Promoting diversity through the AGA

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Thu, 03/19/2020 - 11:12

As gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal researchers, we work with an increasingly diverse patient population amid known disparities in health care delivery and health outcomes. The American Gastroenterological Association values diversity and inclusion, and part of its strategic plan is to increase and diversify its membership and leaders. The AGA Diversity Committee supports this strategic goal by fostering and promoting involvement, advancement, and recognition of underrepresented diverse constituencies. This is accomplished through policy recommendations and programs, providing resources to AGA members for addressing barriers to access and utilization of health care services among diverse patient populations with attention to linguistic, racial, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, and economic diversity.

Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Maryland
Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen

There are eight clinician and investigator members, including the chair as well as one trainee member on the AGA Diversity Committee. Four members are appointed at-large and three members are appointed from the AGA Institute Committees and the AGA Institute Council. The committee has set out to achieve mission-driven goals with several initiatives that align with its intention to cultivate a diverse, inclusive, and engaged membership, armed with the necessary tools to provide the highest quality care and perform the most effective research that will benefit our patient population.

Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington
Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian

The communications task force highlights programs and topics that support the committee’s missions. Members of the committee coauthored a paper on colorectal disparities published in GI & Hepatology News in May 2018.1 In addition to presenting the disparities in colorectal screening, it provided ways to close this gap. A more recent publication in AGA Perspectives focused on unconscious bias as a prelude to the committee’s workshop at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019.2 An important initiative has been promoting Black History Month in February and Pride Month in June by posting cases or displaying prominent trailblazers on the AGA Community. In the upcoming months, profiles of several committee members will be featured in eDigest, GI & Hepatology News, and on AGA’s social media platforms.

Dr. Miguel Malespin, University of South Florida, Tampa
Dr. Miguel Malespin

DDW programming sponsored by the Diversity Committee is an important way to engage our members. At DDW 2019, the committee sponsored a clinical symposium title “Beyond Starbucks: Mitigating Bias Through Awareness.” This session was inspired by the 2018 incidence hallmarked by the inappropriate arrest of two African American men at a Philadelphia Starbucks. This event led to a nationwide educational breakout for all employees aimed at providing unconscious bias training. The Diversity Committee drew inspiration from these events, holding a symposium with set goals of defining unconscious bias and identifying areas within health care where unconscious bias can influence patient care. The committee invited Allyson Dylan Robinson, a portfolio lead from the Association of American Medical Colleges–endorsed Cook Ross Firm, who is nationally recognized as a leader in unconscious bias training. The assembly began with an introductory lecture followed by breakout sessions where small groups reviewed selected patient cases to determine the influence of unconscious bias in clinical scenarios. It was a well-attended symposium and was complementary to the wide array of didactic lectures offered at DDW. Bringing to light significant issues and barriers to health care is one key aspect of the mission set forth by the Diversity Committee.

Diversity Committee E-poster Tour DDW 2019
Diversity Committee e-poster tour DDW 2019

The AGA Diversity Committee e-poster tour at DDW 2019 promoted the research led by scientist and physician members of underrepresented groups in medicine and/or research focused on gastrointestinal diseases in underrepresented populations. Several high-quality abstracts were reviewed and four were selected for the e-poster tour. Each scientist presented their research in front of an enthusiastic audience of DDW attendees, followed by a question and answer session. Gonzalo Parodi, BS (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles), presented an elegant study showing that the antibiotic changes to intestinal microbiome were sex specific in mice. Alexis Rivera, MD (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan), found no association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) serologic markers and risk of surgery in patients with IBD in Puerto Rico. Maria Gonzalez-Pons, PhD (University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Juan), presented the first study looking at the mutational landscape of early-onset colorectal cancer tumors in Puerto Rican Hispanics, as a first step toward personalizing early screening in this population. Finally, Sushrut Jangi, MD (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston), presented the first longitudinal study describing the unique demographic and phenotypic characteristics of IBD in South Asians living in the United States, showing that smoking was less relevant as a risk factor, and that Crohn’s presented with a more aggressive penetrating phenotype in this population. At the conclusion of the e-poster tour, attendees and presenters had the opportunity to exchange future research ideas or follow-up and network.

Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo, Midatlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md.
Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo

The upcoming DDW 2020 AGA Diversity Committee–sponsored symposium entitled “GI Health Disparities and Creating Affirming Environments for the LGBT+ Community: The Gastroenterologist, Patient, Researcher and Educator Perspectives” will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn not only about challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community as patients, learners, and scientists, but how we as educators, researchers, clinicians, and leaders can strategically address these challenges and intentionally create inclusive spaces in an effort to reduce health care disparities and inequities in both clinical and academic environments.

A current initiative is the creation of an archive of notable underrepresented gastroenterologists and GI scientists. The database will serve as a resource for conference organizers and committee members to identify junior speakers and mentors from diverse minority, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. This will be a platform for divisional chairs, program directors, and mentors to recommend and promote upcoming stars in their designated fields. Once the website and cloud database have been built, the diversity committee will reach out to divisional chairs, program directors, committee members, and leaders in the field to recommend physicians and scientists to include in this database. We will then reach out to nominees with an invitation and link to complete their profile in the database. We believe that this will be an opportunity for young physicians and scientists and a resource to promote diversity in medicine and science.

Dr. Sandra Quezada, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Dr. Sandra Quezada

While we share many common experiences as ethnic minorities, the gastroenterologists comprising the AGA Diversity Committee come from various cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and clinical practice settings. Yet rather than creating contention, our differences are the strength of this committee. Our diverse backgrounds lead to a plethora of innovative ideas and perspectives in group discussions, resulting in very robust and productive meetings. In recognizing that a diverse group can render novel solutions to many topics and issues, one of our goals is to increase membership of underrepresented groups in the AGA, as well as participation in AGA committees. This entails direct outreach to gastroenterologists in these groups and acquainting them with the ways active participation in the numerous AGA committees will support the issues affecting their profession and patients.

Dr. F. Otis Stephen, Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Dr. F. Otis Stephen

The process of serving on an AGA committee is simple. Interested members can nominate themselves or be nominated by another AGA member and fill out a short application. The list of AGA committees, responsibilities, open positions, and application can be found at We believe committee participation is personally and professionally rewarding, and serving on the Diversity Committee is particularly gratifying, as we can address pertinent issues that may otherwise be neglected.

Dr. Badurdeen is assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Md; Dr. Charabaty Pishvaian is associate professor, clinical director of the GI division, and director of the IBD Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington; Dr. Malespin is assistant professor at the University of South Florida, Tampa, and transplant hepatologist, Tampa General Hospital; Dr. Oduyebo is a gastroenterologist for Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md; Dr. Quezada is associate professor and assistant dean for academic and multicultural affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and Dr. Stephen is a gastroenterologist at Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.


1. Oduyebo I et al. Underserved populations and colorectal cancer screening: Patient perceptions of barriers to care and effective interventions. GI & Hepatology News. May 2018.

2. Munroe CA et al. The AGA Diversity Committee: Opening up a conversation about unconscious bias in GI practice. AGA Perspectives. July 2019.


As gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal researchers, we work with an increasingly diverse patient population amid known disparities in health care delivery and health outcomes. The American Gastroenterological Association values diversity and inclusion, and part of its strategic plan is to increase and diversify its membership and leaders. The AGA Diversity Committee supports this strategic goal by fostering and promoting involvement, advancement, and recognition of underrepresented diverse constituencies. This is accomplished through policy recommendations and programs, providing resources to AGA members for addressing barriers to access and utilization of health care services among diverse patient populations with attention to linguistic, racial, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, and economic diversity.

Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Maryland
Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen

There are eight clinician and investigator members, including the chair as well as one trainee member on the AGA Diversity Committee. Four members are appointed at-large and three members are appointed from the AGA Institute Committees and the AGA Institute Council. The committee has set out to achieve mission-driven goals with several initiatives that align with its intention to cultivate a diverse, inclusive, and engaged membership, armed with the necessary tools to provide the highest quality care and perform the most effective research that will benefit our patient population.

Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington
Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian

The communications task force highlights programs and topics that support the committee’s missions. Members of the committee coauthored a paper on colorectal disparities published in GI & Hepatology News in May 2018.1 In addition to presenting the disparities in colorectal screening, it provided ways to close this gap. A more recent publication in AGA Perspectives focused on unconscious bias as a prelude to the committee’s workshop at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019.2 An important initiative has been promoting Black History Month in February and Pride Month in June by posting cases or displaying prominent trailblazers on the AGA Community. In the upcoming months, profiles of several committee members will be featured in eDigest, GI & Hepatology News, and on AGA’s social media platforms.

