Use of Mobile Messaging System for Self-Management of Chemotherapy Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer (FULL)

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Wed, 08/14/2019 - 12:34
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Use of Mobile Messaging System for Self-Management of Chemotherapy Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer
The use of an automated text messaging intervention provided a cost-effective option for symptom management for patients experiencing cancer-related symptoms.

Cancer and cancer-related treatment can cause a myriad of adverse effects.1,2 Early identification and management of these symptoms is paramount to the success of cancer treatment completion; however, clinic and telephonic strategies for addressing symptoms often result in delays in care.1 New strategies for patient engagement in the management of cancer and treatment-related symptoms are needed.

The use of online self-management tools can result in improvement in symptoms, reduce cancer symptom distress, improve quality-of-life, and improve medication adherence.3-9 A meta-analysis concluded that online interventions showed promise, but optimizing interventions would require additional research.10 Another meta-analysis found that online self-management was effective in managing several symptoms.11 An e-health method of collecting patient self-reported symptoms has been found to be acceptable to patients and feasible for use.12-14 We postulated that a mobile text messaging strategy may be an effective modality for augmenting symptom management for cancer patients in real time.

In the US Departmant of Veterans Affairs (VA), “Annie,” a self-care tool utilizing a text-messaging system has been implemented. Annie was developed modeling “Flo,” a messaging system in the United Kingdom that has been used for case management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, stress incontinence, asthma, as a medication reminder tool, and to provide support for weight loss or post-operatively.15-17 Using Annie in the US, veterans have the ability to receive and track health information. Use of the Annie program has demonstrated improved continuous positive airway pressure monitor utilization in veterans with traumatic brain injury.18 Other uses within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) include assisting patients with anger management, liver disease, anxiety, asthma, diabetes, HIV, hypertension, weight loss, and smoking cessation.


The Hematology/Oncology division of the Minneapolis VA Healthcare System (MVAHCS) is a tertiary care facility that administers about 260 new chemotherapy regimens annually. The MVAHCS interdisciplinary hematology/oncology group initiated a quality improvement project to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and experience of tailoring the Annie tool for self-management of cancer symptoms. The group consisted of 2 physicians, 3 advanced practice registered nurses, 1 physician assistant, 2 registered nurses, and 2 Annie program team members.

We first created a symptom management pilot protocol as a result of multidisciplinary team discussions. Examples of discussion points for consideration included, but were not limited to, timing of texts, amount of information to ask for and provide, what potential symptoms to consider, and which patient population to pilot first.

The initial protocol was agreed upon and is as follows: Patients were sent text messages twice daily Monday through Friday, and asked to rate 2 symptoms per day, using a severity scale of 0 to 4 (absent, mild, moderate, severe, or disabling): nausea/vomiting, mouth sores, fatigue (Figure 1), trouble breathing, appetite, constipation, diarrhea (Figure 2), numbness/tingling, pain. In addition, patients were asked whether they had had a fever or not. Based on their response to the symptom inquiries, the patient received an automated text response. The text may have provided positive affirmation that they were doing well, given them advice for home management, referred them to an educational hyperlink, asked them to call a direct number to the clinic, or instructed them to report directly to the emergency department (ED). Patients could input a particular symptom on any day, even if they were not specifically asked about that symptom on that day. Patients also were instructed to text, only if it was not an inconvenience to them, as we wanted the intervention to be helpful and not a burden.




Through screening new patient consults or those referred for chemotherapy education, 15 male veterans enrolled in the symptom monitoring program over an 8 month period. There were additional patients who were not offered the program or chose not to participate; often due to not having texting capabilities on their phone or not liking the texting feature. The majority of those who participated in the program (n = 14) were enrolled at the start of Cycle 1; the other patient was enrolled at the start of Cycle 2. Patients were enrolled an average of 89 days (range 8-204). Average response rate was 84.2% (range 30-100%).

Although symptoms were not reviewed in real time, we reviewed responses to determine the utilization of the instructions given for the program. No veteran had 0 symptoms reported. There were numerous occurrences of a score of 1 or 2. Many of these patients had baseline symptoms due to their underlying cancer. A score of 3 or 4 on the system prompted the patient to call the clinic or go to the ED. Seven patients (some with multiple occurrences) were prompted to call; only 4 of these made the follow-up call to the clinic. All were offered a same day visit, but each declined. Only 1 patient reported a symptom on a day not prompted for that symptom. Symptoms that were reported are listed in order of frequency: fatigue, appetite loss, numbness, pain, mouth sore, and breathing difficulty. There were no visits to the ED.

