Making invisible problems visible

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Tue, 05/07/2024 - 15:55

How Erika Mosesón, MD, educates on the effects of air pollution and encourages community-level advocacy

Dr. Erika Mosesón, pulmonologist in Portland, Oregon
Dr. Erika Mosesón

For Erika Mosesón, MD, a pulmonologist and ICU doctor, advocacy for clean air and climate action started small: signing petitions and writing letters.

Even as she attended conferences and learned about the health impacts of air pollution, her impression was that experts were handling it. “I didn’t really think my voice was worth highlighting,” Dr. Mosesón said.

But her concerns grew with the repeal of the Clean Power Plan in 2019 and rolled-back federal protections around particulate matter and other environmental guidelines.

In response, Dr. Mosesón moved from writing letters to educating people in her home state of Oregon on the lung-related effects of pollution. She spoke at organization meetings and town halls and met with legislators. One way or another, she knew she needed to get the word out.

After all, problem-causing particulates are teeny-tiny; too small to be seen. “It’s literally invisible,” Dr. Mosesón said. But the impact on patients is not.

That’s how the Air Health Our Health podcast was born.

The podcast has a straightforward tagline — ”Clean air saves lives” — and a blunt recommendation: “If you do nothing else, don’t light things on fire and breathe them into your lungs.”

Giving a voice to the voiceless

In early 2017, the Oregon legislature was considering bills aimed at transitioning from diesel-fueled engines to cleaner alternatives. At the time, Dr. Mosesón was on the executive committee for the Oregon Thoracic Society, and, in partnership with the American Lung Association, she was tapped to speak to legislators about clean air and the health impacts of air pollution.

This role made it clear to her that lawmakers don’t hear diverse perspectives. A trucking company may budget for full-time lobbyists, whereas parents of kids with asthma aren’t in the room.

So there’s an asymmetry to who is and is not heard from, Dr. Mosesón said. That’s why in her conversations and presentations, she advocates for those who might not otherwise be represented in the rooms where big decisions are made.

Automating advocacy

Over time, Dr. Mosesón found her schedule was filling up with meetings and presentations.

“I’m a full-time clinician,” Dr. Mosesón noted. She’s also a parent to three kids. When she was asked to attend a hearing, sometimes her schedule required her to decline. And so, early in the pandemic, the Air Health Our Health podcast and the accompanying website were born.

“The podcast and website were honestly a way to automate advocacy,” Dr. Mosesón said.

In many ways, the pandemic was an ideal time to launch the podcast. For one thing, the idea of podcasting from your closet or living room (as opposed to a professional audio studio) became commonplace. Plus, for a pulmonologist, these years were full of relevant topics like how climate change and particulate matter interacted with COVID-19 , Dr. Mosesón noted.

Then, in 2020, the Labor Day fires led to Oregon’s having the worst air quality in the world. That same year, there were George Floyd protests around the country, including in Portland, which led to rampant use of tear gas and prompted Dr. Mosesón to dig into studies about these chemicals.

Given just how much air pollution affects health — and the continued extreme weather events (such as Oregon’s heat dome in summer 2021) — there was no shortage of topics for the podcast.



Next steps to empower physicians

Confronting climate change is daunting, and it is made more challenging by a partisan environment, distrust of experts, and disinformation. On her podcast, Dr. Mosesón aims to make it easier.

In each episode, she shares information and interviews experts. She shares how a patient might be affected by particular issues — radon, wildfires, and so on. The goal is to provide clinicians with a foundation on everyday issues.

“Every single doctor feels like they can talk to a patient about smoking, even if they don’t know all the deep nitty-gritty studies about it,” Dr. Mosesón said. The exact effects of smoking — cancer, heart disease, and lung disease — occur due to air pollution. “When I give talks, I tell people, if you can talk about smoking, you can talk about air pollution.”

Each podcast also features an array of action items.

