Reading Chekhov on the Cancer Ward

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Wed, 05/04/2022 - 14:04

Burnout and other forms of psychosocial distress are common among health care professionals necessitating measures to promote well-being and reduce burnout.1 Studies have shown that nonmedical reading is associated with low burnout and that small group study sections can promote wellness.2,3 Narrative medicine, which proposes a model for humane and effective medical practice, advocates for the necessity of narrative competence.

Short Story Club

Narrative competence is the ability to acknowledge, interpret, and act on the stories of others. The narrative skill of close reading also encourages reflective practice, equipping practitioners to better weather the tides of illness.4 In our case, we formed a short story club intervention to closely read, or read and reflect, on literary fiction. We explored how reading and reflecting would result in profound changes in thinking and feeling and noted different ways by which they can cause such well-being. We describe here the 7 ways in which stories led us to increase bonding, improve empathy, and promote meaning in medicine.

Slowing Down

The short story club helped to bond us together and increase our sense of meaning in medicine by slowing us down. One member of the group likened the experience to increasing the pixels in a painting, thereby improving the resolution and seeing more clearly. Another member mentioned the experience as a form of meditation in slowing down the brain, breathing in the story, and breathing out impressions. One story by Anatole Broyard emphasized the importance of slowing down and “brooding” over a patient.5 The author describes his experience as a prostate cancer patient, in which his body was treated but his story was ignored. He begged his doctors to pay more attention to his story to listen and to brood over him. This story was enlightening to us; we saw how desperate our patients are to tell their stories, and for us to hear their stories.

Mirrors and Windows

Another way reading and reflecting on short stories helped was by reflecting our practices to ourselves, as though looking into a mirror to see ourselves and out of a window to see others. We found that stories mirrored our own world and allowed us to discuss issues close to us without the embarrassment or stigma of owning the story. In one session we read “The Doctor’s Visit” by Anton Chekhov.6 Some of the members resonated with the doctor of this story who awkwardly attended to his lady patient whose son was dying of a brain tumor. The doctor was nervous, insecure, and unable to express any empathy. He was also the father of the child who was dying and refused to admit any responsibility. One member of the group stated that he could relate to the doctor’s insecurities and mentioned that he too felt insecure and even sometimes felt like an imposter. This led to a discussion of insecurities, ways to bolster self-confidence, and ways to accept and respect limitations. This was a conversation that may not have taken place without the story as anchor to discuss insecurities that we individually may not have been willing to admit to the group.

In a different session, we discussed the story “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri in which a settled Indian American family returns to India to tour and learn about their heritage from a guide (the interpreter of maladies) who interpreted the culture for them.7 The family professed to be interested in knowing about the culture but could not concentrate: the wife stayed busy flirting with the guide and revealing outrageous secrets to him, the children were engrossed in their squabbles, and the father was essentially absent taking photographs as souvenirs instead of seeing the sites firsthand. Some of the members of the group were Indian American and could relate to the alienation from their home and nostalgia for their country, while others could relate to the same alienation, albeit from other cultures and countries. This allowed us to talk about deeply personal topics, without having to own the topic or reveal personal issues. The discussion led to a deep understanding and empathy for us and our colleagues knowing the pain of alienation that some of them felt but could not discuss.

The stories also served as windows into the world of others which enabled us to see and become the other. For example, in one session we reflected on “Babylon Revisited” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.8 In this story, an American man returns to Paris after the Great Depression and recalls his life as a young artist in the American artist expatriate community of Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. During that time, he partied, drank in excess, lost his wife to pneumonia (for which he was at least partially responsible), lost custody of his daughter, and lost his fortune. As he returned to Paris to try to reclaim his daughter, we feel his pain as he tries but fails to overcome chronic alcoholism, sexual indiscretions, and losses. This gave rise to discussion of losses in general as we became one with the main character. This increased our empathy for others in a way that could not have been possible without this short story as anchor.

In another session we reflected on “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, in which a man is waiting for a train while proposing his girlfriend get an abortion.9 She agonizes over her choices and makes no decision in this story. Yet, we the reader could “become” the woman in the story faced with hard choices of having a baby but losing the man she loves, or having an abortion and maybe losing him anyway. In becoming this woman, we could experience the complex emotions and feel an experience of the other.



Exploring the Taboo

A third aspect of the club was enabling discussion of controversial topics. There were topics that arose in the group which never would have arisen in clinical practice discussions. These had to do with the taboo topics such as romantic attachments to patients. We read “The Caves of Lascaux” and reflected on the story of a young doctor who becomes enamored and obsessed with his beautiful but dying patient.10 He becomes so obsessed with her that he almost abandons his wife, family, and stable livelihood to descend with her into the caves. This story gave rise to discussions about romantic attachment to patients and how to handle and extricate one from the situation. The senior doctors explained some of their relevant experiences and how they either transferred care or sought counseling to extricate themselves from a potentially dangerous situation, especially when they too fell under the spell of forbidden romance.

Moral Grounding

These sessions also served to define the moral basis of our own practice. Much of health care psychosocial distress is related to moral injury in which health care professionals do the wrong thing or fail to do the right thing at the right time, due to external pressures related to financial or other gains. Reading and reflecting put us face-to-face with moral dilemmas and let us find our moral grounding. In reading “The Haircut” by Ring Lardner, we explored the disruptive town scoundrel who harassed and tortured his friends and neighbors but in such outrageous ways that he was considered a comedian rather than an abuser.11 Despite his hurtful acts, the townspeople (including the narrator) considered him a clown and laughed at his racist and sexist statements as well as his tricks.He faced no consequences such as confrontation, until the end when fate caught up. This story gave rise to a discussion of how we handle unkind, racist, sexist, or other comments which are disguised as humor, and to what extent we tolerate such controversial behavior. Do we go along with the scoundrel and laugh, or do we confront such people and insist that they respect and honor other people? The story sensitized the group to the ways in which prejudice and racism or sexism can be masked as humor, and to consider our moral responsibilities in society.

In another session we read and reflected on “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy.12 In this story, a king travels to another territory but gets distracted by helping a neighbor in need, and thereby inadvertently and fortunately avoids the trap that had been devised to kill him. The author gives us his moral basis by asking and answering 3 questions: Who is the most important person? What is the most important thing to do? What is the most important thing to do now? His answers provided his moral grounding. We discussed our answers and the basis of our moral grounding, whether it be the injunction do no harm, the more complex religious backgrounds of our childhood, or otherwise.

Symbols and Metaphors

The practice of reading and reflecting also taught us symbols and metaphors. Symbols and metaphors are the essence of storytelling, and they provide keys to understanding people. We sought out and studied the metaphors and symbols in each of the stories we read. In “I Stood There Ironing”, a woman is ironing as she is being questioned by a social worker on the upbringing of her first daughter, and its impact on her psychosocial distress.13 The woman remembers the hardships in raising her daughter and her neglect and abuse of the child due to circumstances beyond her control. She keeps ironing back and forth as she recounts the ways in which she neglected her child. The ironing provides a metaphor for attempting to straighten out her life and for recognizing finally at the end of the story that the daughter should not be the dress, under which her iron is pressing. This gave rise to a discussion of metaphors in our lives and the meanings they carry.

Problem-solving Guide

A sixth way the reflections helped was by serving as a guide to solving our problems. Some of the stories we read resonated deeply with members of the group and provided guides to solving problems. In one meeting we discussed “Those Are as Brothers” by Nancy Hale, a story in which a Nazi concentration camp survivor finds refuge in a country home and develops a friendship with a survivor of an abusive marriage.14 Reading and reflecting on this story enabled us to see the impact of trauma on ourselves, our life choices, professions, ways of being, philosophies, and even on our next generation. The story was personal for several members of the group, some of whom were second-generation Holocaust survivors, and for one who admitted to severe trauma as a child. Discussing our backgrounds together, we empathized with each other and helped each other heal. The story also provided a guide to healing from trauma, as its title indicates: sharing stories together can be a way to heal. The solidarity of standing together, as brothers, heals. The concentration camp survivor was mistreated in his job, but the abuse trauma victim rushes to his defense and vows her friendship and support. This soothed his soul and healed his mind. The guidance is clear: we can do the same, find friends, treat them like brothers, support each other and heal.

Bonding Through Shared Experience

The final and possibly most important way in which the club helped was by serving as an adventure to bond group members together through shared experience. We believe that literature can capture imagination in extraordinary ways and provide an opportunity to undertake remarkable journeys. As such, together we traveled to the ends of the earth from the beginning to the end of time and beyond. We traveled through the hills of Africa, meandered in the streets of Russia and Poland, watched the racetracks in Italy, toured the Taj Mahal in India, and descended into the caves of Lascaux, all while working in Little Rock, Arkansas. We shared a wide array of experiences together, which allowed us to know ourselves and others better, to share stories, and to develop a common vision, common ground, and common culture.


Through reading and reflecting on stories, we bonded as a group, increased our empathy for each other and others, and found meaning in medicine. Other studies have shown that participation in small study groups promote physician well-being, improve job satisfaction, and decrease burnout.3 We synergized this effort by reading nonmedical stories on a consistent basis, hoping to gain resilience to psychosocial distress.3 We chose short stories rather than novels to minimize any stress from excess reading. Combining these interventions, small group studies and nonmedical reading, into a single intervention as is typical in the practice of narrative medicine may provide a way to improve team functioning.

This pilot study showed that it is possible to form short story clubs even in a busy oncology program and that such programs benefit participants in a variety of ways with no apparent adverse effects. Further research is needed to study the impact of reading and reflecting on medical work in small study groups in larger numbers of subjects and to evaluate their impact on burnout. Further study is also needed to develop narrative medicine curricula that best address the needs of particular subspecialties and to determine the optimal conditions for implementation.


The authors acknowledge Dr. Erick Messias for inspiring and encouraging this project at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences where he was Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. He is presently Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.


1. Messias E, Gathright MM, Freeman ES, et al. Differences in burnout prevalence between clinical professionals and biomedical scientists in an academic medical centre: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 2019;9(2):e023506. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023506

2. Marchalik D, Rodriguez A, Namath A, et al. The impact of non-medical reading on clinical burnout: a national survey of palliative care providers. Ann Palliat Med. 2019;8(4):428-435. doi:10.21037/apm.2019.05.02

3. West CP, Dyrbye LN, Rabatin JT, et al. Intervention to promote physician well-being, job satisfaction, and professionalism: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(4):527-533. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.14387

4. Charon R. Narrative medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, and tust. JAMA. 2001;286(15):1897–1902. doi:10.1001/jama.286.15.1897

5. Broyard A. Doctor Talk to Me. August 26, 1990. Accessed September 2021.

6. Chekhov A. A Doctor’s Visit,. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:50-59.

7. Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. In: Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. Mariner Books;2019.

8. Fitzgerald FS. Babylon Revisited. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:62-81.

9. Hemingway E. Hills like White Elephants. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:108-111.

10. Karmel M. Caves of Lascaux. In: Ofri D, Staff of the Bellavue Literary Review, eds. The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review. Bellevue Literary Press;2008:168-174.

11. Lardner R. The Haircut. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:48-61.

12. Tolstoy L. The Three Questions. Accessed September 2021.

13. Olsen T. I Stand Here Ironing. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:173-180.

14. Hale N. Those Are as Brothers. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:132-141.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPHa,b; and Allen C. Sherman, PhDa

aUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock
bCentral Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Little Rock

Author disclosures

The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest or outside sources of funding with regard to this article.


The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

Federal Practitioner - 39(2)s
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPHa,b; and Allen C. Sherman, PhDa

aUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock
bCentral Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Little Rock

Author disclosures

The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest or outside sources of funding with regard to this article.


