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Fri, 01/18/2019 - 16:23

– By choosing your words carefully, counseling families about divorce can tactfully address sensitive issues and help parents and children better cope with this life transition, Nerissa S. Bauer, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

About one in five children born within a marriage and one in two of those born within a cohabiting union will experience breakup of that relationship by the age of 9 years, she said.

Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
“We know that divorce is a very stressful life experience for children as well as their parents. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the 10 adverse childhood experiences that we know have lifelong implications for adult health,” she commented.

You must, therefore, be prepared to monitor for and identify outcomes that commonly result from divorce, and to counsel families about how to help children cope and manage. Yet, you may feel uneasy or ill-prepared to do so.

“Turn this thought of ‘I wasn’t trained for this’ into ‘I can help,’ ” recommended Dr. Bauer, who is a specialist in behavioral pediatrics at the Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Risk and protective factors

Divorce can have an impact on all facets of a child’s life: behavior, physical and mental health, academic performance, social relationships, delinquency, substance use, and more. A variety of factors determine how well kids adjust to this stressor, for better or worse.

Marital conflict, both during and after divorce, is a more important predictor than the divorce itself. “The biggest risk factor to consider is the ongoing parental fighting and how that plays out,” Dr. Bauer elaborated. Although parents may report that they try to limit altercations in front of their children, kids usually sense what is going on anyway.

“One of the ways that I like to phrase this when I’m trying to figure out how bad the conflict is in the household is, ‘Has Johnny ever witnessed your arguments, and if so, have those arguments ever been more than just yelling?’ Or another way to say it is, ‘How do adults in your home resolve conflicts?’ ” she shared.

Divorce may negatively affect children through its impact on the household’s socioeconomic status too. For example, the standard of living often declines and the mother’s economic resources can take a hit, possibly forcing a move to a less expensive neighborhood with weaker schools and more crime.

To sound parents out on this sensitive issue, “You can say something like, ‘I’m really sorry that you’re going through this right now. Sometimes, it can cause a lot of stress and strain, especially when it comes to making ends meet, making sure you can get food on the table, and making sure you’re paying the bills. Do you have worries like this now?’ ” Dr. Bauer suggested.

Factors that are known to protect children from adverse divorce outcomes include a good relationship with at least one parent or caregiver, parental warmth, sibling support, and for teens, good self-esteem and peer support. Joint custody with shared decision making and greater paternal involvement also are protective.

“I like to say, ‘So I can understand how this affects your daily life, can you describe what your current arrangements are between you and your ex?’ just to sort of probe into that custody situation,” she said. “Or, ‘How are you (parents) handling this?’ ”

Surveillance and monitoring

“Perform surveillance on family structure and conflict at all well-child visits, as well as with any new family that comes to your practice,” Dr. Bauer recommended. You can do this by simply chatting with the family or by using screening tools such as the Family Psychosocial Screen or the Finding Your ACE Score.

Once you know that a family is dealing with divorce, perform ongoing monitoring for warning signs in the child: sleep problems; school problems, such as poor concentration, acting out, or not doing schoolwork; angry outbursts; withdrawal; and no longer participating in activities once enjoyed.

You may worry about getting dragged into the conflict. “You may feel that you’re in this position of being the mediator, but that’s not really your role. And you shouldn’t offer legal advice,” she cautioned. “You should make it clear that although you are there to support the child and the parents, your role is really to monitor how the child responds and adjusts.”

Parents will sometimes ask whether and how best to tell their children about the divorce. “I oftentimes coach parents to use kid-friendly terms, saying things such as, ‘Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time getting along, and you’ve probably noticed we argue or fight a lot.’ Just throwing it out there and pausing and waiting to see what the child says, and then always following that by answering their questions as they bring them up,” Dr. Bauer said.

Parents should be counseled not to rush children as they will vary in the time needed to process information. Additionally, they should be forewarned that children’s reactions can vary widely and that their feelings can change and resurface at any moment, particularly as they mature and at events that stir up emotions.

Messages of reassurance are essential. “The messages should always contain, ‘We are always going to be your parents no matter what’ and ‘We love you no matter what,’ and probably the most important, ‘This is not your fault.’ This is a message that kids need to hear again and again,” Dr. Bauer said.



Ongoing counseling

Over time, parents may consult you about specific situations that arise because of the divorce. For example, they may become frustrated by differences in how things are handled in the two households.

“The most important message to convey is that we can control only what we can control,” Dr. Bauer said. “Regardless of divorce or separation, kids thrive on structure and routine. Divorce is often messy, and it sometimes means that families have to find a new rhythm between households, but routines in each house should be as consistent as possible.”