Some steps are practical, such as creating a plan for heat events or encouraging radon testing. The solution could also be as simple as asking the right questions.

For example, at a doctor’s visit for asthma, common recommendations are to use a HEPA filter or place a sheet protector on the bed, Dr. Mosesón said. It won’t typically come up that a patient’s asthma may be caused or exacerbated by living beside a highway.

Dr. Mosesón also encourages advocacy. “There are all these different levels [of response],” she said. Next steps might involve writing a letter, contacting a councilperson, or advocating for a program (like retiring gas-powered leaf blowers).

For many patients, their doctor is the only person they routinely interact with who has advanced scientific training. Rather than presenting dry data, Dr. Mosesón recommends framing changes and recommendations in ways that are meaningful to neighbors.

“Each physician or clinician is going to know the values of their community,” Dr. Mosesón said. If you’re in a military town, advocating for electric cars may be easier if framed around decreasing dependence on foreign oil. If the region recently experienced back-to-back heat events, advocating for a cooling center might be galvanizing.

What is Dr. Mosesón’s ultimate goal? Inform others so well that she can retire her podcasting equipment.

“I would love,” Dr. Mosesón said, “for every physician in their local community to be a clean air and climate advocate.”


Be sure to check out a special episode of the Air Health Our Health podcast, where Dr. Mosesón and CHEST Advocates Editor in Chief, Drew Harris, MD, FCCP, discuss the serious health issues impacting coal miners. They take a deep dive into black lung disease and silica dust, highlighting the science and research, prevention efforts and challenges to implementation, and the importance of advocacy work.


This article was adapted from the Winter 2024 online issue of CHEST Advocates. For the full article — and to engage with the other content from this issue — visit


How Erika Mosesón, MD, educates on the effects of air pollution and encourages community-level advocacy

How Erika Mosesón, MD, educates on the effects of air pollution and encourages community-level advocacy

Dr. Erika Mosesón, pulmonologist in Portland, Oregon
Dr. Erika Mosesón

For Erika Mosesón, MD, a pulmonologist and ICU doctor, advocacy for clean air and climate action started small: signing petitions and writing letters.

Even as she attended conferences and learned about the health impacts of air pollution, her impression was that experts were handling it. “I didn’t really think my voice was worth highlighting,” Dr. Mosesón said.

But her concerns grew with the repeal of the Clean Power Plan in 2019 and rolled-back federal protections around particulate matter and other environmental guidelines.

In response, Dr. Mosesón moved from writing letters to educating people in her home state of Oregon on the lung-related effects of pollution. She spoke at organization meetings and town halls and met with legislators. One way or another, she knew she needed to get the word out.

After all, problem-causing particulates are teeny-tiny; too small to be seen. “It’s literally invisible,” Dr. Mosesón said. But the impact on patients is not.

That’s how the Air Health Our Health podcast was born.

The podcast has a straightforward tagline — ”Clean air saves lives” — and a blunt recommendation: “If you do nothing else, don’t light things on fire and breathe them into your lungs.”

Giving a voice to the voiceless

In early 2017, the Oregon legislature was considering bills aimed at transitioning from diesel-fueled engines to cleaner alternatives. At the time, Dr. Mosesón was on the executive committee for the Oregon Thoracic Society, and, in partnership with the American Lung Association, she was tapped to speak to legislators about clean air and the health impacts of air pollution.

This role made it clear to her that lawmakers don’t hear diverse perspectives. A trucking company may budget for full-time lobbyists, whereas parents of kids with asthma aren’t in the room.

So there’s an asymmetry to who is and is not heard from, Dr. Mosesón said. That’s why in her conversations and presentations, she advocates for those who might not otherwise be represented in the rooms where big decisions are made.

Automating advocacy

Over time, Dr. Mosesón found her schedule was filling up with meetings and presentations.