The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

Author and Disclosure Information

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPHa,b; and Allen C. Sherman, PhDa

aUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock
bCentral Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Little Rock

Author disclosures

The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest or outside sources of funding with regard to this article.


The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its agencies.

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Article PDF

Burnout and other forms of psychosocial distress are common among health care professionals necessitating measures to promote well-being and reduce burnout.1 Studies have shown that nonmedical reading is associated with low burnout and that small group study sections can promote wellness.2,3 Narrative medicine, which proposes a model for humane and effective medical practice, advocates for the necessity of narrative competence.

Short Story Club

Narrative competence is the ability to acknowledge, interpret, and act on the stories of others. The narrative skill of close reading also encourages reflective practice, equipping practitioners to better weather the tides of illness.4 In our case, we formed a short story club intervention to closely read, or read and reflect, on literary fiction. We explored how reading and reflecting would result in profound changes in thinking and feeling and noted different ways by which they can cause such well-being. We describe here the 7 ways in which stories led us to increase bonding, improve empathy, and promote meaning in medicine.

Slowing Down

The short story club helped to bond us together and increase our sense of meaning in medicine by slowing us down. One member of the group likened the experience to increasing the pixels in a painting, thereby improving the resolution and seeing more clearly. Another member mentioned the experience as a form of meditation in slowing down the brain, breathing in the story, and breathing out impressions. One story by Anatole Broyard emphasized the importance of slowing down and “brooding” over a patient.5 The author describes his experience as a prostate cancer patient, in which his body was treated but his story was ignored. He begged his doctors to pay more attention to his story to listen and to brood over him. This story was enlightening to us; we saw how desperate our patients are to tell their stories, and for us to hear their stories.

Mirrors and Windows

Another way reading and reflecting on short stories helped was by reflecting our practices to ourselves, as though looking into a mirror to see ourselves and out of a window to see others. We found that stories mirrored our own world and allowed us to discuss issues close to us without the embarrassment or stigma of owning the story. In one session we read “The Doctor’s Visit” by Anton Chekhov.6 Some of the members resonated with the doctor of this story who awkwardly attended to his lady patient whose son was dying of a brain tumor. The doctor was nervous, insecure, and unable to express any empathy. He was also the father of the child who was dying and refused to admit any responsibility. One member of the group stated that he could relate to the doctor’s insecurities and mentioned that he too felt insecure and even sometimes felt like an imposter. This led to a discussion of insecurities, ways to bolster self-confidence, and ways to accept and respect limitations. This was a conversation that may not have taken place without the story as anchor to discuss insecurities that we individually may not have been willing to admit to the group.

In a different session, we discussed the story “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri in which a settled Indian American family returns to India to tour and learn about their heritage from a guide (the interpreter of maladies) who interpreted the culture for them.7 The family professed to be interested in knowing about the culture but could not concentrate: the wife stayed busy flirting with the guide and revealing outrageous secrets to him, the children were engrossed in their squabbles, and the father was essentially absent taking photographs as souvenirs instead of seeing the sites firsthand. Some of the members of the group were Indian American and could relate to the alienation from their home and nostalgia for their country, while others could relate to the same alienation, albeit from other cultures and countries. This allowed us to talk about deeply personal topics, without having to own the topic or reveal personal issues. The discussion led to a deep understanding and empathy for us and our colleagues knowing the pain of alienation that some of them felt but could not discuss.

The stories also served as windows into the world of others which enabled us to see and become the other. For example, in one session we reflected on “Babylon Revisited” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.8 In this story, an American man returns to Paris after the Great Depression and recalls his life as a young artist in the American artist expatriate community of Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. During that time, he partied, drank in excess, lost his wife to pneumonia (for which he was at least partially responsible), lost custody of his daughter, and lost his fortune. As he returned to Paris to try to reclaim his daughter, we feel his pain as he tries but fails to overcome chronic alcoholism, sexual indiscretions, and losses. This gave rise to discussion of losses in general as we became one with the main character. This increased our empathy for others in a way that could not have been possible without this short story as anchor.

In another session we reflected on “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, in which a man is waiting for a train while proposing his girlfriend get an abortion.9 She agonizes over her choices and makes no decision in this story. Yet, we the reader could “become” the woman in the story faced with hard choices of having a baby but losing the man she loves, or having an abortion and maybe losing him anyway. In becoming this woman, we could experience the complex emotions and feel an experience of the other.



Exploring the Taboo

A third aspect of the club was enabling discussion of controversial topics. There were topics that arose in the group which never would have arisen in clinical practice discussions. These had to do with the taboo topics such as romantic attachments to patients. We read “The Caves of Lascaux” and reflected on the story of a young doctor who becomes enamored and obsessed with his beautiful but dying patient.10 He becomes so obsessed with her that he almost abandons his wife, family, and stable livelihood to descend with her into the caves. This story gave rise to discussions about romantic attachment to patients and how to handle and extricate one from the situation. The senior doctors explained some of their relevant experiences and how they either transferred care or sought counseling to extricate themselves from a potentially dangerous situation, especially when they too fell under the spell of forbidden romance.

Moral Grounding

These sessions also served to define the moral basis of our own practice. Much of health care psychosocial distress is related to moral injury in which health care professionals do the wrong thing or fail to do the right thing at the right time, due to external pressures related to financial or other gains. Reading and reflecting put us face-to-face with moral dilemmas and let us find our moral grounding. In reading “The Haircut” by Ring Lardner, we explored the disruptive town scoundrel who harassed and tortured his friends and neighbors but in such outrageous ways that he was considered a comedian rather than an abuser.11 Despite his hurtful acts, the townspeople (including the narrator) considered him a clown and laughed at his racist and sexist statements as well as his tricks.He faced no consequences such as confrontation, until the end when fate caught up. This story gave rise to a discussion of how we handle unkind, racist, sexist, or other comments which are disguised as humor, and to what extent we tolerate such controversial behavior. Do we go along with the scoundrel and laugh, or do we confront such people and insist that they respect and honor other people? The story sensitized the group to the ways in which prejudice and racism or sexism can be masked as humor, and to consider our moral responsibilities in society.

In another session we read and reflected on “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy.12 In this story, a king travels to another territory but gets distracted by helping a neighbor in need, and thereby inadvertently and fortunately avoids the trap that had been devised to kill him. The author gives us his moral basis by asking and answering 3 questions: Who is the most important person? What is the most important thing to do? What is the most important thing to do now? His answers provided his moral grounding. We discussed our answers and the basis of our moral grounding, whether it be the injunction do no harm, the more complex religious backgrounds of our childhood, or otherwise.

Symbols and Metaphors

The practice of reading and reflecting also taught us symbols and metaphors. Symbols and metaphors are the essence of storytelling, and they provide keys to understanding people. We sought out and studied the metaphors and symbols in each of the stories we read. In “I Stood There Ironing”, a woman is ironing as she is being questioned by a social worker on the upbringing of her first daughter, and its impact on her psychosocial distress.13 The woman remembers the hardships in raising her daughter and her neglect and abuse of the child due to circumstances beyond her control. She keeps ironing back and forth as she recounts the ways in which she neglected her child. The ironing provides a metaphor for attempting to straighten out her life and for recognizing finally at the end of the story that the daughter should not be the dress, under which her iron is pressing. This gave rise to a discussion of metaphors in our lives and the meanings they carry.

Problem-solving Guide

A sixth way the reflections helped was by serving as a guide to solving our problems. Some of the stories we read resonated deeply with members of the group and provided guides to solving problems. In one meeting we discussed “Those Are as Brothers” by Nancy Hale, a story in which a Nazi concentration camp survivor finds refuge in a country home and develops a friendship with a survivor of an abusive marriage.14 Reading and reflecting on this story enabled us to see the impact of trauma on ourselves, our life choices, professions, ways of being, philosophies, and even on our next generation. The story was personal for several members of the group, some of whom were second-generation Holocaust survivors, and for one who admitted to severe trauma as a child. Discussing our backgrounds together, we empathized with each other and helped each other heal. The story also provided a guide to healing from trauma, as its title indicates: sharing stories together can be a way to heal. The solidarity of standing together, as brothers, heals. The concentration camp survivor was mistreated in his job, but the abuse trauma victim rushes to his defense and vows her friendship and support. This soothed his soul and healed his mind. The guidance is clear: we can do the same, find friends, treat them like brothers, support each other and heal.

Bonding Through Shared Experience

The final and possibly most important way in which the club helped was by serving as an adventure to bond group members together through shared experience. We believe that literature can capture imagination in extraordinary ways and provide an opportunity to undertake remarkable journeys. As such, together we traveled to the ends of the earth from the beginning to the end of time and beyond. We traveled through the hills of Africa, meandered in the streets of Russia and Poland, watched the racetracks in Italy, toured the Taj Mahal in India, and descended into the caves of Lascaux, all while working in Little Rock, Arkansas. We shared a wide array of experiences together, which allowed us to know ourselves and others better, to share stories, and to develop a common vision, common ground, and common culture.


Through reading and reflecting on stories, we bonded as a group, increased our empathy for each other and others, and found meaning in medicine. Other studies have shown that participation in small study groups promote physician well-being, improve job satisfaction, and decrease burnout.3 We synergized this effort by reading nonmedical stories on a consistent basis, hoping to gain resilience to psychosocial distress.3 We chose short stories rather than novels to minimize any stress from excess reading. Combining these interventions, small group studies and nonmedical reading, into a single intervention as is typical in the practice of narrative medicine may provide a way to improve team functioning.

This pilot study showed that it is possible to form short story clubs even in a busy oncology program and that such programs benefit participants in a variety of ways with no apparent adverse effects. Further research is needed to study the impact of reading and reflecting on medical work in small study groups in larger numbers of subjects and to evaluate their impact on burnout. Further study is also needed to develop narrative medicine curricula that best address the needs of particular subspecialties and to determine the optimal conditions for implementation.


The authors acknowledge Dr. Erick Messias for inspiring and encouraging this project at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences where he was Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. He is presently Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.

Burnout and other forms of psychosocial distress are common among health care professionals necessitating measures to promote well-being and reduce burnout.1 Studies have shown that nonmedical reading is associated with low burnout and that small group study sections can promote wellness.2,3 Narrative medicine, which proposes a model for humane and effective medical practice, advocates for the necessity of narrative competence.

Short Story Club

Narrative competence is the ability to acknowledge, interpret, and act on the stories of others. The narrative skill of close reading also encourages reflective practice, equipping practitioners to better weather the tides of illness.4 In our case, we formed a short story club intervention to closely read, or read and reflect, on literary fiction. We explored how reading and reflecting would result in profound changes in thinking and feeling and noted different ways by which they can cause such well-being. We describe here the 7 ways in which stories led us to increase bonding, improve empathy, and promote meaning in medicine.

Slowing Down

The short story club helped to bond us together and increase our sense of meaning in medicine by slowing us down. One member of the group likened the experience to increasing the pixels in a painting, thereby improving the resolution and seeing more clearly. Another member mentioned the experience as a form of meditation in slowing down the brain, breathing in the story, and breathing out impressions. One story by Anatole Broyard emphasized the importance of slowing down and “brooding” over a patient.5 The author describes his experience as a prostate cancer patient, in which his body was treated but his story was ignored. He begged his doctors to pay more attention to his story to listen and to brood over him. This story was enlightening to us; we saw how desperate our patients are to tell their stories, and for us to hear their stories.

