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Fri, 03/01/2024 - 14:56

The measles outbreak in Florida, occurring just as health officials announced an official end to Philadelphia’s measles outbreak and rising global cases, has cast attention once again on concerns about vaccine hesitancy. In the midst of Florida’s surgeon general avoiding measles vaccination recommendations for parents, the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its clinical guidance on vaccine communication.

“Disruption to routine pediatric vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic has left many children vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases and more locations susceptible to outbreaks in the United States and around the world,” Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado in Aurora, and his colleagues, wrote in the new report, published in the March issue of Pediatrics. “Geographic clustering of vaccine refusal further increases the risk of communicable disease outbreaks in certain communities even when vaccination rates at a state or national level remain high overall.”

Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, is a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colorado.
University of Colorado
Dr. Sean T. O’Leary

The authors note that disease resurgence may bolster vaccine uptake, with media coverage of recent outbreaks linked to more pro-vaccine discussions and attitudes among parents. But the evidence on that remains inconclusive, and the authors point out the slow uptake in COVID-19 vaccination as parents navigate ongoing spread of both the disease and vaccine misinformation.

Conflicting Evidence on Postpandemic Attitudes

It remains unclear how parent attitudes toward vaccines have shifted, if at all, since the pandemic. A study published in Pediatrics from October 2023, which Dr. O’Leary also coauthored, analyzed data from an online survey of Colorado mothers between 2018 and 2021 and found no significant difference in vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic compared with pre-pandemic.

Among 3,553 respondents, 1 in 5 (20.4%) were vaccine hesitant overall. Though parents were twice as likely to feel uncertain in trusting vaccine information after the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.14), they were half as likely to be unsure about hesitancy toward childhood vaccines (aOR 0.48).

Another study in Pediatrics from October 2023 found that common concerns about COVID-19 vaccines among parents included infertility, long-term effects from the vaccines, and effects on preexisting medical conditions. But even then, participants in focus groups “expressed that they would listen to their doctor for information about COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote Aubree Honcoop, MPS, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and her colleagues.

“I think what we’re seeing, very importantly, is that physicians seem to be the source people rely on,” said Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta. “But we need to give the physicians time and incentives to spend time with families,” such as a billing code for vaccine counseling, he said.

Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Emory University
Dr. Walter Orenstein

Dr. Orenstein was surprised to see the results from Colorado, but he noted they were from a small survey in a single state. He pointed to other findings, such as those from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center in November 2023, that found lower confidence overall among Americans toward vaccines.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where the city’s measles outbreak began, is similarly skeptical about the Colorado study’s findings that parent vaccine attitudes have changed little since the pandemic. At the AAP’s annual conference in October 2023, Dr. Offit asked pediatricians about their experiences while he signed books.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. Paul Offit

“I would ask, ‘So what’s it like out there? Are we winning or losing?’ ” he said. “I would say, to a person, everyone said they felt things were much worse now than they ever have been before.”



Clinical Guidance

The new report reviews previously published evidence on the spectrum of parental vaccine acceptance — from supporters and “go along to get along” parents to cautious acceptors and fence sitters to vaccine refusers — and the determinants that contribute to hesitancy. They also noted the social inequities that have played a role in vaccine uptake disparities.

“Distrust of health systems based on historic and ongoing discrimination and inequitable access to care are intertwined challenges that contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in vaccine uptake,” the authors wrote. “Although there has been progress in reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in childhood vaccination coverage, the COVID-19 pandemic made clear how much work is yet to be done.”

The report also reviewed the societal, individual, payer and pediatric practice costs of vaccine refusal. The 1-year cost to taxpayers from the measles outbreak in New York City in 2018-2019, for example, was $8.4 million, excluding vaccination programs.

The report provides background information to equip pediatricians for conversations with parents about vaccines. Since safety is the top concern for vaccine hesitancy among parents, the authors advised pediatricians to be familiar with the process of vaccine testing, emergency use authorization, licensure, approval, recommendations, and safety monitoring, including the Vaccine Safety Datalink, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA’s Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) system, and the CDC’s Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project (CISA).

