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Sat, 12/08/2018 - 02:45
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Tips for collaborations among GI investigators, industry, FDA

SAN DIEGO – Tensions among academic investigators, industry sponsors, and the Food and Drug Administration can hinder new drug approvals and slow or block communication of important results, experts said at the annual Digestive Disease Week.

Relationships between investigators and industry have become especially strained, according to Dr. M. Scott Harris, cofounder of Lyric Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco. “I can tell you as a former investigator, and someone who speaks to investigators all the time, they feel disenfranchised,” he said.

Several steps can help. Industry should focus on empowering investigators, “not study sites,” said Dr. Harris. “Have protocol development meetings, not investigator meetings. Have open dialogue so that investigators can share in the excitement of the study, the results, and the science.”

Intellectual property is a particularly hot topic, acknowledged Dr. Harris, who started out in academic gastroenterology before making the jump to working for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. “Intellectual property is the lifeblood of a company – the only thing that generates the likelihood of a return on investment,” he emphasized. “Please do not push back if some information cannot be shared with you.” But within those constraints, industry should “force itself to be as patient as possible,” he said. “A balance has to be struck between the need for IP [intellectual property] and the need to share knowledge.”

Sharing knowledge also means that industry sponsors need to commit to a clear publication strategy, said Dr. Harris. “Investigators want the results of the studies to be communicated, including reasons for failure. We have failed at this as an industry, and this is not acceptable.”

But academic investigators need to make some changes, too. Successfully joining a trial means engaging actively with the sponsor and protocol, Dr. Harris emphasized. “Don’t tell your staff you’re too busy to talk to me when I call. Focus on ethical study conduct, good clinical practice, training, data quality, and meeting timelines.”

Dr. Gary Lichtenstein agreed. A gastroenterologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, with more than 30 years of experience in clinical trials, he knows that successful academic study sites have “efficient and businesslike operations,” a proven internal audit system, and solid, reasonable budgeting for staff time, overhead, equipment, and storage. In particular, academic investigators should double-check training requirements, the qualifications of the study coordinator, and who will handle regulatory, legal, and budgeting concerns, he said.

Vetting a potential industry sponsor is just as important. Ask “if they have the staff, time, equipment, and space to do the study,” Dr. Lichtenstein stressed. “Communicate expectations in writing back and forth to avoid misunderstandings. An indemnification clause is also very important to hold the consultant harmless from and against any claim, loss, or damage whatsoever.”

The FDA, for its part, needs to respond faster to meeting requests and offer clearer guidance about appropriate study designs and outcome measures, both experts emphasized. The median time for FDA to approve a drug application is about 180 days, while approving new gastroenterology agents takes nearly twice as long, according to Dr. Lichtenstein. “There is clearly a discrepancy, and it would be nice if we moved the bar closer. As an investigator, I need to know which trials are acceptable in design, and what endpoints are clearly defined, with examples,” he said. “If I have a question, I need a point of contact to call to get an answer in rapid time, instead of having to wait for months, and I need to know which biomarkers are appropriate to use.”

Dr. Harris agreed. “There should be tension between FDA and industry – that is part of the process,” he said. “But open communication and rapid response to meeting requests are crucial.”

Timeliness and transparency are especially important as FDA transitions “from being a classic regulator to a proactive partner in drug development,” Dr. Harris said. “What industry needs and expects from FDA is greater certainty on the path. Companies may or may not like a particular FDA guidance document, but they greatly appreciate the clarity that guidance documents provide.”

Dr. Lichtenstein disclosed ties to AbbVie, Hospira, Pfizer, and numerous other pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Harris is employed by Lyric Pharmaceuticals and disclosed relationships with several other biopharmaceutical companies.


SAN DIEGO – Tensions among academic investigators, industry sponsors, and the Food and Drug Administration can hinder new drug approvals and slow or block communication of important results, experts said at the annual Digestive Disease Week.

Relationships between investigators and industry have become especially strained, according to Dr. M. Scott Harris, cofounder of Lyric Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco. “I can tell you as a former investigator, and someone who speaks to investigators all the time, they feel disenfranchised,” he said.

Several steps can help. Industry should focus on empowering investigators, “not study sites,” said Dr. Harris. “Have protocol development meetings, not investigator meetings. Have open dialogue so that investigators can share in the excitement of the study, the results, and the science.”

Intellectual property is a particularly hot topic, acknowledged Dr. Harris, who started out in academic gastroenterology before making the jump to working for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. “Intellectual property is the lifeblood of a company – the only thing that generates the likelihood of a return on investment,” he emphasized. “Please do not push back if some information cannot be shared with you.” But within those constraints, industry should “force itself to be as patient as possible,” he said. “A balance has to be struck between the need for IP [intellectual property] and the need to share knowledge.”

Sharing knowledge also means that industry sponsors need to commit to a clear publication strategy, said Dr. Harris. “Investigators want the results of the studies to be communicated, including reasons for failure. We have failed at this as an industry, and this is not acceptable.”

But academic investigators need to make some changes, too. Successfully joining a trial means engaging actively with the sponsor and protocol, Dr. Harris emphasized. “Don’t tell your staff you’re too busy to talk to me when I call. Focus on ethical study conduct, good clinical practice, training, data quality, and meeting timelines.”

Dr. Gary Lichtenstein agreed. A gastroenterologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, with more than 30 years of experience in clinical trials, he knows that successful academic study sites have “efficient and businesslike operations,” a proven internal audit system, and solid, reasonable budgeting for staff time, overhead, equipment, and storage. In particular, academic investigators should double-check training requirements, the qualifications of the study coordinator, and who will handle regulatory, legal, and budgeting concerns, he said.

