Passive income for the astute gastroenterologist

Article Type
Tue, 09/20/2022 - 16:06

I don’t think I heard the term “passive income” until I was already an attending gastroenterologist.

That was no surprise. Why would I as a gastroenterologist with a focus in inflammatory bowel diseases be even remotely interested in that term?

Like most physicians, I went into medicine to take care of patients. That was my entire dream. It was a pleasant surprise to hear that gastroenterologists were relatively well paid compared to many other internal medicine specialties.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

That was a bonus. I was not practicing medicine for the money. I was here to do good, only. Money was the evil one. It’s no surprise money remained a taboo topic amongst physicians.

This is reflected in the lack of financial education in our training.

I went through all my medical training without getting any financial education. In my last year of training, I wondered how I was going to not end up being a burned out, overworked physician mom. I knew I was going to work in a large hospital-based practice or academic center. I was already aware that employed physicians had a higher burnout rate compared to independent physicians. My desperation to avoid what looked like the natural history of most physicians in medicine was what led me to my financial awakening, as you could call it.

I became curious about where my money was going as it hit my bank account. Where was I investing? How was I going to ensure that I wasn’t putting all my financial eggs in one basket by relying solely on my clinical income? This road led me into a world that I didn’t know existed. It was the world of physician entrepreneurs.

I began thinking more critically of how I was spending my time outside of the hospital. As a busy physician mom, there already were a lot of competing needs and demands on the 24 hours that I was limited to within a day. How could I get things done and increase my earnability without needing to exchange more time for money in a one-to-one ratio?

Passive income!



First of all, what exactly is passive income?

It refers to money earned that does not require you to physically and actively pump in time in order to get money out. For instance, seeing patients clinically is not passive. Performing procedures is not passive.

What are some examples of passive income?

• Dividend paying stocks or funds

• Investing through retirement accounts

• Passive real estate investment through syndications, crowdfunding, REITs

• Book writing

• Business partnership or ownership such as surgery center co-ownership

• Peer-to-peer lending

• Affiliate marketing

• House hacking

• Rent out your car

• Rent out your backyard/ swimming pool

• Invention with royalty payment

• Podcasting



There are some myths about passive income that are worth exploring

1. Passive income is completely passive: This is relative passivity, meaning that for every investment, there is a phase of learning, acquiring knowledge, vetting, and possibly researching that is not passive. After the initial phase of set up, most passive sources of income may require some monitoring or checking in. However, what makes an investment passive is the absence of that one-to-one ratio of input to output that would normally exist in a more active income source.

2. Making passive income is lazy: If you are a physician, you are probably not lazy. Yes, we have a high standard of expectation for ourselves, but anyone that is able to withstand the rigors of medical training, residency, and fellowship is not lazy in my books. Burnout can present in various ways, including apathy. Let’s not confuse that as lazy because, if we do, that would qualify as gaslighting and self-splaining. As someone that teaches physicians how to have money, here is my opinion: In order to make money ethically, there has to be exchange in value. One person gives value, the other gives money as a thank you. Value can be physical as seen in clinical work. Value can also be monetary. For example, I could give $100,000 to a start-up company that needs that money to execute their brilliant idea, and, in return for my investment, they could give me a 15% return per year. Is that lazy? Without this, their brilliant idea may not see daylight. Value exchange is the key. Giving value comes in different ways.

3. Finding ideas for passive income is hard: Many of us are invested in the stock market, most commonly through retirement accounts. This would qualify as passive income. Typically, we have simply elected that the growth in our investment or dividends be reinvested as we are choosing to use this money long term. In other words, if you have a retirement account, you already have passive income. The question now is how you can find additional passive ways to invest.


What are the benefits to passive income as a gastroenterologist?

1. Changing landscape of medicine: Over the last few decades, we have seen a growing shift in the landscape of medicine. There has been an increase in administrations surpassing the increase in physicians. There seem to be more and more growing bodies that are wedging between physicians and patients. This has led to increasing dissatisfaction for patients and physicians alike. In order to respond to these changes and create lasting changes, there is a need for a change in the leadership. It is fair to say that when you have a more diversified source of income, there is less pressure on a single source of income to provide “food and shelter” for your family. Physician leaders that are liberated have to have a sense of financial liberation.

2. Not putting eggs in one basket: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant fear of the unknown. Elective procedures were canceled, leading to financial strain for physicians. Gastroenterologists were not spared. When your income source is diverse, it provides more peace of mind.

3. Mental resourcefulness: This is an understated benefit of passive income and diversified income. As physicians, we went through a lot of hard work to get to where we are today. An average incoming medical student has had extensive demonstration of activity, volunteerism, and problem solving. Yet, as attending physicians, because of the burden of everyday clinical responsibilities and endless paperwork, as well as the platform and “warehouse” and “administrative-type involvement” in medicine, the average physician isn’t creating avenues to expend their cognitive abilities in a way that is diverse outside of the clinical setting. Having passive income opportunities creates a gym for mental resourcefulness that increases work satisfaction and may positively impact burnout.