Dr. Miguel Malespin, University of South Florida, Tampa
Dr. Miguel Malespin

DDW programming sponsored by the Diversity Committee is an important way to engage our members. At DDW 2019, the committee sponsored a clinical symposium title “Beyond Starbucks: Mitigating Bias Through Awareness.” This session was inspired by the 2018 incidence hallmarked by the inappropriate arrest of two African American men at a Philadelphia Starbucks. This event led to a nationwide educational breakout for all employees aimed at providing unconscious bias training. The Diversity Committee drew inspiration from these events, holding a symposium with set goals of defining unconscious bias and identifying areas within health care where unconscious bias can influence patient care. The committee invited Allyson Dylan Robinson, a portfolio lead from the Association of American Medical Colleges–endorsed Cook Ross Firm, who is nationally recognized as a leader in unconscious bias training. The assembly began with an introductory lecture followed by breakout sessions where small groups reviewed selected patient cases to determine the influence of unconscious bias in clinical scenarios. It was a well-attended symposium and was complementary to the wide array of didactic lectures offered at DDW. Bringing to light significant issues and barriers to health care is one key aspect of the mission set forth by the Diversity Committee.

Diversity Committee E-poster Tour DDW 2019
Diversity Committee e-poster tour DDW 2019

The AGA Diversity Committee e-poster tour at DDW 2019 promoted the research led by scientist and physician members of underrepresented groups in medicine and/or research focused on gastrointestinal diseases in underrepresented populations. Several high-quality abstracts were reviewed and four were selected for the e-poster tour. Each scientist presented their research in front of an enthusiastic audience of DDW attendees, followed by a question and answer session. Gonzalo Parodi, BS (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles), presented an elegant study showing that the antibiotic changes to intestinal microbiome were sex specific in mice. Alexis Rivera, MD (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan), found no association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) serologic markers and risk of surgery in patients with IBD in Puerto Rico. Maria Gonzalez-Pons, PhD (University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Juan), presented the first study looking at the mutational landscape of early-onset colorectal cancer tumors in Puerto Rican Hispanics, as a first step toward personalizing early screening in this population. Finally, Sushrut Jangi, MD (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston), presented the first longitudinal study describing the unique demographic and phenotypic characteristics of IBD in South Asians living in the United States, showing that smoking was less relevant as a risk factor, and that Crohn’s presented with a more aggressive penetrating phenotype in this population. At the conclusion of the e-poster tour, attendees and presenters had the opportunity to exchange future research ideas or follow-up and network.

Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo, Midatlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md.
Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo

The upcoming DDW 2020 AGA Diversity Committee–sponsored symposium entitled “GI Health Disparities and Creating Affirming Environments for the LGBT+ Community: The Gastroenterologist, Patient, Researcher and Educator Perspectives” will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn not only about challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community as patients, learners, and scientists, but how we as educators, researchers, clinicians, and leaders can strategically address these challenges and intentionally create inclusive spaces in an effort to reduce health care disparities and inequities in both clinical and academic environments.

A current initiative is the creation of an archive of notable underrepresented gastroenterologists and GI scientists. The database will serve as a resource for conference organizers and committee members to identify junior speakers and mentors from diverse minority, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. This will be a platform for divisional chairs, program directors, and mentors to recommend and promote upcoming stars in their designated fields. Once the website and cloud database have been built, the diversity committee will reach out to divisional chairs, program directors, committee members, and leaders in the field to recommend physicians and scientists to include in this database. We will then reach out to nominees with an invitation and link to complete their profile in the database. We believe that this will be an opportunity for young physicians and scientists and a resource to promote diversity in medicine and science.

Dr. Sandra Quezada, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Dr. Sandra Quezada

While we share many common experiences as ethnic minorities, the gastroenterologists comprising the AGA Diversity Committee come from various cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and clinical practice settings. Yet rather than creating contention, our differences are the strength of this committee. Our diverse backgrounds lead to a plethora of innovative ideas and perspectives in group discussions, resulting in very robust and productive meetings. In recognizing that a diverse group can render novel solutions to many topics and issues, one of our goals is to increase membership of underrepresented groups in the AGA, as well as participation in AGA committees. This entails direct outreach to gastroenterologists in these groups and acquainting them with the ways active participation in the numerous AGA committees will support the issues affecting their profession and patients.