Acrimony between the mother and father may persist or escalate. As children don’t want to have to choose between parents, parents should be encouraged not to undermine or talk negatively about each other in front of the child. If necessary, you can arrange to have time separately with parents to allow them to air their grievances.

If parents give permission to broach the topic of divorce, you can role model conversational strategies during visits. “You can say something like, ‘I understand there are a lot of changes going on. Through it all, your mom and dad will always be your parents. I know this isn’t easy for anybody, especially for you. Kids in this situation feel a lot of things from sadness to anger but know that you can always talk to me or your parents about your feelings,’” Dr. Bauer elaborated.

“Listening is key,” she stressed; therefore, parents should be encouraged to just sit in silence and let their children process their feelings. “In these types of situations, there’s no right or wrong: When the child has feelings, they have feelings. We can’t force them to feel a certain way, we have to acknowledge that. So tell parents to try this: ‘Thanks for telling me how you feel. I want you to know that you can always come to me when you feel this way.’ See what happens.”

Parents should be advised not to be too quick to dismiss their child’s concerns, Dr. Bauer recommended. “So, instead of saying, ‘Oh honey, you don’t have to worry about that, I’ll take care of it,’ try this: ‘It sounds like you are sad and upset right now. What can I do to help?’ Sometimes a kid will say, ‘I don’t know,’ but that’s okay. Then the parent can respond in kind and say, ‘I don’t know either, but how about a hug? Let’s start there.’ ”

Some kids simply aren’t talkers and shouldn’t be forced to share, she pointed out. This group can be given other ways to express their feelings, such as journaling, drawing, art, music, yoga, or writing a letter that they then throw away or put in a drawer.

Finally, “reminding parents that even giving children a little control with daily things – what they wear, how they do their chores, and homework, and what to make for dinner – can also help,” she noted. “Those little things can represent a lot for children who don’t feel like they have any control.”

Building resources

Explore various media and online tools to develop a set of resources on divorce for families, Dr. Bauer recommended.

Books on the topic can be great conversation starters, and many are available for various age-groups, she noted. Examples include “Was It the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids About Divorce” (Washington: Magination Press, 2005) for ages 4-7 years, “Divorced but Still My Parents” (Longmont, Colo. : Springboard Publications, 1997) for ages 6-12 years, and “My Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore: A Drawing Book for Children of Separated or Divorced Parents” (Washington: Magination Press, 2002) for ages 8-12 years.

Sesame Street has a toolkit on divorce that offers printable materials, songs, and an app that features conversation starters and vignettes, according to Dr. Bauer; go to and type in “divorce.” Additionally, the documentary SPLIT at follows real families going through divorce and helps show the child’s perspective.

When parents ask about legal references, they can be referred to the UpToParents website, a free resource and curriculum developed by attorneys on topics such as divorce, in both English and Spanish.

Finally, familiarize yourself with resources available in your local community, such as divorce education programs, and services offered for divorce and custody mediation, so that you can link parents to them as needed.


– By choosing your words carefully, counseling families about divorce can tactfully address sensitive issues and help parents and children better cope with this life transition, Nerissa S. Bauer, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

About one in five children born within a marriage and one in two of those born within a cohabiting union will experience breakup of that relationship by the age of 9 years, she said.

Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
“We know that divorce is a very stressful life experience for children as well as their parents. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the 10 adverse childhood experiences that we know have lifelong implications for adult health,” she commented.

You must, therefore, be prepared to monitor for and identify outcomes that commonly result from divorce, and to counsel families about how to help children cope and manage. Yet, you may feel uneasy or ill-prepared to do so.

“Turn this thought of ‘I wasn’t trained for this’ into ‘I can help,’ ” recommended Dr. Bauer, who is a specialist in behavioral pediatrics at the Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Risk and protective factors

Divorce can have an impact on all facets of a child’s life: behavior, physical and mental health, academic performance, social relationships, delinquency, substance use, and more. A variety of factors determine how well kids adjust to this stressor, for better or worse.

Marital conflict, both during and after divorce, is a more important predictor than the divorce itself. “The biggest risk factor to consider is the ongoing parental fighting and how that plays out,” Dr. Bauer elaborated. Although parents may report that they try to limit altercations in front of their children, kids usually sense what is going on anyway.

“One of the ways that I like to phrase this when I’m trying to figure out how bad the conflict is in the household is, ‘Has Johnny ever witnessed your arguments, and if so, have those arguments ever been more than just yelling?’ Or another way to say it is, ‘How do adults in your home resolve conflicts?’ ” she shared.