Mirrors and Windows

Another way reading and reflecting on short stories helped was by reflecting our practices to ourselves, as though looking into a mirror to see ourselves and out of a window to see others. We found that stories mirrored our own world and allowed us to discuss issues close to us without the embarrassment or stigma of owning the story. In one session we read “The Doctor’s Visit” by Anton Chekhov.6 Some of the members resonated with the doctor of this story who awkwardly attended to his lady patient whose son was dying of a brain tumor. The doctor was nervous, insecure, and unable to express any empathy. He was also the father of the child who was dying and refused to admit any responsibility. One member of the group stated that he could relate to the doctor’s insecurities and mentioned that he too felt insecure and even sometimes felt like an imposter. This led to a discussion of insecurities, ways to bolster self-confidence, and ways to accept and respect limitations. This was a conversation that may not have taken place without the story as anchor to discuss insecurities that we individually may not have been willing to admit to the group.

In a different session, we discussed the story “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri in which a settled Indian American family returns to India to tour and learn about their heritage from a guide (the interpreter of maladies) who interpreted the culture for them.7 The family professed to be interested in knowing about the culture but could not concentrate: the wife stayed busy flirting with the guide and revealing outrageous secrets to him, the children were engrossed in their squabbles, and the father was essentially absent taking photographs as souvenirs instead of seeing the sites firsthand. Some of the members of the group were Indian American and could relate to the alienation from their home and nostalgia for their country, while others could relate to the same alienation, albeit from other cultures and countries. This allowed us to talk about deeply personal topics, without having to own the topic or reveal personal issues. The discussion led to a deep understanding and empathy for us and our colleagues knowing the pain of alienation that some of them felt but could not discuss.

The stories also served as windows into the world of others which enabled us to see and become the other. For example, in one session we reflected on “Babylon Revisited” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.8 In this story, an American man returns to Paris after the Great Depression and recalls his life as a young artist in the American artist expatriate community of Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. During that time, he partied, drank in excess, lost his wife to pneumonia (for which he was at least partially responsible), lost custody of his daughter, and lost his fortune. As he returned to Paris to try to reclaim his daughter, we feel his pain as he tries but fails to overcome chronic alcoholism, sexual indiscretions, and losses. This gave rise to discussion of losses in general as we became one with the main character. This increased our empathy for others in a way that could not have been possible without this short story as anchor.

In another session we reflected on “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, in which a man is waiting for a train while proposing his girlfriend get an abortion.9 She agonizes over her choices and makes no decision in this story. Yet, we the reader could “become” the woman in the story faced with hard choices of having a baby but losing the man she loves, or having an abortion and maybe losing him anyway. In becoming this woman, we could experience the complex emotions and feel an experience of the other.



Exploring the Taboo

A third aspect of the club was enabling discussion of controversial topics. There were topics that arose in the group which never would have arisen in clinical practice discussions. These had to do with the taboo topics such as romantic attachments to patients. We read “The Caves of Lascaux” and reflected on the story of a young doctor who becomes enamored and obsessed with his beautiful but dying patient.10 He becomes so obsessed with her that he almost abandons his wife, family, and stable livelihood to descend with her into the caves. This story gave rise to discussions about romantic attachment to patients and how to handle and extricate one from the situation. The senior doctors explained some of their relevant experiences and how they either transferred care or sought counseling to extricate themselves from a potentially dangerous situation, especially when they too fell under the spell of forbidden romance.

Moral Grounding

These sessions also served to define the moral basis of our own practice. Much of health care psychosocial distress is related to moral injury in which health care professionals do the wrong thing or fail to do the right thing at the right time, due to external pressures related to financial or other gains. Reading and reflecting put us face-to-face with moral dilemmas and let us find our moral grounding. In reading “The Haircut” by Ring Lardner, we explored the disruptive town scoundrel who harassed and tortured his friends and neighbors but in such outrageous ways that he was considered a comedian rather than an abuser.11 Despite his hurtful acts, the townspeople (including the narrator) considered him a clown and laughed at his racist and sexist statements as well as his tricks.He faced no consequences such as confrontation, until the end when fate caught up. This story gave rise to a discussion of how we handle unkind, racist, sexist, or other comments which are disguised as humor, and to what extent we tolerate such controversial behavior. Do we go along with the scoundrel and laugh, or do we confront such people and insist that they respect and honor other people? The story sensitized the group to the ways in which prejudice and racism or sexism can be masked as humor, and to consider our moral responsibilities in society.

In another session we read and reflected on “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy.12 In this story, a king travels to another territory but gets distracted by helping a neighbor in need, and thereby inadvertently and fortunately avoids the trap that had been devised to kill him. The author gives us his moral basis by asking and answering 3 questions: Who is the most important person? What is the most important thing to do? What is the most important thing to do now? His answers provided his moral grounding. We discussed our answers and the basis of our moral grounding, whether it be the injunction do no harm, the more complex religious backgrounds of our childhood, or otherwise.

Symbols and Metaphors

The practice of reading and reflecting also taught us symbols and metaphors. Symbols and metaphors are the essence of storytelling, and they provide keys to understanding people. We sought out and studied the metaphors and symbols in each of the stories we read. In “I Stood There Ironing”, a woman is ironing as she is being questioned by a social worker on the upbringing of her first daughter, and its impact on her psychosocial distress.13 The woman remembers the hardships in raising her daughter and her neglect and abuse of the child due to circumstances beyond her control. She keeps ironing back and forth as she recounts the ways in which she neglected her child. The ironing provides a metaphor for attempting to straighten out her life and for recognizing finally at the end of the story that the daughter should not be the dress, under which her iron is pressing. This gave rise to a discussion of metaphors in our lives and the meanings they carry.

Problem-solving Guide

A sixth way the reflections helped was by serving as a guide to solving our problems. Some of the stories we read resonated deeply with members of the group and provided guides to solving problems. In one meeting we discussed “Those Are as Brothers” by Nancy Hale, a story in which a Nazi concentration camp survivor finds refuge in a country home and develops a friendship with a survivor of an abusive marriage.14 Reading and reflecting on this story enabled us to see the impact of trauma on ourselves, our life choices, professions, ways of being, philosophies, and even on our next generation. The story was personal for several members of the group, some of whom were second-generation Holocaust survivors, and for one who admitted to severe trauma as a child. Discussing our backgrounds together, we empathized with each other and helped each other heal. The story also provided a guide to healing from trauma, as its title indicates: sharing stories together can be a way to heal. The solidarity of standing together, as brothers, heals. The concentration camp survivor was mistreated in his job, but the abuse trauma victim rushes to his defense and vows her friendship and support. This soothed his soul and healed his mind. The guidance is clear: we can do the same, find friends, treat them like brothers, support each other and heal.

Bonding Through Shared Experience

The final and possibly most important way in which the club helped was by serving as an adventure to bond group members together through shared experience. We believe that literature can capture imagination in extraordinary ways and provide an opportunity to undertake remarkable journeys. As such, together we traveled to the ends of the earth from the beginning to the end of time and beyond. We traveled through the hills of Africa, meandered in the streets of Russia and Poland, watched the racetracks in Italy, toured the Taj Mahal in India, and descended into the caves of Lascaux, all while working in Little Rock, Arkansas. We shared a wide array of experiences together, which allowed us to know ourselves and others better, to share stories, and to develop a common vision, common ground, and common culture.


Through reading and reflecting on stories, we bonded as a group, increased our empathy for each other and others, and found meaning in medicine. Other studies have shown that participation in small study groups promote physician well-being, improve job satisfaction, and decrease burnout.3 We synergized this effort by reading nonmedical stories on a consistent basis, hoping to gain resilience to psychosocial distress.3 We chose short stories rather than novels to minimize any stress from excess reading. Combining these interventions, small group studies and nonmedical reading, into a single intervention as is typical in the practice of narrative medicine may provide a way to improve team functioning.

This pilot study showed that it is possible to form short story clubs even in a busy oncology program and that such programs benefit participants in a variety of ways with no apparent adverse effects. Further research is needed to study the impact of reading and reflecting on medical work in small study groups in larger numbers of subjects and to evaluate their impact on burnout. Further study is also needed to develop narrative medicine curricula that best address the needs of particular subspecialties and to determine the optimal conditions for implementation.


The authors acknowledge Dr. Erick Messias for inspiring and encouraging this project at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences where he was Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. He is presently Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.


1. Messias E, Gathright MM, Freeman ES, et al. Differences in burnout prevalence between clinical professionals and biomedical scientists in an academic medical centre: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 2019;9(2):e023506. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023506

2. Marchalik D, Rodriguez A, Namath A, et al. The impact of non-medical reading on clinical burnout: a national survey of palliative care providers. Ann Palliat Med. 2019;8(4):428-435. doi:10.21037/apm.2019.05.02

3. West CP, Dyrbye LN, Rabatin JT, et al. Intervention to promote physician well-being, job satisfaction, and professionalism: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(4):527-533. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.14387

4. Charon R. Narrative medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, and tust. JAMA. 2001;286(15):1897–1902. doi:10.1001/jama.286.15.1897

5. Broyard A. Doctor Talk to Me. August 26, 1990. Accessed September 2021.

6. Chekhov A. A Doctor’s Visit,. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:50-59.

7. Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. In: Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. Mariner Books;2019.

8. Fitzgerald FS. Babylon Revisited. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:62-81.

9. Hemingway E. Hills like White Elephants. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:108-111.

10. Karmel M. Caves of Lascaux. In: Ofri D, Staff of the Bellavue Literary Review, eds. The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review. Bellevue Literary Press;2008:168-174.

11. Lardner R. The Haircut. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:48-61.

12. Tolstoy L. The Three Questions. Accessed September 2021.

13. Olsen T. I Stand Here Ironing. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:173-180.

14. Hale N. Those Are as Brothers. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:132-141.


1. Messias E, Gathright MM, Freeman ES, et al. Differences in burnout prevalence between clinical professionals and biomedical scientists in an academic medical centre: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 2019;9(2):e023506. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023506

2. Marchalik D, Rodriguez A, Namath A, et al. The impact of non-medical reading on clinical burnout: a national survey of palliative care providers. Ann Palliat Med. 2019;8(4):428-435. doi:10.21037/apm.2019.05.02

3. West CP, Dyrbye LN, Rabatin JT, et al. Intervention to promote physician well-being, job satisfaction, and professionalism: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(4):527-533. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.14387

4. Charon R. Narrative medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, and tust. JAMA. 2001;286(15):1897–1902. doi:10.1001/jama.286.15.1897

5. Broyard A. Doctor Talk to Me. August 26, 1990. Accessed September 2021.

6. Chekhov A. A Doctor’s Visit,. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:50-59.

7. Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. In: Lahiri J. Interpreter of Maladies. Mariner Books;2019.

8. Fitzgerald FS. Babylon Revisited. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:62-81.

9. Hemingway E. Hills like White Elephants. In: Reynolds R, Stone J, eds. On Doctoring. Simon and Shuster;1995:108-111.

10. Karmel M. Caves of Lascaux. In: Ofri D, Staff of the Bellavue Literary Review, eds. The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review. Bellevue Literary Press;2008:168-174.

11. Lardner R. The Haircut. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:48-61.

12. Tolstoy L. The Three Questions. Accessed September 2021.

13. Olsen T. I Stand Here Ironing. In Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:173-180.

14. Hale N. Those Are as Brothers. In: Moore L, Pitlor H, eds. 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;2015:132-141.

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Treatment and Management of Multiple Myeloma (FULL)

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Tue, 01/07/2020 - 09:52
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Treatment and Management of Multiple Myeloma
A panel discussion of the challenges and standards of care for managing patients with multiple myeloma.

Early Treatment and Diagnosis

Dr. Ascensão. An area that is becoming very important is identifying and separating smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) from multiple myeloma (MM) and determining when to start treatment. At the Washington DC VAMC (DCVAMC) we started early on bisphosphonates and thalidomide without much benefit, but perhaps we were treating the wrong disease.