“I’m a full-time clinician,” Dr. Mosesón noted. She’s also a parent to three kids. When she was asked to attend a hearing, sometimes her schedule required her to decline. And so, early in the pandemic, the Air Health Our Health podcast and the accompanying website were born.

“The podcast and website were honestly a way to automate advocacy,” Dr. Mosesón said.

In many ways, the pandemic was an ideal time to launch the podcast. For one thing, the idea of podcasting from your closet or living room (as opposed to a professional audio studio) became commonplace. Plus, for a pulmonologist, these years were full of relevant topics like how climate change and particulate matter interacted with COVID-19 , Dr. Mosesón noted.

Then, in 2020, the Labor Day fires led to Oregon’s having the worst air quality in the world. That same year, there were George Floyd protests around the country, including in Portland, which led to rampant use of tear gas and prompted Dr. Mosesón to dig into studies about these chemicals.

Given just how much air pollution affects health — and the continued extreme weather events (such as Oregon’s heat dome in summer 2021) — there was no shortage of topics for the podcast.



Next steps to empower physicians

Confronting climate change is daunting, and it is made more challenging by a partisan environment, distrust of experts, and disinformation. On her podcast, Dr. Mosesón aims to make it easier.

In each episode, she shares information and interviews experts. She shares how a patient might be affected by particular issues — radon, wildfires, and so on. The goal is to provide clinicians with a foundation on everyday issues.

“Every single doctor feels like they can talk to a patient about smoking, even if they don’t know all the deep nitty-gritty studies about it,” Dr. Mosesón said. The exact effects of smoking — cancer, heart disease, and lung disease — occur due to air pollution. “When I give talks, I tell people, if you can talk about smoking, you can talk about air pollution.”

Each podcast also features an array of action items.

Some steps are practical, such as creating a plan for heat events or encouraging radon testing. The solution could also be as simple as asking the right questions.

For example, at a doctor’s visit for asthma, common recommendations are to use a HEPA filter or place a sheet protector on the bed, Dr. Mosesón said. It won’t typically come up that a patient’s asthma may be caused or exacerbated by living beside a highway.

Dr. Mosesón also encourages advocacy. “There are all these different levels [of response],” she said. Next steps might involve writing a letter, contacting a councilperson, or advocating for a program (like retiring gas-powered leaf blowers).

For many patients, their doctor is the only person they routinely interact with who has advanced scientific training. Rather than presenting dry data, Dr. Mosesón recommends framing changes and recommendations in ways that are meaningful to neighbors.

“Each physician or clinician is going to know the values of their community,” Dr. Mosesón said. If you’re in a military town, advocating for electric cars may be easier if framed around decreasing dependence on foreign oil. If the region recently experienced back-to-back heat events, advocating for a cooling center might be galvanizing.

What is Dr. Mosesón’s ultimate goal? Inform others so well that she can retire her podcasting equipment.

“I would love,” Dr. Mosesón said, “for every physician in their local community to be a clean air and climate advocate.”


Be sure to check out a special episode of the Air Health Our Health podcast, where Dr. Mosesón and CHEST Advocates Editor in Chief, Drew Harris, MD, FCCP, discuss the serious health issues impacting coal miners. They take a deep dive into black lung disease and silica dust, highlighting the science and research, prevention efforts and challenges to implementation, and the importance of advocacy work.


This article was adapted from the Winter 2024 online issue of CHEST Advocates. For the full article — and to engage with the other content from this issue — visit

Dr. Erika Mosesón, pulmonologist in Portland, Oregon
Dr. Erika Mosesón

For Erika Mosesón, MD, a pulmonologist and ICU doctor, advocacy for clean air and climate action started small: signing petitions and writing letters.

Even as she attended conferences and learned about the health impacts of air pollution, her impression was that experts were handling it. “I didn’t really think my voice was worth highlighting,” Dr. Mosesón said.

But her concerns grew with the repeal of the Clean Power Plan in 2019 and rolled-back federal protections around particulate matter and other environmental guidelines.