Program Evaluation

An evaluation was conducted 30 to 60 days after program enrollment. We elicited feedback to determine who was reading and responding to the text message: the patient, a family member, or a caregiver; whether they found the prompts helpful and took action; how they felt about the number of texts; if they felt the program was helpful; and any other feedback that would improve the program. In general, the patients (8) answered the texts independently. In 4 cases, the spouse answered the texts, and 3 patients answered the texts together with their spouses. Most patients (11) found the amount of texting to be “just right.” However, 3 found it to be too many texts and 1 didn’t find the amount of texting to be enough.

Three veterans did not have enough symptoms to feel the program was of benefit to them, but they did feel it would have been helpful if they had been more symptomatic. One veteran recalled taking loperamide as needed, as a result of prompting. No veterans felt as though the texting feature was difficult to use; and overall, were very positive about the program. Several appreciated receiving messages that validated when they were doing well, and they felt empowered by self-management. One of the spouses was a registered nurse and found the information too basic to be of use.


Initial evaluation of the program via survey found no technology challenges. Patients have been very positive about the program including ease of use, appreciation of messages that validated when they were doing well, empowerment of self-management, and some utilization of the texting advice for symptom management. Educational hyperlinks for constipation, fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea/vomiting were added after this evaluation, and patients felt that these additions provided a higher level of education.



Staff time for this intervention was minimal. A nurse navigator offered the texting program to the patient during chemotherapy education, along with some instructions, which generally took about 5 minutes. One of the Annie program staff enrolled the patient. From that point forward, this was a self-management tool, beyond checking to ensure that the patient was successful in starting the program and evaluating use for the purposes of this quality improvement project. This self-management tool did not replace any other mechanism that a patient would normally have in our department for seeking help for symptoms. The MVAHSC typical process for symptom management is to have patients call a 24/7 nurse line. If the triage nurse feels the symptoms are related to the patient’s cancer or cancer treatment, they are referred to the physician assistant who is assigned to take those calls and has the option to see the patient the same day. Patients could continue to call the nurse line or speak with providers at the next appointment at their discretion.


Although Annie has the option of using either text messaging or a mobile application, this project only utilized text messaging. The study by Basch and colleagues was the closest randomized trial we could identify to compare to our quality improvement intervention.5 The 2 main, distinct differences were that Basch and colleagues utilized online monitoring; and nurses were utilized to screen and intervene on responses, as appropriate.

The ability of our program to text patients without the use of an application or tablet, may enable more patients to participate due to ease of use. There would be no increased in expected workload for clinical staff, and may lead to decreased call burden. Since our program is automated, while still providing patients with the option to call and speak with a staff member as needed, this is a cost-effective, first-line option for symptom management for those experiencing cancer-related symptoms. We believe this text messaging tool can have system wide use and benefit throughout the VHA.


1. Bruera E, Dev R. Overview of managing common non-pain symptoms in palliative care. Updated June 12, 2019. Accessed July 18, 2019.

2. Pirschel C. The crucial role of symptom management in cancer care. Published December 14, 2017. Accessed July 18, 2019.

3. Adam R, Burton CD, Bond CM, de Bruin M, Murchie P. Can patient-reported measurements of pain be used to improve cancer pain management? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2017;7(4):373-382.

4. Basch E, Deal AM, Kris MG, et al. Symptom monitoring with patient-reported outcomes during routine cancer treatment: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(6):557-565.

5. Berry DL, Blonquist TM, Patel RA, Halpenny B, McReynolds J. Exposure to a patient-centered, Web-based intervention for managing cancer symptom and quality of life issues: Impact on symptom distress. J Med Internet Res. 2015;3(7):e136.

6. Kolb NA, Smith AG, Singleton JR, et al. Chemotherapy-related neuropathic symptom management: a randomized trial of an automated symptom-monitoring system paired with nurse practitioner follow-up. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(5):1607-1615

7. Kamdar MM, Centi AJ, Fischer N, Jetwani K. A randomized controlled trial of a novel artificial-intelligence based smartphone application to optimize the management of cancer-related pain. Presented at: 2018 Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium; November 16-17, 2018; San Diego, CA.

8. Mooney KH, Beck SL, Wong B, et al. Automated home monitoring and management of patient-reported symptoms during chemotherapy: results of the symptom care at home RCT. Cancer Med. 2017;6(3):537-546.

