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Mon, 07/08/2024 - 12:03

More than two-thirds of patients with migraine also suffer from neck pain, a combination that’s linked to higher levels of various forms of disability, an international, prospective, cross-sectional study finds.

Of 51,969 respondents with headache over the past year, the 27.9% with migraine were more likely to have neck pain than those with non-migraine headache (68.3% vs 36.1%, respectively, P < .001), reported Richard B. Lipton, MD, professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, and colleagues in Headache.

Compared with other patients with migraine, those who also have neck pain have “greater disability, more psychiatric comorbidities, more allodynia, diminished quality of life, decreased work productivity, and reduced response to treatment,” Dr. Lipton said in an interview. “If patients don’t report [neck pain], it is probably worth asking about. And when patients have both migraine and neck pain, they may merit increased therapeutic attention.”

As Dr. Lipton noted, clinicians have long known that neck pain is common in migraine, although it’s been unclear how the two conditions are connected. “One possibility is that the neck pain is actually a manifestation of the migraine headache. Another possibility is that the neck pain is an independent factor unrelated to migraine headaches: Many people have migraine and cervical spine disease. And the third possibility is that neck pain may be an exacerbating factor, that cervical spine disease may make the migraine worse.”

Referred pain is a potential factor too, he said.

Assessing Migraine, Neck Pain, and Disability

The new study sought to better understand the role of neck pain in migraine, Dr. Lipton said.

For the CaMEO-I study, researchers surveyed 51,969 adults with headache via the Internet in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States from 2021-2022. Most of the 37,477 patients with non-migraine headaches were considered to have tension headaches.

Among the 14,492 patients with migraine, demographics were statistically similar among those who had neck pain or didn’t have it (average age = 40.7 and 42.1, 68.4% and 72.5% female, and average BMIs = 26.0 and 26.4, respectively).

Among patients in the US, 71.4% of patients with migraine reported neck pain versus 35.9% of those with non-migraine headaches. In Canada, the numbers were 69.5% and 37.5%, respectively.

Among all patients with migraine, moderate-to-severe disability was more common among those with neck pain than those without neck pain (47.7% vs 28.9%, respectively, P < .001). Those with both migraine and neck pain had more symptom burden (P < .001), and 28.4% said neck pain was their most bothersome symptom. They also had a higher number of symptoms (P < .001).

Several conditions were more common among patients with migraine who reported neck pain versus those who didn’t (depression/anxiety, 40.2% vs 28.2%; anxiety, 41.2% vs 29.2%; and allodynia, 54.0% vs 36.6%, respectively, all P  <  0.001). Those with neck pain were also more likely to have “poor acute treatment optimization” (61.1% vs 53.3%, respectively, P < .001).

Researchers noted limitations such as the use of self-reported data, the potential for selection bias, limitations regarding survey questions, and an inability to determine causation.



Clinical Messages

The findings suggest that patients with both migraine and neck pain have greater activation of second-order neurons in the trigeminocervical complex, Dr. Lipton said.

He added that neck pain is often part of the migraine prodrome or the migraine attack itself, suggesting that it’s “part and parcel of the migraine attack.” However, neck pain may have another cause — such as degenerative disease of the neck — if it’s not directly connected to migraine, he added.

As for clinical messages from the study, “it’s quite likely that the neck pain is a primary manifestation of migraine. Migraine may well be the explanation in the absence of a reason to look further,” Dr. Lipton said.

If neck pain heralds a migraine, treating the prodrome with CGRP receptor antagonists (“gepants”) can be helpful, he said. He highlighted other preventive options include beta blockers, anti-epilepsy drugs, and monoclonal antibodies. There’s also anecdotal support for using botulinum toxin A in patients with chronic migraine and neck pain, he said.

In an interview, Mayo Clinic Arizona associate professor of neurology Rashmi B. Halker Singh, MD, who’s familiar with the study but did not take part in it, praised the research. The findings “help us to better understand the impact of living with neck pain if you are somebody with migraine,” she said. “It alerts us that we need to be more aggressive in how we manage that in patients.”

The study also emphasizes the importance of preventive medication in appropriate patients with migraine, especially those with neck pain who may be living with greater disability, she said. “About 13% of people with migraine are on a preventive medication, but about 40% are eligible. That’s an area where we have a big gap.”

Dr. Halker Singh added that non-medication strategies such as acupuncture and physical therapy can be helpful.

AbbVie funded the study. Dr. Lipton reports support for the study from AbbVie; research support paid to his institution from the Czap Foundation, National Headache Foundation, National Institutes of Health, S&L Marx Foundation, and US Food and Drug Administration; and personal fees from AbbVie/Allergan, American Academy of Neurology, American Headache Society, Amgen, Biohaven, Biovision, Boston, Dr. Reddy’s (Promius), electroCore, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Grifols, Lundbeck (Alder), Merck, Pernix, Pfizer, Teva, Vector, and Vedanta Research. He holds stock/options in Axon, Biohaven, CoolTech, and Manistee. Other authors report various disclosures.

Dr. Halker Singh is deputy editor of Headache, where the study was published, but wasn’t aware of it until it was published.