4. Relationship building: As physicians, we tend to stick with our own. After working 60-80 hours per week, it is no surprise that most of your social network may end up being those that you work with. Passive income opportunities expose physicians to networking and social opportunities that may be critical for relationship building. This may improve mental wellness and overall sense of well-being.

5. Longevity in medicine: As more physicians elect to be employed by larger organizations outside of academics, sabbaticals are becoming less and less available. Having passive sources of income may permit a physician who would otherwise not be able to suffer loss of income the opportunity to take a leave of absence in the short term that may provide long-term longevity in medicine, while promoting wellness.

6. Wealth building: Wealth has had a negative reputation in the world. We seem to equate wealth as bad and being the source of evil. We forget that money is simply a tool that takes the shape of the container you place it in. If you are good, money becomes a tool for more good. Having passive income can help accelerate the journey to wealth building. This can be a great resource as physicians can support unique lifesaving, community-building, and environment-protecting initiatives, as well as support political candidates who will have a positive effect on patient care and the future of medicine.

I hope you are convinced that, with weighing the benefits and the myths associated with passive income, it is of value for gastroenterologists to equip themselves financially so we can be positioned to be a critical part of the changing platform in medicine. Gastroenterologists have to do their due diligence to ensure that their finances are future proof to the best of their abilities.

Dr. Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, is founder of The MoneyFitMD and creator of The MoneyFitMD podcast (


I don’t think I heard the term “passive income” until I was already an attending gastroenterologist.

That was no surprise. Why would I as a gastroenterologist with a focus in inflammatory bowel diseases be even remotely interested in that term?

Like most physicians, I went into medicine to take care of patients. That was my entire dream. It was a pleasant surprise to hear that gastroenterologists were relatively well paid compared to many other internal medicine specialties.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

That was a bonus. I was not practicing medicine for the money. I was here to do good, only. Money was the evil one. It’s no surprise money remained a taboo topic amongst physicians.

This is reflected in the lack of financial education in our training.

I went through all my medical training without getting any financial education. In my last year of training, I wondered how I was going to not end up being a burned out, overworked physician mom. I knew I was going to work in a large hospital-based practice or academic center. I was already aware that employed physicians had a higher burnout rate compared to independent physicians. My desperation to avoid what looked like the natural history of most physicians in medicine was what led me to my financial awakening, as you could call it.

I became curious about where my money was going as it hit my bank account. Where was I investing? How was I going to ensure that I wasn’t putting all my financial eggs in one basket by relying solely on my clinical income? This road led me into a world that I didn’t know existed. It was the world of physician entrepreneurs.

I began thinking more critically of how I was spending my time outside of the hospital. As a busy physician mom, there already were a lot of competing needs and demands on the 24 hours that I was limited to within a day. How could I get things done and increase my earnability without needing to exchange more time for money in a one-to-one ratio?

Passive income!



First of all, what exactly is passive income?

It refers to money earned that does not require you to physically and actively pump in time in order to get money out. For instance, seeing patients clinically is not passive. Performing procedures is not passive.

What are some examples of passive income?

• Dividend paying stocks or funds

• Investing through retirement accounts

• Passive real estate investment through syndications, crowdfunding, REITs

• Book writing

• Business partnership or ownership such as surgery center co-ownership

• Peer-to-peer lending

• Affiliate marketing

• House hacking

• Rent out your car

• Rent out your backyard/ swimming pool

• Invention with royalty payment

• Podcasting



There are some myths about passive income that are worth exploring

1. Passive income is completely passive: This is relative passivity, meaning that for every investment, there is a phase of learning, acquiring knowledge, vetting, and possibly researching that is not passive. After the initial phase of set up, most passive sources of income may require some monitoring or checking in. However, what makes an investment passive is the absence of that one-to-one ratio of input to output that would normally exist in a more active income source.

2. Making passive income is lazy: If you are a physician, you are probably not lazy. Yes, we have a high standard of expectation for ourselves, but anyone that is able to withstand the rigors of medical training, residency, and fellowship is not lazy in my books. Burnout can present in various ways, including apathy. Let’s not confuse that as lazy because, if we do, that would qualify as gaslighting and self-splaining. As someone that teaches physicians how to have money, here is my opinion: In order to make money ethically, there has to be exchange in value. One person gives value, the other gives money as a thank you. Value can be physical as seen in clinical work. Value can also be monetary. For example, I could give $100,000 to a start-up company that needs that money to execute their brilliant idea, and, in return for my investment, they could give me a 15% return per year. Is that lazy? Without this, their brilliant idea may not see daylight. Value exchange is the key. Giving value comes in different ways.

3. Finding ideas for passive income is hard: Many of us are invested in the stock market, most commonly through retirement accounts. This would qualify as passive income. Typically, we have simply elected that the growth in our investment or dividends be reinvested as we are choosing to use this money long term. In other words, if you have a retirement account, you already have passive income. The question now is how you can find additional passive ways to invest.