9. Spoelstra SL, Given CW, Sikorskii A, et al. Proof of concept of a mobile health short message service text message intervention that promotes adherence to oral anticancer agent medications: a randomized controlled trial. Telemed J E Health. 2016;22(6):497-506.

10. Fridriksdottir N, Gunnarsdottir S, Zoëga S, Ingadottir B, Hafsteinsdottir EJG. Effects of web-based interventions on cancer patients’ symptoms: review of randomized trials. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(2):3370-351.

11. Kim AR, Park HA. Web-based self-management support intervention for cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;216:142-147.

12. Girgis A, Durcinoska I, Levesque JV, et al; PROMPT-Care Program Group. eHealth system for collecting and utilizing patient reported outcome measures for personalized treatment and care (PROMPT-Care) among cancer patients: mixed methods approach to evaluate feasibility and acceptability. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19(10):e330.

13. Moradian S, Krzyzanowska MK, Maguire R, et al. Usability evaluation of a mobile phone-based system for remote monitoring and management of chemotherapy-related side effects in cancer patients: Mixed methods study. JMIR Cancer. 2018;4(2): e10932.

14. Voruganti T, Grunfeld E, Jamieson T, et al. My team of care study: a pilot randomized controlled trial of a web-based communication tool for collaborative care in patients with advanced cancer. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19(7):e219.

15. The Health Foundation. Overview of Florence simple telehealth text messaging system. Accessed July 31, 2019.

16. Bragg DD, Edis H, Clark S, Parsons SL, Perumpalath B…Maxwell-Armstrong CA. Development of a telehealth monitoring service after colorectal surgery: a feasibility study. 2017;9(9):193-199.

17. O’Connell P. Annie-the VA’s self-care game changer. Published April 21, 2016. Accessed August 2, 2019.

18. Kataria L, Sundahl, C, Skalina L, et al. Text message reminders and intensive education improves positive airway pressure compliance and cognition in veterans with traumatic brain injury and obstructive sleep apnea: ANNIE pilot study (P1.097). Neurology, 2018; 90(suppl 15):P1.097.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Connie Jaenicke and Kathleen Nelson are Nurse Navigators, Mark Klein and Evan Mariash are Oncologists, Bev Foss is a Registered Nurse, and Kim Smith is a Physician Assistant; all in the Hematology/ Oncology Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center in Minnesota. Dan Greenwood is Veterans Health Education Coordinator and Lara Carson is a My HealtheVet Coordinator, both in the Education Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.
Correspondence: Connie Jaenicke (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies. The manufacturers did not provide equipment or other forms of material support.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Connie Jaenicke and Kathleen Nelson are Nurse Navigators, Mark Klein and Evan Mariash are Oncologists, Bev Foss is a Registered Nurse, and Kim Smith is a Physician Assistant; all in the Hematology/ Oncology Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center in Minnesota. Dan Greenwood is Veterans Health Education Coordinator and Lara Carson is a My HealtheVet Coordinator, both in the Education Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.
Correspondence: Connie Jaenicke (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies. The manufacturers did not provide equipment or other forms of material support.

Author and Disclosure Information

Connie Jaenicke and Kathleen Nelson are Nurse Navigators, Mark Klein and Evan Mariash are Oncologists, Bev Foss is a Registered Nurse, and Kim Smith is a Physician Assistant; all in the Hematology/ Oncology Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center in Minnesota. Dan Greenwood is Veterans Health Education Coordinator and Lara Carson is a My HealtheVet Coordinator, both in the Education Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.
Correspondence: Connie Jaenicke (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies. The manufacturers did not provide equipment or other forms of material support.

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The use of an automated text messaging intervention provided a cost-effective option for symptom management for patients experiencing cancer-related symptoms.
The use of an automated text messaging intervention provided a cost-effective option for symptom management for patients experiencing cancer-related symptoms.

Cancer and cancer-related treatment can cause a myriad of adverse effects.1,2 Early identification and management of these symptoms is paramount to the success of cancer treatment completion; however, clinic and telephonic strategies for addressing symptoms often result in delays in care.1 New strategies for patient engagement in the management of cancer and treatment-related symptoms are needed.