“Because vaccines are generally given to healthy individuals to prevent disease, they are held to a higher safety standard than other medications,” the authors wrote before providing a summary of the process for physicians to reference. The report also includes information on vaccine ingredients and a chart of common misconceptions about vaccines with the corresponding facts.

Overcoming Hesitancy

Evidence-based strategies for increasing childhood vaccine uptake begin with a strong vaccine recommendation using a presumptive rather than participatory approach, the authors wrote. “A presumptive format is one in which the clinician asserts a position regarding vaccines using a closed-ended statement, such as ‘Sara is due for several vaccines today’ or ‘Well, we have to do some shots,’ ” the authors wrote. “This strategy is in contrast to a participatory format, in which an open-ended question is used to more explicitly invite the parent to voice an opinion, such as ‘How do you feel about vaccines today?’ ” The presumptive format and a strong recommendation are both associated with greater uptake, evidence shows.

For parents who express hesitancy, the authors provide a summary of additional evidence-based communication strategies, starting with motivational interviewing. Two other strategies they highlight include using language to re-emphasize the importance of adhering to the CDC recommended schedule — “He really needs these shots” — and bundling discussion of all recommended vaccines for a visit at once.

“Finally, clinicians can emphasize their own experiences when discussing the need for vaccination, including personal experience with vaccine-preventable diseases and the fact that they and their families are vaccinated because of their confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” the authors wrote.

For families who refuse or delay vaccines, the authors reviewed the “ethical arguments both in favor of and against dismissal policies,” noting that nearly all pediatricians who report dismissing families who refuse vaccination are in private practice, since large systems are often unable to dismiss patients. They also point out that fewer pediatricians dismiss families for spreading out vaccines than outright refusing all vaccines.

”Dismissal of child patients of vaccine-refusing parents can be a difficult decision arrived at after considering multiple factors and documented attempts to counsel vaccine-refusing families,” they wrote. “However, if repeated attempts to help understand and address parental values and vaccine concerns fails to engender trust, move parents toward vaccine acceptance, or strengthen the therapeutic alliance, dismissal can be an acceptable option.”

Finally, the authors reminded pediatricians “that vaccine-hesitant parents are a heterogeneous group and that specific parental vaccine concerns need to be individually identified and addressed.” Working with families to discuss their questions and concerns is an opportunity to “build rapport and trust with a family,” they wrote, ”and, ultimately, protect their children from the scourge of vaccine-preventable diseases.”

The focus groups study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and the authors reported having no disclosures. The Colorado attitudes study used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. The new clinical report used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Orenstein is an uncompensated member of the Moderna Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Offit codeveloped a licensed rotavirus vaccine, but he does not receive any royalties or own a patent for that.


The measles outbreak in Florida, occurring just as health officials announced an official end to Philadelphia’s measles outbreak and rising global cases, has cast attention once again on concerns about vaccine hesitancy. In the midst of Florida’s surgeon general avoiding measles vaccination recommendations for parents, the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its clinical guidance on vaccine communication.

“Disruption to routine pediatric vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic has left many children vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases and more locations susceptible to outbreaks in the United States and around the world,” Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado in Aurora, and his colleagues, wrote in the new report, published in the March issue of Pediatrics. “Geographic clustering of vaccine refusal further increases the risk of communicable disease outbreaks in certain communities even when vaccination rates at a state or national level remain high overall.”

Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, is a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colorado.
University of Colorado
Dr. Sean T. O’Leary

The authors note that disease resurgence may bolster vaccine uptake, with media coverage of recent outbreaks linked to more pro-vaccine discussions and attitudes among parents. But the evidence on that remains inconclusive, and the authors point out the slow uptake in COVID-19 vaccination as parents navigate ongoing spread of both the disease and vaccine misinformation.

Conflicting Evidence on Postpandemic Attitudes

It remains unclear how parent attitudes toward vaccines have shifted, if at all, since the pandemic. A study published in Pediatrics from October 2023, which Dr. O’Leary also coauthored, analyzed data from an online survey of Colorado mothers between 2018 and 2021 and found no significant difference in vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic compared with pre-pandemic.