More than two-thirds of patients with migraine also suffer from neck pain, a combination that’s linked to higher levels of various forms of disability, an international, prospective, cross-sectional study finds.

Of 51,969 respondents with headache over the past year, the 27.9% with migraine were more likely to have neck pain than those with non-migraine headache (68.3% vs 36.1%, respectively, P < .001), reported Richard B. Lipton, MD, professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, and colleagues in Headache.

Compared with other patients with migraine, those who also have neck pain have “greater disability, more psychiatric comorbidities, more allodynia, diminished quality of life, decreased work productivity, and reduced response to treatment,” Dr. Lipton said in an interview. “If patients don’t report [neck pain], it is probably worth asking about. And when patients have both migraine and neck pain, they may merit increased therapeutic attention.”

As Dr. Lipton noted, clinicians have long known that neck pain is common in migraine, although it’s been unclear how the two conditions are connected. “One possibility is that the neck pain is actually a manifestation of the migraine headache. Another possibility is that the neck pain is an independent factor unrelated to migraine headaches: Many people have migraine and cervical spine disease. And the third possibility is that neck pain may be an exacerbating factor, that cervical spine disease may make the migraine worse.”

Referred pain is a potential factor too, he said.

Assessing Migraine, Neck Pain, and Disability

The new study sought to better understand the role of neck pain in migraine, Dr. Lipton said.

For the CaMEO-I study, researchers surveyed 51,969 adults with headache via the Internet in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States from 2021-2022. Most of the 37,477 patients with non-migraine headaches were considered to have tension headaches.

Among the 14,492 patients with migraine, demographics were statistically similar among those who had neck pain or didn’t have it (average age = 40.7 and 42.1, 68.4% and 72.5% female, and average BMIs = 26.0 and 26.4, respectively).

Among patients in the US, 71.4% of patients with migraine reported neck pain versus 35.9% of those with non-migraine headaches. In Canada, the numbers were 69.5% and 37.5%, respectively.

Among all patients with migraine, moderate-to-severe disability was more common among those with neck pain than those without neck pain (47.7% vs 28.9%, respectively, P < .001). Those with both migraine and neck pain had more symptom burden (P < .001), and 28.4% said neck pain was their most bothersome symptom. They also had a higher number of symptoms (P < .001).

Several conditions were more common among patients with migraine who reported neck pain versus those who didn’t (depression/anxiety, 40.2% vs 28.2%; anxiety, 41.2% vs 29.2%; and allodynia, 54.0% vs 36.6%, respectively, all P  <  0.001). Those with neck pain were also more likely to have “poor acute treatment optimization” (61.1% vs 53.3%, respectively, P < .001).

Researchers noted limitations such as the use of self-reported data, the potential for selection bias, limitations regarding survey questions, and an inability to determine causation.



Clinical Messages

The findings suggest that patients with both migraine and neck pain have greater activation of second-order neurons in the trigeminocervical complex, Dr. Lipton said.

He added that neck pain is often part of the migraine prodrome or the migraine attack itself, suggesting that it’s “part and parcel of the migraine attack.” However, neck pain may have another cause — such as degenerative disease of the neck — if it’s not directly connected to migraine, he added.

As for clinical messages from the study, “it’s quite likely that the neck pain is a primary manifestation of migraine. Migraine may well be the explanation in the absence of a reason to look further,” Dr. Lipton said.

If neck pain heralds a migraine, treating the prodrome with CGRP receptor antagonists (“gepants”) can be helpful, he said. He highlighted other preventive options include beta blockers, anti-epilepsy drugs, and monoclonal antibodies. There’s also anecdotal support for using botulinum toxin A in patients with chronic migraine and neck pain, he said.

In an interview, Mayo Clinic Arizona associate professor of neurology Rashmi B. Halker Singh, MD, who’s familiar with the study but did not take part in it, praised the research. The findings “help us to better understand the impact of living with neck pain if you are somebody with migraine,” she said. “It alerts us that we need to be more aggressive in how we manage that in patients.”

The study also emphasizes the importance of preventive medication in appropriate patients with migraine, especially those with neck pain who may be living with greater disability, she said. “About 13% of people with migraine are on a preventive medication, but about 40% are eligible. That’s an area where we have a big gap.”

Dr. Halker Singh added that non-medication strategies such as acupuncture and physical therapy can be helpful.

AbbVie funded the study. Dr. Lipton reports support for the study from AbbVie; research support paid to his institution from the Czap Foundation, National Headache Foundation, National Institutes of Health, S&L Marx Foundation, and US Food and Drug Administration; and personal fees from AbbVie/Allergan, American Academy of Neurology, American Headache Society, Amgen, Biohaven, Biovision, Boston, Dr. Reddy’s (Promius), electroCore, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Grifols, Lundbeck (Alder), Merck, Pernix, Pfizer, Teva, Vector, and Vedanta Research. He holds stock/options in Axon, Biohaven, CoolTech, and Manistee. Other authors report various disclosures.

Dr. Halker Singh is deputy editor of Headache, where the study was published, but wasn’t aware of it until it was published.

