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Thu, 03/28/2019 - 14:49
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Landmark women’s health care remains law of the land

Starting in 2010 with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), our patients have had insurance that provides maternity care coverage, no-deductible or copay contraceptives, and access to breast cancer screening. They also have been protected from predatory insurance practices—such as preexisting condition exclusions, arbitrary rescission, and annual or lifetime coverage limits—which had previously and regularly been used to deny coverage. These landmark protections apply to all our patients, regardless of where they live, how much they earn, who their employers are, and which insurance plan they use. They have become part of the fabric of our society.

Between 2008 and 2010, members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) worked hard to define and help enact these provisions, which we considered the women’s piece of the health care reform puzzle. We also worked with a broad community of clinicians to try to make sure reform would benefit them too. That effort did not go as well, and ACOG ultimately did not endorse the ACA.

Early ACA troubles, misguided solutions

Since the ACA was signed into law 7 years ago, insurers have raised premiums and deductibles and narrowed their provider networks—putting needed care out of the reach of many patients. In addition, skyrocketing prescription drug prices have driven health care costs even higher. Against this backdrop, Congress in 2017 started trying to pass bills that would undo the ACA.

ACOG and our medical colleague organizations stepped up. We brought many ideas to House and Senate Republicans and Democrats and sought opportunities to work with them to improve the ACA for our physicians and patients. Unfortunately, the statute was so polarizing that few in Congress wanted to amend or revise it; most wanted it repealed or left as is.

Throughout these proceedings, ACOG remained committed to ensuring that no one with health insurance coverage would lose it and that Congress would not turn back the clock on women’s health. As long as these 2 principles were assured, we would work with anyone on improving health insurance.

Path to a better way

We delivered our message repeatedly. ACOG President Haywood Brown, MD, often accompanied by his American College of Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Psychiatric Association, and American Osteopathic Association counterparts, attended high-level meetings with Congressional Republicans and Democrats. Dr. Brown also led fly-ins of our members. In addition, ACOG Past President Tom Gellhaus, MD, together with all 600 ObGyns at the 2017 ACOG Congressional Leadership Conference, spoke out.

Somehow, though, the proposed bills kept getting worse—more patients would be losing coverage, and women’s health protections would be stripped away—and Congress was not seeking or including physician input. None at all.

The ACOG teleconference

In response, ACOG set up a member teleconference headed by Dr. Brown, Dr. Gellhaus, Incoming President Lisa Hollier, MD, Past President and ObGyn PAC Chair Mark DeFrancesco, MD, and Executive Vice President and CEO Hal Lawrence, MD. Discussing our concerns, we focused on the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) and its potential impact on maternity care coverage, preexisting condition coverage, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood (PP), and the opioid epidemic.


Dr. Brown led off the teleconference with this assessment: “Without a doubt, the BCRA would not result in better care for our patients. This legislation would pull the rug out from under women and families. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that 22 million Americans, more than half of them women, would lose coverage. More than $770 billion would be cut from Medicaid, the program that covers nearly half of all births nationwide as well as primary and preventive care for low-income patients.”

Coverage for maternity care and preexisting conditions

Dr. Gellhaus discussed how the BCRA would gut maternity care coverage and hurt patients with preexisting conditions. Under this bill, states would be able to drop the requirement for such coverage, thereby creating an enormous hole in patient care. He asked an important question: “If your state opted out and allowed private insurers not to offer maternity care or preventive care, what would this mean for your patients?”

His answer: “It would take us back to a time when only 9 states required insurers cover maternity care, and when only 12% of plans included such coverage; a time when patients had to buy expensive riders, sometimes with 12-month waiting periods, if they wanted maternity coverage; a time when expecting families faced thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Do we want to go back to that time? It is also important to note that roughly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Pregnancy should not leave patients fearing bankruptcy and unable to afford the full range of prenatal and postnatal care.

“States that opt out of covering preventive care would discontinue no-copay coverage for women’s preventive services, including contraception. Fifty-five million American women currently have this coverage, and as a result the country’s unintended pregnancy rate is at a 30-year low, and its teen pregnancy rate the lowest in recorded history. We cannot go back.”




