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Fri, 11/03/2023 - 13:17

WASHINGTON – Transgender and other gender-diverse youth who visited the emergency department (ED) at a single institution had more than five times greater odds of a positive suicide screening compared with their cisgender peers, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“The take-home message here is this study emphasizes the importance of universal screening to identify gender-diverse youth at risk,” Amanda Burnside, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, told attendees. “We really need to develop robust strategies and systems to link better mental health services.”

Amanda Burnside, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Amanda Burnside

Suicide rates in transgender and gender-diverse youth are exceptionally high among youth in the U.S., Dr. Burnside said during her presentation. For example, the 2022 LGBTQ health survey from the Trevor Project found that much higher percentages of transgender and gender nonconforming youth had considered suicide in the past year compared with cisgender youth, even within the LGBTQ umbrella. Among nearly 34,000 LGBTQ youth aged 13-24, nearly half of trans females (48%) and more than half of trans males (59%) had considered suicide, compared with 28% of cisgender males and 37% of cisgender females. The rate among nonbinary/genderqueer individuals was 53%, and it was 48% for those questioning their gender.

Current methods of identifying trans and gender-diverse (TGD) youth in the hospital, however, may not actually be capturing the entire population.

“In health care settings, research involving TGD individuals has historically been limited to specialized clinic populations or youth with gender-specific diagnostic codes documented in the electronic medical record,” an approach that “likely significantly underestimates the prevalence of TGD youth in health care settings.” While at least one study has attempted to bridge this gap by searching the EMR for keywords, that study only tried to identify trans youth and not other youth on the gender diversity spectrum, such as nonbinary youth or those questioning their gender identity. Dr. Burnside and her colleagues therefore designed a study that used keywords to identify both trans youth and other gender-diverse youth who visited the ED so they could assess the rate of positive suicide screens in this population.

Underestimating the population at risk?

The researchers conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study of EMR data for all ED visits during which the patient underwent suicide screening. For the period of November 2019 to August 2022, they collected data on the screening results and the patient’s gender identity, age, race/ethnicity, insurance status, chief complaint in the ED and child opportunity index, which assess a youth’s access to resources based on geography. The suicide screener used was the Ask Suicide–Screening Questions (ASQ) tool.

The keywords they looked for in the EMR to identify trans and gender-diverse youth included transgender, pronouns, agender, gender dysphoria, male-to-female, female-to-male, nonbinary, preferred name, and they/them (captured as a complete term, not as “they” and “them” separately).

“If a keyword was present, the surrounding text was extracted and reviewed by two members of our team,” Dr. Burnside explained in her presentation. “We categorized keywords into either indicative of gender-diverse identity or not, and if it wasn’t clear based on the text extracted, we would conduct a manual chart review,” though that only occurred in about 3% of cases, she added.

Among 15,413 ED encounters with a suicide screen, the researchers identified 1,126 of these keywords in the EMR, among which 91.2% were classified as referring to a gender-diverse patient. Nearly all of the words were at least 90% effective in identify a gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside said, and all of the 197 instances of “they/them” were classified as gender diverse.

The accuracy was a little lower for the two keywords that appeared most frequently: For “pronouns,” 86.3% of 306 instances were classified as gender diverse, and for “transgender,” 83.1% of 207 instances were classified as gender diverse. Since some providers ask all patients their pronouns, the presence of “pronouns” in the EMR alone did not necessarily indicate the patient was gender diverse, Dr. Burnside said. A common reason the term “transgender” occurred in the EMR of non–gender diverse patients is that the department’s list of crisis resources includes transgender hotlines.

After identifying all the keywords, the researchers determined how many of these occurred in unique ED encounters and removed those with incomplete screening. Overall, they found 565 encounters by 399 gender-diverse individuals who had a suicide screening, representing 4.6% of total visits. This percentage is slightly lower than recent population-based estimates of gender-diverse youth, the researchers noted.