What are the benefits to passive income as a gastroenterologist?

1. Changing landscape of medicine: Over the last few decades, we have seen a growing shift in the landscape of medicine. There has been an increase in administrations surpassing the increase in physicians. There seem to be more and more growing bodies that are wedging between physicians and patients. This has led to increasing dissatisfaction for patients and physicians alike. In order to respond to these changes and create lasting changes, there is a need for a change in the leadership. It is fair to say that when you have a more diversified source of income, there is less pressure on a single source of income to provide “food and shelter” for your family. Physician leaders that are liberated have to have a sense of financial liberation.

2. Not putting eggs in one basket: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant fear of the unknown. Elective procedures were canceled, leading to financial strain for physicians. Gastroenterologists were not spared. When your income source is diverse, it provides more peace of mind.

3. Mental resourcefulness: This is an understated benefit of passive income and diversified income. As physicians, we went through a lot of hard work to get to where we are today. An average incoming medical student has had extensive demonstration of activity, volunteerism, and problem solving. Yet, as attending physicians, because of the burden of everyday clinical responsibilities and endless paperwork, as well as the platform and “warehouse” and “administrative-type involvement” in medicine, the average physician isn’t creating avenues to expend their cognitive abilities in a way that is diverse outside of the clinical setting. Having passive income opportunities creates a gym for mental resourcefulness that increases work satisfaction and may positively impact burnout.

4. Relationship building: As physicians, we tend to stick with our own. After working 60-80 hours per week, it is no surprise that most of your social network may end up being those that you work with. Passive income opportunities expose physicians to networking and social opportunities that may be critical for relationship building. This may improve mental wellness and overall sense of well-being.

5. Longevity in medicine: As more physicians elect to be employed by larger organizations outside of academics, sabbaticals are becoming less and less available. Having passive sources of income may permit a physician who would otherwise not be able to suffer loss of income the opportunity to take a leave of absence in the short term that may provide long-term longevity in medicine, while promoting wellness.

6. Wealth building: Wealth has had a negative reputation in the world. We seem to equate wealth as bad and being the source of evil. We forget that money is simply a tool that takes the shape of the container you place it in. If you are good, money becomes a tool for more good. Having passive income can help accelerate the journey to wealth building. This can be a great resource as physicians can support unique lifesaving, community-building, and environment-protecting initiatives, as well as support political candidates who will have a positive effect on patient care and the future of medicine.

I hope you are convinced that, with weighing the benefits and the myths associated with passive income, it is of value for gastroenterologists to equip themselves financially so we can be positioned to be a critical part of the changing platform in medicine. Gastroenterologists have to do their due diligence to ensure that their finances are future proof to the best of their abilities.

Dr. Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, is founder of The MoneyFitMD and creator of The MoneyFitMD podcast (

I don’t think I heard the term “passive income” until I was already an attending gastroenterologist.

That was no surprise. Why would I as a gastroenterologist with a focus in inflammatory bowel diseases be even remotely interested in that term?

Like most physicians, I went into medicine to take care of patients. That was my entire dream. It was a pleasant surprise to hear that gastroenterologists were relatively well paid compared to many other internal medicine specialties.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

That was a bonus. I was not practicing medicine for the money. I was here to do good, only. Money was the evil one. It’s no surprise money remained a taboo topic amongst physicians.

This is reflected in the lack of financial education in our training.

I went through all my medical training without getting any financial education. In my last year of training, I wondered how I was going to not end up being a burned out, overworked physician mom. I knew I was going to work in a large hospital-based practice or academic center. I was already aware that employed physicians had a higher burnout rate compared to independent physicians. My desperation to avoid what looked like the natural history of most physicians in medicine was what led me to my financial awakening, as you could call it.

I became curious about where my money was going as it hit my bank account. Where was I investing? How was I going to ensure that I wasn’t putting all my financial eggs in one basket by relying solely on my clinical income? This road led me into a world that I didn’t know existed. It was the world of physician entrepreneurs.

I began thinking more critically of how I was spending my time outside of the hospital. As a busy physician mom, there already were a lot of competing needs and demands on the 24 hours that I was limited to within a day. How could I get things done and increase my earnability without needing to exchange more time for money in a one-to-one ratio?

Passive income!



First of all, what exactly is passive income?

It refers to money earned that does not require you to physically and actively pump in time in order to get money out. For instance, seeing patients clinically is not passive. Performing procedures is not passive.

What are some examples of passive income?

