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Tue, 05/03/2022 - 15:14


– At first, the diabetes professionals in the audience at the annual scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association overwhelmingly raised their hands to say they would support using SGLT2 inhibitors as adjunctive therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes. Then two physicians debated whether the drugs were too risky – predictably, one said yes, the other said no. In the end, most of the audience was unconvinced by one of the doctors. Which one? Well, we’ll get to that.

First, let’s look at the issue that divided the two physicians: Should the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors canagliflozin (Invokana), dapagliflozin (Farxiga), and empagliflozin (Jardiance) – now commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes – also be prescribed for patients with type 1 diabetes?

The drugs are not cleared in the United States for use in patients with type 1 diabetes, although drug makers are seeking approval. Earlier in 2019, the Food and Drug Administration turned down a request for the approval of sotagliflozin (Zynquista), a dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor, for adults with type 1 diabetes. However, the drug has been approved in the European Union for certain overweight patients with type 1 diabetes.

In addition, the drugs are very costly, compared with some of the other diabetes medications, and physicians say that puts them out of reach for some patients.

The case for ...

In arguing that SGLT2 inhibitors would be appropriate as a therapy for patients with type 1 diabetes, Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH, professor and clinician-scientist at Leadership Sinai Center for Diabetes at the University of Toronto, emphasized the need for new treatments in type 1 diabetes.

“Even today, people with type 1 tell us they feel isolated, they fear hypoglycemia, they fear complications. And they have this undue burden of self-management,” he said. “We can do much better. Insulin therapy still needs us desperately needing more.”

Dr. Perkins highlighted the drugs’ widely lauded effects on cardiac and renal health and noted that a 2019 meta-analysis of 10 trials found that, compared with placebo, the drugs were associated with mean reductions in hemoglobin A1c (–0.39%; 95% confidence interval, –0.43 to –0.36) and body weight (–3.47%; 95% CI, –3.78 to –3.16).

That analysis also showed a higher risk of genital infection (3.57; 95% CI, 2.97-4.29) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA; 3.11; 95% CI, 2.11-4.58) with SGLT inhibitors, but the authors concluded that, despite the adverse events, the available data suggested that adding the inhibitors to basal insulin could be beneficial in patients with type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2019 Apr 11. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3169).

In reference to the findings on DKA, Dr. Perkins said recent research has suggested that the DKA risk could be lowered by decreasing the dose of the SGLT2 inhibitors. “[DKA] is a problem, there’s no question, but there’s a background population risk. Whether we introduce an SGLT2 or not, we have to deal with this issue. We can deal with and overcome the excess DKA risk.”

In the big picture, he said, “it would be a crime not to make this treatment available to some patients. Meaningful benefits far outweigh the risks.”



The case against ...

On the other side of the debate was David M. Nathan, MD, of Harvard Medical School and the Clinical Research Center and Diabetes Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, who acknowledged the benefits of the SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes.

However, he pointed to findings from a 2015 trial of canagliflozin as an add-on in type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[12]:2258-65). In that 18-week, randomized phase 2 trial, the investigators found that patients who took the drug had significantly higher rates of serious adverse events (7.7% or 6.8%, depending on dose, vs. 0% for placebo), urinary tract infections (4.3% and 5.1% vs. 1.7%), and DKA (4.3% and 6.0% vs. 0%).

“It would have cost $400 a month for the ‘pleasure’ of those side effects,” Dr. Nathan said.

He also noted a 2015 report on a 29-day, randomized, placebo-controlled study of sotagliflozin, the dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor drug, as an add-on treatment for type 1 diabetes, in which investigators reported two episodes of DKA (13%) in the SGLT2 group, compared with none in placebo (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[7]:1181-8).

Dr. Nathan also pointed to a recent FDA warning about cases of Fournier gangrene, a rare type of serious genital infection, in patients taking SGLT2 inhibitors.

“To me, the risk [of using SGLT2 inhibitors in type 1 diabetes] outweighs the benefit by a lot,” he said, echoing comments he made in an editorial he wrote in 2017, that “any added benefits of adjunctive therapies for type 1 diabetes must be carefully balanced against their added risk and cost. Physicians and patients should beware” (N Engl J Med. 2017; 377:2390-1).

The outcome...

The audience was not sufficiently convinced by Dr. Nathan to swing the final vote fully in his favor, but he did manage to dent the initial support for using SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 1 disease. Before the debate, the show of hands suggested that roughly 80% of the audience thought SGLT2 inhibitors would be an appropriate therapy option for patients with type 1 diabetes. When the moderator asked the same question again after the arguments had been presented, that initial support had been eroded to about 70%. Dr. Nathan had clearly raised some doubts among the attendees, but Dr. Perkins’ perspective prevailed.

Dr. Perkins reported speaker fees from Medtronic, Abbott, Sanofi and Lilly; advisory panel service for Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Insulet; and research support to his institution from Boehringer Ingelheim and Bank of Montreal. Dr. Nathan reports no disclosures.