This population ranged from 8 to 23 years old, and 43% were publicly insured. The chief complaint for most of the patients (77.5%) was a mental health one. They were predominantly White (43%) or Hispanic (35%), with 10% Black youth, 4% Asian youth, and 8% youth who were “other” or two or more races. About half (52%) lived in a neighborhood with a “low” or “very low” child opportunity index.

Within this population, 81% of the patients screened positive on the suicide screening, compared with 23% positive screens across all ED visits. One in ten (10%) gender-diverse youth had active suicidal ideation, compared with 3.4% of the rest of the ED patient population. The researchers calculated that gender-diverse youth had 5.35 times greater odds of screening positive than cisgender youth in the ED (95% confidence interval [CI] 8.7-15.92). Further, a quarter (25%) of the trans and gender-diverse youth who screened positive for suicide risk had come to the ED for a primary complaint unrelated to mental health.

“We had a kid who came in because he broke his arm who had active suicidal ideation,” study coauthor Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, mentioned after the presentation. That particular patient even had a suicide plan, but was identified as actively suicidal only because of the screening. In other cases, she said, a youth may come in with self-inflicted injuries, and while those are the primary complaint, they are linked with suicidal ideation.

Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Jennifer A. Hoffmann

Among the study’s limitations are that gender identity is not necessarily being systematically assessed during visits, misspellings might have missed some youth, and their search strategy has not yet been externally validated, though they plan to seek that.

“Overall, however, this study did demonstrate that keyword searching is a promising technique to identify and prioritize gender-diverse youth in health services research,” Dr. Burnside said. In addition to showing the feasibility of using a keyword search strategy for identifying gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside noted that 31% of the encounters were identified by just one of the keywords they used, “highlighting the importance of using a comprehensive list of keywords to identify gender-diverse youth.”



Uncovering valuable information

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University, Providence, R.I., who attended the presentation, noted that the study provides information on a population that’s often difficult to get through traditional EMR research methods.

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University in Providence, R.I..
Brown University
Dr. Jason Rafferty

“A lot of medical record systems don’t have uniform ways of capturing [gender diversity], but what we know as providers is that kids are really struggling and that it’s not a surprise that we’re seeing these disparities with suicidality,” Dr. Rafferty said.

The study also provides more discrete estimates by age than what most other current research measures, which tends to be lifetime suicidality as opposed to suicidal thoughts or attempts within the past year, Dr. Rafferty added.

”What this shows is, for adolescents, the risk of suicide is something we need to be paying attention to. Because it’s not that it’s something that only happens in adults, this really dispels a lot of the misquoting of the data that’s out there.” That kind of information is valuable for determining resource allocation, he said. “A disparity like this really underlies the importance of mental health resources in this field,” he said.

Dr. Burnside, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Rafferty had no disclosures, and no external funding sources were noted.


WASHINGTON – Transgender and other gender-diverse youth who visited the emergency department (ED) at a single institution had more than five times greater odds of a positive suicide screening compared with their cisgender peers, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“The take-home message here is this study emphasizes the importance of universal screening to identify gender-diverse youth at risk,” Amanda Burnside, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, told attendees. “We really need to develop robust strategies and systems to link better mental health services.”

Amanda Burnside, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Amanda Burnside

Suicide rates in transgender and gender-diverse youth are exceptionally high among youth in the U.S., Dr. Burnside said during her presentation. For example, the 2022 LGBTQ health survey from the Trevor Project found that much higher percentages of transgender and gender nonconforming youth had considered suicide in the past year compared with cisgender youth, even within the LGBTQ umbrella. Among nearly 34,000 LGBTQ youth aged 13-24, nearly half of trans females (48%) and more than half of trans males (59%) had considered suicide, compared with 28% of cisgender males and 37% of cisgender females. The rate among nonbinary/genderqueer individuals was 53%, and it was 48% for those questioning their gender.

Current methods of identifying trans and gender-diverse (TGD) youth in the hospital, however, may not actually be capturing the entire population.

