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Mon, 03/25/2019 - 15:28
Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon.

Necrotizing infection of the extremity is a rare but potentially lethal diagnosis with a mortality rate in the range of 17% to 35%.1-4 The plastic surgery service at the Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MRVAMC) treats all hand emergencies, including upper extremity infection, in the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Heath System. There has been a well-coordinated emergency hand care system in place for several years that includes specialty templates on the electronic health record, pre-existing urgent clinic appointments, and single service surgical specialty care.5 This facilitates a fluid line of communication between primary care, emergency department (ED) providers, and surgical specialties. The objective of the study was to evaluate our identification, treatment, and outcome of these serious infections.


The MRVAMC Institutional Review Board approved a retrospective review of necrotizing infection of the upper extremity treated at the facility by the plastic surgery service. Surgical cases over a 9-year period (June 5, 2008-June 5, 2017) were identified by CPT (current procedural technology) codes for amputation and/or debridement of the upper extremity. The charts were reviewed for evidence of necrotizing infection by clinical description or pathology report. The patients’ age, sex, etiology, comorbidities from their problem list, vitals, and laboratory results were recorded upon arrival at the hospital. Time from presentation to surgery, treatment, and outcomes were recorded.



Ten patients were treated for necrotizing infection of the upper extremity over a 9-year period; all were men with an average age of 64 years. Etiologies included nail biting, “bug bites,” crush injuries, burns, suspected IV drug use, and unknown. Nine of 10 patients had diabetes mellitus (DM). Most did not show evidence of hemodynamic instability on hospital arrival (Table). One patient was hypotensive with a mean arterial blood pressure < 65 mm Hg, 2 had heart rates > 100 beats/min, 1 patient had a temperature > 38° C, and 7 had elevated white blood cell (WBC) counts ranging from 11 to 24 k/cmm. Two undiagnosed patients with DM (patients 1 and 8) expressed no complaints of pain and presented with blood glucose > 450 mg/dL with hemoglobin A1c levels > 12%.

Infectious disease and critical care services were involved in the treatment of several cases when requested. A computed tomography (CT) scan was used in 2 of the patients (patients 1 and 4) to assist in the diagnosis (Figure 1). 

The patient with the largest debridement (patient 4) had a CT that was not suspicious for necrotizing infection the day prior to emergent surgery. Patient 3 was found to have a subclavian stenosis on CT angiography early in the postoperative course and was treated with a carotid to subclavian bypass by the vascular service.

Seven patients out of 10 were treated with surgery within 24 hours on hospital arrival. The severity of the pathology was not initially recognized in 2 of the patients earlier in the review. A third patient resisted surgical treatment until the second hospital day. Four patients had from 1 to 3 digital amputations, 2 patients had wrist disarticulations, and 1 had a distal forearm amputation. 
The proximal amputations were patients with DM who went to the operating room within 24 hours of admission. Cultures grew a wide range of microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), β-hemolytic Streptococcus, Streptococcus viridans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Prevotella.

Antibiotics were managed by critical care, hospitalist, or infectious disease services and adjusted once final cultures were returned (Table). 

The patients all had a minimum of 2 procedures (range 2-5), including debridement and closure (Figures 2A and 2B and 3A and 3B). There were no perioperative deaths.




Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon. It is well accepted that the key to survival is prompt surgical debridement of all necrotic tissue, ideally within 24 hours of hospital arrival.2-4,6 Death is usually secondary to sepsis.3 The classic presentation of pain out of proportion to exam, hypotension, erythema, skin necrosis, elevated WBC count, and fever may not be present and can delay diagnosis.1-4,6

DM is the most common comorbidity, and reviews have found the disease occurs more often in males, both which are consistent with our study.1-3 Diabetic infections have been found to be more likely to present as necrotizing infection than are nondiabetic infections and be at a higher risk for amputation.7 The patients with the wrist disarticulations and forearm amputation had DM. A minor trauma can be a portal for infection, which can be monomicrobial or polymicrobial.1,4 Once the diagnosis is suspected, prompt resuscitation, surgical debridement, IV antibiotics, and early intensive care are lifesaving. Hyperbaric oxygen is not available at MRVAMC and was not pursued as a transfer request due to its controversial benefit.6

There were no perioperative 30-day mortalities over a 9-year period in patients identified as having necrotizing infection of the upper extremity. This is attributed to an aggressive and well-coordinated, multisystem approach involving emergency, surgical, anesthesia, intensive care, and infectious disease services.