More than two-thirds of patients with migraine also suffer from neck pain, a combination that’s linked to higher levels of various forms of disability, an international, prospective, cross-sectional study finds.

Of 51,969 respondents with headache over the past year, the 27.9% with migraine were more likely to have neck pain than those with non-migraine headache (68.3% vs 36.1%, respectively, P < .001), reported Richard B. Lipton, MD, professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, and colleagues in Headache.

Compared with other patients with migraine, those who also have neck pain have “greater disability, more psychiatric comorbidities, more allodynia, diminished quality of life, decreased work productivity, and reduced response to treatment,” Dr. Lipton said in an interview. “If patients don’t report [neck pain], it is probably worth asking about. And when patients have both migraine and neck pain, they may merit increased therapeutic attention.”

As Dr. Lipton noted, clinicians have long known that neck pain is common in migraine, although it’s been unclear how the two conditions are connected. “One possibility is that the neck pain is actually a manifestation of the migraine headache. Another possibility is that the neck pain is an independent factor unrelated to migraine headaches: Many people have migraine and cervical spine disease. And the third possibility is that neck pain may be an exacerbating factor, that cervical spine disease may make the migraine worse.”

Referred pain is a potential factor too, he said.

Assessing Migraine, Neck Pain, and Disability

The new study sought to better understand the role of neck pain in migraine, Dr. Lipton said.

For the CaMEO-I study, researchers surveyed 51,969 adults with headache via the Internet in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States from 2021-2022. Most of the 37,477 patients with non-migraine headaches were considered to have tension headaches.

Among the 14,492 patients with migraine, demographics were statistically similar among those who had neck pain or didn’t have it (average age = 40.7 and 42.1, 68.4% and 72.5% female, and average BMIs = 26.0 and 26.4, respectively).

Among patients in the US, 71.4% of patients with migraine reported neck pain versus 35.9% of those with non-migraine headaches. In Canada, the numbers were 69.5% and 37.5%, respectively.

Among all patients with migraine, moderate-to-severe disability was more common among those with neck pain than those without neck pain (47.7% vs 28.9%, respectively, P < .001). Those with both migraine and neck pain had more symptom burden (P < .001), and 28.4% said neck pain was their most bothersome symptom. They also had a higher number of symptoms (P < .001).

Several conditions were more common among patients with migraine who reported neck pain versus those who didn’t (depression/anxiety, 40.2% vs 28.2%; anxiety, 41.2% vs 29.2%; and allodynia, 54.0% vs 36.6%, respectively, all P  <  0.001). Those with neck pain were also more likely to have “poor acute treatment optimization” (61.1% vs 53.3%, respectively, P < .001).

Researchers noted limitations such as the use of self-reported data, the potential for selection bias, limitations regarding survey questions, and an inability to determine causation.



Clinical Messages

The findings suggest that patients with both migraine and neck pain have greater activation of second-order neurons in the trigeminocervical complex, Dr. Lipton said.

He added that neck pain is often part of the migraine prodrome or the migraine attack itself, suggesting that it’s “part and parcel of the migraine attack.” However, neck pain may have another cause — such as degenerative disease of the neck — if it’s not directly connected to migraine, he added.

As for clinical messages from the study, “it’s quite likely that the neck pain is a primary manifestation of migraine. Migraine may well be the explanation in the absence of a reason to look further,” Dr. Lipton said.

If neck pain heralds a migraine, treating the prodrome with CGRP receptor antagonists (“gepants”) can be helpful, he said. He highlighted other preventive options include beta blockers, anti-epilepsy drugs, and monoclonal antibodies. There’s also anecdotal support for using botulinum toxin A in patients with chronic migraine and neck pain, he said.

In an interview, Mayo Clinic Arizona associate professor of neurology Rashmi B. Halker Singh, MD, who’s familiar with the study but did not take part in it, praised the research. The findings “help us to better understand the impact of living with neck pain if you are somebody with migraine,” she said. “It alerts us that we need to be more aggressive in how we manage that in patients.”

The study also emphasizes the importance of preventive medication in appropriate patients with migraine, especially those with neck pain who may be living with greater disability, she said. “About 13% of people with migraine are on a preventive medication, but about 40% are eligible. That’s an area where we have a big gap.”

Dr. Halker Singh added that non-medication strategies such as acupuncture and physical therapy can be helpful.

AbbVie funded the study. Dr. Lipton reports support for the study from AbbVie; research support paid to his institution from the Czap Foundation, National Headache Foundation, National Institutes of Health, S&L Marx Foundation, and US Food and Drug Administration; and personal fees from AbbVie/Allergan, American Academy of Neurology, American Headache Society, Amgen, Biohaven, Biovision, Boston, Dr. Reddy’s (Promius), electroCore, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Grifols, Lundbeck (Alder), Merck, Pernix, Pfizer, Teva, Vector, and Vedanta Research. He holds stock/options in Axon, Biohaven, CoolTech, and Manistee. Other authors report various disclosures.

Dr. Halker Singh is deputy editor of Headache, where the study was published, but wasn’t aware of it until it was published.

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