“In health care settings, research involving TGD individuals has historically been limited to specialized clinic populations or youth with gender-specific diagnostic codes documented in the electronic medical record,” an approach that “likely significantly underestimates the prevalence of TGD youth in health care settings.” While at least one study has attempted to bridge this gap by searching the EMR for keywords, that study only tried to identify trans youth and not other youth on the gender diversity spectrum, such as nonbinary youth or those questioning their gender identity. Dr. Burnside and her colleagues therefore designed a study that used keywords to identify both trans youth and other gender-diverse youth who visited the ED so they could assess the rate of positive suicide screens in this population.

Underestimating the population at risk?

The researchers conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study of EMR data for all ED visits during which the patient underwent suicide screening. For the period of November 2019 to August 2022, they collected data on the screening results and the patient’s gender identity, age, race/ethnicity, insurance status, chief complaint in the ED and child opportunity index, which assess a youth’s access to resources based on geography. The suicide screener used was the Ask Suicide–Screening Questions (ASQ) tool.

The keywords they looked for in the EMR to identify trans and gender-diverse youth included transgender, pronouns, agender, gender dysphoria, male-to-female, female-to-male, nonbinary, preferred name, and they/them (captured as a complete term, not as “they” and “them” separately).

“If a keyword was present, the surrounding text was extracted and reviewed by two members of our team,” Dr. Burnside explained in her presentation. “We categorized keywords into either indicative of gender-diverse identity or not, and if it wasn’t clear based on the text extracted, we would conduct a manual chart review,” though that only occurred in about 3% of cases, she added.

Among 15,413 ED encounters with a suicide screen, the researchers identified 1,126 of these keywords in the EMR, among which 91.2% were classified as referring to a gender-diverse patient. Nearly all of the words were at least 90% effective in identify a gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside said, and all of the 197 instances of “they/them” were classified as gender diverse.

The accuracy was a little lower for the two keywords that appeared most frequently: For “pronouns,” 86.3% of 306 instances were classified as gender diverse, and for “transgender,” 83.1% of 207 instances were classified as gender diverse. Since some providers ask all patients their pronouns, the presence of “pronouns” in the EMR alone did not necessarily indicate the patient was gender diverse, Dr. Burnside said. A common reason the term “transgender” occurred in the EMR of non–gender diverse patients is that the department’s list of crisis resources includes transgender hotlines.

After identifying all the keywords, the researchers determined how many of these occurred in unique ED encounters and removed those with incomplete screening. Overall, they found 565 encounters by 399 gender-diverse individuals who had a suicide screening, representing 4.6% of total visits. This percentage is slightly lower than recent population-based estimates of gender-diverse youth, the researchers noted.

This population ranged from 8 to 23 years old, and 43% were publicly insured. The chief complaint for most of the patients (77.5%) was a mental health one. They were predominantly White (43%) or Hispanic (35%), with 10% Black youth, 4% Asian youth, and 8% youth who were “other” or two or more races. About half (52%) lived in a neighborhood with a “low” or “very low” child opportunity index.

Within this population, 81% of the patients screened positive on the suicide screening, compared with 23% positive screens across all ED visits. One in ten (10%) gender-diverse youth had active suicidal ideation, compared with 3.4% of the rest of the ED patient population. The researchers calculated that gender-diverse youth had 5.35 times greater odds of screening positive than cisgender youth in the ED (95% confidence interval [CI] 8.7-15.92). Further, a quarter (25%) of the trans and gender-diverse youth who screened positive for suicide risk had come to the ED for a primary complaint unrelated to mental health.

“We had a kid who came in because he broke his arm who had active suicidal ideation,” study coauthor Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, mentioned after the presentation. That particular patient even had a suicide plan, but was identified as actively suicidal only because of the screening. In other cases, she said, a youth may come in with self-inflicted injuries, and while those are the primary complaint, they are linked with suicidal ideation.

Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Jennifer A. Hoffmann

Among the study’s limitations are that gender identity is not necessarily being systematically assessed during visits, misspellings might have missed some youth, and their search strategy has not yet been externally validated, though they plan to seek that.