Dr. F. Otis Stephen, Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Dr. F. Otis Stephen

The process of serving on an AGA committee is simple. Interested members can nominate themselves or be nominated by another AGA member and fill out a short application. The list of AGA committees, responsibilities, open positions, and application can be found at We believe committee participation is personally and professionally rewarding, and serving on the Diversity Committee is particularly gratifying, as we can address pertinent issues that may otherwise be neglected.

Dr. Badurdeen is assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Md; Dr. Charabaty Pishvaian is associate professor, clinical director of the GI division, and director of the IBD Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington; Dr. Malespin is assistant professor at the University of South Florida, Tampa, and transplant hepatologist, Tampa General Hospital; Dr. Oduyebo is a gastroenterologist for Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md; Dr. Quezada is associate professor and assistant dean for academic and multicultural affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and Dr. Stephen is a gastroenterologist at Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.


1. Oduyebo I et al. Underserved populations and colorectal cancer screening: Patient perceptions of barriers to care and effective interventions. GI & Hepatology News. May 2018.

2. Munroe CA et al. The AGA Diversity Committee: Opening up a conversation about unconscious bias in GI practice. AGA Perspectives. July 2019.

As gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal researchers, we work with an increasingly diverse patient population amid known disparities in health care delivery and health outcomes. The American Gastroenterological Association values diversity and inclusion, and part of its strategic plan is to increase and diversify its membership and leaders. The AGA Diversity Committee supports this strategic goal by fostering and promoting involvement, advancement, and recognition of underrepresented diverse constituencies. This is accomplished through policy recommendations and programs, providing resources to AGA members for addressing barriers to access and utilization of health care services among diverse patient populations with attention to linguistic, racial, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, and economic diversity.

Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Maryland
Dr. Dilhana Badurdeen

There are eight clinician and investigator members, including the chair as well as one trainee member on the AGA Diversity Committee. Four members are appointed at-large and three members are appointed from the AGA Institute Committees and the AGA Institute Council. The committee has set out to achieve mission-driven goals with several initiatives that align with its intention to cultivate a diverse, inclusive, and engaged membership, armed with the necessary tools to provide the highest quality care and perform the most effective research that will benefit our patient population.

Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington
Dr. Aline Charabaty Pishvaian

The communications task force highlights programs and topics that support the committee’s missions. Members of the committee coauthored a paper on colorectal disparities published in GI & Hepatology News in May 2018.1 In addition to presenting the disparities in colorectal screening, it provided ways to close this gap. A more recent publication in AGA Perspectives focused on unconscious bias as a prelude to the committee’s workshop at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019.2 An important initiative has been promoting Black History Month in February and Pride Month in June by posting cases or displaying prominent trailblazers on the AGA Community. In the upcoming months, profiles of several committee members will be featured in eDigest, GI & Hepatology News, and on AGA’s social media platforms.

Dr. Miguel Malespin, University of South Florida, Tampa
Dr. Miguel Malespin

DDW programming sponsored by the Diversity Committee is an important way to engage our members. At DDW 2019, the committee sponsored a clinical symposium title “Beyond Starbucks: Mitigating Bias Through Awareness.” This session was inspired by the 2018 incidence hallmarked by the inappropriate arrest of two African American men at a Philadelphia Starbucks. This event led to a nationwide educational breakout for all employees aimed at providing unconscious bias training. The Diversity Committee drew inspiration from these events, holding a symposium with set goals of defining unconscious bias and identifying areas within health care where unconscious bias can influence patient care. The committee invited Allyson Dylan Robinson, a portfolio lead from the Association of American Medical Colleges–endorsed Cook Ross Firm, who is nationally recognized as a leader in unconscious bias training. The assembly began with an introductory lecture followed by breakout sessions where small groups reviewed selected patient cases to determine the influence of unconscious bias in clinical scenarios. It was a well-attended symposium and was complementary to the wide array of didactic lectures offered at DDW. Bringing to light significant issues and barriers to health care is one key aspect of the mission set forth by the Diversity Committee.