Dr. Mehta. Identifying patients as early as possible is often the best way to start. Treating early disease is easier than treating late disease, and it avoids all the complications. The problem is we don’t want to treat too many people because some of the people with SMM will never develop overt MM and, therefore, may not need treatment. We don’t have benign treatment yet. Whatever treatment we decide to use is going to carry adverse effects and toxicity.

So the trick is identifying those patients with SMM who are likely to progress in a finite period and, therefore, can be helped by treating early to avoid the complications of late diagnosis. We know that early treatment for patients with high-risk SMM helps. In a report from Lancet Oncology, early treatment with lenalidomide and dexamethasone reduces time to progression.1 There are other reports that treating early reduces time to progression.

So how do we identify those patients who are going to progress? We have a few clues. We know that patients who have a myeloma spike of > 1.5 g/dL are more likely to progress than others…The more discordant the / ratio from 1:1, the higher the risk for progression. And if that ratio is 1:100 or more, that would be a risk factor for progression.

We know from the work of Mayo Clinic researchers that if there are ≥ 60% of plasma cells in the bone marrow then it is a risk factor for progression. And we know from early studies that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection of bone lesions, even long before they become detectable by X-ray, also is a risk factor for rapid development to myeloma.

...Methods such as genotyping, which we do here at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, even in patients with MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), can identify high-risk patients, but that is not the standard of care yet. But it may become the standard of care in the days to come.

Another thing to think about for MGUS patients: Are there ways to identify what causes MGUS patients to evolve to SMM and then to overt myeloma, and to develop means of interrupting the progression cascade? There have been clinical trials on treatments (eg, bisphosphonates, thalidomide, aspirin, and cyclooxygenase inhibitors), but we haven’t found any safe, good treatment to prevent progression yet. With better technologies, we may be able to do that.

Dr. Ascensão. At the DCVAMC often we receive consults for a patient who had a little anemia, diabetes, renal disease, and the serum protein electrophoresis reveals a very small peak. How often should you follow patients? Do you do a complete workup the moment you see an MGUS or do you wait until they reach SMM?

Dr. Mehta. I don’t think every patient needs a complete workup. If you have obviously identifiable reasons for the anemia or the renal failure, then it’s less likely to be suspicious for myeloma. But patients with M spikes > 1 g/dL deserve a workup with a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy and at least bone X-rays, although MRIs would be even better.



I would differentiate based on the amount of M protein. Higher M protein patients deserve to have at least a bone marrow aspirate and bone study. Patients
with M protein > 1g/dL deserve to be seen every 3 to 4 months. I see patients with tiny little peaks every 6 months. And then, after 1 or 2 years, I turn over their care to the primary care doctor to follow. If we had research protocols to look at those patients and find the methods for progression, which I had at one point, then of course, we could see them more often and try to unravel the mystery.

Use of Imaging

Dr. Ascensão. That’s pretty close to what we do at DCVAMC. What do you think is the role for a bone survey as opposed to MRIs and positron emission tomography (PET) scans in this setting?

Dr. Mehta. In the real world X-rays are more accessible and much less expensive. So for the patient with very low risk who doesn’t have any complaints and
who has a low M spike, I think a bone survey is adequate. But you need about 30% to 40% bone destruction before you’re going to find anything on the X-ray.
MRIs are much more sensitive, plus they tell you about bone marrow involvement, but that should be reserved for the patient who has symptoms or a high
M protein. At Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System we simply can’t get PET scans for myeloma patients. At the myeloma center across the street from us, PET scans are used for routine evaluations.

Dr. Chauncey. I agree with Dr. Mehta. At VA Puget Sound Healthcare System (VAPSHCS) there isn’t a problem getting PET scans, but we probably get far fewer
scans than Arkansas. I still like the skeletal survey because it directs you where to look for potential pathologic fracture. It’s definitely not as sensitive as the dedicated myeloma MRI, but it’s a lot easier to get at VAPSHCS, especially as a screening tool.

Dr. Ascensão. Right, I believe there are some issues about the number of osteolytic lesions that may drive diagnosis.

Dr. Mehta. For patients with high M protein, I always request MRI. But the correlation is poorer in patients who have lower M protein. I try to limit it to the patients who have symptoms or high M protein, but I don’t have any evidence-based data to prove that’s the right way.

Dr. Ascensão. If you were going to start treatment of SMM that you believe is evolving to a more regular myeloma, do you do anything different than you would for any of the patients that you have identified as having active myeloma? Do you have different protocols for those patients as opposed to patients who present de novo with active myeloma?

Dr. Mehta. Those patients should be treated with the same drugs, an IMiD and a steroid. And the question is plus or minus a proteasome inhibitor. Studies have shown that an IMiD with a steroid gets much better results than using observation alone. Whether you would get even better results with the proteasome inhibitor remains to be seen. Maybe we can do that study.

Dr. Chauncey. We strive to identify high-risk SMM patients and treat them accordingly. Alternatively, physicians are pulling the trigger for therapy earlier and earlier and when they come for transplant with a diagnosis of MM, it is critical to review the initial diagnostic information. Most transplant centers have experience with this phenomena and know that they don’t want to transplant a non-high-risk SMM or any MGUS. However, by the time the patient is referred for transplantation, the initial clinical data are sometimes obscured or inaccessible.

Dr. Ascensão. We also look into the bone bearing areas, which allows us to make sure that if the patient has hip problems, we can work on how to approach them, whether we want to radiate those patients to prevent fractures.



Use of Bisphosphonates

Dr. Cosgriff. Myeloma metastasizes to bone, and it is one of the common sites of metastatic disease. It poses some interesting complications, whether it is from hypercalcemia due to metastatic sites, or pain syndromes. Bisphosphonates are indicated for myeloma, and they have been for years. Interestingly, unlike some of the other disease, the use of bisphosphonates induces apoptosis in myeloma. So we have seen some disease control with these agents.

The 2 bisphosphonates that are available for use are pamidronate and zoledronic acid. At the VA Portland Health Care System (VAPORHCS), we have been
using pamidronate exclusively for individuals with myeloma. There was a 2003 paper that evaluated the use of bisphosphonates for skeletal-related events in myeloma and in patients with metastatic breast cancer.2 In the subset analysis of myeloma patients with the bisphosphonates, there was no difference between pamidronate and zoledronic acid.

At the time, zoledronic acid was significantly more expensive than pamidronate, and so VAPORHCS opted to use pamidronate as a cost-saving measure. But there are the other reasons for picking pamidronate: Zoledronic acid has some dose recommendations and guidelines for individuals with renal failure, which is often a significant problem in patients with myeloma as well. To get around dose adjustments that need to be made for zoledronic acid, VAPORHCS switched to pamidronate, which is looser with the recommendations on renal failure.

Earlier use criteria, like the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, stated that if the renal failure was due to the disease itself and not some other outlying factor, a full 90-mg dose of pamidronate could still be used. That comment has since been removed. We still pay attention to it and reduce pamidronate dosing to 60 mg for patients with renal failure.

The prices for zoledronic acid have dropped significantly since it became a generic. The nice thing about zoledronic acid is that it has a short infusion time of 15 minutes. As chair space becomes a problem—VAPHCS has significant issues with that—zoledronic acid looks more and more attractive. The FDA label states that pamidronate should be infused over 4 hours, but VAPHCS typically has been infusing it for 3 hours.

It should be noted that denosumab (XGEVA), a monoclonal antibody that also is targeted for hypercalcemia, has been specifically excluded for myeloma. It
has no FDA indication for myeloma. It does have an indication for hypercalcemia. Whether or not you can state that the patient with myeloma is hypercalcemic, and that’s the reason you want to use it, it starts crossing into some gray area. The drug is still significantly more expensive and it seems to have similar efficacy rates compared with both pamidronate and zoledronic acid, so VAPHCS limits its use to individuals who would otherwise be contraindicated to zoledronic acid or pamidronate due to renal failure.

Dr. Ascensão. How often do you give it, every month, every 3 months?

Dr. Cosgriff. Currently, VAPORHCS is giving bisphosphonates every month whether in the chemotherapy unit or in the short stay unit. We are starting to reevaluate that. I have heard some emerging data that suggest we can use it once a quarter and get the same results. Those data are still emerging. It would be nice to be able to reduce the infusion frequency. But bisphosphonates adhere to bone and get incorporated into the bone matrix and stay there for an extended period of time, upwards of 6 months to a year, as with zoledronic acid.




Dr. Ascensão. Do you require dental clearance prior to first dose?

Dr. Cosgriff. Bisphosphonates have a warning for 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Risk factors for the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw include poor dentition or major dental work, like extractions and illfitting dentures but not necessarily root canals. Ill-fitting dentures tend to rub on the gums and irritate the bone layer underneath. It’s the irritation of the bone that’s the biggest risk factor for osteonecrosis of the jaw.

We require that patients see the dentist because we’ve had individuals develop osteonecrosis eventhough we thought they had good dentition. If a patient is seeing a dentist outside of the VA system, we ask them to notify their dentist that they’re receiving bisphosphonates. Because of the risk and because we’ve had some individuals with good dentition develop it, VAPORHCS requires all patients, particularly those who are receiving zoledronic acid, to have dental evaluations. Denosumab also has a listed 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, so those individuals also need to be evaluated by our dental service.

Dr. Ascensão. The DCVAMC has the same problem. I have a patient that presented primarily with a plasmacytoma, and we tried to get him to see the dentist. The dentist said, ‘You’ve got to get your teeth pulled.’ The patient has tried to see outside dentists and is finding all kinds of excuses because he would like to have implants.

Dr. Cosgriff. Anytime that you somehow damage or irritate that bone, that becomes a risk factor for the development of osteonecrosis. And for those individuals, we delay the bisphosphonate. If they’re having pain syndrome, we try to support them with opiates. We would love to be able to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—they have really good efficacy against bone pain—but renal function and renal failures prevent the use of those in a majority of patients. We start bisphosphonates as soon as dental clears them.

Dr. Mehta. Isn’t there a contraindication for denosumab and some evidence that it may worsen MM outcomes?

Dr. Cosgriff. When the drug first came on the market, it specifically stated in the package insert that it is not to be used in MM (it doesn’t state it specifically anymore). There is a thought that maybe some underlying mechanism exists that might stimulate some of the myeloma problems, which is why I get a little concerned when people say, “Well, I’m using it for hypercalcemia, I’m not using it to treat or to prevent a skeletal-related event in patients with myeloma.” That becomes a gray area and in that type of situation, I would recommend treating the hypercalcemia with a single dose and then switching the
patient to a bisphosphonate.

Dr. Mehta. And of course, bisphosphonates also lower calcium. They can be used to treat hypercalcemia.

Dr. Cosgriff. Yes. Zoledronic acid does have limitations in renal failure, though pamidronate doesn’t have quite the same limitations. The VAPORHCS tries to
use exclusively for hypercalcemia as well. The data show that when using zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate, you end up with the same outcomes as far as hypercalcemia. The zoledronic acid onset of action is a little faster, around 12 to 24 hours vs 48 to 72 hours with pamidronate, but you can get around that by using calcitonin over a short period; 48 hours is typically the maximum efficacy for calcitonin in treating hypercalcemia. So we use pamidronate in place of that, supplementing with calcitonin.

The result is that at 7 days, pamidronate and zoledronic acid show the same efficacy rates for treating hypercalcemia. But the renal function sometimes prevents us from doing that. Denosumab does become an option for hypercalcemia, but again, I caution against its use for treating hypercalcemia in patients with myeloma due to the risk of advancing the myeloma.