Dr. Hollier pointed out that the BCRA would cut $772 billion from Medicaid, ending the program as we know it and shifting costs to states. “This section alone would devastate our patients in every state,” she said.

ACOG is a strong supporter of Medicaid expansion, which increased access to primary and preventive care, including contraception, for low-income women who otherwise would not see a physician until they became pregnant. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia expanded their Medicaid programs, and other states have expressed interest in doing the same.

Medicaid expansion was a major factor in the almost 50% decrease in the rate of uninsured women since 2010. The BCRA would roll back coverage for essential health benefits beginning in 2020 and end federal expansion funding by 2023.

Dr. Hollier continued, “Regular Medicaid would be threatened, too. The Senate bill would limit, for the first time ever, federal funding for Medicaid services per beneficiary. This would jeopardize the ability of the United States to respond to disasters and public health crises and pose a threat to health care coverage and benefits for tens of millions of Americans.”

“Given that nearly half of US births are covered by Medicaid, cutting this program would have a huge impact on our practices and on our patients with high-risk and expensive pregnancies. What happens when a low-income pregnant patient with hypertension, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia reaches her Medicaid cap? What happens to a patient with an opioid use disorder or a patient who may have been exposed to the Zika virus? In all likelihood, physicians would have to continue providing care, regardless of coverage, or states would have to reduce physician payments to fill the gap in federal funding. I am sure you are as horrified as I am by these scenarios,” said Dr. Hollier.

Planned Parenthood

Dr. DeFrancesco discussed the threat to PP. First, he explained what defunding the organization would mean. “Planned Parenthood does not just receive a check from the government each year. Like other qualified providers, like us, PP health centers receive federal reimbursement for primary and preventive services provided to patients with Medicaid coverage. Fifty-four percent of these centers are located in rural and medically underserved communities.”

The BCRA would exclude PP health centers from the Medicaid program, which means Medicaid patients would be denied primary and preventive care at these centers. Within the first year, up to 1 million women would find their access to care restricted. In addition, about half of all PP centers would have to close, and most would not reopen. Dr. DeFrancesco asked, “How would this move help our patients? It wouldn’t.”

Two examples shed light on the situation. First, when PP was excluded from a Texas program serving low-income patients, the number of women using the most effective birth control methods decreased by 35%, and the number of Medicaid-covered births increased by 27%. Second, when public health funding cuts forced many Indiana clinics to close, rural areas of the state experienced one of the fastest and largest HIV outbreaks ever to occur in the United States.

Dr. DeFrancesco said, “Excluding Planned Parenthood from the Medicaid program interferes with the patient–physician relationship and sets a dangerous precedent of targeting qualified providers for political purposes.”

Opioid epidemic

Dr. Brown indicated that the BCRA would cripple attempts to address our very serious national opioid epidemic. The $2 billion the bill would allocate for opioid use disorder treatment for 1 year would replace funding lost by Medicaid and would pay for only a fraction of what is needed. Dr. Brown called this measure a “token, not a commitment, and a big step back in the progress we have made to address this public health crisis.”

The Hippocratic oath

While preparing for the teleconference, I kept thinking about the Hippocratic oath and our deep obligation to our patients. Every physician I know goes beyond the exam room to care for patients. We lose sleep not only when we get up to deliver babies, but when we worry about the ailing mother of four we saw yesterday, or the scared teenager who missed last week’s appointment. We care for our patients because it is the right thing to do, and it is our calling. Well, this year, our patients needed us more than ever. We had to step up, speak out, do everything we could to stop BCRA from passing. The stakes could not have been higher.

The vote, and the road ahead



The morning after Senators Collins, Murkowski, and McCain joined Senate Democrats to end the bill, Dr. Brown wrote the following to ACOG members and the US Congress:

“This was a battle we simply had to win to protect our patients. Thanks to your tireless advocacy, landmark women’s health care protections remain law, and millions of our patients will continue to get the care they need. And our work continues. The ACA is not perfect and needs major reform. ACOG is ready, willing, and able to work with Republicans and Democrats in the US House and Senate to reform the law, through an open and collaborative process. We hope it is clear to everyone in Congress that physicians must be part of the conversation and the solution.”

Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. DiVenere is Officer, Government and Political Affairs, at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Washington, DC. She is an OBG Management Contributing Editor.

