The unique approach involved in age-specific concerns surrounding young patients with breast cancer

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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 09:26

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Dr. Partridge: We’re here today to have a conversation about the unique or age-specific issues that face our young patients and survivors with breast cancer.

Olivia, let’s get started. What kinds of things do we need to think about when we’re seeing a young patient in clinic, beyond the usual things we think about for patients with breast cancer?

Dr. Pagani: The idea of selecting age as a determinant of care of young women is because they have specific issues, which are different from older, premenopausal patients but also older patients in general. We need to take care of many things, which can go from their job, family, fertility, and all these things are specific to these women and can impact their treatment, survivorship issues, side effects, and long-term problems. It’s a different world, compared with other patients with breast cancer.

Dr. Partridge: One of the areas that you and I have been very deep in the weeds in is the fertility issues. That’s obviously one of the things that’s pretty age-specific. There are some new data around that that we’re excited about. What do we think about when we think about trying to have a pregnancy or not after a breast cancer diagnosis?

Dr. Pagani: Yeah. I think it’s great times for that because we succeeded in building up a very important trial, which broke a taboo that was there for many, many decades: You had breast cancer so forget your pregnancy desire.

Despite many retrospective data from many groups that suggested pregnancy after breast cancer was not detrimental, there were so many obstacles for these women to address their pregnancy desire. I think we succeeded in explaining and showing in a quite solid way that if you desire a baby after breast cancer, you can try to have him or her.

Dr. Partridge: This was called the POSITIVE trial, with early findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine this past year, which was very exciting. Let’s dig a little deeper into that. Is this relevant for all patients with breast cancer or select patients with breast cancer who want to get pregnant?

Dr. Pagani: The accrual of the trial was open to all patients with stage I-III disease, but the majority of the patients were low risk, which means that the majority were node negative with small tumors. I think, so far, we can say that in low-risk women, pregnancy after breast cancer can be discussed and planned.

Summarizing, I think the evidence is for low-risk patients with early breast cancer. A minority had huge tumors or node-positive disease.

Dr. Partridge: It’s nice to be able to have these data to say a temporary interruption of endocrine therapy – not coming off forever, getting back on – was not associated with any worsening in terms of their breast cancer events in the future, which is great news for the women who are diagnosed when they’re trying to get pregnant and build their families or not having completed their families. It’s been fantastic.

What about for our patients with advanced disease who come in, and we’re treating them more to try and manage the cancer and improve their survival and quality of life, but cure may not be the goal. How do we manage the fertility issues for them?

Dr. Pagani: This is, I think, still an open issue despite overall survival for many women with advanced disease, especially HER2 positive or endocrine responsive; it is improving and it’s getting better and better. There are few women with oligometastatic disease that can be cured.

We are not yet there. At the Advanced Breast Cancer conference, we started to open the door to say that fertility should be discussed with patients with advanced breast cancer as well. We cannot recommend to patients with advanced breast cancer to pursue a pregnancy.

We have no data. For sure, this needs to be taken into account and discussed openly with all the patients who desire to discuss this.

Dr. Partridge: Yes. To help people to either grieve their losses or find alternative ways to build their family, I think, is something that we focus on.

How to optimize the plan of care for young patients

Dr. Partridge: Shifting gears into the psychosocial, we know that our young women of all stages have a harder time adjusting to a breast cancer diagnosis for good reason. It’s not normative at all to be dealing with a lot of the slings and arrows that our young women deal with at the age that they do. How do you manage that in your clinic, Olivia?

Dr. Pagani: Well, I think it’s always tough. One of the problems, which is also true for early breast cancer in general, which I think is common to you as well, is that in our society many women get breast cancer before even having thought of their family planning. That’s many of them in our reality.

In other countries, maybe they have already two to three children. In our countries, they are aged 30-35 years with no children, no stable relationship, and then are faced with all these things, and their pregnancy desire can be blown up because they understand there is no time, especially if they are metastatic. This can be devastating.

We are not very good at that yet. I think we need to develop better tools, better competence, and knowledge to support them to this extent as well.

Dr. Partridge: I know that whether people want kids or not, the diagnosis of breast cancer has financial toxicity and the inconvenience of going through this kind of experience while managing a busy life. Many of our patients, especially our young patients, are trying to develop their careers, to graduate from schools, and to grow a nest egg. They’re not retired yet, on average.

I agree that we have a large amount of work to do. The one thing I try and do is always bring in our social workers and our psychosocial supportive care providers for our young patients; not that I don’t bring them in for everybody that needs them, but our young patients on average seem to need them a little bit more just because it can be just so hard on them from a psychosocial and emotional standpoint, don’t you think?