• Dividend paying stocks or funds

• Investing through retirement accounts

• Passive real estate investment through syndications, crowdfunding, REITs

• Book writing

• Business partnership or ownership such as surgery center co-ownership

• Peer-to-peer lending

• Affiliate marketing

• House hacking

• Rent out your car

• Rent out your backyard/ swimming pool

• Invention with royalty payment

• Podcasting



There are some myths about passive income that are worth exploring

1. Passive income is completely passive: This is relative passivity, meaning that for every investment, there is a phase of learning, acquiring knowledge, vetting, and possibly researching that is not passive. After the initial phase of set up, most passive sources of income may require some monitoring or checking in. However, what makes an investment passive is the absence of that one-to-one ratio of input to output that would normally exist in a more active income source.

2. Making passive income is lazy: If you are a physician, you are probably not lazy. Yes, we have a high standard of expectation for ourselves, but anyone that is able to withstand the rigors of medical training, residency, and fellowship is not lazy in my books. Burnout can present in various ways, including apathy. Let’s not confuse that as lazy because, if we do, that would qualify as gaslighting and self-splaining. As someone that teaches physicians how to have money, here is my opinion: In order to make money ethically, there has to be exchange in value. One person gives value, the other gives money as a thank you. Value can be physical as seen in clinical work. Value can also be monetary. For example, I could give $100,000 to a start-up company that needs that money to execute their brilliant idea, and, in return for my investment, they could give me a 15% return per year. Is that lazy? Without this, their brilliant idea may not see daylight. Value exchange is the key. Giving value comes in different ways.

3. Finding ideas for passive income is hard: Many of us are invested in the stock market, most commonly through retirement accounts. This would qualify as passive income. Typically, we have simply elected that the growth in our investment or dividends be reinvested as we are choosing to use this money long term. In other words, if you have a retirement account, you already have passive income. The question now is how you can find additional passive ways to invest.


What are the benefits to passive income as a gastroenterologist?

1. Changing landscape of medicine: Over the last few decades, we have seen a growing shift in the landscape of medicine. There has been an increase in administrations surpassing the increase in physicians. There seem to be more and more growing bodies that are wedging between physicians and patients. This has led to increasing dissatisfaction for patients and physicians alike. In order to respond to these changes and create lasting changes, there is a need for a change in the leadership. It is fair to say that when you have a more diversified source of income, there is less pressure on a single source of income to provide “food and shelter” for your family. Physician leaders that are liberated have to have a sense of financial liberation.

2. Not putting eggs in one basket: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant fear of the unknown. Elective procedures were canceled, leading to financial strain for physicians. Gastroenterologists were not spared. When your income source is diverse, it provides more peace of mind.

3. Mental resourcefulness: This is an understated benefit of passive income and diversified income. As physicians, we went through a lot of hard work to get to where we are today. An average incoming medical student has had extensive demonstration of activity, volunteerism, and problem solving. Yet, as attending physicians, because of the burden of everyday clinical responsibilities and endless paperwork, as well as the platform and “warehouse” and “administrative-type involvement” in medicine, the average physician isn’t creating avenues to expend their cognitive abilities in a way that is diverse outside of the clinical setting. Having passive income opportunities creates a gym for mental resourcefulness that increases work satisfaction and may positively impact burnout.

4. Relationship building: As physicians, we tend to stick with our own. After working 60-80 hours per week, it is no surprise that most of your social network may end up being those that you work with. Passive income opportunities expose physicians to networking and social opportunities that may be critical for relationship building. This may improve mental wellness and overall sense of well-being.

5. Longevity in medicine: As more physicians elect to be employed by larger organizations outside of academics, sabbaticals are becoming less and less available. Having passive sources of income may permit a physician who would otherwise not be able to suffer loss of income the opportunity to take a leave of absence in the short term that may provide long-term longevity in medicine, while promoting wellness.

6. Wealth building: Wealth has had a negative reputation in the world. We seem to equate wealth as bad and being the source of evil. We forget that money is simply a tool that takes the shape of the container you place it in. If you are good, money becomes a tool for more good. Having passive income can help accelerate the journey to wealth building. This can be a great resource as physicians can support unique lifesaving, community-building, and environment-protecting initiatives, as well as support political candidates who will have a positive effect on patient care and the future of medicine.

I hope you are convinced that, with weighing the benefits and the myths associated with passive income, it is of value for gastroenterologists to equip themselves financially so we can be positioned to be a critical part of the changing platform in medicine. Gastroenterologists have to do their due diligence to ensure that their finances are future proof to the best of their abilities.

Dr. Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, is founder of The MoneyFitMD and creator of The MoneyFitMD podcast (

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Your money. Your voice. Your wellness.

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Tue, 12/28/2021 - 12:42

I was a third-year gastroenterology fellow when I realized that something had to change. I was on a one-way trip to burnout.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

I went through medical school with the sole goal of becoming an excellent physician. Like many physicians, I was six figures deep in student loan debt by the end of training. I remember clearly being told, “You are going to be physicians. Money won’t be a problem.” In fact, in 2021, money remains a taboo topic in medicine, and most of medical education remains void of the fundamentals of money management.