The hand trauma triage system in place at MRVAMC was started in 2008 and presented at the 38th Annual VA Surgeons Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut. The process starts at the level of the ED, urgent care or primary care provider and facilitates rapid access to subspecialty care by reducing unnecessary phone calls and appointment wait times.

All hand emergencies are covered by the plastic surgery service rather than the traditional split coverage between orthopedics and plastic surgery. This provides consistency and continuity for the patients and staff. The electronic health record consult template gives specific instructions to contact the on-call plastic surgeon. The resident/fellow gets called if patient is in-house, and faculty is called if the patient is outside the main hospital. The requesting provider gets instructions on treatment and follow-up. Clinic profiles have appointments reserved for urgent consults during the first hour so that patients can be sent to pre-anesthesia clinic or hand therapy, depending on the diagnosis. This triage system increased our hand trauma volume by a multiple of 6 between 2008 and 2012 but cut the appointment wait time > 1 week by half, as a percentage of consults, and did not significantly increase after-hour use of the operating room. The number of faculty and trainees stayed the same.

We did find that speed to diagnosis for necrotizing infection is an area that can be improved on with a higher clinical suspicion. There is a learning curve to the diagnosis and treatment, which can be prolonged when the index cases do not present themselves often and the patients do not appear in distress. This argues for consistency in hand-specific trauma coverage. The patients were most often initially seen by the resident and examined by a faculty member within hours. There were 4 different plastic surgery faculty involved in these cases, and they all included resident participation before, during, and after surgery. Debridement consists of wide local excision to bleeding tissue. Author review of the operative notes found the numbers of trips to the operating room for debridement can be reduced as the surgeon becomes more confident in the diagnosis and management, resulting in less “whittling” and a more definitive debridement, resulting in a faster recovery.

The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis) is a tool that helps to distinguish necrotizing infection from other forms of soft tissue infection by using a point system for laboratory values that include C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose values.8 We do not routinely request CRP results, but 1 of the 2 patients (patient 9) who had the full complement of laboratory tests would have met high-risk criteria. The diagnostic accuracy of this tool has been questioned9; however, the authors welcome any method that can rapidly and noninvasively assist in getting the patient proper attention.

The patients were not seen for long-term follow-up, but some did return to the main hospital or clinic for other pathology and were pleased to show off their grip strength after a 3-ray amputation (patient 1) and aesthetics after upper arm and forearm debridement and skin graft reconstruction (patient 4, Figure 4).

A single-ray amputation can be expected to result in a loss of grip and pinch strength, about 43.3% and 33.6%, respectively; however, given the alternative of further loss of life or limb, this was considered a reasonable trade-off.10 One wrist disarticulation and the forearm amputation were seen by amputee clinic for prosthetic fitting many months after the amputations once the wounds were healed and edema had subsided.




A well-coordinated multidisciplinary effort was the key to successful identification and treatment of this serious life- and limb-threatening infection at our institution. We did identify room for improvement in making an earlier diagnosis and performing a more aggressive first debridement.

This project is the result of work supported with resources and use of facilities at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida.


1. Angoules AG, Kontakis G, Drakoulakis E, Vrentzos G, Granick MS, Giannoudis PV. Necrotizing fasciitis of upper and lower limb: a systemic review. Injury. 2007;38(suppl 5):S19-S26.

2. Chauhan A, Wigton MD, Palmer BA. Necrotizing fasciitis. J Hand Surg Am. 2014;39(8):1598-1601.

3. Cheng NC, SU YM, Kuo YS, Tai HC, Tang YB. Factors affecting the mortality of necrotizing fasciitis involving the upper extremities. Surg Today. 2008;38(12):1108-1113.