Among 3,553 respondents, 1 in 5 (20.4%) were vaccine hesitant overall. Though parents were twice as likely to feel uncertain in trusting vaccine information after the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.14), they were half as likely to be unsure about hesitancy toward childhood vaccines (aOR 0.48).

Another study in Pediatrics from October 2023 found that common concerns about COVID-19 vaccines among parents included infertility, long-term effects from the vaccines, and effects on preexisting medical conditions. But even then, participants in focus groups “expressed that they would listen to their doctor for information about COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote Aubree Honcoop, MPS, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and her colleagues.

“I think what we’re seeing, very importantly, is that physicians seem to be the source people rely on,” said Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta. “But we need to give the physicians time and incentives to spend time with families,” such as a billing code for vaccine counseling, he said.

Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Emory University
Dr. Walter Orenstein

Dr. Orenstein was surprised to see the results from Colorado, but he noted they were from a small survey in a single state. He pointed to other findings, such as those from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center in November 2023, that found lower confidence overall among Americans toward vaccines.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where the city’s measles outbreak began, is similarly skeptical about the Colorado study’s findings that parent vaccine attitudes have changed little since the pandemic. At the AAP’s annual conference in October 2023, Dr. Offit asked pediatricians about their experiences while he signed books.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. Paul Offit

“I would ask, ‘So what’s it like out there? Are we winning or losing?’ ” he said. “I would say, to a person, everyone said they felt things were much worse now than they ever have been before.”



Clinical Guidance

The new report reviews previously published evidence on the spectrum of parental vaccine acceptance — from supporters and “go along to get along” parents to cautious acceptors and fence sitters to vaccine refusers — and the determinants that contribute to hesitancy. They also noted the social inequities that have played a role in vaccine uptake disparities.

“Distrust of health systems based on historic and ongoing discrimination and inequitable access to care are intertwined challenges that contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in vaccine uptake,” the authors wrote. “Although there has been progress in reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in childhood vaccination coverage, the COVID-19 pandemic made clear how much work is yet to be done.”

The report also reviewed the societal, individual, payer and pediatric practice costs of vaccine refusal. The 1-year cost to taxpayers from the measles outbreak in New York City in 2018-2019, for example, was $8.4 million, excluding vaccination programs.

The report provides background information to equip pediatricians for conversations with parents about vaccines. Since safety is the top concern for vaccine hesitancy among parents, the authors advised pediatricians to be familiar with the process of vaccine testing, emergency use authorization, licensure, approval, recommendations, and safety monitoring, including the Vaccine Safety Datalink, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA’s Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) system, and the CDC’s Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project (CISA).

“Because vaccines are generally given to healthy individuals to prevent disease, they are held to a higher safety standard than other medications,” the authors wrote before providing a summary of the process for physicians to reference. The report also includes information on vaccine ingredients and a chart of common misconceptions about vaccines with the corresponding facts.

Overcoming Hesitancy

Evidence-based strategies for increasing childhood vaccine uptake begin with a strong vaccine recommendation using a presumptive rather than participatory approach, the authors wrote. “A presumptive format is one in which the clinician asserts a position regarding vaccines using a closed-ended statement, such as ‘Sara is due for several vaccines today’ or ‘Well, we have to do some shots,’ ” the authors wrote. “This strategy is in contrast to a participatory format, in which an open-ended question is used to more explicitly invite the parent to voice an opinion, such as ‘How do you feel about vaccines today?’ ” The presumptive format and a strong recommendation are both associated with greater uptake, evidence shows.

For parents who express hesitancy, the authors provide a summary of additional evidence-based communication strategies, starting with motivational interviewing. Two other strategies they highlight include using language to re-emphasize the importance of adhering to the CDC recommended schedule — “He really needs these shots” — and bundling discussion of all recommended vaccines for a visit at once.

“Finally, clinicians can emphasize their own experiences when discussing the need for vaccination, including personal experience with vaccine-preventable diseases and the fact that they and their families are vaccinated because of their confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” the authors wrote.

