine and are motivated toward achieving professional fulfillment and satisfaction in their careers.

Dr. Rolston is based in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York. She reports no conflicts in relation this article. Dr. Balzora and Dr. Schattner are based in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York. Dr. Schattner is a consultant for Boston Scientific and Novo Nordisk. Dr. Balzora reports no conflicts in relation to this article.




Campbell KM. Mitigating the isolation of minoritized faculty in academic medicine. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 May. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07982-8.

Howard-Anderson JR et al. Strategies for developing a successful career in academic medicine. Am J Med Sci. 2024 Apr. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2023.12.010.

Murphy M et al. Women’s experiences of promotion and tenure in academic medicine and potential implications for gender disparities in career advancement: A qualitative analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep 1. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.25843.

Sambunjak D et al. Mentoring in academic medicine: A systematic review. JAMA. 2006 Sep 6. doi: 10.1001/jama.296.9.1103.

Shen MR et al. Impact of mentoring on academic career success for women in medicine: A systematic review. Acad Med. 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004563.



Academic medicine plays a crucial role at the crossroads of medical practice, education, and research, influencing the future landscape of healthcare. Many physicians aspire to pursue and sustain a career in academic medicine to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge, enhance patient care, and influence the trajectory of the medical field. Opting for a career in academic medicine can offer benefits such as increased autonomy and scheduling flexibility, which can significantly improve the quality of life. In addition, engagement in scholarly activities and working in a dynamic environment with continuous learning opportunities can help mitigate burnout.

However, embarking on an academic career can be daunting for junior faculty members who face the challenge of providing clinical care while excelling in research and dedicating time to mentorship and teaching trainees. According to a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges, 38% of physicians leave academic medicine within a decade of obtaining a faculty position. Barriers to promotion and retention within academic medicine include ineffective mentorship, unclear or inconsistent promotion criteria, and disparities in gender/ethnic representation.

Dr. Vineet Rolston, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Vineet Rolston

In this article, we interview two accomplished physicians in academic medicine who have attained the rank of professors. Our aim is to provide insights into the promotion process and offer recommendations for junior faculty, highlighting the key factors that contribute to success.

Interview with Sophie Balzora, MD

Dr. Balzora is a professor of medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a practicing gastroenterologist specializing in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease at NYU Langone Health. She serves as the American College of Gastroenterology’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair, on the Advisory Board of ACG’s Leadership, Ethics, and Equity (LE&E) Center, and is president and cofounder of the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH). Dr. Balzora was promoted to full professor 11 years after graduating from fellowship.

Dr. Sophie Balzora, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Sophie Balzora

What would you identify as some of the most important factors that led to your success in achieving a promotion to professor of medicine?

Surround yourself with individuals whose professional and personal priorities align with yours. To achieve this, it is essential to gain an understanding of what is important to you, what you envision your success to look like, and establish a timeline to achieve it. The concept of personal success and how to best achieve it will absolutely change as you grow, and that is okay and expected. Connecting with those outside of your clinical interests, at other institutions, and even outside of the medical field, can help you achieve these goals and better shape how you see your career unfolding and how you want it to look.

Historically, the proportion of physicians who achieve professorship is lower among women compared with men. What do you believe are some of the barriers involved in this, and how would you counsel women who are interested in pursuing the rank of professor?

Systemic gender bias and discrimination, over-mentorship and under-sponsorship, inconsistent parental leave, and delayed parenthood are a few of the factors that contribute to the observed disparities in academic rank. Predictably, for women from underrepresented backgrounds in medicine, the chasm grows.



What has helped me most is to keep my eyes on the prize, and to recognize that the prize is different for everyone. It’s important not to make direct comparisons to any other individual, because they are not you. Harness what makes you different and drown out the naysayers — the “we’ve never seen this done before” camp, the “it’s too soon [for someone like you] to go up for promotion” folks. While these voices are sometimes well intentioned, they can distract you from your goals and ambitions because they are rooted in bias and adherence to traditional expectations. To do something new, and to change the game, requires going against the grain and utilizing your skills and talents to achieve what you want to achieve in a way that works for you.