4. Sunderland IR, Friedrich JB. Predictors of mortality and limb loss in necrotizing soft tissue infections of the upper extremity. J Hand Surg Am. 2009;34(10):1900-1901.

5. Coady-Fariborzian L, McGreane A. Comparison of hand emergency triage before and after specialty templates (2007 vs 2012). Hand (N Y). 2015;10(2):215-220.

6. Stevens D, Bryant A. Necrotizing soft-tissue infections. N Engl J Med. 2017;377(23):2253-2265.

7. Sharma K, Pan D, Friedman J, Yu JL, Mull A, Moore AM. Quantifying the effect of diabetes on surgical hand and forearm infections. J Hand Surg Am. 2018;43(2):105-114.

8. Wong CH, Khin LW, Heng KS, Tan KC, Low CO. The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis) score: a tool for distinguishing necrotizing fasciitis from other soft tissue infections. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(7):1535-1541.

9. Fernando SM, Tran A, Cheng W, et al. Necrotizing soft tissue infection: diagnostic accuracy of physical examination, imaging, and LRINEC score: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Surg. 2019;269(1):58-65. 10. Bhat AK, Acharya AM, Narayanakurup JK, Kumar B, Nagpal PS, Kamath A. Functional and cosmetic outcome of single-digit ray amputation in hand. Musculoskelet Surg. 2017;101(3):275-281.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Loretta Coady-Fariborzian is a Plastic and Hand Surgeon, and Christy Anstead is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, both at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida. Loretta Coady- Fariborzian is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
Correspondence: Loretta Coady-Fariborzian (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

Federal Practitioner - 36(3)a
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Author and Disclosure Information

Loretta Coady-Fariborzian is a Plastic and Hand Surgeon, and Christy Anstead is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, both at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida. Loretta Coady- Fariborzian is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
Correspondence: Loretta Coady-Fariborzian (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

Author and Disclosure Information

Loretta Coady-Fariborzian is a Plastic and Hand Surgeon, and Christy Anstead is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, both at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida. Loretta Coady- Fariborzian is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
Correspondence: Loretta Coady-Fariborzian (

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

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Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon.
Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon.

Necrotizing infection of the extremity is a rare but potentially lethal diagnosis with a mortality rate in the range of 17% to 35%.1-4 The plastic surgery service at the Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MRVAMC) treats all hand emergencies, including upper extremity infection, in the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Heath System. There has been a well-coordinated emergency hand care system in place for several years that includes specialty templates on the electronic health record, pre-existing urgent clinic appointments, and single service surgical specialty care.5 This facilitates a fluid line of communication between primary care, emergency department (ED) providers, and surgical specialties. The objective of the study was to evaluate our identification, treatment, and outcome of these serious infections.


The MRVAMC Institutional Review Board approved a retrospective review of necrotizing infection of the upper extremity treated at the facility by the plastic surgery service. Surgical cases over a 9-year period (June 5, 2008-June 5, 2017) were identified by CPT (current procedural technology) codes for amputation and/or debridement of the upper extremity. The charts were reviewed for evidence of necrotizing infection by clinical description or pathology report. The patients’ age, sex, etiology, comorbidities from their problem list, vitals, and laboratory results were recorded upon arrival at the hospital. Time from presentation to surgery, treatment, and outcomes were recorded.



Ten patients were treated for necrotizing infection of the upper extremity over a 9-year period; all were men with an average age of 64 years. Etiologies included nail biting, “bug bites,” crush injuries, burns, suspected IV drug use, and unknown. Nine of 10 patients had diabetes mellitus (DM). Most did not show evidence of hemodynamic instability on hospital arrival (Table). One patient was hypotensive with a mean arterial blood pressure < 65 mm Hg, 2 had heart rates > 100 beats/min, 1 patient had a temperature > 38° C, and 7 had elevated white blood cell (WBC) counts ranging from 11 to 24 k/cmm. Two undiagnosed patients with DM (patients 1 and 8) expressed no complaints of pain and presented with blood glucose > 450 mg/dL with hemoglobin A1c levels > 12%.