For families who refuse or delay vaccines, the authors reviewed the “ethical arguments both in favor of and against dismissal policies,” noting that nearly all pediatricians who report dismissing families who refuse vaccination are in private practice, since large systems are often unable to dismiss patients. They also point out that fewer pediatricians dismiss families for spreading out vaccines than outright refusing all vaccines.

”Dismissal of child patients of vaccine-refusing parents can be a difficult decision arrived at after considering multiple factors and documented attempts to counsel vaccine-refusing families,” they wrote. “However, if repeated attempts to help understand and address parental values and vaccine concerns fails to engender trust, move parents toward vaccine acceptance, or strengthen the therapeutic alliance, dismissal can be an acceptable option.”

Finally, the authors reminded pediatricians “that vaccine-hesitant parents are a heterogeneous group and that specific parental vaccine concerns need to be individually identified and addressed.” Working with families to discuss their questions and concerns is an opportunity to “build rapport and trust with a family,” they wrote, ”and, ultimately, protect their children from the scourge of vaccine-preventable diseases.”

The focus groups study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and the authors reported having no disclosures. The Colorado attitudes study used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. The new clinical report used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Orenstein is an uncompensated member of the Moderna Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Offit codeveloped a licensed rotavirus vaccine, but he does not receive any royalties or own a patent for that.

The measles outbreak in Florida, occurring just as health officials announced an official end to Philadelphia’s measles outbreak and rising global cases, has cast attention once again on concerns about vaccine hesitancy. In the midst of Florida’s surgeon general avoiding measles vaccination recommendations for parents, the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its clinical guidance on vaccine communication.

“Disruption to routine pediatric vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic has left many children vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases and more locations susceptible to outbreaks in the United States and around the world,” Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado in Aurora, and his colleagues, wrote in the new report, published in the March issue of Pediatrics. “Geographic clustering of vaccine refusal further increases the risk of communicable disease outbreaks in certain communities even when vaccination rates at a state or national level remain high overall.”

Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, is a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colorado.
University of Colorado
Dr. Sean T. O’Leary

The authors note that disease resurgence may bolster vaccine uptake, with media coverage of recent outbreaks linked to more pro-vaccine discussions and attitudes among parents. But the evidence on that remains inconclusive, and the authors point out the slow uptake in COVID-19 vaccination as parents navigate ongoing spread of both the disease and vaccine misinformation.

Conflicting Evidence on Postpandemic Attitudes

It remains unclear how parent attitudes toward vaccines have shifted, if at all, since the pandemic. A study published in Pediatrics from October 2023, which Dr. O’Leary also coauthored, analyzed data from an online survey of Colorado mothers between 2018 and 2021 and found no significant difference in vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic compared with pre-pandemic.

Among 3,553 respondents, 1 in 5 (20.4%) were vaccine hesitant overall. Though parents were twice as likely to feel uncertain in trusting vaccine information after the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.14), they were half as likely to be unsure about hesitancy toward childhood vaccines (aOR 0.48).

Another study in Pediatrics from October 2023 found that common concerns about COVID-19 vaccines among parents included infertility, long-term effects from the vaccines, and effects on preexisting medical conditions. But even then, participants in focus groups “expressed that they would listen to their doctor for information about COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote Aubree Honcoop, MPS, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and her colleagues.

“I think what we’re seeing, very importantly, is that physicians seem to be the source people rely on,” said Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta. “But we need to give the physicians time and incentives to spend time with families,” such as a billing code for vaccine counseling, he said.

Walter Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine and associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Emory University
Dr. Walter Orenstein

Dr. Orenstein was surprised to see the results from Colorado, but he noted they were from a small survey in a single state. He pointed to other findings, such as those from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center in November 2023, that found lower confidence overall among Americans toward vaccines.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where the city’s measles outbreak began, is similarly skeptical about the Colorado study’s findings that parent vaccine attitudes have changed little since the pandemic. At the AAP’s annual conference in October 2023, Dr. Offit asked pediatricians about their experiences while he signed books.

Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending infectious disease physician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. Paul Offit

“I would ask, ‘So what’s it like out there? Are we winning or losing?’ ” he said. “I would say, to a person, everyone said they felt things were much worse now than they ever have been before.”



Clinical Guidance

The new report reviews previously published evidence on the spectrum of parental vaccine acceptance — from supporters and “go along to get along” parents to cautious acceptors and fence sitters to vaccine refusers — and the determinants that contribute to hesitancy. They also noted the social inequities that have played a role in vaccine uptake disparities.

“Distrust of health systems based on historic and ongoing discrimination and inequitable access to care are intertwined challenges that contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in vaccine uptake,” the authors wrote. “Although there has been progress in reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in childhood vaccination coverage, the COVID-19 pandemic made clear how much work is yet to be done.”

The report also reviewed the societal, individual, payer and pediatric practice costs of vaccine refusal. The 1-year cost to taxpayers from the measles outbreak in New York City in 2018-2019, for example, was $8.4 million, excluding vaccination programs.

The report provides background information to equip pediatricians for conversations with parents about vaccines. Since safety is the top concern for vaccine hesitancy among parents, the authors advised pediatricians to be familiar with the process of vaccine testing, emergency use authorization, licensure, approval, recommendations, and safety monitoring, including the Vaccine Safety Datalink, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA’s Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) system, and the CDC’s Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project (CISA).

“Because vaccines are generally given to healthy individuals to prevent disease, they are held to a higher safety standard than other medications,” the authors wrote before providing a summary of the process for physicians to reference. The report also includes information on vaccine ingredients and a chart of common misconceptions about vaccines with the corresponding facts.

Overcoming Hesitancy

Evidence-based strategies for increasing childhood vaccine uptake begin with a strong vaccine recommendation using a presumptive rather than participatory approach, the authors wrote. “A presumptive format is one in which the clinician asserts a position regarding vaccines using a closed-ended statement, such as ‘Sara is due for several vaccines today’ or ‘Well, we have to do some shots,’ ” the authors wrote. “This strategy is in contrast to a participatory format, in which an open-ended question is used to more explicitly invite the parent to voice an opinion, such as ‘How do you feel about vaccines today?’ ” The presumptive format and a strong recommendation are both associated with greater uptake, evidence shows.

For parents who express hesitancy, the authors provide a summary of additional evidence-based communication strategies, starting with motivational interviewing. Two other strategies they highlight include using language to re-emphasize the importance of adhering to the CDC recommended schedule — “He really needs these shots” — and bundling discussion of all recommended vaccines for a visit at once.

“Finally, clinicians can emphasize their own experiences when discussing the need for vaccination, including personal experience with vaccine-preventable diseases and the fact that they and their families are vaccinated because of their confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” the authors wrote.

For families who refuse or delay vaccines, the authors reviewed the “ethical arguments both in favor of and against dismissal policies,” noting that nearly all pediatricians who report dismissing families who refuse vaccination are in private practice, since large systems are often unable to dismiss patients. They also point out that fewer pediatricians dismiss families for spreading out vaccines than outright refusing all vaccines.

”Dismissal of child patients of vaccine-refusing parents can be a difficult decision arrived at after considering multiple factors and documented attempts to counsel vaccine-refusing families,” they wrote. “However, if repeated attempts to help understand and address parental values and vaccine concerns fails to engender trust, move parents toward vaccine acceptance, or strengthen the therapeutic alliance, dismissal can be an acceptable option.”

Finally, the authors reminded pediatricians “that vaccine-hesitant parents are a heterogeneous group and that specific parental vaccine concerns need to be individually identified and addressed.” Working with families to discuss their questions and concerns is an opportunity to “build rapport and trust with a family,” they wrote, ”and, ultimately, protect their children from the scourge of vaccine-preventable diseases.”

The focus groups study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and the authors reported having no disclosures. The Colorado attitudes study used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. The new clinical report used no external funding, and the authors reported no disclosures. Dr. Orenstein is an uncompensated member of the Moderna Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Offit codeveloped a licensed rotavirus vaccine, but he does not receive any royalties or own a patent for that.

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