Dr. Pagani: Yes, I think so. Do you have any specific program going on at Harvard?

Dr. Partridge: We do. We’ve built a program for young women that focuses on their unique and specific needs that capitalizes on groups that are already there. We have a social work department. We just have smoothed the pathway, and we send our young people in there more quickly and have some dedicated support groups and one-to-one interventions where patients can guide other young patients. We’ve built out the supportive care for these young patients and programming.

The other big area we’ve developed that’s not unique to young age but certainly enhanced in our young patients is genetics. We have a big genetic component at our cancer center. The young patients, more so than any other group, need to have the genetic counseling and the genetic testing not only to know about future risks and about their families but also to inform their treatment decisions these days. Do you want to comment on that?

Dr. Pagani: Yes, of course. Genetic counseling, especially for the most common BRCA1 and BRCA2, can change their local treatment (e.g., bilateral mastectomy instead of conservative surgery) but they have also to take care of their ovaries. They need to think of prophylactic oophorectomy, which makes fertility and pregnancy even more complicated. For them, it’s much more complex to address everything.

I think it’s really very complex, and I think we need a better understanding of all the nuances. Sometimes, we really do not consider, as you mentioned, that not every woman desires to have a baby.

The occurrence of breast cancer can wake up a desire that was not conscious but becomes conscious because you feel that you will not be able to do that. With the social support, the psychological support, and support groups – we have a very strong breast cancer support group for younger women — they could face these things. The young women support group was supportive of the POSITIVE trial: they helped to develop and financed a video, which was very helpful to promote POSITIVE.

I think that having a relationship or a network between patients, health professionals, social workers, and psychologists can help everyone, including those who want to become mothers, those who cannot, and those who do not want to.

Dr. Partridge: I think that’s great, Olivia. I think you rounded it out by just shining a light on these issues for our young patients and elevating it to being okay to talk about these issues. I think historically, it’s been: “You’ve got breast cancer, forget about this. We just need to get you to a better survival.”

We’re increasingly recognizing for patients of all ages, but particularly our young patients, that just surviving through breast cancer or cancer in general is not enough. We need to help people live the best and fullest life possible in their survivorship.

Education and communication: Key aspects moving forward

Dr. Pagani: I think another issue we need really to improve is health professional competence and knowledge. After you presented the POSITIVE trial in San Antonio, I had many calls with patients. They told me, “Well, I had this information, but my gynecologist, my oncologist, or my general practitioner still discouraged me.” This is a great barrier.

I think we need to do more to teach the health professionals. Otherwise, what we do is never enough because it will be blocked. They are scared and they do not want to go against their doctors. I think this is a very big conflict.

Dr. Partridge: That’s a really important point, and I appreciate you bringing it up. We as clinicians and educators who are building the research base need to really get it out there.

Dr. Pagani is a professor at the University of Geneva. Dr. Partridge is professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and vice chair of clinical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, both in Boston. Dr. Pagani reported conflicts of interest with PRIME, Roche, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Takeda, Pfizer, and Debiopharm. Dr. Partridge reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Dr. Partridge: We’re here today to have a conversation about the unique or age-specific issues that face our young patients and survivors with breast cancer.

Olivia, let’s get started. What kinds of things do we need to think about when we’re seeing a young patient in clinic, beyond the usual things we think about for patients with breast cancer?

Dr. Pagani: The idea of selecting age as a determinant of care of young women is because they have specific issues, which are different from older, premenopausal patients but also older patients in general. We need to take care of many things, which can go from their job, family, fertility, and all these things are specific to these women and can impact their treatment, survivorship issues, side effects, and long-term problems. It’s a different world, compared with other patients with breast cancer.

Dr. Partridge: One of the areas that you and I have been very deep in the weeds in is the fertility issues. That’s obviously one of the things that’s pretty age-specific. There are some new data around that that we’re excited about. What do we think about when we think about trying to have a pregnancy or not after a breast cancer diagnosis?

Dr. Pagani: Yeah. I think it’s great times for that because we succeeded in building up a very important trial, which broke a taboo that was there for many, many decades: You had breast cancer so forget your pregnancy desire.

Despite many retrospective data from many groups that suggested pregnancy after breast cancer was not detrimental, there were so many obstacles for these women to address their pregnancy desire. I think we succeeded in explaining and showing in a quite solid way that if you desire a baby after breast cancer, you can try to have him or her.

Dr. Partridge: This was called the POSITIVE trial, with early findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine this past year, which was very exciting. Let’s dig a little deeper into that. Is this relevant for all patients with breast cancer or select patients with breast cancer who want to get pregnant?