Infectious disease and critical care services were involved in the treatment of several cases when requested. A computed tomography (CT) scan was used in 2 of the patients (patients 1 and 4) to assist in the diagnosis (Figure 1). 

The patient with the largest debridement (patient 4) had a CT that was not suspicious for necrotizing infection the day prior to emergent surgery. Patient 3 was found to have a subclavian stenosis on CT angiography early in the postoperative course and was treated with a carotid to subclavian bypass by the vascular service.

Seven patients out of 10 were treated with surgery within 24 hours on hospital arrival. The severity of the pathology was not initially recognized in 2 of the patients earlier in the review. A third patient resisted surgical treatment until the second hospital day. Four patients had from 1 to 3 digital amputations, 2 patients had wrist disarticulations, and 1 had a distal forearm amputation. 
The proximal amputations were patients with DM who went to the operating room within 24 hours of admission. Cultures grew a wide range of microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), β-hemolytic Streptococcus, Streptococcus viridans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Prevotella.

Antibiotics were managed by critical care, hospitalist, or infectious disease services and adjusted once final cultures were returned (Table). 

The patients all had a minimum of 2 procedures (range 2-5), including debridement and closure (Figures 2A and 2B and 3A and 3B). There were no perioperative deaths.




Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon. It is well accepted that the key to survival is prompt surgical debridement of all necrotic tissue, ideally within 24 hours of hospital arrival.2-4,6 Death is usually secondary to sepsis.3 The classic presentation of pain out of proportion to exam, hypotension, erythema, skin necrosis, elevated WBC count, and fever may not be present and can delay diagnosis.1-4,6

DM is the most common comorbidity, and reviews have found the disease occurs more often in males, both which are consistent with our study.1-3 Diabetic infections have been found to be more likely to present as necrotizing infection than are nondiabetic infections and be at a higher risk for amputation.7 The patients with the wrist disarticulations and forearm amputation had DM. A minor trauma can be a portal for infection, which can be monomicrobial or polymicrobial.1,4 Once the diagnosis is suspected, prompt resuscitation, surgical debridement, IV antibiotics, and early intensive care are lifesaving. Hyperbaric oxygen is not available at MRVAMC and was not pursued as a transfer request due to its controversial benefit.6

There were no perioperative 30-day mortalities over a 9-year period in patients identified as having necrotizing infection of the upper extremity. This is attributed to an aggressive and well-coordinated, multisystem approach involving emergency, surgical, anesthesia, intensive care, and infectious disease services.

The hand trauma triage system in place at MRVAMC was started in 2008 and presented at the 38th Annual VA Surgeons Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut. The process starts at the level of the ED, urgent care or primary care provider and facilitates rapid access to subspecialty care by reducing unnecessary phone calls and appointment wait times.

All hand emergencies are covered by the plastic surgery service rather than the traditional split coverage between orthopedics and plastic surgery. This provides consistency and continuity for the patients and staff. The electronic health record consult template gives specific instructions to contact the on-call plastic surgeon. The resident/fellow gets called if patient is in-house, and faculty is called if the patient is outside the main hospital. The requesting provider gets instructions on treatment and follow-up. Clinic profiles have appointments reserved for urgent consults during the first hour so that patients can be sent to pre-anesthesia clinic or hand therapy, depending on the diagnosis. This triage system increased our hand trauma volume by a multiple of 6 between 2008 and 2012 but cut the appointment wait time > 1 week by half, as a percentage of consults, and did not significantly increase after-hour use of the operating room. The number of faculty and trainees stayed the same.

We did find that speed to diagnosis for necrotizing infection is an area that can be improved on with a higher clinical suspicion. There is a learning curve to the diagnosis and treatment, which can be prolonged when the index cases do not present themselves often and the patients do not appear in distress. This argues for consistency in hand-specific trauma coverage. The patients were most often initially seen by the resident and examined by a faculty member within hours. There were 4 different plastic surgery faculty involved in these cases, and they all included resident participation before, during, and after surgery. Debridement consists of wide local excision to bleeding tissue. Author review of the operative notes found the numbers of trips to the operating room for debridement can be reduced as the surgeon becomes more confident in the diagnosis and management, resulting in less “whittling” and a more definitive debridement, resulting in a faster recovery.