Bone Marrow Transplant

Dr. Ascensão. Do you transplant for 1 or 2 bone marrows? What’s the best maintenance regimen postallograft, and when do you start? Do you use lenalidomide the first month of the transplant or do you wait until day 100?

Dr. Chauncey. From my perspective, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has never really lost prominence. It is true that the concept of marrow transplantation for MM has been around for more than 20 years for those patients with first best response (Note that I’ll use best response rather than first remission). The concept was developed in an era when we had much less effective therapy, and in comparative trials, progressionfree survival was consistently superior and occasionally, overall survival was better with transplantation. As treatments got better, responses got better, and there were regular questions as to whether we still needed transplantation. But the data show that as responses got better, the progression-free survivals continued to improve, and transplantation still adds something to initial therapy.

Probably the most current data are from the Dana Farber- IFM trial for which Nikhil Munshi, MD, is an investigator. The trial includes induction with lenalidomide/bortezomib/dexamethasone, which is one of the more aggressive induction regimens. When upfront transplant vs delayed transplant are compared, it seems the preliminary data still favor having an upfront transplant after initial induction therapy.

The consensus is that autologous transplantation adds to the better response that we see with better induction therapy. Overall survival has become a less accessible endpoint since the initial trials, and that’s really a consequence of having better salvage therapy, and the confounding effects of subsequent treatments. We have so many options for salvage therapy that it’s now very hard to look at overall survival as an endpoint in trials of initial therapy.

A sometimes contentious question when it comes to payers, and less so in the VA, is how many transplants to do as part of initial therapy? Little Rock and the French did some of the pioneering work on tandem transplants. The BMT CTN 0702–StaMINA trial looks at this directly, and is mature and should be presented soon [Editorial Note: Preliminary results were presented at the American Society of Hematology meeting on December 6, 2016].

The approach at VAPSHCS and most other transplant centers has typically been to harvest a sufficient quantity of peripheral blood stem cells to do 2 transplants. If less than a very good partial response is achieved after the first transplant, then we do a second transplant in tandem fashion.

One exception would be for plasma cell leukemia, which is very aggressive. In that case, we would routinely perform tandem transplantation. We are unlikely to ever have a randomized trial that compares 1 vs 2 transplants in that particular setting.

Another question is whether a second autologous transplantation can be useful in a nontandem fashion, and there is a large amount of retrospective data about its use as salvage treatment. In eras when there were not as many effective therapies, salvage autologous transplant was more attractive. As new therapies came along, its use has somewhat waned, but there’s been renewed interest because dose-intensive melphalan with autologous rescue is relatively safe and not cross-resistant to other therapies. It also offers the option of a drug holiday after the transplant, whereas salvage drug therapy is typically continuous.

There is no universal agreement on nontandem second transplantation, there are no consistent algorithms to say when it is appropriate, but it’s worth discussing with the transplant programs, especially if there is a lot of toxicity with current salvage therapy.

The last question is the role of allogeneic transplantation, and while I’m generally a proponent of allogeneic transplantation for many diseases, in spite of some really significant efforts, the majority of allogeneic data for MM has not been very positive. The large BMT-CTN 0102 trial compared tandem autologous transplant at first response to a single autologous transplantation followed by reduced-intensity autologous transplantation from a matched sibling. This study was limited in part by enrollment bias, but the published results did not favor an allogeneic approach.3 Although there was less relapse in the allogeneic setting, the mortality of allogeneic transplant was not overcome by the decrease in relapse. Neither progression-free or overall survivals at 3 years were better in the allogeneic group.

Despite small studies showing feasibility and promising results, it’s currently very hard to advocate for allogeneic transplantation in MM. There are certainly centers that continue to have their own approach, with some in the U.S. that are pioneering tweaks on allogeneic regimens and graft engineering, but the data are typically small and anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that there won’t ultimately be a better way to do allogeneic transplantation in MM, but rather that we don’t currently know the best way to approach this strategy.



Next Steps in Myeloma Treatment

Dr. Ascensão. There are some people who are now starting to talk about a cure for myeloma. I’m not sure we’re there yet. Certainly, it’s a chronic disease that, if we can take care of the complications and maybe by starting treatment early. I’m not sure Agent Orange-exposed patients do better or worse. That’s something that needs to be researched if we can find a way to compare within this group and within the type of treatment that patients get.

Is it reasonable to start looking for minimal residual disease in cells? Should we shoot for the best response? I think one of the points that Dr. Chauncey made a number of times, and I agree, is that our patient population may not be able to tolerate some of the more aggressive therapies. Perhaps we need to find a slightly different version of this algorithm for VA patients.

Dr. Chauncey. There’s a diverse biology for both veterans and nonveterans alike. There are patients for whom a deeper response will lead to longer remission and better survival, and there are others whose disease will smolder with a lower tumor burden and not progress quickly. A lot of the early gene expression profiling data on this comes from Little Rock. Unfortunately, determination of an individual’s biology is not readily accessible in the clinic, and we are typically unable to clearly define each patient’s inherent disease biology.

Dr. Mehta. We just don’t have the answers as to exactly what to do with the information that we get except watch more closely and treat a little bit earlier. We don’t even know the significance of minimal residue disease and how often to test for it and if it correlates truly with longer-term survival. These are great research questions. We need to accumulate the data and try to analyze it. We need to participate in the big data programs.

Dr. Ascensão. The other thing, of course, is now we have new immunotherapy approaches beyond transplant, which includes some of the checkpoint inhibitors and there’s some exciting data coming out. So I think the future looks good.

We all are committed to treating our patients, our veterans, to the best of our abilities. And I think the VA has done a very good job in allowing us to do this for our patients and allowing us to provide the best treatments available out there.


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1. Mateos MV, Hernández MT, Giraldo P, et al. Lenalidomide plus dexamethasone versus observation in patients with high-risk smouldering multiple myeloma (QuiRedex): long-term follow-up of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(8):1127-1136.

2. Rosen LS, Gordon D, Kaminski M, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate disodium in the treatment of skeletal complications in patients with advanced multiple myeloma or breast carcinoma: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter, comparative trial. Cancer. 2003;98(8):1735-1744.

3. Krishnan A, Pasquini MC, Logan B, et al; Blood Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN). Autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation followed by allogeneic or autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma (BMT CTN 0102): a phase 3 biological assignment trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011;12(13):1195-11203.

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João Ascensão, MD, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Medicine and Immunology at George Washington University School of Medicine and chief hematologist and chairman of the R&D Committee at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, both in Washington, DC. He is also a clinical professor of medicine at Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland. In 2015 Dr. Ascensão served as president of the Association of VA Hematology/Oncology (AVAHO).

Thomas R. Chauncey, MD, PhD, is an associate professor of medicine and oncology at the University of Washington, and an associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Chauncey is director of the Marrow Transplant Unit at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, all in Seattle.

Sean Cosgriff, PharmD, BCOP, is the hematology/oncology clinical specialist at the VA Portland Health Care System and affiliate faculty at Oregon State and Pacific University, both in Portland, Oregon. In 2014 Dr. Cosgriff served as AVAHO president.

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPH, is a professor of hematology/oncology at the University of Arkansas and a physician at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, both in Little Rock. In 2010, Dr. Mehta served as AVAHO president.

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the U.S. Government, or any of its agencies. This article may discuss unlabeled or investigational use of certain drugs. Please review the complete prescribing information for specific drugs or drug combinations—including indications, contraindications, warnings, and adverse effects—before administering pharmacologic therapy to patients.


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Author and Disclosure Information

João Ascensão, MD, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Medicine and Immunology at George Washington University School of Medicine and chief hematologist and chairman of the R&D Committee at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, both in Washington, DC. He is also a clinical professor of medicine at Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland. In 2015 Dr. Ascensão served as president of the Association of VA Hematology/Oncology (AVAHO).

Thomas R. Chauncey, MD, PhD, is an associate professor of medicine and oncology at the University of Washington, and an associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Chauncey is director of the Marrow Transplant Unit at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, all in Seattle.

Sean Cosgriff, PharmD, BCOP, is the hematology/oncology clinical specialist at the VA Portland Health Care System and affiliate faculty at Oregon State and Pacific University, both in Portland, Oregon. In 2014 Dr. Cosgriff served as AVAHO president.

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPH, is a professor of hematology/oncology at the University of Arkansas and a physician at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, both in Little Rock. In 2010, Dr. Mehta served as AVAHO president.

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the U.S. Government, or any of its agencies. This article may discuss unlabeled or investigational use of certain drugs. Please review the complete prescribing information for specific drugs or drug combinations—including indications, contraindications, warnings, and adverse effects—before administering pharmacologic therapy to patients.


Author and Disclosure Information

João Ascensão, MD, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Medicine and Immunology at George Washington University School of Medicine and chief hematologist and chairman of the R&D Committee at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, both in Washington, DC. He is also a clinical professor of medicine at Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland. In 2015 Dr. Ascensão served as president of the Association of VA Hematology/Oncology (AVAHO).

Thomas R. Chauncey, MD, PhD, is an associate professor of medicine and oncology at the University of Washington, and an associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Chauncey is director of the Marrow Transplant Unit at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, all in Seattle.

Sean Cosgriff, PharmD, BCOP, is the hematology/oncology clinical specialist at the VA Portland Health Care System and affiliate faculty at Oregon State and Pacific University, both in Portland, Oregon. In 2014 Dr. Cosgriff served as AVAHO president.

Paulette Mehta, MD, MPH, is a professor of hematology/oncology at the University of Arkansas and a physician at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, both in Little Rock. In 2010, Dr. Mehta served as AVAHO president.

Author disclosures
The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to this article.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the U.S. Government, or any of its agencies. This article may discuss unlabeled or investigational use of certain drugs. Please review the complete prescribing information for specific drugs or drug combinations—including indications, contraindications, warnings, and adverse effects—before administering pharmacologic therapy to patients.


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A panel discussion of the challenges and standards of care for managing patients with multiple myeloma.
A panel discussion of the challenges and standards of care for managing patients with multiple myeloma.

Early Treatment and Diagnosis

Dr. Ascensão. An area that is becoming very important is identifying and separating smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) from multiple myeloma (MM) and determining when to start treatment. At the Washington DC VAMC (DCVAMC) we started early on bisphosphonates and thalidomide without much benefit, but perhaps we were treating the wrong disease.

Dr. Mehta. Identifying patients as early as possible is often the best way to start. Treating early disease is easier than treating late disease, and it avoids all the complications. The problem is we don’t want to treat too many people because some of the people with SMM will never develop overt MM and, therefore, may not need treatment. We don’t have benign treatment yet. Whatever treatment we decide to use is going to carry adverse effects and toxicity.

So the trick is identifying those patients with SMM who are likely to progress in a finite period and, therefore, can be helped by treating early to avoid the complications of late diagnosis. We know that early treatment for patients with high-risk SMM helps. In a report from Lancet Oncology, early treatment with lenalidomide and dexamethasone reduces time to progression.1 There are other reports that treating early reduces time to progression.

So how do we identify those patients who are going to progress? We have a few clues. We know that patients who have a myeloma spike of > 1.5 g/dL are more likely to progress than others…The more discordant the / ratio from 1:1, the higher the risk for progression. And if that ratio is 1:100 or more, that would be a risk factor for progression.

We know from the work of Mayo Clinic researchers that if there are ≥ 60% of plasma cells in the bone marrow then it is a risk factor for progression. And we know from early studies that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection of bone lesions, even long before they become detectable by X-ray, also is a risk factor for rapid development to myeloma.