The use of online self-management tools can result in improvement in symptoms, reduce cancer symptom distress, improve quality-of-life, and improve medication adherence.3-9 A meta-analysis concluded that online interventions showed promise, but optimizing interventions would require additional research.10 Another meta-analysis found that online self-management was effective in managing several symptoms.11 An e-health method of collecting patient self-reported symptoms has been found to be acceptable to patients and feasible for use.12-14 We postulated that a mobile text messaging strategy may be an effective modality for augmenting symptom management for cancer patients in real time.

In the US Departmant of Veterans Affairs (VA), “Annie,” a self-care tool utilizing a text-messaging system has been implemented. Annie was developed modeling “Flo,” a messaging system in the United Kingdom that has been used for case management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, stress incontinence, asthma, as a medication reminder tool, and to provide support for weight loss or post-operatively.15-17 Using Annie in the US, veterans have the ability to receive and track health information. Use of the Annie program has demonstrated improved continuous positive airway pressure monitor utilization in veterans with traumatic brain injury.18 Other uses within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) include assisting patients with anger management, liver disease, anxiety, asthma, diabetes, HIV, hypertension, weight loss, and smoking cessation.


The Hematology/Oncology division of the Minneapolis VA Healthcare System (MVAHCS) is a tertiary care facility that administers about 260 new chemotherapy regimens annually. The MVAHCS interdisciplinary hematology/oncology group initiated a quality improvement project to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and experience of tailoring the Annie tool for self-management of cancer symptoms. The group consisted of 2 physicians, 3 advanced practice registered nurses, 1 physician assistant, 2 registered nurses, and 2 Annie program team members.

We first created a symptom management pilot protocol as a result of multidisciplinary team discussions. Examples of discussion points for consideration included, but were not limited to, timing of texts, amount of information to ask for and provide, what potential symptoms to consider, and which patient population to pilot first.

The initial protocol was agreed upon and is as follows: Patients were sent text messages twice daily Monday through Friday, and asked to rate 2 symptoms per day, using a severity scale of 0 to 4 (absent, mild, moderate, severe, or disabling): nausea/vomiting, mouth sores, fatigue (Figure 1), trouble breathing, appetite, constipation, diarrhea (Figure 2), numbness/tingling, pain. In addition, patients were asked whether they had had a fever or not. Based on their response to the symptom inquiries, the patient received an automated text response. The text may have provided positive affirmation that they were doing well, given them advice for home management, referred them to an educational hyperlink, asked them to call a direct number to the clinic, or instructed them to report directly to the emergency department (ED). Patients could input a particular symptom on any day, even if they were not specifically asked about that symptom on that day. Patients also were instructed to text, only if it was not an inconvenience to them, as we wanted the intervention to be helpful and not a burden.




Through screening new patient consults or those referred for chemotherapy education, 15 male veterans enrolled in the symptom monitoring program over an 8 month period. There were additional patients who were not offered the program or chose not to participate; often due to not having texting capabilities on their phone or not liking the texting feature. The majority of those who participated in the program (n = 14) were enrolled at the start of Cycle 1; the other patient was enrolled at the start of Cycle 2. Patients were enrolled an average of 89 days (range 8-204). Average response rate was 84.2% (range 30-100%).

Although symptoms were not reviewed in real time, we reviewed responses to determine the utilization of the instructions given for the program. No veteran had 0 symptoms reported. There were numerous occurrences of a score of 1 or 2. Many of these patients had baseline symptoms due to their underlying cancer. A score of 3 or 4 on the system prompted the patient to call the clinic or go to the ED. Seven patients (some with multiple occurrences) were prompted to call; only 4 of these made the follow-up call to the clinic. All were offered a same day visit, but each declined. Only 1 patient reported a symptom on a day not prompted for that symptom. Symptoms that were reported are listed in order of frequency: fatigue, appetite loss, numbness, pain, mouth sore, and breathing difficulty. There were no visits to the ED.

Program Evaluation

An evaluation was conducted 30 to 60 days after program enrollment. We elicited feedback to determine who was reading and responding to the text message: the patient, a family member, or a caregiver; whether they found the prompts helpful and took action; how they felt about the number of texts; if they felt the program was helpful; and any other feedback that would improve the program. In general, the patients (8) answered the texts independently. In 4 cases, the spouse answered the texts, and 3 patients answered the texts together with their spouses. Most patients (11) found the amount of texting to be “just right.” However, 3 found it to be too many texts and 1 didn’t find the amount of texting to be enough.