The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

OBG Management - 29(8)
Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. DiVenere is Officer, Government and Political Affairs, at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Washington, DC. She is an OBG Management Contributing Editor.

The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Ms. DiVenere is Officer, Government and Political Affairs, at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Washington, DC. She is an OBG Management Contributing Editor.

The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

Starting in 2010 with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), our patients have had insurance that provides maternity care coverage, no-deductible or copay contraceptives, and access to breast cancer screening. They also have been protected from predatory insurance practices—such as preexisting condition exclusions, arbitrary rescission, and annual or lifetime coverage limits—which had previously and regularly been used to deny coverage. These landmark protections apply to all our patients, regardless of where they live, how much they earn, who their employers are, and which insurance plan they use. They have become part of the fabric of our society.

Between 2008 and 2010, members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) worked hard to define and help enact these provisions, which we considered the women’s piece of the health care reform puzzle. We also worked with a broad community of clinicians to try to make sure reform would benefit them too. That effort did not go as well, and ACOG ultimately did not endorse the ACA.

Early ACA troubles, misguided solutions

Since the ACA was signed into law 7 years ago, insurers have raised premiums and deductibles and narrowed their provider networks—putting needed care out of the reach of many patients. In addition, skyrocketing prescription drug prices have driven health care costs even higher. Against this backdrop, Congress in 2017 started trying to pass bills that would undo the ACA.

ACOG and our medical colleague organizations stepped up. We brought many ideas to House and Senate Republicans and Democrats and sought opportunities to work with them to improve the ACA for our physicians and patients. Unfortunately, the statute was so polarizing that few in Congress wanted to amend or revise it; most wanted it repealed or left as is.

Throughout these proceedings, ACOG remained committed to ensuring that no one with health insurance coverage would lose it and that Congress would not turn back the clock on women’s health. As long as these 2 principles were assured, we would work with anyone on improving health insurance.

Path to a better way

We delivered our message repeatedly. ACOG President Haywood Brown, MD, often accompanied by his American College of Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Psychiatric Association, and American Osteopathic Association counterparts, attended high-level meetings with Congressional Republicans and Democrats. Dr. Brown also led fly-ins of our members. In addition, ACOG Past President Tom Gellhaus, MD, together with all 600 ObGyns at the 2017 ACOG Congressional Leadership Conference, spoke out.

Somehow, though, the proposed bills kept getting worse—more patients would be losing coverage, and women’s health protections would be stripped away—and Congress was not seeking or including physician input. None at all.

The ACOG teleconference

In response, ACOG set up a member teleconference headed by Dr. Brown, Dr. Gellhaus, Incoming President Lisa Hollier, MD, Past President and ObGyn PAC Chair Mark DeFrancesco, MD, and Executive Vice President and CEO Hal Lawrence, MD. Discussing our concerns, we focused on the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) and its potential impact on maternity care coverage, preexisting condition coverage, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood (PP), and the opioid epidemic.


Dr. Brown led off the teleconference with this assessment: “Without a doubt, the BCRA would not result in better care for our patients. This legislation would pull the rug out from under women and families. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that 22 million Americans, more than half of them women, would lose coverage. More than $770 billion would be cut from Medicaid, the program that covers nearly half of all births nationwide as well as primary and preventive care for low-income patients.”

Coverage for maternity care and preexisting conditions

Dr. Gellhaus discussed how the BCRA would gut maternity care coverage and hurt patients with preexisting conditions. Under this bill, states would be able to drop the requirement for such coverage, thereby creating an enormous hole in patient care. He asked an important question: “If your state opted out and allowed private insurers not to offer maternity care or preventive care, what would this mean for your patients?”

His answer: “It would take us back to a time when only 9 states required insurers cover maternity care, and when only 12% of plans included such coverage; a time when patients had to buy expensive riders, sometimes with 12-month waiting periods, if they wanted maternity coverage; a time when expecting families faced thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Do we want to go back to that time? It is also important to note that roughly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Pregnancy should not leave patients fearing bankruptcy and unable to afford the full range of prenatal and postnatal care.

“States that opt out of covering preventive care would discontinue no-copay coverage for women’s preventive services, including contraception. Fifty-five million American women currently have this coverage, and as a result the country’s unintended pregnancy rate is at a 30-year low, and its teen pregnancy rate the lowest in recorded history. We cannot go back.”