Divorce may negatively affect children through its impact on the household’s socioeconomic status too. For example, the standard of living often declines and the mother’s economic resources can take a hit, possibly forcing a move to a less expensive neighborhood with weaker schools and more crime.

To sound parents out on this sensitive issue, “You can say something like, ‘I’m really sorry that you’re going through this right now. Sometimes, it can cause a lot of stress and strain, especially when it comes to making ends meet, making sure you can get food on the table, and making sure you’re paying the bills. Do you have worries like this now?’ ” Dr. Bauer suggested.

Factors that are known to protect children from adverse divorce outcomes include a good relationship with at least one parent or caregiver, parental warmth, sibling support, and for teens, good self-esteem and peer support. Joint custody with shared decision making and greater paternal involvement also are protective.

“I like to say, ‘So I can understand how this affects your daily life, can you describe what your current arrangements are between you and your ex?’ just to sort of probe into that custody situation,” she said. “Or, ‘How are you (parents) handling this?’ ”

Surveillance and monitoring

“Perform surveillance on family structure and conflict at all well-child visits, as well as with any new family that comes to your practice,” Dr. Bauer recommended. You can do this by simply chatting with the family or by using screening tools such as the Family Psychosocial Screen or the Finding Your ACE Score.

Once you know that a family is dealing with divorce, perform ongoing monitoring for warning signs in the child: sleep problems; school problems, such as poor concentration, acting out, or not doing schoolwork; angry outbursts; withdrawal; and no longer participating in activities once enjoyed.

You may worry about getting dragged into the conflict. “You may feel that you’re in this position of being the mediator, but that’s not really your role. And you shouldn’t offer legal advice,” she cautioned. “You should make it clear that although you are there to support the child and the parents, your role is really to monitor how the child responds and adjusts.”

Parents will sometimes ask whether and how best to tell their children about the divorce. “I oftentimes coach parents to use kid-friendly terms, saying things such as, ‘Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time getting along, and you’ve probably noticed we argue or fight a lot.’ Just throwing it out there and pausing and waiting to see what the child says, and then always following that by answering their questions as they bring them up,” Dr. Bauer said.

Parents should be counseled not to rush children as they will vary in the time needed to process information. Additionally, they should be forewarned that children’s reactions can vary widely and that their feelings can change and resurface at any moment, particularly as they mature and at events that stir up emotions.

Messages of reassurance are essential. “The messages should always contain, ‘We are always going to be your parents no matter what’ and ‘We love you no matter what,’ and probably the most important, ‘This is not your fault.’ This is a message that kids need to hear again and again,” Dr. Bauer said.



Ongoing counseling

Over time, parents may consult you about specific situations that arise because of the divorce. For example, they may become frustrated by differences in how things are handled in the two households.

“The most important message to convey is that we can control only what we can control,” Dr. Bauer said. “Regardless of divorce or separation, kids thrive on structure and routine. Divorce is often messy, and it sometimes means that families have to find a new rhythm between households, but routines in each house should be as consistent as possible.”

Acrimony between the mother and father may persist or escalate. As children don’t want to have to choose between parents, parents should be encouraged not to undermine or talk negatively about each other in front of the child. If necessary, you can arrange to have time separately with parents to allow them to air their grievances.

If parents give permission to broach the topic of divorce, you can role model conversational strategies during visits. “You can say something like, ‘I understand there are a lot of changes going on. Through it all, your mom and dad will always be your parents. I know this isn’t easy for anybody, especially for you. Kids in this situation feel a lot of things from sadness to anger but know that you can always talk to me or your parents about your feelings,’” Dr. Bauer elaborated.

“Listening is key,” she stressed; therefore, parents should be encouraged to just sit in silence and let their children process their feelings. “In these types of situations, there’s no right or wrong: When the child has feelings, they have feelings. We can’t force them to feel a certain way, we have to acknowledge that. So tell parents to try this: ‘Thanks for telling me how you feel. I want you to know that you can always come to me when you feel this way.’ See what happens.”

Parents should be advised not to be too quick to dismiss their child’s concerns, Dr. Bauer recommended. “So, instead of saying, ‘Oh honey, you don’t have to worry about that, I’ll take care of it,’ try this: ‘It sounds like you are sad and upset right now. What can I do to help?’ Sometimes a kid will say, ‘I don’t know,’ but that’s okay. Then the parent can respond in kind and say, ‘I don’t know either, but how about a hug? Let’s start there.’ ”

Some kids simply aren’t talkers and shouldn’t be forced to share, she pointed out. This group can be given other ways to express their feelings, such as journaling, drawing, art, music, yoga, or writing a letter that they then throw away or put in a drawer.