In response, Dr. Mosesón moved from writing letters to educating people in her home state of Oregon on the lung-related effects of pollution. She spoke at organization meetings and town halls and met with legislators. One way or another, she knew she needed to get the word out.

After all, problem-causing particulates are teeny-tiny; too small to be seen. “It’s literally invisible,” Dr. Mosesón said. But the impact on patients is not.

That’s how the Air Health Our Health podcast was born.

The podcast has a straightforward tagline — ”Clean air saves lives” — and a blunt recommendation: “If you do nothing else, don’t light things on fire and breathe them into your lungs.”

Giving a voice to the voiceless

In early 2017, the Oregon legislature was considering bills aimed at transitioning from diesel-fueled engines to cleaner alternatives. At the time, Dr. Mosesón was on the executive committee for the Oregon Thoracic Society, and, in partnership with the American Lung Association, she was tapped to speak to legislators about clean air and the health impacts of air pollution.

This role made it clear to her that lawmakers don’t hear diverse perspectives. A trucking company may budget for full-time lobbyists, whereas parents of kids with asthma aren’t in the room.

So there’s an asymmetry to who is and is not heard from, Dr. Mosesón said. That’s why in her conversations and presentations, she advocates for those who might not otherwise be represented in the rooms where big decisions are made.

Automating advocacy

Over time, Dr. Mosesón found her schedule was filling up with meetings and presentations.

“I’m a full-time clinician,” Dr. Mosesón noted. She’s also a parent to three kids. When she was asked to attend a hearing, sometimes her schedule required her to decline. And so, early in the pandemic, the Air Health Our Health podcast and the accompanying website were born.

“The podcast and website were honestly a way to automate advocacy,” Dr. Mosesón said.

In many ways, the pandemic was an ideal time to launch the podcast. For one thing, the idea of podcasting from your closet or living room (as opposed to a professional audio studio) became commonplace. Plus, for a pulmonologist, these years were full of relevant topics like how climate change and particulate matter interacted with COVID-19 , Dr. Mosesón noted.

Then, in 2020, the Labor Day fires led to Oregon’s having the worst air quality in the world. That same year, there were George Floyd protests around the country, including in Portland, which led to rampant use of tear gas and prompted Dr. Mosesón to dig into studies about these chemicals.

Given just how much air pollution affects health — and the continued extreme weather events (such as Oregon’s heat dome in summer 2021) — there was no shortage of topics for the podcast.



Next steps to empower physicians

Confronting climate change is daunting, and it is made more challenging by a partisan environment, distrust of experts, and disinformation. On her podcast, Dr. Mosesón aims to make it easier.

In each episode, she shares information and interviews experts. She shares how a patient might be affected by particular issues — radon, wildfires, and so on. The goal is to provide clinicians with a foundation on everyday issues.

“Every single doctor feels like they can talk to a patient about smoking, even if they don’t know all the deep nitty-gritty studies about it,” Dr. Mosesón said. The exact effects of smoking — cancer, heart disease, and lung disease — occur due to air pollution. “When I give talks, I tell people, if you can talk about smoking, you can talk about air pollution.”

Each podcast also features an array of action items.

Some steps are practical, such as creating a plan for heat events or encouraging radon testing. The solution could also be as simple as asking the right questions.

For example, at a doctor’s visit for asthma, common recommendations are to use a HEPA filter or place a sheet protector on the bed, Dr. Mosesón said. It won’t typically come up that a patient’s asthma may be caused or exacerbated by living beside a highway.

Dr. Mosesón also encourages advocacy. “There are all these different levels [of response],” she said. Next steps might involve writing a letter, contacting a councilperson, or advocating for a program (like retiring gas-powered leaf blowers).

For many patients, their doctor is the only person they routinely interact with who has advanced scientific training. Rather than presenting dry data, Dr. Mosesón recommends framing changes and recommendations in ways that are meaningful to neighbors.