Dr. Hollier pointed out that the BCRA would cut $772 billion from Medicaid, ending the program as we know it and shifting costs to states. “This section alone would devastate our patients in every state,” she said.

ACOG is a strong supporter of Medicaid expansion, which increased access to primary and preventive care, including contraception, for low-income women who otherwise would not see a physician until they became pregnant. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia expanded their Medicaid programs, and other states have expressed interest in doing the same.

Medicaid expansion was a major factor in the almost 50% decrease in the rate of uninsured women since 2010. The BCRA would roll back coverage for essential health benefits beginning in 2020 and end federal expansion funding by 2023.

Dr. Hollier continued, “Regular Medicaid would be threatened, too. The Senate bill would limit, for the first time ever, federal funding for Medicaid services per beneficiary. This would jeopardize the ability of the United States to respond to disasters and public health crises and pose a threat to health care coverage and benefits for tens of millions of Americans.”

“Given that nearly half of US births are covered by Medicaid, cutting this program would have a huge impact on our practices and on our patients with high-risk and expensive pregnancies. What happens when a low-income pregnant patient with hypertension, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia reaches her Medicaid cap? What happens to a patient with an opioid use disorder or a patient who may have been exposed to the Zika virus? In all likelihood, physicians would have to continue providing care, regardless of coverage, or states would have to reduce physician payments to fill the gap in federal funding. I am sure you are as horrified as I am by these scenarios,” said Dr. Hollier.

Planned Parenthood

Dr. DeFrancesco discussed the threat to PP. First, he explained what defunding the organization would mean. “Planned Parenthood does not just receive a check from the government each year. Like other qualified providers, like us, PP health centers receive federal reimbursement for primary and preventive services provided to patients with Medicaid coverage. Fifty-four percent of these centers are located in rural and medically underserved communities.”

The BCRA would exclude PP health centers from the Medicaid program, which means Medicaid patients would be denied primary and preventive care at these centers. Within the first year, up to 1 million women would find their access to care restricted. In addition, about half of all PP centers would have to close, and most would not reopen. Dr. DeFrancesco asked, “How would this move help our patients? It wouldn’t.”

Two examples shed light on the situation. First, when PP was excluded from a Texas program serving low-income patients, the number of women using the most effective birth control methods decreased by 35%, and the number of Medicaid-covered births increased by 27%. Second, when public health funding cuts forced many Indiana clinics to close, rural areas of the state experienced one of the fastest and largest HIV outbreaks ever to occur in the United States.

Dr. DeFrancesco said, “Excluding Planned Parenthood from the Medicaid program interferes with the patient–physician relationship and sets a dangerous precedent of targeting qualified providers for political purposes.”

Opioid epidemic

Dr. Brown indicated that the BCRA would cripple attempts to address our very serious national opioid epidemic. The $2 billion the bill would allocate for opioid use disorder treatment for 1 year would replace funding lost by Medicaid and would pay for only a fraction of what is needed. Dr. Brown called this measure a “token, not a commitment, and a big step back in the progress we have made to address this public health crisis.”

The Hippocratic oath

While preparing for the teleconference, I kept thinking about the Hippocratic oath and our deep obligation to our patients. Every physician I know goes beyond the exam room to care for patients. We lose sleep not only when we get up to deliver babies, but when we worry about the ailing mother of four we saw yesterday, or the scared teenager who missed last week’s appointment. We care for our patients because it is the right thing to do, and it is our calling. Well, this year, our patients needed us more than ever. We had to step up, speak out, do everything we could to stop BCRA from passing. The stakes could not have been higher.

The vote, and the road ahead



The morning after Senators Collins, Murkowski, and McCain joined Senate Democrats to end the bill, Dr. Brown wrote the following to ACOG members and the US Congress:

“This was a battle we simply had to win to protect our patients. Thanks to your tireless advocacy, landmark women’s health care protections remain law, and millions of our patients will continue to get the care they need. And our work continues. The ACA is not perfect and needs major reform. ACOG is ready, willing, and able to work with Republicans and Democrats in the US House and Senate to reform the law, through an open and collaborative process. We hope it is clear to everyone in Congress that physicians must be part of the conversation and the solution.”