Three veterans did not have enough symptoms to feel the program was of benefit to them, but they did feel it would have been helpful if they had been more symptomatic. One veteran recalled taking loperamide as needed, as a result of prompting. No veterans felt as though the texting feature was difficult to use; and overall, were very positive about the program. Several appreciated receiving messages that validated when they were doing well, and they felt empowered by self-management. One of the spouses was a registered nurse and found the information too basic to be of use.


Initial evaluation of the program via survey found no technology challenges. Patients have been very positive about the program including ease of use, appreciation of messages that validated when they were doing well, empowerment of self-management, and some utilization of the texting advice for symptom management. Educational hyperlinks for constipation, fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea/vomiting were added after this evaluation, and patients felt that these additions provided a higher level of education.



Staff time for this intervention was minimal. A nurse navigator offered the texting program to the patient during chemotherapy education, along with some instructions, which generally took about 5 minutes. One of the Annie program staff enrolled the patient. From that point forward, this was a self-management tool, beyond checking to ensure that the patient was successful in starting the program and evaluating use for the purposes of this quality improvement project. This self-management tool did not replace any other mechanism that a patient would normally have in our department for seeking help for symptoms. The MVAHSC typical process for symptom management is to have patients call a 24/7 nurse line. If the triage nurse feels the symptoms are related to the patient’s cancer or cancer treatment, they are referred to the physician assistant who is assigned to take those calls and has the option to see the patient the same day. Patients could continue to call the nurse line or speak with providers at the next appointment at their discretion.


Although Annie has the option of using either text messaging or a mobile application, this project only utilized text messaging. The study by Basch and colleagues was the closest randomized trial we could identify to compare to our quality improvement intervention.5 The 2 main, distinct differences were that Basch and colleagues utilized online monitoring; and nurses were utilized to screen and intervene on responses, as appropriate.

The ability of our program to text patients without the use of an application or tablet, may enable more patients to participate due to ease of use. There would be no increased in expected workload for clinical staff, and may lead to decreased call burden. Since our program is automated, while still providing patients with the option to call and speak with a staff member as needed, this is a cost-effective, first-line option for symptom management for those experiencing cancer-related symptoms. We believe this text messaging tool can have system wide use and benefit throughout the VHA.

Cancer and cancer-related treatment can cause a myriad of adverse effects.1,2 Early identification and management of these symptoms is paramount to the success of cancer treatment completion; however, clinic and telephonic strategies for addressing symptoms often result in delays in care.1 New strategies for patient engagement in the management of cancer and treatment-related symptoms are needed.

The use of online self-management tools can result in improvement in symptoms, reduce cancer symptom distress, improve quality-of-life, and improve medication adherence.3-9 A meta-analysis concluded that online interventions showed promise, but optimizing interventions would require additional research.10 Another meta-analysis found that online self-management was effective in managing several symptoms.11 An e-health method of collecting patient self-reported symptoms has been found to be acceptable to patients and feasible for use.12-14 We postulated that a mobile text messaging strategy may be an effective modality for augmenting symptom management for cancer patients in real time.

In the US Departmant of Veterans Affairs (VA), “Annie,” a self-care tool utilizing a text-messaging system has been implemented. Annie was developed modeling “Flo,” a messaging system in the United Kingdom that has been used for case management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, stress incontinence, asthma, as a medication reminder tool, and to provide support for weight loss or post-operatively.15-17 Using Annie in the US, veterans have the ability to receive and track health information. Use of the Annie program has demonstrated improved continuous positive airway pressure monitor utilization in veterans with traumatic brain injury.18 Other uses within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) include assisting patients with anger management, liver disease, anxiety, asthma, diabetes, HIV, hypertension, weight loss, and smoking cessation.


The Hematology/Oncology division of the Minneapolis VA Healthcare System (MVAHCS) is a tertiary care facility that administers about 260 new chemotherapy regimens annually. The MVAHCS interdisciplinary hematology/oncology group initiated a quality improvement project to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and experience of tailoring the Annie tool for self-management of cancer symptoms. The group consisted of 2 physicians, 3 advanced practice registered nurses, 1 physician assistant, 2 registered nurses, and 2 Annie program team members.

We first created a symptom management pilot protocol as a result of multidisciplinary team discussions. Examples of discussion points for consideration included, but were not limited to, timing of texts, amount of information to ask for and provide, what potential symptoms to consider, and which patient population to pilot first.