– At first, the diabetes professionals in the audience at the annual scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association overwhelmingly raised their hands to say they would support using SGLT2 inhibitors as adjunctive therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes. Then two physicians debated whether the drugs were too risky – predictably, one said yes, the other said no. In the end, most of the audience was unconvinced by one of the doctors. Which one? Well, we’ll get to that.

First, let’s look at the issue that divided the two physicians: Should the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors canagliflozin (Invokana), dapagliflozin (Farxiga), and empagliflozin (Jardiance) – now commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes – also be prescribed for patients with type 1 diabetes?

The drugs are not cleared in the United States for use in patients with type 1 diabetes, although drug makers are seeking approval. Earlier in 2019, the Food and Drug Administration turned down a request for the approval of sotagliflozin (Zynquista), a dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor, for adults with type 1 diabetes. However, the drug has been approved in the European Union for certain overweight patients with type 1 diabetes.

In addition, the drugs are very costly, compared with some of the other diabetes medications, and physicians say that puts them out of reach for some patients.

The case for ...

In arguing that SGLT2 inhibitors would be appropriate as a therapy for patients with type 1 diabetes, Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH, professor and clinician-scientist at Leadership Sinai Center for Diabetes at the University of Toronto, emphasized the need for new treatments in type 1 diabetes.

“Even today, people with type 1 tell us they feel isolated, they fear hypoglycemia, they fear complications. And they have this undue burden of self-management,” he said. “We can do much better. Insulin therapy still needs us desperately needing more.”

Dr. Perkins highlighted the drugs’ widely lauded effects on cardiac and renal health and noted that a 2019 meta-analysis of 10 trials found that, compared with placebo, the drugs were associated with mean reductions in hemoglobin A1c (–0.39%; 95% confidence interval, –0.43 to –0.36) and body weight (–3.47%; 95% CI, –3.78 to –3.16).

That analysis also showed a higher risk of genital infection (3.57; 95% CI, 2.97-4.29) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA; 3.11; 95% CI, 2.11-4.58) with SGLT inhibitors, but the authors concluded that, despite the adverse events, the available data suggested that adding the inhibitors to basal insulin could be beneficial in patients with type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2019 Apr 11. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3169).

In reference to the findings on DKA, Dr. Perkins said recent research has suggested that the DKA risk could be lowered by decreasing the dose of the SGLT2 inhibitors. “[DKA] is a problem, there’s no question, but there’s a background population risk. Whether we introduce an SGLT2 or not, we have to deal with this issue. We can deal with and overcome the excess DKA risk.”

In the big picture, he said, “it would be a crime not to make this treatment available to some patients. Meaningful benefits far outweigh the risks.”



The case against ...

On the other side of the debate was David M. Nathan, MD, of Harvard Medical School and the Clinical Research Center and Diabetes Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, who acknowledged the benefits of the SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes.

However, he pointed to findings from a 2015 trial of canagliflozin as an add-on in type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[12]:2258-65). In that 18-week, randomized phase 2 trial, the investigators found that patients who took the drug had significantly higher rates of serious adverse events (7.7% or 6.8%, depending on dose, vs. 0% for placebo), urinary tract infections (4.3% and 5.1% vs. 1.7%), and DKA (4.3% and 6.0% vs. 0%).

“It would have cost $400 a month for the ‘pleasure’ of those side effects,” Dr. Nathan said.

He also noted a 2015 report on a 29-day, randomized, placebo-controlled study of sotagliflozin, the dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor drug, as an add-on treatment for type 1 diabetes, in which investigators reported two episodes of DKA (13%) in the SGLT2 group, compared with none in placebo (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[7]:1181-8).

Dr. Nathan also pointed to a recent FDA warning about cases of Fournier gangrene, a rare type of serious genital infection, in patients taking SGLT2 inhibitors.

“To me, the risk [of using SGLT2 inhibitors in type 1 diabetes] outweighs the benefit by a lot,” he said, echoing comments he made in an editorial he wrote in 2017, that “any added benefits of adjunctive therapies for type 1 diabetes must be carefully balanced against their added risk and cost. Physicians and patients should beware” (N Engl J Med. 2017; 377:2390-1).

The outcome...

The audience was not sufficiently convinced by Dr. Nathan to swing the final vote fully in his favor, but he did manage to dent the initial support for using SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 1 disease. Before the debate, the show of hands suggested that roughly 80% of the audience thought SGLT2 inhibitors would be an appropriate therapy option for patients with type 1 diabetes. When the moderator asked the same question again after the arguments had been presented, that initial support had been eroded to about 70%. Dr. Nathan had clearly raised some doubts among the attendees, but Dr. Perkins’ perspective prevailed.

Dr. Perkins reported speaker fees from Medtronic, Abbott, Sanofi and Lilly; advisory panel service for Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Insulet; and research support to his institution from Boehringer Ingelheim and Bank of Montreal. Dr. Nathan reports no disclosures.