Starting in 2010 with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), our patients have had insurance that provides maternity care coverage, no-deductible or copay contraceptives, and access to breast cancer screening. They also have been protected from predatory insurance practices—such as preexisting condition exclusions, arbitrary rescission, and annual or lifetime coverage limits—which had previously and regularly been used to deny coverage. These landmark protections apply to all our patients, regardless of where they live, how much they earn, who their employers are, and which insurance plan they use. They have become part of the fabric of our society.

Between 2008 and 2010, members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) worked hard to define and help enact these provisions, which we considered the women’s piece of the health care reform puzzle. We also worked with a broad community of clinicians to try to make sure reform would benefit them too. That effort did not go as well, and ACOG ultimately did not endorse the ACA.

Early ACA troubles, misguided solutions

Since the ACA was signed into law 7 years ago, insurers have raised premiums and deductibles and narrowed their provider networks—putting needed care out of the reach of many patients. In addition, skyrocketing prescription drug prices have driven health care costs even higher. Against this backdrop, Congress in 2017 started trying to pass bills that would undo the ACA.

ACOG and our medical colleague organizations stepped up. We brought many ideas to House and Senate Republicans and Democrats and sought opportunities to work with them to improve the ACA for our physicians and patients. Unfortunately, the statute was so polarizing that few in Congress wanted to amend or revise it; most wanted it repealed or left as is.

Throughout these proceedings, ACOG remained committed to ensuring that no one with health insurance coverage would lose it and that Congress would not turn back the clock on women’s health. As long as these 2 principles were assured, we would work with anyone on improving health insurance.

Path to a better way

We delivered our message repeatedly. ACOG President Haywood Brown, MD, often accompanied by his American College of Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Psychiatric Association, and American Osteopathic Association counterparts, attended high-level meetings with Congressional Republicans and Democrats. Dr. Brown also led fly-ins of our members. In addition, ACOG Past President Tom Gellhaus, MD, together with all 600 ObGyns at the 2017 ACOG Congressional Leadership Conference, spoke out.

Somehow, though, the proposed bills kept getting worse—more patients would be losing coverage, and women’s health protections would be stripped away—and Congress was not seeking or including physician input. None at all.

The ACOG teleconference

In response, ACOG set up a member teleconference headed by Dr. Brown, Dr. Gellhaus, Incoming President Lisa Hollier, MD, Past President and ObGyn PAC Chair Mark DeFrancesco, MD, and Executive Vice President and CEO Hal Lawrence, MD. Discussing our concerns, we focused on the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) and its potential impact on maternity care coverage, preexisting condition coverage, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood (PP), and the opioid epidemic.


Dr. Brown led off the teleconference with this assessment: “Without a doubt, the BCRA would not result in better care for our patients. This legislation would pull the rug out from under women and families. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that 22 million Americans, more than half of them women, would lose coverage. More than $770 billion would be cut from Medicaid, the program that covers nearly half of all births nationwide as well as primary and preventive care for low-income patients.”

Coverage for maternity care and preexisting conditions

Dr. Gellhaus discussed how the BCRA would gut maternity care coverage and hurt patients with preexisting conditions. Under this bill, states would be able to drop the requirement for such coverage, thereby creating an enormous hole in patient care. He asked an important question: “If your state opted out and allowed private insurers not to offer maternity care or preventive care, what would this mean for your patients?”

His answer: “It would take us back to a time when only 9 states required insurers cover maternity care, and when only 12% of plans included such coverage; a time when patients had to buy expensive riders, sometimes with 12-month waiting periods, if they wanted maternity coverage; a time when expecting families faced thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Do we want to go back to that time? It is also important to note that roughly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Pregnancy should not leave patients fearing bankruptcy and unable to afford the full range of prenatal and postnatal care.

“States that opt out of covering preventive care would discontinue no-copay coverage for women’s preventive services, including contraception. Fifty-five million American women currently have this coverage, and as a result the country’s unintended pregnancy rate is at a 30-year low, and its teen pregnancy rate the lowest in recorded history. We cannot go back.”




Dr. Hollier pointed out that the BCRA would cut $772 billion from Medicaid, ending the program as we know it and shifting costs to states. “This section alone would devastate our patients in every state,” she said.