Dr. Pagani: The accrual of the trial was open to all patients with stage I-III disease, but the majority of the patients were low risk, which means that the majority were node negative with small tumors. I think, so far, we can say that in low-risk women, pregnancy after breast cancer can be discussed and planned.

Summarizing, I think the evidence is for low-risk patients with early breast cancer. A minority had huge tumors or node-positive disease.

Dr. Partridge: It’s nice to be able to have these data to say a temporary interruption of endocrine therapy – not coming off forever, getting back on – was not associated with any worsening in terms of their breast cancer events in the future, which is great news for the women who are diagnosed when they’re trying to get pregnant and build their families or not having completed their families. It’s been fantastic.

What about for our patients with advanced disease who come in, and we’re treating them more to try and manage the cancer and improve their survival and quality of life, but cure may not be the goal. How do we manage the fertility issues for them?

Dr. Pagani: This is, I think, still an open issue despite overall survival for many women with advanced disease, especially HER2 positive or endocrine responsive; it is improving and it’s getting better and better. There are few women with oligometastatic disease that can be cured.

We are not yet there. At the Advanced Breast Cancer conference, we started to open the door to say that fertility should be discussed with patients with advanced breast cancer as well. We cannot recommend to patients with advanced breast cancer to pursue a pregnancy.

We have no data. For sure, this needs to be taken into account and discussed openly with all the patients who desire to discuss this.

Dr. Partridge: Yes. To help people to either grieve their losses or find alternative ways to build their family, I think, is something that we focus on.

How to optimize the plan of care for young patients

Dr. Partridge: Shifting gears into the psychosocial, we know that our young women of all stages have a harder time adjusting to a breast cancer diagnosis for good reason. It’s not normative at all to be dealing with a lot of the slings and arrows that our young women deal with at the age that they do. How do you manage that in your clinic, Olivia?

Dr. Pagani: Well, I think it’s always tough. One of the problems, which is also true for early breast cancer in general, which I think is common to you as well, is that in our society many women get breast cancer before even having thought of their family planning. That’s many of them in our reality.

In other countries, maybe they have already two to three children. In our countries, they are aged 30-35 years with no children, no stable relationship, and then are faced with all these things, and their pregnancy desire can be blown up because they understand there is no time, especially if they are metastatic. This can be devastating.

We are not very good at that yet. I think we need to develop better tools, better competence, and knowledge to support them to this extent as well.

Dr. Partridge: I know that whether people want kids or not, the diagnosis of breast cancer has financial toxicity and the inconvenience of going through this kind of experience while managing a busy life. Many of our patients, especially our young patients, are trying to develop their careers, to graduate from schools, and to grow a nest egg. They’re not retired yet, on average.

I agree that we have a large amount of work to do. The one thing I try and do is always bring in our social workers and our psychosocial supportive care providers for our young patients; not that I don’t bring them in for everybody that needs them, but our young patients on average seem to need them a little bit more just because it can be just so hard on them from a psychosocial and emotional standpoint, don’t you think?



Dr. Pagani: Yes, I think so. Do you have any specific program going on at Harvard?

Dr. Partridge: We do. We’ve built a program for young women that focuses on their unique and specific needs that capitalizes on groups that are already there. We have a social work department. We just have smoothed the pathway, and we send our young people in there more quickly and have some dedicated support groups and one-to-one interventions where patients can guide other young patients. We’ve built out the supportive care for these young patients and programming.

The other big area we’ve developed that’s not unique to young age but certainly enhanced in our young patients is genetics. We have a big genetic component at our cancer center. The young patients, more so than any other group, need to have the genetic counseling and the genetic testing not only to know about future risks and about their families but also to inform their treatment decisions these days. Do you want to comment on that?

Dr. Pagani: Yes, of course. Genetic counseling, especially for the most common BRCA1 and BRCA2, can change their local treatment (e.g., bilateral mastectomy instead of conservative surgery) but they have also to take care of their ovaries. They need to think of prophylactic oophorectomy, which makes fertility and pregnancy even more complicated. For them, it’s much more complex to address everything.

I think it’s really very complex, and I think we need a better understanding of all the nuances. Sometimes, we really do not consider, as you mentioned, that not every woman desires to have a baby.

The occurrence of breast cancer can wake up a desire that was not conscious but becomes conscious because you feel that you will not be able to do that. With the social support, the psychological support, and support groups – we have a very strong breast cancer support group for younger women — they could face these things. The young women support group was supportive of the POSITIVE trial: they helped to develop and financed a video, which was very helpful to promote POSITIVE.