What are some practical tips you have for junior gastroenterologists to track their promotion in academia?

  • Keep your curriculum vitae (CV) up to date and formatted to your institutional guidelines. Ensure that you document your academic activities, even if it doesn’t seem important in the moment. When it’s time to submit that promotion portfolio, you want to be ready and organized.
  • Remember: “No” is a full sentence, and saying it takes practice and time and confidence. It is a skill I still struggle to adopt at times, but it’s important to recognize the power of no, for it opens opportunities to say yes to other things.
  • Lift as you climb — a critical part of changing the status quo is fostering the future of those underrepresented in medicine. A professional goal of mine that keeps me steady and passionate is to create supporting and enriching systemic and institutional changes that work to dismantle the obstacles perpetuating disparities in academic rank for women and those underrepresented in medicine. Discovering your “why” is a complex, difficult, and rewarding journey.

Interview with Mark Schattner, MD, AGAF

Dr. Schattner is a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell College of Medicine and chief of the gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, both in New York. He is a former president of the New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and a fellow of the AGA and ASGE.

Dr. Mark Schattner, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Mark Schattner

In your role as chief, you serve as a mentor for early career gastroenterologists for pursuing career promotion. What advice do you have for achieving this?

Promoting junior faculty is one of the prime responsibilities of a service chief. Generally, the early steps of promotion are straightforward, with criteria becoming more stringent as you progress. I think it is critical to understand the criteria used by promotion committees and to be aware of the various available tracks. I believe every meeting a junior faculty member has with their service chief should include, at the least, a brief check-in on where they are in the promotion process and plans (both short term and long term) to move forward. Successful promotion is facilitated when done upon a solid foundation of production and accomplishment. It is very challenging or even impossible when trying to piece together a package from discordant activities.



Most institutions require or encourage academic involvement at both national and international levels for career promotion. Do you have advice for junior faculty about how to achieve this type of recognition or experience?

The easiest place to start is with regional professional societies. Active involvement in these local societies fosters valuable networking and lays the groundwork for involvement at the national or international level. I would strongly encourage junior faculty to seek opportunities for a leadership position at any level in these societies and move up the ladder as their career matures. This is also a very good avenue to network and get invited to join collaborative research projects, which can be a fruitful means to enhance your academic productivity.

In your opinion, what factors are likely to hinder or delay an individual’s promotion?

I think it is crucial to consider the career track you are on. If you are very clinically productive and love to teach, that is completely appropriate, and most institutions will recognize the value of that and promote you along a clinical-educator tract. On the other hand, if you have a passion for research and can successfully lead research and compete for grants, then you would move along a traditional tenure track. It is also critical to think ahead, know the criteria on which you will be judged, and incorporate that into your practice early. Trying to scramble to enhance your CV in a short time just for promotion will likely prove ineffective.

Do you have advice for junior faculty who have families about how to manage career goals but also prioritize time with family?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. I think this requires a lot of shared decision-making with your family. Compromise will undoubtedly be required. For example, I always chose to live in close proximity to my workplace, eliminating any commuting time. This choice really allowed me spend time with my family.

In conclusion, a career in academic medicine presents both opportunities and challenges. A successful academic career, and achieving promotion to the rank of professor of medicine, requires a combination of factors including understanding institution-specific criteria for promotion, proactive engagement at the regional and national level, and envisioning your career goals and creating a timeline to achieve them. There are challenges to promotion, including navigating systemic biases and balancing career goals with family commitments, which also requires consideration and open communication. Ultimately, we hope these insights provide valuable guidance and advice for junior faculty who are navigating this complex environment of academic medicine and are motivated toward achieving professional fulfillment and satisfaction in their careers.

Dr. Rolston is based in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York. She reports no conflicts in relation this article. Dr. Balzora and Dr. Schattner are based in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York. Dr. Schattner is a consultant for Boston Scientific and Novo Nordisk. Dr. Balzora reports no conflicts in relation to this article.




Campbell KM. Mitigating the isolation of minoritized faculty in academic medicine. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 May. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07982-8.

Howard-Anderson JR et al. Strategies for developing a successful career in academic medicine. Am J Med Sci. 2024 Apr. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2023.12.010.