Although I was surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds in medicine, burnout was spreading like a wave. Physicians are becoming increasingly broken, burned out by a system through which we have vowed to care for our patients: For better or for worse. We are required to attend lectures about burnout, yet nothing about money or finances. We can all agree that talking about resilience and burnout during odd hours of the morning are ironic measures that by themselves have done nothing to help us through the crisis that exists.

I noticed that there seemed to be a difference between physicians who had their finances in order and those who didn’t. This eventually made sense as I became more aware of the data that now exists. Healthy financial practices can lead to financial independence, which may in turn decrease burnout-associated stressors.1 This is what we need.

My observation about the difference in satisfaction between physicians led me to decide to explore that path for myself. My hypothesis? Empowering myself financially is an anti-burnout tool that will improve my satisfaction, longevity in medicine, and my well-being. I traded my financial illiteracy for empowerment and I am now on a mission to help physicians become financially empowered. This is an important step toward preventing and recovering from burnout. The surprising part is that it is not difficult. You need to be committed. Our math literacy is already higher than needed. When we physicians are financially independent, we will have the ability to practice medicine in a way that is healthy. In a world where physician suicide, burnout, and dissatisfaction continue to rise, there is an urgent call to financial action. This is a critical key that will help us change the future of medicine.

In this article, I am going to share four myths that are preventing physicians from truly managing their finances.

1. I love medicine. I have no plans of leaving: I love gastroenterology. The ability to use our critical internal medicine skills as well as intervene procedurally is truly a privilege. As a gastroenterologist with a focus on inflammatory bowel diseases, I have the honor of walking patients through seasons of life and making decisions that truly impact their lives. It is an honor. I also believe that good money management allows physicians to become even better physicians. The platforms of medicine continue to change. According to Physician Advocacy Institute, about 70% of physicians report being employed.2 As physicians graduate from training, joining large hospitals, physician autonomy in the practice of medicine is affected. To ensure that we continue to practice medicine at the fullest extent of our oath, it is essential that our finances allow us the ability and capacity to fulfill that oath. Furthermore, the pandemic has shown that physician income is not pandemic-proof. Having a healthy emergency fund and diversifying our income sources is critical as we move forward.

2. I have a financial adviser or planner. They will figure it out for me: Financial advisers and planners are hired professionals with varied levels of training and expertise. A great financial adviser can be an important part of your team. A team that is led by you, the CEO, because no one will care about your finances as much as you do. Investing the time to learn the basics can pay dividends. When I started my financial education journey, I was completely illiterate. I knew I wanted to have money but didn’t know how. One of the first things in my financial competency journey was to hire a financial adviser. Unfortunately, as I learned more about money, I realized that my investments favored him more than they did me. Coincidentally, we had similar starting balances in a different self-management investment account. At the end of our time together, our self-managed funds fared better than his actively picked funds. As humans, we assume that actively picking investments and stocks would be better than passive investments. Based on experience and data, investing in boring, diverse funds such as index funds averagely do better than actively managed funds. Is it wrong then to hire an adviser? No, but you are still the CEO of you-incorporated. Choosing to completely delegate to someone else, avoiding the basic education that would allow you to better screen for effectiveness and competence, may in fact be negligence. After empowering themselves financially, some physicians who have gone through my money curriculum have chosen to keep their advisers; others chose to self-manage. The key is giving yourself the gift of choice: Choosing to have an adviser because you want to rather than because you thought you had no choice.

3. Money management looks complicated. This is one of the most common statements I get for why physicians avoid their own money management. I remember the complex biochemical pathways we learned in medical school. Those were hard and complicated. We chose to stay the course because we believed that, with repetition and simplifying, it would eventually become less difficult. Why then is it any different with money? A physician shared a discussion she once had with a banker. She was told, “Doctors are bad with money.” When did we become the stereotype for being bad with money? If we can learn channelopathies and memorize mechanisms and save lives, we can do money. We have to start somewhere. We may not get it the first time. However, as physicians, we are the more persistent people and are excellent examples of what happens when you commit to learning something new. After coaching hundreds of physicians regarding money management, I have concluded that physicians are not bad with money. We simply may not be committed to learning it. Once we commit, the rest becomes history.

4. I don’t have time. For practicing gastroenterologists dealing with post-lockdown influx of patients, the days can be long. As a gastroenterologist who is also a parent, I know firsthand how time can be tight. When we had two children, we were busy. We thought we were at our capacity on time with two children. Then we had a third. Suddenly, life with two children looked easier than with three. As humans, we have the capacity to create. Things take exactly how much time we commit to them. If I give myself a month to write an article, I will write it in a month. If I give myself 2 weeks, I will be done in 2 weeks. The key is to remember that we all have 24 hours. David Frankel is the author of “The Freedom Formula: How to Succeed in Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health, or Life.”3 He analyzed a poll of business owners. He showed that they were wasting an average of 21.8 hours per week. Many times, we talk about our to-do list. We don’t talk enough about our “to don’t list.” This refers to the list of things we need to stop doing so that we can spend time on things that give or add value to our lives. Starting with as little as 30 minutes per day or per week dedicated to learning and/or managing our finances, the result will compound.