I think that having a relationship or a network between patients, health professionals, social workers, and psychologists can help everyone, including those who want to become mothers, those who cannot, and those who do not want to.

Dr. Partridge: I think that’s great, Olivia. I think you rounded it out by just shining a light on these issues for our young patients and elevating it to being okay to talk about these issues. I think historically, it’s been: “You’ve got breast cancer, forget about this. We just need to get you to a better survival.”

We’re increasingly recognizing for patients of all ages, but particularly our young patients, that just surviving through breast cancer or cancer in general is not enough. We need to help people live the best and fullest life possible in their survivorship.

Education and communication: Key aspects moving forward

Dr. Pagani: I think another issue we need really to improve is health professional competence and knowledge. After you presented the POSITIVE trial in San Antonio, I had many calls with patients. They told me, “Well, I had this information, but my gynecologist, my oncologist, or my general practitioner still discouraged me.” This is a great barrier.

I think we need to do more to teach the health professionals. Otherwise, what we do is never enough because it will be blocked. They are scared and they do not want to go against their doctors. I think this is a very big conflict.

Dr. Partridge: That’s a really important point, and I appreciate you bringing it up. We as clinicians and educators who are building the research base need to really get it out there.

Dr. Pagani is a professor at the University of Geneva. Dr. Partridge is professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and vice chair of clinical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, both in Boston. Dr. Pagani reported conflicts of interest with PRIME, Roche, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Takeda, Pfizer, and Debiopharm. Dr. Partridge reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Dr. Partridge: We’re here today to have a conversation about the unique or age-specific issues that face our young patients and survivors with breast cancer.

Olivia, let’s get started. What kinds of things do we need to think about when we’re seeing a young patient in clinic, beyond the usual things we think about for patients with breast cancer?

Dr. Pagani: The idea of selecting age as a determinant of care of young women is because they have specific issues, which are different from older, premenopausal patients but also older patients in general. We need to take care of many things, which can go from their job, family, fertility, and all these things are specific to these women and can impact their treatment, survivorship issues, side effects, and long-term problems. It’s a different world, compared with other patients with breast cancer.

Dr. Partridge: One of the areas that you and I have been very deep in the weeds in is the fertility issues. That’s obviously one of the things that’s pretty age-specific. There are some new data around that that we’re excited about. What do we think about when we think about trying to have a pregnancy or not after a breast cancer diagnosis?

Dr. Pagani: Yeah. I think it’s great times for that because we succeeded in building up a very important trial, which broke a taboo that was there for many, many decades: You had breast cancer so forget your pregnancy desire.

Despite many retrospective data from many groups that suggested pregnancy after breast cancer was not detrimental, there were so many obstacles for these women to address their pregnancy desire. I think we succeeded in explaining and showing in a quite solid way that if you desire a baby after breast cancer, you can try to have him or her.

Dr. Partridge: This was called the POSITIVE trial, with early findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine this past year, which was very exciting. Let’s dig a little deeper into that. Is this relevant for all patients with breast cancer or select patients with breast cancer who want to get pregnant?

Dr. Pagani: The accrual of the trial was open to all patients with stage I-III disease, but the majority of the patients were low risk, which means that the majority were node negative with small tumors. I think, so far, we can say that in low-risk women, pregnancy after breast cancer can be discussed and planned.

Summarizing, I think the evidence is for low-risk patients with early breast cancer. A minority had huge tumors or node-positive disease.

Dr. Partridge: It’s nice to be able to have these data to say a temporary interruption of endocrine therapy – not coming off forever, getting back on – was not associated with any worsening in terms of their breast cancer events in the future, which is great news for the women who are diagnosed when they’re trying to get pregnant and build their families or not having completed their families. It’s been fantastic.

What about for our patients with advanced disease who come in, and we’re treating them more to try and manage the cancer and improve their survival and quality of life, but cure may not be the goal. How do we manage the fertility issues for them?

Dr. Pagani: This is, I think, still an open issue despite overall survival for many women with advanced disease, especially HER2 positive or endocrine responsive; it is improving and it’s getting better and better. There are few women with oligometastatic disease that can be cured.

We are not yet there. At the Advanced Breast Cancer conference, we started to open the door to say that fertility should be discussed with patients with advanced breast cancer as well. We cannot recommend to patients with advanced breast cancer to pursue a pregnancy.

We have no data. For sure, this needs to be taken into account and discussed openly with all the patients who desire to discuss this.

Dr. Partridge: Yes. To help people to either grieve their losses or find alternative ways to build their family, I think, is something that we focus on.