Murphy M et al. Women’s experiences of promotion and tenure in academic medicine and potential implications for gender disparities in career advancement: A qualitative analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep 1. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.25843.

Sambunjak D et al. Mentoring in academic medicine: A systematic review. JAMA. 2006 Sep 6. doi: 10.1001/jama.296.9.1103.

Shen MR et al. Impact of mentoring on academic career success for women in medicine: A systematic review. Acad Med. 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004563.


Academic medicine plays a crucial role at the crossroads of medical practice, education, and research, influencing the future landscape of healthcare. Many physicians aspire to pursue and sustain a career in academic medicine to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge, enhance patient care, and influence the trajectory of the medical field. Opting for a career in academic medicine can offer benefits such as increased autonomy and scheduling flexibility, which can significantly improve the quality of life. In addition, engagement in scholarly activities and working in a dynamic environment with continuous learning opportunities can help mitigate burnout.

However, embarking on an academic career can be daunting for junior faculty members who face the challenge of providing clinical care while excelling in research and dedicating time to mentorship and teaching trainees. According to a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges, 38% of physicians leave academic medicine within a decade of obtaining a faculty position. Barriers to promotion and retention within academic medicine include ineffective mentorship, unclear or inconsistent promotion criteria, and disparities in gender/ethnic representation.

Dr. Vineet Rolston, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Vineet Rolston

In this article, we interview two accomplished physicians in academic medicine who have attained the rank of professors. Our aim is to provide insights into the promotion process and offer recommendations for junior faculty, highlighting the key factors that contribute to success.

Interview with Sophie Balzora, MD

Dr. Balzora is a professor of medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a practicing gastroenterologist specializing in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease at NYU Langone Health. She serves as the American College of Gastroenterology’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair, on the Advisory Board of ACG’s Leadership, Ethics, and Equity (LE&E) Center, and is president and cofounder of the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH). Dr. Balzora was promoted to full professor 11 years after graduating from fellowship.

Dr. Sophie Balzora, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Sophie Balzora

What would you identify as some of the most important factors that led to your success in achieving a promotion to professor of medicine?

Surround yourself with individuals whose professional and personal priorities align with yours. To achieve this, it is essential to gain an understanding of what is important to you, what you envision your success to look like, and establish a timeline to achieve it. The concept of personal success and how to best achieve it will absolutely change as you grow, and that is okay and expected. Connecting with those outside of your clinical interests, at other institutions, and even outside of the medical field, can help you achieve these goals and better shape how you see your career unfolding and how you want it to look.

Historically, the proportion of physicians who achieve professorship is lower among women compared with men. What do you believe are some of the barriers involved in this, and how would you counsel women who are interested in pursuing the rank of professor?

Systemic gender bias and discrimination, over-mentorship and under-sponsorship, inconsistent parental leave, and delayed parenthood are a few of the factors that contribute to the observed disparities in academic rank. Predictably, for women from underrepresented backgrounds in medicine, the chasm grows.



What has helped me most is to keep my eyes on the prize, and to recognize that the prize is different for everyone. It’s important not to make direct comparisons to any other individual, because they are not you. Harness what makes you different and drown out the naysayers — the “we’ve never seen this done before” camp, the “it’s too soon [for someone like you] to go up for promotion” folks. While these voices are sometimes well intentioned, they can distract you from your goals and ambitions because they are rooted in bias and adherence to traditional expectations. To do something new, and to change the game, requires going against the grain and utilizing your skills and talents to achieve what you want to achieve in a way that works for you.

What are some practical tips you have for junior gastroenterologists to track their promotion in academia?

  • Keep your curriculum vitae (CV) up to date and formatted to your institutional guidelines. Ensure that you document your academic activities, even if it doesn’t seem important in the moment. When it’s time to submit that promotion portfolio, you want to be ready and organized.
  • Remember: “No” is a full sentence, and saying it takes practice and time and confidence. It is a skill I still struggle to adopt at times, but it’s important to recognize the power of no, for it opens opportunities to say yes to other things.
  • Lift as you climb — a critical part of changing the status quo is fostering the future of those underrepresented in medicine. A professional goal of mine that keeps me steady and passionate is to create supporting and enriching systemic and institutional changes that work to dismantle the obstacles perpetuating disparities in academic rank for women and those underrepresented in medicine. Discovering your “why” is a complex, difficult, and rewarding journey.