The initial protocol was agreed upon and is as follows: Patients were sent text messages twice daily Monday through Friday, and asked to rate 2 symptoms per day, using a severity scale of 0 to 4 (absent, mild, moderate, severe, or disabling): nausea/vomiting, mouth sores, fatigue (Figure 1), trouble breathing, appetite, constipation, diarrhea (Figure 2), numbness/tingling, pain. In addition, patients were asked whether they had had a fever or not. Based on their response to the symptom inquiries, the patient received an automated text response. The text may have provided positive affirmation that they were doing well, given them advice for home management, referred them to an educational hyperlink, asked them to call a direct number to the clinic, or instructed them to report directly to the emergency department (ED). Patients could input a particular symptom on any day, even if they were not specifically asked about that symptom on that day. Patients also were instructed to text, only if it was not an inconvenience to them, as we wanted the intervention to be helpful and not a burden.




Through screening new patient consults or those referred for chemotherapy education, 15 male veterans enrolled in the symptom monitoring program over an 8 month period. There were additional patients who were not offered the program or chose not to participate; often due to not having texting capabilities on their phone or not liking the texting feature. The majority of those who participated in the program (n = 14) were enrolled at the start of Cycle 1; the other patient was enrolled at the start of Cycle 2. Patients were enrolled an average of 89 days (range 8-204). Average response rate was 84.2% (range 30-100%).

Although symptoms were not reviewed in real time, we reviewed responses to determine the utilization of the instructions given for the program. No veteran had 0 symptoms reported. There were numerous occurrences of a score of 1 or 2. Many of these patients had baseline symptoms due to their underlying cancer. A score of 3 or 4 on the system prompted the patient to call the clinic or go to the ED. Seven patients (some with multiple occurrences) were prompted to call; only 4 of these made the follow-up call to the clinic. All were offered a same day visit, but each declined. Only 1 patient reported a symptom on a day not prompted for that symptom. Symptoms that were reported are listed in order of frequency: fatigue, appetite loss, numbness, pain, mouth sore, and breathing difficulty. There were no visits to the ED.

Program Evaluation

An evaluation was conducted 30 to 60 days after program enrollment. We elicited feedback to determine who was reading and responding to the text message: the patient, a family member, or a caregiver; whether they found the prompts helpful and took action; how they felt about the number of texts; if they felt the program was helpful; and any other feedback that would improve the program. In general, the patients (8) answered the texts independently. In 4 cases, the spouse answered the texts, and 3 patients answered the texts together with their spouses. Most patients (11) found the amount of texting to be “just right.” However, 3 found it to be too many texts and 1 didn’t find the amount of texting to be enough.

Three veterans did not have enough symptoms to feel the program was of benefit to them, but they did feel it would have been helpful if they had been more symptomatic. One veteran recalled taking loperamide as needed, as a result of prompting. No veterans felt as though the texting feature was difficult to use; and overall, were very positive about the program. Several appreciated receiving messages that validated when they were doing well, and they felt empowered by self-management. One of the spouses was a registered nurse and found the information too basic to be of use.


Initial evaluation of the program via survey found no technology challenges. Patients have been very positive about the program including ease of use, appreciation of messages that validated when they were doing well, empowerment of self-management, and some utilization of the texting advice for symptom management. Educational hyperlinks for constipation, fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea/vomiting were added after this evaluation, and patients felt that these additions provided a higher level of education.



Staff time for this intervention was minimal. A nurse navigator offered the texting program to the patient during chemotherapy education, along with some instructions, which generally took about 5 minutes. One of the Annie program staff enrolled the patient. From that point forward, this was a self-management tool, beyond checking to ensure that the patient was successful in starting the program and evaluating use for the purposes of this quality improvement project. This self-management tool did not replace any other mechanism that a patient would normally have in our department for seeking help for symptoms. The MVAHSC typical process for symptom management is to have patients call a 24/7 nurse line. If the triage nurse feels the symptoms are related to the patient’s cancer or cancer treatment, they are referred to the physician assistant who is assigned to take those calls and has the option to see the patient the same day. Patients could continue to call the nurse line or speak with providers at the next appointment at their discretion.


Although Annie has the option of using either text messaging or a mobile application, this project only utilized text messaging. The study by Basch and colleagues was the closest randomized trial we could identify to compare to our quality improvement intervention.5 The 2 main, distinct differences were that Basch and colleagues utilized online monitoring; and nurses were utilized to screen and intervene on responses, as appropriate.