How to optimize the plan of care for young patients

Dr. Partridge: Shifting gears into the psychosocial, we know that our young women of all stages have a harder time adjusting to a breast cancer diagnosis for good reason. It’s not normative at all to be dealing with a lot of the slings and arrows that our young women deal with at the age that they do. How do you manage that in your clinic, Olivia?

Dr. Pagani: Well, I think it’s always tough. One of the problems, which is also true for early breast cancer in general, which I think is common to you as well, is that in our society many women get breast cancer before even having thought of their family planning. That’s many of them in our reality.

In other countries, maybe they have already two to three children. In our countries, they are aged 30-35 years with no children, no stable relationship, and then are faced with all these things, and their pregnancy desire can be blown up because they understand there is no time, especially if they are metastatic. This can be devastating.

We are not very good at that yet. I think we need to develop better tools, better competence, and knowledge to support them to this extent as well.

Dr. Partridge: I know that whether people want kids or not, the diagnosis of breast cancer has financial toxicity and the inconvenience of going through this kind of experience while managing a busy life. Many of our patients, especially our young patients, are trying to develop their careers, to graduate from schools, and to grow a nest egg. They’re not retired yet, on average.

I agree that we have a large amount of work to do. The one thing I try and do is always bring in our social workers and our psychosocial supportive care providers for our young patients; not that I don’t bring them in for everybody that needs them, but our young patients on average seem to need them a little bit more just because it can be just so hard on them from a psychosocial and emotional standpoint, don’t you think?



Dr. Pagani: Yes, I think so. Do you have any specific program going on at Harvard?

Dr. Partridge: We do. We’ve built a program for young women that focuses on their unique and specific needs that capitalizes on groups that are already there. We have a social work department. We just have smoothed the pathway, and we send our young people in there more quickly and have some dedicated support groups and one-to-one interventions where patients can guide other young patients. We’ve built out the supportive care for these young patients and programming.

The other big area we’ve developed that’s not unique to young age but certainly enhanced in our young patients is genetics. We have a big genetic component at our cancer center. The young patients, more so than any other group, need to have the genetic counseling and the genetic testing not only to know about future risks and about their families but also to inform their treatment decisions these days. Do you want to comment on that?

Dr. Pagani: Yes, of course. Genetic counseling, especially for the most common BRCA1 and BRCA2, can change their local treatment (e.g., bilateral mastectomy instead of conservative surgery) but they have also to take care of their ovaries. They need to think of prophylactic oophorectomy, which makes fertility and pregnancy even more complicated. For them, it’s much more complex to address everything.

I think it’s really very complex, and I think we need a better understanding of all the nuances. Sometimes, we really do not consider, as you mentioned, that not every woman desires to have a baby.

The occurrence of breast cancer can wake up a desire that was not conscious but becomes conscious because you feel that you will not be able to do that. With the social support, the psychological support, and support groups – we have a very strong breast cancer support group for younger women — they could face these things. The young women support group was supportive of the POSITIVE trial: they helped to develop and financed a video, which was very helpful to promote POSITIVE.

I think that having a relationship or a network between patients, health professionals, social workers, and psychologists can help everyone, including those who want to become mothers, those who cannot, and those who do not want to.

Dr. Partridge: I think that’s great, Olivia. I think you rounded it out by just shining a light on these issues for our young patients and elevating it to being okay to talk about these issues. I think historically, it’s been: “You’ve got breast cancer, forget about this. We just need to get you to a better survival.”

We’re increasingly recognizing for patients of all ages, but particularly our young patients, that just surviving through breast cancer or cancer in general is not enough. We need to help people live the best and fullest life possible in their survivorship.

Education and communication: Key aspects moving forward

Dr. Pagani: I think another issue we need really to improve is health professional competence and knowledge. After you presented the POSITIVE trial in San Antonio, I had many calls with patients. They told me, “Well, I had this information, but my gynecologist, my oncologist, or my general practitioner still discouraged me.” This is a great barrier.

I think we need to do more to teach the health professionals. Otherwise, what we do is never enough because it will be blocked. They are scared and they do not want to go against their doctors. I think this is a very big conflict.

Dr. Partridge: That’s a really important point, and I appreciate you bringing it up. We as clinicians and educators who are building the research base need to really get it out there.

Dr. Pagani is a professor at the University of Geneva. Dr. Partridge is professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and vice chair of clinical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, both in Boston. Dr. Pagani reported conflicts of interest with PRIME, Roche, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Takeda, Pfizer, and Debiopharm. Dr. Partridge reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on

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