Meet the hosts of AGA’s new podcast: Small Talk, Big Topics

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Mon, 05/17/2021 - 13:22


Matthew Whitson, MD, MSEd (lead host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

I am currently the GI fellowship director at Hofstra-Northwell, by way of Mount Sinai in New York City for medical school and residency and the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, for GI fellowship. I’m about 60:40 clinical and scholarship. My clinical focus is in esophageal and swallowing disorders, which came about because of mentorship and clinical exposure while at UPenn. During my fellowship, I also got a master’s in medical education again because of the tremendous sponsorship from the faculty and leadership. I have educational roles in the medical school, the internal medicine residency, and, of course, the GI fellowship.


What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

Dr. Matthew Whitson, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell Great Neck, N.Y.
Dr. Matthew Whitson

Favorite part: working with students and trainees. When you see a medical concept click for them and then see them apply that concept, or that skill, into practice it is incredibly rewarding. Least favorite part: the amount of written documentation needed to run a fellowship.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love going to see live music in New York and touring the museums of New York, preferably the MOMA, or getting to Storm King (an expansive sculpture garden) outside of the city when we can. Anytime we can get outside to go hiking or play golf is a good day.

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: Celebrate; you’ve earned it! Those projects you started during residency – finish them now. Otherwise, it’s super hard to get them done during fellowship, especially if you are training at a different institution for GI fellowship.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: Negotiate that contract, and then negotiate it again. Have a budget, and don’t spend that “attending money” on anything major for at least 6 months.

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

The way we access information is changing. Everything is at the tip of your fingers at any time, so much so, it can be overwhelming. I think that learning how to critically appraise and access clinically appropriate data is a skill that everyone will need going forward. I think it will take an even more central role in our medical education. Beyond this, the importance of shared decision-making with your patients will continue to increase in the world of personalized medicine, as will the assortment of noninvasive testing options.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

Reading about mentorship, sponsorship, career development, etc. is important, but it doesn’t do these topics justice. It is such a nuanced thing and talking about it, exploring it, teasing it out is just so fun. I find these topics to be fascinating, and I wanted to talk with experts and hear how they approached difficult situations. Plus, I was a radio DJ when younger and have always dreamed of doing something in the audio medium as a professional.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I won’t say favorite, but I think the Laurie Keefer episode is up there. It was such a nice conversation about a challenging concept: Building resilience in our trainees and ourselves. I learned a lot from her and have begun integrating some of these skills into my work as a program director.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

I’m going to adopt this from a mentor of mine, but it’s the “me or my family rule.” What would you want done if the patient in front of you were your family member? If you keep that as your “True North,” then I think you are off to a good start as a clinician.



Nina Nandy, MD, MS (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Nina Nandy, Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M.
Dr. Nina Nandy

I think the biggest decision to make in medical school is medicine or surgery, and most things will fall under one of those categories. I liked the problem solving of medicine and the hands-on work of surgery, so I was leaning toward a procedural field then met some wonderful mentors in GI when I was in medical school. I think every field of medicine has a particular personality, and when I met gastroenterologists, it clicked with me, and I thought “I’ve found my people.” So, I went to residency in internal medicine with the goal of GI or bust. I am currently a practicing gastroenterologist, and I do general GI, liver disease, and motility.

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

I really love GI. I feel like I’ve found my calling, and its really exciting to be able to say that. What drew me to GI was the use of technology and minimally invasive endoscopy to see a person inside out and understand their pathology, the mix of chronic and acute conditions, and the educational aspect of talking to folks in clinic. I like putting people at ease, and GI is a great field for jokes. My least favorite part is doing peer-to-peers with insurance companies to get inflammatory bowel disease drugs approved.

What are your interests outside of work?

Outside of work, this podcast, and being division vice chief, I like to learn languages. I speak five and am working on a sixth. I’m writing a secret screenplay. I play piano and guitar, which reminds me of a quote: “All my life I wanted to play guitar badly. And now I play guitar. Badly.” I also love art; I use oil paint, acrylics, pen and ink, mixed media. I love to dance and am just getting into Peloton. But perhaps my most important role is maintaining the Instagram account for my two famous cats who will hopefully enable me to retire early. Are you out there, Purina?