...Methods such as genotyping, which we do here at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, even in patients with MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), can identify high-risk patients, but that is not the standard of care yet. But it may become the standard of care in the days to come.

Another thing to think about for MGUS patients: Are there ways to identify what causes MGUS patients to evolve to SMM and then to overt myeloma, and to develop means of interrupting the progression cascade? There have been clinical trials on treatments (eg, bisphosphonates, thalidomide, aspirin, and cyclooxygenase inhibitors), but we haven’t found any safe, good treatment to prevent progression yet. With better technologies, we may be able to do that.

Dr. Ascensão. At the DCVAMC often we receive consults for a patient who had a little anemia, diabetes, renal disease, and the serum protein electrophoresis reveals a very small peak. How often should you follow patients? Do you do a complete workup the moment you see an MGUS or do you wait until they reach SMM?

Dr. Mehta. I don’t think every patient needs a complete workup. If you have obviously identifiable reasons for the anemia or the renal failure, then it’s less likely to be suspicious for myeloma. But patients with M spikes > 1 g/dL deserve a workup with a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy and at least bone X-rays, although MRIs would be even better.



I would differentiate based on the amount of M protein. Higher M protein patients deserve to have at least a bone marrow aspirate and bone study. Patients
with M protein > 1g/dL deserve to be seen every 3 to 4 months. I see patients with tiny little peaks every 6 months. And then, after 1 or 2 years, I turn over their care to the primary care doctor to follow. If we had research protocols to look at those patients and find the methods for progression, which I had at one point, then of course, we could see them more often and try to unravel the mystery.

Use of Imaging

Dr. Ascensão. That’s pretty close to what we do at DCVAMC. What do you think is the role for a bone survey as opposed to MRIs and positron emission tomography (PET) scans in this setting?

Dr. Mehta. In the real world X-rays are more accessible and much less expensive. So for the patient with very low risk who doesn’t have any complaints and
who has a low M spike, I think a bone survey is adequate. But you need about 30% to 40% bone destruction before you’re going to find anything on the X-ray.
MRIs are much more sensitive, plus they tell you about bone marrow involvement, but that should be reserved for the patient who has symptoms or a high
M protein. At Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System we simply can’t get PET scans for myeloma patients. At the myeloma center across the street from us, PET scans are used for routine evaluations.

Dr. Chauncey. I agree with Dr. Mehta. At VA Puget Sound Healthcare System (VAPSHCS) there isn’t a problem getting PET scans, but we probably get far fewer
scans than Arkansas. I still like the skeletal survey because it directs you where to look for potential pathologic fracture. It’s definitely not as sensitive as the dedicated myeloma MRI, but it’s a lot easier to get at VAPSHCS, especially as a screening tool.

Dr. Ascensão. Right, I believe there are some issues about the number of osteolytic lesions that may drive diagnosis.

Dr. Mehta. For patients with high M protein, I always request MRI. But the correlation is poorer in patients who have lower M protein. I try to limit it to the patients who have symptoms or high M protein, but I don’t have any evidence-based data to prove that’s the right way.

Dr. Ascensão. If you were going to start treatment of SMM that you believe is evolving to a more regular myeloma, do you do anything different than you would for any of the patients that you have identified as having active myeloma? Do you have different protocols for those patients as opposed to patients who present de novo with active myeloma?

Dr. Mehta. Those patients should be treated with the same drugs, an IMiD and a steroid. And the question is plus or minus a proteasome inhibitor. Studies have shown that an IMiD with a steroid gets much better results than using observation alone. Whether you would get even better results with the proteasome inhibitor remains to be seen. Maybe we can do that study.

Dr. Chauncey. We strive to identify high-risk SMM patients and treat them accordingly. Alternatively, physicians are pulling the trigger for therapy earlier and earlier and when they come for transplant with a diagnosis of MM, it is critical to review the initial diagnostic information. Most transplant centers have experience with this phenomena and know that they don’t want to transplant a non-high-risk SMM or any MGUS. However, by the time the patient is referred for transplantation, the initial clinical data are sometimes obscured or inaccessible.

Dr. Ascensão. We also look into the bone bearing areas, which allows us to make sure that if the patient has hip problems, we can work on how to approach them, whether we want to radiate those patients to prevent fractures.



Use of Bisphosphonates

Dr. Cosgriff. Myeloma metastasizes to bone, and it is one of the common sites of metastatic disease. It poses some interesting complications, whether it is from hypercalcemia due to metastatic sites, or pain syndromes. Bisphosphonates are indicated for myeloma, and they have been for years. Interestingly, unlike some of the other disease, the use of bisphosphonates induces apoptosis in myeloma. So we have seen some disease control with these agents.

The 2 bisphosphonates that are available for use are pamidronate and zoledronic acid. At the VA Portland Health Care System (VAPORHCS), we have been
using pamidronate exclusively for individuals with myeloma. There was a 2003 paper that evaluated the use of bisphosphonates for skeletal-related events in myeloma and in patients with metastatic breast cancer.2 In the subset analysis of myeloma patients with the bisphosphonates, there was no difference between pamidronate and zoledronic acid.

At the time, zoledronic acid was significantly more expensive than pamidronate, and so VAPORHCS opted to use pamidronate as a cost-saving measure. But there are the other reasons for picking pamidronate: Zoledronic acid has some dose recommendations and guidelines for individuals with renal failure, which is often a significant problem in patients with myeloma as well. To get around dose adjustments that need to be made for zoledronic acid, VAPORHCS switched to pamidronate, which is looser with the recommendations on renal failure.

Earlier use criteria, like the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, stated that if the renal failure was due to the disease itself and not some other outlying factor, a full 90-mg dose of pamidronate could still be used. That comment has since been removed. We still pay attention to it and reduce pamidronate dosing to 60 mg for patients with renal failure.

The prices for zoledronic acid have dropped significantly since it became a generic. The nice thing about zoledronic acid is that it has a short infusion time of 15 minutes. As chair space becomes a problem—VAPHCS has significant issues with that—zoledronic acid looks more and more attractive. The FDA label states that pamidronate should be infused over 4 hours, but VAPHCS typically has been infusing it for 3 hours.

It should be noted that denosumab (XGEVA), a monoclonal antibody that also is targeted for hypercalcemia, has been specifically excluded for myeloma. It
has no FDA indication for myeloma. It does have an indication for hypercalcemia. Whether or not you can state that the patient with myeloma is hypercalcemic, and that’s the reason you want to use it, it starts crossing into some gray area. The drug is still significantly more expensive and it seems to have similar efficacy rates compared with both pamidronate and zoledronic acid, so VAPHCS limits its use to individuals who would otherwise be contraindicated to zoledronic acid or pamidronate due to renal failure.

Dr. Ascensão. How often do you give it, every month, every 3 months?

Dr. Cosgriff. Currently, VAPORHCS is giving bisphosphonates every month whether in the chemotherapy unit or in the short stay unit. We are starting to reevaluate that. I have heard some emerging data that suggest we can use it once a quarter and get the same results. Those data are still emerging. It would be nice to be able to reduce the infusion frequency. But bisphosphonates adhere to bone and get incorporated into the bone matrix and stay there for an extended period of time, upwards of 6 months to a year, as with zoledronic acid.




Dr. Ascensão. Do you require dental clearance prior to first dose?

Dr. Cosgriff. Bisphosphonates have a warning for 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Risk factors for the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw include poor dentition or major dental work, like extractions and illfitting dentures but not necessarily root canals. Ill-fitting dentures tend to rub on the gums and irritate the bone layer underneath. It’s the irritation of the bone that’s the biggest risk factor for osteonecrosis of the jaw.

We require that patients see the dentist because we’ve had individuals develop osteonecrosis eventhough we thought they had good dentition. If a patient is seeing a dentist outside of the VA system, we ask them to notify their dentist that they’re receiving bisphosphonates. Because of the risk and because we’ve had some individuals with good dentition develop it, VAPORHCS requires all patients, particularly those who are receiving zoledronic acid, to have dental evaluations. Denosumab also has a listed 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, so those individuals also need to be evaluated by our dental service.

Dr. Ascensão. The DCVAMC has the same problem. I have a patient that presented primarily with a plasmacytoma, and we tried to get him to see the dentist. The dentist said, ‘You’ve got to get your teeth pulled.’ The patient has tried to see outside dentists and is finding all kinds of excuses because he would like to have implants.

Dr. Cosgriff. Anytime that you somehow damage or irritate that bone, that becomes a risk factor for the development of osteonecrosis. And for those individuals, we delay the bisphosphonate. If they’re having pain syndrome, we try to support them with opiates. We would love to be able to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—they have really good efficacy against bone pain—but renal function and renal failures prevent the use of those in a majority of patients. We start bisphosphonates as soon as dental clears them.

Dr. Mehta. Isn’t there a contraindication for denosumab and some evidence that it may worsen MM outcomes?

Dr. Cosgriff. When the drug first came on the market, it specifically stated in the package insert that it is not to be used in MM (it doesn’t state it specifically anymore). There is a thought that maybe some underlying mechanism exists that might stimulate some of the myeloma problems, which is why I get a little concerned when people say, “Well, I’m using it for hypercalcemia, I’m not using it to treat or to prevent a skeletal-related event in patients with myeloma.” That becomes a gray area and in that type of situation, I would recommend treating the hypercalcemia with a single dose and then switching the
patient to a bisphosphonate.

Dr. Mehta. And of course, bisphosphonates also lower calcium. They can be used to treat hypercalcemia.

Dr. Cosgriff. Yes. Zoledronic acid does have limitations in renal failure, though pamidronate doesn’t have quite the same limitations. The VAPORHCS tries to
use exclusively for hypercalcemia as well. The data show that when using zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate, you end up with the same outcomes as far as hypercalcemia. The zoledronic acid onset of action is a little faster, around 12 to 24 hours vs 48 to 72 hours with pamidronate, but you can get around that by using calcitonin over a short period; 48 hours is typically the maximum efficacy for calcitonin in treating hypercalcemia. So we use pamidronate in place of that, supplementing with calcitonin.

The result is that at 7 days, pamidronate and zoledronic acid show the same efficacy rates for treating hypercalcemia. But the renal function sometimes prevents us from doing that. Denosumab does become an option for hypercalcemia, but again, I caution against its use for treating hypercalcemia in patients with myeloma due to the risk of advancing the myeloma.



Bone Marrow Transplant

Dr. Ascensão. Do you transplant for 1 or 2 bone marrows? What’s the best maintenance regimen postallograft, and when do you start? Do you use lenalidomide the first month of the transplant or do you wait until day 100?

Dr. Chauncey. From my perspective, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has never really lost prominence. It is true that the concept of marrow transplantation for MM has been around for more than 20 years for those patients with first best response (Note that I’ll use best response rather than first remission). The concept was developed in an era when we had much less effective therapy, and in comparative trials, progressionfree survival was consistently superior and occasionally, overall survival was better with transplantation. As treatments got better, responses got better, and there were regular questions as to whether we still needed transplantation. But the data show that as responses got better, the progression-free survivals continued to improve, and transplantation still adds something to initial therapy.

Probably the most current data are from the Dana Farber- IFM trial for which Nikhil Munshi, MD, is an investigator. The trial includes induction with lenalidomide/bortezomib/dexamethasone, which is one of the more aggressive induction regimens. When upfront transplant vs delayed transplant are compared, it seems the preliminary data still favor having an upfront transplant after initial induction therapy.

The consensus is that autologous transplantation adds to the better response that we see with better induction therapy. Overall survival has become a less accessible endpoint since the initial trials, and that’s really a consequence of having better salvage therapy, and the confounding effects of subsequent treatments. We have so many options for salvage therapy that it’s now very hard to look at overall survival as an endpoint in trials of initial therapy.

