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Tue, 08/06/2019 - 13:30


Cockatoo cha-cha-cha

White cockatoo with a yellow crest
GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Humans love to dance. Whether it’s just a little bobbing back and forth or a full-on tango, spontaneous dancing is a universal expression of feeling and joy. However, feeling the rhythm is nearly unique to the human species. Not even our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, primates, have been observed busting a move to music.

So who are our ballroom brethren? Parrots, strangely enough. Parrots are nature’s great imitators, so how can we be sure they aren’t just mimicking (or mocking) their human owners’ movements?

Several studies have been conducted on a particularly funky cockatoo named Snowball. He’s a viral Internet sensation, and researchers have been watching him for the past decade as he stomps his feet and bangs his head to all kinds of music – he jams to everything from classic rock to modern pop. Snowball’s owner also assured scientists that her bird does not get his dance moves from her; Snowball is a unique choreographer.

A follow-up study about Snowball was recently published, in which the authors suggested the reason for spontaneous parrot dancing could be the strong auditory-motor connections that exist in parrot brains. They’re similar to humans, but not primates. They also detailed Snowball’s 14 distinct dance moves. Someone get that parrot on America’s Got Talent, ASAP.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane – oh no, it’s a spider

Spider in web
Torsdatter/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Arachnophobes, just skip this one. If you’re not unsettled by spiders yet, you’re about to be!

In case you didn’t know, spiders can fly. Or rather, they float (spiders with wings would just be straight-up horrifying).

Scientists (and fans of Charlotte’s Web) have known for centuries that spiders can turn into their own personal airships, but it wasn’t always clear how they do it. It was commonly believed that spider-flying, aka “ballooning,” was caused by the spider using its silk as a kind of kite, with the wind catching on the silk and bringing the spider along with it. That explanation, however, doesn’t account for the fact that spiders only balloon during light winds, which are rarely strong enough to carry a spider.

Two intrepid spider fans from the University of Bristol (England) think they have solved the mystery of the flying arachnids.

It turns out that spiders are able to sense the earth’s electric field and use that to soar around. They let loose some silk, which picks up a negative charge. This charge repels the negative charge of whatever they are standing on and can create enough force to launch them into the air. Spiders, those smart little buggers, can increase these charges by climbing onto twigs or grass. Plants rooted in the earth have a strong negative charge but stick up into the positively charged air.

All this fancy science-babble to say: Spiders can fly, and we know how! Stay indoors, folks.

Hospital lures fishermen to ED

Bait fish hook
juliedeshaies/iStock/Getty Images Plus

There are some things you expect to see when you walk into a hospital: an admitting desk, waiting areas full of people, security guards, bad art work, maybe a friendly greeter at the door (sorry, that’s the Walmart).



The main lobby at Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake, N.Y., however, has something you might not expect: a display of fishing lures.

Each of the more than 100 lures on display originally showed up at the hospital’s emergency department attached to an arm, leg, nose, or lip – pretty much every body part possible, Gary Nye, a physician assistant in the ED, told He’s even removed lures from several patients’ penises and scrotums. “Usually alcohol has something to do with it,” he noted.

One individual came in with hooks from a lure stuck on both thumbs. He got one set of hooks stuck on one thumb, and as he tried to get it out, he ended up getting the lure’s other set of hooks caught on his other thumb. A nurse who has worked in the ED for 20 years said that alcohol may been involved.

Dr. Michael Pond, the hospital’s former medical director and the one who started the display in 1990, explained why the lures are now kept in a locked case. A number of years ago, when the display was less secure, “someone cut out and stole four to five antique lures out of the case. I mean, these were absolutely gorgeous and expensive lures – Pikie Minnows and [other] things. [They] were made out of wood and painted.”

As with so many fish stories, you should have seen the one that got away.

Inspiration really can come from anywhere

Beaver in river
Jillian Cooper/iStock/Getty Images Plus

On the surface, a study detailing a new, potentially practice-changing method of converting type A blood to type O doesn’t seem disgusting, silly, or odd enough to make it into Livin’ on the MDedge. But when you dig a little deeper, you’ll see that the method involves a bacteria in the human microbiome.

Now you might be getting a bit suspicious. This is going to be another story about poop, you might be thinking.

And you’d be right!

But the real star of the show isn’t human poop. No, in this case, we owe this groundbreaking discovery to the humble beaver.

In an earlier study published in the ISME Journal, the same group of researchers from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (of course they’re Canadian) analyzed the microbiomes of beavers to see just how they broke down the complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins found in wood. That was the catalyst that got the researchers thinking about the human microbiome and the problem of stripping red blood cells of their antigens.

Basically, just as the beaver breaks down wood with bacteria in their microbiome, the modified bacteria the researchers conjured up can be used to break down the A and B antigens of red blood cells, leaving a simple type O cell that can be transfused into any patient.

Rumors that all future blood transfusions are required by law to be accompanied by a playing of O Canada remain unsubstantiated.