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: First of all, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! Welcome to the most exciting field of medicine. But seriously, congratulate yourself for your hard work and don’t worry about being terrible at scoping because there’s a learning curve. Don’t worry about what you need to study because you are going to do it. Come in with an inquisitive, open mind. Don’t turn down consults because they seem ridiculous. You can always learn something! I think the best thing to do in fellowship is to do everything. Learn that motility and capsule, cannulate that common bile duct, place that esophageal stent! You won’t have this kind of support in the future, and you should get comfortable with everything possible while you can.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: As with those matching into GI, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! I think this is the hardest transition; you don’t have that safety net anymore. You are the be-all, end-all last stop on the train. Just kidding. It seems that way, but you can always collaborate with colleagues and look things up on UpToDate. You know more than you think, and it is a continuous learning process, so it’s okay to have questions; it means you care. Yes, there will be more responsibility, and you need to keep up on path and your inbox because it will pile up. You need to think about appropriate follow-up and resources to offer your patients. You can keep up on current guidelines through your GI societies; do continuing medical education and postgraduate courses as well.


How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think the future of GI is innovation, technology, social media, multidisciplinary learning. GI is a technology-centered field, and there will be new developments in medical devices and basic science research, such as the microbiome, which holds the key for numerous pathogenic processes. Physicians will need to be physician-scientists, physician-innovators, physician-business people, and physician-leaders. We must learn things beyond our own field to be successful in this changing world.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I wanted to host this podcast because I think there is so much in fellowship we learn about GI but also so much we don’t learn about GI careers and the “real world” of practice. I wanted to create content focused on career development for early GIs and trainees and discuss “everything you wanted to know in fellowship but were afraid to ask.” I wanted to interview real successful people in the field, whether it be focusing on a career in medical education, basic science research, transplant hepatology, therapeutic endoscopy, or private practice. There are a lot of podcasts that do a great job focusing on guidelines, case reports, and research, but we wanted to take this one in a different direction. It is a great way to reach a broad audience across many platforms.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I really like the Janice Jou episode. Not just because I’m on it, but also because she is a great, a dynamic, speaker, and our conversation was so effortless, and because she is a phenomenal program director and educator and has such valuable advice for trainees and early career gastroenterologists, drawing from her own experiences. Her tips – or rather “Janice jewels,” as I am trying to trademark on negotiation – are excellent. Check it out!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

Don’t buy a house right out of training. Also, “live your life, not someone else’s.”



C.S. Tse, MD (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Chung Sang Tse, Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence
Dr. Chung Sang Tse

I grew up in Toronto and moved to the United States for medical school at the Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and internal medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. During my residency, I became interested in gastroenterology with a particular interest in inflammatory bowel disease after studying the postoperative outcomes of IBD patients on biologics and examining the clinical course of IBD patients with coexistent celiac disease. I am a third-year gastroenterology fellow at Brown University. I will spend a year as the advanced IBD fellow at the University of California–San Diego from July 2021 to June 2022. My current research examines IBD patients’ quality of care and the psychosocial impacts on patients’ disease course. I am working with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s IBD Qorus Learning Health System to improve the quality of care and outcomes of patients with IBD. 

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

My favorite part of my current role is to combine patient care with clinical research, particularly for patients with IBD. My least favorite part is encountering “red tape” that may give a false sense of productivity but not actually be beneficial for patient care. Some of this is discussed in this article from the Harvard Business Review.

What are your interests outside of work?

I serve as the National President of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Residents & Fellows Division. I am a Core Faculty member of the AMWA IGNITE MD program, which is a nation-wide initiative to educate and empower female medical trainees. I currently serve as an abstract reviewer for Digestive Diseases Week® (since 2018). I previously served as an abstract reviewer and judge for the American Medical Association’s Scientific Symposium (2019 & 2020). Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, traveling, and reading.