Diversity Committee E-poster Tour DDW 2019
Diversity Committee e-poster tour DDW 2019

The AGA Diversity Committee e-poster tour at DDW 2019 promoted the research led by scientist and physician members of underrepresented groups in medicine and/or research focused on gastrointestinal diseases in underrepresented populations. Several high-quality abstracts were reviewed and four were selected for the e-poster tour. Each scientist presented their research in front of an enthusiastic audience of DDW attendees, followed by a question and answer session. Gonzalo Parodi, BS (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles), presented an elegant study showing that the antibiotic changes to intestinal microbiome were sex specific in mice. Alexis Rivera, MD (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan), found no association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) serologic markers and risk of surgery in patients with IBD in Puerto Rico. Maria Gonzalez-Pons, PhD (University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Juan), presented the first study looking at the mutational landscape of early-onset colorectal cancer tumors in Puerto Rican Hispanics, as a first step toward personalizing early screening in this population. Finally, Sushrut Jangi, MD (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston), presented the first longitudinal study describing the unique demographic and phenotypic characteristics of IBD in South Asians living in the United States, showing that smoking was less relevant as a risk factor, and that Crohn’s presented with a more aggressive penetrating phenotype in this population. At the conclusion of the e-poster tour, attendees and presenters had the opportunity to exchange future research ideas or follow-up and network.

Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo, Midatlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md.
Dr. Ibironke Oduyebo

The upcoming DDW 2020 AGA Diversity Committee–sponsored symposium entitled “GI Health Disparities and Creating Affirming Environments for the LGBT+ Community: The Gastroenterologist, Patient, Researcher and Educator Perspectives” will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn not only about challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community as patients, learners, and scientists, but how we as educators, researchers, clinicians, and leaders can strategically address these challenges and intentionally create inclusive spaces in an effort to reduce health care disparities and inequities in both clinical and academic environments.

A current initiative is the creation of an archive of notable underrepresented gastroenterologists and GI scientists. The database will serve as a resource for conference organizers and committee members to identify junior speakers and mentors from diverse minority, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. This will be a platform for divisional chairs, program directors, and mentors to recommend and promote upcoming stars in their designated fields. Once the website and cloud database have been built, the diversity committee will reach out to divisional chairs, program directors, committee members, and leaders in the field to recommend physicians and scientists to include in this database. We will then reach out to nominees with an invitation and link to complete their profile in the database. We believe that this will be an opportunity for young physicians and scientists and a resource to promote diversity in medicine and science.

Dr. Sandra Quezada, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Dr. Sandra Quezada

While we share many common experiences as ethnic minorities, the gastroenterologists comprising the AGA Diversity Committee come from various cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and clinical practice settings. Yet rather than creating contention, our differences are the strength of this committee. Our diverse backgrounds lead to a plethora of innovative ideas and perspectives in group discussions, resulting in very robust and productive meetings. In recognizing that a diverse group can render novel solutions to many topics and issues, one of our goals is to increase membership of underrepresented groups in the AGA, as well as participation in AGA committees. This entails direct outreach to gastroenterologists in these groups and acquainting them with the ways active participation in the numerous AGA committees will support the issues affecting their profession and patients.

Dr. F. Otis Stephen, Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Dr. F. Otis Stephen

The process of serving on an AGA committee is simple. Interested members can nominate themselves or be nominated by another AGA member and fill out a short application. The list of AGA committees, responsibilities, open positions, and application can be found at We believe committee participation is personally and professionally rewarding, and serving on the Diversity Committee is particularly gratifying, as we can address pertinent issues that may otherwise be neglected.

Dr. Badurdeen is assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine, Columbia, Md; Dr. Charabaty Pishvaian is associate professor, clinical director of the GI division, and director of the IBD Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington; Dr. Malespin is assistant professor at the University of South Florida, Tampa, and transplant hepatologist, Tampa General Hospital; Dr. Oduyebo is a gastroenterologist for Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Shady Grove, Md; Dr. Quezada is associate professor and assistant dean for academic and multicultural affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and Dr. Stephen is a gastroenterologist at Annadel Medical Group, Santa Rosa, Calif.


1. Oduyebo I et al. Underserved populations and colorectal cancer screening: Patient perceptions of barriers to care and effective interventions. GI & Hepatology News. May 2018.

2. Munroe CA et al. The AGA Diversity Committee: Opening up a conversation about unconscious bias in GI practice. AGA Perspectives. July 2019.

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