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Paradise lost: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness among psychiatric patients

The United States Declaration of Independence is widely known for the words that begin its second paragraph:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Those basic rights are accessible and exercised by all healthy US citizens, but for many individuals with psychiatric disorders, those inalienable rights may be elusive. Consider how they are compromised by untreated psychiatric illness.

Life. This is the most basic right. In the United States, healthy individuals cherish being alive, and many take it for granted, unlike the residents of nondemocratic countries, where persons may be killed by dictators for political or other reasons (Stalin and Hitler murdered millions of innocent people). In the past, persons with mental illness were considered possessed by demons and were killed or burned at the stake (as in the Middle Ages). But unfortunately, the current major risk for the loss of life among psychiatric patients is the patients themselves. Suicidal urges, attempts, and completions are of epidemic proportions and continue to rise every year. Our patients end their own lives because their illness prompts them to relinquish their life and to embrace untimely death. And once life is lost, all other rights are abdicated. Suicide attempts are common among patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Sometimes, suicide is unintentional, such as when a patient with a substance use disorder inadvertently overdoses (as in the contemporary opioid epidemic) or ingests drugs laced with a deadly substance. For many untreated patients, life can be so fragile, tenuous, and tragically brief.

Liberty. Healthy citizens in the United States (and other democratic countries) have many liberties: where to live, what to do, where to move, what to say, what to believe, who to assemble with, what to eat or drink, whom to befriend, whom to marry, whether or not to procreate, and what to wear. They can choose to be an activist for any cause, no matter how quaint, or to disfigure their bodies with tattoos or piercings.

In contrast, the liberties of individuals with a psychiatric disorder can be compromised. In fact, patients’ liberties can be seriously shackled by their illness. A person with untreated schizophrenia can be enslaved by fixed irrational beliefs that may constrain their choices or determine how they live or relate to others. Command hallucinations can dictate what a patient should or mustn’t do. Poor reality testing detrimentally limits the options of a person with psychosis. A lack of insight deprives a patient with schizophrenia from rational decision-making. Self-neglect leads to physical, mental, and social deterioration.

For persons with depression, the range of liberties is shattered by social withdrawal, overwhelming guilt, sense of worthlessness, dismal hopelessness, doleful ruminations, and loss of appetite or sleep. The only rights that people with depression may exercise is to injure their body or end their life.

Think also of patients with OCD, who are subjugated by their ongoing obsessions or compulsive rituals; think of those with panic disorder who are unable to leave their home due to agoraphobia or cannot drive freely because of fears related to bridges or tunnels; think of persons who are enchained by their addiction and oppressed by the craving for drugs, food, or gambling. There are few meaningful liberties left for all such patients.

Continue to: Happiness



Happiness. I often wonder if most Americans these days are pursuing pleasure rather than happiness, seeking the momentary thrill and gratification instead of long-lasting happiness and joy. But persons with psychiatric brain disorders have great difficulty pursuing either pleasure or happiness. Anhedonia is a common symptom in schizophrenia and depression, depriving patients from experiencing enjoyable activities (ie, having fun) as they used to do before they got sick. Persons with anxiety have such emotional turmoil, it is hard for them to experience pleasure or happiness when feelings of impending doom permeates their souls. Persons with an addictive disorder are coerced to seek their substance for a momentary reward, only to spend a much longer time craving and seeking their substance of choice again and again. On the other end of the spectrum, for persons with mania, the excessive pursuit of high-risk pleasures can have grave consequences or embarrassment after they recover.

Happiness for patients with mental illness is possible only when they emerge from their illness and are “liberated” from the symptoms that disrupt their lives. As psychiatrists, we don’t just evaluate and treat patients with psychiatric illness—we restore their liberties and ability to pursue happiness and enjoy small pleasures.

The motto on the seal of the American University of Beirut, which I attended in my youth, is “That they may have life, and to have it abundantly.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have come to realize the true meaning of that motto. Life is a right we take for granted, but without it, we cannot exercise the various liberties, or be able to pursue happiness. I exercised my right to become a psychiatrist, and that provided me with lifelong happiness and satisfaction, especially when I prevent the loss of life of my patients, restore their liberty by ridding them of illness, and resurrect their ability to experience pleasure and pursue happiness.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Henry A. Nasrallah, MD

Current Psychiatry - 19(3)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Henry A. Nasrallah, MD

Author and Disclosure Information

Henry A. Nasrallah, MD

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The United States Declaration of Independence is widely known for the words that begin its second paragraph:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Those basic rights are accessible and exercised by all healthy US citizens, but for many individuals with psychiatric disorders, those inalienable rights may be elusive. Consider how they are compromised by untreated psychiatric illness.