What advice would you give to someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2:

Identify mentors early. (You can have more than one!) Try to imagine where you want your career to be in 5 years – generalist vs. specialist. Will you have a niche in practice? Is advanced endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, etc.) going to be a part of your practice? Academic, private practice, community practice, or hybrid? Knowing your goals will help tailor the GI fellowship experience to get you to where you want to be in your career. GI fellowship may be like a buffet table where there are many opportunities and options, but one can rarely do it all! Choosing and pursuing experiences that ultimately align with your goals can help you make the most out of your time during GI fellowship training. 

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think that there will be more integration of information technology and artificial intelligence into GI, just as for the rest of society. For example, we can see this clearly illustrated in the rapid uptake of telemedicine (including GI) during COVID-19. 

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I am intrigued by the opportunity to connect with GIs broadly through this AGA podcast. It is a portable way to use on-demand technology to engage in conversations relevant to other early GIs who may not be conventionally addressed by other means, such as journal articles, conferences, traditional didactics, and books. 

What’s your favorite episode so far?

Janice Jou’s podcast was phenomenal in providing mentorship advice (at a distance) to trainees who are interested in an academic career in clinical medicine.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” This advice is most commonly credited to Aristotle.

Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or listen on the AGA website:

Dr. Whitson is GI fellowship director, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell, Great Neck, N.Y. @MJWhitsonMD. Dr. Nandy is a gastroenterologist at Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M. @NinaNandyMD. Dr. Tse is a GI fellow at Brown University, Providence, R.I. @CSTseMD.



Matthew Whitson, MD, MSEd (lead host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

I am currently the GI fellowship director at Hofstra-Northwell, by way of Mount Sinai in New York City for medical school and residency and the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, for GI fellowship. I’m about 60:40 clinical and scholarship. My clinical focus is in esophageal and swallowing disorders, which came about because of mentorship and clinical exposure while at UPenn. During my fellowship, I also got a master’s in medical education again because of the tremendous sponsorship from the faculty and leadership. I have educational roles in the medical school, the internal medicine residency, and, of course, the GI fellowship.


What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

Dr. Matthew Whitson, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell Great Neck, N.Y.
Dr. Matthew Whitson

Favorite part: working with students and trainees. When you see a medical concept click for them and then see them apply that concept, or that skill, into practice it is incredibly rewarding. Least favorite part: the amount of written documentation needed to run a fellowship.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love going to see live music in New York and touring the museums of New York, preferably the MOMA, or getting to Storm King (an expansive sculpture garden) outside of the city when we can. Anytime we can get outside to go hiking or play golf is a good day.

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: Celebrate; you’ve earned it! Those projects you started during residency – finish them now. Otherwise, it’s super hard to get them done during fellowship, especially if you are training at a different institution for GI fellowship.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: Negotiate that contract, and then negotiate it again. Have a budget, and don’t spend that “attending money” on anything major for at least 6 months.

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

The way we access information is changing. Everything is at the tip of your fingers at any time, so much so, it can be overwhelming. I think that learning how to critically appraise and access clinically appropriate data is a skill that everyone will need going forward. I think it will take an even more central role in our medical education. Beyond this, the importance of shared decision-making with your patients will continue to increase in the world of personalized medicine, as will the assortment of noninvasive testing options.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

Reading about mentorship, sponsorship, career development, etc. is important, but it doesn’t do these topics justice. It is such a nuanced thing and talking about it, exploring it, teasing it out is just so fun. I find these topics to be fascinating, and I wanted to talk with experts and hear how they approached difficult situations. Plus, I was a radio DJ when younger and have always dreamed of doing something in the audio medium as a professional.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I won’t say favorite, but I think the Laurie Keefer episode is up there. It was such a nice conversation about a challenging concept: Building resilience in our trainees and ourselves. I learned a lot from her and have begun integrating some of these skills into my work as a program director.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

I’m going to adopt this from a mentor of mine, but it’s the “me or my family rule.” What would you want done if the patient in front of you were your family member? If you keep that as your “True North,” then I think you are off to a good start as a clinician.