ACOG is a strong supporter of Medicaid expansion, which increased access to primary and preventive care, including contraception, for low-income women who otherwise would not see a physician until they became pregnant. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia expanded their Medicaid programs, and other states have expressed interest in doing the same.

Medicaid expansion was a major factor in the almost 50% decrease in the rate of uninsured women since 2010. The BCRA would roll back coverage for essential health benefits beginning in 2020 and end federal expansion funding by 2023.

Dr. Hollier continued, “Regular Medicaid would be threatened, too. The Senate bill would limit, for the first time ever, federal funding for Medicaid services per beneficiary. This would jeopardize the ability of the United States to respond to disasters and public health crises and pose a threat to health care coverage and benefits for tens of millions of Americans.”

“Given that nearly half of US births are covered by Medicaid, cutting this program would have a huge impact on our practices and on our patients with high-risk and expensive pregnancies. What happens when a low-income pregnant patient with hypertension, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia reaches her Medicaid cap? What happens to a patient with an opioid use disorder or a patient who may have been exposed to the Zika virus? In all likelihood, physicians would have to continue providing care, regardless of coverage, or states would have to reduce physician payments to fill the gap in federal funding. I am sure you are as horrified as I am by these scenarios,” said Dr. Hollier.

Planned Parenthood

Dr. DeFrancesco discussed the threat to PP. First, he explained what defunding the organization would mean. “Planned Parenthood does not just receive a check from the government each year. Like other qualified providers, like us, PP health centers receive federal reimbursement for primary and preventive services provided to patients with Medicaid coverage. Fifty-four percent of these centers are located in rural and medically underserved communities.”

The BCRA would exclude PP health centers from the Medicaid program, which means Medicaid patients would be denied primary and preventive care at these centers. Within the first year, up to 1 million women would find their access to care restricted. In addition, about half of all PP centers would have to close, and most would not reopen. Dr. DeFrancesco asked, “How would this move help our patients? It wouldn’t.”

Two examples shed light on the situation. First, when PP was excluded from a Texas program serving low-income patients, the number of women using the most effective birth control methods decreased by 35%, and the number of Medicaid-covered births increased by 27%. Second, when public health funding cuts forced many Indiana clinics to close, rural areas of the state experienced one of the fastest and largest HIV outbreaks ever to occur in the United States.

Dr. DeFrancesco said, “Excluding Planned Parenthood from the Medicaid program interferes with the patient–physician relationship and sets a dangerous precedent of targeting qualified providers for political purposes.”

Opioid epidemic

Dr. Brown indicated that the BCRA would cripple attempts to address our very serious national opioid epidemic. The $2 billion the bill would allocate for opioid use disorder treatment for 1 year would replace funding lost by Medicaid and would pay for only a fraction of what is needed. Dr. Brown called this measure a “token, not a commitment, and a big step back in the progress we have made to address this public health crisis.”

The Hippocratic oath

While preparing for the teleconference, I kept thinking about the Hippocratic oath and our deep obligation to our patients. Every physician I know goes beyond the exam room to care for patients. We lose sleep not only when we get up to deliver babies, but when we worry about the ailing mother of four we saw yesterday, or the scared teenager who missed last week’s appointment. We care for our patients because it is the right thing to do, and it is our calling. Well, this year, our patients needed us more than ever. We had to step up, speak out, do everything we could to stop BCRA from passing. The stakes could not have been higher.

The vote, and the road ahead



The morning after Senators Collins, Murkowski, and McCain joined Senate Democrats to end the bill, Dr. Brown wrote the following to ACOG members and the US Congress:

“This was a battle we simply had to win to protect our patients. Thanks to your tireless advocacy, landmark women’s health care protections remain law, and millions of our patients will continue to get the care they need. And our work continues. The ACA is not perfect and needs major reform. ACOG is ready, willing, and able to work with Republicans and Democrats in the US House and Senate to reform the law, through an open and collaborative process. We hope it is clear to everyone in Congress that physicians must be part of the conversation and the solution.”

OBG Management - 29(8)
OBG Management - 29(8)
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Landmark women’s health care remains law of the land
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Landmark women’s health care remains law of the land
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