Cockatoo cha-cha-cha

White cockatoo with a yellow crest
GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Humans love to dance. Whether it’s just a little bobbing back and forth or a full-on tango, spontaneous dancing is a universal expression of feeling and joy. However, feeling the rhythm is nearly unique to the human species. Not even our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, primates, have been observed busting a move to music.

So who are our ballroom brethren? Parrots, strangely enough. Parrots are nature’s great imitators, so how can we be sure they aren’t just mimicking (or mocking) their human owners’ movements?

Several studies have been conducted on a particularly funky cockatoo named Snowball. He’s a viral Internet sensation, and researchers have been watching him for the past decade as he stomps his feet and bangs his head to all kinds of music – he jams to everything from classic rock to modern pop. Snowball’s owner also assured scientists that her bird does not get his dance moves from her; Snowball is a unique choreographer.

A follow-up study about Snowball was recently published, in which the authors suggested the reason for spontaneous parrot dancing could be the strong auditory-motor connections that exist in parrot brains. They’re similar to humans, but not primates. They also detailed Snowball’s 14 distinct dance moves. Someone get that parrot on America’s Got Talent, ASAP.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane – oh no, it’s a spider

Spider in web
Torsdatter/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Arachnophobes, just skip this one. If you’re not unsettled by spiders yet, you’re about to be!

In case you didn’t know, spiders can fly. Or rather, they float (spiders with wings would just be straight-up horrifying).

Scientists (and fans of Charlotte’s Web) have known for centuries that spiders can turn into their own personal airships, but it wasn’t always clear how they do it. It was commonly believed that spider-flying, aka “ballooning,” was caused by the spider using its silk as a kind of kite, with the wind catching on the silk and bringing the spider along with it. That explanation, however, doesn’t account for the fact that spiders only balloon during light winds, which are rarely strong enough to carry a spider.

Two intrepid spider fans from the University of Bristol (England) think they have solved the mystery of the flying arachnids.

It turns out that spiders are able to sense the earth’s electric field and use that to soar around. They let loose some silk, which picks up a negative charge. This charge repels the negative charge of whatever they are standing on and can create enough force to launch them into the air. Spiders, those smart little buggers, can increase these charges by climbing onto twigs or grass. Plants rooted in the earth have a strong negative charge but stick up into the positively charged air.

All this fancy science-babble to say: Spiders can fly, and we know how! Stay indoors, folks.

Hospital lures fishermen to ED

Bait fish hook
juliedeshaies/iStock/Getty Images Plus

There are some things you expect to see when you walk into a hospital: an admitting desk, waiting areas full of people, security guards, bad art work, maybe a friendly greeter at the door (sorry, that’s the Walmart).



The main lobby at Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake, N.Y., however, has something you might not expect: a display of fishing lures.

Each of the more than 100 lures on display originally showed up at the hospital’s emergency department attached to an arm, leg, nose, or lip – pretty much every body part possible, Gary Nye, a physician assistant in the ED, told He’s even removed lures from several patients’ penises and scrotums. “Usually alcohol has something to do with it,” he noted.

One individual came in with hooks from a lure stuck on both thumbs. He got one set of hooks stuck on one thumb, and as he tried to get it out, he ended up getting the lure’s other set of hooks caught on his other thumb. A nurse who has worked in the ED for 20 years said that alcohol may been involved.

Dr. Michael Pond, the hospital’s former medical director and the one who started the display in 1990, explained why the lures are now kept in a locked case. A number of years ago, when the display was less secure, “someone cut out and stole four to five antique lures out of the case. I mean, these were absolutely gorgeous and expensive lures – Pikie Minnows and [other] things. [They] were made out of wood and painted.”

As with so many fish stories, you should have seen the one that got away.

Inspiration really can come from anywhere

Beaver in river
Jillian Cooper/iStock/Getty Images Plus

On the surface, a study detailing a new, potentially practice-changing method of converting type A blood to type O doesn’t seem disgusting, silly, or odd enough to make it into Livin’ on the MDedge. But when you dig a little deeper, you’ll see that the method involves a bacteria in the human microbiome.

Now you might be getting a bit suspicious. This is going to be another story about poop, you might be thinking.

And you’d be right!

But the real star of the show isn’t human poop. No, in this case, we owe this groundbreaking discovery to the humble beaver.

In an earlier study published in the ISME Journal, the same group of researchers from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (of course they’re Canadian) analyzed the microbiomes of beavers to see just how they broke down the complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins found in wood. That was the catalyst that got the researchers thinking about the human microbiome and the problem of stripping red blood cells of their antigens.

Basically, just as the beaver breaks down wood with bacteria in their microbiome, the modified bacteria the researchers conjured up can be used to break down the A and B antigens of red blood cells, leaving a simple type O cell that can be transfused into any patient.

Rumors that all future blood transfusions are required by law to be accompanied by a playing of O Canada remain unsubstantiated.