Nina Nandy, MD, MS (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Nina Nandy, Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M.
Dr. Nina Nandy

I think the biggest decision to make in medical school is medicine or surgery, and most things will fall under one of those categories. I liked the problem solving of medicine and the hands-on work of surgery, so I was leaning toward a procedural field then met some wonderful mentors in GI when I was in medical school. I think every field of medicine has a particular personality, and when I met gastroenterologists, it clicked with me, and I thought “I’ve found my people.” So, I went to residency in internal medicine with the goal of GI or bust. I am currently a practicing gastroenterologist, and I do general GI, liver disease, and motility.

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

I really love GI. I feel like I’ve found my calling, and its really exciting to be able to say that. What drew me to GI was the use of technology and minimally invasive endoscopy to see a person inside out and understand their pathology, the mix of chronic and acute conditions, and the educational aspect of talking to folks in clinic. I like putting people at ease, and GI is a great field for jokes. My least favorite part is doing peer-to-peers with insurance companies to get inflammatory bowel disease drugs approved.

What are your interests outside of work?

Outside of work, this podcast, and being division vice chief, I like to learn languages. I speak five and am working on a sixth. I’m writing a secret screenplay. I play piano and guitar, which reminds me of a quote: “All my life I wanted to play guitar badly. And now I play guitar. Badly.” I also love art; I use oil paint, acrylics, pen and ink, mixed media. I love to dance and am just getting into Peloton. But perhaps my most important role is maintaining the Instagram account for my two famous cats who will hopefully enable me to retire early. Are you out there, Purina?

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: First of all, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! Welcome to the most exciting field of medicine. But seriously, congratulate yourself for your hard work and don’t worry about being terrible at scoping because there’s a learning curve. Don’t worry about what you need to study because you are going to do it. Come in with an inquisitive, open mind. Don’t turn down consults because they seem ridiculous. You can always learn something! I think the best thing to do in fellowship is to do everything. Learn that motility and capsule, cannulate that common bile duct, place that esophageal stent! You won’t have this kind of support in the future, and you should get comfortable with everything possible while you can.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: As with those matching into GI, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! I think this is the hardest transition; you don’t have that safety net anymore. You are the be-all, end-all last stop on the train. Just kidding. It seems that way, but you can always collaborate with colleagues and look things up on UpToDate. You know more than you think, and it is a continuous learning process, so it’s okay to have questions; it means you care. Yes, there will be more responsibility, and you need to keep up on path and your inbox because it will pile up. You need to think about appropriate follow-up and resources to offer your patients. You can keep up on current guidelines through your GI societies; do continuing medical education and postgraduate courses as well.


How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think the future of GI is innovation, technology, social media, multidisciplinary learning. GI is a technology-centered field, and there will be new developments in medical devices and basic science research, such as the microbiome, which holds the key for numerous pathogenic processes. Physicians will need to be physician-scientists, physician-innovators, physician-business people, and physician-leaders. We must learn things beyond our own field to be successful in this changing world.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I wanted to host this podcast because I think there is so much in fellowship we learn about GI but also so much we don’t learn about GI careers and the “real world” of practice. I wanted to create content focused on career development for early GIs and trainees and discuss “everything you wanted to know in fellowship but were afraid to ask.” I wanted to interview real successful people in the field, whether it be focusing on a career in medical education, basic science research, transplant hepatology, therapeutic endoscopy, or private practice. There are a lot of podcasts that do a great job focusing on guidelines, case reports, and research, but we wanted to take this one in a different direction. It is a great way to reach a broad audience across many platforms.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I really like the Janice Jou episode. Not just because I’m on it, but also because she is a great, a dynamic, speaker, and our conversation was so effortless, and because she is a phenomenal program director and educator and has such valuable advice for trainees and early career gastroenterologists, drawing from her own experiences. Her tips – or rather “Janice jewels,” as I am trying to trademark on negotiation – are excellent. Check it out!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

Don’t buy a house right out of training. Also, “live your life, not someone else’s.”



C.S. Tse, MD (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Chung Sang Tse, Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence
Dr. Chung Sang Tse

I grew up in Toronto and moved to the United States for medical school at the Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and internal medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. During my residency, I became interested in gastroenterology with a particular interest in inflammatory bowel disease after studying the postoperative outcomes of IBD patients on biologics and examining the clinical course of IBD patients with coexistent celiac disease. I am a third-year gastroenterology fellow at Brown University. I will spend a year as the advanced IBD fellow at the University of California–San Diego from July 2021 to June 2022. My current research examines IBD patients’ quality of care and the psychosocial impacts on patients’ disease course. I am working with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s IBD Qorus Learning Health System to improve the quality of care and outcomes of patients with IBD. 