As the platform of medicine continues to evolve, it is important for astute gastroenterologists to be part of these conversations. When we are confident in our finances, they become a vehicle that gives strength to the power of our voice. We are less likely to overwork and more likely to find joy and meaning within and outside medicine.

If we want to care for our patients at a high level and keep our oath to do no harm, we have to remember that includes doing no harm to self as well.

Money management tools and empowering ourselves financially should be an essential component of our training; until then, the onus is on you to learn, so that you can be well.

Your voice matters. Your wellness matters. Your time matters. Your money matters.

Dr. Alli-Akintade is a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center. She is the CEO of MoneyFitMD, a financial empowerment coaching platform for female physicians. She is also the host of The MoneyFitMD podcast.


1. Royce TJ et al. Pract Radiat Oncol. Jul-Aug 2019;9(4):231-8.

2. Physician Advocacy Institute. “COVID-19’s Impact on Acquisitions of Physician Practices and Physician Employment 2019-2020.” 2021 Jun.

3. Finkel D. “New Study Shows You’re Wasting 21.8 hours a Week.” 2018 Mar 1.


I was a third-year gastroenterology fellow when I realized that something had to change. I was on a one-way trip to burnout.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

I went through medical school with the sole goal of becoming an excellent physician. Like many physicians, I was six figures deep in student loan debt by the end of training. I remember clearly being told, “You are going to be physicians. Money won’t be a problem.” In fact, in 2021, money remains a taboo topic in medicine, and most of medical education remains void of the fundamentals of money management.

Although I was surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds in medicine, burnout was spreading like a wave. Physicians are becoming increasingly broken, burned out by a system through which we have vowed to care for our patients: For better or for worse. We are required to attend lectures about burnout, yet nothing about money or finances. We can all agree that talking about resilience and burnout during odd hours of the morning are ironic measures that by themselves have done nothing to help us through the crisis that exists.

I noticed that there seemed to be a difference between physicians who had their finances in order and those who didn’t. This eventually made sense as I became more aware of the data that now exists. Healthy financial practices can lead to financial independence, which may in turn decrease burnout-associated stressors.1 This is what we need.

My observation about the difference in satisfaction between physicians led me to decide to explore that path for myself. My hypothesis? Empowering myself financially is an anti-burnout tool that will improve my satisfaction, longevity in medicine, and my well-being. I traded my financial illiteracy for empowerment and I am now on a mission to help physicians become financially empowered. This is an important step toward preventing and recovering from burnout. The surprising part is that it is not difficult. You need to be committed. Our math literacy is already higher than needed. When we physicians are financially independent, we will have the ability to practice medicine in a way that is healthy. In a world where physician suicide, burnout, and dissatisfaction continue to rise, there is an urgent call to financial action. This is a critical key that will help us change the future of medicine.

In this article, I am going to share four myths that are preventing physicians from truly managing their finances.

1. I love medicine. I have no plans of leaving: I love gastroenterology. The ability to use our critical internal medicine skills as well as intervene procedurally is truly a privilege. As a gastroenterologist with a focus on inflammatory bowel diseases, I have the honor of walking patients through seasons of life and making decisions that truly impact their lives. It is an honor. I also believe that good money management allows physicians to become even better physicians. The platforms of medicine continue to change. According to Physician Advocacy Institute, about 70% of physicians report being employed.2 As physicians graduate from training, joining large hospitals, physician autonomy in the practice of medicine is affected. To ensure that we continue to practice medicine at the fullest extent of our oath, it is essential that our finances allow us the ability and capacity to fulfill that oath. Furthermore, the pandemic has shown that physician income is not pandemic-proof. Having a healthy emergency fund and diversifying our income sources is critical as we move forward.

2. I have a financial adviser or planner. They will figure it out for me: Financial advisers and planners are hired professionals with varied levels of training and expertise. A great financial adviser can be an important part of your team. A team that is led by you, the CEO, because no one will care about your finances as much as you do. Investing the time to learn the basics can pay dividends. When I started my financial education journey, I was completely illiterate. I knew I wanted to have money but didn’t know how. One of the first things in my financial competency journey was to hire a financial adviser. Unfortunately, as I learned more about money, I realized that my investments favored him more than they did me. Coincidentally, we had similar starting balances in a different self-management investment account. At the end of our time together, our self-managed funds fared better than his actively picked funds. As humans, we assume that actively picking investments and stocks would be better than passive investments. Based on experience and data, investing in boring, diverse funds such as index funds averagely do better than actively managed funds. Is it wrong then to hire an adviser? No, but you are still the CEO of you-incorporated. Choosing to completely delegate to someone else, avoiding the basic education that would allow you to better screen for effectiveness and competence, may in fact be negligence. After empowering themselves financially, some physicians who have gone through my money curriculum have chosen to keep their advisers; others chose to self-manage. The key is giving yourself the gift of choice: Choosing to have an adviser because you want to rather than because you thought you had no choice.