“Each physician or clinician is going to know the values of their community,” Dr. Mosesón said. If you’re in a military town, advocating for electric cars may be easier if framed around decreasing dependence on foreign oil. If the region recently experienced back-to-back heat events, advocating for a cooling center might be galvanizing.

What is Dr. Mosesón’s ultimate goal? Inform others so well that she can retire her podcasting equipment.

“I would love,” Dr. Mosesón said, “for every physician in their local community to be a clean air and climate advocate.”


Be sure to check out a special episode of the Air Health Our Health podcast, where Dr. Mosesón and CHEST Advocates Editor in Chief, Drew Harris, MD, FCCP, discuss the serious health issues impacting coal miners. They take a deep dive into black lung disease and silica dust, highlighting the science and research, prevention efforts and challenges to implementation, and the importance of advocacy work.


This article was adapted from the Winter 2024 online issue of CHEST Advocates. For the full article — and to engage with the other content from this issue — visit

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CHEST grant recipient studying increase in lung cancer diagnoses among Chinese American women

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Fri, 04/05/2024 - 13:36

Dr. Chien-Ching Li, Rush University, Chicago
Dr. Chien-Ching Li

In his prior research, Chien-Ching Li, PhD, MPH, focused on promoting lung cancer screening in Chinese American men, a population that frequently smokes heavily. But last year, he applied for a CHEST grant that’s shifting his focus to another demographic: Chinese American women who do not smoke, especially those with limited English proficiency.

“They are developing lung cancer, and we don’t know why,” said Dr. Li, an associate professor of Health Systems Management at Rush University.

In the United States, Asian American women who don’t smoke, and never have, are twice as likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer as white women with similar nonsmoking habits. In fact, 57% of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer never smoked cigarettes.

What’s behind this rise in lung cancer in women who have never smoked compared with men, and particularly in Asian American women? One possibility: While Chinese American women may never smoke themselves, they frequently live with partners or family members who do. (About 28% of Chinese American men smoke heavily, Dr. Li said.)

“We think secondhand smoke might be one of the key risk factors, because they’re living with people who smoke,” Dr. Li said. His prior research shows that the majority of Chinese American men in greater Chicagoland—89%—are married, and many of them smoke or have a history of smoking.

With the CHEST grant Dr. Li received in October 2023, he’s working to increase awareness among Chinese American women about the risks of secondhand smoke and “reduce the health disparity in lung cancer among women,” Dr. Li said.

Developing culturally sensitive materials for a high-risk group

While many lung cancer reduction efforts focus on people who smoke, there are plenty of pamphlets designed to inform about the risks incurred when breathing in secondhand smoke.

These handouts, however, aren’t always available in languages spoken by Chinese Americans. Nor is it as simple as hiring a translator; doing so may make the pamphlets readable to the women, but it won’t necessarily make the text culturally appropriate.

This is what Dr. Li—along with his coinvestigators, Alicia Matthews, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, and Hong Liu, PhD, of the Midwest Asian Health Association—seeks to change, with funding from the CHEST grant. Their goal is four-pronged:

1. Discovery: Dr. Li and his team are currently surveying Chinese American women who have never smoked but who live with people who smoke in greater Chicagoland. These surveys will help them learn more about what (if anything) this group knows about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke and other types of environmental smoke.

2. Identify: These surveys, along with focus group interviews with select participants, will help reveal barriers standing in the way of reducing the women’s exposure to secondhand smoke—as well as ways to encourage habits to reduce risk.

3. Develop: All the information gained through surveys and conversations will then be analyzed and used to craft targeted, translated, and culturally appropriate materials on secondhand smoke, conveying communication strategies the women can use to persuade their partners to quit smoking and ways to build a smoke-free household.

4. Evaluate: The effectiveness of the new materials will be tested to assess the change in the women’s knowledge, as well as any uptick in taking steps to reduce exposure or sign up for screening.