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

My favorite part of my current role is to combine patient care with clinical research, particularly for patients with IBD. My least favorite part is encountering “red tape” that may give a false sense of productivity but not actually be beneficial for patient care. Some of this is discussed in this article from the Harvard Business Review.

What are your interests outside of work?

I serve as the National President of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Residents & Fellows Division. I am a Core Faculty member of the AMWA IGNITE MD program, which is a nation-wide initiative to educate and empower female medical trainees. I currently serve as an abstract reviewer for Digestive Diseases Week® (since 2018). I previously served as an abstract reviewer and judge for the American Medical Association’s Scientific Symposium (2019 & 2020). Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, traveling, and reading.


What advice would you give to someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2:

Identify mentors early. (You can have more than one!) Try to imagine where you want your career to be in 5 years – generalist vs. specialist. Will you have a niche in practice? Is advanced endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, etc.) going to be a part of your practice? Academic, private practice, community practice, or hybrid? Knowing your goals will help tailor the GI fellowship experience to get you to where you want to be in your career. GI fellowship may be like a buffet table where there are many opportunities and options, but one can rarely do it all! Choosing and pursuing experiences that ultimately align with your goals can help you make the most out of your time during GI fellowship training. 

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think that there will be more integration of information technology and artificial intelligence into GI, just as for the rest of society. For example, we can see this clearly illustrated in the rapid uptake of telemedicine (including GI) during COVID-19. 

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I am intrigued by the opportunity to connect with GIs broadly through this AGA podcast. It is a portable way to use on-demand technology to engage in conversations relevant to other early GIs who may not be conventionally addressed by other means, such as journal articles, conferences, traditional didactics, and books. 

What’s your favorite episode so far?

Janice Jou’s podcast was phenomenal in providing mentorship advice (at a distance) to trainees who are interested in an academic career in clinical medicine.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” This advice is most commonly credited to Aristotle.

Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or listen on the AGA website:

Dr. Whitson is GI fellowship director, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell, Great Neck, N.Y. @MJWhitsonMD. Dr. Nandy is a gastroenterologist at Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M. @NinaNandyMD. Dr. Tse is a GI fellow at Brown University, Providence, R.I. @CSTseMD.


Matthew Whitson, MD, MSEd (lead host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

I am currently the GI fellowship director at Hofstra-Northwell, by way of Mount Sinai in New York City for medical school and residency and the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, for GI fellowship. I’m about 60:40 clinical and scholarship. My clinical focus is in esophageal and swallowing disorders, which came about because of mentorship and clinical exposure while at UPenn. During my fellowship, I also got a master’s in medical education again because of the tremendous sponsorship from the faculty and leadership. I have educational roles in the medical school, the internal medicine residency, and, of course, the GI fellowship.


What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

Dr. Matthew Whitson, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell Great Neck, N.Y.
Dr. Matthew Whitson

Favorite part: working with students and trainees. When you see a medical concept click for them and then see them apply that concept, or that skill, into practice it is incredibly rewarding. Least favorite part: the amount of written documentation needed to run a fellowship.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love going to see live music in New York and touring the museums of New York, preferably the MOMA, or getting to Storm King (an expansive sculpture garden) outside of the city when we can. Anytime we can get outside to go hiking or play golf is a good day.

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: Celebrate; you’ve earned it! Those projects you started during residency – finish them now. Otherwise, it’s super hard to get them done during fellowship, especially if you are training at a different institution for GI fellowship.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: Negotiate that contract, and then negotiate it again. Have a budget, and don’t spend that “attending money” on anything major for at least 6 months.