Life. This is the most basic right. In the United States, healthy individuals cherish being alive, and many take it for granted, unlike the residents of nondemocratic countries, where persons may be killed by dictators for political or other reasons (Stalin and Hitler murdered millions of innocent people). In the past, persons with mental illness were considered possessed by demons and were killed or burned at the stake (as in the Middle Ages). But unfortunately, the current major risk for the loss of life among psychiatric patients is the patients themselves. Suicidal urges, attempts, and completions are of epidemic proportions and continue to rise every year. Our patients end their own lives because their illness prompts them to relinquish their life and to embrace untimely death. And once life is lost, all other rights are abdicated. Suicide attempts are common among patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Sometimes, suicide is unintentional, such as when a patient with a substance use disorder inadvertently overdoses (as in the contemporary opioid epidemic) or ingests drugs laced with a deadly substance. For many untreated patients, life can be so fragile, tenuous, and tragically brief.

Liberty. Healthy citizens in the United States (and other democratic countries) have many liberties: where to live, what to do, where to move, what to say, what to believe, who to assemble with, what to eat or drink, whom to befriend, whom to marry, whether or not to procreate, and what to wear. They can choose to be an activist for any cause, no matter how quaint, or to disfigure their bodies with tattoos or piercings.

In contrast, the liberties of individuals with a psychiatric disorder can be compromised. In fact, patients’ liberties can be seriously shackled by their illness. A person with untreated schizophrenia can be enslaved by fixed irrational beliefs that may constrain their choices or determine how they live or relate to others. Command hallucinations can dictate what a patient should or mustn’t do. Poor reality testing detrimentally limits the options of a person with psychosis. A lack of insight deprives a patient with schizophrenia from rational decision-making. Self-neglect leads to physical, mental, and social deterioration.

For persons with depression, the range of liberties is shattered by social withdrawal, overwhelming guilt, sense of worthlessness, dismal hopelessness, doleful ruminations, and loss of appetite or sleep. The only rights that people with depression may exercise is to injure their body or end their life.

Think also of patients with OCD, who are subjugated by their ongoing obsessions or compulsive rituals; think of those with panic disorder who are unable to leave their home due to agoraphobia or cannot drive freely because of fears related to bridges or tunnels; think of persons who are enchained by their addiction and oppressed by the craving for drugs, food, or gambling. There are few meaningful liberties left for all such patients.

Continue to: Happiness



Happiness. I often wonder if most Americans these days are pursuing pleasure rather than happiness, seeking the momentary thrill and gratification instead of long-lasting happiness and joy. But persons with psychiatric brain disorders have great difficulty pursuing either pleasure or happiness. Anhedonia is a common symptom in schizophrenia and depression, depriving patients from experiencing enjoyable activities (ie, having fun) as they used to do before they got sick. Persons with anxiety have such emotional turmoil, it is hard for them to experience pleasure or happiness when feelings of impending doom permeates their souls. Persons with an addictive disorder are coerced to seek their substance for a momentary reward, only to spend a much longer time craving and seeking their substance of choice again and again. On the other end of the spectrum, for persons with mania, the excessive pursuit of high-risk pleasures can have grave consequences or embarrassment after they recover.

Happiness for patients with mental illness is possible only when they emerge from their illness and are “liberated” from the symptoms that disrupt their lives. As psychiatrists, we don’t just evaluate and treat patients with psychiatric illness—we restore their liberties and ability to pursue happiness and enjoy small pleasures.

The motto on the seal of the American University of Beirut, which I attended in my youth, is “That they may have life, and to have it abundantly.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have come to realize the true meaning of that motto. Life is a right we take for granted, but without it, we cannot exercise the various liberties, or be able to pursue happiness. I exercised my right to become a psychiatrist, and that provided me with lifelong happiness and satisfaction, especially when I prevent the loss of life of my patients, restore their liberty by ridding them of illness, and resurrect their ability to experience pleasure and pursue happiness.