3. Money management looks complicated. This is one of the most common statements I get for why physicians avoid their own money management. I remember the complex biochemical pathways we learned in medical school. Those were hard and complicated. We chose to stay the course because we believed that, with repetition and simplifying, it would eventually become less difficult. Why then is it any different with money? A physician shared a discussion she once had with a banker. She was told, “Doctors are bad with money.” When did we become the stereotype for being bad with money? If we can learn channelopathies and memorize mechanisms and save lives, we can do money. We have to start somewhere. We may not get it the first time. However, as physicians, we are the more persistent people and are excellent examples of what happens when you commit to learning something new. After coaching hundreds of physicians regarding money management, I have concluded that physicians are not bad with money. We simply may not be committed to learning it. Once we commit, the rest becomes history.

4. I don’t have time. For practicing gastroenterologists dealing with post-lockdown influx of patients, the days can be long. As a gastroenterologist who is also a parent, I know firsthand how time can be tight. When we had two children, we were busy. We thought we were at our capacity on time with two children. Then we had a third. Suddenly, life with two children looked easier than with three. As humans, we have the capacity to create. Things take exactly how much time we commit to them. If I give myself a month to write an article, I will write it in a month. If I give myself 2 weeks, I will be done in 2 weeks. The key is to remember that we all have 24 hours. David Frankel is the author of “The Freedom Formula: How to Succeed in Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health, or Life.”3 He analyzed a poll of business owners. He showed that they were wasting an average of 21.8 hours per week. Many times, we talk about our to-do list. We don’t talk enough about our “to don’t list.” This refers to the list of things we need to stop doing so that we can spend time on things that give or add value to our lives. Starting with as little as 30 minutes per day or per week dedicated to learning and/or managing our finances, the result will compound.

As the platform of medicine continues to evolve, it is important for astute gastroenterologists to be part of these conversations. When we are confident in our finances, they become a vehicle that gives strength to the power of our voice. We are less likely to overwork and more likely to find joy and meaning within and outside medicine.

If we want to care for our patients at a high level and keep our oath to do no harm, we have to remember that includes doing no harm to self as well.

Money management tools and empowering ourselves financially should be an essential component of our training; until then, the onus is on you to learn, so that you can be well.

Your voice matters. Your wellness matters. Your time matters. Your money matters.

Dr. Alli-Akintade is a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center. She is the CEO of MoneyFitMD, a financial empowerment coaching platform for female physicians. She is also the host of The MoneyFitMD podcast.


1. Royce TJ et al. Pract Radiat Oncol. Jul-Aug 2019;9(4):231-8.

2. Physician Advocacy Institute. “COVID-19’s Impact on Acquisitions of Physician Practices and Physician Employment 2019-2020.” 2021 Jun.

3. Finkel D. “New Study Shows You’re Wasting 21.8 hours a Week.” 2018 Mar 1.

I was a third-year gastroenterology fellow when I realized that something had to change. I was on a one-way trip to burnout.

Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade, a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center, and CEO, MoneyFitMD
Dr. Latifat Alli-Akintade

I went through medical school with the sole goal of becoming an excellent physician. Like many physicians, I was six figures deep in student loan debt by the end of training. I remember clearly being told, “You are going to be physicians. Money won’t be a problem.” In fact, in 2021, money remains a taboo topic in medicine, and most of medical education remains void of the fundamentals of money management.

Although I was surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds in medicine, burnout was spreading like a wave. Physicians are becoming increasingly broken, burned out by a system through which we have vowed to care for our patients: For better or for worse. We are required to attend lectures about burnout, yet nothing about money or finances. We can all agree that talking about resilience and burnout during odd hours of the morning are ironic measures that by themselves have done nothing to help us through the crisis that exists.

I noticed that there seemed to be a difference between physicians who had their finances in order and those who didn’t. This eventually made sense as I became more aware of the data that now exists. Healthy financial practices can lead to financial independence, which may in turn decrease burnout-associated stressors.1 This is what we need.

My observation about the difference in satisfaction between physicians led me to decide to explore that path for myself. My hypothesis? Empowering myself financially is an anti-burnout tool that will improve my satisfaction, longevity in medicine, and my well-being. I traded my financial illiteracy for empowerment and I am now on a mission to help physicians become financially empowered. This is an important step toward preventing and recovering from burnout. The surprising part is that it is not difficult. You need to be committed. Our math literacy is already higher than needed. When we physicians are financially independent, we will have the ability to practice medicine in a way that is healthy. In a world where physician suicide, burnout, and dissatisfaction continue to rise, there is an urgent call to financial action. This is a critical key that will help us change the future of medicine.

In this article, I am going to share four myths that are preventing physicians from truly managing their finances.