Using the CHEST grant as a building block to more grants—and more information

Dr. Li and his collaborators are still in the early stages of using the CHEST grant: gathering up participants and surveying them.

But there’s much ahead. With the CHEST grant in hand, Dr. Li plans to apply for grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): first, an NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) to help achieve that fourth aim of evaluating how the intervention works. And next, they’ll apply for an NIH Research Project Grant Program (R01), which will fund an even larger trial.

“Not many studies focus on identifying the risk factors with lung cancer associated with Chinese American [women who have never smoked],” Dr. Li said. “This is why we want to focus on this area to provide more knowledge and make more contributions to research.”

Projects like this are made possible by generous contributions from CHEST donors. Support the future of chest medicine by visiting


Dr. Chien-Ching Li, Rush University, Chicago
Dr. Chien-Ching Li

In his prior research, Chien-Ching Li, PhD, MPH, focused on promoting lung cancer screening in Chinese American men, a population that frequently smokes heavily. But last year, he applied for a CHEST grant that’s shifting his focus to another demographic: Chinese American women who do not smoke, especially those with limited English proficiency.

“They are developing lung cancer, and we don’t know why,” said Dr. Li, an associate professor of Health Systems Management at Rush University.

In the United States, Asian American women who don’t smoke, and never have, are twice as likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer as white women with similar nonsmoking habits. In fact, 57% of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer never smoked cigarettes.

What’s behind this rise in lung cancer in women who have never smoked compared with men, and particularly in Asian American women? One possibility: While Chinese American women may never smoke themselves, they frequently live with partners or family members who do. (About 28% of Chinese American men smoke heavily, Dr. Li said.)

“We think secondhand smoke might be one of the key risk factors, because they’re living with people who smoke,” Dr. Li said. His prior research shows that the majority of Chinese American men in greater Chicagoland—89%—are married, and many of them smoke or have a history of smoking.

With the CHEST grant Dr. Li received in October 2023, he’s working to increase awareness among Chinese American women about the risks of secondhand smoke and “reduce the health disparity in lung cancer among women,” Dr. Li said.

Developing culturally sensitive materials for a high-risk group

While many lung cancer reduction efforts focus on people who smoke, there are plenty of pamphlets designed to inform about the risks incurred when breathing in secondhand smoke.

These handouts, however, aren’t always available in languages spoken by Chinese Americans. Nor is it as simple as hiring a translator; doing so may make the pamphlets readable to the women, but it won’t necessarily make the text culturally appropriate.

This is what Dr. Li—along with his coinvestigators, Alicia Matthews, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, and Hong Liu, PhD, of the Midwest Asian Health Association—seeks to change, with funding from the CHEST grant. Their goal is four-pronged:

1. Discovery: Dr. Li and his team are currently surveying Chinese American women who have never smoked but who live with people who smoke in greater Chicagoland. These surveys will help them learn more about what (if anything) this group knows about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke and other types of environmental smoke.

2. Identify: These surveys, along with focus group interviews with select participants, will help reveal barriers standing in the way of reducing the women’s exposure to secondhand smoke—as well as ways to encourage habits to reduce risk.

3. Develop: All the information gained through surveys and conversations will then be analyzed and used to craft targeted, translated, and culturally appropriate materials on secondhand smoke, conveying communication strategies the women can use to persuade their partners to quit smoking and ways to build a smoke-free household.

4. Evaluate: The effectiveness of the new materials will be tested to assess the change in the women’s knowledge, as well as any uptick in taking steps to reduce exposure or sign up for screening.



Using the CHEST grant as a building block to more grants—and more information

Dr. Li and his collaborators are still in the early stages of using the CHEST grant: gathering up participants and surveying them.

But there’s much ahead. With the CHEST grant in hand, Dr. Li plans to apply for grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): first, an NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) to help achieve that fourth aim of evaluating how the intervention works. And next, they’ll apply for an NIH Research Project Grant Program (R01), which will fund an even larger trial.