Cockatoo cha-cha-cha

White cockatoo with a yellow crest
GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Humans love to dance. Whether it’s just a little bobbing back and forth or a full-on tango, spontaneous dancing is a universal expression of feeling and joy. However, feeling the rhythm is nearly unique to the human species. Not even our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, primates, have been observed busting a move to music.

So who are our ballroom brethren? Parrots, strangely enough. Parrots are nature’s great imitators, so how can we be sure they aren’t just mimicking (or mocking) their human owners’ movements?

Several studies have been conducted on a particularly funky cockatoo named Snowball. He’s a viral Internet sensation, and researchers have been watching him for the past decade as he stomps his feet and bangs his head to all kinds of music – he jams to everything from classic rock to modern pop. Snowball’s owner also assured scientists that her bird does not get his dance moves from her; Snowball is a unique choreographer.

A follow-up study about Snowball was recently published, in which the authors suggested the reason for spontaneous parrot dancing could be the strong auditory-motor connections that exist in parrot brains. They’re similar to humans, but not primates. They also detailed Snowball’s 14 distinct dance moves. Someone get that parrot on America’s Got Talent, ASAP.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane – oh no, it’s a spider

Spider in web
Torsdatter/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Arachnophobes, just skip this one. If you’re not unsettled by spiders yet, you’re about to be!

In case you didn’t know, spiders can fly. Or rather, they float (spiders with wings would just be straight-up horrifying).

Scientists (and fans of Charlotte’s Web) have known for centuries that spiders can turn into their own personal airships, but it wasn’t always clear how they do it. It was commonly believed that spider-flying, aka “ballooning,” was caused by the spider using its silk as a kind of kite, with the wind catching on the silk and bringing the spider along with it. That explanation, however, doesn’t account for the fact that spiders only balloon during light winds, which are rarely strong enough to carry a spider.

Two intrepid spider fans from the University of Bristol (England) think they have solved the mystery of the flying arachnids.

It turns out that spiders are able to sense the earth’s electric field and use that to soar around. They let loose some silk, which picks up a negative charge. This charge repels the negative charge of whatever they are standing on and can create enough force to launch them into the air. Spiders, those smart little buggers, can increase these charges by climbing onto twigs or grass. Plants rooted in the earth have a strong negative charge but stick up into the positively charged air.

All this fancy science-babble to say: Spiders can fly, and we know how! Stay indoors, folks.

Hospital lures fishermen to ED

Bait fish hook
juliedeshaies/iStock/Getty Images Plus

There are some things you expect to see when you walk into a hospital: an admitting desk, waiting areas full of people, security guards, bad art work, maybe a friendly greeter at the door (sorry, that’s the Walmart).



The main lobby at Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake, N.Y., however, has something you might not expect: a display of fishing lures.

Each of the more than 100 lures on display originally showed up at the hospital’s emergency department attached to an arm, leg, nose, or lip – pretty much every body part possible, Gary Nye, a physician assistant in the ED, told He’s even removed lures from several patients’ penises and scrotums. “Usually alcohol has something to do with it,” he noted.

One individual came in with hooks from a lure stuck on both thumbs. He got one set of hooks stuck on one thumb, and as he tried to get it out, he ended up getting the lure’s other set of hooks caught on his other thumb. A nurse who has worked in the ED for 20 years said that alcohol may been involved.

Dr. Michael Pond, the hospital’s former medical director and the one who started the display in 1990, explained why the lures are now kept in a locked case. A number of years ago, when the display was less secure, “someone cut out and stole four to five antique lures out of the case. I mean, these were absolutely gorgeous and expensive lures – Pikie Minnows and [other] things. [They] were made out of wood and painted.”

As with so many fish stories, you should have seen the one that got away.

Inspiration really can come from anywhere

Beaver in river
Jillian Cooper/iStock/Getty Images Plus

On the surface, a study detailing a new, potentially practice-changing method of converting type A blood to type O doesn’t seem disgusting, silly, or odd enough to make it into Livin’ on the MDedge. But when you dig a little deeper, you’ll see that the method involves a bacteria in the human microbiome.

Now you might be getting a bit suspicious. This is going to be another story about poop, you might be thinking.

And you’d be right!

But the real star of the show isn’t human poop. No, in this case, we owe this groundbreaking discovery to the humble beaver.

In an earlier study published in the ISME Journal, the same group of researchers from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (of course they’re Canadian) analyzed the microbiomes of beavers to see just how they broke down the complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins found in wood. That was the catalyst that got the researchers thinking about the human microbiome and the problem of stripping red blood cells of their antigens.

Basically, just as the beaver breaks down wood with bacteria in their microbiome, the modified bacteria the researchers conjured up can be used to break down the A and B antigens of red blood cells, leaving a simple type O cell that can be transfused into any patient.

Rumors that all future blood transfusions are required by law to be accompanied by a playing of O Canada remain unsubstantiated.


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