The United States Declaration of Independence is widely known for the words that begin its second paragraph:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Those basic rights are accessible and exercised by all healthy US citizens, but for many individuals with psychiatric disorders, those inalienable rights may be elusive. Consider how they are compromised by untreated psychiatric illness.

Life. This is the most basic right. In the United States, healthy individuals cherish being alive, and many take it for granted, unlike the residents of nondemocratic countries, where persons may be killed by dictators for political or other reasons (Stalin and Hitler murdered millions of innocent people). In the past, persons with mental illness were considered possessed by demons and were killed or burned at the stake (as in the Middle Ages). But unfortunately, the current major risk for the loss of life among psychiatric patients is the patients themselves. Suicidal urges, attempts, and completions are of epidemic proportions and continue to rise every year. Our patients end their own lives because their illness prompts them to relinquish their life and to embrace untimely death. And once life is lost, all other rights are abdicated. Suicide attempts are common among patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Sometimes, suicide is unintentional, such as when a patient with a substance use disorder inadvertently overdoses (as in the contemporary opioid epidemic) or ingests drugs laced with a deadly substance. For many untreated patients, life can be so fragile, tenuous, and tragically brief.

Liberty. Healthy citizens in the United States (and other democratic countries) have many liberties: where to live, what to do, where to move, what to say, what to believe, who to assemble with, what to eat or drink, whom to befriend, whom to marry, whether or not to procreate, and what to wear. They can choose to be an activist for any cause, no matter how quaint, or to disfigure their bodies with tattoos or piercings.

In contrast, the liberties of individuals with a psychiatric disorder can be compromised. In fact, patients’ liberties can be seriously shackled by their illness. A person with untreated schizophrenia can be enslaved by fixed irrational beliefs that may constrain their choices or determine how they live or relate to others. Command hallucinations can dictate what a patient should or mustn’t do. Poor reality testing detrimentally limits the options of a person with psychosis. A lack of insight deprives a patient with schizophrenia from rational decision-making. Self-neglect leads to physical, mental, and social deterioration.

For persons with depression, the range of liberties is shattered by social withdrawal, overwhelming guilt, sense of worthlessness, dismal hopelessness, doleful ruminations, and loss of appetite or sleep. The only rights that people with depression may exercise is to injure their body or end their life.

Think also of patients with OCD, who are subjugated by their ongoing obsessions or compulsive rituals; think of those with panic disorder who are unable to leave their home due to agoraphobia or cannot drive freely because of fears related to bridges or tunnels; think of persons who are enchained by their addiction and oppressed by the craving for drugs, food, or gambling. There are few meaningful liberties left for all such patients.

Continue to: Happiness



Happiness. I often wonder if most Americans these days are pursuing pleasure rather than happiness, seeking the momentary thrill and gratification instead of long-lasting happiness and joy. But persons with psychiatric brain disorders have great difficulty pursuing either pleasure or happiness. Anhedonia is a common symptom in schizophrenia and depression, depriving patients from experiencing enjoyable activities (ie, having fun) as they used to do before they got sick. Persons with anxiety have such emotional turmoil, it is hard for them to experience pleasure or happiness when feelings of impending doom permeates their souls. Persons with an addictive disorder are coerced to seek their substance for a momentary reward, only to spend a much longer time craving and seeking their substance of choice again and again. On the other end of the spectrum, for persons with mania, the excessive pursuit of high-risk pleasures can have grave consequences or embarrassment after they recover.

Happiness for patients with mental illness is possible only when they emerge from their illness and are “liberated” from the symptoms that disrupt their lives. As psychiatrists, we don’t just evaluate and treat patients with psychiatric illness—we restore their liberties and ability to pursue happiness and enjoy small pleasures.

The motto on the seal of the American University of Beirut, which I attended in my youth, is “That they may have life, and to have it abundantly.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have come to realize the true meaning of that motto. Life is a right we take for granted, but without it, we cannot exercise the various liberties, or be able to pursue happiness. I exercised my right to become a psychiatrist, and that provided me with lifelong happiness and satisfaction, especially when I prevent the loss of life of my patients, restore their liberty by ridding them of illness, and resurrect their ability to experience pleasure and pursue happiness.

Current Psychiatry - 19(3)
Current Psychiatry - 19(3)
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Paradise lost: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness among psychiatric patients
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Paradise lost: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness among psychiatric patients
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