“Not many studies focus on identifying the risk factors with lung cancer associated with Chinese American [women who have never smoked],” Dr. Li said. “This is why we want to focus on this area to provide more knowledge and make more contributions to research.”

Projects like this are made possible by generous contributions from CHEST donors. Support the future of chest medicine by visiting

Dr. Chien-Ching Li, Rush University, Chicago
Dr. Chien-Ching Li

In his prior research, Chien-Ching Li, PhD, MPH, focused on promoting lung cancer screening in Chinese American men, a population that frequently smokes heavily. But last year, he applied for a CHEST grant that’s shifting his focus to another demographic: Chinese American women who do not smoke, especially those with limited English proficiency.

“They are developing lung cancer, and we don’t know why,” said Dr. Li, an associate professor of Health Systems Management at Rush University.

In the United States, Asian American women who don’t smoke, and never have, are twice as likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer as white women with similar nonsmoking habits. In fact, 57% of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer never smoked cigarettes.

What’s behind this rise in lung cancer in women who have never smoked compared with men, and particularly in Asian American women? One possibility: While Chinese American women may never smoke themselves, they frequently live with partners or family members who do. (About 28% of Chinese American men smoke heavily, Dr. Li said.)

“We think secondhand smoke might be one of the key risk factors, because they’re living with people who smoke,” Dr. Li said. His prior research shows that the majority of Chinese American men in greater Chicagoland—89%—are married, and many of them smoke or have a history of smoking.

With the CHEST grant Dr. Li received in October 2023, he’s working to increase awareness among Chinese American women about the risks of secondhand smoke and “reduce the health disparity in lung cancer among women,” Dr. Li said.

Developing culturally sensitive materials for a high-risk group

While many lung cancer reduction efforts focus on people who smoke, there are plenty of pamphlets designed to inform about the risks incurred when breathing in secondhand smoke.

These handouts, however, aren’t always available in languages spoken by Chinese Americans. Nor is it as simple as hiring a translator; doing so may make the pamphlets readable to the women, but it won’t necessarily make the text culturally appropriate.

This is what Dr. Li—along with his coinvestigators, Alicia Matthews, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, and Hong Liu, PhD, of the Midwest Asian Health Association—seeks to change, with funding from the CHEST grant. Their goal is four-pronged:

1. Discovery: Dr. Li and his team are currently surveying Chinese American women who have never smoked but who live with people who smoke in greater Chicagoland. These surveys will help them learn more about what (if anything) this group knows about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke and other types of environmental smoke.

2. Identify: These surveys, along with focus group interviews with select participants, will help reveal barriers standing in the way of reducing the women’s exposure to secondhand smoke—as well as ways to encourage habits to reduce risk.

3. Develop: All the information gained through surveys and conversations will then be analyzed and used to craft targeted, translated, and culturally appropriate materials on secondhand smoke, conveying communication strategies the women can use to persuade their partners to quit smoking and ways to build a smoke-free household.

4. Evaluate: The effectiveness of the new materials will be tested to assess the change in the women’s knowledge, as well as any uptick in taking steps to reduce exposure or sign up for screening.



Using the CHEST grant as a building block to more grants—and more information

Dr. Li and his collaborators are still in the early stages of using the CHEST grant: gathering up participants and surveying them.

But there’s much ahead. With the CHEST grant in hand, Dr. Li plans to apply for grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): first, an NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) to help achieve that fourth aim of evaluating how the intervention works. And next, they’ll apply for an NIH Research Project Grant Program (R01), which will fund an even larger trial.

“Not many studies focus on identifying the risk factors with lung cancer associated with Chinese American [women who have never smoked],” Dr. Li said. “This is why we want to focus on this area to provide more knowledge and make more contributions to research.”

Projects like this are made possible by generous contributions from CHEST donors. Support the future of chest medicine by visiting

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