The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis) is a tool that helps to distinguish necrotizing infection from other forms of soft tissue infection by using a point system for laboratory values that include C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose values.8 We do not routinely request CRP results, but 1 of the 2 patients (patient 9) who had the full complement of laboratory tests would have met high-risk criteria. The diagnostic accuracy of this tool has been questioned9; however, the authors welcome any method that can rapidly and noninvasively assist in getting the patient proper attention.

The patients were not seen for long-term follow-up, but some did return to the main hospital or clinic for other pathology and were pleased to show off their grip strength after a 3-ray amputation (patient 1) and aesthetics after upper arm and forearm debridement and skin graft reconstruction (patient 4, Figure 4).

A single-ray amputation can be expected to result in a loss of grip and pinch strength, about 43.3% and 33.6%, respectively; however, given the alternative of further loss of life or limb, this was considered a reasonable trade-off.10 One wrist disarticulation and the forearm amputation were seen by amputee clinic for prosthetic fitting many months after the amputations once the wounds were healed and edema had subsided.




A well-coordinated multidisciplinary effort was the key to successful identification and treatment of this serious life- and limb-threatening infection at our institution. We did identify room for improvement in making an earlier diagnosis and performing a more aggressive first debridement.

This project is the result of work supported with resources and use of facilities at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida.

Necrotizing infection of the extremity is a rare but potentially lethal diagnosis with a mortality rate in the range of 17% to 35%.1-4 The plastic surgery service at the Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MRVAMC) treats all hand emergencies, including upper extremity infection, in the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Heath System. There has been a well-coordinated emergency hand care system in place for several years that includes specialty templates on the electronic health record, pre-existing urgent clinic appointments, and single service surgical specialty care.5 This facilitates a fluid line of communication between primary care, emergency department (ED) providers, and surgical specialties. The objective of the study was to evaluate our identification, treatment, and outcome of these serious infections.


The MRVAMC Institutional Review Board approved a retrospective review of necrotizing infection of the upper extremity treated at the facility by the plastic surgery service. Surgical cases over a 9-year period (June 5, 2008-June 5, 2017) were identified by CPT (current procedural technology) codes for amputation and/or debridement of the upper extremity. The charts were reviewed for evidence of necrotizing infection by clinical description or pathology report. The patients’ age, sex, etiology, comorbidities from their problem list, vitals, and laboratory results were recorded upon arrival at the hospital. Time from presentation to surgery, treatment, and outcomes were recorded.



Ten patients were treated for necrotizing infection of the upper extremity over a 9-year period; all were men with an average age of 64 years. Etiologies included nail biting, “bug bites,” crush injuries, burns, suspected IV drug use, and unknown. Nine of 10 patients had diabetes mellitus (DM). Most did not show evidence of hemodynamic instability on hospital arrival (Table). One patient was hypotensive with a mean arterial blood pressure < 65 mm Hg, 2 had heart rates > 100 beats/min, 1 patient had a temperature > 38° C, and 7 had elevated white blood cell (WBC) counts ranging from 11 to 24 k/cmm. Two undiagnosed patients with DM (patients 1 and 8) expressed no complaints of pain and presented with blood glucose > 450 mg/dL with hemoglobin A1c levels > 12%.

Infectious disease and critical care services were involved in the treatment of several cases when requested. A computed tomography (CT) scan was used in 2 of the patients (patients 1 and 4) to assist in the diagnosis (Figure 1). 

The patient with the largest debridement (patient 4) had a CT that was not suspicious for necrotizing infection the day prior to emergent surgery. Patient 3 was found to have a subclavian stenosis on CT angiography early in the postoperative course and was treated with a carotid to subclavian bypass by the vascular service.

Seven patients out of 10 were treated with surgery within 24 hours on hospital arrival. The severity of the pathology was not initially recognized in 2 of the patients earlier in the review. A third patient resisted surgical treatment until the second hospital day. Four patients had from 1 to 3 digital amputations, 2 patients had wrist disarticulations, and 1 had a distal forearm amputation. 
The proximal amputations were patients with DM who went to the operating room within 24 hours of admission. Cultures grew a wide range of microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), β-hemolytic Streptococcus, Streptococcus viridans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Prevotella.