A sometimes contentious question when it comes to payers, and less so in the VA, is how many transplants to do as part of initial therapy? Little Rock and the French did some of the pioneering work on tandem transplants. The BMT CTN 0702–StaMINA trial looks at this directly, and is mature and should be presented soon [Editorial Note: Preliminary results were presented at the American Society of Hematology meeting on December 6, 2016].

The approach at VAPSHCS and most other transplant centers has typically been to harvest a sufficient quantity of peripheral blood stem cells to do 2 transplants. If less than a very good partial response is achieved after the first transplant, then we do a second transplant in tandem fashion.

One exception would be for plasma cell leukemia, which is very aggressive. In that case, we would routinely perform tandem transplantation. We are unlikely to ever have a randomized trial that compares 1 vs 2 transplants in that particular setting.

Another question is whether a second autologous transplantation can be useful in a nontandem fashion, and there is a large amount of retrospective data about its use as salvage treatment. In eras when there were not as many effective therapies, salvage autologous transplant was more attractive. As new therapies came along, its use has somewhat waned, but there’s been renewed interest because dose-intensive melphalan with autologous rescue is relatively safe and not cross-resistant to other therapies. It also offers the option of a drug holiday after the transplant, whereas salvage drug therapy is typically continuous.

There is no universal agreement on nontandem second transplantation, there are no consistent algorithms to say when it is appropriate, but it’s worth discussing with the transplant programs, especially if there is a lot of toxicity with current salvage therapy.

The last question is the role of allogeneic transplantation, and while I’m generally a proponent of allogeneic transplantation for many diseases, in spite of some really significant efforts, the majority of allogeneic data for MM has not been very positive. The large BMT-CTN 0102 trial compared tandem autologous transplant at first response to a single autologous transplantation followed by reduced-intensity autologous transplantation from a matched sibling. This study was limited in part by enrollment bias, but the published results did not favor an allogeneic approach.3 Although there was less relapse in the allogeneic setting, the mortality of allogeneic transplant was not overcome by the decrease in relapse. Neither progression-free or overall survivals at 3 years were better in the allogeneic group.

Despite small studies showing feasibility and promising results, it’s currently very hard to advocate for allogeneic transplantation in MM. There are certainly centers that continue to have their own approach, with some in the U.S. that are pioneering tweaks on allogeneic regimens and graft engineering, but the data are typically small and anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that there won’t ultimately be a better way to do allogeneic transplantation in MM, but rather that we don’t currently know the best way to approach this strategy.



Next Steps in Myeloma Treatment

Dr. Ascensão. There are some people who are now starting to talk about a cure for myeloma. I’m not sure we’re there yet. Certainly, it’s a chronic disease that, if we can take care of the complications and maybe by starting treatment early. I’m not sure Agent Orange-exposed patients do better or worse. That’s something that needs to be researched if we can find a way to compare within this group and within the type of treatment that patients get.

Is it reasonable to start looking for minimal residual disease in cells? Should we shoot for the best response? I think one of the points that Dr. Chauncey made a number of times, and I agree, is that our patient population may not be able to tolerate some of the more aggressive therapies. Perhaps we need to find a slightly different version of this algorithm for VA patients.

Dr. Chauncey. There’s a diverse biology for both veterans and nonveterans alike. There are patients for whom a deeper response will lead to longer remission and better survival, and there are others whose disease will smolder with a lower tumor burden and not progress quickly. A lot of the early gene expression profiling data on this comes from Little Rock. Unfortunately, determination of an individual’s biology is not readily accessible in the clinic, and we are typically unable to clearly define each patient’s inherent disease biology.

Dr. Mehta. We just don’t have the answers as to exactly what to do with the information that we get except watch more closely and treat a little bit earlier. We don’t even know the significance of minimal residue disease and how often to test for it and if it correlates truly with longer-term survival. These are great research questions. We need to accumulate the data and try to analyze it. We need to participate in the big data programs.

Dr. Ascensão. The other thing, of course, is now we have new immunotherapy approaches beyond transplant, which includes some of the checkpoint inhibitors and there’s some exciting data coming out. So I think the future looks good.

We all are committed to treating our patients, our veterans, to the best of our abilities. And I think the VA has done a very good job in allowing us to do this for our patients and allowing us to provide the best treatments available out there.


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Early Treatment and Diagnosis

Dr. Ascensão. An area that is becoming very important is identifying and separating smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) from multiple myeloma (MM) and determining when to start treatment. At the Washington DC VAMC (DCVAMC) we started early on bisphosphonates and thalidomide without much benefit, but perhaps we were treating the wrong disease.

Dr. Mehta. Identifying patients as early as possible is often the best way to start. Treating early disease is easier than treating late disease, and it avoids all the complications. The problem is we don’t want to treat too many people because some of the people with SMM will never develop overt MM and, therefore, may not need treatment. We don’t have benign treatment yet. Whatever treatment we decide to use is going to carry adverse effects and toxicity.

So the trick is identifying those patients with SMM who are likely to progress in a finite period and, therefore, can be helped by treating early to avoid the complications of late diagnosis. We know that early treatment for patients with high-risk SMM helps. In a report from Lancet Oncology, early treatment with lenalidomide and dexamethasone reduces time to progression.1 There are other reports that treating early reduces time to progression.

So how do we identify those patients who are going to progress? We have a few clues. We know that patients who have a myeloma spike of > 1.5 g/dL are more likely to progress than others…The more discordant the / ratio from 1:1, the higher the risk for progression. And if that ratio is 1:100 or more, that would be a risk factor for progression.

We know from the work of Mayo Clinic researchers that if there are ≥ 60% of plasma cells in the bone marrow then it is a risk factor for progression. And we know from early studies that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection of bone lesions, even long before they become detectable by X-ray, also is a risk factor for rapid development to myeloma.

...Methods such as genotyping, which we do here at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, even in patients with MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), can identify high-risk patients, but that is not the standard of care yet. But it may become the standard of care in the days to come.

Another thing to think about for MGUS patients: Are there ways to identify what causes MGUS patients to evolve to SMM and then to overt myeloma, and to develop means of interrupting the progression cascade? There have been clinical trials on treatments (eg, bisphosphonates, thalidomide, aspirin, and cyclooxygenase inhibitors), but we haven’t found any safe, good treatment to prevent progression yet. With better technologies, we may be able to do that.

Dr. Ascensão. At the DCVAMC often we receive consults for a patient who had a little anemia, diabetes, renal disease, and the serum protein electrophoresis reveals a very small peak. How often should you follow patients? Do you do a complete workup the moment you see an MGUS or do you wait until they reach SMM?

Dr. Mehta. I don’t think every patient needs a complete workup. If you have obviously identifiable reasons for the anemia or the renal failure, then it’s less likely to be suspicious for myeloma. But patients with M spikes > 1 g/dL deserve a workup with a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy and at least bone X-rays, although MRIs would be even better.



I would differentiate based on the amount of M protein. Higher M protein patients deserve to have at least a bone marrow aspirate and bone study. Patients
with M protein > 1g/dL deserve to be seen every 3 to 4 months. I see patients with tiny little peaks every 6 months. And then, after 1 or 2 years, I turn over their care to the primary care doctor to follow. If we had research protocols to look at those patients and find the methods for progression, which I had at one point, then of course, we could see them more often and try to unravel the mystery.

Use of Imaging

Dr. Ascensão. That’s pretty close to what we do at DCVAMC. What do you think is the role for a bone survey as opposed to MRIs and positron emission tomography (PET) scans in this setting?

Dr. Mehta. In the real world X-rays are more accessible and much less expensive. So for the patient with very low risk who doesn’t have any complaints and
who has a low M spike, I think a bone survey is adequate. But you need about 30% to 40% bone destruction before you’re going to find anything on the X-ray.
MRIs are much more sensitive, plus they tell you about bone marrow involvement, but that should be reserved for the patient who has symptoms or a high
M protein. At Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System we simply can’t get PET scans for myeloma patients. At the myeloma center across the street from us, PET scans are used for routine evaluations.

Dr. Chauncey. I agree with Dr. Mehta. At VA Puget Sound Healthcare System (VAPSHCS) there isn’t a problem getting PET scans, but we probably get far fewer
scans than Arkansas. I still like the skeletal survey because it directs you where to look for potential pathologic fracture. It’s definitely not as sensitive as the dedicated myeloma MRI, but it’s a lot easier to get at VAPSHCS, especially as a screening tool.

Dr. Ascensão. Right, I believe there are some issues about the number of osteolytic lesions that may drive diagnosis.

Dr. Mehta. For patients with high M protein, I always request MRI. But the correlation is poorer in patients who have lower M protein. I try to limit it to the patients who have symptoms or high M protein, but I don’t have any evidence-based data to prove that’s the right way.

Dr. Ascensão. If you were going to start treatment of SMM that you believe is evolving to a more regular myeloma, do you do anything different than you would for any of the patients that you have identified as having active myeloma? Do you have different protocols for those patients as opposed to patients who present de novo with active myeloma?

Dr. Mehta. Those patients should be treated with the same drugs, an IMiD and a steroid. And the question is plus or minus a proteasome inhibitor. Studies have shown that an IMiD with a steroid gets much better results than using observation alone. Whether you would get even better results with the proteasome inhibitor remains to be seen. Maybe we can do that study.

Dr. Chauncey. We strive to identify high-risk SMM patients and treat them accordingly. Alternatively, physicians are pulling the trigger for therapy earlier and earlier and when they come for transplant with a diagnosis of MM, it is critical to review the initial diagnostic information. Most transplant centers have experience with this phenomena and know that they don’t want to transplant a non-high-risk SMM or any MGUS. However, by the time the patient is referred for transplantation, the initial clinical data are sometimes obscured or inaccessible.

Dr. Ascensão. We also look into the bone bearing areas, which allows us to make sure that if the patient has hip problems, we can work on how to approach them, whether we want to radiate those patients to prevent fractures.



Use of Bisphosphonates

Dr. Cosgriff. Myeloma metastasizes to bone, and it is one of the common sites of metastatic disease. It poses some interesting complications, whether it is from hypercalcemia due to metastatic sites, or pain syndromes. Bisphosphonates are indicated for myeloma, and they have been for years. Interestingly, unlike some of the other disease, the use of bisphosphonates induces apoptosis in myeloma. So we have seen some disease control with these agents.

The 2 bisphosphonates that are available for use are pamidronate and zoledronic acid. At the VA Portland Health Care System (VAPORHCS), we have been
using pamidronate exclusively for individuals with myeloma. There was a 2003 paper that evaluated the use of bisphosphonates for skeletal-related events in myeloma and in patients with metastatic breast cancer.2 In the subset analysis of myeloma patients with the bisphosphonates, there was no difference between pamidronate and zoledronic acid.

At the time, zoledronic acid was significantly more expensive than pamidronate, and so VAPORHCS opted to use pamidronate as a cost-saving measure. But there are the other reasons for picking pamidronate: Zoledronic acid has some dose recommendations and guidelines for individuals with renal failure, which is often a significant problem in patients with myeloma as well. To get around dose adjustments that need to be made for zoledronic acid, VAPORHCS switched to pamidronate, which is looser with the recommendations on renal failure.

Earlier use criteria, like the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, stated that if the renal failure was due to the disease itself and not some other outlying factor, a full 90-mg dose of pamidronate could still be used. That comment has since been removed. We still pay attention to it and reduce pamidronate dosing to 60 mg for patients with renal failure.