“Overall, however, this study did demonstrate that keyword searching is a promising technique to identify and prioritize gender-diverse youth in health services research,” Dr. Burnside said. In addition to showing the feasibility of using a keyword search strategy for identifying gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside noted that 31% of the encounters were identified by just one of the keywords they used, “highlighting the importance of using a comprehensive list of keywords to identify gender-diverse youth.”



Uncovering valuable information

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University, Providence, R.I., who attended the presentation, noted that the study provides information on a population that’s often difficult to get through traditional EMR research methods.

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University in Providence, R.I..
Brown University
Dr. Jason Rafferty

“A lot of medical record systems don’t have uniform ways of capturing [gender diversity], but what we know as providers is that kids are really struggling and that it’s not a surprise that we’re seeing these disparities with suicidality,” Dr. Rafferty said.

The study also provides more discrete estimates by age than what most other current research measures, which tends to be lifetime suicidality as opposed to suicidal thoughts or attempts within the past year, Dr. Rafferty added.

”What this shows is, for adolescents, the risk of suicide is something we need to be paying attention to. Because it’s not that it’s something that only happens in adults, this really dispels a lot of the misquoting of the data that’s out there.” That kind of information is valuable for determining resource allocation, he said. “A disparity like this really underlies the importance of mental health resources in this field,” he said.

Dr. Burnside, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Rafferty had no disclosures, and no external funding sources were noted.

WASHINGTON – Transgender and other gender-diverse youth who visited the emergency department (ED) at a single institution had more than five times greater odds of a positive suicide screening compared with their cisgender peers, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“The take-home message here is this study emphasizes the importance of universal screening to identify gender-diverse youth at risk,” Amanda Burnside, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, told attendees. “We really need to develop robust strategies and systems to link better mental health services.”

Amanda Burnside, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Amanda Burnside

Suicide rates in transgender and gender-diverse youth are exceptionally high among youth in the U.S., Dr. Burnside said during her presentation. For example, the 2022 LGBTQ health survey from the Trevor Project found that much higher percentages of transgender and gender nonconforming youth had considered suicide in the past year compared with cisgender youth, even within the LGBTQ umbrella. Among nearly 34,000 LGBTQ youth aged 13-24, nearly half of trans females (48%) and more than half of trans males (59%) had considered suicide, compared with 28% of cisgender males and 37% of cisgender females. The rate among nonbinary/genderqueer individuals was 53%, and it was 48% for those questioning their gender.

Current methods of identifying trans and gender-diverse (TGD) youth in the hospital, however, may not actually be capturing the entire population.

“In health care settings, research involving TGD individuals has historically been limited to specialized clinic populations or youth with gender-specific diagnostic codes documented in the electronic medical record,” an approach that “likely significantly underestimates the prevalence of TGD youth in health care settings.” While at least one study has attempted to bridge this gap by searching the EMR for keywords, that study only tried to identify trans youth and not other youth on the gender diversity spectrum, such as nonbinary youth or those questioning their gender identity. Dr. Burnside and her colleagues therefore designed a study that used keywords to identify both trans youth and other gender-diverse youth who visited the ED so they could assess the rate of positive suicide screens in this population.

Underestimating the population at risk?

The researchers conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study of EMR data for all ED visits during which the patient underwent suicide screening. For the period of November 2019 to August 2022, they collected data on the screening results and the patient’s gender identity, age, race/ethnicity, insurance status, chief complaint in the ED and child opportunity index, which assess a youth’s access to resources based on geography. The suicide screener used was the Ask Suicide–Screening Questions (ASQ) tool.

The keywords they looked for in the EMR to identify trans and gender-diverse youth included transgender, pronouns, agender, gender dysphoria, male-to-female, female-to-male, nonbinary, preferred name, and they/them (captured as a complete term, not as “they” and “them” separately).

“If a keyword was present, the surrounding text was extracted and reviewed by two members of our team,” Dr. Burnside explained in her presentation. “We categorized keywords into either indicative of gender-diverse identity or not, and if it wasn’t clear based on the text extracted, we would conduct a manual chart review,” though that only occurred in about 3% of cases, she added.

