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Priority Articles
A new reason to reconsider that antibiotic prescription: The microbiome
Telemedicine: Past, present, and future
Cannabis for chronic pain: Not a simple solution
What can I do when first-line measures are not enough for vasovagal syncope?
Are anti-TNF drugs safe for pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease?
Do all hospital inpatients need cardiac telemetry?
Beta-cell therapies for type 1 diabetes: Transplants and bionics
Cannabis for peripheral neuropathy: The good, the bad, and the unknown
Geriatrics update 2018: Challenges in mental health, mobility, and postdischarge care
Narcolepsy: Diagnosis and management
Our missing microbes: Short-term antibiotic courses have long-term consequences
Lung complications of prescription drug abuse
Acute necrotizing esophagitis
Prostate cancer screening
Correction: Men’s health 2018
Cover image