Finally, “reminding parents that even giving children a little control with daily things – what they wear, how they do their chores, and homework, and what to make for dinner – can also help,” she noted. “Those little things can represent a lot for children who don’t feel like they have any control.”

Building resources

Explore various media and online tools to develop a set of resources on divorce for families, Dr. Bauer recommended.

Books on the topic can be great conversation starters, and many are available for various age-groups, she noted. Examples include “Was It the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids About Divorce” (Washington: Magination Press, 2005) for ages 4-7 years, “Divorced but Still My Parents” (Longmont, Colo. : Springboard Publications, 1997) for ages 6-12 years, and “My Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore: A Drawing Book for Children of Separated or Divorced Parents” (Washington: Magination Press, 2002) for ages 8-12 years.

Sesame Street has a toolkit on divorce that offers printable materials, songs, and an app that features conversation starters and vignettes, according to Dr. Bauer; go to and type in “divorce.” Additionally, the documentary SPLIT at follows real families going through divorce and helps show the child’s perspective.

When parents ask about legal references, they can be referred to the UpToParents website, a free resource and curriculum developed by attorneys on topics such as divorce, in both English and Spanish.

Finally, familiarize yourself with resources available in your local community, such as divorce education programs, and services offered for divorce and custody mediation, so that you can link parents to them as needed.

– By choosing your words carefully, counseling families about divorce can tactfully address sensitive issues and help parents and children better cope with this life transition, Nerissa S. Bauer, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

About one in five children born within a marriage and one in two of those born within a cohabiting union will experience breakup of that relationship by the age of 9 years, she said.

Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
Dr. Nerissa S. Bauer
“We know that divorce is a very stressful life experience for children as well as their parents. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the 10 adverse childhood experiences that we know have lifelong implications for adult health,” she commented.

You must, therefore, be prepared to monitor for and identify outcomes that commonly result from divorce, and to counsel families about how to help children cope and manage. Yet, you may feel uneasy or ill-prepared to do so.

“Turn this thought of ‘I wasn’t trained for this’ into ‘I can help,’ ” recommended Dr. Bauer, who is a specialist in behavioral pediatrics at the Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Risk and protective factors

Divorce can have an impact on all facets of a child’s life: behavior, physical and mental health, academic performance, social relationships, delinquency, substance use, and more. A variety of factors determine how well kids adjust to this stressor, for better or worse.

Marital conflict, both during and after divorce, is a more important predictor than the divorce itself. “The biggest risk factor to consider is the ongoing parental fighting and how that plays out,” Dr. Bauer elaborated. Although parents may report that they try to limit altercations in front of their children, kids usually sense what is going on anyway.

“One of the ways that I like to phrase this when I’m trying to figure out how bad the conflict is in the household is, ‘Has Johnny ever witnessed your arguments, and if so, have those arguments ever been more than just yelling?’ Or another way to say it is, ‘How do adults in your home resolve conflicts?’ ” she shared.

Divorce may negatively affect children through its impact on the household’s socioeconomic status too. For example, the standard of living often declines and the mother’s economic resources can take a hit, possibly forcing a move to a less expensive neighborhood with weaker schools and more crime.

To sound parents out on this sensitive issue, “You can say something like, ‘I’m really sorry that you’re going through this right now. Sometimes, it can cause a lot of stress and strain, especially when it comes to making ends meet, making sure you can get food on the table, and making sure you’re paying the bills. Do you have worries like this now?’ ” Dr. Bauer suggested.

Factors that are known to protect children from adverse divorce outcomes include a good relationship with at least one parent or caregiver, parental warmth, sibling support, and for teens, good self-esteem and peer support. Joint custody with shared decision making and greater paternal involvement also are protective.

“I like to say, ‘So I can understand how this affects your daily life, can you describe what your current arrangements are between you and your ex?’ just to sort of probe into that custody situation,” she said. “Or, ‘How are you (parents) handling this?’ ”

Surveillance and monitoring

“Perform surveillance on family structure and conflict at all well-child visits, as well as with any new family that comes to your practice,” Dr. Bauer recommended. You can do this by simply chatting with the family or by using screening tools such as the Family Psychosocial Screen or the Finding Your ACE Score.

Once you know that a family is dealing with divorce, perform ongoing monitoring for warning signs in the child: sleep problems; school problems, such as poor concentration, acting out, or not doing schoolwork; angry outbursts; withdrawal; and no longer participating in activities once enjoyed.