Interview with Mark Schattner, MD, AGAF

Dr. Schattner is a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell College of Medicine and chief of the gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, both in New York. He is a former president of the New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and a fellow of the AGA and ASGE.

Dr. Mark Schattner, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York
NYU Langone Health
Dr. Mark Schattner

In your role as chief, you serve as a mentor for early career gastroenterologists for pursuing career promotion. What advice do you have for achieving this?

Promoting junior faculty is one of the prime responsibilities of a service chief. Generally, the early steps of promotion are straightforward, with criteria becoming more stringent as you progress. I think it is critical to understand the criteria used by promotion committees and to be aware of the various available tracks. I believe every meeting a junior faculty member has with their service chief should include, at the least, a brief check-in on where they are in the promotion process and plans (both short term and long term) to move forward. Successful promotion is facilitated when done upon a solid foundation of production and accomplishment. It is very challenging or even impossible when trying to piece together a package from discordant activities.



Most institutions require or encourage academic involvement at both national and international levels for career promotion. Do you have advice for junior faculty about how to achieve this type of recognition or experience?

The easiest place to start is with regional professional societies. Active involvement in these local societies fosters valuable networking and lays the groundwork for involvement at the national or international level. I would strongly encourage junior faculty to seek opportunities for a leadership position at any level in these societies and move up the ladder as their career matures. This is also a very good avenue to network and get invited to join collaborative research projects, which can be a fruitful means to enhance your academic productivity.

In your opinion, what factors are likely to hinder or delay an individual’s promotion?

I think it is crucial to consider the career track you are on. If you are very clinically productive and love to teach, that is completely appropriate, and most institutions will recognize the value of that and promote you along a clinical-educator tract. On the other hand, if you have a passion for research and can successfully lead research and compete for grants, then you would move along a traditional tenure track. It is also critical to think ahead, know the criteria on which you will be judged, and incorporate that into your practice early. Trying to scramble to enhance your CV in a short time just for promotion will likely prove ineffective.

Do you have advice for junior faculty who have families about how to manage career goals but also prioritize time with family?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. I think this requires a lot of shared decision-making with your family. Compromise will undoubtedly be required. For example, I always chose to live in close proximity to my workplace, eliminating any commuting time. This choice really allowed me spend time with my family.

In conclusion, a career in academic medicine presents both opportunities and challenges. A successful academic career, and achieving promotion to the rank of professor of medicine, requires a combination of factors including understanding institution-specific criteria for promotion, proactive engagement at the regional and national level, and envisioning your career goals and creating a timeline to achieve them. There are challenges to promotion, including navigating systemic biases and balancing career goals with family commitments, which also requires consideration and open communication. Ultimately, we hope these insights provide valuable guidance and advice for junior faculty who are navigating this complex environment of academic medicine and are motivated toward achieving professional fulfillment and satisfaction in their careers.

Dr. Rolston is based in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York. She reports no conflicts in relation this article. Dr. Balzora and Dr. Schattner are based in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York University Langone Health, New York. Dr. Schattner is a consultant for Boston Scientific and Novo Nordisk. Dr. Balzora reports no conflicts in relation to this article.




Campbell KM. Mitigating the isolation of minoritized faculty in academic medicine. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 May. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07982-8.

Howard-Anderson JR et al. Strategies for developing a successful career in academic medicine. Am J Med Sci. 2024 Apr. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2023.12.010.

Murphy M et al. Women’s experiences of promotion and tenure in academic medicine and potential implications for gender disparities in career advancement: A qualitative analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep 1. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.25843.

Sambunjak D et al. Mentoring in academic medicine: A systematic review. JAMA. 2006 Sep 6. doi: 10.1001/jama.296.9.1103.

Shen MR et al. Impact of mentoring on academic career success for women in medicine: A systematic review. Acad Med. 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004563.

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