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

The way we access information is changing. Everything is at the tip of your fingers at any time, so much so, it can be overwhelming. I think that learning how to critically appraise and access clinically appropriate data is a skill that everyone will need going forward. I think it will take an even more central role in our medical education. Beyond this, the importance of shared decision-making with your patients will continue to increase in the world of personalized medicine, as will the assortment of noninvasive testing options.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

Reading about mentorship, sponsorship, career development, etc. is important, but it doesn’t do these topics justice. It is such a nuanced thing and talking about it, exploring it, teasing it out is just so fun. I find these topics to be fascinating, and I wanted to talk with experts and hear how they approached difficult situations. Plus, I was a radio DJ when younger and have always dreamed of doing something in the audio medium as a professional.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I won’t say favorite, but I think the Laurie Keefer episode is up there. It was such a nice conversation about a challenging concept: Building resilience in our trainees and ourselves. I learned a lot from her and have begun integrating some of these skills into my work as a program director.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

I’m going to adopt this from a mentor of mine, but it’s the “me or my family rule.” What would you want done if the patient in front of you were your family member? If you keep that as your “True North,” then I think you are off to a good start as a clinician.



Nina Nandy, MD, MS (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Nina Nandy, Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M.
Dr. Nina Nandy

I think the biggest decision to make in medical school is medicine or surgery, and most things will fall under one of those categories. I liked the problem solving of medicine and the hands-on work of surgery, so I was leaning toward a procedural field then met some wonderful mentors in GI when I was in medical school. I think every field of medicine has a particular personality, and when I met gastroenterologists, it clicked with me, and I thought “I’ve found my people.” So, I went to residency in internal medicine with the goal of GI or bust. I am currently a practicing gastroenterologist, and I do general GI, liver disease, and motility.

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

I really love GI. I feel like I’ve found my calling, and its really exciting to be able to say that. What drew me to GI was the use of technology and minimally invasive endoscopy to see a person inside out and understand their pathology, the mix of chronic and acute conditions, and the educational aspect of talking to folks in clinic. I like putting people at ease, and GI is a great field for jokes. My least favorite part is doing peer-to-peers with insurance companies to get inflammatory bowel disease drugs approved.

What are your interests outside of work?

Outside of work, this podcast, and being division vice chief, I like to learn languages. I speak five and am working on a sixth. I’m writing a secret screenplay. I play piano and guitar, which reminds me of a quote: “All my life I wanted to play guitar badly. And now I play guitar. Badly.” I also love art; I use oil paint, acrylics, pen and ink, mixed media. I love to dance and am just getting into Peloton. But perhaps my most important role is maintaining the Instagram account for my two famous cats who will hopefully enable me to retire early. Are you out there, Purina?

What advice would you give to…

  • Someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2: First of all, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! Welcome to the most exciting field of medicine. But seriously, congratulate yourself for your hard work and don’t worry about being terrible at scoping because there’s a learning curve. Don’t worry about what you need to study because you are going to do it. Come in with an inquisitive, open mind. Don’t turn down consults because they seem ridiculous. You can always learn something! I think the best thing to do in fellowship is to do everything. Learn that motility and capsule, cannulate that common bile duct, place that esophageal stent! You won’t have this kind of support in the future, and you should get comfortable with everything possible while you can.
  • Someone who just graduated from GI fellowship: As with those matching into GI, celebrate! Treat yo’self; you did it! I think this is the hardest transition; you don’t have that safety net anymore. You are the be-all, end-all last stop on the train. Just kidding. It seems that way, but you can always collaborate with colleagues and look things up on UpToDate. You know more than you think, and it is a continuous learning process, so it’s okay to have questions; it means you care. Yes, there will be more responsibility, and you need to keep up on path and your inbox because it will pile up. You need to think about appropriate follow-up and resources to offer your patients. You can keep up on current guidelines through your GI societies; do continuing medical education and postgraduate courses as well.


How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think the future of GI is innovation, technology, social media, multidisciplinary learning. GI is a technology-centered field, and there will be new developments in medical devices and basic science research, such as the microbiome, which holds the key for numerous pathogenic processes. Physicians will need to be physician-scientists, physician-innovators, physician-business people, and physician-leaders. We must learn things beyond our own field to be successful in this changing world.