You may worry about getting dragged into the conflict. “You may feel that you’re in this position of being the mediator, but that’s not really your role. And you shouldn’t offer legal advice,” she cautioned. “You should make it clear that although you are there to support the child and the parents, your role is really to monitor how the child responds and adjusts.”

Parents will sometimes ask whether and how best to tell their children about the divorce. “I oftentimes coach parents to use kid-friendly terms, saying things such as, ‘Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time getting along, and you’ve probably noticed we argue or fight a lot.’ Just throwing it out there and pausing and waiting to see what the child says, and then always following that by answering their questions as they bring them up,” Dr. Bauer said.

Parents should be counseled not to rush children as they will vary in the time needed to process information. Additionally, they should be forewarned that children’s reactions can vary widely and that their feelings can change and resurface at any moment, particularly as they mature and at events that stir up emotions.

Messages of reassurance are essential. “The messages should always contain, ‘We are always going to be your parents no matter what’ and ‘We love you no matter what,’ and probably the most important, ‘This is not your fault.’ This is a message that kids need to hear again and again,” Dr. Bauer said.



Ongoing counseling

Over time, parents may consult you about specific situations that arise because of the divorce. For example, they may become frustrated by differences in how things are handled in the two households.

“The most important message to convey is that we can control only what we can control,” Dr. Bauer said. “Regardless of divorce or separation, kids thrive on structure and routine. Divorce is often messy, and it sometimes means that families have to find a new rhythm between households, but routines in each house should be as consistent as possible.”

Acrimony between the mother and father may persist or escalate. As children don’t want to have to choose between parents, parents should be encouraged not to undermine or talk negatively about each other in front of the child. If necessary, you can arrange to have time separately with parents to allow them to air their grievances.

If parents give permission to broach the topic of divorce, you can role model conversational strategies during visits. “You can say something like, ‘I understand there are a lot of changes going on. Through it all, your mom and dad will always be your parents. I know this isn’t easy for anybody, especially for you. Kids in this situation feel a lot of things from sadness to anger but know that you can always talk to me or your parents about your feelings,’” Dr. Bauer elaborated.

“Listening is key,” she stressed; therefore, parents should be encouraged to just sit in silence and let their children process their feelings. “In these types of situations, there’s no right or wrong: When the child has feelings, they have feelings. We can’t force them to feel a certain way, we have to acknowledge that. So tell parents to try this: ‘Thanks for telling me how you feel. I want you to know that you can always come to me when you feel this way.’ See what happens.”

Parents should be advised not to be too quick to dismiss their child’s concerns, Dr. Bauer recommended. “So, instead of saying, ‘Oh honey, you don’t have to worry about that, I’ll take care of it,’ try this: ‘It sounds like you are sad and upset right now. What can I do to help?’ Sometimes a kid will say, ‘I don’t know,’ but that’s okay. Then the parent can respond in kind and say, ‘I don’t know either, but how about a hug? Let’s start there.’ ”

Some kids simply aren’t talkers and shouldn’t be forced to share, she pointed out. This group can be given other ways to express their feelings, such as journaling, drawing, art, music, yoga, or writing a letter that they then throw away or put in a drawer.

Finally, “reminding parents that even giving children a little control with daily things – what they wear, how they do their chores, and homework, and what to make for dinner – can also help,” she noted. “Those little things can represent a lot for children who don’t feel like they have any control.”

Building resources

Explore various media and online tools to develop a set of resources on divorce for families, Dr. Bauer recommended.

Books on the topic can be great conversation starters, and many are available for various age-groups, she noted. Examples include “Was It the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids About Divorce” (Washington: Magination Press, 2005) for ages 4-7 years, “Divorced but Still My Parents” (Longmont, Colo. : Springboard Publications, 1997) for ages 6-12 years, and “My Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore: A Drawing Book for Children of Separated or Divorced Parents” (Washington: Magination Press, 2002) for ages 8-12 years.

Sesame Street has a toolkit on divorce that offers printable materials, songs, and an app that features conversation starters and vignettes, according to Dr. Bauer; go to and type in “divorce.” Additionally, the documentary SPLIT at follows real families going through divorce and helps show the child’s perspective.

When parents ask about legal references, they can be referred to the UpToParents website, a free resource and curriculum developed by attorneys on topics such as divorce, in both English and Spanish.

Finally, familiarize yourself with resources available in your local community, such as divorce education programs, and services offered for divorce and custody mediation, so that you can link parents to them as needed.

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