Antibiotics were managed by critical care, hospitalist, or infectious disease services and adjusted once final cultures were returned (Table). 

The patients all had a minimum of 2 procedures (range 2-5), including debridement and closure (Figures 2A and 2B and 3A and 3B). There were no perioperative deaths.




Necrotizing infection of the upper extremity is a rare pathology with a substantial risk of amputation and mortality that requires a high index of suspicion and expeditious referral to a hand surgeon. It is well accepted that the key to survival is prompt surgical debridement of all necrotic tissue, ideally within 24 hours of hospital arrival.2-4,6 Death is usually secondary to sepsis.3 The classic presentation of pain out of proportion to exam, hypotension, erythema, skin necrosis, elevated WBC count, and fever may not be present and can delay diagnosis.1-4,6

DM is the most common comorbidity, and reviews have found the disease occurs more often in males, both which are consistent with our study.1-3 Diabetic infections have been found to be more likely to present as necrotizing infection than are nondiabetic infections and be at a higher risk for amputation.7 The patients with the wrist disarticulations and forearm amputation had DM. A minor trauma can be a portal for infection, which can be monomicrobial or polymicrobial.1,4 Once the diagnosis is suspected, prompt resuscitation, surgical debridement, IV antibiotics, and early intensive care are lifesaving. Hyperbaric oxygen is not available at MRVAMC and was not pursued as a transfer request due to its controversial benefit.6

There were no perioperative 30-day mortalities over a 9-year period in patients identified as having necrotizing infection of the upper extremity. This is attributed to an aggressive and well-coordinated, multisystem approach involving emergency, surgical, anesthesia, intensive care, and infectious disease services.

The hand trauma triage system in place at MRVAMC was started in 2008 and presented at the 38th Annual VA Surgeons Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut. The process starts at the level of the ED, urgent care or primary care provider and facilitates rapid access to subspecialty care by reducing unnecessary phone calls and appointment wait times.

All hand emergencies are covered by the plastic surgery service rather than the traditional split coverage between orthopedics and plastic surgery. This provides consistency and continuity for the patients and staff. The electronic health record consult template gives specific instructions to contact the on-call plastic surgeon. The resident/fellow gets called if patient is in-house, and faculty is called if the patient is outside the main hospital. The requesting provider gets instructions on treatment and follow-up. Clinic profiles have appointments reserved for urgent consults during the first hour so that patients can be sent to pre-anesthesia clinic or hand therapy, depending on the diagnosis. This triage system increased our hand trauma volume by a multiple of 6 between 2008 and 2012 but cut the appointment wait time > 1 week by half, as a percentage of consults, and did not significantly increase after-hour use of the operating room. The number of faculty and trainees stayed the same.

We did find that speed to diagnosis for necrotizing infection is an area that can be improved on with a higher clinical suspicion. There is a learning curve to the diagnosis and treatment, which can be prolonged when the index cases do not present themselves often and the patients do not appear in distress. This argues for consistency in hand-specific trauma coverage. The patients were most often initially seen by the resident and examined by a faculty member within hours. There were 4 different plastic surgery faculty involved in these cases, and they all included resident participation before, during, and after surgery. Debridement consists of wide local excision to bleeding tissue. Author review of the operative notes found the numbers of trips to the operating room for debridement can be reduced as the surgeon becomes more confident in the diagnosis and management, resulting in less “whittling” and a more definitive debridement, resulting in a faster recovery.

The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis) is a tool that helps to distinguish necrotizing infection from other forms of soft tissue infection by using a point system for laboratory values that include C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose values.8 We do not routinely request CRP results, but 1 of the 2 patients (patient 9) who had the full complement of laboratory tests would have met high-risk criteria. The diagnostic accuracy of this tool has been questioned9; however, the authors welcome any method that can rapidly and noninvasively assist in getting the patient proper attention.