Vetting a potential industry sponsor is just as important. Ask “if they have the staff, time, equipment, and space to do the study,” Dr. Lichtenstein stressed. “Communicate expectations in writing back and forth to avoid misunderstandings. An indemnification clause is also very important to hold the consultant harmless from and against any claim, loss, or damage whatsoever.”

The FDA, for its part, needs to respond faster to meeting requests and offer clearer guidance about appropriate study designs and outcome measures, both experts emphasized. The median time for FDA to approve a drug application is about 180 days, while approving new gastroenterology agents takes nearly twice as long, according to Dr. Lichtenstein. “There is clearly a discrepancy, and it would be nice if we moved the bar closer. As an investigator, I need to know which trials are acceptable in design, and what endpoints are clearly defined, with examples,” he said. “If I have a question, I need a point of contact to call to get an answer in rapid time, instead of having to wait for months, and I need to know which biomarkers are appropriate to use.”

Dr. Harris agreed. “There should be tension between FDA and industry – that is part of the process,” he said. “But open communication and rapid response to meeting requests are crucial.”

Timeliness and transparency are especially important as FDA transitions “from being a classic regulator to a proactive partner in drug development,” Dr. Harris said. “What industry needs and expects from FDA is greater certainty on the path. Companies may or may not like a particular FDA guidance document, but they greatly appreciate the clarity that guidance documents provide.”

Dr. Lichtenstein disclosed ties to AbbVie, Hospira, Pfizer, and numerous other pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Harris is employed by Lyric Pharmaceuticals and disclosed relationships with several other biopharmaceutical companies.

SAN DIEGO – Tensions among academic investigators, industry sponsors, and the Food and Drug Administration can hinder new drug approvals and slow or block communication of important results, experts said at the annual Digestive Disease Week.

Relationships between investigators and industry have become especially strained, according to Dr. M. Scott Harris, cofounder of Lyric Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco. “I can tell you as a former investigator, and someone who speaks to investigators all the time, they feel disenfranchised,” he said.

Several steps can help. Industry should focus on empowering investigators, “not study sites,” said Dr. Harris. “Have protocol development meetings, not investigator meetings. Have open dialogue so that investigators can share in the excitement of the study, the results, and the science.”

Intellectual property is a particularly hot topic, acknowledged Dr. Harris, who started out in academic gastroenterology before making the jump to working for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. “Intellectual property is the lifeblood of a company – the only thing that generates the likelihood of a return on investment,” he emphasized. “Please do not push back if some information cannot be shared with you.” But within those constraints, industry should “force itself to be as patient as possible,” he said. “A balance has to be struck between the need for IP [intellectual property] and the need to share knowledge.”

Sharing knowledge also means that industry sponsors need to commit to a clear publication strategy, said Dr. Harris. “Investigators want the results of the studies to be communicated, including reasons for failure. We have failed at this as an industry, and this is not acceptable.”

But academic investigators need to make some changes, too. Successfully joining a trial means engaging actively with the sponsor and protocol, Dr. Harris emphasized. “Don’t tell your staff you’re too busy to talk to me when I call. Focus on ethical study conduct, good clinical practice, training, data quality, and meeting timelines.”

Dr. Gary Lichtenstein agreed. A gastroenterologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, with more than 30 years of experience in clinical trials, he knows that successful academic study sites have “efficient and businesslike operations,” a proven internal audit system, and solid, reasonable budgeting for staff time, overhead, equipment, and storage. In particular, academic investigators should double-check training requirements, the qualifications of the study coordinator, and who will handle regulatory, legal, and budgeting concerns, he said.

Vetting a potential industry sponsor is just as important. Ask “if they have the staff, time, equipment, and space to do the study,” Dr. Lichtenstein stressed. “Communicate expectations in writing back and forth to avoid misunderstandings. An indemnification clause is also very important to hold the consultant harmless from and against any claim, loss, or damage whatsoever.”

The FDA, for its part, needs to respond faster to meeting requests and offer clearer guidance about appropriate study designs and outcome measures, both experts emphasized. The median time for FDA to approve a drug application is about 180 days, while approving new gastroenterology agents takes nearly twice as long, according to Dr. Lichtenstein. “There is clearly a discrepancy, and it would be nice if we moved the bar closer. As an investigator, I need to know which trials are acceptable in design, and what endpoints are clearly defined, with examples,” he said. “If I have a question, I need a point of contact to call to get an answer in rapid time, instead of having to wait for months, and I need to know which biomarkers are appropriate to use.”

Dr. Harris agreed. “There should be tension between FDA and industry – that is part of the process,” he said. “But open communication and rapid response to meeting requests are crucial.”

Timeliness and transparency are especially important as FDA transitions “from being a classic regulator to a proactive partner in drug development,” Dr. Harris said. “What industry needs and expects from FDA is greater certainty on the path. Companies may or may not like a particular FDA guidance document, but they greatly appreciate the clarity that guidance documents provide.”

Dr. Lichtenstein disclosed ties to AbbVie, Hospira, Pfizer, and numerous other pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Harris is employed by Lyric Pharmaceuticals and disclosed relationships with several other biopharmaceutical companies.

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Tips for collaborations among GI investigators, industry, FDA
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Tips for collaborations among GI investigators, industry, FDA
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AT DDW® 2016

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