The ability of our program to text patients without the use of an application or tablet, may enable more patients to participate due to ease of use. There would be no increased in expected workload for clinical staff, and may lead to decreased call burden. Since our program is automated, while still providing patients with the option to call and speak with a staff member as needed, this is a cost-effective, first-line option for symptom management for those experiencing cancer-related symptoms. We believe this text messaging tool can have system wide use and benefit throughout the VHA.


1. Bruera E, Dev R. Overview of managing common non-pain symptoms in palliative care. Updated June 12, 2019. Accessed July 18, 2019.

2. Pirschel C. The crucial role of symptom management in cancer care. Published December 14, 2017. Accessed July 18, 2019.

3. Adam R, Burton CD, Bond CM, de Bruin M, Murchie P. Can patient-reported measurements of pain be used to improve cancer pain management? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2017;7(4):373-382.

4. Basch E, Deal AM, Kris MG, et al. Symptom monitoring with patient-reported outcomes during routine cancer treatment: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(6):557-565.

5. Berry DL, Blonquist TM, Patel RA, Halpenny B, McReynolds J. Exposure to a patient-centered, Web-based intervention for managing cancer symptom and quality of life issues: Impact on symptom distress. J Med Internet Res. 2015;3(7):e136.

6. Kolb NA, Smith AG, Singleton JR, et al. Chemotherapy-related neuropathic symptom management: a randomized trial of an automated symptom-monitoring system paired with nurse practitioner follow-up. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(5):1607-1615

7. Kamdar MM, Centi AJ, Fischer N, Jetwani K. A randomized controlled trial of a novel artificial-intelligence based smartphone application to optimize the management of cancer-related pain. Presented at: 2018 Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium; November 16-17, 2018; San Diego, CA.

8. Mooney KH, Beck SL, Wong B, et al. Automated home monitoring and management of patient-reported symptoms during chemotherapy: results of the symptom care at home RCT. Cancer Med. 2017;6(3):537-546.

9. Spoelstra SL, Given CW, Sikorskii A, et al. Proof of concept of a mobile health short message service text message intervention that promotes adherence to oral anticancer agent medications: a randomized controlled trial. Telemed J E Health. 2016;22(6):497-506.

10. Fridriksdottir N, Gunnarsdottir S, Zoëga S, Ingadottir B, Hafsteinsdottir EJG. Effects of web-based interventions on cancer patients’ symptoms: review of randomized trials. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(2):3370-351.

11. Kim AR, Park HA. Web-based self-management support intervention for cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;216:142-147.

12. Girgis A, Durcinoska I, Levesque JV, et al; PROMPT-Care Program Group. eHealth system for collecting and utilizing patient reported outcome measures for personalized treatment and care (PROMPT-Care) among cancer patients: mixed methods approach to evaluate feasibility and acceptability. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19(10):e330.

13. Moradian S, Krzyzanowska MK, Maguire R, et al. Usability evaluation of a mobile phone-based system for remote monitoring and management of chemotherapy-related side effects in cancer patients: Mixed methods study. JMIR Cancer. 2018;4(2): e10932.

14. Voruganti T, Grunfeld E, Jamieson T, et al. My team of care study: a pilot randomized controlled trial of a web-based communication tool for collaborative care in patients with advanced cancer. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19(7):e219.

15. The Health Foundation. Overview of Florence simple telehealth text messaging system. Accessed July 31, 2019.

16. Bragg DD, Edis H, Clark S, Parsons SL, Perumpalath B…Maxwell-Armstrong CA. Development of a telehealth monitoring service after colorectal surgery: a feasibility study. 2017;9(9):193-199.

17. O’Connell P. Annie-the VA’s self-care game changer. Published April 21, 2016. Accessed August 2, 2019.

18. Kataria L, Sundahl, C, Skalina L, et al. Text message reminders and intensive education improves positive airway pressure compliance and cognition in veterans with traumatic brain injury and obstructive sleep apnea: ANNIE pilot study (P1.097). Neurology, 2018; 90(suppl 15):P1.097.


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18. Kataria L, Sundahl, C, Skalina L, et al. Text message reminders and intensive education improves positive airway pressure compliance and cognition in veterans with traumatic brain injury and obstructive sleep apnea: ANNIE pilot study (P1.097). Neurology, 2018; 90(suppl 15):P1.097.

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Use of Mobile Messaging System for Self-Management of Chemotherapy Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer
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Use of Mobile Messaging System for Self-Management of Chemotherapy Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer
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