The patients were not seen for long-term follow-up, but some did return to the main hospital or clinic for other pathology and were pleased to show off their grip strength after a 3-ray amputation (patient 1) and aesthetics after upper arm and forearm debridement and skin graft reconstruction (patient 4, Figure 4).

A single-ray amputation can be expected to result in a loss of grip and pinch strength, about 43.3% and 33.6%, respectively; however, given the alternative of further loss of life or limb, this was considered a reasonable trade-off.10 One wrist disarticulation and the forearm amputation were seen by amputee clinic for prosthetic fitting many months after the amputations once the wounds were healed and edema had subsided.




A well-coordinated multidisciplinary effort was the key to successful identification and treatment of this serious life- and limb-threatening infection at our institution. We did identify room for improvement in making an earlier diagnosis and performing a more aggressive first debridement.

This project is the result of work supported with resources and use of facilities at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida.


1. Angoules AG, Kontakis G, Drakoulakis E, Vrentzos G, Granick MS, Giannoudis PV. Necrotizing fasciitis of upper and lower limb: a systemic review. Injury. 2007;38(suppl 5):S19-S26.

2. Chauhan A, Wigton MD, Palmer BA. Necrotizing fasciitis. J Hand Surg Am. 2014;39(8):1598-1601.

3. Cheng NC, SU YM, Kuo YS, Tai HC, Tang YB. Factors affecting the mortality of necrotizing fasciitis involving the upper extremities. Surg Today. 2008;38(12):1108-1113.

4. Sunderland IR, Friedrich JB. Predictors of mortality and limb loss in necrotizing soft tissue infections of the upper extremity. J Hand Surg Am. 2009;34(10):1900-1901.

5. Coady-Fariborzian L, McGreane A. Comparison of hand emergency triage before and after specialty templates (2007 vs 2012). Hand (N Y). 2015;10(2):215-220.

6. Stevens D, Bryant A. Necrotizing soft-tissue infections. N Engl J Med. 2017;377(23):2253-2265.

7. Sharma K, Pan D, Friedman J, Yu JL, Mull A, Moore AM. Quantifying the effect of diabetes on surgical hand and forearm infections. J Hand Surg Am. 2018;43(2):105-114.

8. Wong CH, Khin LW, Heng KS, Tan KC, Low CO. The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis) score: a tool for distinguishing necrotizing fasciitis from other soft tissue infections. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(7):1535-1541.

9. Fernando SM, Tran A, Cheng W, et al. Necrotizing soft tissue infection: diagnostic accuracy of physical examination, imaging, and LRINEC score: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Surg. 2019;269(1):58-65. 10. Bhat AK, Acharya AM, Narayanakurup JK, Kumar B, Nagpal PS, Kamath A. Functional and cosmetic outcome of single-digit ray amputation in hand. Musculoskelet Surg. 2017;101(3):275-281.


1. Angoules AG, Kontakis G, Drakoulakis E, Vrentzos G, Granick MS, Giannoudis PV. Necrotizing fasciitis of upper and lower limb: a systemic review. Injury. 2007;38(suppl 5):S19-S26.

2. Chauhan A, Wigton MD, Palmer BA. Necrotizing fasciitis. J Hand Surg Am. 2014;39(8):1598-1601.

3. Cheng NC, SU YM, Kuo YS, Tai HC, Tang YB. Factors affecting the mortality of necrotizing fasciitis involving the upper extremities. Surg Today. 2008;38(12):1108-1113.

4. Sunderland IR, Friedrich JB. Predictors of mortality and limb loss in necrotizing soft tissue infections of the upper extremity. J Hand Surg Am. 2009;34(10):1900-1901.

5. Coady-Fariborzian L, McGreane A. Comparison of hand emergency triage before and after specialty templates (2007 vs 2012). Hand (N Y). 2015;10(2):215-220.

6. Stevens D, Bryant A. Necrotizing soft-tissue infections. N Engl J Med. 2017;377(23):2253-2265.

7. Sharma K, Pan D, Friedman J, Yu JL, Mull A, Moore AM. Quantifying the effect of diabetes on surgical hand and forearm infections. J Hand Surg Am. 2018;43(2):105-114.

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