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I wanted to host this podcast because I think there is so much in fellowship we learn about GI but also so much we don’t learn about GI careers and the “real world” of practice. I wanted to create content focused on career development for early GIs and trainees and discuss “everything you wanted to know in fellowship but were afraid to ask.” I wanted to interview real successful people in the field, whether it be focusing on a career in medical education, basic science research, transplant hepatology, therapeutic endoscopy, or private practice. There are a lot of podcasts that do a great job focusing on guidelines, case reports, and research, but we wanted to take this one in a different direction. It is a great way to reach a broad audience across many platforms.

What’s your favorite episode so far?

I really like the Janice Jou episode. Not just because I’m on it, but also because she is a great, a dynamic, speaker, and our conversation was so effortless, and because she is a phenomenal program director and educator and has such valuable advice for trainees and early career gastroenterologists, drawing from her own experiences. Her tips – or rather “Janice jewels,” as I am trying to trademark on negotiation – are excellent. Check it out!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

Don’t buy a house right out of training. Also, “live your life, not someone else’s.”



C.S. Tse, MD (co-host)

Walk us through your current GI role and your path to getting there:

Dr. Chung Sang Tse, Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence
Dr. Chung Sang Tse

I grew up in Toronto and moved to the United States for medical school at the Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and internal medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. During my residency, I became interested in gastroenterology with a particular interest in inflammatory bowel disease after studying the postoperative outcomes of IBD patients on biologics and examining the clinical course of IBD patients with coexistent celiac disease. I am a third-year gastroenterology fellow at Brown University. I will spend a year as the advanced IBD fellow at the University of California–San Diego from July 2021 to June 2022. My current research examines IBD patients’ quality of care and the psychosocial impacts on patients’ disease course. I am working with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s IBD Qorus Learning Health System to improve the quality of care and outcomes of patients with IBD. 

What is your favorite part about your current role? Least favorite part?

My favorite part of my current role is to combine patient care with clinical research, particularly for patients with IBD. My least favorite part is encountering “red tape” that may give a false sense of productivity but not actually be beneficial for patient care. Some of this is discussed in this article from the Harvard Business Review.

What are your interests outside of work?

I serve as the National President of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Residents & Fellows Division. I am a Core Faculty member of the AMWA IGNITE MD program, which is a nation-wide initiative to educate and empower female medical trainees. I currently serve as an abstract reviewer for Digestive Diseases Week® (since 2018). I previously served as an abstract reviewer and judge for the American Medical Association’s Scientific Symposium (2019 & 2020). Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, traveling, and reading.


What advice would you give to someone who matches into GI on Dec. 2:

Identify mentors early. (You can have more than one!) Try to imagine where you want your career to be in 5 years – generalist vs. specialist. Will you have a niche in practice? Is advanced endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, etc.) going to be a part of your practice? Academic, private practice, community practice, or hybrid? Knowing your goals will help tailor the GI fellowship experience to get you to where you want to be in your career. GI fellowship may be like a buffet table where there are many opportunities and options, but one can rarely do it all! Choosing and pursuing experiences that ultimately align with your goals can help you make the most out of your time during GI fellowship training. 

How do you see the future of GI changing as a new generation of trainees enters the workforce?

I think that there will be more integration of information technology and artificial intelligence into GI, just as for the rest of society. For example, we can see this clearly illustrated in the rapid uptake of telemedicine (including GI) during COVID-19. 

Why did you want to host this podcast?

I am intrigued by the opportunity to connect with GIs broadly through this AGA podcast. It is a portable way to use on-demand technology to engage in conversations relevant to other early GIs who may not be conventionally addressed by other means, such as journal articles, conferences, traditional didactics, and books. 

What’s your favorite episode so far?

Janice Jou’s podcast was phenomenal in providing mentorship advice (at a distance) to trainees who are interested in an academic career in clinical medicine.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten that’s helped you in your career so far?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” This advice is most commonly credited to Aristotle.

Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or listen on the AGA website:

Dr. Whitson is GI fellowship director, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell, Great Neck, N.Y. @MJWhitsonMD. Dr. Nandy is a gastroenterologist at Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, N.M. @NinaNandyMD. Dr. Tse is a GI fellow at Brown University, Providence, R.I. @CSTseMD.

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