– At first, the diabetes professionals in the audience at the annual scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association overwhelmingly raised their hands to say they would support using SGLT2 inhibitors as adjunctive therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes. Then two physicians debated whether the drugs were too risky – predictably, one said yes, the other said no. In the end, most of the audience was unconvinced by one of the doctors. Which one? Well, we’ll get to that.

First, let’s look at the issue that divided the two physicians: Should the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors canagliflozin (Invokana), dapagliflozin (Farxiga), and empagliflozin (Jardiance) – now commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes – also be prescribed for patients with type 1 diabetes?

The drugs are not cleared in the United States for use in patients with type 1 diabetes, although drug makers are seeking approval. Earlier in 2019, the Food and Drug Administration turned down a request for the approval of sotagliflozin (Zynquista), a dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor, for adults with type 1 diabetes. However, the drug has been approved in the European Union for certain overweight patients with type 1 diabetes.

In addition, the drugs are very costly, compared with some of the other diabetes medications, and physicians say that puts them out of reach for some patients.

The case for ...

In arguing that SGLT2 inhibitors would be appropriate as a therapy for patients with type 1 diabetes, Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH, professor and clinician-scientist at Leadership Sinai Center for Diabetes at the University of Toronto, emphasized the need for new treatments in type 1 diabetes.

“Even today, people with type 1 tell us they feel isolated, they fear hypoglycemia, they fear complications. And they have this undue burden of self-management,” he said. “We can do much better. Insulin therapy still needs us desperately needing more.”

Dr. Perkins highlighted the drugs’ widely lauded effects on cardiac and renal health and noted that a 2019 meta-analysis of 10 trials found that, compared with placebo, the drugs were associated with mean reductions in hemoglobin A1c (–0.39%; 95% confidence interval, –0.43 to –0.36) and body weight (–3.47%; 95% CI, –3.78 to –3.16).

That analysis also showed a higher risk of genital infection (3.57; 95% CI, 2.97-4.29) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA; 3.11; 95% CI, 2.11-4.58) with SGLT inhibitors, but the authors concluded that, despite the adverse events, the available data suggested that adding the inhibitors to basal insulin could be beneficial in patients with type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2019 Apr 11. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3169).

In reference to the findings on DKA, Dr. Perkins said recent research has suggested that the DKA risk could be lowered by decreasing the dose of the SGLT2 inhibitors. “[DKA] is a problem, there’s no question, but there’s a background population risk. Whether we introduce an SGLT2 or not, we have to deal with this issue. We can deal with and overcome the excess DKA risk.”

In the big picture, he said, “it would be a crime not to make this treatment available to some patients. Meaningful benefits far outweigh the risks.”



The case against ...

On the other side of the debate was David M. Nathan, MD, of Harvard Medical School and the Clinical Research Center and Diabetes Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, who acknowledged the benefits of the SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes.

However, he pointed to findings from a 2015 trial of canagliflozin as an add-on in type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[12]:2258-65). In that 18-week, randomized phase 2 trial, the investigators found that patients who took the drug had significantly higher rates of serious adverse events (7.7% or 6.8%, depending on dose, vs. 0% for placebo), urinary tract infections (4.3% and 5.1% vs. 1.7%), and DKA (4.3% and 6.0% vs. 0%).

“It would have cost $400 a month for the ‘pleasure’ of those side effects,” Dr. Nathan said.

He also noted a 2015 report on a 29-day, randomized, placebo-controlled study of sotagliflozin, the dual SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor drug, as an add-on treatment for type 1 diabetes, in which investigators reported two episodes of DKA (13%) in the SGLT2 group, compared with none in placebo (Diabetes Care. 2015;38[7]:1181-8).

Dr. Nathan also pointed to a recent FDA warning about cases of Fournier gangrene, a rare type of serious genital infection, in patients taking SGLT2 inhibitors.

“To me, the risk [of using SGLT2 inhibitors in type 1 diabetes] outweighs the benefit by a lot,” he said, echoing comments he made in an editorial he wrote in 2017, that “any added benefits of adjunctive therapies for type 1 diabetes must be carefully balanced against their added risk and cost. Physicians and patients should beware” (N Engl J Med. 2017; 377:2390-1).

The outcome...

The audience was not sufficiently convinced by Dr. Nathan to swing the final vote fully in his favor, but he did manage to dent the initial support for using SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 1 disease. Before the debate, the show of hands suggested that roughly 80% of the audience thought SGLT2 inhibitors would be an appropriate therapy option for patients with type 1 diabetes. When the moderator asked the same question again after the arguments had been presented, that initial support had been eroded to about 70%. Dr. Nathan had clearly raised some doubts among the attendees, but Dr. Perkins’ perspective prevailed.

Dr. Perkins reported speaker fees from Medtronic, Abbott, Sanofi and Lilly; advisory panel service for Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Insulet; and research support to his institution from Boehringer Ingelheim and Bank of Montreal. Dr. Nathan reports no disclosures.

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