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Priority Articles
Socioeconomic and Racial Disparities in Diabetic Ketoacidosis Admissions in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Safe Transitions and Congregate Living in the Age of COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Continuing Cardiopulmonary Symptoms, Disability, and Financial Toxicity 1 Month After Hospitalization for Third-Wave COVID-19: Early Results From a US Nationwide Cohort
Identifying and Supporting the Needs of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residents Interested in Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship
Scholarly Productivity and Rank in Academic Hospital Medicine
Objective Measures of Physical Distancing in the Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Defining Potential Overutilization of Physical Therapy Consults on Hospital Medicine Services
Leadership & Professional Development: How to Teach When You Don’t Know
Things We Do for No Reason™: Obtaining Urine Testing in Older Adults With Delirium Without Signs or Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection
An A-Peeling Diagnosis
Lessons Learned From the Pediatric Overflow Planning Contingency Response Network: A Transdisciplinary Virtual Collaboration Addressing Health System Fragmentation and Disparity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Point: Routine Daily Physical Exams in Hospitalized Patients Are a Waste of Time
Counterpoint: Routine Daily Physical Exams Add Value for the Hospitalist and Patient
Rebuttal: Routine Daily Physical Exam
A More Intentional Analysis of Race and Racism in Research
Leveraging the Care Team to Optimize Disposition Planning
The Chronic Effects of COVID-19 Hospitalizations: Learning How Patients Can Get “Back to Normal”
The Limited Academic Footprint of Hospital Medicine: Where Do We Go From Here?
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