The prices for zoledronic acid have dropped significantly since it became a generic. The nice thing about zoledronic acid is that it has a short infusion time of 15 minutes. As chair space becomes a problem—VAPHCS has significant issues with that—zoledronic acid looks more and more attractive. The FDA label states that pamidronate should be infused over 4 hours, but VAPHCS typically has been infusing it for 3 hours.

It should be noted that denosumab (XGEVA), a monoclonal antibody that also is targeted for hypercalcemia, has been specifically excluded for myeloma. It
has no FDA indication for myeloma. It does have an indication for hypercalcemia. Whether or not you can state that the patient with myeloma is hypercalcemic, and that’s the reason you want to use it, it starts crossing into some gray area. The drug is still significantly more expensive and it seems to have similar efficacy rates compared with both pamidronate and zoledronic acid, so VAPHCS limits its use to individuals who would otherwise be contraindicated to zoledronic acid or pamidronate due to renal failure.

Dr. Ascensão. How often do you give it, every month, every 3 months?

Dr. Cosgriff. Currently, VAPORHCS is giving bisphosphonates every month whether in the chemotherapy unit or in the short stay unit. We are starting to reevaluate that. I have heard some emerging data that suggest we can use it once a quarter and get the same results. Those data are still emerging. It would be nice to be able to reduce the infusion frequency. But bisphosphonates adhere to bone and get incorporated into the bone matrix and stay there for an extended period of time, upwards of 6 months to a year, as with zoledronic acid.




Dr. Ascensão. Do you require dental clearance prior to first dose?

Dr. Cosgriff. Bisphosphonates have a warning for 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Risk factors for the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw include poor dentition or major dental work, like extractions and illfitting dentures but not necessarily root canals. Ill-fitting dentures tend to rub on the gums and irritate the bone layer underneath. It’s the irritation of the bone that’s the biggest risk factor for osteonecrosis of the jaw.

We require that patients see the dentist because we’ve had individuals develop osteonecrosis eventhough we thought they had good dentition. If a patient is seeing a dentist outside of the VA system, we ask them to notify their dentist that they’re receiving bisphosphonates. Because of the risk and because we’ve had some individuals with good dentition develop it, VAPORHCS requires all patients, particularly those who are receiving zoledronic acid, to have dental evaluations. Denosumab also has a listed 2% incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, so those individuals also need to be evaluated by our dental service.

Dr. Ascensão. The DCVAMC has the same problem. I have a patient that presented primarily with a plasmacytoma, and we tried to get him to see the dentist. The dentist said, ‘You’ve got to get your teeth pulled.’ The patient has tried to see outside dentists and is finding all kinds of excuses because he would like to have implants.

Dr. Cosgriff. Anytime that you somehow damage or irritate that bone, that becomes a risk factor for the development of osteonecrosis. And for those individuals, we delay the bisphosphonate. If they’re having pain syndrome, we try to support them with opiates. We would love to be able to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—they have really good efficacy against bone pain—but renal function and renal failures prevent the use of those in a majority of patients. We start bisphosphonates as soon as dental clears them.

Dr. Mehta. Isn’t there a contraindication for denosumab and some evidence that it may worsen MM outcomes?

Dr. Cosgriff. When the drug first came on the market, it specifically stated in the package insert that it is not to be used in MM (it doesn’t state it specifically anymore). There is a thought that maybe some underlying mechanism exists that might stimulate some of the myeloma problems, which is why I get a little concerned when people say, “Well, I’m using it for hypercalcemia, I’m not using it to treat or to prevent a skeletal-related event in patients with myeloma.” That becomes a gray area and in that type of situation, I would recommend treating the hypercalcemia with a single dose and then switching the
patient to a bisphosphonate.

Dr. Mehta. And of course, bisphosphonates also lower calcium. They can be used to treat hypercalcemia.

Dr. Cosgriff. Yes. Zoledronic acid does have limitations in renal failure, though pamidronate doesn’t have quite the same limitations. The VAPORHCS tries to
use exclusively for hypercalcemia as well. The data show that when using zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate, you end up with the same outcomes as far as hypercalcemia. The zoledronic acid onset of action is a little faster, around 12 to 24 hours vs 48 to 72 hours with pamidronate, but you can get around that by using calcitonin over a short period; 48 hours is typically the maximum efficacy for calcitonin in treating hypercalcemia. So we use pamidronate in place of that, supplementing with calcitonin.

The result is that at 7 days, pamidronate and zoledronic acid show the same efficacy rates for treating hypercalcemia. But the renal function sometimes prevents us from doing that. Denosumab does become an option for hypercalcemia, but again, I caution against its use for treating hypercalcemia in patients with myeloma due to the risk of advancing the myeloma.



Bone Marrow Transplant

Dr. Ascensão. Do you transplant for 1 or 2 bone marrows? What’s the best maintenance regimen postallograft, and when do you start? Do you use lenalidomide the first month of the transplant or do you wait until day 100?

Dr. Chauncey. From my perspective, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has never really lost prominence. It is true that the concept of marrow transplantation for MM has been around for more than 20 years for those patients with first best response (Note that I’ll use best response rather than first remission). The concept was developed in an era when we had much less effective therapy, and in comparative trials, progressionfree survival was consistently superior and occasionally, overall survival was better with transplantation. As treatments got better, responses got better, and there were regular questions as to whether we still needed transplantation. But the data show that as responses got better, the progression-free survivals continued to improve, and transplantation still adds something to initial therapy.

Probably the most current data are from the Dana Farber- IFM trial for which Nikhil Munshi, MD, is an investigator. The trial includes induction with lenalidomide/bortezomib/dexamethasone, which is one of the more aggressive induction regimens. When upfront transplant vs delayed transplant are compared, it seems the preliminary data still favor having an upfront transplant after initial induction therapy.

The consensus is that autologous transplantation adds to the better response that we see with better induction therapy. Overall survival has become a less accessible endpoint since the initial trials, and that’s really a consequence of having better salvage therapy, and the confounding effects of subsequent treatments. We have so many options for salvage therapy that it’s now very hard to look at overall survival as an endpoint in trials of initial therapy.

A sometimes contentious question when it comes to payers, and less so in the VA, is how many transplants to do as part of initial therapy? Little Rock and the French did some of the pioneering work on tandem transplants. The BMT CTN 0702–StaMINA trial looks at this directly, and is mature and should be presented soon [Editorial Note: Preliminary results were presented at the American Society of Hematology meeting on December 6, 2016].

The approach at VAPSHCS and most other transplant centers has typically been to harvest a sufficient quantity of peripheral blood stem cells to do 2 transplants. If less than a very good partial response is achieved after the first transplant, then we do a second transplant in tandem fashion.

One exception would be for plasma cell leukemia, which is very aggressive. In that case, we would routinely perform tandem transplantation. We are unlikely to ever have a randomized trial that compares 1 vs 2 transplants in that particular setting.

Another question is whether a second autologous transplantation can be useful in a nontandem fashion, and there is a large amount of retrospective data about its use as salvage treatment. In eras when there were not as many effective therapies, salvage autologous transplant was more attractive. As new therapies came along, its use has somewhat waned, but there’s been renewed interest because dose-intensive melphalan with autologous rescue is relatively safe and not cross-resistant to other therapies. It also offers the option of a drug holiday after the transplant, whereas salvage drug therapy is typically continuous.

There is no universal agreement on nontandem second transplantation, there are no consistent algorithms to say when it is appropriate, but it’s worth discussing with the transplant programs, especially if there is a lot of toxicity with current salvage therapy.

The last question is the role of allogeneic transplantation, and while I’m generally a proponent of allogeneic transplantation for many diseases, in spite of some really significant efforts, the majority of allogeneic data for MM has not been very positive. The large BMT-CTN 0102 trial compared tandem autologous transplant at first response to a single autologous transplantation followed by reduced-intensity autologous transplantation from a matched sibling. This study was limited in part by enrollment bias, but the published results did not favor an allogeneic approach.3 Although there was less relapse in the allogeneic setting, the mortality of allogeneic transplant was not overcome by the decrease in relapse. Neither progression-free or overall survivals at 3 years were better in the allogeneic group.

Despite small studies showing feasibility and promising results, it’s currently very hard to advocate for allogeneic transplantation in MM. There are certainly centers that continue to have their own approach, with some in the U.S. that are pioneering tweaks on allogeneic regimens and graft engineering, but the data are typically small and anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that there won’t ultimately be a better way to do allogeneic transplantation in MM, but rather that we don’t currently know the best way to approach this strategy.



Next Steps in Myeloma Treatment

Dr. Ascensão. There are some people who are now starting to talk about a cure for myeloma. I’m not sure we’re there yet. Certainly, it’s a chronic disease that, if we can take care of the complications and maybe by starting treatment early. I’m not sure Agent Orange-exposed patients do better or worse. That’s something that needs to be researched if we can find a way to compare within this group and within the type of treatment that patients get.

Is it reasonable to start looking for minimal residual disease in cells? Should we shoot for the best response? I think one of the points that Dr. Chauncey made a number of times, and I agree, is that our patient population may not be able to tolerate some of the more aggressive therapies. Perhaps we need to find a slightly different version of this algorithm for VA patients.

Dr. Chauncey. There’s a diverse biology for both veterans and nonveterans alike. There are patients for whom a deeper response will lead to longer remission and better survival, and there are others whose disease will smolder with a lower tumor burden and not progress quickly. A lot of the early gene expression profiling data on this comes from Little Rock. Unfortunately, determination of an individual’s biology is not readily accessible in the clinic, and we are typically unable to clearly define each patient’s inherent disease biology.

Dr. Mehta. We just don’t have the answers as to exactly what to do with the information that we get except watch more closely and treat a little bit earlier. We don’t even know the significance of minimal residue disease and how often to test for it and if it correlates truly with longer-term survival. These are great research questions. We need to accumulate the data and try to analyze it. We need to participate in the big data programs.

Dr. Ascensão. The other thing, of course, is now we have new immunotherapy approaches beyond transplant, which includes some of the checkpoint inhibitors and there’s some exciting data coming out. So I think the future looks good.

We all are committed to treating our patients, our veterans, to the best of our abilities. And I think the VA has done a very good job in allowing us to do this for our patients and allowing us to provide the best treatments available out there.


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1. Mateos MV, Hernández MT, Giraldo P, et al. Lenalidomide plus dexamethasone versus observation in patients with high-risk smouldering multiple myeloma (QuiRedex): long-term follow-up of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(8):1127-1136.

2. Rosen LS, Gordon D, Kaminski M, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate disodium in the treatment of skeletal complications in patients with advanced multiple myeloma or breast carcinoma: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter, comparative trial. Cancer. 2003;98(8):1735-1744.

3. Krishnan A, Pasquini MC, Logan B, et al; Blood Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN). Autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation followed by allogeneic or autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma (BMT CTN 0102): a phase 3 biological assignment trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011;12(13):1195-11203.


1. Mateos MV, Hernández MT, Giraldo P, et al. Lenalidomide plus dexamethasone versus observation in patients with high-risk smouldering multiple myeloma (QuiRedex): long-term follow-up of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(8):1127-1136.

2. Rosen LS, Gordon D, Kaminski M, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate disodium in the treatment of skeletal complications in patients with advanced multiple myeloma or breast carcinoma: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter, comparative trial. Cancer. 2003;98(8):1735-1744.

3. Krishnan A, Pasquini MC, Logan B, et al; Blood Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN). Autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation followed by allogeneic or autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma (BMT CTN 0102): a phase 3 biological assignment trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011;12(13):1195-11203.

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Treatment and Management of Multiple Myeloma
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Treatment and Management of Multiple Myeloma
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