1. I love medicine. I have no plans of leaving: I love gastroenterology. The ability to use our critical internal medicine skills as well as intervene procedurally is truly a privilege. As a gastroenterologist with a focus on inflammatory bowel diseases, I have the honor of walking patients through seasons of life and making decisions that truly impact their lives. It is an honor. I also believe that good money management allows physicians to become even better physicians. The platforms of medicine continue to change. According to Physician Advocacy Institute, about 70% of physicians report being employed.2 As physicians graduate from training, joining large hospitals, physician autonomy in the practice of medicine is affected. To ensure that we continue to practice medicine at the fullest extent of our oath, it is essential that our finances allow us the ability and capacity to fulfill that oath. Furthermore, the pandemic has shown that physician income is not pandemic-proof. Having a healthy emergency fund and diversifying our income sources is critical as we move forward.

2. I have a financial adviser or planner. They will figure it out for me: Financial advisers and planners are hired professionals with varied levels of training and expertise. A great financial adviser can be an important part of your team. A team that is led by you, the CEO, because no one will care about your finances as much as you do. Investing the time to learn the basics can pay dividends. When I started my financial education journey, I was completely illiterate. I knew I wanted to have money but didn’t know how. One of the first things in my financial competency journey was to hire a financial adviser. Unfortunately, as I learned more about money, I realized that my investments favored him more than they did me. Coincidentally, we had similar starting balances in a different self-management investment account. At the end of our time together, our self-managed funds fared better than his actively picked funds. As humans, we assume that actively picking investments and stocks would be better than passive investments. Based on experience and data, investing in boring, diverse funds such as index funds averagely do better than actively managed funds. Is it wrong then to hire an adviser? No, but you are still the CEO of you-incorporated. Choosing to completely delegate to someone else, avoiding the basic education that would allow you to better screen for effectiveness and competence, may in fact be negligence. After empowering themselves financially, some physicians who have gone through my money curriculum have chosen to keep their advisers; others chose to self-manage. The key is giving yourself the gift of choice: Choosing to have an adviser because you want to rather than because you thought you had no choice.

3. Money management looks complicated. This is one of the most common statements I get for why physicians avoid their own money management. I remember the complex biochemical pathways we learned in medical school. Those were hard and complicated. We chose to stay the course because we believed that, with repetition and simplifying, it would eventually become less difficult. Why then is it any different with money? A physician shared a discussion she once had with a banker. She was told, “Doctors are bad with money.” When did we become the stereotype for being bad with money? If we can learn channelopathies and memorize mechanisms and save lives, we can do money. We have to start somewhere. We may not get it the first time. However, as physicians, we are the more persistent people and are excellent examples of what happens when you commit to learning something new. After coaching hundreds of physicians regarding money management, I have concluded that physicians are not bad with money. We simply may not be committed to learning it. Once we commit, the rest becomes history.

4. I don’t have time. For practicing gastroenterologists dealing with post-lockdown influx of patients, the days can be long. As a gastroenterologist who is also a parent, I know firsthand how time can be tight. When we had two children, we were busy. We thought we were at our capacity on time with two children. Then we had a third. Suddenly, life with two children looked easier than with three. As humans, we have the capacity to create. Things take exactly how much time we commit to them. If I give myself a month to write an article, I will write it in a month. If I give myself 2 weeks, I will be done in 2 weeks. The key is to remember that we all have 24 hours. David Frankel is the author of “The Freedom Formula: How to Succeed in Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health, or Life.”3 He analyzed a poll of business owners. He showed that they were wasting an average of 21.8 hours per week. Many times, we talk about our to-do list. We don’t talk enough about our “to don’t list.” This refers to the list of things we need to stop doing so that we can spend time on things that give or add value to our lives. Starting with as little as 30 minutes per day or per week dedicated to learning and/or managing our finances, the result will compound.

As the platform of medicine continues to evolve, it is important for astute gastroenterologists to be part of these conversations. When we are confident in our finances, they become a vehicle that gives strength to the power of our voice. We are less likely to overwork and more likely to find joy and meaning within and outside medicine.

If we want to care for our patients at a high level and keep our oath to do no harm, we have to remember that includes doing no harm to self as well.

Money management tools and empowering ourselves financially should be an essential component of our training; until then, the onus is on you to learn, so that you can be well.

Your voice matters. Your wellness matters. Your time matters. Your money matters.

Dr. Alli-Akintade is a gastroenterologist with Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento (Calif.) Medical Center. She is the CEO of MoneyFitMD, a financial empowerment coaching platform for female physicians. She is also the host of The MoneyFitMD podcast.


1. Royce TJ et al. Pract Radiat Oncol. Jul-Aug 2019;9(4):231-8.

2. Physician Advocacy Institute. “COVID-19’s Impact on Acquisitions of Physician Practices and Physician Employment 2019-2020.” 2021 Jun.

3. Finkel D. “New Study Shows You’re Wasting 21.8 hours a Week.” 2018 Mar 1.

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