Among 15,413 ED encounters with a suicide screen, the researchers identified 1,126 of these keywords in the EMR, among which 91.2% were classified as referring to a gender-diverse patient. Nearly all of the words were at least 90% effective in identify a gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside said, and all of the 197 instances of “they/them” were classified as gender diverse.

The accuracy was a little lower for the two keywords that appeared most frequently: For “pronouns,” 86.3% of 306 instances were classified as gender diverse, and for “transgender,” 83.1% of 207 instances were classified as gender diverse. Since some providers ask all patients their pronouns, the presence of “pronouns” in the EMR alone did not necessarily indicate the patient was gender diverse, Dr. Burnside said. A common reason the term “transgender” occurred in the EMR of non–gender diverse patients is that the department’s list of crisis resources includes transgender hotlines.

After identifying all the keywords, the researchers determined how many of these occurred in unique ED encounters and removed those with incomplete screening. Overall, they found 565 encounters by 399 gender-diverse individuals who had a suicide screening, representing 4.6% of total visits. This percentage is slightly lower than recent population-based estimates of gender-diverse youth, the researchers noted.

This population ranged from 8 to 23 years old, and 43% were publicly insured. The chief complaint for most of the patients (77.5%) was a mental health one. They were predominantly White (43%) or Hispanic (35%), with 10% Black youth, 4% Asian youth, and 8% youth who were “other” or two or more races. About half (52%) lived in a neighborhood with a “low” or “very low” child opportunity index.

Within this population, 81% of the patients screened positive on the suicide screening, compared with 23% positive screens across all ED visits. One in ten (10%) gender-diverse youth had active suicidal ideation, compared with 3.4% of the rest of the ED patient population. The researchers calculated that gender-diverse youth had 5.35 times greater odds of screening positive than cisgender youth in the ED (95% confidence interval [CI] 8.7-15.92). Further, a quarter (25%) of the trans and gender-diverse youth who screened positive for suicide risk had come to the ED for a primary complaint unrelated to mental health.

“We had a kid who came in because he broke his arm who had active suicidal ideation,” study coauthor Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University, mentioned after the presentation. That particular patient even had a suicide plan, but was identified as actively suicidal only because of the screening. In other cases, she said, a youth may come in with self-inflicted injuries, and while those are the primary complaint, they are linked with suicidal ideation.

Jennifer A. Hoffmann, MD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Jennifer A. Hoffmann

Among the study’s limitations are that gender identity is not necessarily being systematically assessed during visits, misspellings might have missed some youth, and their search strategy has not yet been externally validated, though they plan to seek that.

“Overall, however, this study did demonstrate that keyword searching is a promising technique to identify and prioritize gender-diverse youth in health services research,” Dr. Burnside said. In addition to showing the feasibility of using a keyword search strategy for identifying gender-diverse youth, Dr. Burnside noted that 31% of the encounters were identified by just one of the keywords they used, “highlighting the importance of using a comprehensive list of keywords to identify gender-diverse youth.”



Uncovering valuable information

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University, Providence, R.I., who attended the presentation, noted that the study provides information on a population that’s often difficult to get through traditional EMR research methods.

Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University in Providence, R.I..
Brown University
Dr. Jason Rafferty

“A lot of medical record systems don’t have uniform ways of capturing [gender diversity], but what we know as providers is that kids are really struggling and that it’s not a surprise that we’re seeing these disparities with suicidality,” Dr. Rafferty said.

The study also provides more discrete estimates by age than what most other current research measures, which tends to be lifetime suicidality as opposed to suicidal thoughts or attempts within the past year, Dr. Rafferty added.

”What this shows is, for adolescents, the risk of suicide is something we need to be paying attention to. Because it’s not that it’s something that only happens in adults, this really dispels a lot of the misquoting of the data that’s out there.” That kind of information is valuable for determining resource allocation, he said. “A disparity like this really underlies the importance of mental health resources in this field,” he said.

Dr. Burnside, Dr. Hoffmann, and Dr. Rafferty had no disclosures, and no external funding sources were noted.

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